
Chapter 1

~Lyla Marie Johnston~

Don't slip, I thought as I walked from my car to the school. It was the first day back from Christmas Break. Just as the thought crossed my mind, I slipped on a patch of ice, and slid right into someone. I felt a strong set of hands catch me and stop me from falling.

“Thank y-” I looked up and saw the hottest guy in the school. My face turned bright red. “I-I'm so s-sorry. I didn't m-mean to run i-into y-you.” I stuttered embarrassingly.

“It's okay.” He was holding the things that he had picked up for me when I had dropped them sliding into him. I just wanted to get away from him before I said anything dumb. “What's your name?”

“Lyla Johnston.”

“Gage Mc-”

“McCreed. I know. You're only the hottest guy in the school.” I blush realizing what I just said.


~Gage Anthony McCreed~

Today is going to be great, I thought as I walked up the school's sidewalk from my car. All of a sudden I get ran into from behind. I quickly turn around to catch the girl from falling. I see that it's the new girl. She's not really new because she moved here at the beginning of the year. Senior year. I don't know her name. I've never gotten the chance to talk to her before.

She starts to say thank you, but stops when she realizes who I am. She turns bright red and stutters an apology.

“It's okay.” I say trying to make her feel less awkward. I picked up the books she dropped and am holding them in my arms. “What's your name?”

“Lyla Johnston.” That's a pretty name.

“Gage Mc-.” I start, but she cuts me off.

“McCreed. I know. You're only the hottest guy at this school.” She blushes.

You're really cute when you blush. I think to myself

“Thanks... I think.” She says.

“Did I just say that out loud?” Now it's my turn to blush. She nods.

“It's okay. You're cute too.” She responds making me feel better.

“Hey do you wa-” The bell signaling to get to class cuts me off.

Chapter 2


“Hey do you wa-” The bell cuts him off.

“I gotta go. I'll see you later?” I don't wait for a response. I grab my things from him and run off.


She leaves me in a cloud of dust as she runs to class.

“Sure,” I respond, even though she's already gone.


I can't get her out of my mind. I have to see her. I find her walking with her friends Casey and Samantha. I walk over to them. When she sees me she stops walking and her eyes get wide.

“I need to talk to you,” I say. She nods and I pull her over to a little alcove by the drinking fountains.

“What do you want?” She asks, pulling her arm from my grasp.


As soon as I see him, I stop walking and my eyes get wide. I've been looking for him all day. He's walking over to me. Act cool, I chant silently in my head.

“I need to talk to you.” I nod and he pull me away to a little alcove by the drinking fountains.

“What do you want?” I ask, pulling my arm from his grasp. Way to sound cool, I think.

“I was just... Would you... Do you want...” Would he just ask already?


“I was just... Would you... Do you want...” I sigh. I'm so nervous. No girl has ever made me feel this way.

“Do I want what Gage?” She asks impatiently.

“Doyouwanttogoonadatewithme?” I say in a big rush, holding my breath for her answer.

“Sure.” I let out the breath I've been holding.

“Great. Does Saturday at 7:00 P.M. Sound good?” I ask.

“Sounds great. See you later.” She walks off to her next class. I can't wait. Saturday need to hurry up. I run to class just as the bell rings.

Chapter 3


When I told Casey and Samantha about Gage they freaked. They started planning what I should wear right away. They decided that Friday after school they would come over and help me pick out an outfit.


Finally after hours of trying on outfit after outfit we decided on the perfect one. We decided that I was to wear skinny jeans, black boots, a black tank top and my varsity jacket. I looked amazing. Saturday just needed to come faster.


"Dad I'm going out. I won't be back until later." I yell as I leave to pick up Lyla. Friday during school I asked for her address. After school I drove past her house to make sure I got the right one. She was just going in the front door with her friends.


"Casey hurry. He's going to be here any minute now." I whine as she does my hair. She's curling it. I already have my outfit on. I just need to do my makeup and put my shoes on.

Finally she finishes doing my hair and Samantha starts on my makeup. I'm not good at putting eye liner on. I always end up poking myself in the eye. When she is finished with that I put my shoes on and look at myself in the mirror.

"You look amazing Lyla." Casey says, picking a stray hair off my back.

"Thank you." I respond. The doorbell rings and we all run downstairs.

"I'll get it." Samantha says. "You wait here."

