
Chapter 1- My Mortal Chapter

I awoke to the sweet smell of my mother's perfume and the shadow of her hand over my face, about to tap my shoulder in her gentle way. Before she could mutter my name, I snapped awake and sat up.
"Ugh! I'm still not used to that?! After twelve years, I am still not used to how you wake. I should just get an alarm clock…" She was talking, of course, about my supernatural senses. I could smell a fly's fart in Africa, if I wanted to. I could always hear what anybody was saying, even if they were outside. They knew to be careful around me. Of course, I needed contacts, but that was made up for in the other four senses. And then some.
I stretched and smelled deeply the crisp morning air. Bacon- maple bacon, eggs and cheese, and biscuits made with extra butter. Delicious! I sprinted around my room, picking up my clothes and throwing them on, and jumped onto the rail of the stairs, sliding on my feet. I hopped off and rounded the corner to the dining room.
"Morning!" I cheerily greeted my family and picked up a biscuit. I ate it in one bite, and in that I could hear the soft insides tearing, smell the buttery aroma, feel the bubbly surface, and taste the sweet succulence that is my mother's cooking. "Mmmm…"
I packed my bag for school- math book, science book, binder, pencils, and all that good stuff. I fed my dog, let her out, and kissed my mother goodbye. Running to school, I saw my friend Jacob and stopped to look at him. He seemed to be having trouble.
"Hey, Jacob! What's up?"
"Nothing, Jeremy. Just bike problems. Stupid chain's all rusted up."
"Why not walk? It's a beautiful day! Come on!"
We walked in silence, Jacob listening to his music, and me zoning off, staring at the trees. It was fall, and the leaves were beginning to fall. There was some sort of eerie beauty in leafless trees. I don't know what it was, but it was compelling me. The more bare, the more beautiful.
I stopped to stare at one in particular- it had absolutely no leaves. How strange. It was only mid-autumn, it should have at least had a few. I walked towards it, examining it thoroughly. It was covered in claw marks, and…blood. Fresh blood. I turned my back and ran away. I kept running, knowing that I was in danger. Next thing I could remember was sitting in class.

I was sitting in Math class, not paying attention to the droning lecture. Something about variables? I don't know. I've known these things since third grade. Yawning, I put away my textbook. We wouldn't need it. He's just gonna ramble on about variables and how to determine their appropriate values.
"Mr. Hagan, can you tell us the value of X since you are ever so interested in our lesson?"
Ugh. Mr. Hagan. I hate it when he says that. I'd rather him call me Jeremiah. I glanced at the board, taking in the problem, sighed, and said, "You cannot determine the value of X in this expression because it is an expression, so you cannot reverse the given operations for there is no equivalent value on the opposite side of the equal sign, which is non-existent."
"My God, you're right. Hmmm….."
And so the day went on.
As the day came to a close, I packed my bag and headed out the door. Or, that's what I want to say happened. It actually went something like this: I was walking down the hall and a kid tripped me. I got real angry, but I kept my mouth shut. I had plans for him anyway. As I paced down the hall, heading back to class, something hit the back of my head. A book. So I turned around and threw it back. But no one was there.
So, bag on my back, I grabbed the book and ran. I ran straight out those doors, dodging teachers and the students ditching class. I ran all the way home.
I slammed the door, locking it. I ran to the kitchen, grabbed a coke and a cookie (can't run from danger on an empty stomach), and ran to my room, locking every door I passed.
In my room, I locked the door, the closet, and boarded up my window. Trying to turn on my light, I realized it was broke, so I lit a red candle.
Every minute dragged on for hours as I waited for my final hour to come. I wasn't waiting for my mother to come home from the doctor, nor for my father to come home from work. I was waiting for Death, and Death, as it seemed, was waiting for me. The codependence was being strangled, for I would not go to Death and Death would not come to me, causing the tension building up inside of me to feel like a ticking time bomb. It may have been my imagination, but it seemed to be that Death gave in and was coming for me, for the corner of my room was pitch black, and the darkness was gathering. Death was coming, and I was an open target.
As I thought about it, contemplating my end, I thought- maybe the darkness is because of the one candle! So I unboarded the windows for the slim sunlight. It was always gloomy, and today was the lucky day that the sun came out. I opened the curtains and looked into the corner. The black was still there. Well, I might as well wait for him to get off his lazy butt and get me. That was the thought in my head. But then I remembered- the strange being! Whatever had disappeared that I was running from- it was still after me! I couldn't get the boards back up, so I drew the curtains and pulled out my brand new black out ones. I pulled off the old white curtains and replaced them with the brand new ones. No one could see me. Other than Death. Then, I heard the door open with a slight creak. I ran for the door, unlocking it, knowing it was mom. But, as I put my hand on the lock, I smelled something, something sweet and floral. One of the most beautiful smells in the world. I heard the shuffling of feet on the outside windowsill of my room and the soft thump of feet hitting the ground. I backed away from the door and turned around, heading for the window. I snapped the curtains back and looked. There was a note on the windowsill. I opened it up and reached for it. It only said one word- "Soon". I began to freak out, seeing that there were claw marks on the windowsill- the same marks that were on the tree. Looking out the window, I looked down at the ground. I lived on the second floor, and whoever or whatever this was jumped from the windowsill straight down to the ground. He couldn't have gotten away, his legs would've been broken. I slammed the window, shut the curtains, and ran down stairs, just in time for my mother to call my name.

