
12:30 pm sunday

it is sunday today the worst day ever my mum is making me baby sit  my little, annoying sister she is always pulling pranks on me i should not have to put up with that i am nearlly 15, soon i am going to tell my mum that i do not want to baby sit clary (my little sister).


it is not fair that for my birthday i ask for a lap top and guess what i  dont get a laptop but clary gets a tablet she is only 5 years old it is not fair any way back to my life i am having a sleep over today and i am inviting:






and izzy


they going to be here in then minuets yay cant wait i wish i could have a sleepover more often i only get one every 6 months.

1:00 pm still sunday

yay all my friends are here and i got my mum to bring home some goodies for the sleep ove tonight is going to be amazing. my mum cant make me let clary join in with any thing because she is two young haha clary.


we are just about to watch scary movie 5 with mini donoughts , we pove our donoughts my mum bought lots of them for us.


"so anna what boys have caught your eye at the moment ?" asked saraphine


"none at the moment how about you" i say


and the suddenly my dad pops his head round the door


"every thing going alright"


and  then izzy picks up her pillow and lobs it at the door

" get out " she shouts


1:05 pm still sunday

"omg anna you get no privacy in this house" says jasmine in a funny tone

" i know guess what they made me do yesterday they made me baby sit clary" i said

"they didn't" said lyra

 "i fell so sorry for you" molly  says


a few moment later clary nocked on the door and asked if she could sleep with us tonight because she had a nightmare but we all say no.



2:00 pm sunday

i am know feeling guilty for my little sister i have not been the nicest of people to her.


a few seconds after that happened i trie to apoligize but it does not seem to work she just ran off crying know i feel really guilty.


"guys i will be back in a sec i just need to go and apoligize to clary."


"i would'nt worry about her she is a little idiot" said julia


ok she has said a lot of mean things in the past but know she has just crossed the line


2:05 pm sunday

"ok every body out you have just crossed the line" i said


the all packed there stuff a whent home. once they have all gone i went to find clary to apoligize i found her sitting on her bed

"clary i am so sorry i have sent them all home but know that i have done that i will probably be the only one that doesn't have friends at school but oh well who cares family are more important than friends do you still want to sleep in my room tonight" i said


"yes please" she squeaked so we got her stuff and walked all the way to my room and settled down  to watch a movie


"i will always love you clary no matter what" i said

"i love you to " she replied


the end


Texte: gdhsesby
Bildmaterialien: yesbdb
Lektorat: 45whyte
Übersetzung: yehs5e
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.08.2014

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this book is about love

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