

I was sitting in my room reading a book listening to music when I saw two hands come over the book and rip out my ear buds.

"What the fuck?!?" I yelled.

"Now that I got your attention...." My mom said, then handed my earbuds back to me. "I have some exciting news." She just stood there with a smile.

"Well....?" I said.

"Oh yeah! We're moving to Orange County!" She said jumping up and down like a child at a candy store.

My mouth dropped.

"Shut up!" I said loudly.

"Yeah I got a job! See!" She said shoving a letter ontop of my book.

"When did we agree on this?!? How??? When??? Why???" I asked.

"I applied last week. I didnt think I would get the job. I was going to tell you but then I decided not to because I didnt think I would get the job." She smiled.

"We cant move!!" I said loudly.

"Well why not?" She asked with a frown.

"Because my friends are here! Everything for me is here!" I said pointing to the ground.

"Well you can make new friends and theres things there for you too." She said with a smile.

"I don't want new friends!!! I can't leave Jace!!! I yelled.

"Honey Jace is like your only friend here. In Orange County theres lots of new people to impress." She said shaking her head.

My face fell. How could a mother say that to her daughter? I was so shocked I ran passed her.

"Veronica?!?" I heard her yell as I ran out the door.

I ran acrossed the street to Jaces' house. I didnt even knock. I ran up the stairs to his room.

"Ronnie?" Jace asked surprised.

I bent over trying to catch my breath.

"Okay." I breathed.

"Whats up?" He asked.

"My mom got a job in Orange County! Im moving!!" I said angerliy.

What?!? You can't move!!!" He yelled pulling me into a tight hug.

"What am I going to do without you?" I asked tears coming down my cheeks.

He pulled me away from him, "You'll be fine...Everything will be fine Ron." Hewiped my tears away.

"Any ideas?" I asked.

"Oh maybe we can convince your mom to let you stay here with me." He smiled.

I half smiled, "Not a chance. She still thinks there's something going on between us."

He smiled, "That's true."

"So this is it...Im moving and there's nothing i can do about it."I sighed laying on Jaces' bed." I'll never survive!!" I yelled picking my head up.

"Dont say that Ron" .He said sitting by my feet.

I plopped my head back down. "I have no friends to run to when me and my mom get into a fight...Im damned..." I mummbled into the bed.

"Then make some." He said hitting the back of my cafe.

"You know how hard it is for me to make friends..."I mummbled.

"Its not hard for you to make friends..If that was true then we wouldnt be best friends right now."He said.

I let out a breath.

"And we, I can take a plane out there if its okay with your mom."He said.

I flew up startling him.

"Oh my god thats a great idea!!" I yelled trying to smack his leg but missed and hit him in the crouch.

He let out a groan and rolled over on his side.

I jumped up, "I know what I can do now!! I will tell my mom im not going with her unless she lets you come and visit this summer!! I said loudly. "Sorry about your nuts Jace!!" I called runing down the stairs and out the door.

As I ran acrossed the street my feet burned. I was so shocked I forgot to put on shoes. My mom was in the kitchen on the phone as I slid acrossed the wood floor to a stop.

"She just walked in. I'll call you back." She said and hung up.

"Mom im not going!" I announced.

"What do you mean your not going?!?" She asked with a frown.

"Unless." I held up a finger, "Unless you buy a plane ticket for Jace to come spend the summer with us.

"Jace can visit when I have enough money." She said.

"Yes!" I yelled, punching the air.

"Now go pack!" She said shooing me.

I ran down the hall to my room. I texted Jace to come and help me pack.

"I brought tape." He said.

I nodded putting stuff into a box. He layed on my bed.

"I still dont understand why your mom thinks we are doing something together."He said throwing one of my angry bird stuffed animals in the air and catching it.

I groaned putting more stuff into a box.

"I could act gay if that helps."He said.

"Hey make yourself useful and hand me the tape." I said holding a top of a box closed.

He threw it at me.

"Thanks..." I said sarcasticly.

"Your welcome." He said and continued talking.

I rolled my eyes.

"Jace?" I asked.

"Yeah?"He asked.

"Are you going to help me?" I asked putting my bleach blonde hair up.

He turned to look around the room," Nah it looks like you got it handled." He turned back.

