
Chapter one

He stares out the window, watching her every move. She doesn’t notice him, but she does stop and stare at the big mansion he lives in. Almost looks like a castle to be honest. She attempts to go and knock on the door, wondering who lives in such a place, But she doesn’t let her curiosity get the best of her. She continues to walk down the road to her house. Nicholi on the other hand, closes the curtains as he hears someone knock on his study door. “It’s me, Lucciola, open up” Lucciola says, as you can tell he’s agitated by his tone of voice. “Come in” Nicholi Says as he rolls his eyes. Lucciola opens the door and looks at Nicholi with a pissed off look. “I am SO sick of cleaning peoples shit in this damn house all the time. Do you know how much of a mess these bastards make every 5 seconds. They make a mess in one room and just head on to another. Its killing me. Can’t you make it someone else's job?! Or go hire a damn maid or something?!” Nicholi closes his eyes and in a split second he appears out of his seat and in front of Lucciola, scaring Lucciola a little bit even though he’s known Nicholi The longest, So he knows his abilities. “When I tell you to do something, you do it and you’ll like it. But…. I’ll think about hiring someone else.” Lucciola looks down without hesitation, not looking in Nicholi’s eyes. Nicholi lifts his head and smiles. “Now what did you really come in here to say?” Nicholi says as he raises his eyebrow. “Rumor has it that someone in town is going around murdering teenaged girls.” “ I have work to do, but you are to go and handle the situation. Oh and, take Cain and Christian with you.“ Nicholi says with a blank expression on his face. “But their irritating as hell. And they’re no use to me. I can do this with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back and you know that. Why do they need to be there?” Lucciola says, looking at Nicholi like he’s ready to attack him. “Because, I said so.” “Fine.” Lucciola says as he turns and walks out the door. “Idiots, Get down here.” Lucciola says and within seconds there are Cain & Christian. “Lets go” Lucciola says as he starts to head for the front door. “Where to?” Cain & Christian say in unison. As always. “Does it matter?” Lucciola says as he walks out the front door, and heads into town, walking 5 feet in front of the twins. “Someone’s grumpy today. At least tell us why were going into town” Says Christian. “Isn’t it obvious? Master Nicholi sent him to go and ’take care of’ the teenage killer and wanted us to tag along.” Cain says with a grin. “Can you two PLEASE shut up. I can’t hear myself think with you two bickering back and forth. Now since you know everything Cain, Tell me where we go from here” Lucciola says, moving his hair out of his face with the same annoyed look he’s had since they walked out of the house. “I believe that the person we’re looking for is over there.” Cain says as he points to the guy with short, light brown hair standing a couple of feet in front of them. Lucciola, without hesitation walks up to this man and grabs his shoulder, Jerking the man to look in front of him. “Your coming with me.”Lucciola says with a devilish look in his eyes. The man looks at Lucciola with his innocent icy blue eyes. “And you would be..?” The man says looking at Lucciola and smiles. “My name is none of your concern.” Lucciola says as he starts to walk off, pulling the man with him. The mans eyes turned Foggy silver and he disappeared. “Damn it all!” Lucciola got irritated and wasn’t in the mood to play with this man. Lucciola looked to the twins and they pointed into an abandoned warehouse about 5 miles away. Within a blink Lucciola & the twins appeared in the warehouse. There were tied up, dead teenaged girls everywhere. Some of them still alive thank god. Lucciola’s eyes turned Envy green and within a moment all the chains on the girls were broken. The twins went and helped most of the girls out. Lucciola heard a laugh. The man appeared. “Well that wasn’t very nice. I worked hard to get all of my toys.” Lucciola grinned. “You sick, fuck.” Lucciola extended his arm and using his hands/nails as a dagger he sliced the guy in half. “Pff. To easy.” Lucciola licked the blood from his hand and walked out of the warehouse. Lucciola waited until Cain & Christian were done helping all the girls home. They headed back to the mansion. Within seconds Cain & Christian were gone and Lucciola headed up to Nicholi’s study. “Lord Nicholi?”
There was no answer. “Where could he have gone?”

