

“I’m sorry Evelyn.”
“No its okay.”
“I know.” Saying her goodbyes Evelyn sighed and starred at her ceiling, it was Halloween night and had nothing to do. Caden her best friend, was going to go trick or treating with her, but he got sick.
She sighed and looked at her T.V. screen; “Night of the living dead” was playing, so that’s a little better right? She laid back on her sofa, just starring at the screen. Her father had left on a date and she was alone.
“damn.” She sighed again and went into the kitchen to get popcorn and candy to serve to the kids that came by.
When she had cooked her popcorn and brought out a glass of soda out she heard the doorbell ring.
“Hold on! I’m coming!”
‘Greedy brats…’ she stopped and shook her head. What a strange thought…
She grabbed the bowl of candy and opened the door.
“All right only three pieces…oh hi Damien!” she smiled as her long time other best friend stood there holding up the original Halloween movie and roses.
“Hey Evelyn, long time no see.” He smiled at her. She grinned back.
“come on in!” he strode inside and sat the roses in her hands.
“for you.” She smiled at him.
“Thanks.” She laughed a bit and set them down on the side table by the sofa.
“I brought Halloween so we can watch it, I have seen Night of the Living Dead too many times.” Damien grinned at her.
“Well put it in!” she sat down next to him and put the popcorn in her lap.
“Mind if I get a soda?” he asked. She smiled.
“No prob. “
As he left, Evelyn smiled. It had been five years since she had seen him. He had grown really tall. She was happy he looked better then when they were young.
When he came back he had soda and candy in his hand.
“Just a little, I don’t think the little kiddies with mind.” He smiled at her and sat down again.
As the movie played Evelyn began to droop her head, her body slumping down.
She must have had a rough night.

Damien moved so she could lie down on his lap, her head nestled on his leg, he put the bowl of pop corn on the coffee table and smiled, watching the rest of the movie.
Just like the old days.


Texte: Asia Horton
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.09.2011

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