
My favorite fake family

Anna wake up. My mom said with a smiling face sitting on the edge of my bed. Hi mom I said returning the smile. My family was never to busy to have time for me! Everybody said I was really lucky and I would not argue with that. Iv'e seen some of my friends with there parents, and it made me realize how lucky I was. They fought with them called them horrible names to there faces and yet the parents did nothing about it. Ever since Iv'e seen that I told myself to never fight big with my parents. I asked my mom if my dad was up yet. She laughed a little then responded. Yes. She said. Yay! I blurted as I ran down the steps. My dad had to travel alot because he worked somewhwere in Asia I don't know exactly where. I asked him once but he said I'd find out when I'm ready. Whatever that means. I tripped on the last step and scraped my arms but I got back up without any hesitation. Ann are you okay my dad said fast-walking over to me. I'm good I said giving my dad a hug. Morning he said kissing my forehead. A few seconds later some of my aunts and uncles walked in followed by a set of my grandparents. Basicaly our whole family lived with me wich can be a good and a bad thing somtimes. The only people I knew in the family that I knew who diddn't live with us were my coisions who were either in college or married. Hi Anna. Some of them said while others went over to give me a hug. I was the baby of the family wich I hated because lots of people live in our house and I had to be entertaining. I have a sister who's only two months older then me but she's a snob so no one messes with her. We go to the same school but I get up early so I can tell everyone hi. She was adopted actually, when I was two she came home with my mom and dad and lifes never been the same since, not in a good way. I reached in the fridge and got my orange juice out. So now that I think about it I guess I diddn't mind being the family baby entertainer what ever I was anymore. I told everyone hang on because I had to get ready. I diddn't know what to where so I wore my green m&m shirt and packed my red one in my bag so my bestie Kimmy could wear it then I put on my mis-matched knee high socks and some skinny jeans. I had plenty of time to do my hair because i always woke up hours before i was supposed to as did my family so I told my mom whenever she wakes up to wake me up so it was only like 4 o'clock I ran back down stairs as soon as everyone saw me there eyes searched me up and down. Yeah yeah yeah go ahead and judge my out-fit. I wasn't judging your clothes said my uncle tony...I heard that crazy is in right now. I laughed in reaction, thank you for understanding I said back to him. I decided to where my hair straight down after I brushed it. I had long curly brown hair and I wanted light high lights I watched tv for a bit then walked to school then I saw Kimmy and told her to wait up. She saw me and gave me a hug. She was a very good, one of the bestest friends ever made what up sista, she said to me. Breathing. I replied back we looked at eachother and we took a look at eachother and inhaled then we both laughed about half the way to school. So wheres stalker at? She asked meaning Lauren, the evil sister.....da da da! She stayed the night at Alyssas house I said. Oh yay for you!! Yeah see nobody really likes Lauren....She said everybodies jealous of her one time at dinner when I was having a sleepover with 5 OF MY FRIENDS! And then I said since when does jealousy mean that half the people on earth wanna drop kick you?And even uncle tony laughed at that one:) So when we got to school I saw my brother,sissy,mom,3 aunts, oh did I mention i bassicly have 2 families? One for school and at home but I loved them all just the same because family is always there for you no matter what and our teacher told us the saying friends come and go but family is always there for ya? Well thats why we started this thing because so far in our lives sinsce we've all known eachother since pre-k not one of us has ever And I mean EVER, has let us down so far. (yeah go ahead and tear up you know you want to!:))

