

11 years later Isacs p.o.v-

Um Isac where are you going?My mother asked as i tried to walk out the front door.Im going to go hang out with Levi and Mitch.I sed.Okay ill drive you.She smiled.Mom im 16 and i have my own car.I laughed.Oh yeah right.My little boys growing up.She sed giving me a big hug.Mom....I whined.Oh sorry.She sed letting me go.I kissed her cheek goodbye and drove to their house.Levi and Mitch are my best friends and cousins.My mom and their dad are brother and sister.Levi is older than Mitch by two years.Mitch is my age which makes Levi 18.I love them.Their like my brothers not my cousins.When i was younger i was closer to Levi.He tuaght me everything i know.He also taught Mitch too.He taught us about sex and the secret to being a great kisser.Long story short he taught us how to be a player.Yes i know your probably thinking im an asshole but im not that big of an asshole.Before i get down and dirty with them or even before i get to know them i tell them im not a relationship kind of guy.Unlike Mitch and Levi.They just meet a bitch and fuck her then move on.Now thats rude.At least i warn them.And yes in case you all were wondering im not a virgin anymore.I was devirginized when i was 13.I know its horrible...But dont worry i always use pretection.I honestly dont know why girls fall for me.I think its because of my piercing green eyes.Or maybe my chocolate brown hair.I dont know...I walked in their house striaght to their man cave.They were playing video games.Hey guys.Mitch nodded not taking his eyes off the tv.Sup.Levi sed quickly not looking at me.What the fuck!!!Where the hell were you Mitch!!Levi yelled when they died.I was right____Just shut up....Levi sed turning his attention to me.So theres a party at my friends house you in?He asked me.I shook my head.Why the fuck not?He asked confused.Cause im going to dinner with my mom at my older sisters.I groaned.Oh im sorry.Levi laughed.Me too.I sed.We played video games untill i had to go.I drove home and went straight to my room.I kicked off my shoes and turned on the tv.There was a knock on my door and my mother appeared.Isac what are you doing get up and get your shoes on.We are late.She sed.I ignored her.She turned off the tv.What the hell!!I yelled.Get up now!She sed starting to raise her voice.I rolled my eyes.Isac please dont start.She sed.Start what???I yelled.Just get up and put your shoes on.She sed and walked out of my room.I picked up something glass and threw it at the wall.It shattered.Did i mention i have anger issues.I put on my shoes and walked slowly down the stairs.When we got there my mom told me to be nice to my sister.truth is i hate my sister....I have my reasons.Sage opened up the door with a grin.Oh great you guys are here.Come in.He sed motioning for us to come in.We stepped in.My sister was walking to us.She hugged my mom and turned to me.She smiled.Hi Isac!She sed holding her arms out for a hug.I did a fake smile and walked away from them.Her face dropped and i could hear them whispering.I walked to the bathroom.Yeah they live in the same place like me.I looked at myself in the mirror.I ran a hand through my chocolate brown hair.I walked out and saw a pink and black room.It must be Hollys room.Holly is my real niece.Shes from my sister.Then i saw a picture frame of me and Addy.In the frame i was swinging Addy around.We must have been 13 and 12.I picked it up to look at it closer.What are you doing?Addy asked.I jumped at the sound of her voice and dropped the picture frame.It shattered on the ground.Oh my god im so sorry...I can fix this.I sed embarressed as i picked the glass up.I heard her laugh.I looked up at her.Why are you laughing?I smiled.Cause your funny...She giggled walking over to me.I stood up.Here its fine.She sed taking it from my hand and putting it in her dresser.Addy what happened to us.I blurtted out.Well we grew up and found different people.She sed turning to face me.Oh right....I whispered.Well it doesnt have to be that way.I sed.Well thats the way its been for the past four years Isac.She sed sitting on her bed.Well we can change that.I mean if you would like to.I sed.Id like that.She smiled.Like i can make time for you and you can make time for me.I sed excitedly.Isac i already sed yes.She laughed.Oh right.I blushed.Awhhh Isac still blushes with that same goofy smile.She sed walking over to me.It only made me blush more.She smiled and poked my cheeks.Stop....I whined.She giggled and kept doing it.Stop or i will tickle you until you piss your pants.I sed.You wouldnt dare.She urged.I smerked.Test me.I chuckled.She poked me again.Before she could run i grabbed her around the waist and swung her around.I put her on the bed and tickled her.She was laughing so hard she couldnt even talk.Isac dont......Stop....She laughed.Oh dont stop okay.I smiled and tickled her more.Suddently her door swung open.Get off my duaghter!!!Her dad yelled.I stopped tickling her and we both looked at him.I got off her and she got up.Daddy its not what you think!!!He was just tickling me!!!She said.Yeah sir.I said trying to make it better.You shut up!!!I want you out of this house!!!He yelled before my sister Abby came in followed by my mom and Holly.Sage stop it!!!She yelled.You know about this?!?!He asked her furious.Yes but you have it all wrong Sage!!!!She yelled.What do i have wrong Abby?!?!?Clearly he was trying to have sex with our daughter!!!He yelled.Abby told Holly to leave the room with my mom.Sage i think you are being so retarded right now!!!They were not haveing sex!!!He was tickling her!!!She yelled.It didnt look like it!!He yelled.Well it was nice talking to you Addy but i have to go.I said giving her a fast hug.I walked out of the room and out to the car.


Addy's p.o.v.

My mom walked out of the room angry at my dad for his behavoir.I glared at him.What?He asked irratated.Really dad??Isac really??I whispered about to cry.Im sorry Addy.Your my little girl...I just___He sed before i cut him off throwing my hand up.Im so tired of this shit!!!I yelled.He looked at me shocked that i cussed at him.That i even cussed at all.I walked out of my room.Addison!!!I heard my dad yell.I ran down the hall as tears ran down my cheeks.I ran past my mom.Addy honey.She called but i ignored her.I ran out the door and just ran down the street.I ran to the park and sat on a swing.I cried until i couldnt cry anymore.I wipped my tears and started my journey to Isacs house.

Isac's p.o.v.

