
Pondering of Winter

Sitting in my rocking chair
A warm cocoa in my hands
I'm reading a winter's fairy tale
I have no other plans

But to relax, read, and watch
The soft, white, and moist snow
fall gently to the earth
bathed in sunlight glow

How beautiful and serene the sky
In gold and auburn hues
So tranquil I am feeling
Admiring the winter views

Time stands still in this most precious moment
As I gently fall asleep
I dream of ethereal snow angels
and hear bare willows weep

I love the winter season
My favorite time of the year
Life is more subdued
All green has disapeared

And on I snuggle in my chair
With nothing much to do
but to breath in the crisp air
and enjoy the majestic view

Luigi-Fontana, La Llama


a Llama se llama "Luigi-Fontana",
le gustan las bananas,
y ranas.
?Por que se levanta tarde en la manana?
Porque sana que sana colita de se!
Llamas no duermen bien sin pijamas!

(The Llama is named "Luigi-Fontana",
He likes bananas,
and frogs.
Why does he wake up so late in the morning?
Because get better, get better, tail of frog....I don't know!
Llamas don't sleep well with pijamas!)

This Path is Mine (I am Waiting)

Follow down the road between the great boughs
Into the night of the living forest you go
Down the road, down the path, deeper deeper
Until only a pinpoint of light do you see
This candle flame is your soul
a reflection of your nascent conscience
twisted like the trees
Walk, my kin! Slowly. You will find me
forever I sit on my throne of stone
waiting for your callous lips
to resuscitate me from my sleep
Where I contemplate in trance-like lucidity
Your grave countenance
as you trod along the weary road
wrapped in arboretum screams
for peace
Where you travel, my kin,
This path is mine
(and I am waiting)


I am.
The years watching over you
buried alive in the minds of ingrates
Worshiped by many; scorned by few
And if I'm feared by the cruel
I wring them and turn them to a different point of view

You can't hide from me now
Nor ever.
I am the dark horse
The white knight
a million miles wide
-- minister of justice
<the slayer of >lies

Silent Zen

Like silk slowly unraveling in the breeze or leaves whirling down from the trees
There is a particular beauty about silence that seems to transcend time
A soft gracefulness to the quietude that feels incredibly sublime
While there is a vast emptiness to the sound of nothing
silence carries its own weight majestically.
A lot is desirable about the stillness
Peace in every drawn breath
As even a whisper dies
Crisp and vacant
There is calm
in infinite

The Plight of Pluto Pete

Pluto Pete and Silent Suneet,
play pool with their friend Lebrye.
But Mr. Pete really can't compete
because he was born with just one eye

Nonetheless, he gives his best with minimal rest
as the three play every day
For it is a test to see who's best
that's why he continues to play

If instead, he would stay in bed
It would really pinch his pride
"all I feel is this incredible zeal
it is this feeling I shall never hide"

Now Jumping John was all brain and brawn.
Till he met his wife Lauraine
Who would act insane whenever it rained
Out on the lawn she would often lie

It was about the middle of may, one sunny day
that they all happened to bump into each other
Little did they know but it really did show
that Pluto Pete and Jumping John were brothers

So they five were all alive
just to meet on Lauraine's lawn
Where Mr. John with his brains and brawn
recommend that they jive

And so they danced with eagerness
to show who could jive the best
they danced like fire till they all tired
then they lay on the lawn to rest

Said Lebrye "Oh me oh my
what fun we've had today!
Its more fun than pool
we don't need no tools
(like a cue stick)
to dance our hearts away."

Even Pluto Pete could not complain
even with one eye
He had met his brother, Jumping john
and this had made him cry

Now Silent Suneet from down the street
who normally never said a word
exclaimed "cheer up Pete"
your moves were neat
your tears are for the birds.

Thus this story ends my friends
With all members pacified
they had danced and laughed their hearts out
and thus they left with pride.

The Idiosyncratic Life

My hypothetical indulgence device first stretches then explodes as my patience erodes into a bowl of foam. This discourages me from approaching my spiritual teacher as my indulgence device was a vintage musician feature on my now inert stereo.

Rather obscure, but not quite demure, I declare, rather than swear, that I saw somewhere a substitute black physics drive. With it, I may derive my will to stay alive from swampy regrets lost from flying on sapphire jets.

