
Inside JT’s house-late afternoon

a girl is at a desk she has short dark brown hair that is tangled up. she is wearing torn black skin tight jeans a holey purple t shirt she has unlaced boots on that go to her knees. she has pale white skin and bright green eyes.

JT writing:

Today will be the first and last day I will write in this journal. This past year has been a gift and a curse to me. I have changed so much that I fear that I can never be the same again. The thing is this is all about my sisters, Abby and Debbi. We were best friends we did everything together and they showed me the popular side of school. Yet they held a dark secret and because of this, they have caused me to take drastic measures. Even though they were my best friends, I had to kill them and within these pages, you will find out why.

New School: morning

JT enters a new school. Her clothes are worn and she gets stares from the students. she wears old torn up jeans and a plain black t shirt her hair is long and dark brown, and in tangles she smells because she hasn't showered in a while.


You are the new student right?


Yes, I just moved here from out of town


Well I'm Abby and if you need any help, I'm here for you It looks like we have first period together.


Yeah that sounds good...

abby is not discouraged by JT's silence and continues to chatter while they walk to class.

In the class room august

they walk into the class room the school is brand new and everyone who goes to the school is very wealthy.


So how long have you been going here?


I've gone to school in this area since middle school. How about you? Where did you move from?


Well ever since my dad died, I move around a lot this is the second new school that I have been to in the past few months.


I'm sorry that your dad died.


Don't worry about it; it happened along time ago... he went missing in the army when i was 7 and they declared him dead when i was 12 ever since then i just move around a lot.


Well, It was nice talking to you I will see you at lunch, you can sit with my friends and me.


thanks i appreciate that.

Cafeteria- Lunch time

JT walks into the cafeteria she looks around she doesn't know what to do or who to sit with all of the kids look scary and they look at her with curious expressions. she sees abby at a nearby table she goes to sit by her.


Hey JT come sit with us. These are my friends: Laicee, Jordyn, Alex, and Kevin.


Thanks for letting me sit here. I didn't really know where I would sit if you didn't let me sit here.


No problem.


So where did you come from?


I moved from out of town


That sounds cool...

in the hallway after lunch

abby and Laicee leave lunch together and go to a unused floor in school. the school had lost many students due to the economy and many of the students had left so the school no longer uses many of the floors, the empty class rooms are always a safe place to talk or have fights with out the teachers finding out. abby and Laicee use an empty hallway on the third floor one that hasn't been used in months.


I don't like her being with us.


I think she is cool plus she looks like she needs some friends.


Well if you say so I will be nice, but if she tries to replace me...


Chill it you don’t even know JT don’t be so judgmental.


Fine, ill be good..

One-month later-in school after class September

montage the girls become friends they are always together abby has adopted JT in a way and now JT wears clothes that Abby bought for her. shows jt go from a perfect straight a student and the more she hangs out with her friends the lower her grades drop. JT doesn't do work she gets F's on all her assignments


JT can you come here for a moment I need to talk about your grade. It seems to me that you have not been doing well in school. Are you having a hard time adapting to the new school? i know some good tutors who can help you.


I'm fine, it's not the school it's the teachers all they want to do is control me, including you so why don't you get out of my business! I don't need anyone to take care of me, my friends do that.

Outside class room


What was that all about?


Just another teacher trying to help me. I think that they feel sorry for me because my dad died but I don't need any help from them, besides you and help me with all my problems.


That's true besides they tell me that I'm stupid and that I won't amount to anything.


Your right they are just out to get me I think they want me to fail, I'm not going to listen to them anymore.


Hey there's Laicee I think she wanted to talk to you about something with me.


Hey JT I was noticing that you have something different about you.




It's not a bad thing I'm different too. We all have something special about us. Like I can read minds and Debbi can see the future.


Your crazy no one can do stuff like that.


How do you know as far as I can tell you are better than both of us. I've noticed that you will dream and a week later it will come true.


Well, if you say so I guess your right. There is a lot of things that happen that I cant explain and I'm pretty sure that sometimes I swear I can hear what the teachers are thinking rather then what they are saying.


So do you want to join our group? We are committed to finding others like us and you have all the qualities we are looking for.


I don't want to loose you guys as friends so I guess I will. Its crazy but you are like my sisters and I don't think I could live without you helping me get through high school.


To me you are my sister and I can feel that you will be much more.


well we can do the rituals to make you our permanent sister this weekend.


That sounds cool.

Inside JT's house- night time

JT goes home and opens the door the house is pitch black and it seems as if no one is home she has a single couch in the middle of the living room that is filthy due to the many times her mother had puked on it. the carpets are dirty because they don't own a vacuum and a small TV sits on the floor with a hole near the top of it because her mom had thrown a bottle at it. the kitchen is part of the small 2 bedroom house and a shabby fridge sits by a kitchen sink full of dishes and any counters they had are full of bottles of beer. a small wooden table sits in the kitchen it has seen better days: all the chairs are mismatched and there are holes all over it from her mothers boyfriends carving their names into it.


Mom I'm home

No answer JT goes in her room and shuts the door she knows no one is ever going to answer because her mom is always at the bar or passed out. She pulls out her homework planning to do it but decides to go back out. The phone rings.




Hey JT its Jake I was wondering how you were doing so I found your number to give you a call.


Hi, I have been good this new school is great. I have new friends here who take care of me. We are almost like sisters. We do everything together.


that's really cool, I'm glad you found someone to hang out with I know you don't connect well with others.


Yeah I have a lot of fun. We are even in a new group called the other side. All of us have something special that we use to get what ever we want.


That doesn't sound right JT you shouldn't believe that you can do stuff that isn't real you might get hurt.


Don't tell me what to do! You are just like the teachers everyone thinks that they can just tell me what's best for me. But only Abby and Debbi know what's good for me!


Well I'm sorry that we had to be like this maybe when I have time Ill visit you and see how you are doing.


I don't need a babysitter I'm perfectly fine on my own. Besides my mom is already getting better, she doesn't even drink as much.


Don't lie JT, we both know what the doctors said. Your mom is not getting better and she never will. Be careful or else the child services will come get you.

JT hangs up the phone and runs to her room crying. She knows that nothing is going to get better and that Jake was right, he had been the one to take her mother to the doctors and he had been the only one to know that they said her mother might seem to get better but shoe would always go into remission and start the drugs again JT always knew what was happening but the truth hurts too much so she acts like nothing is wrong. she calls Laicee up on the phone




Yeah what's up JT?


I'm ready to be apart of the group with everyone else. I want to see what's going to happen I don't want to be alone anymore.


I understand JT and remember that we are all here for you. I can feel that you are worried calm down and ill help you.


When can I join?


meet the group and i after school in the room 815. wear all black.




ill talk to you in the morning some more.

int. class room after school.

all the members of the group are sitting in dark clothing with paint on their faces.


hey JT your finally going to join us huh?


yeah i want to be part of your family. so what do i have to do?


It's easy, all you have to do is cut your hand as well as ours and feel the pain. Then I will touch my hand to yours and Abby will do the same.


seriously? that a little bit crazy.


i promise it wont hurt that bad. we have all done it before.

JT takes the knife and pulls it across her hand she gasps as her blood spills. She then grabs Abby's hand and pulls the knife once more. Then does it again with Laicee . They then touch hands letting the blood join them. the rest of the group join in.


i don't feel so good you guys i kinda feel sick. i don't like seeing blood.


It is necessary unless you want to never be apart of us. here drink this it should make you feel better.

JT then takes the bottle and tips the contents into her mouth. She chokes at the rancid flavor and spits it out.


what the hell lace! you know i don't drink that's not cool.


hey what are you doing that's the good stuff.


i don't care not only are we all underage but i told you i don't drink not now not ever.


come on jt just take a drink it will be fine besides it will make you feel better.


fine i guess it cant hurt me.

she takes the bottle and drinks and her friends join in.


JT wakes up she doesn't know where she is or what happened the night before. She notices a weird bruise on her palm, no not a bruise a cut. she sees abby chilling on a beat up couch.


What happened last night?


Hey JT your finally up I thought I was going to have to jump on you or something, you sleep like the dead.


where are we?


this is the room we have turned into a hide out. don't you remember coming here last night.


Whoa, i didn't get home last night? my moms going to kill me.


Chill it i called your house and left a message for your mom and said that you were at my house.


Okay i just don't want her to get mad.


trust me every thing is going to be fine.


But still... so what happened after I passed out last night?


Well Laicee and I prayed for you and then we had Kevin carry you from where you passed out and put you on the spare couch.


oh okay.


don't worry jt nothings going to go wrong.


I'm really hungry is there any food around here?


no we haven't used the room for a while, let's go shopping I have an extra credit card my dad gave me so you don't have to worry about money.


OK but what if my mom sees me?


calm down jt what the worst she can do ground you?


Fine lets go.

they go to the local store and buy fresh food for the room. they stock the room with food.they eat and both return to their houses.

ext school Monday.


hey guys whats up?


nothing much, hey do you have a friend named Jake/


yeah how did you know?


i had a dream that he was one of us and he was going to come here and take you away.


no Jake lives really far away. hes for sure not coming here.


also jt i need you to wear some new clothes like we are sisters no and with that comes a unity so we have to all look the same. theirs a reason you were names Jamie trinity because you were meant to be part of three.


okay what do you need?


well we all wear the same thing so you need plain white shoes no designs black jeans and a plain colored shirt it can be purple black or red. and military boots. i have some spare ones for you. try them on.

she puts on the clothes and walks out on campus. she notices that shes getting stared at by the other students she goes and meets up with her friends noticing that they are all wearing the same thing. she sees the kids stare as they all stay together in school they look like a gang.


hey JT I'm liking it by the way this month is fasting month no eating.


okay but isn't that dangerous?


no just make sure you get enough water ya know?hey wanna dye your hair i think you would make a great blonde.


ya i guess what ever you say. here's a notebook we can keep all our ideas and dreams in it to see if anything is going to happen.

the girls walk in to the bathroom and dye JT's hair then they walk to English class together. and sit down inside. the teacher puts a movie on and JT notices that laicee is acting weird.


hey lace you alright you seem a bit uptight.


JT i just say something i think something bad is going to happen.


want to go out side and talk?


ya. lets go.


OK so whats going on?


honestly i don't know i think someone is looking for us they look dangerous we could get hurt.


come on lace its not that bad besides no one can get through our defenses.


no this is different JT something bad is going to happen.


fine ill watch out ill even stay here at school for a while.

int. hideout week later

jt has not been home for quite sometime she has gotten into the habit of drinking someone told her mom and now she needs to call her mom but is afraid.


hey mom?


jt where are you? you are in some serious trouble. i know your hiding somewhere and i will find you. and i know your drinking. so come home now.


chill it mom I'm moving in with some friends don't worry about me ill come home when I'm ready.

she hangs up. abby walks in.


hey jt lace told me about what she say it should be cool huh?


i don't think that anythings going to happen abby.


we can always trust lace she sees perfectly.


abby how long are you going to pretend to play her games. you know that no one can see the future or read minds all of this is crap.


jt whats gotten into you?


i don't know it just seems like this is all just a big lie. i mean why did we start this in the first place?


jt you need to chill lets have a night out just you and me tonight we will go through the school and mess with stuff.


don't you see i don't want to get into trouble i need to stay in school.


it will be fine besides look in the future you will see nothing is going to happen tonight.


come on abby not you too? really this is not real. whats next are we all going to be part human part vampire. seriously put the twilight down and enter the real world.


we are part of all of that though. hasn't lace told you? those books were based on how we live.


Jake was right you guys are insane.


don't talk to me like that i have done everything for you. thanks to me you get food, clothes and shelter.


what ever because of lace and her stupid rules i don't eat and also thanks to her again I'm wearing the same thing everyday. and as for shelter i had a home


if you don't remember life at your house sucks. your moms an alcoholic and you dad ran off.


he did not run off he was killed in the army!


sure that's what you think he probably got scared and ran off.


screw you abby screw you and laicee and all of your rules and just get out of here


last i knew I'm the one who's paying for a lot of the food and stuff in here and so this is my place why don't you get out of here.

jt get furious at abby and pushes her in to the wall.


what are you doing jt! your hurting me!


I'm teaching you a lesson I'm not a little kid and I'm not weak. I'm not going to be controlled by some freaks and misfits.

Kevin walks in and pulls jt off.


hey jt whats wrong?


I'm sick of it all all this mind reading and i can see the future crap!


i now its a lot to take in everyone had problems like that in the beginning.


i don't believe this you too? everyone just thinks that I'm being a crybaby but none of you see whats really going on.

jt breaks free from Kevin and runs out of the room. she runs to the house crying. she doesn't want to go home so she stops at one of her friends houses and smokes some pot quickly and then runs home.

int JT's house nighttime


jt what the hell happened to you


there's nothing wrong with me mom chill it. its just a little hair dye.


you look dirty and like you haven't slept in weeks.


yeah Ive been running around a lot lately.


your lying its your friends again isn't it they made you to this..


no mom they didn't make me do this


look at me are you drinking again? your eyes are all red no wait your not drunk your high that's just great first you get drunk all the time now your getting high. that's it no more friends your grounded.