Chapter two

Catalina was taking a detour that she always takes to get to her house. It was cold and pouring down raining. She heard a rustling in the trees. “Hello..?” Catalina said, feeling scared. She began to walk faster and fell over a tree branch. “Ow.” A man appeared in front of her and extended his arm. “Need some help?” The man smiled and Catalina grabbed his hand. “Thanks.” Catalina smiled back not noticing that the mans smile was a little weird. “Now I think you owe me something.” The man pushed Catalina on the ground and exposed his fangs and was about to pierce them into Catalina’s neck. “Vampires that don’t follow the rule of law don’t deserve to live.” Catalina stood up and Nicholi stood behind her, putting his hand over her eyes, “Perish.” And the mans body withered away. Nicholi took his hand from Catalina’s eyes and began to walk away. Catalina grabbed his arm. “Wait! Are you okay? I don’t know how to properly thank you for saving my life.” Catalina smiled. “My names Catalina, by the way.” Nicholi smiled back. “You’re the one that almost got killed and you’re asking me if I’m okay? You’re a weird one. And there are no thanks in order.” Nicholi began to walk away. “What’s your name?” Catalina yelled as Nicholi was almost to the point where she couldn’t see him anymore. “Nicholi. My names Nicholi. I live in that mansion that I saw you admiring this morning. Feel free to come by any time you’d like. I’d be glad to give you a tour.” Catalina’s face turned bright red at the fact that she knew he knew she was snooping around a little. She grabbed the bag she had with her and ran all the way back home. She left her shoes by the door in her house and walked up the stairs to her moms room. “I got your medicine mom.” Catalina handed her mom the medicine and a glass of water. “Thank you baby doll.” Catalina kissed her moms cheek and walked into her own room and plopped down on the bed. She stared at the ceiling for awhile, thinking about Nicholi and she began to blush again. “I think I’m going to go over there tomorrow. I really want to see him again” She said to herself. Within a short while Catalina fell asleep.

Chapter three

Catalina woke up the next morning, grabbing her brush and running it through her long, chocolate brown hair. Her hazel eyes bright up with the thought that she was going to that huge mansion and to see Nicholi today. Catalina grabbed her golden yellow school uniform and put it on since she had to drop by the school today. Catalina ran out of her room and downstairs. “I’ll be back later mom & dad!” Catalina ran out of the house and happily ran to Nicholi’s mansion. Within a half hour Catalina arrived in front of Nicholi’s house but she froze up. She jumped up and down, making weird face for 10 minutes. “Okay. I can do this.” As she was about to knock on the door she turned around and didn’t do it. “Crap. Crap. Crap!” Nicholi opened the big doors and watched Catalina stress over the fact that she couldn’t work up the nerve to open the door. Catalina finally turned around and saw Nicholi. Catalina smiled and walked up to Nicholi. “I wanted to thank you aga-” Before Catalina could finish her sentence, Nicholi grabbed her and hugged her. Catalina just couldn’t stop smiling and hugging him back. “That’s all the thanks I need.” Nicholi said as he let her go and moved out of the way so she could walk in. “I’ll give you that tour now, if you’d like.” Catalina nodded and walked in, looking in every direction possible, admiring how even more beautiful and bigger it was on the inside. Catalina ran her hand along the stone walls. “This place seems so familiar even though I know I’ve never been here before” Nicholi closed the door and stood beside her. “Do you like to read, Catalina?” Catalina smiled and nodded. Nicholi grabbed her hand and walked up the staircase, and in front of a set of sapphire round double doors. Catalina looked and Nicholi & Nicholi nodded his head. Catalina opened the doors and walked in. It was the biggest library Catalina had ever seen. There had to be at least a billion books, and not to mention it was to beautiful inside. Catalina looked up to see a skylight and a humungous chandelier hanging from it. “this is amazing, Nicholi. I’ve never seen something so beautiful.” Nicholi sat in a maroon, cathedral type chair watching Catalina admire all the books. Nicholi stood up and walked over to the door. “Forgive me, but I have to go for awhile. Will you stay here until I get back?” Catalina smiled and nodded. “Please, don’t leave this room, I’ll be back shortly.” Nicholi opened the doors and left. Catalina took some books off the shelf that read “………” and sat them down on the table. She sat in the chair and opened the books then she heard the door open. “Nicholi?” Catalina said while standing up, positioning her body so she could see who it was that walked in. She saw two handsome boys that looked exactly alike. Cain & Christian walked towards Catalina and sat in front of her. “Hello, Beautiful.” Christian said as Cain ran his hands through her hair. Catalina smiled and stood up. She put her hands on both of there faces. “So soft..” Christian and Cain looked at each other and both of there right eyebrow rose. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Pardon my rudeness, I’m Catalina.” Catalina said as she smiled and took her hands off there faces. “I’m Christian & that’s Cain.” Catalina sat back in her seat and admired there beauty. “Are you two twins.” They nodded and grabbed a chair and slid it in front of Catalina.

