
*******HAPPY 2010*******

Let me blissfully have words in your ear,
“Happy, Happier, Happiest new year !
Hear these words and happen to cheer,
And forward them similarly far or near !

The newer the year, the older are we,
Whatever happens, optimistically see !
Love all people and animals as well,
So will they reciprocate surely, I tell !

Talk every time in your sweetest voice,
That will make you a person of choice !
Then everywhere you can well rejoice,
Whether you are silent or making noise !

That’s dogmatically dynamic device,
Verily viable against vulgarity and vice !
Life is a gambling to throw your dice,
Hopefully ever for result to be nice !

God helps those who help themselves,
Whether they be “havenots” or “haves” !
Do your duty unmindful of result,
Mind not whether it’s easy or difficult !




“Four Funs Of The Sun”


Swarthy, whitish, pinkish are three sisters,
With a bald brother usually facing sinister jitters !
Summer, Winter, Spring, their names to call,
Their brother being yet nick-named as Fall !

# Pleasant looking are both Winter and Spring,
Summer and Fall can never look charming !
Winter mostly prefers protein-rich dishes,
Containing omolettes and well-fried fishes!

# Spring is flexible and a unanimous choice,
Of all humans and animals well to rejoice!
Summer is both teetotaller and vegetarian,
Having also married to identical civilian!

# Winter artistically makes earth picturesque,
With her creations from dawn to dusk!
Wrapping Mother Earth with dense greenery,
Which exhibits thus very beauteous scenery!

# People then choose colour-rich winter-wears,
They warm themselves with alcoholic beers!
In addition they also collect wooden splinters,
To burn them to overcome shivering in Winters.

# Preferred are also mid-day walk and sun-bath,
To energize physique to traverse long path!
Frolicsome we all seem in Winter and Spring,
Unlike in other seasons that create itching!

# Teetotallers, vegetarians also enjoy tasty eatables,
With delicious hot-sweets served on their tables!
Winter and Spring are the Queens of seasons,
Though all four seasons are Funs Of the Sun!

# Winter wins votes of vox populi comparatively, rather!
Flourishing people and traders, nourishing each other!
All rejoice more in winter, rather than in any weather!
Winter is enjoyed easily with coats of leather!

# Squabbles keep going among the three siblings!
As naturally happens so with envious stings! These are natural phenomena, we have to abide by
All over the planets, orbiting in the sky!

# Sky is endless, it's sibylline against why ?
It's too high to reach despite maximum try!
Exquisite warmth is also embracing and kissing,
Winter when gone-by, frequently felt missing!



Mankind manages most measures of maintenance,

For their surviving well with safe-sure surveillance !

To withstand winter, wrapping with winter-wears,

Warming well with alcoholic whiskeys and beers !

# Veggies savour the flavour of tastiest hot sweets,

Non-veg enjoy well with eggs, fishes and meats !

Human-race is alone blessed with choosy feasts,

Scornfully as they are aptly the civilized beasts !

# Now look at the lingering life of loitering animals,

In the streets as well as in the forests and jungles !

Shelter-less, shivering, suffering, dwindling by dying,

So also are other creatures atop the trees or flying !

# Temperature is when diminishing dangerously,

Below zero degree Celsius, rapidly, rigorously !

Windy waves, snowy storms augment the agony,

Disastrous happens atmosphere in every colony !

# Birds, too, then face fatal with similar tragedy,

Flocks of them are killed, there being no remedy !

Though all of us well know this seasonal calamity,

But egoistic only we be to be a notable celebrity !

# Unmindful all are we of the dogmas of re-birth,

Which may make man any other creature on the Earth !

As humans only are able to pray God for any boon,

He may be pleased on His Own Accord late or soon !

# What form re-birth gives us is based on our daily deeds,

So always adhere to sowing philanthropic fertile seeds !

Let us all give up addictions, if any, to our misdeeds,

That’s a dogmatic device or advice, as each religion pleads !

# Pray God, hence to benignly change His Rigorous Law,

Using His Big Quill with His Ever Invincible Paw !

To make Earth also a High-flying Heavenly Abode,

And free us all from His Heterogeneous Code !

# Why not all populous planets can be quite similar,

Without variations as are in Winter and Summer !

Heaven and Hell ought to be made unitedly unique,

At the Hands of Omniscient God and His Technique !







Woolen-wears, say, coats, jerkins, jerseys & sweaters,
Burners, say, fires, coals, woods and electric heaters;
Hot drinks like coffee, tea, beer or alcoholic beverage,
To win winter by its warmth to be thus above average !
# Disinfectants also used to spray and spread all around,
Whenever, wherever needed up and down the ground !
As a measure of Preventive and Social Medicine,
Just to preclude against being put into Quarantine;
# As certain wintry diseases like flu and malaria,
Often attack people in this season covering large area !
Lascivious ladies and jet-setting gender bender gents,
Wearing lingerie only without trousers or pants !
# Warming each others lovingly by embracing and hugging,
As tightly as needed even unto depth of sexual plugging !
All these activities are prone preferably in winters,
Unmindful of good or evil, whatever may be sinister jitters !

