
Chapter 1


A piece of gum, a dollar bill and my notes from history class.Thats all I had in my pocket when security patted me down. Theres no need for this, my dad should be home not behind bars, he shouldn't have done it; pulled out a gun threatened and shot. Even if it seemed like a good idea at the time, money can't change the law and now he's in jail for murder because weather he wants to admit it or  not he still took a life.

Even though dads behind bars he wont be able to escape his problems. He's just making them even more of a reality for mom. Forcing her to work two full time jobs, and raise us three on her own. Monica, is my thirteen year old little sister who thinks she knows everything, but then again what thirteen year old girl doesn't. Although Trey, my fifteen year old brother, acts like he's so tough it's just a front. Ever since dad went to jail two years ago he's been spending less and less time at the house and more time with thugs.

Seventeen is the age everything is supposed to happen, its your make-it or break-it moment. It's the last year before your an adult your supposed to be figuring out what you want to be and who you want to be like. Lately everyone at school has been on a college frenzy, you know trying to get scholarships to colleges. Everyone's been trying to get all the scholarships they can to make school cheap, except Jamieka  Thomson who has enough money to buy the college.

Ohh  Jamieka, Miss.Perfect, she rules the school and all of Brooklyn, I swear if Miss.America were a teenager her name would be Jamieka. 

It's almost likes life's not fair because as soon as I go through security the woman behind the counter tells me that it's the inmates lunch hour. How ironic! The one time I come here on my own to talk to this low life that is my father he's too busy having recess to talk to me about bills. I hate that mom shut me out like this, she shut everyone out. She is like a robot who wakes up in the morning goes to work then to her other job and comes home. It's been like this for two years now. The same monochromatic life in which is just different shades of the same feeling... Emptiness... Just feeling alone even when people are around arms wide open she's just empty inside. Everyday I try to talk to her and I just get the  same brown face, glassy eyed stare. Every time I look her in the eyes it's like seeing my life replayed with a billion different possibilities. All of them with a happy ending almost mocking me.

My life wasn't always like is, it used to be good. The expression "the grass is greener on the other side" is very wrong because in reality, it's not. You see we used to live upstate in the rich neighborhoods but then mom lost her job and we lost our "picket fence" . After that our  life became a downward spiral, Monica had to switch to public school and Trey had to suffer from being bullied from his old friends, he never deserved it... none of us ever did.

The bench that I'm sitting on is kind of sticky. Maybe there's gum under the seat? I'm not sure what it is but just investigating the stickiness almost made me late for the last bus that goes for the night. Bus 4 pulled up in the nasty gutters covered in litter. Brooklyn is a big city but once you get away from the bright lights, the place underneath is disgusting. 

As I boarded the bus the dim green lights flickered and then I noticed that the bus is empty, except for the last seat way in the back. Jamieka Thomson was sitting there. Dressed in a pink fluffy and furry coat and bright  white earmuffs around her neck with tight black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a swooping neckline. Gorgeous was the first word that came to mind. With milk chocolate skin and dark chocolate brown glossy eyes she looked liked snow angel. 

Before I knew it I was walking up to sit near her. She looked up for writing in her little black checkered notebook. 

"Hi" her silky voice said with almost a musical ring to it.
"Will Jones right?" 

"Right" I replied thinking about how it is to be talking to her right now.

"Aren't you the guy who runs the study group for Mrs.David's history class?"  she put her note book away and was to looking me in the eyes.

"Thats me." she was making me nervous, nothing ever makes me nervous just her stare with such innocent and beautiful questioning brown eyes made me melt.

"Nice. Um. Actually I was thinking of joining. Macy thinks that I should get out there more. You know help the people." Oh, Macy her best friend, also the girl I took to the winter formal two years ago was a complete knockout, she made Jamieka look like a shy little girl, while she was the outgoing playboy bunny. Totally gorgeous but shallower than a kitty pool. 

"You can if you want to. I mean it's pretty fun if your interested."

That made her smile... Her smile, her warm smile that always spreads across her face slowly starting with her eyes.

"You know what, I would love that." Did you hear that?? she said she would love it! 