I'm almost an adult you cant tell me what to do anymore I'm not a little girl any more and as for my drinking and drug problem your just a hypocrite your just as bad as me except you don't have to do anything i have to still go to school


then get out of my house when you've learned your lesson you can come home


this isn't even your house any more if you have noticed i have been paying the bills and buying the food so why don't you get out of my house.


just go to your room i cant deal with this right now.

jt runs into her room and slams the door pictures of her friends litter the floor it is still dirty and she starts thinking about all of the rules and things that have made her this way she goes to sit on her bed.


ugh get off of me




no its abby, duh its me


how did you get in here?


i hopped through the window duh how else would i be able to get into here.


well can you leave I'm having a hard time here


well i was sent here i cant leave until i tell you something


i don't care I'm starving because you said i cant eat anymore my moms pissed because I'm drinking because of you.


well sorry to make your day worse but i need you to cut your wrists


that's it your crazy I'm not cutting my wrists I'm pissed not suicidal


you need to i was watching the future and i saw you cutting and it changed the future for the best


your imagining things you cant see the future you cant make people do what you want you cant do anything your insane!!


no I'm not now take this knife and cut them now.


no. I'm not stupid and i wont listen to your crap any longer.


do it now jt or else I'm going to kill your mother.


you wouldn't do that, but what ever if it will shut you up i will.

jt grabs the knife and slides it across her wrists the cut is deep and it immediately starts to bleed she cuts her other wrists and yells as she feels the pain pulsing in her body. blood is every where and it stains the cement floor of her room. she passes out and Laicee jumps back out the window.


JT! are you all right?

no response. her mom calls 911 and for the first time she notices that jt is really unhealthy looking and seems her face has a shallow look to it. her eyes have dark circles and she looks very pale. the paramedics get there and take her to the hospital

int. hospital- before dawn


where am i?


your in the hospital hunny, you cut your wrists do you remember?


not really i just remember fighting then i don't know what happened next


the doctors said it was all the drugs in your system it made you hallucinate and you cut your wrists. they also said that you hadn't been eating which made the drugs stronger.


I'm sorry mom i didn't mean to get this bad.


its fine there are some really good rehab places here and I'm planning to go too.


wait you want to send me to rehab?


that's what the doctors suggested.


i wont go, ill be fine i just need to get my head clear.

jt stays in the hospital for a week she blames Laicee for putting here here in the first place. but knows that it was for the good of the future. she returns to school soon after.

EXT. SCHOOL- MORNING late October early November

Laicee confronts JT in one of the empty class rooms there is no one in sight and they are the only people in the room there are over turned desks and something that looks like blood on the old carpet.


jt i told you not to break any rules and you have broken almost half of them in the past week


i couldn't help it i was in the hospital they forced me to eat and do all that stuff. besides your rules are stupid i better have saved your life by cutting because that hurt sure i heal easily because of my powers but it still hurts


you are part of us now it doesn't matter you should follow the rules strictly. and yes you did save me and what does it matter if you pull some stunts?


because even my drunken stoned mother is starting to notice that I'm not my self any more we have to be on the dl for a while.


(she closes her eyes and looks like she is concentrating on something)

i just looked you are going to be fine nothing wrong is going to happen.


what are you going to do force me to obey you and your cult?


you don't understand JT I'm here to help you right now you don't understand whats happening you've been pushed into a new world where there are rules and you need to learn that I'm here for you.


what ever.

they get closer while Laicee tries to calm JT down JT refuses to listen so laicee pushes her against the wall and punches her once on the nose


I'm sorry, JT you just weren't listening and i needed you to understand that i need you.

Int.class room first per.-morning


JT what what happened to your face, your bleeding.


its nothing i just fell down.


it doesn't look like you just fell is someone beating on you


look its none of your business if i wanted you to know what happened to me i would tell you leave me alone.


i will have to report this if you come in to my class looking half dead again.


Its just a bruise and my nose is only bleeding a little bit.


jt what happened?


like i told the teacher i fell


i don't believe that tell me what happened. we are sisters


quit pulling that sister crap you don't know nothing all you now is what Laicee tells you.


that's not true.

already in a bad mood jt storms out of class she knows that she has Laicee in her next class so she ditches and runs home. she is too suborn to admit that Laicee is only trying to help her.

int. JT's house-mid day

she gets home and is surprised to see her mother home, her mother looks nice with makeup on, then she hears the shower running, of course her mother had just brought home another looser looking to get sum.


what are you doing home?


i had an accident and fell my face got all banged up so i decided to come home.


that looks like someone beat on you. who hit you I'm going to call the cops.


i told you i fell nothing happened i fell hit my face and was embarrassed so i came home.


i don't believe you

jt angry that for once her mom sees through her lies goes into her room. she looks at her messy room wishing for once that this want her room and that she was far away with a new different family, she wished that she had never met abby or Laicee.


mom I'm going to the store is there anything you need.


no I'm fine just hurry home i don't like it when your out so late.


okay mom ill be back.

jt walks slowly to the store wondering what Debbi will say when jt tells her that shes no longer going to follow their stupid rules. Laicee walks up


hey jt whatcha doing?


its none of your business


its all of my business we are sisters. i see you making a big mistake i don't want you to get hurt.


no we are not, sisters don't beat each other up or tell each other to cut them selves. and i can look out for my self.


hey i didn't want you to cut yourself i was only trying to protect you. turns out while you were in the hospital a group from up north heard of your abilities and came to kill you i saved your life.


when are you ever going to learn there are no visions, no mind control, no mind reading, and no seeing the future. and no others that are coming to get me.


your the one not learning one day you will appreciate everything i have done for you. please don't act like this.


I'm acting normal something you cant do.


don't talk like you are any better than me, we are equals there is nothing wrong with that.


it doesn't matter just get out of my way.

Laicee gets in front of JT


cant you just listen?


get out of my way now!

JT grabs Laicee by the shirt collar and pushes her into a nearby alley. she throws her against the wall and starts punching her profusely, Laicee is shocked and does nothing to prevent the beating. it feels good to let the anger out. a large biker chick with tattoos on her arms and steel toe boots on with hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in days, is walking down the street sees whats happening, thinking that its a mugging she grabs JT by the shirt and pulls her down and starts to kick her JT throws up some blood and the biker chick tells Laicee to run.

jt blacks out and comes around ten minutes later, she slowly gets up and starts to make her way painfully home.

when she gets home her mother is passed out on the couch again. she makes sure that there are no guys in the house and then goes into her room, sitting on her bed is abby.


what the hell are you doing here!?


i saw you walk home limping and looking hurt so i jumped through your window and waited so i could hear your story.


there is no story i told you i fell, now get out


i have fallen just about every where and i have never looked that bad your not telling me something


so what! do i have to tell you everything! I'm not going to argue with you just get the hell out of my house and stop talking to you i don't want to talk to you ever again get out of my life.


whoa jt don't be so harsh here take a pill it will chill you out.


no get out i mean it I'm changing all my locks tonight and i don't want to ever speak to you again.

seeing that jt is serious this time abby hops out the window and disappears into the night. jt examines the wound her entire mid-section is pure purple her pale white skin is hidden and she can see the places where the biker chicks steel toe boots kicked her dead on. she swears that she will never talk to Laicee or abby again. she gets a thick bandage and wraps it around herself hoping that it will keep the cracked ribs from moving she takes a sleeping pill and passes out.

the next morning


jt you need to get up for school.


I'm sick i cant go Ive been puking my guts out


okay that's fine if you need anything let me know.


okay thanks mom.

jt waits for her mom to shut the door then slowly gets out of bed, the bruises look worse in the daylight she feels around and knows that nothing is broken just beaten badly she gets up trying to get dressed she finds a loose shirt and pulls it slowly over her face. she goes to the bathroom and looks at her face she looks like someone took a hammer to her face. she puts heavy makeup on trying to cover up the damage as much as possible. she goes and sits in her room and looks through her back pack. she notices that she has a lot of missing assignments.


i thought you were sick why are you doing homework?


i noticed that i have been falling behind so i thought id do as much work as possible so i can get a better grade. also i was wondering if i could have some money to go buy new clothes.


what brought all of this on you have never wanted to improve before.


i decided that my friends aren't the most important things in the world and that i need to do good.

surprised her mom gives her the money leaves jt puts the money in a safe planning to save it. she gets up carefully and leaves the front door. after she gets around the corner she decides to take a short cut she goes through an alley and at the end of it is Laicee waiting for her with a bat.


hello jt.


Laicee i already told abby, i don't want to be apart of this madness ill give you anything you want just don't hit me.


fine you win ill leave you alone all i want is you to never speak to abby again and i don't want you try to take any power from me.


is that what this is all about? power! i see it clearly now. your jealous of how i have become popular among our friends and now they consider me your leader.


its nothing like that


don't lie! i see you look at me when abby is laughing at one of my jokes i see the way you look at her and your afraid I'm going to break that special bond here's news to you but I'm not like that.


just leave us all alone. there's a lot more to all of this then you know to me abby really is my sister.

jt then goes to the store and buys what she needs. she returns home and starts to do her work for once.

int. classroom.December


jt did you do your homework?


actually i did also i was wondering how much late work would you accept from me.


really? you actually want to try in class?


yeah i decided that I'm not going to let the people I'm around destroy my way of life.


that's good for you, ill make an accept ion and allow any missed work for the past month


cool, i was prepared so i did two months work worth


in that case ill accept it, I'm glad that you are trying to improve things keep it up.

jt goes to all of her other classes and manages to make up for all the work she didn't do. her grades are now D's and she is no longer failing everything.



mom I'm home. guess what i managed to raise my grades up to at least a d for all classes.


that's an improvement just keep trying hopefully they will continue to get better. i was wondering would you like to go shopping with me for some clothes.


that would be great i don't really have anything to wear.

they go to the mall and look for some nice clothes for jt. she tries on a tank top and goes out to show her mom.


how do you like this one?


whats that on your shoulder?!


oh that's a tattoo i got one night its the trinity pyramid just like my name.


you shouldn't be proud of getting a tattoo it just shows how much you've messed up lately.


I'm not proud of what Ive done but i promise i wont be like that again.

they continue to shop and jt gets a lot of clothes so she will no longer feel like an outsider in school. she still has a drug problem and continues to buy speed from the kids around the corner.


what do you want tonight?


the usual just speed.


okay, you know you can try some harder stuff like meth right?


I'm already hooked to speed I'm not going to do anything else.

she buys a small bag of speed and goes home. her mother does not know about this addiction. jt goes into the room and locks the door while in there she takes the speed and gets the high she loves.

next morning


jt i want to talk to you about something




i found a baggie in your room i know your doing drugs, i don't care what kind but your going to go get help.


i don't need help i need the drugs they help me forget that i have this worthless life.


at least go to counseling they could help you deal with all of the pain and feelings you have.


if it makes you happy ill go.

int. therapists office. January

DR gatner

hello Jamie how are you today?


my name isn't Jamie its jt all ways has been always will be.


okay then jt, why are you here?


because i have a drug problem


i don't think that's the real problem do you want to talk about your father.


whats there to talk about he was killed in Iraq he died an honorable death.


do you miss him?


who doesn't he was a great man but i didn't know him very well i was only five when he went missing.


whats your relationship like with your mother.


its gotten better ever since i stopped hanging out with my friends but we are not close, i think i remind her of my father.


that must be hard for the both of you


i haven't really noticed anything. i go to school or at least i left the house everyday she tends to pass out on the couch.


does it make you sad that your mother drinks.


not really because she is in less pain when shes drugged up.


i still don't see why that's a good thing for you, kids need their parents to help them grow up.


my friends helped with that


and how did you turn out?


not well but I'm working on it.

jt leaves and goes home

int. back home


how was therapy?


it went well i guess.

jt goes into her room she sees the small bag of speed she picks it up and takes it to the bathroom she pours the contents down the toilet.


what did you do?


something i should have done a long time ago i poured out the drugs.