 Thats all i was doing was tickling her.I sed to my mom.I know honey but when you come in on someone ontop off their daughter and moving it kinda gives off bad signals.She sed.I wasnt haveing sex with her.If i was going to have sex with her i wouldnt do it in the same house as her parents.I sed.She slapped my arm.What!!!I yelled.Isac i dont want to hear those kinds of things out of your mouth!!She yelled.What does it matter??I have sex all the time.I glared.Isac!!!She yelled.Look mom im not going to be quiet okay.Im sorry that i didnt turn out the way you wanted me to.Im sorry that i do drugs and have sex.I sed.Isac thats enough!!She yelled.Stop trying to sweep it under the carpet!!!You already know i do these things and i wont change!!!I will do what i want you got that!!I yelled.She nodded as a tear fell from her eye.I slammed her car door and went to my room.I ran a hand through my hair and turned out my lights.I locked my door and layed on my bed.I heard a knock on my door.Go away.I called.They knocked again.I got up and opened my door.I sed go away!!I yelled.I was expecting my mother but it was Addy.Oh sorry.I sed letting her in.Why are you here?I asked.Wow that was rude.She smiled.Oh sorry i mean wouldnt your dad be mad if you were over here?I asked.Actually.....She sed twirling a piece of her hair.He doesnt know your here.I sed.She shook her head with her eyes down.And i have a felling you ran away and you snook in from the back door...I sed.How did you know?She asked sitting on my bed.Addy ive known you for years..I sed walking over to her.Her head was down.I picked her head up with my finger.And youve been crying.I sed.She smiled and then began to cry again.I sat next to her and hugged her.I played with her hair as she cried.She told me how her dad was to protective over her.It wasnt the first time he had done that to her.He does it all the time.She told me.She soon fell asleep and i cuddled her and fell asleep too.I woke up to whispers.I sat up and Addy woke up.She sighed and put her shoes on.Where you going?I asked.Its my mom.I got to go.She sed.I nodded and got up to.I hugged her tight and walked her out.Oh great your awake.Abby sed.Addy nodded.Your fathers waiting outside.We should get going.She told Addy.Addy nodded.Ill walk you out.I sed.She nodded.Her dad was waiting by the car.He saw me and glared.Thank you for taking care of her.He mummbled.I nodded in surprise.He stepped closer to me.If i hear you touched her in anyway im coming after you.He whispered.Bring it papa..I smerked.He grabbed me and slammed me against the car hood.I pushed him off and was about to hit him but Addy went infront of me.Isac...Its okay hes not worth it.She sed.I looked down at her.I had this urge to kiss her but i didnt want to.I knew it would only be because her dad was there.She hugged me.I hugged her back.Sage stop!!!!Abby yelled.What the kids being a punk!!!He yelled.That kid is my brother!!!You cant hit him!!She yelled.I kissed Addys cheek and walked inside.Isac why didnt you tell me she was here!!!Her parents were worried!!My mom yelled.Dont start...I groaned.Dont start???What the hell were you guys doing in there all cuddled up together.She yelled.I wipped around and she jumped back.You know what why were you even in my room??!!I asked.I....She stuttered.Didnt i tell you not to go in my room!!!Its my space!!!I yelled.Im sorry.She stuttered.Im leaving.I sed grabbing my car keys.When will you be back?She asked.When i want to.I sed coldly.I got in my car and drove to my cousins house.


 Addy's p.o.v.

I walked inside and went to my room.I heard my mom and my dad aguring.He wanted to come in here and yell at me but my mom stopped him.I was laying under my blankets when my mom came in.She sat on the edge of my bed.Are you here to yell at me too.I asked.No.Im here to talk.She said.I sat up.We didnt have sex.We are just friends.I said.Oh honey i know.Im not acusing you.She sed.I let out a sigh of relief.Addy you know what type of person Isac is...I mean you go to school with him.She laughed.I cracked a smile.Okay well back to the point my brother Isac is going through some tough times right now.It comes along with the age.She sed.Isacs not going to hurt me.I sed.She sighed.Addy honey....Isac will hurt anything that has female parts.She sed.Maybe other girls but not me.Anyways we will always be best friends.I sed.She sighed.Why are you even telling me this imean you dont even know him anymore...He hates you.You left him..He told me everything.I blurrted out.Her eyes filled with tears.Oh my god im sorry.I sed.No its fine.She whispered and walked out of my room.I feel like shit now.

Isac's p.o.v.

 I spent the night at my cousins house.I know there was school in the morning but i didnt want to be at my home.I told Levi everything.I drove them to school too.I went to my locker and put my books up.A blonde girl came up to me.Hey remember me.Im chealse.She sed.Oh yeah we fucked last week.I sed.We did?She asked.Yeah we did and i would really like to do it again.I whispered in her ear.She smiled and i kissed her hard.She then walked away as she blushed.Nice one bro.Levi sed putting his hand on my shoulder.I nodded with a smerk.I closed my locker and there she was.....Addy...

Addy's p.o.v.

 I walked through the school doors and there my friends were waiting for me.Oh my god Addy are you okay!!!??I heard you ran away!!Chealse cried.She gave me a big hug.Yeah im fine.I fake smiled.Thank god...She sed before turning to talk to someone else.I saw my other friend Riley roll her eyes and i laughed.She came over to me and gave me a hug.So you actually ran away this time.She sed.I nodded.To where?She asked.I was about to answer her but i saw him...Isac...I sed under my breath.She turned around and then turned back to me.Omg you ran away to Isacs house?She whisper yelled.I have to go talk to him.We can talk about this at lunch?I asked.She nodded and i made my way towards him.He gave me a hug.I smiled.Are you okay?He asked.I nodded.You sure?He asked holding my face in his hands.I nodded.Awww well would you look at that...Best friends back together.Levi sed.I smiled as he held his arms out to hug me.I gave him a hug and then gave Mitch a hug.These were my child hood friends.If i was going to be best friends with Isac of course i would know his cousins.Im so glad you are talking to Isac.Mitch breathed.I looked at him confused.He will not stop talking about you.He laughed.I laughed looking at Isac.Isac glared at Mitch.Its fine.I talk about you too.I laughed.He blushed with that goofy smile.Hey.Chealse sed with a fake smile on.Hey.Isac breathed.So um are we still on for you know...She sed twirling a piece of he blonde hair.I rolled my eyes.Isac nodded and she kissed him.I watched as he wrapped his arms around her waist.After she was done she smiled at me.I knew the only reason she came over here was to show me she had something with him.Like i would want my best friend...Yeah right....Well we have to go Levi sed.I nodded.Mitch and levi left.I turned to leave but Isac brought me back.So i was thinking we should hangout like old times.He sed.I nodded.If my dad doesnt kill you.I laughed as he walked me to class.I aint worried about your dad.He chuckled.Your not?I asked.Addy im really not afraid of anybody.He sed.Besides your dad only wants to kill me because he thinks im trying to have sex with you.He laughed.I fake laughed.Here you are.He sed as we stopped at my classroom.I hugged him goodbye.I cut the hug short when i felt his hands go lower down my back.He smiled and i went in my classroom.

Isac's p.o.v.

She hugged me goodbye.My hands went lower and lower down her back then she cut it short.I smiled to play it off.When she was gone i kicked the locker.I can tell i freaked her out.I didnt mean to do that with my hands...They just have a mind of their own.I walked to my class.I told Levi about what had happened.Dude boby parts do not have a mind of their own.Your hands do not do something unless you want them to.He sed.What are you saying....That i made my hands try to touch her ass?I asked.He nodded.Think about it.He sed then turned to talk to a girl.Could that be true.Could i be haveing different thoughts about Addy...My best friend....


Isac's p.o.v.