I let out a sigh. I got up and grabbed a pillow. I wacked him one time in the face .I laughed as he looked around.

"What the fuck!" He yelled.

"That was for being a dick and not helping me.This one is just because I want to."I said trying to hit him again.

He grabbed the pillow and yanked it to him pulling me with it. I fell ontop of him. We both laughed, as we shruggled to pin each other. Suddently he stopped and staired behind me. I followed his gaze to see my mother standing at the door.

"And you wonder why I think you guys are a thing..." My mom said shutting my door.

We both laughed. I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"Im going to miss you." He whispered.

"Im gunna miss you too." I whispered back before we fell asleep.

I stood in the front yard of my old house hugging Jace. I never wanted to let him go.

"Make sure you send me the ticket." He said still hugging me his chin resting on my head.

"I will." I laughed letting him go.

I looked at him as he bit his lip. His eyes were a baby blue. The color they always got before he cried.

"You'll be fine Jace.You've got more friends then I do." I smiled giving him another hug.

He kissed the top of my head. As I backed away from him he loosened his grip on my hand. I got in the car and waved to him untill I couldn't see him anymore.

"Seat belt." My mom said.

I rolled my eyes and put it on.

"Ronnie please no attitude. We have a long drive ahead of us." She said not taking her eyes off the rode.

I rolled my eyes again and opened my book.

I woke to my mom shaking me.

"We're here." She said getting out.

I turned my head to where the voices were. I smiled when I saw my moms boyfriend wave to me. I havent seen him in a couple months. He moved out here for a job. Just like us. I got out and strechted.

"Hi Ronnie." Jeff said.

I just walked passed them and into the house.

"Shes not very happy about moving." I heard my mom say.

I walked in and closed the door. I waited 5 minutes and then walked back out.

"I hate it." I said to my mom.

She just stared at me.

"Its ugly. Our old house was prettier." I spat.

"Well get over it!!! I'm tired of your attitude!! I understand you dont want to live here but my job is here!!! So get over it!!!" She yelled.

"I hate you." I mummbled going to sit back in the car.

I watched them agure.

"Whatever!!!" I heard my mom say and sit on the front step of the house.

Jeff opened the door," Get your stuff.Your coming to live with me for awhile." He said calmly.

I got out and got my box of clothes and other stuff I would need. I put it in his car and sat in the front seat. He kissed my mother goodbye and got into the car.

"Alright I hope your hungry because im starving." He said while pulling out of the driveway.

He drove to a near by taco bell. He ordered our food and we took it to go.

"Its a condo...I know its not much but it works for now." He said unlocking the front door.

"Oh its fine. It cant be that bad." I laughed.

"You can look around if you would like while I get your stuff."He said and disappeared.

I walked in the living room first. It was very large and plain. The walls were a dark grey with dark grey carpet. There was a flat screen tv and one long leather black couch sitted on a white square carpet. There was like a couple of pictures of him and my mother on the walls. I walked to the kitchen next. It was clean like it hadnt been touched in a while. The counters were black marbel. The cupboards and cabnets were white. The floor was wood. Not a very good combination with the color of the counters or anything eles.

"Okay." I heard someone say, other than Jeff.

I went around the coner to see who it was. It was a tall boy with dark hair.

"Uh who are you?"I asked.

"Oh hi you must be Jeffs step daughter. Im Alec the nieghbor."He said holding out his hand.

I staired at his hand and then back to his face. His eyes were a dark grey. Is everything here grey? I thought to myself. He chuckled nervously putting his hand down.

"Oh I see you already met Alec our neighbor. Hes your age...So I thought why not get you two to meet. So you will have atleast one friend here." Jeff smiled.

I nodded with a half smile.

"Well anyways Alec this is my soon to be step daughter Veronica." Jeff said.

"Nice to meet you Veronica." Alec said.

"Ronnies fine."I said shaking his hand.

"Uh so how you like the place?"Jeff asked.

"Its nice." I said.

He nodded.

"Well im sorry to leave you so soon but I have to get back to work."He said and kissed my forehead and left.

"So are you going to stay here or..." I asked.

"If you want me to." Alec said.

"I really dont care." I said sitting on the couch and grabbing the remote.

"Okay." He said jumping over the couch to sit next to me.

I turned on the tv.

