
Chapter one...

My life had'nt always been like this. There was a time when pain and suffering was just a scary story and I was safe behind the walls of my hometown. But not now, now pain and suffering was the main part of my too long of life. As I let the women's cold and lifeless body slip from my arms and fall to the ground I felt no remorse and why should I? This was natural for my kind, there is no other way for me to live.

The rain pelted against my face yet my body did not register the coldness of it only the vibration of the small drops of water hitting my skin. The dead women lay still at my feet, the last of her sweet and sticky bloody seeping from the two small holes I had made in her neck. I spared the women just a glance, after all why should this pathetic human waste anymore of my time? A peace shattering whistle came from across the City signalling for my return. I hated being told what to do, I hated having to be restrained, why should I not be able to feed when I want from whom I want? The whistle came again and a low primal growl came from the back of my throat. I did not want to leave yet. Surely Tobias would not mind if I fed once more?
'Clara!' the sound of my name sounded like a gunshot in the silence. I grimaced at the power coming from Elzar's call. His power was un-deniable,especially when he was mad. At times like these there was no wondering why Tobias made Elzar his second in command. I turned my back away from the womens body and ran back silently through the out skirts of the city with in-human speed and sped into the familiar darkness of my beloved forest.

As I ran through the seemingly endless forest I wished I could just stay in her forever more. At one point I started to slow down but I knew if i did run from this life, somehow they would find me. I shuddered thinking about what Tobias got Elzar to do to the last member of our colony that ran. Thats the thing with Tobias he will have no problem threatening you, but to do the dirty work himself? Forget it. Thats Elzar's domain, and to be honest his brain only seems to be in his muscles. I burst into the clearing where our colony's mansion stood in the exact center of the vast forest. The grassy space at the front of the house held what had been my 'family' for the last 500 years, and I was one of the eldest in the tribe. The lights which streamed out through the windows would have seemed homely to the others, but to me they just reminded me how much of a prisoner I am. As I marched through the crowd while anger radiated from me from being stopped from feeding. The crowd seemed to shy away from me, perhaps I was more angry then I thought. I marched up the creeky porch steps and slammed open the door so hard it fell off its hinges. I left the door on the floor and walked to the left towards one of the offices where I knew I would find Tobias. I slammed open the door and stalked in, a low growl forming in my throat.
'Ahh Clara I thought I heard you coming' Tobias said barely looking up from his book.
There was no denying that Tobias was handsome but I had long gotten over letting that distract me.
'What the hell Tobias?! I haven't fed in days and you expect one women to sustain me?' I shouted back, letting the anger inside me boil up. I was only
slightly aware that Elzar had entered the room.
'One person will sustain you. We need to stay hidden' Tobias said without looking up from his papers. 'To do that we cannot draw attention to ourselves'
'And yet you and Elzar gorge yourselves on as many humans as you wish!' allowing the familiar and welcomed hatred to bubble over I continued, 'How can you condone drinking three humans a day but allow your followers, your family to barely survive on four a week!'
'Oh come now Clara you know me and Elzar must stay strong to protect you all'
Fully aware of Elzar prowling in a circle around them, ready to attack me at any moment.
'If you would allow us to feed as we should, as is our birth right, we could defend ourselves and not hide like scared children!' I shouted at them both.
Only then did Tobias bother to actually look at me, in his eyes was an expected annoyance, but hidden away behind that annoyance, was a hint or hatred.
'You will control yourself Clara' he said with such venom that only me and Elzar had witnessed. Walking quickly to his desk, and pushing off the contents of it I got into Tobias' face. It was closer to a hiss then actual words when I said,
'It is not in my nature to control myself.'
Elzar lunged at me and all of a sudden I was flying through the air with no control over my body. I was slammed into the hard oak wood wall behind me. Elzar pressed his hand tightly aginst my neck. Instinctively my long canines grew and I gave a long hiss. Tobias walked towards me clearly taking his time, perhaps trying to frighten me.
'Do you wish to go back to the old days when humans hunted us down to near extinction?' The pain radiating from Elzars hand against my neck stopped what I'm sure would be an sarcastic answer.
'Do you!' Tobias shouted, the power in his voice caused me too flinch. I knew I had to answer.
'No' I managed to say through ragged breaths.
Tobias addressed Elzar for the first time since I had came in the room.
'Release her Elzar.' With only a slight hesitation, Elzar released me. I glared at the two guys and pushed past them heading for the door.
I looked over my shoulder, 'Yes Tobias' I said through my clenched teeth.
'Do remember your place next time you wish to question my order.'
I gave one small hiss and then left the room.
I rushed outside and into the gathering Vampires, pushing them from my way as I made my way to the only place I felt remotely at peace.
With her.

