
Ashwini Kumar Goswami.



=I N D E X=
Sl.No. Topic. Title. Page.
(1) POESY. 1) Happy 2010. --- --- ----- - 9
2) A Cordial Call. --- --- ----- 10
3) Poetic Parameters. --- --- ----- 11-12
4) My Passion For Poesy. --- --- ----- 13
5) Poetic Induction. --- --- ------ 14-15
6) The Presumptive Poets. --- --- ------ 16-17
7) Blockage (A Writer's Block)-- --- ------ 18-19
8) Writer. --- --- 9) My Poetic Propensity. --- --- -------
10) Incantation. --- --- -------
11) Precipitate Poetry. --- --- -------
12) Poet of India's Pink City. --- --- -------
13) Knack of knowledge. --- --- -------
14) Ten Contentments. --- --- -------
15) Valuation Of Verses 20 16) Apology. (2)RELIGION. 1) God. --- --- ------ 21
2) God Is ? --- --- ----- 22
3) Origin In Horizon. --- --- ----- 23-24
4) The Omnipresent. --- --- ----- 25-26
5) An Earnest Urge. --- --- ----- 27-28
6) Beyond the life. --- --- ----- 29-30
7) Devotion. --- --- ----- 31-32
8) Political/Ritual Razzle-Dazzle. --- ----- 33
9) Awe of Annihilation. --- --- ------ 34-35

10) Predators And Preys. --- --- -------
11) Hades, Hells and Heavens. --- --- -------
12) Animus Among Animals. --- --- -------
13) Soverignty of Sacred Celebrities.
14) Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!. --- --- -------
15) Dread The God of Death. --- --- -------
16) How Are We Living? --- --- -------
17) The Swarthy Son of The Sun. --- --- -------
18) The Son of The Wind. --- --- -------
19) The Foremost Adored Deity. --- --- -------
20) Threnody of Thirteen. --- --- -------
21) Philosophy V/S Science. --- --- -------
22) Beams of Dreams. --- --- -------
23) Dutifulness. --- --- -------
24) Y R V Humans? --- --- -------
25) Geeta.
26) Cardiac Carriage. --- --- -------
27) Ten Concealments. --- --- -------
28) Sacred-Thread
29) The Controller
30) Life Time.
31) Tantalizing
32) Hurdles of



1) Imposed Entity. --- --- ------- 36-37
2) Deliberate Dwindling Dynasty.- --- ------- 38-39
3) The Prime Premier Of India.-- --- ------ 40-41
4) Freedom. --- --- ------ 42-43
5) A Banana Republic. --- --- ------- 44-46
6) Equity nowhere ? --- --- ------ 47
7) The Chair. --- --- ------ 48
8) National Gender. --- --- ------ 49
9) Fiscal Fiasco. --- --- ------ 50-51
10) Law & Order. --- --- ------ 52

11) Water Scarcity --- --- -------
12) Dwelling in Dark Dungeons. --- --- -------
13) Crime. --- --- -------
14) Hoary hullabaloo. --- --- -------
15) History --- --- -------
16) Trivalities Strangling The
Exchequer. --- --- -------
17) Anti-interdenominational
Nations. --- --- -------
18) My Country. --- --- -------
19) Labyrinthine Litigation --- --- ------
20) I-N-D-I-A

21) Socio-political
22) Egregious Egoisms.
23) Ostensible Ornery
24) Miseries of
25) Power
26) Untouchability.
27) Stir against

28) Dynasty dominant
without demur.
29) Inimitable Images.
30) Egomania.
31) Spousal Squabbles.
32) 'O'---bama-sama.
33) Segmentation of


(4) CORRUPTION. 1) Illusions Of Eradication. --- --- ------- 53
2) Commission. --- --- ------ 54-55
3) Private Practitioiners. --- --- ------ 56-57
4) Beware Of Opportunists. --- --- ------ 58
5) Fatuous Flattery. --- --- ------ 59
6) Estranged Spouse. --- --- -------
7) Tests & Contests. --- --- -------
8) Amoral Amour.
9) Dashing Deshabille
10) Laddie-Lassie.
11) Momentary ads-
Sky-high rates.
12) Lingering Lout Lad

(5) RICHNESS/POVERTY. 1) Gold. --- --- ------ 60
2) Money matters. --- --- ------ 61-62
. 3) Lopping The Largesse. --- --- ------ 63-64
4) Trade Tactics. --- --- ------ 65-66
5) Graceless Greed. --- --- ------ 67-68
6) The Richness Of The Poor. --- --- ---- 69-70
7) Poor Tea In Poverty. --- --- ------ 71-72
8) Belying Bravado. --- --- ------ 73
9) The Hangers-on --- --- -------
10) No one succours when
a mensch suffers !. --- --- -------
11) Present to the
Omnipresent. --- --- -------
12) Reversal Betwixt two distinct Entities. --- --- -------
13) Pretentious Pulchritude. --- --- -------
14) Hodge-Podge of
Housing Heritage. --- --- -------
15) Peer Presure. --- --- -------
16) Dogged Determination. --- --- -------
17) Notorious betes noires. --- --- -------
18) TROPHY-WIVES --- --- -------
19) Misers & Parasites. --- --- -------
20) Wheel & Coin. --- --- -------
21) Rich Regime with poor people.--- --- -------
22) The Primrose Path. --- --- -------
23) WOMAN GOES FOR MANGOES. --- --- -------

(6) HUMOUR. 1) 5-Humorous & Lusty Limerics.- --- ------ 74-75
2) Lovey-Dovey Limerics (5) --- --- ------ 76-77
3) Outstanding. --- --- ------ 78
4) Two-in-one & Three-in-one.--- --- ------ 79-80
5) Good Note After 5.00 P.M. --- --- ---- 81-82
6) The Might. --- --- ------ 83-84
7) Kiss Miss. --- --- ------ 85-86
8) Preclude Paranoia. --- --- ------ 87
9) U-Turn. --- --- ------ 88
10) Ridiculous Riddles. --- --- ------ 89
11) Dream, Reverie & Sleepwalk. --- --- -------
12) Would that it were so ! --- --- -------
13) Solo-Duo-Trio --- --- -------
14) Sorry. --- --- -------
15) How & Why. --- --- -------
16) abracadabra. --- --- -------
17) Haughty-naugty.
18) 'I' and 'My'.
19) 4 to 7 in 2011.
20) Baldy Blonde.
21) Tea-Tea-Tea.
22) Enigma of 'Is' &

(7) WEATHER. 1) Four Funs Of The Sun. --- --- ----- 90-91
2) Woes & Wonts Of Winter. --- --- ----- 92-93
3) Wondrous Wintry White-Out.--- --- ----- 94-95
4) Winter Winners. --- --- ------ 96
5) The Rain. --- --- ------ 97-98
6) Pollution.
7) Reason of Season.

(8) PENURY. 1) Posthumous Penury. --- --- ------ 99-100
2) Journey With Jolts. --- --- ------ 101-102
3) Vexatious Vagrants. --- --- ------ 103-104
4) A Fertile Feminine Family.--- --- ------ 105-107
5) My black-letter-day. --- --- -------
6) Penetrating Patience. --- --- -------
7) Ray. --- --- -------
8) The Gunslingers. --- --- -------
9) Posthumous Lingering --- --- -------
10) An Elegiac-Agony.

(9) MISCELLANEA. 1) Heterogeneity. --- --- ------ 108
2) Holidays defined in nuce. --- --- ------ 109
3) Hidden Truth. --- --- ------ 110
4) Truth Tentative. --- --- ------ 111
5) Traumatic Teasing Travails.-- --- ------ 112
6) Scope Of Hope. --- --- ------ 113-114
7) Coordinating Cordiality. --- --- ------ 115-116
8) Fashion-cum-flirtation. --- --- ------ 117-118
9) Is Nude Rude ? --- --- ------ 119-120
10) Virago Invincible. --- --- ------ 121-122
11) Creative Art. --- --- ------ 123-124
12) Credible Credos. --- --- ------ 125
13) Your Identity. --- --- ------ 126
14) My Pension. --- --- ------ 127-128
15) Mottos Miscellanea. --- 129-130 ---
------ 16) "No Life Without Wife" --- --- 131-132

20) Black & White --- --- -------
21) Latent Talent --- --- -------
22) Beaware of smoking. --- --- -------
23) Dominant Day. --- --- -------
24) Self Contemplation --- --- -------
25) B*E*A*U*T*Y. --- --- -------
26) Riven Real Relations
27) Civil Chamaleons .. --- --- -------
28) Time Table
30) Reminiscence.
31) Impact of Act.
32) Inevitable adieu.

33) Peer into Newyear

At your leisure, with you pleasure,
When nothing doing, nowhere going,
Herein are my gems of poems,
Enjoy reading, read enjoying,
May recite them in a room echoing !

By Ashwini Kumar Goswami.


Let me blissfully have words in your ear,
“Happy, Happier, Happiest new year !
Hear these words and happen to cheer,
And forward them similarly far or near !
The newer the year, the older are we,
Whatever happens, optimistically see !
Love all people and animals as well,
So will they reciprocate surely, I tell !
Talk every time in your sweetest voice,
That will make you a person of choice !
Then everywhere you can well rejoice,
Whether you are silent or making noise !
That’s dogmatically dynamic device,
Verily viable against vulgarity and vice !
Life is a gambling to throw your dice,
Hopefully ever for result to be nice !
God helps those who help themselves,
Whether they be “havenots” or “haves” !
Do your duty unmindful of result,
Mind not whether it’s easy or difficult !

“A Cordial Call!”

Hi !
Good morning/noon/afternoon/evening

Every poet/poetess reading or listening !

Stretching, I am, my hands of friendship,

To be tagged ever with a cordial strip !

Poetic unity is very powerful prudence,

Exchange of views thus up-keeps our sense !

Ergo, earnestly I look forward for friendship,

It’s my mere well-wishing, not at all a whip !


(1) Alliteration (2) Allusion (3) Assonance (4) Bravery;
(5) Comedy (6) Diction (7) Elegy/Threnody (8) Epics;
(9) Free Verse/vers libre (10) Legend (11) Lyric (12) Metaphor;
(13) Metres (14) Monologue/dialogue (15) Myth (16) Oxymoron;
Parody (18) Prosody (19) Renaissance (20) ReverIE/Day-Dream;
(21) Rhyme (22) Rhythm (23) Tragedy (24) Travesty and
(25) Stanzas – Couplet; tercet; quatrain; rhyme royal; ottava rima;
spensarian stanza; and sonnet.
ADDENDA: PLEASE ALSO ADD:- “Humour”, “Pentameter” And
“Sestet ” suitably to the above list of “Poetic Parameters” and
also “Pronunciation”, “Musical Tone” and
(26) "Poetic Licence."

A poet is he who knows and understands,
At least something about the above 26 poetic trends !
While reading or writing any poems,
The above trends add to poems, wordy poetic gems !
Those who write poetry unmindful of above trends,
Their effort always needs unwanted amends !
Critics, too, should be ever well conversant,
They are supposed more competent to make comment !
Their role more and more is very important,
They should never hesitate for even adverse comment !
No matter, whosoever, may be the poet’s name,
Not the name, but poem is his claim of fame !
Carelessly writing away from above trends,
Results in unusually piling numerous poems,
Meekly I come forward, every poet, to implore,
Not to write any poetry, which may badly bore !