After school-I went home to my room.The thought wouldnt leave me alone.I didnt know why i was having these thoughts.I layed in my bed thinking about Addy.Her perfect shiny black hair..Her blue eyes.I cant be in love.Love doesnt exist.Im not in love with Addy.Im not in love with Addy.I sed this line over and over in my head.There was a knock on my door interrupting my thoughts.I opened my door and to my surprise it was Addy.Addy..I sed.Hi Isac.She sed.I invited her in.Had did you get in?I asked.Back door.She sed plopping down on my bed.So what brings you here?I asked looking at the clock.I thought we could hang out like old times.She smiled.Well that really sounds great Addy but i have a date tonight.I sed.Her face dropped.You mean you have a fuck tonight.She glared.I smiled at her cute angry face.Why are you smiling?She asked angerly.Your cute when your mad.I chuckled.She blushed and then glared.Your jealous.I smerked.I am not!She yelled.If you werent you wouldnt get all red about it.I smerked.She looked away from me.Come on let me give you a ride home.I smiled.She stormed past me.I grabbed my jacket and laughed.She was mad at me.She was looking out the car window and she didnt talk to me.I haerd her teeth chattering.Are you cold.I asked breaking the silence.She shook her head.I gave her my jacket as i drove.I sed i wasnt cold.She sed coldly.Addy you were chattering your teeth.I sed.Doesnt mean i was cold.She sed irratated.Are we fighting?I asked.She didnt say anything.I guess thats a yes.I sed.No.She sed.I pulled up to her house.She got out not even saying goodbye.I got out to.I couldnt leave her mad at me.I grabbed her.Let go!!!She yelled.Shh your dads going to hear you.I sed.I thought you wont afraid of my dad.She sed struggleing to get away.I let her go.Addy whats wrong?I asked.Nothing...Can i go inside now..She groaned.No not until you tell me whats wrong.I sed.She just stood there with a glare on her face.Ohhhhh!!!I know what this is about.I sed with a smile.What.She she sed with an attitude.Your jealous about me kissing Chealse.I smerked.Am not!!!!She yelled.Will you please be quiet.I sed.Why should i...She sed...Addy if you want a kiss i will give you one...Its not that big of a deal.I sed.No i dont want a kiss from you..She whisper yelled.Yes you do.I sed poking her cheek.I do not...Besides you suck at kissing.She sed with a smerk.I let out a big laugh.Addy that was like 6 years ago.I laughed.So i bet you still suck.She glared.Well if you let me kiss you maybe i could change your mind.I sed walking towards her.She backed up against the hood of my car.Addy i am a very good kisser now.I sed.Get away from me.She whispered.Whats wrong afraid that your statement isnt true.I whispered.I leaned closer to her making her lay her back on my car hood.I was praticaly laying on her.We were chest to chest.No.She stuttered.I think your afriad to kiss someone.I sed with a smile.She glared and tried to push me off of her but i wouldnt budge.Im the only guy youve kissed before.I bet your still a virgin.I sed.Oh stop it already Isac!!!She yelled shoveing me off of her.I looked at her shocked.You dont need to dig any further okay.Know you know my secret congradulations.She sed before walking up her driveway.Addy i sed before grabbing her back.Leave me alone.She sed.I forced her back into the postion we were in and held her hands down.I kissed her roughly.I was going to kiss her softly but she was trying to get away.She calmed down as i kept kissing her.I looked at her and she looked at me.Im sorry okay.I didnt mean to get in your biusness.I sed.Its fine.Im sorry for being so snotty.She sed.Its fine.I mean hey you got your kiss.Now your even.I laughed.She giggled.I hugged her goodbye and waited until she got inside.I then went home and texted Chealse.Im really sorry for tonight.I had a little situation.I texted.Its fine.We all have situations right.She texted back.Yeah.I texted.I took off my shoes and got in my bed.I fell asleep thinking about that kiss i gave Addy.

Addy's p.o.v.

I walked in a daze.That kiss.Isac kissed me.It was kinda weird kissing my best friend...I liked it though.He was right hes a great kisser.I walked to my room with a big smile on my face.I didnt even say anything to my parents or my sister Holly.I sat on my bed with a smile.Thinking about the way he grabbed me and pined me like that.My mom stepped in and sat infront of me.Whose jacket?She asked.Chealses.I lied getting under my covers.She nodded and walked to the door.She turned off my light.Addy i wish you wouldnt lie to me.She said before leaving.Shit i thought to myself.I fell asleep.



Isac's p.o.v.

Isac!!!!!!I heard faintly.I woke up to a hit in the face with a pillow.What the fuck!!!I yelled at my sister.Isac what the hell were you doing with Addy last night?She asked.I was just dropping her off.I mummbled before tuning over in my bed.Why was she wearing your jacket?She asked.I ignored her.Oh no you didnt....Hell no!!!I yelled.Thank god.she breathed.I would never do that to Addy.Im not going to have sex with her okay.I sed.Isac you better not hurt her.She sed.Get out.I groaned.Fine i will go but keep your hands off of her.She sed.With that she left and i went back to sleep.

Addy's p.o.v.

The next day i told Riley about the kiss and how Isac has been advoiding me.Maybe he felt something too and got scared...She shrugged.Wait too???I asked.Addy i know you like him.You cant lie to me.Im your bestfriend.She sed.I smiled and nodded.I continued talking to her when someone pulled me away.They brought me into one of the janitor closets.I turned around and was face to face with Isac.Did you tell my sister about last night?He asked angerly.So now you decide to talk to me..I sed with a fake laugh.Addy im serious...Did you.He asked.I shook my head.He let out a sigh of relief.Why arent you talking to me though?I asked.His eyes got big and he tried to walk away from me.I pulled him back and he kissed me again.This time kissing me softly.I looked at him shocked and he walked out.I stood there  and then walked out to find him but he was gone.He left me confused.

Isac's p.o.v.

I had to set things straight to Addy.She needs to understand why i cant be her friend.I drove to her house.I really didnt care right now if her dad was there or not.I was going crazy.I knocked on the front door.It opened and it was her.I walked right in grabbing her hand and bringing her to her room.Isac whats wrong?Whats going on?She asked as i closed and locked her door.Addy i need to tell you some things.I sed.She nodded and sat down.Okay i cant be your friend anymore Addy!!I blurrted out.Why?She asked with her eyes filling up with tears.Its not you Addy...God thats a lie it is you.I mean its me.Your to damn beautiful.I cant do this.It was so much easier to be your friend when we were younger because i wasnt interested in girls like that.I mean i was when i was 13 but that doesnt really matter.Im sexually active Addy.I just want to fuck fuck fuck.Your a girl and your fully developed.You make my hormones go crazy.Like right now i want to kiss you...No fuck that i want to fuck you.What im trying to say is i want you really bad but i cant do that to you Addy.I wont.I sed really fast.She got up and came to me.

Addy's p.o.v.