Chapter 2...

Chapter 2....
The graveyard was always beautiful, even on the most dreary nights. But tonight, tonight it was radiant, I could see an eerie mist seeped through trees in the surrounding woods. The moon shone brightly and turned the graveyard into beautiful, hidden world. I walked slowly through the graveyard, weaving carefully in between grave stones. I have always loved this place, the people burried here died far too long ago to have anyone in this time come and visit them. This allowed me to be alone with her, without anyone disturbing me. I smiled at remembering the last people
who disturbed me and did what I always do I fell into my mind and only focused on the memory. Three University boys had stumbled in reeking of alcohol and weed, I watched them curiously as they stumbled all over the place laughing and throwing beer cans everywhere. The anger I felt at their dis-respectfullness shocked even me. I wanted to chuck them head first at a stone wall, but restrained myself our of respect and hoped they would leave. The boy who I assumed
was the leader turned and made eye-cantact with me. His eyes widen slightly taken in what I'm sure was a beautiful girl basking in the shine of the luminouse moon. 'Hey boys look what we have here!' he slured as the other boys turned their boozy gazes on me. 'Well hellooo..' shouted the most handsome of the boys. They walked towards me trying to stay upright and throwing each other sly grins. 'Come party with us?' asked the leader. I curled my lip and gave a primal growl,
'Whoa! Fiesty..' The two talkers stopped a few feet away but the quiet one with eyes that looked black and a long puckered scar going down the left side of his face continued to come closer, 'Do not come any closer' I hissed at him. He hesitated for a moment and then lunged a hand out which court my wrist. He tugged it trying to bring me closer but my immortal strength over powered him, like a dad pickingup a struggling child. I pressed my hand tightly around with in-human speed causing the other two to take a step back, but not this one although he tried I will not allow him to escape, in my mind he seeled his fate when he touched me.
With his eyes locked onto mine I lowered my canines and hissed, I did not hesitate and lunged at his throat with my teeth and sunk them deep into his neck drinking his thick and delicious lifes blood. The other boys shrieked and ran away, I dropped the boys body not even bothering to finish him and stalked into the night. I squeezed my eyes shut wanting to end the memory that was causing me to have an emotion I had never experienced before, was that guilt? No, my mind
shrieked. I pushed away the emotion and continued walking through the graveyard, until I came upon the head stone I needed. I slowly sat down infront of it and like I had done so many other nights I read the words on the headstone, Luneh Clara Bell, Beloved Mother, Daughter, Sister and Wife 1450-1495. I read the words over and over again wishing that my Mother was still alive, still here to hug me and tell me everything would be ok. Then as if my body did it without me
realising, I wept, something only my dead human family had ever seen me do and something no-one ever would again. I looked up at the comforting moon, that was the only thing that gave me any real joy anymore, and prayed. I prayed with such force that I began to shake, I whispered up to the moon, 'Please, Please save me? Take me away from this hell!' A warm wind rushed around me as if the night itself was trying to comfort me, causing me to smile through my many
tears. I dont know how long I sat their crying but when I looked around the sky had begun to turn a light pink signalling the beginning of morning and the rise of the burning sun. I was just about to leave when a movement caught my eye from the side of the graveyard, a boy, around eighteen with hair as blonde as the morning sun and eyes an emerald green was briskly walking through the graves and towards the woods. Un-aware of my prescense I began to follow the handsome
boy into the woods, I could always tell when the sun would rise and knew I had 3 hours until it would awaken the sleeping world. I followed the boy farther and farther into the beautiful woods, I was so court up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice the trees giant root sticking up through the ground, I was so distracted I did not even have time to catch myself and fell hard onto the ground, cutting my biceps and chin. I gave the grazes just a second thought
and jumped up, desperately looking around. I had only been on the ground less then twenty seconds but somehow the boy was gone, out of my ever reaching eye-sight.
Looking back I should have gone, just turned around and go back to my life and forget the boy, but I could not, it was like their was a wall behind me and all I could do was go forward, so I searched for boy. I used my vampire senses to smell for his scent, listen for his breath and feel for his soul, even for a vampire I had extreordinary senses and it only took me a moment to sense his life force. Following my instincts I turned to my left and followed my senses. I walked for another twenty minutes and was beginning to think that my senses had failed me when I saw a glow seeping through the gaps of bushy trees and shrubs. Being quiet I stalked forward, allowing my primal self to escape in anticipation of danger and slowly pushed my way through the scratching bushes and into a large clearing causing me to catch my breath. Not for
its un-deniable beauty with large weeping willows surrounding the perimeter and the wide stream running at the edge in an 'S' shape with a Japanese bridge over it, making it look like magic in its purest form, but from the people surrounding a glowing flower, my eyes instantly found the handsome boy I had followed, who was standing in the circle with other, less handsome males and beautiful females that made me feel insignificent. The most beautiful couple stepped forward and to the head of the circle, stopping all chattering and capturing everyone's gazes. The man's low and powerful voice reminded me so much of Tobias, 'Welcome to our first meeting!' cheers errupted
and died almost immediately, 'I ask of the God's, Godesses and the spirit's of our ancestors to grant us their aids in our quest to rid this world of the darkness that has thrived
for far too long!'The women then spoke then with just as much power filling her voice, 'It is time for us to take our land back from these savages and turn it back into the
beautiful land we once knew'! At first I thought they were speaking of the humans inhabiting the city, or maybe I did know and I just convinced my mind it was not so. But the
womens next words chilled me to my bone and made me feel such anger and fear. 'We will use our ancient magic and power to kill these creatures. The sun will scorch them
and the wood will penetrate their hearts. They will die!' Loud cheers filled my ears and the ground shook with power, acting by itself my body whirled around and ran as fast
as it ever has back through the woods. In that moment I knew two things; These people were witches of the most powerful and dangerous kind and they were here to kill