We wait while she goes to get the door.


I'm so nervous that I can't stand still. I've been standing outside her house for 5 minutes, walking up to her door and back down, scared to ring the bell.

"Just do it Gage. It's not that bad." I tell myself. I walk up to the door and ring the bell, wiping my sweaty hands on my pants.

'Hey come in." Samantha says opening the door. I walk in and stand in the hall.

"Is she ready?" I ask.

"Yeah. She's in the other room. Come on." She starts walking towards the other room and I follow. She stops and I look around the room. Lyla stands and I ask if she's ready to go. She says she is.

"Have fun you two. Be safe." Samantha and Casey yell as we leave.

"You look amazing." I say as I walk her to the car.

"You don't look to bad yourself." She teases and smiles climbing into the car. I shut the door and walk around to the driver's side. I get in and start the car.

"Here we go." I say pulling out of the driveway and starting toward out destination.

Chapter 4


"Two tickets to see The Faculty please." I say to the ticket lady.

"Here you are sir. Have a nice night."

"You too ma'am." I take the tickets and Lyla's hand, pulling her into the movie room. We sit clear in the back. "I hope you like scary movies." I say.

"Oh I love them." she says sarcastically. "I'll just hold your hand if I get scared."

"I'd be okay with that." I answer honestly.

I really want to kiss you, but I don't want to scare you away, I think to myself while staring into her beautiful baby blue eyes.

"Do it." she says.

"What?" I ask really confused. "Wait. Did I say that out loud?"

"Yes, you did." she says as my face turns red with embarrassment. She kissed my cheek and turns to watch the movie.

Halfway through the movie what she says sinks in. She said that I could kiss her. Was she being serious?

"Were you being serious when you said I could kiss you?" I ask, hoping that she was.

"Yes." she says turing back to the movie.


"I hope you like scary movies." He says as he pulls me into the movie room. Fantastic. A scary movie.

"Oh I love them." I says sarcastically. "I'll just hold your hand if I get scared."

"I'd be okay with that." he answer honestly. It scares me how honest it is because I like him a lot. "I really want to kiss you, but I don't want to scare you away." he says staring into my eyes.

"Do it." I respond daringly.

"What? Wait. Did I just say that out loud?" He asks.

"Yes, you did." I say and he turns a pretty shade of red. I kiss his cheek and turn to watch the movie.

Halfway through the movie he asks : "Were you being serious when you said I could kiss you?"

"Yes." I say and turn back to the movie.

Chapter 5


 "Well, that wasn't too bad." I say when the movie ends.

"Sure. I think you broke my hand." He replies nursing his hurt hand.

"Sorry." I say ducking and hiding behind my hair.



"Well, that wasn't so bad." she says when the movie ends. She should tell that to my broken hand.

"Sure. I think you broke my hand" I tease nursing my hand.

"Sorry." she replies ducking behind her hair. "Come on." She says pulling me to the car. We drive to her house in silence. I don't know what to say to make her feel better. She won't look at me at all.

Once we get to her house she tries to get out, but I grab her hand to keep her from leaving. She pulls and I let her go. She gets out and I follow.

"Lyla. Wait. I'm sorry for whatever I said." I say trying to make things better.

"It's fine. Thank you. I had a great time." She says still hiding behind her hair.

"I'm glad. Will you at least at me though?" I ask hoping that she will stop hiding behind her hair. She doesn't. I move her hair and tilt her head up to look at me. "Can I kiss you?" I ask, hoping I can.

She nods and I gently place my lips on hers. She kisses me back and tangles her hands in my hair. We break apart breathing heavily. She is amazing.



"Thank you. I had a great time." I say trying to get in the house as fast as possible. That was so embarrassing.

"I'm glad. Will you at least look at me though?" he asks. I don't. I'm too embarrassed. He moves my hair and tilts my head up to look at him. "Can I kiss you?"

I nod and he gently places his lips on mine. I tangle my hands in his hair and kiss him hard. He is so good at kissing. We break apart breathing heavily. He's the best. He rests his forehead on mine, our breaths mingling.

"That was the best kiss ever." he says, still tyring to control his breathing. "You're amazing"

"Thanks. That was my first kiss." Ugh. Face smack. I shouldn't have told him that.

"Wow. Then with that being your first kiss I think it's appropriate to ask. Lyla Marie, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course. But two questions."

