
Chapter One - Bar Time

"Chug, chug, chug!" Everyone shouted at me, and I did exactly what they said. With shaky hands I picked up a big bottle that read in big letters "ALCOHOL" on the top and began to chug it down. At first I took small gulps that turned into bigger ones by the second. It tasted like apple juice, my favorite. Just as I was about to drink the remaining liquid my best friend; Shay pulled the bottle away from my grasp and chugged it down.

I had to admit though, for a beginner that tasted awfully good, and I could hardly remember that dreadful night. So I guess they were right when they say "Alcohol fixes broken hearts." And that was just what I was. Broken Hearted.

Flashback (One Week Ago):

"Shay hurry up or were gonna be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the staircase loud enough for the neighbors to hear.
"I'm coming, hold on." Shay yelled back with the same type of loudness in her voice.

I braised my back against the light blue painted wall and waited for her to hurry up. Today we were going over to my boyfriend: Aden's house to hang out because yesterday are plans got canceled. I had to go fill in for one of the new workers at my job. Apparently they got lost on their way over to the restaurant, their car broke down in the middle of the road, and they didn't know what to do. Honestly I don't understand why the boss decided to keep that person there. I mean they screwed up their first day, and that does say a lot.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Shay walked down the stairs with her favorite white pair of heels. Okay I had to admit she looked super hot, but not as hot as me. She was wearing her brand new skinny jeans that she recently purchased with white heels, and a white tank top. Her curly black hair hung loosely over her shoulder while her make up was perfected to make her look like one of those models in the magazines.

I on the other hand was wearing black short shorts, with a red off the shoulder top. It exposed one of my bare shoulders and that was what I was going for today. The sweet, but at the same time sexy look. I also picked out a pair of matching red heels. My chocolate brown hair that was usually curly and tied into a pony tail was hanging loosely and clinging to my body while my make up was light but at the same time visibly clear.

You would think that me and Shay were models if you saw us and of course people wanted us to model for them but we declined. We preferred having freedom, and in the model world that was the last thing you got. I smiled in approval of what she was wearing and she smiled back also approving my choice.

"Took you long enough." I stated.
"Don't rush a girl, she has to look her best when leaving the house." Shay simply stated.
"Okay whatever hurry and get yo ass in the car woman." I smiled.

She laughed but did what I said while I walked over to the table and snatched my car keys. I then walked out of the house and locked the door making sure that it was actually locked before I got into my shiny new Mercedes Benz. Shay was already in the passenger seat blasting music. I opened the door to the driver side and then got in. Then I slipped my key into the key hole and watched as the car roared to life. After I pulled out of the glassy brick driveway (Shay's mom has a thing for decorating every little thing in and outside of the house) and began driving to Aden's house.

Our favorite song began to play on the radio so Shay blasted the volume and we began to sing Pound The Alarm by Nicki Minaj.

Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Yo, what I gotta do to show these girls that I own them
Some call me nicki, and some call me roman
Skeeza, pleeza, I'm in Ibiza.
Giuseppe Zannotti my own sneaker
Sexy, sexy that's all I do
If you need a bad bitch
Let me call a few
Pumps on and them little mini skirts is out
I see some good girls, I'mma turn 'em out
Ok bottle, sip, bottle, guzzle
I'm a bad bitch, no muzzle, hey?
Bottle, sip, bottle, guzzle
I'm a bad bitch, no muzzle, let's go.

Music, makes me, high

Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!

I wanna do it for the night, night
So get me now, and knock this over
I wanna do it like you like, like
Come get me, baby we're not getting younger
I just want you tonight, night
Baby we won't do it for life

Music, makes me, high

Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!


Oh, oh, oh, come fill my glass up a little more
We 'bout to get up, and burn this floor
You know we getting hotter, and hotter
Sexy and hotter, let's shut it down

Pound the alarm!
Pound the alarm!

Fifteen minutes later we pulled up into Aden's rocky driveway and then I recognized a suspicious car parked into it. Hmm maybe his dads home from a business trip? I thought. Shay and I got out of the car and walked up to his porch. I rang the bell and waited for him to answer. He didn't, so I texted him and still no answer. Okay this was strange. He knew that I was coming. I opened my purse and got out a set of keys. When I saw the heart shaped key I stuck it into the key hole and turned. The metal door opened up and we walked into his house.

"Aden!" I yelled. I got no reply so me and Shay split up and searched around the house for him. "I'll take upstairs and you take downstairs." I told Shay. She nodded and then we split up. I walked upstairs and opened the first door that came into sight. It was white. No one was in that room so I closed it back and walked to the next one. This one was pained light green. I opened it and it was empty.

"ZzzZzz." My blackberry vibrated. I pulled it out from my back pocket and read the text. It was from Shay. "No ones downstairs, i'm coming upstairs now," She texted and just as she said she was upstairs and right beside me. "Ahh, Ughh, Fuck me harder Aden." I froze when I heard that. Me and Shay looked at each other and then turned to where that voice was coming from. My breathe caught when I realized that it was Aden's room.

I slowly but quietly walked over there. I took a deep breathe for what I was about to see. Then before I turned the little bronze knob a hand rested on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Shay looking at me with a worried expression on her face. I half smiled then opened the door. My smile dropped when I saw my supposedly boyfriend on top of the schools slut fucking her brains out. I gasped and then they turned to me.

Aden had a shocked expression on his face. "Hailey babe It's not what it looks like sh -" I lifted my hand to motion for him to stop talking. Tears were gliding down my face, and my heart felt like it had been ripped into half and then shot multiple times with a shot gun. "H-How could y-y-you?" I choked then turned away. Before he could answer a loud sound echoed through the house. I turned to see Shay standing in front of Aden while he held his cheek

"Fuck you, and fuck you too bitch." She muttered and then walked back to me. "Aden I loved you, and this is how you repay me? All I want to know is how long this has been happening. Please this time answer me truthfully." He didn't meet my gaze when he said "About a week now." I nodded and then started to walk away before I did though I said "You know what Aden? Fuck you, and I hope you have a good time fucking the brains out of that bitch. Were through." He tried to stop me by shouting my name but I didn't stop nor did I listen.

(End Of Flashback)

Cheers erupted through the bar as me and Shay finished the bottle of alcohol. I was laughing like crazy now and I couldn't control myself. I stopped laughing when a really hot guy came up to me and asked me to dance. Oh My Fuckin Gosh. He was smokin' sexy, and i'm not lying. He looked like one of those top dollar models.

He was a little taller then me. Maybe around 6'0.With raven black hair that had one light brown streak in it. It was long, but at the same time looked perfect. His eyes were truly amazing and probably his best feature. It was a hazelnut color with specks of gold in them that seemed to look through your soul and leave you breathless.

They were so hypnotizing that I flinched a bit in my seat. He didn't seem to notice though. Oh and he was very toned with a killer body that probably took weeks to get. It looked like he had a six pack and those were one of my weaknesses when it came to guys. His smile was another story. He could probably light up a whole town with that pearly white smile. He was just the perfect package.

"Sure." I answered and then got up and followed him onto the dance floor. Motivation by Kelly Rowland stated playing and we danced to it. I felt the beat and moved my body to it. My hips swaying while the rest of my body just following. When Kelly sang

"And when were done I don't wanna feel my legs, and when were done I just wanna feel your hands all over me baby."

I bended down and then came back up grinding hard against him, while he held my hips. I heard cameras flashing but I didn't mind. I wasn't in my right state of mind now so nothing mattered. When the song came to an end we exchanged numbers, and told each other are names.

I told him my middle name instead of my first name for some reason (Taylor) His name was: Jayden. I felt his name roll off of my tongue so easily, and I liked it. I smiled and said "Well see you around I guess." Then we hugged and I went back and grabbed Shay from the crowd of dancing people. She was dancing with some other hot guy. I felt bad to break them apart but we had to hurry and leave.

I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away from the crowd. "Timmmm tosss goOoOOo." (Time to go) I slurred. I was drunk so don't blame me! She walked back to the guy that she was just dancing with and then it looked like they were exchanging numbers. She hugged him one last time and then walked back to me. We exited the club and then drove back all the way to my old house which I would soon be leaving in the morning.

(Jayden's Point Of View)

Luke and I walked up to the front of the line and showed to guys are identification. They nodded and then moved aside to let us in. When I passed one of the guys he looked at me and whistled ... Okay that was a bit awkward. I just flipped him off and continued walking into the low class bar that I normally hang out at.

As soon as we got in we walked over to the bartender and ordered two glasses of wine. While waiting I took in everything about the club. How the music was blasting and I could feel the vibrations while I took each step. The lights: flashing from green to blue to red. The cheap wine smell that surrounded me every where I went. Then all of the people surrounding me. The couples banging on the walls, some dancing, and some just sitting in a big circle playing one of those drinking games I used to play.

"Here you go." I heard the bartender say from behind me. I turned around and thanked him then I gulped the wine down like it was water. "Ahhh so refreshing." I stated and then ordered myself another one. Luke just looked at me like I was crazy while drinking his first glass still.

While I waited I heard everyone chanting "Chug. Chug, Chug!"

So I turned around to see the beautifulest girl I've ever seen in my life chugging down a big bottle of alcohol. Before she could finish though another girl took the bottle from her hands and drank the rest. The crowd then cheered and then carried on with whatever they were doing before.

She looked like an angel. Wearing short white shorts with a purple strapless top and a pair of purple high heels that made a little clack sound every time she took a step. Her hair was a light brown color that hung loosely over her shoulder and clung to her body and her make up was light but still made her features stand out.

Her eyes were magical. With one glace she could probably put you under a spell. They were the color of the summer sky: blue and her body was to die for. With a lot of curves. This girl was giving me a bonnor. A very BIG one that was becoming noticeable.

I calmed myself down a bit and then decided to go ask her to dance. How badly I wanted to be able to touch her, talk to her, and feel those soft lips pressed against mine. I can't believe what she was doing to me. A girl that I haven't even meet. She was like a drug that I couldn't get enough of.

I walked over to her and in my very seductive voice I asked her to dance. She looked me up and down and then smiled while saying sure and taking my hand. I lead her to the dance floor and then the song Motivation by Kelly Rowland came on. She swayed her hips while moving the rest of her body to the beat. Then, when Kelly sang

"And when were done I don't wanna feel my legs, and when were done I just wanna feel your hands all over me baby."