Chapter 3...

For the second time that night I burst into Tobias's office knowing that even though there were only half an hour until sunrise he and Elzar will still be their. Ofcourse I knew bursting into his office wasnt the best idea, but how could this wait?
'Clara have I not told you about bursting into my office!' shouted Tobias obviously shocked by my entrance. Stifling the urge to roll my eyes at his 'Teacher' voice I continued as if I didn't even hear him.
'This cannot wait Tobias! Ther-'
Infuriating me Tobias interupted.
'I think it can. It is almost dawn and I must finish this' as if I was a little girl he waved me away.
'Tobias would you listen to me and not treating me like a little girl!'
'I will when you stop acting like one!' Tobias shouted back. His hand moved slightly, the order for Elzar to enter and take me out. Right on que Elzar entered and took me firmly
by the arm, half walking hald dragging me from the office while I struggled.
'There are witches in the area!' I shouted as i was being dragged.
'That does not surprise me Clara, this is a very powerfull place' answered Tobias with amusement dripping from every word.
Right before Elzar could slam the door in my face I put my foot into the room and half growling from disgust I said,'They are not the average witch, they are Talias, and they are
organising the take back of the land, through our deaths!' The shock in Tobias's eyes as he whipped his head up was almost amusing.
'How do you know of this?' snapped Tobias
'I was in the woods and came across their circle. They spoke of taking the land back by their magic.' My stomach flipped at the thought of telling Tobias and Elzar of where I had
really been and of the boy.
'How do you know they are Talias?' asked Elzar, obviously doubting my words
Curling my lip I snarled at him, 'I am not as foolish as you think, I know a Talia circle when I see one.'
'We must wake the others and call a meeting' said Tobias as he stood so abruptely he knocked his chair over.
'But Tobias, it is almost dawn.'
'Well then Elzar we will meet in the basement. Now wake them up!' shouted Tobias with such power even Elzar flinched but with just a slight hesitation rushed up the stairs to the
bedrooms. Sounds of banging on doors and shoating floated down the stairs as me and Tobias walked to the hidden stairs leading down to the basement.