"Anything for a beautiful girl like you." he replies looking into my eyes.

"First, was I really that good or are you just saying that?"

"I was not lying. You are amzing. I swear it."

"Okay. Second question. How did you know my middle name?"

"I asked Jacob when I called to ask if it was okay to take you on a date." he shrugs like it's no big deal.

"And he wasn't concerned at all?" Jacob is my step-dad. My mom remairred him after my father died in the military.

"He was, but I told him it was to ask you out. Hey don't cry. It's okay." he says wiping a tear off my cheek.

"I'm sorry. I'm fine. It's just that nobody has done anything like that for me." I'm so embarrassed. "Can we go inside. I'm freezing."

"Absolutely." he say and smiles. He opens the door and lets me go in first. I smile and kiss him on the cheek.



"Can you stay here tonight? Mom and Jacob both work late." She asks.

"Sure. Just let me call my dad so he doesn't worry about where I am." I step out of the room and dial my dad.

When I come back in Lyla is sleeping on the couch. I pick her up and go upstairs. Her room has a sticker saying it's hers so I open the door and lay her on the bed. I take her shoes off and put them on the floor. I run out to the car and get my change of clothes. I keep them in there in case of emergencies. I come back in and take my shoes off at the door. I go upstairs and crawl in bed. I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Chapter 6


I wake up to the sound of the shower running. Memories of last night come flooding back. Gage is in my shower. I sit up and wait for him to come out. He comes out about 5 minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"You can stop staring at any time" he says smirking at me.

I quickly look away. "I wasn't staring." I lie and blush. Okay, so I was staring. He's hot and he has a six pack.

"Right." He replies sarcastically. "You have 2 hours to get ready for school. I'm going to get dressed and make breakfast." he drags me off the bed, kisses me, and pushes me into the bathroom. I shut the door and lock it. Then I get into the shower.

Half an hour later I'm done in the shower. I step out and towel off. I walk out and look for some clothes to wear. It's sunny out, but still cold, so I put on some skinny jeans, a light blue long sleeve, and grab my blue Vans. I brush my hair so it dries faster. I'll finish doing my hair and makeup after I eat.

Downstairs I can hear Gage humming to a song while he cooks. I walk into the kitchen and he is shaking his hips and lip singing with a spoon to Taylor Swift's Blank Space. I start laughing and he jumps and turns around.

"That's not funny Lyla!" He says, glaring at me, a small bluch coating his cheeks.

"It is funny though." I insist, trying, and failing, to smother my grin.

"Shut up! If you tell anyone I will hurt you." He says backing me up into the counter and wraping his arms around me.

"Oh. I am so scared." I say leaning up to kiss him.

"Good," he says between kisses, lifting me onto the countertop, "you should be."

I kiss him a little longer, until his hands start to wander. Then I push him away saying that I need to eat and get ready.

"Ah come on. The eating can wait." He whines.

"The eating can yes, but me getting ready can't. We can continue this later." I say with a wink and hop off the counter to get food.

After eating I brush my teeth and finsh my hair. I'm just staring on my makeup when Gage comes in.

"Can I help you with anything?" I ask pulling out my eyeliner.

"Yup." he says wraping his arms around me and kissing my neck.

"Gage. I have to finish getting ready for school. We are going to be late." I say.

"Who cares. Skip with me. Just one day. Please?" He asks with a puppydog face.

"Ugh fine. Just today though." I say in my most stern voice, turing around to kiss him.

"Thank you." he lifts me up and sets me on the bed, never breaking the kiss.

"Gage are you sure we should do this? I wouldn't want to ruin your perfect attendance." I say.

"I'm fine Lyla. I would skip the world for you, if you weren't my world." He says kisses me.

"Oh Gage. I love you." He stops kissing me and stares at me.

"You mean it?"

"Of course I mean it."

"I love you too Lyla. You're everything I want and so much more." I smile and kiss him passionately.


I get in the shower while Lyla is still sleeping. When I get out she is sitting up in bed.

"You can stop staring at any time."I say smirking. She looks away quickly and blushes.

"I wasn't staring." She lies. She was staring.

"Right." I say, disbelieving. "You have 2 hours to get ready for school. I'm going to get dressed and make breakfast." I drag her off the bed, kiss her and push her towards the bathroom. She shuts the door and locks it. A minute later I hear the shower running. I start getting dressed. When I finish getting dressed I go downstairs to make breakfast.

