
Love Thy Neighbour






Morgan glanced at the phone she threw on the bed. “Why hasn’t he called me as yet?” She wondered, twisting her mouth to the side like she usually does. Flynn Reed better call me ASAP if he wants us to catch the movie, she thought to herself. Work was a bit hectic today, if she added up all the places she drove to she’d swear it was about two hundred miles. She did well though, since she was home before five o’clock.

She glanced at the clock, five minutes to five. If we’re still going to the show I have at least an hour to get dressed, she said to herself. She stripped off her jeans and tank top, grabbed her towel and headed towards the bathroom.

She heard footsteps, someone was walking around in her bedroom.

She turned off the water and listened, “tap, drag, tap, drag, tap, and drag”… So he’s here, she said smiling to herself.

Flynn has been her boyfriend for about seven months. Morgan and Saurelle, or Auri as she fondly calls her, met him on the day they decided to try out the ‘After-Work’ Lime at Lucky Seven pub on Henry Street. Saurelle is her best friend, and has been for years.

It was a cool Friday afternoon, the after work lime was said to be ‘da bomb’. Being an Events Planner has it’s perks as Morgan is now more than familiar with most of the Club houses, Pubs, Restaurants, Hotels, also with their managers and owners at various locations. It was just after ten then, and almost everyone had already left; they sat holding small talk with one of the Bar Attendants RJ.

”So what will you have next?” he asked Saurelle,

“Hmm, another tequila?” she asked turning to Morgan.  

“Not for me thanks, I’m good.” RJ moved to the other side of the bar to get the drinks.

“Are you that blind?” Morgan said to her, “have you not noticed he’s into you?”

“Oh please Morgs”, he just isn’t my type, and oh please again, a bar attendant? She said carrying her voice a bit higher.  “Aim high darling, don’t forget our rules.”

Morgan grinned at her. They have been friends ever since they were little girls and lived in Plymouth, Tobago. She remembered once being jealous of the outgoing, funny, smart girl called Saurelle Banks until she realized that they had a lot in common. Being in the same class at the third form level brought them together during a lot of school activities and they started hanging out together. The friendship grew over the years throughout Secondary School and University. Today they are closer than ever. She smiled as she remembered the time they fought over a pencil case when they were in Standard One.

“Well?” asked Saurelle gaping at her.


“Where’d you go missy?”

“Gosh, just remembering our fun times darling”, she smiled.

“Are you eating anything else?” “Oh no, I’m full.” She replied, shaking her head from side to side.

“Do you want to leave? Grand mom must be wondering where I am”

“Yeah, we’d better go” she replied, just then three guys walked into the Pub, one of them approached the Bar.

“Hey can you give us directions to Club Enigma?” the tallest guy asked, ‘Oh sure, that’s on the other street, Moran replied. “Thanks”, said the handsome stranger and he winked at her, then turned around and left.

“Double wow!” exclaimed Saurelle all excited, did you look at him?” Morgan grinned, “Yes Auri I did” She said as her eyes rolled up in her head.

“Sheesh, where did he come from? He is rather dreamy,” she sighed.

“Oh look, they haven’t left as yet”, said Morgan.

Watching them from in the doorway was the guy who just asked her for directions. He was walking back towards them.

“So what are you beautiful ladies doing here?” he asked looking at Morgan with a slight smile.

“Just hanging” said Saurelle; we had an After Work lime, you?”

“We have a Bachelor Party to go to, my friend in the green is getting married on Sunday”, he replied, turning towards the door then back at them.

“Oh, I see, and are you married?”

“No, not yet,” he replied laughing

They all broke out in laughter.

“So, he said looking at Morgan, do you hang here often?”

“Yes, it’s rather close to where we live,” she replied

“Oh ok, good.

“Seems like the guys are ready to leave, um, if I want to get in touch with you, what is the possibility of getting your telephone contact?”

That caught her off guard though she did wonder what he came back for; she smiled at him, her heart pounding in her chest.

“Hmmm, I don’t know, I don’t usually give my number to strangers.” She replied with a smile.

“Well then we must begin again, good night beautiful, my name is Flynn Reed, I live at 101 West Moore Drive, St James, and my telephone contact is 868 685 1889. I am single, I think you are the most gorgeous girl I’ve set my eyes on in a long time and if it’s to your liking my lady,” At this point he offered a small bow, “I will love to get to know you better, can I have your contact information?”

“Gee Morgs” Saurelle began

“Shhh” Morgan said to quiet her.

Saurelle got a bit annoyed but kept listening to Flynn try to charm her friend.

“Well, I must say I am charmed, dear sir”, she said as she smiled up at him, “However, if I change my mind and decide you can have my contact number I’ll leave it with RJ at the bar”.

He looked a bit disappointed, but replied, “As you wish my dear.”

He turned slowly and walked out the bar.

“Are you kidding me!” at this point Saurelle was cracking up. “He is about the most handsome guy I’ve set my eyes on in like… forever and you’re playing with him?”

“Whoa, whoa, dating rule number two honey, don’t be too easy, have you forgotten?”

“I fully intend to let him have my number, but he’ll have to come back for it. Can’t give the man my information just because he asks now can we, he have to prove how much he wants it, let him return for It.” she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Girl, I should be taking lessons from you, c’mon, let’s buss this joint” Saurelle said laughing at her best friend. They left the Pub and went home. Before leaving, Morgan gave her number to RJ and told him to give it to Flynn Reed when he came back, well, he did come back. That was about seven months ago.

She stepped out of the shower and found Flynn seated on the bed, looking as handsome as ever. She went up to him and kissed him full on the lips, as she tried to move away he held her back and pulled her deeper into the kiss.

“Umm if we keep at this we won’t get to see Batman honey”, she said between kisses…

“I know,” he replied.

He eventually let her go and she got dressed. They were heading to Movie Towne Cinema complex.

The next day Morgan Nia Andersen stood looking at herself in the bathroom mirror as she got dressed for work. She gazed at the beautiful girl staring back at her. “Not bad at all”, she said to her reflection.

Being born from a Swedish father and a local Tobagonian mother, she acquired her Father’s light complexion and most of his features. Her hair is a mixture of both parents, though more brown than black also a lot more straight than kinky, so it hangs down her back almost to her waist in tangled ringlets. With light brown eyes in an oval shaped face, Morgan is an attractive young woman. Checking to make sure her ponytail won’t come loose, she grabbed the makeup she used and put them in a case. She then put the case in her handbag, picked up her hairbrush and two pony holders and was ready to walk out the door.

Morgan lives in a small apartment just outside the city of Port of Spain, Trinidad. Having lived on this side of the twin Island Republic since after she attended University at the age of nineteen, she is quite used to life in Trinidad by now. It is quite different to the life she knew growing up in Lowlands, Tobago. She, an only child, lived with her mother Dawn Stanton, not knowing much about her father, who stopped visiting when she was around fourteen. Life has always been with mom until she decided to pursue Events Management at the University in Trinidad. Dawn was apprehensive about her daughter being away from her, but felt much at ease when she realized Saurelle will be accompanying her as she and her older sister was moving to Trinidad to stay with their grandparents in Maraval.  Saurelle Banks has always been a positive influence to her daughter, having come from a well off family in Scarborough, Tobago. The two girls, having done well in their studies, Morgan going fulltime into Events Management, while Saurelle is an up and coming Interior Decorator. They have plans to pull together and form their own company, but like Saurelle always say, all in time.

After completing University in 2010, she decided she wanted to remain in Trinidad, she found a small apartment on the outskirts of Port of Spain, not too far from where Saurelle’s grandparents live.  She remembered her mom’s discomfort about her living in Port of Spain, she preferred if Morgan had gotten a place somewhere in the East, close to her mom’s older sister Aunt Aimee, but Morgan liked the City, which she says is close to everything, especially the Office where she works. Winning the argument with her mom, she has been living there ever since.


Entering the office she saw Zoe and Vance intently peering over something.

“Hi wonder girl”, Vance flashed a smile as she walked by. “Good morning Vance”, she responded.

“Good morning, guess what, we got the Boyd’s wedding to do.”

“You kidding me?”

“I kid you not”’ he replied.

“OMG! That’s big!” she said, practically dancing around him while Zoe looked on in amusement.

Joseph Boyd is one of the most prominent business tycoons in the area, and to do his daughter’s wedding is a huge deal which can boost the reputation of Dreamers and Me Events Company.

“Oh the possibilities...” Morgan said dreamily, “What did Adlei say about this? She asked Vance.

“Oh, he doesn’t know as yet, so keep it shhh until he comes”.

“Cool, wow, how much time do we have?”

“Just over two months, it’s in June”, replied Zoe.

“Ah, plenty time man; plenty time to give Susanne Boyd the wedding of her dreams”.



Adlei Kenny was late, he was never late. On entering the office he appeared a bit disheveled. “Good morning all”, he said, unsmiling. Morgan followed him into his office.

“What’s wrong Boss?”

“Oh Morgan,” he started, hugging her as he always does, much to her annoyance. Adlei was the touchy feely type and that makes Morgan uncomfortable. “Jenny wants out of the company, she said it’s not doing as well as before and she wants her shares, she’s pulling out.” Jenny is his sister.

“Oh, sorry Ad, but just because we had a slump for two months doesn’t mean we’re doing badly”.

“I know, but try telling that to her. She probably has other plans”.

‘Hey, but we have some big news, come,” Morgan said pulling Adlei into the reception room.

Zoe looked at Morgan in anticipation, Morgan nodded and Zoe began.

“Adlei, after some digging, asking the right questions and a little bit of begging, almost begging that is, we’ve managed to get the Boyd wedding in our very capable hands.”

Ad lei’s eyes opened up, huge, “You’re not kidding me right? Please say you’re not kidding me.” He held his head in both hands.

“No kidding”, replied Zoe blushing, she just love Adlei when he’s acting up.

“EEEEEKKKKK! Exclaimed Adlei, this is just what we need, OMG this is so big. We need to start working on it, what’s the location?”

“They want a beach wedding, looking at Maracas Bay”.

“Oh, well that won’t be too much decorations then”, he replied. “Says who?” said Morgan, “We can still give them the full works, as a matter of fact, seeing that it’s sand we’re working with, it will make things a bit tougher but I already have an idea. I just need to put a few things together and I’ll drop something on your desk.”

“Great darling, see why I love you, I’ll be waiting” he said, then headed in the direction of his office. Morgan winked at Zoe and disappeared into hers.



Morgan awoke with a start. Something was moving up the back of her left leg, she smiled when she realized what it was. Flynn was moving his fingers up and down her leg. ”hmm she groaned, I can stay here with you all day but I promised Auri we’ll go to West Mall to shop for shoes”.

“Gosh babe, just when I thought I’d have you all to myself”, he pouted. “You had me all to yourself last night honey” she replied.

“I know” he said smiling.

She is always apprehensive about him spending the night.

“My mother wouldn’t approve”, she’d say.

“Your mother isn’t here Morgan”, he’d reply.

Flynn is Mr. Wonderful himself, an aspiring architect at twenty six; he is reliable, comes from a respectable family and obviously adores her. For the seven months he has been with her, she saw nothing in him to dislike and that scares her.

“No two people can be so perfect together”, Saurelle once said to her. “I’m sure he has a dark side”, the words echo in her head.

Saurelle had asked her to join a social website Full Circle, to expand her social life but she declined. “Those things are for desperate people”, she’d told her.



Filipe Le Mar stood at the window of his apartment overlooking the Northern side of the city of Chantilly, France. His eyes sullen and red from the tears he has been shedding for the past few days. His thoughts return to the reason he has been crying, Genevieve Lauren. He thought they would be together forever but that was short lived when he found out she had other plans, and that he was not included in them.

“I thought we were good, that things were great between us, don’t we enjoy each other, don’t you love me Genny, what happened?” “What went wrong?” he had asked.

“I don’t know Filipe; I guess I fell out of love with you”. She replied.

“Well, we can work on it honey, please, this is no reason to give up on us.”

“Filipe, you don’t understand, there is no us anymore, I don’t want to be with you.”

“Why Genny, what did I do? Is it something I said or did that hurt you? Please, tell me, please”. He begged.

But Genevieve shook her head then turned and walked through the door. He did not understand where he went wrong. When he turned around he saw the folded paper on the table. It was in her handwriting; he picked it up and began reading.



I don’t know how to explain this to you, but I can’t be with you anymore.

The two years we spent together were wonderful but I want more out of life. I met someone, don’t try to ask me who or where, It just happened. I want to be with him, please understand. It’s not that I don’t love you; it’s just that I’d rather be with him.

I am leaving; please don’t try to stop me. If I stay with you I’d turn out to be someone who I’m not. With all the changes taking place in your life, I can’t keep up. I don’t want to hinder you from touring the world and pursuing your dreams, it’s just that they are not my dreams. Don’t try to follow me, just be happy we were able to be together for the time we were.

Take care of yourself,



The tears stopped and the self-pity turned into anger. How can she do this to me? I love her. Gave her everything she ever asked for.

Coming from a wealthy background, Filipe Le Mar never went a day without something he needed or wanted, the proverbial ‘silver spoon’ was his own. Companies bank accounts were passed onto him through the death of his father last year. He soon gave up his job as an Editor in the magazine he worked for, spending most of his time travelling instead and chasing hobbies. He also does Real Estate, mainly as a hobby with Caleth, his best friend, ever since he can remember. The Cafes also run without much intervention from him.

Genevieve left him because she felt a change in him. He began to get lost pursuing his dreams and she felt as though they were slipping apart. She was not the type of girl to chase after wealth; she preferred the chase for love.

Filipe stood looking out the window but he saw nothing, his mind blank. Life is suddenly like an empty sheet of paper.

He turned and went towards the table, picking up the letter he read it one more time. He then crushed it and threw it into the bin. She was gone, gone forever out of his life. After the death of his wife Eliza, he met Genny through an acquaintance. They hit it off immediately and began dating. Although she, to him, can never match up to Eliza’s standards, he enjoyed her company, and well, the sex. She was adventurous and exciting, something he never had in one woman as Eliza was shy. My beautiful, shy Eliza, he called her, but she fit him well. The cancer that took her away from also took his life source away. It left him looking, searching for a replacement to fill the hole in his heart. Genny filled it for a while, but now the aching and emptiness had returned.

“She doesn’t deserve my love!” he screamed at no one in particular. He then went to his bed and crawled in, curling up like a fetus, he fell asleep, and there he stayed for the next three days.


“Let me go! Let me go!” he screamed, as he tossed and turned.

“Come on you little twit!” said the gruff voice of the man dragging him.

He was scared, one minute he was walking home from the ice cream shop, the next he was being dragged into a car with something over his head. Next thing he was aware of is being handled by rough hands, pulling, dragging. When he came to, he was in a moving vehicle, now he was being shoved and pushed while he walked. The sound of other voices around him got his attention; apparently the rough man had company. Then he heard the sound of someone whimpering. He is unable to see where the sound is coming from but guess it’s right next to him also he cannot see where he’s going because of a blindfold of some sort, he stumbles and falls to the ground. The pain made him scream out; soon the rough hands grabbed him and pulled him back onto his feet.

“Walk properly you piece of shit!” said the gruff voice.

He was walking up some stairs, he knew because his toe bumped into the first rung. He was pushed onto a seat. This is an airplane, he said to himself. He can hear the engine right beside his head. He was scared.

Filipe cried out. “Where are you taking me?”

Whack! A slap resounded on his cheek.

“I told you to keep quiet you little piece ah shit! That isn’t yer business but yer fathers”

At twelve years old Filipe was very brave. Already almost five foot in height he was taller than most boys around his age. Being an only child has given him the advantage of being in the company of adults’ more than that of kids, he was also home schooled. His mind went back to his home, Linda, his nanny and Tutor was probably wondering here he went to. She probably called his dad by now, he silently hoped. His dad was a very arrogant, hard headed man, his mother will lovingly say, but a good father. He began to cry, something he didn’t usually do.

“Hey, shut yer stupid mouth!” the gruff voice shouted in his direction. He kept whimpering softly. My dad will find me; he comforted himself with the thought. Soon he fell into a troubled sleep.

A few hours later he awoke with a start. He looked around the room and saw darkness. His hands were bound in front of him. He stood to his feet and stepped forward bumping into something.

‘Where are you going?” a small voice asked.

“Who’s there?” he replied

“My name is Jayme”. The voice answered.

He moved towards the sound of the voice and stretched out his hands hoping to touch something. Jayme stood and reached out her hands but only felt the bars surrounding her.

“My name is Filipe.”

“How old are you?”

“Thirteen”, Jayme replied.

“Are you a boy? I can’t tell by your name or voice.”

“No, I’m a girl”.

“Do you know why we’re here?”

“No, I don’t, but whatever they are doing they already did with the other boy who was here.”

“Were there many others?”

“Just one boy a couple days ago”.

“How long have you been here, do you know?”

“I try to keep track by the light I see, but I think I’ve lost track” she replied sounding confused.

“Don’t worry Jayme, we will get out of here, I’m sure its money they’re after. My dad has a lot, I’ll ask him to give them some for you also ok”.

Jayme began to cry.

“I don’t think its money they’re after”, she said softly.

“Why, what do you mean? Did they hurt you?”

Jayme sniffled and continued in a low voice.

“Yes they hurt me, they hurt me badly, and they did things to me, bad things” She broke off crying softly. Filipe wanted to go to her but couldn’t because he was chained to a cot and the chain only reached so far. “Where are you?” he asked.

“I don’t know how far from you but I’m in a cage attached to the wall. They put me in since they brought me here and I only come out when…” Her voice trailed off and she started to cry.

“I think it’s the Black Traders,” she whispered between sobs.

“The Black Traders, who are they?” he asked, something about it sounded familiar.

“It’s said that they kidnap people for the sex trade in the Middle East, they also sell people to work as slaves.” she whispered softly.

Filipe’s eyes opened wide, an avid reader of the Daily Newspapers, courtesy his Dad, he read of that sex trade thing but refused to believe it had reached his neighborhood. He leaned back onto the cot he was lying on. He’s sure it’s been almost twenty four hours since he was missing, so dad would be looking for him by now.

He doesn’t know how long he has been asleep, but was awakened when the door was unlocked and pushed open from the outside. The room was a bit lighter so it must be the next day. A burly man in an overall approached him; he glanced around looking for Jayme and realized no one was there. With the little light in the room he saw the cage and gasped. The man placed a waiter in front of him.

“Eat this!”

Filipe realized by the sound of the voice that it was the gruff man. He was short and fat with a round stomach protruding at his front. He was wearing oversized reading glasses, which Filipe was sure is just used as a disguise. He turned and made to leave.

“Why am I here? And where is Jayme?” Filipe asked.

“Who the hell is Jayme?”

“The girl who was here last night”, he replied as he glanced around.

“I don’t know what yer talking about”, the man replied.

“Shut yer face and eat, we want you fed!” with that he left and slammed the door shut.

After what seemed like hours, the door opened again and two men walked in. Neither of them was Mr. Gruff, he stood as they approached him.

“What’s your name son?” one of the men asked.

“Filipe Pierre Le Mar”, He replies.

One of the men approached him and shoved him backwards, he stumbled but did not fall. The man suddenly cupped the crotch of Filipe’s pants and squeezed, then slapped his backside. He jumped at the gesture.

“Whatever you are doing you won’t get away with this.” He said, masking the sudden fear in his voice while trying to ignore the lingering pain between his legs.

“Quite some mouth you got there boy!” the man said.

“I want to go home!” Filipe said trying to sound angry.

“You will be home soon enough, but not your home, you now belong to me.” The man replied before they left the room.

Later another tray was presented to Filipe, still no sight of Jayme. He began to wonder where she was and what happened to her. He ate the soup, it tasted like piss, but he was hungry, soon afterwards he fell asleep.

When he awoke the first thing he realized is that he was in a different place. He was no longer in the dark room but an actual bedroom. His mind began to wander, the soup must have been drugged he thought, because he has no recollection of moving or being moved. He wondered if he was being drugged each time he ate.

He went towards the door but it was locked. He pounded on it and shouted hello, but no one came. He returned to the bed and sat down. Looking around the room the décor was plain. A small cot at the corner used as a bed with a side table next to it. A small chest of drawers opposite the cot, and another door, which he didn’t notice at first because it was partly hidden with a curtain. He got up and went to open the door, it was a bathroom. He turned and went back out, tried the other door again and returned to the bed. No windows for him to see outside, he wondered if it was a Motel.

He looked at himself; he was wearing the same jeans he had on when he left home, with the Dolce and Cabana t-shirt. He had no idea where his shoe was, in fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he noticed it on his feet. The door opened and a man walked in. He said nothing as he stood and looked at Filipe from head to foot. Filipe shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. Soon the Mr. Gruff joined him.

“He would ah make a good one for the house yer know.” Said the strange man.

“Yea, but we have ta send him back”, replied Mr. Gruff.

Filipe looked at them both and said nothing, then lowered his eyes. He wondered how come they were speaking so plain in front of him, as if they have nothing to hide. They turned their back on him and kept speaking but in lower tones, Mr. Gruff kept glancing at him from the corner of his eyes. The only word Filipe heard clear is millions. Clearly they kidnapped him for money, he wondered where they had him and what happened to Jayme.

He tried to remember what he knew about her from his memory. She was shorter than him, she said she is thirteen years old and she mentioned something about a sex trade in the Middle East. He couldn’t remember the name she called. By this time the two men had left the small room. He was startled by a sound coming from outside the door. It was then opened by a woman with a tray. She placed it at the foot of the bed, looked at him as if she wanted to say something and was about to leave when he stopped her.

“Who are you?” he asked.

She turned and looked at him. “Don’t think about who I am, instead think about how lucky you are. The rest of them haven’t been so lucky”.

“What do you mean?” he asked her.

“You are going back home”, the woman answered.

“Where’s Jayme?”

“Who is Jayme? She asked Filipe.

“The girl who was with me”, he answered.

“I don’t know who you talking about, there’s no Jayme”.

The woman then looked at him one more time. He tried to understand the look he saw on her face, was it disgust, anger or something else, he couldn’t tell. He looked at the tray, although he was famished, he wouldn’t touch it. Instead he threw it in the toilet and flushed. He then went to the bed and lay down. He pretended to be asleep so he will be awake to see whatever these strange people are planning to do with him. His mind wandered back to Jayme. He had no idea what happened to her, he even began wondering if he dreamt her being there.

A couple hours later he was awakened by the sound of the door opening. Mr. Gruff came in, he knew by the sound of his voice, he was talking to another person. He touched his foot lightly at first, then slapped him on his butt. It stung, but Filipe did not move.

“Yea, he’s out, let’s take him”.

He then felt hands picking him up, one set at his shoulders and another under his knees. He tried to keep his breathing still, it was hard trying not to open his eyes. He was taken in this manner out of the room to the outside apparently, he felt the coolness of the night on his face. He was then placed, he thought, in the back of a van. A door slammed and seconds later he was moving. He opened his eyes slowly; someone was sitting not too far from where he lay. He tried to make out features but the light wasn’t enough. He tried to stay awake but the need to sleep was taking control. When he awoke he was being carried on someone’s shoulders again, he opened his eyes a bit and saw he was in the company of three men. Mr. Gruff was one of them. He was taken into a building through the back and put to lie down on the floor. Then he was left alone.


Chapter Three

He was awakened by the hunger pangs gnawing at his stomach. He realized that he was still at the place they brought to him last night.

He was alone, he looked around and thought this new room looked like a warehouse of sorts. There was shelving all around with stacks and stacks of little bottles piled high. He walked up to the door, it was locked, but there was a crack where the two doors met. He was able to see through it but only a little. All he saw was an open field, he pushed at the door but it did not budge, disappointed he returned to the place he sat, and sat.

Filipe didn’t know when he fell asleep; all he knew is the he was very hungry. Hunger pangs tore at his stomach again. He had nothing to eat, nothing at all, and he was so thirsty. He had no idea when last he ate because he had lost track of time. He stared at the door willing it to open and for someone walk in with food, but it remained shut. He looked around to see if there was any water or something that he can drink nearby. He sat still, no water, nothing to eat, nothing to do, he then lay down and went to sleep again.

He opened his eyes sometime later, swallowing had become difficult as his mouth was so dry. His throat was also starting to hurt from the dryness he felt inside. He tried to move his tongue up and down hoping to create enough saliva to wet his lips, that didn’t seem to work. Clutching his stomach he lay down again and began to cry. No tears. He cried until he fell asleep.

He drifted in and out of sleep wishing the hunger pains will go away but it didn’t. His shoulder and back was beginning to hurt from sleeping on the cold, hard floor. His legs felt numb, he can barely wiggle his toes, and they felt so cold. He silently prayed that someone would come. After some time he awoke and lay on the floor staring up at the roof. His entire body felt as if it was in heat, and in pain. How long had he been there, he couldn’t tell. He felt as if he was dying from the lack of water and food. He lay, willing himself to fall back asleep, trying to figure out why he woke up in the first place when all wanted was sleep. Then he heard it, a noise, he tried to move but had no strength, the door was being unlocked and the light came in.

“He’s here, he’s here someone shouted.”

He felt hands touching him the way a doctor would. He drifted back to sleep. The next time he awoke he was lying in a soft bed, a hospital bed. He looked around, his mind vacant. He tried to remember what happened but couldn’t, his lips were no longer dry, and his stomach did not hurt as much. He was aware that something was on his hands, he felt it with his other hand, drips.

He heard by his mother’s voice and eyes flickered opened in disbelief.

“Filipe Darling, are you alright?”

“Yes mom”, he whispered. Eyes wildly darting about the room.

“I thought we’d lost you forever”, she began to cry; “When Linda said you had not returned, your father and I were frantic with worry. We thought the worst and then we got the call from them, they wanted two million dollars for your safe return. Your dad sent the money, but we couldn’t find you. They gave us the wrong warehouse address, oh honey, I thought I’d lost you forever,” she said as she hugged him close.

“What happened to Jayme?” he asked.

“Who’s Jayme honey?”

“The girl who was there with me”.

“Do you know where they kept you?”

“No mom.” He said shaking his head.

“Oh honey, I’m so glad you’re back. She’s hugging him again. I’m never going to let you out of my sight.”

She sat there and held him until he went back to sleep.

He spent three days at the hospital drifting in and out of sleep before he fully regained consciousness. He was being treated for severe dehydration.

Filipe turned over and reached out his hands feeling for his mother, opening his eyes slowly. Instead of being at the Hospital, he was at home, in his own bedroom. His gaze went to the window, the sun shone outside and he guessed it was sometime in the afternoon. He looked at his watch; it was two thirty eight pm. He lay staring at the ceiling trying to figure out what’s going on. Then he remembered Genny’s note, the one he threw in the bin. Yes Genny left him, so he’s single again, and the nightmare, oh the nightmares have begun once more. He sat up in bed, realizing he was about starving so he got up and went towards the kitchen to find something to eat. He hated to deal with the nightmares again, so he decided he will have to speak with Doctor Stephens and let her know the nightmares have returned. He hasn’t had that dream since he was fourteen. He remembered very little about the kidnapping, but it’s there somewhere lurking in his subconscious. And Jayme, she always appeared to him, bidding him to find her.


“Oh, look at this one.” Saurelle whispered as she approached a black knee high boot.

“Girl, those are for cold weather not the tropics”, Morgan chided her, “Your feet will be all sweaty and smelly in no time”, and she laughed when Saurelle made a face at her.

“Are you going back to get the dress?’ she asked Morgan, “Nah, maybe another time, I want to get home I have some stuff to do for work.”

“Ok, let’s go then” Saurelle replied as they headed towards to door.

“Hey, what’s the name of the site you’re always begging me to sign up in?” Morgan asked Saurelle.

“What’s the matter honey? Getting bored with Mr. Handsome?”

“Oh please, no man, just thought I’d go up and see what’s happening there”, Morgan replied. “Maybe get a few more friends, you know, meet new people that sort of thing.”

“Oh well, it’s called Full Circle, I’ll send you an invite again when I get home”.

“Cool, thanks”, answered Morgan.

Saurelle liked Flynn good enough, but preferred if Morgan had someone more exciting in her life. Flynn, to her, is the definition for boring. As if her love life is any better. Since Jason cheated on her with his friend’s girlfriend, she lost interest in all men for a while.

“Maybe you should try Lesbianism”, Morgan once joked with her.

She rolled her eyes at the thought. She was almost home so she began grabbing all her bags from the back of the car. Morgan pulled into the driveway of Saurelle’s grandmother’s home.

“See you soon Sis.”

Saurelle turned and pecked her on the cheek.

“Sure will Morgs, take care.”

Morgan then watched her as she went into the house before driving away.




On reaching her apartment Morgan saw Flynn’s car was still parked in the same spot. Entering the apartment she was grabbed from behind and blindfolded by what seem to be a bandana.

“Flynn!” she exclaimed.

“Just come sweetie, sit right here”, he said directing her to the table.

“Umm something sure smells good, have you been cooking?”

“Cooking for the woman in my life.”

“Well how will I see what it is smarty pants?” she said playfully.

“You’re not supposed to see, just taste and tell me what you think.” He replies laughing

She was up to his little game so she sat and waited while he took up a fork and put something in her mouth. It tasted like Corn Pie.

“Is this Corn Pie Flynn?”

“Yes honey it is”.

“Oh my gosh, Flynn, this is my favorite. Where’d you get the recipe? I had no idea you could cook this.” She said between chews.

“Ah, can’t tell the chef’s secrets now, can we”, he said.

She rolled her eyes heavenward and leaned back into the chair.

“What else is there?” she said trying to feel around the plate.

“Oh it’s just that”, he replied smiling as he removed the bandana from over her eyes.

“Oh, you’re just too sweet honey”, she said kissing him full on his lips.

After eating lunch she went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

“Auri is right”, she thought. “This guy is just too plain, sweet but plain!” Flynn didn’t hang around for too long afterwards. Having cleaned up after his surprise, he left to attend classes at UTT. He is a just simple guy, she thought, loves easily, and was faithful as far as she knew, never adventurous and predictable in all sorts of ways. Morgan thought as she stood and watched his car pull out of the driveway then turned and headed towards her laptop. She received the expected email from Saurelle. “Let’s see what this is about”, she says to herself.

She clicks it, it opens up. She proceeds to fill in the necessary information. She has nothing to worry about, she reads, as the system hides all your personal information, revealing only what you choose to. Good enough for her, she continues until she has completed enough to have a profile on Full Circle. She began to browse through the numerous photos of members on the site. After what seem like ages, she comes across Saurelle’s photo and clicks ‘Add Friend’. Saurelle is online and immediately accepts her. She sits and adds twenty more friends, then got bored and started looking at decorations and color scheme patterns for beach weddings.

A beach wedding screams romance, the splashing water, miles and miles of sand, the light breezy feeling you get just being there, this is going to be awesome. She gathered decoration ideas, color schemes; she even included a Sand Ceremony, seeing that it will be at the beach and all. Her mind wandered on to her wedding, something she had dreamed up in her mind’s eye since she had her first boyfriend Winston, at the age of fifteen. She’d want the full works, she thought to herself. As she continued her work her computer clinked and the ‘New message’ sign appeared. She was still online at Full Circle.

“F. Le Mar will like to be your friend”, the message said. She clicked on it from her inbox and was taken into the site.

“Wow, darn! If I’d known there were such handsome guys on this site I’d of come up earlier,” she said to no one in particular. She flipped through the photos he had online.

“Be careful who you add”, her conscience warned her.

She skimmed through his profile then clicked add friend. The profile said:

Marital Status: Single

Ethnicity: White/French

Eye color: Blue

Sex: Male

Height: Six foot two inches

Built: Athletic

Age:  Twenty eight

Kids: Not yet but yes someday

Country/Current location: France

Work/Education: Manager, owns company/companies

About me: I’m just a simple guy looking for friends and even that special someone to share life with. Love to travel to new destinations and try out new things. Willing to relocate if necessary and love everything outdoors. Also love to eat.

Hobbies: Kayaking, Surfing, Sports, Networking and making new friends.

Other: Coin collecting, Photography.

Her eyes returned to his photos. He is handsome, breathtakingly so. How come he’s single she wondered. She was sure he’s not; a lot of people say they are single just to get fans. She chose not to dwell on it as another new email message popped up at the edge of her screen.

K Matthews will like to be your friend.



Chapter Four


Morgan stood and went towards the window. Today was really hot, the sun was making its presence known all over the city. Her eyes strayed to the construction that has been going on two blocks away. New apartments, maybe she should apply for one. The building is bigger and taller than the one she currently lived in. She wondered if the apartments were already accounted for. A new place will be nice, she’d have to find out more about it and see if she can get in, after all, she was outgrowing her space. She’ll just have to move a couple of blocks away, but will remain in the same neighborhood. The ivory wardrobe and chest of drawers set she had purchased from Courts is now taking up most of her walking space in the bedroom. The small living room set at the corner of the living and dining room will look prettier if there was more space to spread it out. Although the five piece dining set at the corner of the room sits complete in its position, it was a bit too close to the wall.  She enjoys the use of a very small porch, just wide enough to hold two chairs. At least she can sit there and get her reading done.  

She sighed and returned to the dining table. Sitting in front of her laptop she saw the message icon blinking, she had a message from F. Le Mar on Full Circle. When she opened it, it simply said hello. She began to type her response.

Morgan: Hello Filipe, how are you? She typed in the chat box on the site.

Filipe: I’m great, was hoping you would reply.

Morgan: What’s the F for? I’m Morgan.

Filipe: It is for Filipe. I am Filipe Le Mar, originally from Chantilly, France. I’m currently in the USA but will be heading back to Chantilly in two days.

Morgan: Great, how is it over there and how are you?”

Filipe: I’m here on business, it went well though. I’m quite well thank you and you?’

Morgan: I’m good, trying to stay cool in this warm weather.

She sent a smiley face.

Morgan: So what do you do?

Filipe: I’m a business man, I’m back and forth between here and France, has been for years. I travel a lot. I was working for a magazine but I retired from that position when my father fell ill. I’m currently overseeing his business. He passed away not long ago”.

Morgan: I’m sorry to hear about your loss

Filipe: Thanks, It was a big loss to the family and his employees

Morgan: So what are you doing on this site? If you don’t mind me asking.

Filipe: Making some new friends, someone sent me a link, I came up, put up a profile and here I am.

They continued chatting for a while, she told him a little about Trinidad and Tobago and he told her of France and some of the other countries he had visited. He seemed particularly interested when she talked about the North Coast beaches, Tobago and Carnival.  She knew lots of people say things about themselves on these sites which aren’t true, but for some reason Filipe seemed real. The evening wore on; soon she realized she needed something to eat. She was about to get up when her cell phone rang. It was her mom. Dawn made it a habit to call her a few times for the week to check up on her. At the same time Flynn walked in, she eyed him strangely as he passed her and headed towards her bedroom.

Flynn made himself at home; he took off his shoes, unbuttoned his shirt showing his sexy abs, and removed his slacks keeping on his boxers. Morgan showed him her fingers on her lips, pointed to the phone and mouthed Mom. He nodded and went back into the bedroom. The conversation with her mom ended.

“Hi honey, this is a surprise, thought you had classes today?”

“Yes I did but the lecturer had an emergency so we all left. Thought I’d come by and spend some quality time with my baby”, he said while trailing kisses on her neck.

She let out a little groan, “I like quality time”, she whispered.

He led her to the bed. She stood with the back of her knees touching the mattress; gently he pushed her onto her back and pulled her slipper off her feet. She enjoys love making with Flynn, not that she had much to compare him with because he was her first. His touch is always so gentle, and his kisses, they always left her wanting more. He pulled her shorts through her legs and threw them on the floor then began unbuttoning her blouse. She reached up and touched his face, and then her hands went to his chest. Gym was doing a lot for him; he has the body of a junior body builder, everything in perfect proportion, she smiled. She curled up her back so he can remove her bra. A thrill went up her spine as his lips covered her right nipple; she let out a small groan.

“Gosh baby, you so sweet”, he whispered. His hands found the elastic band on her underwear and gently he removes it. Forcing himself to break away for a couple of seconds he removes his boxers, then stretches out on top of her opening her legs with his knees. Wanting to fill a longing, she grabs his backside pulling his hips towards hers, squeezing his ass and pulling him so he’s resting between her legs, right where she needs him. She deepened the kiss by pulling him closer to her, arms locked around his neck. She lifts her hips when he inserted his finger into her wetness and rubbed her pleasure mound with his thumb, she groans and begins to move her hips. Flynn can ignite her fires with just a touch, she was ready, waiting, suddenly he thrusts into her, she gasps as the thrill shoots through her loins, and they began to move with one rhythm. Their passion was mutual and they came in succession, then lay entwined on the bed, neither caring to move. There they stayed as the darkness fell all around them.