I recall, I cherished poetic passion since I was just seven,
Ab initio, I often pondered over then, hell and heaven !
My Papa used to take me to his office alongwith him,
Officials loved me too much, as I was frolicsome and slim !
English type-writers whenever free, I was allowed to avail,
I used to type poetry thereon, to preserve poetry to prevail !
Irksome is felt now, when I knew that stuff is misplaced,
Despite all efforts, those my works couldn't be yet traced !
Long gap occurred thereafter, for my cardiac block,
I had to undergo bypass surgery, causing a writer’s block !
During its long aftercare, I kept from poetry quite aloof,
However, p4poetry forum, attracted me to show my proof !
My contribution to this forum, emerged ambitiously thence,
It was June of preceding year, I attempted my poetry exactly whence !
To my best of worth, I continue yet my contribution,
Cocksure, I am, always, my each poem is well-praised intuition !
Similarly, I expect all poets to adopt an attribution,
Not to reserve their work and worth, without distribution !
As all are not provided with credible crowdy audience,
Poetry is a distinct device to prove your skill and sense !
Eternal is poetry, may be poets naturally mortal,
Their name and fame preserves poetry, making it immortal !
Kalidas, Surdas, Tulidas &c., apparently appear alive,
Whenever read their poesy, they seem to yet survive !

“Poetic Induction”

Action, fraction, attraction, detraction,
Intention, detention, retention, contention,
Collection, selection, affection, perfection,
Ambition, addition, creation, edition,
Question, function, station, junction,
Mention, tuition, pollution, institution,
Section, infection, correction, injection,
Anticipation, rectification, multiplication,
Satiation, satisfaction, sanctification,
Implication, complication, simplification,
Equation, solution, regulation, narration,
Nation, devotion, promotion, demotion,
Clarification, ratification, verification,
Motion, ration, duration, emotion,
Notion, commotion, inaction, dejection,
Inspection, elimination, examination,
Detection, protection, eruption, deletion,
Diction, addiction, adduction, abduction,
Conjunction, inaction, precaution, interjection,
Aviation, navigation, salvation, irrigation,
Prevention, protection, deduction, reduction,
Convention, aspiration, correction, desperation,
Rotation, rendition, position, condition,
Invention, mention, quotation, notation,
Petition, repetition, deviation, allocation,
Fixation, dictation, description, prescription,
Tradition, exhibition, absorption, competition,
Suction, construction, introduction, instruction,
Capitation, indication, taxation, syndication,
Over them all, are selection, election,
Dominant all over, the devil of corruption!
Liberal prostitution, lenient constitution!
Fear, we all should, abolition, demolition!?!?

What’s remnant, invites suggestion?

“The Presumptive Poets”
Artistes, musicians, poets are born, not made,
Whether they may be well-paid or unpaid !
People decide their class and grade,
On the basis of their bad or good laid !

We may have read a lot of poems,
Ornated with useless wordy gems !
Rarely we come across an alright poem,
Partially, though, we praise any of them !

To write a poem is not quite fun,
It’s as hard as to target the gun !
Read it so many, but hardly someone,
Who apprehends its quite real pun !

Those themselves are presumptive poets,
Entertain listeners from their own pockets !
They bear diaries and memory dockets,
As women wear bright chains ‘n’ lockets !

Earnestly, we should cudgel our mind,
How are we poets, genuinely to find ?
No recommendation is our self-praise,
Learning poetry very deep should be craze !

Elementary wit needs following aspects,
Grammar, glossary, rhyme exalt prospects !
Keep consulting veteran paragons,
Quite fruitful could be pros and cons !

The more we learn, the better wit we earn,
It may give us a prosperous turn !
English being a foreign language,
We have to learn it above average !

Should we be losing no any courage,
We could gain quite due coverage !
Good English gives us global image,
That may pay us everywhere homage !

Whether it’s an engine or a clock,
Save in vacuum, everywhere comes block !
Rocks in the ways cause some blocks,
So do everywhere, flocks and locks !

Some blocks are natural but ephemeral,
Some other being immovable, eternal !
Natural blocks occur without knocks,
As sure as regular crow of cocks !

Mental blocks cause irritating socks,
Think-tanks then are kept in locks !
Yoga-Pranayam can cleanse its docks,
To do away with any resultant mocks !

One block, which we call a writer’s block,
It’s quite a very short-lived knock !
So, concentrate for a while doing Pranayam,
To become again soon serene and calm !

An overflow of thoughts stops a writer,
Save in the case of a back-biter,
The latter stops only when he turns dumb
Then he is left only to succumb!

Yoga is a quite practiced phenomenon,
Hold it up as our adopted convention !
So, when you through this eliminate the jam,
Retake writing with the pen in your palm !


If you dare not be a fighter,

Nor a tactful back-biter

And/or a business proprietor,

Or be you a silly blighter,

Then, of course, try to be a writer

Without smoking and a lighter,

To make your personality brighter,

Using your pen or a type-writer.


“My Poetic Propensity”
Nearabout 266 attempts of my bilingual poesy,
Laid down so far in p4p forum with egoistic ecstasy !
In Hindi and English to the best of my knowledge,
During my post-cardiac-surgery-convalescent-solace !
Lucky, as I am, to gain crowns and stars to my credit,
With the supporting appraisal of your virtuous merit !
Now that I have almost achieved my target of poesy,
So as to acquiesce my will to get published its fantasy !
An anthology of my poems is in the process of publication,
But before that your worthy forewords are in anticipation !
So, I urge upon all my cordial clan of poets to do me a favour,
To utter your worthy words inspiring me to savour the flavour
Of my poetic propensity pontificated as my literary endeavour !
I shall feel gaiety and gratefulness for your such solicitude,
By having gained your apt appreciation thus in multitude !



Our world cherishes a number of entertainers,
Exhibiting here and there their artistic manners !
Bards, lyricists, poets, minstrels, singers, sirens, novelists,
Jugglers, magicians, leaders, pleaders and journalists !
The most enticing factor of their any presentation
Is the dominating device of a versatile incantation !
This factor exalts ever their artistic performance,
To the entire satisfaction and applause of audience !
All the above guys must be choosy about language,
While rendering performance aside or beside stage !


“Precipitate Poetry”
Good Morning ! My Dear Guys ! Dear Poets and Poetesses !
Permit me please to convey my humble and meek message !
Whenever we happen to pen any our ideated poem,
We ought to finalize it using our best possible stem !
Upholding distinction betwixt poetry and passage,
Ascertaining whether it yields purposeful message !
When we are sure that it fulfills all clamour of readers,
Then only to post the poem to stretch well its feathers !
As I perceived while reading proliferating many a version,
I beheld numerous posted poems causing usual aversion !
Mere increasing number of poems is no any supremacy,
Until they are worth-creating charm of readable ecstasy !
On my part, I try to observe well my concepts ut supra,
As if they are axioms of geometry, arithmetic, algebra !
Fervently, I hope my poetic ‘e-pals’ would earnestly ponder
Over my this humble urge, lest we should ever flounder !

“Poet Of India’s Pink City”
I figure among poets of India’s Pink City,
Off-screen being yet my such identity !
So when I learn at times from news paper,
About Poetic Meets in any sky-scraper !
As yet I find myself there non-existent,
On such occasions despite my intent !
So I feel a bit overlooked so far/till now,
Then I flounder for the way to know how ?
My ideal friend so advised with blessings,
That the best device is cogent canvassing !
Without that everybody is left helpless,
Canvassing is the priority ever to lay stress !
Complaisantly I chose printing of anthology
Of my all poems in order of chronology !
As a measure of yielding wide publicity,
All around the Globe including Pink City !
Anxiously, I am awaiting earliest book-print,
So as to prove my cherished virtue and dint !
Though I am a known poet in India and abroad,
Cherishing blessings of my counterparts and God !
Via vital p4poetry forum, which is prosperously OK,
In addition to that, via Bookrix Forums of USA & UK !
Ashwini Kumar Goswami.

1) To presume whether the topic is all through maintained;
2) To see whether maximum poetic parameters are contained;
3) To give authentic details where these are desirable;
4) To use appropriate words to convey idea advisable;
5) To recite to decide whether it’s complete if included in the text books;
6) And to see that an anthology of your poems is one among the best books,

“Ten Contentments”
1) Alliteration is my inculcation;
2) Annotation is my quotation;
3) Rhyme is my prime;
4) Rhythm is my ism;
5) Poesy is my ecstasy;
6) Poetry is my property;
7) Hindi is my relish, English my polish;
8) Religion is my vision;
9) My acumen is humane, and
10) Earth is my girth, so blessed is my birth !

“Valuation Of Verses”
Though self-praise is no recommendation, we say,
I can’t help violate this concept to obstruct my way !
Let me, hence, to be frank and free meekly to mention
To gain encouragement without any lucrative intention !
That I have all along adhered to sanguine stunning style,
While composing poems to pontificate ponderous profile !
I often prefer alliterative and appropriate choosy words,
Right from the title unto the conclusive part of the verse !
As any critic or reader might have invariably witnessed
On reading my poems, which may be evidently assessed !
I believe, the readers must have enriched their glossary,
By their virtue and worth or via any academic gallery !
In as much as deciphering my poesy in the right earnest,
So as to enable me to go ahead in my egoistic poetic test !
I, hence, urge upon the readers to impart impartial views,
Whether they have acquired anything likely to gain or lose ?
This shall certainly go a long way to upgrade anthology
Of my poems over and above any literary terminology !
The publication of anthology of my poems is under process,
So, ad interim, I am awaiting views of readers to re-assess !


Generation was denoted by “G” only,

‘G’ produced a round figure seen as ‘O’,

Naming it to be called zero,

‘G’ and ‘O’ lying lonely,

Juxtaposed each other to further grow,

‘G’ and ‘O’ jointly begot the ‘D’,

Thus they unified to govern as G.O.D. !

Which literally meant ‘Governor Of Divinity.’

PS: This is not a matter of science, rather it be an imagery, to define GOD by my own conscience via laconic poesy.


“GOD IS ?”
All religions, all peoples,
Worship Him differently,
In their homes or at religious places
Day-and-night frequently !
With His different Names,
He stands absolute
Playing only Divine Games !

His presence is ubiquitous, why then invisible ?
Atheists are proliferating making religion feeble !
Just like Judiciary and Science, they ask for His proof,
Why is He hiding besides horizontal roof ?

Earnestly, ergo, I implore Him to appear once for all,
To convince atheists for His Sovereignty over all !
Once if so happens, it may end all His mystery,
It may then be an unchallengeable history !

All the heterodox generation may then be unanimous,
Including all atheists also becoming homogeneous !
A single glance of His may create a fantasy
To undo all the way unforgivable fallacy !


"Origin In Horizon"
I have a craze to discuss philosophy,
Which always remains unproved !
Though that may be like deep therapy,
Or it be in our Holy Books approved !

Indian religion regards on the top,
The Trio of Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh,
Innumerable orbs moving non-stop,
Round, around on fixed orbit base !

Brahma is Head of Generation,
Vishnu controls over Nutrition;
Mahesh dominates Demolition;
They represent a Team of Three,
Really but they are only One !

This is the deep philosophy,
As if, it’s God’s Bio-graphy !
Let me a bit now turn over,
To know the Trio’s Predecessors,
Or whether would be their Successors ?

We may refer to ‘MARKANDEYA PURAN,
Which is as holy as Bhagavat or Quran !
It narrates the theme of Origin,
How and whence worlds came to begin ?

Being the Prime Originator !
She begot two other DEVEES,
MAHAKALI, MAHAGOURI naming these !

MAHALAKSHMI then produced a pair,
Asking other DEVEES to do similar !
Vishnu-Vidya, Brahma-Gouri, Shankar-Lakshmi,
Being the prime siblings produced,
Whom the Trio of Devees adduced !