I have Blank Space by Taylor Swift stuck in my head, so while I'm making breakfast I dance around to it and lip sing with whatever I can find. I don't hear the water shut off and I don't hear Lyla come downstairs, so when she starts laughing I jump.

"That's not funny Lyla!" I say with a small blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"It is funny though." She says trying, an failing, to hide her grin.

"Shut up! If you tell anyone I will hurt you." I says backing her up into the counter and wraping my arms around her.

"Oh. I am so scared." She say leaning up to kiss me.

"Good," I says between kisses, lifting her onto the countertop, "you should be."

Chapter 7


Gage went home that night, after my mother insisted that he stay for dinner. I kissed him and sent him on his way. He promised me he would pick me up before school the next day. So here I am, getting ready for Gage to come get me.

My alarm goes off at 6:00. Sleepily I reach around trying to shut it off. Finally I get it, and by then I'm awake. I climb out of bed and hop in the shower. After I finish showering I start picking out my clothes. It's chilly out today so I grab a cute sweater and some skinny jeans. I'm just finishing with my hair when my mom hollers for me to come down and eat.

 "Give me a minute." I holler back. I finish up with my hair and rush downstairs to eat. Mmm, pancakes. My favorite. I eat breakfast and rush back upstairs. I brush my teeth and do my make-up. I'm just finishing my make-up when I hear a horn honk.

"Lyla. Gage is here." my mom hollers at me.

"Almost done." I yell back looking for my ankle boots. Finding them, I slip them on, grab my bag, and run downstairs. Gage is waiting at the door talking to my mom.

"Done. Let's go." I say pulling him along.

"Calm down. We still have 10 minutes." he says checking me out. "You look good by the way."

"Thank you. I don't want to be late though." I say rushing to the car.

We get in and he pulls out of my driveway. The whole time all I can think about is telling Casey and Samantha about my date with Gage. A small smile forms on my lips when I think about him dancing in the kitchen yesterday. I am definitely telling them about that.



I look over at Lyla while I drive. She is so beautiful. I'm so lucky to have fallen in love with her... and to have her love me back. She smiles and looks out the window as I drive. I don't ever want this to end. I reach over and take her hand. She looks at me and smiles, squeezing my hand.

We get to school and as soon as we get out, Samantha and Casey are right there waiting for us.

"OMG! Where were you yesterday? I thought you had died. You never miss school!" Samanthat practically yells at Lyla.

"I was skipping." she stage whispers glancing my way, her eyes sparkling.

"Ooh. Tell me everything." Casey cuts in. Lyla laughs, the most beautiful thing in the world.

"Relax. I will. Let's go before we are late for class." She walks away to her class while I go the other way for mine.



I told Casey and Samantha all about the date and me skipping with Gage. They were disappointed that nothing happened. It's been 2 weeks since then.

"Lyla! Lyla! Wait up girl!" I turn around and Casey and Samantha come running up to me.

"I'm so sorry. I can't believe he did that to you. I will kill him if you want me to. I swear." Samantha says bright red in the face and hyperventilating.

"Calm down. He who? Did what? Kill who? What are you talking about?" I ask super confused.

"Uh.. Oh.. We though you knew." They say sharing the Look. That is never a good sign.

"Tell me. Now. What was I supposed to know? About who?" I demand.

"About Gage. You might want to sit down." They say leading my to a bench jsut outside the school.

"What about Gage?" I ask narrowing my eyes.

"About him and Stacey." This can't be good. Stacey is the school slut. She has hated me since middle school and I didn't even do anything to her.

"What about him and Stacey?" I ask still clueless. They take a deep breath and then start.

"The janitor caught them in the supply closet doing it." Samantha says. "I'm so sorry."

So he cheated on me. He tells me he loves me and then he cheats on me. I start crying.

"Oh honey," Casey says wiping the tears off my cheeks, " don't cry. He's not worth it. If he cheated on you then then he obviously doesn't know how amazing you are. He doesn't deserve you."

I smile a little and wipe my tears. She's right. He doesn't deserve me. I won't waste tears over him. Stacey can have him. I just need to act tough now when I talk to him. I stand up determined to talk to him.

"Where are you going?" They ask confused.

"To talk to him." I say walking away. I hear them coming up behind me. I turn around. "Alone." I add.