# These are the joys enjoyed with winter-winners ut supra,
Besides all, rainy season anytime may create abracadabra !



The while that enormously amazed me,

Then I stood flabbergasted and stand-still !

The moment that densely damaged me,

The balance of my heart had a thrill !

Coming across a charming chick during perambulation,

Spell-bound, I kept watching her with spying speculations !

# A lasciviously lovely and lusty loitering lassie,

Lingering all through wearing only a lingerie,

Quite lonely living lazily in fatuous fantasy,

Bewildered by windy and wintry white-out misery !

# My age equally was befitting in such fascination,

I felt blissful then beyond my imagination !

I galloped at once to reach her with full swing,

Imagining, as if, I would offer her betrothal ring !

God knows where she disappeared into foggy spheres,

Thus I whiled away the time in toto till exuding tears !

# When I was awake and went on thinking over the theme,

I was sure then, it was merely a deceptive dream !

Whacked while walking, I went asleep at a lee,

Dreamt as to who was she, who now I can’t see ?

Hahahaha, Heeheehee ! That’s all, now for a while, please don't see me !

As I want to pee, pee, pee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee, wee !



(1) Alliteration (2) Allusion (3) Assonance (4) Bravery;

(5) Comedy (6) Diction (7) Elegy/Threnody (8) Epics;

(9) Free Verse/vers libre (10) Legend (11) Lyric (12) Metaphor;

(13) Metres (14) Monologue/dialogue (15) Myth (16) Oxymoron;

Parody (18) Prosody (19) Renaissance (20) Reverie/Day-Dream;

(21) Rhyme (22) Rhythm (23) Tragedy (24) Travesty and

(25) Stanzas – Couplet; tercet;

quatrain; rhyme royal; ottava rima; spensarian stanza; and sonnet.

ADDENDA: PLEASE ALSO ADD:- “Humour”, “Pentameter” And

“Sestet ” suitably to the above list of “Poetic Parameters” and

also “Pronunciation”, “Musical Tone”.

A poet is he who knows and understands,

At least something about the above 30 poetic trends !

While reading or writing any poems,

The above trends add to poems, wordy poetic gems !

Those who write poetry unmindful of above trends,

Their effort always needs unwanted amends !

Critics, too, should be ever well conversant,

They are supposed more competent to make comment !

Their role more and more is very important,

They should never hesitate for even adverse comment !

No matter, whosoever, may be the poet’s name,

Not the name, but poem is his claim of fame !

Carelessly writing away from above trends,

Results in unusually piling numerous poems,

Meekly I come forward, every poet, to implore,

Not to write any poetry, which may badly bore !



Certainty and surety are defined dogmatically with death

Uncertain, unknown remains all the aftermath !

Innumerable families depend on a sole bread-winner,

Single-handed hardly he procures diet or dinner !

Hand-to-mouth such family growing undeveloped,

Basic needs of bread-clothes-house tightly enveloped !

Elementary education even is an ego in the dreams,

Ignorant are all others including social teams !

Divine Law yet remains rigid without benevolence,

Incapable is such situation to sustain intolerance !

The climax occurs even yet through cruel calamity,

Circumstantially when the bread-winner becomes a casualty !

Such family hard-hit, cannot fight fatality,

People only gather showing flimsy favourability !

Posthumous performances render the family overburdened,

In addition to that of debt already left by the abandoned !

People’s formal sympathy cannot heal any such wound,

Humanity seems vanished when humans are so ruined !

Numerous families are undergoing such Divine Tyranny,

Meager and negligible is succour, if any !

These are grave grievances of public concern,

Government and Social Groups must direly discern !

Orphanage and shelter-homes need be ubiquitous,

Provided with needy amenities and apparatus !!

Helpful is always in the nation, any benevolent donator,

If called upon earnestly, he may come eagerly to monitor !

Grace of God is solicitous, if sought unanimously,

As even iron is flattened, if hammered continuously !

Poets are implored earnestly to play also their part,

Interning this poem of mine in the core of their heart !

Philanthropy should be observed, ever remembering it apart,

This should be the admitted dogma making it a chart !



Crazy are the people, to ever gain a glance of a filmy fame,

Gracelessly greedy hero-heroines, who play only lucrative games !

Sky-high are their acting-advertising rates,

Even then they assign rigidly their signing dates !

Directors ‘n’ Producers are obliged to accomplish,

As they are helpless and satiate their wish !