When she awoke the entire apartment was in darkness. She came off the bed crawling over Flynn as he slept at the end and went into the living room where she flipped a light switch. The room flooded with yellow light. She went to the small kitchen area towards the fridge searching for something to eat. Her mind went back to the apartment building; she made a mental note to enquire about it tomorrow. Making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, she sat down to eat. Flynn walks in sleepy eyed; he kissed her cheek and heads towards the fridge.

“Want a sandwich honey?” she asked.

“Sure, what you got?” he replied.

“Peanut butter and jelly, but you can have something else if you want, I have some Royal Castle in the fridge”.

“No, that’s fine, I’ll have the sandwich”.

They ate chatting about what’s happening at both work places, afterwards, Flynn left to return home. Morgan tidied up her kitchen and returned to bed.

The next morning on her way to work, Morgan went into the compound of the new apartment buildings, Hibiscus Towers was in bold red letters on a banner on the wall of the new construction. They seemed to be almost completed, she noticed. She spoke to the first man she saw.

“Good morning, can you tell me where I can get information about the apartments?”

“Sure Miss, if you go back there,” he said pointing to the left side of the building, “and ask for Caesar, you can ask him all you want to know”.

Caesar was very helpful, giving her a telephone contact and a name to ask for. He said they weren’t all accounted for as yet, so she should be able to get one. She called as soon as she got into the office, and as luck would have it, she was told about one on the third floor, facing east. The rent will be higher than what she’s currently paying by four hundred dollars, but that was ok, she has made up her mind, she wants to move. During her lunch break, she drove down to Barataria to get more information on the apartment.

At Ludwig Enterprises she was met by a fairly attractive young woman who gave her a number and pointed her to a seat. The name tag on the desk said Keisha Thumbs. Ludwig was owned by Fenton Ludwig Real Estate, a Real Estate company which was also into construction. That explains why it’s going up so fast, she said to herself. After twenty minutes she was ushered into the office, hoping to meet the man himself, to her disappointment she was introduced to a Mrs. Spinner. The building will be rented according to the need of the tenants as it housed two and three bedroom apartments. There are four penthouses at the top. It goes six floors up, the ground floor is for businesses. She wants a two bedroom apartment so that will put her on the third floor. She was given a plan of the third floor and a floor plan of the apartment itself, together with a brochure about Ludwig’s plans to develop more housing settlements in her area, and also in the Chaguanas borough.

A down payment of three thousand dollars was made, she collected all her relevant documents and left. The apartments will be ready within three months. When she exited the building she couldn’t help the feeling of contentment that overcame her, she was moving ahead and that’s a start. Now if only Dreamers and Me Events Management company can keep up. It doesn’t matter anyway, she thought, as she has plans to go into business with her Saurelle, and plans for that was well under way. It will be a matter of time before she leaves Adlei, but not yet. She wants to leave him in good standing.

She returned to the office and was reading the brochure when Adlei suddenly appeared in her line of vision.

“Morgan, we need to go over some things for the Boyd’s wedding darling, see me as soon as you can ok munchies.”

“Sure thing Adlei”, she replied without glancing up.


She looked up. Adlei was holding some fabric swatches in the darkest green and palest pink.

“Wow Ads, er you’re looking for…”

“You didn’t say which shade they’ll be using so I’m experimenting.”

“Oh, they didn’t make up their mind that’s why, but she was hoping for something with purple or orange as they her favorite colors”.

“Well we can help them, can’t we? I’ll see what I can pull together.”

With that he turned and left. Morgan couldn’t help but think something’s going on with him. He seemed distant lately. She put the brochure away and went into his office.

The hours passed without any interruptions and she found herself back home before five thirty. She looked around the apartment, although it was small, she had accumulated lots of things in the couple years since she’s been there. She will need to get some help when time comes to move out. She went to the dining table and sat in front her computer. The message icon was blinking. Omari added a new picture. Jemma wants to be your friend. Saurelle added some new photos she would like you to check out. She checked them out and went right into her messages. She had three from Filipe. He was leaving the US to return to France for a while and was thinking about visiting a Caribbean Island, is she willing to show him around if he came there.

She told him between her work and planning to move in the next few months, she doubt she have much time to do that. He said he will still come because he has never been to Trinidad and Tobago. She wondered if he was coming here because of her, she hope she did not lead him on. The ringing of her cell phone broke her train of thoughts, looking at the screen she realized it was Auri.

“So honey, how are you enjoying Full Circle?” she asked.

“It’s ok,” Morgan replied.

“Good, met anyone interesting as yet?”

“Well they are all sort of interesting you know, especially this Filipe guy, he’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“Ha!” exclaimed Saurelle, “Morgs thinks someone other than the mighty Flynn is gorgeous”.

“Well Flynn is a handsome dude you know,” she said in defense. The conversation went on; Saurelle had found someone interesting and was planning to meet up with him. Morgan told her it was a bad idea, she should wait a bit. They chatted well into the night taking advantage of Digicel’s free after three minutes special. When Morgan went to sleep she was pretty much exhausted.

Two weeks later on a Saturday afternoon the girls are in the mall, seated at a table in the food court having burgers and fries. Saurelle was filling Morgan in on her interest in Kwassi. He lived in Marabella, Trinidad and wants them to meet up because he’s interested in her.

“Auri, I’m not comfortable with you meeting strange men from websites you know, that could be dangerous”.

“Morgs, we have been chatting for months, it’s only fair for us to meet.  It will be in a public place, I promise, I’m no fool girl” replied Saurelle, taking her voice a pitch higher at the end. Morgan laughed. She knew Saurelle played it safe, a bit too safe considering she hasn’t been with anyone in over a year. She continued to sip her Coco Cola.

“Hey, I have an idea, why don’t you two meet here?” she grinned at Saurelle then continued, “I can be somewhere close by and check him out for you.”

“Hmm, ok,” Saurelle replied. “That way you can see for yourself he’s not a bad guy.”

After they finished their meal they headed to Movie Town to catch a chick flick.




Chapter Five

At Dr. Kendra Stephen’s office in Manhattan, Filipe sat on a crimson sofa listening to the soothing hum of her voice as she spoke. It was a procedure they went through time and time again, ever since he was thirteen years old. The psychiatrist was his mother’s idea after he began having persistent dreams about finding someone called Jayme, who he remembered from when he was captured. He had reached a point where the dreams became a nightly horror as Jayme would appear to him screaming for him to save her from her captors. Once, he ran through the house in the dead of the night screaming for Jayme and looking for her in the house. They never did find out what happened to Jayme because they did not have enough information to go on. The therapy however, helped him greatly. The nightmares had stopped altogether but after Genny left him his anxiety levels rose again causing him to take a step back into his past haunting. He returned to Dr. Stephens and after a couple sessions was again able to put things into perspective and move on. Still, whenever he is emotionally upset or stressed out the haunting dreams will return.

“Talk to me Filipe”, Doctor Stephen said.

Filipe looked at her with a bit of excitement in his eyes.

“I’m doing much better, as a matter of fact I want to do some travelling soon.”

“Oh? Where to?”

“The Caribbean.”

“Good for you, I believe the travelling will do you well.” She replied while writing in a folder. She then asked, “How long will you be staying there Filipe, is it possible to have at least two more sessions with you before you go? You have done so well these past few months, I saw a lot of progress and I know you will be fine. I hope that you know enough to be able to see that the dreams are just that, dreams. The search for this person never yielded anything, the haunting feeling comes from the unresolved question about the location of Jayme, and you can successfully divert it. You’ve learnt to release your fears and I can see you already moving on.”

“Oh, I won’t be gone for too long, I leave on Monday and will be gone for maybe two weeks.” Filipe said, “I need to get away for a little while.”

“Good. Then I will see you at the end of this month when you return from your trip.”

Filipe left the building and walked towards his car. Driving off he thought about Trinidad and was hoping he can get a flight to Piarco International Airport for next Monday morning. That gave him one week to organize for his absence from the office. He wasn’t needed in the office either way as the company practically runs itself, thanks to the skill and experience of the workers employed. He decided he will get something nice for his new friend Morgan then go home so he can finish doing a few things that popped up. Images of Morgan filled his mind as he drove, she is a beautiful girl, he thought. For some reason his heart rate increased whenever he thought of her. Passing in front of a jewelry shop he knew exactly what he was going to get her, a charm bracelet he saw when he went in to have his gold chain cleaned last week. The perfect gift, not too personal but quite lovely.



Morgan and Saurelle sat chatting online on the Full Circle website. They were discussing Auri’s meeting with Kwassi which was scheduled for the following afternoon at Long Circular Mall. The plan was that Morgan will get there around three in the afternoon and reserve a seat at a table where she can see them clearly so if help is needed Auri can give her a particular signal. If the meeting goes well she promised to leave them alone. They were looking forward some girly fun and sat chatting and giggling like two fifteen year olds.

The next day Morgan and Zoe went to Maracas beach to begin making arrangements to have the perfect spot reserved for the wedding. Everything was going smoothly so far, as a matter of fact, Morgan was getting a bit antsy at how smoothly it was going. Things were just falling into place. Reserving the spot is the last thing she had on schedule for today. Afterwards she should be heading to Long Circular Mall to spy on Auri and her new guy. They sat in the Facility Manager’s Office looking out at the waves as they rolled in. Zoe walked with a swimsuit and a change of clothes “just in case” she had time to take a dip. She said she always does that whenever she will be close enough to a beach, she likes to prepare for all possibilities. The Manager, Mrs. King came in and signaled them to follow her.

They walked along the shore happily chatting and planning out the décor for the tables. Soon Mrs. King stopped and turned towards them.

“What do you think?” She asked looking at Morgan and smiling. She had stopped between some trees, the spot was shady but not too windy.

Morgan looked around while Zoe walked a bit further down assessing the area. From where she stood, she can see a gorgeous mountain scenery up ahead, lines and lines of huts at her back selling bake and shark, and other local delicacies. The beach with waves rolling and tumbling was at her right. The spot was a bit grassy where the shade of the palm trees fell on the shore. The rest was sandy she observed as she wiggled her toes in the sandals she wore.

“If the wedding is carded to begin at two thirty, there will be more shade under here” Mrs. King was saying as she walked ahead a bit and stopped.” “The tide never comes up here but if you want to get closer to the water quickly for photos there is a short cut behind that bank there.” “This area is calm, the wind is good and it’s a little private, perfect for the one hundred and fifty guest you have on the list. The Party Hall is just a short walk away. The reception can be kept there where you won’t be disturbed by onlookers.

Zoe and Morgan looked on amused as Mrs. King animatedly explained the advantages and disadvantages of putting the bridal arch on the sand as opposed to on the grassy area. The entire area was perfect. They decided to rent the plywood from Mrs. King so they wouldn’t have to search around looking for that.

After a while with plans in their mind and excitement in their voice, they slowly headed back to the Office. Zoe however didn’t get to take her dip as Morgan had to leave.


A little less than an hour later Morgan pulled into the car park at the Mall. She opened her car door and knocked her sandals on the outside trying to rid it of the sand she picked up at the beach. Looking at her watch she realized it was just a few minutes before three o’ clock. She listened to the alarm on the car chirp as she walked towards the entrance. The Dining area was not crowded, she was sort of hoping it wouldn’t be. She went to Royal Castle and ordered two pieces of chicken with potato salad and a drink. Taking her meal she went towards a table at the back, close to Rituals and sat down pulling out a novel from her handbag. Auri said they will be there by half three, so she waited. She watched every guy that walked in and wondered if he was Kwassi. Auri didn’t really give her a description besides that he’s supposed to be tall, dark and good looking.


Filipe lay on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Music was blasting through a small speaker attached to his laptop on the dresser. With his eyes closed and feet tapping to the beat of the music, he goes over most of what Dr. Stephen told him about the dreams and panic attacks coming whenever he feels stressed. In his mind, he has to avoid such situations in the future. He longs for true love. He wants to be loved, unconditionally. He has to find the right person because he has so much to give. Morgan flashed across his mind again as he thought about his plans for the next couple of weeks. She was simply gorgeous. He thought about a photo she has on the site at a beach, one she claimed was her favorite. Damn she is sexy too. How can I get her to notice me? She said she had a boyfriend, but how come she is on a Dating Site, maybe they are not serious, he thought. He realized his attention was set on her for the past few days, it’s as if he couldn’t get her off his mind.

He wanted to go to Trinidad and Tobago to see the Country firstly but also to meet her, to see if she is as she said because a lot of women on the site have fake profiles up. He hoped she would be able to spend some time with him, he won’t push her but he can still hope. He has been chatting with her for almost two months and liked what he knew about her so far. Interacting with her, he realized she is a sweet, humble person and he will be glad to have her in his life. He wants to get some new friends, to go out there and meet some new people. Dealing with his emotional problems had caused him to lock most of his usual friends and acquaintances out of his life. Well, most of them though, but Caleth had stayed and supported him as always. Filipe and Caleth went a long way back. He was more of a brother to him than a friend. Always encouraging him and standing with him in full support. It was Caleth that suggested he go back to Doctor Stephens when he couldn’t function after Genny left. He remembered he did not tell Caleth that he was going to Trinidad and Tobago and he should do so, they would usually let each other know whenever they will be travelling.


Caleth Matthews Was just leaving his Real Estate Office when his cell phone rang. Looking at the number flashing across the screen he smiled when he realized it was Filipe.

“Hey man, what’s up? How you doing?”

“Hello brother, I’m doing well thanks,”

“Was just about to head home, what are you up to? Do you want to meet up” He asked Filipe.

“Oh, ok… I just wanted to let you know that I’m leaving the Country for a little while. I plan on visiting a friend, I will be back in about two weeks.”

“Where to bro?”

“Trinidad and Tobago”, Filipe replied with a grin on his face.

Caleth heard the smile in his voice, “Hmm, whom do you know there?” he questioned

“Someone I hope to get to know better actually.”

“Hey, does this have to do with that chick from the Website Filipe?”

“Actually, yes it does.” Filipe replied.

“I don’t know how I feel about you going half way across the world to chase a skirt man. Are you sure about this? Does she know you are coming? More important, are you taking me?”

Filipe laughed heartily.

“I told her I plan to take a trip but haven’t told her when.” He said. “I want to surprise her”.

“Ok, well then be cautious, don’t expect too much, go with an open mind and be careful. I hear the crime satiation over there is a little problem. How soon do you leave?”

“In two days.”

“And you’re now telling me? I could have gone with you man.”

“Thanks Cal, but I want to do this on my own.”

“Ok then, you have a good time. You should fill me in on the trip as soon as you get back though.”

“Sure thing man.”

They both hung up. Filipe got up from the bed and went across the room to his laptop. Several messages was showing on Full Circle. He clicked on the site’s Icon and began looking at them. He saw one from Morgan and smiled to himself. She was excited about the location of a Wedding she was planning. Such a simple happy person she seems to be, simple things made her happy, he’s hoping he would be simple enough. His heart leaped when he saw she added a new photo. It was of her and another young woman, someone she said is her best friend. He replied to her filling her in about how his day went, the magazines and some information about a new pastry the Chef invented that was making waves in the Cafe. He sat staring at her photos for a while longer then he got up and went to look for a suitcase to pack.



Morgan’s eyes kept sweeping the dining area for signs of Saurelle. Finally she saw her approaching with a tall, dark skinned handsome guy. She caught her eye and winked, Morgan smiled slightly and nodded once. Saurelle and Kwassi sat at a table just about three rows in front of Morgan with Kwassi’s back facing Morgan and Saurelle looking her way. Morgan smiled and continued to eat. Her novel was nearby so she can pretend to read while she kept a close eye on Saurelle and her company. Morgan gave Saurelle a thumbs up and signaled to Kwassi with pouted lips. Saurelle smiled and returned the signal, she then turned her attention back to Kwassi who was finishing a call he received as they walked in. She watched on as Kwassi apparently asked her friend what she was having before standing up and heading towards Beefeaters.

Ten minutes into her book Morgan looked up and saw Auri and Kwassi still happily chatting away. They seemed to be having a great time so she went back to her page. After a few minutes a shadow fell over her, glancing up she was momentarily surprised to see Flynn standing before her.

“Oh my God Flynn, what are you doing here?” She said as she stood.

He wrapped her in his arms and took a deep breath. “I love this scent on you, is it new?”

“Yes it is actually”, she said while sticking out her tongue playfully.

He then pulled a chair and sat down.

“Did you see Auri over there?”

“Um, yes I did, she is on a date and I’m watching out for her.”

“You? Watching out for her? Honey, you’re smaller than her in size.”

“Not like that Flynn, it’s a first date, I’m just her emotional support.”

“Oh, I see, so who’s watching out for you?”

She smiled and shook her head.

“How come you’re in the Mall today?”

“I had to drop off something at the Bank and I passed through here to get some pholurie. Didn’t know I’d happen upon my girlfriend playing body guard spy.” He teased.

They both looked over at Auri who seemed to be oblivious to their presence. Flynn grabbed Morgan’s hand and stood up.

“Let’s get out of here, she is more than ok.”

“Sure no problem” she replied.

They both walked off leaving Saurelle to her date.




Chapter Six


Filipe stared out of the window as the plane touched down on the runway at the Piarco International Airport. His mind going over all he read about the Island. The sun sure looked hot and he was anticipating the two weeks relaxing and having a great time on the Caribbean Island. Trinidad here I am, he thought, with a slight smile on his face. He had reservations at the Kapok Hotel, and they had already reserved a driver at his disposal by his request. The guy was picking him up at the Airport. It will be good to be chauffeured around for a while. This is turning out to be great, he just hoped that Morgan will welcome him and he will get to spend some time with her, he hoped that this could be the beginning of something wonderful. He shaded his eyes from the sun as he walked with the other passengers toward the Terminal. Although a brisk breeze was blowing, the sun still felt very hot on his skin, and the light t-shirt he wore clung tightly to his well-toned chest and abdomen as he walked. Once he got through at the Baggage counter, he walked with his luggage in tow towards the Exit sign. He stood outside the doors looking for someone holding his name card. It took him a couple minutes but he finally saw the slight middle aged man holding a card with his name hugged to his chest. He spot him about the same time that the gentleman saw him. He flashed a brilliant smile at Filipe and headed in his direction.

“Guess I’m your guy.” Filipe said smiling.

“Mr. Le Mar I presume?”

“Yes, Filipe Le Mar, pleased to meet you, you can just call me Filipe. Are you the person from the hotel who will be taking me out and about for my two week stay?”

“That will be me Raymond Pancho, you call me Pancho, everybody I know does.” Pancho said in his Trinidadian dialect and flashed another toothy smile at Filipe while thrusting his hand in his direction. Filipe took his hand, gave it a vigorous shake and said, “Pleased to meet you Pancho.”

Pancho then took hold of his luggage and popped open the trunk of a silver grey Wing road wagon.

“Go ahead and have a seat,” he said to Filipe.

Filipe opened the door and sat in the front passenger seat. Looking around him he couldn’t help but admire the hustle around him. He decided to stay focused and pay attention to his surroundings because this may be the first time on the Island, but it will definitely not be his last. Soon they were off to the Hotel.


After Flynn left Morgan, she sat at her laptop doing some color scheming for Adlei. After about an hour her computer chimed as new emails came in. She saw some messages from Filipe, she clicked on it and went onto Full Circle.

“Hi beautiful, hope you had a great day today.”

She contemplated a short while before answering, wondering why her heart did those little leaps whenever she received a message from him.

Morgan: Hi Filipe, yes it was a bit exciting, how was your day today?

Filipe: Great, successful. Turned out just as I hoped. Did you see my message?

Morgan: What message

Filipe: About us, about our friendship, meeting each other … I got a bit too busy doing stuff and lost touch with a lot of my friends. I’m hoping to regain a few, also make new ones. I’m hoping you will agree with me and my desire to see this friendship grow because I like you a lot, you have a charming personality and chatting with you comes so natural to me. I don’t just mean to chat online, but someone to talk to, to confide in, to give advice, to hang out with, that kind of thing.

Morgan: Wow, I didn’t see that message as yet but that’s cool, I don’t see a problem there, I would love that Filipe.

Filipe: Great.

Morgan: I’m doing some color scheming for work, what are you up to?

Filipe: Actually I have a surprise for you.

Morgan: Me? Really? What sort of surprise?

Filipe: I booked a flight to Trinidad and Tobago and I will be staying for two weeks.

Morgan: Great, when will you be here?

Filipe: I am here already, staying at the Kapok Hotel.

Morgan: Are you serious?

Filipe: Dead serious.

Morgan sat wide eyed and open mouthed for a few seconds processing that information. She then continued typing when she realize he wasn’t saying anything else.

Morgan: Filipe, tell me you did not come here just to look for me, like I said I won’t be able take you around, I’m very busy with this wedding at the moment, what are you gonna do?

Filipe: No, no, please don’t worry about me ma Cherie. I’m sure you can remember I told you I never been here and I would like to visit someday soon. I have a couple weeks to do as I please so I took the opportunity to come down. If you can I will like to meet you, but if you can’t I can wait for another time, but I can’t promise I won’t be disappointed in not meeting you though. If it’s just to say hello… I’m still hoping. The Hotel organized a driver for me so I have someone to take me around for the two weeks so I will be fine.

He then sent her a smiley face and two hugs emoji’s.

Morgan: Ok. I will see if we can meet up if even it’s for a bit. Give me a call when you can ok. My contact is six eight five, twenty seven ninety.

Filipe: Sure will, hope you enjoy your evening.

Morgan: You do the same, what are you doing this evening by the way?

Filipe: My driver, Pancho, said he’s taking me on the Avenue to taste some of the local foods.

Morgan: Oh ok, sounds great, well you will enjoy that. Call me tomorrow ok, I will see what I can do to help you out.

Filipe: Sure thing. Good bye Morgan.

Morgan: Goodbye.


After the conversation ended, Morgan sat at her desk with a frown on her face while she nibbled on her nails. She felt a bit nervous and could not understand why. She let out a long breath and picked up the plan for the new apartment complex. She began drawing little sketches on a note pad planning how she will be organizing things once she got settled in. A familiar sound caught her ear and she got up to look for her cell phone. She had forgotten to take it out of her handbag. It was Auri.

“Hello Auri” she said into the phone.

“I saw when you left with your boyfriend missy, is that how you stand security for your friend?” Saurelle asked, pretending to be mad at her.

“I saw Kwassi and you were looking pretty chummy so I thought it was ok to leave. Did something happen?”

“Of course something happened.” She said still pretending to be upset.

“OMG Auri I’m so sorry, I…” But Saurelle cut her off.

“We decided that we liked each other and we want to give a relationship a try!”

Eeeek! They both screamed at the same time.

“I’m so happy for you honey, I can’t wait to officially meet him. So now we can couple up and do some couple things together, you, Kwassi, Flynn and me that should be fun.”

“What does he do anyway?” Morgan asked

“He is a junior Doctor working at San Fernando General”

“Are you serious? You never told me he is a Doctor!”

“You, my dear, never asked.”

“Wow, cool. I hope things work out. I will get to plan the wedding.” Morgan said as she smiled.

“Woops, hold it there sister, we haven’t even officially started dating, you already planning wedding?”

‘Aah, we will get there when the time comes.” Morgan replied.

“So you just went back home? Is Flynn still there?” Auri asked.

“No, he didn’t come here, he had his car and I had mine, we just browsed the Mall a bit then he had to leave to go to Class so I came home.”

“Ok, well we will chat later on honey I got to go Iron a shirt for work tomorrow.”

“Before you go I have something to tell you”, Morgan said to her, “You know the guy I told you is very cute on my list in Full Circle?”

“Um, yeah, Phil or something like that?”

“Yes, Filipe. He is here.”

“What do you mean he is here? Is he there with you?” Saurelle asked Morgan, her eyes bulging in her head.

“No silly, he is in the Country.”

“From France?”

“No, he was in the US. He came here for two weeks.”

“Are you meeting him? Did he come here just to see you? What?” but Morgan stopped her and continued.

“He said he just came cause he never been here, and asked me if I can show him around, but I told him I have plenty work at the moment but I will meet him if I can.”

“You going to meet him by yourself?” Saurelle asked, her voice raising a bit.

“Well, that’s where you come in.”

“Oh, ok, well sure, just tell me time and place and I will be there.”

“Thanks Auri. It means so much to have a friend like you. You know he even sent me a message before I knew he was here, asking for us to be friends. Real friends as in someone to talk to, to hang out with, to give and get advice and all that. He seemed genuine so I told him yes. Maybe if you meet him we can all hook up and all be friends.”

“Ok, I don’t see a problem, but I have to go Morgs so we will chat later ok.”

“Ok, love you bad babe.”

“Love yer bad too Morgs.”



Filipe was waiting in the lobby for Pancho when one of the Hotel staff touched him on his shoulder.

“Mr. Le Mar, your driver is here,”

“Oh, thanks.”

He didn’t realize he was so deep in thought that he didn’t see her approaching him. He went outside and sure enough saw Pancho waiting for him in the same car he collected him with at the Airport.

“Hey, hope yuh sharpen yuh teeth because we had lots of food to taste eh.” Pancho said smiling at him.

Filipe smiled as he got into the vehicle. The drive to the Avenue wasn’t long. Pancho pointed out a few places to him and kept up quite a hearty conversation on the way. They stopped at the side of the road close to a man selling something from a cart. He realized Pancho was getting out of the car so he followed him.

“Two doubles for me” Pancho looked at Filipe and said “My treat”

Filipe shrugged and watched as the man took something like a pie out from a bucket with a thong and placed it on a piece of wax paper he had on his hands. He proceeded to put something that looked like chick peas in a sauce onto the thing he put on the paper. He added what smelled like pepper with another sauce, placed another of the pie like thing over all of it and wrapped it up. He did it again and placed two into the bag then gave it to Pancho. Pancho paid him, took the bag and signaled him to get back into the car.

It smelled strange but his stomach grumbled.

Pancho took out one and gave the bag to Filipe and told him to eat it. It was called a doubles.

Filipe took a bite and let out a sigh.

“This is really good” He smiled while chewing. Pancho just nodded and continued eating his doubles. After eating the doubles Pancho drove onto the main road in St James. It was five twenty in the afternoon according to his watch. He stopped the car and signaled Filipe to follow him. They walked around a bit, buying and drinking a couple of beers each. Pancho introduced him to some of the locals he knew while they chatted and ate cutters at the bar. They remained there for about one hour before Pancho stood up and Filipe stood up with him. They said their farewells and went back to the car.

“Let’s go to the Avenue now to get you dinner.” Pancho said.

“Sure” Filipe replied.

At that moment his mind strayed to Morgan. He glanced at his phone and pulled up her number. He then put it back in his pocket when Pancho asked him if he wanted barbecue chicken. They made another stop at a place called The Grill, where they purchased dinner “to go”. Pancho told him if he wanted to see some of the sights it will be better if they started early in the morning. He took him back to the Hotel and set a time to pick him up in the Lobby the following day. Filipe went upstairs to his room where he enjoyed the dinner and looked at some local TV for a couple of hours. Sometime after eleven he went to bed, looking forward to the tour with Pancho tomorrow. He fell asleep with a smile on his face, Pancho was a good man, he can see them being good friends. Then there’s Morgan, hmmm, who knows what tomorrow will bring.



Chapter Seven


Morgan was at work when she received a telephone call from Mrs. Spinner at Ludwig Enterprises. The apartment will be ready soon, if she was still interested in it she needed to come to the office at Barataria urgently so some final payments and other arrangements can be made. She had some time on her hands so she decided to head up there while she can. Arriving there she met with Mrs. Spinner and they spoke about some legal matters concerning the rental of the apartment. Afterwards she was given a set of keys and told she will be able to begin moving her things into the apartment in two weeks’ time. This excited her greatly, the thought of a bigger, fancy place to live. She may even get herself some new furniture. While getting ready to leave the premises of Ludwig Enterprises her cell phone rang so she put the car back in park and answered it.

“Hello?” she said holding it between her ear and shoulder.

“Hello, is this Morgan?” Someone said with a heavy French accent.


“Qui c`est moi” the Person replies.

She smiled, she was actually excited to hear from him.

“I hope it is not a bad time for you?” he then said

“No, not at all” she replied.

“How is it going today and where are you?” she asked him.

“Pancho is taking me for a Tour, a little one he says. I’m just calling to see if you would like to meet somewhere, sometime if you have some extra time.”

“Oh, maybe later, I was about to head back to the Office. I’m at a place called Ludwig Enterprises seeing about something at the moment.”

“Ludwig? Which area is that in?”

Morgan can hear someone talking in the background while Filipe was on the phone.

Can I call you back on this number?” she asked him

“Sure you can, oh wait a minute, Pancho said we just passed there, where you’re at, can we come back there to see you?”

“Um, I haven’t left the car park as yet so I guess you can.”

“Ok, we can be there in about,” he paused and she heard him speaking with someone, “a minute” he says.”

“Ok, see you then, I’m in the red Corolla under the tree.”

After hanging up she wondered if she did the right thing in agreeing to meet him so soon. He is with someone so they wouldn’t be alone, she thought to herself. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to meet him as yet but before she could think of anything else a silver grey Wing road wagon pulled up in the parking lot. Excitement fluttered in her stomach, more nervousness than excitement actually. The passenger side of the vehicle opened and up stood Filipe, he looked directly over at her car. Morgan held her breath as he began walking towards her car, she sat very still gawking at him. When she realized she had not moved, she quickly opened her door and stood up. Filipe flashed a brilliant smile when he saw her, crossed the few feet separating them quickly and enveloped her in a tight hug. She was caught by surprise but she did hug him back. He then pulled away and held her by her shoulders looking at her.

“Wow, Morgan, vous êtes vraiment belle, your photos do not do you a bit of justice.” He said in his cute French accent.

“English please.” She said nervously, I need to know what you are saying.

“Oh, forgive me, I said you’re very beautiful, it’s so good to finally meet you.”

“Pleased to meet you too Filipe” she said

She couldn’t take her stare away from his vibrant blue eyes. He is drop dead gorgeous, she thought, and couldn’t believe she was actually staring but yet it was difficult to drag her eyes away. When she finally did look away, after feeling like she was making a fool of herself, she realize he himself was staring at her.

“Are you ok? Sorry, I didn’t mean to hug you it’s just that I’m so excited to meet you…” Filipe was saying when she cut him off.

“Yes it’s ok, it’s just that you are, wow, are you sure you’re single?” She blushed and cringed slightly when she realized she said that aloud.

“It’s a long story,” he replied, “Actually I’m recently single, about three months.”

“Oh, I can understand that,”

After giving them a few minutes to meet Pancho approached them.

“Pancho?” Morgan asked recognizing the older gentleman.

“Yes, it is, I thought I know your face from somewhere that’s why I came out.”

“It’s Morgan. Dawn’s daughter. You remember Dawn? You drove her around when she came to stay with me for a few days, before I got my car, which was about a year ago.”

“Yes, yes I now remember you, how are you my dear?” He asked, taking her hand.

“I’m good. So you’re taking Filipe touring?”

“Yes, that’s the plan. Maybe we can meet up and do something together while he’s here eh? He seems to be a good guy, and he knows nothing about the country.”

They both laughed while Filipe looked from one to the other amused.

“Small country,” Pancho said and smiled at him.

Filipe took Morgan’s hands, “Can you have dinner with me?”

“I will like to but I promised a friend to have dinner with her tonight.” She lied.

“Bring your friend, I’d love to meet more local folks.”

“Are you sure?” she asked

“It’s no problem at all, the more the merrier.” Filipe smiled as he spoke.

Morgan resumed her staring when she saw the dimples and perfectly white teeth.

“Oh ok well how about TGI Friday’s?” That’s not too far from where you’re staying.” She said, without taking her eyes off his.

“Sure”, he said looking at Pancho.

“Can Pancho dine with us? Will you or your friend mind?” He then asked Morgan.

“Not one bit, it will be fun, and also I’m sure Auri remembers him.”

“Well its set then, see you later ma Cherie.”

He kissed both her hands then turned to follow Pancho back to their car. Morgan rubbed the spot he kissed as she went back into her car. She sat down and watched them drive off.

This could be a problem, she said to herself. She was hoping Filipe was just a simple ordinary guy not some drop dead gorgeous hunk with a French accent. She sighed long and rested her head back on the headrest. This she got to forewarn Auri about because she can be a bit of a flirt. Tonight should be fun, she smiled as she drove off.

Morgan arrived in the office just before twelve noon. She pulled out her phone and dialed Saurelle’s number. She answered on the third ring...

“Hi babe, what’s up?”

“Girl, you wouldn’t believe what just happened.”

“Tell me”, Auri said impatiently.

“I met Filipe.”

“Wait, what? Where? When?” Auri said excitedly

“Firstly, do you remember Pancho? The guy who drove mom around when she came and I didn’t have my car as yet?” Morgan asked Saurelle hoping that she did remember.

“Ah oldish red skinned, dougla guy right?”

“Yes, that’s him, he ain’t so old girl, and anyway he is taking Filipe around, what a coincidence huh?”

“Ok, but how did you meet them up?”

“Filipe called me to touch base and it so happened they had just passed where was, I went to see Mrs. Skinner. They turned around and came because he wanted to meet me.”

“And…” Saurelle tapped her feet impatiently where she stood in her Office.

“Oh my God Auri, the man is drop dead gorgeous!” Morgan said in a high pitched voice. “How the hell is he single?”

“Wow, now I can’t wait to meet him.”

“Um, that’s where it gets interesting, you will tonight.” Morgan said softly.

“Wait, what? Tonight you said?”

“Yes he wants us to join him for dinner.”

“And how did ‘us’ come in there miss Morgan? What scheme you putting my name in now?”

“When he asked I told him I had plans with my girlfriend. He said to bring you. Then Pancho remembered you when I described you and Filipe asked him to come along.”

“Oh dear, well ok, Pancho must remember me, you can’t remember I was harassing him all the time? I told him for an older man he was sure cute. The man tell me have he wife already and put mih in mih place.”

“So, what time and where?” Saurelle continued

“TGI’s tonight at seven.”

“Ok, I will come, anything for you darling.”

“Great, I will pick you up at six thirty ok.”

“Sure and I can’t wait to meet this guy of yours.”

“He’s not my guy Auri.”

“Aah, we’ll see” she said chuckling… “Later babe, I got to go finish up something I started here”

“Ok, later.”



Later that evening Morgan was busy wondering what to wear when Flynn walked in.

“Hi babe, heading out?”

“Yes, Auri and I having dinner with a couple of friends.” She answered.

“Ok, where to?”

“TGI’s, want to come?”

“Nah, would like to but I can’t, I have to do some stuff for my mom.” He answered as he threw himself on the bed.

Morgan finally decided on a simple dark blue floral dress with matching dark blue flats. The outfit was nice, not too casual but not too dressed either, she then went to take a shower. Flynn stayed on the bed and flipped on the TV. He knew Morgan and Saurelle was always up to some girly stuff so he didn’t bother to question her about it any further.

“Hey babe?” He said opening the bathroom door

Morgan stopped the flow of the water to listen to him.

“I’m heading out, will see you tomorrow ok.”

“Sure Flynn” she replied and wasn’t surprised when his head poked into the shower. He kissed her longingly and squeezed her left nipple.

“Naughty!” she said, breaking the kiss. I have to hurry, I told Auri six thirty.

“Ok honey, later.” He said pulling back the shower curtain into position.

Morgan stepped out of the shower and got dressed. She left her hair down, it fell in soft curls and waves down her back a little under her slim waist. She decided she will wear little to no makeup. Just a touch of eye shadow, some mascara and lip gloss will do.

She called Auri and put her on speaker.

“Hey I’m almost out the house, what are you wearing?”

“A light brown slacks with a white halter back.” She replied.

“Great, I’m in the blue dress you like so much.”

“Oh, I’m wondering if Mr. Filipe will like that a little too much.” She laughed

They both laughed, then Morgan hung up the call, picked up her keys and left the apartment.



The drive to TGI’s was short. The girls walked inside and were not too surprised to see Filipe and Pancho seated waiting for them in the lobby area as they were a few minutes late. They stood up when the girls approached escorted them inside after introductions were said. The attendant led them to a table for four at the back of the restaurant.

“I will be with you shortly.” She said and left them to settle in.