"But... we wa-" I hold up a hand silencing them.

"I will fill you in later. This is something that I have to do alone." I say and walk away.



I see Lyla walking towards me. I haven't seen her all day so I wait for her to get to me.

"Hey babe." I say trying to put my arm around her waist.

"Don't touch me Babe." She sneers pushing my arm away and slapping me across the face.

"What was that for?" I ask, nursing my cheek. What is wrong with her?

"I don't know. Why don't you ask Stacey? You seem to be on very good terms with her." she spits out. She she found out. I bet Samantha and Casey told her. She starts to walk away, but I grab her wrist.

"Wait. I can explain." I beg as she yanks her arm out of my grasp.

"No Gage. No you can't explain. I don't want to hear any of your pathetic excuses. I'm done. We're over." She says walking away. I let her go this time. I know she means it.

"I don't even feel bad." I call to her back, even though I'm dying inside. I know I deserve this.



"I don't even feel bad." I hear him calling to my back. I don't turn around. I just keep walking, tears bluring my vision.

"I can't believe that I wasted my first kiss on that idiot." I mutter with disgust. I angrily wipe away at the tears that escaped. I won't cry over him. Like he said, he doesn't even feel bad.

"Hey Lyla! Wait up!." I keep walking. Whoever it is catches up with me soon enough, panting and out of breath.

"What do you want?" I snap looking to see who it is. It's Jones, Gage's friend. I don't have time for him, for this. "If Gage sent you to talk to me forget about it. I don't want to hear anything he has to say and I have nothing to say to him."

"No he didn't send me. He doesn't know I'm talking to you. I saw what you did back there. Nobody has ever done that before. All of his other girlfriends just avoided him. Nobody has stood up to him before."

"Thanks. He deserved it." I shrug.

"Yeah." he says smiling a little mischievously.

"What?" knowing that he's planning something.

"I know a way that you could hurt him." He says. I eye him. He has my attention and he knows it.

"What did you have in mind?" I ask curiously.

"Be my girlfriend. If he sees that you've moved on then he can't hurt you."

"What's in it for you?" I ask, knowing that there's a catch.

"I get to make him mad. Plus your friend Samantha is cute." he looks away. I swear I see him blushing.

"Awww. Okay. Pretend right?" I ask.

"Of course. I like Samantha. I just want to be close to her." There is definetely a blush coating his cheeks now.

"Okay. When do we start?" I ask.

"RIght now." he says as the bell rings for class to end.

Chapter 8

~Jones Jared Burnok~

As soon as the bell rings I grab Lyla's hand. We walk down the hall hand in hand. Everyone is staring and whispering. As we are walking we see Gage.

"I can't do this." She says trying to pull me in the opposite direction.

"No. He needs to see this. Come on. Don't back out now." I say pulling her along. "Just look him in the eye as we pass and show no emotions."

"Okay. I'll try." She says.



As soon as I see him I want to back out. Jones convinces me to keep going.

"Okay. I'l try." I say giving in.

When we walk past, I hold my head high and look him right in the eyes. He looks at me and then looks away. I follow his eyes and see Stacey clinging to his arm. She's so pathetic. She sneers at me and it looks like a cat scratched her face. I sneer back and walk away with Jones. Stacey can keep him. We walk outside and to Jones's car.

"What now?" I ask.

"Well, we do have to hang out sometime other than than in school for him to believe this." he says, winking at me.

"Okay. See you later." I say going to walk away. He grabs my arm and pulls me to him. He kisses me. It takes me a mintues to kiss him back. This feels so wrong. After an appropriate amount of time, I pull away.

"I'll see you later?" He asks. I nod, a little shocked to speak. What did I get myself into? I walk to my car and drive home. Gage drove me to school, but Casey and Samantha went to get it after they heard about Gage. I love my friends. When I get home I see Gage's car in my driveway. I park beside him and go in the house.

"What do you want Gage?" I ask putting my stuff on the floor and slipping my shoes off.

"I want to talk. I want a chance to explain." He says sitting on the couch in the living room.

"Talk about what? Today? We all know what happened. You cheated on me." I say with no emotion.

"And what about you and Jones? Walking down the hall holding hands. The kiss in the parking lot." He says coldly. So he saw that. Good. "Are you dating him?" His voice cracks.