Nobody cares to realize its consequences,

People as well the youth seem having lost their senses !

Besides acting rates, advertising rates are too high,

These guys momentarily appear even to tell a lie !

A Superhero pleads, he has been using “NAVARATAN OIL” brand,

For the last 35 years, imposing blindly its demand !

How much true, is his such utterance, we all know very well,

Indecipherable are charges for only to so tell !

Though there are other celebrities easily available,

Who may be invited reverently, very less payable !

Virtually, advertising even then can stand intact,

Flimsy favour may be undone, to break the filmy pact !
National service of filmy folk is seemingly zero,

Money-monger is every heroine or hero !

Horn of plenty, they themselves only avail,

Unmindful of, if in the nation, heavy taxes prevail !

Any film after release, may inadvertently fail,

Actors’ rates paid even then nobody can curtail !

Sons and daughters of actors step in as successors,

For their fame, Producers face much pressures !

Totally, their family forwards earning with speed,

Unbreakable seems their very graceless greed !

They enjoy life in their splendid sky-scrapers,

Spectators keep watching films even in sultry vapours !

Ultimately, all this creates the national imbalance,

Contributory is our flimsy faith and impertinence !

Partly responsible is our introvert intelligentsia,

Remaining aloof even for such cornucopia !

It should come forward to impart such lessons,

As may do away with all non-sense at once !



Income Tax, House Tax, Entertainment Tax,

Land Tax, Property Tax, Road Tax, Sales Tax,

Besides these Seven Taxes may be yet New Tax !

All these elements are to irk people and vex !

These are the imposed burden for all of us,

Salary and allowances earned thus face minus !

People flounder to create extra income,

Commission and corruption are its outcome !

Taxes, however, maintain the Exchequer,

Graceful Governance lavishly incur expenditure !

Parliamentary perks are exuberantly high,

Nobody comes forward to interrogate why ?

Exorbitant expenditure occurs in security,

Only on so-called dignitary and celebrity !

People in general remain always unsafe,

Facing robbery, theft and unscrupulous rape !

Heads of the Nation who are called Patriotic,

Enjoy royalty life-long even when walking with stick !

One way, the clamour is to uproot poverty,

All high quarters, enjoy wine-and-tea-party !

Nation seems helpless to maintain status quo,

Resultantly occurs always the fiscal fiasco !

Poor public cannot snub, whatever may go,

All of us sustain, shall remain sustaining so !

Eclipsed is thus remaining the name of shame,

Fame of Dignitaries fractures its frame !

Actors, leaders, traders are very few patriotic,

Graceless greed attracts them *hic et ubique !


*hic et ubique = here and everywhere



(1) As a climax of his acting art,

Salman Khan in a film emitted a fart !

To act as in natural living life,

As if blowing a musical bag-pipe,

He proved thus an actor very smart !

(2) A young man didn’t get any earning job,

So he was thinking either to steal or rob !

Instantly, then he hit upon a plan,

He labelled empty bottles with “Big-B’s Fart At Dawn”,

Sold like hot cakes, numerous bottles among large mob !

(3) A beautiful lady very much annoyed, feels,

When dirty are always found, her heels !

She never, hence, remains without socks,

Exposing all time, her hairy locks,

Always hesitating whenever she kneels !

(4) Ladies need more care for their hair,

To look more and more beautiful and fair !

The charm of their beauty is exalted with sweet voice,

That being in addition a preter-natural device !

As it adds to their beauty a very lovely flair !

(5) Beauty is always everybody’s charm,

It makes us all, excited and warm,

Unaware of, if there be any resultant harm,

Despite all well-knowledgeable alarm,

It works just as if greasing our palm !



(1)Lascivious ladies and juvenile gents,

Without upper attire, without pants !

Feeling faithfully frank and free,

Are seen ashore or behind a tree,

Hidden are yet their inner intents !

(2)Exhilarating mutually each other,

Eagerly watching naked muscles, rather,

Ninety-nine percent being naked,

Awaiting anxiously as to who is wicked,

To hug unscrupulously altogether ?

(3)This is today’s factitious fashion,

Being adopted to induce impression !

Juvenile crime has become a usual course,

Until penetration through intercourse,

Females are victims of all this passion !

(4)Mainly responsible is the male gender,

To be actually the first offender !

Female partner falls victim under force,

For escape, there being no any course,

Innocently both commit such blonder !

(5)Females only have to face social discard,

Males yet remain with least retard !

Parents are responsible for all ignorance,

To grant freedom for all such nuisance,

They have to bow low with social disregard !



Indian females in our land are addressed as sisters-mothers,

Broken is this belief at the hands of crazy philanderers !

Feminine teenagers and even beauteous ladies others,

Mostly are helplessly seeming to be the daily sufferers !

