
Coming Out

Coming Out Adrienne Gresham, 205-786-3894, 2927 words;

Dru was so intelligent when he was born that by the time he turned one he was

Talking in sentences. His older brother, Dre could not handle him getting all of their

parents’ attention. He knew his alphabets by the time he was two and was reading by the

age of three. Dre did not understand how this could be. He would come home from

school with a project he did in school and he would receive praise from his parents but

that was never enough for him. He only made A’s in school but Dru was skipped often

and graduated a year ahead of Dre. He just could not forgive him for that.

Dre had won a national spelling bee in school and that was quite an

accomplishment. Dru on the other hand won the national mathematics tournament. They

were both in an elite class of people? Their mom and dad had often sat Dre down and

tried to talk with him about his attitude about his brother but to no avail. They discussed

the possibility of a therapist but let that thought go.

Upon graduating from high school Dru received a brand new bmw for his gift. On

Dre’s graduation he too received a new bmw but his was made the previous year and that

did not set too well with him.

Dre was determined to do something first so he made it a point to marry before

his brother. One year after graduating from college him and his high school sweetheart

got married. They had two little girls and a parrot as their family pet. While they were

growing up the family had two Persian cats. Dru really loved the cats but Dre did not

seem to care so much.

Armandreus and Arnandru were brothers. Dre was two years older than Dru and

did not hesitate to let Dru know it. Dre was always the strong, muscular, athletic one and

Dru was the academic scholar or better known as the geek according to his brother. Dru

loved his older brother and always wanted to hang out with him when they were growing

up but Dre would not hear of it and always pushed him away without hesitation.

Now they were all grown up and no longer in school at all. Dre was a successful

architect and Dru had just graduated from medical school. Of course their parents loved

them both the same but in Dre’s eyes his brother was definitely their favorite. He was

jealous of his brother and their parents could not figure out why.

On the one night that he decided to go out and celebrate his success of becoming a

doctor his life would change forever. He and three of his colleagues thought that this

would be a fascinating way to end graduation night. Rayzell, Justice and Carmike

decided to play a joke on Dru. They actually hired a guy to play the part of a priest and

pretend to perform a marriage ceremony of their friend Dru and this woman he met at the

bar, Ketcherna. The guys always played practical jokes and sometimes they were funny

but most of the time they were not.

Dru was a really shy fellow most of the time and he had never gotten off into the

club scene. Tonight was a special occasion though and he wanted to celebrate with his

friends. They all ordered drinks and three women approached their table which was fine

because Carmike was not really interested in women.

Ketcherna had already instructed her friends and told them that Dru was hers.

They were all having a great time drinking and dancing. The laughter coming from their

table seemed never ending.

The next morning however was a different story. Dru opened his eyes and

realized he was in a strange bed. He was in her bed and could not remember how or

when he got into it. When he finally focused and sat up his gaze met hers and she was

smiling from the inside out. She was even humming a little tune. She opened her mouth

and said “good morning my husband”.

He did not respond, he did not know what to say if anything. He could hardly

focus on his surroundings. He picked up his phone, and called one of his friends,

Justice. Dru asked what had happened last night and Justice told him that the joke

went too far and that he had gotten married to Ketcherna last night. He went on to

tell him that they were playing a joke but the priest was real. They later found out

that she had slipped something into his drink and they could not stop him from

signing that marriage certificate.

Justice told him that they paid a guy to perform the ceremony as a joke, but come

to find out he was for real. Ketcherna had planned this and they played right into her

hands. Dru hung up on Justice, turned his phone off and went home. About an hour after

he got home his friends showed up at his door begging him to let them in to explain.

They all felt really bad about last night and assured him that they would fix it ASAP.

Dru was so angry that he could not speak.

They did not stop until they found Ketcherna and made her confess to what she

had done. Dru told her emphatically that he did not know her, did not want to know her

and most definitely was not ready for marriage. She told him why don’t we just take

some time and think about this. He gave her a look that insisted that she leave his

presence and immediately.