"Why do you care? We aren't dating anymore. I can see whoever I want. You cheated on me." I say turning my back to him, not believing his tears.

"I care about you. I didn't want to cheat on you. Would you just sit down and let me explain?" He begs.

"You can explain all you want, but I might not be so willing to listen. We're over and nothing you say is going to change that." I walk into the kitchen to make something to eat. He follows me. "Okay. I'm listening. Explain." I say while making a sandwich.

"Will you at least look at me?" He whines.

"No Gage. I won't look at you because if I do I might do something I'll regret. Like punching you. You have 2 minutes to explain. Start talking." I say.

He blubbers on and on about how he never wanted to cheat on me and how he said that she drugged him. He got really creative with the whole thing.

"Okay. I believe you." I say when he finshed.

"You do?" He asks surprised.

"Yeah. I really do." I say, messing with him.

"So are we back together?" he asks hopefully.

"No." I laugh. "Did you honestly think that I was going to get back together with you just because you say she drugged you? Come on. You can do better than that." I say, smirking as his face falls.

"Come on Lyla. That's messed up."

"So are you. What about the whole 'I don't even feel bad'?" I snap.

"I just said that to make you feel bad. I didn't mean it. I promise." He pleads. I'm not about to give in easily.

"No Gage. I'm not going to believe you. You lost my trust. Now leave. I want to take a nap." I walk upstairs to my room. He follows me. I try to shut the door, but he stops it. "Gage. I said leave." I say turning around.

He pulls me to him and kisses me. I push him away and wipe my mouth. "Lyla baby. Please." He begs doing the puppydog face.

I push him out of my room and slam the door in his face before I crack and give in. I'm going to make him work for this. I climb into bed and drift off to sleep thinking about tomorrow.


I roll over and see Gage lying beside me. "Morning babe." he says. "Morning." I say stretching. I peck him on the lips and climb out of bed. I get in the shower. When I get out, Gage is lying on my bed. "Come here babe." He says motioning for me. I walk over and he pulls  me down on top of him. The towel falls and his eyes roam my body. "Oh babe. You're so hot." He says kissing me and flipping us so he's on top. He takes off his clothes and I let my eyes roam his body. He's so perfect. He kisses me and starts to enter me. I open my eyes to stare at him and suddenly it's not him I see, but my Uncle Jess from Christmas when I was 7.


I bolt upright in bed, the sheets tangled and wet with my sweat. I haven't had a nightmare like that in 6 years. I check the time. It's only 4:00 in the morning. Since I know I'm not going to be able to sleep again, i climb out of bed and go to the bathroom. I shower and get dressed. By then it's 6:30. I still have and hour and a half before I have to be to school. I go downstairs to make breakfast. When I walk into the kitchen I scream. Gage is sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"Morning." he says looking up at me.

"What are you still doing here?" I demand.

"Well, you fell asleep and I decided that I didn't want to leave." he says getting up to rinse out his cup.

"You can't just stay in someone's house Gage. What about you dad? What about my parents? Do they know that you're hre?" I fire questions at him.

"Hold on princess. My dad knows I'm gone. I told him I was spending the night with Jones." His eyes darken at the mention of Jones. "You're parents know I'm here. I told them that my dad had been drinking and I got into a fight with him and that I didn't have a place to stay." he smirks.

"First, don't ever call me princess again. We are not dating. Second, you cannot lie to my parents Gage. You need to leave. Now."
"Ahh come on. I need to shower."
"Shower at your own house. Or a friends house. Not here. Leave."

"Morning honey. Morning Gage." My mom says walking into the kitchen. Gage smiles. He's off the hook for now. I give him a look that says this isn't over.

"Morning Mrs. Johnston." he replies.

"Please call me Jamie. There's no need to be formal." she smiles. I roll my eyes.

"Morning mom. I've got to go get ready for school." I walk away. As I leave the room I hear Gage ask if he can shower here.

"Of course dear." I hear my mom reply. "Lyla can show you where it is." I curse under my breath and wait for Gage to catch up. I walk him to the bathroom and show him where the towels are and then I go to leave.

He grabs my arm and pulls me to him. He kisses me and before I can understand what's happening, I kiss him back. I wrap my arms arouns his neck and play with his hair. He tangles his hands into my hair and deepens the kiss. When he moans, it pulls me out of my trance. I break away and wipe my mouth. Glaring at him I walk out of the bathroom and to my own room. Darn him. Why does he have to do this to me?

