
Chapter 1


Okay. This seriously sucks. I’m not going to say that I had the perfect life, because let’s face it, I didn’t. I was a normal teenager with normal teenage drama, until a few days ago that is. My parents both died due to a car crash, causing me to move in with a brother that I have never met. He’s 19 and goes to college, but he also works until late in the evening. So that pretty much leaves me to myself most of the time… I wish. For some stupid reason he also lives with his friends.

I can’t fathom why he’d want a whole bunch of lazy asses around his house all day, eating all his food and using all his electricity while he’s gone, but who am I to complain? I was just kinda dumped right on his front step, bags in my hands and all. I guess he never knew I existed until about two days ago. Some brother huh?

Anyway, he lived with my mom and dad until they divorced (I was one at the time, or so I’m told), and I guess Dad took me while my mother took him. Mom died of cancer when my brother was just 18. My dad thought it best that I didn’t know I guess, so I never heard about her, or my brother. Apparently, my mother thought the same thing, because the look on his face when I arrived was priceless.

When I arrived on his doorstep with Ms. Social Worker (I forget her name), he kinda got this shell-shocked look and was zombified for a few minutes. He seemed to bring himself out of his funk with a quick shake of his head and led us into his house; or should I say more like a small mansion. It had three stories. This included a basement and attic, about 10 rooms, 4 bathrooms (not included in most of the rooms already), a huge kitchen and dining area, and a freaking awesome living room. I mean, seriously, all this included a huge backyard complete with a duck pond in the corner. A duck pond guys!

I couldn’t believe that my brother, whom I had no idea that I had, was so rich. The social worker tried to explain what it was that my brother did, but guys, there were too many big words, and to be honest, I didn't really care. My parents and I, we were comfortable in our little three-bedroom house. But here in this house? I felt like a fish out of water. I didn’t even know what to do. But my brother found me a room on the second story, complete with my own bathroom, and told me that if I ever needed anything all I had to do was ask. I wanted to tell him that all I needed were my parents back, but let’s face it; that’s impossible.

So here I am, in a house that’s too big for me and surrounded by people whom I don’t know. I guess that’s it so far. I wonder when I will start a new school. Hopefully not too soon. I really wanted to just be.

Just then I heard a knock at my door. “Come in!”

The door opened and in popped my brother and some of his friends. “Hey Jake,” I whispered to my brother. Confused as to why he was here, I looked at his three friends and made a weak attempt at a smile, “what’s up?”

“Hey, I was just wondering if you were doing alright. You haven’t really been out of this room since you got here and… well I was a little worried.”

I looked back over to my brother and took a good look at him. He was about tall, definitely over six feet, with black hair and startling green eyes just like my father. It made me kinda sad, thinking that in a few years he would look almost exactly like him. He was also well built. Besides our black hair, we looked nothing alike, I realized. While his hair was black and completely straight, mine was wavy. My eyes were blue, not green, and I was also pale in comparison to his tan body. I was also a hell of a lot shorter with my height being a little over five foot. I felt like a dwarf next to him. I sighed, thinking that moving in with my brother was going to be more difficult than I thought. Too many differences. too much distance. “It’s not that I’m not alright, I just don’t really feel like be around people at the moment,” I said. Again, I looked over at his friends and then back at him, “I was also wondering about what’s going to happen next.”

My brother looked confused, “Next?”

“Yea. Like what about school and such. I mean, not going would sure be fun, but I actually do want to graduate. Also, about how I am going to get there. I do have my license, but no car. Are you taking me, or am I taking a bus?”

He looked relieved. Weird. “Oh. You will be going to school here this following week. I got you registered earlier today. The school is called South High and since we’ve got an abundance of vehicles here, you can borrow one of those until you get your own. I also wanted to introduce you to some of my friends here since we’ll all be living under the same roof. Some are gone now, but these three here are pretty cool.”

I looked at the three of them expectantly. As Jake pointed to the first one I noticed that he had curly blond hair with laughing blues eyes. He was about as tall as my brother and was smiling at me. “This is Aaron,” I nodded to him, “He’s a senior in your school and can help you out while you’re new there and all.”

“Hey Tay Tay! Can’t wait until we are best buds!” God was this boy enthusiastic.

Jake then pointed to the second guy at the doorway with him, “This here is Dillon.”

The second guy, or Dillon I should say, had bright orange hair and big blue eyes. He was a bit taller than my brother and had freckles everywhere. He gave me a shy smile and said quietly, “Hello.” For some reason I felt calm wash over me. This one seemed normal. Thank God. I smiled slightly and looked right him, nodding my head.

“Dillon already graduated last year with me and we’re both going to the same college.”

Lastly, my brother pointed to a tall guy, again, over six foot. He had dark brown hair with warm brown eyes. Almost like melted chocolate. Wow. “And this is Parker. He’s also a senior with Aaron. If you don’t want to drive to school, either Aaron or Parker can give you one. The other guys that are not here now are Jordan and Shane. They’re twins. They also go to your school and you might see them here later tonight when they get home from practice.”

Aaron gave me a huge grin and Parker just looked kinda bored. For some reason that bothered me. Oh well, I thought, I would be too if I were him.

“Um, thank you? But I think I can drive for now. I don’t want to trouble anyone.” I kinda just want to stay out of everyone else’s way too, I thought.

My brother looked slightly disappointed but then said, “We’re going to have dinner soon. Do you want to go down and eat?”

I was surprised. My brother wanted me around him? “Um… sure. Why not? What are we having?”

“We’re having top ramen!” Aaron shouted happily, shoving his fist in the air like a little kid receiving some big prize.

At this point, caught off guard I laughed and said, “That’s it?” All the boys just stared at me shocked, “W-what?” I asked when they just kept staring. I immediately got nervous. Did I say something wrong? Was it my laugh?

“I’ve never seen you smile before,” my brother Jake said seriously.

I blushed then said quietly, “Not much to smile about these days I guess.” After an awkward silence that lasted about two minutes I said, “So… Can I help with dinner? I mean, I’m no great chef or anything but I can make something better than top ramen if you guys want.”

Aaron rushed over and gave me a huge bear hug, “Seriously?! That would be awesome!”

I was frozen solid. No one had touched me since my parents were still alive. When Aaron let me go he rushed downstairs while still shouting, “Food! Real food!”