"Really?." Was this chick serious?

" Yeah, really, I was just thinking Brooklyn is such a beautiful city. I'm thinking about trading in my stupid pink  Camaro and just taking the bus everywhere." She always seems to surprises me.

"The bus can be a very dangerous place especially the city route." After I said this I was thinking of how easy it is to talk to her it's like she gets me.

"Yeah your right, I don't know." 

"Well, I ride the bus I could just go with you to some places like to school and back or something."

"I wouldn't mind that at all in fact that's a great idea."

"Excuse me for asking also no offense it's just that you don't really seem like the type of person to ride the bus especially this late so, What makes you want to ride the bus?"

"I actually don't mind you asking and it is really nice to be talking to someone who can't finish my sentences. And actually my parents who drove me to this extent. You know all I ever hear when I'm at home is fighting, just loud arguments full of hate. Sorry. You probably don't get it, whatever."

"No, no I get it haha believe me I get it. You know not everyone has thousands at their fingertips." 

"I'm sorry." This was the most  sincere I've ever heard her sound.

"No it's not you it's me."

"Ha! Your funny Will." Not really but if she wants to think that I'm not gonna stop her. God wasn't she cute. But there are always somethings, in this world that you can't have and she is one of them.

"Your  funny, Jamieka." It felt weird to say her name, it felt... right, like she was mine and I was the only person that can have her.

"Anyways, Why are you on the bus?"

"You don't wanna know."

"No I want to know." The way she said this made me know that she is genuinely curious about why I'm here. Not just asking to fill the void. This makes me like her even more.

"I was visiting my dad but he wasn't home."

"Oh cool, where in Brooklyn does he live maybe I've been over there."

"Um, no... actually he's in jail."

Right then I watched a huge wave of empathy wash over her face.

"Oh... I'm so sorry really I didn't mean it like, I had no idea, really, I didn't mean to-

"Save it, seriously it's fine."

"No, no its not." And with that she got up, walked over and sat next to me. She hugged me, and not just any hug, it was the  kind of hug that you feel in your heart not just your arms.

Chapter 2


Will is strong. And I don't mean burly I mean strong as in he has been through alot and on a first glance you wouldn't think so. Will has muscle, he is just not buff. I think our hug would have lasted longer if the bus driver hadn't screamed "LAST STOP!!" . When she said this I felt him loosen up his forearms, which were rested on my hips. Since he did this it basically implied that I should let go of his waist but, honestly at this very moment I don't wanna let go, it is as if he is the only thing in this world keeping me sane. 

So here I am Jamieka Thomson standing here on Bus 4 in these dim green lights  holding on to what seems like my troubled soldier. Even though I just met Will, well not just met Will. This is the first time I met Wills heart. I think I want to be with him.

"Thanks for that." he said in his warm voice. His dark brown eyes sparkling in the low light. Then he smiled!! He actually smiled at me! I can't believe this, Will Jones smiling because of me! And his smile is beautiful, his perfect white teeth. Oh god I just want to kiss him right now, but I obviously can't.

"I needed it too, so your welcome." then I smiled back at him. I don't know where this is gonna lead us but I can't wait to find out.

"Actually it's my stop, well our stop now." his voice just left me in a trance, I was hypnotized on his every word. It might sound cheesy but, he's my prince charming. 

"Oh! Right." Since we were already standing he let me go first.

Chapter 3


That was the first time I've been happy in a while. So Now I find myself standing here at a bus station that's about to close down for the night, even though it is only 8 o'clock at night. But since its a week night  the bus station closes at 8. I hate how Wednesday nights are for our household. 

Since I only live three blocks away from the bus station walking is the .way to go. All I can think about is Jamieka. She's not who I thought she was. But then again who is? One block to go and the only thing that comes to mind is what I'm going to be walking into when I open the door to my responsibilities. 

23 Apple Ave. The door where the only key on my keychain opens. Opening this door everyday is similar to rewinding a jack-in-the-box because you never know what your walking into but the only thing that stays the same is the connection you have with everything unspoken. 

The house smelled like nail polish remover. Monica came into view shortly after the smell burned my nostrils.

