
Prayer Works

Prayer Works

The volcanic ash was still smoking when David and Adrian woke up. They had been stuck on that mountain for three days now, and were worn out from walking around in circles.

They spotted a rainbow that was glistening on some rocks and separated themselves from the group to investigate it further. It was one of the most beautiful things they had ever seen.

Their attraction for each other was so strong that they did not hear the guide say “all aboard, last call for the shuttle”. Now they were stuck, and hoping that a search party was in route to save them.

They were really enjoying each others’ company so they did not feel too bad about being lost and left behind.

The sights up on top of that mountain were truly something to behold. The trees were a deep evergreen color. There were red rose bushes, white and yellow too. The water fall looked like something out of a magazine. There were also fruit trees there. A peach tree, plum tree and an apricot tree. They did not get hungry, just a little tired of eating fruit.

Whenever Adrian did not want another piece of fruit, David would tell her to “remember that God fed his children manna in the wilderness”. She would just smile at that statement, and go ahead and eat her fruit.

David was a pastor of a large congregation, and he was also engaged to Elsie Munrow. They had bee engaged for about one year now. He had informed his fiancé that he would only marry once, so he wanted the both of them to be sure of their decision.

Adrian was a single, young woman, who worked as a nurse. She had not settled down yet, because she had not met that special one, as of yet.

David had decided to take this trip with some of the congregation members, and she read a flyer about the mountains, and was interested in seeing the sights.

They caught each others’ eye on the bus, and tried hard not to let on in front of the others that were on board. David told himself “this is only a test; I can, and will restrain myself”. In order to help him out in this situation, he would refer to her as “Sister Adrian”, whenever he said something to her, and that irritated her to no end.

She definitely did not like that, because she wanted this handsome man’s attention in many ways, but not in this manner.

Tonight the winds shifted, and it was extra cold on top of that mountain. Being the gentleman that he was, he took off his sweatshirt, and gave it to her to put on. Now his muscular torso was revealed, and she could not knock the smile off of her face. She said out loud “thank you lord for allowing me to behold such beauty”. He supposed that she was talking about the sights on the mountain. “Excuse me?” he said. “Never mind, just thinking out loud, thanks for sharing your shirt”. She replied.

“Do you mind if I wash off underneath the waterfall, this morning?” she asked. David replied, “Of course not, you know that cleanliness is next to Godliness”. In her mind she thought “oh shut up”. He was not thinking about the fact that she would be naked when she washed.

Adrian took her time washing every inch of her body and daydreaming about him. She was wishing that it was his hands performing the washing ceremony. She felt a hard jerk on her arms: It was David, “what?” she yelled. And he said “Look”. There stood a big, black bear watching them. “Please go away”, she whispered. David began to pray so she closed her eyes. When she opened them he was gone, and she let out a big sigh of relief.

David realized that he was still holding her arms, and quickly jerked away from her. He gave her a once over with his eyes, and then turned his back to her nakedness.
He told himself “get over it now, and pull yourself together, remember, this is only a test of your faith”.

He remembered that he brought his pocket bible, but left it in the suitcase at the hotel. “A lot of good that will do you now, old boy” he told himself. He needed a conversation of some sort now and quick to get his mind off of her body.

“Do you own a pet?” he asked. “Maybe, why do you ask?” she replied. He just stood there looking at her, even though she was fully dressed now. “Yes, I do have a kitten, and her name is Snuggles, she is staying with my sister until I get back, if I get back”. She asked him “Do you own a pet?” and he said “yes, I have a collie, named Robert”.

Just then they heard “hello, hello, is anybody up there?” In unison they said “yes, here we are”. “We see you, stay right where you are”. She was not ready to be rescued, so she said “damn, they found us

Now being back home and back to work, she could not help but to think about what could have happened up on that mountain. She had a whole love affair going on in her head, and had to find him, to see if things would have turned out differently. He had given her one of his business cards, and that is all she needed to get started.

David came out of his office, and went up to the podium as usual, to deliver his message, and looking out over the congregation, he spotted her. She was sitting on the fifth row, on the left side of the church. He was smiling from ear to ear while stammering over some of the words in his sermon.

He tried to contain himself, but to no avail. Most of the congregation thought that he was excited about the message that he was delivering.

After service, she waited to be the last one to go up and congratulate him on the terrific sermon that he delivered. They hugged and kissed each other on the cheek, and she said “that was really a good sermon pastor, I enjoyed the message”. David replied “please just call me David”.

She invited him to have lunch with her, and he happily accepted. His fiancé was out of town, so he was as free as a bird. He was hoping for a dinner invitation also. They enjoyed lunch in her hotel room, and reminisced about their adventure up on top of that mountain.

“Are you free for dinner, pastor?” she asked. “I asked you to call me David, and is today Sunday?” They looked at each other and laughed. They realized that they were kissing when they heard a knock on the door. She broke loose from his arms, and went to answer it. Meanwhile, he remembered the fact that he did have a fiancé.