He was breathing really hard and sweating like he was dieing for air.I walked over to him.Isac you need to calm down.I sed sweetly.I cant Addy.I have to go.He sed trying to walk away.I put my hands on his neck.He just stared at me.I then kissed him.He kissed back and then pushed me away.Addy no..I cant do this to you.He sed.Isac its fine.Im asking for it.I sed.He shook his head.My parents arent home and Holly is at a friends house.I sed rubbing his chest.Stop Addy....He sed with a really worried face.Fine...Its either we do this to get it over with so we can be friends again or we just dont be friends at all.I sed backing away from him.Addy you dont get it do you he began but i cut him off.It doesnt matter anyways cause you just hit it and quite it.I blurrted out.Thats not true.He sed getting mad.If its not true then kiss me.I sed.No.He sed.Then its true.I sed walking away.He grabbed me and kissed me softly.I ran my hands through his hair.He then pushed me away and went to my bed.Addy stop.He sed as i walked towards him.I sat next to him.Isac lets just get it over with.I whispered.We sat there in silence for a while.I kissed him again.He bit my lip.He made me lay down and got ontop of me without breaking the kiss.I admit i was a little scared when he put his tounge in my mouth and started grinding on me.He bite my neck.You scared?He asked in a whispered.I shook my head but really i was dieing inside.He let out a sigh and got off of me.Whats wrong?I asked.Your scared Addy.Thats what im talking about im not going to take it from you if your not ready.He sed.Im ready.I sed.No your not and even if you are i dont want to do that to you.He sed.We heard a car door.I have to go.He sed walking to my door.I grabbed him back by his hand.I pulled him into a kiss.Addy your parents.He mummbled between kisses.The doors locked remember.I sed with a smerk.I pulled him closer by his jacket.He fell ontop of me onto the bed.We laughed and he kissed me.I heard the rattle of keys but i didnt stop.The door opened and closed really fast.It was my mom...She grabbed Isac by his jacket and pulled him up.You wouldnt do this to her my ass.She sed and dragged him out my door.Fuck....Im so dead...I thought to myself.Shortly after i got a text from her saying pretend your asleep your dads coming.I ran to my bed and got under the covers.As i closed my eyes he walked in.Just in time.He came over and stroked and kissed my forehead.Then he left.I went to my phone again.Another text.Dont think we wont discuss this when your dad is at work cause we will.Sent from mom.I rolled over and tried to get some sleep.



I woke up to my dad calling my name.I sat up and saw his face.It was a look of panic.Dad whats wrong?I asked concerned.Addy....Theres been an accedent...He stuttered.My eyes got wide.Dad what happened.I asked squeezing his hand.Its Isac...Hes been in a car acceident...He said slowly.My grip on his hand loosened...I felt my heart stop.Tears flooded my eyes.Please no....Just...Tell me...Hes not dead...He cant be.I cried as my dad held me.Hes not dead Addy..They shocked him back to life.He whispered.Then what are we doing here??Lets go see him.I cried trying to get up.Addy honey hes in bad condition...I think it would be better if you saw him tomorrow..My dad sed softly.No!!!I want to see him now!!!I yelled.Addy i will take you in the morning.I promise.He sed.No!!!I screammed while crying.I ran away from him and locked myself in the bathroom.I hugged my nieghs to my chest.



Addy's p.o.v.

The next morning i woke up on the bathroom floor.I got up and washed my face.My eyes were crusty from all the tears.There was a soft knock at the door.Addy honey did you still want to go to the hospital?My dad asked.Yeah just give me a moment.I called.I heard his footsteps get farther and further away.I went to the restroom and came out.Oh Addy how are you?My dad asked flying to my side.Im fine i just want to go to the hospital.I sed.He nodded and we left.They told me what room he was in and i didnt even wait for my dad...I just took off running.I got there out of breath....There he was perfect.He didnt even look like he got into a car accident.I rushed to his side ignoring the fact that my mother was on the other side sleeping.I grabbed his hand tight.I wanted to talk to him.I wanted to see his piercing green eyes again.His smile...I wanted to hear his laugh more then anything in the world.Hes so perfect right...I heard Lorie my grandmother say from the doorway.Lorie was Isacs and Abbys mother.I looked at her.Like as if it never happened.She whispered.I nodded.I walked over to her as her eyes filled with tears.I gave her a hug.Its going to be okay grandma.Hes gunna be fine.I whispered as she sobbed.Oh im sorry baby for getting tears on you.She half smiled.Its fine.I smiled.Anyway how are you?She asked.Im not doing any better then you are.I sed.She gave me a hug.Oh Abby your up.She sed.I turned to face my mother or step mother either one.Yeah...She sed softly.Hun why dont you come with me to go get some food.Isac will be fine with Addy.She sed.Abby nodded.My grandma left the room.Oh and Addy we arent going to talk about last night.Your off the hook.She sed.I nodded.She left the room.I held Isacs hand again.Then suddently he squeezed my hand and mummbled my name.Isac?I sed trying to get him to open his eyes.He slowly opened his eyes halfway.He smiled halfway and sed hi.I laughed and sed hi back.I started crying cause he was awake.Why are you crying???He asked.Dont cry.He sed stroking my cheek.Im crying cause im happy your awake.I sed wipping my tears.I called for a nurse and she came in right away.I ran to get my grandma,my mom,and my dad.They ran back with me.The nurse wanted to talk to my grandma and of course Abby wanted to know what was going on with her brother.My dad went also.I sat on the side of the bed.How you feeling?I asked.Uh good...I think...I mean ive never had stitches before so...He sed.I giggled.Dont worry you will get those out soon enough.I sed.I better or i cant have sex anymore.He smerked.Dont worry Isac youll get them out in like a week or so and then you can have sex with as many girls as you want.I laughed.Thank god.He sed sarcasticly.I laughed.So how long do i have to stay here.Im bored.He sed moving his toes while looking at them.Ill ask.I sed getting up.I walked over to my mom.So whats going on?Are we taking him tonight or what?I asked.Uh he has to stay here for one more night just to make sure hes good to go.She sed.Can i stay with him!!!I asked excited.How did i know you were going to say that.She sed.Well?I asked.Addy i dont know...She sighed.Oh come on please.I begged.Your dad would never allow it.She sed.Thats why your going to talk to him.I sed with a smile.Her eyes got wide and before she could say anything i walked away.Okay theres good news and bad news.I sed.Okay give me the bad news first.He nodded.Okay bad news is you have to stay here for one more night.I sed with a sad face.Oh man are you serious!!!I have neck cramp from sleeping on this bed!!He whined.I know..Do you want to hear the good news?I asked.Sure im gunna need something to make me kinda happy.He sed.I nodded.Im trying to stay here with you tonight.I smiled.He grined.Thats awesome.He sed.I nodded.I watched tv with Isac for about a couple of hours.My dad came in to say goodbye.He had to go pick up Holly from school.My mother went with him cause she hasnt seen Holly in a day.We both waved at him.After he left Isac shook his head.What?I asked.You know hes never going to let you stay.He smerked.Dont say that.I sed.What its the truth...He sed changing the channel.Thats why i have a plan b if plan a doesnt work out.I smiled.He looked at me.Plan b?He asked.Youll see if plan a doesnt work.I winked.He rolled his eyes playfully.Later on that night my parents came back to pick me up.I heard them arguing  outside Isacs room.Shit.I whispered.What?Isac asked.I ran over to him.Scoot over.I whispered.What???Why??He asked.Plan b!!I whisper yelled.He scooted over and i climbed in next to him.Pretend to be asleep.I whispered.He nodded and closed his eyes.I closed mine too.Addy your........My dad started but stopped when he saw me already sleeping.Look shes fine.Just let her stay here with Isac..Abby sed.I promise they are just friends.She sed.Okay fine but i want her home after Holly gets dropped off at school.He sed.Okay lets go.She sed and i peeked around to see if they were gone.I think you should have went with plan b first.Isac laughed.I nodded and laughed too.Shortly after we fell asleep.


Isac's p.o.v.

