
Chapter One: Meeting Him


Jeff's pov

I walk down a dark street while listening and looking around. I've been looking for someone I could kill for the last hour but no-one will go to bed. Its also really hard to find someone who doesn’t know who I am. They all seem not so scared of me anymore. I Want to find someone who is scared as hell, that will have fear in their eyes when they see my knife near their face. If I find someone like that I might keep them as a pet. As I walk down the street, I pull out my knife and look at it. It’s a butcher knife and it still has dried up blood from my last kill on it. I look up when I hear some girls fighting with each other in a house that was to the left of me. I stop and hide behind a tree to listen. The girls seem to be fighting over make up. they must be sisters.


Sarah's pov

"Carly your not using my make up to make yourself look better for a killer" I yell at my sister.  Carly heard that the famous killer was in town and she wants him because she and her friends are messed up in the head.  "just let me use your make up, you don’t use it!" she yells back at me. "mum, tell Carly to leave me alone!" I yell out to mum. "Carly leave your sister alone and go do your homework!" mum yells back. Carly glares at me and storms out of the room. I turn back to my laptop. While I was going through my Facebook, I catch something from the corner of my eye. I look out my window and I see a guy walk up the street. He was wearing a white jumper and some black pants.


'why is there a guy walking around at this time of night' I think as I turn back to my laptop to turn it off.  I hope up off my chair and go to lay in bed. I hear my sister dancing around her room with her music playing. Once im in bed I try to go to sleep, but lately its been hard because I keep having nightmares about the killer that’s in town. I fall asleep and I start to dream.


I lay in bed slowly going to sleep when I hear a noise from down the hall. I lay there quietly listening. I then see  a sorta tall guy slowly walking towards my bed. He pulls out a big butcher knife from his pocket as he gets closer to me. once he was right next to me, he puts the blade to my neck. I try to scream but he puts his hand over my mouth. The only thing I hear is his breath next to my ear , then he says "Go To Sleep!" as he slashes my throat.


I sit straight up in bed. I was breathing very fast. I had sweat run down my face. As I calm myself down I check the time. It was 1:09 in the morning. I got up and went down to the bathroom to get a quick drink of water because I didn’t want to go down stairs to the kitchen. As I walk down past my sisters room, I go to look to see if she was asleep but her door was closed. That’s a bit weird Carly sleeps with her door open. I go to open the door when I hear footsteps coming near the door on the other side. I step back away from the door as it opens.


Standing in the door way was a guy in a white jumper that seemed to have blood on the front and black pants. He had a butcher knife in his hand and had a huge smile on his face. He looked at me, like he was watching me. His mouth turned into a bigger smile if that was even possible. I ran back to my room and closed the door behind me. I ran into my closet, just as he opened my door. I try to slow down my breathing, as he slowly walks around my room. "where did you go?" he asks. I watch him sit down on my bed across from my closet. "you cant stay in there forever you know, your sister didn’t seem to be scared of me which is a shame made it less fun to kill her" he says.


 I walk backwards into the wall. He heard me bump against the wall and looked straight at the closet. "I guess im going to have to come in there and get you" he says. He gets up and walks towards the closet. He opens the doors and walks in. I try to get away but there's no where to go. He stands right in front of me. He looks me over then turns around. Standing in front of him was a really tall guy with no face. "slender man I found a great victim for me to keep, she's so scared" the guy says.  The guy nods and tentacle's come out and grab me. Im then put to sleep by a needle that the other guy put in my arm. The last thing I see is my sister as we past her room. She was bleeding from her throat and on the wall was a sign that Jeff The Killer would leave after his victims.


When I woke up, I was sitting on the floor with my wrist chained to the wall. My arms hurt like hell. I looked around the room. It was a small room that had nothing in it except  for the blood on the walls and floor. I try to remember what happened before I fell asleep. I remember my sister is dead at home on her bed. I remember a really tall guy with no face whose name was Slender man and another guy who had a white jumper and black pants on that had blood all over it, he also had a huge smile that was cut into his face. I think that was Jeff the killer.