Soon enough all eighteen vampires, including Tobias, Elzar and myself were crammed into the small room, tense and tired. Tobias voice was the first to break the silence,
'There has been a sighting of Talias in the nearby woods'
As the words were spoken everyone spoke at once, I caught just snippets of what they were saying, and knew some believed what Tobias was saying while others scoffed and
passed it off as a mistake or perhaps a joke.
'Enough!' Tobias voice easily boomed acroos everyone elses words causing them to all shut up as if he was a school teacher.
Sandra a coffee coloured female with long straight hair and dark brown eyes which held a glint of red around the iris spoke up,
'How is this possible?' she asked hesitantly, 'They have not come to this area in centuries what would bring them here now?'
'That is exactly what we are going to find out.' growled Elzar.
'How do you know of this?' asked Derek.
Tobias and Elzar through stares my way causing everyone else to do so.
'Clara tell them what you have seen' ordered Tobias.
I obeyed, telling them everything of the circle but leaving out everything about where I was and how I cam across the circle. As I anticipated everyone agin talked at once. Some scoffed and said I was lying and some gasped in horrow believing everything I said. Tobias allowed the babling to continue for a while until it died out by itself.
'I understand your denial, but what Clara says is true.Although I did not see it for myself I trust Clara to tell me the truth.'
Tobias seemed as shocked as I was that he said that by the expression on his face.
For the rest of that morning we talked of what we should do. One by One each vampire retired for the day until it was only myself, Tobias and Elzar left up trying to decide what to do.
'I say we attack now and stop their plans in it's tracks'
'I agree Elzar, but what if they are epecting that?'
'How could they know we know if what Clara said is right it was their first circle.'
They continued their discussion while I sat and thought, when an idea came to me.
'What if we did nothing' I accidently said outloud.
The two guys shot me amused looks. What the hell I thought might as well continue.
'What if we let them come to us? Leave them to plan, to allow us to plan. If we let them come to us and were ready for them we will have the element of surprise, not them.'
They looked at me in shocked silence, un-aware that I can actually come up with something useful.
'That.. That might just work' Tobias said addressing Elzar.
'It might, but how will we know when they will attack?'
Pushing aside the feeling that was screaming at me to protect these people, and above all the boy. I didn't want to protect them, I had to protect my people.
'Leave that to me' I said 'I'll find out.'

The cold wind whipped around me making the branches of the tree I was in to sway. I was high up in one of the trees surrounding the beautiful clearing, waiting for the circle to begin
It was five hours before dawn allowing me enough time to get to the clearing before the witches. Now I knew who they were and what they were doing it made sense as to why the met at this time. It was Early enough in the morning to prevent Vampires to come by but still dark enough for the circle to be at its most powerful. The blackened grass and wood that was obviously the space in which the held the fire suddenly came a light with a brilliant orange and the clouds shrouding the moon blew away lighting the clearing. Almost immediately after that, The Witches began to enter the clearing entering from every point of the woods. I looked down when I heard a crunch at the bottom of the tree. It was the boy! But he wasn't making any move to go into the clearing. No-one but me knew he was their, he was just standing their gazing through the gaps in the bush into the clearing. A sound behind him caused us both to turn and look. A young women was approaching him with a sexy grin, as much as I hated to admit it, she was extremely beautiful and her black her hung loose over her shoulders and brushed against her long, figure hugging dress that looked as if it had been painted on.
'Hello Elliot' said the girl with a toss of her long hair.
Un-interested by her flirting he turned his back on her, 'What do you want Chantelle?'
Laughing a sleezy and yet flirty breathless laugh she said, 'You know what I want'
She walked towrds him and ran her hand down his back, it would have been a caring gesture, had it not been for the longing in her eyes and her deep breathing.
'Go away, Chantelle' Elliot said through clenched teeth.
Pouting pretendly, 'Oh dont be so mean' she whispered in his ear, 'And anyway thats not what you said last week'
Elliot whirled around and pushed Chantelle away, 'That was a mistake, my Mother had just died and I needed someone. You took advantage of that.' He hissed.
'Dont pretend you didn't enjoy it!' snapped Chantelle.
Elliot sighed as he walked into the clearing, leaving Chantelle behind, who seemed to growl and then stomp her foor like a child, before prowling into the clearing.
The witches cicled the fire leaving a space in the circle for what I assume were the head witches. I counted sixteen witches, not including the two missing witches, in the clearing. I was
shocked at the number of witches. Witches were like Vampires, their circles normally excisted of at most seven witches, just like how a Vampire colony contained about five vampires which
was why our's was so unique. It was because we were constantly fighting for power, it was a miracle my colony has lasted has long as it has with no deaths. But for witches to be the same
was so rare, most of them were even more power hungry then we were. The circle hushed as the same two beautiful people stepped into the head of the circle.
'Welcome back to our circle!' said the male 'This meeting is when we will plan our attack.'
Just like the other night cheers errupted and then died again.
'Myself and Silas have been discussing the best times for this to happen' the women had stepped out of her place and was walking around the inside of the circle meeting gazes as she spoke
'We believe March the sixth to be the best time to strike. It will have a full moon so we will be at our most power'
A young girl no older then thirteen spoke up then, 'But that gives us just a week? A week to plan and practise? Thats impossible'
Grunts of agreement came from many of the circle
'No it's not. Shelby is right, the sixth is the best time. Plus we seem to do the most powerful magic when we are least prepared' Elliot's silky voice sounded out of the circle and although he
did not have as much power in his voice, he commanded just as much respect as Shelby and Silas. 'It will also surprise them giving us the best chance to wipe them out.'
'So then it's settled' said Silas 'We will attack on the sixth.'
And with that I left, jumping down from the tree I raced through the woods, winding through trees and jumping over roots. I burst into the graveyard and had got half way to the gate when I
tripped, yet again, but this time I managed to whack my head against the edge of a gravestone and knock myself out.