Monica was dressed like she was a hooker for godsake, so my first words weren't even "Hello".

"Did you wear that to school?" And just like she always does Monica answered my question with a question.

"Why we're you so late coming home? I thought the study group got over at 5."

"Well you thought wrong."

"Ooo. I know what this is about."

"What is this about Miss. Know-It-All."

"Okay. F.Y.I. And that means for your information. I'm not a know-it-all. I just pay attention to everything."

"OK, so your not a know-it-all, your point is?"

"This is about a girl! Who is she? Do I know her?" Monica was now clapping her hands and jumping around the room. Huh, shes such an innocent little girl, I wish I could make sure nothing ever hurts her, but I can't.

"This is not about a girl." I honestly tried not to laugh but since she just knew, it made me smile. She has it so easy I wish I could just make things even easier on her even by just being there to keep making sure she's not forced to grow up too quickly.

"Oh my gosh! This is totally about a girl! Come, come, follow me. Step into my office." 

"Oh my, your so overreacting."

"I know, I know but that's why you love me."

"Hold on, we'll talk later."

"But that's what you always say. And this time your not getting put of it. We're talking"

"Oh okay." I closed her bedroom door after I saw her take out her phone. I walked down the hallway to Trey's room, turning on lights as I passed them. 

I just pushed open Treys door without even thinking. And the first thing I saw were hundreds and just two but a bunch and before I had time to count Trey was picking them up.  "What is this!" Normally I'm not a person to shout but this is a moment where closed doors can't hide my anger.

"What are you talking about!?!?" Trey said giving me a look at was telling me I shouldn't have saw all the money.

"What are you doing? Where did you get all that money, I would really like to know especially since you don't even have a job."

"I let someone borrow a hundred. They paid me back with interest nearly doubling my money. And so on and so forth, Problem?, besides why does it even matter to you? It's not like you even care!"

"Yeah problem, it matters to me because when the rest of the family is scraping by, you're making hundreds and hundreds of dollars! And I can't even afford to keep food in the fridge or the cable on for a month. And meanwhile you're out making so much money and you can't even share with your own family. That's why I care." I really hope I was getting my point across. If not en I don't know what I'd have to do to make him get it.

"I don't know why you're gettin mad. You should just save your breath 'cause it's not all gonna be here tomorrow."

"What the hell are you talking about? It's not gonna be here tomorrow!" How could a fifteen year old spend so much money in less than twenty-four hours?!

"OK. Look, nosy. I'm letting DeSean borrow all of it. He's my friend and he needs it."

"How much does he need?" This is making me wonder how much Trey actually had.

"All five-thousand of it." 

As soon as he said that I wanted to charge across his tiny room and seriously hurt my brother. But since I'm sill standing in the doorway I decided it wouldn't be a surprise or a good idea.


"Yeah, look he's gonna borrow it then he's gonna give me back all of it and two-thousand interest. So you should be thanking me instead of flipping out."

For a fifteen year old he's really smart and for a split second I was actually really proud of my brother.

"Okay, but keep Monica out of this. God only knows what would happen if she got involved too." 

"Thanks bro." and for the first time since Dad went to jail, he got up and hugged me. It wasn't the kind of hug Jamieka and I shared but a hug is a hug, and I'm glad.

Now for my next situation, my Mom. Almost all the times I've tried to get through to my mom she never gave me any hope, so I just gave up. I know I shouldn't have, but I did, which makes me wonder what she is doing right now, also why I would care, since I honestly have no reason to.

Chapter 4

*** Jamieka ***

Right now all I hear are two very unhappy people. My mom and my dad are both downstairs right now telling each other how much they don't need one another. But if you ask me love is... Well I don't know what love actually is but i do know why everyone wants it. Love is the ultimate feeling, so close to magic everyone will fight for it. I've never seen my parents "in love" but people always tell me they were quite the love birds. This makes me wonder how two people can love each other so much at one moment and the very next despise each other. Also what happened to make things this bad?