As we watched tv my phone buzzed.

"Oh I almost forgot.Theres money under the couch cushion for you. Its for anything you might need when im gone." Jeff texted.

"Got it and thanks."I texted back.

"Are you going to check how much it is or am I?"Alec asked not taking his eyes off the tv.

"You read my text?"I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes playfully. I got up and checked under the cushion.There was a roll of money with a rubber band around it and a copy of the house key. I grabbed them and started counted the money. My mouth dropped.

"How much is it?" He asked.

"400 dollars." I stuttered.

Alec nodded.

"Thats alot of money Alec...What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Spend it."

"Spend it?"

"Yeah spend it at the mall. Most girls do that." He laughed.

"What am I supposed to spend it on? And how am I supposed to get there?" I asked.

"Spend it on something you like and I have a car." He said still watching tv.

"Uh okay.." I said unsure.

"Okay lets go."He said turning off the tv.

I followed him out the door. I locked the house up and we got into his suv.

"You know you dont have to take me. I can like take a bus."

"Nah its nothing. I have nothing better to do." He said pulling out of my driveway.

We didnt talk much the way there. He parked and we made our way to the front of the mall. It was huge. Three floors is huge to me.

"So where do you want to go first?" He asked.

"Well first I want something to eat. Jeff got me del taco but I dont eat that." I said.

He laughed and led me to a McDonalds. I ordered food for me and him.

"So you used to live in San Diego and then now you live here?" Alec asked.

I nodded sipping some of my soda.

"Why?" He asked.

I laughed, "Because my mother made me." 

"Oh...So you dont get along with your mom?" 


He nodded while sipping his soda.

"Well enough about my life.Whats your life like?" I asked.

"Uh rich parents that are never home. A sister that is 16 that acts like shes 14." He laughed.

"So pretty much your parents just pay the bill and your stuck taking care of your sister?"

"Pretty much." He laughed.

I laughed too.

"Alec!!!" Someone shouted.

We looked around.

It was a group of guys.

"Oh hey!!"Alec called waving them over.

Great..I thought to myself.

"You didnt tell us you had a girlfriend." A guy with gages and tattoos said looking at me like he wanted to eat me.

"Nah bro this isnt my girlfriend.This is Ronnie my new neighbor." Alec said.

"Ronnie this is Levi." He said pointing to a boy with black hair and bright blue eyes.

He waved.

I smiled and waved back.

"And this is Ryan." He said pointing to the boy in the middle. "And then finally this is Joesoph."He said pointing to the boy with the gages and tats. "So what are you guys doing out?"

"Oh you know looking for some bitches to pick up and then decided to come here." Joesoph said glancing at me.

"And by bitches he means weed." Ryan said smileing.

"Pot heads." Alec said.

"Oh shut up Alec you do it too." Levi said.

I laughed.

"I do not!!" He said. "Look dont listen to them. I dont do those bad things." He said grabding my hands.

I nodded and laughed.

"Alright well im going to show the lady around because I know youve been boring her." Ryan said.

"I am not..Im not boring am I? Alec asked me.

I shook my head.

"She's lying to you." Ryan said grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

We walked side by side after we left.

You must have been really uncomfortable sitting there with guys that you dont even know all around you." Ryan said.

"Kinda." I laughed.

"Yeah well you dont have to feel that way with me. Im pretty much a calm person. Well that is because i'm almost always high but other then that im pretty chill. Joesophs the one you need to watch out for. Hes kinda a little horn dog. Levi is nothing to worry about." He said leading me to a hottopic.

"So be careful for Joesoph and Levis good?" I asked.

He nodded.

"So you smoke weed?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"You drink?"

I shook my head.

"Pop pills? Go to parties? Damn girl what do you do?"He asked.

"I dont do drugs and I have never been to a party before." I said looking through some clothes.


I nodded.

"You need to get out more." He laughed.

"Hey dont make fun of me..." I laughed.

"Im not." He laughed.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes playfully.

I bought a couple of shirts and then we went to wet seal.

"So have you met Rosealyn yet?" He asked.

"Whose Rosealyn?" 

"Alecs sister."

I shook my head.

"Oh you will...Lets just say shes a wild one." He chuckled.

"Okay...Why whats wrong with her?" I asked.