I was so happy to go home.I was so tired of that hospital...All i did there was watch tv and eat and sleep.Plus their food was shitty.I want some of my mamas food.I sat in the waiting room with with Addy.Oh my god Isac theres your new girlfriend.She laughed as a really ugly red headed girl passed.Oh man to bad you already saw here first.I chuckled.She slapped my chest playfully.Ow my stitches.I sed putting my hand over them.Oh Isac im so sorry....I forgot.She sed pulling me into a hug.Let me see.Did i ruin them.She sed trying to lift my shirt.Are you trying to see my stitches or are you really trying to see me shirtless.I smerked.She stopped and blushed.Shut up....She mummbled.So you do?I laughed.I do not.She sed.Yes you do.I protested.Isac ive seen you naked...Not very impressive.She smerked.My mouth dropped open.Hold up...I was 12.I was still developing.And as i recall i saw you naked too.I sed back.Her mouth dropped.When!!!!She yelled.When we went skinny dipping at your house.We were 12 and 13.I smerked.She glared at me cause she knew i was right.Oh and you didnt start getting boobs until you were in 9th grade.I whispered.She slapped me.I laughed.I did to have boobs before that.She sed angerly.Sweetheart no you didnt..Believe me ive checked.I smiled.Your sick!!She yelled hiting my arm.Im not sick...Im just a guy.I sed nodding.You know what it doesnt even matter because it was pretty small when you were 13 too.Hey didnt you say you lost your virginity when you were 13....She smerked.My face turned red.I was mad now.She swore she would never tell anyone or bring it up.Are we seriously fighting about my dick?I whisperyelled.Yes i believe we are fight about your dick.She glared.I had to laugh.The whole thing was stupid.Who fights over thier dick size with a girl.When i started laughing she started laughing too.Addy?Abby called.Addy smiled at me.Its time to go.Abby sed.Addy nodded and got up to leave.I pulled Abby aside.I forgive you.I sed.She smiled.You heard that?She asked.I nodded.I gave her a hug and she left.I sat back down waiting for my mom.She finally shows to pick me up.I cooked your favorite meal.She sed while we drove.I nodded with a smile.We got home and i ate and ate and ate.Oh how i missed your cooking mom.I sed.She smiled at me.I like it this way.Me being nice to her.Sometimes she just makes me so mad.I have anger issues and i cant control them...I looked at my phone and had like 50 missed calls and 30 text messages...All from Mitch and Levi.They must be so worried.Usually i answer my phone for them but ive been asleep and shit.Do you want to go shopping with me?My mom asked.Uh nah.Im gunna call Mitch and Levi back.I sed.She nodded and left.

Two weeks later-So wheres Addy?Levi asked.I dont know.I sed before some random burnnette jumped on my back.I turned around and kissed her.Whos this?Levi asked.Oh this is.....Then i looked at her to tell me her name.Jessica.She sighed.This is Jessica.My date for tonight.I sed putting my arm around her.She giggled.Levi fake smiled and turned away to talk to some other guys.I turned to her.Okay sweetie why dont you go wait for me in class i will be right there.I sed poking her nose.She blushed and walked away.I waited until she was out of site then texted this blonde that wanted to fuck me.I told her to meet me in the bathroom.I put a out of oder sign on it when no one was looking.I waiting until she got there.I wrapped a arm around her waist and pulled her in with me.

Addy's p.o.v.

I watched as Isac pulled a girl into the bathroom.I shook my head at the thought of that other girl.She doesnt even know that hes about to break her heart.I closed my locker and walked to class with my friends.At lunch-Hey Addy your his best friend why isnt Isac answering any of my calls.She asked tilting her head.I shrugged my shoulders.I got up to get some soda and heard some girls over talking.There she is.Best friend my ass.More like bed friends.They whispered.I turned around and walked up to them.What did you say bitch.I asked.Oh i was just telling my friends that i think your secretly doing Isac.Lexi sed.Lexi is a wanna be whore.I suddently turned red with anger.Listen here you stupid bitch.....I started before she cut me off.Save it Addy.Everyone knows your trying so desprately to get into Isacs pants.She laughed with her friends.Look you wanna be slut,i can have Isac just like that if i really wanted him.I sed snapping my fingers.She suddently glared at me.Well i bet he wont want you if you tried.Isac wants me not you.Just face it honey.She sed with her plastic barbie smile.Honey he wouldnt touch that with a ten foot pole.I yelled.Now people were starting to stop and watch.Oh right and thats why i have a date with him tonight.She smerked.That wont be for long you ugly ass cunt.I yelled.You take that back you fucking hoe.She sed getting in my face.She pushed and all hell broke lose.I pushed her back so hard she bumped into a table.She came back trying to punch me in the face but i blocked it.I came back with a sock to her eye.She yelped and grabbed my hair.I kept punching her in her stomach and her chin.She fell and i got ontop of her and punched her in the face.One after another until someone pulled me off.Levi held me as i kicked and screamed.Let me go!!!Just let me hit her one more time!!!I yelled struggling to get away from him.I calmed down until i saw Isac help her up.



Addy's p.o.v.

Addy really a fight?!!My dad yelled with his hands up.I shrugged.What was this about?He asked.She was talking shit about me.I sed.She was talking shit about you???Why didnt you walk away?He asked.She pushed me!!!Im sorry dad but im not going to walk away from that.I sed angerly.Wait she hit you first?He asked.I nodded.And you won?He asked.I nodded.High five.He sed.I looked at him confused and high fived him.He then left my room.I ran a hand through my black hair.I was opening my window for some air when i saw a shadow.I turned around only to bump into Isac.God Isac!!!I yelled.He smiled and laughed.So what was all that at school today?He asked plopping on my bed.I shrugged my shoulders.Addy come on what happened?He asked.I dont want to talk about it okay.I sed looking out the window.Okay Addy...If you dont want to talk about it you dont want to talk about it.I understand.He sed hugging me from behind.I felt butterflies.So wheres Abby?He asked letting go of me and sitting on the bed.Shes at work.I replied.And your dad?He asked.He just left for his job.I sed.I sat down next to him.Remember that one time i came here and told you i couldnt be your friend anymore...He whispered.What about it?I asked.Im sorry for that...I mean i dont even know why i went off like that.He laughed running a hand through his hair.Maybe because you wanted to have sex with me....I mummbled.I did not.My male horemoans wanted you.He sed with a pouty face.Okay whatever you say.I sed rolling my eyes playfully.He glared then he smerked.Which brings us back to you wanting to see me shirtless.He laughed.I jerked my head back to him.Dont you even start!!!We already went over this.Ive already seen you naked and not impressed.She laughed.Oh believe me i am so much bigger and better then i was when i was 12 and 13.He sed pinning me down.I laughed as he tickled me.He stopped and looked down at me.Wanna see it.He smerked.I layed under him looking into his deep green eyes.I was trying not to kiss him.He got off of me and before i knew it he was undoing his belt.I cant believe he was serious.He was actually going to show me his penis.He started unbottining his pants and i jumped up.Okay Isac stop.I get it okay.You have a big one.I sed trying to advoid looking down or at him.You didnt say no.He chuckled.Okay well im saying it now.I breathed.He buttoned up his pants again.Aww Addy are you scared?He joked.No.I whispered.Are you afraid to see my dick?He joked.He kept picking and picking until i had enough.No i am not afraid to see or touch your dick!!!Just stop picking already!!!I yelled walking away from him to sit on my bed.It was quiet for awhile until he sat next to me.You havent even seen a guys penis huh...He sed slowly.I nodded with a couple tears falling from my face.Oh Addy im sorry.I didnt mean to make fun of you or scare you.He sed wipping my tears away.Its fine Isac really.I sed pushing his hands away.I tried to walk away but he grabbed me.He turned me around to face him and kissed me hard.I felt his tounge slide into my mouth.I ran my fingers through his hair.He travled kisses down my neck to my chest.He bit my neck softly.He put me against the wall and kissed my chest.I felt his hands grab just under my butt.He picked me up.I wrapped my legs around his waist.He kissed my neck and took off my shirt.I knew he was serious when he tried to take off my bra.I grabbed his hands when they went to unhook it.He let out a irratated sigh.He put me down.Im sorry Isac im just scared.Ive never done this before.I sed.He nodded.Its fine i wasnt supposed to do this with you anyway.He smiled and kissed my forehead.I put back on my shirt.We sat on my bed.Do you want to watch a movie?I asked.He shook his head.I looked at him.Then what do you want to do?I asked with a smile.He looked at me sweetly.He sofly pressed his lips to mine.I put my hands on his neck.Lets get it over with.I whispered.You sure?He asked kissing my neck.I nodded.Just be gentle with me Isac.I sed looking into his green eyes.You know i would never hurt you.He sed then kissed me hard.He got ontop of me.We took off our clothes and did it.He was so sweet.So gentle.I have to go Addy...He whispered.What!!!No!!I sed glaring at him.You just cant have sex with me and just leave like that.Oh wait thats right you do that with all the girls.Go...Go ahead Isac.I yelled.He looked at me with sad eyes.Addy you dont understand...Maybe your okay with what just happened but im not.He sed sitting up.Oh so the sex was horrible with me.I sed throwing my hands in the hair.Okay now your just playing games.He sed.Me playing games???No Isac your the one who plays games.Remember your the player.I sed my voice so cold.You know what im not going to take your shit!!!He yelled and put his clothes on.Yeah thats right bitch!!!Leave!!!I yelled.He grabbed his shoes and left.I rolled over with tears in my eyes.Abby was right.Isac is a player.He doesnt care for anyone.

