
my bff is a really awsome and she is the best friend u can ever had before. we been together since 4th grade. she is allways so hyper and i love that.sometime we get mad at each othe but it does not matter cuz what matter is that we still be friends. but also if u ever have a best friend that wants to live under a bridge in a box good luck w/ that. but she will always be thare for u. and if u make any mistakes w/ ur friend talk about it don't cuz then in the future u woun't know how to dial w/ it and then u will be scared to say sorry.and don't let boys get in the middle of ur friendship. and good luck w/ ur friend and i hope all of u grls that have bff to take care of each other. and don't fight cuz stupid stuff trust me its not cool.having a best friend its a nice thing. now that i think about it i dnt have a bet friend i have a sister. i will never hava a best friend. cuz there is no best friend in thise world that is perfect. and pls those friend that say i promes to do something pls do it cuz u dnt know wat that ur bff is passing trhoug in there house or anywere. try to understand ur friend.and if she ever needs something try to help her dnt ever leave ur friend alone cuz its not nice to do that trust me. well good luck w/ ur best friend and remember the good time u guys had togrther.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2011

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