Saurelle couldn’t stop gawking at Filipe. She squeezed Morgan’s hands so hard that Morgan had to stifle a little scream that had the two gentlemen looking at her with worried glances. She coolly smiled it off and gave Auri a playful slap. Morgan sat between Filipe and Auri, which put Pancho opposite to her. He started a conversation about her mother when he realized the air around the table was a bit tense.

“She’s doing well”, Morgan was saying. “She still runs her Book store and gets a lot of orders for Wedding cakes especially. The catering business is booming over there.

Morgan can feel Filipe’s eyes on her and its making the butterflies in her stomach dance. The man seem to have no qualms about staring. Auri wasn’t helping the matter either by touching her feet with hers all the time, causing her to jump once or twice. The mood lightened eventually with the constant chatter between Morgan and Pancho, eventually they were discussing cars and movies. Saurelle kept asking Filipe questions about France, and the type of business he’s into.

“My father owned a couple magazines, also own a chain of Cafés throughout Chantilly and Marseille. I worked with the Business magazine for a number of years, until he died. I took over the overall running of the magazines, plus the management of the Cafés. Opened two additional ones since, one in New York. They practically run themselves so that gives me more time to do some travelling to places I have never been, it’s one of my hobbies. I am the only child of my parents, as my younger brother was stillborn. Mom never tried for another child after him.”

“Sorry to hear that” was mumbled across the table as everyone listened attentively to his story.

He continued, “My dad himself passed away a couple years ago, so it’s just my mom and myself. She busies herself with her crochet group and her book club, does a bit of interior decorating still as it was her main profession.” Morgan subconsciously reached over and squeezed his hands on the table, the expression in her eyes one of sympathy.

He looked at her, “I guess your mom need to meet my mom then, they can swap book tales” he smiled and looked down at their hands as Morgan blushed and removed hers.

“Maybe she should meet with Auri here too as they’re in the same profession” she replied winking at Saurelle.

“So, um, how do you like Trini so far? And are you planning to head across to Tobago also?” Auri asked Filipe, trying to pause the obvious attraction he was showing to her friend.

“I’m liking it well enough, the people are so friendly. The ladies here are very beautiful, les femmes sont belles” He said looking at Morgan again before he looked at Saurelle and smiled.

“English solely please Filipe, we need to keep up with you.” Morgan laughed as she said that. She couldn’t let him know how adorable she thought he sounded when he spoke French, nor of the little leaps her heart made at the sound of his voice.

“I said the women are beautiful.” He smiled. “I’ll try to remember no French in Trinidad.” He chuckled

“They sure are beautiful,” said Pancho. “Our country is filled with gorgeous, sexy ladies, maybe you will run away with one huh…” He chuckled.

“Yes, certainly,” Filipe said, “Two of them are sitting right here.” He again looked at Morgan. She was getting a bit nervous so she squeezed Auri’s lap lightly. By the time the waitress came to them they were engaged in a hearty conversation about ‘Trini food’. They all laughed when Filipe said he wouldn’t mind taking some Doubles home to France. Auri then whispered in Morgan’s ear, “I’m sure that’s not all he would like to take back to France.” That earned her a sharp jab with Morgan’s finger nail on her left thigh.

After dinner they moved across to the Bar for some light drinks. Morgan and Pancho decided not to drink alcohol as they were driving. They all shared a little about themselves for some time again and planned to meet up and hang out on another day. By the time the evening was over, both girls were quite enraptured with Filipe. Saurelle told him as much before they parted ways, that she hopes to see him a few times before he leaves. Also maybe they should think about a vacation in France. That made Filipe smile, he said that he would love for them to come over. They wouldn’t even need to get accommodations as his mom and himself will love to accommodate them. He moved back home when his dad passed because his mom couldn’t manage the house on her own. It technically is already his and he refuses to let them stay elsewhere if they were to visit France. The gentlemen walked the ladies to Morgan’s car, Filipe kissed both girls on both cheeks before they went into the car. He stood with Pancho and waved as they watched them drive off.

As soon as they were out of sight Morgan let out a loud scream.

“I know honey,” Auri told her rubbing her back, “I feel like screaming myself.”

“Why does he have to be so damn handsome, so charming, so sweet, so God…?”… She screamed again.

“Did you see the way he kept staring at me? I’m hoping it’s because we just met and he was trying to memorize my features. I wanted to stare too but God!”

Saurelle laughed. “Good luck with those hopes honey, that look was pure lust.”

“Do you want me to drive Morgs?” she then asked watching her friend with some concern.

“No Auri, I’ll be ok, thanks for asking though.”

“Tell me what’s going through your mind.” Auri said as she rubbed her leg a bit.

She let out a long sigh then slowly said, “Filipe is like the guy of every girl’s dreams, chatting with him for the past few weeks he is just cool, a regular nice guy. Why is he single? Do you think something is wrong with him? Is it because he cheats, he’s a player? He has the look you know. I’m sure she left him because he cheated.” Morgan frowned

“Now, now now, don’t be quick to jump to conclusions honey; I’m sure there is a good reason for his singleness. Hey I was single for a while and am not a bad person eh. Are you going to see him again though?”

“Yes definitely,” She kept her eyes on the road because it was a bit busy.

“Makes me regret I told Kwassi that we can be together, I wouldn’t mind giving Filipe some before Kwassi comes on the scene.”

That comment earned her a little slap from Morgan.

“Behave Saurelle!” Morgan shrieked while laughing with her friend.

“Girl, I’d give it to him just as long as he spoke to me only in French.” Morgan added her piece, “French is so sexy.”

They both laughed and continued their chatter until Morgan dropped Saurelle off at her grandmother’s home.




Chapter Eight

When Morgan got home she threw herself on her bed face down. She took a couple deep breaths and sat down on the bed. Her phone vibrated, she raised herself up, pulled open her clutch and took it out. She saw she had four missed calls from Flynn. She decided to call him.

“Hey babe” she said.

“Hey, I tried calling you but I guess you were having too much fun huh. How was it?”

“Oh, nice, we had a ball.” She replied.

“I called to let you know that Vinny finally got the border you wanted for the tablecloths, he said they have it in stock now so if you want it, you should come as soon as you can.”

“Oh great, I will get it tomorrow. Thanks hon.”

“You ok? You sound a bit distant, were you drinking?”

“Oh, no I wasn’t I’m just tired, that’s all. Auri did my drinking for me as I had to drive.”

“Ok, well let me leave you to go and sleep. I will tell him you’re coming tomorrow is that ok?”

“Yes, please do, and thanks again honey, good night.”

“Good night babe.”

Flynn hung up and she sat staring at the phone. She has a great relationship with Flynn, she wouldn’t want to change that no matter what. Vincent is Flynn’s brother who owns a fabric store, she gets first preference whenever they get new original designs in stock. She went by recently when she was looking at fabric swatches for the wedding and saw a beautiful edging she can use on the tables but they did not have enough of the material in the store. They now do so she will pass by the store tomorrow to purchase it. She knows if she doesn’t go tomorrow Vinny will still keep it for her, but she will go. She need to start putting things in place for the wedding as time was flying by swiftly.

Her computer pinged.

She stood up and went towards her dressing table. Looking at the alert she realized it was Filipe. She considered not replying, but she remembered what she promised about being friends.

Filipe: Hey Morgan are you still up ma Cherie?

Morgan: Hi Filipe, yes I am.

Filipe: It was a pleasure meeting you today, both you and Saurelle. Can we hang out together tomorrow or do you have to work?

Morgan: I have to work, Auri does too but we will meet up again soon.

Filipe: I would like that very much. Thank you for a wonderful evening, I had a great time.

Morgan: I’m glad, we did also it was fun. We’re friends right? I just want to know that we are on the same page.

Filipe: Right, of course we are.

Morgan: Filipe, tell me what happened to your last girlfriend. Are those French ladies blind?

He laughed before he continued

Filipe: That would be Genevieve, or Genny as I called her. She left, she said she realized my life was going in a different direction and she couldn’t go with me.

Morgan: What did she mean by that?

Filipe: I don’t really know Morgan, he sighed before he continued.

She said that to me in a note before she left. She also apparently found someone else, I believe that’s the real reason she left though, but for some time before she kept complaining about my travelling. She maybe didn’t trust me as she did previously, I’m not sure. Since then I haven’t been with anyone else. I’m just trying to get my act together and keep it together.

Morgan: Wow, ok. Sorry to pry.

Filipe: Its ok, I’m glad you asked. Actually for a while I couldn’t bring myself to accept it, or talk about it. I can now and I actually feel comfortable chatting with you about it.

Morgan: Ok

Filipe: Can I call you?

Morgan: Actually I’m a bit tired, you can tomorrow though.

Filipe: Ok, I will. Goodnight then.

Morgan: Good night Filipe.



Filipe placed his phone on the night stand and went to the refrigerator for a cold beer. He was anything but sleepy so he went out to the balcony and sat down. Morgan was more than all he had hoped she will be. Perfect face, perfect body and beautiful personality. He wondered how much she was into this boyfriend she says she has, he is totally fascinated by her. He wanted to know more about her, her job, her life, what she likes and does not like. He wants to know what makes her happy or sad. He couldn’t give her the present he had brought for her because he did not have anything for Saurelle. He hopes to see her soon again though. Maybe he needed a reason to come to Trinidad more often. He reached for the newspaper under the coffee table and it was folded on the classifieds. He wondered about the price of Real Estate here. Maybe he can open a Café, he will put the idea out to Pancho, as he seem to be someone he could really trust.

He went back inside and took up his phone to call Caleth. He wanted to let him know that everything is going smoothly and also that he had met the gorgeous Morgan Andersen.

The next work day was uneventful to Morgan. She was busy organizing swatches to take to Ms. Boyd for the color scheme. Her mind ran on Filipe when she got home and realized he did not call as promised. Pancho probably has him occupied, she thought to herself. She picked up her telephone to WhatsApp Auri but saw that she had already sent her a message.

Saurelle: Hi Morgs

Morgan: Hi chick, how was your day.

Saurelle: It was good, sort of interesting, Filipe called me earlier asking about Real Estate in Trinidad or Tobago. I told him to check the classifieds, he said he has been looking at it as he was wondering if he can bring one of his Café’s here.

Morgan: Are you serious?

Saurelle: Yes, did you speak to him today?

Morgan: No I did not. Ok, I guess he’s looking to expand his businesses, cool.

Saurelle: So you don’t think he could be doing it to have a reason to be here often so he can be closer to you?

Morgan: Auri, you’re breathing too much into him, he’s not into me like that.

Saurelle: You did not see how he was looking at you in TGI’s. Pure lust girlfriend.

Morgan: Stop it. We are friends, nothing else.

Saurelle: If you say so ma Cherie, but I’d keep an eye on him. Anyways, how’s the wedding plans coming along?

Morgan: That’s what I called you about. I’m about ready for you to come in with your part. I got the swatches today.

Saurelle: Ok, I will pass by your office tomorrow. Everything else ok? How is Flynn?

Morgan: I have to give him a call after I speak with you, but yes, everything is ok. What about Kwassi? Have you two met since the Mall?

Saurelle: Oh, we’re meeting tonight. Dinner and a movie or something.

Morgan: Ok, have fun.


Saurelle: Good. Love yer bad girl, go call your honey.

Morgan: Ok, love you too babe, sister from another mother.

They both laughed at that comment then said their goodbyes. Morgan sat down on her bed and thought about what Auri told her about Filipe. She must admit that she does find him attractive but she is already in a relationship and she wasn’t the type of person to leave someone because she found someone better looking. She stripped down to her underwear and lay back on her bed. Flynn should be out of class by now so she gave him a call, she needed his help to organize the move into the new apartment. She planned to walk over to the nearby Supermarket on Saturday morning to get some boxes so she can pack up her things. Flynn’s phone was busy so she gave up and went to take a shower.


Meanwhile Filipe was having no luck with the Real Estate business guide he was checking out. Pancho gave him a few tips but nothing positive turned up. He sat looking at a program on the Food Network when his cell phone rang. It was Pancho.

“Hello Pancho”

“Hello my boy, I have something to run by you.”


“Share with you. You need to keep up with the local slangs my boy.” He said laughing. “If you’re as interested as I think you are in that little beauty you need to understand how we folks speak eh.”

Filipe laughed then said, “Sure what is that?”

“You know driving around today my mind was so caught up in the places you had to go that when you asked about the Real Estate I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“Go on”, Filipe urged

“When we first met Morgan in Barataria, do you know that is a Real Estate agency she was at? I believe they are currently doing some construction close to where she lives, if I remember correctly.”

‘Which area is that?”

“Belmont, that’s more or less practically in Port of Spain. I guess it will depend on what you want the space to do. I know they specialize in housing. But if you intend to open a Café I’m sure they will be able to point you in the right direction.”

“Really? This is great. See Pancho, I knew you were good for something besides driving.” They both laughed. Filipe’s afternoon just got much brighter.

“Thanks for the heads up Pancho, I will call her now. Je Vous remercie.”

Filipe cut off his call with Pancho and sat to think for a moment. He needed to call Morgan and was actually looking for a good reason all day. He smiled as he checked his call log for her number.

He went to his computer to see if she was online, she should be off work by now.

He sent her a smiley face when he saw that she was online.

Morgan: Hey, I was calling you earlier…

Filipe: You were?

Morgan, caught off guard when she realized it was Filipe on the other side and not Flynn as she thought. She was chatting with Flynn earlier. She could have sworn she saw Flynn’s name on the display.

Morgan: Filipe! I thought you were someone else. How are you?

Filipe: I’m well, how are you?

Morgan: Great. What did you do today?

Filipe: I visited the Museum in Port of Spain. Saw some past Carnival costumes and was thinking I really need to visit for Carnival next year. Pancho then took me to a Look out and we went for lunch at the same restaurant we had dinner at.

Morgan: ok, that’s good. Have you been to the beach as yet?

Filipe: No, I was hoping you and Saurelle will go with me to the beach sometime.

Morgan; Will see what we can arrange then.

Filipe: Did you have a good day today?

Morgan: I did, was busy though, but it was a successful day.

Filipe: Good, I wanted to ask you about the Real Estate agency you were at when we first met. I need some information on what they have available as I’m seriously thinking about opening a Café here.

Morgan: Are you serious? A Café?

Filipe: Sure, why not?

Morgan: Great, um. I’m taking an Apartment from them for housing, I will actually be moving into it soon. I have their telephone number which I can send to you so you can call them and they will answer all your questions. I’m sure they have or know of something they can show you.

Filipe: Thanks Morgan. That will help a lot.

Filipe awoke early the next morning and went downstairs to Bois Cano restaurant for Breakfast. He heard the breakfast menu there is to die for. He sat waiting for the waitress to return to let him know when the breakfast buffet will open. After ordering coffee he opened his cell phone and called the telephone number Morgan gave him for Ludwig Enterprises. The phone was answered by a Miss Thumbs who put him on hold when he told her he was calling to get some information on available buildings they may have for sale. She came back after exactly two minutes and transferred him to Mrs. Spinner. He had an appointment for two in the afternoon of the same day.

Afterwards he proceeded towards the breakfast buffet when the waitress came and told him it was ready. The vast array of food had his mouth watering. He wondered what Morgan was having for breakfast. This looks like something that ought to be shared. He filled his plate then returned to his table and sat to partake of the hearty meal. While eating, he called Pancho to organize the running for the day. After seeing a lot of the places from the travel brochure he decided for the next few days he will look into acquiring some real estate in the country. Maybe he can ask Morgan if she has someone who can help him see about things when he leaves, just until he can return and make the necessary arrangements for himself.

Pancho had an appointment this morning so he told him he will pick him up at one o’ clock to take him to the appointment at Ludwig’s. He went up to his hotel room to change his footwear from slippers to sneakers since he decided to take a stroll. He needed better footwear if he was about to go walking the streets. He crossed the busy road in front the Hotel and proceeded west along the sidewalk. He stopped at a place called Ellerslie Plaza, it looked like a Mall. He walked around a bit doing some window shopping, until he came to a jewelry store where he went inside. He browsed around, looking at the variety of studded earrings on display. He thought about getting something not too personal for both girls. The attendant approached him with a smile on her pretty face.

“Can I help you sir?

“Oh, sure, I’m interested in your studded earrings here on display. Can I see this diamond cut pair?”

“Sure, let me get them for you. Is it for a present?” She asked, still smiling

“Yes it is for a friend actually.”

She took out the card of studded earrings and placed it on the counter. He went through the lot of them and chose two pairs, one was a teardrop hanging on a tiny chain, this will be nice for Morgan, and it will go well with the bracelet he brought for her from France. The other was a square diamond stud, he thought Saurelle will love it. He made the purchase and headed out of the store.

He contemplated going further up the street but decided against it as the sun was starting to make him feel rather uncomfortable. He crossed the street and headed back into the Hotel. Once there, he showered and changed his clothes and went downstairs to relax until lunch was served, after which he will be picked up by Pancho and they will go to the Real Estate agency.





Chapter Nine



Morgan and Saurelle sat in the latter’s office watching Neilesse, Saurelle’s assistant, put together a package filled with different designs, for Morgan to take to Ms. Boyd. She had yet to choose the design for the altar and requested some photos that she could choose from. Morgan was waiting to collect it to take it to her. They had one more month before the wedding day and almost everything was organized. Adlei was quite happy because due to their involvement and organizing of the Boyd’s wedding, they were contacted by Mr. Boyd himself and he is very pleased with the way they are handling the preparations. He offered to use them as a reference for all his parties and events. That bit of news had Adlei singing and walking with a spring in his step all week.

“Morgs, so when are we seeing Mr. Le mar again?” Auri asked winking.

It’s no secret that she would prefer if her friend will be interested in Filipe instead of Flynn, whom she labelled ‘Boring Flynn’.

“Soon I believe, actually I gave him the contact number for Ludwig’s. I’m sure he will be calling me to let me know what happened.” Morgan replied.

“Oh, ok, good.”

“Ask him if he wants to hang out this weekend, maybe we can do a beach lime, us with Flynn and Kwassi, hey maybe we can even ask Zoe. That will even out the numbers a bit. Then there’s Mr. Pancho, he can bring someone and we can buss ah lime.”

“Hey, not a bad idea you know. Will see what he says.” Morgan replied after thinking for a minute. “Maybe then he will see for himself that I do have a boyfriend so he shouldn’t be getting any ideas.”

“Ah, not my intention, but true.” Auri said rolling her eyeballs.

“We all know what your intention is madam. What I can’t understand is the why part.”

“You know I always tell you Flynn is cute, but that’s about all he has going for him. The guy is boring.”

“But weren’t you the one always telling me do not trust people you meet online, because you never know what they hiding?”

“Yes, but you’ve met Filipe, we both have. He is sweet, drop dead gorgeous, sexy, interested in you, and rich, don’t forget he lives in a City we always dream of visiting since we were kids.”

Morgan sighed loudly and gave Auri a defeated look before replying.

“Don’t Auri, yes I know it all. Forget not though that we just met this guy. All you say is true but we still don’t know him. Suppose he has a dark side huh? I already have someone in my life, why spoil something that’s working to dive into the unknown? Just for the thrill? I don’t think so.”

Saurelle shrugged then said “You are my friend, my sister even, know that I love and respect you and I will always look out for you ok. I was just voicing my opinion.”

She came across and threw her arms around Morgan’s neck just as Neilesse walked over and put the file with the photos on the desk.

“Great take this to her and let me know which one she chooses so I can start putting it together ok.” Saurelle said to Morgan. “What are you doing after work?” she asked her

“I got some boxes so I want to start packing up the smaller things.” Morgan replied

“Hey we still have to go check out your new place Morgs.”

“Yes I know, as soon as I have the keys in my hand we will do that.”

“Want me to help you pack? I can come later.” Saurelle offered.

“Sure, thanks, although it’s not much to pack, your help is appreciated. Flynn has a team to help me move the heavy stuff already.”

“Ok, great, I will see you later.” Saurelle said as she kissed Morgan on her cheek, Morgan responded with a little hug.

She left Saurelle’s office to head to hers deep in thought about what she told her about Filipe and Flynn.


Meanwhile Filipe was just walking into the office of Ludwig’s Enterprises. Pancho is waiting outside for him. Ms. Thumbs motioned to him to have a seat as she was just finishing a call.

“Filipe Le Mar?” she asked raising one side of her very thin eyebrow.

“Yes, I have an appointment for two o’ clock with Mrs. Spinner.”

“Yes, please hold a few minutes. She will be with you shortly.”

He went on his Facebook profile while he waited. Not long after the door opened and a middle aged lady came into the room.

“Mr. Le Mar I presume?”

“Yes” he said standing up and extending his hands.

She took it and gave a brief shake then said “follow me.”

They both went into the office where she shut the door then sat by her desk.

“What can I do for you?”

“I’m interested in a place to open a Café in Trinidad. I’m from France though and I have a chain of Cafés currently. I want to open one over here and I’m looking at available real estate properties, do you have any?”

“Yes,” she nodded. “Which area you’re interested in?”

“In or around Port of Spain will be perfect.” He replied hopefully.

She thought for a moment. “You know we are just about completing a residential building in Belmont. It’s carded for residences from the first floor to the sixth, but we want businesses on the ground floor. Will that location be good enough for you?”

“Tell me more about it.” He slightly changed his position on the chair

“There will be two buildings on the compound, Tower One and Tower Two. Both buildings are for residential purposes, two and three bedrooms according to the preference of the tenant, with two penthouses at the top. The ground floor will be for businesses only. We already have a clothing store coming, a dry cleaner, two variety stores, an electronic store and a mini mart or mini supermarket as we like to call those, and also a Printing shop. There is a corner spot available, I believe a Café will be a wonderful addition there.”

“Sounds great, but tell me, do you already have tenants for all the residences?”

“We have three spots that are still vacant. Besides the spot for the business, two of the penthouses are pending, I’m still awaiting someone to bring in the down payment for one of them but the other is yet to be rented.”

“Can you reserve the other Penthouse for me? I’m based in France, but I will need somewhere to live when I am in the country.”

Mrs. Spinner smiled sweetly. “Yes that can be arranged Mr. Le Mar. The down payment on the Penthouse is twenty thousand dollars.”

“Great, can I see the brochure and the floor plans?”

She went to her filing cabinet and pulled out a file marked Hibiscus Towers. She took out a brochure and handed it to Filipe while she continued chatting about the finishing of the building which will be by the end of the week. They are just waiting for the inspection to be completed, and the fire escape has to be painted...” she was saying to Filipe, but his mind was far thinking about the possibilities of living there. He smiled and looked up at Mrs. Spinner who was looking at him curiously.

“I will definitely take it as long as it can accommodate me Mrs. Spinner; I can have the down payment to you as soon as I confirm. I will be looking at the Penthouse also. How soon can I have a tour of the building?

“As soon as tomorrow, I will arrange it right now.”

“Perfect,” he said, standing up and shaking the hand Mrs. Spinner offered him. They exchanged contact information.

“Looking forward to doing business with you,” she smiled at him.

Filipe nodded and walked out the door.



Later that evening, Morgan was deep in thought and packing her second box when her cell phone rang. She picked it up from the bed where it lay when she realized it was Filipe on the other end. She answered after taking a deep breath.


“Hey Morgan, how are you?’

“Hello Filipe, I’m well, thanks. How’s it going for you?”

“I have some good news, I got through with a location for the Café. I went to a meeting this afternoon and everything went well. Thank you for the referral.”

“Glad to help, tell me what happened.”

“I was told that they are currently completing a new building in a place called Belmont. It is intended for both residential and commercial. As luck will have it they had one spot available in the commercial area and one of the penthouses was still on the market, I asked for both.”

Morgan sat heavily on the bed. “Belmont you said?” she asked, her eyes opening wide.

“Yes, a place called Hibiscus Towers.”

Her mouth fell open, at that moment Saurelle walked into the bedroom. She had come to assist her with the packing as promised.

“What’s the matter? What yuh gaping at so?” Saurelle asked her amused.

She put her finger on her lips and held up her hand motioning for her friend to be quiet and continued speaking into the phone.

“Hibiscus Towers you said?”

“Yes, I have a brochure and was told I can go over and look at both places tomorrow. If I am satisfied I will arrange the payments and occupy.”

“Oh, ok. So how soon do you intend to occupy these places?”

“I’m leaving in four days to head back to France. I have to go and organize some things over there to get the Café started, but I will be back soon. I will let Grayson, who is my Assistant Manager, start organizing from there and I will come back and organize things across here. Once the equipment and other necessities are shipped and the place is fixed up, I will be ready to open.”

Morgan could not believe what she was hearing. She sent him to Ludwig’s hoping that they will give him an idea of what they have available, if they had anything available, now he is telling her he got a place and will be opening the Café, for real, and he’s looking at a penthouse as a residence. He’s seriously going to be staying in Trinidad.

“Are you there Morgan?” He was saying in her ear.

“Yes I am. I guess we will be neighbors in more ways than one then,”

“What do you mean?” he asked curiously

“Actually, I am moving into one of the two bedroom apartments in Hibiscus Towers, I’m in Tower one and I’m packing as we speak.”

“Are you kidding me?” He asked with disbelief

“Yes Filipe. I’m moving in next weekend.”

“Wow, so we will be neighbors indeed. Then we need to celebrate.”

“Talking about celebrate, Auri was asking me if I think you’d want to go to a beach lime with us and a couple friends.”

“Sure, I haven’t been to the beach as yet and I have something for both of you.”


“Yes, just a friendly gift.”

“Oh, ok. What about Saturday?”

“Day after tomorrow, that sounds perfect.”

“Then it’s settled, tell Pancho Maracas bay, ten o’ clock Saturday morning. We’ll swim, eat, play games and have some fun. It will be a group of us, so you will get to mix and mingle with some more local people.”

“Looking forward to seeing you all”

“Bye for now.”

“Au revoir”



Chapter Ten

Morgan glared at Saurelle, “Are the Gods working in your favor?”

“Whatever do you mean honey?” She grinned at Morgan and sat on the bed.

“That was Filipe, well the beach lime is on for Saturday. He was also telling me that he will be checking out two places in Hibiscus Towers tomorrow and if he approves he will then have a place so he can actually bring a Café. Also, he’s checking out a penthouse to live in for when he is in the country.”

Saurelle gaped at her open mouthed.

“You serious?” she asked

“Yes, I’m serious.”

“Oh my God!” Saurelle shrieked. “This is great.”

Morgan shook her head and looked at her friend. She felt a bit nervous, too much excitement she guessed.

They continued packing until almost everything Morgan wanted packed was packed, save clothing and necessities she needed for the week.

“We have to tell Kwassi, Flynn and Zoe about the beach lime on Saturday.” Saurelle said sitting down to look over their work.

“Yea, do you think we should invite Gemma and Dick?” she asked Morgan

“Hey I haven’t seen them in a while, let’s invite them, if they free they will come along.” Morgan said.

Gemma is Saurelle’s cousin and Dick is her husband.

“Maybe we should ask Gemma to bring some of that pone she makes. It tastes so good.”

“Maybe.” Saurelle said, then they both laughed. The last time Morgan saw Gemma, she was raving about a cassava pone she had made. Everyone could have seen the pone was burnt but she claimed that it was perfect because it tasted so good. The girls now laugh every time they remember the incident.


Filipe was sitting waiting in the car driven by Pancho bright and early next morning in front of Hibiscus Towers. He had to wait for Mr. Caesar to show him around. Filipe was on his phone while Pancho was happily chatting away with apparently someone he knew on the other side of the car, when someone knocked the window on his side. He looked up to see a man in a farmer’s hat looking at him and smiling. He opened the door and stepped out.

“Good morning, Mr. Le Mar?”

“Yes, are you Caesar?” He nodded and they shook hands.

“Yes, please come this way.”

Filipe nodded at Pancho and followed Caesar. They went towards the building where Filipe was taken to the end unit at the far left of Tower two.

“This is the available spot for the business. What do you think?” Caesar said to Filipe.

Filipe walked around looking at the available space and taking mental notes. He went on the outside through a door to the side of the building and came back in. There are two entrances on the outside. He checked the windows then asked

“Can I put in whatever additions I may need or will you do it once I tell you what I want?”

“We can come in whenever you’re ready. If you’re taking it we will fix it up to your liking.”

“Great, I like it.”

“Good, now on to the penthouse.” Caesar said smiling.

They exited and headed towards Tower one. Filipe liked the fact that the Café can be accessed from both the outside and the inside of the building. He followed Caesar into the elevator and they went up to the sixth floor. Stepping off the elevator they came into a lobby area. “This area will be solely yours to decorate as you please.” Caesar was saying as he went towards the huge double door, put in the key and pushed it open. Filipe walked in behind him, the first thing that caught his eyes is a spiral staircase heading up. He looked around the room and was quite impressed with the amount of space available. He followed as Caesar walked him through while talking about the possibilities in owning the penthouse. It consisted of a huge living and dining area, a good sized kitchen. The pantry was also large although he wondered if he will make use of it. There was a huge bathroom and a laundry room close together. A good sized porch can be seen through an open door. Caesar then led him to what can be used as a library, or if possible an entire dining set can be placed here. The bedrooms were in a separate section after you enter a small corridor. The master bedroom was huge with one entire side of the wall in tinted glass. He smiled at the view he got of the City from in there. It also consisted of a huge walk in closet and an equally huge bathroom in separate areas of the room. They went on to check the other bedrooms. They were smaller than the Master bedroom, but still of a good size. He wondered if he would need all this space, then his mind ran on Morgan and he thought why not.

“What about the staircase? Where does that lead to?” Filipe asked

“Oh, that is a smaller room than can be used as a bedroom or an office. Those are at the very top of the building, all four penthouses have one.”

Caesar then headed towards the staircase and Filipe followed him.

Once upstairs Filipe looked around at the smaller but yet neat room. It consisted of bay windows and had enough space for a complete bedroom set. The bathroom even had a tub and a shower. He went to the window and realized it can be quite private. Although you can see a lot of what’s happening outside, no one can really see you all the way up there. He turned and followed Caesar down the steps.

“So, what do you think, are you taking it then?” He asked Filipe.

“Actually, I love it. It is very spacious I must say, the other apartments, are they much smaller than this?”

“Yes they are. The two bedrooms are good enough for two persons to share but even better for one person who loves their space. The three bedrooms are bigger than the two, but not as big as these. They are all taken though. There aren’t any more available here. We are building also in the Chaguanas area if you want to wait for one of those, it depends on if you like the location.” Caesar said looking at Filipe trying to read the expression on his face.

“I like this one so I’ll be taking it.” He said to Caesar

“Ok, I will let Mrs. Spinner know that’s a positive and you can go to her and make your arrangements. You are a lucky man, you got the last two places we had left” he said grinning.

They went outside and headed towards the elevator.




Morgan and Saurelle were chatting on Full Circle busy organizing the beach lime for tomorrow. They discussed the drinks and called around so they all knew who had to bring which drink, who was bringing ice and so on. They decided everyone was responsible for their own travel and that they will be meeting in front of Richards for ten o’ clock. Zoe was anxious to meet this French guy Morgan and Saurelle both spoke about. The girls chatted online and on speaker phone until Flynn walked into Morgan’s bedroom. She excused herself and flung herself in his arms.

“Hey babe.” She kissed him and he responded with eagerness.

“What you up to my beauty?” he asked when she pulled away.

“We are going to the beach tomorrow.”

“We are? Ok”

“Yep, it’s a group of us, mixed group so it should be fun.”

“Ok, so what’s for dinner? Should we go out?”

“Yes, after this” and she kissed him again. Flynn grabbed her and pushed her towards the bed.

Flynn always took his time making love to Morgan, but this evening she approached him with a passion that had him wondering what fueled it. He matched her aggression in her kisses and when he entered her she moved with a passion he had not yet seen in her. They made love again and again until they were both tired. He got his phone and ordered them a pizza for dinner that evening so they wouldn’t have to leave the apartment. They could pass by his house in the morning to get his things for the beach.

Early the next morning Saurelle called Morgan’s cell phone to ask if they can pick her up. Kwassi had an unexpected change of shift and wouldn’t get off until eleven. He will meet her at the beach, she didn’t want to take her car because it was easier to save space for one car instead of two. Morgan and Flynn both agreed to get her after they pass to collect his clothes and the cooler for ice, they will then drive up to Maracas.

When they arrived on the beach Saurelle spotted Zoe sitting with Pancho by Natalie’s. They joined them and soon after they were joined by Filipe, whom Morgan introduced to Flynn. The two eyed each other a bit and shook hands then sat on either side of Morgan. The ladies chattered happily about everything while the guys just sat and listened. Pancho then arose and asked the guys to follow him to the beach with a ball. As soon as they left, Gemma and Dick arrived, now that they were all there they looked around for a spot for to settle on.

“Hey, why not let us head to the area where the wedding will be Morgan, that way we can have a better look at the place and who knows, some more ideas will pop into our heads.” Zoe said grinning.

“Sure, Zoe, what a great idea.” Morgan said patting her shoulder.

They headed to their spot and settled in. Meanwhile between kicks, Filipe was scrutinizing Flynn. He wondered exactly what Morgan saw in him and intended to find out.

“Hey, so you’re Morgan’s Flynn right?” Filipe asked Flynn

“Yeah, I haven’t heard much about you though, where are you from?” he replied

“France, my first time here actually, I love to travel and took the opportunity to come as I have some time on my hands. I’m also always looking to do some expansion in my business in one or two Caribbean Islands. Heard about Trinidad and Tobago, so here I am.”

“Ok, so how do you know these ladies? Are you related to Pancho?”

“Oh, Pancho, no. I knew Morgan for a little while, got to know Saurelle recently and I’m just meeting Zoe and the other girl today. Pancho is driving me around while I’m here. Although I was amazed to find out that he already knew Morgan from some previous encounter. Guess the entire trip is just pure coincidence.”

“Ok. Well glad to meet you.” Flynn said distantly

He wondered if Filipe is the same guy he heard Morgs and Auri speaking about, from online. He seemed cool enough, he thought.

“Why are you opening a Café here though? Do you think that will make?” He asked.

“Make what?” Filipe questioned, not understanding Flynn’s use of the word.

“I mean do you think it will bring a profit, we have a lot of Bakeries here already. A café is just a place to sit and have the baked stuff.”

“Well I’m sure it will, it does great in France.” Filipe said finally understanding.

“People here are different you know, different cultures even.”

“Yes, but they do eat don’t they? Also, something from a foreign country is always appreciated, gives the islanders a chance to learn about a different culture.”

Pancho came strolling up then cutting the conversation to announce that it was lunch time. The girls went to purchase Bake and Shark and wanted to make sure they get enough for everyone. They both followed him, meeting up with Dick who was telling a story that had three men entertained from the amused look on their faces. The day was proceeding nicely as far as everyone was concerned. The sun was hot, the beach was not too crowded and the water was cold. When they got back to their spot, Filipe suddenly remembered he still had the presents he brought for Morgan and Saurelle. He should ask them to accompany him to the car so he can give them in private after they all ate, he thought to himself. He smiled as he looked at Morgan and Flynn eating while leaning on each other’s shoulders. They all agreed to relax and eat, after which they will go into the water. All except Gemma of course, she had been bathing since she came.

Filipe’s eyes kept straying towards Morgan and Flynn. He could understand what Flynn saw in her. She was simply gorgeous, looking like a model as she sat there with her waist length dark brown hair flowing down her back, blowing often as the wind keep nipping some strands that will fly in her face and had her brushing it away all the time. Eventually she put it in a colored rubber band. She had on a pink and black leopard print bikini with a long white sarong tied securely to her hips. Her lightly tanned skin glowed in the little sunlight peeping through the trees. He noticed her every move and smiled to himself when he realized she herself kept glancing his way. He liked her. He know they discussed being friends but his attraction to her is getting the better of him. Her friend Saurelle got up and left them and headed towards the cars. She was a bit darker than Morgan, with short relaxed hair which was cut into a side bob. She was pretty but Morgan had cupped the price.

Their friend Zoe is of East Indian descent, a bit shorter than the other two as both Morgan and Saurelle were at least five foot six and five foot eight inches he averaged. Zoe doesn’t hold his interest, although he caught her sneaking glances at him when she thought he was not looking. When he smiled at her she turned her face and blushed. Saurelle returned with a tall, dark brown skinned African Rasta fellow whom she introduced as Kwassi. He apologized for being late and joined in the group, as Saurelle handed him a box with a Bake and Shark.