Chapter 9


Gage and I drive separetly to school. As soon as we get there I run to Samantha and Casey. Gage tries to talk to me, but Jones walks up and kisses me right on the lips. I kiss him back and watch Gage. His face goes slack with pain and jelousy before going stone cold. He walks right up to Stacey and starts making out with her, like he's trying to make me jelous. I pull away from Jones and grab his hand.

"Come on babe. This eye sore is making me sick." I say smirking at Gage. Jones and I walk away with Samantha and Casey following. He drops me off at first hour with a little peck on my lips and then jogs to his first class just before the bell rings.

"What the heck was that about?" Samantha asks me. I shrug and walk into class.

"You will get the details later. Right now I don't want to get trouble for being late. Meet me at my house at 7:00." I say as the bell rings.

"Obviously we will be there."Casey says taking a seat right next to mine. Samantha sits on the other side of me. They stare at me dumbfounded the entire class. This day is going to be forever.


~Samantha Aden Bridgewater~

As soon as Lyla gets to school she comes running up to Casey and I like the devil is chasing her. I look behind her and it is the devil himself, Gage. All of a sudden Jones comes up and starts kissing Lyla. She kisses him back and Gage looks jelous, but then he starts sucking face with the slut, so maybe not. I look back at Jones and Lyla kissing. Pain flashes across my face but I quickly cover it up. I've liked Jones for a while, but I was too afraid to tell him. I guess that was a good thing because he clearly liked Lyla. They break the kiss and hold hands walking to class. Casey and I tag along behind. This is how it normally is: Lyla with her bf and Casey and I as the rear. When he drops Lyla off at class and leaves I ask her what that was about. Of course she doesn't tell us. She says she will later. I supress and eye roll. She's so cocky. She thinks she's all that. Sometimes it really makes me mad that she thinks that she's better than us.

After class I pull Casey aside and walk in the opposite direction than our class.

"What is going on with Lyla? She's acting all high and mighty." I say pissed.

"I don't know, but we're going to be late for class. We'll find out later. Come on." She says pulling me away.

"No. Doesn't it bother you how fast she moved on? Plus you know how I feel about Jones. I don't think I can hear about their make out sessions." I say. Casey is the only person who knows how I feel about Jones.

"I  kow. I know. I promise that we'll leave if that's all she has to talk about. Now let's go before we're late." I sigh giving in and we make it to class just before the bell rings.

"Nice of you to join us ladies." Mr. Abrahm says checking us out. He's such a perv. I think the only reason I'm passing his class is because he likes me.

"Yup. Wouldn't miss it for the world." I chirp sarcastically. I turn to my seat and roll my eyes.

"That will be an hour detention for you miss." He says turning to the board.

"Oh you would like that wouldn't you." I mutter loud enough for everyone but him to hear. They all start laughing.

"Do you have something you would like to share?" he asks turing to face me.

"Hmm. Just that I can't wait to spend and hour after school in a stinky room with a boring person." I smile sweetly. He sighs and rubs his head.

"Just be good. Please. I don't want to have to spend the night here with your smart butt remarks." he turns back around and starts writing on the board. I high five some of the people around me. We always try to make him mad.

Halfway through class a paper lands on my desk. I look around to see who through it, but everyone is paying attention to their work. I open the note. It reads:

Good job pissing off the teacher. You're really cute when you try to be sassy.

Anyway I wanted to say something to you, but not here.

Meet me at the park with the lake at 9:00 tonight.

I know you have to go to Lyla's house.

I also understand if you think this is really creepy and don't come.

-Your secret admirer

I look around again to see everyone still paying attention to their work. I quickly shove the note into my folder. I will figure this out later. I turn back around and try to listen to the teacher. I can feel someone watching me so I turn around again. There is nobody watching me. Jones and his buddies are sitting around sleeping, so it wasn't them. The only other people in the back are the druggies and they are all too high to do anything. I turn around and wait for class to be over.



I look up just as a piece of paper lands on Samantha's desk. I look back to see who threw it and Jones is leaning forward looking at Samantha as she reads the note. She turns around to look for who threw it and Jones sits back and pretends to sleep. What is going on? I thought he was dating Lyla. I shrug and go back to my work. I will talk to her after class.

After class Samantha comes running up to me, note in hand.

