

"Kayla! You spilled your beer on my brand new dress!" I shrieked at my best friend.

She smiled at me drunkenly and shrugged her shoulders in apology. I sighed and sank to the floor, swirling the contents in my bottle.

Am I seriously the only one with a buzz, beside Kayla?

I thought.

We had gone to a party at an abandoned bookstore and were having the time of our lives. I looked over at a corner disgustedly.

Stupid whores,

I thought, as I watched a girl of maybe thirteen let an older man touch her intimately. What is going on in our society?

I'm not a virgin, but I sure as hell am not a whore. As my friend Alexis would joke, "There is a HUGE difference from being a whore and just enjoying sex!"

I laughed at the memory and wished for the thousandth time that she hadn't moved to California. I wondered what she was doing now, and if she missed me.

"AH!" I gasped as something vibrated in my bra. My phone was buzzing impatiently.

One new text message from dad: "Where r u?"

"On my way. Trying 2 get kayla n da car." I answered.

I quickly stuffed my phone back in my lacy red bra and helped Kayla to her feet.

"Kitty Cat?" she called out drunkenly.

"Yes, Kayla. It's me," I said in a quite voice.

She walked through the trash scattered about on the floor and only tripped once on our way to my red shiny 2007 Jeep Compass. She tried to get into the drivers seat, but at a long glare, she quickly changed direction.

I slid into the seat easily. This car was my baby. I didn't let anyone drive it.

I eased onto the road and slowed for a stop sign.

Fuck this!

I thought, slamming my foot into the gas. We sped past houses and other cars, bushes and birds. I raced another car and won by a block. Until finally I recognized my street. I turned on my blinker and turned, going straight until I saw my driveway.

Home sweet home,

I thought sarcastically, for my home was not exactly a place to be called home.

I ushered Kayla out of the car and into the house, flipping on only the kitchen light. I put some clean clothes on my bed for Kayla to change into, and then quietly made my way to my kitchen.

I opened up a cabinet and pulled out a shot glass.

Now this is what I need,

I thought happily, pouring myself a shot and downing it.

I drank seven more shots and tried to take a step forward. The ground threw itself at me and attacked my shoulder as I fell heavily to the floor, laughing. I grabbed the counter and hauled myself up. I looked over at the clock to see that it read 11:09.

Making slow progress, I finally eased myself into the soft comfort of my queen size bed. Kayla was already asleep in the corner, snoring softly. I turned off my alarm clock and lay back into the pillows. It was lights out instantly.


I awoke with a start. Confused, my mind swirling in nonsense from fear and still heavy with the effects of the alcohol. I sat up uncertainly, and saw a shadow move outside my window. Then I heard the slight whispers.

"Kayla?" I whispered urgently. "Wake up. Please wake up." She stirred, but continued snoring.

Then came a crash from the living room. I screamed and threw myself into Kayla. This woke her and she slapped me across the face.

"Cat, wha-" she was interrupted as my bedroom window shattered, throwing glass into our faces and onto our trembling bodies. A cold wind blew in, knocking my lamp over. I watched it fall to the floor and crack, as if it were in slow motion. I glanced over at the clock. It read 12:00 on the dot.


I thought.

Three men threw themselves through the window and landed on us with a "Umpf" of whooshing breaths.

I screamed and one of the men covered my mouth with a heavy hand. I gazed fearfully into his clear blue eyes. Kayla's mouth was also covered.

My door slammed open and three more men walked in. They were all dressed in black. Two of them walked towards us with clubs, and swung them hard against our heads.

"Why?" I whispered to my captors, tears in my eyes, before blacking out.


Murmured secrets couldn't even pull me all the way into consciousness. I heard myself groan and try to move. It was useless. My arms were chained to the top of a bed and my feet were tied to the bottom. Someone was laying beside me, playing with my dark tresses.

Playing with my hair?

I thought, as I jolted into full awakeness.

Clear blue eyes gazed back into my frightened ones. He whispered something sweetly in my ears, but I didn't hear him as I tried to choke back the tears.

He jumped up and away from me, as the door was slammed open.

"Oh, you're awake I see," said one of the men, addressing me.

"Where am I?" I asked hoarsely, trying to make the fear disappear from my voice.

He laughed in my face and shoved a sock in my mouth so that I wouldn't scream.