I'm proud of you


thanks. is the phone turned on this week?


i paid the bill yesterday so it should be. why do you ask?


i need to call up and old friend, i owe her an apology.


hello is Jake there?


this is him.


hey Jake this is jt I'm just calling to say that I'm sorry for what happened last time you called.


its okay i knew you would come around you always do.


hey i had gotten so caught up in trying to be different and hanging out with my friends that i forgot about those who matter most


so what happened to you, i had gotten a call about a month ago from your mother she said you tried to pull some crazy stunt


yeah i was being stupid and i had gotten into x and it made me hallucinate and then i cut myself


that doesn't sound like you jt are you sure your friends didn't make you do that?


yeah I'm sure it was all me, i was wondering if you wanted to come over this next weekend and maybe stay for a couple days?


way ahead of you, your mom called this morning and talked to my mom apparently I'm going to move in with you for a few months just to make sure your doing alright and not getting into trouble. i even get to go to school with you!


that's so cool thanks for still being my friend.


your welcome well i got to go I'm packing hopefully ill be there by Friday morning if the traffic isn't that bad.


okay see you then.

jt goes into her room with a trash bag and starts to throw away all of the notes and pictures of her and her old friends she actually has a clean room and she gets the spare mattress from the garage so Jake has somewhere to sleep

int. JT's house Friday morning


hey jt its been like forever


yeah it has, here ill show you where my rooms at.

they go into JT's room and Jake gets all of his things settled.


you look bad jt


i know but believe me I'm trying.


when was the last time you slept?


idk Ive been running around like crazy on drugs that i forget to sleep sometimes.


yeah and you look skinny i don't like you like that you look weird. and when was the last time you showered?


honestly i don't know all i think about is the speed and how and when i can get some more. i don't shower i don't sleep and i don't eat.


that's going to change I'm going to take care of you. remember the time when we were kids and i fell and broke my leg and you stayed with me until i had gotten better?


yeah i remember i wouldn't leave your bed side.


well its my turn to be there for you.


thanks Jake it means the world to me

they stay up talking all night catching up on the lost months everything seems to be looking up.


jt goes to school with Jake. it seems to have a normal friend. she sees all the other girls eying him. she cant blame them he is six feet tall blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and has the body of a god. she sees abby and Laicee eye him seeing if they can draw him into their cult


hey Jake see those girls over there?


you mean the one with black hair and her friend that looks the exact same?


yeah i need you to do me a favor, stay as far away from them as possible, they are the reason i got so messed up.


okay i promise to stay away from them they look like a bunch of skin heads and losers anyways.


thanks for understanding and your lucky my hair has had the chance to grow out a bit since i had to cut it and the curls are starting to come back.


yeah that's the first thing i noticed was that all your beautiful hair had been cut short but it should soon grow back.


yeah well we are lucky i was able to get you in all my classes so neither of us has to ever be alone.


haha yeah that's cool lets go to class.

in the class room


who is your friend jt?


this is Jake he moved down from up north he is an old family friend


okay well I'm going to sit him next to you so you can help him catch up and abby lets move you to the back of the room so Jake can sit next to jt.


yes sir

class goes by well abby doesn't say a thing to jt. Jake ends up helping jt catch up since he was in all gate and honers classes at home.

ext. lunch room


your school is so much bigger here


yeah i know what you mean


hey jt why don't you bring your new friend over here to sit with us?

jt acts as if she didn't hear Laicee


did you hear me jt bring your new friend over here.


this is how its going to be jt doesn't want to talk to you and neither do i all you are is a bunch of freaks so stay the hell away from me and jt.


thanks for defending me


hey jt i was wondering if you would like to sit with us today


sure. do you mind if Jake sits with us?


no not at all


so how do you know jt?


oh shes in a few of my classes i would like to think that we are friends.


don't worry your my friend plus you are like the only person involved with Laicee and her group.


yeah whats up with them, they are so weird i mean one day all of them showed up wearing the same thing with the exact same hair cut.


they just have problems and i don't want to be part of that.

int. JT's house mid January.

Jake and jt go through school with out any problems, and they get home laughing and talking about school. when they arrive home JT's mother is passed out on the couch.




i think she over dosed quick call 911 we need to get her to a hospital.

jt runs to the phone and calls the ambulance arrives and takes her mother to the hospital.


mom are you alright?


what happened?


you drank too much and then took pills you almost died!


i don't remember drinking very much are you sure i didn't just pass out


yeah, so now your going to go to rehab and this time your coming out clean.


don't worry ill take care of jt while you are away i wont let anything happen to her.

they leave JT's mother there and return home


do you think she will ever clean up?


yeah i do but lets not worry about her right now you need to focus on your school work.

they start to do work and the time passes quickly JT realizes how nice it is to have a friend like Jake.


hey Jake?




why are you such a great friend to me?


because i love you, your like a sister to me.


nothing more than a sister right?


yeah that's it unless you want something more?


no i like the way we are now.


that's cool so do i, so how about that Justin kid, he seems really nice.


i honestly don't know much about him he is in my classes and Ive said a few words to him but Ive never even given him a chance


he seems like a good guy maybe you should ask him over sometime?


that sounds like a good idea.

jt goes over to the phone and decides to give Justin a chance.


hello is Justin there?


hey jt whats up?


i was wondering if you would like to come over some time to chill out with Jake and i.


that sounds cool i was thinking about having a little get together with some friends this weekend would you like to come?


yeah that seems cool there's not going to be any alcohol there right?


no i know how you don't do that stuff and Ive never even touched anything before.


cool tell me what time and where and ill mark my calendar.


this Friday night at my place come around seven.


cool ill see you then.


see that wasn't very hard all you need is a bit of practice and you'll learn how to socialize in no time.


i just feel like i don't want to get involved with people so soon.


i know what you mean but making new friends is the first step of recovery.


yeah i know.

jt goes to the party has fun and the month flies by she dates Justin for a short time but decides that its not right soon its march and her mother is finally coming home after a month and a half of strict rehab.

int. JT's house march.


welcome home mom


thanks jt it looks like you've been doing good on your own


well Jake has helped out a lot.


that's good i need sleep so I'm going to move into the master bedroom.


okay mom also i had all the pills and alcohol removed while you were gone so no temptations are here



mom goes and lays down Jake and JT go into their room.


hey Jake thanks for staying with me all of this time.


it was no problem i enjoy spending time with you always have always will.


i have a question, its kinda serious so no laughing okay?


just ask what ever you want JT you know i never laugh at your questions.


if we are such good friends why don't you ever date anyone i mean I'm not the world you could at least date someone while you are here


i could but i don't want to, its personal.


since when are things "personal" between us?


since you asked that question, i have an answer and maybe ill tell you why.


okay Jake i believe you.

they leave drop the subject and go to bed that night it rains and a storm starts



hey Jake you awake?


(half asleep still)

yeah jt what do you need?


I'm scared i don't like this weather the lightning scares me.

Jake gets out of his bed and goes to lay with jt in her bed it barely fits the both of them.


its okay jt I'm right here I'm not going anywhere.




of course i promise ill stay here with you until the storm ends okay




Jake holds jt in his arms and watches her sleep he caresses her face wishing that she was his. he quickly falls asleep next to her with his face in her hair and his arms around her waist.


Jake, jt its time to get up! what do you thing you two are doing?


what are you talking about?


i see now you get me out of the house so you two can hook up while I'm gone! i will not tolerate this in my house! Jake i want you packed and moved out by tonight!


mom! nothing happened i was scared last night so he came and helped me sleep.


that's crap i didn't even hear a storm last night!


you have to be kidding! the first night you get back you start drugs again! your pathetic mom!


you don't know what its like!


yeah i do because i quit and i didn't even need to go to some fancy rehab i just quit cold turkey. all you are is a failure and that's all you'll ever be.


your moms right jt i need to go i shouldn't put you through this you need your mother more than you need me ill be gone by tonight.


no Jake don't leave please.


i have to. you need to fix this, not me.

Jake goes and packs his things while jt sits on the couch and cries she curses her mother and throws a bottle at her.


well this is goodbye jt i don't know when ill be back i think distance might be good for us anyways.


I'm going to miss you

not being able to bear seeing jt in pain Jake walks out and gets into his car driving back home


this is all your fault i just lost my one and only friend because of you.

she runs out of the house and goes to the school hoping that she can find someone to talk to. she no longer cares about anything. she gets to the school and forgets that its Monday. she shes a kid working at the school store.

ext. school store


hey jt want something to drink?


no I'm just here to chill for a bit.


okay well do you need a job? we are a little short staffed and the owners wanted to hire someone.


well i do need a job, hows the pay


its pretty good its minimum wage. but it looks good for future jobs


well how do i apply?


consider yourself hired just show up in the morning before school starts about seven to work. did i mention the people who opened up the campus store are my parents?


haha no but i bet that helps with getting jobs ill make sure to be here right on time

jt leaves and goes home in a good mood.


did you get anything while you were out?


yeah i got something you never can have: a job. see you later I'm going to bed i have WORK in the morning.

jt goes to bed and wakes up early in the morning, she showers and looks nice.


hi I'm the new girl, I'm supposed to start work today.


that's right, my son told me about you.

she takes JT into the back room and shows her where the supplies are, the room is very clean and tidy with everything labeled where its supposed to go.

jt gets fired and gets back on drugs

montage JT works hard and is supporting herself as she works in the shop you can see the weather go from rainy march to sunny may she is doing well


JT I'm sorry but we are shutting down the business we are just not making enough. the economy hit the school hard and we cant pay for things anymore.


i understand it was good working for you.

JT is devastated by the loss of her job she passes her old dealer in the street. he notices that she is looking at him


heyy JT you wanna buy sum thin i got what eva you need.


yea i want just a small bag ya know like 10 pills of speed its been a few months but hey why not just get some more.

JT goes home and goes into her room it is spotless for once and she just doesn't care anymore she throws her work uniform on the floor and goes into the living room her mother is no where to be found. she goes to the phone and calls up abby.


abby I'm so sorry for the way i have been acting. i know that you are my sisters and i shouldn't have left you and laciee. i couldn't help it.


I'm glad you called i have missed you so much. all of us have. hey did you hear about Alex?


no Alex was the quiet one right?


ya well a few weeks ago we were doing the usual rituals and stuff and he thought he hear something.




well he took a gun outside and thought he saw someone running towards him so he pulled the trigger turns out it was Kevin he had snuck out of his house and was coming to meet us.


Kevin is dead?


yeah and now Alex is in prison, he got an easy sentence though because he told the police about us.


what happened?


well the cops came and asked about.

a bang is heard from abbys side of the line.


is everything alright abby.


i gotta go ill see you at school tomorrow then we can talk...

jt worries about her friend and decides to go to the school to check out the hideout.

ext. school at the hide out

jt walks up to the school there is caution tape on the door on the room they used to hide in. some of the school is still going for after school classes so jt quietly walks into the room.

int. hideout.

Laicee is sitting in the middle of the room crying.


hey lace.

jt goes and sits down next to her.


hey Jamie.


are you alright?


he died because of me if i hadn't started all of this he wouldn't have died.


its not your fault none of us could have known that Alex would pull the trigger.


did you know we were in love, Kevin and i?


no but i figured i mean you were at his house all the time.


yeah we stopped talking a while back. and now i feel bad for not making things better with him.


why did you stop talking?


because i had gotten prego and he was all excited that he was going to be a dad and because i was always drinking i lost the baby.


why would you ever be stupid like that.


don't even judge me JT your the one who was found with Jake.


how did you find out about that?


nothing is kept a secret here you should know that.


you haven't changed a bit have you?

jt gets up and leaves laicee on the floor.

int. class room morning.

the next morning jt gets up and ready for school. she has class with laicee in the morning.


jt I'm sorry for yesterday.


don't be sorry just stop talking to me.


i cant help it you are my sister I'm not going to walk off on you like you do to everyone else.


i left because i didn't want to be part of this anymore cant you see it was ruining my life.

even though the girls are in class they start to yell.


all you want is a pity party. its like omg my dad died poor me i hate my life my moms a druggie and a drunk.


at least I'm not like you,

( imitating laicee)

my life is soo miserable and my dad beats my mom. and i slept with one of my friends and got knocked up. and i can read everybody's mind because I'm special. stop the crap laicee!


you are the one with drama you stop.

jt gets up and pushes laicee out the door. the kids in class are excited and go to see if there is going to be a fight.


cant you just get over yourself?


there's nothing to get over you are just a hater because you cant do all the stuff i can do.


if i was a hater i would try to be like you and trust me i would rather die than be as pitiful as you are.


than do something about it!

mad jt and abby start to fight kids surround them and make it hard for the teachers to get through. laicee is bleeding from her lip and jt has a black eye. jt tackles laicee to the ground and is pounding her. a teacher gets through finally and tries to pull off JT. jt wont move shes too busy fighting. laicee starts to feint. realizing what she is doing JT stops and allows the teachers to pull her off.

int. deans office.


why did you do that JT?


things have just gotten out of control i mean she always is beating on me and just trash talking me behind my back.


i think that you shouldn't go here anymore.


wait. what? i cant move schools not now anyways.


it seems to me that you are failing classes anyways. all your grades have been in the gutter. true you tried to turn things around for a bit but then your grades fell again.


i cant help that everything had gone down the drain. i cant help that my mother is an alcoholic. i cant but I'm trying.


fine ill give you one more try if you mess up again I'm going to have to send you somewhere else. I'm giving you a 3 day suspension right now.

jt feels bad and walks out of the office knowing that things are going to be different. she sees all of her "family" waiting outside all looking the same with hostile looks on their faces. she hangs her head and walks off the campus because her mom cant pick her up. she walks out to the school parking lot. her family follows her.