"Youll see." He laughed.

I bought some shorts and we left. We started walking for forever 21.

"So now you live with your step dad?"


"Ryan!!!Ronnie!!!" We heard Alec yell.

We stopped and turned around. He cuaght up to us.

"I'm sorry Ronnie but I have to go. My sister is stranded somewhere." He breathed.

"Yeah I understand go." I said.

He nodded and took off with Levi.

"Okay well I have a weed call. So am i taking you home?" Ryan asked.

I was about to answer before Joesoph butted in.

"Ill take her home. Im going that way anyways."

Ryan gave him a look.

"Im not going to try anything on her. Promise." Joesoph said.

"You better not Joe." He said and gave me a long hug goodbye.

"Ready?" Joesoph asked biting his lip.

"Yup." I said walking past him.

He led me to his truck. He put my bags in the backseat and opened my door for me. I fake smiled and got in. He got in the other side and started driving. It was a silent ride to my house. He parked in the drive way.

"Well here we are." I smiled reaching in the back seat but he stopped me.

"Yeah here we are." He whispered moving a piece of my blond hair out of my face.

"I thought you promised you werent going to try anything on me..." I whispered my heart beating fast.

"Yeah I did but theres just one problem.." He said looking forward.

"Whats that?" I asked.

"I've never kept a promise in my life." He smirked pulling my face to his."You scared?"

I shook my head. He smiled and kissed me slowly. I kissed back. Who wouldnt? This guy was hot. He licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I let him. As our tounges danced his hands travled to my chest. There was a knock on his window and we both jumped.

"Its Jeff...." He mumbled and rolled down his window.

"So you want to tell me why your all over my daughter?" Jeff asked.

"Sorry sir. I was just bringing her home."

"Yeah just bringing her home my ass. Ronnie get out of the car." Jeff said and Joesoph rolled up his window.

"Bye.." I sighed.

"Another time babe?" He asked.

"Maybe..." I said with a shy smile.

I hopped out of his truck and walked with Jeff to the condo. I put my bags on the bed that was in the spear room. I pulled out my phone and started texting Jace.

"So um I see you met some new friends and a new boyfriend...." Jeff said from my doorway.

I turned to face him, "He's not my boyfriend." I said flatly.

"Oh but you want him to be."

"No I dont." I said looking him striaght in the eyes.

"Thats not what your tounge said." He said walking down the hall.

"Jeff!!!" I yelled.

I could hear him laugh. I shook my head with a smile and went back to my phone. I told Jace what had happened.

Wow and Jeff caught you guys? He texted.

Yeah...Buzz kill...I swear. I texted.

Well at least you found a boyfriend. He texted.

I got into bed and pulled the covers over me.

Hes not my boyfriend. I texted back.

Okay...Goodnight. He texted back.

Night. I texted.

I put my phone down on the white side table. I rolled over in my bed. I touched my lips still remembering that kiss. I closed my eyes thinking about it.



I woke to the sound of the door bell going off. I rolled out of bed. I looked through the peep whole and saw Alec. I rolled my eyes and put up my hair in a messy bun.I reached for the nob and opened it.

"Goodmorning sunshine." He smiled.

"Morning."I yawned.

"Can I ask a favor? He asked.

"What." I said with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Let go of me!!!!" Someone screamed.

I jumped at the sound.

"Ryan I swear to god!!!!" She screamed again.

Ryan was holding a dark red haired girl.

"Can I bring my sister in here? I lost my house keys." Alec said.

"Sure."I said.

"I'm going to rip off your ball sack!!!" She screamed in Ryans face.

The girl obvisouly had to be Rosealyn.

"Great." He said.

"Bring her in." Alec called to Ryan.

Ryan nodded and struggled to walk with her kicking and screaming.

"Joey!!!" She screamed and finally got away from Ryan.

She ran and jumped on Joesoph who just got out of his car. She wraped her legs around his waist.

"Hey sexy." He said before pressing his lips to hers.

My face fell. Now I know why Ryan told me to watch out for him... Everyone came in my house and  I shut the door.

"Rosealyn this has to stop!!!" Alec yelled at her.

She just sat on the couch glaring at him.

I"'m tired of this!!!" He yelled.

"Well you dont have to come get me." She snapped.