My brother laughed a bit hesitantly and said, “Sorry about that. He gets overly excited about food. It’s just kinda his thing.”

I smiled nervously, “N-no problem.”

“Well, we’ll meet you downstairs in a few, after you get ahold of yourself I guess”, Parker snickered while trying to hide his laugh. I was surprised by his comment. Why the sarcasm? I rolled my eyes, playing off my discomfort. God, I changed my mind. His eyes were full of shit; like his personality. He and my brother then left and closed the door.

I sighed out loud, “Great. I’m in big trouble.”

My name is Terra Marie Connelly, and my once normal life turned upside down in the blink of an eye; all thanks to my unknown brother, his mansion, and his stupid friends who live in it. Great.

Chapter 2


Beep! Beep! Beep! “Ugh,” I groaned out loud, shutting off my alarm clock. It was 6:00 a.m., and today is my first day of school. I can’t wait (please note the sarcasm). I slowly get out of my bed, wishing that I could have had at least a few more minutes of blissful nothing. But, seeing as my life is already so completely wrong, I might as well get used to the sensation of everything gone weird.

I sluggishly make my way to my closet and pull out my clothes for the day; a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a hot pink tank top and loose black shirt saying Just Eat It in big white bold letters on the front, and my dark blue converse. After I got my clothes I leisurely made my way to the bathroom, plugged in my straightener, and hastily took my shower.

Once I got out of the shower, I hurriedly dried off and put on my clothes. Once my hair was semi-dry I started to straighten it and to put on a finishing touch I added a cute dark blue flower hair pin. I quickly did my make-up which consisted of some eyeliner, mascara and a little blush. (Thank God I have clear skin).

After this I went to open my door to go downstairs, and that’s when I saw IT. I stood there in my doorway, my mouth hanging open, to a completely naked Parker standing in front of his door. I don’t know how long we stood there staring at each other (or even why he was standing there naked in the first place). Me with my shocked face and mouth agape, his with his eyes bulging and slight blush, but the next thing I knew I heard a scream. Oh my God, is that me? I can’t believe that came from my own mouth, and it wasn’t one of those “I’m scared out of my mind screams”, it was more like the “Oh my God I’m gonna die of embarrassment “screams.

Realizing that I’m still staring, I slam my door shut and slide down the door, hiding my head in between my knees in complete and utter horror. “Oh my God," I thought to myself, “I just saw his… his… God I can’t even say it to myself.” I sighed out loud heavily and muttered, “Someone… please kill me now.”

Abruptly I heard a knock on the door. My mind went blank, thinking it might be Parker trying to say something, “Terra! Terra are you in there? Are you ok?” It was my brother. Thank God! But then I realized that he wasn’t the only one out there, seeing as I also heard a whole bunch of shuffling feet and a couple of shoves. Just another thing to add to this already horrible day. Now I get an audience to this crazy situation AND an overprotective brother thrown into the mix.

“I’m… I’m fine!” I tried yelling back, but it came out a little hoarse. I cleared my throat and yelled louder, “I’m fine! Don’t worry about me; I’ll just be down in a few minutes!” I shut my eyes in disgust.

Silence on the other end. Maybe they all went away? “Are you sure?” I groaned. Hell no!

“Yes! I’m sure. I just forgot to put something in my bag! I’ll be there in a few, alright?!” I prayed he’d just leave me alone. I’d like to die in peace.

Silence again. “Alright, if you say so…” After the noise of what seemed a million feet disappearing down the hallway ended, I slowly stood up and cracked open the door to see if anyone was out there. Since the coast seemed to be clear I rushed out my door and down the stairs. I made my way into the kitchen, avoided all the stares from the boys, especially Parkers, and rushed over to grab some pop-tarts. “Um, I want to get to school early so that way I know where I’m going,” I gushed out to Jake, “See you later tonight.” I started to make a beeline for the door when I felt a hand grab my wrist gently. Oh man.

“Terra, are you sure you’re alright? You don’t have to go to school early, I’m sure either Dillon or Parker- “

“No!” I screamed suddenly. Immediately all the boys stopped what they were doing and stared at me. I quickly added, “Its ok Jake. I want to be able to take care of things myself. Don’t worry about it alright?” Even to my own ears I sounded desperate. Great.

Jake just looked at me kind of funny, “Alright… Then take care at school today. And remember, if you have any questions, ask the boys; they’ll know what to do.”

I nodded tightly and rushed out of the house towards the car I was now going to drive. Glad that my brother said I could pick out any of the cars last night at dinner, I got into a simple little dark green Honda. I loved it. Not too flashy, but also not a granny car either. As I pulled out of the driveway and made my way to school I sighed and thought, “What a great way to start the day.”

Chapter 3


“So here it is,” I thought aloud, looking at the huge building with horror. I had been sitting in this parking lot for at least ten minutes trying to work up the courage to at least open the freaking door. As I tried one last time I felt my hand shaking uncontrollably.

“Jesus! Get ahold of yourself Terra!” I yelled aloud to myself, “Get a grip! Stop being such a wuss and get your ass out of your own damn car!” Finally, after about another minute I managed to stumble out. I snorted out loud when I saw some of the students’ faces, looking at me like I was some psycho or something.

I slowly made my way toward the hell that was now my school and somehow came across an ugly scene. This poor guy was getting, well I wouldn’t say beat up, but he was definitely getting bullied by this girl. I immediately came to terms that this was probably the school “leader”. What a bitch.

I tried to ignore it and hoped to walk by unnoticed so that I could get my schedule. But as I came closer I heard her saying, “Jesus Peter! Couldn’t you have at least looked where you were going? You are so rude to be bumping into people like that.” She then let out an evil smile, “Especially people that are better than trash like you.”

I couldn’t believe she just said this. Suddenly I wasn’t seeing this scene anymore. I was thrown back into my old life. Instead of that poor boy on the floor it was me laying there looking like I was about to cry. Samantha, the bitch from hell in my last school, was standing over me making all this happen. I shook my head to rid myself of the nightmare, her evil laugh echoing in my head. I looked all around me to see that everyone else was just standing there. Doing nothing. What the fuck. Why doesn’t anyone ever do anything? I suddenly couldn’t just stand by anymore. There was no reason not to. My parents were dead, and my father no longer worked for her family. There was nothing to lose.