“How did you get in here, Ms. Catalina?” “Nicholi.” Catalina said with a huge smile, just thinking about him. “Lord Nicholi let you in…?” Cain & Christian said with a confused look on there face. “You must be special then. Lord Nicholi doesn’t let anyone in. Tell me Ms. Catalina are you afraid of vampires?” Cain hit Christians arm, wondering why he would even ask such a question. Catalina looked around, trying to avoid the question because she wasn’t really sure. Well yeah, there was that thing that tried to eat her alive in the woods. But there was also Nicholi that saved her. Christian opened his mouth, exposing his fangs to Catalina. Catalina stood up, backing away from Christian. “You’re going to far. Lord Nicholi will punish you. This girl is obviously something important to him.” “That’s why I’m trying to figure out why.” Christian put his fangs back in and stood up. “I’ll ask you the same question again in exactly one month. Depending on your answer will depend on if you stay or not.” Christian walked to the door & left out. Cain bowed and looked away. “Please forgive him..” Cain left as well and Catalina looked around the library as she slid down the wall. “Vampires..” She said in a whisper. A few minutes passed by and Nicholi walked back in. He looked at Catalina and saw that she had her face buried in her arms. He walked towards her. “Catalina..” Catalina looked up and shivered, hesitating. “Please don’t hurt me..” Catalina said as she moved away the closer Nicholi got. Nicholi stopped walking towards her and called Cain and Christians name. He knew it was one of them since they were the only ones in the house at that time. They both appeared inside in front of the door. “Yes my lord?” Nicholi walked towards them and raised his hand as he was about to smack one of them. “Which one of you was it?” Christian bent down on one knee. Just as Nicholi was about to smack Christian, Catalina ran and hugged Nicholi from behind, with tears running down her face. “Wait. I’m sorry for what I said! I know I don’t know you very well but I know that you wouldn’t hurt me. Cain & Christian didn’t do anything. I was just still in shock about what happened yesterday. Please don’t hurt them.” Nicholi put his hand down as Catalina let go. “I’m sorry I left you alone.” Catalina wiped her eyes and smiled. Nicholi kissed her forehead and walked over towards the door. Catalina followed as they both left the library. Nicholi walked up the stairs into a huge kitchen. Catalina looked around and saw that the kitchen was a mess. “I apologize that this place is a mess. I don’t have anyone to clean it and everyone here is lazy and I’m always busy.” Catalina giggled and walked towards the pans that were on the floor. She picked them up and put them in the cabinets. “In return for saving me, please let me clean this mess. It’s the least I could do. In fact, let me clean the whole mansion. It’ll probably take a while so I suppose I’ll have to spend the night as well. I hope that’s okay with you.” Nicholi smiled and started to walk away. “Make yourself at home.” “Nicholi wait.” Nicholi stopped walking and Catalina walked out of the kitchen into the hallways where Nicholi was standing. “You’re a vampire.. Correct?” Nicholi nodded. Catalina put her hand up to Nicholi’s mouth as he opened it. She touched the tip of his fang and her eyes widened. Catalina looked into Nicholi’s eyes, seeing that his beautiful violet purple eyes glowed. “Is that your natural eye color?” Nicholi put his finger in his eyes and took out the colored contacts, exposing that one of his eyes were electric blue and the other was chocolate brown. “There beautiful.” Catalina smiled and headed back into the kitchen. Nicholi put his contacts back in and continued to walk into another room, knowing that out of the 1000 years he’s been alive he’s never heard anyone say that before. He couldn’t help but smile.