"Well if I didn't I would be a bad brother!!" He yelled.

"Well just leave me alone!!!! Just get off my case!!!" She yelled crossing her arms.

"Your grounded." He said calmly.

"Whatever." She mummbled.

"It wont be whatever when theres a big party and you cant go." He said.

She shrugged.

"I can never get through to you!!!"Alec yelled throwing his hands up.

"Just leave me alone and you wont have problems." She mummbled.

Rosealyn was a very pretty girl. She had really light blue eyes that looked almost green. She had her dimples, septum, and lip pierced.

Alec rolled his eyes, "Rosey if you cant work with me here...I'll be forced to call mom and dad."

"You do it and I will be gone faster then you can get a hard on." She said.

Joesoph started laughed.

"Dont laugh Joe." Alec snapped.

Joesoph looked down and smiled.

"Whatever im done talking to you." He said and sat down on the other couch.

"So you must be Rosealyn." I said trying to ease up the mood.

Her head snapped up to look at me. She glared at first and then nodded.

"You are?" She asked irratated.

"Oh im Ronnie." I said.

She nodded again.

"Im new. I just moved here from San Diego."I said. 








I followed Rosealyn to door.We almost made it out until Alec stood infront of us.

"What part of your grounded did you not get?"He asked.

"Alec I just wanted to take Ronnie to the mall and show her around."She pleaded.

He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Please?"She begged.

"I'm sorry Rosealyn the answers no."He said.

She rolled her eyes and brought me to my room.I watched her pace back and forth.

"I've got nothing..."She breathed sitting on the bed next to me.

"I have an idea."I said.

"What?"She asked.

"Why don't we go through the window."I said.

"Oh my god your brilliant!"She grinned going over to the window.

She opened it and climbed out.She motioned for me to go next.I climbed out and shut it.We ran to her car giggling and hopped in.She turned it on and took off down the street.


"What do you think of this?"I asked holding up a long sleeved pink shirt.

Rosealyn started laughing.

"What?"I asked.

"Are you serious?"She laughed.

I just stared at her.

"Oh god you are..."She said snatching it from me.

She looked through a rack of clothes and handed me a light blue jeaned belly shirt.

"I can't wear this!"I said handing it back.

"And why the hell not!"She said crossing her arms.

"Cause its so out of my comfort zone..."I whispered.

"Look if you want to wear shirts that cover everything and baggy pants be my quest but you will never fit it here."She said walking away.

"Rosealyn wait."I called.

She stopped.

"I'll at least try it on."I said and she turned.

"Great besides you totally have the body for it."She smiled and I went to the dressing room.

I tried it on and came out.

"Okay."I said.

"Oh my god its perfect.Ring that up."She said to the cashier.

"No Rosealyn i don't have money for this."I said.

"Its fine.I'll put it on my tab."She smiled and swipped her credit card.

I rolled my eyes as she pulled the tag off.I followed her out the door and to the bathroom.I watched as she looked through every stall.She pulled out a pipe.

"Rosealyn what are you doing!"I yelled.

"Smoking a little weed.Would you keep it down and keep watch."She said putting it up to her mouth.

I rolled my eyes and peeked out the door.

"If we get caught I swear."I said.

"We are not going to.I do this all the time so just calm down."She said takeing a hit.

"Rosealyn we are talking jail time."I whispered.

"You know maybe you should take a hit."She laughed.

"Are you crazy?"I asked.

"Ron I was kidding..."She said.

I starred at her pipe.

"I mean unless you want to.."She said handing it to me.

"I can't...I mean I don't even know how it works."I said.

"Oh its easy you just put this up to your mouth."She said pointing to the long part."Then you put your finger on this hole and don't let go till I say."She said.

I nodded and put it up to my mouth and put my finger on the little hole on the side.She lite it and told me to suck until I wanted to stop.She told me to let go of the hole and keep sucking.

"Hold it in."She smiled.

I nodded.

"Okay now let it out."She said and I did.

"That easy?"I said.

"That easy."She laughed.

"Alright let me hit it again."I said.

"Okay."She laughed


We sat at Mcdonalds eating our fries and burgers.

"Oh my god."Rosealyn laughed.

"What?"I asked.

"I have 13 missed calls from my brother and 5 texts from Joesoph."She laughed.