Getting through the day

So I'm in class in walks Lauren trying to make a scene! Yeah she's a total brat she says to one of her so called ''friends'' you don't have to live with her! has she ever heard of talking quietly oh wait yeah it's Lauren we're talking about it took her a 6 months to leaarn to say duh huh! (Not really but ya know, it's good for insults)Every body look at Lauren then at me then Kimmy Shayla Katrina all get up. But when they saw Shayla gettin up they all sat down because Shayla will tear some tail up and she was one of the five besties i had staying the night that one time! Well Kimmy still stood up she was a fighter too like me but i wasn't getting in trouble over a fact as dumb as lauren. She looked at us then gave us a whatevs shrug. mr.donald was not in the room. Thank my lucky stars. but we only had eleven days of school left so if he expelled us then wow. Big deal. Shayla knocked a chair down and Lauren jumped. Kimmy said I know that walking piece of ugly is not talkin bout my girl! OOOOOHHHHH! the class yelled. Kimmy Shayla I said don't get yourselfs in trouble over well whatever that is i said looking in her direction. Awww so sweet! Laren said. Sticking up for her friends so they don't get embarressed! And you know wht Lauren I said looking back to her. You need to hush because obviously ya don't know when to and I would slap the stupid right outa you but there would be nothing left. The class OOOHHHHED, again and I continued. So sit down puttn a happy face try not to get hated to much and I'll see if I can stand looking at your face all day! Who do you think your talking to? Like Lauren needed to speak like she was actually confused! Then Kimmy spoke up and said, well....then she looked her up and down then started speaking up again. We don't know what but we don't like it. Just then Mr.Donald came in the room asked what was going on and then Lauren had the nerve to say we were cussing her out! Yeah we were. Kimmy said. But at least we weren't lieing! I mean come on doesn't Lauren look like a donkey! The whole class laughed. No we were not saying bad words and we have the class as our wittness! Katrina said. Yeah and I demand justice I yelled n a musicy tone. The whole class looked at me even Mr.Donald like I was crazy and I like that look. Dang yall always gotta make fun of the cacajions!!!!!! I yelled I dont see the white chicks gettin laughed at! Anna you're not cacajion Mr.Donald said rubbing his forhead like he was getting a headache. Okay you wanna hear the truth I'm philipino but it's weird because I'm so pale,My mom's really tan but hey life go's on. Alright Lauren were they using fowl language or not. No. Lauren said putting her head down. Guess who got a detention he said. So it started out as a weird day but it's usually like this on a Friday soo I guess I'm not really surprised. (alright so I guess there really is some family drama but only with Lauren to be honest I'm not even writing my stuff down or anything I'm just winging it sooooo I guess we're all good here! Oh and on the cover page that girl is supposed to be Anna I know it doesn't look anyhing like her but it'll all make sense later on)

okay you keep talking and i'll keep ignoring, we good?

I was walking home with my girlies (aka the girls who stood up for me)and we were telling the weirdest craziest jokes and crazy and weird is combination heaven for me and if ya dont like my taste in combinations well then we're done! Haha but I'm assuming you do so continue! Lauren was with us to with a group of snobby populars nobody likes either. (Awwwww that group was made for eachother!) Guess where that group was staying the night at. MY MOTHA FLIPPIN HOUSE!!!!! Oh well I was having girls night at Kimmy's house so take thatchyasonuvabiscuit!!! They were making fun out of our tastes of awseomness!! So I said okay Lauren you and ya group can keep talkin and imma keep not carin don't worry if I need to reach you I already have yall's number 1-800-beoch! Wow you should tell your mom that Anna cussed you out said one of her wanna be's. Okay first of all it's Annalice to all of you cuz I don't know ya like that....well I do but that's the reason why, I said to them. Awww but I can't tell my parents what she said Laren started to say. It would break there hearts knowing that the baby of the family was being bad! She said in a high pitched baby talk voice that made me want to shove her off of a cliff hey there's was a sewer right there


I thought and then I rememberd that movie with the little boy with that paper sail boat and the clown. sad for the boy but not for Lauren....hmmmm I knew I was getting my hopes up


My friends started arguing with them and the snobs kept there mouth shut finally cuz the didnt have any good comebacks yeah! And the Lauren started it again. crap. I got down on my knees and started yellin into it. YO! CREEPY CLOWN!! Oh yeah his name was it!!!