ext. school parking lot.

in the parking lot there is a group of people waiting for her she hadn't realized that so many people had joined the group. she only recognizes jordyn in the group all of the other faces are new and unfamiliar.


hey jordyn whats up who are all these people?


you know what you did JT. you messed up the family how could you hit your sister.


shes not my sister and none of you are my family. i don't even know half of you and the ones i know i just know them from sight.


you made a pact jt you promised to protect us at all costs.


but there is no family don't you understand. its a cult they are forcing you to believe in things that aren't really there.


no you are the one who doesn't see whats going on we have been telling you for weeks.


nothing has been happening i haven't even been here a lot honestly i don't know what everyone is talking about.


you don't remember coming down here at night. escaping from your house? you don't remember bringing the gun that killed Kevin.


i didn't do any of those things.


then you must not remember going along with lace and abby late at night killing all of those people.


what are you talking about i didn't kill anyone. Ive been with Jake.


jt i think you have gone mad. Jake was never here. you have been with us the entire time.


no, i don't believe you.


listen to me no one came for you. your mom didn't get better and neither did you.


i wont let you get into my head.


look into my eyes I'm not lying Jake is not here. Kevin is not here and neither is Alex. everything happens for a reason.


i wont let myself be controlled by you guys and your mind games.


this is no game jt.

it seems as if the parking lot is spinning. jt cant get her mind on things. she tries to run but jordyn holds her back. she starts hyperventilating.


shh jt everything will be fine.


no it wont how could i be such a monster?


your not a monster you did what you have to do the world is a better place with out them.


no i could have known those people. i don't remember anything. how could i have done all of those things and not remember.


you were messed up jt and then all of the sudden your fighting with laicee and you don't know whats going on.


what do you mean i was messed up i have been clean for months.


no you haven't. you have gotten worse i think you need help i think abby and laicee can help you.


they are the reason im like this im sorry i cant go back. let me go.

abby runs into the parking lot and grabs jt


get off of me im not your friend.


jt what are you talking about you have been living with me for the past few weeks.


no i havent ive been at my house the entire time.


you moved in with me when your mother died. thats when things got weird and you seemed like you wernt here.


what! my mom is not dead i saw her this morning.


your mom over dosed two weeks ago jt.


no your lying. that cant be true.


i was there when the ambulence drove up. jt i was the one who found her body.



jt starts to run across the parking lot she doesnt know where she is running to she is just running.

ext. back in the parking lot.


wow i cant believe she went all psycho on us like that


yeah i know. good job on making her believe all of that. i didnt think she would buy it. and dont worry about her she will be back once she realizes that we were right all along.


i feel bad doing that to a sister though. i mean there must be an easier way to make her believe.


she will be okay besides i already set things up with her mom.


what did you do?


i just got rid of the problem thats all.


i thought we wernt supposed to harm any members of a family. especially if they are part of ours.


well i made and exception. besides i am a creater of this family i have the right to bend the rules.


what do i tell the others.


tell them to stay on the dl for a while. i dont want anyone looking into what we are doing.


okay, where can i find laciee


shes fine in the hideout, you know how quickly she heals. dont bother her though shes meditating.


will do, sister.

they leave the parking lot and go back to school. abby makes a detour into the hideout.

int. hideout.

abby walks into the hideout and sees laicee laying on the floor moaning.


lace you alright.


you didnt tell anyone i was in here did you?


i told jordyn but i told him that you were meditating and not to bother you.


good. i dont want them to see me all weak like this. they have to believe that we are all invincible. if they see that i cant heal easily they will lose their faith.


i understand completly. what hurts the most i can see if i have any meds but i have to make sure they wont hurt you.


i hurt everywhere i cant believe that JT is so strong she always seems to be so calm and weak. i didnt think that she would explode like that.


i know what you mean. she was always the calm one.


she is going to pay for this i can feel it.


dont do something you are going to regret later. i know that you are mad now but if you do something stupid now your going to hate yourself later.


i have done so much for her. i tried to make her seem so popular made her part of something. why would she throw it all away.


i think that she just didnt have enough power in her. she couldnt see that all along we were trying to save her. shes following the path we tried so hard to prevent.

laicee gets off of the floor and sits in a recliner.


thanks for getting all the furnature from jts house.


no problem


okay i want you to call the entire family in here something big is going to happen and they should all know.

abby goes gets out her phone and texts the members. she takes her seat next to abby. like royality. the members all walk in looking like twins.



as you all know JT has left us and we need to find her before she goes to the police. so we first we are going to search for her. if that doesnt work i have a back up plan that will help us all. use caution she proved today that she is dangerous.

all of them.



now go find us a jt.

all of the family runs out even though it is still morning they ditch school in search for jt.


i think that went well, i wonder how long it will take to find her she couldn't have gotten far.


i think shes smarter than she lets on. i don't think they will find her.


so whats the plan to get her back.


i know how to get her back home i just dont know how to keep her home. abby, my sister, my best friend, whats your oppinion on dying?

scene ends.

ext. school afternoon

everyone is walking around the school looking for JT.


has anyone called her cell yet?


no i dont think she had it on her.


just try we might get lucky.

debbi gets out her phone and txts jt. no answer after ten minutes. she then calles the phone picks up after two rings.


jt thank god you answered. where are you we are all worried about you.


i'm hiding out for a while. i dont think its safe for me to be around you guys. i feel like you are all out to get me.

jordyn motions to debbie to hand him the phone. he changes his voice to sound like jake.


(sounds like jake)

jt! where are you. i have been worried. your friends called me luckly i was in town doing somethings. come back to the school


jake!? ive been so worried about you and i miss you.


(still pretending)

we all just want whats best for you jt comeback home.


wait a minute, you never called school home, your not jake are you? who are you?


(no longer pretending)

im sorry jt we just want you back home. we need you, we arent a family if you are not here.


im not part of your family i never was and i never will be how many times must i repeat myself? all you are doing is what abby and laicee tell you to do. do you honestly think that they care what happens to you.


abby and laicee care for all of the family.


sure they care about you did you see how fast they got over kevin? and how they dont even go to visit alex in jail. but they send all of you to go see him.


thats not true they told us that they go and visit him at night and that they are planning to break him out.


sure have any of you gone with them in these night trips?


no they say its something they have to do alone.


has alex ever mentioned them visiting him?


no but thats besides the point they do what they have to, to protct us.


you mean protect themselves.


no, they are for the family.


im not arguing with you good bye ill see you later.

jt hangs up, jordyn throws the floor on the ground and walks off.

int. hideout.

jordyn runs into the hideout.


so did you find her?


no, but.


(inrupts jordyn)

but what!?


we called and she answered she says you are just watching out for your selves.


why would you belive her you know we care about everyone.


i know.


how did you get a hold of her/


debbie had called her cell


ok thats good news at least she still has her phone. you can go now.


wheres abby?


dont ask questions. just get out of here.

jordyn looks hurt and walks out of the room. laicee gets out her cell and calls JT. she starts to fake cry.




what do you need lace havent you done enough damage?


abbys dead jt.


what? i just saw her like an hour ago.


she just went missing after you left and then i found her dead in the hideout.


your lying. your the one who did it. didnt you!


i loved her she was my sister why whould i kill her?


because you couldnt stand that she was protecting me from you!


protecting you? she was the one who was distroying you, holding you back. and even if i did kill her i was doing you a favor


im not going to listen to you.

jt hangs up her phone. and calls abbys no answer shes afraid that laicee was telling the truth. she texts laicee one last time.


(in a text message)

hey im sorry for how i was acting why dont you meet me at school tonight in the lowered amp. we can talk there. dont bring anyone else.


ok how about 8.


fine by me

int. jts house

jt walks into the house it is empty she sees an old notebook lying on the floor. she picks it up. a message is written on the inside.

im sorry about your mother jt hope things get better <3 abby.

jt tears out the page and begins to write. when she finishes its night time. she writes the final words and leaves it where someone can find it. she then goes to the school.

ext. school ampatheater.

jt walks into the ampatheter and sees laciee sitting on the bottom step.


hey laciee.


hey jt im glad that you finaly came round. there is so much you need to learn. you have so much power in you.


i didnt bring you here so you can teach me


then why are we here for?


this is going to be the last time you are going to see me as a mater of fact it will be the last time you will see anyone.


wh. what do you mean JT


i mean that you are not going home tonight. your not going anywhere


you cant do anything to me JT im your sister im like your blood.


like doesnt count. i have no one no mother no father no one im all alone. thats why i brought you here today because i want you to be all alone in your final moments.


you wont get away with this JT they will catch you.


im planning on that i already left a journal on the table explaining everything thats been going on all the deaths everything. and i told them where to find me.


please dont do this. its too late.


your right it is too late for you.

jt takes off her shoelace belt and prepares to get laicee.


dont move i hear it hurts the more you move.

she lunges towards laciee and grabs her neck with the shoelace. laicee is struggling to get away. abby runs down the steps.


jt! stop stop it now. your hurting her.


i know you are just an illusion. i know ive finnaly gone mad.

abby runs into jt showing that it is real.


so you didnt die?


no it was all a trap we needed you home and we knew that if you thought i was dead you would come back to us.


i cant believe that you would do something like that to me. i guess im going to have to change my plans. i guess im going to have to kill you both.


jt we are your only family your only life you cant get rid of us.

jt pushes abby out of the way and jumps on laciee's back. and tries to take her down.


jt stop, your out of control.

jt doesnt hear her because of laciee's screams, they are on the ground now and jt is on top of laicee pinning her down and punching her with her other hand. laicee passes out.


jt what have you done omg im calling the cops.


your not calling anyone abby.

jt runs at abby now abby falls on the bottom step hitting her head, shes now bleeding. jt grabs the shoelace and gets ready to wrap it around her neck.


if you had left me alone when i asked none of this would have happened.


i didnt mean to JT i swear pleaze dont do this please.

jt goes for the lunge out of nowhere jake runs into jt. and holds her tight against his chest. jt starts to cry.


shhh jt its alright i got you, its jake im here to protect you.


im so sorry i didnt mean for it to get this bad i was just so miserable and everything got out of hand and they wouldnt leave me alone, they kept telling me that i couldnt leave and i felt trapped.


calm down jt nothings going to harm you im right here you dont have to listen to them anymore. its ok its ok.

jt doesnt want to move they are still in the grass and jt is still sobbing while jake whistpers its ok its over repitedly. jake is too busy taking care of jt to notice laicee get up. she takes out a knife and walks towards them slowly. she gets close to JT and Jake. jake sees laicee raise the knife at JT's exposed side he moves jt over and raises his arm up. the knife goes into his arm and he gasps in pain.


jake! jake! are you alright?

jake doesnt answer he gets up and pulls the knife out going towards laicee. he uses some karate moves and ties her up with the shoelace that was sitting on the ground still. abby is in shock so he just has her sit on the step still. she is still bleeding.

jake calls the cops and the girls all get arrested.

jt(in cuffs)

jake im sorry it had to be like this.


its ok im sure they are going to find you inoccent.


but i killed people.


i doubt that jt who made you belive that.


jordyn said that you never came back and that they made me kill people.


if i have never been there for you in the first place how would i know to find you now.


how did you find me tonight?


easy i got a text saying that you were sorry and to meet you here. i thought that u wanted me here for a reason.


im kinda glad my phone messes up now.


hahah ya well i gotta talk to the police and ill post bail as soon as i can i have some good news for you but i dont want you like this when i tell you.


ok love you Jake.


i love you too jt i always have.

jt gets into the car and gets driven off.

montage jt gets out of jail and so does laicee and abby.

ext. restaurant

jake picks up JT and takes her to eat. they are sitting eating when a man in army uniform walks up behind JT.


jt remember when i told you that i have something important to tell you that night/




well i dont think im the person to tell you.


im the one who should tell you.

jt hasnt seen her dad in years but she knows that its him. she starts to cry and runs into his arms


its ok Jamie everything is going to be fine.


where have you been dad?


its along story that ill tell you when we get home.




yeah i bought a house nearby. we can stop by your apartment and pick up anything you might need.

they leave and montage starts summer passes quickly and jake turns 18 and decides to stay with her. school starts again.


jake and jt are sitting in the car before school.


you going to be ok jamie?


ya i think so.


i found this notebook when we went through your appartment. i think you should finish it.


i have time.

jamie starts to write in the note book finishing the story.


dear notebook i lied last time that wont be the last entry and neither will this one be the last. my life wasnt at its end before and neither was laicee or abbys. turns out jake was here for me after all and everything is going to be alright. im going back to school today. and this time it will be diffrent. because no longer will the other side of life affect anyone. it is over and all of them have gotten help. the other side was an experement by immature girls who wanted to know what control would be like and in the end it almost cost all of us our lives. i gotta go to class and see all the teachers now catch you later...Jamie. not JT

jt gets out of the car and walks onto campus, laciee and abby are standing together near by. they give her a smile and not. everything is fine.