"Casey. Look at this. Do you know who it is?" She asks breathless. I read the note. It's signed Secret Admirer, so he doesn't want her to know it's him. I shake my head and shrug.

"Nope. That's weird. Are you going to go?" I ask.

"I don't know. What if they are a creep and try to do something funny with me?" She asks getting nervous.

"Relax. They are obviously not going to do anything to you because they sent you the note during class. Come on. Let's go to lunch." We stop at my locker so I can put my stuff in it. Samantha puts her things in there as well. We meet Lyla and Jones at the cafeteria doors. We all walk in together and get our food, cold pizza. Ew. We sit down and eat.

"Oh. Lyla. I got a note today from a secret admirer during History." Samantha blurts. I see Jones fidget out of the corner of my eye. What is going on with that boy? Why is he so jumpy?

"Really? What did it say?" Lyla asks, feigning intrest. She's too busy with watching Gage to really pay attention.

"They said that they wanted me to meet them at the park with the lake around 9:00 tonight."

"Are you going to go?" Jones asks.

"I don't know. It's kind of creepy, but kind of sweet." She blushes and shrugs. She gets so nervous around him. Just as Jones is about to reply Gage comes up to the table.

"Can we help you oh Spawn of Satan?" I ask sweetly.

"I need to talk to Lyla." He says fidgeting awkwardly.

"So talk." Jones snaps.

"Alone. Please Lyla. I promise I won't try anything funny." He begs.

"Fine. I'll be back." Lyla gets up, pecking Jones on the lips as she goes.

We watch them walk out of the cafeteria and into the hall. I get up to follow them. I motion for Jones and Samantha to stay there as they try to get up with me.
"I'll fill you in later. I promise." I say walking away.

Chapter 10


I can hear Lyla and Gage talking a little way around the corner, so I stop. I listen to their conversation and pick up bits and pieces. She's really giving it to him.

"No Gage. I don't want to get back together with you. Why would I? You cheated on me. Plus I have Jones."

"Lyla.. I already told yo-"

"Yeah I know. You already told me that Stacey drugged you. I'm not dumb Gage. I can obviously tell that you were making that up. We're over and there is nothing you can do to fix it."

"Fine. If you won't get back together with me, then I'll just tell the whole school one of your biggest secrets."

"Do it. Like I care. If my friends don't want to be my friends after they find out then they obviously weren't good freinds." I can hear the click of shoes on the tile floors. Their conversation is over. I quicly run to the girl's bathroom to hide. I can hear her footsteps coming to the door, so I rush into one of the stalls. She walks in and I can hear her sniffling. Is she crying? Why? I swear if he hurt her, I will kill him.



I can't believe that Gage threatened to tell the whole school about the secret that I told him! God he is so mean. I had to play it off like it didn't bother me, but in all honesty, it's been haunting me since that day. If he tells everyone, I will die. It will ruin me.

"He threatened to use my Unlce Jess and Christmas when I was 7 against me.." I sob. I hear a stall opening behind me. I quickly wipe away my tears and turn around to see Casey coming out of the stall.

"Lyla are you okay? Do you want to talk about it?" She asks, pity and concern in her eyes.

"I'll be fine, and I'm not really ready to tell you yet. I'll tell you later." I say sniffling the last of my tears.

"Okay. I'm here for you when you're ready to talk. I love you and I will always support you." She says helping me up and fixing my make up. "Now, let's show him what he's missing." I smile and nod. We walk out together as the bell rings signaling lunch to be over. We catch up with Samantha and Jones at Casey's locker.

"What happ-" Samantha starts.

"Don't ask." Casey cuts her off. "She'll tell us when she's ready."


(Author's Note: Sorry to everyone who was reading this book. I hope you liked it, but I won't be continuing it on Bookrix. I have decided that I am going to hand write all of my books and keep them to hopefully be published in the future. I want to be an author, so I am hoping that one of the books I write will make it and be published. I hope you understand. Maybe some day in the future you can read the whole thing :) I will leave my other short story up though. Please feel free to read that one. It's complete. Lots of love for those who read the far. I'm sorry for not finishing it. I have a lot of other books I am currently working on as well, and I have school work to do and I have other things that are very important right now. Love to all of my book fans. Hopefully I will publish books and you can buy them and then come to my signings. Please continue to be passionate readers and writers.)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.05.2015

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