Yo it! cummon we gotta code four! mean girls!! Here buddy I kinda felt all the stares on me. What are doing? Laren asked trying not to laugh and I responded. Well remember that movie uncle tony let us watch and that poor boy got pulled in the sewer. Well I figured if some girls actually deserved it he'd have to come up! And your about to say oh annayou're so stupid then i'm gonna say call me by my nick name one more time I'ma slap some more stupid in to ya! then we just gonna go on and on but when you really hate someone ya don't give up hope yall dip's and me and my girlies laughed all the freakin way home. I was going to go straight to Kimmy's but I had to go put all of my stuff up and tell my family by I said i would meet them there and no i didnt have to take a bag because me and kimmy share everything and clothes was not the biggest thing with us because litterally half of the stuff in my closet was hers and half of the stuff in hers was mine. I put all my stuff up in closet nobody new we had but my aunt Tina and kissed everybody in the living room a quick hug and kiss and said see ya on Sunday or Monday! Usually when I go to kimmys I end up stayin there 2 or three nights in a row


Bye I heard them all say as I ran up the street to kimmys house where the rest of the girls were waiting for me. We went into her bedroom to change into our bathing suits the girls took them out of there bags but me and Kimmy were looking through the dressers Oh hey theres my old bathingsuit! It was actually my favorite one but when I leave stuff here I don't even know it's missing till I find it. I basiacly have my own clothing store. (aka I have alot of clothes) She had a huge pool! It was the same size as our pool we live in the type of neighborhood that people come in at Christmas time and look at our lights. So yeah we lived it up a little bit!!! haha kidding I am not that conceited but I guess Lauren maybe the livin large got to her head and that's why she doesn't lift a finger. We got to the pool the sun was still out it was only like 5:00 something but it's fun to swim at night because that's when all the lights are out and her cute neighbors visit because they just got back from baseball pratice. We held hands and jumped in the pool It's fun because it makes a big splash and usually gets Kimmy's big sister wet and sure enough there was Florine right there lounging out on a chair mwa ha ha! We are evil! Ahhh! we heard her scream, and a few other words I'm not gonna mention. She went in the house we thought for sure she was going to get Hanna (Kimmy's mom) So we got out really fast and dried off but she had other plans. She came out with her bathing on (a small bikini eewww we don't needa see all that) and a big gun. WE'RE GONNA DIE!!!!!! I yelled but I knew it was a water gun so nobody flipped, we ran in all different directions KyKy was with me one of my besties and there were seven people there me, kyky, kimmy, Katrina, Toby, Shayla, and Jonah all of my besies!! We were making a break for the garage a few people got wet but don't worry I'm a survivor. We were looking through the garage windows and saw Florines' hot boyfriend come by he asked what she was doing and it looked like she told him but Terrancce was a fun guy and took our side alot! He said oh and took his shirt off and jumped in the pool also getting Florine wet. Haha what I tell you I love that guy! Florine started spraying him with the water gun and he ran in the garage to. Hello ladies he said when he saw us. Wazzup I said giving him a man hug you know the kind homeboys do. I just thought of something brilliant, happy I have a good memory. Hey Kimmy I said to her remember last 4th of July and I brought the water ballons over. She gave me a evil smirk and we lifted it out of her old wagon. Terrance looked at the ballons and gave us a glance you people are evil! I'm so proud of you two homies! I STILL HAD A WHOLE PACK OF 100!!!!! We got the water hose that was in the garage and filled those suckers up! We got a a tub to put them all in snuck out the garage and.....ATTTAACKKK!!!!!!!!!!! AGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! She screamed. She tried the water gun but we were to powerful!when we were out of ballons Kimmy pushed her in the pool and we all jumped in after her Finnaly we got it got dark and we sawl a pretty light show (thay had alot of solar lights)! Florine was okay now and we went in for pizza oh I just loved my girlsesess haha that sounded like smeagle!