Almost all complain of eve-teasing and molestation,

Whenever walking or travelling towards destination !

Either on foot or on cycle, bike or any available means,

Delinquent adults as well as youngsters wearing jeans,

Ever-thirsty are found they of wished womanizing,

Oldmen over fifty are, too, guilty, though surprising !

Travelling females hence have to try anywhere to slink,

Seeing ill-intentions of such people, who make eyes ever to blink !

Peculiar such spots are in buses, trains, temples, airports,

Mischievous men are found there to play such sinful sports !

Breast-touching, butt -pinching, molesting besides close-touching,

Are common mischiefs of womanizers with an ill-will of clutching !

Why we people and our police are ignoring all such travail,

Though all such philanderers are apt to be sent to Jail !

Ponderous is this traumatic tale and its narration,

Its eradication is a dire need in the fair name of Nation !



My colleague was also an Accounts Officer !

He was an old promotee , Hindi-knowing hand,

A closely attached factotum to his Senior Boss,

To understand English, he was quite at loss !

In the end of year, his Boss prepared Confidential Report,

Giving remarks on his performance as “Outstanding !

While leaving office, his Boss saw him at a betel shop outside !

The officer felt fearful and tried to hide !

Next day the Boss came over to his seat,

And showed him the Annual Performance Report !

When the officer read the remarks “Outstanding” !

He was indisposed and felt feverish !

He went home and kept mum for a couple of hours !

And suddenly started weeping and murmuring,

Repenting over his being seen outside office at betel shop !

Swore for never going outside office

And consequently facing remark of “Outstanding” !



“Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper” !
Follower of this credo seems somewhat duffer !
Where is a will, there is a way,
Optimists always found to so say !

Life starts and continues on hopes,
As hopefully traders open their shops !
Hopes let live everyone so busy,
And make hard-work even some easy !

Pessimists are apt to become paranoid,
Doubtfully piling works that they avoid,
Thereby the works falling into arrears,
Causing in daily life, uncalled barriers !

Hope is only a dose to start,
To keep going always our life’s cart !
It’s thus aptly called a good breakfast,
Though sometimes, a bad supper in the last !

Parents nourish children with good hope,
They provide them with prosperous scope !
Students-Teachers similarly hopeful,
To make their careers ever fruitful !

Doctors-Patients, Agriculturists-Peasants,
Customers-Sellers, Goldsmiths-Jewellers,
Artists-Scientists, Communists-Socialists,
Government-Servant, Supporter-Dependent !

Infertile Couple or Expectant,
Dominant-Subservient, Owner-Tenant,
Desert-Forest, Homeless-Resident,
Independent-Dependent, Parliament-President !

All remnants, Exclusive elements,
None is existent without any hopes !
Hopes thus always appease sentiments,
Enabling us to cross any bars and ropes !

Hope is atop in our Natural Chart,
It keeps us always dutifully smart,
So, remain ever hopeful, never lose heart,
Until Divine Law forfeits our ongoing cart !



I was watching TV, witnessing a cricket match,
A brilliant sixer snubbed by a fantastic catch !
My wife bade me send one any for vegetables
Of our choice and also some eatables !

I had to turn my chair, opposite to table,
Asking her then kindly to fetch my purse !
Subsequent attempted sixer was invisible,
Match was a draw, people began to disperse !

Last these moments remaining unseen,
I continued still facing the TV screen,
Vegetables for cooking were an instant need,
For cricket, I had then paid no any heed !

Came out of kitchen, my dear virago,
Causing fear, as if in vertigo !
Sustained, as I was, by her such attitude,
I kept mum as a device to elude !

Snaky-sensed then my wife came quite near,
I asked her, “What is the trouble, my dear ?”
She didn’t reply, causing same fear,
Left was too little to hear and bear !

Loudly she asked me to leave the chair,
And find what’s happening here and there !
First of all, she showed me the kitchen,
Before she would tell what I couldn’t listen !

The boiling cooker was exuding acrid smell,
As pungent as by burning tyres,
Whole house then was feeling unwell,
L.P.G., too, was flaming fires !

My wife carelessly felt all immaterial,
As she was now indulged in TV serial !
Which she was missing while in the kitchen,
Now that she has completed her mission !

The choosy serial was all cause of the fuss,
The vegetables asked for as a pretext quite thus !
I myself had to set right everything,
Queen when happy, so would be the King !


Note:-This is merely an imaginary poem !



Whenever we satirize any opportunist,

Chameleon is the name, aptly to subsist !

But if we divert to all other sides,

Opalescent people are spread, besides !

Opportunely, people turn renegades,

So as to gain more lucrative grades !

Main such roles are playing political leaders,

Union Leaders and Practicing Pleaders !

Boot-lickers are such notorious elements,

To succeed always to acquire supplements !