Filipe enjoyed his stay in Trinidad, the two weeks to him, went by too quickly. He was thankful for Pancho who did a great job as a tour guide. He decided to do a small feature of the business aspect of the country in his May Issue of their Business magazine.

He already asked Pancho if he will be his driver every time he came so they exchanged all their contact information. He had hoped to spend some more alone time with Morgan and he hinted as much and she promised him she will see what she can organize. Everyone finished eating and started removing their clothing as they headed into the water. When he removed his shirt, Morgan looked at him long and hard. He caught her stare before she dropped her eyes and couldn’t help but wonder what the expression on her face meant. He walked up to Saurelle and helped her hold down the towel that flew up as she removed her bag from where it was, since Kwassi and Flynn had already walked off towards the water’s edge.

“Can you and Morgan follow me to the car? I have something for you both.” He looked at her and wondered what is it with these girls, you say two words to them and they blush.

“Sure,” she said, and grabbed at Morgan as she passed by.

“You guys go ahead, we’ll be back in a bit.” She said to Flynn as he turned to look at them while raising his eyebrows at her. The three of them then headed towards the parked cars.

“Where are we going?” Morgan asked

“To the car, Filipe has something for us.”

Filipe simply turned to look at her, then turned around again. When they got to Pancho’s car Filipe opened it and removed a small parcel.

“This is something I got for you girls to thank you for the welcome and the entertainment, a little something from a friend.” He said as he gave each girl a small gift box. They opened them at the same time and looked at each other wide eyed, then looked at Filipe.

“Wow, these earrings are gorgeous.” Morgan said as she peeked into Saurelle’s box.

“This one, Morgan, I had brought for you in France when I decided to make the trip. Just a little souvenir. Hope you like it.”

Morgan took the other box and opened it. It was a beautiful charm bracelet, with seven colored charms resting in white gold backing. It represented all the colors of the rainbow.

“Wow Filipe, I don’t know what to say, this is beautiful, thank you.”

“You’re welcome, ma chérie you did mention you love charm bracelets” He said and kissed her on the forehead.

He placed his arms around both girls’ shoulders as they headed back towards the others. Filipe in the middle of two beautiful girls, definitely turned heads as they walked. A photographer, in passing, asked them if he can take their photo for a tourism story in the newspapers’ Sunday Edition. They all agreed and posed so that the photo could be taken.

“Are we still on for tomorrow Morgan?” he asked

Saurelle bent forward to look at Morgan, ignoring Filipe in the middle, and she asked, “What are you doing tomorrow?”

“We are going for a drive, I’m taking him down Chaguaramas.” Morgan replied

“Hmm, ok. Just the two of you? No Pancho?”

“Just the two of us, yes” Morgan replied, desperately hoping she got no reaction from her friend.

“Huh, wow, ok” She simply said.

She looked at them both and smiled, then she winked at Morgan and said, “Hope you two have a great time.”

Morgan gave her a friendly pinch. She was still rubbing the spot when she went into the water to join Kwassi. He swam up to her and kissed her. Morgan went towards Flynn, who grabbed her by the waist and raised her up in the air. The others were in the water bobbing and chatting away. Filipe looked at them all and decided to stay in the background a bit. He saw a frown on Flynn’s face as they approached and wondered if he was getting a bit jealous. Kwassi seemed not to mind the interaction between himself and Auri at all. He heard her telling him they were all friends. Maybe it will take a bit longer to settle with Flynn. He hoped he isn’t putting Morgan in a tough spot, having to explain the gifts. He walked a little way away from the group and dove into the water. He needed to swim to burn off some of the frustration that was beginning to eat into him.

Later on when they all had dried off and changed their clothes, they hung around on the beach chatting, eating and listening to some music playing from speakers on a truck. Dick was showing off some new reggae dance moves where the small crowd was gathered while encouraging them to try it out. The guys took turns telling Filipe about their view on Carnival and other events and tried to encourage him to come back for the festivities.







Chapter Eleven




The next day Morgan was waiting for Filipe at the kapok Hotel car park. She was actually anticipating the time they planned to spend together. After Flynn dropped her off last night, she was surprised to see quite a few alert messages flashing on her computer. Three of them was from Filipe. He asked her if she liked the presents, also told her if she did not he will get her something else. She just laughed and told him it was lovely and she appreciated the gesture. She laughed again when he told her he felt that if he did not get something for Saurelle she would have beaten him up. Auri does come across aggressive at times, she had told him. They joked around for quite a while then the conversation became serious when he asked her about her relationship with Flynn. She told him they were good as a couple. She was comfortable and Flynn was a likeable person once you got to know him. He came from a good family and had good intensions. He asked her if she really loved him and if she can see herself together with him forever and she said she did not think of forever.

He tried to press her a bit more but she skillfully changed the topic. She then told him if they were to spend time together today, Flynn should not be a topic. He agreed and wondered why she rather not talk about the relationship if it was secure, but intended to keep his promise. Why should they talk about Flynn when talking about them would be much more interesting? She choose out a khaki shorts which folded at the end, with a peach sleeveless cotton shirt to wear today. The tail of the shirt can be tied at the front but she left it hanging loose. A pair of wedged heeled, T strapped sandals in her favorite shoe color, beige looked gorgeous on her feet. She planned to head down to the Broad walk in Chaguaramas where they can converse, hang out and eat. The sun was shining so they had the promise of good weather. She saw Filipe approaching the car from the rear viewing mirror and her heart raced. He wore a stone washed grey jeans with a light blue t shirt saying Chantilly down the side.

“Good morning ma Cherie” he said smiling.

Morgan responded while gazing into those blue eyes she was getting used to, “Good morning Filipe. Will you always call me your cherry?”

Filipe let out a hearty laugh as he sat in the passenger seat, then said “It’s just an endearment like you will say darling in English”

“So all the time you calling me your darling and I knew nothing?”

He laughed again. “Well, remember we both will take that word in different context. Will you rather if I don’t?”

“I kind of like it.” She shrugged. “I also like your accent, the way you dress, your laughter and your confidence. You got real style man, you should be on the cover of a magazine or two... You’re a cool guy Filipe, I also like that you seem to know exactly what you want and you go after it.”

“Who said I haven’t been on the covers of many a magazine? Actually, you’re right in saying I go after what I want, nothing is allowed to keep me back as long as I set my mind to something. There are a lot of likes in your sentence Morgan, do you mean it all?”

“Yes I do. Have you really been on the covers of magazines?”

“Oui, I have. Remember I also own a few magazines.”

Morgan smiled, “Yes I know. You have a lot of businesses huh?”

“We’ll talk about those sometime, yes I do, are we ready though?”

Morgan momentarily forgot she is the one driving, she blushed and started the car.

“Since we are on compliments, may I?”

“Sure.” She said glancing his way, thinking maybe they should have had Pancho drive them to give her the freedom to gaze at him. Stop it Morgan! She chided herself.

“Morgan, meeting you is like a dream coming true, you are truly amazing. You are gorgeous inside out, I love your personality … your ready laughter and the way you say everything with your hands. You hold back a lot though and I understand because you don’t know me very well. I do wish that you will trust me and give me the opportunity to be there for you. I’m glad we are friends, it’s where all good relationships begin.”

She looked at him and grinned then said “thank you Filipe.”

They drove for two minutes in silence then he said. “Of course that’s not all I would like to say but it’s all for now.”

Morgan glanced at him and shook her head. “Do you have something on your mind Mr. Le Mar?”

“I always have something on my mind ma Cherie. As far as you’re concerned, I’m trying hard not to think too much.”

“Why is that?”

He took a deep breath then continued, “I’m sure it will get me into trouble with you.”

“Oh, what kind of trouble?”

“I won’t want you to be mad, or avoiding me so let’s leave it be. If you really want to know I will tell you, but I won’t if I think you will be mad at me for saying what I think.”

“Hmm,” she nodded and said “Ok”.

She pointed out some landmarks for him as she went along. Once they got to the Foreshore the traffic clustered a bit. They listened to music from Sweet one hundred FM as she wove in and out of the traffic, once she passed West Mall the traffic eased up and they were driving freely once more. They made it to the Broad walk and stopped under a shady tree where Morgan parked the car.
“Wow, this is beautiful.” Filipe exclaimed looking out towards the water.

“We have everything we may need here for a couple hours. Come let’s find a descent bench to sit on.” Morgan said as she led the way with Filipe following behind. She choose a bench close to the water’s edge and sat down. Filipe joined her and took out his tablet from the pouch he carried on his back.

“I have some photos I will love to show you.” He smiled at her and scooted closer so she can see.

He showed her photos of his Cafés, The Magazines, his home and other places in his town. Photos of his parents and his employees at work in the Cafes. Loire Valley where he recently visited with Caleth. Caleth and his horse, they spent the morning looking at the pictures and laughing as they exchanged stories about growing up in France and Tobago. Morgan showed him some photos she has stored in her phone. As they sat there the wind began to pick up and Morgan again tied up her hair with one of the colored rubber bands from her wrist. Filipe noticed a strand she left out and grabbed it from going into her eyes. As he did, his hand touched her cheek and she placed her hands over his. At that moment she looked at him and it was as if she was seeing him for the first time as those deep blue eyes stared back at her. Filipe caressed her cheek, then her lips with his thumb. He then looked down and took her hands into his but she smiled and pulled it away.

“Morgan,” he whispered, “You are so beautiful ma chérie”.

She looked up at him again, a lot of questions and emotions going through her mind. She placed her hands on her heart and took a deep breath.

“You felt it didn’t you?” Filipe asked.

“Felt what?”

“The chemistry, that thing between us,” He said.

She looked at him in surprise because it was as if he read her mind.

“I don’t want to scare you away Morgan,” he said softly, “but something is happening between us and I know you can feel it too.”

“I’m …” She began, but Filipe placed his fingers on her lips and told her ‘Shush”

She closed her eyes and did not see him coming closer, because her mind was so far away. She suddenly felt his soft lips gently brushing hers. Her breath caught and heart raced. She then placed her hands on his to stop it from resting on her lap. She dropped her chin after the light kiss but he picked it back up with his index finger.

“Talk to me Morgan.”

“I’m kinda hungry, let’s get something to eat.” She said breaking the moment. Morgan then stood up and walked off. When she realized Filipe wasn’t following her she stopped and turned around to see him sitting right where she left him, staring at her warily.

“Are you coming?” She smiled and said.

He slowly placed his tablet in the pouch, put the pouch on his back, then stood up and placed his hands in his pockets, then strolled even more slowly towards her, looking her in the eyes with an unreadable expression on his face.

“Hurry up snail, the Barbecue will sell out.” She said laughing before turning and walking ahead.

Suddenly she felt a rush as Filipe caught up with her and picked her up off her feet. He threw her over his shoulders and said “No one calls me snail.”

She was laughing so hard at this point and screaming “Filipe put me down, you’re causing a scene.”

He stopped and put her down so slowly pressing his body to hers, so that she was sure to feel every inch of his body as she slid down on him. He cupped her ass and made sure she felt him harden as she went down. He made sure and held her hands down as he kept her pressed to his chest. She tried to remove his hands from around her waist but he held her still. His head bowed towards hers and his lips captured hers in a slow, tantalizing kiss. Their tongues fought against each other for dominance and their embrace tightened and they stood and kissed each other. Filipe broke the kiss when someone passed close to them and told them to get a room. He released her and stood back, still holding her hands, trying to read her expression. “I wanted to do that the very moment I saw you in the Car park.”

Morgan slowly opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She didn’t know whether she should be annoyed or not, but that was one hell of a kiss.

“You kissed me back.” He said with a smile

Her jaw fell open then she said “You kiss me like that and do not expect me to kiss you back?”

“You kissed me back so does that mean you want me as much as I want you Morgan?”

“Filipe, I don’t know what I want. I like you and that’s about it. Please let’s get lunch and cut this crap before we get into trouble.”

“Trouble maybe as in me taking you back to my hotel room and us showing each other how we really feel?” His expression was dead serious.

“Filipe! Stop it. Please, let’s just walk.” She turned around, she couldn’t help but smile though, as she touched her lips. As she walked off she realized that her knees were a bit wobbly.

He walked up to her, took her hand and matched her stride. He was almost a full feet taller than her. He can see that she was mentally trying to figure out what was happening by the concentration lines in her expression. She didn’t even realize they passed the Barbecue stand. He stopped and pulled her to him.

“Hey, I’m sorry ok, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I’m more confused than upset Filipe and don’t worry about it.”

She then walked towards the stand.





Chapter Twelve


They sat and ate mainly in silence, chatting occasionally about the water and fishing. She told him he should go to Tobago the next time he came. She talked a little about her mother and told him about her hope to find her father one day. She heard nothing from him in over ten years. They did not know much about him except that his mother’s name is or was Jean Marie Andersen. Filipe saw a hint of sadness in her eyes as she spoke about her dad and made a mental note to see what he can do to help her find him.

“What is your father’s name Morgan?” He asked

She looked at him and said, “Matteo Edvin Andersen, my mom called him Emmie.”

“Why Emmie?” Filipe asked

“She said that’s the name he introduced himself with, Emmie Andersen. When she asked him about it, it was then he said Matteo Edvin is his name but ever since he can remember, he has been called Emmie and the name stuck all through childhood into adulthood.”


He let the words sink in a bit, then asked if she knew anything about what part of Sweden he came from, but she didn’t exactly. All she knew was somewhere North.

“You’ll have to talk to my mom about that, but she won’t talk much about it though, she wants to forget about it.”

“Did he hurt her in any way? Why would she not talk about it after all you need to know about your dad?”

“He did when he stopped coming to see us. He would come for a few weeks a couple times a year, then all of a sudden he stopped coming.”

“There must be a reason why he stopped.” Filipe defended the dad he didn’t know.

“Yea, well we don’t know. After he stopped coming my mom had a hard time keeping it together. We made it this far without him, I don’t think it matters now.”

“Ok, well let’s come out of the sad tones and head on for a walk shall we. I don’t want to spoil our lovely day.” Filipe said as he picked up their food boxes to put them into the nearby bins.

They did went for a walk and also had some cotton candy from another vendor in the area. Morgan watched and laughed as Filipe played football with two small children for a few minutes until their parents called them away.

“So, you’re hoping to have kids someday I presume?”

“Definitely. I want to be married and I’m hoping my wife will want about four.”

“Four kids? Are you kidding?”

Filipe smiled and held her hand, “Well, if you’re offering we can discuss it. How about six instead?”

Morgan playfully punched him in his side. “You will make those yourself, no woman today want to have that many kids.”

He faked injury and walked bending and holding his side. “If you keep hitting me like that I don’t think I’ll be able to have kids.” He remarked. They continued strolling for a bit then the rain began a slight drizzle.

“We’d better head back to the car.” Morgan was saying when her cell phone rang. She pulled it out of her clutch, “Hello Auri.”

“Hey Morgs, how’s the date going?”

“It’s not a date” Morgan said watching Filipe out of the side of her eyes to see if he was listening.

“Well, a sister can hope” Saurelle laughed, “No, really, how’s it going?”

“So far so good, the rain is coming so we were actually just heading to the car.” Morgan said.

“Ok, so anything interesting happened?”

“I will call you when I get home ok honey, I got to go.”

“Hey, come on…” Saurelle was saying, but Morgan ended the call.

They reached the car and got in.

“So, what are you doing tomorrow for your last day here?” Morgan asked Filipe.

“I’m leaving early Tuesday morning so I have to pack up. Besides that Pancho said he is taking me to the South, the Hills, want to come?”

“Nah, I can’t. Tomorrow is moving day for me. Enjoy it though, it was nice having you here.”

“You will have me here again Morgan, very soon.” He replied looking at her seriously.

“You know we need to discuss this relationship, don’t you.” He then asked.

“Yes, we do, but I’d rather not do that now.”

“Don’t worry ma Cherie, I will never push you. Take your time, although I’m sure you do realize I’m very attracted to you, I’d rather things happen at its own pace.”

“Ok.” She said. She looked at him thoughtfully then started the car.

On the way back to the Hotel Morgan’s phone rang again. She answered and Flynn’s voice came through the Bluetooth setup in the car. A slight hint of embarrassment crossed her face as she answered.

“Hi babe, where are you?” Flynn asked.

“Hey, I’m just heading back home, what’s up?”

“I’m heading to your apartment eventually but first I have to help Dick unload the truck we’re gonna use to move your things. Did you have lunch as yet? I’m starving.”

“Yes, I already had” she glanced over at Filipe to see what he was doing. He stared straight ahead with an unreadable expression on his face as he bit his bottom lip. Obviously paying attention to the conversation.

“I can pick up something for you if you want. When you guys gonna start, today?”

“We can start later as long as Dick is available, I’m not sure as yet. I’m hoping to have you moved across entirely by Tuesday morning.”

“Great” Morgan said smiling. “Ok, I’ll see you later then.”

They said goodbye and cut the call. She glanced at Filipe again and asked

“Are you ok?”

“Sure” he said looking at her. His vivid blue eyes looked darker for some reason. She turned away to focus on her driving.

On reaching the hotel she parked the car and they sat, quietly at first, then Filipe took her hands in his.

“Morgan, I hope I didn’t scare you with that kiss back there. I’m sorry if I seemed forward but I have these feelings starting, although I know we agreed to be friends. I hope you don’t look at me any different and that we can continue enjoying each other’s company on the phone, online and in person.”

“Hey, it’s ok. We’re good, don’t worry and don’t breathe too much into it ok.” She said without looking at him.

“Ok. Well I guess this is goodbye, for now, until we meet again.”

“Bye Filipe.” Morgan said as she tried to conceal the emotions she felt surfacing.

She was aware that Filipe didn’t move a muscle and he just sat there looking at her. When she did turn to look at him, he took her face into his hands. He saw the confusion in her eyes but said nothing; instead he touched her lips with his, ever so tenderly. Her hands found their way behind his neck and she pulled him closer. Her lips parted, inviting him to caress hers with his as they kissed slowly, teasingly. He then pushed his tongue into her mouth and groaned when she responded without holding back. She let out a slight groan herself and he felt himself harden inside his pants. He didn’t want to end the kiss but he knew he should. He sucked on her tongue then her lips, and held onto her for another minute before he finally stopped. He noted how she again naturally responded to him. With their foreheads touching he spoke so softly that she hardly heard him.

“Come away with me Morgan.”

“Wait, what?” She shifted and changed her position.

“Whatever this is, I don’t want to lose it, please come away with me.”

“Filipe, I can’t leave my life and follow you, that’s impossible.” She whispered, as though she wasn’t sure of what she was saying. “I admit there is something between us… I don’t know what will happen. I’m feeling so confused.”

“I’m glad you don’t deny what you feel but stop fighting it ok, we’ll leave it as is for now. I want to see you as soon as I return though.”

“When will that be?” she sighed and put her head on her hands on the steering wheel.

“In one month.” He replied.

“Ok, see you in a month.”

Filipe gave her a peck on the cheek and left the car. She watched him in the rear view mirror until he disappeared around the corner. She gripped the steering wheel with both hands and rested her head on them again.

What are you doing Morgan? She asked herself. She sighed heavily and drove out of the Car park. Taking her time she headed towards Hibiscus Towers to collect her keys from the Receptionist, there was a message left on her phone this morning from Mrs. Spinner to collect it any time after the lunch hour. Afterwards she went to Trini Flavors and purchased lunch for Flynn. Her mind heavy and her brows creased as she drove home.




When Morgan arrived at her apartment, she put away the food and headed towards the shower. Stripping off her clothing she opened the pipe to let the water run until it was warm. She then stepped in and stood directly under the flow of water, and cried as if her heart would break. She cried because she was angry. She cried because she was confused. She cried because someone is going to get hurt, she doesn’t want it to be Flynn, she doesn’t want it to be herself, and definitely not this sweet, charming gorgeous man called Filipe. What will she do? She thought about coming clean and letting Flynn know about the kiss with Filipe. There, that will get rid of one on them, but the truth is, she loved Flynn. He is sweet to her, considerate and treats her well. Filipe on the other hand, oh my God. The chemistry between them is hard to ignore. She doesn’t feel anything like that with Flynn. What will she do? She grabbed the shampoo and shampooed her hair.

She finished bathing then left the shower and went to look at the mirror to see if her eyes were puffy from crying. Flynn was coming by later and she didn’t want to answer any questions about why her eyes looked like that. After looking in the mirror she decided that her eyes were nothing a few drops of eye drop won’t fix. She put the drops into her eyes, blow dried her hair and went straight to bed. Later she awakened when she felt movement on the bed next to her. She opened her eyes slightly, saw it was Flynn and went back to sleep. She did not awake until the next morning.





Chapter Thirteen


The next morning Morgan woke after sensing movement in the bedroom. She hardly had time to get off the bed when Flynn told her she had to because it was time to scrap down the bed. For the morning Dick, Flynn, Dick’s friend Amos, and a guy called Wade had already made some trips with boxes and other furniture to the new apartment. They just left with the stove, the refrigerator and two bookshelves so now Flynn wanted to wrap up the bedroom. He started pushing boxes into the corridor.

“Hey, can I at least shower?” Morgan asked.

“Sure, you have fifteen minutes before I come barging in.” Flynn replied playfully. “Hey babe, you were really out of it last night. You hardly budged when I got it, how come you were so tired?”

“Gosh honey, I don’t know. I came home, showered and fell into the bed, I needed to sleep I guess. I saw you come in but the sleep won. Sorry.” She pecked him on his cheek and ran towards the bathroom.

She stood in there thinking about it being her last shower in this old apartment. The little apartment was nice but she had indeed outgrown it. She was excited to move into Hibiscus Towers. She wondered what will happen when Filipe brought the Café there. Noticing she was idling, she hurriedly showered then changed her clothes in the bathroom itself and started to put all the remainder of her stuff from the bathroom into the box that was there, already labeled bathroom. She couldn’t stop thinking about the way she felt when Filipe’s lips touched hers. The feel of his chest under her palms, the feel of his tongue in her mouth. She wanted more. She stopped herself at once thinking, this is so wrong. She couldn’t choose. She saw three missed calls from Auri, one yesterday and two from this morning. She had quickly sent her a text message letting her know she needed to talk to her ASAP. Stepping out of the bathroom with the box in hand, Morgan almost slammed into Auri as she was almost at the bathroom door.

“Good morning darling.” She said, taking the box from Morgan and handing it to Flynn who was behind her.

“Hi Auri.” Morgan said hugging her tightly.

“Saurelle looked into Morgan’s eyes and mouthed, “What’s wrong?”

“Shhh,” Morgan said, glancing at the door to see where Flynn was.

“I need to unload, let’s go to the new apartment and we’ll talk there. Almost everything is already there they just have this room to empty and if we don’t hurry they may pack us in the truck with the boxes.” They both giggled.

Morgan looked around and after being satisfied that everything is under control, took up her keys, and two small bags and headed for the door. “I will sure miss this place, it was cozy.” She said to Saurelle while heading out.

“Hey, new apartment, new memories, and new life ahead, it’s all good.” Auri said in a sing song voice as she followed Morgan to the car.

“Follow me ok, we’ll be there in no time and thanks for coming to help me sort things out. Will see you there.” Morgan said to her.

“Sure honey, see you in a bit.”

They arrived at Hibiscus Towers within fifteen minutes due to some traffic. They both parked and met up at the front entrance of Tower One. They walked inside and headed towards the elevator.

“Where will Filipe be putting the Café?” Morgan asked.

“Actually in the end spot like that there but in the other building.” Morgan nodded towards the spot close to the elevator.

“Wow, cool. He’ll have an entrance close to the elevator, easy to slip in and out. His penthouse is in the other building right?”

“You know I’m not sure,” Morgan looked puzzled, “But I believe so.”

“I think it’s the same setting.” Morgan said looking at Saurelle and wondering what that mind of hers was heading up.

Saurelle is always up to something as far as Morgan is concerned so she doesn’t pay much mind to her little games. They arrived on the third floor and Morgan opened the doors. There were boxes everywhere as expected. The guys already placed the refrigerator in the allotted slot; the stove was in the living room though. They walked around making sure the boxes that were labeled were in the right rooms. Once the heavy stuff was settled in the guys can leave and Morgan and Saurelle will do the rest of the unpacking. They started dragging boxes that can be emptied later on into the spare bedroom. Once inside with Saurelle, Morgan closed the door and sat on a box labelled ‘books”.

“Something happened yesterday.” She said looking at Saurelle.

“I know, so spill. Did you have sex?”

Morgan inwardly cringed at her friend’s bluntness. “Are you crazy?” she said standing up and walking towards the window. She folded her arms across her chest and began.

“I love Flynn but when Filipe asked me something about being with him forever, I couldn’t answer. I mean we are good together and everything was going fine. Then Filipe came, asking to be friends, which I have no problems with. Thing is, I am attracted to him. The moment I saw him I was in lust with him Auri. My God, he is an attractive man. Gorgeous for days. I don’t usually go for that type because somehow I always feel they end up being players.”

Saurelle went to sit on the box Morgan left. “What are you saying Morgs? You are babbling.”

“Filipe kissed me.”

“What?” Saurelle stood up.

“Did he force you to?”

“No, it just happened.”
“Did you, you know, kiss him back?”

“Yes I did. My God Auri, the man can kiss, he left me breathless.” She whispered

“Well what’d yer expect? Don’t we always say the French invented kissing?” They both laughed.

“Ok, so what happened next?” Auri urged her to go on.

“It happened more than once” Morgan continued, “the way I felt when he kissed me, I never felt that way with anyone, not even Flynn. Not only did I respond to his kisses, it’s like my entire body was responding to his. God Auri, he turns me on by just looking at me and I felt so good in his arms; I felt so safe and loved and, oh my god. I want to scream and not stop… Tell me this is not happening. I want it but I don’t want it. I don’t know what to do.”

Morgan walked towards the door and locked it. She turned to look at Saurelle who was staring at her wide eyed.

“So do you think it’s just a sexual attraction or more than?” she asked Morgan. “Because you never admitted to any feelings for him you know.”

“I don’t know what it is. The main reason I added him is because after reading his profile I liked him, and didn’t mind knowing him. I never thought I’d meet him in person so soon. I mean, I hardly know the guy but what I do know so far is good. I feel as if I’m falling for him and I’m scared because I don’t want to. I want to love Flynn. To be here, living my life like any regular person, doing our do.”

“Do you feel if you have sex it will all be over?”

“Sex? Are you kidding me? How do you just have sex with a guy like Filipe? He is a keeper Auri, not a fling. He has his head on and knows what he wants. He wants me and it scares me because I want him too. We chatted a lot about stuff, he even seem to want to help me find dad. He wants to go Tobago to meet my mom.”

“But are you truly into him?”

“I admit I do like him more than when we were just chatting online. I always liked him, he is so cute. Meeting him in person I’m like… wow! Then to realize he’s interested in me, I wasn’t expecting that.”

“I knew something would happen between you two. Morgan you did not see the way he was looking at you when we had dinner in TGI’s. Not staring in a bad way but like someone totally enamored with you. I thought it was so sweet.” She folded her knuckles and put it under her chin, then continued.” His eyes lighted up every time you said something to him it was if the words you said were music to his ears. He seem to be such a sweet guy Morgs, if you feel you want to be with him just do. It’s not as if you are engaged to Flynn or anything. Besides after what Vincent told me” … she stopped herself suddenly, then continued. “I always told you he is too boring for you. You met someone who excites you, do something about it.”

“What is that about Vinny?” she was curious

“Nothing, he just said Flynn is not ready for a real relationship, he’s too immature.”

“I don’t want to hurt Flynn, Auri. He is a good guy”

“I know you think so but all good things must come to an end to make way for the better things to come.”

At that moment the door handle rattled. “Morgs! You girls in here oh war?” It was Dick.

“Yea Dick.” Morgan opened the door to let him in.

“Why you two looking like you up to no good?” He said watching from Morgan to Saurelle.

“Oh please, us saints?” Saurelle rolled her eyes heavenwards as she guided him into the corridor.

Morgan followed biting her lips. Flynn came in behind Wade bringing in some indoor plants. “Where to put these plants babes? I won’t want them to get squashed.”

“On the kitchen counter, thanks, I will move them later” She replied.

He watched her curiously knowing that whenever she is biting her lips, she is usually bothered by something or the other. He and Dick then put the stove in its place. They then went to organize the furniture in the living and dining rooms. Everything began shaping up very quickly. With everyone pitching in and Amos offering to go for Royal Castle chicken for lunch, by the end of the day Morgan’s new apartment was livable. They sat around chatting and cracking jokes while she and Saurelle finished packing up the smaller things.



After everyone else left, Morgan and Flynn sat on the balcony overlooking the neighborhood. There were a couple of people moving in tonight. The apartment right next to this one has a family with two little girls. They seem to be about four and eight.

“So your French friend left huh?” he asked watching her closely’

She smiled and answered, “Yes, actually he did today.”

“He spoke about opening a Café, when will he be back?”

“I have no idea. Yes apparently he has hopes of opening a Café in the other building I believe.” She sighed. These entrepreneurs are always looking for new opportunities.”

“Hmm, you can say that again.”

“Did he speak to you about it? How do you know?”

“He did mention it. Seem like a good idea but I hope he leaves room for it to go either up or down.”

“Well, I guess we’ll see.” She said.

The doorbell tinkled. At first Morgan wondered where the noise was coming from, then she remembered she now has a doorbell. She laughed and went to answer the door.

“Goodnight Miss Andersen.” It was Caesar.

“Good night Caesar, please call me Morgan.” Flynn joined her to see what was happening. He placed his hands around her shoulders and extended his hands to Caesar. He shook it and removed his hat.

“Please come in.” Morgan said.

They moved out of the doorway and Caesar came inside.

“Wow, look at what you did to the place already, looks like you were here all along.” He said looking around and smiling.

“Please have a seat.”

“Oh, I’m not staying long, thanks though. I just came by to make sure everything is alright. I can arrange to have copies of your keys made if you wish. Just let Melanie at the reception desk know and I will arrange it for you. Melanie is reception at Tower One and Verna at Tower Two, the girl who substitutes for them is Alyson, she is working between them both.

The building is being filled as most of the tenants are moving in this weekend. In both of the buildings actually, there’s just some furnishing to complete for the guy who wants to put in the Café. I think that will be a great addition to the Towers. Think of all those breakfast rolls and bagels.” He said smiling.

“There is more or less a little of everything right here, this is what we call comfortable living. I will be here every week, if you need me for anything; leave a message with Melanie and I will get it. Any starting problems you have, plumbing, lighting even? If you need lights added or adjusted, just let her know.”

“Sure, thank you Caesar.”

“Great, I’ll be moving on, you both have a good night.”

“Hey, Caesar, when do the security guys move in? Aren’t you supposed to have security here?”

“Yes, three of them are already here, the rest will be joining them tomorrow. We have cameras installed everywhere and staff to monitor them around the clock so the premises will remain secure.

“Oh, ok, great. Thanks again.” Flynn said shaking Caesar’s hands.

They closed the door after he left.

“Are you going to be staying the night?” Morgan asked Flynn.

“Do you want me to? I thought you’d want to be alone to settle in, fix up a few things without any interruptions, you know? But if you want me to stay I will, gladly.” He added with a smile.

“No, you’re right. I do have a million things to do, so I guess I’ll see you soon.” Flynn pulled her close and kissed her then he collected his things and left.






Chapter Fourteen


Morgan had her laptop set up on a small desk in a corner of the spare bedroom. She set up the little corner like a workstation, this can be used for those days when she’d rather not go into the Office. After Flynn left, she went all around her apartment taking notes of the things she had to get to completely furnish her new home. She needed a single bed for the spare room and a corner space saver for the corridor. Some more dishes for the kitchen as some of her glassware were chipped in the move, she also had to get some more wall pictures, as the three she brought over are just not enough. She had seen two gorgeous sunset scenery pictures at a showroom in the mall recently. She made a mental note to go and get one of them if they are still there that is, she also needed Saurelle’s touch to decorate the place.

She made her notes and returned to her bedroom, sliding her feet across the carpet enjoying its softness. Of the two bedrooms, only hers was ensuite, the other was close to the bathroom so that was good enough for anyone staying over. The apartment had high and low lighting, something she always wanted to have in her other apartment. The pantry in the kitchen could do with a brighter bulb though she thought, as she did most of her cooking late evenings and at night. She made a note to let Melanie know so she can say something to Caesar, there’s no way she can reach that bulb where it is without a ladder. She walked into her closet and pictured it filled with clothes, she smiled as she planned and schemed about how to get Auri to stop working so hard and go shopping with her for a couple of days. Auri always told her she dressed too conservative and needed a new wardrobe, maybe now is the time to stop living in jeans and t shirts, she thought. She stripped of her t shirt and headed into the bathroom with the intention of a nice long soak in her fancy bath tub. She fiddled around with some make up as the tub filled with warm soapy water and just as she was about to step into the tub her cell phone rang.

She went back get her phone so she can see who was calling. It was Filipe.

“Hello Filipe.” She said hiding her smile.

“Ma Cherie, how are you?” he said

“I’m great; actually I was just about to take a bath.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you, take your time I will speak with you later.”

“Sure, ok.” She said and was about to ask him to call her in an hour but realized he’ already hung up.

She put her phone to charge and wondered how come he sounded so formal, as if something weighed heavily on his mind. Did he come to his senses and realized he was dreaming that there was something happening between them? Or is it about her father. She went into the tub, leaned back and closed her eyes as the soft voice of Celine Dion filled the bathroom from the player on the counter. She came out half an hour later and made herself dinner which she took out on the porch. She heard her telephone ring again and decided to call back whoever it was after she ate, the atmosphere was just too perfect right now to be disturbed.



Filipe sat in front of his computer catching up on work, responding to messages and thinking about Morgan. Since arriving home a couple days ago, she has been on his mind. Caleth had passed by earlier today to see how he was doing, he told him about Morgan and about the wonderful time he spent in Trinidad.

Caleth then showed him the photo of himself with two ladies on a beach, Filipe smiled when he saw the photo and told Caleth about that day at the beach with the group. Filipe found out that Caleth saw it on an online edition of a local newspaper and printed it. Filipe smiled as he thought about Caleth doing that. He always looked out for him as if he was the brother he was supposed to have. He told Caleth about his plans to take a Café there and, even though he was a bit skeptical, he said it sounded like a brilliant idea. Filipe told him he had to make an appointment to see Dr. Stephen for a review in two days and he asked if he would accompany him, to New York, to which he agreed.

“So you plan to do a lot of travelling to Trinidad and Tobago now hmm?” Caleth had said, more like a statement than a question.

“Yes, as much as I need to be with Morgan. She is perfect Cal, you have to meet her. She turned out to be just what I expected and a whole lot more.”

“Perfect for what?”

“Perfect to be with me, it’s time I get someone to love and be with me for forever. I’m over Eliza, I’m over Genny. Time to move on. After meeting Morgan Cal, she is perfect.” Filipe had a faraway look in his eyes but Caleth continued.

“What happened between you two?” Caleth asked.

“Chemistry Cal, from the moment I touched her hands I felt it. I felt it when I kissed her and I know she felt it too.”

“You kissed her? … Already?”

Filipe looked at Caleth’s surprised face then said, “I didn’t plan to. It just happened.”

“Ok, as long as you’re not pushing anything with her ‘just because’. You have to be careful Filipe, take it easy you know. Are you sure you didn’t imagine this chemistry though?”

“Not at all.” He had replied with a wide grin

“Good, I’m glad for you Filipe, you deserve happiness with someone you love. Did any dreams return though?”

“They haven’t.”

“Great again. So what are you going to do with Morgan, have you told her how you felt?”

“Believe me, the feeling is mutual. We will be together eventually. She is currently seeing someone but I don’t believe they are that connected.”

“Hmm, very sure of yourself as always I see.”

“As always, you got to read the signs Cal, you got to read the signs” He smiled remembering the conversation and Caleth’s infamous nod.

After a while he left the computer and went down the steps to check on his mom. She was looking tired earlier and he was beginning to wonder if she will soon need someone to stay with her fulltime. Glenda comes in often to cook and keep the place tidy, but she may need someone closer to her to keep her company for when he’s not there. He couldn’t tell her that because being the self-sufficient woman she is, she won’t accept any help. He knocked at her door and getting no immediate answer, peeked inside and saw that she was fast asleep in her bed. He walked closer to the bed and touched her cheek, when she stirred he kissed her and left. She was all he had left. There was her sister and her half-brother, they were still family, but they were not as close as he would have liked his family to be. His cousin Samantha or Sammie is the closest thing to a sister he ever had, she married and moved to the United States two years ago. Maybe he should visit her when he goes to New York. He went back upstairs to his rooms to call Morgan again. She didn’t answer this time and his mind wandered to the memory of her with Flynn and something stirred within him. He wondered if Flynn was there with her. He called her again and she did not respond so he went to the computer. She wasn’t showing up as being online so he sent a message to her inbox. He was surprised to see her responding.