We went in to Kimmy's bedroom after that. but we were far from asleep we kept listening to her cute neighbors! Well they were my neighbors too. But Kimmy was surrounded by them. LUCKY! I think one of them went out with Lauren or used to anyway. I kind of had a boyfriend I'm not really sure what he is to me. I mean he's like my best friend and he asked me out and I said maybe so yeah. His name's Mason and he's super sweet and a really good friend, plus definetly a hottie. But I didnt want things to be awkard so I said maybe. We were trying to figure out what to do. So I suggusted we go outside....again. The guys from baseball were still outside and guess who I forgot tried out for the baseball team! Yeah, Mason. He saw me, but I was not surprisingly thrilled. I was about to fall asleep when Toby suggusted we play truth or dare ''Thats gay!'' we heard Jonah shout. ''Yo mama!'' I yelled back at her. Shut up she whined but we knew we were just joking. ''Hey at least my mom is straight!'' I screamed! Thus making me and the girls laugh so hard until Kimmy's mom had to tell us to settle down. We finnally decided to play truth or dare to shut Toby up. But you had to be careful with Shayla when she plays, she never backs down from a dare! We even got her to ask out our teacher without telling him it was a dare. I almost peed my pants that day some of us did. Okay so now it was my turn ''truth or dare'' Katrina asked me with a smirk off her face I picked dare cuz if you did your dare you get a cookie! No offence but if you get between me and my cookie I'mma pimp slap you. Katrina was trying to think of an idea when suddenly her face lit up. ''You have to call Mason and tell him that you love him but your lesbo!'' 'Pshh whatevs'' I said he is not getting in between my cookie! I took out my phone and called Masons number all the girls sat oppisite of me trying there hardest not to laugh. They all knew about that thing with Mason so I guess she was just being evil. Oh well. It rang two times and he picked up. ''hello'' I heard him say. ''Hey Mason this is Anna'' Oh hey! he said all with enthusiasm. ''So watchya doin'' he asked. for some reason that made the girls cling to eachother for dear life trying there hardest not to laugh. '' Listen Mason'' I said trying to get to the good part ''yeah'' he said. ''I do love you'' I said. That's it those girls are gonna die. I can see it in there red swelled up heads that they are gonna die from trying not to laugh. ''You do!'' He sounded so hopeful and exited. ''but the thing is....'' ''what's wrong'' He sounded nervous all hopefulness gone. ''I'm a freakin lesbo man!'' I pressed hang as fast as I could ran down to get my cookie and I heard the sounds of the girls continues laughing. I came back in the room and got the face of pointing and flipping out. ''Wow! you- you should have-! Should have heard his voice!!!'' Toby said in between sobbers of laughter. Thats what I'm here for I said smiling like a mad person. When we were just about to go to sleep, even though we were all squished in Kimmy's bed and MyMys foot was about to go upside my face we were actually pretty comftorable, but as I closed my eyes my phone started vibrating. I regognised the number and perked up immideatly. I sqealed and Kimmy, Toby, and Myha (MyMys name) were the only ones to get up. ''What is it?'' Kimmy asked. I showed them the person who was calling and it was Mason! I answerd as soon as they gasped and he sounded kind of relieved when he said his firs words. ''You're at Kimm's aren't you"? ''And this was a dare wasn't it?'' ''Yes'' I managed to choke out. For someone reason I thought he was going to be mad. I was right. How can you just mess with me like that!!!!???!!! he asked/yelled I trust you and You're my best friend. How can you do that? ''I-I'm sorry'' I said tears slowly falling out of my eyes. Kimmy started rubbing my hugging me and it kind of made me feel better. ''Don't be'' he said disgusted. ''CAUSE I JUST PRANKED YOU BACK MOFO!!!!!!'' He screamed. Oh my gosh you did noy just do that!'' I yelled at him. '' You had me sitting here crying because I thought you hated me!!! ''Oh you wait'' I said about to hang up the phone. Anna you did it to me first!'' He laughed. ''Whatevs'' I said my finger on the hang button. '' prepare for hell Mason, love ya. I got restless and was drifting off. Drifting, drifting. Suddenly I see a girl she's running away into a room that I now realize was a messed up version of mine! She locked it as fast as she could then screamed ''COLD HEARTED SKANK!'' After that she kicked the door with such force. She looked Like a picture of my mom when she was a teenager. Maybe about....sixteen, seventeen. She was pretty but her hair was so flat and greasy. And she had so many bruises on her body. Then I heard loud stomping coming towards the room. The girl rolled her eyes then climbed out the window.

I woke up and realized that I was at Kimmy's house it was early and Katrina was the only person in the room. She was on her phone texting someone. I instantly forgot about her and my thoughts continued back to my dream. Why did I dream that anyway? it was so freaky. I've never had something like that happen in my dreams before. Usually it has something to do with what I'm nervous or happy about. It made no sense.
I walke into the kitchen and saw everybody sitting at the table a bowl of cereal. ''Hey.'' I said trying to sound normal. ''Hey.'' Kimmy replied. ''Anna why are you shaking?''