Vishnu was married to Devee Lakshmi,
Brahma, Shankar wedded Vidya, Parvati !
The pairs gradually began creations,
Producing further daughters and sons !

This cyclic order is eternal rendition,
To rotate even post-demolition !!!
Indian myths have yet more epics,
To narrate mythological topics ???


"The Omnipresent"

We can’t live without You, ‘O, God !
As everywhere is Your Owned Abode !
You are inside us and outside, too,
We are the creatures of Your Zoo !

We all do remain to flourish,
No longer than You want to nourish !
Though only One, yet ubiquitous,
For everyone,You are solicitous !

Irrepressible are Your Natural Laws,
Which are free from faults and flaws !
Though shapeless, You take any shape,
To upkeep the Nature intact to escape !

As we sow, so shall we reap,
No matter whether we smile or weep !
This is the Natural Law of Nature,
Complaisant to it, would be living creature !

We can’t see as to where You are ?
Near You are, You are also far !
Farthest You are, it seems quite so,
Yet, may appear at a stone’s throw !

You are the Comptroller of life and death,
You only protect all the aftermath !
You withstand every grief or joy,
You take everything as Your Toy !

So we pray for changing Your Laws,
Using Your Big quill in Your Mighty Paws !
Change our world to Heavenly Abode,
Free us from Your Rigorous Code !

Fill in every life with such seeds,
Free from faults, following good deeds !
All of us as Your Own Issues,
Pray You God, our, take good use,
Without any further ado or excuse !

As an Almighty, You can do anything,
Even to change nothing into something !
To conclude with this earnest request,
Implore You again for a solution to quest !
Lest none should allege disparity,
Betwixt the Earth’s and Heaven’s entity !


I write not only because I can,
And also not because I have pen,
So what for I have to do so then ?
Oh ! surely, if idle, as and when !

My thoughts, though my quite own thoughts,
May or may not be agreed in lots !
Hence with this hope, I have to say,
Let us be benevolent everyday !

Love all things that appear around,
In the sky or on the ground !
Help all those who are in need,
Proud and happy you shall be indeed !

Fight out all obstructive aberrations,
That are spoiling amiable relations !
Whenever, wherever, you feel helpless,
Even then you may never feel hopeless !

God helps those who help themselves,
Without distinction between ‘havenots’ & ‘haves’ !
So, go ahead with philanthropic aim,
Unmindful of any blame or fame !

Life being totally in hands of God,
We know not whether it is short or broad !
We have to live it up to its length,
So live it with your maximum strength !

To do your best without loop-hole,
To achieve its fruit and right aimed goal !
Needless to say, our land is full of sins,
A hero is he , who all that wins !


Single or like me and my wife,
Those walking on the edge of life,
Dragging the life with too much strife,
LIke a lamb to be slain with a knife !
End of life is a scheduled sacrifice,
However nice may be preventive device !

Breathing when comes to a full-stop,
It is unknown, we have where to elope ?
Merely imagined seems dogma of re-birth,
Whether within or beyond the earth ?
All our virtue vanishes after death,
Still unknown is its ultimate aftermath !

Philosophy of re-birth is superstitious,
Life-to-another-life seems fictitious !
Matter is eternal and indestructible,
Though it is, however, convertible !
Gas may convert into its form solid,
Also it’s apt to become liquid !

This theory ratifies idea of re-birth,
Earth is yet known as life’s lonely girth !
No life seen yet elsewhere than earth,
This mystery yet remains to unearth !
Last breathing time is a crucial moment,
Divine Law always remains emergent !

Conclusively, life is an unseen agreement,
Divinely imposed without supplement !
Doing good deeds is hence only contentment,
Till end it keeps up our inner sentiment !
Do our duty unmindful of our right,
God is solicitous with all His Might !

Keep praying God every day and night,
Enjoy thus always a blissful delight !















(1) Are people numb ? —-(2) Is God dumb ?
Residents, students and patients around,
Are irritated badly by ear-piercing sound !

Election, though may be occasional, ephemeral,
Ritual razzle-dazzle is round-the-clock eternal !
Loud-speakers add to it, amplified noise,
Endurance only thus is an imposed choice !

Sleepless nights, we have, however, to pass,
Students feel drowsy during ongoing class !

Noisy criers and amplifiers, though banned after 10,
Non-existent seem, comptrollers- ‘n’-police-men !
All of us, hence, should create renaissance,
To do away with and snub all such nuisance !

Most affected are patients and students,
They must come forward to uproot noisy tents !

“Awe Of Annihilation”
December 21, 2012 ! Nobody will survive to dwell !
Living ones shall go to either Heaven or Hell !
This is a gloomy prognostication,
Without any scientific ratification !

Basis of this is so-called Maya Calendar,
A French Prophet, too, creating such thunder !
The earth shall face collision with anonymous planet,
Thereby causing total destruction as an aftermath !

A Nasa Scientist, namely, Dr. David Morrison,
Has totally rejected such prophecy as at random !
Prophecies of a few noted men have though proved true,
Yet such matters are awful and create an ado !

Among the intelligentsia, it’s a pathetic fallacy,
God alone controls vividly the sky with galaxy !
So let us not fear anyway, inevitable is Divine Law,
Death of Every living life is certain without flaw !

Let us, hence, live the life as long as we survive,
Life is like swimming with any occasional dive !
Be there any fear, that is apt for our re-birth,
That’s, too, certain whether inside or beyond earth !

Indian myth pleads a life has to cross 8.4-million turns,
To regain human life after so numerous and
fatiguing runs !
Filthy creatures as we very often happen to see,
Carnivores, insectivores or omnivores they happen to be !

Cockroaches, crabs, crickets, maggots, vermin and snails,
Lizards, scorpions, snakes and innumerable aquatic details !
Whenever we come across them, we feel irksomely fearful,
Thereby feeling feared of such life being hard to pull !

What form re-birth gives us, depends on our daily deeds,
So adhere always to sow philanthropic fertile seeds !
Let us all give up addictions, if any, to misdeeds,
That’s a dogmatic advice, each religion quite so pleads !

“Predators & Preys”
Once while watching the idiot box,
In the knowledgeable discovery channel,
I witnessed an anxiously waiting fox,
Standing aloof and hungry, quite parallel
To a predator cruelly killing his prey,
As usually so happens in natural way !
It was a merciless scene of a lion and a doe,
The latter, heavily pregnant, caught by her foe,

Sandwiched between strong jaws of the lion,
Being dragged towards his den totally to dine !
Another scene exhibited was of an anaconda,
Fighting furiously against a boa constrictor,
Trying to swallow the latter as a digestive addenda,
That being an episode of predator against predator,
Winding around each other with all their might,
With full dexterity of inset embodied accelerator,

Strangling to crush each other to win the fight ,
Winding round each other with all their might !
Ultimately the mightier anaconda overcame his rival,
Letting loose the latter to creep along the way,
But in a short while seeing his lingering survival,
The giant anaconda took up swallowing that prey !
These are the natural phenomena of animal life,
Humans happen to watch such heart-piercing game,
Rejoicing unmindful of their own such strife,
Caging such scenes in camera to earn name and fame !

Virtually, though, humans are, too, social animals,
Fighting each other with enviously selfish sense,
To augment their wealth and property ere decimals,
In their best possible monetary lucrative abundance !
Unlike wild animals, human kills human with wisdom,
Using all advanced devices whether always or seldom !


“Hades, Hells & Heavens”
Life is being lived in all the above three spheres,
Resultant to the past deeds put in without fears !
Creatures surviving there are of many a kind,
Carnivores, insectivores, omnivores we find !
Herbivores and vegetarians stand off such line,
Who can only anticipate the rebirths to be fine !
These two kinds distinctly include humankind,
Between them humans only cherish fertile mind !
Human life is blessed with the sense of bad or good,
So as to choose good deeds to re-gain the manhood !
Herbivorous and vegetarian also they should be,
To insure and secure re-birth as good as would be !
Would that all humans were candidly wise enough,
To give up all euphoric craze to be carnivorous buff !
Because carnivores are more prone to face hazards,
Such as ailments like heart attacks etc., afterwards !
This is an earnest advice for human, each and everyone,
So as to leave aside Hades and Hells to dwell in heaven !


“Animus Among Animals”

Dog and cat, both are pet,
Bearing animus against each other,
Dog hunts cat with enmity set !
Cats and mice, bear sense of vice,
Betwixt each other, with murderous choice !
Lion and cattle, face fateful battle,
With cruel and hungry intent,
Lion ever wins his meal, being potent,
So he quite dominantly rattle !
Lizard and insect whenever intersect,
The latter is gulped pronto
By the former with infallible tact !
Snake and mouse in a hole or house,
The former kills the latter to gulp via mouth !
Each hunt or prey involves a sway,
With arduous attempted fights
To bite and eat in a satiating way !
These are the phenomena of animal life,
In which each male is husband,
And every female is a forced wife !
Humans, too, are though so-called social animals,
Yet, unlike other animals, they are wise radicals !


“Sovereignty Of Sacred Celebrities”

Anchorites, anchoresses, ascetics, sages and saints,
Attract people to gather credulously in their tents !
People listen to their oratory to widen knowledge,
As do the students usually in their school or college !

Innocently superstitious are most Indian people,
Hence, they revere them with offers much bountiful !
Though I refrain ever from any such flimsy boo-boo,
My better-half stands man-a-man to create undue ado !

When I learn about this through multi-channel media,
Which are today working like crazeful encyclopaedia !
I find no any new ideas and any palatable proprieties,
In the oratory of such so-called sacred celebrities !

Now let us glance at their fast-growing vast Estate,
In our country and abroad on our donated mandate !
We may so assert that sainthood is the best primrose path,
In which one can cloud his all ill-deed, present or past !

It involves no expenditure but only some penance ab initio,
Clever being ever to charm women in a higher ratio !
In the way, there occur odious scandals and scams,
Via their faithful flatterers and fair-weather fans !

On the face of such scenario, all other endeavours seem fateful,
Sometime, I sink to think as to why we people are so graceful ?
Even when their scandals are brought to light hic et ubique,
It’s high time now to create renaissance in the general public !

Do such celebrities deserve to be categorized as sages & saints,
Even when enjoying Kingly lives with stigmatic antecedents ?


“Ghost ! Ghost ! Ghost !”
Most of us might have heard and read Ghost story,
Old fuddy-duddies often tell such tales of their memory !
Fabled is, though, ghostly existent, rather unconfirmed,
Yet we willy-nilly fear ghosts whenever questioned !

I recall anecdotal fables, as I heard the elderly say,
About a fearless atheist who didn’t believe ghostly sway !
He was once at night ousting himself from the loo,
His shirt got entangled from behind in a latch not in view !

He lost all his patience and invincible sense of boast,
And hurtfully stumbled and fumbled crying Ghost, Ghost !
Another incidence was of a teacher dwelling in rented house,
All alone care-freely without his children and spouse !

Ever since long with all convenience and confidence,
He was an atheist with his unforgiveable such sense !
Introvert was he by nature, hence was looked down upon
By the neighbours who happened to see him off and on !

An envious local leader, hence, hit upon a silly plot,
So as to to scare him away from this rented spot !
He confronted the teacher once fraternally en route,
And expressed a sense of terror to fulfill his pursuit !

He humbly questioned as to how was he living here,
In that house, which was abandoned for ghostly fear !
The teacher, however, paid his question little heed,
But from that night onward he couldn’t ever got asleep !

In drowsy state, felt totally losing his fearless boast,
Bewildered having been, he uttered Ghost ! Ghost ! Ghost !