She bended down and then came back up grinding hard on me while I held her hips. This girl was making me go loca (crazy). I wanted her so bad. When the song came to an end I felt a sadness hit me. But then I was happy again when she asked me for my name and number. After we exchanged numbers she hugged me all of a sudden. I hugged her back: not wanting to let her go but I forced my hands off of her while I watched her go to her friend who was dancing with Luke and pulled her away. Soon after they left.

When she and her friend were gone, Luke came up to me and smiled a big smile.

"Dude the most amazing thing happened to me." He started.

I smiled and then said "I know me too, and I know what your about to say to me."

He sighed in happiness then we got up and left the bar and headed back to my house. I just remembered that my moms best friend and her daughter were moving in with us tomorrow. For all I care she better not be some ugly nerdy chick.


(A/N: Heey guys! Sorry that I haven't created a book in a long time. I know I promised you guys a new book like three weeks ago but then I just lost my writing spirit and didn't even feel like writing anymore books. Looks like I found it again (: Anyways sooo what do you guys think about this new book? Like it, hate it? Well why don't you comment and tell me. If you want me to continue then just simply heart the book. Whether I continue or not ... that power is now in your hands, so use it wisely (:

- Leesia <3

Chapter Two - Moving Houses

(Hailey's Point Of View)

"I'm not perfect but I keep trying. Cause that's what I said I would do from the start. I'm not alive if I'm lonely so please don't leave. Was it something I said or just my personality?"

My digital alarm clock rang. I hit the big red snooze button then two minutes later it started playing again, but this time it was Rebecca Black's Friday song, Ugh I fuckin' hate this song! Make it stop please! I begged. Then I realized that if I didn't get up and turn it off then it would continue playing till I was half died. So I took my alarm and threw it onto the ground and then smiled in satisfaction as it burst into a million tiny pieces. Oh well look at this bright side no more Rebecca Black I though.

(A/N: I actually some-what like the song but I used it that way for the story.)

Then I laid back in my soft bed and tried to find my comfort spot again. After countless minutes of twisting and turning I gave up searching for it. So I decided that it was time to get up and go take a shower.

I walked over to the old shopping bag that I had placed onto the hardwood floor the night before and picked it up. Then I carried it into the bathroom with me. I took the ugly clothes my mother had choose for me out of the bag and that folded them neatly in a pile and placed them on the counter. After I walked to the stand up shower and turned the little tap all the way to hot. While the temperature was setting I stripped my clothes and then shoved them back into the old bag. Then I walked back to the stand up shower and got in.

The crystal clear water sprung to life as it splashed out of the shiny silver faucet and then down to my body in little drops of water. Wrapping me into a tight warm embrace and then down into the drain. I just stood there for a few minutes letting the warm water relax my muscles. Then I grabbed the soap and rubbed it over my skin: making sure that I didn't miss a spot. Next I grabbed my medium sized bottle of shampoo and squirted out a bit in my hand which I used to massage my scalp. When I was done that I rinsed off the soap traces that I still had on my body, and washed the shampoo out of my silky brown hair.

I slid the tap all the way to off and then I got out and wrapped myself up in the nicest towels that were left. One for my body and the other for my head. The towel was a light peach color that had little circles surrounding the big flower design in the middle.

When I finished wrapping them around my body, I walked over to the counter and got my matching bra set with panties. The bra was a ruby red color with a big black bow in the middle. The panties were also the same. After I slipped them on I slipped on the gray sweat pants my mom gave me with my white tank top. Then I took the big ugly black framed glasses and slid them on. I let my hair air dry, and I didn't really bother with any make up except some clear gloss that I rubbed onto my lips.

Ugh I hate how my mom was making me dress like this. She told me that we were going to live with her best friend and her son for a couple of weeks. She also said the son was about my age and was pretty hot. Now that totally disgusted me. If my mom thought he was hot then surely I wouldn't. Maybe that's why she has me dressing like this.

She was being a bit too over protective though. She probably thought that I would fall head over heels for him when I first see him, then he would play with my heart, and dump me just like how "Aden" did. I appreciated it too, but that didn't really mean that I needed to wear ugly clothes. Oh well I guess I will do it just for her.

Finally when I was done dressing I walked down the stairs and saw that there was a piece of pink paper folder multiple times and left on the kitchen counter. I walked over to it and saw that it had my name on it in big bold letters. I opened it up and read out loud what it said "Heey honey. Sorry that I didn't wake you up. I decided to go over to Melissa's house first cause we have plans. Anyways food in the fridge so after you eat bring all of your belonging to this address: 41 Kimsdal street. Love you - Mom"

Before I left the house I crumpled the paper up and threw it into the garbage. Then I walked over to the fridge, opened the door, and saw that she had left me a bottle of coke with some eggs and bacon. I took it out from the fridge and sat back down at the table and began to eat it. After I was done I took the wrappings and threw them into the trash can. Then I gathered my things and grabbed my car keys from the key holder and left the house.

(Jayden's Point Of View)

"Heey it's nice to see you Mrs.Summers." I said while smiling.

"It's nice to you see too Jayden. It looks like you've grown taller since I last saw you." Mrs. Summers replied.

"Really? .. Thanks. Anyways didn't you say that your daughter was also going to be living with us?" I asked.

"Yes she will, she's at the old house. Don't worry you will meet her soon though." She answered.

I smiled and then walked back up to my room. Please god if you can hear me, I beg that her daughter isn't some nerdy chick that talks about school 24/7 and reading Amen. If she is I think I might die seeing as we will be sharing the guest house together. Mrs. Summers and my mom will be sharing the house next to ours.

I snapped out of my train of thoughts when a sweet looking Mercedes Benz pulled up into my driveway. Must be the daughter I thought. What did Mrs. Summer say her name was? Hails, no. Hail, no. Uhm Hailey that's right. Please god please no nerdy chick I begged. Looks like my prayers weren't answered because seconds later out stepped the most nerdy-est girl I've ever seen. Fuck. She was wearing baggy swear pants, with a white tank top and she had those huge black framed glasses.

When she saw me she froze. Must be from my hotness I thought. I smirked when I realized that it was. Maybe I could actually have a little fun with her. I thought. Then I walked up to her and grabbed her suitcases from the trunk and carried them to her room. Once I put them in her room I explained where everything was and showed her where everything is. She nodded not saying a word.

I told her that she should hurry and get everything put away and then come to the other house for dinner in 20 minutes. Then I left her room and walked into mine which was right beside hers.

(Hailey's Point Of View)

I gasped at how huge the house looked. If it looked this good on the outside it probably looked even better on the inside.

As I stepped out of my car I froze. I saw the same guy from the bar standing before me. Jayden. He took hold of both my suitcases and then lead me to my room. He then explained where everything was and told me that I should be down to the other house in 20 minutes for dinner. I simply nodded. Then he left.

Wait why was I freaking out? I was in disguise and it looked like he didn't even recognize me. So that was good. As soon as he left I locked the door and then fell back on my new soft bed. and looked around the room.

The walls were painted my favorite color: baby blue with small white dots scattered around. I had a closet on the left side of my room that looked like it could fit double my clothes. Then on the right side of the room right across the bed there was a dresser braised against the wall that had a lot of draws for my belongings and other stuff with a mirror that stood up. While a little desk was placed beside it that held both a jewellery box and make up box on top. I took my laptop out from the box and placed it onto the desk.

I had to admit that I already loved this place. It had everything I needed.

After I finished packing I took my phone out from my back pocket and texted Shay "Guess what? Wait no i'll tell you instead. I'm living with the same hottie I danced with at the bar, but he doesn't recognize me because mom has me wearing a disguise." Text sent. Then I put my phone back into my pocket and got up from the bed and walked all the way over to the other house to have dinner just like Jayden said.

(Jayden's Point Of View)

I sat down at the table and waited for everyone to take a seat. Hailey took a seat beside me and then are parents took a seat each across from us. Our moms were happily talking and ignoring us. I just sat there and sneaked a few glaces at Hailey. She just sat there and chewed on a few pieces of chicken. I turned back around and started to eat my food.

"ZzzZzz" I heard a phone vibrating, but it wasn't mine. If it was mine my blackberry would vibrate three times and then make two "Ding" sounds. I turned to see Hailey pulling out her blackberry from her pocket and looking threw her messages. She was trying to hide it though because she probably thought it was rude. I swear I just saw 742 messages on her screen.

Who the hell does this girl text and who the hell would text her that much? I mean she looked like the nerd type .. and usually they don't have much friends.

I looked over my shoulder and saw her replying to one of the messages. Then she just skimmed through the rest. I glanced at her phone and saw that at least half of those text messages where from a guy called "Aden"

The rest of the ones were labeled different names. I was surprised that she had a lot of friends. After she read that guys messages she didn't bother replying. I read a few of the messages without her noticing. It was all like "Hailey babe, i'm sorry. Please don't ignore me I love you. Just please answer your cell and we can talk about this. Please!"

I looked up to see what expression her face held. It looked like she was hurting: her eyes hard. Wow, I wonder what happened. After she read all of his messages she put her phone back into her pocket and then a few seconds later it started vibrating like crazy. She pulled it out and I read the name. "Aden" This guy was seriously obsessed with her. She just stared at it and continued to let it ring.

"I'm not really hungry, is it okay if I excuse myself?" She asked.

We all nodded and then she got up and pushed in her chair and then left the kitchen. "I'm not really feeling well so i'll also excuse myself too if that's okay?" I asked
and both our parents nodded their head. I got up and then followed her back to the other house. When I got upstairs I tried to listen in on her conversation. I know it was wrong but I wanted to know more about the situation. For some reason it fascinated me.

"What do you want?! You have to stop calling me and texting. I told you, were through and I never want to see you again. Even at school don't you dare talk to me!" She practically yelled.
"I don't care. Maybe you should of thought of that before you decided to go fuck that slut." She said but this time more calmer. I was starting to think that I should leave but my body wouldn't move.
"Don't ever call me again. I don't think that I will be able to trust you again either. Plus I don't want to be with a cheater." After she said that she clicked the red button to end the call.

I heard her inhale and exhale a few times then she was back on her phone again but this time it seemed like she was talking to a girl. "Heey, can you please ask if you can come sleep over? I really need you here right now. Its a code 411." What was a code 411? "Okay i'll come and pick you up right now. I'll be there in 20 minutes so hurry and pack some clothes to sleep over with." I heard her walking towards the door so I quickly hide in my room.