I'm in my room right now after I took a shower. My hair is still damp and very curly, not nappy but curly, with little Jerri-curls in it that go down to my chest. And the only thing that comes to mind right now is Will. The way he looks, the way he talks and how he laughs even though things aren't that funny.

Uh-Oh, I just figured out why he is always in my head. I'm falling for him... Ive fallen for Will Jones, and I fell hard and fast with no protection or warning. The only thing I can think about is my boyfriend, Tyrell and how I'm supposed to be in love with him, and how everyone expects me to be. but now I'm not.

Ive always noticed Will,I mean 2 years ago when we were freshmen he was on the soccer team.And he was amazing,but now he doesn't play.everyone knows he loves soccer and baskettball. he was the best,a school legend,now people are luchy to wven see him dribble a baskettball.Rumor has it that every Thursday at 10pm Will goes to the basketball court and plays all night by himself. but of course i will never be able to see that since I live in the "upperclass" neighborhood and people like my parents would say Will lives in the ghetto. right now i just want to be with him.

Just then my daydreaming was rudely interrupted with my father slamming open my bedroom door.My father is one of the few people that scare the hell out of me, so seeing him barge into my room unannouced automatically put me in alertmode.

"You little bitch where the hell have you been!!!" my father boomed in his deep loud voice.I don't know what so I tell him? I was sitting on a public bus in brooklyn,ny alone riding around the city? Because if I said that this time he wouldn't only punch me in the gut he might also kick me in the side. And I dont wanna take my chances.

"Hello!! Open your fucking mouth and answer me!" This time he was only about a foot away from me. Since I'm sitting at my desk, I'm totally cornered... Shit.

Thats when everything connected. His fist to my face. Right below my right cheekbone and now the whole right side of my face throbbed. I immediantly knew i would have a black eye. But I'm still sitting there in shock. I can't believe this, he never hit me in the face. But I knew it was coming eventually. I dont understand why he is mad. But then I glance over at my alarm clock. 11:23pm. Oh. I left the house around 6 claiming I was going over to Tyrells for a school project. But that was just a lie to get out of the house. Now i remember, I told them I would be gone two hours tops, I'm so screwed.

"Fine. Don't answer me you fucking cunt! Your grounded!" Then seemingly on cue he slapped me across the face. Recovering from the blow I made sure to stare him in the eyes, he hates that the most. On the same side he slapped me guaranteeing me a black eye on my right side. After that he stormed out slamming my door. Then I heard the lock click. I was locked in. A slow smile spread across my throbbing face. Everytime my dad beat me after I've always wanted to run away, but I had no where to go. But now I have a small possibility. Now my main priorities are one, to get out, and two, don't get caught. Turning around to my desk I decided to write my parents a note telling them not to look for me.

Dear Parents,

Or should I say people who I thought were my parents, but you guys are monsters! So I'm gone. I'm done, I turn 18 next month and when I do I can gaurentee you will never see me again. So until then don't bother trying to find me because by the time you assholes read this I'll be long gone.
Bye, Jamieka

After writing the note I left it on my desk then walked into my closet and got 2 dufflebags. Both stuffed with clothes. Grabbed 300$ out of my secret stash. Then I heard the lock to my door being messed with, so quickly I stuffed the money in my purse, grabbed both bags and threw them in the closet ran and jumped onmy bed just as the door was opening.

Chapter 5


"Hey ma."I said pushing open her bedroom door.And then I saw my mom passed out on her bed, then I saw it.The bong and the weed then right next to that the pills.She was doing all this stuff, and honestly it didn't shock me.The way she walked around with these dazed eyes.sometimes I feel sorry for her but then i remember that she doesit to herself taking away all my sympathy I could possibly have towards her. sighing I walked in tucked her in, shut the tv off picked up her booze and drugs put the bong on the shelf below the tv across from her bed ans same with the weed.I put her booze in her mini-fridge then put the pills in her bathroom.

I love my mom, but sometimes I just don't know how much longer I can put up with her.When I turn 18 next week I've been seriously considering getting a place of my own a job and eventually taking custody of monica and trey. But by doing so I'm just running away from my mom.

Walking back into the living room I turn on the tv grabbed some chips out of the cabnit and popped down on the couch.After watching 3 episodes of hidden city I dozed off.