“Dread The God Of Death ?”
Those who are born must die without any how, when and why,
Whether they creep on ground, live in water or are able to fly !
This is a Divine Law that has to be sustained by every creature,
The end of life is pre-decided errand under Yamraj’s signature !
Hence it’s no use fearing death and jeering at the God Of Death !
When all we well understand that death is every life’s aftermath !
The God Of Death abides by His duty to cadge any soul off anybody,
When any such soul has ended its tenure, unmindful of any threnody !
Yamraj, The God Of Death, is the son of The Sun & His wife Sanghya,
He rides a black male buffalo, flimsily fearful like any xenophobia !
In one hand, He has a mace and on the other an invincible kaalpaash,
Which he uses to extract any soul from anybody to elsewhere pass !
Sitting on His Judgment seat, he summons everybody turn by turn,
This is called the death of that body, which we have to bury or burn !
Among His wives, Sushila, Vijaya and Hemnaal stand dominant,
Among His many sons, Dharmraj Yudhishtir is most prominent !
Both Yamraj and Udhishtir are known for their fair judgment,
Hence their name became popular as Dharmraj in their regiment !
Besideds, personified river Jamuna is Yamaraj’s real sister,
Chitragupt maintains individual record on his own register !
He also sits beside Yamraj to decide individual bad or good,
On the basis of that individual account of every life or personhood !
Prayers are offered to all of them on the festival of Rakshaa Bandhan,
Ignited light is also offered to Yamraj a day before Deewali poojan !
Yamraj also founded pilgrimages through Yameshwar, Yamaditya temples,
Where people can fufil their wishes by hard penance as per old examples !
The 14th day of lunar month falling on a Tuesday is most auspicious
To embark on these pilgrimages provided your prayers are curious !
Bathing and praying in these temples spares us from punishment in hell,
This is the modus operandi laid down in sacred texts, which I tell !
Also we can then spare us from going to Yamlok on our turn fatefully,
This is an opportunity over all laid down by religion gracefully !
It is also provided that offering shraddh to forefathers in these shrines,
Acquits us from bond of debt to forefathers without levy of any fines !
The Death Of God, Yamraj, is known for His righteousness & justice,
Death and re-birth have become His unforgivable dutiful practice !
Once under a curse of enraged Mandav Rishi, He had to be born as human,
Yamraj was born through a maid and was called Dhritrashtra hence then !
Yamraj is thus not precipitous by His own nature, but rather doing his duty,
He is therefore a solicitous Governor of life and death and their eternity !
He is, as I believe, is also adorable as are so others many a demi-god,
However rigid may He be, complaisant to Divine Law, He uses His rod !

“How Are We Living ?”
We belong to living beings,
Are we only therefore living ?
So are doing all living beings,
But not like us human beings !
Humans are blessed with special abilities
Of thinking, reasoning and choosing amenities !
They know whether they are gaining or losing ,
They can distinguish agreeing or refusing !
God gifts human life as a chance to sanctify any soul,
To prefer good deeds ever to help achieve aimed goal !
Failure in the chance pushes the soul again into cyclic order
Of 84 lacs different lives outside this creamy life border !
Hence we humans must live our lives good enough to revive,
By avoiding all mis-deeds that render this life no longer to survive !
Human life is to be taken for an opportune Grace of God,
To achieve salvation to deserve and reserve heavenly abode !


“The Swarthy Son Of The Sun”

“SHANIDEV”, the seventh of the Navgrah in the Solar System,
He be the son of “SURYA & SANGHYA DEVI” as in our custom !
He is symbolized as Saturn among all the nine Solar Planets,
He is feared most by people as with other planets He interacts !
In two spells of two-and-a-half & seven-and-a-half years span,
Then we remain consulting astrologists to do all what we can !
His influence works slowly extending over so long tenures,
People are then inclined to consult priests on all ventures !

His slow paces are attributed to His being lame under a curse,
Because of this he stays for long until mandatory to disperse !
Once when Shanidev in anger tensed His leg to kick His step-mother,
Who was named Swarna, substituted wife of Sun, the innocent father,
The real wife left the Solar abode being unable to bear His baking heat,
Asking Swarna to caress and nourish her children during her retreat !
Swarna paid greater attention to her own children than to Shani,
Shani then narrated the truth before His father about this agony !

Surya immediately grasped that something was so going amiss,
As no mother could ill-treat her son even over or against her wish !
Swarna could not be His wife and sure she should be someone else,
As she intentionally delayed food for Shani and not someone else !
So, when The Sun shrilled in anger inquiring as to who was She ?
Swarna fearfully confessed all odds, however, risky they may be !
She said she was not real, but rather, your wife in disguise,
Hence, as natural, she didn’t know anything done bad or nice !

Shanidev is thus a perturbed personality felt by us fallaciously,
More so after being defeated and punished by Hanuman seriously !
While in normality, Shanidev cherishes philanthropic virtue,
Knowledgeable people hence ubiquitously worship His statue !
Why people offer oil ever to appease renowned Shanidev,
In His overall stretched shrines and even in His apposite cave ?
This need of oil is attributable to a talked about tell-tale,
That when defeated Shanidev asked Hanuman for oily hail !

To alleviate his pains inflicted upon Him in the dual fight
With Hanuman once for all foolishly to prove His might !
The oil presented by Hanuman relieved Shani from the Pain,
So offering oil to Shanidev appeases Him, going not in vain !
To suppress our ill-feelings of penicious Shanidev’s image,
We should rather worship Him with hails of oil always !


“The Son Of The Wind”

(1) “PAVANSUT”, identifies literally, The Son Of The Wind;
(2) “SHIVAANSHU”, means The Constituent Of “SHIVLING”;
(5) “RAMDAS” is he who is ever subservient to “SHREE RAM”;
(6) “RAMSHARAN” is he who is ever in the shelter of “SHREE RAM”;
(7) “ANJANIPUTRA” is indicative of his mother being “ANJANI”
Temples to worship Him stretched all over India are so many !
There is an anecdote regarding His vigorous virtue of gallantry,
All through His childhood to grown-up stage of salient symmetry !
During childhood when he felt a bit hungry with little plight,
Seeing The Sun as a fruit, He rushed high and plucked Him tight !
And gulped The Sun through His mouth agape to fulfill appetite,
So Lord Indra angrily hurled His Vajra at Hanuman as if in a fight !
Enraged Pavan (The Wind) then dipped into the sea with Hanuman,
Rendering the world thus breathless and suffocated in their span !
Repentant Indra then went to Pavan along with all his deities,
To persuade Him for forgiving them their odds of activities !
Brahma and Indra then granted some boons in favour of Hanuman,
That no weapon could ever kill Hanuman, keep this in record,
He could be liable to death never, except of His own accord !
So whenever we be in grief or under any quandary and distress,
We should remember Lord Hanuman for instantaneous redress !
Sustained, as I am, to have been helped out so many times,
In so many events witnessed about any misdeeds or crimes !



“The Foremost Adored Deity”
The Hindus world over cherish intents of devotion and worship,
As a matter of convention ordained under their Vedic Whip !
Innumerable are their deities adorable as per choice,
Different are hymns and prayers recited in classic voice !
One thing common among all these different devotional ways,
That the foremost prayer is offered invariably to Lord Ganesh !
Shree Ganesh is known faithfully as an Overall-Obstacle-Killer,
Shree Ganeshaay Namah is hence prefixed to prayers as a filler !
This respect was granted to Him by His Father Lord Mahesh,
When He was declared first after completing his round of race
By going around His Parents instead of Around-The-World race !
Chanting Shree Ganeshaay Namah, so I urge upon all people,
To upkeep sense of reverence to Him for happier life to pull !
To devote regularly to the Crisis-Crusher Holy Lord Ganesh,
Sure, that will yield glory and prosperity in each & every case !

“Threnody Of Thirteen”
Since childhood, I have been ever so hearing,
“The number 13 often bears inauspicious bearing” !
Sustained, I am, to have seen so at so many occasions,
So when I come across 13, I adopt prior precautions !

Maybe, it’s a blind-belief as many people also presume,
Save Scientists, all other ones happen to so assume !
With the rise of the Sun today, I rushed for news-paper,
Placed at our door as usual by our regular hawker !

I glanced at its front page as I do ever so always,
The similar was the status quo on every subsequent page !
The page was occupied solely by an agony of the past,
When two years back, this Pink City faced multiple blast !

The role of media thus seems like digging out the dead bodies,
Which is tantamount to instigate terrorists to repeat threnodies !


“Philosophy V/s Science”


Philosophy is what we view to know any unknown clue,
It remains interrogative all through for false or true ?
When the answer is affirmative, it becomes the Science,
Science is a proven-truth, which nobody declines !

Existence of God or Goddess is yet a matter of Philosophy,
Just as is “Origin Of Horizon” is a self-drawn Photography !
The Big Bang is a Phenomenology of Creation of the Universe,
Which made Galaxies of Stars and Planets all around to disperse !

Thenceforth began the Biology of Creation and Destruction,
Of all living-beings as Males-Females by carnal insertion !
Then comes enigmatic Philosophy of “Priority between Male-Female”,
Which, too, is unsolved and needs a toss as for head or tale ?

Or else, the answer may always from man-to-man differ,
Willy-nilly, we have to prefer the “Origin” to be a “Cipher” !
Practically, a human born comes of his or her “Ma”,
Irrespective of knowing as to whosoever be the “Pa” ?

It is hence taken for granted that the “Origin” is Mother,
Father is a secondary relation, undeniably rather !
The born child’s first voice starts with the word “Ma”,
Whether may be alive or dead his/her so-called “Pa” !

The role of would-be-mother or the expectant is all along troublesome,
Right from the prenatal to maturity of would-be-born daughter or son !
Mother, ergo, is the only dearest and nearest entity,
All must be duty-bound to ever uphold her sanctity !


“Beams Of Dreams”
Very often, I cudgel my brains about my dreams,
To find out how and why they appear like any themes !
As I assess, dreams represent preternatural scene,
Of what we have ever heard, read, said or seen !
Astrologists, Psychologists, Scientists and Prophets,
Analyze differently mysterious dreaming effects !
Sustained, I am, by my invariable affirmation,
Many of my dreams yield its due confirmation !
Grievous or blissful dreams having come quite true,
Exactly in consonance with earlier dreamt clue !
Casualties or any aspired delightful realms,
Had occurred as was signified in the dreams !
Learnt that whether we may be asleep or awake,
Our mind runs round-the-clock without any brake !
It is a Treasure to store all happenings around it,
Of the past, the present or even the future gambit !
That is what what we call insight or intuition,
Though it may aptly be a lingering illusion !
So many ups and downs, I came across in my life,
A number of them, I had prophesied likewise !
Source thereof were many of my dreams,
Natural phenomena are their rays or beams !
I beseech enlightenment on this very aspect,
From our wise poets of the forum, as I expect ?

The Sun eternally shines so bright
To give our world enough light !
He doesn’t tell He does all that
When happens to rise or to set !
# The clouds supply us water by rains,
Which yield good crops and many more gains !
They, too, don’t brag to do quite so,
Raining widely, they come and go !
# The nightingale sings with sweet cooing,
Sound of which is charming and wooing !
She doesn’t ever boast of so doing,
While hither and thither moving !
# Bragging and talkativeness are waste of time,
Activeness and dutifulness prove ever-prime !
So let us always be devotional to our work,
So as to be a boss from the rank of a clerk !