I heard her open her door, close it, and then walk down the stairs and out the door. I stared outside and saw her pull out the driveway and then she was gone. One hour later I heard the door open so I walked out of my room and screamed "Hailey?" She didn't answer for a few seconds and then she said "Yeah?" I exhaled. Phew she came back. "Nothing. Just make sure you close the door." I yelled back "Okay." She said and then 10 seconds later she was upstairs.

"Jayden! I'd like you to meet my best friend: Shay. Shay meet Jayden." She said. I looked at her best friend and was shocked because of how hot she looked. How could a nerdy girl like Hailey have a best friend like Shay? Well whatever. I smiled and then shook her hand. "Nice to meet you Shay, anyways I need to sleep cause I have to get up early for school tomorrow. By the way don't you guys also have school?" I asked. They nodded and then I smiled one last smile and walked back into my room.

When I was in my room I heard the girls squealing. I smiled and then stripped my clothes only leaving on my boxers. Then I laid down in my comfy bed. Moments later sleep consumed me.


(A/N: Wow Jayden doesn't recognize Shay? Now that's weird. Anyways since I got a lot of positive comments and hearts I decided that I was going to keep writing. So thank you to all of you who hearted and commented. These updates are all because of you, so you guys like totally rock with a capital "R" Also if you guys want update messages just add me as a friend and make this easier for both of us. Thanks :)

- Leesia <3

Chapter Three - The Incident

(Jayden's Point Of View)

"Pretty eyes: staring back at me so blue and wide. The colors of the summer sky the colors of the world. If love is blind why do I see you so clearly now? Perfect vision of a love some how. Take over my mind. Ohhh Look up into the galaxy tonight, the stars illuminate the love we make. 'Cause you and your pretty eyes keep me alive, keep me alive. 'Cause you and your pretty eyes keep me alive, keep me alive!"

My phone rang. I picked it up and then turned the alarm off. It was 4:30am. Crap, I forgot to re-set the alarm clock for 6:30am and now i'm awake and bored. I might as well wake up Hailey for fun. Let her get used to waking up this early.

I got out of bed and then walked next door to Hailey's room. Then I turned the knob and pushed it open quietly. I walked in and was about to wake her up when I noticed that her phone was ringing. Who calls this early in the morning? I though. I picked her phone up anyways and looked at the caller ID. It was Aden. Doesn't this guy ever sleep? I took her phone into my room and then pressed the talk button.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hello who is this? Wheres Hailey?" Aden asked.

"Excuse me? Oh and this is Hailey's boyfriend: Jayden. Who are you and why do you want to talk to my girl?" I said even though I knew it was wrong but the look on her face at dinner last night made me feel a little mad at who ever this guy was for hurting her. I mean I hardly knew her but I knew that this guy has been a complete jackass to her and that she never wants to talk, text, or see him again.

"Boyfriend? What the hell. Stop lying. Hailey doesn't have a boyfriend." He said this time trying to sound confident but I could hear his voice grow quiet and shaky.

"Yeah she does! You better stop calling my girl before we have a serious issue." With that I hung up and then added my number into her phone along with my blackberry messenger pin.

Then I walked out of my room and placed her phone back in the exact same spot that it had been in before. I made sure that nothing look out of the ordinary with the phone and then I walked out her room. I decided that I wasn't going to wake her up. I entered my room and then shut the door behind me. Then I walked to my bed and laid back down. What the hell did I just do? I asked myself.

Before I could stress about what I did, I decided that it was for the best and then slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

(Hailey's Point Of View)

I woke up to Shay's arms and legs all over me. I had to admit though she had bad posture when she sleeps. Slowly I moved her hands and legs off of me making sure that I didn't wake her. Then I picked my phone up off the ground and checked the time. 6:25am my phone read. I then checked through all the messages I received last night and calls. Aden's name showed up a few times.

I was really getting tired of this so I called him back. It rung two times before he answered.

"Hailey? Is that you?" He asked.

"No it's a ghost. Yes its me! I'm starting to get annoyed with these calls so how about after school tomorrow you meet me at my locker, we go out, and work all of this out. Sounds good?" I asked.

"Ooh I have basketball practice tomorrow. But i'll try and cancel seeing as I might not get the chance to explain everything to you ever again. Okay." He answered.

"Okay, I gotta go so i'll see you later. Byee." I said and was about to hang up when he replied back with "I love you." I didn't say anything and just hung up. Was I doing the right thing? After I hung up I got a text from him and then I read it. It said "Hey so I heard that you .. uhm got a new boyfriend named Jayden .. Is it true?" What was he talking about?

Then I went back to my call log and looked at it. It said that Aden's phone call at 4:35am was answered. What the hell? Then I checked my new feeds. "Jay is now a contact. - At 4:37" Jayden probably took my phone and answered the call and then added him self. Time for Revenge!

I tip toed to Jayden's room and then opened the door. Quietly I shut it back and then I walked over to his marker draw and pulled out a big fat marker. I was about to draw on his face when he suddenly grabbed my arm and then pulled me forward. I dropped my marker in surprise. He was on top of me and he was fully awake.

"Heey Hailey. What were you just gonna do with that marker?" He asked me smirking. God he had such cute dimples .. what was I saying?

"I was gonna marker up your face for going threw my phone. It's not really something you would want to know about. I want answers though! Like who said you could answer Adens call?" I whispered/yelled.

"He then moved forward towards me and whispered in my ears in that seductive voice of his while holding my hands in a firm grip "I was just trying to solve your problem. You can thank me now. He wont be calling you anymore."

"No actually thanks to you I have plans with him tomorrow after school. So you have to cover for me seeing as my mom wont let me go back to that place by myself. Since this is all your fault." I told him.

"What? No your not going!" He practically yelled at me.

"Excuse me? Your not the boss of me and I am. Plus why are you so mad about it? This doesn't even concern you." I replied.

He sighed and then let go of me. "Fine but you better be home by six 'o' clock tomorrow." I nodded and then got up to leave. Before I did though I made sure that he wasn't facing me when I grabbed the marker off the ground quickly and then turned him around a drew a check mark on his face. I ran out after as he chased me around the house. "Your gonna pay for this." He screamed after me.

"Revenge rules!" I yelled back and continued running. He grabbed me and then we tripped over the rug on the ground and fell. That wasn't really bad. The bad thing was when we tripped we ended up in a ... lets say awkward position. He was on top of me while are lips were smashed together. As soon as we kissed I felt the sparks erupt inside me.

He then moved off of me and helped me up. This time when are hands touched I felt the tingles run up my spine and I suppressed the shivers that were coming. Then we pulled apart and continued are separate ways. I swear I saw him turn red before he left. I shook it off because I thought I was seeing things and then went back into my room and woke Shay up and got ready for school.

(Jayden's Point Of View)

I sat in my room looking through Hailey's facebook page. Okay now I might sound like a stalker, but I wasn't. I just happened to look her up and her picture popped up. Suddenly my door knob was turning so I quickly turned my phone off and pretended to sleep. I saw Hailey walk in my room and go grab a big fat marker from my draw and walking towards me with a big smile.

Before that marker could come anywhere near me, I grabbed her by the arms and flung her on top of the bed. She dropped the marker probably in shock and just stared at me surprised.

"Heey Hailey, what do you think you were just going to do?" I asked smirking.

She then told me about how she found out that I went through her phone and talked to Aden. She looked a bit mad at that. I didn't really care cause I helped her. But what she said next made me mad. She said that she was going to see him after school tomorrow and that I had to cover for her. I yelled at her telling her that she couldn't but she said she was going to anyways.

"Fine. But you better be back home by six 'o' clock tomorrow." I said and then let go of her. I turned my back on her for one second and next thing I knew I was having my face used as a sketch book. She had picked up the marker and drew a check mark onto my left cheek. She then dropped the marker and started running. I chased after her and I had to give it to her: she really was a fast runner.

When I caught up to her I grabbed her by the arms and then all of a sudden we tripped. The position we ended up in was a hot position. We ended up on the ground lips pressed together, legs tangled. I could feel the tingles running up my spine as her lips were pressed against mine. Her eyes were huge in shock and so were mine. I pulled away from her and then held out a hand to her.

She took it and then I let go and walked back to my room wondering what the feeling was that I felt for her just now. It was so strange and I know I felt this feeling before. I think it was with my first girlfriend: Amanda. What was this feeling?

(Hailey's Point Of View)

As soon as I finished dressing I left the house with Shay. I didn't even eat because my mind was racing. But I did make sure that I avoided Jayden after are little incident. I drove to Clair Ed High and then hurried into one of the bathroom stalls. I made sure to change my clothes. I was now wearing black skinny jeans with a one arm creamy shirt and black heels. I then pulled off my black glasses and slipped them into my bag.

Then I took my hair out from the bun that I had placed it into, and applied some eye shadow to my eyes and some lip gloss to my lips. I then walked out of the stall and looked at myself n the mirror. I looked sexy. I smiled and then walked out of the bathroom and then to my first period class.

I stopped in front of the door when I realized that Jayden was in my class. Also known as my school rival. You see me and Jayden have both been going to the same school for the past two years now. Since the beginning of the year I became popular along with him. He was known as the schools hottest guy, while I was known as the most prettiest girl in school that was not only pretty but smart and good at sports.

I actually met him two weeks after we meet at the bar. At school though it didn't look like he even remembered me or Shay. So I guess we were safe. I took a deep breathe and then walked into the room. I sat beside Shay. The teacher walked in after and talked about what we were doing today. Then all of a sudden Jayden walked up to me and spanked my ass.

"What the fuck did you just do?" I asked. He smiled and then said "Well I spanked your ass." I grabbed a marker from my desk and then walked up to him and drew another check mark on his face. "There now you look like a clown." The class cheered as me and Jayden fought. He looked at me and then said "Your gonna pay!"

But before he could do anything the teacher interrupted us and told us to take a seat. We did as he said and then when the bell rang I ran out the classroom and into my second period class before Jayden could touch me.

The day carried on like this. Me in three other classrooms doing worksheets while listening to teachers talk. When the school day was done I ran to my car quickly, hopped in, and then when I was about to drive off I saw Jayden. I sticked my tongue out and then drove away.