The first thing I realised was that I was lying face down on the wet grass, and something wet and warm was dripping down my face. I groaned, what happened? My hand reached up and touched the tender spot on my head making me flinch. Then suddenly it all cam back, I remember the circle, the date, and falling and then nothing. I felt around with my senses and heard quiet foot steps behind me, I was just getting ready to snarl and kill whoever it was, when he spoke, his voice was just as silky as I remembered.
'Crap, are you okay?' asked Elliot with worry in his voice. He hurried up to me and then next thing I knew his hands were under my arms and he was helping me up.
'There we are. What happened?'
My back was to him but my heart was beating so hard I thought it would burst through my chest. Somehow I knew that if I turned and faced him, my life would change completely .But I
couldn't stop myself, slowly turning I eventually ansered his question.
'I'm...I'm ok' and then we were facing each other. My head was down with my hair hanging loosly around my face, hiding it.
'Erm are you sure? There seemed to be alot of blood'
My gaze travelled up from his stomach, to his toned chest, then to his sculpted face and finally my eyes met his and my world exploded into a mix of love, confusion and even destruction.

Chapter 4


I walked back through the woods after the circle had finished and the plans were made. I didn't really want to kill the Vamps, but I understood why we had to, the Vampires had reigned here for far too long and were no longer completely un-noticed. But I still felt a slight guilt at killing them all, even so I pushed the thought aside and thought of other things, which I knew was a mistake later on because for some reason my mind went to Chantelle. I don't know why I did it, I suppose itwas because I just needed someone to be close to, and although say she took advantage of that, I know deep down she didn't and that to be honest I just wanted to know what it would be like with her, after all I used to have a giant crush on her.

I entered the graveyard, as soon as I did alarm bells went off in my head as my ancestors blood that ran throug my veins sensed something was wrong walking forward slowly I looked around trying to find what caused me to feel so wrong, when a groan came from across the graveyard, it came from what looked like a lump in the ground but when that lump moved I realised it was a girl I could only see her dark brown straight hair and blood, a lot of blood. It dripped down the gravestone and overed her hair. I rushed towards her.
'Crap are you okay?' I flailed my arms about not intially sure what to do but I then realised I should help her up. I slowly pulling her up.
'There we are' I said 'What happened?'
The girls back was to me and she was breathing fast as if he was scared but slowly she turned to face me. Her face was pointed down with her hair covering her face.
'I'm..I'm okay' she ansered in the most delicate and shy voice.
Notconvinced by her answer I said.
'Erm are you sure? There seemed to be a lot of blood.'
The girls face slowly rose until she met my gaze, my breath caught in my throat as I looked into the face of the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. My heart beated fast and hard, scared she would hear it I tried to calm my heart down. We seemed to just stare at each other for what seemed like hours but I knew was actually just seconds.
Laughing shyly she said, 'Oh yes I'm fine. I just tripped' she smiled sweetly up at me.
'It looked more than just a trip' I said
She smiled at me again 'I'll be fine Elliot'
'If you say s- i'm sorry what did you just call me?'
'Oh, I must go' the girl whirled around and began to leave.
Frozen with shock at the fact this stranger knew my name I just stard as she ran from the graveyard.