Jeff's pov

I walk around the mansion, trying to think what I should do with that girl. I see ben and deicide to go talk to him. "hey jack, what are you doing?" I ask him. "just thinking why you have a girl in the basement" he replies. "she was the first person in so long that has been terrified of me, so I thought id keep her" I say. He looks at me and shakes his head. "you shouldn’t keep people, your meant to just kill them and go" jack says.  "shut up, I can do what I like" I say and storm off. I go down to the basement where there is a bunch of rooms. I go to the one with the girl in it.


When  open the door, the girl looks up at me. She looks like she was in pain. I could also see that she was scared. "I see that your awake, how was your sleep?" I ask her. "g-great" she stutters out. "that’s wonderful" I say. "are you sore?" I ask. She nods her head. "hmm, I must of put those chains on to tight or there to high" I say. She looks down at her legs, her hair falls over her face. "w-why did you t-take me?" she asks. "I can see the fear in your eyes, its something I haven't seen in a while" I reply. "your sister was one of the kind of people I hated, she wasn’t that scared of me. You were" I say. I see some tears fall on her legs. I smile.


"you know she's dead right? I killed her with this very knife, her blood is still on it" I say. She was now shaking her head. "s-stop it, I don’t want to hear how my sister died" she says. She looks up at me again, this time I could see she was angry but the fear was still there. "Jeff leave her alone for awhile, I can tell your not going to kill her but don’t make her upset about her sister" I hear ben say. I turn around and look at him. He was leaning on the door like he had been there the whole time. "what the hell are you doing here?" I ask him. "I wanted to see what she looked like and so did sally" he replies. Sally walks out from behind him. She had her little teddy bear in her hands as she looks at the girl.


"can I play with her?" she asks. "no you cant" I reply. "is that little girl bleeding?" I hear that girl say. "yes but im fine, its normal" sally replies. "what's your name?" sally asks. "its Sarah" the girl says. "stop talking to her and go away!" I yell. I turn around and I see the girl was staring at me. I hear sally and jack walk off. Sally was crying. Crap.  "I should of just killed you" I yell at her. She flinches. "then why don’t you?!" she yells back. I walk up to her and kneel down in front of her. I pull her head up by her hair. "I would but that’s what you want, it be better if I was to let you live and watch you suffer" I say. She was crying because I was pulling her hair too hard. " just leave me alone!" she cry's out.


"your names Sarah right?" I ask. "yes" she replies. "well Sarah, welcome to your hell" I say and walk out of the room, closing the door behind me.


Sarah's pov

I was in pain. My head hurt from him pulling my hair. I wish he would just kill me. I was still chained to the wall. Im starting to think that im in the house of where the creepypastas live. That little girl is sally and that other guy was ben drowned. I've read their story's but I never really believed in them except for Jeff. The only reason I believed in Jeff s because I seen him on the news. My sister would love to be here. To meet all of them, she should be here not me.


I sit there and stare at the wall. I could hear noise from outside the door. It opened and standing there was masky and hoodie. They looked at me like I was some alien. "hey there, Jeff said we had to come get you for dinner" masky says. I nod my head. They hold up a key and unlock the chains from around my wrists. I stand up then fall back down again. I was then picked up by hoodie. "you might not be able to walk for awhile" he says. We walk up the stair and into a huge room. I could see the front door. If only I could walk. We walk into a dinning room and im placed into a chair.


I look around then look at who was sitting across from me. Jeff was staring at me. "are you hungry?" he asks. I nod my head. I cant talk to him. "not going to talk?" he asks. I shake my head.  "then I guess you cant eat" he says while smirking. I glare at him. "he doesn’t get a choice if you don’t eat, Slenderman said you have too"  jack says. Some food gets put in front of me. It looked so good that I started to eat. Everyone was watching me eat. When I was done I looked at everyone. "your done?" Jeff asks. I nod my head.