(Jayden's Point Of View)

As soon as Hail walked into the classroom I walked up to her and spanked her ass because of the dare I got from the guys. She turned around and asked me what the fuck I did and then grabbed a marker and made another check mark on my check. Before I could do something the teacher interrupted us and made us take are seats. After class I tried to get revenge but she way no where in sight.

So I packed up my things and carried on with my day. Basically teachers talking about stuff I didn't care about because I knew it all. I might be the hottiest guy in school but I had the looks, and the brains. As soon as school was done I got in my car after seeing Hail stick her tongue out at me and left. Then I remembered the little incident between me and Hailey.

I was just going to apologize to her when I got home. Twenty minutes later I arrived at the house. Hailey's car was parked into the driveway so she was home. I cut the engine and then walked up to her car and spotted her in the backseat sleeping. What was this girl doing?

I opened her door, took the radio off which she was blasting music to and then carried her bridal style up to her room. I placed her in her bed and then tucked her in. Then I left and went to my room to go watch some tv. When she woke up I would tell her that I was sorry about everything that happened this morning.


(A/N: Heey guys. So this is chapter three of my new book and it had a lot of important details in it. Some of these details should be remembered. Just saying. Ooh and Wow to the mothefuc*er of the incident that happened between Hailey and Jayden. I bet some of you guys were surprised when you found about their school life. By the way I did this late in the night around 4:47am so there probably are some spelling mistakes. I'll fix them tomorrow cause i'm really tired :)

- Leesia <3

Chapter Four - The Truth Is Out

(Hailey's Point Of View)


I woke up wondering where I was. I was last in my car, and now i'm in my bed? That doesn't make sense. I got out of bed and then walked downstairs to see Jayden sleeping on the couch. I should probably apologize for the kiss. I walked over to him and sat down. I nudged him a few times but he didn't wake up.

"Jayden wake up!" I whispered into his ear.

"Five more minutes mom." He replied back.

"I'm not your mom and you better wake up in five seconds before I take a big bucket of water and throw it on you." I said and then started to count. "Five, Four, Three, Two, One!"

I got up from the couch filled a big bucket with water and walked back to him.

"This is what you get when you don't listen to me." With that I took the bucket of water and threw in on him. He jumped up within seconds and if you saw the look on his face. It was priceless.

"Hailey what the fuck was that for?" He asked mad while freezing.

"Uhm you didn't listen to me when I told you to get up so I threw this bucket of water on you." I said pointing to the water. "Well you better hurry and change before you catch a cold" I stated.

Just then he took his shirt off revealing his six pack. I turned red and then quickly turned around. "Could you please do that in your room and not here." I asked. I heard his shirt fall to the ground and then footsteps coming closer to me.

"What's wrong Hailey? Haven't seen a guy shirtless before?" He asked and I could tell that he was smirking. Yeah I have a lot of times. I wanted to scream at him but I didn't. "None of your business." I replied. He then hugged me from behind. Causing me to jump slightly. My back was pressed against his front and I could feel his hot breathe stinging my ear.

"Could you let go please?" I asked and tried to move away from him but he had a firm grip on me. "No can do." He answered. "Anyways we need to talk, about that incident that happened this morning ... just forget it." He said. I nodded my head and then said "Okay now can you get off?"

"Sure but I just need to do one more thing." He said and then turned me around and pushed me against the wall. He held both my arms above my head so I couldn't do anything and then he kissed me softly on the lips.

The kiss was amazing. It was a passionate kiss. Are lips had molded together in perfect shape and are bodies entwined together like we were simply one object not two. His lips were so soft and at the same time making me want more. It was so heavenly: making my legs so weak I felt like I was turning into jelly. He then let go of my arms and they had somehow moved by them self.

Cause next thing I knew my arms were snaked up to his neck and I was playing with his hair, while he wrapped an arm around my waist. I licked his bottom lip asking for entrance and I could feel a smile tugging at his lip before he granted without hesitating. My tongue entered his mouth which his tongue meet mine half way. They danced together like two lovers that finally got to see each other after such a long time.

I then pulled back to breathe and that's when we heard keys jingling in the key hole. We looked at each other and then pulled apart quickly and tried to look casual. I was sitting on the couch watching tv and Jayden was sitting on the couch next to me pretending to talk to someone.

"Guys what are you doing home? You have only 15 minutes to get ready for school." Melissa yelled at us.

"Uhm I have half day school today." I answered. Jayden also said the same thing.

"Okay just make sure that you guys don't miss school today." And with that she left us and went back to the other house. I exhaled loudly and then looked to my right and saw Jayden staring at me.

"What?" I asked

"You know your beautiful?" He answered. I turned red. Why why I turning red? I was so used to guys calling me beautiful .. but not Jayden.

"Uhm thanks ..." I said.

"Just kidding and that kiss was payback. So don't think much of it. Hopefully it was your first kiss though" He said and then smiled.

I got up off the couch and took the only pillow I saw and hit him with it. "Ouch." He said

"I was just playing with you too, so you better not think much about that kiss either. Nope it was not my first kiss." I said, sticked my tongue out, and then walked upstairs and got ready.

I of course being me thought A LOT about that kiss.

(Jayden's Point Of View)

I woke up to being soaking wet, while Hailey stood a few inches away from me. "Hailey what the fuck was that for?" I asked her freezing my ass of.

"Uhm you didn't listen to me when I told you to get up so I threw this bucket of water on you." She said and then told me that I better hurry and change before I catch a cold.

I was so mad at her right now but at the same time I was freezing and she had a point. I took my shirt off to a very toned chest. When Hailey saw my six pack she turned bright red and then she turned around. I smirked. "Could you please change in your room?" She asked. I wanted to laugh at her right now. Most girls would die to see me half naked.

I dropped my shirt onto the ground and began walking towards her."What's wrong Hailey? Haven't seen a guy shirtless before?" I asked knowing that I had the upper hand now. "None of your business." She replied to quickly. I hugged her from behind pressing her back to my front. I felt how she jumped slightly. "Could you let go please? She asked.

"Sure but I just need to do one more thing" I answered her and then I flung her around and pushed her against the wall. I pinned her hands above her head so she couldn't move them and then I bended down to her and kissed her softly on the lips.

The kiss was UN-describable. Like one if those fairytale kisses. Her lips were so soft and I couldn't help but want more. She licked my bottom lip which surprised me. I smiled before granting it. Slowly she moved her tongue into my mouth and mine meet hers halfway. They danced together and then I leg go of my grip on her hands. She moved them to my neck and started to play with my hair while I wrapped an arm around her waist.

We both pulled apart when we heard keys shaking. We hurried and tried to look casual as my mom entered the room. I was pretending to talk on my phone while Hailey pretended to watch tv. My mom went on and on about school and how we better not be skipping. We told her we had afternoon classes and then she left. I heard Hailey exhale so I looked at her.

"What?" She asked. I then told her that I thought she was beautiful, She turned red and then I said "Just kidding! That was payback by the way :) Hopefully that was your first kiss" I said.

"I was playing with you too, so don't think to much about that kiss either. And Nope its not my first kiss." She answered and then took a pillow and hit me hard with it.

Ouch. I was starting to get jealous. What the hell? Then she ran upstairs and started getting ready for school. While I walked up to my room and also did the same thing.

(Hailey's Point Of View)

I walked up to my closer and opened the big blue handles. It opened up and all my clothes were there. I walked in and decided to wear blue skinny jeans with slashes on them with a Light blue tank top and a cardigan to go over it. Then I walked out to the back of the closet where I kept my heels and picked out a blue set that matched perfectly with my outfit.

When I was done picking and matching. I walked out of the closet and locked the doors. Then I stripped my clothes off and threw them into the hamper. I then slipped on my jeans, then my top over my head. I put my heels on and then walked over to my little dresser. I sat down and grabbed my straightening iron. After 15 minutes I finished straightening my hair.

I plugged it out and then put it away. Next I grabbed my make up bag and got out some light blue eye shadow. I rubbed my finger in it and them glided it onto of my eyes. Next I grabbed the eye liner and professionally did it. After I grabbed some lip gloss and smeared it over my lips. Ahh done. I thought.

Quickly I stuck my head outside of my room making sure that Jayden wasn't in sight. When I was sure he wasn't, I ran out of my room and out the door. When I was out of the driveway I texted him and told him that I already left. He replied back to my text within a few seconds and said "You didn't eat breakfast?" I read and then said "Yeah, i'll pick something up on my way to school."

After I put my phone away and made it to the school. I got out of my car and then walked to the front where Shay, Cassie, and Safii were waiting for me along with the guys: Nathan, Zayn, and Liam. They were my besties and also my groupies. We turned to walk inside the school when we were stopped by the sounds of girls yelling.

I turned around and saw Jayden walking out of his car. Wow its funny how these girls act. I saw one girl run up to him and grabbed his arm. At that I was starting to feel mad, I don't know why. Probably cause of my period. You know being moody. After I watched that Jayden and me made eye contact but I looked away and walked away.


School today was soo boring and it felt like I had been trapped in those classrooms for more then one hour. As soon as the bell rang I ran out of the classroom and walked to my locker. I put my books away and then felt a presence beside me. I closed my locker and came face to face with Aden. Oh yeah I forgot I promised him that we could talk it out.

I sighed and then we both walked outside and to his car. I got in the passenger side and then he got into the driver side. He started the car and then pulled out of the parking lot. The whole car ride to the coffee shop was quiet. So to break the silence I talked first. "Soo ..." I started. He then copied me and then it went back to silence. I texted Jayden and told him that he had to cover for me.

Then I put my phone back. Shortly we arrived at the coffee shop. Aden got out first, and then came around to my side and opened the door. I got out and then he shut it. "Thanks." I said and then we continued walking until we were inside of the coffee shop. I ordered an ice cap while he ordered a triple caramel latte. That was my favorite.

After we got are drinks we walked to a small table and Aden began talking. "Okay listen that day when you saw me and Veronica together, it wasn't what it looked like. Okay maybe it looked like we were having sex but I swear to you I was in no control of my body what so ever. Veronica came to me crying that she wanted me back. I already told her that I loved you and that I didn't have feelings for her.

She then acted as if it was a joke telling me that she already moved on. Me being the idiot I was believed her. She then grabbed two drinks for the fridge and slipped a drug into mine called: Esxpo. That drug makes a person lose full control of his or her body. We clinked are cups and next thing I know i'm in bed with her having sex." I sighed.

"Swear to god what your telling me is true?" I asked him.