As she was in mid swing getting ready to slap his face I suddenly yelled, “Hey Barbie!” All students instantly stopped what they were doing and they all turned their heads toward me. Miss Barbie looked at me shocked, her mouth hanging slightly open. “Yea you. The girl with the fake blond hair and the more than likely prosthetic chest. You stink.” I stated, scrunching my nose in disgust.

She let out a large gasp and I snorted. She was such a joke. I went over to help up the poor boy on the floor and asked him, “Are you alright?” He nodded, his eyes wide, then smiled at me. He had a decent smile. “Why don’t we get on out of here so that way we don’t have to smell her bullshit anymore huh?” He looked at me in awe at first, then with a realization he busted up laughing.

"Sure thing! My name is Peter by the way. What’s yours?” He asked while holding out his hand for me to shake it.

I grabbed it happily and said, “Terra. But everyone calls me Tay.” I smiled at him and then looked over at the still shocked Barbie, “Gosh Barbie.” I exaggerated with an innocent voice, my eyes going wide in fake horror, “You don’t look good. Maybe you should go take a shower and clean up or something.”

She gasped again and stuttered, “W-well! I nev- “

“Yea, yea,” I interrupted, “You chicks always never. Why don’t you change it to something like, ‘Well! I always!’, because seriously, you always do.” After this I heard laughing. I looked over to where it was coming from and saw Aaron laughing his head off with a bunch of other guys and Parker trying to hold it in. Oh well, guess I gave everyone their entertainment for the day. Now I’ll never live it down.

As Peter and I headed for the office I heard Barbie shouting, “You’ll live to regret this Terra! Just you wait. I’ll make you wish you were never even born!”

I looked over my shoulder smiling and yelled back, “Yea? Well then bring it!” She then huffed dramatically and rushed the other way. I looked over at Peter, who was making a worried face, “Don’t worry about her. I can take her any day. And you, my good man, should step up and stop taking her shit. I mean seriously, why?”

He blushed a little, “She wasn’t always like that you know. We were best friends all the way through middle school. She was a super cool girl. I don’t know when it happened, but she just suddenly changed when she got into this high school… Anyway. You’re new right? Why did you save me back there? I mean, no one else cared.”

As we reached the office I took in a deep breath, “When I was back in my old school, my father worked for a large company. His daughter went to my school and she thought it was fun to ‘play’ with me. I stood there and took it, just like you, because I didn’t want my father to lose his job. But it doesn’t matter anymore, because now I’m here and she’s not. I can be my true self now.”

“Your true self?” he asked, confused.

“Yeah,” I answered, “One who doesn’t take crap from others, or just walk on by when others get crap handed to them too. That’s just not who I am. I like loyalty and honesty.”

Before I stepped into the office he asked me quietly, “Then what stopped you before?”

I opened the door and looked over at him sadly, “My parents were still alive.”


Chapter 4

  “Well, at least class is easy,” I thought wearily. My first two classes were science (Adv. Biology) and Adv. Lit. I was now in Adv. History and am now extremely bored. In my old school all I had were my grades really to make my parents proud, so I always did my best and studied continuously. Obviously, this school was extremely easy (totally a plus!). At least the rest of this year was going to go by smoothly and seeing that this was my last year at a high school anyway, this seemed perfect.

The rest of the class went by without any incident (incredible), and as the bell rung I slowly made my way to the lunch room. I scanned the area and soon saw Peter sitting by himself. I made my way through the crowd (avoiding all the stares) but as I was close to Peter’s table I felt arms go around my shoulders and a booming voice in my ear, “Tay!!!!!”

I released the tension in my shoulders from his touch and groaned out loud, wishing that I would just die, “Aaron. What are you doing?” I looked around the lunchroom and noticed that almost the whole student body was watching. Most curious, and some just downright rude. Man, this was the last thing I needed. I just wanted to coast my last year. Sigh.

He laughed and then stepped up in front of me, “Tay-Tay! I wanted to eat lunch with you and…” He looked over at Peter then back at me, “um… your new friend?”

I sighed and sat next to Peter, “This is Peter.” I looked over at Peter, who was nervous but still smiling, “Peter, this is Aaron. He’s my brother’s friend.”

Peter relaxed and shook Aarons hand, “Hey.” He then looked at me and asked, “So how was your first day of school so far?”

Surprised that he sounded genuine, I answered, “It was soooo uneventful. All my classes are super easy. At my last school I was in all the advanced classes, and they were ahead of where we are now,”

Peter laughed and then said sarcastically, “So you’re not only a super hero, but you’re a smart super hero?”

I smiled slightly and said sarcastically back, “Oh yea!”

Aaron chuckled, “So about this morning… I couldn’t help but notice a certain someone telling off miss queen bee.”

Peter and I both busted up laughing over this, and soon Aaron joined in. While we were laughing and eating our food I also noticed that Parker was heading over to our table. Oh. My. God. This morning! As he sat down all I could see was what happened this morning, and I didn’t even dare to look at him for fear that I would bust up in some hysterical nervous laughter.

“Hey guys. What’s up?” Parker asked.

Aaron quipped, “Nothing too much. Just laughing over this morning.”

Parker tensed up and quickly said, “This morning? What about it?”

I knew straightaway that he was thinking about what happened between us this morning and was going to save him the trouble of getting upset when Peter, surprisingly, joined in the conversation, “Yea. You know, between Terra and Megan?”

So that was Miss Barbie’s name. Megan. I noticed that Parker visibly relaxed, “Oh yea. That. It was pretty funny. I was trying so hard not to laugh. I’ve never seen a face get that red before.”

While the boys laughed at this, I was trying my hardest not to think about this morning. Thank God Peter looked over at me smiling and asked, “So Terra, what are your afternoon classes?”

Saved by my new best friend. Thank you. “Let’s see…” I got out my schedule, “I have Choir, Calculus, and then a free period for my last class of the day.”

“Sweet! I also have that last free period. We should definitely hang out then!” Peter grinned with enthusiasm.

“Hey, I also noticed that we all have calculus together!” Aaron exclaimed excitedly. “You’ll probably sit next to Parker in that class. He’s the only one with a free seat.”

I quickly glanced over at Parker and then back at Aaron, “Why is that?”

