
Summer Vacation

I was at home packing my bag to go to Kayden's house when there was a nock on my houses front door. I opened up the door to six thug looking guys.One grabbed me and put a rag on my mouth. I knew this trick would'nt work.No drugs have ever worked on me.Not even asprin,which i needed badly right now.Them men dragged me out to thier car and put me in the trunk.I kicked and flailed as much as possible but nothing worked.Hours passed by and we finally stopped. They opened the truck and pulled me out.For hour they raped me and took my inicence.In the middle of all this i started seeing black dots.I welcomed them,because i did'nt want to endure that any longer.

I awoke in a ditch covereed in my own blood.I stood up with no pain.To me the world looked different, better.I knew exactly what i was going to do.And i couldn't wait to hear them scream, to hear them beg for mercy like i did.I started walking know(somehow)where they where.


Texte: Alley(:
Bildmaterialien: Google(:
Lektorat: Me , Myself ,and I(:
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.10.2012

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