“Y R V Humans ?”
Because God made us humans ?
Because our parents were humans ?
Because we passed all other lives heretofore ?
Because it’s now a chance to test us more ?
Because it’s an outcome of all our good deeds ?
Or because we be the plants grown of good seeds ?
Oh ! Yea !
We are humans because of all the above dogmas,
Which are, of course, never fallible Divine Laws !
Humanity is the cream of all living creation
And ultimately the best chance to gain salvation !
So, always live human life plainly piously
To juxtapose us into paradise joyously !
Henceforth, let us give up all our misdeeds
And also forgo greed beyond our needs !
Religious lessons, we need always read,
As these are good enough everywhere to lead !
Scornfully, though human is a civilized beast,
Even yet he apprehends right or wrong at least !

“G E E T A”


August 23, 2010:

Tomorrow is the red-letter-day for most of Indians,
Whether living in our land or residing afar abroad !
Anxiously readying ourselves numbering millions,
Recalling our sisters to meet them at any abode !

Similarly sisters here and there awaiting the moment,
To tie the sacred thread around the wrists of brothers,
As a token of their eternal affectionate compliment,
To wish and ascertain their all high-flying endeavours !

Every sister offers today very very yummy sweets
Of the choice of brother, who most joyously eats !
Every brother heartily reciprocates with choosy gift,
In cash or kind to sister with good wishes ever to lift !

This is the most pious exchange of give-and-take,
On this Sacred-Thread-Ceremony only once a year,
Which is worth preserving ever as eternal keepsake,
The only occasion that brings distant siblings near !

It is most auspicious festival called “Raksha-Bandhan”,
Ubiquitously celebrated by every Hindu, Indian !
The-Sacred-Thread has ever proved to gain momentum,
Even in Indian History it proves to have saved Kingdom !


“Ten Concealments”
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
(i) Origin Of Universe; (ii) His Own Existence; (iii) His Incarnation; (iv) Birth & Rebirth;
(v) Form Of Rebirth; (vi) Future; (vii) Fortune; (viii) Precedence Of Origin Between Male
And Female; (ix) Time Of Death Of Living Beings; and (x) Doomsday !?!?!?!
>? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?<

These are the ten concealments closed by Almighty God Himself,
Who is clandestinely activating as an invisible great or small elf !
All scenario of Universe is His Own nifty indecipherable Drawing,
Exhibiting well all living beings on Earth, Waters or in Sky, flying !

Humans are the creamy creation among all creep[ing creatures,
Well capricious judiciously to choose pleasures or displeasures !
They are only blessed to be able to unlock any such divine secret,
By deep devotion and meditation convincingly in aggregate !

It is the best luck of ours that opportunely we are born humans,
Grateful to the Omniscient, we ought to be for such eminence !
We should hence be bent upon to spare time for daily devotion,
To worship God/Goddess besides worldly motion and commotion !


“Cardiac Carriage”

The inset engine of our continuous cart,
Running incessantly since its very start !
Beating ever since its regular drumming,
Sounding its round-the-clock humming !
Whenever it seems to change its such pace,
Hypertension or low blood pressure we face !
Heaving, gasping, panting and/or wheezing
Are symptoms of cardiac blockage or freezing !
Usually such status quo is felt during walking,
As I have learnt from cardiologists talking !
Besides, piercing pain if felt in life off and on,
More so in any left side of our bodily zone !
That’s also symptomatic of cardiac trouble !
Timely remedial course is promptly advisable !
Advanced technology is now available for cure,
Whereby doctors treat hopefully quite cocksure !
E.C.G., sonography and consequent angiography,
Go a long way to help doctors choose wanted therapy !
By detecting whether there is any feared blockage,
Which is snubbing regular blood circulating ways !
And also, if there is any diagnosed odds of overflow
Of blood as a consequence of any inner arterial blow !
Angioplasty and/or ultimate cardiac bypass surgery,
Play vital part with certainty to eliminate such misery !
These treatments have now become usually normal,
Cardiologists and cardiac surgeons wherefor are formal !
The gravamen of such ailments being costly course,
That which has to be sustained willy-nilly by force !
It may, however, be conveniently bearable by the rich,
The poor hoi polloi are utterly incapable, for which !
Deadly diseases like cardiac attack, cancer and tumor
Are proliferating widely as talk-of-the-town or rumour !
May Government provide for cost-free cure for them,
Either on their part or via any philanthropic scam !
Millionaires/Billionaires, too, must come forward
To equip hospitals with poor people’s cost-free ward !
The Government and the rich need volunteer to join hands,
To provide succour by heavy donations for such amends !
Either by curtailment of their huge expenditure budget
Or by postponement of its latent and lavish conduct !

“Imposed Entity”
English, though not a language by itself,
Yet it has become quite a global “ELF” !
Mostly enriched by Latin-French words,
Its roman alphabet is everlasting inwards !

The British being ever ruthless expansionists,
Hence English almost everywhere exists !
British era survived successfully long,
As its forces ever proved too strong !

Now that the British era became by-gone,
English imposed yet stands firm alone !
Now this language is a must to learn,
If we aspire to prosper and earn !

Educated person seeks better prospects,
Even much higher than that one expects !
English is preferred on all aspects,
As it’s a global medium in all respects !

National dialects should get due reverence,
Keeping English, however, in preference !
Wherever globally, we may happen to go,
English medium, we dare not forgo !

Other Nations’ languages are quite different,
To understand them, English is a sole agent !
So we have to pursue English ever to learn,
To flourish our career with lucrative return !

It’s not at all an avoidable impact,
Willy-nilly we have to sign this pact !

“Deliberate Dwindling Dynasty”

Post-British-Rule India turned to be a Republic !
Nehru was the chosen leader who scored a hat-trick !
Until his breathing last, he dominated unchallenged alone,
Emotional Indians thereafter chose Indira to adore the throne !

Hereditary virtues made her a superb Global Idol,
Until “Operation Blue Star”, which endangered her survival !
Consequently, her Bodyguard Sikhs brought her to ruins,
Thrusting nation-wide agony with ever-saddening tunes !

Sympathetic vox populi bestowed its instant favour,
Rajiv Gandhi hence stepped in to savour ruling flavour !
One-after-one from family of Superstar Jawahar Lal,
Succeedingly coming forward for Congress Rule to stall !

Well-taught were all the ingratiating members of this clan,
Everyone on turn appeared better in one’s own span !
Unfortunately like Indira, Rajiv, too, was assassinated,
By unscrupulous delinquents clandestinely instigated !

This agony of distress is an unforgivable stigmatic blame,
Which will always defame India with the tone “shame-shame” !
Despite sustaining a couple of such unwarranted sacrifices,
The rest of the clan has not yet given up all future enterprises !

Advancing forward now appears ultimately a luminous star,
Eagerly, emotionally, hic et ubique, Perambulating without car !
Apparently fast forwarding Rahul is well conjectured next star !
Opponent quarters might be peering through doors closed ajar !

Such a popular perambulation of Rahul is peculiarly picturesque,
He is efficaciously canvassing among the youth from dawn to dusk !
His political terminology advocates mainly homologous instinct,
Which is, of course, a way towards a renaissance quite distinct !

Madam Sonia Gandhi is all over well controlling and umpiring,
With sense of complaisance to honourable martyrs’ aspiring !
May God bless them with potency to achieve the target,
Through benevolent hands of ambitious Rahul at his best !

The weight of clean-chit, endowed patriotism and honesty,
Unquestionably stand in favour of this well-known dynasty !
No any such clan else has ever yet appeared parallel,
Rahul Gandhi thus would succeed well in his travel !

Charismatic has proved invariably “GANDHI- SURNAME”,
Sacrifices through assassinations have exalted its fame !

“The Prime Premier Of India”

Since Independence, India stood under wings of 14-Premiers,
Among whom included were both Juniors and Seniors !
Shaking hands willy-nilly, as if, each-other’s fellow,
Chronologically their names are enumerated below:

J.L. Nehru, G.L. Nanda, L.B. Shashtri, Indira Gandhi,
Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, Rajiv Gandhi,
V.P. Singh, Chandra Shekhar, P.V. Narsimha Rao,
A.B. Bajpayee, H.D. Deve Gowda, I.K. Gujral !

On date, remains reigning Man Mohan Singh,
Opposition calling him Puppet in Sonia’s string !
Behind the screen aspirant is hidden Rahul Gandhi,
Though as usual denying like his Pa Rajiv Gandhi !

None among all names proved at par of Late Indira,
Whose tenures were unquestionably Golden Era !
Her achievements were superbly over them all,
Operation Blue Star resulted in her fatal fall !

1971-War was India’s memorable victory,
Which glorified the nation with a Golden History !
Unmindful of Foreign threats of VII-War Fleet,
India won the war both in the West and the East !

10-millions of the hoi-polloi of East Pakistan,
Were succoured with well-wishing efficacious plan !
Consequently born was Independent Bangladesh,
Pakistan was thus conquered and it eclipsed his face !

Further thrilling achievement was of nuclear power,
Displayed in 1974 at Pokaran with thunderous shower !
Indira was thus appropriately a unique entity in India.,
Well-said, “India is Indira, Indira is India” !

Also by her name Indira even exceeded India by ‘R”,
Politically, diplomatically, she was India’s Superstar !
She is an adorable idol of Global repute,
This assessment ever anyone can hardly refute !

Surname Gandhi has proved ever charismatic,
Mahatama Gandhi, Indira Gandhi prove this arithmetic !
Successor like Rajiv Gandhi cherished such instinct,
Centre-forward Rahul Gandhi must accomplish the link

* * * *
Freedom, Independence and Self-dependence,
Our Constitution provides them with foremost credence !
These are the co-existent familiar features,
Its lessons ‘n’ tuitions rest with students ‘n’ teachers !

Freedom fighters sacrificed their whole of life,
All along struggling against invincible might !
Foreign rulers always suppressed their strife,
Even then the rebels remained quite tight !

The target at last achieved by Mahatma Gandhi,
Who also was succeeded in his Yatra Dandi !
Nehru, Rajendra Babu, Pant, Patel, Maulana Azad,
Contemporary a few more held timely bosbaraad !

Zinnah Mohd. Ali adamantly divided the nation,
Acquiesced only was he on Pakistan’s creation !
Thereafter, similarly created Bangla Desh,
North-East both sides, curtailed our surface !

Even then India maintained the freedom,
Still our nation had lost no wisdom !
India yet appears quite independent and free,
Hoisting Tiranga colourful, whatever she be !

Proud, are we of our bestowed democracy,
We have to yet uproot poverty and illiteracy !
Equally we have to face both the poor and the rich,
For that our Constitution controls the main-switch !

Our national anthem is yet sung with reverence,
It provides always broadly, a patriotic sense !
Today is Independence Day, we jointly rejoice,
Happily hoist flag we, with Jan-Gan-Man voice !

God-gift is genuinely our nationality,
Open opportunities various with little liability !
15th of August every year, freedom is celebrated,
Republic Day in January then, anxiously awaited


“A Banana Republic”

Early in 1947, the British ended their rule in India,
Comprehending situation with an invincible awe !
Indian national leaders including Nehru, Maulana Azad
On behalf of Congress blessed with Hindustan Azad !

Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Master Tara Singh
Per pro Muslim League and Sikh each distinct wing
Agreed to transfer of power and independence !
India thus faced her segmentation, thence !

Pakistan was born on the west and northern-east,
Displaced were Hindus and Muslims as if in retreat !
During 1947-56, Pakistan was Dominion State
Until 1956 when it gained a Republic fate !

The Civilian rule then was stalled by a coup d’etat
By General Ayub Khan becoming President thereat !
During his tenure Pakistan waged a violent war
Against India in 1965, despite being below par !

Demurely defeated was then Army of Pakistan,
Successor later was then General Yahya Khan !
East Pakistan then had to face a devastating cyclone,
Causing casualties upto 5 lacs as far as known !