Aaron laughed and whispered loudly, “All the girls are afraid of him because he’s so blunt, and all the guys don’t want to get on his bad side. He kicks ass in lacrosse.”

I smirked, “All the girls? Seriously? But he’s… he’s just so…” I almost snorted… almost, “Nice.”

Aaron and Peter instantly fell over laughing, Parker glaring at us the whole time. “That’s not very cute guys, ha ha ha.”

Just then the bell rang, and everyone started to file out of the cafeteria heading toward their own classes. I got up and turned to wave at the boys, “See you later Aaron. By Peter!” I started to walk away when I heard a mutter from Parker, “But what about me?”

I glanced back, remembering this morning, blushed, and stuttered, “Y- you too P- Parker!” I then rushed out of the cafeteria, getting lost in the crowd.

Chapter 5


The rest of the day pretty much passed in a blur. Before I knew it, it was already my last period and I rushed over toward the doors leading outside of the school to meet Peter. As I pushed open the doors I slammed into something rock hard… and warm? I shut my eyes and braced myself for the hard bump I expected; but somehow it didn’t come.

I opened my eyes to see a surprised Parker. I noticed that he held me by the shoulders and as I looked into his eyes, I was going to ask him to let me go but I was lost. Those Chocolate eyes. So warm. I don’t remember how long we were like that, staring into each other’s eyes, but suddenly he seemed to realize that he held me, and he quickly set me down and stammered, “U-um. Sorry about that. I just didn’t want you to fall… you know?”

I just nodded my head, trying to ignore the slight tingle in my body. I stared down at the concrete, wishing that he would just go away, and that Peter would hurry his ass up when I heard Parker say quietly, “Look, about this morning- “

I knew it. I so didn’t need this conversation. Hell no. I cut him off, “You don’t need to worry about it. I’m sure you just forgot that I was in the house and all. No hard feelings. Let’s just forget it ever happened okay?” Again, I avoided his gaze; there was no way I was looking at him with complete and utter horror in my eyes.

“So, it never happened?” He said unsure.

I nodded. “Never.”

He sighed and said, “Okay then. So… you’re meeting Peter?”

Was it just me or did he sound a little annoyed? “Um… yes. We were going to hang out because we both have this last period free.” And then it dawned on me, “Wait. What are you doing out here? I thought that Aaron said you guys had class?” I finally dared to look up and what do I see? His smirking face. For some reason it kind of bugged me. I just wanted to smack it off. Calm down girl, no reason to be upset… is there?

“I do have class actually. I was going there when someone ran full throttle into me.” He snickered after this. So, he thought it was amusing? Running people over is not amusing. At all. Ass.

“Well,” I stated, a little peeved, “I’m soooo sorry that someone was standing in the doorway like a fool waiting to be smashed. Maybe next time he’ll learn to be a little more cautious toward others when standing in the middle of a doorway.” He looked ticked off now. Good.

“Now hold on a sec- “

“Tay! I thought we were gonna meet by your car? Why are you still way the hell over here?” Peter interrupted. Thank God for small favors.

“Sorry Peter. Parker and I just got to… talking.” I smiled at Parker, “Well then, see you later Parker.” I hurried over toward Peter, leaving Parker standing there, simmering with irritation.

As we were heading toward the park, I could almost hear Peter thinking. I sighed aloud, “Go ahead. Ask.”

“So… What were you two talking about?” Peter asked while trying not to laugh.

I blushed, thinking of this morning and said, “Promise not to tell?”

Peter, definitely interested, said more seriously, “Promise. And if I should tell, you have the one opportunity to kick my ass thoroughly.”

I laughed and said, “Okay. So, this morning started off alright. You know, normal everyday stuff, right?” He nodded eagerly, “So, I’m getting my bag ready and was going to head downstairs, but when I opened my door I saw Parker… I saw Parker… n-naked.” By now I was blushing furiously.

Suddenly, I heard Peter bust up laughing. I looked over at him, and he was laughing so hard, he was holding his sides and crying at the same time. I sighed, “You know Peter, it’s not that funny. I thought I would die from mortification.”

He reduced his hysterical laughter to a slight chuckle and said, “I- I know. But, it’s just that I can’t believe that you saw… you saw…” he erupted in laughter again.

Now I was a little irritated, “You know, if you saw me naked, I don’t think you would be laughing, would you?”’

At this, he shut up. It was a comfortable silence. I don’t know why, but for some reason I felt a kinship with this boy. He just felt so… brotherly. I wonder why?

Soon we were in the park near my house when I heard a car go by, “Hey Tay! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in school right now?” I looked over at the car and saw my real brother. My real brother? Is he really though? It didn’t feel like it.

“Hey Jake.” I quickly shook off those strange thoughts. Of course he was my real brother… right? “My last period is a free one so I’m hanging out with my new friend Peter. He also has a free one. What are you doing? I thought you had work?”

He looked thoughtfully at us for a moment, then quickly smiled, “Tonight I thought I’d take the day off. Want me to drive you guys back to school so that you can get your car Tay?”

I looked over at Peter and he just shrugged, “Sure.” I say. We both hopped into his car and by the time we got to the school it was over and the students were piling out. I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned toward my brother, “Thanks for driving us back. You didn’t have to you know.”

He smiled again, although I noticed it seemed a little tight, “Don’t worry about it. I wasn’t there for you for a long time Terra. I want to be there for you now. Also, you looked a little off this morning, so I wanted to make sure you were actually all right.” Peter snorted, and I bumped him in the ribs.

“I’m fine Jake. But thanks anyway.”

As Peter and I made our way over to our cars, he laughed out loud, “I can’t believe that you haven’t told your brother about what happened this morning! Are you telling me that Parker didn’t tell him?”

I smiled slightly, amused that Parker was also embarrassed, “I guess not.” I poked Peter in the ribs, “And next time, try not to give away things that could make my brother suspicious you traitor.”

He put his hands out in front of him in defense, “Hey now! I was trying to hold it in.” He chuckled but then he suddenly got serious, “What did he mean when he said that he was never there for you?”

I sighed, I knew this was coming.  “Just exactly what he said. Our parents divorced soon after I was born I guess and they each took one of us. Dad got me, while I guess my mother got him. We never knew the other existed until… after… well until just recently anyway.” I smiled sadly at him, “But it is nice to have some family again.”

