
A July 4th Secret

It's July 4th today and I'm supposed

to be partying with my friends. It's supposed

the kind of night when I come home so late my mother would wan't to chuck a table at me. But here I am, behind a gas station...helplessly having the life and blood sucked out of me by an animal. No, a vampire


I never knew they existed in New Jersey. I never knew they existed anywhere. All the times I'd watch a vampire horror movie as a little girl and pee on myself; my mother would confuse and comfort me by saying, "Vampires? They're not real sweatheart. Oh, you'll understand when you grow up."

I grew up. I understood, at least til' now. Now I don't know who

to trust.

"Please." I begged. But he just wouldn't let go. I took a brave chance and poked his eyes back into his head with my fingers. He shrieked so high my spine tingle. He jerked his head from my neck pulling my skin.

I tried to scream but only a whimper escaped my lips though.

"You"ll regret this human. You all will. Next year, on this same date," he said pointing to the gravel, "every single one of your kind will die in shame." He then sped off with a speed so quick I bet an olympic track runner wouldn't catch that guy.

So that's it, he's left me here in the dark to die. What a heartless fool. If he thinks that I, Akira Hazuki Davis, am going to die like a hunted animal, he's got a new thing coming.

It's going to be hard but I'll do it. I struggled from the gravel and limped five miles home, my hand pressing on my bloody neck.


Texte: This story belongs to me.
Bildmaterialien: The pictures are developed in Adobe Photoshop.
Lektorat: Edited and proofread by author.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.07.2012

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To all deceased military veterans.

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