Subsequently, 9 months’ guerrilla warfare emerged,
Pak. Army and Bengali Mukti Bahini were indulged !
Resultant was third India-Pakistan war in 1971,
India won the war, Bangladesh born in this turn !
Civilian rule again revived during 1972-77 term,
Zulfikar Ali Bhutto then gained the momentum !
Third Martial General in power was Zia-ul-Haq,
Who was Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s a fatal bad luck,

As Zia sentenced Bhutto to a merciless death,
Which cursed Zia also to die in a plane-crash !
Benazir Bhutto then grew up with invincible win,
Being Bhutto’s daughter and his deserving akin !

Over the next decade she had to fight for power
With her rival Nawaz Sharif in electoral shower !
Military tensions in the Kargil conflict arose,
General Parvez Musharraf assumed vast executive pose...

After controversial resignation of Rafiq Tarar,
Subsequent to unscrupulous defeat in the war !
Musharraf became President by force in 2001,
Arrogantly just like Hitler at the point of gun !
Until ensuing 2002-parliamentary elections,
To flounder for any possible fair selections !
Later he transferred powers to new elect Premier,
Zafarullah Khan Jamali as Premier to swear !

Jamali was succeeded by Shauakat Aziz,
Until new elections remigrating Benazir and Sharif !
During elections in 2007, Benazir was assassinated,
Elections were postponed causing riots unawaited !

Benazir’s Pakistan People’s Party then gained majority,
In the elections held in 2008 with sympathetic surety !
Yousuf Raza Gillani was sworn in as new Prime Minster,
Parvez Musharraf resigned fearing any sinister
jitter !

After facing parliamentary impeachment,
Which was appropriate timely treatment !
Republic rule seemed short-lived ever in Pakistan,
Just like in chess remains pitiable single pawn !

Until Pakistan realizes cordiality and fraternity
With India progressing fast towards top entity,
Internal stability shall ever be irretrievable,
Until Pakistan Army’s rule is applicable !

Pakistan being just like India’s segregated brother,
No outsider can ever be truly helpful, rather !
Pakistan shall thus remain ever “A Banana Republic”
Until renaissance is arisen among its populous public !

God alone can invoke fraternity and friendship
Between India and Pakistan using His Mighty Whip !

”Equity nowhere?”

From origin to end, life is two-fold,
We sustain both folds, whether weak or bold !
Inferior-superior and junior-senior;
Prior-posterior and interior-exterior;

Sooner-later and former-latter;
Shorter-longer and weaker-stronger;
Smaller-greater and worse-better;
Beggar-donator and listener-orator

Walker-rider and writer-reader;
Labour-leader and client-pleader;
These are the couplets creating disparity,
Equity then everywhere loses its entity !

Comparative positions produce jealousy,
Equity becomes then illusory fallacy !


The Chair
Many an idea, many a thought, many a lesson and many a suggestion;
All left behind when the chair in possession !
Anything good, anything bad, anything foul or anything fair,
All negligible, while the chair is there !

Weakened parties or such groups, seeking chairs in government pools,
They have gone to such a length, to regain the lost chair and strength !
They won’t mind even sitting on stools, the emotional voters being left as fools !

The rich have no any major affect, the poor will ever remain imperfect !
This has become unchangeable result, that’s so, democracy difficult !
Sons, daughters, even wives of some clans, attract people through hired fans !

This is the political abracadabra, no any arithmetic, no algebra !
This is the prevailing poisonous essence, our nation needs early renaissance !


I have been pondering since childhood,
As long as my personhood could !
How, why and whence onward,
India was named in effeminate card ?

Though our land sustained slavery,
Our people always maintained bravery !
India pronounced by ‘She’ or ‘Her’,
Anglice, everyone happens to refer !

I, rather, feel always offended,
Everybody, every book literally depended,
None came forward to get it amended,
What I felt and always intended !

I can’t see India called effeminate,
This being merely a lingual etiquette !
Hence, I beseech intelligentsia,
To enlighten upon this mannered mania !

Income Tax, House Tax, Entertainment Tax,
Land Tax, Property Tax, Road Tax, Sales Tax,
Besides these Seven Taxes may be yet New Tax !
All these elements are to irk people and vex !

These are the imposed burden for all of us,
Salary and allowances earned thus face minus !
People flounder to create extra income,
Commission and corruption are its outcome !

Taxes, however, maintain the Exchequer,
Graceful Governance lavishly incur expenditure !
Parliamentary perks are exuberantly high,
Nobody comes forward to interrogate why ?

Exorbitant expenditure occurs in security,
Only on so-called dignitary and celebrity !
People in general remain always unsafe,
Facing robbery, theft and unscrupulous rape !

Heads of the Nation who are called Patriotic,
Enjoy royalty life-long even when walking with stick !
One way, the clamour is to uproot poverty,
All high quarters, enjoy wine-and-tea-party !

Nation seems helpless to maintain status quo,
Resultantly occurs always the fiscal fiasco !
Poor public cannot snub, whatever may go,
All of us sustain, shall remain sustaining so !

Eclipsed is thus remaining the name of shame,
Fame of Dignitaries fractures its frame !
Actors, leaders, traders are very few patriotic,
Graceless greed attracts them *hic et ubique !

“Law and Order”

Across the country or the border,
The prevalent primacy is
To up-keep law and order.
The onus of its maintenance
Not only lies in the governance,

But, verily, verily, it’s a matter of
Multilateral pertinence.
Cordiality and co-existence (co-operation)
Work as a dogmatic device,
More efficacious and effective than
Any oracle and advice.

“Law” may literally be construed to stand for
And “Order” may be taken for a Comptroller of
And its Commanding Coachman.

So, for the sake of peace and harmony,
Swear to abide by your duty,
To uphold the sanctity of the euphony
For nation’s pleasantry and beauty.


“Water Scarcity”
“Save water drop-a-drop”; “Grow numerous plants and trees”,
These are proclamations enunciated by Government Chiefs !
Seemingly both these slogans are, prima facie, paradoxical,
Nullifying each other when we apprehend in practical,

Contradicting each other to implement simultaneously,
Water being essential element being used multifariously !
Its priority is indispensable in agriculture and plantation,
As so also in offices, schools and quarters of administration !

In the above aspects, water is being lavishly consumed,
How then can implementation proclaimed be presumed ?
Doesn’t it mean that the slogans are only aimed at the poor,
Who already face water scarcity with no source to hoover !

Merely announcing slogans could never yield fruitful results,
Right course must first be chosen via wise technical channels !
Instead, priority must be preferred first to block the wastage
Being occurred at high quarters, public gardens and alike heritage !

If, by chance, we traverse through these wide-spread places,
We may witness wastage and lavish leakage of water always !
Government and the public must stop all unusual water wastage,
Before announcing mere proclamations and slogans to envisage !



Dangerous lifers are interned in dark dungeons,
Dwelling life-long there just like caged pigeons !
A few of them happen to be repentant inter alia,
With the pace of time, recalling their nostalgia !
Imposed hard labour disposes of their dysphasia,
Thereby enabling them to sort out any panacea !
Inset agony, yet, surrounds them, wherever they be,
People shun them always even when they are set free !
The best modus operandi is to show love and sympathy,
Towards such lifers enabling them to forget all apathy !
Such exonerated lifers then may prove more benevolent,
To live left life with sense of renaissance and helpful intent !
Love and respect prove always ever-infallible device,
To yield beneficial results by undoing vitiating vice !


Craze, delay, ecstacy, greed, grudge, helplessness, hunger,
Inducement, instigation, innocence, jealousy, leisure, lust,
Mentality, Money, parsimony, selfishness, sex and thoughtlessness !
Alphabetically cited above are the main sources of crime,
Of which there are numerous kinds occurring time-to-time !
Hazardous, though, are almost all occurring ciriminal deeds,
The topmost irritating are these days terroristic proceeds !
The world population is stretching all over in billions,
Among them are hidden naxalites to be called non-civilians !
Mighty are armies along with security and detective personnel,
Though quite vigilant but awaiting only administrative signal !
Governments ever seem got bogged in lathargic legal labyrinth,
Holding only meetings as and when terror occurs above the plinth !
Just last Thursday, occurred gravely dreadful derailment,
Of Gyaneshwari Express thereby causing undue detriment !
Uprooting of fish-plates being its reason behind the scene,
A naxalite organization is said to have done what did they mean !
God knows why is administrative circle turned deaf and blind ?
Are there their links, which we ought to immediately find ?
Lest we should keep facing such fatalities too frequently,
Involving drastic damages now and then consequently !

“Hoary Hullabaloo”
Electioneering, festivities, processions of marriages,
Public meetings, ritual razzmatazz, & carriages !
These entail main menace of ear-piercing hullabaloo,
Creating crackling cacophony and irritable ado !
Old people, paients coupled with scholars & students,
Are irritated and disturbed badly losing their sentiments !
Though several aspects are occasional and ephemeral,
Running of trains and carriages is regularly eternal !
Studying generation feel annoyed during season of exams,
There being no remedy or redress such as making jams !
The only remedy appearing is to lay particular stress,
On making trains and carriages conveniently noiseless !



End of any age or era entails remorse or sweet memories,
It becomes thus a History of advisably educative stories !

This happens to be a subject for study and examination,
Yielding varying opinions of paragons for its vindication !

This subject holds good for scholarly discovery and invention,
For acquiring high degrees by dint of their witty apprehension !

Comparing past and present opens doors to better career,
After sorting out as to what we have now and what was so earlier ?


“Trivialities Strangling The Exchequer”

VIPs/VVIPs are liberal enough to frequent informal visits,
On bosbaraads, inaugurations and ceremonies without limits !
Unmindful of resultant fiscal fiasco by so strangling the exchequer,
Whereof they are supposed to be bonafide care-taker !
Other aspects of usual superfluous expenditure apart,
Security management alone involves extravagance over the chart !
All such formalities are lavishly upheld as a matter of protocol,
Merely to maintain status quo and magnanimity of VIPs at all !
It is now high time to undo ado to create public renaissance,
The youth/the intelligentsia/ the leaders should boycott this nuisance !
Literay idol persons must be preferred to address ceremonial events,
Instead of busy and expensive VIPs ever invited for such compliments !
This may reduce heavy burden of the exchequer to maximum extent !


Multiracial, though apparently is our world population,
Total interdenominational system is yet a mere speculation !
There are a number of anti-interdenominational nations,
Whose orthodoxy always vitiates international relations !
Unchallenged ever remain they in the name of religion,
Irrespective of geographic heterodoxy of the region !
Consequently our world is facing time-to-time dissolutioon,
Compelling the people always seeking homogeneous solution !
Powerful heterogeneous nations are enjoying this fun,
Selfishly and contrarily supplying them every bullet and gun !
Speaking equivocally using words with their enigmatic pun,
Just like “Done is done, if it’s wrong, simply beg pardon” !
Eradication of such situation has become now a hard nut to creak,
Which even International Governance under UNO cannot now break !
Poor nations thus becoming poorer and the rich growing richer ever,
Hoi-polloi of World is facing drudgery and penury, however !



The land I live in, I feel, is the best,
Everyday where is fair or lovefest !
Diwali represents Goddess of wealth,
A Festival Of Lights joyous for health !
Holi yields frolicsome colourful scene
Of jocular faces hardly later to be clean !
Janmasthami is observed with milk & butter,
To adore Lord Krishna breaking the shutter !
Rakhifest strengthens the ties of siblings,
By exchange of gifts between both wings !
Id, Moharrum, X-mas and identical festivities
Are also observed greatly by distinct entities !
Besides, there are hundreds of trivial festivals,
All along the year with indecipherable serials !
My land stands thus uniquely heterogeneous,
All over The Earth with little sense of animus !
Stretched are here many a sacred pilgrimage,
Picturesque enough to exalt nation’s image !
People from abroad are crazy often to visit
My country called India to gain joyous benefit !
We must be so proud to be natives of India,
Who is renowned for Her unique utopia !