"if your not going to talk, ill sew up your mouth so you cant talk" Jeff says. He looked really annoyed. I just stare at him. He can sew up mouth if he wants too, I don’t care. He stands up and walks over to me. "fine then have it your way" he says.  After he was done sewing up my mouth, he took me back to my room and chained me up. I had blood all over my clothes and still had blood on my mouth. Crap now im not going to be able to eat. My mouth hurts like hell. Jeff watched me as I sit there on the ground. "you did this to your self, all you had to do was talk" he says. He sits in front of me.


"I don’t get you, your scared of me but you'll do anything to get hurt by me, I think its weird" Jeff says. I wanted to reply but I couldn’t so I sat and stared at him. "Sarah, why try so hard to die when other people want you alive?" he asks me. If I could talk, I don’t know what I would of said. Jeff gets up and leaves the room closing the door behind him. Im so confused right now. I slowly fall asleep. Once I do I don’t dream, I just scream.


Jeff's pov

I stand behind the door for awhile listening to her slowly calm herself down. She was screaming in her sleep. I could hear everyone upstairs getting annoyed with her screaming. I open the door and look at her. She stoped screaming as I walked closer to her. I kneel down in front of her and lift up her head. Her eyes slowly open and stare at me. There was relief in her eyes but that soon changed as she stared at me more. "why are you screaming in your sleep?" I ask her. She looks down and so do I. I forgot her mouth was sewn shut. I smirked at her, as she glares at me. She then starts crying. I got out my knife from my pocket and put it to her mouth.


She stared at it. I cut the stiches and look at her. She went to open her mouth but it seemed to hurt her. I unchained her and carried her up stairs. "ben! Come fix her!" I yell out. He walks into the lounge room and looks over Sarah. "why did you cut the stiches?" he asks. "I asked her something, and well I need an answer" I reply. He rolls his eyes and starts to clean up the blood and get the rest of the stiches out. When he was done, he walked away not saying a word. "can you answer my question now?" I ask. She looks up at me. "I had a nightmare, that’s all" she says. I look her over and could tell it wasn’t just a nightmare.


The pain you could see in her eyes would make you think you were in pain too. "tell me the truth" I say. Her eyes started to water and I knew she was about to cry again. "I don’t want too. It hurts to remember such a thing than too also dream about it" she says. I grab a chair and sit in front of her. "tell me and I'll end their life, they'll never bother you again" I say. I knew it was a person but I need to know who. "you wont find him, hes been missing for 3 years" she replies. "what he do to you?" I ask. "he raped me when no-one was home, since I was 7 years old. He would also hit me. I would always be in hospital but I never said why" she replies.


The guy raped her and hit her. What kind of man does that?. " who was he to you?" I ask. "he was my dad" she replies. That’s not right. I stood up and walked out of the house. That guy is dead and im going to make sure he suffers.

Chapter Two : Killing The Dad

Sarah's pov


I watch as Jeff walks out of the room and out of the house. He seemed to be really pissed off. If Jeff thinks hes going to find my dad he wont, hes been missing for 3 years. Before he went missing my dad came home before anyone else. He was packing stuff into a bag and yelling stuff out when he couldn’t find what he wanted. I was in my room, in the corner of my room with my knees to my chest. I could hear him moving about the house, then everything went quite. I didn’t move, I stayed where I was. My dad remembered I was home. My door flew open and I saw him standing at the door with a huge smile on his face. That was the last time I saw him because I blacked out. When I woke up I was in the hospital again. Police were asking me question, doctors where in and out of the room. My mum was crying with my sister sitting next to her.


My dad had taken off after raping me again. The police were after him but gave up when they couldn’t find anything. I was 12 when this happened. My mum was so upset that I hadn't told her what my dad was dong to me. We moved away from that town thinking my dad would come back.  My mum is probably falling apart now because my sister is now dead and im missing. I look up and see Ben standing in front of me. "where did Jeff go?" he asked me. "I don’t know, I told him something about my dad and  he stormed out of the house" I reply.


