
Chapter 1

It was the night before my wedding in Egypt. I was in my father's temple when I met him. His name was Amun and he told me a secret. He told me that he had found a way to live forever, to never die. He asked me if I wanted the knowledge too but I said no. I knew such an act would be the works of the evil god Set. I would not involve myself in the works of Set. Amun screamed at me, telling me I would never again get this chance but he would find me. That is when my father's guard's rushed in (did I mention that my father is Pharaoh Ahmose?)
Amun disappeared right after he said those words. The guards scrounged to find him. They searched far and wide. Soon they gave up the search. After my marriage to a man I never loved at eighteen, I had my son Ra at the age twenty. I had just put my one year old Ra to sleep when I walked out unto my balcony and looked at the sky. There had been a voice so much like my own that said "stop" but I was too stubborn to listen. As I closed my eyes something or someone grabbed me from behind. I tried to scream but it was in vain. No one could hear me. I soon saw who it was. It was Amun. He had finally found me.
"I will give you another chance to become like me" he says. "Never" I choked out. He tells me "If you choose not to have this great ability then you and your family shall die but if you choose to become like me I shall spare your family, those are your choices".
So of course I chose to spare my family and take on this retched curse. After he gave me the curse I heard a urgent voice saying "wake up! wake up!" I woke in my bed but I was alone. I looked around and saw to my horror Amun drinking the life from my son as Ra screamed and cried for me. I realized that he was a vampire which means that I am one too. I saw my husband lifeless on the ground covered in blood. He was dead. The whole point to my living was now gone.

Now I am a vampire hired to kill. Yep my father would be proud. My last job of the week, Jack Feeshier a lone shark who owes an even lonelier shark. I walk into the bar and many heads turn. I guess I should describe myself to you. I am tall, black haired, and well beautiful. I have exotic blue-green eyes that look silver when I am mad. My lips have been described as Angelina Jolie lips and I have a swimsuit model's body. But this is all because of the vampireism, it makes me exotically beautiful, that and the fact that I am Egyptian.
I walk up to the bar and sit down. I order a drink and wait. Finally Jack walks over to me.
"Can I buy you another" he asks in a horriblely drunken voice.
I said "why not as long as you walk me to my car" I smile widely.
He buys me a drink and an hour later we start walking to my car which I say is just beyond this ally. When we are finally in the ally I had been going for, I grab his face and ring his neck. I hear a satisfying crunch and I know my job is done.
I get in my car and drive home. As I walk in the door the first thing I notice is a flashing light on my computer screen. It said you have mail. I check and it is from an agency that me and Amun work for. Well until I killed Amun. The E-mail is telling me the name of my next victim. Jason Leelin an ex con-artist.

The first thing to do was track this guy down. I got on google, I know not very secret spy but I am getting to that part. I found out a lot, this guy wasn't the private sort. His Facebook and Myspace pages tell every little detail, of course it could all be a lie. By the pictures I have seen, he is a gorgeous twenty-one year old but by what I have read he is a womanizer.
I tracked him for months and he had a pretty sold routine. Get up, go to work, flirt every five minutes with any girl in sight, go home, change, go to a bar, then spend the night with some chick. That is what he did every day. Finally I decided to venture a meet and instantly I was captured by his looks and his voice.
"Hi" I squeek out pathetically.
"Why hello there gorgeous" he says with a cocky grin.
We chat for a while and I agree to meet him next week and the week after that and the one after that and so on and so forth. Over the months we became close friends and I stop my investigation.
"Okay so I have a problem" said Jason at one of our lunch appointments
"As if I don't already know that its about a girl, what is the problem?" I asked jokingly
"Ok, ok smart-alec I am going to ignore that! Anyway Issy I have no date for my party at work!" said Jason dramatically
"Ok Jay today is your lucky day I am going with you!" I said with a giggle.
"Ha! Cute but are you serious?" he asked
"Of course" I said but I couldn't keep the giggle of out of my voice.
That night at the party I met his work friends and he introduced me as his girl which is wierd but I am not complaining. Someone spiked the punch around twelve o'clock and everyone was drunk by one, except me because as a vampire I don't get drunk. I walked my drunk friend to the car when all of a sudden he turns me and kisses me. I was so shocked I didn't even try to push him away. Instead I kissed him back and it was the best kiss of my life plus I had told him some time ago about my vampire self. He never told me I was crazy and he trusted me completely. I pulled away from the kiss and looked him in the eyes.
"I love you, my vampire princess" he whispered, he was still drunk and his words were slurred but that didn't lessen the effect and I could tell with my vampire powers that he was telling the truth.
I know that I have felt a feeling for him beyond just friendship for some time but now I am finally realizing that this feeling is love.
"I love you too, my crazy ex-bad-guy" I whispered back and kissed him. I could never kill him no matter who told me to.

A year later, and I have fallen even more in love with this man. I was up late one night after Jason had fallen asleep and I had closed my eyes.
I prayed to my god, I couldn't help it, and said "I know I am now a creature of Set but I still wish I could have changed that. I wish I could still be of your creation"
I fell asleep but woke in a room so real familiar to me and heard a sound equally familiar and real. I knew I was dreaming but it felt so real. The sound I heard was my son's small cries. How was this possible I looked around and saw myself holding my son. I heard my voice "shh shh my little sun, my little light". Tears sprang to my eyes as heard his small voice "mumma mumma mumma". I watched as my second self put my son to sleep. I watched myself walk to to the balcony and I whispered "stop" but my second self didn't listen. I remember that night, that vioce that told me to stop. That voice was my own. Why had I not listened to my own voice? I watched that night as it unfolded like a horror film. I was sobbing in an aching way when a light appeared. As the light simmered down I saw the shape of a man. It was Set!
"What do you want of me? Haven't you taken enough?" I screamed the questions at him.
"Child I never meant for you to loose everything. I had told Amun to make you a deal but he did not honor it. That is why I allowed you to kill him. I have found you love have I not?" asked Set with sincerity
"Yes but what was the point of showing me this?" I asked, my voice thick with emotional pain.
"I am here to give you a choice, I can materialize you and you can change your past or you can choose to stay with Jason, with love and happiness. Your choice, what will you choose? But there is a catch you must choose with your heart" Set has made me the deal then disappeared.
Answer with my heart? GOD! What was that suppose to mean? I loved my son and Jason. My heart was breaking. I looked into the pain filled face of my second self and realized that I was no longer like that, I was no longer bitter and I was no longer angry at everyone. I was happy and exicted for my future. And in my heart I chose Jason. In my sleep I turned and wrapped my arms tightly around the man that I love, so tightly that I knew I would never let go.


Texte: All rights reserved by Alayna Turney 2010
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.08.2010

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