He looked kind of sad, but then he smiled, “And with your new addition to family is me, right?” His question surprised me. Was he thinking the same thing as I was earlier? “You know, I think of you as not just a new best friend, but sort of as a sister too. It’s weird… I know. I’ve never had any other siblings or anything, I’ve just always had Megan, and well, you know how that’s been for me. So, it’s nice to be able to be with someone again.”

Since my parents died, I think that this is the happiest I’ve been. Touched, and a little delighted I whispered, “Peter… I don’t know what to say except… Thanks. I feel the exact same” I bear-hugged him and he hugged me back just as tightly. Again, I had that warm feeling of closeness. As we let each other go, I felt a tingle slide down my spine and noticed Parker out of the corner of my eye glaring at the two of us. What’s his problem? “Well Peter, as much as I loved our family moment, I have to go home to my “other” brother, so I’ll see you tomorrow ok?”

He pecked me on the cheek, “Sure thing. See you later gaiter!”

I smiled getting into my car. This day might not have been so bad after all.

Chapter 6

I take it back. This day sucked. As soon as I walked into my house after school I was met with an ugly sight. There, making out on the couch, in broad daylight, was some boy I haven’t met and that weird Barbie chick. What was her name again? Oh, ya, I think it was Megan. I stepped into the room and stated calmly, “Look, I don’t know who you are mister, but I’m guessing one of the other guys I haven’t met yet, and you,” I looked at a shocked Megan, “I already know, so let’s cut to the chase okay? I don’t care what you guys do, but please, get a room and spare the rest of the household?”

Just then the screeching started. “Oh my God! What the HELL are you doing here?” I winced at the shrill of her voice. She looked accusingly at me and pointed her finger in distaste, “Are you stalking me? I’ll call the cops on you, you freak!”

Okay, the surprise? I got that, but nobody calls me a freak. Never again. “Look you washed out, no good, bitch of a fake Barbie doll. I don’t give a rat’s ass if you decided to fly to the moon to have sex with some random aliens, but I am not, nor will I ever stalk you. That’s just disgusting. I mean, who wants to watch your lame ass all day? That’s kinda why I asked you to go to another room, in case you forgot to hear that little bit of info. In other news, I actually live here. So please, before you go calling the cops on a person who has the right to be here, remember that it’s YOU who is a guest, and I say that word with great pain.”

Poor girl just sat there on that guy’s lap too stunned to move. I looked over at the other guy. He had brown hair, caramel eyes and a very flirtatious smile. Player was my immediate first thought. I sighed, “So which one are you? Jordan or Shane?”

He looked at me with interest and said calmly, “Jordan. And I guess you are the new little sister?”

I nodded and started to turn when I bumped into something hard. And I mean rock hard. I almost fell on my ass, but the hard rock somehow made me stable. I looked up after I caught my footing and noticed it was Parker. He grinned and chuckled, “You really need to stop running into me.” I just rolled my eyes.

“And you really need to stop being such a damn ninja,” I looked back over my shoulder, then back at Parker, “Is she always here? Are they together or something?”

“Hmmm. Well she’s not always over here, but I guess she does come over occasionally to help us… with…. Uh…” He started to blush.

I smirked, “Look. I got the picture. But when you guys bring her over, and really, I don’t care that she’s here, can you guys at least have the decency to do stuff in your own bedrooms?” After that, I started to walk up the stairs toward my bedroom. Right as I got to my door I heard another shriek, “She LIVES with you?!” I frowned. It wasn’t my choice. If I had one, I would still choose to be with my parents, even with the stupid bitch bullying me every day. A tear slid down my cheek and I quickly wiped it off, went into my room, and passed out into oblivion.


Suddenly I heard a knock on my door, “Tay! Are you in there?”

I groaned. I felt funny. Tingles were going all up and down my spine and my stomach was doing flip flops. I slumped out of bed and opened my door to a very worried Jake. “Ya I am, what’s up?”

He sighed and said, “I just heard what happened this afternoon, and I just wanted to say that I’m sorry. I told all the boys that she’s not allowed over here anym-“

I cut him off annoyed, “Why? Why did you do that? I don’t care that she’s over; I only start caring when she’s over and having sex in the living room. Otherwise I really don’t care, as long as they keep that stuff private.” My brother, I swear, was trying to stare a hole into my head. “Honestly,” I stated firmly.

“Well then, all right; I guess. So I know that you met Jordan, he’s really a good guy you know, but you haven’t met Shane yet?” I nodded. “Well they are all here, why don’t we go down and have some dinner?” I must have looked funny because he repeated his statement, “Dinner? Downstairs?”

I nodded, “I’ll be down in a minute, okay?” He nodded and shut my door. I went over, sat on my bed, and sighed. I had that dream again. Something was calling me. But what? And why was it night in my dream? I’ve had this dream now since the night my parents died. It just won’t go away! I couldn’t tell if I was running from the voice… or heading toward it. The voice… the voice… where have I heard it before? I sighed again and started heading downstairs when I got ambushed buy some grizzly; or should I say Aaron?

“Tay-Tay!! I’ve missed you! Where were you earlier?”

I kept walking through towards the dining room, his arms never ending that stupid hug. “I fell asleep. Guess I was tired.” As we arrived in the dining room, I noticed one new person. He had straight blond hair, green eyes, glasses. He seemed so normal. Huh.

“Terra,” Jake said pointing toward this person, “This is Shane. I know I said that him and Jordan were twins, but they’re fraternal. Shane, this is Terra.”

He put up a hand and said with a slight smile, “Hey.”

I smiled in return but didn’t put too much into it. He made me feel nervous for some reason. Then I noticed that boy from earlier, Jordan, staring at me. Again, that same feeling I got from his brother was coming over me. What the hell? After the introductions were over we all sat down to eat. Somehow I ate and made it through another night. “Well, I think I’m off to bed. Goodnight everyone.”

“Goodnight!” They all shouted.

After I had gotten ready for bed, I quickly got under my covers. Thinking over the day, I would pretty much say it was a disaster, but I guess it… wasn’t… half… bad…





It was night, and I was running again. Faster this time, I seemed to be running from something, but heading toward something? What? Who?