I flinched at Joesophs name.How was I going to tell her that her boyfriend kissed me in his car.

"Speaking off the devil."She smiled and answered her phone.

Alec was yelling so loud I think the whole Mcdonalds could hear.Rosealyn put him on speaker phone.

"When you get back consider your social life over.I cant even talk to you right now!!"He yelled.

Rosealyn fell back in her chair laughing.I was slapping my leg cause I was laughing so hard.

"Rose?"Someone asked from the phone.

"Thats my name."She laughed.

"Its Joe."He said.

"Oh hi babe!"She yelled.

"What are you on?"He asked.

"Weed."We both laughed.

"Tell them we are coming!"Alec yelled in the backround.

Rosealyn clicked end on her phone and we both flew up.We grabbed our bags and started running.

"Watch out he could be anywhere."he said.

We turned the corner and there they were.Levi spotted us and we started running.They ran after us.With 3 bags in each hand its kinda hard to run fast.Joesoph grabbed Rosealyn and Levi grabbed me.

"I tell you your grounded and what do you do?You leave anyway!"Alec yelled at Rosealyn.

"Alec it really wasn't her fault.I was the one who wanted to go to the mall."I said sitting next to her on a bench.

"You!!!Im so disappointed in you for going with her and smoking weed!!"He yelled at me.

I looked down.I looked over at Rosealyn who was watching Joesoph make googly eyes with a blonde across the way.Rosealyn got up and grabbed Joesoph by his shirt and starting making out with him.The girl turned away.

Alec rolled his eyes.

"Lets go."He said grabbing a couple bags.

"Your an ass."Joesoph said to Rosealyn and threw her over his shoulder.

Levi came over to pick me up but Ryan got to me first.I felt bad.


"Now I'm going to go get pizza and I'm leaving Joe here to keep a eye on you guys."Alec said and left with Ryan and Levi.

Joesoph watched tv while me and Rose sat there.

"I'm so bored..."She groaned.

"Me too."I said.

"Does your step dad have anything to drink here?"She asked.

"Yeah we have juice."I said.

Joesoph started laughing.

"Sweetie I mean alcohol."She smiled getting up.

I followed her to the kitchen.We looked through cuberds.

"Found it."She smiled holding up a bottle of captain morgan.

She grabbed two classes from the drain rack and filled them up halfway.She pushed one over to me and I.

"Oh I don't drink."I said.

"You don't do anything."She said.

"I do to.I smoked weed with you."I said.

"Stop being a pussy.Your 17.Which means you need to have fun in life."She said handing it to me.

"Drink."She said.

"Fine but just to prove to you I'm not a pussy."I said.

I drank the first cup.We kept drink till it was almost gone.

"What ae you guys doing?"Joe askedHe snatched the bottle out of Roses hand."Captain Morgan...Good drink."He said before drinking the rest.

Rosealyn rolled a joint and lite it.She passed it to me and I took a hit.I let it out slowly and passed it back to her.

"Do you know what a shot gun is?"She asked me.

"Nope."I said shaking my head.

"Oh its easy and fun.Just watch."She said walking over to Joesoph.

She took a hit and blew it into his mouth.

"See easy and sexy."She laughed.

I nodded and laughed.Her phone rang and she told me to try it with Joe before leaving the room.I was shocked she would let me do that with her boy friend.Maybe shes just not the jealous type.Joesoph stared at me with a smerk.He walked over to me with the joint in his hand.

"Ready?"He asked.

I nodded quickly.

He then took a hit and placed his lips on mine.He blew it in my mouth slowly.I could feel his hot breath.I let it out.

"I did it."I said excited.

"Yay..."He whispered slipping his hand on my lower back.

"Now lets try something else."He smerked and then pressed his lips to mine.

I kissed back at first then realized I was kissing Roses boy friend again.....I pushed him away from me.He had a shocked look on his face.

"Whats wrong?"He asked.

"What are you doing?!"I asked angerliy.

"Kissing you??What do you think I'm doing?"He asked.

"Joesoph we can't..."I said.

"What do you mean we can?"He asked sounding irritated.

"Rosealyns my best friend!"I yelled.

"Rosealyn?What does this have to do with Rose?"He asked confused.

"Aren't you two dateing?"I asked confused.