Filipe: Salut beauté’

Morgan: what does that mean?

Filipe: Hey beautiful, it means hello beautiful.

Morgan: Hi Filipe, how is it over there in France?

Filipe: Great, the weather is lovely this time of year. I tried to call you earlier though.

Morgan: My phone is in the other room. I have two bedrooms now you know, I’m fully moved into the new apartment already.

Filipe: Wonderful! How do you like it so far?

Morgan: It’s lovely, I have more space so I’m more comfortable. Just need a few small things to fix it up.

Filipe: Can I come see it when I get back?

Morgan: Hmm... Sure, I guess.

Filipe: Ok, great.

Morgan: How is work, what did you do today?

Filipe: Aah, I was mostly out of office today sorting a few things. I’ve set the action plan for the Café.

Morgan: Wow, ok. You sure move fast.

Filipe: Time is precious, you shouldn’t waste it.

Morgan: True…

Filipe: Do you like me Morgan? I mean really like me? I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me. If I do or say anything that upset you, you will let me know right?

Morgan: Yes Filipe, I do like you, as a friend though ok. I know something happened but I can’t deal with that right now, so let’s just be friends.

Filipe: ok. I understand what you’re saying.

Filipe: I’m looking at your pictures, you are so beautiful Morgan. I wish you will tell me more about your father.

Morgan: What I told you is about all I know, my mom don’t speak much about him again and it was some years ago so I don’t remember much.

Filipe: Then I will have to come to meet your mom

Morgan: Are you serious?

Filipe: très sérieux

Morgan: that means?

Filipe: Very serious

Morgan: You have to teach me French

Filipe: I wish to teach you many things ma Cherie

Morgan sent a few smiley faces. She tried to ignore the bubble of excitement she felt as she thought of him saying that.

Morgan: Why did you sound so upset earlier when you called?

Filipe: I was not upset, I felt lonely, just mom and I in here and I was hoping to hear your voice on the phone. The house is huge and mostly unoccupied so it gets a bit dreary at times. When I couldn’t talk to you I felt disappointed, that’s all. I know we said friends but you are growing on me. You are so refreshing; I just want to spend more and more time being around you.

Morgan: Chatting you say… chatting wasn’t the only thing taking place as far as I can remember.

Filipe: Oui that, well, couldn’t help myself. My passion was controlling me.

Morgan: Yeah, I noticed.

They both laughed, then Filipe asked if she mind if they talk about it.

Morgan: It was just a kiss Filipe.

Filipe: Just a kiss you say? So do you respond like that to everyone that kisses you?

Morgan: I don’t allow everyone to kiss me Filipe

Filipe: You allowed me to so I guess I mean something to you? Something more than a usual friend to you?

Morgan: um, this is getting rather complicated.

Filipe: Complicated how?

Morgan: “Blushing face emoji”

Filipe: I can see you’re worrying your pretty little head ma Cherie, don’t. Que sera, sera. I felt your emotions in those kisses.

Morgan: You did?

Filipe: Yes I did. You have a lot of passion in you Morgs, Does Flynn bring it out in you?

Morgan: Hey, no Flynn in this convo.

Filipe: Ok. Sorry. Can I tell you something and be honest with you though?

Morgan: Sure.

Filipe: I want you Morgan, we are going to be together I can feel it.

Morgan: How can you say that? I already have a boyfriend Filipe.

Filipe: I don’t want to be your boyfriend Morgan, I want to be your man...

He sent the heart emoji.

Morgan: I’m stunned. I don’t even know how to respond to that one.

Filipe: Hey why don’t you consider coming here for a vacation, you and Saurelle both, it will be fun I’m sure. I have so many things I want to show you, you will absolutely love the house. Also I told my mom about you and she wants to meet my ‘friend’ from Trinidad. You know she once wrote to a Pen pal from Trinidad? When she was a teenager she had pen friends from all over the world.

Morgan: Really? That’s cool.

Filipe: So promise me you will think about it, and tell Saurelle so you can plan together to come. I will get you the tickets and you already have accommodation. Don’t say no, think about it ok. I have to go but I will chat with you soon babe.

Morgan: Um, ok. I will think about it.

Filipe: I know you will. Bonne nuit mon amour


Morgan: I’m guessing that means goodnight?


Filipe: Oui.


Morgan: Goodnight Filipe.


Morgan sat just staring blankly at her computer for a little while, with a half-smile on her face before she got up and went to bed. He is one strange guy, she thought as she pulled her blanket around herself and snuggled in.




Chapter Fifteen

Filipe walked into his office and signaled for Joanna to follow him. She has worked as the secretary for his dad, for over twenty years, and continued for him after his dad passed. She had many years of experience behind her and sometimes amazed Filipe with her capabilities. Doing research for the magazines, Filipe often tells her he’s sure that she can find the burial site of his first pet without him telling her one word about the location.

“I want you to track someone for me Jo, Matteo Edvin Andersen. He also goes by Emmie Andersen, from Northern Sweden. Check his travel history to Trinidad and Tobago, mainly Tobago though, in and around nineteen ninety three, could be late ninety two or earlier also. Find out what happened to him and where he is right now. See if there’s a way to contact him.

“Ok, a new project Boss?” Joanna smiled at him. She always teases him by calling him Boss, no matter how often he tells her not to.

“You can say that.” He replies watching her with a faraway expression in his eyes.

“I will see what I can do from my end but I will give Monte the information also to see what he will find. Mind if I ask who he is?”

“He’s the father of someone I know, she lost contact some years back and will like to know the reason. Tell Monte anything he finds that he should come straight to me ok, and keep it down, it’s personal.”

“So, Filipe, this friend, she’s uh, a personal friend huh?”

Filipe smiled. Joanna is one of the persons who knew him very well. She was around when he would come in and play in his father’s office as a little boy. She knew all about him, his kidnapping and recovery period, his relationships, marriage and loves. She also offered advice in times past about things he did not want his parents to know about. He loved her like a mother and she looked out for him as she would any one of her three sons.

Ignoring her question he continued, “Also, I believe it was Max who organized the fittings for the Café in Bordeaux, can you please get him for me, I have a project set up for him to do with Gray.. And yes it is for a personal friend, no you do not know her Jo Jo.”

“Are you opening another Café?”

“Oh yes we are. I always believed in lucky seven.”

“Great, in which city? Here or in the USA?”

“Actually it will be on a Caribbean Island. Trinidad, to be exact.”

“That’s where you travelled too recently, how much time you plan on spending there?”

“Believe me; it was worth every minute I was there. Actually I’m going back in about a month or even sooner if I can.”

“Does this have to do with a woman Filipe?” She eyed him suspiciously.

“Jo, Jo, sometimes you ask too many questions for your own good. Yes it does but no more questions for now; I have a million things to put together.” Filipe placed his hands on her shoulders and spun her around. He led her straight to her desk and moved out of the way quickly when she tried to swat him. He left her and went to look for Grayson, to fill him in about the plans he is making for the Café and the apartment in Trinidad, also to make sure he clears up his schedule so he can accompany him when he return.




Morgan and Saurelle sat in her office with Adlei and Zoe. They were finalizing the table top decorations for the Boyd’s wedding, which is now three weeks away. Morgan eventually chose the balloon and feather ensemble because she was looking for something easily disposable. They already organized the helium to float the decoration above the tables and were discussing having to color sand in purple and orange for the sand ceremony, as they only needed two colors and the feathers will be purple and orange. Everything was in place except the ice cream as the caterer wasn’t getting the sorrel coconut flavor Miss Boyd desired. They were considering asking one of the factories to specially make it for the occasion. Mama’s homemade ice cream gave a positive response, so Morgan and Zoe were preparing to head down there in a little while. After the meeting was over Saurelle remained in Morgan’ office to have something to drink.

“So, how’s the new apartment Morgs?”

“Oh, I’m enjoying it so much, every day I can hardly wait to run home.” Morgan grinned.

“Great, if I wasn’t living with auntie I’d take one myself. I’m there for quite a while as she has no one to see about her things if she passes. Sissy already moved on so it’s just me and her. She sometimes jokes with me and says she can’t wait for me to have kids as she will be glad to have grandchildren running through the house. Can you believe her? Me, with kids?”

Morgan laughed, “Yeah I can believe her. Seeing that apparently you and Kwassi do not use condoms.”

“I am on the pill honey, since Jethro, I already told you.”

“Yes, but with your finicky memory, who can tell what could happen.”

Saurelle sighed loudly. “I haven’t forgotten to take it lately; I usually take it with breakfast each morning.”

“And for the days when you skip breakfast? Knowing how you are.”

“Ok, I get it. But I’m not changing anything because I still don’t like them. Besides, I love the feel of that Ras bare skin if you know what I mean.”

Morgan held up both hands and leaned back in her chair, “TMI Auri.”

“Oh come on, like you don’t tell me all the gory deeds about you and Flynn huh. By the way, you haven’t in a while had you stopped? Have you come to your senses?”

Morgan laughed loudly, “Are you nuts? We still have crazy sex sometimes, make love sometimes, and remember we have more space now and more rooms to christen, that will take some time. Can’t get our freak on in his mom’s house, although we did once and almost got caught, remember?”

They both laughed. “Yes, who can forget?” Saurelle said.

“Now on to more serious things, how is Filipe?”

“He is fine. We spoke online up to yesterday; apparently he is busy preparing the ovens, shelving and furniture needed for shipping. He is also bringing a designer awning which he said is a trademark for the Cafes. He is really into this Café thing; do you know he part owns six Cafes? One of which is in New York City? He also runs two magazines and is part owner of a Real Estate company with his friend Caleth”

“Wow, he sure is busy huh.” Saurelle said.

“Yea, he worked with the magazines since he left college but took over running after his dad died and left it to him. The Real Estate is a hobby and the Cafes have been in his mom’s family for as long as he can remember.”

“What is the name of the Café?”

“Café Délice ”

“It should be more like delicious Le Mar.” Saurelle said laughing.

“Well he is delicious actually, delicious to look at, delicious to smell delicious to...” Morgan responded with a twinkle in her eyes. But it means Café of delight or something so.” She laughed

“Oh, ok.” Saurelle replied. “I heard all those delicious things eh, and you denying you have feelings for him. I know you better than you think Miss Andersen.”

Zoe walked in and asked Morgan if she was ready to go to Mama’s so Saurelle took that as her cue to leave and stood up.

“I will come by your place later tonight honey. If Flynn plans to spend the night just tell him its girls’ night so scat ok.”

With that she walked out leaving Zoe and Morgan with amused looks on both their faces. After she left, they looked at each other and burst into laughter. Morgan picked up her car keys and Zoe followed her out the door. They headed to Mama’s with one thing on their mind, the ice cream samples. Morgan told Zoe she will drop her off at home since she needed to pass in the supermarket to pick up some things to prepare for Saurelle’s visit. Seems like it’s going to be a fun night, with lots of old talk and no sleep. She thought.

When Morgan arrived home she prepared a dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. Afterwards she made a quick check to ensure she had enough snacks for the night, eyed the cheesecake in the freezer wondering if she should take it out, then proceeded to take a long soak in the tub. Flynn had furnished her bathroom with a range of scented bubble baths. She loved fruity soap, she choose the strawberry pleasure and sat back to enjoy herself. She heard her cell phone ring but did not rise to answer it. She closed her eyes and her mind ran on Filipe. What will happen when he returns? She wondered, he told her he may want her to go shopping with him for furniture for his penthouse. She said she wasn’t sure she will be able to. She told Flynn and he had said nothing but nodded. She knows by the way he responds to her when she talks about Filipe, that he wants to ask her what really going on with her and him. He never did ask though, she wondered if it’s because of the argument they had about two months ago about settling down. He is nowhere close to wanting to settle down he had said, they are young why not live and let live, even though she had told him she hoped to settle down and be married by age twenty five.

She opened her eyes when she heard the doorbell chime. With a sigh of frustration, she got up and dried of a bit then wrapped her robe around her and went to see who it was. She looked through the peephole and realized it was someone from the Postal agency TT Post so she opened the door.

“Good afternoon. A special delivery for Miss Morgan Andersen.”

“Thank you, that’s me.”

She signed the pad and took the box from the young man. While closing the door with her foot she noted that the stamps were from France. She set the package on the coffee table and went looking for a scissors to cut open the tape. The first thing she saw was a note from Filipe, it said “Surprise Ma Cherie, I wanted to get you something special for your new home. I saw this French horn and thought of you. It’s in solid brass”

It was gorgeous; it came with a stand to mount it on. She mounted it and looked for a place to put it. She decided to leave it on the middle of the coffee table for now and went to finish her bath. As soon as she came out of the bath the doorbell rang again. Peeping through the hole, this time it was Saurelle. She quickly opened the door and almost dragged her inside.

“Hey, gorgeous in a robe” Saurelle said to her laughing and pretending to grab her butt.

She grinned and nodded towards the living room. Saurelle went in and stood looking around. Took her about two seconds to see the French horn on the table. She looked at Morgan and smiled as she took it up.

“Wow, let me guess, Filipe?”

“Yes, I just received it actually; a house warming present.” She gave her friend the note to read. Saurelle read the note and winked at Morgan, “It’s quite lovely.” She said.

“Come put your things in the bedroom” Morgan said to her.

Saurelle did as Morgan ask and they went towards the bedroom. Morgan hurriedly slipped on a track pants with a tank top. They then went back to the living room afterwards. Morgan went into the kitchen and got two Shandy Carib drinks for them with two glasses of ice. They sat and talked about the wedding as they sipped their drinks. Morgan, on finishing her drink said to Saurelle, “I have something to run by you. It is just an idea, well more like an offer ok. I haven’t responded as yet.”

”Carry on.” Saurelle said

“Filipe asked for you and me to visit him in France.”

“Eeek! Are you serious?” Saurelle got up from where she sat and joined Morgan on the couch. She jumped on and doubled her legs under her.

“Yes, I am. I told him we will discuss it I didn’t tell him yes.”

“I will love to, but I can’t take any vacation until December this year. I already took time off twice, once to go to Saint Lucia in January and then when I went to Miami with Gemma in March.”

“Ok, well that gives enough time to plan because if you’re not going with me I won’t be going.”

“Oh, come on. Think about what can happen if you go by yourself.”

“Exactly, that is why I’m not going by myself. Besides, what will I say to Flynn? Hey Hon, I’m going to spend some time in France for two weeks, oh, by the way. I will be staying with Filipe in his house.”

Both girls laughed at Morgan’s antics. She then grabbed Auri’s hands and pulled her along to see what she did to the apartment so far. They walked through the house analyzing and commenting on the decor. Shared ideas on what was missing and what can be improved. Saurelle promised to bring her some things to sprite up the place. Afterwards they both settled down and prepared for a night of movies and junk food.


Chapter Sixteen


Filipe sat in his living room with some documents Joanna handed him yesterday evening. He also had some designs with shelving patterns, wall paper and some photos of ceiling lights on the coffee table in front of him. A list of qualifications for the staffing was included in the melee.

His mom, Sophie Le Mar even though she was in her late fifties, her beauty had yet to begin fading. Her dark hair is still natural without color. Being of a small built, she moves gracefully and prides herself in the care she takes of her home. Being a Decorator herself, she has decorated many homes, work spaces, events; she has created and decorated both at home and abroad. Being well known in the country as the wife of the late Gage Le Mar, she has maintained her reputation and many still call for her because of the magazines and as her fame precedes her. She is still a colorful, vibrant woman.

She approached him and sat down in the opposite sofa, looking at him intently. Her son, her one and only child, she remembered the day her second son was born, stillborn, as if it was yesterday. It tore her apart; he would have been twenty four years old on this very day.

Sitting here, she wondered if Filipe remembers him, she had named him Maloi. Would he have been as driven to continue his father’s businesses as Filipe was or would he have done as her niece did, and found a career to follow on his own. Filipe of late has been very distracted she noted. He had a phobia about being alone and had gotten married at a very young age, twenty three. Eliza was a lovely girl and fit in the family nicely, but after three years was diagnosed with late stage stomach cancer. She got the best care they could give her but still died. It tore Filipe apart, but time and another girl called Genevieve helped heal him. She doesn’t know the reason they are no longer together but she sensed a change in her son. He went through some tough times in his teenage years because of the haunting dreams about the kidnapping, but he is much better today. Actually has been for some years as he continue to bury himself in his work, always the perfectionist just like his father. She realized he was looking at her and she smiled at him. He arose from where he sat and kissed her cheek.

“Today is his birthday mama, I know.”

She nodded her head and smiled. “I thought you forgot,” she said

“I always remember. How are you today?” he asked her, looking a bit concerned. Times past on this day she became somewhat depressed. With some prodding from Joanna she eventually started to mark the day with charity work at a nearby Hospice instead of moping around all day thinking about Maloi. She would donate baked goods from the bakery and a sizeable sum of money in her son’s memory. She also decorated the lobby and sitting area to make it as cherry and homely for the residents and visitors.

“Do you want me to take you today?” he asked her

“No son, I can manage. Besides I see you are very busy.”

“Yes, I’m just deciding on the wallpaper and lighting for the Café in Trinidad.”

“Who are you chasing in Trinidad son? I know you, you know. What is it that’s pulling you to that country?”

‘It’s a beautiful country mama, it will be the first Café of its kind too.

“What else? Is it a girl? There must be something else.”

Filipe smiled. He held nothing back from his mother. She was as sharp as a tack.

“I met someone, yes. But I’m not putting a café there because of her. I fell in love with the place, it is a lovely vacation spot. You will love it there. I remember you once had a pen friend from there.”

“Yes I did. She passed away some time back though.”

“Yes you told me, everything is here though, I just have to ship these across and send some staff to train the workers. I already advertised some vacancies and got a startling response. I asked Paul if he can re locate for a while to help with the baking and he said he will. So it’s more or less set up. We are opening the café in Trinidad, in a place called Hibiscus Towers in Belmont.”

“That’s great son; will you be staying for a while also?”

“Yes I’m renting an apartment close to the location so I will be back and forth. I worry about you being lonely in this big house mama.”

“No son, I’m fine here. You stop worrying about me. Glenda keeps me company and besides, I like me solitude at times. Let me see what you have there, I can help.”

“Ok then, thanks mom, you are a gem.”

They sat and mentally decorated the Café for about an hour, after which Sophie left for the Hospice. Filipe was putting away the papers when he remembered the second file Joanna gave him yesterday. He opened it to find some information on Emmie Andersen with a photo inside.

He was from Sigtuna, Sweden. A brilliant architect by profession, his work was known both locally and overseas. He kept a rather low profile and was a quiet but friendly man. Coming from a big family, he never married but was said to have had quite a few ladies at any given time. No children were recorded to date. His life came to a sudden end on August twenty seventh two thousand and five when he died by vehicular accident, killed on spot. He was buried at a local cemetery in the village he came from. His brother Hugo lives in Maine, USA and another brother Viktor resides in Canada, his two sisters, Marseille and Elsa both are said to be alive but their location has not been identified.

Filipe looked at the photo again and his breath caught in his chest. If it wasn’t for her curly hair and brown eyes, Morgan would look just like her father. There’s no denying he had found Emmie Andersen, now he wondered how he is going to break the news to Morgan that the reason they had not heard from her father all those years is because he is dead. He went into his rooms and put the file in his dresser. He is due back in Trinidad at the end of the month but may go sooner because Grayson will be shipping the stuff for the Café as soon as he sends him the patterns which he and Sophie had chosen. Grayson is going with him also since he had asked him to interview the staff for the Cafe.



He sat at his laptop and pulled up Morgan’s profile on Full Circle, something he was so used to doing by now. He was surprised to see her online but then remembered she told him that she left her profile up to show her as always being online. He sent her a quick message and waited.

Filipe: How is the wedding plans coming ma Cherie, they still have you very busy?

Morgan was watching TV on her bed when she saw the alert appeared on her phone.

Morgan: It’s on Saturday, everything is set. Just waiting on time.

Filipe: How are you otherwise?

Morgan: Great, I have another event to plan for the next week so I’m heading to Tobago. It’s an office party. Everything else is fine. How are you keeping?

Filipe: I’m well, thank you for asking. I found out something about your father; will bring it to you when I come back.

Morgan: ok, thanks but you really could have left it alone you know, we are fine here without him. Mom doesn’t even think about him anymore.

Filipe: This I’m sure you will want to know.

Morgan: Now you have awakened my curiosity, what is it?

Filipe: I should be there by next week, could be earlier, but I will bring it for you.

Morgan: ok, thank you Filipe.

Filipe: You’re always welcome Ma Cherie. I miss you, I can hardly wait to see you.

Morgan sent him a smiley face.

Filipe: See you soon.

Morgan: See you soon Filipe.



Morgan and Zoe will be heading to Tobago after the Boyd’s wedding to do an Office party at the Tourism Company. She was anticipating the visit as it will give her a chance to be with her mom for a week. She missed Dawn, even though they spoke regularly over the telephone and on Skype, it was not the same as face to face contact or a hug. Saurelle had come as promised and helped her to re decorate the apartment. The living room was gorgeous; she had painted the wall where the TV set is in a brilliant green, while the other three walls were in yellow. She added two corner space savers which were now filled with ornaments; she had placed the French horn at the top of one of them. A fluffy green rug was spread under the coffee table, which is shaped like a giant wooden saucer, complete with trimmed edges. Saurelle had picked it up at an antique store in St James.

The dining set is in a cozy area, and a hutch has been added to the corner close to it. The kitchen is in a gorgeous shade of grey, a little lighter than the granite island and counter tops. A beautiful multicolored swing set was added on the enclosed balcony and a single bed was placed in the spare bedroom for overnight visitors, although the only visitors she’d usually have are her mom, Auri and Flynn. Seems like now Filipe will be added to that list, not for overnight though, she thought. When her friends come to stay they shared her bedroom so the bed has not been used as yet. The apartment came with built in cupboards throughout. The time and money she spent was well worth it. Her home was cozy, comfortable and inviting. Thanks to Auri, it was also beautiful.

By the day before the wedding everything was already in place. Saurelle had a team decorating the reception hall in Maracas. In events management classes she had learnt that whatever can go wrong will go wrong, so she usually prepared for hick ups by having a backup of all the main things on standby, just in case something was to go wrong. That is what she had spent the last couple of days doing, now she was at home alone watching a movie and relaxing before the big day when the doorbell suddenly chimed. Wearing a sleeveless loose swing dress that ended mid-thigh, with no slippers on her feet she went and looked through the peephole. She was shocked to see Filipe standing there. She opened the door and stood there gaping at him while leaning on the door with her hand on the doorknob. He gave her a bright smile and walked in.

“Can I come in ma Cherie?”

“You’re already inside, what are you doing here? You got all the stuff shipped already?” She pushed the door closed with her butt and now stood leaning on it watching him in his white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Denim jeans slung on his hips and yellow Clarks on his foot. He looked like he just stepped out of a GQ magazine and into her home.

“Yes, Grayson and I are here. We’ve been here since early this morning watching Caesar and his crew put in the wallpaper and arrange the furniture.”

“So, your ovens are here too?”
“Yes, just the awning is missing; it will take a couple more days to get here.”

Since he came in he have not taken his eyes off her.

“So how long do you plan to stay?”

“Maybe a week or two, I’m also here to furnish my home upstairs. I have a decorator working on it. I asked Auri but she said she is pretty tied up at the moment and I need it done ASAP as I’m hoping to stay here instead of at a hotel.”

“Yes, she he did mention that to me.” She walked into the living room and motioned for him to sit down, which he did. He dropped an envelope on the coffee table, it contained the file on her father.

“Can I at least get a hug? I missed you so much.” He said rising again to meet her.

He held her hands and pulled her towards his chest. Her hair smelled like strawberry shampoo and she felt soft in his arms. She put her hands around his waist and took a deep breath absorbing his scent while resting her head on his chest. They remained like that for a couple seconds then Morgan broke away and offered him a drink. He went back to his seat and asked her if he should remove his shoes as he didn’t want to put it on her rug as he was in the dust all day. He went back into the corridor to put it on the shoe rack by the door.

She went into the kitchen, but when she heard him sit down she went back to ask if he wanted something hard or soft to drink.

“I’ll have whatever you are having ma Cherie.”

She went back and took out a bottle of red wine. As she prepared the waiter with the drinks and glasses, she sent a quick text message to Auri.

Morgan: OMG! Auri! Filipe is here, looking hot as always.

Saurelle: Serious?? Send me a pic. Kwassi is here with me for the weekend, we will see you tomorrow at the wedding, remember one o’ clock ok. Everything looks perfect. I’m waiting for the pic of Mr. Handsome.

Morgan: Ok, sure. Talk to you soon.

She felt someone behind her and spun around to find herself face to face with Filipe. He put both hands at her sides on the counter and cornered her where she stood. She took a deep breath and looked him in his eyes.

“I was wondering if you needed some help.” He whispered leaning into her

“I err… got it.” She says nervously, resting her hands on his arms

His eyes bore into her and she felt the defense she’s been trying to put up from him, crumble to the floor. He took her face in his hands and touched her lips lightly with his. She was becoming so familiar with this kiss. She allowed the moment then bent her head. He then kissed her forehead.

“These drinks?” he asked, turning to take the waiter.

“Yes, let’s go sit down.” She said leading the way

She sat in the love seat and he rested the waiter on the coffee table before sitting on the sofa. He told her what was happening downstairs all day and had her laughing at Grayson and his antics.

“I will love to meet him.” She said

“You will, I’m sure he’ll be calling me very soon. I told him I’m disappearing for a few minutes, we’ll head down together because he’s anxious to meet you also.” He rose and went to sit on the love seat with her. He took her right hand in his and said, “Morgan, I’d rather you open the envelope with your mother, don’t do it by yourself ok. For me, please?”

“Ok, I’m going to Tobago next week so I will take it with me.”

“If I’m still here I can go with you, I’d love to meet Dawn.”

“Yea, and I’m sure she will love to meet you.” She rolled her eyes heavenward and chuckled.

“So what has been happening since I left?” he ignored her eye rolling and continued.

She told him about what’s been going on with the wedding planning, about when Saurelle came and helped her decorate the apartment. She walked him through the apartment while they talked about the Cafe.

“Did Pancho drop you guys here?” she asked when they returned to the living room.

“Yes he did.” Filipe came and sat next to her on the chair again. She looked down at her clothes and wondered if she should go inside and change the dress. She felt him staring at her before she even looked up. When he’s around her it’s as if all her senses come alive.

“Am I making you nervous?” he asked while he put his drink on the table and turned towards her propping his head in his arm resting on the chair back.

She smiled then said, “Let’s just say I’m not totally comfortable around you as yet.”

“And may I ask why? What is it about me that make you nervous Morgan?” he studied her face carefully and frowned.

“Filipe,” she stood and turned her back towards him trying to hide the blush that was creeping up to her cheeks, then went and stood fidgeting with ornaments on the space saver. He looked at her from her feet, his eyes following the curve of her hips and butt, stopping behind her neck. She is a sexy woman, beautifully formed calves, strong legs, curvy but athletic. He stood and went behind her, close enough, but not touching her. She smells like a mixture of strawberries and lavender.

“Come; let’s be honest with each other.” Taking her hands he led her back to the chair where they sat.

“I know you have your little boyfriend Flynn, and I know you say you are confused so I’m not asking you to make a decision. Whatever you decide will be up to you, but hear me out. I like being around you and I want to be with you. Not just as friends, but as a partner, as your significant other, as a confidante, as someone there for you whenever you need me for whatever reason. I don’t want you to be nervous around me, I’m here; if you want me to leave you alone, just push me out your front door. But know that I won’t give up unless you tell me that you won’t have anything to do with me. I did not plan for this to happen, it was not my intentions to fall in love with you, but something is happening here and I know you feel it also.” He smiled that charming smile and she laughed in return and shook her head.

“I can’t respond to that Filipe because I don’t know what I want.”

“I understand Ma Cherie, I’m not rushing you, let your heart be your guide, you will know what you want.”

He scooted a bit closer to her, took her glass and rested it on the table then he said, “Now, can I have a proper welcome back kiss?”

Morgan’s breath hitched and her hands flew up to her heart. She sat staring at him refusing to believe what he just said. She smiled when he smiled at her and thought he was joking but soon realized he was not. As his lips came closer to her she whispered, “I don’t know if I can trust myself to stop at just a kiss.” Then she closed her eyes. He pulled back and looked at her, “I know you are as attracted to me as I am to you, so why stop? Let whatever has to happen, happen. It will sooner or later Cherie, is that what makes you nervous?”

She nodded, when his lips met hers she sighed and parted her lips and whispered yes. He put his hands behind her head and kissed her deeper, savoring her taste and scent. He sucked on her lips tenderly and trailed kissed on her face and collar bone. He then pulled her across until she straddled him and ran her fingers through his brown hair. She can feel the heat emanating from his body, mingling with the heat she felt within. Her hands found the opening of his shirt and her fingers spread over his bare chest. As they kissed, she felt as if she was taken into another dimension. Filipe’s tongue danced and entwined with hers as they held onto each other. He groaned and held on to her backside and arched himself into her. She felt his arousal and her heartbeat increased as she felt her hands moving lower across his chest, somehow they found their way under his shirt which was opened down to his waist. He rose from the chair taking her up without changing her position, and went towards the bedroom. He closed the door with his foot and set her down on the bed.

“Filipe,” she whispered, her eyes wild with desire.

“Shhh, ma Cherie” He placed his finger on her lips and bent to kiss her. “If you want this to stop just say the word.”

He took off his shirt slowly as he gave her time to change her mind, and watched as her eyes travelled all over his toned body. He then unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down. He watched her look at him from head to toes, her eyes blinking at the sight of his arousal. He approached her and unzipped the dress, which fell off her shoulders around her hips. He kissed her shoulders and gently pushed her backwards onto the bed. She raised her hips for him to pull the dress from under her and he kissed her stomach sending tingles all over her body.

For some reason she was still tingling all over as she adjusted herself on the bed and closed her eyes when Filipe lay down on her propping himself on his elbows. He kissed her roughly then trailed his tongue along her jaw eventually sucking on her ear lobe. Her breathing was coming in short rasps by now. Caressing her body, he then unhooked her bra and placed his tongue on her right nipple. She let out a groan and arched her back as he played his tongue over it. Moving onto the next one he rolled it between his teeth and pulled. She let out a small scream and he kissed her again. He then licked from her neck to her stomach. His hands were on both nipples squeezing, rolling and teasing while he trailed kisses lower and lower moving downwards. By this time she was going insane as she lay beneath him. She can feel herself soaking wet by now, no one has ever had her aroused like this before. She felt like screaming, she held on to his hair anticipating the feel of his tongue on her.

Filipe pushed his fingers under the elastic of her panties and felt her wetness. He then rose up and pulled off the panties, she watched him, heart racing, as he took in the sight of her bareness. He lifted his eyes to meet hers and she saw his desire in his, passion and longing. He took off his underwear and she gasped. He is huge, bigger than what she is used to with Flynn and he was her first. Filipe saw her gasp and smiled. He then placed his mouth on her, passing his tongue up and down on her mound. She arched up towards him and he sucked on her lips, then back to her mound. He felt the shivering and heard her groan as she came while he sucked her. He then lapped up her juices and moved up to place himself at her entrance. He felt her stiffen and kissed her.

“Relax ma Cherie, I will never hurt you. Tell me to stop anytime you want me to.”

He entered her slowly, she felt tight so he took his time with her. Further and further he went and then he started to move within her. She matched his rhythm and was groaning ever so softly as he licked and kissed her lips. He showered her face with kisses and nibbled on her lips when she smiled. He felt her excitement building up and rode her harder and harder until she exploded all around him. Soon afterwards he exploded inside her. With a grunt and a long sigh he lay on her, embracing her, caressing and holding her. He couldn’t believe this was actually happening, he wanted her ever since he first saw her and now she was lying here with him sharing her body. He hoped she had no regrets because he has none, he wanted to love her forever. He pulled himself over her and kissed her lips, then her nose, and then her eyes and he tasted tears. He raised himself up to see tears streaming down the sides of her eyes.

“Morgan? Baby, did I hurt you?” he said with concern in his voice

She shook her head from side to side. Then she came again stifling a small scream as she did.

“That was amazing Filipe, I can’t stop coming.” She panted

He turned her over and entered her from behind, moving slower this time, he felt her come again. Exhausted, she then went down onto her elbows. Filipe pulled out and trailed kisses all over her back while he whispered ‘Mon amour mon seul amour.’ He then turned her over and went down on her again before he entered her for a third time. This time he couldn’t hold it too long so he came after a few short minutes. He lay on her, resting his head on her chest listening to her heart beating crazily, while she played her fingers in his hair.

“Baby, are you alright?” he whispered after a moment

“Yes I am, that never happened to me before, I’m still getting orgasms Filipe, it that normal?”

“Very normal mon doux amor, I love you.”

They lay entwined, enjoying being in each other’s arms, caressing and holding each other, until they both eventually fell asleep. Neither of them saw the door open slowly and Flynn’s head appearing. He, in more disbelief than anger, stood there eyes bulging as he watched the two bodies on the bed, his heart dropped to his feet when the realization of what took place registered in his mind. Still staring in shock after about a minute, he slowly backed away, picked up his satchel off the sofa and went back out the front door.



Chapter Seventeen


Filipe’s awoke when his phone started ringing; he got off the bed and grabbed his jeans from the floor. It was six thirty five in the evening. He watched the time then answered when he realized it was Grayson.

“Yes Gray.”

“Hey where the heck are you, I have been calling for almost an hour. The wallpaper is complete, you have to see this.” Grayson said to him.

“Give me about half hour, I’ll be there,” He hung up the phone and looked at Morgan. She was looking at him dreamily, ‘’Do you have to go?”

“No, we have to go, come on let’s grab a shower.”

They both went into the shower, showering quickly and changing equally fast. Filipe went out of the bedroom with Morgan following behind. He grabbed his keys and she grabbed her handbag and was heading out the door when she stopped.

“Did you put the waiter and drinks back in the kitchen?” she asked him

“No, I didn’t.”

He went out to the elevator and she followed with a confused look on her face. They arrived at the Café; Morgan saw Caesar and some other guys clearing up some pieces of wood and wallpaper from the floor. The place looked amazing. On one side the wall had what looked like a painting of a town, apparently in Paris, France. The other walls which were not glass were painted in a lively yellow. There were tables and chairs stacked in the far corner, even blocking the entrance from the outside, so everyone had to use the entrance by the elevator.

The main chandelier was a gorgeous silver with bulbs blooming from flowers in every direction. Smaller versions of the same hung low where the tables were to be placed. Filipe went straight to a man slightly shorter than himself with black hair wearing a three quarter pants and a very colorful shirt. He was smiling a lot and he spoke more French than English. They both turned around as if on cue and looked at Morgan, who sat on a nearby stool. They approached her, both smiling.

“Morgan, this is Grayson Dubois.” Grayson gave her a wide smile then nudged Filipe with his elbow, while extending his other hand to Morgan. He then said “Filipe, no wonder why I can’t get you to stay in France my boy, this is one gorgeous lady you have here.”

Morgan blushed and extended her hand slowly; he took it and placed his lips on her knuckles. She looked at Filipe to see him smiling at her.

“Pleased to finally meet you, I heard so much about you.” She said.

“Tout bon j'espère, le plaisir est pour moi” he said, while he held on to her hand.

She looked at Filipe for an explanation. “He said it’s good to meet you, his pleasure.” Then to Grayson, “Please stick to the local language Gray, you are making her uncomfortable.”

Morgan smiled and looked between the two; she can see that there are really good friends. Her phone chimed, when she reached into her bag for it they both stepped back and continued what they were doing previously. She saw a text message from Auri.

Saurelle: Where is my pic woman?

Morgan: Girl, I don’t know where to start. I’m at the Café with Filipe and Grayson, can’t talk now. Will update you tomorrow ok. You will not believe what happened.

Saurelle: Now I can’t stop wondering, tell me quick, just tell me one word.

Morgan: Sex

Saurelle: You kidding me? With Filipe? OMG Morgan!


Morgan: Tomorrow, I have to go.


Saurelle: Ok.