Inside JT’s house-late afternoon

a girl is at a desk she has short dark brown hair that is tangled up. she is wearing torn black skin tight jeans a holey purple t shirt she has unlaced boots on that go to her knees. she has pale white skin and bright green eyes.

JT writing:

Today will be the first and last day I will write in this journal. This past year has been a gift and a curse to me. I have changed so much that I fear that I can never be the same again. The thing is this is all about my sisters, Abby and Debbi. We were best friends we did everything together and they showed me the popular side of school. Yet they held a dark secret and because of this, they have caused me to take drastic measures. Even though they were my best friends, I had to kill them and within these pages, you will find out why.

New School: morning

JT enters a new school. Her clothes are worn and she gets stares from the students. she wears old torn up jeans and a plain black t shirt her hair is long and dark brown, and in tangles she smells because she hasn't showered in a while.


You are the new student right?


Yes, I just moved here from out of town


Well I'm Abby and if you need any help, I'm here for you It looks like we have first period together.


Yeah that sounds good...

abby is not discouraged by JT's silence and continues to chatter while they walk to class.

In the class room august

they walk into the class room the school is brand new and everyone who goes to the school is very wealthy.


So how long have you been going here?


I've gone to school in this area since middle school. How about you? Where did you move from?


Well ever since my dad died, I move around a lot this is the second new school that I have been to in the past few months.


I'm sorry that your dad died.


Don't worry about it; it happened along time ago... he went missing in the army when i was 7 and they declared him dead when i was 12 ever since then i just move around a lot.


Well, It was nice talking to you I will see you at lunch, you can sit with my friends and me.


thanks i appreciate that.

Cafeteria- Lunch time

JT walks into the cafeteria she looks around she doesn't know what to do or who to sit with all of the kids look scary and they look at her with curious expressions. she sees abby at a nearby table she goes to sit by her.


Hey JT come sit with us. These are my friends: Laicee, Jordyn, Alex, and Kevin.


Thanks for letting me sit here. I didn't really know where I would sit if you didn't let me sit here.


No problem.


So where did you come from?


I moved from out of town


That sounds cool...

in the hallway after lunch

abby and Laicee leave lunch together and go to a unused floor in school. the school had lost many students due to the economy and many of the students had left so the school no longer uses many of the floors, the empty class rooms are always a safe place to talk or have fights with out the teachers finding out. abby and Laicee use an empty hallway on the third floor one that hasn't been used in months.


I don't like her being with us.


I think she is cool plus she looks like she needs some friends.


Well if you say so I will be nice, but if she tries to replace me...


Chill it you don’t even know JT don’t be so judgmental.


Fine, ill be good..

One-month later-in school after class September

montage the girls become friends they are always together abby has adopted JT in a way and now JT wears clothes that Abby bought for her. shows jt go from a perfect straight a student and the more she hangs out with her friends the lower her grades drop. JT doesn't do work she gets F's on all her assignments


JT can you come here for a moment I need to talk about your grade. It seems to me that you have not been doing well in school. Are you having a hard time adapting to the new school? i know some good tutors who can help you.


I'm fine, it's not the school it's the teachers all they want to do is control me, including you so why don't you get out of my business! I don't need anyone to take care of me, my friends do that.

Outside class room


What was that all about?


Just another teacher trying to help me. I think that they feel sorry for me because my dad died but I don't need any help from them, besides you and help me with all my problems.


That's true besides they tell me that I'm stupid and that I won't amount to anything.


Your right they are just out to get me I think they want me to fail, I'm not going to listen to them anymore.


Hey there's Laicee I think she wanted to talk to you about something with me.


Hey JT I was noticing that you have something different about you.




It's not a bad thing I'm different too. We all have something special about us. Like I can read minds and Debbi can see the future.


Your crazy no one can do stuff like that.


How do you know as far as I can tell you are better than both of us. I've noticed that you will dream and a week later it will come true.


Well, if you say so I guess your right. There is a lot of things that happen that I cant explain and I'm pretty sure that sometimes I swear I can hear what the teachers are thinking rather then what they are saying.


So do you want to join our group? We are committed to finding others like us and you have all the qualities we are looking for.


I don't want to loose you guys as friends so I guess I will. Its crazy but you are like my sisters and I don't think I could live without you helping me get through high school.


To me you are my sister and I can feel that you will be much more.


well we can do the rituals to make you our permanent sister this weekend.


That sounds cool.

Inside JT's house- night time

JT goes home and opens the door the house is pitch black and it seems as if no one is home she has a single couch in the middle of the living room that is filthy due to the many times her mother had puked on it. the carpets are dirty because they don't own a vacuum and a small TV sits on the floor with a hole near the top of it because her mom had thrown a bottle at it. the kitchen is part of the small 2 bedroom house and a shabby fridge sits by a kitchen sink full of dishes and any counters they had are full of bottles of beer. a small wooden table sits in the kitchen it has seen better days: all the chairs are mismatched and there are holes all over it from her mothers boyfriends carving their names into it.


Mom I'm home

No answer JT goes in her room and shuts the door she knows no one is ever going to answer because her mom is always at the bar or passed out. She pulls out her homework planning to do it but decides to go back out. The phone rings.




Hey JT its Jake I was wondering how you were doing so I found your number to give you a call.


Hi, I have been good this new school is great. I have new friends here who take care of me. We are almost like sisters. We do everything together.


that's really cool, I'm glad you found someone to hang out with I know you don't connect well with others.


Yeah I have a lot of fun. We are even in a new group called the other side. All of us have something special that we use to get what ever we want.


That doesn't sound right JT you shouldn't believe that you can do stuff that isn't real you might get hurt.


Don't tell me what to do! You are just like the teachers everyone thinks that they can just tell me what's best for me. But only Abby and Debbi know what's good for me!


Well I'm sorry that we had to be like this maybe when I have time Ill visit you and see how you are doing.


I don't need a babysitter I'm perfectly fine on my own. Besides my mom is already getting better, she doesn't even drink as much.


Don't lie JT, we both know what the doctors said. Your mom is not getting better and she never will. Be careful or else the child services will come get you.

JT hangs up the phone and runs to her room crying. She knows that nothing is going to get better and that Jake was right, he had been the one to take her mother to the doctors and he had been the only one to know that they said her mother might seem to get better but shoe would always go into remission and start the drugs again JT always knew what was happening but the truth hurts too much so she acts like nothing is wrong. she calls Laicee up on the phone




Yeah what's up JT?


I'm ready to be apart of the group with everyone else. I want to see what's going to happen I don't want to be alone anymore.


I understand JT and remember that we are all here for you. I can feel that you are worried calm down and ill help you.


When can I join?


meet the group and i after school in the room 815. wear all black.




ill talk to you in the morning some more.

int. class room after school.

all the members of the group are sitting in dark clothing with paint on their faces.


hey JT your finally going to join us huh?


yeah i want to be part of your family. so what do i have to do?


It's easy, all you have to do is cut your hand as well as ours and feel the pain. Then I will touch my hand to yours and Abby will do the same.


seriously? that a little bit crazy.


i promise it wont hurt that bad. we have all done it before.

JT takes the knife and pulls it across her hand she gasps as her blood spills. She then grabs Abby's hand and pulls the knife once more. Then does it again with Laicee . They then touch hands letting the blood join them. the rest of the group join in.


i don't feel so good you guys i kinda feel sick. i don't like seeing blood.


It is necessary unless you want to never be apart of us. here drink this it should make you feel better.

JT then takes the bottle and tips the contents into her mouth. She chokes at the rancid flavor and spits it out.


what the hell lace! you know i don't drink that's not cool.


hey what are you doing that's the good stuff.


i don't care not only are we all underage but i told you i don't drink not now not ever.


come on jt just take a drink it will be fine besides it will make you feel better.


fine i guess it cant hurt me.

she takes the bottle and drinks and her friends join in.


JT wakes up she doesn't know where she is or what happened the night before. She notices a weird bruise on her palm, no not a bruise a cut. she sees abby chilling on a beat up couch.


What happened last night?


Hey JT your finally up I thought I was going to have to jump on you or something, you sleep like the dead.


where are we?


this is the room we have turned into a hide out. don't you remember coming here last night.


Whoa, i didn't get home last night? my moms going to kill me.


Chill it i called your house and left a message for your mom and said that you were at my house.


Okay i just don't want her to get mad.


trust me every thing is going to be fine.


But still... so what happened after I passed out last night?


Well Laicee and I prayed for you and then we had Kevin carry you from where you passed out and put you on the spare couch.


oh okay.


don't worry jt nothings going to go wrong.


I'm really hungry is there any food around here?


no we haven't used the room for a while, let's go shopping I have an extra credit card my dad gave me so you don't have to worry about money.


OK but what if my mom sees me?


calm down jt what the worst she can do ground you?


Fine lets go.

they go to the local store and buy fresh food for the room. they stock the room with food.they eat and both return to their houses.

ext school Monday.


hey guys whats up?


nothing much, hey do you have a friend named Jake/


yeah how did you know?


i had a dream that he was one of us and he was going to come here and take you away.


no Jake lives really far away. hes for sure not coming here.


also jt i need you to wear some new clothes like we are sisters no and with that comes a unity so we have to all look the same. theirs a reason you were names Jamie trinity because you were meant to be part of three.


okay what do you need?


well we all wear the same thing so you need plain white shoes no designs black jeans and a plain colored shirt it can be purple black or red. and military boots. i have some spare ones for you. try them on.

she puts on the clothes and walks out on campus. she notices that shes getting stared at by the other students she goes and meets up with her friends noticing that they are all wearing the same thing. she sees the kids stare as they all stay together in school they look like a gang.


hey JT I'm liking it by the way this month is fasting month no eating.


okay but isn't that dangerous?


no just make sure you get enough water ya know?hey wanna dye your hair i think you would make a great blonde.


ya i guess what ever you say. here's a notebook we can keep all our ideas and dreams in it to see if anything is going to happen.

the girls walk in to the bathroom and dye JT's hair then they walk to English class together. and sit down inside. the teacher puts a movie on and JT notices that laicee is acting weird.


hey lace you alright you seem a bit uptight.


JT i just say something i think something bad is going to happen.


want to go out side and talk?


ya. lets go.


OK so whats going on?


honestly i don't know i think someone is looking for us they look dangerous we could get hurt.


come on lace its not that bad besides no one can get through our defenses.


no this is different JT something bad is going to happen.


fine ill watch out ill even stay here at school for a while.

int. hideout week later

jt has not been home for quite sometime she has gotten into the habit of drinking someone told her mom and now she needs to call her mom but is afraid.


hey mom?


jt where are you? you are in some serious trouble. i know your hiding somewhere and i will find you. and i know your drinking. so come home now.


chill it mom I'm moving in with some friends don't worry about me ill come home when I'm ready.

she hangs up. abby walks in.


hey jt lace told me about what she say it should be cool huh?


i don't think that anythings going to happen abby.


we can always trust lace she sees perfectly.


abby how long are you going to pretend to play her games. you know that no one can see the future or read minds all of this is crap.


jt whats gotten into you?


i don't know it just seems like this is all just a big lie. i mean why did we start this in the first place?


jt you need to chill lets have a night out just you and me tonight we will go through the school and mess with stuff.


don't you see i don't want to get into trouble i need to stay in school.


it will be fine besides look in the future you will see nothing is going to happen tonight.


come on abby not you too? really this is not real. whats next are we all going to be part human part vampire. seriously put the twilight down and enter the real world.


we are part of all of that though. hasn't lace told you? those books were based on how we live.


Jake was right you guys are insane.


don't talk to me like that i have done everything for you. thanks to me you get food, clothes and shelter.


what ever because of lace and her stupid rules i don't eat and also thanks to her again I'm wearing the same thing everyday. and as for shelter i had a home


if you don't remember life at your house sucks. your moms an alcoholic and you dad ran off.


he did not run off he was killed in the army!


sure that's what you think he probably got scared and ran off.


screw you abby screw you and laicee and all of your rules and just get out of here


last i knew I'm the one who's paying for a lot of the food and stuff in here and so this is my place why don't you get out of here.

jt get furious at abby and pushes her in to the wall.


what are you doing jt! your hurting me!


I'm teaching you a lesson I'm not a little kid and I'm not weak. I'm not going to be controlled by some freaks and misfits.

Kevin walks in and pulls jt off.


hey jt whats wrong?


I'm sick of it all all this mind reading and i can see the future crap!


i now its a lot to take in everyone had problems like that in the beginning.


i don't believe this you too? everyone just thinks that I'm being a crybaby but none of you see whats really going on.

jt breaks free from Kevin and runs out of the room. she runs to the house crying. she doesn't want to go home so she stops at one of her friends houses and smokes some pot quickly and then runs home.

int JT's house nighttime


jt what the hell happened to you


there's nothing wrong with me mom chill it. its just a little hair dye.


you look dirty and like you haven't slept in weeks.


yeah Ive been running around a lot lately.


your lying its your friends again isn't it they made you to this..


no mom they didn't make me do this


look at me are you drinking again? your eyes are all red no wait your not drunk your high that's just great first you get drunk all the time now your getting high. that's it no more friends your grounded.