Chapter 2- Preparation

It was almost the same story everyday after that- running home as fast as I could, waiting for my mom after locking every door, etc. It became rather tiring and monotonous, and soon I began to feel no reason to hide, I just stopped doing the process altogether. I just felt no need to anymore. I didn't feel like there was any danger. I actually began to just walk the slowest I could, laughing at danger itself. Until it happened again.
I was so relaxed, I began to jog around the school every day, and I would lie by the tree everyday on the walk home. But then, while jogging as usual, I heard a rustle in the bushes. Not wanting another confrontation, I ran like the wind, using my sonic speed to get the hell out of that God-forsaken place. I ran and ran, then stopped to catch my breath by a tree. A wilting, leafless tree with claw marks and fresh blood. Again. I was shocked and backed away. My rest lasted only two seconds, and I was running again. I stopped again to look behind me, and he was keeping up, at a slow-walking leisurely pace! I ran again, top speed, looking back every few seconds, only to find him getting closer. Eyes as black as the night, and hair even darker. Hands in his pockets, he flashed his teeth at me- his sparkling white teeth.
I got inside and slammed the door. "Where the hell have you been?!" No hello for me then. "Answer me when I'm talking to you or I'll rip you into pieces, you little brat!"
"Shut up! God! You just need to shut up and go to your room or else! You. Will. Die!"
"Is that a threat?!"
"Just do it! Mom, I'm sorry, but you need to do as I say! Someone is chasing me and I need to keep you safe!"
She ran off, leaving behind a heavy odor of perfume in her wake. I saw and heard everything as if it were happening in slow motion. My mother plopping down on the bed, her gentle whimpers of fear. The faint thudding of feet up the sidewalk. It felt as if each footstep was a ringing of a church bell, sounding my funeral. I crouched to strike as I heard his breathing behind the door. I was waiting like a wolf, squatting and waiting, prepared to pounce on my challenger. But all I could hear was his breathing. I did not and would not rise from my stance, though. Something was up, I could feel it.
Waiting, I heard him sniff at the air, and his sick pleasure at my mother's scent. I growled like a demon wolf, and he stopped. Even the clock stopped at that growl.
I shook in fear at myself. What's happening to me?! was the first thought in my mind. People following me, this demon fighting against me! I couldn't handle it!
And then, I heard him smirk. The muscles tightening in his mouth. He gave one low, near silent chuckle and whispered something in some weird language. Almost like hissing, like a snake. I couldn't understand a word, but as soon as he uttered that odd phrase, I heard one foot hit the ground and could hear him running away. I relaxed, breathing in and smelling his scent. I memorized it, for the future. Lilac and oranges. Very pleasant.
But then, smelling his scent, my nose picked up another. The smell of smoke. And burning grass. I gasped, and looked at the window, noticing an orange glow.
I instructed my mother to stay in her room and not to leave it. I ran out the door, looking around. The house was surrounded by fire, and nobody was around. I ran back in, gathering as much water as possible, and called 911. I informed them of the situation, excluding the weird person following me. Running outside again, I remembered something my father taught me. Be calm. Relax. If you believe, everything will go your way, and you can will anything to happen. In dire situations, just concentrate on focusing your chi into something that will help you in that situation, and will it to do your work. I never knew what he meant, not until now. I sat down in the middle of the raging blaze and concentrated, feeling the water's presence. I felt the energy within it and linked mine with it. I felt in control of it all, of every tiny part of the water. I imagined raising it, and stood up, moving it with me. The liquid smoothness kept me concentrated. I opened my eyes and saw what I had been imagining- the water moving to my will.
I did more visualization, this time watching the water. I made it spread it self into a wall, and it looked like a tidal wave in freeze frame. I pushed it slightly and sent it forward, dousing some of the flames in front of me. Pulling it back, I whipped it in a circle, slashing several blazing towers. People began to come out of the small cracks of our neighborhood, staring in awe and horror at my new found abilities. I took some steps back, placing my self closer to the house. I made the water into a whip, and cracked it at the pillars of fire. I spun it in circles around my body and sent it all out at once in a ring, stretching it into waves as it went. It extinguished every flame, and the fire ceased, just in time for the paramedics and firemen to come.
Over the wailing sirens, I heard the chuckle again. I snapped around and looked at the trees. There, on the tree, were bare branches and claw marks. On every tree, actually. I backed up into a policeman. "Sorry, sir," were my words.
I ran inside to my mother, prying her from the bed. "It's over mom. Get up, please." I begged like this for a minute, and realized she was dead asleep. Too much excitement, I guess. I went back out and told my story (still without the weird man) to several cops and news reporters. They flew in a network copter to capture the image left by the burns in the grass. After telling the story about twenty times, it still remained frightening. Not as monotonous as you'd think it would get. I eventually effused to relive it and slammed my door shut. I lied down and slept.