"I swear to god what I am telling you right now is fully and completely true on my life." He stated.

I believed him when he said that. Aden was not that very religious but when ever he swore to something he never lied. I exhaled and then said "Okay I believe you, but how about we only start off as friends again? I need to be able to trust you if you want a relationship and that will take time." He smiled and nodded his head.

"Thanks you don't understand what I have been going through over the last few weeks because of the break-up and you not answering or replying to my text." I laughed and then was about to leave when I caught Jayden walking into the coffee shop. What was he doing here? I just stared at him. He turned around and then saw me and smirked but didn't say a word.

He then left, and so did we. Aden dropped me off to the school so I could get my car. Before I opened the car handle he kissed my cheek and then waved me goodbye. I got out and then got in my car and drove all the way home. It was only 5:30pm so everything was good.

(Jayden's Point Of View)


After School ended I got in my car and drove to the coffee shop. Then I went over to Luke's house and picked him up. Today we were gonna have a sleep over. I drove back to my house and then we chilled outside.

"Yo remember those two girls we danced with at the bar? What was there names again? Sha no. Shay, yes that's it and the other one was Taylor I think." Luke asked. At first I didn't know what he was talking about. Then he took out his cell and showed me a video clip that he took of me and that girl Taylor dancing.

She was bending down on me and then coming back up grinding hard against me while I had held her hips smiling like I just won the jackpot. After I finished watching the video and seeing a few pictures I remembered that night.

He then took my cell from me and showed me a picture that he had made me take. It was of him and ... Shay?" Oh god what was this? I stopped for a few minutes and took a closer look at both the girls. Obviously that was Shay there. As in Hailey's best friend. The other girl looked a lot like ... Oh my fuckin' god HAILEY!

I looked at her face again. Then realized that she had the same type of hair: Silky brown. Her face was exactly a like too. Full lips, Summer blue eyes, and a straight nose. I mentally slapped myself in my head, then physically. Why hadn't I realized this? The puzzle pieces seemed to fit together perfectly.

Hailey was the one I actually danced with in those pictures. Then it hit me. I could use this for a little fun and revenge. I smiled evilly to myself. Haily not only went to a bar, she got drunk and danced with me hard core. If her mom saw this now what would she think? I had a great plan in mind.

"Luke how about we have a little fun." I asked him

"Sure but how?" He answered stupidly.

"I'm sure Shay's and Hailey's mom would freak if they saw these pictures, so why don't we use them to are advantage? You get Shay and I get Hailey?" I asked him with a huge grin on my face.

"I like how you think. Count me in." He smiled liking where I was going with this.

Just then the star girl herself showed up. She was definitely the same girl at the bar. She wasn't dressing nerdy anymore. Instead of wearing her nerdy disguise she stepped out of her car wearing: Blue jeans that had slashes on them with a light blue tank top and a cardigan over top with a set of matching blue heels. Her hair was straightened and left out while she wore a little make up.

Some eye shadow and lip gloss. She definitely looked Hot! She took her keys out of the engine keeping her eyes on her phone while smiling. Then she got out of the car and shut the door back with her heel. She walked up to the porch and it looked like she didn't see us because she grabbed her key and inserted it into the key hole. Before she opened the door I said.

"Hey Hailey, or ... should I say Taylor?"


(A/N: Heey guys. Well that was the rest of the chapter. Anyways I got some bad news that you guys wont like. Today I will be leaving the country and going back to my hometown for 2 and a half weeks. Now that isn't the bad part. The bad part is that I wont have any internet access AT ALL! So I can't update until im back in Canada :'( I seriously don't know how i'll survive but i'll try.

Anyways what I decided to do when i'm there is write a whole bunch of chapters for the book. But here's the part that should be closely read. I decided that when I come back i'll update one chapter like normal. But for every three (T-H-R-E-E) hearts I get when i'm gone will be an extra chapter that I will release.

I guess you could say that every three hearts unlocks a new chapter. Sorta like a game. Soo if you want more then one chapter when I come back you have to heart this book, and I don't know maybe tell your friends about it too. So far there are 40 hearts. Ooh and if it's too long for you guys to wait you can keep yourself busy by reading any of the other books I have on my profile. There all completed so that rocks :)

Well I gotta go sleep to wake up early tomorrow to catch my plane. See you guys in two and a half weeks. Imma miss you guys too, byee :)

- Lessia <3

Chapter Five - Agreements

Luke's Point Of View:

Jayden and I were sitting on the slightly curved round chairs right outside of his house talking about normal stuff like we always do. As we stopped talking and glanced up at the now cloudy sky, I remembered that picture perfect night when we got drunk and had the best time of our life. Meeting the two most amazing girls on the planet. I wondered if he ever remembered anything about that.

He was so wasted on alcohol and wine that he probably was to drunk to remember. I smiled thinking about both the girls that we had danced with that night. With their brown curly hair cascading down their slim backs, their full pink and red lips, and their mesmerizing eyes.

I pulled out my cellphone and checked through all the pictures that I had recently taken during the month. I smiled when I saw the few pictures I was looking for. It was of both of the girls we had danced with. It even surprised me that I had videos of us dancing with them too.

"What you staring at?" Jayden asked now focused on me.

"Remember that night we went to the bar and meet those two fine girls? You know the ones we danced with. I think their names were Shay and Taylor." I asked him looking for any signs of remembrance.

None at that. I scrolled down on my phone and showed him the few pictures I had taken that night with the videos. He looked shocked at first but then it changed to a smirk. Curiously I wondered what he was thinking about. My questions were answered as soon as he told me what he was thinking.

He had told me all about the girls and was now smiling wide. Maybe with ideas I wouldn't like, I thought. But I listened as he spoke.

"How about we have some fun?" He had asked me. Still curiously wondering what he was talking about I continued to listen while asking questions.

"Sure but how?" I asked probably sounding dumb at the moment.

"I'm sure that Shay's and Hailey's mom would freak if they ever saw these photos of both their precious daughters going to a bar and getting drunk. So how about we use them to our advantage?" He said now sounding excited as ever.

I had to admit though, I liked where this was going. I knew that deep down I actually had a crush on Shay but I would never tell Jayden that. 'Cause he would never believe me. I was known as a player at school, and everyone knows that players don't have a heart.

"I like where this is going. Count me in." I told him. He smiled and then we pounded (Hand Shake)

Just then the girl named Taylor showed up and I had to admit she looked as hot as she did that same night we had seen her.

She stepped out of her grey Mercedes Benz wearing blue skinny jeans that had slashed across them with a well fitted blue tank top and a nice yet simple cardigan to wrap up the look and a pair of matching blue heels. Her silky brown hair had been straightened and left out while she wore a little make up on her face.

She looked breathe-taking. Shay looked even better if I had to compare though.

As she got out of her car she kept her eyes glued to her phone screen while smiling. She wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings more to her phone. She took the bottom on her heel and shut the car door then walked up the stairs. It seemed like she didn't notice us because she just walked right passed us. When she got to the door her eyes were still painted to the screen. She managed to get her keys out of her bag and opened the door. Kudo's to her for that. When she was about to open the door Jayden spoke

"Heey Hailey ... or should I say Taylor?" He said. After that I stopped talking and just stared the rest of the time.

(A/N: I'm not sure if I spelled that right but whatever LOL. Okay back to the story)

Hailey's Point Of View:

Fuck. I cursed under my breathe as I slowly turned around to face a smirking Jayden.

"Who's Taylor?" I asked playing stupid.

"Don't lie to me Hailey, I know you were the one at the bar that night all drunk. Plus how do you explain that whole new outfit change?" Jayden asked still smirking. He knew he had the upper-hand here and here I was stressing trying to make-up a believable lie.

"Well first i've never been to a bar. Does it look like I have time for stuff like that? Second I was trying out a new look ...." I said even though that's probably the stupidest lie i've ever told.

"Okay then how do you explain these? And since you think you've never been to a bar I have permission to show these to your mom?" He asked showing me the pictures that were taken at the bar of me and Shay. Instantly my body moved on its own as I tried to grab the phone. Shit. Stupid reflexes. I wasn't fast enough cause Jayden moved the phone fast out of my grasp.

"Okay fine you caught me. What's it going to take for you to delete those photo's?" I asked annoyed

"Now were talking. Why don't you call Shay first." He said and then walked into the house leaving me there with Luke. I dialed in Shay's number and then it started to ring. After 3 rings she picked up.

"Hey what's up?" She asked.

"I need you to meet me at my house now. It's important." I said

"Okay but what's wrong?" She asked.

"I'll tell you when you get here." I answered and then cut the phone.

20 minutes later Shay was at the front door. We walked inside together and saw Jayden and Luke already on the couch waiting for us.

"Well ladies have a seat." Luke spoke this time while Shay eye-balled me. But we did as they said. Me and Shay were forced to sit apart. I was siting right on Jayden's lap while Shay on Luke's.

"Okay so Shay since you don't know what's going on yet then we will explain it. You see I was just flippin' through my phone when I saw these two really hot girls. I didn't really realize that it was you two, but then Jayden did. So we think-ed it out and came to a very interesting theory. I know that both of you are good girls and that if your parents saw these they would freak. SO in exchange how about you do as we say and no one needs to know about these photo's?" Luke explained.

Shay was literally on fire. She was probably so mad right now.

"What do you want from us, and when you get it will the photo's be deleted?" Shay asked clearly anger shown in her voice.

"Well what me and Jayden want are different. What I want from you is quite simple actually. All I want from you is a practice partner for now. Seeing as your good at sports I could learn a few things from you." Luke said smiling at Shay.

"Okay, and if I refuse the pictures out right?" She asked

"Yeah that's about it." Luke responded.

"ZzzZzz" My phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my back pocket and looked at the caller ID. It was Aden. Why was he calling me now? I was about to answer when Jayden whispered something into my ear.

"Don't answer that, and give me your phone." He whispered into my ear "Or else i'll have to share those photo's with your mom." I hesitated then signed and gave him the phone. He turned it off and then put it into his pocket.

"Okay well let's go outside and play some basketball?" Luke asked Shay and she accepted. She followed him outside leaving me and Jayden in the room alone ... before she left she nervously glanced at me.

I got off of Jayden's lap only to be pulled back onto it. Okay then ...

