
My Life:

I am 18 years old living in the old days when playing was outside not inside on some device or hand held box. I was born on September 28, 1867 in a little hospital to two middle class parents. My mother was Jamie Rose Himmings. My father was William Don Himmings. They were the greatest parents any child could have. They took great care, doing their best to provide for me when after four years I had a little sister. She was named Amilia Jane Hemmings. I remember little of her birth but I still have the pictures my father took. They have faded from age but I can do little with that since my time stopped.
We grew up, Amy and I, the inseparable sister's. We played together, went to school together, shared our savings, everything. When we grew into fine girls aging at 14 and 18 our father passed. His passing upset mother but she worked twice as hard. Her hard work had a price and she had payed for it then. I had taken up all her work but we just couldn't make ends meet. So to get my mother back to health and my sister well feed I went out for walks to see who would take me out. Very few had the courage but a few came to ask me out for a date. It was while I was walking through the park in Washington. I ran into him.
“Oh sorry I didn't..” I started as he caught my forearm. I looked into his blue eyes catching my brown. He smiled.
“No that alright no harm done.” He started I shook my head then noticed the coffee in his hand and the wet shirt. I covered my mouth.
“I am so sorry how can I make it up to you?” I asked looking back into his eyes. He shook his head about to decline again when he stopped.
“How about a date?” He asked somewhat shyly. I smiled and nodded.
“Yes.” I whispered. He nodded relief plain on his face.
“Tomorrow morning at the Café?” He started.
“Around 9?” He asked. I smiled and nodded. He started away but stopped to turn back around to look at me frowning.
“I didn't catch your name.” He said.
“It's Alexis.” I whispered. He held his free hand out.
“I'm John
John and I spent the next couple weeks dating but I never really liked him so inevitably we ended up going our separate ways. After a week of double shifts and starving to save food for Amy I met Wes. Amy had asked me to go to the library to look for a book on Abraham Lincoln when I ran into him this time though there was no coffee.
“Sorry miss.” He started. I shook my head.
“No I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention.” I whispered running a hand through my hair. He gestured toward the books.
“Do you need help finding something?” He asked. I nodded.
“Some biologies on Abraham Lincoln.” I said. He showed me a couple but held another up.
“This one is the best, Take it and this one it has a timeline in it.” He said handing me the two and putting the third away. I nodded.
“Thank you.” I said. He smiled.
“Hey I never caught your name?” I started.
“Its West.” He said. I hugged the books to me.
“I'm Alexis, Thanks for your help.” I said and started away. When I got home I helped Amy with her research then cooked what little food I had been able to scrounge up. I ate very little but Amy and Mother ate anything and everything I didn't. After dinner we went to bed and the next day I went bake to work. I was just heading out for break when I ran into Wes again. I took a step back.
“Oh Wes how are you?” I asked.
“Fine,” He started confidently. I shuffled my feet but said nothing.
“Alexis would you come with me to have lunch at the dinner down the street?” He asked. I gazed at him surprised.
“Sure.” I whispered. That was our first date and though we only went out one other time I had wished I hadn't said anything to Wes. After that first day I found out he was watching me. I would look around randomly and see him watching me from a distance. After three days of this I broke up with him. He seemed surprised and took his leave but something told me he wasn't finished.
Shocked by this encounter I stopped trying to find anyone and focused on work because thats all I could do since everyone I met was either the wrong guy or a psycho. Then almost on accident I met another his name is Damien. He had saved me from being hit by a drunk driver. I was walking home late one night when I hear a car coming. I figured it would just pass but then I felt someone pull me out of the way as the car came screeching to a stop where I had been only moments ago.
“Are you alright?” The man asked. I nodded a little shaky.
“I think I'm fine.” I whispered. He let me stand on my own then held out a hand.
“I'm Damien.” He said. I held out a shaky hand to meet his.
“I'm Alexis.” I whispered. The drunk stumbled out of his car.
“You okay?” He slurred blinking at me.
“Yes, are you alright?” I asked. He stumbled a little but nodded.
“Yea just dizzy.” He mumbled. I looked from Damien to the drunk and took a step away.
“I have to go but thank you Damien for saving me.” I whispered. Damien nodded.
“Have a goodnight Alexis.” He said kindly. I nodded and trotted toward home. Damien met me the next morning at my work.
“Would you like to come with me I have a reservation for two at Stacey's” He half asked half ordered. I looked to my boss.
“I have to work.” I whispered. Damien waved his hand.
“Come they can handle a day without you.” He said before taking my hand and leading me out. As for a first date this one was elaborate but very nice. Over breakfast I got to know him. He had a gentleman way about him. When I mentioned my mother and little sister he was polite, even sincere. He invited them with us on several occasions.
We never stopped dating but one night Wes got in the middle of it. Damien seemed to handle it well but when I really looked into his eyes I could see red. I never saw Wes again after that encounter.
The next day Damien caught me in the middle of caring for my mother and took her to a hospital. After that my mother's health seemed to soar. My family rarely went hungry. Damien and I dated for a year. Then one night he took me to a nice little place called Damingo's Place. I had a chicken salad while he stayed with a steak dinner. Damien never really ate much and as the night was coming to a close he got down on one knee.
“Alexis I know we haven't known you for long but I would like to so,” He paused pulling out a diamond ring.
“Will you marry me?” He asked. I gasped.
“Yes.” I whispered looking into his eyes.
“Yes I will.” I whispered. He smiled then slipped the ring onto my left hand. He drove me home and said he would come by to discuss wedding plans tomorrow. I loved him and he, by some lucky chance loved me. After a week into the engagement I came home late from my last job, it was dark and very quiet. I started to grow suspicious. I walked into the hall turning on the light. It took me a moment to process what I was seeing on the floor of the apartment living room. No scream escaped me but the horror was evident in my scrambling around the couch to kneel by my mother and dear sister. Both of their throats were slit though no blood was on the floor. Amy was still breathing.She gripped me frantically.
“Trap.” She gurgled past the blood coming out of her mouth. I frowned.
“My dear you are home.” Damien's voice was sweet, too sweet. I looked up to see him standing in front of me not one drop of blood on his clothes. I held my dying sister close.
“Damien what?” I started but Amy gripped my forearm.
“Lexie save yourself, be free.” She whispered with her last breath. I sobbed rocking back and forth with Amy in my arms. Damien took a step towards me.
“NO!” I screamed at him.
“Leave me alone!” I screamed as he took another step. He stopped but in the dim light I could not see what he was doing. I pulled my left hand free and took the engagement ring off, struggling with it because I was shaking so hard. I threw it at him.
“Take it back I don't want it!” I snapped my anger taking over.
“Or you!” I snapped before going back to grieving my families misfortune.
“I am sorry Alexis but my plan would not have worked with them holding us back.” He paused.
“I had to do it.” He said but I didn't hear any remorse or sadness. I looked up at him just as he disappeared and before I could blink darkness took me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.09.2012

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