"Well, she's all yours Justin. Have at it."

The man, the one that had been laying beside me looked at me with sorrow filled eyes. That was Justin. He sighed and pulled out a knife. It looked wickedly sharp and it cast dancing lights when the dim light hit it right.

I started struggling and tried to spit the sock out to scream for help, but Justin put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"Shhh," he said. "Don't struggle. It will all pass soon. Please don't make this any harder on me."

Then he took the knife and gently cut my dress away from my stiff body. The man in the door way let out a low whistle.

"Will you look at that BODY?" he said enviously. "Damn, that girl could stop a steam boat! Take your time with this one Justin. Make it last!"

Then he shut the door and walked away laughing.

Justin looked at me, as he took the belt from his beige cargo pants. He then slid his shirt up and over his lean, muscled body showing off a farmers' tan. He seemed to have issues holding my gaze as he unzipped his pants and let them fall to his ankles. He stepped away from the discarded clothes with a hungry look in his eyes.

"You will be mine," he whispered triumphantly.

He tore my silk panties from my legs and stared long and hard at my naked and exposed body. I waited for him to start.

I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes as I felt him moving closer. I could feel his muscles bunch together as he laid on top of me. He kissed me softly at first, then more urgently and passionately. Then he entered me. I bit back a scream. He entered me painfully, tearing at me. Thrusting as hard and as deep as he could. I was frightened. He was hurting me as no other had done.

Despite the pain, I felt my body beginning to orgasm.

"No, bitch. Not this time. You don't get the pleasure of that."

Then he thrust himself even deeper into me and I was finally able to scream. Faster and faster he went. My legs began to feel wet.

Is that him, or me?

I wondered faintly.

He kept going, despite my protests. Harder and deeper and faster. He just kept going and going and going. Finally he came in a burst, and I felt myself black out from the pain of the burn. He had torn me open too bad. I welcomed the darkness, as this man violated my body.

Finding Kayla

I woke up once more. Yet this time it was different. I was still on the bed yes, but I was curled up in the fetal position. My hands and my feet were no longer tied.

I lay there for a moment longer and then rolled onto my other side to scan the room.

A gasp escaped my throat for two reasons. One was that the pain from my legs and private area made stars burst in front of my eyes. And two was that Justin was laying beside me, sound asleep.

As fast as I could without making a noise, I scurried off the bed and into a dark corner. I leaned against the wall and let out a squeak of surprise as the wall fell away. It wasn't a wall after all, it was a dark curtain that led into a long hall.

I took one last look at Justin before running. I passed doors which hid empty rooms. But the second to last door was locked. I tried the handle multiple times. Hoping and praying that it would give way. But it didn't.

I sank to the ground in despair. I was trapped. Tears fell from my azul eyes and landed softly on my legs and the dirty ground. I cried for everything lost and everyone trapped. I cried for my deceased mother and my drunken father. I cried for my friends.

At that thought, I sat up.

Where the hell is Kayla??

I thought frantically. She had been in my room with me. Had they taken her with them? Or did they just knock her out and take me?

This had me up on my feet again and I was trying to get the door to unlock with an urgency that could only be related to fear and trying to survive.

The lock still wouldn't budge. I threw my hands up in frustration and pulled my fingers through my hair like I do when I'm nervous.

What is that?

I thought, as my fingers pried something metal from my hair.

I opened my palm and it revealed a bobby pin. I had had my hair up for the party. Why hadn't I thought of that before?

Quickly jamming the bobby pin into the lock, I turned it. A small "click" met my waiting ears. I allowed myself one smile of triumph, before I slowly opened the door.

Nothing had prepared me for the sight that lay beyond that closed and locked door.

I looked in and fell to the floor.

I had found Kayla... But not in the way I had wanted to.

She lay on a bed, bloody and broken. The smell of vomit was heavy in the air. She was chained as I had been, and she wasn't moving. There was no slight movement of her chest. There was no flutter of her eyes.

I got up and walked over to her. I laid my hand on her bloody forehead and smoothed away her golden locks. I kissed her cheeks and untied her hands and feet. Then I folded her hands over her body and just sat there holding her hands, until I heard the shouts that meant that someone had noticed I was missing.


