

My name is Fabian James, and I have the power. The power to end it, to rule, to stop any force. But I want to do none of these things. I want to love.
She's beautiful, the girl. Her eyes sparkle like diamonds, as blue as the sea, and her lips-oh, her luscious, crimson lips-and her long golden hair, flowing like a river. Her beauty can drive a madman sane! Cleo is everything! Cleo completes me! I was partnered with her in chemistry today. To be in her presence is a blessing. She needed help, and I was glad to assist her. We talked and joked with each other, happy as can be. She laughed-actually laughed-not at, but with me. She told me I was funny. Me?! Funny?! Maybe she's actually an escaped mental patient...
I yearn for, no, wait, I NEED her! I love her!
I try to keep my mind on my work, but every time I try, she slips in through the tiny cracks and floods my consciousness with her loveliness. My world revolves around her, yet with one touch I could end her life. My heart beats to the rhythm of hers, yet the monster inside wants nothing but her soul. Not through marriage, but through a bloody, cold-hearted murder. However, no matter how strong the beast is, I will not let it prevail. I shall conquer it in the name of love!
We all know that I love her, yet we can only suspect that she loves me as well. So, let us go back to the day I met her just weeks ago....

Chapter 1

It was a warm August day, and I could tell something was different. I kept thinking of what it could be, but knew not until third period. She was sitting at my table. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her name was Cleo Alexandra. She was breath-taking. I sat beside her, and, trying to make conversation, stumbled over my own words. "Hey. My Fabian is James name." I laughed slightly and she laughed too. We made small talk, covering such trivial things like the weather. I cracked a few jokes in there and she told me I was funny. Next thing I knew, I was asking her if she wanted to go out. I clasped my hand to my mouth, thinking "STUPID STUPID STUPID!"
Surprisingly, she said yes. I couldn't believe it! I had a date Saturday night! I didn't really express it and played the cool card. "Cool," I said with a nonchalant attitude. When she wasn't looking, I thanked God himself for this luck.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.01.2011

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To everybody---everybody gives inspiration at some point!

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