He had worked seventy-two hours nonstop now and felt worn completely out. Dru

needed sleep and lots of it. He was exhausted and quickly fell asleep but it was

interrupted by a knock on his door. He was somewhat relieved because he was having

nightmares about graduation night. He answered the door and to his surprise it was

Ketcherna standing there.

He let her in, and told her in no uncertain terms that he would see her in court if

she did not agree to get an annulment and soon like today. She asked him how he

could ask her to give up on her life long dream of being married. He told her as he

saw things with her that any body would do so go and fined another body

because she could never have his. That hurt her feelings and she thought about the

fact that she had indeed tricked him and decided to comply with his wishes.

Dru was attracted to her, but he was so disgusted with this whole scenario that he

would not dare act on his feelings. They got this marriage dissolved and now he was a

free man again.

Two months later he ran into her in the parking lot of the local grocery store and

she talked him into having lunch with her. They had lunch and talked about the past

events and both had a good laugh about it now. She asked him about his friends and he

told her that they too were a part of his past. She thought he was being a bit harsh on his

friends, but she did understand his point of view.

He asked if she would like to have dinner with him soon, and she quickly

responded yes, because she was attracted to him too. He decided that they would

have Chinese food at his apartment along with a nice bottle of wine. She felt

special knowing that he had taken the time to actually cook for her, that is, until

she spotted the carry out bag in the garbage. She kind of let out a little snicker

and covered her mouth with her hand. She did not mind, because getting to know

him was all that mattered to her.

They had started seeing each other regularly and enjoyed being in one another’s

company. He did eventually forgive his friends and they all shared a good laugh about

graduation night. Dru made them promise to never play another practical joke on him of

any kind because if they did that would be the end of their friendship.

They were all doctors and very good in their perspective fields. Six months in and

they had already received all kinds of awards and accolades for their service thus far.

The chief of staff had taken Dru under his wing and mentored him and Dru seemed to

just soak up the knowledge.

Ketcherna was a banking manager who really did not need to work because her

family was loaded with money. She only worked three or four days a week and that

suited her just fine.

The hospital gave the new doctors a picnic in the park day and they got to invite

whomever they wanted. Dru invited his family and of course he invited Ketcherna too.

She was so thrilled for the opportunity to get to meet his parents that she was kind of

clumsy and nervously laughing. Dru had never told his family about what happened on

graduation night.

Ketcherna however decided to apologize to his parents for the part that she played on

that night. They thought that she was apologizing for today, and told her not to give it

another thought. Dru got angry with her for bringing it up and asked her to leave and she

did without any argument.

Later that night she went over to his apartment to apologize. He quickly forgave

her and pulled her into his bedroom. They spent the night together and neither one of

them could have been happier. She let him know that she was in love with him and

wanted to be with him no matter what. He felt the same way but did not want to tell her

right now.

He finally had the weekend off and they flew to Miami Beach for the weekend.

They had a wonderful time and loved hanging out together. Dru gave her one of the most

exquisite diamond watches’ she had ever seen before in her life. These two were

definitely in love. On Monday after work he came home and called her over for dinner.

Her workday seemed extra long because they arrived home this morning from their trip

and it was right to work from the airport.

Dru asked her to marry him and to his surprise she said no, it is absolutely too

soon. He did not believe her answer and asked her to elaborate. She told him that she

wanted him to be completely sure because there was no turning back when all was said

and done. She wanted him to be sure that he wanted to give her his body. He thought

back to when he told her that any body would do her and he emphatically apologized to

her and she did not hesitate to let him know that he was forgiven.

They decided to live together for a while before they got married. Dru loved cats

and he had a beautiful gold colored kitten with beautiful emerald green eyes. Her name

was Mattie and she was more than spoiled. Mattie loved being held and petted often.

Ketcherna had gotten used to her and was quickly falling in love with her. She went out

and purchased a rhinestone leash for walking in the park.

Dru had to go out of town for a conference and Ketcherna and Mattie were home

all week alone. Ketcherna was busy catching up with her friends whenever she had extra

time. She forgot all about Mattie’s dental appointment. Dru called the next day to inquire

about her appointment. Ketcherna’s reply was “what appointment?” After hanging up

from him she quickly called the vet, and scheduled another appointment for Mattie.