As always I woke up as soon as the clock struck 8:45am.But this time someone was screaming.Monica.Monica was screaming.Automatically making me aware,I ran down the hall to Monica's room.opening the door I was not only surprised but so pissed off.Monica was on her bed laying down on her stomach...texting yup, she was texting while I thought someone was hurting her.

"Monica,Why were you screaming?" she looked up from her phone and just starred at me like I was like I was and idiot.

"I was screaming, because Dominick broke up with me." then her eyes flashed from sad to angry so fat that I wouldn't have even noticed if i wasn't staring at her.

"Oh.I'm sorry." Being monica's older brother I really wanna kill dominick.

"Don't be. he is an asshole." Ahh Monica always full of attitude. gotta luv it.

"Alright then, are you ok?" the way Monica looked right now was exactly how my mom looked when she was clean.Long wavy dark brown skin.Like the rest of the family she was blessed with a perfect figure and good looks.

"Yeah. I'll be fine.But since your in here lets talk about that girl that you were totally swooning over last night."

Not wanting to put this off much longer I agreed."Yeah. Ok." Then I walked across her purple room. And when I say purple room. I mean purple everything.She moved her feet and ended up sitting with her back to the wall and her feet over the edge of her teinsixe bed.So I sat down next to her.

"Good,first,do I know her?" She turned her head towards me and wiggled her eyebrows. She knows I can't resist that,so I ended up spilling everything.

"Yes.her name is Jamieka Thomson.Ring a bell?" Her whole face lit up and she stared jumping up and down.

"Yeah, are you kidding me I love her!She is amazing!You two would be the cutest couple ever. I mean it when me and Jasmin match couples you two are always matched togeather. The only thing that sucks is that shes with Tyrell, what a douchebag!" Wow,I can't belive my 13 year old little sister just said douchebag.

"Wow. Monica,I can be honest and tell you that if she wasn't with Tyrell then I would try to make a move. But I honestly dont think someone like her will go for someone like me." Honestly who am I kidding she has everything she could possibly wont,why would she want me?

"Why is that the only reason stopping you? Will you need to go for it don,t even ask her out.Just kiss me chicks dig it. and if she really cared about Tyrell then she would slap you or something.And if she didn't she would not even mention him.Trust me. Alright now get out, damn man your crampin my style."And with that she stood up grabbed my hand and ushered me out of her room and closing the door before I could even respect."I LOVE YOU WILL!!" Oh, Monica.

Since it was only 3 in the afternoon I cheacked the house and monica and I were the only ones in the house, cool a whole afternoon with Monica. I'll see if not being stuck in the house today.I got up off the couch and went back to Monicas room and Knocked in the door.

"Do you wanna get outta the house for the day?

"Well yeah.come on Will, I want icecreame.Remeber I'm deppressed."she was smiling as she said this.

"Oh,yeah.Wow could I forget? Musta slipped my mind.Well then get ready because I'm leaving in twenty."

Chapter 6


I woke up really late it was 3 in the afternoon and I'm feeling so lazy.Shit! I jumped up and ran off my king size bed into my bathroom and checked my face.My whole right eye was swollen black and blue I'm just lucky it wasn't swollen shut.Quickly and quietly I peeled off my cloths and took down my hair.I jumped in the shower quickly.After I went in my room and put on purple laced panties and a black laced bra.Then went in my closet and put on my purple skinny jeans and a purple shoulderd half top that says "Suck it!" with a black tanktop underneath grabbed both doufflebags and my purse then snuck downstairs thank god no one was home.Then I went into the kitchen. And grabbed my car keys that were on the hook nest to the garrage door, went in the garrage and thank god my car was there. I poped the trunk loaded in my bags. Then after I closed it went back inside to get my purse off the counter.

Then I saw the lock turning on the front door I'm fucked.quickly I snatched my purse off the counter and ran into the hall closet.Thats when i heard the first voice.

"Hurry up man and get the fuckin shit!Robbers oh man. Now I'm really scared.I hear footsteps coming towards the closet I was in and sucked in my breath quickly.