The Divine Law is unforeseen destiny,

Facing that all seem quite too mini !

End of opportunists or renegades,

Any day may fall for years and decades !


Give wide berth to opportune boot-lickers,

Lest they be never detachable stickers !

This vigil may make you always easy,

Least fearful, you may then be busy !



Since Independence, India stood under wings of 14-Premiers,

Among whom included were both Juniors and Seniors !

Shaking hands willy-nilly, as if, each-other’s fellow,

Chronologically their names are enumerated below:

J.L. Nehru, G.L. Nanda, L.B. Shashtri, Indira Gandhi,

Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, Rajiv Gandhi,

V.P. Singh, Chandra Shekhar, P.V. Narsimha Rao,

A.B. Bajpayee, H.D. Deve Gowda, I.K. Gujral !

On date, remains reigning Man Mohan Singh,

Opposition calling him Puppet in Sonia’s string !

Behind the screen aspirant hidden is Rahul Gandhi,

Though as usual denying like his Paa Rajiv Gandhi !

None among all names proved at par of Late Indira,

Whose tenures were unquestionably Golden Era !

Her achievements were superbly over them all,

Operation Blue Star resulted in her fatal fall !

1971-War was India’s memorable victory,

Which glorified the nation with a Golden History !

Unmindful of Foreign threats of VII-War Fleet,

India won the war both in the West and the East !

10-millions of the hoi-polloi of East Pakistan,

Were succoured with well-wishing efficacious plan !

Resultantly born was Independent Bangladesh,

Pakistan was thus conquered and it eclipsed his face !

Further thrilling achievement was of nuclear power,

Displayed in 1974 at Pokaran with thunderous shower !

Indira was thus appropriately a unique entity in India.,

Well-said, “India is Indira, Indira is India” !

Also by her name Indira even exceeded India by ‘R”,

Politically, diplomatically, she was India’s Superstar !

She is an adorable personality of Global repute,

This assessment ever anyone can hardly refute !

Surname Gandhi has proved ever charismatic,

Mahatama Gandhi, Indira Gandhi prove this arithmetic !

Successor like Rajiv Gandhi cherished such instinct,

Center-forward Rahul Gandhi must accomplish the link !



Post-British-Rule India turned to be the Republic !

Nehru was the chosen leader who scored a hat-trick !

Until his breathing last, he dominated unchallenged alone,

Emotional Indians thereafter chose Indira to adore the throne !

Hereditary virtues made her a superb Global Idol,

Until “Operation Blue Star”, which endangered her survival !

Consequently, her Bodyguard Sikhs brought her to ruins,

Thrusting nation-wide agony with ever-saddening tunes !

Sympathetic vox populi bestowed its instant favour,

Rajiv Gandhi hence stepped in to savour ruling flavour !

One-after-one from family of Superstar Jawahar Lal,

Succeeding and coming forward for Congress Rule to stall !

Well-taught were all the ingratiating members of this clan,

Everyone on turn appeared better in one’s own span !

Unfortunately like Indira, Rajiv, too, was assassinated,

By unscrupulous delinquents clandestinely instigated !

This agony of distress is an unforgivable stigmatic blame,

Which will always defame India with the tone “shame-shame” !

Despite sustaining a couple of such unwarranted sacrifices,

The rest of the clan has not yet given up all future enterprises !

Advancing forward now appears ultimately a luminous star,

Eagerly, emotionally, hic et ubique, perambulating without car !

Apparently fast forwarding Rahul is well conjectured next star !

Opponent quarters might be peering through doors closed ajar !

Such a popular perambulation of Rahul is peculiarly picturesque,

He is efficaciously canvassing among the youth from dawn to dusk !

His political terminology advocates mainly homologous instinct,

Which is, of course, a way towards a renaissance quite distinct !

Madam Sonia Gandhi is all over well controlling and umpiring,

With sense of complaisance to honourable martyrs’ aspiring !

May God bless them with potency to achieve the target,

Through benevolent hands of ambitious Rahul at his best !

The weight of clean-chit, endowed patriotism and honesty,

Unquestionably stand in favour of this well-known dynasty !

No any such clan else has ever yet appeared parallel,

Rahul Gandhi thus would succeed well in his travel !

Charismatic has proved invariably “GANDHI- SURNAME”,

Sacrifices through assassinations have exalted its fame !



Early in 1947, the British ended their rule in India,

Comprehending situation with an invincible awe !

Indian national leaders including Nehru, Maulana Azad

On behalf of Congress blessed with Hindustan Azad !

Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Master Tara Singh

Per pro Muslim League and Sikh each distinct wing

Agreed to transfer of power and independence !

India thus faced her segmentation, thence !

Pakistan was born on the west and northern-east,

Displaced were Hindus and Muslims as if in retreat !