After taking her to the vet on Tuesday, they stopped at the park, so that Mattie

could play for a while. They had been there for over two hours when Dru called to

check on Mattie. Ketcherna told him that they were at the park. He reminded her

about Mattie’s allergies. She looked over at the kitten and she appeared to be sleeping.

Ketcherna snatched her up and back to the vet they went. The doctor had to give

Mattie two allergy shots, and now she was perked up and ready to play. He

instructed her to go right home and keep her inside for the remainder of the day.

She was dreading telling him about what had happened but knew that she could

not keep that news away from him. After she told him he looked at her and told

her not to feel bad because every body makes mistakes and that was a part of life.

The two of them went out to celebrate his one year anniversary with the hospital.

All she wanted to do was to be an at-home-wife and possibly a mother too. They had set

the wedding day and the planning was on.

She cooked dinner tonight, and had put a little note under his dinner plate. He

picked the note up, and it read “dear daddy, I am due to come out in about four

months and I could hardly wait, baby”. He laid the letter down, and with tears in

his eyes, he said “now it’s time”.

She knew that it was past time that she told him about his brother. He needed to

know how he had paid her and the priest to do what they did on graduation night. Upon

thinking back to that night he did remember seeing his brother at the bar, even though

they did not talk or anything. Dru had asked him to be his best man, but withdrew the

offer after hearing this news.

Dre felt really bad about what he had done to his brother, and finally decided to

apologize for everything. He even apologized for the harsh way he treated him all of his

life. Of course Dru quickly forgave his brother because he really loved him, but this was

the last straw, or so he thought.

The wedding day was finally here. Rayzell was the best man and Justice and

Carmike were groomsmen. The wedding was beautiful. The colors for the wedding were

chocolate and cream with a little mint green mixed in. The honeymoon was a blast. They

were back now and living in marital bliss. Two more months and they would have the


Dru got to the hospital and put on his lab coat, and felt something in his pocket. It

was a note in there, and it read “daddy have a great day and think about me. I am coming

out soon, so start on my nursery”. Nothing and nobody could knock that smile off of his

face because it radiated from the inside out.

He got home, and entered the house, and heard voices. It sounded like arguing to

him coming from the bedroom. He got to the bedroom door and stood there; not

believing what he was seeing and hearing. It was his brother arguing with his


She was begging him not to tell Dru about their one night of love making, but he

told her that she might be carrying his baby and his brother deserved to know.

To say that he was hurt, was an understatement. Dru cleared his throat and they

turned to face him. He told Dre to get out of their home and to never return.

Ketcherna was apologizing and told him that she had been with Dre, but way

before she ever met him. He let her know that she should have told him and he wanted a

test done as soon as possible. She knew without a doubt that this was definitely his baby

but she had to put his mind at ease. They had the test done and yes this was his baby.

Finally they could relax and enjoy this experience. The baby was born, and wow

he came out looking just like Dre. They both noticed it at the same time and

could not hold their laughter in. After he composed himself, he looked at his son,

and said “welcome out into the world Dru Armandreus Woodson”.

The baby was now five months and Ketcherna decided that she would start her

own business of “messages from the womb”. She would sew these quotes onto baby bibs

and sell them. The business was such a huge success that she quit the banking business

and Dru went part time at the hospital. He wanted to spend as much time as possible

with his family. Dru Armandreus was now one and they were three months pregnant.

Rayzell married Ketchernas sister and they had a son. Justice married her best

friend corita. Rayzell and his wife Vickry decided to host a barbeque at their house on

Saturday. Every body was all excited about the upcoming event, but when they arrived

there was Dre and his family.

The children were playing and getting to know each other. Ketcherna caught Dre

starring at their son and asked why? He told her the child looked so much like him that he

wondered if he was his. His wife chimed in and said “you had better pray that he is not”

and how is that possible anyway? You would have had to cheat on us. That conversation

ended. End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.05.2012

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