I decided I might as well cook. Mother was still scared. She was paranoid that if she did anything she would get hurt or die. So, I made dinner and let her eat. I just wasn't hungry. So, walking to the bathroom, I grabbed my robe and took a nice hot shower. Time to unwind.
I got out of the shower and dried myself, putting on the robe afterward. As I brushed my hair back into it's everyday fashion, I thought of the incidents and my paranoia over the first one. Maybe the paranoia was good for me. It kept me safe.
I kept thinking of it, and began to just lose myself in my thoughts. As I slipped further, I heard it- the chuckle. I peered into the mirror and twisted around. I snarled at him, a noise that ripped right from my throat, sounding as if it came from the belly of the beast. About to crouch, I felt a crushing in my throat. His hand had moved as fast as God's striking lightning. He had his hand around my throat and was crushing. I managed to let out the same demonic growl as before, making him laugh. I panicked, wondering if this would be my end. I stared into his soulless black eyes, trying to figure out a way around this. I noticed his every feature. With this closer look at him, I saw that his features were more beast than human. The black was not tinted with any color- just pure black- and the skin was as white as snow, just like mine…did that make me one of his kind? He saw my look of confusion and angled his head towards me, a look of pure frustration. He appeared to be angry at my lack of panic. Then I remembered what I had been thinking- more beast than human.
It hit me- it doesn't matter what you are, beast or man, you still have water inside you! I relaxed completely, and the expression on his face was of true horror. I knew what he was thinking- How is he not panicked? He is in my grip!
I let his thoughts fly and wander around his mind. Meanwhile, I was concentrating on him- the presence of water within him. I fed my chi into him, merging it with his blood. I pulled at it like strings, causing his arms to move. He was shocked and at once realized was doing. He snarled at me and bared his teeth. Gaining control of his left arm, he slapped me right on the jaw, and I felt it dislodge the tiniest bit. I used my hand to straighten it. I heard him speak in his strange, snake-like language. Then, as if in translation, he said seven words. "You will be one of us soon."
With that, my breathing was normal, and he was gone. I panicked at those words. I was going to be like him?! But…that's impossible! I can't be a beast like that! Or can I? I thought about everything that happened - my growls, my snarls - all that of a demon…. No! I wouldn't accept this! I ran down the stairs, dashing through the kitchen and grabbing some supplies. I knew just what to do. I grabbed the herbs and some other ingredients, thinking of what had to be done.
I felt guilty- I had promised everyone to never do this again. But I had to. It was my job. I grabbed some matches and ran to my room. This is what was destined to happen. If I couldn't run away from this, I'd do one thing to end it all. I'd make a potion, a potion to poison myself. I had promised everybody not to practice magic again, but I had to get out. This was the only way.
I threw in every herb I had gathered, and slowly began to brew my liquid end. I followed the recipe ever so precisely. If not, this would only make me sleep for a few days. This had to be done right. As I followed the recipe in my own book, I realized that it said it had to brew for at least two months. Two months…it would be ready on my birthday. One hell of a birthday present that would be.

