
Ashwini Kumar Goswami

“Wondrous Wintry White-out”


The while that enormously amazed me,

Then I stood flabbergasted and stand-still !

The moment that densely damaged me,

The balance of my heart had a thrill !

#Coming across a charming chick during perambulation,

Spell-bound, I kept watching her with spying speculations !

#A lasciviously lovely and lusty loitering lassie,

Lingering all through wearing only a lingerie,

Quite lonely living lazily in fatuous fantasy,

Bewildered by windy and wintry white-out misery !

#My age eaqually was befitting in such fascination,

I felt blissful then beyond my imagination !

I galloped at once to reach her with full swing,

Imagining, as if, I would offer her betrothal ring !

God knows where she disappeared into foggy spheres,

Thus I whiled away the time in toto till exuding tears !

When I was awake and went on thinking over the theme,

I was sure then, it was merely a deceptive dream !

#Whacked while walking, I went asleep at a lee,

Dreamt as to who was she, who now I can’t see ?


Hahahaha, Heeheehee ! That’s all, I want to pee !

“A Cordial Call !”

Hi !

Good morning/noon/afternoon/evening

Every poet/poetess reading or listening !

Stretching, I am, my hands of friendship,

To be tagged ever with a cordial strip !

Poetic unity is very powerful prudence,

Exchange of views thus upkeeps our sense !

Ergo, earnestly I look forward for friendship,

It’s my mere well-wishing, not at all a whip !


“Ridiculous Riddles”


(1) What is that which is “right while we do,

But performatively “wrong” too ?

(2) Can you name the biggest consumer

Of food and water in your living house,

smallest being the cat the mouse ?

(3) One she-goat begets a she-got,

The latter, later also begets such goat,

The former is followed by such two,

The last one is behind the former two,

How many she-goats are then in view ?

(4) Six ears, two tails, ten knees, three mouths,

One being without tail, who were those,

Please tell without doubt ?


Answers: Respective

Sl. No Sl. No.

_______________ _________

(1) Three; ( )

(2) The gutter; ( )

(3) The cow with the calf and ( )

the milkman; or a man with

two quadrupeds;

(4) Walking/driving along ( )

the right side of roads in

India !


“Deliberate Dwindling Dynasty”

Post-British-Rule India turned to be the Republic !
Nehru was the chosen leader who scored a hat-trick !
Until his breathing last, he dominated unchallengedly alone,
Emotinal Indians thereafter chose Indira to adore the throne !
Hereditary virtues made her a superb Global Idol,
Until “Operation Blue Star”, which endangered her survival !
Consequently, her Bodyguard Sikhs brought her to ruins,
Thrusting nation-wide agony with ever-saddening tunes !
Sympathetic vox populi bestowed its instant favour,
Rajiv Gandhi hence stepped in to savour ruling flavour !
One-after-one from family of Superstar Jawahar Lal,
Suceedingly coming forward for Congress Rule to stall !
Well-taught were all the ingratiating members of this clan,
Everyone on turn appeared better in one’s own span !
Unfortunately like Indira, Rajiv, too, was assassinated,
By unscrupulous delinquents clandestinely instigated!
This agony of distress is an unforgivable stigmatic blame,
Which will always defame India with the tone “shame-shame” !
Despite sustaining a couple of such unwarranted sacrifices,
The rest of the clan has not yet given up all future enterprises !
Advancing forward now appears ultimately an illuminous star,
Eagerly, emotionally, hic et ubique, perambulating withou car !
Apparently fast forwarding Rahul is well conjectured next star !
Opponent quarters might be peering through doors closed ajar !
Such a popular perambulation of Rahul is peculiarly picturesque,
He is efficaciously canvassing among the youth from dawn to dusk !
His political terminology advocates mainly homologous instinct,
Which is, of course, a way towards a renaissance quite distinct !
Madam Sonia Gandhi is all over well controlling and umpiring,
With sense of complaissance to honourable martyrs’ aspiring !
May God bless them with potency to achieve the target,
Through benevolent hands of ambitious Rahul at his best !
The weight of clean-chit, endowed patriotism and honesty,
Unquestionably stand in favour of this well-known dynasty !
No any such clan else has ever yet appeared parallel,
Rahul Gandhi thus would succeed well in his travel !
Charismatic has proved invariably “GANDHI- SURNAME”,
Sacrifices through assassinations have exalted its fame !