"Thats not what I'm talking about. You dumb fuck! Do I have to slit your wrist for u to get the point?15 minutes till we gotta be gone, stay in one place longer than that and bitches start trippin now get the money and lets get the fuck out."As soon as he saod this I knew exactly what money they wanted.They want the 200,000$ thats in my fathers safe in his office.

"Aright. Dammitman I'm coming. lets check the downstairs we spend 7 minutes down there and 7 up here,Deal?" Robbers number 2 said

"Ok.fine.But hurry the fuck up."Robber number 1 said.

I waited until I heard 2 pairs of feet go downstairs. Ok. One.Two.Three.I opened the door and quickly but very quickly went into the garage I am gripping my purse so hard my knuckles are starting to hurt...5 minutes left I dug my hand into my purse and pulled out my car keys and unlocked the door quickly got in and slammed it and locked it. As I put my keys in the ignition I looked up and saw 2 thugs in front of my car with metalk bat.My hands were sweating and getting clammy I reached up and pressed the button on my visor to open my garage door.Then I heard the crack of Robber number 1'metalbat hit the hood of my car,I'm so screwed.

Turning my key in the ignition I started the car and reved the or never my heart was pounding,I squeezed my eyes shut and made my foot touch the floor.Thump,thumped peeking with one eye open my car was still going now driving 93 mph down the driveway.Why don't I slow down before I get a limit of 55 mhp,where should I go now?Oh I know ,anywherebut here.I made a sharp right,and went downtown.

"Guess who I saw downtown having icecream with his litle sister?Will! I feel like this is deciding it's now or never I pulled over and park across the stret from Icy cream's ice cream palor. Will was dressed like a boss, he was wearing black loose jean and a dark purple shirt with koolaid man on the front.God,no matter what he wore he still seemed to always look like a god.I got out of my car and walked over to where they were sitting.I guess I should have been paying more attention because I was almost hit by a car.I glanced over and saw one pissed off lady."Sorry!"I yelled to her with an apolegetic face and a slight wave.Then guess what I got back? the finger. The old bag flipped me off!Bitch.

Turning around because I felt someone tap me on the shoulder,I was shocked to see Will standing there.

"Hey,Jamieka." OMG!Did he just say my name?!?! his sweet tender husky voice just said, my name.

"Will" I said stretching out the "L" making him smile.His warm heart melting smile made my heart beat stutter!I smiled back at him making sure to make it breathtaking.

"well if your not meeting anyone or something would you like to sit and have some ice cream with Monica and I?" He was such a gentleman. how could I resist!

"Of course, I wouls love to."I smiled as I took his hand in mine.I think at first I must have shocked him because I felt resistance.But then I looked him in the eyes and smiled. "come on. It;ll be ok.Promise."

Chapter 7


Manica saw that Jazmin was also here and a couple other friends of hers were here too, and took off.

"Peace out Will,txt me when you wanna leave.Hi Jamiieka.Bye Jamieka." And with that she smiled at us and walked off towards a group of teens.

Jamieka gave my hand aa squeeze then lead us over to an empty table.We both sat down across from eachother,then she released my hand and smiled. she is so different,It's like she trusts me, with everything.It might sound weirs but I feel like I need to be with her. I can't explain it but just seeing her brightens my day. Seeing her smile makes me smile.I want her,wait no I need her.

"Will, I know I haven't Known you long and I don't know much about you but I feel something towards you." She stopped talking and looked me in the eyes. Her dark brown eyes were full of compassion.I can't put my finger on it exactly but,I think I might be falling for you."Her eyes were pleading for my response, little does she know I've felt this way since the first time I:ve ever laid eyes on her.

She folded her hands ontop of the table and smiled sheepishly, looking down at her hands and was blushing.Her blush filled her cheecks with a deep rosy shade of red speading over her whole face. she was so adorable.

Without thinking I reached over the table and softly took her hands in mine. "I know what your feeling, because I've felt it ever since the first time I laid eyes on you and wven more the first time I met you." I chuckled a little, thinking about this.