Gone Again

I decided to leave Kimmies early. That dream had me really confused.I walked in the front door and saw all of Larens army of brats playing the just dance 3 game on our kinect. They sucked! They looked at me as I came in. ''Don't worry about me.'' I told them. ''You're doing to bad already to miss any points!'' ''Look who's talkin.'' Said one of the girls. '' I can dance better with my eyes closed.''I said while dancing awesomley with me eyes closed. ''Yeah what now!!!'' I yelled running up the stairs. I climbed in my bed and caught up on sleep. Next thing I knew there was that girl again. This time she was running down the street with a guy in a black hoodie."That b*****!" The girl screamed glancing at the window I rememeberd she jumped out of, while they guy pulled her into him and started kissing. "Forget that b@st**" The guy said. They walked down a few more blocks into a really big house,and then I woke up again. What is up with that dream? I thought.

I looked at my alarm clock. 12:06 it said. I'd only been asleep for an hour. I walked downstairs all of the girls had left except for one. They looked at me again. I was too curious about the dream to care about them though. And luckily my aunt Izzy was right there. '' I need Izziness!!'' I yelled jumping on her. Ugh!...She groaned in fake pain. I'm going to gain a hundred pounds and then sit on her then we'll see if she groans! "You make me feel fat" I complained."Sorry toots.She said "Izzy I had a really weird dream'',I said."What happened?" "Well in my first one there was a girl jumping out of he window and in the second one the same girl ran up the street with her...? I think boyfriend and I know it sounds strange but the girl looked just like my mom." I finished. "Izzy had a troubled look on her face,"I don't know what that was all about maybe you just have those nothing makes any sense dreams." She told me."Probably but usually my dreams are based on something that I've seen before"I said."I'm just as confused as you are Anna..." Izzy tried to say. "Hey your turning fifteen in like three monthss aren't you?"She asked me. "Yeaaahh" I said confused.Then she did a little nervous laughter. Uh-oh I'm just waiting for the bad news to happen."She has some time..." Izzy said. "Whaa?" I asked. "Nothing", Izzy said. "Just trying to creep you out" She smiled. Well oh.
"Hey did you you know that Gramaw and Grampaw Caben are moving?" She asked. "You mean they're not going to be living with us anymore? Where are thy moving?" I'll tell you when your dad comes back okay?" She told me. "Awww he left already," I pouted. "Just three days" she smiled. Then my grampaw and gramaw Caben came into the room. Then I heard a car honk and the last girl walked walked outside. Finally. Then Laren walked upstairs. Prayers have been answerd. Then my mom walked in the room. " Hey gramaw and grampaw are you guys really moving? I asked sadly. They smiled nervously "Yes we are but we'll call and try to visit as much as possible okay" They hugged me. and then I loooked at my mom. then back at them. "Where are you guys moving?" I asked them since Izzy woldn't tell me. Izyy smacked her forhead and my grandparents looked at my mom. My mom sighed and said "I called Dan, he'll be over here in about an hour." I looked at everyone in the room. I got this nervous sick feeling in the bottom of my stomache. Something big was going to happen. I could always tell when something important was about to happen. Good or bad.
I sat down on the couch and took deep breaths. "Sweetie calm down" my mom said. But for some reason that just made it worse. I sat there and after One long torturous dad finally wlaked in the door. He looked at me then smiled and then noticed my grandprents,mom,and Izzy. He looked at there nervous glances and said "It's time isn't it?" Ooooooh gosshh.


About half an hour later I'm at the kitchen table surrouned by all of my family. Lauren was gone though. She went to the mall or something.Lucky. My mom and dad sat on either side of me. "Uh baby Gramaw and grampaw Caben They're moving to the Star Realm. My dad said. "Dan!" My mom yelled at him. "Where's that?" I asked utterly confused,the Star Realm? "Anna we're not...."My aunt Amanda started. "We're not exactly normal" She stated. "Where's the star realm?" I asked again. "And what do you mean by not normal?" "The Star Realm is another world" "I laughed but the looks on there faces told me they were serious, But they couldn't be serious could they? No they're just joking it's probably getting me back when I told them I was prgnet on April Fools day about two months ago. "Yall are just trying to get me back from April Fools day" I said. My mom had a tear running down her face... "No sweetie. We're vampires" My mom gasped on her own words. I stood there "A-All of you I said nervously" "yes" they said. "Actually I'm part witch" my Aunt Shannon said" I took a big gulp. "And my cousins?" I asked. "Well actually, Cody is a wolf but he's adopted" "My whole family teard up a little bit. Last thing I know I fell to the ground and into an unconssious sleep.