Chapter four

A couple of hours later, Catalina had finished cleaning the kitchen, the library, the garden outside, and half of the main hallway. It was already dark and Catalina was tired. She walked into the library and walked around some more. She found a book that read “History of The Dragamir family.” She knew that it must have been a book about Nicholi’s family history. She sat on the red carpet that was laying in front of a fire place and began to read It. About an hour later Nicholi walked in, to find Catalina sleeping. He took the book, put it back on the shelf and picked her up, carried her to his room and lie her in his bed, pulling the soft, deep purple blanket over her.

Catalina woke up the next morning, and looked around not knowing where she was at. “Did I fall asleep in here? This must be Nicholi’s room.” Catalina thought out loud to herself. She smiled at the fact that he brought her in his room. She grasped the blankets and stood up. She saw a note on the table beside the bed that had “Catalina” written on it. She opened the note and it read “Catalina, forgive me but I had to leave out this morning and won’t be back until tonight. You can stay here as long as you’d like. I would like to hire you as a maid. I saw everything you cleaned and it made me happy. I‘ll be happy to pay you whatever amount you‘d like.

Catalina smiled and set the note back down. She ran out the door of the mansion and back home. “Mom, dad. I’m going to be staying over a friends for awhile. I got medicine for you mom, that will cover until I’ve returned. I love you guys.” Catalina went up to her room, packed her clothes and put a couple bottles of medicine on the counter and ran back to the mansion. She got in and had no idea where to put her things. She went back up to Nicholi’s room and put her things in there and went off to search around the mansion for a room to stay in. She bumped into Cain & Christian on in the hallway. Cain wrapped his arms around Catalina. “Hi Ms. Catalina.” Catalina smiled and hugged Cain back. “Hello, Cain!” Christian smiled. “Where are you off to?”
“Well since I’m the maid around here and I’ll be staying here for a while I can’t stay in Nicholi’s room so I have to find some place else.”
“You could stay in my room” Cain said as he winked at Catalina. Christian flicked Cain’s ear and grabbed Catalina’s hand. “I’ll show you to your room.” Christian walked up a flight of stairs and opened a maroon door and Catalina walked in. It was a golden colored room with a big window on the middle wall and a queen sized bed beside it with one drawer beside the bed. Catalina sat on the bed and looked out the window to see the garden. It had every flower you could think of in it. Catalina smiled. Christian And Cain closed the door and left. Catalina sat down on the velvet red sheets on the bed and stared out the window, wondering when Nicholi would be back. For some odd reason, she had found her self being able to think of nothing but him. She missed him. She layed back and stare at the ceiling. “A maid, huh?” Hearing a noise, Catalina arose from her bed and stared out the window again. She saw a man. It was Nicholi. Catalina smiled. Nicholi waved his hand, telling her to come here. Catalina nodded and sprinted downstairs. She opened the door and walked toward Nicholi. Nicholi opened his arms and Catalina ran into them. “Where’ve you been?” Catalina blurted out. Nicholi smiled and rubbed her head. “I’m here now. That’s all that matters.” “Hey, could you get me something from my study?” Nicholi added. Catalina nodded. “It’s a black book, should have a blue rose going up the spine.” Catalina, ignorantly went back in the house and tried to search for the book. She found it, and ran back outside. But Nicholi wasn’t there. “Nicholi..?” Nicholi walked out from the woods and looked at Catalina strangely. “What are you doing out here? More importantly why do you have that?” Nicholi looked at the book that Catalina had in her hand. Catalina handed it to him. “You just asked me to go and get it for you..” Nicholi looked around and grabbed Catalina’s hand. “You’re right. My bad I forgot.” Nicholi grabbed the book and walked back inside with Catalina. “Nicholi, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” Nicholi shook his head and smiled, tucking the book into his coat. “Not at all. You did exactly as I asked. Thank you.” Nicholi starts to walk away and heads upstairs. Catalina watches him as he walks away, wanting him to hold her close to him. She sighed and walked back to her room. Catalina plopped down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling and eventually fell asleep.