She looked up to see Filipe’s eyes fixed on her even though he was still speaking with Grayson. She tried to read the expression on his face, but she couldn’t figure out if the look she was getting is dreamy, desirous or amazement. She got up and walked around a bit. Filipe was asking for Petra, Grayson said she didn’t come back from upstairs. He then said something to Grayson in French and headed in her direction.


“Come, we’re going to the penthouse.” He said, taking her hands in his

“Ok, great, I would love to see it.” she said smiling

They walked back to the other building.

“Wait, I thought you got a penthouse in Tower two, your house is in my building?”

“Yes it is, hence the reason why I called you neighbor.”

She stared at him with her jaw open. “This is crazy.” She said

She placed both hands over her eyes as she waited with him for the elevator to come down. They stepped in and Filipe immediately pulled her into a kiss.

‘I want you again, Morgan. What are you doing to me?” he said huskily

“I don’t even know what I’m doing to myself.” She sighed sticking her fingers in his jeans waist.

They stepped off the lift into the penthouse. Petra had already brought in and organized the living room set, kitchen and she was overseeing the bed as it was being put together by two young boys.

“Petra, Filipe said, this is Morgan. Morgan, my love, meet Petra.”

“I’m pleased to meet you Morgan.”

Morgan smiled and nodded while she shook Petra’s hand.

“How’s everything going? Are we missing anything?” Filipe asked her.

“The basics are here so I guess you both will be able to spend the night which is great news. The dining set is still to be assembled but there are stools for the kitchen so you can sit at the counter unless you’re eating on the balcony. I brought in some linen so your bathroom is all set up. When the beds are completed I have to leave though, but I will return on Sunday. Your keys are on the dresser, I made a copy as requested. Anything you think you may need that you don’t have, you can ask Melanie. She has proven to be quite efficient.”


Morgan left them talking and wandered around. The penthouse is spacious, she noticed. She loved the color paint Petra had chosen; the rooms were lively and welcoming. She wandered into the kitchen and then onto the balcony. Yes, it is much bigger than hers. She was about to go up the stairs she saw when Petra and Filipe came out of the bedroom. Petra went to the kitchen and got herself a bottled water. ‘Do you want one?” she asked Morgan and Filipe.

“No thanks “, Morgan said, but Filipe nodded yes.

“Where is the stairs leading to?” Morgan asked Filipe

“It’s a separate bedroom or room you can use for anything of your choice, apart from the other three. It’s not as big as the masters, but nice enough. Go ahead if you want to explore.” He said.

Morgan went up the stairs; opening the door she realized it was still empty but quite a nice room. There were bay windows in this one, a bathroom, a small kitchenette; it’s like having a little home inside your home. Filipe joined her, he put his hands around her waist, then up to her breast and squeezed while he nuzzled her neck. She spun around to face him and he caught her lips with his. As he held her close she realized he was aroused.

“If Grayson wasn’t staying here damn I’d keep you with me for the night.”

She stepped back to look at him, “Filipe, what is going on? I know we made love, damn, it was amazing, but there’s still someone in this equation.”

“You still confused?” he asked watching her closely “Just get rid of him”

“Damn, you’re making this so hard. God knows I want to be with you, but I can’t make up my mind to do what I think I should.”

“I can help you with that you know.”


“Just call him and tell him what happened” Filipe laughed. “No man wants his girl sleeping around.”

Morgan slapped him on his shoulder. “So not funny! I thought you understood but you are definitely cruel Mr. Le Mar.”

“The only thing I understand is that I want you Morgan Andersen and I am never giving up until I have you all to myself. I need you to complete my world Ma Cherie.”

“Right now my world is a mess Filipe, I can’t complete anyone else’s.”

“Your world is tied up with mine ma Cherie” he said, pulling her to him and sticking his tongue inside her mouth, savoring her sweet taste he kissed her hungrily, passionately, as he rubbed himself against her. He took her hands and placed it on his erection. “This is what you do to me every time you are near me.” He said between kisses.

‘We need to go.” She said fighting to break away, “I have a big day tomorrow.”

She turned around and he hugged her from behind.

“Yes I know, is your little boyfriend escorting you to the wedding?”

“For your information, my little boyfriend can’t make it. He will try for the reception though.”

“Can I come with you then?”

“That will be awkward, I don’t think so. You don’t even have anything to wear.”

“Have you seen my closet? Come let’s show you.” He took her hands and led her downstairs into his bedroom. The bed was completed but they can hear the guys still working on the bed in the other room. Filipe opened the closet and Morgan gasped. There was an assortment of shirts, pants, suits, t shirts, shoes, everything, a complete wardrobe.

“You are not making joke Filipe, it’s like you moved in already.” She said putting her hands around his waist.

“Yes, I actually did, I told you it was a busy day. This was done early this morning.” He said to her, hugging her tight.

“I thought about asking you to stay in here you know, so someone will be here when I return to France. I realized it will be awkward though with your little boyfriend and all. He may not want to spend the night here knowing that it’s my house.”

“Will you stop it with the little boyfriend thing?” She started sounding annoyed.

Filipe looked at her. You have to do something darling, If you can’t I will have to. I want you, you want me, and we want this, let him off.”

“Easier said than done, I don’t even know if I want him off.” she said, and he threw his hands up in the air and walked off.

She followed him back into the elevator. “Do you mind if I go back home instead of downstairs with you, I’m tired.” She said

“Sure, ma Cherie. Will call on you in the morning then.”

“So you’re coming to the wedding?” she asked him

“It will be my pleasure.” He replied, “What color are you wearing though?”

“The color of red wine she said when she stopped off on her floor, see you soon.” With a wave she was gone.

“Bonne nuit mon amour” Filipe replies, more to himself.


The elevator closed and he went downstairs to rejoin Grayson at the Café.


Morgan went straight into the kitchen and saw the waiter on the Island. She knew she did not put it there. If Filipe didn’t, then who did? Her heart squeezed in her chest. Was Flynn in here? Did he see Filipe and me? That was the only explanation, she had to call Flynn. She picked up her phone to see when last he called her. There was a missed call from him at five forty three. She pressed send to return the call and sat listening to the phone ringing. There was no answer, she tried two more times and got no answer.

She then left a voice note asking him to call her before changing her clothes and going into her bed.



The next morning, Morgan jumped up when she heard a ringing sound coming from her computer. She got up and went to see who was calling her on Skype, it was Dawn.


“Hi momma.” She said trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

“Good morning honey, don’t tell me you’re now waking, it’s almost eleven o’ clock.”

“Yes, mom, actually I am. How are you? I miss you like crazy.”

“I’m well honey. Isn’t today the Boyd girl wedding? What time is it starting?

“Yes it is, I have to meet Auri for one.”

“And you’re now waking up? Are you feeling well?”

“Yes I’m well, I have time, the wedding actually begins at two and everything is set, even the reserves.” She smiled and wiggled her eyebrows.


“How is the new place? Do you like it?”

“Yes mom, it’s lovely, you know Auri came through and did her thing. I also have a spare bedroom now so you can come over and have your own room instead of sharing with me.” She grinned.

“When are you coming is it Tuesday or Wednesday next week?”

“Oh, it’s Tuesday, I will be there in the evening around four, and I’m staying until Sunday. The Office party at Tourism is on Friday. Zoe and I are coming but she said she will stay with a friend.”

“Ok, great, although I wouldn’t mind if she came here, she is such a lovely girl.”


“Mom, I met this guy, ok, he’s not from here though. His name is Filipe Le Mar. We were talking about Dad and he told me he can get some information for me, which he did.”

“What sort of information Muggy? I thought we decided to leave that alone?”

“Yes, I know, but he said he can track him and I let him. He found something and brought an envelope with information for me. I have it here to bring when I’m coming over.”

Dawn looked at her with a frown on her face, and then said, “Have you seen what’s inside the envelope as yet?”

“No, he said it’s something we should do together.”

“I was doing so well forgetting him” She sighed heavily, “To bring all these questions and feelings to the surface again… I know it’s your father and you have the right to know what happened to him. He loved you, you know, so go ahead and see what you can find out. The questions you’ve been asking me I cannot answer you so you may as well.”


“Ok. He also wants to meet you.”

“What? Why, are you in some sort of relationship with him?”

“Mom! Come on.”

“I told you about these guys who just want to get in your panties already. What happened with you and that other boy you were seeing?” Dawn continued ignoring her daughter

“Philippe is a nice guy, I don’t know what’s happening with me and Flynn, but this guy is different.”

“Where is he from?”

“France, mom. He is back and forth as he’s opening a café here in tower two.”

“Do you want to end up like me Morgan? Your father was a foreigner; he was back and forth just like your friend there. Did you not learn anything from me?

“Momma, come on, you can’t judge him by what Emmie did to you. That’s not fair.”

“Be smart girl, don’t let that boy ruffle your brain.”

My brain is already ruffled momma, if you only knew. Morgan thought.

“I won’t momma, but can he come? I promise you will like him.”

“How old is he Honey?”

“Um, twenty nine.”

“Don’t you think he’s a bit too old for you, you just turned twenty three?”

“Oh come on mom, would you please meet him before you judge him?”

“Well he can come, just to meet me though, where is he staying?”

“He can stay by Auntie Winnie. Can you call her and ask her if she has space?”

“Or, ok then.”

“Great, now I have to get something in my stomach before I get dressed for the wedding so I will talk to you soon.”

“Ok honey, enjoy and take plenty pics for me ok, did you get the wine color dress you wanted?”

“Oh yes I did, it looks gorgeous momma.”

“You are gorgeous honey, stay safe and have fun. Say hello to Auri for me ok.”

“Ok momma. Love you bunches…. Kiss kiss.”

Morgan signed off and went to the kitchen to see what she can find to eat.











Chapter Eighteen


Morgan looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She had managed to get her hair in a French roll ending in a bun, just like Auri had suggested. She left some flyaway tendrils hanging down the sides of her face and then stuck a floral hair comb in the middle of the roll. Her hair looked as if she just stepped out of the salon. She wore light make up in pastel shades to match the gown she had hanging up on the closet door in the bedroom. It was a little after twelve. Now she just had to wait on Pancho, whom Filipe said will be taking them to and from the wedding, so she wouldn’t have to drive today. She sat on the bed and tried to call Flynn again. She heard the call answered, but then it was cut off. She glanced at the phone curiously and tried the call again. No answer this time. She searched through her phone and dialed Vinny’s number.

“Hey Morgs, what’s up?”

“Hi Vinny, I have been trying to get onto Flynn since last night. I know he has an exam today but have you heard from him?”

“I haven’t, he probably just got caught up, and you know how that could be. Try him later on nah, I’m sure you will get through.”

“Ok, yes I will. If you hear from him ask him to call me ok. I’m heading the Boyd’s wedding now.”

“Will do, take care.”

With that he hung up. He did not tell her that Flynn called him last night angry, saying that he walked in on Morgan and that white guy together in bed. Nor that he in response told him that it must be karma for what happened in Miami, when he slept with Merlisa. Morgan never found out and Vinny never hinted anything to her, although he had a suspicion that Saurelle suspects something happened there. He told Flynn there is something called Karma and he needed to work out his shit.

Morgan slipped the dress over her shoulder and pulled up the zip at the side. It was a spaghetti strap wine colored gown, sequined at the bust. The dress fell in chiffon waves a little under her knee in the front but touched the floor at the back. She then put on a wine colored strap sandal with a four inch heel. That solved the problem of the dress dragging on the floor. She didn’t like her clothes lower than the heel she wore. Just as she finished admiring herself in the mirror her doorbell chimed. Glancing at her clock she saw it was twelve twenty.

Just on time. She thought as she went to open the door. She saw the back of Filipe’s head through the peephole. She opened the door and gasped, Filipe stood there in a Dark grey tux with a wine color silk shirt inside and grey shoe to match. The tie was a mixture of dark red and grey stripes. He stood with his hands in his pockets lost for words as he stared at Morgan.

“Are you coming in or are you just going to stand there and stare at me Mr. Le Mar.” She rolled her eyes to the heavens.

“God you look amazing, I don’t mind staring one bit ma beauté angélique”

He stepped inside, put his hands on her waist and touched his lips to hers gently. He then held her tighter and pulled her against him as he entwined her tongue with his.

He stopped and looked at her, her eyes were closed but she said “Filipe you need to stop greeting me like that.”

“No I won’t, I don’t believe you want me to.” He replied planting a kiss on her nose

She gaped at him and shook her head. “Please give me two minutes, I’ll be right back.”

God he smelt delicious. Why do you have to be so attractive Filipe? Would I have to be beating women off you all the time?

She walked into her bedroom and looked at herself in the standing mirror. Satisfied with the way she looked, she was about to turn to leave when Filipe appeared behind her. Their eyes met in their reflection in the mirror. They looked good together, but she wondered if she was setting herself up for a heartbreak. She took his hands and pulled him out the bedroom.

“Pancho is downstairs waiting,” Filipe said.

“Yeah, ok. I just have to take the boxes with pamphlets out of my trunk and put them in his, then we will go.” She said, walking ahead of him. She grabbed both her car and apartment keys and walked out the door.

“Did your little boyfriend say if he’s still coming? If he shows up I may have to leave, I wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

“Nice time to tell me this Mr. But I’m sure he won’t make it.”

Filipe smiled and stepped into the elevator behind her. He didn’t want to have to share her today at all, especially not after last night. Actually, he didn’t want to have to share her, ever.

They arrived at the wedding on time. Saurelle was already there assisting the caterers in setting up their serving posts in the reception hall. The plywood that was placed on the sand was doing a marvelous job keeping the sand out of the chosen area. Some bridesmaids were milling around giggling and gesticulating while guests kept arriving slowly and filling seats on entrance. Everything seemed to be in order so Morgan went to sit next to Filipe.

“Aah, amour de ma vie, où avez-vous été?

“I think I will just stare blankly at you each time you speak in French to me. You know I can’t understand you, why are you speaking in French?”

“Love of my life, where have you been?” he said this time in English, “My apologies.”

“I see the bridesmaids over there checking you out eh.” She said nodding her head in the direction the bridesmaids were in.

“That may be so, but it’s your attention I crave ma Cherie.”

She watched him and smiled, “Filipe, what is it you want from me? Are you really serious about this?”

“Morgan I have been interested in you from the day we first spoke on that site. Looking at you, chatting with you, meeting you, I’m as serious as I can ever be. I want forever with you.”

“How many relationships were you in since the death of your wife?”

“Just one, with Genevieve. Never saw anyone I wanted to be with, until I met you.”

Morgan looked down at her hands in her lap. Filipe then placed his hands over hers and leaned closer to her, his other arm on the chair behind her. “This is for real Morgan, I’m falling madly in love with you and I can’t stop myself.” He tilted her face towards him, “I can hardly look at you without aching to touch you or hold you. I want to be so into you that we literally breathe in the same air. I am dead serious, I want you in my life. I’m not here to play games, I want us forever. And no, it’s not just a physical thing in case you needed to know.”

Morgan sat listening to him, her eyes were glassy and she felt a bit nervous so she started to play with the curl hanging at the side of her head. “I believe you” she whispered. “So what happened yesterday isn’t a one-time thing?” she asked

“Ce qui est arrivé hier n'est qu'un début sweetheart” he replied then said, “That is just the beginning.”

They sat staring into each other’s eyes when Saurelle interrupted them by touching Morgan on her shoulder.” She jumped.

Morgan excused herself and stood up to leave with Saurelle. “Girl that was some intense moment you had there, you didn’t even hear me and I called you three times. What’s going on between you and Mr. handsome? Did you really sleep with him?” She was whispering now.

“Yes, we made love Aurs,” she said looking at Saurelle and biting her finger nail with a lightly pained expression on her face.

“What’s going on, why does he keep looking at you like you’re his favorite dessert? It’s like he can’t take his eyes off you girl.”

Morgan looked back at Filipe, he blew a kiss in her direction and winked. He knew that Saurelle was going to hear about last night very soon, the thought made him smile to himself as he turned around and looked on as the atmosphere inside the tent began to change.

“He wants us to be together and God I’m beginning to want it too. Auri, girl I never felt this way with anyone, he made me come so many times last night, it was like wow, I can hardly describe it.”

“Is it about the sex or is he dropping hints about a relationship with you.”

“He wants forever.”

“Eeee!” Saurelle let out a tiny scream then placed her hands over her mouth quickly while glancing around to see if anyone was watching her.

“I’m so happy for you. You deserve to be happy baby, move on, it’s all good. Just keep filling me in on all the gory details, Kwassi kind of boring in bed.”

“Speaking of which, where is he?”

“Oh, he will be here shortly, I got a drop with auntie, they went to Las Quevas Bay.”

“Ok. I can’t seem get on to Flynn, I’m doubting he’s still in class. Auri, Filipe and me making love is not the only thing that happened yesterday.”

“What do you mean?” Saurelle rubbed her folded arms.

“I think Flynn came in and saw us in bed.”

“What? Why would you think that?” Saurelle eyes were as wide as saucers

“The tray we had with the drinks was on the coffee table in the TV room and it remained there when things started heating up. When we went into the bedroom neither of us touched it. When Grayson called and we were leaving I noticed the tray wasn’t where we left it, instead it was on the island in the kitchen.”

Saurelle had her hands over her mouth again. “Oh my God Morgs, and you think he came in and saw you?”

Morgan nodded, “Yes I think he did.”

She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, “I spoke to Vinny when I didn’t get on to him, he said he went to class earlier and I should try him later on, apparently he didn’t hear from him.”

“Well, that takes one person out of the triangle.” Saurelle said softly

“I didn’t want that to happen.” Morgan replied sighing softly and looking worried, “What if he does something stupid?”

“I know honey, but maybe it happened for a good.”

Saurelle then put her hands around Morgan’s waist and led her to the entrance. Susanne Boyd has just arrived. They went up to the limo to see if everything was alright with her. She looked resplendent in her jeweled, off the shoulder, pure white wedding gown.

“You are the picture of elegance Susanne, congratulations.” Morgan said to her as she stepped up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

The other attendants flanked her and soon they were on their way to the lily covered altar.

The ceremony went on without a hitch. Carlton Sommers was a lucky man, the Priest was saying, he who finds a wife finds a good thing. Morgan kept glancing at Filipe who seemed to be entirely caught up in the ceremony for a while. Earlier, he kept looking around for her as though he didn’t want her out of his sight for too long. When their eyes did meet, the mutual attraction was evident and Saurelle just kept watching them and smiling. She was happy for her friend. She made a silent vow to make sure Flynn did not spoil this. Morgan needed more than ever to follow her heart and she had her support all the way.


Kwassi came in and joined the girls sitting at the back. He kissed Saurelle and said hello to Morgan with a smile and a touch on her hand. Saurelle wore a light pink satin gown that came to her ankles. Kwassi looked at her with admiration and whispered something to her that had her smiling, he put his hands around her waist and squeezed. He then said something else to her and Saurelle looked at Morgan with a worried look on her face.

“Morgs, Kwassi said he saw Flynn outside.”

Morgan looked at Saurelle with wide eyes then got up and went out heading to the roadside with Saurelle following closely behind her. Saurelle spot Flynn’s car and pointed to it, they both went to meet him. He was sitting in the driver’s seat with his eyes closed and his head leaning back on the headrest. Morgan knocked on the glass, Flynn opened his eyes and looked at her before turning off the engine. He then opened the door and stepped outside.

“Wow, you look, wow.” He said shaking his head from side to side. Then without looking at Saurelle he said, “Saurelle, can you leave us for a few minutes, I want to speak with Morgan, alone.”

Saurelle touched Morgan on her arms and Morgan looked at her and nodded. She then went back in to the ceremony. She thought about giving Filipe a heads up that Flynn was outside but decided against it, instead she went and sat next to Kwassi and held his hands while her mind remained outside with Morgan. Meanwhile, outside, Flynn was standing looking at Morgan with a blank look on his face.

“We have to talk, I know this may not be the right place but I need to tell you something.” He said looking at her still without expression on his face. He looked as if he came straight from class as he wasn’t dressed for the wedding. She felt a bit relieved at that, she didn’t want Filipe to have to leave.

“So what is it, are you ok?”

“Just hear me out before you say anything alright.”

Morgan looked at him curiously, her mind whirring but she nodded.

“Remember when I went to Miami in February with Vincent? When we went to visit my Aunt Nelli for a week? When I was there I saw Merlisa.”

Her expression didn’t change, Merlisa was his ex-girlfriend, the person he was with before he met her.

“I know I told you, I also told you I didn’t speak to her, when I saw her I just waved.”

He shifted his leaning position on the car then continued.

“The truth is, I didn’t just wave; we did talk. She told me that she and her husband separated since last October, also she was pregnant and she lost the baby at five months. We saw each other a couple times while I was there.”

“Ok, so you spoke to her, after you lied and said you had nothing to do with her. Is that it? So what exactly happened and why is this important?” Morgan’s curiosity arose.

“I saw her about three times,” he shifted uncomfortably, “she wanted to talk to me so on the Thursday I asked her out to dinner.” He leaned sideways on the car with his right arm resting on the hood of the car.

“We had dinner, some drinks, we spoke a lot and I took her to her place. I don’t know exactly what happened Morgan but we… err, I slept with her.”

Morgan’s face took on a horrified look. “You slept with her?”

“Yes I am sorry. I should have been honest with you before.”

“YOU SLEPT WITH HER?” She almost shouted.

“Morgan relax, it’s no big deal, and you slept with your white friend didn’t you? So that makes us even.”

Morgan eyes opened wide and she stumbled backwards. She leaned heavily on the car behind her and the alarm tripped off. Fingers in her ear and her eyes filled with tears she headed back towards the wedding hall.

Flynn caught up to her and grabbed her arm a bit roughly trying to stop her. “Wait!” he said, and she stopped, her back to him so he couldn’t see the tears streaming down her face.

Morgan turned and looked at him. The alarm stopped blaring but she kept holding her head in her hands.

“Can’t you see it, we’re even. I made a mistake, you made a mistake, and so can’t we forgive each other and move on?”

Morgan put one hand over her mouth and motioned with the other for him to stay back.

“You seriously think so Flynn? You slept with her then you slept with me the night you came back? That is disgusting, I want to puke! Did you even use protection with her?”

“It just happened, there was no time.”
“GOD Flynn! Are you kidding me? Are you frigging kidding me?”

Morgan was almost screaming in rage at this point. Saurelle came hurriedly towards them, when she looked at Morgan she came to her and put her arms around her. Morgan then burst into tears.

“What the hell is going on here?” she asked, directing the question to Flynn.

“Well apparently your friend there can horn but can’t take horn. I’m gone.” With that Flynn turned and went back to his car, started it and drove off.

“Come on honey, you have to pull yourself together, Filipe will be looking for you, he will be out here any minute. As she said that Filipe appeared heading toward them.

“What’s happening here? Morgan are you ok?” He asked looking at both girls.

Saurelle gave her a tissue she had in her hand and she blotted her eyes and looked at Filipe and nodded her head. His face grew stern and he looked around.

“Was it Flynn?” He extended his arms to her and she shook her head. Pushing away his arms she headed back to the reception area with Saurelle following close behind.


Chapter Nineteen


Morgan went straight to the bathroom and Saurelle followed her inside but Filipe stood outside the door. He heard them mumbling but couldn’t understand what was being said so he went back to sit with Kwassi, who watched him curiously and then looked around for Morgan or Saurelle.

“Where the girls at?” he asked Filipe, who was looking as though he was fighting to calm himself down.

“In the bathroom. Morgan is clearly upset and Saurelle went in with her. Do you know what happened?”

“Last I know is Flynn was outside… “Before he finished Filipe got up and went straight into the bathroom. They were both sitting, Morgan with her head in Saurelle’s lap, while Saurelle was talking to her and gently rubbing her back.

“Did he hurt you ma Cherie?”

Morgan raised up from her friend’s lap and looked at him, her eyes red from crying, she shook her head. Saurelle stood up and said, “Um, you shouldn’t be in here Filipe, this is the ladies, and I’ve got this ok.” She put her hands on his arm.

He looked at her then placed his hands over hers and nodded, then knelt before Morgan with an expression of deep concern. “I know Auri, but I need to know what happened.”

“Flynn came and they spoke, I’m not sure about what but he said some things that upset her. I guess she will eventually tell you but you really need to leave the bathroom we’ll be out shortly.”

Morgan nodded her head to let him know she is ok. He stood up still looking at her but she bent her head again. Filipe raised Morgan’s head with his fingers and kissed her lips lightly. Saurelle looked on but she said nothing. He then nodded at Saurelle and left.

He rejoined Kwassi, by this time the ceremony was over and people had started milling around. The Master of ceremony called out directions and people were following them to start the party. The guys headed to the back to be apart from the wedding crowd. So far, everything went as planned. Filipe saw Auri coming from the back and went to ask her how things going.

“Do you know where her makeup pouch is? She said it was somewhere close to you.” She said as he approached her.

Filipe reached in his pocket and gave her a small pouch containing face powder, lipstick and a couple of blotting sheets. “How is she?” he asked.

“She will come back in a bit.” Auri said to Filipe, she touched Kwassi’s hand and went back towards the bathroom, the guys’ eyes on her with concerned expressions as she walked away. Filipe told Kwassi the little he knew about what had happened.

They took some drinks from the waiters and stood mingling with a few of the guests while they waited for the girls to return. Saurelle and Morgan appeared but soon changed direction and headed towards the Caterers. They spoke a few words with them; at least Morgan was smiling again. She went into the back area with a list and came back out to speak with one of the waiters, showing him something on the list. Saurelle went to Susanne and her new husband Carlton and they started laughing at something Carlton said to them. The newlyweds held hands and were walking around greeting their guests while the photographer snapped away. They soon disappeared outside with the bridal party, while the guests started on the refreshments.

Adlei appeared with Zoe and her date, a guy she introduced as Marvin. They stood chatting and laughing but Filipe’s eyes kept scanning the crowd looking for Morgan. He saw her standing by the entrance talking with an elderly couple. He excused himself and headed in their direction. She didn’t see him coming but felt his arms around her waist. He pulled her close and turning to him she looked him in his eyes. A slight frown appeared above his deep blue eyes. She put her hands on his around her waist and whispered to him that she was ok, and they will talk about it. He nodded but did not let her go. He listened to the banter between them as he stood, but in his mind, he wanted to take Morgan out of there. Saurelle then joined them and whisked Morgan away again. He went back towards Adlei and the rest and grabbed some appetizers as the waiter passed him.

“Morgan said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Sterling as they were leaving. Mrs. Sterling joked that her old bones can’t stay in the sea breeze for too long at her age. While she stood watching the crowd entertain themselves she heard someone say her name. Turning around she saw a couple approaching her, the young lady looked familiar, when she saw her face properly she put her hands on her mouth and let out a small scream.

“Amanda Griffith. My God, I can’t believe it’s you.”

“I saw you but I couldn’t believe it was you either Morgan, my word, you look gorgeous, and you grew your hair back.” Amanda said hugging her. “Last time I saw you it just brushed your shoulders.”

“This is my boyfriend Mason, he’s the bride’s first cousin on her mother’s side.” Amanda said introducing her partner.

“Pleased to meet you,” Morgan said shaking the hand he offered her and smiling.

“Morgan and I were like this in university,” she said to Mason showing him her index and middle fingers entwined. We took most of our classes together.”

“Yes we were until you left. How is life in the Southland?” Morgan said, still grinning.

“Great, I completed my course and is now furthering in Managing, I’m going for my Masters. How is Saurelle, didn’t I see her here too?”

“Yes she is here; she is at the back with the team. She and I practically did the wedding.” Morgan said proudly

They continued chatting and Filipe watched on from the little group he was in. He eventually left them and went to chat with the guys from the live band since they were taking a break. He always loved the saxophone, actually can play a bit too. He went to see which brand the musician was using as it looked just like the one he has at home, a Buescher.

Saurelle came out intending to look for Kwassi but when she scanned the crowd she spotted Morgan and Amanda, and went to join them instead. The party went on for a quite a while with eats and drinks even after the bride and groom took their final leave. The caterers packed up with help from Adlei, Marvin, Filipe and Kwassi, together with the girls, so everything was put away quickly.

While they were walking to their cars, Saurelle asked Morgan if she was ok.

“Yes, yes I am.” She replied, her mind far.

“Are you sure? Why don’t I believe you? What’s going on in that head of yours?”

“Is this Flynn guy dangerous?” Filipe asked, “I mean, should we be concerned about him visiting her later on?”

“No, he’s not dangerous, but believe me, this isn’t over. He’s a chaser and I want him to leave Morgan alone because she needs to think things through. I don’t think she should be alone tonight.

“Hey, Hey Hey! I’m right here. I know you all are concerned but I can take care of myself.”

“She wouldn’t be alone.” Filipe said

“You going to stay with her?”

“I can, yes.” He replied

“Auri you know I hate it when anyone talk about me as if I’m not here, and thanks Filipe but I want to be alone tonight.” Morgan said as she leaned on Pancho’s car with her arms folded across her chest. She shivered slightly as a slight wind picked up and Filipe took off his jacket and draped it across her shoulders. She took a deep breath, her nose was immediately filled with his scent and her eyes filled with water.

“Oui ma Cherie,” Filipe said putting his arms around her,” I know you need your space but I don’t want you to be alone tonight. That guy still has a key to your apartment, he can come in anytime, and I don’t want that happening.”

She looked up at him a bit startled because she realized what he was saying is true. Flynn still has a spare key to her apartment.

“Are you sure I don’t have to worry about this Flynn guy?” Filipe turned to Saurelle
“He’s not the aggressive type; as long as we get the locks changed she will be ok.” She replied

Ok, I am still hearing you all.” Morgan said rolling her eyes in annoyance.

“Here’s what,” Filipe turned to Morgan who had opened the door and was now sitting inside with her legs on the outside. “It’s either you stay the night in my place or I stay with you at yours. I will never forgive myself if that guy were to pay you an unwelcomed visit. We will speak to Caesar tomorrow and have your front door lock changed. Fair enough?”

She sighed and realized that they were all looking at her with concern.

“Ok, fair enough. We need to talk anyway.” She pulled her legs inside the car.

“Ok, that’s settled, but can I have a moment with you before you go Morgs?” Saurelle said coming closer to her.

The guys stepped aside to give them some room. Saurelle held Morgan’s hand and said “Morgs, I’m sorry you have to go through this whole thing with Flynn. My heart goes out to you babe.”

“I can have a STD right now you know.” Morgan said staring past Saurelle at Filipe, “And I possibly gave it to him.”

“My God Morgan! You went bareback?” Saurelle whispered

“Yes, we did.” She said softly, “heat of the moment thing and I don’t know why, but I trust Filipe with my life, he’s just so mature and responsible and I feel so safe with him…” she sighed then continued, “I could be wrong though. I don’t know for sure what to think right now.”

Saurelle placed her hands over her mouth. “Shhh, I’m sure it will be ok. That was a big risk you took though.”

“I know, it’s just that I’m so used to Flynn not using anything that I didn’t think. God, I’m just as bad as he is.”

“Hey, I don’t mean to upset you but I hope you realize my suspicions about Flynn has materialized. I knew he was hiding something, that bastard. Please do not even entertain him Morgs, tell him it’s over that you want back your key and do not contact him ok, at least until this blows over.”

“Ok, now can I please go? I still want to be alone.” She put her head in her hands, “I want to be free to cry all night. I feel so awful, so betrayed, so used.”

“Come on, don’t beat up yourself about this, everything happens for a reason. Look how things turning out and you were worried about having to tell him about you and Filipe.”

“Hey and don’t give Filipe any lip about staying the night with you ok. We can all see he cares very much about you. I will sleep better knowing you are not alone in that apartment.”

“Yes, but I have to tell him I probably gave him an STD.”

“Oh please, I’m sure you’re fine. Give Filipe a chance, get to know him it’s where all relationship starts, the getting to know each other part. I’m sure he’s much more of everything than Flynn. Take your time though ok.”

“I don’t want a rebound relationship Auri”

“Oh please, this was inevitable and you knew it, no matter how much you wanted to deny what was happening. This is no rebound honey, this is fate.”

“I can’t believe I slept with him, that I allowed it to happen, but God it was amazing Aurs.” She slumped down a bit and put her hands over her eyes. “I don’t even know how to feel around him. All I know is that my body responds to him as if it’s the most natural thing in the world.”

“A moment of passion is what you both needed to get this thing started. I don’t hear you complaining that you didn’t enjoy yourself or the sex wasn’t good. Live baby girl, enjoy the rest of your weekend, take your day off on Monday and go to Tobago Tuesday. Say hello to mama for me and have fun. I’m working right through, well except tomorrow. I will call you in the morning ok. If you need me just call and I will come. Remember, don’t over think, something good is happening, let it happen.”

She gave Morgan’s back a little rub, kissed her on her head and stepped back.

“I have to go now, me being on my feet practically all evening is taking a toll with these heels.” Saurelle stood and Filipe and Kwassi came one on each side of her. “Are we ready now ma Cherie?” he said to Morgan softly

“Yes, we are.” She said not meeting his eyes.

Filipe went into the car through the other door while Kwassi and Saurelle waved and headed to Kwassi’s van. Pancho asked them if they were ready to go, when they indicated they were he drove off into the night.

At Hibiscus Towers, Morgan and Filipe went straight into her bedroom.

“Filipe, we have to talk.”

“Yes I know but we don’t have to if you’re not up to it. You can go to bed and we can talk tomorrow. Grayson is upstairs, let me just let him know I’m here with you ok.”

He went out of the bedroom to call Grayson.

Morgan had just laid on the bed when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and saw it was Flynn. She let it ring and when it stopped she turned to her side. Fifteen seconds later the phone rang again. She took it up

“Flynn, hear me.” She said, “I heard what you had to say, now hear me. The trust between us has been broken. You put my life in danger and you lied to me afterwards, so right now I don’t want to speak to you. Leave me alone, I don’t even want to see no text, no calls no nothing.”

“Morgan, you’re doing as if you did nothing wrong, we both slept with other people.”

“I did once, how many timed did you? Huh?”

“That’s not fair Morgan. Why are you being so unreasonable?”

“Flynn, I’m tired ok. Leave me alone, we both need to move on. I need my space to do what I have to.”

“And what is that huh? To keep screwing that French boy of yours? Don’t feel I didn’t know he was trying to get under your clothes all along. Thing is you knew and you just opened up to him. Who’s wrong now?”

Morgan hung up the phone and blocked his number.






Chapter Twenty


When Filipe returned to the bedroom, he heard Morgan crying softly. He quickly stripped off his clothes and joined her on the bed only to realize she still had on her dress.

“Can I get you anything ma Cherie?”

She stopped crying and sat up, coming off the bed, she went into the closet and stripped off her clothes. She threw on a huge t shirt, then sat on the edge of the bed.

“Filipe, I need to get tested for STD’s and I think you should also.”

“What brought this on? Are you ok?” He watched her almost shocked.

“Flynn had been sleeping around and sleeping with me. I only just realized. Please, I’m sorry but…”

Filipe put his hands on her lips to hush her. “Sweetheart, meil, you don’t have any STD’s, if you did it would have shown up before. Also I went down on you and didn’t notice anything strange so stop doing this to yourself.”

“How would you know?”

“Believe me, I will. Genny was a physician and I learnt a lot about STD’s just by her prattling about them as she learnt them. If you want we can still do the tests, but I believe you have nothing to worry about. Come in the bed.”

She climbed upon the bed and he held her and pulled her close.

“Don’t worry my love, you just go to sleep ok, tomorrow is a new day let’s focus on what’s ahead.”

“You’re sure you’re not just being biased Mr. Le Mar? Because I understand you want to be with me, and you can use this to your advantage. Is this what’s going on here?” She turned to look at him.

Filipe raised up on his elbow so he can look down at her. “I’m sure you know how I feel about you as I have made it quite plain Morgan. But I’m not a monster, if you need your space just say the words. I’m here until your lock gets changed. Do you want me to sleep in the other room?”

“No, I actually rather you stay here.” She said softly

“Ok, I’m glad,” he smiled, “in the meantime, whatever happens let it happen but know that nothing will unless you want it to ma Cherie.” He said softly then bent his head and kissed her. A slow, teasing kiss which started getting deeper gradually.