Moving day

I opened my eyes and I was in a room. My room, I realized after I looked around for a few seconds. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell-phone to check the time. It was a little after ten. I was wondering about when I fell asleep and then it all came crashing on me. What they said. What I was. What my family was. How is this even possible? How did this affect me? What the freak did my dad really do in 'Asia'? Did he even really go there for work? Probably not. I mean we're not even Asian! I got up and started pacing around the room. How could they not tell me this? I was almost fifteen! So many questions went around in my head.

I stared at the door for a long time, deciding wether or not it was worth it to go out there and face having this disscussion. I didn't want to be here right now. In this room. In this house. In this neighborhood! It just made me want to question everything so much. I had to get away right now. I don't know where, or how long, just away.

Did they really think this was okay? My own family? To just drop this on me when I was almost fifteen in just a few months? I got up and almost fainted a little. Weak from this new information and the questions. I regained my balance and then slowly opened the door. I crept quietly down the stairs and I heard talking in the dining room. I heard something that normally would've made me happy. My cousion Cody's voice. He just turned seventeen and had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes. He lived with my older cousion (his brother) Dylan. Usually I would run and jump on his back but I thought back to the..very disturbing conversation that had changed my life in just a second. They said that cody was adopted,and that he was actually a wolf. Great anymore surprizes? I mean really if there'something that you feel would scar me please tell me now! Going once! Going twi-oh okay scar me for life later thats cool. I heard my dads voice say "She's going to be upset for awhile." "More like in depression", I heard Cody say pained. I hadn't noticed until now but I was kind of depressed. "We have to do something. Who knows How long she'll be like this." "Do you think maybe she should stay with me for awhile?" I hear Cody ask. He continued with "Maybe she should just be away from this for awhile." I decided to get off the steps where I was eavesdropping. I quietly stepped in the dining room. Everyone was standing up and as soon as I walked in everyones eyes locked on me. Cody ran up to  hug me. "How are you feeling?" He asked while loosening his hug. "Oh I just found out that Im a vampire. And my whole family are too! And that the person that I truested with all my heart doesn't even tell me he's a werewolf!" At that I put my head down and it rested on his shoulder. I was so upset. I trusted him so much! Like I said with all my heart and he never dropped a hint about this like the rest of my family. "You can trust me" he whisperd. "We had to tell you at a certain time." I lifted my head up and tears started to fall out my eyes. " So do you feel like you need to be away for awhile?" he asked me. I looked to my parents. They were looking at me and they seemed like they were about to cry. Then to the rest of my family. Them as well. "Sweetie it's okay for you to go. We understand why" my mom said. I took a deep breath and sighed. You don't mind I asked Cody? Cody turned to me with an amused look on his face. "Why the hell do you think I came down here? So I could convince your parents to get you to stay!" A smile tugged at the corner of my lips. I sighed again.  "Okay.." I said. "I'll start packing."

Not like it seems

I walked out the dining room and into my bedroom. But then I realized that I didn't know how long I needed to pack for. So I walked out the door and Cody was at the top of the steps. " A few months.." he said. I nodded then walked back into my room and took out my duffel bag and a travel bookbag from my closet. I wasn't in the mood for packing so I just opened my dresser and threw all my clothes in the duffel bag. It was a big duffel bag. There was still room left in my duffel bag for the clothes in my closet. I threw everything in there in the duffel bag too. I know right I have such a good packing work ethic. I put about 15 pairs of shoes in the travel book bag,then I looked around for a regular travel bag. It was stuffed somewhere under my bed. I put my nessecities in there. Hairbrush,toothpaste,ect.