“Private Practitioners”
Whenever anyone happens to consult a Doctor,
He asks for troubles as does a Proctor !
Save a few people, mostly hesitate with ado,
The Doctor then goes ahead with his own clue !
He writes down medicines with timely dose,
Looking seriously with his frowned eye-brows !
X-Ray, ECG, TMT, Ecograph, CT Scan,
To be undertaken as early as one can !
In the meantime to take the medines prescribed,
And to re-visit then on the date as advised !
5 to 10 thousands have to be spent anyhow,
The patient complaisantly obeys as a cow !
Fraternal and friendly relatives are there,
Willy-nilly offering sympathetic flimsy share !
In the second phase of repeating the visit,
The Doctor advises admission to his clinic !
The patient thus falls under sibylline state,
Watching calendar ‘n’ mirror date-to-date !
The patient fears but the Doctor doesn’t fear God,
During practicing without sparing the rod !
Clinical expenses are too exorbitant,
Like a thunder-bolt on the poor patient !
Private Practitioners cherish a lucrative greed,
Unmindful of poverty of ailing Indian breed !
Commission available all the way in the deals,
Which works as a grease to run the rusty wheels !
Exceptions are though available anywhere,
Certain veteran Doctors are yet quite fair !
Poorest patients are found there in queue,
Rich patients hence choose elsewhere in lieu !
Why not our Government enforces any such law,
To quash and scratch such practiced piercing claw ?



Thrillingly unforgettable are painful predicaments,
En route while travelling with decrepit parents !
Destined to die, my dear Dad was sleeping as ever,
We didn’t know his sleeping would awaken him never !
When after long, we tried to awaken him for meal,
He seemed quite inert, as if, nothing he could feel !
Reality was that he had all gone to be a corpse,
Certainly was it so that he was now no more !
Our travelling clan then felt indisposed in toto,
The pilgrimage had to be curtailed thence pronto !
The decoupled mom was jolted with speechless trouble,
The quandary thus being simultaneously double !
I was nervously facing such agony of distress,
Having fallen under such surmounting stress !
Anxiety remains only to wait for next junction,
Where we can drop for further needful function !
Priority overhead was to alight the train,
With the dead Dad and the Mom in strain !
The co-passengers helped in pulling stopping-chain,
For interrupting soon the fast-going train !
The train halted, passengers were quite ready,
To help me out of train with mute Mom, dead Dady !
The Railway Police on duty insisted on forensic test,
Who had to be hushed with money to forgo any quest !
So hardly, we felt free then to alight the train,
The pilgrimage was curtailed thus with agonic pain !
However, we managed then to travel homeward,
For undertaking last journey towards the graveyard !
Such are hidden happenings under irony of fate,
The Divine Law is invincible at any cost or rate !


Note: This is narration of a real episode in my
relation, which is always unforgettable !


“Illusions Of Eradication”

Contamination, Corruption, epidemic, illiteracy, pollution, poverty,
All are these targets of eradication on priority !
Every old or new Government made merely its agenda,
The lesser is achievement, the greater propaganda !
Most dreadful demon dominantly is corruption,
To bifurcate that is founded anti-corruption !
This evil haunts both inside and outside,
Major portion is vitiated mostly inside !
Beneficiaries of inside are our ministers,
Unmindful of any resultant sinisters !
Next category under this evil are ranky officers,
They share the booty with invicible pressures !
Corruption thus being shared from top to bottom,
It spreads just like inside quilt, the cotton !
Outside corruption is lightly like digestive dessert,
Lower level personnel are therefor expert !
Corruption is, hence, prevailing as choice of all together,
So its eradication infeasible, as no one eager to bother !
Total generation being mostly mere money-monger,
As money makes everyone mighty and stronger !



To kiss a miss is a lovey-dovey bliss,
To miss a kiss, again you wish !
Anyhow then you try to accomplish,
Just as you catch the escaped fish !

This is a practice of young man ‘n’ woman,
Both if loving each liking so then !,
When they become Mr. and Mrs.,
Then they be free to exchange kisses !

Gradually they begin growing older,
Their stamina becoming colder !
Loving game seems then heavy to shoulder,
They just remain then mere house-holder !

Since we nourish children to develop,
They read this secret from our envelope !
This in the life is a cyclic order,
In the end we have to cross this border !

Well-said, “Child is the father of man”,
Father was once child, now child man !
Both have to undergo life’s such span,
The topic being too long, so I stop my pen !