“If you want me to stop tell me now Morgan.” He whispered, when she didn’t respond he sucked on her bottom lips and helplessly groaned when the passion in him ignited. His fingers playing with her hair brought it loose from the bun it was in. She responded slowly at first then gradually gave way for him to do whatever he wanted. Burning with desire, emotions running wild, she knew she shouldn’t but she wanted him. She wanted Filipe, Flynn being pressed to the back of her mind for the moment. She is hoping not to let this be something that it’s not. Filipe lights a fire in her and she wants to feel the burn. She grabbed the t shirt he was wearing and pulled it until it came over his head, feeling the definition of his chiseled form under her palms. Filipe realizing that she wanted him as much as he wants her, raised to his haunches and finished undressing himself then took her t shirt and panties off. He lay on top of her touching her everywhere while his lips followed, kissing her everywhere.

She rolled over on top of him and he let her. When he tried to get up she pushed him back and straddled him, kissing his chest, sucking on his nipples, her hands straying to his already erected manhood. She held him and slid down to put her lips on his head. Her tongue all over him was driving him wild with desire. He almost came twice and had to pull her off because he doesn’t want to, not as yet. He rolled her back over, once more under him, he brushed his lips over hers and whispered, “Mon amour, mon tendre amour”. The sensation of his breath on her cheek sent her senses in a whirl. Grabbing her right nipple between his lips, he sucked and rolled it with his tongue. Her back arched spontaneously and she felt the beginning of a light orgasm. Hearing her groans he slipped his finger into her wetness. She cried out his name as he placed his mouth on her mound and sucked, his finger still inside. With her second orgasm she grabbed his hair and pulled.

“I want you inside me, now!” she panted, more a command than a request. Filipe entered her slowly until he was buried deep inside her. Holding still he could feel her muscles clench around him, grabbing him. He came forward and grabbed her lips with his, snatching away the second cry of his name. Moments later her world exploded. Filipe let out a small groan deep within his throat and raised her hips as he pulled out then plunged deeply into her, never breaking his stride until her muscles ceased grabbing him. He then stopped and exploded inside her. Afterwards he dropped on the bed beside her and turned to look at her. She was lying and holding her legs together, groaning in pleasure. She then turned on her stomach, folded her arms under her and rested her head on the pillow, she looked at him. “How do you do that Filipe?” she whispered, eyes still on him

“Do what ma Cherie?”

“Make me come so many times?”
“La chimie entre nous est incroyable” he said then said, “The chemistry between us is unbelievable, and maybe that’s why.” He then kissed her nose and grabbed her, turning and pulling her closer. He nuzzled her neck and pulled her until her back touched him.

“Go to sleep ma Cherie” he whispered leaving his arm around her, there they slept until the sun was high in the sky the following day.


Filipe awoke and looked at the time on his watch, it was twelve twenty eight. He looked across at the sleeping Morgan and smiled. I believe I am already in love, he thought, and passed his finger from her neck to her hip. When she did not stir he kissed her on her shoulder and got out of bed, he went straight into the shower. When he finished bathing he realized he didn’t have any clothes except what he wore to the wedding yesterday. Those were crumpled in a heap on the floor. He picked them up and tried to straighten them out. He decided to see if Grayson can help him out of his misery so he pulled on the trousers and went into the living room to call him.

Grayson answered on the fourth ring. “Gray, how are you?”

“Considering you deserted me, yet again, I’m not doing too badly. I went and collected lunch if you want any.” He chided. “Are you coming up?”

“Nah, I should get something here, I’m with Morgan.”

“You little slime, I thought you were. Can’t keep your hands off her eh, she’s a beauty though so I don’t blame you. Wouldn’t mind having her if you didn’t already have her though,” he joked.

“Hey, watch your filthy mouth you bastard, the girl is mine.” Filipe told Grayson, then said “Hey, do me a favor and run me down some t shirts and a jeans if you can. Have you gone to the Café today?”

“Yes I was there this morning, the awning came and it was being installed. So far I got you an assistant baker and two waitresses. I still have to decide on two cashiers and a clean-up attendant.”

“Great. I see you working hard for your salary man, good job. Anyway hurry with the clothes, thanks, and throw in a couple boxers while you’re at it.”

“Hey man, I get your t shirts and your jeans, come for your own damn boxers.” Grayson said then hung up.

Filipe smiled as he ended the call, he and Grayson went ways back. He went to check on Morgan and heard the shower running. After making up the bed, he went back into the kitchen to see what light he can prepare for them to eat. They will head out later on for a proper meal.

Morgan walked into the dining room to see some pancakes laid out on the table with two covered bowls.

“We have eggs, bacon and banana pancakes, come on you need to eat.” Filipe said to her, standing up and guiding her into a chair.

As she sat the doorbell chimed and she was about to get up again, but Filipe held her back.’
“That will be Gray, he’s dropping me some clothes.” He said, she sat back down.

Filipe returned and sat down to finish eat. ‘Where’s he?”

“Oh, he didn’t stay, he went back down to the Café. It should be up and running by Wednesday.”

“So does that mean you won’t be going to Tobago again?”

“Of course not. That’s why I’m hiring staff to run the place. I totally trust Gray, he will stay for a couple weeks to see things go smoothly. He has to set the pace for the café before he returns to France.” Filipe said between bites.

“So are you going up with me or coming after the opening?”

“I will come on Wednesday night. You realize you will miss the opening?”

“I know, sorry to but my dates are already booked.”

“Don’t worry about it, I know.”

They finished eating and decided to go downstairs to speak with Melanie about having the lock on the front door changed. Arriving at the front desk they saw Caesar walking from the elevators, toolbox in hand.

“Good day folks,” he said with a smile as soon as he see them approaching.

“Caesar, just the man we need to see.” Filipe said, shaking his hand. “This beautiful lady will like to have her front door lock changed for security reasons.”

“Why, what’s the problem with the lock?” he said looking at Morgan with concern on his face

“I gave someone a copy of the key and we sort of fell out. I don’t want him coming into the apartment anymore so can I have it changed as soon as possible? I will stand the cost if I have to”

“Hmm”... Caesar said to himself. “Ok, here’s what I’ll do. I have a lock with me to put in at another location, if it fits I’ll put it in for you and take yours there instead I’m sure it’s about the same size. Don’t worry your pretty little head about the cost ok, it’s your comfort that’s important. I’ll be up soon to take care of it.”

“Thank you, thank you very much.”

They turned to head back upstairs. When they got back inside the apartment Morgan’s Skype alert was ringing. She went into the bedroom and opened it up to see Dawn smiling at her.

Dawn: Hi honey, how was the wedding yesterday?

She sat down to chat with her mother,

Morgan: Ooh mom it was lovely, they were totally satisfied and everything passed off very well.

Dawn: Great job honey, is your flight still at the same time?

Morgan: yes mom, it is

Filipe strolled into the bedroom and Morgan rushed to stop him from coming where the camera could pick him up. “Shhh,” she told him while pushing him out the door.

“What’s the matter?” he whispered trying to see what she was trying to keep him from by looking over her shoulder

“Mommy is on Skype, if she sees you in here she will kill me.”

Filipe laughed, a little too gaily, and Morgan slapped him playfully. “Stay here ok, I am serious. She will get a fit.”

“Ok, ok.” And he went to sit on the couch.

She went and sat back down in front the computer.

Dawn: Is everything ok? What was that about?

Morgan: Yes all is well, something was falling so I had to rush to grab it.

Dawn: What was it?

Morgan: Oh, my dress from yesterday. It’s so gorgeous I don’t want anything happening to it.

“Dawn: Let me see it nah, put it on for me.

Morgan: I’m just holding it up for you mom, I’m not going through all that trouble to put it on.

Dawn: ok, ok, I will see you in the pictures you took.

Filipe came and stood leaning on the door, watching her holding up the dress for her mom to see and smiling. She couldn’t help but glare at him but God, he looked so hot with the jeans hanging on his hip opened at the waist and a vest showing off his muscular body. His brown hair was disheveled and he was bare foot. He leaned his back on the wall and propped his foot on the door frame so one knee was bent. Eating a banana and winking at her.

Dawn: Are you listening to me? Is someone there, who you smiling at?

Morgan: Nothing momma, I was just remembering yesterday

She sat back on the chair.

Morgan: Did you make the reservations for Filipe like I asked you to?

Dawn: Yes she has space, when he coming?

Morgan: Wednesday night.

Dawn: ok. She paused, and how is Flynn?

Filipe turned and left to give her privacy. He went into the living room and put on the TV.

Morgan: We sort of broke up mom, long story, will fill you in when I get there.

Dawn: Well ok I’m going then. I just wanted to make sure your flight didn’t change from three thirty and to know if your friend still coming over. See you Tuesday honey, I can’t wait, I miss you lots.

Morgan: I know mom. Love you, see you Tuesday.

They signed out.

“What was that about ma Cherie?”

“My mom doesn’t want guys in my bedroom.”

“She is aware you’re a grown woman? She thinks you’re still a virgin doesn’t she?”

“You know how it is with parents especially their girl child.”

“No, I don’t. Maybe I need to have a girl child hmm...”

She was about to tell him what to do with that thought when the doorbell chimed. They both headed to the front door. Opening it because she thought it was Caesar, she came face to face with Flynn.

“What are you doing here Flynn?” she said standing in front of the door so he will not be able to enter.

“I want to talk to you.” He responded

“I have nothing to say to you, as a matter of fact I need to get back my keys.”

Flynn looked up when Filipe appeared behind her. He said nothing but stood and watched with his arms folded on his chest.

“So you’re moving in now? What are you bodyguard or male whore?”

Filipe gently pushed Morgan behind him and said “You can call me all the names your little heart desires but do not come here again. She is no longer interested in what you have to say or do, hand over her keys and be on your way before I either call security or pummel you where you stand.”

Flynn looked at Filipe, then at Morgan with a scowl and turned and left.

Caesar came off the elevator when it stopped to let Flynn on.

“Is there a problem?” he asked looking at both their faces.

“That is the person she need to keep out of the apartment.” Filipe said nodding in the direction Flynn went.

“Ok, I will fix that now.” Caesar put down his tool box and started to change the lock.











Chapter Twenty One


Tuesday afternoon Morgan said good bye to Filipe at the Piarco International Airport. He and Pancho dropped her off so she could leave car at home. Today, everything in the Café was being prepared for the opening tomorrow morning, the pastries were being baked, cakes, rolls, bagels, donuts, everything was in motion. Paul gave her a bag with some rolls and éclairs to take with her. He was very pleasant and made her laugh by telling her a lot of stories about Filipe and his early attempts at baking pastries. His wife Grier will be joining him in the country next week. They were still newlyweds as they were married only two months ago. Filipe said he wouldn’t want to separate the love birds. If she likes it here they will consider staying, if not, Paul will leave specific instructions with Vanessa, the assistant baker and be back and forth occasionally. Vanessa, is doing a fantastic job so far, even Morgan said her pastries tasted just like the ones Paul made.

Morgan sat in the departure lounge reading some comments on a story on Facebook. Her flight was within the hour so she had some time to kill. She got a text message on her phone from an unknown number. Reading it, she realized it was from Flynn.

Flynn: Morgan I still love you and I know you love me, can we please talk about this.

Morgan: Flynn, the trust between us has been broken, I don’t think I ever will get it back. I should have listened when I was told you were probably sleeping around. Just leave me alone, whatever we had was over. Just leave me alone.

Flynn: Who was it that told you that? Vinny?

Morgan: Vinny knew about you and Merlisa?

Flynn: Was it him?

Morgan: Do not text me again. I’m done. She felt herself getting angry. She could not believe Vincent knew about Flynn’s little tryst and did not tell her anything. She suspected it was him Auri got it from as Auri was good at digging things out of people. She dialed Saurelle’s number and waited. She got a response that she was in a meeting so she will have to try her again later. Her flight was called to board so she got up and followed the line of passengers to the door.

The flight was as usual, too short. It took about fifteen to twenty minutes to go to Tobago from Trinidad by air. Just as Morgan was settling into the flight, she had to prepare to land. Tobago, Tobago, my beautiful Tobago she thought. She had to meet with the coordinator at the Tourism Ministry on Wednesday, Everything will be set up on Thursday and the Event was on Friday, She had the weekend to spend at the beach before she headed back to Trinidad on Monday morning. She loved being home, the atmosphere is different, the people are different, the pace life follows here was different to that of Trinidad. She loved it and was glad to call it her first home. She disembarked with the other passengers and picked up her luggage. It was one bag, as she already had all her personal stuff in the bag she had on board the aircraft with her.

She saw her mother as soon as she got through the gate. Dawn sat on the bonnet of the car waiting for her one and only child, she loved her with all. Morgan saw her mother before she saw Morgan and she was almost upon her when she realized it was her daughter approaching.

“Hello precious Dawn said,” moving in for a tight embrace. Morgan kissed her mother on the cheek then hugged her, “Hi Momma”

They got into the car after Morgan put her bags in the back seat, and drove off.

“What about Zoe did you hear from her?” Dawn asked her

“She called me this morning when she came in, we will meet up tomorrow morning and head to the Ministry’s office. She is leaving on Saturday though. She doesn’t like to miss her church services on Sundays.” Morgan replied

They soon came to the village where Morgan grew up, Plymouth. Passing Mrs. Winifred Visalia’s home, Morgan shouted “Auntie Winnie!” she was seated on a swing set in front of her home talking to another well-known neighbor Miss Dorothy Forde, and sent a few air kisses to the waving Morgan.

“Don’t worry, mih got this here room fuh yuh friend baby girl, check mih later and I will show yuh ok.” Mrs. Winnie shouted.

A few moments later Dawn pulled into her own driveway and stopped the car.

“I’m heading over to Auntie Winnie now mamma, later I want to chill with you.” She said to her mom, stepping out of the car.

“Ok honey, I’ll take your things inside. Say good afternoon for me.”

She walked past the three houses between her mom’s and Mrs. Winnie’s home. She was about to go indoors when she turned and saw Morgan approaching. She stepped back and waited for her. Morgan went straight up to her and gave her a big hug.

“Hello Auntie Winnie.”

“Hello sugar, glad to see you, come here and sit down.” She sat on the steps and motioned for Morgan to follow.

Winifred Visalia knew Morgan ever since she was born. Being a good friend of Dawn, she often assisted the single mother in taking care of her only daughter, who she sometimes calls one of her own. She knew all about Dawn’s relationship with Emmie, her pregnancy with Morgan and her birth. She herself being the mother of three grown children, two daughters and one son, the last of whom is Morgan’s age.

“How are ye Muggy?” she took both hands and pinched Morgan’s cheeks, something she always did when Morgan was a little girl. “Ye look so pretty you almost glowing. How life in Trinidad treating you?”

“Great Auntie, work’s good, life’s good and things going fine.” Morgan replied

“Uh huh, love’s good too? The fellow that coming is he yur boyfriend? Yer mom said it is a special friend.”

Morgan gasped, “No, yes, well gosh…” she placed her face in her hands

“Morgan, yer blushing. Having yer dad’s complexion I can see all yer emotions on yer face. Tell mih about him”

“I met him a little while ago and we kinda hit it off immediately. He’s coming to meet mom really but it will be his first time here. He recently discovered the country and fell in love with it. We went out a couple times and spoke a lot, mostly online. He found some info on dad and wanted to speak with her to see if he can help, answer questions and stuff.”

“He fell in love with the country or with you?”

Morgan smiled and slanted her head as she looked at her aunt. “Well, you could say both.” They laughed.

“Anyways, he sounds like a considerate person, but is your mom ready for that girl? She gave up on him long time now you know.”

“Well, yes, he’s very nice. I believe it will close a chapter for us, you know, at least we will know why he hasn’t been coming back.”

“True dat. So about this guy now, yer in love with him, does yer mamma know that?”

“Why you think I in love with him auntie?” Morgan asked squinting her eyes and looking at Winnie who was smiling trying to pick her mouth.

“Your face lights up when I ask you about him chile, haven’t seen that when I ask about your other friend.”

Morgan said nothing, she just nodded.

“I’m glad fuh you, it’s time to settle down and give that mamma of yers some grand babies to doth over. But until you married ah hope you using some good protection you hear. Don go making no chile for any man who don’t commit to you yuh like yer mamma.”

“I’m good auntie, don’t worry.”

“Well I cyar wait to meet this friend of yours then. Glad you came to say hello though, run along now, your mamma must be waiting patiently fuh yuh. I will come over tomorrow. Tell her I got the kutchela she sent and it taste real good.” After saying goodbye Morgan headed to her mom’s house.

She walked into the house and found her mother in the kitchen kneading flour. She had a sudden case of déjà vu, this is the home she always remembers, and it was good to be back.

“I put your things in your room Muggy.” She said when Morgan came in.

“Thanks momma.” Morgan said and she ran up the stairs to get the envelope Filipe sent for her mom. She came into the kitchen and sat at the table. She took up a plantain and started to peel off the skin.

“No honey,” Dawn said taking it from her, “You leave that I will do it. I’m done kneading the flour for the bake. You go ahead and open that envelope you have in front of you.”

Morgan looked at her mom and nodded then took up the envelope and carefully opened it. She read for her mother:

“Emmie Andersen was the heading, with a photo included in the file.” Her heartbeat quickened as she continued.

“Matteo Edvin Andersen, aka Emmie Andersen, was from Sigtuna, Sweden. A brilliant architect by profession, his work was known both locally and overseas. He kept a rather low profile and was a quiet but friendly man.”

“Though belonging to a big family, he never married but was said to have had quite a few ladies at any given time. No children has been recorded to date. His life came to a sudden end on August twenty seventh two thousand and five.”

Morgan stopped and looked up at her mother who had closed her eyes tightly when she heard that news. “He died as the result of a fatal vehicular accident and is buried at a local cemetery in the village he came from.”

Morgan paused then continued, “His brother Hugo lives in Maine, USA and another brother Viktor resides in Canada, his two sisters, Marseille and Elsa both are said to be alive but their location has not been identified.”

Morgan stopped reading and looked at her mother, both their eyes filled with tears. While Morgan blinked hers away, one rolled down Dawn’s face and she quickly wiped it with her left wrist, leaving a smudge of flour on her cheek.

“He died, momma, my daddy died, that’s why we stopped hearing from him.” She sat staring into empty space. “He did not desert us, he died.”

Dawn came around the counter and hugged her. “He was a good man honey, I’m not surprised to hear this though because he always said he loved us and nothing will keep him away, save death. He loved coming to Tobago, he loved me and he simply adored you, his one and only.”

“I’m sorry momma, I know from the way you talked about him that you loved him and he loved you.”

“Yes that’s true, it says there though that he has no children. I wish that could be corrected. I always remembered him talking about his little sister, Elsa, she is the youngest and he told me they shared everything as they were very close. She is the only one that knew about you because one time she sent some pretty little dresses for you with a pink jeans hat. I remember sending a thank you card to her back with Emmie. That was long ago though you were about four, but why, even if she knew about you, didn’t she tell the others?” She paused then said “I have some questions for your Filipe though, I need to know if he found out more and did not say or if this is it. Someone must have known about you.”

“Momma, it doesn’t matter now you know, he is dead. And it happened about ten years ago, who will care about a long lost daughter?”

“I do, he has a child and that is important, who knows maybe a part of you is in Sweden.”

Dawn went back to making her bake and fried plantain, her thoughts far away while Morgan sat and watched her in silence, her mind swirling with thoughts and memories of her dad.

“Tell me what’s been happening here momma, we need to get our mind of dad.” She finally said after about ten minutes.

They talked for a while about the new park in the village, all those who got married and left the village to live elsewhere, and the ones that came in to live. The beach that’s always filled with tourist trying to catch glimpses of the leather back turtles when they come ashore.

As Morgan watched her mom while eating hot sada bake with fried plantains, she realized she misses home more than she is willing to admit. Her mind and heart filled with memories of growing up in the house. Sipping on some hot cocoa tea, Dawn joined her daughter by the table.

“Tell me about this Filipe person Muggy.”

“”First Flynn.” She paused and took a deep breath. “He hooked back up with his former girlfriend the last time he went to Miami and I found out a couple days ago. Right now I don’t want anything to do with him.”

“What do you mean hook up?”

“He slept with her mom.”

Dawn cringed. “Oh honey, I’m so sorry. Are you fighting about it, what’s happening?”

“Fighting? I’m not even entertaining him, besides, he sort of having issues with Filipe and I.”

“Well, he would, you are his girlfriend.”

“Was momma, was.”

“So you broke up?”


“Ok, how do you feel about that?”

“To tell you the truth momma, I don’t feel anything, it’s like something I’ve been dreading at the back of my mind came to pass, and I have no reaction to it, I’m numb concerning him and I’m angry as hell because he lied to me.”

“You suspected he was cheating on you?”

“Not really me, Auri did. She kept throwing hints and I kept telling her to shut it up. It’s when she kept telling me I can do better than Flynn that I realized something was amiss because she was always supportive of him and me.”

“The relationship was still going ok even when I met Filipe a few weeks ago. After finding out about him and Merlisa, that was it. I locked him off.”

Dawn placed her hands on her daughter’s and nodded her head.

“Anyways,” Morgan sighed deeply and continued, “Filipe is a charmer, I spoke with him often online in the beginning before exchanging contact information, and he even told me he had planned to visit the country but I didn’t know it would have been so soon. He did though, and momma when we met I felt as if I had known him all my life. The familiarity between us was like wow. We went out a couple times, he went back home to get things organized for the Café and came back with some others to put it together. They there right now doing the finishing touches and tomorrow is the official opening at ten in the morning.”

“So you’re missing that?”

“Yeah”, she said sadly. “I would have loved to be there but I had already set the meeting with Tourism for tomorrow. You know how it is with those people to change things so I left it as is. He said he will do a video for me so I won’t miss anything. I already met some of the staff.”

“Ok” Dawn said “But tell me what is going on with you two now.”

Morgan stood and went towards the sink with her dirty dishes. “Momma, I really like him. He is so assertive, sweet, caring and considerate, handsome, momma his eyes are the most beautiful deep blue, gosh, you just have to meet him momma.” She hid her face in her hands.

“You sound like you already in love with him my daughter, are you?”

“I don’t want to say yet, I want to know more about him before I can decide that, you know, spend time with him, even visit his country. I feel so many different things when I’m around him but it’s too soon to call it love. I liked Flynn a lot and fit in with him good enough, but I never felt this way about him or anyone else.” Morgan said closing her eyes.

“I have a good feeling about him Momma, like he could be the person I spend the rest of my life with. I know it’s early and we’re now getting to know each other but I am so comfortable around him. I feel as if we’re meant to be.”

“Flynn could have never given me a straight answer when I ask him about our future, he always said we’re young and have time. I like the fact that Filipe knows what he wants and he moves to make things happen. I admire him for that.”

Dawn came and stood beside her, then put her arms around her daughter and hugged her tight. “I’m glad you found someone you like so much honey, please take your time though and be wise.” She stepped back but held onto her hands still. “You have your life ahead of you and if you believe you have found love, then don’t fight it, leave some room for disappointments though ok, but give it your all to ensure you have no regrets about what could have been. If it is Filipe, then Filipe it is. I can’t wait to meet him.”

Still holding her daughter’s hands Dawn started walking towards the living room. “I got the re runs of Girlfriends, are you coming to watch?”

“Yes, of course, just let me go make a call and I will be right back.”

“Ok. You know if I like your Filipe I will consider him staying here eh. But let him know I have a shot gun in my bedroom waiting to catch him trying to get into your room in the night, and I ain’t afraid to use it.”

Morgan roared with laughter, “Momma behave!” Smiling, Dawn laughed and went to sit down in front of the TV.





Chapter Twenty Two


Morgan called Filipe’s phone.

“Bonne nuit Ma Cherie, how are you ladies doing, is everything ok over there?”

“Hi Filipe, we’re good. How is everything going for tomorrow, you all finished?”

“Yes we are, matter of fact I’m here sitting with Gray talking about what’s ahead, what’s expected and how we will be going about managing when we’re not here.”

“Is that my beautiful lady? Grayson asked Filipe with a mischievous smile

“Yes, do you want to say hello?” Filipe replied with a scowl

“No, I will show her my hello with sweet kisses on her beautiful lips when I see her.”

Filipe pelted a throw pillow at him but he dodged and laughed.

“Gray said to tell you hello ma Cherie.”

“Give him my regards,” she said smiling, hearing the banter between them. “And tell him I heard what he said”

“Do you miss me Morgan? Tell me, I will be on the first flight I can get after the ceremony because I’m missing you like crazy.

“I do miss you but you are needed over there more than here. I will see you tomorrow.”

“Ok my love, I saw Flynn leaving the building this morning, Gray and I were on the balcony having breakfast. I wonder what he was doing here. Quite frankly I was tempted to run down and give him a thumping but he was almost out the gate.”

Morgan laughed out loud, “You wouldn’t.”

“I want him to leave you alone, I mean it.”

“Let’s forget about him ok, momma waiting for me downstairs so I have to go. Will call you as soon as I get a chance tomorrow.”

“Ok, what is your street address over there again?” he asked

She gave him without question.

“Ok. Night my love, can’t wait to see you.”

“Good night Filipe” She put her phone to charge and went to join her mother on the couch, where they snuggled and watched episode after episode of their favorite sitcom, Girlfriends.





The next morning Filipe finished his coffee and headed downstairs to the opening ceremony for the Cafe. It was just about nine o’clock and the weather promised a sunny day today. He woke up with Morgan on his mind, as usual though he couldn’t shake a funny feeling that something was up with Flynn. He brushed his thoughts aside and continued towards the Cafe. Inside and outside was buzzing with activity as persons were milling around anxiously awaiting the opening which was scheduled for nine fifteen. On the inside, all the employees that were hired was already present and getting ready by doing final touches on the displays of pastries, drinks desserts and other knick knacks to be served. Paul was giving some more setting up instructions to his crew, while Colin and Jones were busy cleaning up a sponge cake that fell on the floor. Vanessa stood behind them with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face. They were playing around when the cake fell, it was one of her Victoria Sponge cakes. The radio station Hot 96.3 FM arrived as scheduled and were already interviewing and chatting with would be customers who were anticipating the free drinks and pastries.

Filipe found Gray seated on a stool chatting on his phone, Gray gestured for him to hold on so he took a seat on the stool next to him and looked around. Everything was going as scheduled, Grayson will give some opening remarks about the Café, its history in France, the owners, the type of delicacies being served, opening hours and instructions for the day. Each customer is entitled to free pastries and drink in the beginning, at one o’clock actual sales will begin. “You have to taste the coconut cakes Filipe, they are the greatest. The flavor is awesome” Gray was saying to him.

“Hey, tell me you’re not eating out the profit already”

“Yeah mon, it’s free until one”

“Yeah mon is Jamaican not Trini, my boy”

Grayson mocked his response and stood up as the MC called his name to come forward, the show was about to start. Filipe was satisfied with the staff and what he saw thus far in the Café. He went to check Paul and was glad to hear that there were no problems whatsoever getting the staff to cooperate and even do things out of their job specs, they pulled together and it was happening just smoothly from what he can see.

He went and stood just inside the doors to listen to what Gray was saying, when he called out to him as the owner and brain behind the Café, he went up to the mic to say a few words. After the small intro, the customers were allowed to sit and partake of the food while the DJ pumped the music. Persons passing outside the compound kept coming in out of curiosity, many saying that the area needed something like that, meaning the Café. Gray came and stood next to Filipe looking at him and smiling.

“Hey man, we did it. But how come you look like you lost your kitten, why don’t you wrap up here and head over there to find her. We have it under control boss, that’s what you pay us for.”

“It’s that bad huh?”

“Yes, I can see the worried look on your face. I’m sure she is fine Filipe, you need not hold on to her so tightly or she may fly. Think about it.” He gave him a light punch on his shoulder.

“I know Gray, it’s just that I’m in love with her. I feel her all on the inside of me and it’s like I can’t breathe properly when I’m not around her.”

“Its new love my boy, but how are you doing otherwise? Any more dreams or anything of that sort?””

“The only person I’m dreaming of lately is Morgan.” He turned away from Gray and rested his head on the wall behind them. “I got it bad man.”

“Yes you do. Hey, you’re not needed here why don’t you take your bag and head to the Airport?”

He turned to Grayson with a smile on his face, “Hey, you’re right, call me and let me know how it goes when sales begin ok.”

“Sure thing boss.” Gray said and watched Filipe walked off out of the Café.

Filipe called Pancho and asked him to pick him up within the hour and headed upstairs to wait.

Pancho came at a quarter pass twelve, picked up Filipe and took him to the Airport, he arrived there a little after one. Before he left Filipe told him he will call and let him know when to pick up both himself and Morgan on their return. Filipe went to the Caribbean Airlines line for departures to Tobago and spoke with the attendant there. She told him he may get on as a Standby, so he sat nearby playing on his phone and looking around while waiting. He called Morgan but he got no answer, he realized she’s probably still in her meeting at Tourism. After half hour he approached the ticket counter again. The attendant smiled and told him there is an available seat on the two thirty to Crown Point if he wants it he can have it, he will be in Tobago by two fifty. He purchased the ticket then went to get something to eat as he had a few minutes to spare. Filipe boarded the Airline and was happy for the opportunity to finally experience Tobago. He spent the short flight reading the latest issue of the Caribbean Beat magazine. When the Flight Attendant asked everyone to buckle up to prepare for landing Filipe looked out the window at the little Island below. The aircraft landed and he got off with the other passengers, he saw a number of taxis in the area so he walked up to one and gave him the address on the piece of paper he had in his hands. The driver told him sixty dollars and he went into the car.

Morgan sat in the meeting listening to Mr. Bunting finish his idea of what he wanted in the party. As they spoke he told her he knew her mom and have been to the Bookstore and the bakery a couple of times.

Three of the company’s employees were retiring so the company decided to have a party to celebrate as they were all favored greatly throughout. The gathering will have approximately one hundred and ten persons attending. She saw when Filipe called her but was at the moment discussing the itinerary. Zoe was discussing the menu with Mr. Lawrence and showing him some photos of simple decoration styles which they can use for the event. By the end of the meeting Mr. Buntings was glad he had made the decision to hire the company to do the event for them. They will have to use the available resources in Tobago and that was well enough for him. After the meeting Zoe and Morgan went to Gulf City mall in Lambeau to get something to eat, as they had yet to go collect the decorations and speak with the caterers before they can call it a day.


The taxi dropped Filipe at the front of the house. He paid the driver and told him to keep the change. He then walked up to the front door, he looked around for a doorbell but didn’t see any so he knocked at the door. He got no immediate answer, so after about thirty seconds he knocked again. The door swung open and a middle aged woman in a blue three quarter jeans and a t shirt saying ‘what’s up duck’ answered the door. Looking at her face he saw Morgan in years to come. She looks just like she does in the photo Morgan showed him when there in Chaguaramas. Even though she looked like her father a lot, he can see where she got her beauty from. Dawn stood there transfixed, looking at him wondering if it was Filipe or some lost soul looking for directions to the nearby hotel.

“Bonjour Ma’am, I know I’m expected later but…”

“Filipe?” Dawn said amusement showing in her eyes. He was as handsome as Morgan said he was, and those very, very blue eyes were staring at her expectedly.

“Yes Ma’am, It’s …”

“Please, don’t stand there come on inside.”

He stepped inside and placed his knap sack on the floor by the door.

“Don’t leave that there son, bring it inside here.” She said leading him into the living room.

Filipe followed her and put the bag where she told him to. She then stood back and looked him over, from head to foot. Filipe got a bit nervous under her gaze but then relaxed when she gave him a bright smile.

“Please have a seat. I’m sure Morgan was expecting you much later this evening.” She said

“Yes, I decided to take an early flight down instead. How are you er…?”

“Dawn, please call me Dawn. I’m well, I was just about to put some chicken in the oven to bake”

“Please, don’t let me be a bother, I am very efficient in the kitchen so I can assist you.”

“No you will not, but you can come and sit in here and have something to drink while we chat, did you have lunch?”

“I picked up something at the Airport while I was waiting.”

“Well, I will bring you some cake and wine while we wait for this to finish. I’ve been in the garden all morning so I’m now finishing my cooking. Sit there and tell me about yourself. How was your flight?”

“Morgan wasn’t kidding when she said it was a short flight, but it was comfortable.” He chuckled, and her heart leapt in her chest. The very blue eyes laughed as he did and a deep cleft appeared in his chin. His dark brown hair was a bit disheveled as though he just ran his fingers through it. Her daughter sure knew how to pick them, she thought. He told her a little about himself, and when he spoke about his mother she saw the love in his eyes. He told her a little about his work, the magazines and his love for real estate. Somehow Caleth’s name jumped into the conversation and he found himself talking about him as he would a brother he was very fond of. Dawn put a glass of homemade rice wine in front of him with a slice of chocolate cake.

“So how long do you plan to stay in Trinidad and Tobago Filipe?”

“I will be back and forth, I’m always travelling for work so now that I found these beautiful islands I will be here quite often. The Café will be my baby here as I will take a personal interest in it. I have an apartment in the same place as Morgan does.”

“Who stays there while you’re away?”

“I’m hoping that I won’t be away too long at any time so I won’t have to worry about that.”

“Hmm, ok.” She aid nodding.

“What do you want to know about me?”

“Morgan said you met online, and spent some time together when you came down previously. I’m wondering if you’re really interested in her as friends or if it has grown into something more since.”

“I will not mislead you in any way Dawn, the day I met your daughter something inside me clicked. It was as if it was supposed to happen. I told her I’m interested in being more than a friend to her as I like her very much. Very, very much if I may add, I’m glad we’re having this conversation, as it was my intention to come to meet you so you can be assured that I’m not playing with her emotions.”

“Hmm, very well. You seem like a straight forward guy and from what Morgan said about you, I’m glad to meet you Filipe. Tell me more about what you do.”

Filipe gave her a rundown of what has happened so far at the Café and gave her some stories about when he opened the one in New York. He also told her some stories about travelling to Australia and Italy and spoke a little about one of his hobbies, photography. She smiled sweetly when he told her that he played the saxophone.

When he finished Dawn told him, “Any friend of my daughter is a friend of mine Filipe. You look like a nice guy and it’s really great to meet you.

“By the way, what is in this glass you gave me?” Filipe asked her a bit puzzled, heading back to his seat.

“Rice wine, homemade rice wine, it’s just something we locals do here, you can get a variety of homemade wines if you stick around. That is one of my favorite.”

He smiled then said, “I know it’s a wine but for the life of me I couldn’t figure it out. I can swear it’s heading straight to my brain. Don’t you worry, I do plan to stick around for a very long time.”

He finished his cake and drink and they continued chatting for some time.





Chapter Twenty Three



After getting almost everything together Morgan called her mom. Dawn and Filipe had just moved into the living room when the house telephone rang, she arose and went to answer it.

“Hi mom, are you cooking or should I pick something up for later. I know I disabled you by borrowing your car.”

“Nonsense girl, I’m almost done cooking and I can borrow Winnie car if I need to so don’t worry your pretty little head about it, how was it by the way?”

“Oh, it was great, we’re almost through planning. Quite frankly I don’t even think we may have to do anything tomorrow so it will just be to organize the stuff on Thursday and do the actual party on Friday.”

“Oh ok.” Dawn said, then thought about telling her that Filipe was here but decided against it. Instead she said, “I have a little surprise for you when you get here though,”

“Aww, mom, you don’t go through any trouble for me you know.”

“No trouble honey” she said looking at Filipe as he watched a local program, “No trouble at all. So see you later ok”

“I should be there by five or so.”

“Ok, honey, until then, be safe.”

“Bye mom.”

She put the receiver on the hook hanging on the wall and went back to sit.

“Do you want me to take you to where you’re staying? Winnie is expecting you, but just later on. You can stay here if you’re comfortable, or I can take you there if you need to lie down or anything. Morgan will be here around five.”

“Oh, ok, actually I’m comfortable here, thank you very much. I can go by Mrs. Winifred’s house later on when Morgan arrives.”

“Ok, good” Dawn said, then pulled out an old family album for him to entertain himself. She sat and told him about the pictures he looked at.


Morgan dropped Zoe off at her friend’s house and told her if she needed her tomorrow she will let her know, if not, she will see her on Friday, they will meet up at the Tourism office. She then left there and went to Penny savers Supermarket to pick up some potato chips, ice cream and some minor toiletries she would need. She also stopped and bought some fruits from a fruit stall on the way. At five minutes to five o clock she drove Dawn’s car into the driveway. She parked, opened the door and went to the back seat to take out the plastic bags with the items she brought.

She opened the door and said “Mom, I’m home”

“I’m in here honey” Dawn shouts and Morgan follows her voice into the kitchen. She put the bags on the counter and started packing the items away.

“What did you cook mom?” she asked

“I baked some chicken, did a macaroni pie, some fresh salad and stewed pigeon peas, hungry?”