Chapter five

Catalina stretches out and sits up. She gets out of bed and grabs two towels from the closet and starts to head out the door, wondering where the bathroom is. After about 20 minutes she eventually finds the bathroom. Catalina looks at the bathroom in awe. It’s beautiful gold rim around the pearly white walls, and the beautiful marvel floor, and the bath could fit a million people! Catalina sets her towels on the stand beside the bathtub and begins to undress. She plops down in the bathtub, and lays her back and stares out the window, seeing as though it’s pouring outside. Catalina cleans herself and washes her hair, gets out, wraps the towel around her and wrapping her hair in one as well. She walks back to her room, and puts on a long sleeve brown shirt and her school uniform skirt. She wonders around the house for awhile, seeing as though no one seems to be awake. She walks into Nicholi’s room and see’s him stretched out on his bed. Wrapped in his sapphire sheets, with his shirt unbuttoned down to the last button. She walks over to his bed and sits on the edge of it, admiring his beauty as he sleeps. Catalina looks out the window and then looks back at Nicholi too see him staring back at her. Catalina jumps up. “Oh my! I’m so sorry to barge in! I don’t know what I was doing!” Catalina says, startled. Nicholi sits up and smiles. “Don’t worry about it. If you wanted to watch me sleep all you had to do was ask.” Catalina blushes. “I wasn’t watching you sleep! I was… waiting patiently for you to wake up.” Nicholi laughs a little and gets out of bed. “Umm… is there anything in particular that you eat for breakfast?” Nicholi shakes his head. “Cain & Christian will eat just about anything and Lucciola doesn’t really eat so there’s no need to worry about him. Atticus and Gabriel will be out of the house for about a week or so, so the only people left are me, you and the twins to eat. So you can fix anything you’d like. Do me a favor? Go wake up the twins. Or else they won’t wake up until late afternoon.” Catalina nods and walks out, heading towards to twins room which is on the lower floor. Catalina walks down the stairs to the lower level of the house and opens about a million doors trying to find which one Cain and Christian are in. Christian walks out of the door to the 10th room down, with no shirt on and his hair all wet. “Well Good morning, love.” Christian said with a smile on his face. “There you are! I’ve been looking for you forever. I’m about to make breakfast.” Christian smiled and grabbed Catalina’s hand and headed upstairs. “What about Cain?” “He’ll wake up when he smells food. Otherwise, I can’t wake him up.” Christian walks up to the kitchen and sits at the table. Catalina goes over to the stove, taking out three pans. She grabs the pancake mix, and a couple of eggs from the refrigerator. Just as Catalina is about to pour the mix she hears the doorbell ring. “I’ll get it. You sit tight.” Catalina walks downstairs to the big double doors and opens them to see a girl with long light brow hair, dark red eyes that match her small over coat, and a white frilly skirt. “Hello. May I ask who you are?” Without saying a word the girl walked in, shoving Catalina to the side about to fall. The guy standing behind the girl catches Catalina. “My apologies for her. She doesn’t take kindly to other women. Especially in Nicholi’s house. May I ask who you are?” Catalina smiles as she catches her balance again. “I’m Catalina, the maid here. If you’re looking for Nicholi he should be in his room.” “Pardon us, I’m Salomon and that’s Lenore.” Lenore begins to walk upstairs and into Nicholi’s room. Catalina runs after her and opens the door. “Ms. Lenore you can’t just barge in here! I don’t think Nicholi wa-….” Just as Catalina was about to finish her sentence she see’s Lenore hugging Nicholi as tight as she can. “Oh.. I’m terribly sorry..” Nicholi stares at Catalina as she closes the door. She grabs her chest, feeling as though someone has ripped her heart out. She walks down the stairs, back to where Salomon is and she tries to smile at him. “Um.. Would you like some Tea?” Catalina says ash she walks into the kitchen. Salomon follows her. “Do you have any Earl Grey?” Catalina nods. “Christian do you mind going to the cellar and getting me some Earl Grey?” Christian looks at Salomon and makes his way down to the cellar. Salomon sits in a chair and watches