Note: This poem was written by me long long ago,
when I was quite a juvenile poet in seventies or so
and hence forgive me my impertinence to represent
it on screen at my present age and eld, though my
poems always carry the truth behind.
a.k. goswami.


Travelling in a train, I saw a bald old man,
Of the age about seven times a ten !
Soon I apprehended, he was a saint,
Wearing an orange gown, for him which is meant !

As usual, he was without ticket,
Even then occupying full berth to sit !
A student in the front, playing two-in-one,
As loud as it can sound to listen !
Feeling disturbed, the saint asked him to shun,
Or to switch off his two-in-one !

Quite then came in, the ticket-checker,
Who was asked to decide the tie-breaker !
The T.T.C. paying them no any heed,
Asked all to show the tickets he would need !

Even yet, the student and the saint,
Were sitting carefree and silent !
In turn, when they were asked for ticket,
Or to be ready immediately to quit !

The student switched off his two-in-one,
Ticket-less, pocket-less being himself two-in-one !
Careless, fare-less, hairless,
The saint was bigger as three-in-one !

These are their usual travelling habits,
Nobody knows, them, who so permits !
Common poor travellers when found ticket-less,
Highly they are charged, nevertheless !




Whether it’s an engine or a clock,
Save in vaccum, everywhere comes block !
Rocks in the ways cause some blocks,
So do everywhere, flocks and locks !

Some blocks are natural but ephemeral,
Some other being immovable, eternal !
Natural blocks occur without knocks,
As sure as regular crow of cocks !

Mental blocks cause irritating socks,
Think-tanks then are kept in locks !
Yoga-Pranayam can cleanse its docks,
To do away with any resultant mocks !

One block, which we call a writer’s block,
It’s quite a very short-lived knock !
So, concentrate for a while doing Pranayam,
To become again soon serene and calm !

An overflow of thoughts stops a writer,
Save in the case of a back-biter,
The latter stops only when he turns dumb,
Then he is left only to succumb !

Yoga is a quite practiced phenomenon,
Hold it up as our adopted convention !
So, when you through this eliminate the jam,
Retake writing with the pen in your palm !


"Equity nowhere?”

From origin to end, life is two-fold,
We sustain both folds, whether weak or bold !
Inferior-superior and junior-senior;
Prior-posterior and interior-exterior;
Sooner-later and former-latter;
Shorter-longer and weaker-stronger;
Smaller-greater and worse-better;
Beggar-donator and listener-orator
Walker-rider and writer-reader;
Labour-leader and client-pleader;
These are the couplets creating disparity,
Equity then everywhere loses its entity !
Comparative positions produce jealousy,
Equity becomes then illusory fallacy !


“Imposed Entity”

English, though not a language by itself,
Yet it has become quite a global “ELF” !
Mostly enriched by Latin-French words,
Its roman alphabet is everlasting inwards !
The British being ever ruthless expansionists,
Hence English almost everywhere exists !
British era survived successfully long,
As its forces ever proved too strong !
Now that the British era became by-gone,
English imposed yet stands firm alone !
Now this language is a must to learn,
If we aspire to prosper and earn !
Educated person seeks better prospects,
Even much higher than that one expects !
English is preferred on all aspects,
As it's a global medium in all respects !
National dialects should get due reverence,
Keeping English, however, in preference !
Wherever globally, we may happen to go,
English medium, we dare not forgo !
Other Nations’ languages are quite different,
To understand them, English is a sole agent !
So we have to pursue English ever to learn,
To flourish our career with lucrative return !
It’s not at all an avoidable impact,
Willy-nilly we have to sign this pact !






“Coordinating Cordiality”

If you are near, nearer am I,
I feel fraternal, always I try !
If I have more, may be partly your,
So that we are friends ever very sure !

Your grief, if any, let me, too, endure,
As much as we share joyful tenure !
Pray God, our heart should be ever pure,
We must cherish it with appeasing allure !

These suggestions, though, very hard to follow,
Sometimes may they make us hollow !
As people today seem selfish almost,
All ever being guest, seldom being host !

If we earnestly realise this fact,
We could uphold amiability intact !
Reciprocal friendship should be our pact,
It will always lay irrepressible impact !

Near is shirt, nearer is skin,
That’s an idea towards kith and kin !
When need be, we should make it thin,
Leaving it aside for sometime to spin !

Dear is the ring, dearer the finger,
Give up the ring if it seems to sting,
Save the finger, leave the ring to linger,
Ring is a thing, we may anytime bring !



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.12.2009

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