“All that trouble mom when you could have rested and let me pick up something from Libby’s?”

“No baby, I didn’t have anything else to do today.” Dawn smiled “I went in the garden to see about some of my plants then came back in and started cooking.”

Meanwhile Filipe, who was still in the living room was fighting to keep his eyes open. He rested his head back and closed his eyes for a moment, which turned into minutes. Dawn said nothing to her, but she waited for the moment when Morgan will realize Filipe was there.

“I better go and Call Filipe to see what time his flight will be leaving.” Morgan told Dawn

“Before you do that, go bring the wares from the living room for me honey.”

“Why are there wares in the living room? Were you entertaining someone mom?”

Morgan walked into the living room, there peacefully seated on the sofa with his head rested back and eyes closed, was Filipe. Her heart pounded in her chest while a smile crosses her face. She looked around for the wares but found none. Carefully she retraced her steps and stood in the kitchen watching her mother wide eyed.

“How long…?”

“He came today about half three. Imagine my shock but I recognized him from the description you gave. He seem like a good enough person dear, but please, don’t rush into things too quickly ok. He seem to like you a whole lot.”

Morgan rested her butt on the edge of the kitchen table. “Momma, yes he is, but one thing I realize about him though, he don’t give up. He’s determined to succeed at everything he sets his mind to, and I realize he has his mind set on me.”

“That could be good or bad, you just have to know how to keep your head on so you won’t be taken advantage of.” Dawn told her daughter

Filipe, hearing the voices between sleep and wake opened his eyes. He stood up to stretch his legs and walked down towards the kitchen where he saw Morgan sitting on the edge of the table. That shade of red looked good on her, the thought, and went to stand next to her, he put his hands around her waist and pulled her towards him

“I didn’t hear you come in ma Cherie.” He said kissing her cheek

She turned her head to face him and took his hands into hers “I thought you were coming later this evening how did everything go?”

He smiled at her, then glanced at Dawn. “I’m glad I came in earlier I left Gray doing his stuff. I got to hang with your mom and we had a nice time, by the way, I believe I’m feeling the after effects of your rice wine Dawn.”

“Do you approve?” she asked winking at him

“One hundred percent.” He replied, “That should be bottled and sold.”

Dawn walked over and gave him a high five while Morgan stood amazed at how easily they seem to get along.

Morgan, still holding his hand, led him back into the living room. Once there he stopped her and turned her around.

“I was missing you ma Cherie, I took Gray’s advice and took a plane as soon as I finished my little speech.”

“Give me a minute, I’ll take you to Auntie Winnie.” She said almost breathless as she stared up at him.

“Why can’t I stay here ma Cherie? Can’t I stay where you are?”

“No you can’t mom isn’t prepared for a guest. Auntie Winnie is just four houses over from here”

“Are you heading by Winifred?” Dawn asked coming up behind them.

“Yes mom. We are about to.” Morgan replied not taking her eyes of Filipe. She turned to leave the living room, Filipe grabbed his bag and followed her. “I hope you’re coming back for Dinner Filipe.” Dawn said to their backs.

“He will momma, he will.” Morgan replied and closed the door behind them as they stepped outside.


They walked the short distance and arrived at Winifred’s house just as she was coming out of the door with a bucket of mangoes.

“Morgan, you’re here, and your boyfriend is too, welcome er…”

“Filipe. Morgan said, mortified at the boyfriend comment and avoiding looking at Filipe to see the expression in his eyes.”

He extended his hands to her and they shook hands. “Call me Auntie Winnie” she told him.

“You go on ahead inside, I’m just running across by Mrs. Welcome for a bit, shouldn’t be more than five minutes.” With that she left. Morgan led Filipe inside the house and they went into the kitchen and sat down.

“Boyfriend huh?” he said smiling

Morgan put her hands over her face to hide her creeping blush but he removed them and held them apart.

“Five minutes is more than enough time for a proper welcome kiss for your boyfriend don’t you say?” Before she can answer his lips were crushing hers in a deep demanding kiss. He held her face within his hands as he sucked on her lips, sweetly, passionately. When his tongue brushed hers she felt a familiar warmth filling her stomach and a small groan escaped her lips. When he pulled her up and pulled her to him she entwined her hands in his hair and tried to still her pounding heart as she returned the kiss with the same passion he sent her way. Finally pulling away he stared into her eyes, the arousal evident in his. He then took her fingers into his mouth and sucked them one at a time not breaking eye contact with her.

She put her other hand inside his shirt just inside his collar and stroked his neck. Staring at the vivid blue eyes staring back at her, Morgan wondered, what if she was to commit to him, what will happen? Her eyes dropped to his chest, then to his thighs, looking powerful and strong in the denim jeans he wore, then back up at him.

“I’m just out of a relationship Filipe, I don’t want this to be a rebound something. I want something real and lasting.”

“So are you saying that you’re willing to give me a chance? A real chance? I don’t see you as a passing fling ma Cherie, I know what I want, and I’m sure you know also.”

“Yes,” she barely whispered, still staring at him. He smiled, stood up and lifted her, spinning around with her grabbing onto him and laughing. Winifred came in at that moment, smiling at the scene before her.

“Whoa, what’s the celebration about?” she asked

“Good things ahead auntie Winnie, wonderful and great” Filipe replied smiling.

“Ok, come let me show you where you’ll be staying Filipe.” She led the way out through the back door in the kitchen, Filipe picked up his bag, took Morgan’s hands and followed her.

It was an annex, two bedrooms with self-contained bathrooms, a huge kitchen, a living and dining room and plenty porch space. She showed him to one of the bedrooms and gave him a key.

“This is yours for as long as you need. There is everything you’ll need inside, if you need anything else let me know ok. The fridge is stocked with simple things, if you want to prepare your own meals there is a supermarket not too far, Morgan can show you where it is, if not, let me know if you’ll be needing breakfast, lunch, dinner or in between ok.” She then looked at the both of them and smiled. “This here child is like one of my own Filipe” she paused, “Handle her with care.”

Morgan blushed and Filipe put his arms around her and nodded, Auntie Winnie turned around and left so he can settle in.

The next Morning, Morgan arose at eight thirty nine and called Zoe, she told her that she will pick her up at ten. They were going to pick up the decoration for the party and drop it off at the office. After that they have some minor things to do but they should be through by lunch time, giving them the afternoon off. She then went into the kitchen for breakfast. Dawn made some fried bakes with salt fish buljol, something she loved to eat, so she sat down to have her fill. She can hear her mother singing as she watered her plants on the outside of the house. She loved the sound of her mother voice, she always told her she should have been giving singing lessons. She sings at the choir in her local church and as she says, that’s good enough for her. Before she finished breakfast, Dawn came back inside.

“What’s your plans for the day honey?”

“Just a few turns with Zoe, I should be done by lunch time.”

“Ok, because I will be needing the car for about one or so.”

“You’ll get it long before that. When I come back I plan to take Filipe to the beach, we may stay there all afternoon.”

“You all walking down?”

“Yes, we will, that way he can see some of the village too.”

“Good, you enjoy your day.”

She left to go about her business and Morgan finished up and went to get herself ready for the day.



Filipe awoke, had a shower and breakfast. Auntie Winnie was treating him as if he was a long lost son. She brought some dinner even after he returned from Dawn’s house last evening, telling him men don’t ever be really full, they always have room for more food. He sat with her and got acquainted, she told him some stories from Morgan’s childhood. She asked him about his family and history and told him about her trip to France in nineteen ninety nine. This morning she brought him breakfast of fried breadfruit wedges, scrambled eggs with bacon, roast bake, fried plantains, cocoa tea and coffee. He was introduced to one of her sons Michael, who promised to take him fishing somewhere nearby before he left the Island. He called Morgan and they spoke about meeting up later on after she came from work. He got dressed and decided to take a walk with his camera, he wanted to take some pictures to show his mother and Caleth. Caleth called him last night but he forgot his cell phone when he went over to dinner with Morgan. He gave him a quick call before he left for his stroll. He walked past the houses in the area until he came to a mini mart, where he entered to get something to drink. There he met some local men who held him in a conversation about sailing. He spent most of the morning right there listening to their stories and sharing some of his own.

Time passed swiftly and soon enough after lunch Morgan was calling him to go to the beach with her. He passed in by Auntie Winnie to change and pick up a few things then he went to Dawn’s house where Morgan was waiting on him, looking gorgeous in a plain black string bikini top under a crocheted yellow vest. He assumed the other part of the bikini was the same under the short cutoff jeans she wore. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and she carried a bag on her shoulder. He took the bag from her as they walked, the beach was nearby, even closer than he had thought it was. When they arrived it wasn’t crowded either, there were about fifteen persons there including themselves. They hang their towels and the clothes they took off on a tree branch and headed into the water. After making a few laps together they stopped and bobbed in the water. Filipe grabbed her by the waist and pulled her butt against himself. She rubbed against him slightly then turned to face him, putting her legs around his waist.

“I want you ma Cherie, seeing you and not being able to touch you the way I want to is killing me.”

“I know, it’s as if our bodies sing to each other. Have this ever happened with anyone else Filipe?”

She started trailing little kisses along his neck.

“I have never felt such intense physical attraction towards anyone Morgan, not even my past wife. What we have is unique and I want it to stay forever.” When he felt her legs tighten around him he grabbed her lips with his. Kissing her longingly and with unbridled passion. His fingers went under the side of her bikini bottom and he heard her sigh as he touched her.

“I won’t be able to come out of the water if we don’t stop ma Cherie.”

“She smiled, still sucking on his lips, her hands strayed to his erection and she squeezed him gently.”

“Can’t wait to get back home” she said.

“Why home?”

“Because we’re not being naughty here. Won’t feel good about it in my mom’s house, nor by Auntie Winnie.”

“Dam nit! I should have gotten a room at a hotel.” He pretended to be hurt.

She laughed then pulled away from him. She swam out towards the shore then she stood up and walked out of the water the rest of the way. Dropping herself on the sand she sat and looked at him, hands buckled around her knees. He sunk into the water until just his head remained above and stared at her. She is exactly what he need to be complete. He remembered Dr. Stephens telling him one of the things that sparks his desire to hold on to things is his fear of them escaping him. Eliza died, he had no control over that. Genny left him, he had no control over that. He has found love again and he intends to make sure this one stays. He made a few laps, glancing ever so often at Morgan laying still on the sand. He wondered if she had fallen asleep. When he was much more relaxed he swam slowly towards the edge of the water.





Chapter Twenty Four


Friday evening, Morgan and Zoe went to the Retirement function at the Ministry of Tourism in Scarborough. Filipe decided to spend the evening with Dawn, getting to know her better so he took her out for dinner. They went to the Pavilion Restaurant in Black Rock. They dressed casually and since Morgan took the car he hired a taxi to pick them up and gave the driver a set time to return for them.

“So Filipe, we read the report about Emmie, who exactly did you get to do the search?” Dawn asked him when they were seated.

“I have a team who does research for the magazine, from places to people, they can find anything. They usually find anything I ask for as they have good contacts in some reputable places. I asked them to do a search and let me know what they came up with. The result is what you have in your hands.” Filipe replied, looking at her and anticipating the next question. “I’m so sorry to be the bearer of the bad news though but at least you can know why he did not return.”

“Yes, thanks you for caring, it means a lot. What if I want to find out more will I be able to get some more information?”

“Depends on what kind of information you need to get. When contacted, only one brother, Hugo, was cooperative. The other one didn’t have much to say. He confirmed everything, saying Emmie had passed, he died at the accident site, was buried close to home and had no immediate family besides his siblings and parents.” He paused, “I asked him about their sisters, he told me their names but didn’t want to give me much information about their location. I asked if he knew of any children or descendants he said he couldn’t give me much more information unless we meet in person, so that is about it. If you want something in particular I will see what I can do.”

Dawn continued, “I remember the name of that sister Elsa, I even saw a photo of her, but of course she wouldn’t look like the photo now because it was over ten years ago. She knew about Morgan, even sent stuff for her when she was a toddler.” she said with a slight frown on her face. “Emmie was not alone, he has a child, why didn’t he tell them about her?”

“What do you want me to do, find her?”

“I don’t like how the report says he was childless, Morgan is his. The family ought to know about her.” Dawn said her face still serious.

“I will contact Hugo again and set up a meeting. If possible and he wants you to go up, will you be able to? Just for a few days even?”

“Sure I will.” She replied looking a bit hopeful.

“I will let you know as soon as I have more information ok, it’s a promise. I will do what I can.” Filipe said, resting his hands over Dawn’s on the table. “Don’t worry about it anymore, if there is something to find out I will find it for you. You’re right, they have a right to know about her, they are her family.”

“Thank you Filipe, thanks again. So tell me more about you and your plans, I will come to your Café when next I visit Morgan in Trinidad. You really like my Morgan a lot, I can see it in your face.”

“Yes, I’m afraid I like her a whole lot of lots”

“Don’t be afraid, it’s a good thing” Dawn said, and they both laughed. “I’m glad we can spend this time together Filipe.” She smiled when he smiled at her.

The waiter came with their meals. The conversation changed to politics, business news and the world’s economy but they both had an enjoyable time.

“Tell me some more about your mother” Dawn had said halfway into the meal. “Megan said she is an Interior Decorator like Saurelle.”

“She is a beautiful woman, self-sufficient and very talented.” He showed her a photo of Sophie on his cell phone. “She loved my dad, he was ill for some time so his passing wasn’t that hard on her, but it was hard nevertheless. Since then she more or less busied herself in the book club, she still does decorating but not as much. She always says she has trained enough girls to carry on her work. She is involved in a lot of charity work and is quite a happy lady.” He smiled then said, “I would love for you to meet her one day.”

Dawn smiled, “well if you and Morgan are serious about being together it’s bound to happen sooner or later.”

“Believe me, I am, Morgan is getting there.” He winked at her and she smiled.

He focused a bit on Dawn, she is a beautiful woman, he wondered how come she hasn’t met anyone she wanted to be with since Emmie, and he decided to find out.

“So, tell me Dawn, after you realized Emmie wasn’t coming back what did you do?”

She stopped eating and looked at him with a faraway look in her eyes.

“After about two years of him not showing up I stopped looking out for him. Morgan asked for him a few times, I always told her he will come when he can. Eventually she stopped asking, she was always a brilliant, sensitive girl, whenever she wanted to ask she would go instead and look at the pictures I kept of him. She knew I didn’t want to talk about him not coming back, she also knew he loved her because he always told her he did.”

Filipe nodded his head, he silently promised to see if he can find the sister she said knew about Morgan.

Dawn then continued, “I just busied myself in raising my daughter and making sure my business survived to take care of us. Other men came along, but my heart belonged to Emmie. We just lived our life in our corner of the world. Then Morgan grew up and went over to Trinidad. She comes as often as she can so I’m ok with it, I’m also over there fairly often as I have friends and family over there.”

Filipe nodded, he knew what it was like to love someone so much that he couldn’t imagine anyone else taking their place.

They finished dinner and decided to take the dessert home because Dawn said she was filled, Filipe in turn didn’t want to have dessert while she had none. They asked for a slice of cheesecake to take for Morgan, as they both knew it is her favorite dessert.

Filipe’s cell phone rang, he picked it from his pocket and smiled when he saw Caleth’s name on the screen. He asked to be excused and chatted with him for a while. Dawn heard pieces of the conversation as she finished up her desert. It was just a courtesy call though, Filipe was updating him on the accomplishments so far with the Café. He asked about how it was going with Morgan but Filipe couldn’t really say much with Dawn right there possibly hearing all that was being said. The call ended after a few minutes and he asked Dawn if she wanted anything else. When she indicated she did not he signaled the waiter for the bill, then they waited in the lobby until the cab came to pick them up.


Morgan sat eyeing Zoe as she danced with a guy called Ed, his full name Eduane Cullen. He has been making the moves on her all evening, she finally gave in and agreed to dance with him. She told Morgan as soon as she was finished and came back over, she needed to find some excuse for them to leave, Morgan agreed because she was tired, the party is a success and their job there was done. She sat talking to Saurelle on the phone while stuffing her face with fried wantons. Saurelle told her Flynn called her a couple times asking if she can speak to Morgan because he believe they can work things out. She smiled as she remembered she had blocked his numbers on her cell phone. She told Saurelle that she had made up her mind to see where the relationship with Filipe goes.

“Girl, he sounding too desperate fuh me eh.” Saurelle was saying to her

“I know, he starting to make me wonder about his mental state. Why can’t he just move along? I can’t believe he still wants to be together, I have nothing for him and he has nothing for me, what is wrong with him?”

“He probably now realize what he had, and realize he do shit eh.” Saurelle said snickering

“Maybe when I go back I will talk to him, show him that I’ve moved on.” Morgan decided.

“I think not miss lady! Leave him be, that might just stir up trouble especially for you and Filipe. I will beat him off you, you just wait and see.”

“Filipe took mum out to dinner tonight” she said to Saurelle

“Really? Way to go Filipe, I knew I like that guy.”

“Yeah, he said it will give him a chance to see what else she needed to find out about dad.”

“Honestly Morgs, do you all really want to go there? I know it’s your dad and all, but I feel you all will be disturbing the dead if you do too much digging.” Saurelle said with a bit of concern in her voice.

“I know, but mom says I have family there and they have a right to know me.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“I don’t feel anything. To me he was dead long time it’s just that we’re finding out now that is true. Whatever he did or had is long lost. Whatever is lying sleeping, I find it should remain asleep. I don’t want to find out. He’s already not present in my life, I don’t want memories of him or what could have been to haunt me.”

“I understand, maybe you should let your momma know how you feel.”

“She does, thing is, she wants to find out for herself.”

“Oh, well let her, it may bring her some sort of closure about the entire situation.”

“Maybe” Morgan whispered, “Maybe it will.”


Filipe saw Dawn inside the house and then walked across to Auntie Winnie’s place after making sure that she was settled in. He took a quick shower and went online to respond to some emails. He kept looking at the time and his mind kept straying on Morgan, she said she would be home before eleven, it was three minutes to eleven. He was about to call her cell when there was a soft knock on the door. He opened the door to see a tired looking Morgan with her hands filled with boxes. He took them from her and they came inside his bedroom.

“What’s all this ma Cherie?” he asked placing the boxes on the table

“Some finger food from the party. Brent and Madison, the caterers, insisted that we take some things with us. They were trying to overstuff the guests, apparently they overestimated the appetite of the people.” She said grinning, “How was dinner with mom?”

“Oh, it was wonderful, the food was great and we both enjoyed ourselves.”

“Glad to hear. Did she harass you about dad?”

“She wants me to try to get in touch with your aunt Elsa. I told her I will try.”

Morgan sighed, and said “ok.”

Filipe approached her and put his arms around her waist and kissed her.

“Are you staying the night?”

“You know I can’t Filipe.”

“I don’t think mom will mind.” He kissed her again. He started pushing her towards the settee. “How about a shower and a massage? You look tired.”

“It sounds very encouraging but I prefer a shower and bed.” She replied yawning.

“Well that can be arranged.”

“Oh, I meant my own bed not yours hot pants.” She giggled and side stepped him. He successfully grabbed her and pulled her back towards him.

“I can make it worth your while,” he said kissing her neck and trailing his tongue along her lips and throat.

Her body shuddered with anticipation but she couldn’t, not there. “I have to get home, mom must be wondering where I am.”

“I can call her,” he offered

“Filipe,” she groaned, “You’re making this so hard for me. You know I want to stay, but I really can’t.”

He picked her up and laid her on the couch. She stretched her arms over her head and sighed as he took off her sandals, lifted her dress and kissed her stomach. She felt all her senses awakening as touched her. He trailed kisses on her inner thigh and took off her lace underwear. When he put his lips on her she knew in her heart that the battle was lost. She has never experienced the pleasure, the oneness, the intimate pull she has experienced from Filipe, with Flynn. Hence the reason why she wants to give this relationship a chance it seems so surreal. Filipe stood naked before her in no time, she wondered if she will get accustomed to the sight of his hugeness.

She pulled him to her and took him in her mouth when he pulled the dress over her head. He stopped her and picked her up, carrying her into the bedroom. Laying her on the bed he continued his assault on her most private parts while she got giddy with pleasure. As he slid into her, their gazes locked, he knew without the shadow of a doubt that he will do anything for her. He will do anything to keep her happy, contented, and loved. He pounded into her, moving hard, not a thought of restraint on his mind. Her body shuddered with the first orgasm, she yelped and raised her hips toward him. He pulled out of her, turned her over and entered her from behind. This is where you belong Morgan, this is us, he thought, as they continued to make love.

At a quarter after four the next morning, Morgan whispered to Filipe to wake up and walk her home. In five minutes they were strolling up the driveway of her mother’s home. Morgan went inside and Filipe went back to Auntie Winnie’s house. She tried tiptoeing towards her bedroom, but stopped when the door to Dawn’s room creaked open. She stood looking at her mother with a ‘caught in the act’ expression on her face.

“I, um… the car is by Auntie Winnie momma, I was over by Filipe.”

“I know honey, I know.” Dawn said, then went into the kitchen for a glass of water. Morgan stood there watching her, wondering if she was going to get a lecture.

“Why are you still standing there?” Dawn asked her amused

“Um… “

“You don’t owe me any explanation Morgan. I’m hoping that you are sensible enough to know what you want and to be careful as you go along.”

“I am careful momma.”

“Good. I like Filipe, I hope things work out for the both of you.”

“Thanks momma”, she proceeded to give Dawn a hug.

“Hey, you go get yourself a shower girl, you smell like…” Dawn said wrinkling up her nose and twisting her mouth at Morgan.

“Mom!” she said as she turned and went into her bedroom, embarrassment creeping up her cheeks.






Chapter Twenty Five


Over the weekend Morgan took Filipe on a short tour of the Island. They visited a couple more beaches, went to the Nylon Pool and the Bucco Reef, and spent a half day enjoying the beauty of the Argyle Waterfall. The weekend passed by very quickly, and soon they were heading back to Trinidad on Sunday evening. Filipe called Pancho previously and told him the time their flight will be arriving. . They said their goodbyes to Dawn and Aunty Winnie at the Airport, both women remained with them chatting and keeping their company until their time came to board the airline, soon they were in the skies heading back home.

Pancho as always, met them on time and in no time at all they were both back in their own apartments. Morgan opened her door to see a number of mails that was slipped under her door on the floor. Four of them were regular mails but seven of them were letters from Flynn. She opened them all and realized they all said the same thing, WE NEED TO TALK! She crumpled then placed them all in the trash and went to organize her clothes for work the coming week.

Filipe soon came knocking on her door and she went to let him in.

“Everything alright Ma Cherie?” he asked “Gray left my place in a bit of a mess but it’s good to go. He said he had to leave in a hurry.”

“Sure, everything’s fine here”, she replied and glanced at the trash bin in the corner.

Filipe followed her eyes and saw the crumpled paper in the bin.

“Gray left some pictures of the opening, he will be back at the end of the month though.” He was saying as he bent to pick up an envelope from the floor, apparently Morgan missed one of Flynn’s letters. He was about to give it to her when he noticed the lack of a proper address.

“What’s this?” he asked as he turned the envelope in his hand

“Nothing important I’m sure” she took it from him and crumpled it.

“You look disturbed, what is it?”

“Flynn keep asking me to talk to him. I’m wondering if I should meet him to see what he wants.”

Filipe sighed deeply and pulled her to sit with him. “Don’t meet him alone, go with someone, what about Saurelle?”

“I will ask her.”

“Ok, everything else is fine?”

“Yes I’m just going to put together some clothes for the rest of the week.”

“Ok, well I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed her, then kissed her again. They both got up and walked to the door. As Filipe was about to open the door, there was a knock on the outside. He watched through the peephole and saw Flynn standing there.

His expression changed to subdued anger. He opened the door and stood facing Flynn.

“Morgan, I need to speak to you”, Flynn tried to meet her eyes but was being blocked by Filipe.

Morgan came through at Filipe’s side and watched the both of them, then said softly to Filipe

“Go wait in the living room ok, I will call you if I need you” He gave a scowl to Flynn but left them as she requested.

“You have five minutes, speak.” Morgan said and she her folded arms across her chest

“What is he still doing here? What’s happening to us Morgan? A little mistake and that’s it? Please, you know how I feel about you, is it that you never really had feelings for me?”

“Call me Morgan, not Morgs. I do not trust you anymore Flynn, you have been lying to me for some time and like I told you I’m not putting up with that. I did have feelings for you but as far as I remember apparently your feelings were stagnated because you did not see me very far in your future. What happened with Merlisa says a lot.”

“That have changed, I’m miserable without you Morgan. Please reconsider.”

“Here what, you are wasting your time Flynn ok. There is no longer an ‘us’, I have moved on and I will appreciate it if you leave me alone. I am not dealing with this. Go away. You know where I stand, I have forgiven you but you need to move on ok. Just go.”

“But Morgan you can’t just stop loving me just like that. We can sort this out”

“Go Flynn, it’s over, just go. I don’t want to see you anymore.” She attempted to close the door but he held it open

“You heard her, now leave.” Filipe said, coming up behind Morgan.

“This is not over, and you need to mind your business white boy. You feel you get a little taste of her and you won the prize? She loves me not you, you’re just a passing fantasy to her.”

Filipe grabbed him by his collar and Flynn attempted to strike him but was pushed back onto the wall. The little scuffle brought the security guard running towards them.

“What’s the problem here?” Ronald said as he parted the guys.

“How do you…” Morgan began

“We saw him on the cameras and was watching to see what he was up to. Every night for the past few days he came here and slipped something under your door Miss. We have been tracking his movement ever since he came in a while ago.”

“Yes, I got them” Morgan said. “Flynn, you are no longer welcome here. Do not come near my home again.” She said as she glared angrily at him.

“You heard the lady, come on, let’s go.” Ronald then tapped him on the shoulder and walked out behind him. Flynn looked at them with fire in his eyes, then turned and walked into the elevator. “I will call you babe,” he said smiling.

Morgan and Filipe went back into her apartment, Filipe closed the door.

“I am not comfortable leaving you alone here Morgan, I think you should stay at my place for a while.”

“He won’t be back, the security are keeping a lookout for him.”

“I don’t trust him and neither should you, are you coming willingly or do I have to pick you up and carry you?”

“Filipe, he won’t be back. I’m ok.”

Filipe then took her over his shoulder, turned around and walked out the door. When the elevator stopped, two ladies stepped aside and watched them curiously but Filipe didn’t blink. Meanwhile Morgan was fuming but she kept quiet as she did not want to make a scene. The elevator took them to his penthouse, he unlocked the door and placed her on her feet before him.

“How do you feel now that you have shown my ass to half the building Filipe? I said I am fine, I am not staying with you I have to get my clothes together for work. I have things to do, you are making me mad.”

“It was two ladies not the whole building. That guy is a threat and I will not have him bothering you Morgan. He need to get it into his head that you’re no longer into him, don’t worry about your things, I will get them just let me know what you need.”

“You are unbelievable!” She said and moved to pass by him. He grabbed her and took her upstairs, dropping her on a bed.

“Wow, Filipe, you made it into another bedroom, this is cool.” Morgan ran her hands on the comforter and was admiring the softness under her hands. Filipe stood looking at her, she realized he wasn’t smiling.

“Filipe come on, this is crazy. I have to go back, why don’t you come and stay with me for a few days?”

“He doesn’t know I live here, if your apartment is empty he will not be able to bother you Morgan. He can Skype, call, Facebook chat, you name it. You need to dismiss him totally.”

“Yea, but that’s for a while what happens next huh?”

“If he thinks you’ve moved in with me he will leave you alone.”

Morgan sighed loudly and patted the bed for Filipe to sit next to her. He sat down with his elbows in his knees and his face in his hands. He dropped his hands and looked across at her when he realized she was quiet.

“What’s really going on with you Filipe?”

Filipe laid back on the bed. “I love you Morgan, I realize that may not mean a whole lot to you as yet but I do love you. I know we have only known each other for a few short months but to me it’s enough time to realize that you mean so much to me. It may sound selfish but I want you for myself. I want to be your man, your lover, your companion, your best friend. I want to share your life and for you to share mine, to face the struggles we may face together, to explore each other and our world together. I want to be the ending to your beginning and the person in your life who you can’t do without. I truly love you and it irks me to think that you could be in danger because of Flynn. I see him as a threat.”

“He is not dangerous Filipe, I can handle him”

“You don’t get it do you? Love can do strange things to a person. Did you hear him say he will call you?”

“Yes, but I blocked his number.”

“How hard is it for him to use another phone to call you?”

She didn’t answer, instead she dropped herself back on the bed beside him.

“Ok, what if I stay for a few days?”

“I want you to stay forever.”

“Filipe, I have a life to live.”

“Maybe I need to take you away from this life, give you a new one.”

‘You are making me angry now. I feel as if you are not listening to me.”

She got up slowly then made a dash for the door, but Filipe was expecting it so he grabbed her. He picked her up around her waist and took her back to the bed.

“I will tie you down if I have to you know.”

“You would not!”

“Are you daring me Morgan?”

“Are you crazy?” she shouted

Filipe then pushed her onto the bed and sat astride her. He then held her hands and placed what appeared to be some type of handcuff on her. When he did the same with her next hand, then she realized it was already attached to the bed.

“Filipe, what is this? You can’t do this, let me go.”

“You need to stay there for a bit and think Morgan. That guy is after you and you’re not seeing the danger in it.”

“You cuffed me to a bed Filipe, right now you are more of a danger than he is.”

Filipe gasped, “You really believe that?”

“Yes!” she shouted

Filipe turned and walked out of the room.

“Filipe come back here! I’m sorry ok!” Morgan shouted, but he did not return.






Chapter Twenty Six


Morgan laid there for what seems like more than an hour. Meanwhile she looked at the décor in the room, it was cozy, elegant and beautifully done, Kudos to Petra she has a flair for style. The comforter was beautiful and soft, it displayed a waterfall from a mountain and looked almost real with the water cascading down the bed. She wondered what Filipe was up to, did he actually tie her to the bed left her here, and is it some sort of game? She pulled on the cuffs and realized although it held her wrist firmly it was stretchable and she can sit down, but remain bounded to the bed rail. She tried to stand but couldn’t, it didn’t stretch that far.

“Filipe!” she shouted, no answer

“Filipe, ok I’ll stay!” she shouted again, still no answer.

She was still wearing an oversized t shirt with no slippers. She had no phone, nothing on her but the t shirt and her underwear actually. This can’t be happening, she thought. The longer she sat the angrier she became. When she couldn’t stand it anymore she began to cry. She thought of screaming but remembered he had told her the penthouses are sound proof. Exhausted from crying she laid back on the bed and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, since he left her, Filipe went back to her apartment and packed her some bags. He packed clothes and cosmetics, he took a little of everything from each drawer, slippers and her cell phone. He turned off her gas and turned off her lights as he passed through. Took her laptop and checked the messages recorded on her house phone. As he expected, there were three messages from Flynn, in anger he ripped the telephone cord out from the wall. He then took everything upstairs and placed the stuff in the bedroom next to his. The apartment was silent with only his footsteps sounding on the floor where it lacked carpeting. He silently walked up the steps, opened the door and watched her as she slept. He approached the bed and looked closely at her breathing because he realized that her chest was slightly heaving as if she was crying. When he saw the tear stained cheeks he started to panic. What have I done?

When he sat on the bed and she stirred slightly, he touched her face lightly with his fingers and she stirred again.

“Morgan” he whispered, and her eyes fluttered open. She looked at him in the eyes and then looked around the room. When she remembered where she was she sat upright.

“How can you do this to me Filipe, what is your plans are you into kidnapping now?” he realized that she was still angry.

“I’m sorry Morgan, but I had to make you realize how unsafe it is on your own as long as Flynn still has you in mind.”

“So you kidnap me and tie me to the bed?”

“I did not kidnap you.”

“I don’t remember coming willingly,” she was starting to shout again.

“If I take them off, will you stay? Please?” he looked at her angrily but inside his heart was breaking. She did not answer, instead she turned away, laid back and folded her arms as her eyes filled with water. Filipe then took her left hand and unclasped the cuff. She just dropped her hands on the bed, still not responding to him, her head resting on the bed rail. He then reached over and unclasped the right hand, then went towards the door and held it open and just stood there. Morgan looked up at him then and was surprised to see his blue eyes swimming in unshed tears. She dropped her eyes and her own started filling up again.

“Are you hurt?” he then asked her so soft she hardly heard what he said.

“Not physically, no”

“Ok, you can leave if you want to, I’m very sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, I just don’t want to lose you.”

“I told you I can handle Flynn, why won’t you believe me?”

“Ok, you handle him in your way, I’m sorry, I hope you can forgive me.” He then left her and returned downstairs.

Filipe went into his room, emotions churning in his head, he can feel the anxiety building inside his chest. He walked into the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water and closed his eyes for a few minutes trying to collect himself. What have I done? He asked his reflection, he felt as if he had just destroyed what he was building with Morgan and it hurt deeply. On returning to his bedroom he was surprised to see her sitting on his bed. She looked at him as he approached, he went down on his knees before her and rested his head on her lap. His hands around her, he fought the tears and emotions burning inside him. She put her hands on his head and ran her fingers through his hair.

“You didn’t leave.” He said, his voice filled with emotion.

‘No, I didn’t leave” she replied, still playing with his hair

“Do you forgive me ma Cherie?”

He felt her shrug but she said nothing, he buried his face deeper into her lap and tightened his arms around her.


“Please, Ma Cherie, I will do anything for you, understand that I just want you to be safe, and I must admit that I am selfish when it comes to you, I want you all to myself.” He said barely above a whisper.

“Filipe, do you trust me?”

“Yes I do ma Cherie”

“Then let me handle Flynn on my own.”

“Ok, is it so wrong to want to protect you?”

“No it isn’t, you scared me though.”

He raised up on his knees and came almost face to face with her, “I will never do it again. I trust you, completely honey, it’s him I don’t trust.”

“I know, ok if it makes you comfortable and at peace I will stay for a while. But you get to explain it to my mom when she calls.” She finally smiled and he felt the burden in his chest lifting away.

“It’s ok, I wormed my way into Dawn’s heart when we had dinner, and she will excuse anything I do as long as I keep you safe.” They both laughed.

“I went for some of your things, but you may need to go for more.” He said to her, kissing her hands.

“You did?”

“Yes, when I returned I just saw you sleeping, I didn’t realize you took me seriously. I didn’t mean to make you cry Ma Cherie.”

“You made me so angry.”

“Will a kiss erase the pain and bring your forgiveness?”

“Yes it will… always.”

He kissed her, tenderly for a moment, then she broke the kiss.

“Tell me something, why are there handcuffs on that bed?”

“Oh that’s for when we want to get a little kinky my sweet.”

Morgan jaw dropped, then she laughed out, “Are you serious?”

“Yes I am, you don’t know all of me as yet, I can take you to places sexually you have never been Morgan.” He looked at her with a glint of mischief in his blue eyes.

She stared at him in shock. “Did you watch that movie Fifty Shades then?” she asked

“Never did, but I heard about it and did some research of my own.” He replied

“Hmm” she said

“Filipe, do you really love me and want forever with me?”

“Ma Cherie, I want now, I want forever, I want ever after, I want it all with you, and yes I really love you and have been in love with you for quite some time. I didn’t want to say anything because I didn’t want you to feel as if I was rushing you. I love you Morgan Andersen and I want you to be mine, forever.”

“I want forever with you too, and I love you Filipe. Well besides what you pulled tonight here you are everything I want in a man, in a lover in a friend. Sometimes I wonder if I will be waking up from a dream because you are like a dream coming true.”

He stood up and pulled her to stand with him. “Do you mean that Morgan?”

“Every word,” she whispered

“So can we officially tell the world that we’re a couple?”

“Um, I guess we can, who do you want to tell?”

“I want to tell the world.” He replied, “I want you really bad right now” he whispered as he covered her lips with his own. She grabbed onto him and pulled her legs up around his waist as he they sunk back onto the bed. She didn’t have much clothes to remove so soon she was naked, waiting for him to remove the t shirt and jeans he wore. He gazed fixedly into her eyes, ignoring the way she was breathing and the rise and fall of her chest as her breath became raspy.

“Hurry up Filipe, I’m dying here” Morgan reached out to grab him when she realized he was purposefully removing his clothes slowly. Filipe came down onto her and began kissing her nipples. Soon they were making sweet, breathless love, two hearts, two bodies, and two souls which were meant for each other joining as one.



Author: Annecia Ellies


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.06.2017

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