On a tangent, the etymology of my vulnerability comes from my innate spastastic agility to heat up my amateur telescopic kettle device until it reaches a promising boiling point. I then anoint my noodle joint as my rounded head mechanistically bulges in thought.

I volunteer to migrate to the Promised Land observable by diagonal telescope, first recommended by my ideological aunt, Inertia. Yet, my spiritual teacher, being a pacifist creature, says "nay!" She says, "I thought we discussed your heroin lust, and that for this you MUST, not go away!"

Yet I, being so fly, with a wink at my eye, say "OKAY." It is with great regret that I won't forget, to wear my ecological skirt and earthquake shoes. Because I'm rather unsightly wearing my nightie without those obsequious apparel to choose.

Eye of illusion

Eye of illusion Imagined by design
The power of seeing
And thinking combined
~ ~ ~ ~
Eye of illusion
Black as charcoal
We are the infants
Of an entity at least 9,400 years old
~ ~ ~ ~
Eye of illusion
Omniscient and wise
Men tell their tales
It sees through their lies
~ ~ ~ ~
Eye of illusion
Present in dreams
A foreboding allusion
But nothing's ever what it seems

The Aeon Tragedy

Time stands still for iron giants
juggernauts of our age
Lightning rains down upon the earth
as thunder sheds its rage
The ends of everything seeps through the air
festering in our brains
Darkness death and destruction upon us
chaos as it rains
The last light of Polaris shines down its pale face
Titans of anarchy replace the human race
As night creeps over humanity
the angels shed their tears
A world of crushed glass and concrete
fated to fuel all our fears
Why? they ask, with no answers in site
We destroyed all that was beautiful
We blanched out all the light
War and industrial pollution choked us in its horrible noose
Plastic surgeries and pharmaceuticals
catches us in the wrong choices that we choose
Rain-forests became desserts; the great rivers all run dry
acid rain and blood falling forever now from the sky
Stone monoliths and alabaster statues cracked and crumbling away
only these remain as remnants of society ruined and grayed
Somebody is responsible for all that's come to pass
Everyone is stained when the present gives way to past
Earth is wasted; life is over. We overextended our stay.
Today is the day that God looked the other way


There comes points in life when you must decide between two equally opposing decisions
These are the moments when everything stops before you like head-on collisions
You may be caught in between a rock and a hard place within a moral crisis
But know that this is an inevitable fate and that this is what life is:
A contradictory soup where non-distinctions are abound
Questions everywhere but answers seldom found
Wizened men often are shrunk by the mess
Land-locked conclusions cause stress
Diametrical opposites to choose
A chess game to win at
or a chance to lose
How stay strong
right or wrong
is the split
make it


Distant shores held my heart's content, witnessed by the sun
Whispers of the love that came and passed, marked a process had begun
Dove into the murky waters of enchanted throes rushing out this awesome soul
Penetrating the iridescence of solar thermaclines like a point within a hole
The moon eclipsed by Gaea's loved terrain, a creature like that of sand
I was, I am, but a flicker of astral radiation on the palm of God's great hand
Covering the bowels of darkness gaping maw quick sheltered last lingered light
Attracted by fortuitous events my spirit entrained Her presence like moon embracing night

And on She spoke of me waiting on the precipice of measured time
My mind an approximation of a wizened cyclone, a guest in this troubled brain of mine
For starlight gently tessellating like the velvet voice of a deliberately reticent sage
Knew when quiescence sheltered a moments solitude in this troubled day and age
I, silent and patient, another hopeful, miraculous evidence of this most unusual existence
Tuned into the measured signals of the heavens thereby annihilating once held resistance
Acceptance of all limitations transcending time and space, I dissolved into the other side
Relinquishing my body's echo to the One, I swiftly, but peacefully, died

Zero Point

You've reached the zero point, my child
this is the end
the beginning.
Release your soul to It
and you will be set free
Clear out your possessions
no need to pack any baggage
Everything you need is here
You will be catered for hand and foot
You've made it. You deserve it
Well done on the life you've lived!
All tests have been passed
All hurdles avoided or surmounted
This is your reward
From this point on no one is counting
This place of dreams
Welcomes you home.
It's check-in time

Brain Fumes

THE brain. THE brain.
What pleasure and pain!
Poetry produced, self-set to explain
Generating verse conveys the cognitive state,
brain leaving
served to relate,
Is arduous ascension out the recesses of intrinsic, unconscious automaticity
yet it is for love
of thought
that makes this naught but cerebral philosophy

A means to an end, my friend
Use yours.
It might set you free
Or crack you…..
Attack You
What will it be?