During 1947-56, Pakistan was Dominion State

Until 1956 when it gained a Republic fate !

The Civilian rule then was stalled by a coup d’etat

By General Ayub Khan becoming President thereat !

During his tenure Pakistan waged a violent war

Against India in 1965, despite being below par !

Demurely defeated was then Army of Pakistan,

Successor later was then General Yahya Khan !

East Pakistan then had to face a devastating cyclone,

Causing casualties upto 5 lacs as far as known !

Subsequently, 9 months’ guerrilla warfare emerged,

Pak. Army and Bengali Mukti Bahini were indulged !

Resultant was third India-Pakistan war in 1971,

India won the war, Bangladesh born in this turn !

Civilian rule again revived during 1972-77 term,

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto then gained the momentum !

Third Martial General in power was Zia-ul-Haq,

Who was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s a fatal bad luck,

As Zia sentenced Bhutto to a merciless death,

Which cursed Zia also to die in a plane-crash !

Benazir Bhutto then grew up with invincible win,

Being Bhutto’s daughter and his deserving akin !

Over the next decade she had to fight for power

With her rival Nawaz Sharif in electoral shower !

Military tensions in the Kargil conflict arose,

General Parvez Musharraf assumed vast executive pose,

After controversial resignation of Rafiq Tarar,

Subsequent to unscrupulous defeat in the war !

Musharraf became President by force in 2001,

Arrogantly just like Hitler at the point of gun !

Until ensuing 2002-parliamentary elections,

To flounder for any possible fair selections !

Later he transferred powers to new elect Premier,

Zafarullah Khan Jamali as Premier to swear !

Jamali was succeeded by Shauakat Aziz,

Until new elections remigrating Benazir and Sharif !

During elections in 2007, Benazir was assassinated,

Elections were postponed causing riots un-awaited !

Benazir’s Pakistan People’s Party then gained majority,

In the elections held in 2008 with sympathetic surety !

Yousuf Raza Gillani was sworn in as new Prime Minster,

Parvez Musharraf resigned fearing any sinister,

After facing parliamentary impeachment,

Which was appropriate timely treatment !

Republic rule seemed short-lived ever in Pakistan,

Just like in chess remains pitiable single pawn !

Until Pakistan realizes cordiality and fraternity

With India progressing fast towards top entity,

Internal stability shall ever be irretrievable,

Until Pakistan Army’s rule is applicable !

Pakistan being just like India’s segregated brother,

No outsider can ever be truly helpful, rather !

Pakistan shall thus remain ever “A Banana Republic”

Until renaissance is arisen among its populous public !

God alone can invoke fraternity and friendship

Between India and Pakistan using His Mighty Whip !



Wrappers or containers of selling products,
Mostly with labels of tactical trade conducts !
One-free with two, cash memo eligible for a lucky-draw,
En effect, though these are bluffing offers extra !

Car, bike or even a residential good house,
All such offers attract ladies and gents with spouse !
These are only cunning trade tactics,
Taken for granted as a popular practice !

Reality is that trader is never a loser,
It is a cunning device against customer or user !
Marginal cost of all such extra free offers,
Is already included in purchases one prefers !

Overwhelming are ever these trade tactics,
Even in clearing old stock labelled with new strips !
Hand-to-mouth people even are all involved,
Over-expenditure brings them problems never solved !

Traders thus become doubly benefited,
By promoting business beyond what solicited !
Their ready stock, coupled with outdated old stuff,
So easily is sold successfully up to snuff !

“Free Offer” is always a lingering illusion,
As its cost preoccupies prethought inclusion !
Traders always adopt such offers as a pet infusion,
Placing people between fusion and confusion !



December 21, 2012 ! Nobody will survive to dwell !
Living ones shall go to either Heaven or Hell !
This is a gloomy prognostication,
Without any scientific ratification !

Basis of this is so-called Maya Calendar,
A French Prophet, too, creating such thunder !
The earth shall face collision with anonymous planet,
Thereby causing total destruction as an aftermath !

A Nasa Scientist, namely, Dr. David Morrison,
Has totally rejected such prophecy as at random !
Prophecies of a few noted men have though proved true,
Yet such matters are awful and create an ado !

Among the intelligentsia, it’s a pathetic fallacy,
God alone controls vividly the sky with galaxy !
So let us not fear anyway, inevitable is Divine Law,
Death of Every living life is certain without flaw !

Let us, hence, live the life as long as we survive,
Life is like swimming with any occasional dive !
Be there any fear, that is apt for our re-birth,
That’s, too, certain whether inside or beyond earth !

Indian myth pleads a life has to cross 8.4-million turns,
To regain human life after so numerous and troublous runs !
Filthy creatures as we very often happen to see,
Carnivores, insectivores or omnivores they happen to be !