I'm almost an adult you cant tell me what to do anymore I'm not a little girl any more and as for my drinking and drug problem your just a hypocrite your just as bad as me except you don't have to do anything i have to still go to school


then get out of my house when you've learned your lesson you can come home


this isn't even your house any more if you have noticed i have been paying the bills and buying the food so why don't you get out of my house.


just go to your room i cant deal with this right now.

jt runs into her room and slams the door pictures of her friends litter the floor it is still dirty and she starts thinking about all of the rules and things that have made her this way she goes to sit on her bed.


ugh get off of me




no its abby, duh its me


how did you get in here?


i hopped through the window duh how else would i be able to get into here.


well can you leave I'm having a hard time here


well i was sent here i cant leave until i tell you something


i don't care I'm starving because you said i cant eat anymore my moms pissed because I'm drinking because of you.


well sorry to make your day worse but i need you to cut your wrists


that's it your crazy I'm not cutting my wrists I'm pissed not suicidal


you need to i was watching the future and i saw you cutting and it changed the future for the best


your imagining things you cant see the future you cant make people do what you want you cant do anything your insane!!


no I'm not now take this knife and cut them now.


no. I'm not stupid and i wont listen to your crap any longer.


do it now jt or else I'm going to kill your mother.


you wouldn't do that, but what ever if it will shut you up i will.

jt grabs the knife and slides it across her wrists the cut is deep and it immediately starts to bleed she cuts her other wrists and yells as she feels the pain pulsing in her body. blood is every where and it stains the cement floor of her room. she passes out and Laicee jumps back out the window.


JT! are you all right?

no response. her mom calls 911 and for the first time she notices that jt is really unhealthy looking and seems her face has a shallow look to it. her eyes have dark circles and she looks very pale. the paramedics get there and take her to the hospital

int. hospital- before dawn


where am i?


your in the hospital hunny, you cut your wrists do you remember?


not really i just remember fighting then i don't know what happened next


the doctors said it was all the drugs in your system it made you hallucinate and you cut your wrists. they also said that you hadn't been eating which made the drugs stronger.


I'm sorry mom i didn't mean to get this bad.


its fine there are some really good rehab places here and I'm planning to go too.


wait you want to send me to rehab?


that's what the doctors suggested.


i wont go, ill be fine i just need to get my head clear.

jt stays in the hospital for a week she blames Laicee for putting here here in the first place. but knows that it was for the good of the future. she returns to school soon after.

EXT. SCHOOL- MORNING late October early November

Laicee confronts JT in one of the empty class rooms there is no one in sight and they are the only people in the room there are over turned desks and something that looks like blood on the old carpet.


jt i told you not to break any rules and you have broken almost half of them in the past week


i couldn't help it i was in the hospital they forced me to eat and do all that stuff. besides your rules are stupid i better have saved your life by cutting because that hurt sure i heal easily because of my powers but it still hurts


you are part of us now it doesn't matter you should follow the rules strictly. and yes you did save me and what does it matter if you pull some stunts?


because even my drunken stoned mother is starting to notice that I'm not my self any more we have to be on the dl for a while.


(she closes her eyes and looks like she is concentrating on something)

i just looked you are going to be fine nothing wrong is going to happen.


what are you going to do force me to obey you and your cult?


you don't understand JT I'm here to help you right now you don't understand whats happening you've been pushed into a new world where there are rules and you need to learn that I'm here for you.


what ever.

they get closer while Laicee tries to calm JT down JT refuses to listen so laicee pushes her against the wall and punches her once on the nose


I'm sorry, JT you just weren't listening and i needed you to understand that i need you.

Int.class room first per.-morning


JT what what happened to your face, your bleeding.


its nothing i just fell down.


it doesn't look like you just fell is someone beating on you


look its none of your business if i wanted you to know what happened to me i would tell you leave me alone.


i will have to report this if you come in to my class looking half dead again.


Its just a bruise and my nose is only bleeding a little bit.


jt what happened?


like i told the teacher i fell


i don't believe that tell me what happened. we are sisters


quit pulling that sister crap you don't know nothing all you now is what Laicee tells you.


that's not true.

already in a bad mood jt storms out of class she knows that she has Laicee in her next class so she ditches and runs home. she is too suborn to admit that Laicee is only trying to help her.

int. JT's house-mid day

she gets home and is surprised to see her mother home, her mother looks nice with makeup on, then she hears the shower running, of course her mother had just brought home another looser looking to get sum.


what are you doing home?


i had an accident and fell my face got all banged up so i decided to come home.


that looks like someone beat on you. who hit you I'm going to call the cops.


i told you i fell nothing happened i fell hit my face and was embarrassed so i came home.


i don't believe you

jt angry that for once her mom sees through her lies goes into her room. she looks at her messy room wishing for once that this want her room and that she was far away with a new different family, she wished that she had never met abby or Laicee.


mom I'm going to the store is there anything you need.


no I'm fine just hurry home i don't like it when your out so late.


okay mom ill be back.

jt walks slowly to the store wondering what Debbi will say when jt tells her that shes no longer going to follow their stupid rules. Laicee walks up


hey jt whatcha doing?


its none of your business


its all of my business we are sisters. i see you making a big mistake i don't want you to get hurt.


no we are not, sisters don't beat each other up or tell each other to cut them selves. and i can look out for my self.


hey i didn't want you to cut yourself i was only trying to protect you. turns out while you were in the hospital a group from up north heard of your abilities and came to kill you i saved your life.


when are you ever going to learn there are no visions, no mind control, no mind reading, and no seeing the future. and no others that are coming to get me.


your the one not learning one day you will appreciate everything i have done for you. please don't act like this.


I'm acting normal something you cant do.


don't talk like you are any better than me, we are equals there is nothing wrong with that.


it doesn't matter just get out of my way.

Laicee gets in front of JT


cant you just listen?


get out of my way now!

JT grabs Laicee by the shirt collar and pushes her into a nearby alley. she throws her against the wall and starts punching her profusely, Laicee is shocked and does nothing to prevent the beating. it feels good to let the anger out. a large biker chick with tattoos on her arms and steel toe boots on with hair that looks like it hasn't been washed in days, is walking down the street sees whats happening, thinking that its a mugging she grabs JT by the shirt and pulls her down and starts to kick her JT throws up some blood and the biker chick tells Laicee to run.

jt blacks out and comes around ten minutes later, she slowly gets up and starts to make her way painfully home.

when she gets home her mother is passed out on the couch again. she makes sure that there are no guys in the house and then goes into her room, sitting on her bed is abby.


what the hell are you doing here!?


i saw you walk home limping and looking hurt so i jumped through your window and waited so i could hear your story.


there is no story i told you i fell, now get out


i have fallen just about every where and i have never looked that bad your not telling me something


so what! do i have to tell you everything! I'm not going to argue with you just get the hell out of my house and stop talking to you i don't want to talk to you ever again get out of my life.


whoa jt don't be so harsh here take a pill it will chill you out.


no get out i mean it I'm changing all my locks tonight and i don't want to ever speak to you again.

seeing that jt is serious this time abby hops out the window and disappears into the night. jt examines the wound her entire mid-section is pure purple her pale white skin is hidden and she can see the places where the biker chicks steel toe boots kicked her dead on. she swears that she will never talk to Laicee or abby again. she gets a thick bandage and wraps it around herself hoping that it will keep the cracked ribs from moving she takes a sleeping pill and passes out.

the next morning


jt you need to get up for school.


I'm sick i cant go Ive been puking my guts out


okay that's fine if you need anything let me know.


okay thanks mom.

jt waits for her mom to shut the door then slowly gets out of bed, the bruises look worse in the daylight she feels around and knows that nothing is broken just beaten badly she gets up trying to get dressed she finds a loose shirt and pulls it slowly over her face. she goes to the bathroom and looks at her face she looks like someone took a hammer to her face. she puts heavy makeup on trying to cover up the damage as much as possible. she goes and sits in her room and looks through her back pack. she notices that she has a lot of missing assignments.


i thought you were sick why are you doing homework?


i noticed that i have been falling behind so i thought id do as much work as possible so i can get a better grade. also i was wondering if i could have some money to go buy new clothes.


what brought all of this on you have never wanted to improve before.


i decided that my friends aren't the most important things in the world and that i need to do good.

surprised her mom gives her the money leaves jt puts the money in a safe planning to save it. she gets up carefully and leaves the front door. after she gets around the corner she decides to take a short cut she goes through an alley and at the end of it is Laicee waiting for her with a bat.


hello jt.


Laicee i already told abby, i don't want to be apart of this madness ill give you anything you want just don't hit me.


fine you win ill leave you alone all i want is you to never speak to abby again and i don't want you try to take any power from me.


is that what this is all about? power! i see it clearly now. your jealous of how i have become popular among our friends and now they consider me your leader.


its nothing like that


don't lie! i see you look at me when abby is laughing at one of my jokes i see the way you look at her and your afraid I'm going to break that special bond here's news to you but I'm not like that.


just leave us all alone. there's a lot more to all of this then you know to me abby really is my sister.

jt then goes to the store and buys what she needs. she returns home and starts to do her work for once.

int. classroom.December


jt did you do your homework?


actually i did also i was wondering how much late work would you accept from me.


really? you actually want to try in class?


yeah i decided that I'm not going to let the people I'm around destroy my way of life.


that's good for you, ill make an accept ion and allow any missed work for the past month


cool, i was prepared so i did two months work worth


in that case ill accept it, I'm glad that you are trying to improve things keep it up.

jt goes to all of her other classes and manages to make up for all the work she didn't do. her grades are now D's and she is no longer failing everything.



mom I'm home. guess what i managed to raise my grades up to at least a d for all classes.


that's an improvement just keep trying hopefully they will continue to get better. i was wondering would you like to go shopping with me for some clothes.


that would be great i don't really have anything to wear.

they go to the mall and look for some nice clothes for jt. she tries on a tank top and goes out to show her mom.


how do you like this one?


whats that on your shoulder?!


oh that's a tattoo i got one night its the trinity pyramid just like my name.


you shouldn't be proud of getting a tattoo it just shows how much you've messed up lately.


I'm not proud of what Ive done but i promise i wont be like that again.

they continue to shop and jt gets a lot of clothes so she will no longer feel like an outsider in school. she still has a drug problem and continues to buy speed from the kids around the corner.


what do you want tonight?


the usual just speed.


okay, you know you can try some harder stuff like meth right?


I'm already hooked to speed I'm not going to do anything else.

she buys a small bag of speed and goes home. her mother does not know about this addiction. jt goes into the room and locks the door while in there she takes the speed and gets the high she loves.

next morning


jt i want to talk to you about something




i found a baggie in your room i know your doing drugs, i don't care what kind but your going to go get help.


i don't need help i need the drugs they help me forget that i have this worthless life.


at least go to counseling they could help you deal with all of the pain and feelings you have.


if it makes you happy ill go.

int. therapists office. January

DR gatner

hello Jamie how are you today?


my name isn't Jamie its jt all ways has been always will be.


okay then jt, why are you here?


because i have a drug problem


i don't think that's the real problem do you want to talk about your father.


whats there to talk about he was killed in Iraq he died an honorable death.


do you miss him?


who doesn't he was a great man but i didn't know him very well i was only five when he went missing.


whats your relationship like with your mother.


its gotten better ever since i stopped hanging out with my friends but we are not close, i think i remind her of my father.


that must be hard for the both of you


i haven't really noticed anything. i go to school or at least i left the house everyday she tends to pass out on the couch.


does it make you sad that your mother drinks.


not really because she is in less pain when shes drugged up.


i still don't see why that's a good thing for you, kids need their parents to help them grow up.


my friends helped with that


and how did you turn out?


not well but I'm working on it.

jt leaves and goes home

int. back home


how was therapy?


it went well i guess.

jt goes into her room she sees the small bag of speed she picks it up and takes it to the bathroom she pours the contents down the toilet.


what did you do?


something i should have done a long time ago i poured out the drugs.