"what did you tell him?" Ben asked looking worried. "that my dad raped me as a kid, I think he went to kill him because I was having nightmares about it" I reply.  Ben stares at me. Sally walks in and sits next to me. "Jeff will get your dad, even if hes been missing for 3 years" she says. "how do you know that?" I ask. "hehe I was listening" she says giggling to her self. "sally that’s rude" Ben says. "but Jeff wouldn’t let me talk to her so I wanted to see why" sally whins.  Ben shakes his head at her. "im going to go find Jeff, sally watch her" he says. He starts to walk out of the house. "wait im coming!" I yell out.


"no your not, if Jeff finds him and kills him, he might want to kill someone else and I don’t think he wants you dead or he doesn’t want you to see your dad being killed" Bens says when he looks back at me. "I don’t care, im coming and that’s that" I yell at him. He glares at me. "your not coming Sarah, SLENDERMAN COME AND GRAB HER BEFORE SHE DOES SOMETHING STUPD" Ben yells out. Im grabbed by some tentacles and pulled upstairs. I watch as Ben walks out of the house. Sally comes up stairs carrying her bear. "they never let me do anything outside the house saying its to dangerous for me" sally says as she sits next to me.


Jeff's pov


I walk through the streets, looking for this man. It was pretty easy to find out where he was. I started to hear noises from behind me. I turned around and Ben was standing there. "Jeff why are you trying to find this guy, why do you even care and why would he be here?" ben asks. "one, he raped her. Two, I care because she's different and three, I have no clue why hes here" I reply. I turn around and kept walking. Ben was walking close behind me. When I find the house im looking for I stand in front of it. a bedroom light was on but that was it. I could hear screaming coming out of the house and cry's for help. It was a girls scream. I walked up to the door and opened it. I pulled out my knife and held it tightly in my hand. Everything went quite except for the crying.


I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Ben was standing next to me staying really calm which would be weird if it was anyone else. When the person came in view, they stopped on the stairs and stared at us. It was a man in his underwear. He was looking us over then his eyes stopped on my knife. "who the hell are you two?!" the man asks. "it doesn’t matter who we are" ben says. "as long as your asleep when I kill you" I say after ben. The mans eyes go wide when he realises who I was. "your that Jeff the killer guy, right. The one that killed one of my ex wife children" he asks. "well yeah I am, but I also took the other one as a pet" I say smirking at him. "do you remember her? Of course you do, you raped her and hit her when no one was home, which is what your doing to that child up stairs, right?" I say.


He was now glaring at me. "I didn’t do shit to that child, she's a liar" he says. Ben had disappeared from next to me. The guy hadn't even noticed. I knew where Ben was but I didn’t care right now. The guy just kept staring at me, it was annoying me. "are you scared of me? Because you haven't moved from that spot" I say. He shifted a bit but his eyes stayed on me. "why would I be scared of some kid" he replies. "im not a kid, im a killer. I could cut your throat just like that and I wouldn’t even care" I say. He was now shaking, just like his eldest daughter.   I smirk at him. "your like your daughter, you know, she wasn’t very scared of me at first but just as my knife came to her throat I could see the fear in her eyes" I tell him.


"why are you telling me this?" he yells at me. "because your other daughter is very different from you, she was scared from the time she saw me coming out of her sisters room." I say. "I don’t care about her she's nothing to me!" he yells again. "I already know that" I say as I take two steps towards him. He doesn’t move. "she has nightmares because of you" I tell him, I take another two steps towards him. I was now at the bottom of the stairs. "she screams in her sleep because of you" I take two steps up the stairs. "she is scared of people because of you" I say as I stand right in front of him. He walks back and bumps into the wall behind him. "you wont kill me" he says. "I'll say this nicely, please go to sleep" I say as I cut his throat. I watch as the life disappears from his eyes and his body falls to the ground with a thump.