"Okay so what do you want from me?" I asked him

"I want you to be my fake girlfriend. You see Clarisa wont leave me alone, and she keeps harassing every girlfriend I have. But I think you could handle it. Well actually I think your strong enough to handle it. So what do you say? Its either that or the pictures are shown." He said

"Fine but for how long, and you swear to god after all of this you will delete those photos?" I asked.

"Swear to god i'll delete those photos, and less then two months. By the way plan starts tomorrow." He answered.

"Now why don't we go outside and play some ball with them." He got up and then pulled me up. I followed him outside to where Luke and Shay were now at. They were playing basketball and so far Shay was winning by one point.

"Heey guys wanna play?" Asked Luke.

"Sure. Two on two?" I answered.

"Okay me and Jayden, and you and Shay?" Luke asked.

"Sure, but lets make this interesting. Losing team has to run around the block in their underwear." Me and Shay challenged.

"Sounds fun bring it on!" Jayden replied.

(A/N: I really don't want to write seven paragraphs about their game so i'll skip that and go straight to the ending.)

There was only ten seconds left on the clock and so far me and Shay had the upper-hand. We were in the lead by two points. Shay passed me the ball and I started to run to the basket. Only a few more steps and then I could shoot it. I jumped up and was about to throw the ball but before I could Jayden had swiped it out of my hands.

He threw it from our basket. No way in hell would he get that shot. Or at least thats what I thought. The ball swirled around the rims on the basket and then right into it. Me and shay were left there shocked. Then we heard the loud sound or the buzzer. They had just scored three points putting them in the lead and ending the game. Crap.

They had managed to beat us by one point, and now we would have to run around the block half naked. Only in our bra's and panties. Ugh. Shay had walked over to me and whispered into my ear "Run." I didn't understand what she meant but then I looked at Jayden and Luke. They were to busy cheering to realize anything.

On the count of three we would run for are lives. "One, Two, Three." Shay yelled and then we started running in separate directions. Shay took left while I took right. I looked behind me to see Jayden catching up. Crud. I ran faster and faster but he was too fast. He managed to wrap an arm around my waist and slug me over him shoulder and back to our house. When we got there I saw Shay in the same position as me.

Luke and Jayden dropped us on the ground and then said "Strip! A deals a deal."

Me and Shay looked at each other before doing as they said. A minutes later both of us were left only wearing out bra and panties.

Jayden and Luke were both eye-raping us right now and that was sorta creepy. "Pedo!" I yelled out loud.

"Give me your keys and phone." I said to Jayden.

"Why?" He answered back

"Cause I don't want this being recorded on phone or camera." I answered looking at both of the guys. They did as we said though. Luke handed his Iphone to Shay while Jayden handed me the keys and his BlackBerry.

After they gave us their phones we started running around the block.

"Shay we need to find dirt on them." I told her.

"Yeah I know. Hes making me be his practice partner, hes a player, and I don't what else he has in store." She said

"Jayden's making me become his fake girlfriend. Do you know how many girls drool all over this guy? TONS! For all I know I could end up with a broken arm tomorrow or a leg!." I answered.

"Okay heres the plan tomorrow you're sleeping over. Try and convince Luke to sleep over to. Do whatever it takes. Then when their sleeping we will sneak into their rooms and try and find some dirt we could use against them. We'll check through their cellphones too. So be prepared." I said.

"Great plan. Let's do it tomorrow." Shay answered.

When we came back from running around the block we were huffing like crazy. Jayden and Luke both were clapping for some reason.

"Wow. Congratz you guys managed to run that in five minutes. Usually it would take 30 minutes. We'll be nice now. You guys can go and relax. Oh by the way can we have our phones back." They said

We handed them back their phones and Jayden handed me back mine. Me and Shay had managed to finish it in a few minutes. Thank god we were on the track team. It only took us five minutes. It would of taken someone none athletic about 30 minutes. After all that we changed back into our clothes and then Shay and Luke went home leaving both me and Jayden in the house.

"Today was fun wasn't it?" Jayden asked

I just rolled my eyes and then walked upstairs to my room and jumped onto the bed. Moments later sleep consumed me.

Jayden's Point Of View:

"Fuck." I heard her curse under her breathe before slowly turning to face me. That just proved that she knew what I was talking about. She was actually the one in the photo's but I needed more proof if I was actually going to use it against her.

"Who's Taylor?" She asked trying to play dumb. She was so readable like a book right now.

"Don't lie to me Hailey, I know you were the one at the bar that night all drunk. Plus how do you explain that whole new outfit change you have there?" I asked her waiting for a decent reply.

"Well first i've never been to a bar. Does it look like I have time for stuff like that? Second I was trying out a new look ...." She answered. But this time it was obvious that she was lying. Whenever she lies she ends up biting the inside of her right cheek. Clearly she was doing that right now.

"Okay then how do you explain these? And since you think you've never been to a bar I have permission to show these to your mom?" I asked showing her the pictures that had been taken at the bar. Her body quickly moved on its own as she tried to grab the cellphone out of my hands. I knew that something like this might happen so I was prepared to move the cellphone away before she could get it. Which I managed to do.

I had to give it to her though she had fast reflexes.

"Okay you caught me whats it going to take for you to delete those photo's?" She asked sounding annoyed.

"Why don't you call Shay first and then we can talk." I answered her back and then walked into the house alone leaving Luke with her. Moments later Luke entered the house.

"Wheres Hailey?" I asked.

"She's outside calling Shay still. I told her to come inside when Shay gets here." He answered.

"Ok. Anyways what do you plan on making Shay do for you? Basically you can make her do anything you want because of those photo's." I told him.

"To tell you the honest truth all i'm going to request of her for now is that she be my practice partner. What do you even plan on making Hailey do?" He asked me.

"Well i'm going to make her my fake girlfriend. Clarisa is so annoying and I think that I could get rid of her if I use Hailey but I don't want to be rude so i'm only going to use her for two months at the most and then after delete those photo's." I answered back.

Twenty minutes later Shay and Hailey entered the room. I made Hailey sit on my lap while Shay sat on Luke's.

As Luke explained everything to Shay my eyes were painted to Hailey. It amazed me how she managed to hide this side of her from me for a long time. I was taking in her perfect features and everything about her. From the way her hair drops perfectly into shape to her tanned skin.

"Okay so Shay since you don't know what's going on yet then we will explain it. You see I was just flippin' through my phone when I saw these two really hot girls. I didn't really realize that it was you two, but then Jayden did. So we think-ed it out and came to a very interesting theory. I know that both of you are good girls and that if your parents saw these they would freak. SO in exchange how about you do as we say and no one needs to know about these photo's?" Luke explained to Shay.

Shay looked really mad like she was about to blow up into a million pieces.

While Shay and Luke went over their little agreements I felt something vibrate against my stomach. I looked to where the sound was coming from. Hailey's back pocket. She pulled out her phone and looked at the caller ID. She was about to answer it but then I whispered to her saying: "Don't answer that and give me your phone. Or else the pictures are shown."

The only reason I actually said that was because when I read the caller ID I could feel my blood boiling. I don't know why the fuck Aden was calling her I thought they were over. This was making me really mad.

Shay and Luke got up and then went to go play ball outside leaving me and Hailey inside the house. She was still on my lap. She tried to get up but failed when I pulled her back onto my lap.

"Okay what do you want from me?" She asked.

I wanted a lot of things from her, but I would start slow and then make my way up.

"I want you to be my fake girlfriend. You see Clarisa wont leave me alone, and keeps harassing every girlfriend I have. But I think you can handle it. Well actually I think your strong enough to handle her. If you don't want to do it then thats okay i'll just show the pictures to your mom." I said.

"Fine. But how long, and after all this you swear to god you will delete those photo's and the video's?" She asked coldly.

"Swear to god i'll delete those photo's, and less then two months." I answered her.

"Now why don't we go play some ball with those two outside?" I asked her.

I got up first, and then pulled her up. We then made are way outside to where Shay and Luke were. So far it looked like Shay was winning by one point. Wow. Luke asked us if we wanted to play and Hailey accepted. But both Shay and Hailey wanted to make things interesting so the losing team basically has to run around the block only in their underwear.

(20 minutes later):

There was only ten seconds on the clock and so far Hailey and Shay were in the lead. There is no way in hell am I running around the block only in my boxers. Shay managed to pass Hailey the ball. When Hailey got it she started to run to our basket. Before she was able to take a shot I grabbed it out of her hands and threw it from where I was standing to her basket.

I didn't think it would go in cause I sucked at far away shots. The ball bounced onto the rim of the basket and swirled around a couple of times before falling in. Then the buzzer rang. Thank goodness. It was the end of the game and me and Luke managed to beat them by one point. That was close though. I had to admit for girls they were really good at basketball.

Luke ran up to me and we chest bumped. We were so busy cheering that we almost didn't realize that both the girls were running in separate directions. I ran after Hailey while Luke ran after Shay. These girls were funny though. They thought they could out-run us. Few seconds later I had caught Hailey and slung her over my shoulder. When I got back to the house Shay was in the same position.

"Strip!" We yelled. They signed but did as we said. We were basically eye-raping them right now.

"Hand over your keys and cellphone." Hailey said to me. I was confused but still did as she said. I looked over to where Luke was and he also had to give his phone to Shay. "I don't want any of you guys taking pictures of us so that's why were gonna keep these. You'll get them back when we return." Shay said. Then they began running.

Five minutes later they were back. That's actually a surprise to me. That whole block would of taken someone 30 minutes to complete and they did it in five? Shit Bro. After we handed them back there clothes and they changed back into them. They were huffing like crazy. Not are faults they made the consequences up. After we exchanged phones and everything Luke dropped Shay home.

Hailey walked into the house first. When I walked into the house I had a smirk on my face.

"Today was fun wasn't it?" I asked her. She just rolled her eyes and then walked upstairs to her room and i'm guessing fell asleep.

Tomorrow the fun begins, I thought and then walked over to the couch and decided to watch a movie :)


(A/N: Heey guys, I know I had to update like seven chapter and your probably wondering where the six others are. Well there coming soon. I'm really busy at the moment with school and everything that's why I don't have much time to update, but I promise you those six chapters will be out soon. I don't know when though.