He picked up his jacket to leave, and Adrian said “please don’t go, stay and have dinner with me. “I have a fiancé and this is not right, although it feels great, we are not supposed to live by our feelings”.

“Lets just have our dinner and talk, because I really enjoy your company”. She said. They sat down and enjoyed a meal of lobster and rice pilaf, with a side of shrimp scampi. She had ordered an expensive bottle of champagne to wash it all down. David was not much of a drinker, but did not want to be a dud.

After one glass, he was feeling good and intoxicated. She wanted to take full control of the situation, but did not want him to feel guilty afterwards. The radio was on the jazz music station, but she changed it to love songs from the eighties. By now they were looking into each others eyes and singing to one another. In no time at all they were undressed and headed toward oblivion.

The next morning, his phone was ringing and woke him up. “Hell, hello” he said. And she said “where are you?” I have been to your house and you are not there, so where are you?” There was silence for about three minutes, and then he said “one of the members was having some problems last night, and I’ve been sitting here all night with him, I guess I dozed off to sleep”. “Oh, is he alright?” she asked. “Yes, I think he will be o.k.” I’m on my way home now” he said. “I will see you in a little while, then” she said.

While he was on the phone, she ordered some coffee and croissants for breakfast. He jumped into the shower, and dressed quickly, and was headed out the door, but she stopped him and asked him to “please stay and have one cup of coffee”. He obliged her and sat down. “When are you leaving?” he asked. “My flight leaves at seven thirty this evening”. She said. He told her “well, give me a kiss goodbye, and I am so glad that you came out to visit”.

Adrian reluctantly, boarded the plane for home, and when she settled into her seat, she found herself crying a little. She had to laugh at herself when she realized that she had fallen in love with an almost, married man. “I will just go home, and put this whole ordeal behind me” she told herself.

One month had gone by, and she thought about him everyday, since their rendezvous. She figured that he was married by now anyway, and had probably forgotten all about her. “She is his nightly lover now”, she thought.

Although she did not go to church every Sunday, today something was urging her to go. She actually felt a need to be there today for some reason. “O.K. I’ll act on what I am feeling”, she told herself.

She got there only to find out that they had a guest speaker. She was speaking to the lady who was sitting next to her and said “I will bet anything, that he or she is long winded, but evidently I need to hear what they have to say”. She finished her sentence and looked up. “Oh my God, thank you, father” she said. It was David, and nobody could knock that smile off of her face.

She said to herself “that is all the proof that I need, he is definitely mine”. When he saw her, he wanted to jump down from the podium and run to her. He realized that he was a professional man and that would not look right.

After the service she slowly walked out to her car and sat. She sat there patiently waiting for David to come out of the church building. She heard a knock on the passenger door, quickly unlocked it, and welcomed him in the car. They hugged and kissed so passionately, that people were stopping to look at them.

After arriving at her house for lunch, they got inside, but nobody ate a thing. They had more important things in mind. Around dinner time, they were hungry, and ready to eat. They prepared a spaghetti dinner together, along with salad and rolls.

“How long will you be in town?” she asked. He looked over at her and smiled, and then he asked “how long do I need to be here?” she was speechless; “what?” she asked. “There is no reason for me to rush back, and besides, everything that I want and need is right here”. She seemed to be glowing, and her eyes were sparkling when he looked into them.

Snuggles came running out and leaped up into his arms. She was purring loudly and eventually laid down on his shoulder. “She really likes you; she does not normally take to strangers that easily”. “You think so?” he asked. “Look at her, she is in love” she responded.

While sitting there relaxing, they were watching the 5:00 p.m. news and saw themselves sitting in her car and kissing, uncontrollably. The title of the story on them was “pastors need love too, just not in the parking lot of the church”. Adrian was sitting there in awe, and David said “what the…….? Who would have done this?” She replied, “I don’t know, but I am definitely going to find out?”

They went to church on the following Sunday, but nobody was talking about the incident, and they did not learn anything, as far as who filmed them and why?

There was only one person who came to mind, and that was Zephron, who worked at the same hospital that she worked at, and he was a part time reporter. “If he did this, I’m guessing that he is just out for a story”. He actually did this because he had an incredible crush on her, and wanted David out of her life.

Adrian knew his face from the hospital, but she was never interested, and did not pay any attention to him.

David had been gone for two days now, and she was back at work. He promised to call her at eleven thirty p.m. because she got off at eleven o’clock and was supposed to be home by then. She was walking to her car, and heard somebody say “hey, are you still upset with me, cutie?” she turned to look at him and said “no, I guess you just needed some excitement in your life”. She picked up her pace, and so did Zephron. “Don’t you want to know why I did it?” he asked. “No, I don’t, please just leave me alone”. This angered him.