She looked up grinning brilliantly with hes perfect,straight and shiny teeth. "Whats so funny?"she asked winking at me then arched her eyebrows making the cutest expression ever.

"Haha.Nothing, it's just that we'er both sitting here and we just confessed our feelings for each other. And I don't know where you want things to go now."

Taking all this in, she nodded then stood up,still holding my hand. Just when I thought she was going to leave she pulled me up so I was standing in front of her.

then she hugged me wrapping her arms tightly around my waist burry-ing her face in my chest.I wrapped my arms around her head,since I was 6'1" and she was 5'5" it was easy.She started laughing and pulled her head back and looked up at me, not at all lossening her grip. she stood on her tiptoes and looked me in the eyes.Smiling she wraped her arms around my neck and kissed me!I wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her closer so we're peluisto peluis deepening the kiss. Her soft full pink lips were pressed against mine, moving rythmatically to the drumming of my heart.I was first to pull back after 3 minutes of non-stop kissing and kissed the tip of her noes.I gotta give it to her,she was a pretty good kisser.

"Will, Jones. That was thee most amazing kiss I've ever had." She looked at me smiling. With her cheeks burning red.

"Jamieka. I want to be with you. So badly I don't know if I could live with the thought of you being with someone else." The words left my lips and I was left standing there waiting for her response.

She nodded. "Me too. Haha, it's weird but its so true... Tyrell hit me last week. For the first time, my dad gave me a black eye last night for coming home so late. I'm suprised I just told you that, but I just feel like your different. I want you to be different from everyone else, I need you, Willl." Her eyes begged me to stay with her. So thats what I did.

"I won't ever leave you. If you want me gone tell me, if not I'm yours. I'll be there for you whenever you need me, where ever you are just tell me... Your beautiful, Jamieka. I mean it when I say it, inside and out. Everytime I see you it brightens my day. I want to be with you, to protect you from everything, I need to." After pouring my heart out to her I felt like a weight has been lifted.

"Do you know where I can go?" What is she talking about?

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not going home. When I left people were breaking into the house. Last night my dad beat me. My mother hates me and my brother is dead. everytime he hits me afterward I always want to but I cant because I have no where to go where they cant find me and drag me back. So last night I packed my bags and this mornin left. "Wow, I have to help her. I can't bear the thought of her going home to her monstrosis parents.

"I'm not taking no for an answer, your staying at my house with me. If thats ok with you?" I hope she says yes. I don't know if I'll be able to just let her go back.

Her eyes danced with excitement as she smiled "You know, your like the Prince Charming I never had." and she winked and kissed me on the cheek. Then she tickeled the back of my neck.

"You know people are starting to stare?"

"Screw them! Let 'um think what they want." Then she turned to the old couple who were across the street at Ramunto's Pizza and stuck her tounge out! This is definatley my girl.

"Is that your car?" I asked pointing to the dark green 2010 Comaro Synergy parked in the "no parking" zone that was about to be towed.

"Ahh! Yea!" She nearly schreeched. Breaking out of my arms she ran over and started harrasing the two men that were about to tow her car.

Chuckling I sat back down. And not a moment later my arch nemisis also Jamieka's boyfriend, Tyrell sat down.

"Tyrell, what do you want?" Really, he is gonna ruin a good day. He won't ever give me a break. Arg!

"I want you to staty the fuck away from my girlfriend!" He was furthermore pissing me off! Who the fuck does he think he is?!?!

"Your just mad because she doesn't like your 2inch dick. So now your afarid that she won't want you anymore. And I mean who would wanna be with a piece of shit that can't even satisfy them? Oh thats right! No one." Did I just piss him off? Oh well! Haha, I'm such an asshole. But I speak the truth so if you dont like it. Fuck off!

Ok, I just pissed him off, oh well. Locking eyes with him I winked "I think you know what I mean."

Chapter 8


"Thank you,sir." I thanked the man for not fining me or worse,taking my car.Ok,ill admit it, its not nive or fair to flirt with the man who was about to tow my car,just to get completely off the hook.