After that I was ready. Cody was outside the door and he carried the duffel bag for me. All of my family was downstairs in the living room waiting to say goodbye I guess.

I hugged them all goodbye but My parents were last and I did tear up a little with them. "Anna no matter what happens we love you and we want you to know that." My mom said. And this time it was my dad who teared up.

I walked outside and Cody opened the back trunk. I put my duffel bag in there and hopped in the pasenger side. He had a black Nissan R35 GT-R. Normally I would've been going on about how I much I loved his car. But I was kind of distracted for some reason.

Before we left my dad came outside. He had something to say to Cody before we left. He wasn't in the car yet but I could still hear the conversation. "Cody look out for her. As in I mean it she's gonna be staying with two guys for awhile." "Yeah me of all people won't look out for her"   he said sarchastiacly. Cody was my favorite cousion out of many. We joked all the time and he was just like my brother. But he was very over protective. I introduced him to Mason one time and he was like: wait no- I'm not even going to repeat it, it was innapropriate. So if I was going to be away I needed to be with him. The only person I trusted right now even though he did kind of lie to me.

I blocked them out and I closed my eyes and tried to accept everything that happened today. But then I thought about that dream, did me being a-I choked when I thought about this-vampire, have anything to do with it? Then Cody got in the car and pulled out the driveway. "Anna I'm sorry about all of this." he said to me. "I wish they could've told you sooner." "Why couldn't they?" I asked quietly. "I wish I could tell you Anna but I can't." "yeah it seems nobody can tell me anything" I said my voice getting annoyed. "...You have to be a certain age.." "How old were you?" I asked him. I opened my eyes to look at him and he visiably tensed up. "Since birth..but it's different because I'm adopted.." "Yeaahh surre" I said. "Just then my phone started vibrating. Kimmy messaged me: where the hell have u been? i havent heard form you since u left this morning!  I sat there staring at it like an idiot. I didnt know if I should respond or not. But she's my best friend I can't ignore her for months. That would drive me insane. so I messaged her:hey sorry there's a family emergency! I'm staying with my cousion for a few months but I'm gonna visit often! It's only an hour away I'm sorry for leaving without a warning or sayong bye but it happend really fast! ily!! <3. I hit send and felt terrible not being able to tell her what was going on in my life. A minute later I got a reply: grr! just break this one me!! I need yoouu!!! lol jk I hope everything works out and if you don't visit in a few weeks Imma haunt you!! lol ily too xD. lying to the people I love. Not being able to tell them the truth. It was so messed up. It was pretty quiet. Usually me and Cody would be talking and laughing the whole way there. But not today. A few minutes later my phone started blasting king for a day by pirce the veil. Mason. I answerd it and Cody stared at me funny.I answerd it and I alredy knew Cody could hear. "Hey Mason.." I said. "DONT HEY ME!" Codys' head instantly snapped to the phone. He growled and I thought he was going to kill him. "KIMMY CALLED AND SHE TOLD ME YOU LEFT!I MEAN I KNOW YOU SAID PREPARE FOR HELL BUT THIS IS JUST DOWNRIGHT WRONG!" I laughed a little and Codys' jaw clenched. I ignored him. "Mason I'm sorry..It was a family emergency..'' "Oh..are you okay baby?" My heart did  a jump, oh wow was I happy. Codys' eyes got wide.Did his eyes just get darker? "yeah I'm fine..look I have to go I'll call you back later mkay?" "Okay you better..I love you." Why? Why did Cody have to be right here right now? "Bye. I love you too." I said. Then I hung up.

I slid my phone in my pocket and and looked up nervously at Cody.

''You love him?" Cody asked deathly calm. He started yelling. "ANNALICE STORMY CABEN! YOU ARE 14! AND DONT GIVE ME THAT I'M ALMOST FIFTEEN CRAP! YOUR MY LITTLE SISTER YOU JUST CANT SAY THAT STUFF IN FRONT OF ME!" ''Cody calm down,It's just that and I'm not  your sister!'' He looked at me as if I slapped him. His eyes got shiny,like he was about to cry, I didn't think he would take it so seriously! "Cody I'm sorry I didn't-" "No-you said it already I get it." His voice was whispery. "Fine then!" I closed my eyes and befor I knew it I was asleep.