“Terra… Terra…” There it was again. That voice. Was it male? Female? “Terra…” Male. It had to be. I don’t really know why I’m heading toward this unknown voice, but I feel as if it could help me. I wanted to turn around and see what I was running from, but like always, I’m too afraid too. I can only hear as whatever it is gets closer… closer

“Ah!” I woke up with a start. My heart pounding, my body sweating. I was breathing heavy from the dream, like I had actually ran that distance. I closed my eyes, and sighed. Again, I felt funny. The tingles seemed to be worse, sending goosebumps all up and down my arms. I was feeling a little light-headed and was beginning to feel warm. For some reason though, I could still hear that voice… that sweet voice…

“Terra… Terra…” It sounded so real. Like it was right next to me. Was that even possible? “Terra… What are you doing in my room?” Huh? This was never in my dream. I opened my eyes, and there I was, in the middle of the bed next to Parker?

“Wha- what? What are you doing in my room?” It was then I realized that this was not the position of my bed, and the window was on the wrong side of the room. Oh God.

“Terra, this is my room. One minute I’m sleeping, and the next I hear a scream that, by the way, scared the hell out of me. You must have been having one hell of a dream… or nightmare. Then, after you woke up, it was like you were still in that dream trance or something. You didn’t even notice me calling your name.” He stared at me hard, and finally asked, “Are you ok?”

I just sat there looking into is warm brown eyes, shocked. He was the voice in my head? He was the one helping me? But why? “I was running… I’m always running…” Wait. Why was I talking? Shut up me! “It’s night, and I’m scared of what’s behind me, so I run.” This can’t be happening, why couldn’t I stop? “Then, all of a sudden I hear another voice calling my name, and somehow I know that this person can help me. So I run toward it.” I felt like I was banging on the walls of my brain. Stop! I don’t want anyone to know! Stop!  “I keep running, but whatever is behind me is getting closer, and just as it reaches me, I always wake up.” Oh God! It’s like this wasn’t even my voice anymore. I had no more control. Why?! It was like… something else was controlling me.

“Terra,” Parker said softly, slowly putting his hands on my shoulders, “I think you need to calm down. Everything is going to be alright.”

Suddenly, I felt angry. Really angry. What did he know about me? It was like my heart had shattered. But I still didn’t understand! What is happening to me?! My anger somehow let me get a grip. “Calm down?” I snarled. Wait, snarled?! “Who the fuck are you to tell me to calm down! Ever since I got here I have been having the strange sensations, these strange dreams keep getting worse… and you’re telling me to calm down?!”

Parker tensed, “Terra, please, you need to calm down. I can help you. You need to trust me. Can you do that?”

Wait. Help me? I was so confused. Yes! My mind was screaming. Please help! “…Please help. I am… so confused.” I shook my head, trying to make out all these weirs sensations my body was suddenly having around him, and only him; trying to get rid of the feeling of someone controlling me.

Parker smiled. Wow. I had never noticed. He had such a nice smile. “Thank you Terra. Hopefully, we can have this matter resolved soon okay?” He put his hand on my cheek, and then, my world went black.

Chapter 7

I woke up with a killer headache. It was as if someone was pounding on the walls inside my head and wouldn’t stop. I slowly rose from my bed, one hand on my aching head and the other supporting my sluggish body. As my eyes finally adjusted to the searing light in the room, I noticed that I was back in my bedroom. Was last night just a weird dream? I mean, I’ve had some doosies in my life, most recently the one I keep having every damn night, but last night was the first I’ve ever had where I had another man in it.

As I slowly rose from the bed I immediately felt bile rise toward my throat as a wave of nausea overwhelmed me. Trying to choke it down, I ran to my bathroom and when I reached the toilet, I couldn’t keep it down anymore. God I felt like shit. Honestly, I couldn’t remember the last time I had been sick. I’ve always had pretty decent health, and I’ve never thrown up in my entire life.

After I threw up what felt like my soul, I couldn’t move. So I just stayed there on the floor of my bathroom; relishing the cool tile on my hot flushed skin. I was dazed and couldn’t really understand why I was feeling this sick. What was wrong with me?

All of a sudden, I heard my bedroom door swing open (was there even knocking?) and then someone was shouting at me. I was so out of it that I couldn’t even see who it was, least of all make out what the hell they were saying. Then there was some more shouting, and then some more people running about in my room. I wanted to get up and shout at them to get the hell out and let me wallow in my sickened misery by myself, but I couldn’t even open my eyes, much less move off of the floor.

Someone put their hands around my waist and started to gently lift me off the floor. I tried to open my eyes wider, wanting to focus so bad to see who all was in here with me. As my eyes slowly came into focus, the only thing I noticed was amazing, chocolate brown eyes. They were warm, shiny, and held quite a bit of concern. They were the most beautiful things I have ever seen in my life. It was like they were staring straight into my soul.

As soon as I was able to focus on those eyes, my head began to slowly clear. All at once I realized that I felt hot, my body scorching and I knew that I needed…. needed something. I tried to speak, to tell these amazing eyes that I needed to go back onto the cool floor so that my flushed body could once again feel cool. My mouth opened, but all that came out was a small whimper, “…help…”

The intensity grew in those beautiful eyes and somehow, I not only heard this amazing voice, I felt it to my bones, “Terra, everything will be ok. Believe. Trust me.” It was the voice from my dream. It was velvet, silk, and warm sunshine wrapped in sin all at once. My flushed skin, already ablaze, became more alive; goosebumps ran along my body and I felt a need that ran deep in my core. What that need was, I couldn’t be certain, but I knew that I needed it. Bad

“ Please... I need-“ Moving without my own violation, my hips thrust forward and my breathing started to become labored. I was panting, and I felt my breasts swell, my nipples harden. “Please… help… I don’t-“ Again, my hips thrust forward and my flushed skin now had a thin sheen of sweat on it. I couldn’t understand what was happening to me. Why was my body reacting like this?

“I don’t know what’s caused it Jake, but it’s come earlier than we all planned. It was supposed to happen on her birthday.” Wait. Jake was in the room too? And what was supposed to happen? Oh God.

“I’m not really sure about the finer point in the lore of her species, but most of the accounts that I have heard all tell about a certain age…”

“Well we can’t leave her like this. Look at her Jake! If she doesn’t get help soon…”

“By all accounts, this is a normal part of her change. All I can be certain about at this point is that we cannot let her… you know… until after the full moon.”

