
Chapter One

"Let me drive, it's my car!" he screamed as he pushed Addy out of the way. He got into his car and Addy got into the passengers side. She couldn't stand how he acted when he was drunk.
"You know, you shouldn't be driving," Addy said, while she turned the radio on. "Situations" by Escape the Fate blasted out of the car's speakers.
"Well, you know you shouldn't be blasting music while I'm trying to concentrate on the road!" he said while turning off the radio.
"I'm sorry," Addy said crying.
"Why are you crying?" he asked.
"I don't know, just focus on the road please," Addy replied pointing to the road.
"No, tell me why you're crying!" he said turning his eyes off the road and onto Addy. 
"Watch out!" yelled Addy. But it was too late. The car already began to flip and their bodies began to jerk around...

“Addy! Adabelle! Snap out if it!", screamed Julianne.
“What? And you know I don’t like being called Adabelle,” said Addy rolling her eyes at Julianne. Addy always wondered why her parents named her Adabelle. She always hated when people called her that. She even insisted on having her named changed to Addy. But her mother told her that it would be pointless.
“Well sorry, that was like the only way I could get your attention,” said Julianne. “What were you even staring at?”
“None of your business!” Addy said while sticking her tongue out at her friend.
“Addy, tell us who you were staring at! Every day we sit here at lunch and you are always staring out into space! You must be insane or something,” said Addy’s other friend Layla in a jokingly way.
“If you want to know so bad just take a look,” said Addy trying to point to the guy sitting at the lunch table across the room, they all turned their heads.
“Are you talking about Aiden?” asked Layla.
“Yes! Isn’t he just so dreamy!” replied Addy.
Aiden was the team captain of the football team and the guy every girl wanted to date. Every girl tried to get with him, tried to get his attention. But he was already taken by Tessa, she was the captain of the cheerleaders. And like expected, the captain of the cheerleading squad dates the team captain of the football players.
“You know he’s dating Tessa right?” said Julianne.
“I know that, am I not allowed to look at him or something? Said Addy. “Am I suppose to ignore his beauty?”
“I take that back, you are insane!” Layla said as she began eating her salad.
Addy, Julianne, and Layla were the type of girls that every girl dreamed of being. They had beauty, popularity, personality. They were invited to go to all of the cool parties. The one thing about them is that they aren’t nice to people. They make fun of people and they talk about people all the time. But that’s how it is at every school. There is always a group of friends that are the popular ones and make fun of people. So everyone learns to deal with their gossip.
“I am not insane!” Addy said to her friends. They just stared at her oddly.
The bell rang and lunch was over. “Time to go to gym class!” they all said at the same time.
They arrived at gym class, changed into their short shorts and tight fitted T-shirts and went to gym. They were the type of girls that don’t participate in gym class. The type that are afraid to sweat, get their hair messed up and try to protect their freshly manicured nails. The gym teacher, Mr. Breggers, would always yell at them for not participating in class. They would always give him excuses.
Today in gym class they were to run the track. One lap each, and 2 laps for the ones who don’t try their best. So the girls began to run because there was no way they were going to be running 2 laps. They ran their lap and were the first to finish.
“Wow, I’m surprised you guys finished so fast!” Mr. Breggers said in amazement.
“We tried,” the girls replied.
Since they were the first to finish they decided to just stand on the sidelines and watch everyone else finish their lap.
“Look at Natalie run! She’s like the last one to finish!” laughed Layla. “Hey, we should trip her when she’s finished.”