Anyways I just realized that someone else has a book out with the same title and I feel like i'm actually copying that person. So I want to change the name of the book. So far I actually only have one title that i'm currently thinking about. Its called "Beauty In Disguise" What do you think? Should I just leave it or change it? Message me your opinions. Thanks :)

-Lessia <3

Chapter Six - Weakness, And A Bitch

Jayden's Point Of View:

I was in my bathroom taking a shower when I heard a loud thump sound. So I immediately turned the tap off then grabbed my towel from the hanger and wrapped it around my body. When I opened the door to my room I caught Hailey going threw my stuff.

"What are you doing?" I yelled. She jumped up and dropped what she was holding. Then turned her attention to me. As soon as she saw me she turned a bright red and stuttered when she talked.

"U-uhm I was j-just l-looking f-f-for my phone. Ooh there it i-is." She said while averting her eyes away from me. She picked her phone up from the ground and then continued walking towards the other door. Before she could get there though I moved in front of the door: blocking her way.

"zzzZzzz" The lights went out and lightning struck outside while the sounds of thunder vibrated through the house. As soon as it made that clash sound a body was well wrapped around me. I looked down to see Hailey with her eyes closed and her body shaking. Forgetting what just happened, I wrapped my arms around her tiny figure and then moved towards the bed.

When we were sitting down on the bed I rubbed her back and in my most soothing voice I asked her what was wrong. She didn't say anything at first but then she began to speak.

"I-i'm sc-scard o-o-of thunder a-a-and l-lightnight." She said

I held her close and then continued to keep her in my warm embrace. Then I realized that I was still wearing just a towel. I blushed a deep red but thank god that the lights were out and she couldn't see me.

"Hailey uhm .. I sorta need to change." I said and tried to up-wrap her hands from around my waist. She didn't want to let go but she did. Then she turned around to give me privacy while I changed. I walked over to my closet and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans with a lime green aero postale shirt.

When I finished dressing I walked back to the bed. Then I wrapped my arms around her trying to calm her down while whispering words into her ear. She was still shaking and I could tell that she was really cold. So I grabbed the blanket and covered both of us. She rested her head on my chest while I tapped her back in a one two rhythm. Moments later she had fallen back a sleep leaving me there to think.

I thought about how she acted and if this ever happened again I would have to be there for her. This was the first time that I actually saw her scared and it bugged me to think about how she handled these little incidents in the past. Aden was probably there for her I thought and then I started to get mad. Why was I getting mad though? These days I feel like im not myself. Always getting mad at little things.

I grabbed my phone from the night stand beside me and looked at the time. It was 8:30am and the thunder was gone and so was the lightning. School was starting in 20 minutes so I decided to go make breakfast and then come back up and wake Hailey up. I removed her head from my chest and then slowly her hands from my waist. Then I gently but quietly placed her back on the bed. While walking downstairs.


Hailey's Point Of View:

I stretched my hand out and tried to grab something. But all I grabbed was air/nothing. So slowly I opened my eyes and saw that I was laying down in Jayden's bed. The smell of him lingered around the whole room and I was amazed that I also smelled like him. I quickly got up and looked around the room. Where was Jayden and what happened to make me smell like him? I thought. I got out of bed and then walked towards the window and opened the blinds. When I looked outside all I saw was rain.

So I closed back the blinds and grabbed the remote from the bed and turned the tv on to CP24. It showed that we had thunder and lighting today in the morning and now it was easing down to slight rain. As soon as I heard thunder and lighting I remembered what had happened and that caused me to blush. I can't believe I showed him my weak side.

After I was out of my thoughts I turned the tv off and walked to my room. When I turned the lights on I looked at myself shocked. My mascara was running down my face and I looked like a circus clown. So I walked to the bathroom and removed my makeup and then re-applied it. When I was done that I walked down the stairs to the smell of Bacon and Eggs. At that my mouth began to water.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that Jayden was sitting down at the table where two plates were set out. He saw me and then called me to sit down. I sat down across from him. Then asked what this was in front of me.

"Eggs and Bacon." He replied with. "I knew they were your favorite. Your mother told me." He added. I just stared down at it until he told me to take a bite.

I took a big bite and moaned in satisfaction. "Ohmigod! This taste sooo goood!" I said and watched him laugh. "What?" I asked cause he was still staring at me. "Nothing." He replied with and then also started to eat. By the time we were done we only had 10 minutes to get to school. So I rushed out of the house before Jayden and into my car. When I started the engine, it turned on and then off and that's when I saw smoke coming from my hood.

I ran out of the car and opened the top and looked at it. Shit I cursed. The engine was broken and I had no time to fix it right now. I would have to do that after school I thought. Then I remembered I had to drop Shay off. I grabbed my phone and was about to call her when I saw a message from her. It said "Don't need a ride. Luke picked me up. - Shay." I exhaled loudly and then looked back at my problem.

"Need a ride?" Jayden said from behind me causing me to jump slightly.

"No thanks, i'll just call Aden." I said and then scrolled down on my contact list to his name. Before I could press it though Jayden grabbed my cell from my hand and told me to get in his car. I wouldn't move. So he said that he wasn't going to give me back my phone until I did. And that got me to move. I walked over to his passenger side and got in while he got in from the driver side.

When we were in, and buckled up he started the car and started to back out of the drive way. Fifteen minutes later we made it and I thought we were late but looks like we weren't. The school changed the starting time for today till 10:00am. So we were ten minutes early. I got out the car and ran to the front of the school to get shelter. Then Jayden came and handed me back my cellphone.

We walked into the school together and then Jayden whispered into my ear: "Plan starts now." And with that he entwined are fingers together while we continued to walk through the school.

Luke's Point Of View:

I turned to see what the big commotion was. Jayden and Hailey were holding hands in the middle of the hall way while the leader of the slut club walked up to Jayden and tried to steal a kiss. But before she could Jayden moved aside and said "Sorry Clarisa I have a girlfriend."

I looked at Clarisa and saw her face start to turn red. "Who? That shit face over there." She said pointing to Hailey. I could tell that Hailey was starting to get mad because next thing I know Clarisa got one slap across her face and then she was on the ground. "Bitch please." Hailey said and then grabbed Jaydens arm and pulled him towards me and Shay.

They split up and then I was left with Jayden while Shay was with Hailey. "Yo bro. Do you know what the fuck just happened?" I asked him. He just shook his head: no. "Okay well, by the looks of it you better watch Hailey cause when Clarisa gets mad (which is hardly) someone ends up with a broken arm or messed up face. And by the looks of it Hailey's next." I told him.

"Don't worry Hailey can handle her, that girls been in a lot of fights before and you can see how she handles them." He said but I was still worried about Hailey. I knew that she could probably handle herself but one thing that Jayden didn't know was that i've been with Clarisa before, I know how she stays. And when she doesn't get her ways she will snoop low and do whatever it takes to break the other person.

After me and Jayden finished talking, I grabbed Shay and walked off to are first period of the day while explaining everything to her. She was Hailey's best friend and they were always together so she should be aware.


Hailey's Point Of View:

After I talked to Shay about everything that happened today from the thunder this morning to the bitch just now. Me and Jayden walked to are first period class: English. When we got there I noticed the bitch wasn't there yet. So we took are seats. We sat in the middle of the class, and yes me and Jayden were sitting together. More like I wanted to sit beside some of my other besties but then Jayden threatened me.


So I ended up sitting right beside him. I took out my books from my bag and then placed them on the desk. I was about to take out the rest of my books when I heard a very slutty voice say "Move whore!" I knew who that slutty voice belonged to but I looked the person bottom up. From their six inch stiletto heels up to their mini skirt that was to short and looked like it was made for a one year old then to their belly top that revealed to much boobs. I gagged at her before talking.

"Sorry I was here first bitch." I said and then looked at my nails pretending to be bored out of my mind. "Mr. Harris tell Hail to get out of my seat!" Bitch yelled in her stupid high pitched voice. "Hail can you please get up from her seat and find a new one, or would you like me to move you?" Stupid Mr. Harris said. I looked up at Bitch and she was smiling big.

I smiled and then got up and sat on Jayden's lap. Then I looked at Bitch and she was turning red. You could literally see the smoke coming out of her ears, and I had to admit she looked like a freakin' train. "Get off of him now!" Bitch yelled while Mr Harris joined in "Hail could you find a seat that's not already taken with an actual chair?" He asked. "Uhm no thanks. You said to find a seat and I did, plus Jayden here doesn't mind."

Mr. Harris looked at Jayden to see what he thought, and Jayden smiled at him telling him that it was fine by him. So I got to stay on his lap. While the period went by Bitch kept staring at us, and I was starting to get annoyed. So I turned around in my seat to face Jayden and then I kissed his chest. I looked at bitch and it looked like she was ready to fight. But then the bell rang.

I jumped off his lap and walked out the door with him to my second period of the day. This class was probably the best today. 'Cause Bitch wasn't in this class, and she wasn't in my next one either. Thank the lords. By the time the bell rang I was running out the class and to the cafeteria. Lunch was absolutely the best best best period ever! As soon as I entered the cafetiere.

I walked over to the line and got a tray. Then I picked up two slices of pizza and put them on my tray with a bottle of apple juice. After I paid for them I walked over to Jayden's table. "Heey Hails, your looking sexy today as usual." Said Nathan. "I'd tap that ass if you were single." Said Zayn. "Beautiful why don't you come sit on my lap since there are no seats left?" Liam asked.

"Thanks y'all." I said and was about to go sit on Liam's lap when Jayden pulled me and forced me to sit on his. "Sorry guys, shes my girl." Jayden siad with a smile tugging his lips. I started to eat my pizza when I heard the doors slam open. This caused me to turn my attention there. I saw the Bitch walk in with her possy and looks like she was heading my way.

"Whore move off my man!" Bitch said. I smiled and then said "Nah I don't feel like it, and sorry hun hes already taken ... by me!" She rolled her eyes and then pretended to drop her phone. 'Causing her to bend down and show a lot of cleverge. "Ewww cover those fake boobs girl!" I yelled at her and she turned red. "You are so not dating Jayden. You aren't even his type.!" She yelled in my face.

"Ooh really? Fine I'll prove it!." I yelled back into her face. Then I turned around in Jaydens lap once again and crashed my lips onto his. I gave him a passionate kiss that was also gentle. He didn't waste a second as he responded to me and kissed me back. He snaked an arm around my waist pulling me closer while I wrapped my arm around his neck and played with the hair on his nape.