She unlocked her car door and ……

When she woke up, she was laying on a strange bed, with her wrists tied to posts in the headboard. She was twisting and jerking, trying to loose herself, but could not. He told her “don’t panic, I am not going to hurt you, please stop before you hurt yourself”. Through her sobs she asked “why are you doing this? What do you want from me?” Then she heard a woman’s voice that said “did you get the little cow? “ He replied “don’t you dare talk about her like that; you know how I feel about her”.

They walked into the bedroom and Adrian asked “who is this? What do you want with me? Please let me go, I don’t even know you”. He said “sweetheart, this is Elsie and she was engaged to a wonderful pastor. They were in bliss until some body joined in their fun”. “What does that have to do with me?” she asked. “You tried to steal my man, you little slut. Instead of finding a man of your own, you used your body to try and take mine”. Zephron interrupted her “calm down, maybe she did know that he was engaged, he probably did not even tell her”.

Elsie said “David is mine, and he always will be with me. He’s just trying to fulfill some sexual fantasy with you, but it is over now, do you hear me?” then Zephron said “I’m sorry honey, but my sister always gets what she wants”.

Her cell phone started ringing and he put it to her ear. She was crying uncontrollably now, and could not speak. Luckily, she had a tracking device put on her phone. He felt something was wrong and alerted the authorities concerning her. They came in and took Elsie and Zephron into custody, and loosed her.

David came right back to her that night, and she told him everything. He went to the jail to see her and asked “what is wrong with you? Are you crazy? Why did you do this?” She looked at him lovingly, and said “you know that I love you, why can’t you see that?” He said “I always knew that your brother had mental problems, but I did not know that it ran in the family. Now the best thing for me and you is that you go on with your life and leave me alone”.

He and Adrian decided that they would move to his house for a while. She felt safe with him, and that is where she wanted to be.

They decided to take a trip to the beach before going home.

David talked her into taking the high road and just forgiving them, instead of pressing charges against them. She felt so much better when she prayed and forgave them for what they had done to her. She told herself “he must be something else if someone would go through all of that for his love”.

They decided to visit the mountains again, since they had such a thrill there the first time. This time they stayed right in the center of the group. They spotted a rainbow and the two of them took off running toward the group and belted out a big laugh. Everybody was admiring a new statue that was recently erected there. She had to stop and admire that waterfall. She began daydreaming, back to when they were stuck there alone. Only this time it was not David shaking her out of it, but it was Emeril, the tour guide.

“Remember your last trip up here?” he asked. Now she was embarrassed and snatched away from his grip and said “yes I do, it was not that long ago”. He replied “then let’s go, and stay alert”. The fact that she snatched away made him look at her twice and wonder what that was all about. There was definitely an instant attraction between the two of them.

“How often do you make these trips?” she asked. “About five times a week” he replied. “Oh I see do you ever need an assistant?” she asked. He looked at her now, and smiling, he said “not normally, but I guess it would not hurt to have one on standby; are you saying that you are interested?” She was smiling at him now and said “maybe, just let me know if you want me”. He understood the double meaning, and shook his head, yes, definitely.

“Were you lost again?” David asked. “No honey, just reminiscing about our time spent up here”.

The tour was over, and everybody was back on the bus now. Normally, the trip was quiet, but today for some reason, Emeril started to sing. “Let’s get it on…Oh! Baby. Let’s get it on, let’s love baby….” Somebody in the crowd yelled out “go ahead my brother, get it out”. Every body started laughing. Adrian was grinning now, and said to David “at least he can sing”. He opened his eyes and looked at her, but never said a word.

They got back to their hotel room and David asked her “do you want him?” she looked at him and said “baby, you know that I only have eyes for you”. Just then Adrian realized that he was definitely in love with her too. Their feelings were mutual, and she could not be happier.

After living together for six weeks, David asked her to become his wife. She desperately wanted this, but was hesitant, because she was still waiting for that call from Emeril about that job. She asked him “why are we rushing?” and he replied, “I don’t believe in long engagements, what is the problem?” “There is no problem baby, I am just curios”.

Now it had been four weeks, and no phone call from Emeril, so she told David that night at dinner, that she would marry him. After five weeks, he called “hey, are you still interested in that tour guide position?” and she responded “what the hell took so long? He said “patience my darling, have patience”.

David was cool with her taking the position, and just told her to “stay alert, and stay with the group. Under no circumstances do you walk away, alone”.

Three months now after the proposal and not another word mentioned about marriage. “What is he thinking?” she asked herself. David had a feeling that something was going on in her head; if no place else, so he asked “do you want me and only me?” She was speechless, but shook her head “yes”.

She thought back to her first day on the job as an assistant tour guide, and remembered that the tour for that day had been cancelled. She and Emeril had spent that day, and most of the evening together.