Three men barged into the room. One of them even had a gun. They yelled at me to stand, but my legs weren't working. I tried to, but I could barely see and when I finally made it to my feet I tripped because of my blurry vision.

I flung myself down beside Kayla and held her cold, lifeless body in my arms. The tears were getting worse now and I kept calling out her name.

The men were screaming at me now, and finally the middle one grabbed me roughly by the arm and tried to haul me to my feet. I bit hard into his hand, drawing blood. He yelled and let me go, glaring at me as if I were an abomination.

"She bit me! Stupid bitch," he said, spitting in my face.

"You did this to her! You killed her! You MURDERED her!!!!" I screamed the words into their stunned faces. They hadn't been expecting an outburst like that.

I crumpled to the ground and started crying. Sobbing loud, wailing tears filled with sorrow.

What's happening to me?

I thought desperately.

One man grabbed me by the hair and yanked my head back. He shook a knife out of his boot and held it to my throat.

"Can't I just finish her now and be done with it?" he asked harshly.

The other men laughed and were urging him on as I sat very still in my fright.

"What is going on here?" I heard a deep, yet soft voice ask.

All the men backed up, except for the on holding me.

"I'm gonna slit her throat!" he exclaimed with a growling laugh.

"No, you're not," Justin said as he stepped into view. "She is mine and she is going to remain mine."

At his words the man pressed the knife into my throat until a small trickle of blood ran down my chest. I gasped in pain and fright.

"Let her go, Josh," Justin said, taking a few steps towards us.

"Why?" Josh asked with a snarl. "Why do you get to keep all the pretty girls and do with them as you wish but we can only dispose of them as you and your father command. I think it's time to have a little fun for ourselves. Don't you agree boys?" He said, gesturing towards the two men leaning against the wall.

They just stared at him stupidly. He growled and pressed the knife deeper into my throat, until my whole chest was completely covered and sticky with the warmth of my blood. I whimpered and he threw me to the ground in disgust.

"Fine, but I will get what I want someday," he said, storming out of the room.

Justin dismissed the other men and came to my side. I moved slightly away from him and he sighed.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Just let me see your throat. Is it deep?" he asked, with genuine worry in his voice.

He gently eased me to my feet and took my hands from my throat. I looked deep into his beautiful eyes and tried to conjure up hatred for this man that had hurt me deeply, but I could only feel pity as he wiped some of the blood away.

"Let's get you cleaned up. I'll let you use my bedroom," he said, trying to be polite and kind even though his eyes were raking my still naked body.

AS we walked, he glanced at me every few minutes. I gazed at him for a long time. He was lean and muscled. His tan almost golden. His sandy brown hair was wavy and hung loosely into his eyes. He glanced at me again and sighed, his clear blue eyes filled with sorrow and regret.

"I'm sorry about your friend," he said quietly once we were in his room.

His room was large. Grand even. He had a a huge circular bed with curtains. Surprisingly, there was little laundry on the floor. I glanced around and noticed the knife sitting on his bedside. Fear instantly engulfed me and I took a step back.

Seeing the expression on my face, he took a step towards me and laid his hand on my shoulder. I whimpered at his touch and he moved away.

"Stay here," he told me, as he left the room.

As soon as he was gone, I stepped towards the far wall and looked longingly through the small window. I gazed out and was shocked to see we were five stories above the ground. Men were dashing to and fro below. But what surprised me the most was that there was no land surrounding the establishment. I was completely surrounded by water, and that meant that I was trapped.

Help Me

Justin came back with a soft white rag. He dipped it in water and very gently pressed it to my wound. I shivered as the cold water met my bare skin and Justin saw that.

Once the last drop of blood was cleaned away, he took my hand and led me to a room. It was small and white, but the bed was more comfortable than the last. I sat down by the pillows and pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

Justin tired making small talk with me, but I ignored him, and soon enough he walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind him.

I let myself fall back onto the comforter and I covered my bare body. The blanket was soft against my rough and bruised skin.

Moments later, I was fast asleep, curled up into a little ball.


I woke up hours later, with a sore back and a stiff neck.

Where am I?

I thought groggily. Then I saw movement in the corner of the room and I knew I wasn't alone.

"What do you want?" I asked bravely.

Josh stepped into view with a wicked smile.

"I want you!" he snarled as he lunged at me.