Catalina. “So what are you doing here, exactly?” Catalina smiles, “I work here. As the maid.” Salomon rolls his eyes. “No surprise, Nicholi would stoop so low as to hire a maid to clean his messes.” “It doesn’t sound as if you’re too fond of Nicholi. Do you not like him?” Catalina says as she turns around to look at Salomon. “Precisely” Christian returns with the tea and Catalina starts to make it. “I’ll be back, love.” Christian said to Catalina. Catalina nods as Christian walks away. Catalina hands Salomon the tea and heads out the other way. “I’m sorry, Salomon but I have to tend to the garden. Make yourself at home.” Catalina smiles. “Wait, Catalina do you mind if I tag along with you? I’d rather not be in this house.” Salomon remarks as he stands up. “Of course not, you’re welcome to come.” Catalina heads out the door and around the back of the mansion to the Rose garden with Salomon tagging along with her. Catalina opens the gate to see millions of roses on bushes, trees, and on the ground. “Wow, I’ve never actually been in here before. It’s beautiful.” Catalina hands Salomon a water can and grabs one for herself. Salomon laughs. “What?” Catalina says as she giggles a little. “I’ve never watered flowers or plants for that matter before.” Catalina’s eyes widen and she laughs. “Oh my gosh, are you serious? I’ll show you.” Catalina pulls Salomon in close to the rose bush and grabs his hand to guide him. “Now you don’t want to pour too much, but you want to give them just the right amount or else, they’ll dry out or drown.” Catalina pours just enough water in the plant and Salomon smiles. “You’re really good at this.” Catalina blushes slightly. “My parents have a garden back at my house and my mom used to take me with her when we were little to water the flowers.” Catalina looks down as she finishes her sentence. Salomon looks at her. “What’s wrong?” Catalina shakes her head. “Oh nothing.” “Salomon!” Salomon hears Lenore’s voice and puts the can down and bows at Catalina. “It was a pleasure to meet you Catalina, but I must be going. I hope to see you again.” And within seconds Salomon is gone. Catalina smiles and walks around the garden, picking roses and she closes the gate. She walks back in the house and bumps into Nicholi. “Oh, I’m sorry.” Catalina doesn’t even look at Nicholi and she walks past him. Nicholi grabs her hand and looks at her. “Why won’t you look at me?” Catalina looks away and gets her hand loose and walks fast away. “I’m sorry, I’m just in a rush.” Catalina runs up to her bedroom and locks the door, sliding onto the floor against her door, breathing heavily. “Why can’t I look him in the eye anymore?” Catalina thinks aloud. Catalina stands up and puts the roses in a vase beside her bed and sits on the edge of it. “I hope I didn’t hurt his feelings. I should go apologize… But I can’t face him. It’s not like I’m in love with him or something, so why am I getting jealous over him hugging her..” Catalina shakes her head and opens the door. Cain smiles at Catalina as he’s walking up the steps. “Hey, Catalina.” “Hey, Cain. Have you seen Nicholi?” “Yeah he just walked out like 5 minutes ago. He looked a little more upset then he usually does.” Catalina sighs. “What happened?” Cain says as he sits on the steps. Catalina sits beside him. “I walked in on him and Lenore hugging.” “Ohhhhhhhh. I understand.” Cain says as he chuckles a little. “Who is she to him?” Catalina says pouting a little. “They’ve had history. A lot of it. But she’s always been in love with him but he doesn’t feel that way.” Catalina feels herself smiling a little. “I don’t know why but she seems familiar although I know I’ve never seen her before.” Catalina stands up, grabs an umbrella and opens the door. “Where are you going? It’s pouring rain outside. He’ll be back shortly.” But before Catalina could hear him, she was out the door. Catalina opened the umbrella and walked down the road, looking for Nicholi. She hugs herself, now realizing she should’ve grabbed a jacket. Catalina see’s Nicholi walking and she runs up to him. “Nicholi! I’m so sorry I was acting weird earlier. I didn’t mean it.” Nicholi turns around and looks at Catalina. “Why didn’t you stay at the house? I told Cain to keep you in there.” “Why? I came to look for you to apologize.” Nicholi pulls Catalina to his chest and holds her close. “Silly girl.” Catalina drops the umbrella and grasps onto Nicholi’s coat.