Isac's p.o.v.

I slammed the front door and got into my car.I hit the stirring wheel in anger.I started my car and drove home.I invited Levi over.I wasnt supposed to have sex with her.I sed pacing back and fourth.Okay calm down.Did you use protection?He asked.Of course.I sed.and you told her that you werent okay with haveing sex with her?He asked.I nodded.Isac!!!No wonder why shes mad at you!!He yelled.I know...It just came out wrong.I sed looking at the ground.So are you in love with her?He asked.I dont know....I mean no.I sed.I had no better way of not falling in love.I would tell myself your not in love with Addy.You have no heart.Just forget about her.Shes just another bitch you hit.Are you sure?He asked.I nodded.She called me a bitch...I smerked.Levi laughed.Bro you are a bitch.He chuckled.I know i am...I said nodding.


Addy's p.o.v.

I walked into school to find Riley.Hey girl.She sed giving me a hug.Hey.I breathed.Are you okay??She asked.Yeah im just feeling a little sick.I sed leaning on a locker.Addy maybe you should go home and get some rest...She sed.Im fine.I sed.I looked up and Isac was passing by.He didnt even look at me.I rolled my eyes.Whats going on between you two?She asked.I dont want to talk about it.I breathed.Lets just go to class.I sed.She nodded.After school-I walked in my room still feeling kind of sick.Addy honey do you want some cupcakes?My mom asked.Sure.I sed nodding.She nodded and disappeared down the hall.I put my bag down and i ran to the bathroom.I held my hair before it could come out.Oh Addy.My mom sed running to my side.She rubbed my back until i was done then gave me some toliet paper to wipe my mouth.She walked me to my bed.Do you feel better now???Do you need some medicine?She asked.Uh yeah i feel alot better....I think i just need some rest.I sed.She kissed my forehead and left.I rolled over wondering why i had thrown up.I was feeling fine....After 15 minutes of silence my eyes shot open at the thought that was going through my head.I may be pregnant.......

Isac's p.o.v.

Alright time for you to go.I sed putting back on my boxers.Why cant i stay with you?The brown haired girl whined.Because i told you.Im not a tied down kind of guy.Plus i have to be somewhere right now.I sed fully dressed now.She pouted.I walked over to her and moved her bangs out of her face.I smerked down at her and kissed her hard.She tried pulling me ontop of her.Addy stop.I laughed pushing her away playfully.Did you just call me Addy?The girl asked.No.I sed trying to blow it off.Yes you did.She sed.Whose Addy?She asked.I dont know what your talking about....I dont know a Addy.I sed quickly.I think its time for you to go.I sed.She nodded and got off my bed making her way to my door.She then stopped.You know i dont know what happened between you two but i think she will give you a second chance.She smiled then left.I plopped on my bed.Great now that girl knows i did something with Addy....Ever sence our fight ive been trying to push her out of my mind.


Addy's p.o.v.

Alright time for you to go.I sed putting back on my boxers.Why cant i stay with you?The brown haired girl whined.Because i told you.Im not a tied down kind of guy.Plus i have to be somewhere right now.I sed fully dressed now.She pouted.I walked over to her and moved her bangs out of her face.I smerked down at her and kissed her hard.She tried pulling me ontop of her.Addy stop.I laughed pushing her away playfully.Did you just call me Addy?The girl asked.No.I sed trying to blow it off.Yes you did.She sed.Whose Addy?She asked.I dont know what your talking about....I dont know a Addy.I sed quickly.I think its time for you to go.I sed.She nodded and got off my bed making her way to my door.She then stopped.You know i dont know what happened between you two but i think she will give you a second chance.She smiled then left.I plopped on my bed.Great now that girl knows i did something with Addy....Ever sence our fight ive been trying to push her out of my mind.*******Addys p.o.v.-It was friday and im not going to school.My mom thought i was sick....I cried myself to sleep last night.Yesterday i went to the liquor store and bought a pregnancy test while my parents were at work.I felt like jumping off a bridge when it was positive.....How was i going to tell my parents...How was i going to tell Isac....Shit i dont even talk to him anymore...Thats great already being a single mom.Way to go Addy......Ad?My mom asked knocking on my door lightly.Im leaving to work now..She sed softly.I groaned.I got up and watched her drive away.I walked down stairs slowly and turned on the tv.After 5 minutes of watch tv my stomach started to growl..I went to the kitchen and ate everything.After i ate ice cream i felt it coming back up.I ran to the bathroom and threw up.I washed my mouth and hands.After i looked into the mirror.I smiled and went back to watch tv.Addy!!!!!!Open the door!!!!I heard Rileys voice yell from outside.I pulled myself up and dragged my feet to the door.She walked in and i shut the door behind her.Why werent you____wow what happened in here??She asked looking at all the food i had taken out and ate.Uh dont worry about it.I sed running a hand through my black hair.Okay???Well why werent you at school?She asked.Im sick.I sighed.Bull.She grinned.I am.I half smiled.I sat on the couch.Okay what gives.She sed sitting infront of me.What do you mean?I questioned.Whats bugging you?She asked.Nothing.I sed shrugging.Addy im your best friend...I know when theres something wrong with you.She sed.I looked at the ground.Addy its okay...You can tell me anything.She sed trying to make me look at her.I looked at her and tears began to fall.Addy whats wrong?She asked sounding worried.I slept with Isac.....I cried.And.....Im pregnant...I sobbed.Her eyes widened and she immideatly pulled me into a hug.How did this happened?Did you guys wear protection?She asked.I nodded.On your first time?She asked.My first time....I sobbed.She rubbed my back softly.Addy how many people know?She questioned.Just you.I sed wipping tears.Are you going to tell your parents?She asked.I have to....I sed.She nodded.What about.....She started but i shook my head.You have to tell him.She sed.No i dont....I dont have to tell anybody....I will take care of this problem.I whispered.Addy you mean.....ABORTION?She whispered.I nodded.Addy....She sighed.Look Riley just let me do what i have to do.I sed.One tear fell from her eye.She nodded and looked away.Dont be sad...I'll be okay.I sed.She nodded and walked to the door.Oh and Addy if you do decide let me know and i will be there.She sed with a half smile.I nodded and hugged her.