How to describe
such minute and magnificent mental reverberations:
The swimming skull strokes of the mind
Ball-bearings rolling, colliding, this way and that,
No, not quite
More like…

A soaking, psychic sponge:
absorbing stimuli; oozing reality
Resembling lightly-cooked cauliflower
or really old cheese
Answerable for all the feelings we feel….
even the unwanted pariah of emotions that is fear
Good memories,
Bad memories,
plus those crazy,

Infinitesimally fleeting or floating on the waves of forever
The brain is a vessel shipping you from here to wherever
And brain-time knows no boundaries
But segment after segment it measures out moments
No clocks just your soul metronome to a melody of thoughts

HERE, is the essence of what I’ve been taught:

Attempting to utilize grey matter tactfully is not futile
Merely exacting to the n’th degree
“But practice makes perfect,” say the wise
Maybe…. someday, I will agree
For now I extol, "Mass of goo: my life to you"
A voice returns, "Man of goo: same to you!"
Is it a delirious, sardonic echo,
or salubrious, auditory deja voux?

It is the voice of chaotic collaboration
Of a universe crammed inside a crowded cranium cave
That controls a chattering network
Activating a cherished corporal slave
It is Tao talking: the internal eternal
Mind/brain deliberation within
Awake, we slowly cement our constitution
An amalgamation of virtues and sin

Yet somewhere swimming in a sea of thought
And every word of written wisdom
Falls victim to the deep
For dreams are thought playgrounds
domicile to light and dark
And inspiration is a dream auto-pilot submarine
on which we all hope to embark.

A Tasty Playground

I am light as air!
crisp as a crouton
on a warm bed of lettuce
Gentle wisps of fragrant jasmine
envelope me snugly
as I spring gracefully on a pond of blue jello
my little feet pitter-pattering through the muck
Now I piruet high into the sky
with arms outstretched to the sheep
crawling across a crimson field
of sunlight at my back.
When I tire of my solo ballet
I will wander over to a bowl of fluffy mashed potatoes
and dive in with a child-like cry of joy
at my lips and a twinkle in my eye
This land of delightful delicacies is my home
and I, its most grateful resident.
Here I am
to enjoy and peruse a playground
of stringbeans, long-grain rice and cooked cauliflower
I squeeze with my wee hands a slice of savory nectarine
sucking out the tantilizing juice
and then procede to munch on a speckled jelly-bean
My tiny mouth puckers from the tartness of the candy
and I release a sigh of pleasure at this ultimate form of relaxation
"What a lucky being am I!" I cry out to the sky
This was were I was born and so too here I shall die.
Heaven is here where the cherubs sing and the angels fly.
I am an ant and I love this life!


Consciousness is such a slippery thing
like oil spilled over water.
floating above the primordial activities of our being
I dare dive into sleep
flying in my dreams
Hanging onto the threads of pale moon beams

Like an icicle slowly melting
My consciousness slips away
And I fall into black
Thick gray soup coalesces into a frozen pond
Withered leaves fall dizzily toward the darkness
of my dampened mind

Time stands still for ages
silence shatters the moonlight into crescent particulate slivers
And I melt into the violet rain
There's an oblong arrow pointing into nowhere
I'm already there
Most of us want to know if we are alive
but not this spirit.
Silver nitrate sponge head rest cradles me

SznNaP !
SZnaP !!
Electrostatic defibrillation jump-starts my gelatinous heart
My spine arches violently
explosively I awake into a spectrum of technicolor
and bright light
I thought it was the end
but spirit decided to put up a fight




Lurid colors explode at a million different angles
The rainbow shatters beneath a black canopy
Refracted light bounces in oblong motion
as sun rays hit a violent sea
Liquid light at its greatest
traveling everywhere
At all times zero seconds
Pointing infinitesimal hues in the right direction
arcs of energy expanding outward
toward an effulgent horizon playground
A multitude of brightly colored crayons on tapered canvas
dieing under furnace star our sun
blending together waxy and soft
and moist
liquid color
painting what it wants as it is set free