I turned around to be horrirified my "boyfriend" Tyrell was sitting across from Will my "prince charming." This only spells disaster.After I thought this I started to cross the street again. Thats when I saw it Tyrell nearly jumped across the table and punched Will in the face."Ahh!!" I was screeching in the middle of the street and stopped dead in my tracks I can't belive This is happening.My boyfriend just punched my boyfriend wait no that isn't right, how can I have two boyfriends? As I pondered this I remembered that I was still standing in the middle of the street.Coming back to reality cars were beeping at me like crazy.

Changing across the street,I demand to know whats going on! Why would Tyrell just punch Will?But the fight was still raging on.This is gonna be embarrasing,but who else is gonna stop this?Because so far it looks like no one.They were now on the ground rolling into tables, and there were fists flying everywhere. Just when it looked like Tyrell was getting the best of Will, the rolls switched so Will was straddling Tyrell and punching hin in the face repeatedly.

He was scaring me just the look in his eyes, this is a side of Will that I've never seen before.Aside of Will that scared me,he the thing scaring me the most about it is that I dont't know how daminate this side may be.

Rushing over to him, He stopped hitting Tyrell,who was now a bloody mess,and looked at me,no started at me.Then twisting his face into a sinister grin. He said "Your welcome.Winked then got off him.What the hell is with this kid!?

"I never said thank you." I retorted. Puffing out the breath I didnt realize I was holding turned on one foot and started to walk away.

"Jamieka,wait,please." I spun back around about to chew him out but instead found myself melting under the gaze of his deep brown eyes that were spilling over with remorse.Sighing, I walked over to him and hugged him. I need to feel him,I have to be touching him. His eyes were hypnotizing drawing me closer and closer untill I'm under his spell. Hugging him tightly,I'm begining to realize the biggest crush humanly possible. Releasing him I walked over to Tyrelll bent over ans whispered in his ear."In case you didn't get the message,I'm done. Goodbye asshole.Then I got up and walked back over to Will

Chapter 9


Why? Is she scared of me? I don't understand. How can she be like this especially after I poured my heart out to her. I think I love her. She's now looking at me. Just standing there wide eyed. Then I sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to me. She walked over and sat down all in one swift motion.

"I'm sorry." Jamieka said, barely above a whisper.

"Don't be." And with that I pulled her in a tight hug.

"I love you." What!!! Did I just hear her right? I think I did. Right now Jamieka and I are sitting on my bed and I'm holding her with her face muffled against my shirt. She was... Crying? Hmp.

"Whats the matter?" I asked her, I mean she just told me she loved me and now shes crying?

"It's happy tears. I've never said that before and actually meant it." This time she was propping herself up with my pillow. She leaned so close that our lips weren't even an inch apart. Then she pressed her lips to mine. I could feel the soft warm feeling her lips gave me everytime we kissed. Heat, passion, love and desire circulate between us each time we touch. But this kiss is different. As if everything unspoken was said and understood through this kiss. I love her and she loves me. We pulled back and just gazed in eachothers eyes.

So this is what it is. This is love. The most undescribable feeling in the world. To me love is when you can't live without knowing someone loves you, it's when your obsessed with the love they give you. I love her, I love Jamieka Thomson she is mjy everything.

Looking at the love of my life I said to her "I just wanted to tell you that I'm so freakin' in love with you." I said with the biggest grin on my face. She kissed my teeth and said. "I love your smile."

Chapter 10


Wills mom, Cadizia, is so nice. His brother Trey is super funny and obviously I love his siter Monica. So whats the problem? Oh yea, Will. Not in a bad way its a way that makes me question my feelings.

"So Jamieka, How long have you known Will?" I could tell by Wills body language that him and his mom don't get along.

"A pretty long time. He's a good kid." I said while looking at Will. Since we were having spaghetti we got to make our own plates. When we were in the kitchen fixing our plates Will walked over to me with noodles already on his plate.

"Don't believe anyting she says. I'll explain later but she is a liar. Please, just watch what you say." He said then hip bumped me as he walked back to the dining room. I sat next to Will and his mother sat across from us with monica and trey on both ends. This dinner is gonna be awkward.

Finally, after being questioned by his mom during dinner Will and I escaped to his room...


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.08.2012

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