Cockroaches, crabs, crickets, maggots, vermin and snails,
Lizards, scorpions, snakes and innumerable aquatic details !
Whenever we come across them, we feel irksomely fearful,
Thereby feeling feared of such life being hard to pull !

What form re-birth gives us, depends on our daily deeds,
So adhere always to sow philanthropic fertile seeds !
Let us all give up addictions, if any, to misdeeds,
That’s a dogmatic advice, each religion quite so pleads !


“GOD IS ?”

All religions, all peoples,
Worship Him differently,
At homes, churches, mosques and temples,
Day-and-night frequently !
With His different Names,
He stands absolute
Playing only Divine Games !

His presence is ubiquitous, why then Invisible ?
Atheists are proliferating making religion feeble !
Just like Judiciary and Science, they ask for His proof,
Why is He hiding besides horizontal roof ?
Earnestly, ergo, I implore Him to appear once for all,
To convince atheists for His Sovereignty over all !

Once if so happens, it may end all His mystery,
It may then be an unchallengeable History !
All the heterodox generation may then be unanimous,
Including all atheists also becoming homogeneous !
A single glance of His may create a fantasy
To undo all the way unforgivable fallacy !



I have a craze to discuss philosophy,
Which always remains unproved !
Though that may be like deep therapy,
Or it be in our Holy Books approved !

Indian religion regards on the top,
The Trio of Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh,
Innumerable orbs moving non-stop,
Round and around on fixed orbit base !

Brahma is Head of Generation,
Vishnu controls over Nutrition;
Mahesh dominates Demolition;
This Trinity controls all revolution;
Though they uniquely stand absolutely One !
This is the deep Divine Philosophy,
As if, it’s God's Own Auto-Biography !

Let me a bit now turn over-

To know the Trio’s Predecessors,
Or whether would be their Successors ?
We may refer to ‘MARKANDEYA PURAN,
Which is as holy as Bhagvat or Quran !
It narrates the theme of Origin,
How and whence worlds came to begin ?

Being the Prime Originator !
She begot two other DEVEES,
MAHAKALI, MAHAGOURI naming these !
MAHALAKSHMI then produced a pair,
Asking other DEVEES to do similar !

Vishnu-Vidya, Brahma-Gouri, Shankar-Lakshmi,
Being the prime siblings primarily produced,
Whom the Trio of Devees additionally adduced !
Vishnu was married to Devee called Lakshmi,
Brahma and Shankar wedded Vidya and Parvati !
The pairs gradually generated creations,
Producing then succeeding daughters and sons !
This cyclic order is an eternal rendition,
To rotate invariably even post-demolition !!!
Indian myths have laid down even more epics,
To narrate mythological sibylline topics ???



We can’t live without You, ‘O, God !
As everywhere is Your Owned Abode !
You are inside us and outside, too,
We are the creatures of Your Zoo !
We do all remain to survive and flourish,
No longer than You want to nourish !

Though only One, yet ubiquitous,
For everyone,You are solicitous !
Irrepressible are Your Natural Laws,
Which are free from faults and flaws !
Though shapeless, You may take any shape,
To upkeep the Nature intact to escape !
As we sow, so shall we reap,
No matter whether we smile or weep !

This is the Natural Law of Nature,
Complaisant to it, would be living creature !
We can’t see as to where You are ?
Near You are, You are also far !
Farthest You are, it seems quite so,
Yet, may appear at a stone’s throw !
You are the Comptroller of life and death,
You only can protect all the aftermath !

You withstand every grief or joy,
You take everything as Your Toy !
So we pray for changing Your Law,
Using Your Big quill in Your Mighty Paw !
Change our world to Heavenly Abode,
Free us from Your Rigorous Code !
Fill in every life with such seeds,
Free from faults, following good deeds !

All of us are as Your Own Issues,
Pray You God, our, take good use,
Without any further ado or excuse !
Fervently we hope, you may not refuse !
As an Almighty, You can do anything,
Even to change nothing in something !
To conclude with this earnest request,
Implore You again for a solution to quest !
Lest none should allege disparity,
Betwixt the Earth’s and Heaven’s entity !



So many are there castes and creeds,
Quite as many as tribes and breeds !
Much many more than a nation needs,
India is a land that all them, feeds !
In this regard she world over leads,
Our Nation’s budget willy-nilly exceeds !

Temples, mosques, Churches are numerous,
Atmosphere there is serenely humorous !
All these remain populous always,
Long or short may be people’s stays !
Equally cherish all myths, regard,
That’s God-gift and our sand’s reward !
Hindu religions plead varying faiths,
Solve that all, Upnishads and Veds !