“Labyrinthine Litigation”
In the Holy Geeta, Lord Krishna evoked in Arjun Parsa,
The dogma of action in inaction and its vice versa !
Analogous to that I say “action on reaction & reverse of that”,
Though that is philosophic oratory, yet hardly falling flat !
Unforgettable ever is the episode occurred long long ago,
Rendering our family helpless wherever we had to go !
Once when my youngest brother with Tehsildar’s squad,
Went to take care of 22 Bigha of our agricultural land !
He found a schedules caste member doing cultivation
For growing groundnuts by encroachment in its location !
On our visit, he, however, fled away and out of sight,
But clandestinely manipulated arson creating plight !
As a course of strategy against my brother to blame
Even on the face of his own default of illegal claim !
By preferring litigation under the umbrella of the Act,
Called “The S.C./S.T.(Prevention of Atrocities) Act”,
Resulting in non-bailable warrant to arrest my brother,
Who was quite innocent about such trickery, rather !
We were thus compelled to seek legal remedial redress,
Which could nowhere be attained by any legal process !
We had thus no course left for any remedy, but to relinquish,
By any possible negotiable process over and above our wish !
An accomplice scheduled caste leader came forward to meddle,
To persuade our side for negotiation to settle the squabble !
He presented both parties before the then District Collector,
Who also belonged to the counterpart schedule tribe cadre !
He also helplessly desired and directed outside negotiation,
With the litigant scheduled caste and his local association !
Thus we had to accomplish that having alternative, no any,
We were obliged to settle the battle by paying hush-money,
In order of thousands to satiate even the delinquent defaulter,
Under the force of labyrinthine law upheld at every quarter !
Justice thus seemed to be denied to us all along in the case,
Under the umbrella of an apparently partial law on face !
This amounts to violation of our fundamental right of property,
Which is still being encroached upon by any counterpart entity !
Over and above the dogmas of constitutional right of equity,
Thereby demurely demoralizing our constitutional sanctity !

Literally deciphered and defined She stands,
Hers heterogeneous habitation ever expands,
Despite family planning so observed ex gratia !
If major illiteracy of the nation is made to diminish,
Such huge manpower may be more resourceful,
The more the people are educated aptly to flourish,
The more the country rises enough to be boastful !
It may then help enrich our national wealth viably,
Gradually undoing fiscal fiasco endured invariably !
We people must pledge to convey our knack around us,
To create renaissance among all hoi-polloi ambitious !

“Illusions Of Eradication”

Contamination, Corruption, epidemic, illiteracy, pollution, poverty,
All are these targets of eradication on priority !
Every old or new Government made merely its agenda,
The lesser is achievement, the greater propaganda !

Most dreadful demon dominantly is corruption,
To bifurcate that is founded anti-corruption !
This evil haunts both inside and outside,
Major portion is vitiated mostly inside !

Beneficiaries of inside are our ministers,
Unmindful of any resultant sinister jitters !
Next category under this evil are ranky officers,
They share the booty with invincible pressures !

Corruption thus being shared from top to bottom,
It spreads just like inside quilt, the cotton !
Outside corruption is lightly like digestive dessert,
Lower level personnel are therefor expert !

Corruption is, hence, prevailing as choice of all together,
So its eradication infeasible, as no one eager to bother !
Total generation being mostly mere money-monger,
As money makes everyone mighty and stronger !


Government when faces strong opposition,
And when it is saddled in a fuss,
It adopts tactics to make people hush,
Seating a Commission is sole supposition !

Though this tradition is no any solution,
But a cunning device to create an ado !
Opposing people left then nothing to do,
For very long, it undoes noisy pollution !

Retired Judges or Administrators,
Any of them of Government’s choice,
Gain re-employment to silent the noise,
Acquiesce assignment as Investigators !

Government and the people then only await decision,
As long as their judicial process,
Calling evidences entails too long a recess,
Repeated extension then avails the Commission !

Decades are gone thus to reach decision,
By then changes even opposition,
Government too changes with fresh supposition,
Unsolved even then stands inquisition !

Commission is hence a powerful precision,
Whether as an Investigator or an agent,
Hush-money is also its another patent,
Both are applied for favour of decision !

When you start a plant or machine,
It’s also called it’s initial commission !
All Commissions need a remission,
In cash or kind to make us serene !

Commission is thus a workable panacea,
Silent is introverted intelligentsia !
In India, elsewhere or beyond Asia,
It may be called an implied ex gratia !


“Private Practitioners”

Whenever anyone happens to consult a Doctor,
He asks for troubles as does a Proctor !
Save a few people, mostly hesitate with ado,
The Doctor then goes ahead with his own clue !

He writes down medicines with timely dose,
Looking seriously with his frowned eye-brows !
X-Ray, ECG, TMT, Eco-graph, CT Scan,
To be undertaken as early as one can !

In the meantime to take the medicines prescribed,
And to re-visit then on the date as advised !
5 to 10 thousands have to be spent anyhow,
The patient complaisantly obeys as a cow !

Fraternal and friendly relatives are there,
Willy-nilly offering sympathetic flimsy share !
In the second phase of repeating the visit,
The Doctor advises admission to his clinic !

The patient thus falls under sibylline state,
Watching calendar ‘n’ mirror date-to-date !
The patient fears but the Doctor doesn’t fear God,
During practicing without sparing the rod !

Clinical expenses are too exorbitant,
Like a thunder-bolt on the poor patient !
Private Practitioners cherish a lucrative greed,
Unmindful of poverty of ailing Indian breed !

Commission available all the way in the deals,
Which works as a grease to run the rusty wheels !Exceptions are though available anywhere,
Certain veteran Doctors are yet quite fair !

Poorest patients are found there in queue,
Rich patients hence choose elsewhere in lieu !
Why not our Government enforces any such law,
To quash and scratch such practiced piercing claw ?

Whenever we satirize any opportunist,
Chameleon is the name, aptly to subsist !
But if we divert to all other sides,
Opalescent people are spread, besides !

Opportunely, people turn renegades,
So as to gain more lucrative grades !
Main such roles are playing political leaders,
Union Leaders and Practicing Pleaders !

Bootlickers are such notorious elements,
To succeed always to acquire supplements !
The Divine Law is unforeseen destiny,
Facing that all seem quite too mini !

End of opportunists or renegades,
Any day may fall for years and decades !
Give wide berth to opportune bootlickers,
Lest they be never-detachable stickers !
This vigil may make you always easy,
Least fearful, you may then be busy !


Powerful corridors are inflated by flattery,
Flattery survives as a chargeable battery !
Arithmetic, algebra and geometry,
All these applied to keep up symmetry !

Flatterers always play a role of factotum,
Subservient are they, losing no momentum !
Top to bottom are falling its prey,
The sun while shines they make their hay !

Fatuous flatterers create a mockery,
Without any hitch to cleanse used crockery !
Also adopt they practice of brokery,
Such is their introverted Naukari !

Wives and children are workable source,
Flatterers serve them to create a force !
Dignitaries for them empty their purse,
As they can it simultaneously reimburse !

All this affects all general hoi-polloi,
Flatterer, ergo, becomes each employee !
Sustained are all people in general,
They die in harness, undergo a funeral !


Estranged Spouses
There are several examples of the estranged couples,
Living arrogant and introverted life without scruples !
Obstinate they ever remain among all others in society,
Egoistically remaining aloof to ratify their propriety !
Consequently they are deprived of lures of human life,
As are blissfully enjoyed in living as husband and wife !
People in general jeer at them ever with blinking eye,
Hesitatingly not asking them about any how and why !
Such quandaries are also faced even at top ranky levels,
Upto the length of choosing seats in ceremonies or travels !
They always prefer everywhere their similar alter ego,
Whenever they happen to participate wherever they go !
This is none so desirable on humanitarian grounds,
Such stubborn attitude of theirs yields crackling sounds !
Consequently people shun them away ever willy-nilly,
They have to thus pass their lives inter alia unhappily !

“Tests & Contests”

The idiot box happens to exhibit idolizing of contestants,
By displaying artistic performances of the participants !
On the sets of traditional literary and/or musical stage,
In order to adjudge winners via bilateral media coverage !
A jury of experts on first part mark and preserve rating,
And then to keep final decision via vox populi awaiting !
The latter part concludes with declaring someone idol,
On the basis of majority duly obtained by voting tidal !
Such modus operandi not only demoralizes dogmas of art,
But also leaves aside admitted ethics of academic chart !
If electioneering is applied on such competitive tests,
Then where the sanctity of Many an academy rests ?
Decrees or degrees, if awarded, by majority of vote,
Why then scholars would long for study to devote !
Admittedly elections rarely ever yield fair selections,
For which we usually utter lamenting interjections !



There is a saying ‘Old is Gold’ ;
I say, ‘Gold is never Old’ ;
Reality is that ‘Gold is Gold’ ;
It’s not what is otherwise told !

Rich are those who hold much gold,
As it is always at par sold !
Keepers of gold need to be bold,
Lest they be looted and made cold !

Utility of gold is quite manifold ;
Nation’s currency depends on gold ;
Goldsmiths dominate market-hold ;
Gold may provide you with anything sold !

Though it’s derived from sand and dust ;
Wherever available, glitter it must !
Every nation up-keeping global hold ;
Its gold-stocks ever need be controlled !

Those found its loose care-taker ;
They lose credit of exchequer !


“Money matters”
Virtually, though, it’s a minus money,
Duty-man takes it as surplus money !
We all happen to call it “‘hush- money”,
Minus or plus to adjust, if any !

Hush-money is most powerful element,
Used everywhere as workable supplement !
We describe it in terms of a bribe,
To meet our ends we have to subscribe !

Brokers, contractors, engineers, lawyers,
Officers, gate-keepers, sellers, buyers,
Company, factory and distributary,
To this game all are contributory !

Hush-money has become a practice,
A.C.D., C.I.D. even take no notice !
P.W.D., Customs, Excise, Taxation,
Highest scorers are in this corruption !

Police, Politicians well-added to this mission,
All are aloof, getting due commission !
All these groups being very very rich,
Condition of the poor is just like bitch !

Doctors, too, are not acquitted,
They are forgiven by people they treated !
Every chamber labelled with no-entry,
Seated at gate is watchman-sentry,
Hush-money easily permits entry !
That is the gravamen of many a country !


The more the wealth, the more the greed,
Millionaires wish to be billionaires with speed
Proliferating are they with profiteering force,
Creating uncalled for inflation in due course !

There are also a number of trillionaires,
Cherishing largesse in all their spheres !
To lower their largess they shower donations,
C.A.’s and taxation experts exact appropriations !

Main beneficiary are our liberal Governments,
From whom they expect reciprocal commitments !
All the Government machinery operates as puppets
Of such financiers who thus achieve their targets !

Top ten rich men dominate competitive global hold,
Enumerated below ad seriatim as somebody told:-

(1) William Gates III-”$ 40.0 bil.”—Self-made.
(2) Warren Buffet-”$ 37.0 bil.”—Self-made.
(3) Carlos Slim Helu & Family-”$ 35.0 bil.”—Self-made.
(4) Lawrence Ellison-”$ 22.5 bil.”—Self-made.
(5) Ingvar Kamprad & Family-”$ 22.0 bil.”—Self-made.
(6) Karl Albrecht-”$ 21.5 bil.”—Self-made.
(7) Mukesh Ambani-”$ 19.5 bil.”—Inherited & growing.
(8) Laxmi Mittal-”$ 19.3 bil.”—Inherited & growing.
(9) Theo Albrecht-”$ 18.8 bil.”—Self-made.
(10) Amancio Ortega-”$ 18.3 bil.”—Self-made.