Isac's p.o.v.

Wow man you must have made her really mad.Mitch sed.You told him?!?!I asked angerly.What hes my bro and hes not going to tell anyone.Levi asured me.I rolled my eyes.Shes just over reacting.I sed turning the channel to the tv.I dont know man.....It all seems kinda sketchy.Mitch sed shrugging.Theres nothing sketchy about it.....I shrugged.Right Levi?I asked.He shrugged his shoulders.Your supposed to be on my side.I laughed looking at my phone.Shit!!!i have to go.I sed jumping up.Where the hell are you going right now???Levi questioned.I have a date with some blonde girl...I sed with a smerk.Mitch smiled and Levi got up and grabbed his keys.Where are you going?I asked.Dont worry about it.He smerked.I rolled my eyes.

Addy's p.o.v.

Addy honey Levis here to see you.My mom sed faintly..Who??I asked coming down the hall.She didnt have to answer because i already saw who it was.Hey Addy.Levi sed with a smile.Oh hey Levi.Whats up?I sed.My mom left for work.Uh why werent you at school?He asked.I wasnt feeling that well.I lied.We sat and chatted for awhile on the couch.He sed a joke and i laughed.Your pregnant.He sed in a hushed voice..I stopped laughing and nodded.I knew the minute i saw you something was wrong.I can tell by the fear in your eyes.He sed.Addy i need you to tell me the truth.He sed gently.I nodded.Did he pressure you into it in anyway?He questioned.I shook my head and tears began to rise.Okay one more questioned.He sed.Did he use protection?He asked.I nodded.Okay then that means the condom broke.He sed.I nodded and wipped tears away.Addy dont cry.Your going to be okay.He sed giving me a hug.I hugged him back.How am i going to tell my parents Levi???I asked worried.He cupped my face in his hands.Listen Addy....Its going to be fine.Im here for you.He sed sweetly.I smiled and nodded.Ive been pregnant for 3 days now and two people already know.Im trusting them with this infromation.I just dont know what i want.I dont know if i want to have this child or if i want to have an abortion.Im too young to be thinking about this.But what i know is i have to tell my parents.I walked down the stairs with Levi.My dad was sitting at the table reading.I stood before him shaking.Levi rubbed my back telling me its okay.Daddy i have something to tell you.I sed my voice trembling.He looked at me.Addy whats wrong?Whats going on?He questioned with worry in his voice looking from me to Levi.Tears rolled down my face.Addy.....My dad sed.Im haveing a baby.....I whispered.What?He asked.Im pregnant.I breathed.He just staired at me for a bit.His face full of confusion?Then worry and then to anger.Addy how did this happen!!!!???How could you let this happen!!??He cried.Im sorry daddy!!!I was so stupid!!!I cried as he hugged me.He stroked the back of my head.He suddently pulled me away from him.Who did it??!!He asked sternly.I just shook my head and cried more.It was that Isac kid wasnt it?!?!He sed looking me dead in the eyes.I bit my lip and just cried.My dad got this deathly look on his face and walked past me.I couldnt stop him.All i could do was tell Levi to protect Isac.Levi was gone.


Isac's p.o.v.

I walked in my house from a date.I realize i left my phone in my car.I grabbed it and turned to face Sage.He punched me in the face and then grabbed me by the shirt.Ive been waiting for a good reason to kick your ass.He punched me in my gut and i coughed.Just friends my ass!!!He yelled and punched me again in the face.He was about to hit me again when someone pulled him away.I fell to the floor coughing.


You know you should go to the hospital for your broken nose.Levi sed.Im not going.Its just a little broken nose.It will heal on its own.I sed angry that Addys dad beat me up.I fucking hate that guy!!And what the hell did he mean by just friends??!!I yelled.Uh well Isac....He only found out about you haveing sex with his daughter because shes pregnet....Levi sed slowly.My body went cold and all i could hear was my own breath.Isac???Levi sed shaking me.I looked at him confused.You sed shes pregnant?I asked.He nodded.I layed back on the couch.How?I asked.Well you see,you inserted your____No not that!!!I mean i used a condom!!I sed with fear in my voice.Isac condoms do break.He sed.He got up and shook his head.What?I asked.I just dont understand why you would have sex with her.She was your best friend.And now shes going to be your worse night mare.He sed looking at me angerly.I looked at him shocked and he left.

Addy's p.o.v.

My mom sat on my bed.I heard what happened.She sed gently.I let out a breath.Addy honey you knew this could be the outcome.She sed holding my hands.I nodded and cried.She hugged me.Im going to go see if your father is okay.I nodded.I heard yelling and a door slam.It was quiet after that.I started getting out of my bed when my father came in.I stopped in my tracks.You know im taking you out of school and your baby sister.This is what i was trying to protect you from.He sed shaking his head.I looked down.I know dad...I whispered.Your not aloud to see him or any of his family again.He sed sternly.Well that is except for mom.I sed.No her too.He sighed.I looked at him like he was crazy.You cant kick mom out!!!!Are you crazy!!!I yelled.Are you crazy Addy!!!!Your the one who is doing crazy stuff!!!!He yelled glancing down at my stomach.My eyes filled with tears.Shes not even your mom Addy!!!He yelled.Ouch that hurt....What about Holly?I questioned.We will figure something out.He sed.Oh and your grounded.He sed then closed my door.I sat back on my bed.I held my knees to my chest and cried.This was all my fualt.Just to have sex with some guy that doesnt care for you...I got up and put on some shoes.I had to take care of this problem.No one else will.I jumped out my window and started my way to the clinic.

Isac's p.o.v.

I was kicking the shit out some zombies when the system turned off.What the___I started before i got slapped.What the fuck was that for!!!!I yelled.You fucking basterd!!!!You got Addy fucking pregnant!!!!!And to top it off Sage kicked me out because i stuck up for you!!!My sister yelled.Its not my fault you stuck up for me!!!I yelled at her.So im assuming you already know Addys pregnant?!She sed angerly.I nodded.So your just going to play your little stupid zombie game and push the problem out the window?!She yelled.I nodded.Thats the plan.I sed.Her eyes got wide.Fuck you Isac!!!She sed leaving my room.Love you too sis.I called and turned my game back on.