I waited the two months, every day passing in essentially the same way- get up, go to school, come home, and sleep. Same old story with minor tweaks every day.
It was the day before my birthday,and I was mentally preparing myself for what was to come. I knew that it was wrong, and that I should just find an alternative, but I was set on one thing and one thing only- death. Looks like he never did give in. I played right into his hand, and he beckoned me to go with him into the next life.
I walked down the hall, keeping a brisk pace without trying. I walked through a patch of air that was smuggled with perfume. I was totally emotionless, and stepping through the doorway of the classroom, felt a presence behind me. I began to shake in anger and shock, thinking that it was him. Breathing deeply of the perfume odored air, I smelled that it was a more subtle scent, one of berries .
I turned around, only to see it was Ashley. What did she want? I raffled through everything from out last conversation and saw nothing that we left off on when we had to go. I pulled her back into the hall to talk with her, seeing that this is what she wanted. Asking her what she needed, I wondered some more about what was in store for me tomorrow.
Her sweet angelic voice rang out in the clatter of my thoughts, and pulled me back to the conversation. "Well, umm…I was just wondering something…"
"Yes? Go on."
" Well, umm…" She began to blush uncontrollably and giggle. I raised and eyebrow at her and began to wonder about the thoughts in her head.
"Yes? Continue…"
"Well, God it's hard to even think, let alone say….. I've been wondering for a while. Jeremy, will you go out with me?" She blushed uncontrollably, and hung her head in silence. "Sorry. Probably a no anyway."
She walked off slowly and full of sorrow. My thoughts ran fast, and so did I. I stopped her. This was the girl I'd waited my entire life to date. "Ashley- wait!" I blocked her path and picked up her head by the chin, ever so gently. "Yes. I will."
She smiled and hugged me tight. We walked together, planning on skipping class. As we approached the lockers,she grabbed me by the shirt and kissed me, locking her lips to mine. I picked her up and pulled her close.
We hid in the school garden and the janitorial closet until the end of the day. Then we ran to my house laughing. I carried her to my room and set her down,letting her watch TV until I returned with the sodas and pizza. I rushed around the kitchen, enjoying the best day of my life, letting all of my worries melt away. Even death didn't matter now. I found my hidden concoction and hid it in an even more secure place to brew. I grabbed a pizza, six sodas, and my lucky tank top.
Walking up the stairs, I realized there was a stain on the tank top. I couldn't believe it! SO, I threw it in the laundry hamper and bolted upstairs. I sat down with the food and drinks and scooted closer to her. She smiled and laughed at my silliness. Had I lost my mind? No. Was I in love? Yes.
We watched silly cartoons and played games to pass the time. I always lost, but I didn't mind. She laughed really hard at an old joke of mine, and ended up spilling Mountain Dew all over my shirt. After a thousand apologies, I finally got in a word without her frequent "Sorry! Oh my God I'm so sorry!" apology. I told her it was all right and kissed her gently on the lips. I told her I'd just have to find another shirt. I walked out of the room and took off the old shirt, knowing that she was following me. I turned around and hugged her, allowing her to press her face to my chest. I whispered into her ear the three binding words of eternity- "I love you".
She dragged me back into the room, telling me to forget about the new shirt and to just have fun. I kicked off my shoes and crawled into the bed next to her to cuddle and talk. When I finally got hungry, I picked up the pizza and Ashley slapped it out of my hand and kissed me, loving and tender. I smiled and lied down next to her, laughing and sleepy.
As I prepared supper, knowing mother was working late, Ashley called her father to tell him that she was staying the night at a friend's house. With his okay, she helped me finish the supper. We laughed for an hour, cooking and tasting and joking. She would kiss me over and over if there was a break. It was perfect, and we received news that mother was with her friend all night, so we got to have fun together without problems or distractions. She made me parade around shirtless, but I didn't really mind. It was okay with me.
We cooked Italiano and devoured the fruits of our combined efforts. By the time we got sleepy, it was midnight. The clock chimed with an ominous sound, almost as if it was warning her. But neither of us noticed. She instead snuggled herself into my chest and whispered, "Happy Brithday, Jeremy." Ashley leaned up to me and kissed me until she couldn't breathe. I knew this would be the best, and last, night of my life.
We crept up the stairs and hopped into the bed,laughing and smiling all the way. I realized I should probably put on my pajama pants, and ran out of the room. She followed, unknown to me. I stripped down to my black boxers, and began to put on the pants, when I felt her hand drag me back to the room. "You don't need those!" she told me. She took me to the room and lied me down on the bed, laughing in her innocent way. I smiled and pulled her to me. She crawled on top of me and lied there, sleeping to the sound of my heartbeat.