I'm proud of you


thanks. is the phone turned on this week?


i paid the bill yesterday so it should be. why do you ask?


i need to call up and old friend, i owe her an apology.


hello is Jake there?


this is him.


hey Jake this is jt I'm just calling to say that I'm sorry for what happened last time you called.


its okay i knew you would come around you always do.


hey i had gotten so caught up in trying to be different and hanging out with my friends that i forgot about those who matter most


so what happened to you, i had gotten a call about a month ago from your mother she said you tried to pull some crazy stunt


yeah i was being stupid and i had gotten into x and it made me hallucinate and then i cut myself


that doesn't sound like you jt are you sure your friends didn't make you do that?


yeah I'm sure it was all me, i was wondering if you wanted to come over this next weekend and maybe stay for a couple days?


way ahead of you, your mom called this morning and talked to my mom apparently I'm going to move in with you for a few months just to make sure your doing alright and not getting into trouble. i even get to go to school with you!


that's so cool thanks for still being my friend.


your welcome well i got to go I'm packing hopefully ill be there by Friday morning if the traffic isn't that bad.


okay see you then.

jt goes into her room with a trash bag and starts to throw away all of the notes and pictures of her and her old friends she actually has a clean room and she gets the spare mattress from the garage so Jake has somewhere to sleep

int. JT's house Friday morning


hey jt its been like forever


yeah it has, here ill show you where my rooms at.

they go into JT's room and Jake gets all of his things settled.


you look bad jt


i know but believe me I'm trying.


when was the last time you slept?


idk Ive been running around like crazy on drugs that i forget to sleep sometimes.


yeah and you look skinny i don't like you like that you look weird. and when was the last time you showered?


honestly i don't know all i think about is the speed and how and when i can get some more. i don't shower i don't sleep and i don't eat.


that's going to change I'm going to take care of you. remember the time when we were kids and i fell and broke my leg and you stayed with me until i had gotten better?


yeah i remember i wouldn't leave your bed side.


well its my turn to be there for you.


thanks Jake it means the world to me

they stay up talking all night catching up on the lost months everything seems to be looking up.


jt goes to school with Jake. it seems to have a normal friend. she sees all the other girls eying him. she cant blame them he is six feet tall blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes and has the body of a god. she sees abby and Laicee eye him seeing if they can draw him into their cult


hey Jake see those girls over there?


you mean the one with black hair and her friend that looks the exact same?


yeah i need you to do me a favor, stay as far away from them as possible, they are the reason i got so messed up.


okay i promise to stay away from them they look like a bunch of skin heads and losers anyways.


thanks for understanding and your lucky my hair has had the chance to grow out a bit since i had to cut it and the curls are starting to come back.


yeah that's the first thing i noticed was that all your beautiful hair had been cut short but it should soon grow back.


yeah well we are lucky i was able to get you in all my classes so neither of us has to ever be alone.


haha yeah that's cool lets go to class.

in the class room


who is your friend jt?


this is Jake he moved down from up north he is an old family friend


okay well I'm going to sit him next to you so you can help him catch up and abby lets move you to the back of the room so Jake can sit next to jt.


yes sir

class goes by well abby doesn't say a thing to jt. Jake ends up helping jt catch up since he was in all gate and honers classes at home.

ext. lunch room


your school is so much bigger here


yeah i know what you mean


hey jt why don't you bring your new friend over here to sit with us?

jt acts as if she didn't hear Laicee


did you hear me jt bring your new friend over here.


this is how its going to be jt doesn't want to talk to you and neither do i all you are is a bunch of freaks so stay the hell away from me and jt.


thanks for defending me


hey jt i was wondering if you would like to sit with us today


sure. do you mind if Jake sits with us?


no not at all


so how do you know jt?


oh shes in a few of my classes i would like to think that we are friends.


don't worry your my friend plus you are like the only person involved with Laicee and her group.


yeah whats up with them, they are so weird i mean one day all of them showed up wearing the same thing with the exact same hair cut.


they just have problems and i don't want to be part of that.

int. JT's house mid January.

Jake and jt go through school with out any problems, and they get home laughing and talking about school. when they arrive home JT's mother is passed out on the couch.




i think she over dosed quick call 911 we need to get her to a hospital.

jt runs to the phone and calls the ambulance arrives and takes her mother to the hospital.


mom are you alright?


what happened?


you drank too much and then took pills you almost died!


i don't remember drinking very much are you sure i didn't just pass out


yeah, so now your going to go to rehab and this time your coming out clean.


don't worry ill take care of jt while you are away i wont let anything happen to her.

they leave JT's mother there and return home


do you think she will ever clean up?


yeah i do but lets not worry about her right now you need to focus on your school work.

they start to do work and the time passes quickly JT realizes how nice it is to have a friend like Jake.


hey Jake?




why are you such a great friend to me?


because i love you, your like a sister to me.


nothing more than a sister right?


yeah that's it unless you want something more?


no i like the way we are now.


that's cool so do i, so how about that Justin kid, he seems really nice.


i honestly don't know much about him he is in my classes and Ive said a few words to him but Ive never even given him a chance


he seems like a good guy maybe you should ask him over sometime?


that sounds like a good idea.

jt goes over to the phone and decides to give Justin a chance.


hello is Justin there?


hey jt whats up?


i was wondering if you would like to come over some time to chill out with Jake and i.


that sounds cool i was thinking about having a little get together with some friends this weekend would you like to come?


yeah that seems cool there's not going to be any alcohol there right?


no i know how you don't do that stuff and Ive never even touched anything before.


cool tell me what time and where and ill mark my calendar.


this Friday night at my place come around seven.


cool ill see you then.


see that wasn't very hard all you need is a bit of practice and you'll learn how to socialize in no time.


i just feel like i don't want to get involved with people so soon.


i know what you mean but making new friends is the first step of recovery.


yeah i know.

jt goes to the party has fun and the month flies by she dates Justin for a short time but decides that its not right soon its march and her mother is finally coming home after a month and a half of strict rehab.

int. JT's house march.


welcome home mom


thanks jt it looks like you've been doing good on your own


well Jake has helped out a lot.


that's good i need sleep so I'm going to move into the master bedroom.


okay mom also i had all the pills and alcohol removed while you were gone so no temptations are here



mom goes and lays down Jake and JT go into their room.


hey Jake thanks for staying with me all of this time.


it was no problem i enjoy spending time with you always have always will.


i have a question, its kinda serious so no laughing okay?


just ask what ever you want JT you know i never laugh at your questions.


if we are such good friends why don't you ever date anyone i mean I'm not the world you could at least date someone while you are here


i could but i don't want to, its personal.


since when are things "personal" between us?


since you asked that question, i have an answer and maybe ill tell you why.


okay Jake i believe you.

they leave drop the subject and go to bed that night it rains and a storm starts



hey Jake you awake?


(half asleep still)

yeah jt what do you need?


I'm scared i don't like this weather the lightning scares me.

Jake gets out of his bed and goes to lay with jt in her bed it barely fits the both of them.


its okay jt I'm right here I'm not going anywhere.




of course i promise ill stay here with you until the storm ends okay




Jake holds jt in his arms and watches her sleep he caresses her face wishing that she was his. he quickly falls asleep next to her with his face in her hair and his arms around her waist.


Jake, jt its time to get up! what do you thing you two are doing?


what are you talking about?


i see now you get me out of the house so you two can hook up while I'm gone! i will not tolerate this in my house! Jake i want you packed and moved out by tonight!


mom! nothing happened i was scared last night so he came and helped me sleep.


that's crap i didn't even hear a storm last night!


you have to be kidding! the first night you get back you start drugs again! your pathetic mom!


you don't know what its like!


yeah i do because i quit and i didn't even need to go to some fancy rehab i just quit cold turkey. all you are is a failure and that's all you'll ever be.


your moms right jt i need to go i shouldn't put you through this you need your mother more than you need me ill be gone by tonight.


no Jake don't leave please.


i have to. you need to fix this, not me.

Jake goes and packs his things while jt sits on the couch and cries she curses her mother and throws a bottle at her.


well this is goodbye jt i don't know when ill be back i think distance might be good for us anyways.


I'm going to miss you

not being able to bear seeing jt in pain Jake walks out and gets into his car driving back home


this is all your fault i just lost my one and only friend because of you.

she runs out of the house and goes to the school hoping that she can find someone to talk to. she no longer cares about anything. she gets to the school and forgets that its Monday. she shes a kid working at the school store.

ext. school store


hey jt want something to drink?


no I'm just here to chill for a bit.


okay well do you need a job? we are a little short staffed and the owners wanted to hire someone.


well i do need a job, hows the pay


its pretty good its minimum wage. but it looks good for future jobs


well how do i apply?


consider yourself hired just show up in the morning before school starts about seven to work. did i mention the people who opened up the campus store are my parents?


haha no but i bet that helps with getting jobs ill make sure to be here right on time

jt leaves and goes home in a good mood.


did you get anything while you were out?


yeah i got something you never can have: a job. see you later I'm going to bed i have WORK in the morning.

jt goes to bed and wakes up early in the morning, she showers and looks nice.


hi I'm the new girl, I'm supposed to start work today.


that's right, my son told me about you.

she takes JT into the back room and shows her where the supplies are, the room is very clean and tidy with everything labeled where its supposed to go.

jt gets fired and gets back on drugs

montage JT works hard and is supporting herself as she works in the shop you can see the weather go from rainy march to sunny may she is doing well


JT I'm sorry but we are shutting down the business we are just not making enough. the economy hit the school hard and we cant pay for things anymore.


i understand it was good working for you.

JT is devastated by the loss of her job she passes her old dealer in the street. he notices that she is looking at him


heyy JT you wanna buy sum thin i got what eva you need.


yea i want just a small bag ya know like 10 pills of speed its been a few months but hey why not just get some more.

JT goes home and goes into her room it is spotless for once and she just doesn't care anymore she throws her work uniform on the floor and goes into the living room her mother is no where to be found. she goes to the phone and calls up abby.


abby I'm so sorry for the way i have been acting. i know that you are my sisters and i shouldn't have left you and laciee. i couldn't help it.


I'm glad you called i have missed you so much. all of us have. hey did you hear about Alex?


no Alex was the quiet one right?


ya well a few weeks ago we were doing the usual rituals and stuff and he thought he hear something.




well he took a gun outside and thought he saw someone running towards him so he pulled the trigger turns out it was Kevin he had snuck out of his house and was coming to meet us.


Kevin is dead?


yeah and now Alex is in prison, he got an easy sentence though because he told the police about us.


what happened?


well the cops came and asked about.

a bang is heard from abbys side of the line.


is everything alright abby.


i gotta go ill see you at school tomorrow then we can talk...

jt worries about her friend and decides to go to the school to check out the hideout.

ext. school at the hide out

jt walks up to the school there is caution tape on the door on the room they used to hide in. some of the school is still going for after school classes so jt quietly walks into the room.

int. hideout.

Laicee is sitting in the middle of the room crying.


hey lace.

jt goes and sits down next to her.


hey Jamie.


are you alright?


he died because of me if i hadn't started all of this he wouldn't have died.


its not your fault none of us could have known that Alex would pull the trigger.


did you know we were in love, Kevin and i?


no but i figured i mean you were at his house all the time.


yeah we stopped talking a while back. and now i feel bad for not making things better with him.


why did you stop talking?


because i had gotten prego and he was all excited that he was going to be a dad and because i was always drinking i lost the baby.


why would you ever be stupid like that.


don't even judge me JT your the one who was found with Jake.


how did you find out about that?


nothing is kept a secret here you should know that.


you haven't changed a bit have you?

jt gets up and leaves laicee on the floor.

int. class room morning.

the next morning jt gets up and ready for school. she has class with laicee in the morning.


jt I'm sorry for yesterday.


don't be sorry just stop talking to me.


i cant help it you are my sister I'm not going to walk off on you like you do to everyone else.


i left because i didn't want to be part of this anymore cant you see it was ruining my life.

even though the girls are in class they start to yell.


all you want is a pity party. its like omg my dad died poor me i hate my life my moms a druggie and a drunk.


at least I'm not like you,

( imitating laicee)

my life is soo miserable and my dad beats my mom. and i slept with one of my friends and got knocked up. and i can read everybody's mind because I'm special. stop the crap laicee!


you are the one with drama you stop.

jt gets up and pushes laicee out the door. the kids in class are excited and go to see if there is going to be a fight.


cant you just get over yourself?


there's nothing to get over you are just a hater because you cant do all the stuff i can do.


if i was a hater i would try to be like you and trust me i would rather die than be as pitiful as you are.


than do something about it!

mad jt and abby start to fight kids surround them and make it hard for the teachers to get through. laicee is bleeding from her lip and jt has a black eye. jt tackles laicee to the ground and is pounding her. a teacher gets through finally and tries to pull off JT. jt wont move shes too busy fighting. laicee starts to feint. realizing what she is doing JT stops and allows the teachers to pull her off.

int. deans office.


why did you do that JT?


things have just gotten out of control i mean she always is beating on me and just trash talking me behind my back.


i think that you shouldn't go here anymore.


wait. what? i cant move schools not now anyways.


it seems to me that you are failing classes anyways. all your grades have been in the gutter. true you tried to turn things around for a bit but then your grades fell again.


i cant help that everything had gone down the drain. i cant help that my mother is an alcoholic. i cant but I'm trying.


fine ill give you one more try if you mess up again I'm going to have to send you somewhere else. I'm giving you a 3 day suspension right now.

jt feels bad and walks out of the office knowing that things are going to be different. she sees all of her "family" waiting outside all looking the same with hostile looks on their faces. she hangs her head and walks off the campus because her mom cant pick her up. she walks out to the school parking lot. her family follows her.