Chapter Five

I was curled up in a ball on my bed, with my hair spread wildly around me. I couldn't sleep, I just stared. For hours I just stared and thought. My mind would not stop screaming at me, how could I screw up so much? Allowing Elliot to know that, at the very least what I look like and that I know something about him. As much as I hated it I could not stop myself from smiling when I thought of him, inches away from me. In my haze of thought I did not realize that the sun was beginning to set until I looked out the window. I groaned out loud, knowing that i'll have to tell Tobiaz everything. No not everything I will not tell him about meeting Elliot, that he definitely does not need to know. Pulling on a sweatshirt and tying my hair up I stalked downstairs. As it was a Friday everyone who wasn't already gone we're preparing to hunt, joining them I looked at the map of the city and decided which streets would be my feeding ground tonight. No one noticed my hesitance to talk or the lacking of my usual excitement for the hunt. Tonight it felt more like a chore than a joy.
Stepping outside I allowed the cold air to wash away my thoughts. Automatically my legs began moving, taking me towards the city with in-human speed. I burst out of the forest and slowed into a human jog through the busy Friday night streets. Tonight the air was cold with strong wind, bellowing my hair around my shoulders. Like this I drew many attentions, the promise of blood hightened my senses and almost set a light inside my body. My eyes shined and my lips turned a deep red, this was my bodies way of attracting people in and making them feel safe until I ripped out their throats. Turning down an alley way I hid in the shadows until a women no older than 30 came into my view. Making my eyes water I ran out and crashed into her.
'Please, Please help me! Somethings happened' I wailed clinging onto the startled women.
'Oh my God. What happened?' asked the women.
'Down here. Please please come?!'
My hunting technique was flawless, I knew how to make every different person follow and trust me. I lead the women down the alley way into the darkest shadows.
'What are we doing here? Is this some kind of sick joke?' She demanded, obviously scared. Scared was good it made the blood sweater. I turned towards her backing her into a door way.
'Do not scream' I told her, even though I knew she would
I watched her eyes widen as she took in my changing face. My eyes turned a bright silver, the colour of beauty and danger. My features seemed to become more defined and slowly my fangs grew into long sharp points.
Naturally the women let out a er piercing shriek. Almost instantly my hand wrapped around her mouth cutting off the scream. I did not want to frighten her and felt a terrible guilt as I looked into her pettryfied eyes but my hunger was too great and I could not help but hiss and bite down on her neck hard. Her lifes blood rushed into my mouth filling me with such strength I almost crushed her neck. It used everything in my body to stop feeding, preventing her death, she slowly slid to the floor and her head drooped. Her heart was surprisingly strong and it has beating hard. Looking at her face I was sure I had met her before. Not wanting to hesitate I turned away from her and walked into the city. I didn't want to go back yet. I wondered through the streets, not knowing where i was going just letting my legs take me anywhere. I ended up outside a little cafe with booths along the wall and covered cakes layed out on the counter. I licked my lips, just because human food didn't sustain me didn't mean I did not enjoy it. I hadn't eaten any human food in years as Tobiaz thought it made us weak. No longer caring about Tobiaz's orders I walked inside and up to the small girl behind the counter, after choosing a big piece of gooey chocolate devils cake and a glass of coke I sat down at one of the metal tables outside the cafe. I was half way through my cake when I sensed someone sit across from me my eyes sharply looked up into a familiar handsome face.
'Hey you're the girl from the graveyard' Elliot's emerald eyes bore into Clara's making her feel very uncomfortable. Not allowing her to answer he carried on.
'How did you know my name? I've just moved here and have barely talked to anyone. And yet there you were, a girl with blood down her face in a graveyard at dawn, and using my name like she has known me for years. Now I don't know about you but that seems rather strange to me.' Elliot's eyes had turned sharp and searching. I had to remind myself of what type of witch he was and to guard my thoughts. He wouldn't be able to fully read my mind but he would definitely pick up on my emotions.
I have always hated when someone patronized me and his handsome face and beautiful eyes did not change that. I made my eyes turn cold and hard, as I leaned over I could see shock in his eyes.
'Why were you in the graveyard at dawn?'' I asked through clenched teeth.
'Thats my buisness isnt it?' He shot back.
'As is mine. Why I was in that graveyard at dawn is none of your concern, I had blood down my face because I tripped and hit my head. And as for knowing you're name? What can I say? A good guess I suppose. Now if you excuse me I have places to be.' I quickly rose from my chair and walked away from him. Annoyingly he followed me.
'Nu-uh, you are not getting away that easily' he grabbed my arm and backed me up against the wall. As much as it pained me I had to pretend to be the innocent, fragile type and allow him to corner me. He stared at me as if he was expecting me to tell him.
'Fine then. If you're not going to tell me the truth about how you know my name, its only fair you tell me yours.
I smirked at him. This angered him and it was surprising to see the change it made to his face. The anger of a witch is a powerful thing and is similar to a vampires bloodlust as in it seemed to change their faces. His eyes became cold yet proud and his face seemed to change to make him look just as powerful as he is inside. I door slamming behind him caught his attention, being very thankful that anger made him on edge, I seized my opportunity I bent my legs and jumped straight up while barely moving a hair on his head. I landed on the edge of the four story building he had backed me up against and looked down. As he turned back towards where I was supposed to be I enjoyed watching his anger turn to startled. He whizzed around and looked down both streets and as if he could sense me he looked up. Luckily I had just enough time to turn and run back towards the woods.