Chapter six

Catalina wakes up the next morning, heading down the steps and into the kitchen. She see’s a man sitting at the table with beautiful snow white hair and crimson red eyes. She walks over to the table and sits in the chair next to him. “Hello! I’m Catalina.” Catalina says with a smile on his face. The man gets up from the table and walks out as Christian walks in. Christian sits in the seat that the man was in and smiles at Catalina. “Don’t mind him. He’s just in a pissy mood because It’s his birthday. That’s Lucciola by the way. He gets that way every birthday. Oh hey, Catalina you don’t have to go and water the garden today since it’s snowing as heavy as it is at the moment.” Christian explains. “Why would anyone be in such a bad mood on their birthday?” Catalina says as she cups her face in her hands. Christian shrugs and yawns. Catalina thinks for awhile. “Christian will you help me? We’ll need Cain as well.” Catalina says with a big smile on her face.
“Of course, but with what?”
“I think what Lucciola needs is a birthday party! We’ll invite everyone you guys know.”
Christian laughs. “I don’t think he’ll like that but hell if it’ll make you happy, I’ll do it.”
Catalina smiles while Christian yells Cain’s name. Cain walks down and into the kitchen and stretches his arms out. “Yes?” Cain says as Christian looks at Catalina. Cain sits down across from Catalina and raises his eyebrows. Catalina pulls out two pieces of paper. On one of them she writes down
‘To do:
1.) Decorate the ball room
2.)Plan out the theme
3.) get the costumes together
4.) Invite everyone.
And on the second piece of paper she wrote
‘To do:
1.) make sure Lucciola is out of the house until 7 PM.
2.) Tell Nicholi about this.’
Catalina handed Cain & Christian each a piece of paper. These are the things I need you guys to do. I will make the decorations and cook all the food. But first I’ll need to know the theme.” Catalina looked at Christian who took the paper that says “Plan out the theme on it.” “Umm, how about we make it like, a ball.” Catalina smiles and claps. “Great idea! Let’s get started right away we don’t have much time!” Cain and Christian walk out of the kitchen as Catalina gets up and takes out as many pots and pans as she can find. Cain goes up to Nicholi’s room and knocks on the door. “Lord Nicholi, it’s me. Cain.” “Come in” Cain opens the door and sees Nicholi still laying in bed with his shirt half up. “Lord Nicholi, I have a request from Lady Catalina.” Nicholi sits up, running his hand through his chocolate brown hair and looks at Cain. “She’s going to throw a ball for Lucciola’s party. I attempted to talk her out of it but she looked extremely happy and I knew that would displease you.” Nicholi nods. “Let her do as she wants, and do whatever she tells you to.” Cain bows and walks out of Nicholi’s room. Cain goes down and grabs Lucciola’s hand. “Lucciola could you help me with something?” Lucciola rolls his eyes. “What?” Cain walks out of the house, winking at Catalina as he walks pass the kitchen and she smiles. Catalina grabs cake batter and beings to make the cake. A few hours pass by, Catalina is done making all the food, she puts it all on the cart and walks into the ball room. She see’s the walls are painted white with Royal blue drapes on the big windows and a burgundy floor, a big beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling, there’s beautiful cherry wood tables with roses on the table and