Next to these toppers are so many men,
Also growing fast to figure among them !
Wealth of the world has thus been centralized
Which needs to be unanimously criticized !

The group of quite numbered such toppers
Consists of solely biggest buyers and shoppers !
They are undeniably the creators of disparities
Between the rich and the poor communities !

World population of approximately 7-billion
Is innocently watching their game from the pavilion !
It’s now high time to create impactful renaissance,
To urge upon all the Governments without patience,

To enforce logical laws imposing fiscal stipulation
So as to bring about financial decentralization !

Subsequently then to eradicate peoples’ poverty,
Providing each sector with fundamental property !
This is apt to be achieved on humanitarian ground,
By creating renaissance among hoi polloi around !

Wrappers or containers of selling products,
Mostly labelled with tactical trade conducts !
One-free with two, cash memo eligible for a lucky-draw,
En effect, though these are bluffing offers extra !

Car, bike or even a residential good house,
All such offers attract ladies and gents with spouse !
These are only cunning trade tactics,
Taken for granted as a popular practice !

Reality is that trader is never a loser,
It is a cunning device against customer or user !
Marginal cost of all such extra free offers,
Is already included in purchases one prefers !

Overwhelming are ever these trade tactics,
Even in clearing old stock labelled with new strips !
Hand-to-mouth people even are all involved,
Over-expenditure brings them problems never solved !

Traders thus become doubly benefited,
By promoting business beyond what solicited !
Their ready stock, coupled with outdated old stuff,
So easily is sold successfully up to snuff !

“Free Offer” is always a lingering illusion,
As its cost preoccupies pre-thought inclusion !
Traders always adopt such offers as a pet infusion,
Placing people between fusion and confusion !


Crazy are the people, to ever gain a glance of filmy fame,
Gracelessly greedy hero-heroines, who play only lucrative game !
Sky-high are their acting-advertising rates,
Even then they assign rigidly their signing dates !

Directors ‘n’ Producers are obliged to accomplish,
As they are helpless and satiate their wish !
Nobody cares to realize its consequences,
People as well the youth seem having lost their senses !

Besides acting rates, advertising rates are too high,
These guys momentarily appear even to tell a lie !
A Superhero pleads, he has been using “NAVARATAN OIL” brand,
For the last 35 years, imposing blindly its demand !

How much true, is his such utterance, we all know very well,
Indecipherable are charges for only to so tell !
Though there are other celebrities easily available,
Who may be invited reverently, very less payable !

Virtually, advertising even then can stand intact,
Flimsy favour may be undone, to break the filmy pact !
National service of filmy folk is seemingly zero,
Money-monger is every heroine or hero !

Horn of plenty, they themselves only avail,
Unmindful of, if in the nation, heavy taxes prevail !
Any film after release, may inadvertently fail,
Actors’ rates paid even then nobody can curtail !

Sons and daughters of actors step in as successors,
For their fame, Producers face much pressures !
Totally, their family forwards earning with speed,
Unbreakable seems their very graceless greed !

They enjoy life in their splendid sky-scrapers,
Spectators keep watching films even in sultry vapours !
Ultimately, all this creates the national imbalance,
Contributory is our flimsy faith and impertinence !

Partly responsible is our introvert intelligentsia,
Remaining aloof even for such cornucopia !
It should come forward to impart such lessons,
As may do away with all non-sense at once !


“The Richness Of The Poor”

Lacs may be rich, crores are poor,
Our Land is rich but Nation is poor.
We know not what and which,
In us, that which is rich.

Seemingly everything looks false,
As if, there is, nothing true !
Maybe, it’s a negative view,
Which very aptly anytime falls,
Without any further ado,
When anybody candidly calls
It, a pessimism on what to do !!

So let us switch over to optimism,
Though that, too, is equivocal,
For the positive or the negative,
Then what to be taken for practical,
To be pursued as a prerogative !!!
Anyway, yet we stand convinced,
When the richness of the Earth is evinced.

The Earth, the only NATURAL MOTHER
That provides everything needed, rather
Than can do anybody other !!!!
She is eveready to provide the yield,
The more we plough the more gives field.
Air, water, fire and eatable food,
Minerals, stones, many kinds of wood.
Iron, copper, silver and gold,
And all the matters, new or old.

The more we dig the more She gives
For every creature that here lives.
We haven’t yet found another planet,
Which is so fertile in the solar net –
So as to –
What we want, what we get,
Whatsoever that, dry or wet !!!!!
So we ought to bow all low,
The profoundest respect for Her to vow.

‘O’, Our NATURAL MOTHER, The Earth,
We owe a lot to Thee to bless us here a fruitful birth,
To savour the flavour of Thy green girth !!!!!!!



Tea-ty, ict-ict,or-er,
ay-ay, ow-ow,ong-ong,
og-od,ad-ad said,

Listen to me, I go ahead !

Tea without milk is poor tea,
Even without sugar, poorer it be !
Some people proclaim it a novelty,
Though it denotes only poverty !

It may suit only ardent addict,
Or it’s merely propagated verdict !
All this condition refers to the poor,
Who are only its silent viewer !

Poor of yesterday is poorer today,
No wonder he be the poorest a day !
Rich of today is richer tomorrow,
Soon may appear in the richest row !

Where are those removing poverty,
To nourish bread-less surviving on tea ?
Poverty eradication is a hollow song,
Leaders singing since very very long !

Right is beaten always by wrong,
The poor helpless, watching ding-dong !
Common people anyhow going along,
Hoping to be strong like King Kong !

Good for good and bad for bad,
Ever available to alive or dead !
Near is God, nearer is dog,
God being giver, defender being dog !

All what happens, even or odd,
One day, all will dissolve in God !
So, life is to live, happy or sad,
It’s a God gift, to be taken on head !



Many people are mostly habitual braggarts,
Floundering ever to achieve targets !
Making mountain of small mole-hill,
To satiate their quite egoistic will !

Braggadocio is an ephemeral skill,
It’s a mere habit to create a thrill !
Sometime, it’s apt to defray a big bill,
Irrespective of outcome being quite nil !

Truth is a hidden light below shadow,
As coming air blocked by shut-window !
Ultimately has to be clear, this shadow,
Reality from nowhere is apt to go !

People should, hence, maintain status quo,
Avoiding addiction to belying bravado !


“The Hangers-on”
Whether you are a gentleman or a dawn,
Beware always of your known hangers-on!
These guys make hay while the Sun shines,
Hobnobbing you only on your lucrative lines!

They make your life always so fatefully to lose,
When it happens so, someone else they choose!
So, be cautious ever to give them a wide berth,
Whenever they appear going beyond the girth!

These hangers-on are opportunists and cunning,
To turn to other ways whenever facing shunning!
People when notice their chameleon-like image,
Then they shun them paying nowhere homage!

Thence, their life happens to lament and linger,
As troublesome as our rotten wounded finger !


“No one succours when a mensch suffers!”

We are living life in an era of unscrupulous selfishness,
Children are being nourished for a lucrative progress !
Teenagers are found lavishly loitering and philandering,
In public gardens and streets quite unusually wandering !
Juvenile adults in their pet peer groups ever assembling,
Many of them are staking money in the dens of gambling !
The old people are found to be of time-passing hobbies,
Spending most of time in playing cards in their lobbies !
A very few people appear to cherish image of mensch,
Whenever any help needed deliberately they quench !
They succour needy people even without any intimacy,
Though the beneficiaries accept it just like a legacy !
The burden of needs and wants is spreading tremendousnly,
Coupled with such extra bulk being raised mendaciously !
The mensches usually are ever emotional and innocent,
Unmindful of mendacity of wants they face to implement !
Thus expending lavishly a major part of their wealth,
Though they are already sustaining expensive ill-health !
I have come across incidentally many a such mensch,
Facing dire dearth of money unduly as a consequence !
Bankruptsy whenever such mensches happen to suffer,
No one from among their beneficiaries then stands succour !
Selfishness dominatly prevailing thus we have to prefer,
Well-said, “Hope is a good breakfast, but a bad supper” !

“Present To The Omnipresent”?

Almost all religious people worship God,
All over the country and even abroad !
Different are His images and surnames,
Enthroned they are in jewelled frames !
All that we people are doing, blatantly to state,
Every performance to satiate only our own taste,
Irrespective of whatsoever may be its fate!
We present delicious eatables before God/Goddess in faith!
That, too, is with confidence to suit only to our own taste!
The non-veg do offer sacrifice and meat to please their deity,
Just to gain their own conventional and hereditary gaiety!
Veggies present delicious sweets and salty eatables instead,
Which is also aimed at making themselves gay and glad !
God is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent,
Needless to feed himself by any eatable, howsoever, decent !
His Honest Hunger solely prefers only devotion & worship,
Enough to please Him to juxtapose us in His Heavenly Ship !
Sages/Saints pleased Him only through sense of devotional concentration,
Without offering any such pleasing presents to achieve His confrontation !


“Reversal Betwixt Two Distinct Entities”
There are two totally reverse identities,
Both well-known all around the world !
One is adored and loved by all communities !
The other is also a pet guard with herald !
The former can revert to be the latter !
The latter can never turn to be the former,
In spite of his sense of obeisance ever better,
He adheres vigilantly to his earmarked corner !
Puzzle to cudgel brain to know as to who they are ?
One is here and near us, the other is existent afar !
Let me myself tell that one of them we call a dog !
The other ubiquitously existent is our Benign God !

Most of us usually seek handsomeness in the mirror,
Irrespective of any natural physical deficiency or error !
Face only is taken for assessment of whole of the physique,
In spite of other parts of body being subnormally specific !
Heavily made-up faces ever exhibit flimsy pulchritude,
Mirror cannot expose anyone’s actual inner magnitude !
Make-up has become an enviously enforced fashion,
People wear it much more crazily to prove passion !
Mirror thus misguides all made-up faces lasciviously,
Thereby creating crazy ego for affaire mendaciously !
Proliferating are thus sophisticated beauty parlours,
Attracting people to brighten and whiten skin colours !
Notwithstanding all that, originality speaks ever,
Artificiality is euphoric to become eternal never !
Genuineness ultimately represents the real entity,
To vindicate well one’s veracious virtue & vitality !

“Hodge-Podge Of Housing Heritage”
The rich apart, lacs of hoi-polloi are living in old houses,
Built in inadvertently with limited ancestral sources !
Their dwelling is restricted to only such unplanned flat,
Without corridor, drawing-room, kitchen and loo in that !
Stiffling kaput kitchenette and aloof itchy-titchy toilet !
Annexed to an open space along with a coeval cow-shed !
Piled-up dung-heap is accumulating there everyday,
Beside the preserved bulky stock of the edible hay !
Thereby environment being obnoxious in the vicinity,
Unmindful of any civic sense and code of municipality !
Such situation, though, now remains in lout locus standi,
Huddy-duddies there have become immune and so trendy !
Yet, it causes health hazards more in growing generation,
Proliferating, hence, are diseases among huge population !
Government and autonomous bodies seem not solicitous,
To lay stress on any remedial plan to dissipate such status !
The only solution in sight is scheme of new colonization,
And beckoning charmingly so sustaining population,
To barter their unhygienic houses with the new township,
Under any administrative drive via an errand or a whip !

"Peer Pressure"



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2009

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