“What the fuck! That’s another week away Jake!”

“I know! It was supposed to happen closer to her birthday next week, but it’s important that she remain the way she is until that time. Otherwise things could go wrong… seriously wrong.”

All I could see was the worry in those eyes. As they again looked at me, I felt a pull in my core. My hips raised and again I pleaded, “Please…”

He closed his eyes tight and then the voice, that sweet voice said the words that I couldn’t bear to hear, “ I’m sorry.”

Chapter 8

*** Hey everyone, sorry for not getting this chapter done a lot sooner. I have been busy with many things. It's kinda short, but I hope you like it! ***



This was hell. I’m not sure if anyone else has ever felt like the sickest, hottest, craziest person alive, but if you have, it’s the worst. I don’t know how long it’s been going on for… the days and nights have been blending one into another and the torture never ceases. My body feels constantly on fire, and the ropes that restrain me to my bed have worn deep into my skin. Everything burns. All I want is the torture to stop. God, please just make it stop!

“Jake, I don’t think she can take much more of this. We have to-“

“No! We cannot! Not until she reaches maturity. She must bear the ripest fruit, do you understand? Taking away the purity will make her…”

God, all these voices that I’m hearing are just blending into one another… I need to concentrate.

“I know… I know it’s just that, god damn it’s not fair! To see her like this, and there is nothing I can do is just… Fuck!”

“You must remember that when the time comes for the ceremony, she will not be… herself.”

“…I understand. But in order for her to, well, you know, I will help her. After all, it seems that she chose me.”

“You are the only one on our side who can. If the others have discovered her, or her change, it could mean the end. Thank god they didn’t reach her before HIM.”

Him? Who was this Him? And what do they mean change? Maturity? And what the hell is up with the ripe fruit bullshit? Oh god… are they going to kill me? For my organs or something? Oh god, I’m in this torturing inferno, and they want my organs. Funny, that wasn’t how I pictured I’d die. Die? Am I really going to die?

“….die…?” God it was hard to speak. My chest’s burning and my throat is so dry... Suddenly, I feel a cool hand on my skin. But even that makes my body burn. “Ah!” Again, like every time I’m touched, my hips thrust forward and my core burns.

 “You are not going to die. I will not let you, do you understand? Please…  Please look at me Terra. I know that you are in pain, but it will be over soon, and then we can talk all about what needs to happen okay? Just please look at me. Let me know that you are still in there… somewhere.”

Oh… I know this voice. The man with the chocolate eyes.  I’m trying though, don’t you understand? But my body, it just wants… I don’t even know. But I do know that it needs you… for some reason. It needs the person with the honey voice and the chocolate eyes. Will he help me? Oh please, body, work damn it! As I slowly open my eyes for the first time in… well forever it seems, I am bombarded with the same eyes that held me when I was first sick.

God they were beautiful. If I could stare into them forever and… and just cool down for a second, I-

“Thank god!” The eyes whispered harshly. “Thank god you’re still there. Listen to me. You have to hang in there. Things are going to get… worse for a while longer. But you need to stay focused. Do you understand? You need to still be in there, and whatever happens… know that it’s not you okay? When you change, when anyone changes, they become… not themselves. Just try to remember that okay? I will be there for you the entire time, and I will also… not really be myself. But soon, this will all be over for you alright?”

I had no clue what he was talking about. All I knew was that his touch, his voice, even his eyes were beckoning me like some wild creature. I need him. For what I don’t know, but I need him. None of the other voices make skin scald. None of the other voices make my body twitch and ache. He was the one in my dreams. He was the one… the one what though? God it’s hard to concentrate. I can already feel him go out of focus. Again, I could feel the blackness start to overtake me. Concentrate, Concentrate.

“…help…?” Damn, my voice sounded weak.

“Yes. Yes I am here to help you. But only when the time is right… don’t you see…” Oh no. His voice. It’s fading. Gotta. Hold. On.

“…trust…” I whispered before again, the blackness consumed me.

Chapter 9

 *again, my bad for the lateness of this chapter. Hope you all still love it though! :D <3*

*P.S. - It's finished! After like a year I have finally enough time to write again! I have reviewed previous chapters and feel that this is where I wany my story to be. Thank you to those that have stuck with me so far! I appreciate it!*

Oh my god. This pain. Its like... I'm being flayed alive and then deep fried. My body burns as if I'm inside an incinerator. In fact, I may be in one. This room, this bed, and this body have been my hell for who knows how long. I cant open my eyes, I can't eat, I can't sleep. I can't even breath really. I'm surpised that I am actually. I no longer hear voices. My chocolate eyed prince is no longer here. Or maybe he is and I'm just too far gone to feel him anymore. I'm not even fighting this anymore. Honestly? All I want to do is die.

The only time I ever feel anything other thn pain and heat is when he touches me. I may not hear him or see him, but I feel him. Its like my body yearns for his touch. Just a little bit to end my torture for a second. Not just my body, but I also yearn for it. For that one blissfull second I am at peace, and I can feel my body ceasing its spasms. The heat is still there, but its a warm heat. No pain. But then it goes away, and again its like my body is being tortured ten-fold for that one second of bliss.

If only I could die. If only...


...What was that? 

Terra... baby, come back. Its time.

Time? Time for what? I dont want to come back. I want to die. I dont want anymore pain... no more...


Are they going to let me die yet? Oh god... please just-

Just then I felt pain like nothing I've ever felt before. This pain was on a whole new level. A whole new universe. I screameed. Or at least, it felt like I screamed. I felt like I was being touched. But this touch was not welcomed. This touch, I could feel the malice and pure evil behind it. It was an icy touch. This pain was completely freezing. Combine that with my scorching heat, I couldnt bear this touch. No, whoever was touching me was not here to end my pain, or even give me a reprieve like my price. This person was here to take. What I wasn't sure, but I just knew that he was going to take something from me. 

But just as suddenly as the pain and touching started, it stoped. Why? Then I felt another touch. My soothing price was back; and I could finally breath again. He held me tight. I could feel his warmth where the other had made me feel cold. I wanted to smile. I wanted to tell him thank you for making me feel better before I die. 


Damn it! Why could't he just leave me alone! Go away! Leave me be... please...

I felt myself slip away further and further from that voice. I wanted peace. Silence.