I cornered the girl against the wall and stared at her expecting her to give my her name. The power that came off me usually made anyone tell me what I wanted to know, but not her. She intrigued me but the witch blood that flowed through my veins turned that wonder into anger, the girl was not scared, more curious. My anger made my on edge and I became sensitive to everything around me. A door slamming behind me, made me turn around and glare at towards the direction the noise had come. A change in pressure in front of me set off alarm bells in my body and I turned my attention back to the girl immediately. Only to find she was no longer there. I whirled around and searched the streets for any sign of her. No way could she have gotten away that quickly. My curiosity made my look up at the building looking over me. Nothing was there yet I could sense a change in the air. I turned and walked back towards the clearing in the woods. The circle would not meet for hours yet but I needed to think and the clearing was the perfect place. My mind tried to figure out what had just happened and could only seem to settle on one word ; Witch.

Chapter six

I knew I had to tell Tobiaz about the planned attack but I was so tired I just wanted to sleep. And just thinking of spying on the circle made me want to pass out from exhaustion.
I knocked on Tobiaz's office door and stepped in. Tobiaz was on his own, which was very surprising but it did not faze me and I did not hesitate to tell him everything that happened during the circle, and nothing that happened afterwards. I rushed to tell him when they will be attacking and how many there are, to make sure I would make it to the clearing in time to see everything.
'The 6th?' he asked, 'They are overly confident if they think they will be prepared in a week'
'They do not know that we know. Perhaps they would have taken longer if they did not think they had the element of surprise.' I answered even though he did not ask a question.
'Do you not know the time they will attack?' He asked
'No but I assume as they are strongest at night they will risk attacking when we are also at our strongest'
'Yes I agree'.
Our exchange of words was brief but I told him all I knew. I left for the clearing just as Tobiaz called a meeting to tell the rest of the clan what I found out.
As always I was there just before the circle arrived and it still amazed me when the fire became ablaze and the moon shone down. Today it was the leaders that came in first then the others, my eyes were immediately drawn to Elliot and I became strangely annoyed when I saw the black haired girl take her place intimately close to him.
'My circle. We have much grievance news to tell you.' announced the beautiful women who seemed to be one of the leaders. 'Tonight Lucy was attacked, by a vampire'
Gasps ran out through the circle as the male leader helped a women into the circle. Shock spread through me as I realized that it was the women that I had fed on.
'Take this as an example to all those here who have any hesitance towards this attack. Vampires cannot be redeemed, they cannot be spared' Announce the male leader
'This will be the last pain the cause us, on the night of the 6th, Vampires in this area shall be wiped out forever!' Shouted the women
Cheers ran out through the crowd and I was shocked to see that even the caring Elliot who seemed to previously hesitate was cheering along. For the next two hours I watched as the 16 witches practiced their spells and threw balls of blue energy at one another. Like at the start they became a circle, but I was surprised to see Elliot begin to talk.
'Last night I discovered that there are more witches in the area. On the night of our first circle I came across a girl in the cemetry. Her power was undeniable and somehow she knew my name. And then again tonight she was able to block me reading her and escaped from me without me even noticing.' All I could do was sit and stare. He thought I was a witch? I had to withhold my laughter.
'Are you sure of this?' Asked the man
'I see no other possibility Silas' Elliot answered
Silas, the leader, began to laugh and laugh. 'This is excellent! If she is able to escape your grasp then she must be powerful. We could use her in this war, what do you think Shelby?' he looked towards the women
'Do you think you will be able to find her?' Shelby asked
'I've already found her.' Elliot said as he looked up into my tree and directly into my eyes, everyone else followed his gaze and soon enough everyone was starring at me.
This could work in my benefit I thought. I could get them to trust me. I swung from branch to branch until my feet were firmly planted on the floor, hidden behind the bush. I pushed it aside and walked into the clearing, my eyes travelling across everyone, quivering on the Elliot's eyes. Silas walked towards me and looked into my eyes trying to read me.
He began to laugh again, 'That's amazing. I cannot read her! What is your name young witch?'
Deciding to actually tell them my name I used my vampire strength to project my voice and make it sound powerful, 'My name is Clara sir.'
Shelby now approached my her gaze was more accusing, 'How long have you been watching us?'