I walk up the stair to where Ben and the girl was. The girl was in an oversized shirt. Ben looked up at me and shook his head. "he started a new family here, the stuff in that bag are his. He was planning on leaving again. The girl is 12 years old, the same age Sarah was when he left. The girl is the youngest n the family and is always home by herself. He just did what he would always do" Ben says to me while I look through the guys stuff. "is she going to be alright?" I ask. "probably have problems sleeping and trusting people but that’s it" Ben says. "well we need to go, police we be here soon and so will her family" I say as I walk back down the stairs. Ben follows me and we leave the house and we go back home.


We walk through the door and you could hear Sarah screaming at someone. I look up the stairs and saw her sitting there with tentacles around her waist. "let me go! Your creeping me out!" she screams. "Slenderman let her go were home" I yell out and the tentacles let her go. She runs down the stairs and hugs me around the waist. "he was trying to get me to have a bath, with him watching!" she yells into my chest. "what the hell man, why cant you just let her have a bath without you watching?!" I yell out to Slenderman. "she might of ran off, I don’t think you would of liked that, and well we all need things sometimes" he replies now standing at the top of the stairs.


Sarah holds on to me tighter. "you have to let go of me" I say as I try to get her off me. "you can go for a bath by yourself right now" I say. She lets go of me and looks up at me. "I don’t know where a bathroom is other then his room and im not having a bath in his room" she says. "you can have one in my room, come on" I say as I grab her hand and take her to my bedroom. " the bathroom is there, I get you something to where while you have a bath" I say as I push her into the bathroom. She nods her head and closes the door behind her. I stay there till I know the door is locked and then go find something for her wear.


Sarah's pov

I turn the taps on and wait till the bath is full. I strip down and hop in. I relax and start to think. Jeff let me hug him. That’s not normal, he probably would of killed me. Hes letting me have a bath in his room. I hear a knock on the door. "yes?" I ask. "I put an oversized shirt on my bed for you to wear, I'll wash your clothes for you tonight so you can wear them tomorrow" Jeff says through the door. "ok then" I say back. I hear him leave the room, he made sure the door was closed. I lay there with my eyes closed for a while until I heard the bedroom door open again. "oi can you hurry up, no one will let me use there toilet" I hear Jeff say. I get up and out of the bath. I grab my towel and wrap it around myself. I made sure nothing was showing and opened the door.


Jeff was standing there looking like he was going to pee his pants. I move in the room as he runs into the bathroom. I Put on the oversized shirt the Jeff got me and sat on his bed drying my hair. Jeff comes out of the bathroom and looks over at me. "I found your dad, he had started a new family and was getting ready to leave them when me and Ben came" Jeff tells me. "why was he leaving?" I ask. "we don’t know but he was home alone with his youngest daughter, who was 12. we could hear her screaming and crying from outside the house" he says. "he was leaving because she was 12 and would get the guts to tell someone soon" I say. "is she ok?" I ask. "yeah I guess, might not sleep well or trust people but she should fine" he says.


He sits down on the bed next to me. "he was a lot like your sister in ways, you could tell they were related. But I couldn’t tell how he was related to you" Jeff says. He was playing with his knife, which most likely has my dads blood on it. "I was never really like my dad, I was always more like my mum. My dad and sister were brave and were never scared of anything. Me and mum were scared of everything but we would get over that if we were angry" I say. Jeff was nodding his head. I heard noises coming from the door. The door fly's open and there stood some guy. "jack, your back already?" Jeff asks the guy. "yep sure am, who's the chick?" he asks. "Sarah, this is jack as in eyeless jack" Jeff says as he stands up and walks over to jack. "so how many kills this time?" Jeff asks. "lost count at 50, im been really full lately but im hungry now, do we have any organs?" jack asks.


"I don’t know, why don’t you go look, I don’t eat organs" Jeff replies. "you have fresh organs sitting on your bed, you know that right?" jack asks. "she isn't food jack now off you go" Jeff says through his teeth. Jack walks off, leaving Jeff at the door. "don’t worry about him, he was joking though he gets on my nerves sometimes" Jeff says when he looks over at me.  "I don’t mind, though it’s a bit weird for someone to eat organs" I reply. "its not that odd for him" Jeff says shrugging. I nod my head but then I black out.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.08.2013

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