Its hard to describe exactly how one feels when they die. It's more peacfull then I imagined though. The blackness was preferable to the pain that I have been in for... who knows how long. I'm honestly not really sure if I'm dead or... something else. This place that I am in; it's peacfull yes, but I feel that if I look closely I will see others here. Others trapped just like me. 

 I dont want to go back though. I dont want to have to live without my parents. I dont want to have to live with my brother who was never there for me. I honestly wish that I HAD died with my parents. Then I wouldnt feel like this. Like something was missing from my life.


 What was that?


 Oh god. Not again! I dont want to go back! Leave me here where i dont need to feel. Where there is no time and I can just be.  



There was a jolt within my body. I felt myself bend up, my eyes open, and my mouth scream.

Suddenly, my eyes are wide open and I'm staring into those chocoalte eyes again. Oh god. Those eyes are so beautiful. So hypnotic.

The room I was in was dark, but for a single candle on a dresser. Finaly, I felt myself go limp and my scream dissipate. The pain, it was still there, but I could now see and smell. I looked around and stopped when I saw him.

My body began to temble, my mouth water. I could smell chocolate and pine. 

 "Leave me dog, this one does not want the transfer."

 Transfer? what the fuck is a tranfer? And who is speaking? 

 "What do you mean? Terra, is that you?" Chocoalte man is looking worried. God he is so beautiful.

 "She will not mate. She wishes death over her destiny; and no one will force this body. I will not allow it. For I am her, in a sense. I will not tolerate any harm to this vessle."

Oh god. Is this like alien? Where some thing is going to pop out of my body? Oh fuck! I cant do this. 

"Terra, please, if you can hear me, nod your head."

I tried. Really. I did. but nothing. What is happening?

"She can hear you. But I am in control, Dog. What you wish, and those of your order wish, will not happen without her wishes. She is scared. She knows not of me. Why does she not understand her lineage?"

"But you have chosen, Tatsuo? Am I not the one with whom your vessel is most compatible with? You need me. She needs me. We need you. He's here. He's close. We don't have much time."

okay. Again with all this vessel crap. What the actual fuck?

"You are arrogant. Did you not think that without her I would not be here to help you? You forget, without her, there is no me. I am not here for anyone else but her. And she," The voice choked, "does not know who I am. What we are. You think that we want to be used? All you males. So arrogant. So prideful. That is why you are all lost now. Now leave us. I will take care of her in our afterlife. We will be born agan. You may need us, but we don't need you."

Well damn. I don't even know what is going on but I do know a strong person when I see one. Or sense. But wait, where is the voice coming from?

"Please, we cannot hope to win without you. You know that," This time it was a different voice. I knew this voice too. My body moved and I saw my brother there. What was he doing here? "Tatsuo, please. WE did not know that Devon would not train her. He was supposed to keep her safe. I guess he took his job of father too well. I am sorry."

Devon? My father? but, I dont understand. 

"He loved her. I can understand. It was not only his mission, though, was it? What is your name now? Jake?"

My brother, or Jake, gave a waery smile, "You can call me whatever you wish. You and I both know that I go by many names."

"Us being aquanted in another time means nothing now. Do you understand? My vessel. My life, is hers. I cannot explain. She does not hear me as you have. This is the first time she has heard my voice. She does not understand. She wants to die. Our pain... it hurts. She cannot take it."

"That is what Parker is here for! I know that there have been several mates within reach but it is within HIM you found something, am I right?"

Mate? Oh my God. Are the stories true? Are there wearwolves? 

"I have made my choice. She has yet to make hers. We are one in the same. I cannot do anything unless she wants to. Our kind are different. We are one. We are singular. One does not do anything without the other."

Our kind? Is she talking about me? Is this voice... me? But if they are dogs, wearwolves, what am I?

"Let me talk to her Jake. Please."

My eyes directed themselves to my soother, "Speak, dog."

"Terra, I know that you are terrified. But we need you here. I know you don't understand what is going on. I am sorry. I thought we had more time. I was getting ready to explain, but you started the transfer process early. Please, let me help you. You don't need to die. You both don't. Please, let me help you. Please!"

How can he help? I don't even know what the hell is happening. What will happen if I stay?  

"You will meld with him. We will all be one."

Oh god, but what does that MEAN? 

"We have not the time to explain. The window for the transfer is closing. There are only a few minutes yet."

How does one choose the pain and live, versus the salvation of dying?  

"You cannot. You can only choose the path that you want."

Either way, I'm fucked huh? Jesus. Okay Terra! Get yourself together! You've lived your whole life abiding by the rules. Always playing it safe. Never speaking out. Never standing up for when things get hard. Well, now you can try. For once. you can try... 

"Her decision has been made," My eyes swiveled around the room. All the boys were here. My eyes stopped at those chocolate pools. I sighed inwardly, "Make the transfer."







Chapter 10

 Its hard to describe exactly how one feels when they die. Its more peacfull then I imagined though. The blackness was preferable to the pain that i have been in for... who knows how long. I'm honestly not really sure if i'm dead or... something else. This place that I am in; it's peacfull yes, but I feel that if I look closely I will see others here. Others trapped just like me. 

 I dont want to go back though. I dont want to have to live without my parents. I dont want to have to live with my brother who was never there for me. I honestly wish that I HAD dies with my parents. Then I wouldnt feel like this. Like something was missing from my life.


 What was that?


 Oh god. Not again! I dont want to go back! Leave me here where i dont need to feel. Where there is no time and I can just be.  


Suddenly, my eyes are wide open and I'm staring into those chocoalte eyes again. Oh god. Those eyes are so beautiful. So hypnotic.

 "Leave me human. This one does not want the transfer."

 Transfer? what the fuck is a tranfer?

 "What do you mean? Terra? is that you?" Chocoalte man is looking worried. God he is so beauyiful.

 "She will not mate. She wishes death over her destiny; and no one will force this body. I will not allow it. For I am her, in a sense. I will not tolerate any harm to this vessle."

Oh god. Is this like alien? Where some thing is going to pop out of my body? Oh fuck! I cant do this. 

*** ill write more soon***



Texte: All rights reserved to Alyssa Scott
Lektorat: Alyssa Scott
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.05.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my mother, who taught me about books and the joy of reading them and creating them out of pure will and imagination. Thanks mom, I love you.

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