I screamed in fright and tried to jump away, but he was surprisingly fast for his size. He pinned me easily up against the wall and as I struggled to fend him off, I felt myself go limp in his arms. My will left me and I just lay there against the wall as this man held my arms up.

"Please," I whispered. "I'll give you anything you want... Just don't hurt me."

He laughed and pressed his lips roughly against mine. I kissed him back with as much force as I could muster and he pressed my body tighter to his. When he went up for air, I gasped for breath and was thrown onto the bed.

He grabbed me by the hair until I screamed for mercy. He threw me on my stomach and climbed on top of me. It was difficult to breathe with his heavy mass holding me down.

He tore off his shirt and threw it across the room. Then he eased himself off of me, but pinned me down with one hand while the other hand was busy yanking his ratty blue jeans off from around his legs.

He glared at me in satisfaction and smirked. The he bent me over and took me from behind. I screamed as he entered, begging him to stop. But, like Justin, he didn't.

He finally came and as he pulled himself out, he spun me over and into his arms.

"How did you like that, Baby Doll?" he asked me. "Is that how you like it? Hmmm? Rough? I bet Justin was too gentle with you. You deserve a real man."

He then threw me down and pulled his clothes back onto his body. He opened the door and I saw three more men waiting their turn.

In a frightened haze, I threw myself at them, clawing and biting. I was grabbed from behind so I kicked the one in front of me in his most sensitive place. He grunted and fell to the ground. The third one came at me and grabbed my legs.

I was thrown back onto the bed and tied to the bed frame. The one who grabbed me from behind smiled at me deliciously. I screamed as loud as I could, knowing my attempts were futile. But still hanging on to the hope that at least someone would hear.

"Oh, come on sweetheart," they taunted me. "We just want a little fun."

Then Josh and two of the others left, leaving me alone with a very dark man that frightened me greatly. He grabbed my already tired legs and yanked them apart. As I tried to keep them together he laughed, and easily spread them again.

He went down on me. His tongue rough and painful. I whimpered as he got done and yanked off his clothes. He climbed on top of me and forcefully pushed himself into me. I gasped as he started moving. Slowly at first, then gaining speed.

Please, Lord. Just take me now.

I begged.

He pressed himself deeper into me until I screamed for him to stop. He just smiled and went slower, but deeper.

"Please," I whispered, as he came inside of me.

He laughed and smirked.

"You want MORE, sweetie pie?" he asked in astonishment. "Well, I already took my time. Now it's little Evans turn. Be careful. I hear he's a real tiger."

Laughing, he left and in came a smaller boy. He looked to be not much older than me and he smiled viciously. As he walked slowly towards me, he took off his clothes.

I looked at him. Then looked down. He took the look the wrong way and started touching himself.

"What? You like this? You want my long, hard shaft in your tight wet pussy?" he said, laughing.

He sat on the bed beside me. Leaning over me, he kissed me sweetly and shoved two fingers deep inside of me. I groaned and he began wiggling his fingers back and forth.

Tears slowly snaked their way out of my eyes and fell onto the pillow. He saw that and wiped them away gently, as he climbed on top and forced himself inside. I screamed as loud as I could but he didn't stop. I kept screaming and screaming, almost in time with Evan's deep thrusts.

Finally I heard a commotion outside, and a familiar voice shouting at the men to move. A gun was shot and I heard a loud thud. Evan seemed to be too preoccupied to notice anything as Justin forced his way into the room.

"Get off of her!!" he bellowed, pointing the gun at his chest.

I looked at him and whispered, "Help me" as I blacked out.


I groaned and tried to move but the pain was too great. I felt myself being moved and realized that Justin was carrying me. I squirmed in his arms a little bit as he walked, carrying me gently in his strong arms.

He pressed me tighter to his chest and whispered something. I couldn't hear him that well, but it sounded like he was reassuring me that he wouldn't hurt me. I sighed contentedly and snuggled deeper into his arms as he walked.

I allowed myself to fall asleep in the safety of his arms.


I woke up multiple times, but each time the pain was so great that I forced myself back into a dreamless sleep.

At one point I woke up to yelling. From the sounds of it, It sounded like they were close by, and as I listened closely, one of the voices sounded like Justin.