feathers on the back of the chair and a long table stretching from one side of the room to the other to put the food on. “Christian! This looks perfect! I love it!” Catalina says as she runs and jumps on Christian, hugging him tightly. Christian smiles “I’m glad you like it. It took me forever to do.” Catalina smiles and gets off of Christian. “Thank you so much.” Catalina walks over to the cart and Christian pick up the white 8 layer cake with ribbons on them and sets in the middle of the table as Catalina gets the other entrees and sets them on the table. “That cake looks unbelievable. I didn’t know you could cook so well.” Catalina smiles “I can do a lot of things that you don’t know.” Christian smirks and grabs Catalina’s hand. “Would you like to see the dress I made you?” Catalina nods as Christian takes her up to a room. Christian picks up a crimson red dress and hands it to Catalina. Catalina puts it on and looks in the mirror. Her back is visible with 2 gold chains hanging from it, it’s long and ruffled. Christian comes up behind her and puts a beautiful white necklace with gold sequins on them. “Christian this is.. This is gorgeous. I’m speechless.” Christian smiles and looks at his watch. “It’s almost 7. I’m going to go give Nicholi his suit, then put mine on, then go and greet our guests. You stay here until I come to get you, okay? Our guests are all vampires and they’re not used to having a human around so it’s dangerous without someone with you.” Catalina nods and sits in the chair as Christian leaves. Catalina starts to curl her hair and puts it in an up do. Taking the tiara from the table and puts it on. A few minutes go by and Christian comes back into the room with his black & white suit on and grabs Catalina’s hand. They walk down to the beginning of the stairs as the hundreds of vampires in the room silent down and stare at her. Nicholi turns around and looks at Catalina as his gaze meets hers. They begin to walk down the stairs and Christian whispers “Don’t mind them. They won’t eat you. While you’re with me anyways. Just don’t go far, okay?” Catalina nods, and straightens her posture, showing she’s not scared. “Where’s Lucciola?” Catalina says as she looks around the whole room. “I don’t know but he’s wearing all white. So you’ll know him when you see him. You stay right here, I’ll be right back okay?” Christian says as he walks away. Catalina smiles and looks around the room smiling at how beautiful it looks. A man with black hair walks up to Catalina. “I heard you’re looking for Lucciola? I can show you to him.” Catalina smiles and nods. “Please show me to him! I must find him.” The man takes Catalina’s hand and walks outside, to a cherry blossom tree and pushes her up against it. Catalina struggles to get away but he’s just to powerful. She bites his hand, and get’s loose. Catalina runs as fast as she can but the dress keeps getting in the way. She hides behind a tree and bites the edge of dress, tearing it so her right upper thigh is visible. “Dear god, Forgive me Christian.” Catalina begins to run again, seeing the vampire getting closer. She bumps into something as she runs. It’s him. He smacks her to the ground and as he’s about to bite her, someone picks him up and throws him into a tree. “Get on my back.” Catalina hurried, gets on Lucciola’s back and Lucciola begins to run.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.03.2013

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