Then I slid my tongue across his bottom lip asking for entrance and he gladly granted it. So I slid my tongue into his mouth and he teased it. Then I pulled back to catch my breathe. I looked up to see Bitch crying. "Aww sweety whats wrong?" I asked her innocently while smirking. "This isn't over. I'll steal him from you. You wait and see!" Bitch yelled at me and then ran out of the cafeteria. While her possy chased after their leader.

I then turned around and continued to eat my lunch. "That was so hott!." Liam said. "I recorded it and its already up on facebook." Nathan said. "Fuck, Jayden protect her well, or I might have to steal her away from you." Zayn added. I smiled at them and then got up from Jaydens lap and threw my lunch away. When I came back Luke was at the table with Shay.

"I saw what happened. Nice performance might I add." Luke said, while Shay stared at me like i've gone crazy. "Thanks ... " I mumbled and then grabbed Shays arm and walked out of the cafeteria. "What the hell was that?" She asked when we were out of hearing distance. "Uhm I just showed Bitch who's the boss." I stated. She laughed and then became serious again. "Don't ever do that again! Its on facebook now too." Shay said.

"I know ..." I added. Then we walked to are last period of the day: French. When we got there the teacher greated us with a: Bonjour! I smiled back at her and replied back with: Bonjour Madame Silvie. Then we entered the class and took are seats. By the time we were in are seats the class ended so quick. It was my favorite class and when I was in it, I felt that time flew past fast.

As soon as we were dismissed, I walked to my locked and put my stuff away. Then I shut it and saw Aden by my locker. "Heey what's up?" I said.

"Nothing much. So I heard what happened in the cafeteria today. Everyone's talking about it." He said.

I laughed and then said "Yeah ... That's what a Bitch makes me do." I said and then walked to the parking lot where Jayden would be waiting for me with Aden. When we got outside I saw Jayden waiting for me by his car. I smiled and then kissed Aden on the cheek and left to go to Jayden. He didn't look to happy though. As soon as I got there he didn't say a word.

He just got in the car, and so did I. Then we drove home in pure silence. Tonight Shay and two of my other besties would be over, and so would Jayden's boys so we could play a fun game since we have no school work for tonight. Parrr - tayy!


(A/N: Sorry guys. I'm so lazy now a days and usually one update takes me two days to finish with all the POV and the grammar check. I'm going to consider this two chapters smashed in one because its sooo huge. Anyways I don't know when the next chapters will be out ... but till then byee (:

-Lessia <3

Not A Chapter

Heeeey guys! I know it's been a LOOOOOOOOONG ass time since i've updated this book. I'm sorry about that, I got caught up in all my school work and the stress that I really didnt think about this. Anyways I decided that i'll have a NEW chapter up within the next TWO weeks.. Ahaha I would have it up sooner .... but I honestly dont remember anything from this book so I need to re-read everything before I start the new chapter. Soooo anyways  Happy New Years ... I know im late by like .... I dunno two days but what the heck, it's the thought that counts haha. Byeee now  (:

- Lessia <3

Chapter Seven - The Game


(Hailey's Point Of View)


"Ding dong!" I heard the doorbell ring. "Jaydeeen!" I yelled answer the door. "Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong!" The doorbell wailed. "JAYDEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? CAN YOU PLEASE GET THE DOOR MAN!" I yelled overly irritated.

"Alright, calm your balls Hailey. Gheeesh!" A few seconds later Jayden walked up to the door and slowly opened it to reveal Cassie, Zyan, Liam, Nathan, and Safii standing there waiting patiently for Jayden to move so they could enter the house. 

Once everyone entereted the house I helped Jayden hang up all their coats. We then entered our warm cozy living room with the others following close by. As soon as we got in I yelled "Alright everyone lets get this party started! Form a circle."

Everyone began to gather around in a circle while I left that living room to go a grab a beer bottle from the kitchen.

When I came back I sat the bottle in the middle and then took my seat next to Zayn and Cassie. "I'll go first." Called Nathan. He spun the bottle and it landed on Saffi. 

"Truth or Dare Safii?" Nathan asked her. "Dare." She replied while trying to keep her brave face on. "Hmmm I dare you to ... straddle Cassie while kissing her full on the lips." I looked at Safii as she hesitated but then got up and advanced towards Cassie. I truly felt bad for her ... I could see the fear in her eyes but she did the dare anyways. There was no backing out.

Safii walked up to Cassie and pushed her down making Cassie lie flat on her back, she then proceeded to straddle Cassie making sure one leg was on either side of her. The boys eyed the scene closely getting turned on. Slowly Safii bended down, ass in the air while she pressed her lips onto Cassie's. The boys erupted in howls as the girls started to get really into the kiss. 

Cassies hand was slowly trailing its way up Safii's leg making its way to her ass, once her palm was rested lightly on Safii's ass she groped it making Safii moan out in pleasure. The boys looks a little too excited. It was funy though cause what they didn't know was that the girls were actually trying to turn them on and that all that moaning was fake. I wanted to laugh so hard right now but I knew if I did I would be giving it away. So I sat quietly trying to contain my laughter. 

After another full minute of them making out I pulled them away from each other. Safii's whole face looked flushed. It was so funny. After their scene Safii spun the bottle and it landed on Zayn. "Truth" He quickly answered while looking away. The boys started callling him a pussy cause he couldnt handle a dare. "Is it true that you caught your mom and dad having sex in bed together?" Safii asked. "Yeaaah ... " He replied looking like he was reliving the memory as he scrunched his nose up in disgust. We all erupted in laughter.

10 minutes later Shay had arrived with Luke. They also joined in our game of fun. Zayn spun the bottle and this time it landed on me. "Shoot" I whispered. Knowing Zayn this wasn't gonna be fun but fuck it. You only live once right? "Dare" I said looking confident in my desicion. "I dare you to .. let Jayden not only grope you boobs but also lick wine off them for two whole minutes." I stared at him open mouthed "What the fuck? No!" I roared. "A dares a dare." He stated and I knew if I didnt do my dare they would never let me live it down.

I sighed and got up to lay on the couch. Once I was laid on my back topless Jayden walked up to me with a glass of wine in his hand. He placed it down while smirking at me. Then he gently lifted me up and removed my juicy red bra. I tried to cover my boobs from him but he shoved my hands above my head and then pulled his tie off with one hand. He then tied his silk tie around my hands making sure I couldn't move.

I blushed furiously. A deep scarlet color while muttering under my breath "Lets just get this over with." Jayden reached for my boobs giving them a hard squeezed. I tried to stop the moan that was building up in my throat but I couldn't help it. I moaned out loud as he countinued to grope my breast shamlessly. He took both nipples in his hand and started to twist and squeeze them. I couldn't help but cry out in pleasure.

I dont know what was wrong with me. I've never felt this way and it was scaring me how much I liked it. After squeezing my nipples he let them go and then climbed over me reaching for the wine. I was thankful that his body was shielding mine so no one else could see. Slowly he began to drizzle the wine onto my breast. I jolted a bit at the cool feeling of the wine on my breast. He then bended his head and started to lick it out. Going in between the valley or my breast and everywhere else the wine was. Once he was done he looked up at me and winked them got off of me while removing his tie from my wrist. Once it was gone he threw my bra and shirt at me while I quickly got dressed.

The guys in the room were whistling while pounding themselves against each other while the girls looked at me with clear fasination. I bet my cheeks looked like two ripe tomatoes. A few minutes later we got back in a circle and continued the game ....

20 minutes later and everyone but Jayden had either admitted something embarrassing or done a dare that made them blush. Shay had been dared to Lick ice cream off Lukes abs. Now that truly had been a funny sight. Luke had answered his truth question saying that he indeed tried to pole dance naked alone at home but fell flat on his ass in a cake of whip cream and then his mom came home looking like she had a heart attack. Nathan had been dared to strip and run around the block to the old grammas house. When she opened the door she nearly fainted at seeing his junk. We hid behind the bush bursting out in laughter. Cassie had been dared to give Zayn a lap dance. I laughed remembering that scene. When her ass was all up in his face he looked like he was about to pass out from such close contact. Zayn was a little innocent sweety so it was really funny.

The only person left who didnt have a turn yet was Jayden. When the bottle finally landed on him I gave him his dare which was to eat a sandwich off Nathans dick. He looked at me like i've gone crazy but I only smirked at him. He glared at me before picking up the sandwichand and placing it on Nathans dick.

Both dudes looked really uncomfortable at the moment. It was hilarious. As Jayden went closer to the sandwich on Nathans dick he looked like he was ready to barf. Slowly he bit a part of the sandwich and continued to chew looking like he was gonna cry any minute now ... 10 minutes later the sandwich was gone and all that was left was the ketchep on Nathans dick.

"You have to lick him clean too. You know that right?" I stated with a satisfied smile on my face. I was totally enjoying making him suffer seeing as thats what he did to me .. I knew for a fact that after this was done i'd be fucked.  

Jayden leaned closer to Nathans dick and was ABOUT to lick him clean but I decided that was enough. "Stop im just kidding." I said as I pulled out my secret camera. I quickly uploaded it to facebook before Jayden could see at the last second he saw the camera and charged at me.

I got up and saw that Nathan was already passed out and than Jayden has already barfed up half his guts. He was still after me but I managed to run up to the bathroom and lock myself in it. "Once I get my hands on you Hailey  you're fucking dead! Do you hear me Hailey? D E A D !" I laughed while sliding down the hard wooden door and laying on the ground. I closed my eyes and before I knew it I had fallen asleep on the hard cold washroom tiles.



A/N: Wow that took a LONG ass time to write ... Well anyways heres the NEW chapter like I promised. I decided to spice up the action a bit for this chapter ... Trying something new .. aha I'm sorry this chapter hasn't been that good compared to the other but my writing skills are a bit rusty seeing as I havent written anything for over a year now unless you count school shit ... But that wasn't story related /: Anyways i'm sorry if there are any mistakes ... I'll edit the whole book once its done .. I'm tired as heck right now and its 2am. Anyways comment/message me telling me what you thought about this new chapter, would you like more scences like this, none at all, I dunno you tell me. (: - Much love Leesia <3


 Hey guys it's been years lol. I started writing this book when I was just 12 and now I'm 22. I came back recently cause I was reminded of it. Do you guys want me to continue the book or not? Ofc the writing style will be different haha (reading this again made me cringe a little at the grammar and plot) but yeah let me know :)


Texte: Leesia
Bildmaterialien: Google Images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.08.2012

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