I was outside. it was dawn,and I was in the woods somewhere. I heard talking, there was the guy again! He didn't pay any attention to me. So I turned around and there was a beautiful pond. I walked closer to it and I was the girl! The one that's been in my dreams! Was this suposed to  be me? Just then the guy came up to me,he was so..cute. he leaned in to kiss me and I did the same. While we were he all of a sudden shoved me onto the ground with a grunt. I gasped in pain and he then kicked me in thee stomache. "Shutup!" He growled. He turned back to the dark part of the woods. A few moments later he came back and he had a knife with him. I closed my eyes and words that I had no idea were about to come out of me spoke up, "Never", I said. "Well than my beautiful," he smirked at me, "Its time for you to die then."  He slammed the knife down and I screamed. Everything went dark but I was still screaming. I was still screaming but I opened my eyes and I instantly stopped. I was in the car. We were pulled over somewhere,but Cody wasnt in the car. It was pitch black and all I could see was a road and woods beside it. I was still shaken up from the dream. I was gasping and had tears coming down my cheeks. I was all shaken up. And it didn't help what my enviroment was. Where dafreak was Cody? What if something happened to him? I wouldn't be able to handle myself. If something happened to him I would break down. I got out the car and started walking slowly up he road. I kept looking from side to side keeping my eye out for any thing living. Good or bad.

It was really quiet. The only sound was my gasping. "Calm down Anna" I told myself. "It's just a road. I need to find Cody." I looked in the pitch black woods, All I could see was a few trees and brnches. I tried to calm myself down. I took a deep breath and walked into them. It was really quiet. I went farhter back untill I could't see the way out the woods. Smart right? But I had to find Cody. Even though we rarely had arguments we've never had one like this. But I didn't mean it, I was just mad. He really is like my brother. He's one of the few people who are always there for me. I had to find him. I kept walking and thinking about this wehn I heard leaves crackling. Something was in front of me. "Cody?" I said. I heard a deep breath in response. So then I ran.

I didn's stop until I hear my footsteps on the street pavement. I ran in the car and checked my phone time: 2:30 I looked out the window and realized I recognized this street it was on the way to Cody's house. I knew how to get there from here. If I walked it would be about fifteen or twenty minutes. I got out and ran.  Then the weirdest thing happened, I think I used inhuman speed.

I didn't stop until I saw the huge house. I wasn't even breathing that hard. I ran up to the steps and started banging on the door when I felt hands grip my shoulders and turn me around.

"Cody!" I yelled. I cried from the dream and from the woods. I was about to run in the house and get Jacob. I was not going deeper in those woods unless I wanted to die from whatever that thing was.

"Ssshh" he whisperd. "It's okay I had to make a stop" I didnt even bother asking what he had to do. It's been a bad day. I was shaking all over. I didn't think I would be able to stop.I dont't think I could walk without falling. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. He opened the door and as I made a full step I fell. He looked at my body and picked me up. I hate when I'm picked up when I have to be. But I couldn't walk. He carried me in the living room and laid me down on the large couch. I instantly closed my eyes and he sat on the love seat right across from where my my head was.

Its difficult finding good names for chapters so these chapter title naming hoes are just gonna be numberd :p

It seems like All I did today was sleep. A few hours later I woke up to someone slapping me. Oh hell nawh! I opened my eyes to see a girl about sixteen standing over me. She looked me up and down and said "Who the hell are you?" "More like why the fuck are you hitting me." I mumbled still groggy. "Who are you?'' she asked again. Wow she doesn't quit. "I'm Andy. (a/n guys im changing Annas name to Andy.) and you are?" "Johns girlfriend." She claimed snottily. John is my cousin. He lives with Cody. I nodded and tried to go back to sleep. I was tired and all I wanted right now was sleep. I'll deal with her later. Then I felt another sting across my face. I looked up and saw her smirking at me and I wanted nothing more than to jump up and claw her throat out. Too harsh? No? good. "LOOK YOU LITTE BI-" She started to yell at me. Then I saw John walk in the living room. I always run up and hug him everytime i see him but after I found out all of thi


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.02.2012

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