"But Dad, I can't just let them hurt her again. They could have KILLED her!" he screamed. "I can't let that happen. No matter what the cost, I MUST keep her alive. She is the only one who keeps me living."

Someone sighed and leaned back heavily against a wall.

"Justin, you have known her but a few days. You can not have feelings as strongly as you are portraying you have for this... girl," he said gently.

"Please understand. She looked me in the eyes and I saw fear, but I never once saw hatred for me. For a man who hurt her. Please."

It sounded like Justin was crying and it broke my heart. I longed to be able to move and go to his side and comfort him. To lay myself in his arms and let him hold me. To let him stroke my hair and gaze into my eyes. To let him know that I could never hate him in a million years. My heart ached, and for some reason it felt right. I didn't understand it.

I heard his father move towards his son.

"You have two days to decide. Her or us. Do you understand that?"

There was no answer, so I assumed that Justin had nodded his head.

"I hope you make the right choice. You are the only son I have left. Don't turn out like your brothers," he said, clapping Justin's shoulder and gazing into his eyes before turning around and walking out the door.

I was confused by the exchanged between father and son. But I didn't ponder it for long, as I was pulled back into darkness once more.


I was in his arms, laughing. He looked at me, and smiled, all traces of sorrow vanished from his eyes. I leaned over and looked into his eyes as he bent his head down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

Then I was running. Giggling. A soft breeze teased my hair and kissed my eyelashes, making my light summer dress flutter around my knees. I hid behind a tree and looked around it.

I gasped and started laughing as Justin came from the other side, grabbing me by the waist and lifting me into his arms.

Heaven, I thought. I'm in heaven and it is pure bliss!

I had never been this happy.

He was running with me in his arms, thrown over his shoulder like a flour sack. I hit his back playfully, giggling for him to set me down.

We made it to a clearing, and he lay me down on a grassy knoll. He hovered above me on his elbows and looked into my eyes. I grabbed the back of his neck and forced him down so that I could kiss him.

Laughing, we both stood up and brushed ourselves off. I looked at him, and leaped into his arms. He held me and kissed my nose. Then he looked at me, and the sorrow was once more in his eyes.

"We can't do this," he said urgently, his eyes turning ice cold. "You are wrong for me.I need to obey my father. You are worthless and ugly."

Then he threw me to the ground.

I woke up with a start, tears streaming down my face.

"It was only a dream," I said aloud. "I was only dreaming."


Tears streamed down my face as the last traces of sleep, and the dream, were erased. I sat up and it took me several minutes to realize that I was in Justin's bedroom, sitting on his soft bed.

I glanced around the room and saw Justin fast asleep in a chair beside the bed. He looked so peaceful. So at ease. He even looked younger. I had guessed that he was about nineteen years old, but right now he looked about sixteen.

I quietly eased myself off of the bed and tiptoed over to him. I let my hand caress his scraggly cheek, and then I leaned down and kissed him softly.

I jerked back suddenly.

What was I DOING? This man harmed me. He is the enemy. Not the long lost lover. He violated my body and took me from my home,

I thought, tears of anger springing into my eyes.

I looked at him and slapped him across the face. He fell out of the chair with a wild look of surprise.

"Wha-" he began to say, and then he saw me. "Oh."

I sank to the ground and covered my naked body with my arms. He got up, and quietly crossed the room, going to one of his drawers. He opened it and pulled out a long black shirt and some underwear. He threw them to me, and I gratefully put them on.

Soft tears tumbled down my cheeks. I looked at him and wondered what he was thinking.

"Why?" I whispered.

He looked at me sadly. He came over, sat down beside me, pulled me to his chest, and just held me.

"I'm so so sorry, Cat. All the other girls... They were nothing. And then we brought you here. And it just changed my entire world. After all that I have done to you, not once have you looked at me with hatred. You are so different from any of the other girls. And I never understood why my brothers defied my father for some "tramp". Now I understand. But you are no tramp. You are everything good."

I sniffled into his shoulder and he held me tighter. I begged him silently to never let me go, and he didn't.

"Cat... will you please be mine forever and for always? For I have fallen for you and you are the only thing I will ever need for the rest of my life."



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.05.2012

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I would like to dedicate this book to Tehya for inspiring me so much to write this. Thank you. *Not Finished*

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