ext. school parking lot.

in the parking lot there is a group of people waiting for her she hadn't realized that so many people had joined the group. she only recognizes jordyn in the group all of the other faces are new and unfamiliar.


hey jordyn whats up who are all these people?


you know what you did JT. you messed up the family how could you hit your sister.


shes not my sister and none of you are my family. i don't even know half of you and the ones i know i just know them from sight.


you made a pact jt you promised to protect us at all costs.


but there is no family don't you understand. its a cult they are forcing you to believe in things that aren't really there.


no you are the one who doesn't see whats going on we have been telling you for weeks.


nothing has been happening i haven't even been here a lot honestly i don't know what everyone is talking about.


you don't remember coming down here at night. escaping from your house? you don't remember bringing the gun that killed Kevin.


i didn't do any of those things.


then you must not remember going along with lace and abby late at night killing all of those people.


what are you talking about i didn't kill anyone. Ive been with Jake.


jt i think you have gone mad. Jake was never here. you have been with us the entire time.


no, i don't believe you.


listen to me no one came for you. your mom didn't get better and neither did you.


i wont let you get into my head.


look into my eyes I'm not lying Jake is not here. Kevin is not here and neither is Alex. everything happens for a reason.


i wont let myself be controlled by you guys and your mind games.


this is no game jt.

it seems as if the parking lot is spinning. jt cant get her mind on things. she tries to run but jordyn holds her back. she starts hyperventilating.


shh jt everything will be fine.


no it wont how could i be such a monster?


your not a monster you did what you have to do the world is a better place with out them.


no i could have known those people. i don't remember anything. how could i have done all of those things and not remember.


you were messed up jt and then all of the sudden your fighting with laicee and you don't know whats going on.


what do you mean i was messed up i have been clean for months.


no you haven't. you have gotten worse i think you need help i think abby and laicee can help you.


they are the reason im like this im sorry i cant go back. let me go.

abby runs into the parking lot and grabs jt


get off of me im not your friend.


jt what are you talking about you have been living with me for the past few weeks.


no i havent ive been at my house the entire time.


you moved in with me when your mother died. thats when things got weird and you seemed like you wernt here.


what! my mom is not dead i saw her this morning.


your mom over dosed two weeks ago jt.


no your lying. that cant be true.


i was there when the ambulence drove up. jt i was the one who found her body.



jt starts to run across the parking lot she doesnt know where she is running to she is just running.

ext. back in the parking lot.


wow i cant believe she went all psycho on us like that


yeah i know. good job on making her believe all of that. i didnt think she would buy it. and dont worry about her she will be back once she realizes that we were right all along.


i feel bad doing that to a sister though. i mean there must be an easier way to make her believe.


she will be okay besides i already set things up with her mom.


what did you do?


i just got rid of the problem thats all.


i thought we wernt supposed to harm any members of a family. especially if they are part of ours.


well i made and exception. besides i am a creater of this family i have the right to bend the rules.


what do i tell the others.


tell them to stay on the dl for a while. i dont want anyone looking into what we are doing.


okay, where can i find laciee


shes fine in the hideout, you know how quickly she heals. dont bother her though shes meditating.


will do, sister.

they leave the parking lot and go back to school. abby makes a detour into the hideout.

int. hideout.

abby walks into the hideout and sees laicee laying on the floor moaning.


lace you alright.


you didnt tell anyone i was in here did you?


i told jordyn but i told him that you were meditating and not to bother you.


good. i dont want them to see me all weak like this. they have to believe that we are all invincible. if they see that i cant heal easily they will lose their faith.


i understand completly. what hurts the most i can see if i have any meds but i have to make sure they wont hurt you.


i hurt everywhere i cant believe that JT is so strong she always seems to be so calm and weak. i didnt think that she would explode like that.


i know what you mean. she was always the calm one.


she is going to pay for this i can feel it.


dont do something you are going to regret later. i know that you are mad now but if you do something stupid now your going to hate yourself later.


i have done so much for her. i tried to make her seem so popular made her part of something. why would she throw it all away.


i think that she just didnt have enough power in her. she couldnt see that all along we were trying to save her. shes following the path we tried so hard to prevent.

laicee gets off of the floor and sits in a recliner.


thanks for getting all the furnature from jts house.


no problem


okay i want you to call the entire family in here something big is going to happen and they should all know.

abby goes gets out her phone and texts the members. she takes her seat next to abby. like royality. the members all walk in looking like twins.



as you all know JT has left us and we need to find her before she goes to the police. so we first we are going to search for her. if that doesnt work i have a back up plan that will help us all. use caution she proved today that she is dangerous.

all of them.



now go find us a jt.

all of the family runs out even though it is still morning they ditch school in search for jt.


i think that went well, i wonder how long it will take to find her she couldn't have gotten far.


i think shes smarter than she lets on. i don't think they will find her.


so whats the plan to get her back.


i know how to get her back home i just dont know how to keep her home. abby, my sister, my best friend, whats your oppinion on dying?

scene ends.

ext. school afternoon

everyone is walking around the school looking for JT.


has anyone called her cell yet?


no i dont think she had it on her.


just try we might get lucky.

debbi gets out her phone and txts jt. no answer after ten minutes. she then calles the phone picks up after two rings.


jt thank god you answered. where are you we are all worried about you.


i'm hiding out for a while. i dont think its safe for me to be around you guys. i feel like you are all out to get me.

jordyn motions to debbie to hand him the phone. he changes his voice to sound like jake.


(sounds like jake)

jt! where are you. i have been worried. your friends called me luckly i was in town doing somethings. come back to the school


jake!? ive been so worried about you and i miss you.


(still pretending)

we all just want whats best for you jt comeback home.


wait a minute, you never called school home, your not jake are you? who are you?


(no longer pretending)

im sorry jt we just want you back home. we need you, we arent a family if you are not here.


im not part of your family i never was and i never will be how many times must i repeat myself? all you are doing is what abby and laicee tell you to do. do you honestly think that they care what happens to you.


abby and laicee care for all of the family.


sure they care about you did you see how fast they got over kevin? and how they dont even go to visit alex in jail. but they send all of you to go see him.


thats not true they told us that they go and visit him at night and that they are planning to break him out.


sure have any of you gone with them in these night trips?


no they say its something they have to do alone.


has alex ever mentioned them visiting him?


no but thats besides the point they do what they have to, to protct us.


you mean protect themselves.


no, they are for the family.


im not arguing with you good bye ill see you later.

jt hangs up, jordyn throws the floor on the ground and walks off.

int. hideout.

jordyn runs into the hideout.


so did you find her?


no, but.


(inrupts jordyn)

but what!?


we called and she answered she says you are just watching out for your selves.


why would you belive her you know we care about everyone.


i know.


how did you get a hold of her/


debbie had called her cell


ok thats good news at least she still has her phone. you can go now.


wheres abby?


dont ask questions. just get out of here.

jordyn looks hurt and walks out of the room. laicee gets out her cell and calls JT. she starts to fake cry.




what do you need lace havent you done enough damage?


abbys dead jt.


what? i just saw her like an hour ago.


she just went missing after you left and then i found her dead in the hideout.


your lying. your the one who did it. didnt you!


i loved her she was my sister why whould i kill her?


because you couldnt stand that she was protecting me from you!


protecting you? she was the one who was distroying you, holding you back. and even if i did kill her i was doing you a favor


im not going to listen to you.

jt hangs up her phone. and calls abbys no answer shes afraid that laicee was telling the truth. she texts laicee one last time.


(in a text message)

hey im sorry for how i was acting why dont you meet me at school tonight in the lowered amp. we can talk there. dont bring anyone else.


ok how about 8.


fine by me

int. jts house

jt walks into the house it is empty she sees an old notebook lying on the floor. she picks it up. a message is written on the inside.

im sorry about your mother jt hope things get better <3 abby.

jt tears out the page and begins to write. when she finishes its night time. she writes the final words and leaves it where someone can find it. she then goes to the school.

ext. school ampatheater.

jt walks into the ampatheter and sees laciee sitting on the bottom step.


hey laciee.


hey jt im glad that you finaly came round. there is so much you need to learn. you have so much power in you.


i didnt bring you here so you can teach me


then why are we here for?


this is going to be the last time you are going to see me as a mater of fact it will be the last time you will see anyone.


wh. what do you mean JT


i mean that you are not going home tonight. your not going anywhere


you cant do anything to me JT im your sister im like your blood.


like doesnt count. i have no one no mother no father no one im all alone. thats why i brought you here today because i want you to be all alone in your final moments.


you wont get away with this JT they will catch you.


im planning on that i already left a journal on the table explaining everything thats been going on all the deaths everything. and i told them where to find me.


please dont do this. its too late.


your right it is too late for you.

jt takes off her shoelace belt and prepares to get laicee.


dont move i hear it hurts the more you move.

she lunges towards laciee and grabs her neck with the shoelace. laicee is struggling to get away. abby runs down the steps.


jt! stop stop it now. your hurting her.


i know you are just an illusion. i know ive finnaly gone mad.

abby runs into jt showing that it is real.


so you didnt die?


no it was all a trap we needed you home and we knew that if you thought i was dead you would come back to us.


i cant believe that you would do something like that to me. i guess im going to have to change my plans. i guess im going to have to kill you both.


jt we are your only family your only life you cant get rid of us.

jt pushes abby out of the way and jumps on laciee's back. and tries to take her down.


jt stop, your out of control.

jt doesnt hear her because of laciee's screams, they are on the ground now and jt is on top of laicee pinning her down and punching her with her other hand. laicee passes out.


jt what have you done omg im calling the cops.


your not calling anyone abby.

jt runs at abby now abby falls on the bottom step hitting her head, shes now bleeding. jt grabs the shoelace and gets ready to wrap it around her neck.


if you had left me alone when i asked none of this would have happened.


i didnt mean to JT i swear pleaze dont do this please.

jt goes for the lunge out of nowhere jake runs into jt. and holds her tight against his chest. jt starts to cry.


shhh jt its alright i got you, its jake im here to protect you.


im so sorry i didnt mean for it to get this bad i was just so miserable and everything got out of hand and they wouldnt leave me alone, they kept telling me that i couldnt leave and i felt trapped.


calm down jt nothings going to harm you im right here you dont have to listen to them anymore. its ok its ok.

jt doesnt want to move they are still in the grass and jt is still sobbing while jake whistpers its ok its over repitedly. jake is too busy taking care of jt to notice laicee get up. she takes out a knife and walks towards them slowly. she gets close to JT and Jake. jake sees laicee raise the knife at JT's exposed side he moves jt over and raises his arm up. the knife goes into his arm and he gasps in pain.


jake! jake! are you alright?

jake doesnt answer he gets up and pulls the knife out going towards laicee. he uses some karate moves and ties her up with the shoelace that was sitting on the ground still. abby is in shock so he just has her sit on the step still. she is still bleeding.

jake calls the cops and the girls all get arrested.

jt(in cuffs)

jake im sorry it had to be like this.


its ok im sure they are going to find you inoccent.


but i killed people.


i doubt that jt who made you belive that.


jordyn said that you never came back and that they made me kill people.


if i have never been there for you in the first place how would i know to find you now.


how did you find me tonight?


easy i got a text saying that you were sorry and to meet you here. i thought that u wanted me here for a reason.


im kinda glad my phone messes up now.


hahah ya well i gotta talk to the police and ill post bail as soon as i can i have some good news for you but i dont want you like this when i tell you.


ok love you Jake.


i love you too jt i always have.

jt gets into the car and gets driven off.

montage jt gets out of jail and so does laicee and abby.

ext. restaurant

jake picks up JT and takes her to eat. they are sitting eating when a man in army uniform walks up behind JT.


jt remember when i told you that i have something important to tell you that night/




well i dont think im the person to tell you.


im the one who should tell you.

jt hasnt seen her dad in years but she knows that its him. she starts to cry and runs into his arms


its ok Jamie everything is going to be fine.


where have you been dad?


its along story that ill tell you when we get home.




yeah i bought a house nearby. we can stop by your apartment and pick up anything you might need.

they leave and montage starts summer passes quickly and jake turns 18 and decides to stay with her. school starts again.


jake and jt are sitting in the car before school.


you going to be ok jamie?


ya i think so.


i found this notebook when we went through your appartment. i think you should finish it.


i have time.

jamie starts to write in the note book finishing the story.


dear notebook i lied last time that wont be the last entry and neither will this one be the last. my life wasnt at its end before and neither was laicee or abbys. turns out jake was here for me after all and everything is going to be alright. im going back to school today. and this time it will be diffrent. because no longer will the other side of life affect anyone. it is over and all of them have gotten help. the other side was an experement by immature girls who wanted to know what control would be like and in the end it almost cost all of us our lives. i gotta go to class and see all the teachers now catch you later...Jamie. not JT

jt gets out of the car and walks onto campus, laciee and abby are standing together near by. they give her a smile and not. everything is fine.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.05.2010

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