“We should,” said Addy, but in the back of her mind she didn’t want to. Addy wasn’t always the one to talk about people behind their backs, or make fun of people. She just always went along with it because if she didn’t then she knew that her friends would be mad and not be her friend anymore.
So as Natalie finished her lap Layla stuck her foot out to trip her. Natalie tumbled to the ground, and as she did everyone began to laugh. Natalie wasn’t a girl that everyone liked. She was one that would not talk to anybody and sat in the back of her classes. A girl that was quiet and content with herself. So of course Addy and her friends would make fun of her. But that doesn’t make it okay.
As Natalie began to get up from the fall, everyone was staring at her. “What? What are you guys looking at?!” cried Natalie.
“Do you see her face?” Addy whispered to her friends.
“Yeah, she must have hit her head on the ground.” Julianne said Mr. Breggers began to walk towards the girls, “What’sgoing on over here,” he asked.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” replied Layla
“Doesn’t look like nothing, who tripped Natalie?”
“Not me,” said Layla as she pushed Addy towards Mr. Breggers. “she did.”
“Did you do this to Natalie, Adabelle?” asked Mr. Breggers.
“Uhh, yeaa? And I don’t like being called Adabelle,” replied Addy in a snobby way.
“I call you what I want, and you shouldn’t be going around tripping people, it’s not nice, and someone could get hurt. Do you see this girls face? Look what you did she’s bleeding everywhere!” Mr. Breggers yelled.
Addy looked at Natalie, and her face was bleeding. She had scraped it on the rocks and it looked like she needed stitches. Mr. Breggers took Natalie by the hand and began to walk her to the nurse’s office. “Adabelle come with me!”
Addy followed him, and he led her to the principal’s office. Addy looked back at her friends with disappointment.
Mr. Breggers and Addy arrived at the principal’s office. Addy sat down, while Mr. Breggers told the principal what happened. "Adabelle, is what Mr. Breggers told me true? Asked Mrs. Caldwell, the principle.
"Yea I guess," mumbled Addy.
"You guess, you know what, I guess you get a dentention. Every Tuesday and Friday for a month!" Mrs. Caldwell said as she began writing something down on a yellow piece of paper.
"Yeah, okay, whatever, and don't call me Adabelle." she said while she got up and walked out of the principles office.
She began walking to her next class, Algebra. Luckily, Julianne and Layla were in that class too so she could tell them what happened. She got to class and took her seat. 
"Hey, what happened?" Julianne whispered to Addy.
"I have to serve a detention every Tuesday and Friday," Addy replied. "And why do you wanna know, it's not like you care anyways."
Addy didn't want to talk to her friends at this point. It's there fault that she got in trouble. She wasn't going to put up with their nonsense anymore. So when the bell rang she got up and left class without saying a word to her friends. She went to her locker, grabbed the things she needed and went to the detention room. Once she got there everyone stared at her. They looked at her like she didn't belong there, which was true. 
She grabbed a seat and sat down. She sat behind some guy, she didn't even know his name. As she got out her homework to make the time go by faster he turned around. "Hey, I'm Bennett, what are you in for?" he asked.
"Nice to meet you Bennett, I'm Addy, and why do you ask it like that? It's not like we are in jail," she giggled. "I'm here because my so called friends blamed me for tripping some girl."
"Sounds pretty hardcore if you ask me." Bennett said as he turned back around because the teacher told them to stop talking. Addy took out her notebook and started writing something down. There was something about Bennett thatattracted her to him. He wasn't like other guys. He was kind of like a bad boy, thats how Addy and her friends would explain him. He started trouble all the time and always skipped school.
She tapped him on the shoulders and handed him a folded up piece of paper. He opened it, it read:

I never got to ask what you're in for.

Bennett shook his head and laughed. He wrote something down and handed the piece of paper back to her,

A fight. I got into a fight, and punched the kid in his face. He was getting on my nerves. I swear kids around here love to talk smack about people they don't even know. 

Addy began to feel bad because that's what her and her friends do; talk about people they don't even know. Addy couldn't bring herself to write back. She thought to herself why she was even friends with Julianne and Layla. All they did was blame her for doing things that she didn't even do in the first place, but they were her only friends. She knew she had to do something about it though, maybe talk to them and tell them to stop talking about people. 
Detention was over so Addy got up from her seat, grabbed her stuff, gave a little smile to Bennett and walked out the door. Before she was even at the door to leave school she heard someone yell hey from across the hall. She stoped walking and turned around."Hey, you never wrote back. I guess I scared you, huh?" Bennett said.
"No, Not at all, my pencil... It broke," Addy said.
"Ohh, Really? Well, next time ask me for a pencil," Bennett said while giving a little wink to Addy.
Addy just smiled at him and began walking out the door to the parking lot. Addy knew that once she got home her parents would ask her where she was, but she didn't care. Her parents always were asking where she was, and always getting into her business. It's like they didn't trust her, and she was getting tired of it.
Addy got into her car, started the ignition, and fastened her seat belt. As she pulled out of the parking spot she saw Bennett, she almost hit him.
Bennett walked to the passengers side of the car and knocked on the window. Addy rolled down the window.
"Hey, you see, I don't have a ride home," Bennett said.
"Oh, well my parents would always tell me not to allow strangers into my car, but I guess I can make an exception for you," Addy said in a flirty way.
Addy unlocked the door and Bennett got in. Addy began driving towards the parking lot exit. She didn't know what to say to Bennett, her heart was pounding and she had butterflies in her stomach.
Bennett was just sitting there, not saying a word and fiddling with his fingers. Okay Addy you can do this, just start a conversation with the boy, he won't hurt you, she thought. As she rolled her eyes at herself for thinking that he would harm her.
"So where am I taking you?" Addy asked.
"I live near Pizza Hut, The white house with the red shutters," Bennett replied.
"You do? I always thought that no one lived there," Addy said surprisingly.
"Yeah, I live there, it just looks like no one lives there because my parents are never home to take care of it," Benett said.
"Oh, well, you're lucky, my parents are always home, and are always getting into my business, asking me questions like "Where have you been?", "Where are you going?", its not like I'm going to go off and runaway or something," Addy said, rolling her eyes at no one specific.
"It's cool not having parents home all the time though, cause I go to parties and stuff all weekend and I can come home drunk and they would never know," Bennett said smiling.
"Well that is cool, but I don't drink or go to parties though, and if I did my parents wouldn't trust me even more," Addy said.
Addy had pulled up to Bennett's driveway and parked the car.
"Well I guess I will see you later," Bennett said while he got out of the car.
"Bye," Addy said as she waved to him.
Bennett shut the door, gave a little wave to Addy and went into his house. Addy pulled out of his driveway and began to drive home. She really wished that the drive to Bennett's house was longer. She wanted to know more about him. She wanted to know his hobbies, his favorite song, andwhat he does for fun. She was hoping to see him again.
As Addy pulled into her driveway, she was dreading what her parents would ask her when she walked through the door. She parked her car, turned the ingition off and got out. She knew that once she got into her house her parents were going to ask her why it took her so long to get home from school. So as she got inside, she ran up the stairs to her room.
"Addy! Addy! Adabelle!" her mom screamed from below the staircase.
Addy got up from her bed and went to the stairs. "What mom? What do you want?" she said.
"Why are you just now coming home? Where have you been?"
"If you want to know so bad, I was in detention mom, for punching some girl in her face," Addy lied.
"Punching a girl in her face? I know good and well you wouldn't do that Adabelle Lynn," her mom said.
"Yeah I know, Julianne and Layla blamed me for tripping Natalie." she confessed.
"Natalie? Natalie Grifford, Mr. Griffords daughter?" her mom asked.
"Yes, mom Natalie Grifford," replied Addy.
"Adabelle, you used to be best friends with Natalie, what ever happened between you two?"
"I don't know mom, and what's with everyone calling me Adabelle today? I told you I should of changed it!" Addy mumbled as she went back to her room and slammed the door.

It was true, Addy and Natalie used to be the best offriends, before they started high school. They were friends since they were little girls. Natalie used to come over to Addy's house everday. They would always talk about their obsession over Landon, the boy across the street. Of course they would talk about other things too.
As they grew older, Natalie and Addy began to grow apart. Natalie wouldn't come over to Addy's house anymore and their friendship wasn't the same once they started high school. That's when Addy became friends with Julianne and Layla.
Natalie didn't like Julianne or Layla because they always made fun of her and Addy wouldn't do anything about it. So one day Natalie told Addy she didn't want to be friends anymore because she was tired of being made fun of by Addy's friends. Addy had felt bad for losing her friendship with Natalie but there was nothing she wanted to do about it.


Texte: © 2011 by the author of this book Alyssa Brown. The book author retains sole copyright to his or her contributions to this book.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.01.2011

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