Chapter 3- Transformation

I awoke to Ashley's loving touch and her angelic voice. She said, "Wake up, my love. Time for breakfast." She winked at me and ran down the stairs. I heard every soft thump. I got up and stretched. I felt…different. Like everything had changed in that one night. I could smell better, hear better, and feel everything. I didn't even need my contacts! I felt stronger and faster than ever before.
Running down the stairs, I felt light as a feather. However, when I hit the tile of the kitchen floor, the whole room shook with the ferocity of an earthquake. Ashley turned around in surprise. "Good morning, sleepy. How was your night." As if she didn't know.
"It was wonderful. I met the most beautiful woman on Earth."
"And who would that be?" she inquired with a smirk.
I looked into her eyes with a whole new sight. "You." I said this while trying to understand the reason towards my new senses. I could tell something had changed drastically. I just didn't know what.
"Jeremy? Jeremy?" I heard her frightened voice. Apparently I hadn't answered her question. "I said 'Ya sure?'."
I responded as not to frighten her again, whispering lovingly. "As sure as I am sure of my existence." It was true, but I wasn't so sure of my new existence. As sure as I was of my previous existence? No, with this new life, I wasn't sure of the first one either. I was just sure. That's all I could be.

Chapter 4- Realization

I dressed myself properly in the bathroom after a hot shower. The water felt like fire on my skin. I wondered what it was. This had never happened before- the water was supposed to be the same temperature as every other time. I jumped in and gave myself a thorough wash, keeping the time short so I wouldn't burn myself in the blistering water.
When out of the shower, I gathered Ashley's stuff and took her home. Our parents would be angry if she was still at my house. We kissed on the doorstep, not wanting the other to leave. Although we knew we had to, we just couldn't separate from one another. We finally stopped ourselves, and I departed.
With Ashley gone, I could do some research on my own. With her there, she might question my studies. As I pulled out my laptop, my memory caught up to me--the brew. It was finished, and waiting. I ran to the pot, and, picking it up, dumped it into the sink, rinsing the basin and drain.
I turned back to my laptop, opening the internet. Going to google, I searched my different changes and symptoms. I was baffled when website about vampirism popped up, but I had considered things like magic and spells in previous times. Clicking on the link, the homepage greeted me, "Welcome Young Vampire!". I shivered as a chill ran down my spine.
I moved the cursor over the site navigation, and saw several topics that could clear the mist shrouding my change. I went to the most obvious: "Am I a vampire?" and "How do I know?" It told me three things:
1. They could not assure me of whether or not I was a vampire.
2. If I am, I await several persecutions.
3. Most myths were true in their own way.
I explored several other sites, all with symptoms and facts. However, no matter how hard I searched, I could get no guarantee of vampirism. Almost as if they wanted to leave it to chance; it was like they were saying, "You eat somebody and you're not, you're screwed! And if you are, you're still screwed!" I went back to the very first website and bookmarked it, saving it for later. I closed the computer. These were supposed to bring information to the people, not present what-ifs and why-nots.
I thought about the events taking place around me, causing chaos and bedlam. I had to know the truth at some point. So I decided to try something different. Some divination. I pulled out a bowl of water and threw a match into it. I had invented this technique---you are supposed to find images in the smoke. I asked the one question on my mind- "Am I a Vampire?" The smoke swirled in very fine, neat letters, very definite:
I shook and shivered, not able to accept this. I tried another thin- bibliomancy. I opened a book, with my eyes closed, and pointed. Reading the text, I shook again. It said, "You have to learn to accept what you are!" I tried one last thing---the lemon juice test. Said to reveal all secrets. I grabbed the supplies necessary. I set a bowl of water and set it in a place away from reflections of light and other objects. I then took a glass of water and mixed three drops of lemon juice and three tea spoons of salt. I waited until all I could see was my face, but not reflected. Saying, "Reveal your secrets," I dropped one drop of the mixture in the water, and waited until the image settled. I did this twice more, and saw my true self. It had some disgusting, blood drinking, fanged creature. I realized this was me. I had the same features as that weird man, the beast that was haunting my existence. I realized what he said became true- his statement of my transformation. Regardless of what I tried to do as prevention against becoming the beast, it happened. I was one of his kind. Never had I imagined that this would be me. Little had I known about creatures of the night, but my
suspicions of their existence had always seemed so…natural. As if I had subconsciously known what I was, but had not the
courage to reveal it or pursue the information. I intended on finding the truth once and for all, and I set to work.
I raced for the stairs, the exact spot where I had been attacked by the strange man that night. I brought my nose to the ground and breathed deeply, finding his scent. i smirked, knowing I could find him. I raced to my room and put my shoes back on. Slipping the size 10 white and red Nike REAX Rockets on my feet, I headed for the door.
Once outside, I breathed again, picking up the same subtle scent. I ran, following the trace. I moved, fast as lightning, through the city streets, everything a blur around me. I stopped where there scent was strongest--and old condemned building. I busted through the door, and saw about thirty or so vampires talking to each other. They stared at me, and the one farthest back chuckled. He stepped forward, smirking.
"Welcome, brother Jeremiah," he said welcomingly. "We've been expecting you."
I raced forward and, grabbing him by the collar, slammed him ion a wall, almost sending him through it.
I stared him in the eyes, growling at him. "What did you do to me?!"
He stared back, calm as can be; however, I sensed fear lying in there. "Nothing, young one. You are what you are. I did nothing to change you or even accelerate your changing. The time was coming, and I gave you fair warning."
Angry, I grabbed him by the throat and, with one hand, slammed him through a glass table. "LIAR!" Everyone in the room gasped and I could hear their whispers.
"No one can kill Malakei!"
"This young one…is he?"
"The chosen one?"
I turned to look at everyone's faces. They were in genuine shock at my being angry. I picked up a shard of glass and stared at my expression. My lips were pulled back, over my teeth, and my eyes were the darkest black. I was a monster, and they were right to fear me. Within me, I found this source of pride and power over these insignificant creatures. I felt like I was their king.
Malakei walked forward and looked into my eyes, placing his hand on my shoulder in a fatherly way. He turned to the others. "Yes. I have told you of what he can do, and here he is. He shall be my replacement. The chosen one, Jeremiah, is finally awakened!" He threw his hands into the air and everybody cheered. However merry they were, they were still afraid. Still afraid of whatever power I had, whatever made me the chosen one. I was somehow comforted by this man's kind tone and actions, much different from the way he had been before. I turned to him.
I said, "So, am I a…"I gulped, "…vampire?"
He smiled. "Yes, Jeremiah. You are one of us." He smiled once more and continued. "And I shall be your mentor. I will teach you the ways of the vampire and how to rule over the others." His tone, soothing and assuring, relaxed me. Finally I was given a real answer, and with that knowledge, I could shape myself properly.

The End???? (HECK NO!!!!!)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.10.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To all my friends, especially the non-believers who pushed me to the edge until I channeled my energy into something useful. Also to Black Veil Brides for their never-ending inspirational lyrics.

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