Lucid Dreams (A Terza Rima)

These are dreams
Nothing is real
Or so it seems

What do I feel?
Am I a he or a she?
I blister and peel

How can this be?!
I am so awake
I comprehend all that I see

Yet I give as I take
Clarity fades
My awareness will break

In the sun without shades
I'm ultimately blinded
by aces of spades

But then I'm reminded
that this cannot be
My sanity I find it

I am set free
by a sleight of hand
I cackle with glee

My own demand
to deftly awaken
on sudden command

I am left shaken
I thought these were dreams
but I was mistaken

or so it seems....

Insipid Me: Split as can be

The shortest and the longest
The weakest and the strongest
Extremes are pulling me in opposite directions
acceptances and rejections
crawling across my creative cranium
driving me insanium

Word-wealthy or poetry poverty
Vocabulary sovereignty
Each character SLAMMED on to the screen
I'm insipid and I'm lean
Lacking language is what I mean
Yes:No, I'm in between

Fast machine: limp string-bean
I am what I am
A devil of a man
Angels agree that I am anxiously aware
of my state but I don't care
I write with out a plan

Who wants hasheesh
When they have mixed-up me?
Writer's fixed fee
zero cents on the dollar
I'm wearing my dog-collar
can't you see
I'm flat out crazy!

Stretched taught between my extremities
Its amazing I havn't made more enemies
With all the nonsense that I spit
on this mushroom that I sit
with a cup of earl-gray tea
munching on warm crumpets so daintily

Ahrggg!! This thing between my ears
is causing me tears!
I'm stretched thin
(i grin)
I'm only kidding
(as I keep on sitting)
On my moldy maroon mushroom
(now with a gin)

I'm done
t'was fun
this has made me numb
but now it's time to run


The Indivisible Ogre Crew

An ominous ogre lived by the sea
Using his night vision hunted did he
With gagged edge razor blade
Dinner he made
Killing a lamb on a sheepish sheep raid

With growl and snort he gulped it all down
but careful to chew lest it fall to the ground
Purloining a pint of pale ail from the store
He barfed up his food then hunted for more

With gleam to eye and spring to feet
He imagined himself ready to eat
Again and again food was his best friend
He'd gorge and feast till he reached the end

Then ogre did rest on thickest grass by sea
Dreamed over more sheep and in dream killing did he
Rested yet edgy pet his pet piggy named pedgy
Swam in warm waters as happy could be

All bathed and cleaned he puts on new jeans
The ones he made from hide of a boar
Yet he could not ignore the gristley core
On inside of said jeans that he did wore

While narrator's grammer be bad
Like ogre gone mad
He talketh to moon every night that he had
For I, too, am ogre.
Pernishous as can be
Grotesque and a freak and incredibly ugly

However, he like I, under fairy tale sky
Live like livery until we die
For most final delivery of story good givery
I conclude with a tear in my eye
--But that is just me

Ominous ogre would do it all over

The killling, the binging, the dirt expunged
releasing lamb blood then soaking it up with a sponge
That is the creature we are
Lest we be called civil
We drown in pale ail at the neighborhood bar

I call this ogre my friend
We are a happy sick pair
Killing and swilling without a care
You wondered when
but this is the end
Now I will pluck out my hair.

Silly Syncopation

Like a lion licking lollipops, I like to lick some too
My favorite are bright colored ones and ones that I can chew
Thankfully I think of things, though through thickest thought I don't
I often play with words like this but in serious times I won't
We welcome witty words of wonder while waxing our bikini
Or slurping down some spicy meatballs embedded over linguine
If by inducing intrinsic intonation investigations I illicitly ice the imp
I call by word of mouth the beast of feast as I holler like a chimp

EuOo EuOo
Ah EE-EE EuOo!

That's the sound that I make when I play my big brass flute.

The End

No seconds wasted in a moment

It is midnight
is moving
is stiring
the Silence
Yet each second slips
a notch
...a notch
......a notch
Without emotion
or a care.
the Silence


Texte: ©2009 Albereez
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.12.2009

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