I walked out of the bathroom drying my hair with a towel.I walked in my room and saw my sisters friend sitting on my bed.Hello Isac.She sed with a smerk.I smiled and put my towel on a chair.Hello Makaylyn...I sed and she walked to me.She smiled.How bout that kiss.She sed sweetly.I looked at her shocked and nodded.She then came close to my lips with hers.She punched me in the gut.As i went forward she grabbed my arms and twisted them behind my back pining me to the ground.Okay so i hear that you got little Addy pregnant and you dont want to help her.Is that true?I didnt answer her and she twisted my arm more.I yelled in pain.Yes or no?She asked.I noddedOkay well heres what im here for.Your going to help her out and be there for this child understood!!!She said.Yeah.I mummbled.She then let me up.Damn i love the way you do that.I sed.Its sexy.I sed looking her up and down.How about that kiss?I asked.She rolled her eyes playfully.You dirty little boy.She laughed and leaned in.Before our lips could touch she grabbed my ear hard.Oh come on!!!I yelled.Your going to be there!!!She sed sternly.I nodded.I want to hear you say it.She sed.I let out a groan.I will be there for Addy and the baby.I sed.She nodded and grabbed my face into a short kiss.She walked out of my room leaving me stunned.Her red lip stick stained on my lips.I licked it off.There was no way in hell i was going to be there for Addy and that baby.I dont want it.If she wants to keep it then thats her problem.Ive made my descion.

Addy's p.o.v.

I didnt have a phone anymore because my dad took it away so i had to walk to the clinic to make an appointment.Hes makeing sure i have a horrible punishment.He even took me out of school and put me in a hameschooling program.I have to stop this problem before it gets worse.I walked up to the lady at the front desk.May i help you?She asked.Yeah i need to make an appointment for and abortion.I sed.She nodded showing no reaction.She acted as if girls like me come in everyday and ask for abortions.She asked for my name and number.I gave her my home phone number.For the last four days ive been watching the house phone so no one could answer it but me.Still no call.I guess they were booked.After i get home from picking up my baby sister.I open the door to see an angry Riley.I told Holly to go do her Homescholing homwork.Sit....Riley sed.I sat down at the table.I was confused of how she got in here and why she was mad at me.When were you going to tell me about your appointment to get an abortion?My eyes grew wide.Addy?She asked her arms crossed.After it was done....I said flatly.What i wasnt going to lie....So i see you made your descion...She said sitting back.I nodded once.Addy i think your makeing the____Best descion for my life right now.I cut her off.Ry i cant have a baby right now...Im to young.Its a problem for everyone.Thats why im taking care of my problem.I said standing up.She just sat there her eyes filling with tears.I dont want you to do this...Can you just please give it a second thought..She asked grabbing my hands.I nodded knowing what i was going to do.


Riley stayed for dinner to make sure i didnt leave...I watched as she played with Holly.My phone buzzed.I looked down and it was a text from Isac.I rolled my eyes and opened it.Hey its Isac....I know the situation and Im just letting you know what ever you decide to do i wont be in the kids life...I made my descion..So i dont want you to send any thing to me reguarding the kid.Im out...He texted.I felt the tears coming but i held them in.Whats wrong?Riley asked.I shook my head...


Isac's p.o.v.

I saw chealse and walked over to her.Hey sexy.She sed.I smerked and kissed her.I looked up when someone sighed annoyed.It was Riley.She gave me a dirty look.I smiled at her.Pig..She sed and walked away.Whats that all about?Chealse asked.Uh I dont know...I sed.I have to go...See you at lunch.I sed then walked off to find Riley.I looked around in the lunchroom.I was about to give up when i saw her in the hall walking.I ran after her.Riley!!!I called.She turned and saw me.She glared and kept walking.I caught up to her.Riley can we talk please.I asked trying to keep up with her.Theres nothing to talk about Isac!I dont like you!!!Your a fucking pig and a asshole!She yelled still walking.People began to stop and stare.Your making a scene...I sed lowly.She stopped and got in my face.Wow!!!Thats all you care about is your popularity!!Pathetic...She sed then turned to walk away.I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her in the girls bathroom.What the hell!!!!She yelled while i made sure there was no one in the stalls.Listen Riley what ever happened between me and Addy is our bussiness not yours!I dont need you treating me like shit in front of everybody!!!I yelled.Isac your such a prick!!!It is my bussiness!!!Shes my bestfriend!!!She yelled.No its not your bussiness...You dont even need to be in this..I sed trying to calm down.Well maybe i wouldnt need to be in this if you were there supporting her!!!She yelled.Can you keep your voice down...I sed grabbing her arm.She slapped me across the face.Dont you ever touch me,talk to me,or even talk about me ever again!!!And that goes for Addy too!!!She yelled before walking out.I dont even want her anyways!!!I called hoping she heard me.I kicked the stall door.

Addy's p.o.v.

I called back the clinic and rescheduled yesterday.Which means im going today to fix my problem.I walked Holly to the home school place and then made a call.

Isac's p.o.v.

I layed in my bed watching tv when my phone started buzzing.Hello beautiful.I said.Im ready come pick me up.Addy said.Okay im on my way.I sed then hung up.I got in my car and drove to Addys house.I honked my horn to let her know i was there.She walked out and got in without a word.I pulled out of her driveway and drove to the clinic.She looked out the window the whole time.So do you want me to go in with you?I asked.She glared at me and slammed my car door.I laughed to myself and pulled out my phone.Hey it was just a joke....Anyways ill be out in the parking lot.I texted her.I turned the music up.

Levi's p.o.v.

Its been about 2 weeks that ive been hanging with Riley.I like her...Shes a pretty cool girl...Isac doesnt know that i like her or that i even know her.Same thing with Addy.So you free next weekend saturday?She asked sitting in my passenger seat as i drove.Nah i have a basketball game.I said.She nodded.Okay well maybe the weekend after this weekend?She asked.I think I can do that.I smiled glancing at her.Hey Babe isnt that Isac's car?She asked.I glanced over as we stopped at a stop light.I saw him in the drivers seat.What the hell is he doing at a pregnancy clinic?I asked.I dont know.She said as i pulled into the parking lot.I parked next to him and we got out.

Isac's p.o.v.

I was laying back in my seat listening to music when levi interupted me.Hey.Levi said taking my glasses off.Oh hey bro.I said kinda worried.I didnt want Addy to walk out and him see her.I see your hanging with Riley.Thats cute.I laughed getting out of the car.Cut it out Isac and tell me what your doing here?He asked sternly.Uh i just wanted to chill for a moment.I said.Chill....In a abortion clinic parking lot.He said with his eyes squenting.Uh yeah...So dont you have somewhere to be?I asked nodding towards Riley.Yeah...He said then looked passed me.Uh is that Addys bag?He asked grabbing her bag out of my car.Oh no!I said snatching it from him quickly.He looked at me weird.Its this girls bag that i fucked last night.I laughed putting it in the back.He nodded and then Riley yelled out Addy.Shit i thought to myself.Riley hugged Addy as she cried.Levi looked at me with descussed in his eyes.He hit me in the face and i fell against my car.Your such an asshole!!!I cant even talk to you!!!He yelled and brought Addy to his car.Pig!Riley yelled.He drove off leaving me with a busted lip.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.12.2013

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