
I just noticed something I said instantly my body on high gear, This is our third date and you've never took me to meet your family! I played fake hurt and crossed my arms. Lets just get through the movie first he said smiling at me. Fine I said while people in the back row started shushing me. I got super pissed. LOOK DANGIT I'M HURT AND I'M TRYING TOO WORK IT OUT SOO PLEASE AND I'M ASKING POLITLEY TO LET ME HAVE MY ISSUES! I yelled out. I've been super cranky ever since this morning when I realized I was no longer in Alaska on vacation and I couldn't go mountain climbing. The response of the people: they stormed out of the room. The response of Dustin[my boyfriend]: Busted out laughing. twenty minutes the usher cme by and told me to be quiet or I would have to leave. Okay I replied trying not to laugh and Dusstin was smiling shaking his head


Texte: No parts of this book shall be copied
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.03.2012

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