One week before the wedding, and there she stood, pregnant. “Whose is it?” she asked herself. Thinking out loud, she said “I just won’t tell him until after we get married”. He answered “tell me what?” She looked at him longingly, and said “I’ve just gained some weight, and can’t seem to get rid of it, that’s all”. They looked at each other and laughed.

The wedding ceremony was gorgeous. Snuggles was dressed in a cream and chocolate dress and a tiara, while Robert had on a chocolate tuxedo for the nuptials. After they were pronounced husband and wife, the crowd released brown and white butterflies into the atmosphere and it was a beautiful sight to behold. They stood there watching this wonderful scene when all of a sudden …… she fainted.

When she woke up, she was in the hospital. Looking around the room, she spotted her husband sitting beside the bed and holding her hand. “What happened?” she asked. He looked at her with tears in his eyes, and said “well baby, you fainted, we don’t know why, as of yet”.

The doctor walked in and said “congratulations! You are definitely pregnant, and pretty far along; did you not know?” They both responded in unison and said “what? Are you serious?” He handed the sonogram over to David, and told her, that she would be released in the next thirty minutes.

Just to be on the safe side and not take any chances, they decided to hold off on the honeymoon until after the baby was born. She was miserable because she needed to know who is the baby’s, daddy?

The two of them welcomed Dominic Arian into the world. He came in at eight pounds, five ounces. He was healthy, and appeared to be Caucasian. David put the biggest, fake smile on his face, because he could not believe that this was his son.
He looked over at Adrian, but she would not look at him. She just kept her eyes glued to her beautiful baby boy. She knew right away that he belonged to Emeril.

“For the last time, is there anything that you need to tell me?” he asked. She looked at him and started to cry, and then she said “I made a very big mistake”. He asked “whose is it? Who is his daddy?, because it is definitely not me”. “His daddy is Emeril, the tour guide”.

He stood up and walked out of the room. He did not look back, nor did he call her.

She and Dominic had been home now for one week, and still no David. She gave up calling his cell phone, because he would not answer.

After bathing the baby and laying him in his bassinet for the night, she heard the front door close. She slowly entered the living room, and there stood her husband. He just starred at her for a while. She walked over to him, and put her arms around his neck and held him. “Love brought me home to my family. I apologize for being stupid, of course he’s mine”.

They were happily married now, but the question was still nagging at him, and he could not shake it. He tried praying the thought away, but that did not work. He had to find out for his peace of mind.

“Honey we have to do this, for the sake of our family. Let’s just get it over with”. They went and had the test done. The results were in and ……..

Dominic turned one on today, and they decided to take him out to the park to play. He was playing with his new train set and eating his toddler snacks.

They looked up, and who was approaching them, none other than Emeril. “How is every body and everything?” he asked. “In unison, they said “we are fine and growing”. He laughed and said “I can definitely see that, Hey little man”. Dominic looked up at him and his smile slowly diminished. “I will leave you to your family fun, and do have a great day” he said. He turned and walked away.

“Can you believe that he could not see that this is his son?” she asked her husband. “I prayed that he would not rock our boat” he replied. “Thank you for praying” she told her husband.

They packed up, and got to the car and she spotted a note on the windshield. “I saw my son, and I understand why you did not tell me. As long as the two of you are happy, then I am satisfied. If you need me, then just call me”.

Adrian called Emeril to thank him for understanding, and she said “I really appreciate you stepping back and letting us have our family”. He told her “I know that your husband is a forgiving man and that he will provide for his family”.

They did not want Dominic to know that his conception was out of lust, and not love, so they would not tell him about his biological daddy. As far as he was concerned this was his son and that is how he would raise him.

Now they welcomed Savannah into the world. A little sister for Dominic, and he was so excited about the new baby. David was sitting there holding the baby and thanking God for her when Dominic came up to him and asked “how long is she going to stay here, daddy?” David wiped tears from his eyes, and said “forever, my son”.

They went and had family photos taken for their Christmas cards. “Our children are beautiful gifts from God” David said. “Yes, they are honey, did you expect differently?” He looked at her and said “Never, baby”.

They knew that it was past time for a pet, so they decided to buy ponies for them. Nehi and Levi were their names. Dominic and Savannah loved their ponies and getting the opportunity to ride them was a treat for them. Dominic took a real interest in grooming the ponies, while Savannah loved feeding and watering time.

They were out in the park for a picnic one Sunday afternoon when Elsie approached them. “Hello, stranger how are you? It’s been a long time.” He said. “I cannot believe that the two of you are still together, and have children” she replied. The two of them looked at each other and said in unison “we will always be together, that’s what love is, in a nutshell”. Elsie bid them goodbye, and turned away. David looked at Adrian and said “I do believe that God brought us together, and let no man or woman come between us”. She looked at her husband and said “amen, darling”.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 29.03.2012

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