Many times arose, though, communal riots,
Unscrupulous, uncontrollable fights !
Different religions, different citizens,
For silly events, create illusions !
God being one, such else is none,
Why people then making His fun !
Wise people have to impart such a sense,
To bring everywhere, unanimous renaissance !
Pray God, hence, for a charismatic boon,
So that religious disparity ends soon !



I write not only because I can,
And also not because I have pen,
So what for I have to do so then ?
Oh ! surely, if idle, as and when !

My thoughts, though my quite own thoughts,
May or may not be agreed in lots !
Hence with this hope, I have to say,
Let us be benevolent everyday !

Love all things that appear around,
In the sky, oceans or on the ground !
Help all those who are in need,
Proud and happy you shall be indeed !

Fight out all obstructive aberrations,
Which are spoiling amiable relations !
Whenever, wherever, you feel helpless,
Even then you may never feel hopeless !

God helps those who help themselves,
Without distinction between ‘havenots’ & ‘haves’ !
So, go ahead with philanthropic aim,
Unmindful of any blame or fame !

Life being totally in hands of God,
We know not whether it is short or broad !
We have to live it up to its length,
So live it with your maximum strength !

To do your best without loop-hole,
To achieve its fruit and right aimed goal !
Needless to say, our land is full of sins,
A hero is he , who all that vigorously wins !



Single or like me and my wife,
Those walking on the edge of life,
Dragging the life with too much strife,
Like a lamb to be slain with a knife !

End of life is a scheduled sacrifice,
However nice may be preventive device !
Breathing when comes to a full-stop,
It is unknown, we have where to elope ?

Merely imagined seems dogma of re-birth,
Whether within or beyond the earth ?
All our virtue vanishes after death,
Still unknown is its ultimate aftermath !

Philosophy of re-birth is superstitious,
Life-to-another-life seems fictitious !
Matter is eternal and indestructible,
Though it is, however, convertible !

Gas may convert into its form solid,
Also it’s apt to become liquid !
This theory ratifies idea of re-birth,
Earth is yet known as life’s lonely girth !

No life seen yet elsewhere than earth,
This mystery yet remains to unearth !
Last breathing time is a crucial moment,
Divine Law always remains emergent !

Conclusively, life is an unseen agreement,
Divinely imposed without supplement !
Doing good deeds is hence only contentment,
Till end it keeps up our inner sentiment !

Do our duty unmindful of our right,
God is solicitous with all His Might !
Keep praying God every day and night,
Enjoy thus always a blissful delight !


(One To Seven, Yet None Is Son)

Two Springs, I have yet to gaze,
To hit a quarter century of age !
Now I am walking along the edge
Of my life gone above average !

When I do feel being emotional,
I happen to be quite devotional !
Consequently dipping into thoughts,
I recall my silly childhood rots !

Scenes of growing our family tree,
My memory exhibits before me !
Our family grew like an oak tree,
Broad branches whereof being three !

These branches were my three granddads,
Who, I remember, were our family heads !
Two of them cherished births of sons,
The third remained ever aspiring such ones !

He continued growing family with such ecstasy,
But every time contrarily he begot a lassie !
One-to-seven, yet none was a son,
All lassies, too, were of swarthy complexion !

This created in him a sense of grudge,
Against his brothers, so thence he became a drudge !
Though that was so-called irony of fate,
Which has to be sustained without rebate !

Hope is a good breakfast but a bad supper,
Outcome of which all have to suffer !
The jealous grandpa was lastly blessed with a son,
Whereby dwindling his so long inset tension !

The son can only enhance family tree,
Making the father’s parentage free !
That’s why the birth of a son is preferred,
And that of a daughter is demurred !

The Goddess “Mother Universe” felt this disparity,
Being observed against any daughter’s entity !
She blessed seven lassies of envious granddad,
With high academic degrees to go ahead !

All his seven girls gained prodigious talent,
Each one proved high-flying and gallant !
They began teaching by tuitions day-and-night,
Thus earning enough to defeat family plight !

They laid examples in our fallacious society,
To do away with all fallacy of variety !
Their family thus became rich enough,
To entice grooms for betrothal hand-cuff !

“Mother Universe” thus proved Her Prudence,
Favouring femininity to gain credible credence!
Now the women class is prospering everywhere,
Equally high-flying with their fantasy of flair !

”Family Planning Code" they adhere to,
To restrict their issues to maximum two !
Developing or under-developed nations
Are yet to happen to learn such lessons !

Like China and India having huge populations,
Whereby facing indecipherable aberrations !
Their rural hoi-polloi yet proliferating,
Unmindful of large family yet anticipating !

Hence they all are with multitudinous family,
Always increasing there, though willy-nilly !
Rigid rule of law is must to be enforced,
The governments must take it to be endorsed !

Over-population snubs the way of development,
Developed nations only are yet vigilant !
Let us all developing nations swear by God,
To restrict human growth using rigidly a rod !



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2010

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