'Since your first circle' I answered
Her eyes became slits, 'How long have you lived in this area?'
I smirked at this question, 'A while.'
'Clara will you join us to destroy all vampires in this area?' I turned to lock gazes with Elliot.
'How do we even know we can trust her?' the black haired girl demanded 'I mean she's been spying on us and all we know about her is her name.'
'Chantelle, she is a witch. She is one of us therefore we trust her' ordered Silas.
Chantelle sighed dramatically and I smiled sarcastically at her as she glared at me.
'I assume you know of our plan?' asked Silas
'I do indeed.'
'Excellent. Tomorrow we shall get right into practicing and we can see the power that we can already see in you.
Shock ran through me. I hadn't anticipated them wanting me to do magic infront of them.
I faked a smile, 'Absolutely'
After that everyone became involved in different things, and i took this as a time to escape. I slowly walked away and into the woods. I stopped when I was half way to the cemetery when I heard footsteps behind me I whirled around and pinned whoever it was following me against the tree. I immediately let down Elliot once realizing who it was.
'Never sneak up on me' I said.
'Sorry I thought you knew I was there. I called your name enough' He smiled back
'Oh erm I guess I was caught up in my own thought' i smiled back before walking on
He jogged after me until he went into step with me 'I get it. Sometimes you just have to block out the world'
I sneaked a glance towards him to see a sad smile on his face.
Curiosity got the better of me and I couldn't help asking, 'So do you think we'll be able to kill the vampires?'
'Elliot sighed and looked very thoughtful, 'In don't think its anything to be taken lightly but with the element of surprise on our side, I believe its possible.'
I nodded slightly and felt guilty that he was so sure that he could defeat us.
'So do you hate vampires then?' I asked hesitantly and I dreaded his answer.
'No.' I looked at him quickly with what i'm sure was complete shock in my eyes. He chuckled softly. 'I know i should but I just can't. I know we need to stop them but some are peaceful. I know most witches do not believe this but I've witnessed it. What about you? Do you hate them?'
'No.' I answered, I knew he wanted a more detailed answer but I just didn't know what to say.
He stepped in front of me and looked deep into my eyes, 'You know when I first met you I didn't know what to make of you. But now, I don't know, I trust you and I, I like you.'
His head bent down and he slowly pulled me close.
'Elliot I can't' I said, but allowed him to pull me closer to him until his arms were wrapped around my waist.
'Just tell me to stop' he whispered as his mouth came closer to mine as I lifted my chin.
Our lips met and for the first time in hundreds of years I felt weak kneed. As our kiss deepened my arms went up and around his neck. Our bodies fit perfectly together as did our lips. I felt my back press against a tree and my body relaxed against his. A sharp pain on my hands shock me out of my trance and I pulled away from Elliot and looked down at my hands. They had turned a bright red colour.
'What is it whats wrong?' Asked Elliot
I looked behind him and my eyes widened as I took in the rising sun.
'I have to go now' I said as I slipped from his arms.
'Wait, what is it did I do something wrong?' Elliot asked
I turned and gently touched his face, 'No you didn't do anything wrong. I just have to go.'
Elliot grabbed my hand making me wince, he looked down at our hands and gasped.
'Clara, what's wrong with your hands?' he asked
'Nothing' I yanked my hands away. 'I have to go.'
I ran away from him at a human pace until I was out of sight when I raced with vampire speed to the house and into my room slamming the door behind me. I was breathing hard and clutched my red hands to me chest.
'Well look who's returned.'
I glared into the corner into Tobiaz's eyes.
'What do you wan't Tobiaz?'
'I just wan't to talk. You see I followed you tonight, I wanted to see the circle for myself. I must say I was pleasantly surprised when I saw infiltrate the circle, pretending to be a witch.'
I became more and more tense as he continued to talk.
'The surprising part is when I followed you back and discovered you locking lips with the blonde witch'
I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat, 'It was nothing. I was getting his trust.'
'Do not lie to me!' he bellowed shaking the whole house. I flinched away from his power
'I'm not lying Tobiaz' He raced towards me and slapped my hard against the face with such force it threw me across the room and crashing into my dresser, shattering it.
'You must not get involved with these people Clara. They may seem peaceful but they are the ones initiating this war. Remember what you are Clara. We are your family.' Tobiaz stalked from my room leaving me in a heap on the floor.
I had no idea what to do. I was developing feelings for Elliot, but how could I? He was the enemy and he was going to try to destroy me as I try to destroy him, and for the second time that week I began to cry.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.12.2011

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