He then started laughing uncontrollably.Rose walked in confused.

"Joe why are you laughing so hard?"She asked.

"Ronnie....Thinks me and....You...Are dating..."He said between laughs.

A smile crepted on her face.

"Well how was she supposed to know?!We are always all over each other..."She yelled at him.

I felt really embarrassesed.

"Me and him aren't dating sweetie.We are like best friends.We both just like to makeout with each other and nothing more."She said.

I nodded and Joe finally stopped laughing.Rose smacked him on the chest and he smacked her ass.My phone started ringing and it was Jace.I walked out side in the front and answered it.

"Hello."I said.

"Hey Ron."Jace said.

"Oh my god Jace I just got humiliated."I said sitting on a brick wall that divided my house and Roses houses.

"What happened?"He asked.

"Well I thought Rose and Joesoph were dating..."I said.

"Uh whose Rose?"He asked.

"Rose is my best girl friend."I said.

"Oh okay.So let me guess they weren't."He said.

"Yeah and know I probably lost all chances with Joesoph."I said.

"Oh come on Ron don't be so hard on yourself.Atleast you know hes free."He laughed.

"Yeah I guess."I sighed.

"Who are you talking to?Is that Jace?"Rose asked walking over to me.

"Yeah and no your not talking to him."I said holding the phone from her.

She managed to grab it from me and held me back.

"Hey is this Jace?"She asked struggling to hold me back.

"This is Rose.Are you cute because Ronnie won't tell me."She said.

"Oh I am."She said.

"Rosealyn give me the phone!"I laughed.

"Okay sounds good.I'll hold you to that deal."She smiled.

"Okay heres Veronica."She said rolling her eyes.

She handed it to me and went back inside.

"What did you tell her?"I asked.

"I told her I would go on a date with her."He laughed.

"Are you gunna do it."I laughed.

"Hell no.No offence but your best friend sounds like a slut."He said.

"Shes the school player."I said.

"Oh okay now I know to look out with her."He laughed.

"Yeah well I better get back in there."I said.

"Yeah I have football practice in an hour."He said.

"Okay well I'll talk to you later bestie."I said

"Okay bye."He said and hung up.

I walked back in the house and sat down on the couch.

"Jace had to go?"Rose asked sitting on Joes lap.

"Yeah he had football practice."I said.

"Oh your into football players."Joe asked.

"They are best friends."Rose said.

"Well you still have us."Joe said wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah..."I smiled and layed my head on his chest.

Rose held my hand.

The front door opened.The smell of pizza floated into the room.Joe and Rose were the first ones to get a slice.Ryan brought me one and we all sat down and ate.

Alec come smoke with me.Rose said after we were all done eating.

He got up and went into the kitchen.Levi and Ryan followed.I stayed in the living room with Joe.He stared at me for a minute.

What are you staring at?I asked.

I'm just trying to figure out why your so pretty.She smiled.

I rolled my eyes playfully.

He slipped his hand between my thighs.I pushed his hand away.He just smiled and nodded.We sat in silence for a bit.He leaned over and kissed me softly before I could say anything.I ran my fingers through his hair as he deepened the kiss.Our tongues wrestled and he layed me down.He grabbed my thighs tightly and layed between them.I couldn't help but shake.I was scared.I never did anything with a guy other then makeout.

Wow.Get a room.Rose laughed.

Joe laughed and got off of me.He ran a hand through his hair.I sat up.Alec shook his head and Levi looked down.

"Hey Ron come hit this blunt with me."Ryan said.

I nodded.

I went outside with him.We sat on lawn chairs and smoked.

"Hey Joes not coming onto srong is he?"Ryan asked.

I shook my head.

"Okay just making sure because hes known to come on to strong."He said taking a hit.

"Nah its cool."I said.

"You let me know if it ever gets to much."He said.

I nodded.

We finished up and went back inside.Joe sat on the couch with a irratated look on his face.Alec was asleep and Rose was talking to Levi.Ryan sat down on the floor.I sat next to Joe.I pulled out my phone.I wrote whats wrong and handed it to Joe.He started writing and handed it back.He told me he wanted to talk to me about something in the other room.I stood up and he followed me.

"Wear a condom."Ryan said.

"Shut up."Joe said.

We went in my room and I shut the door.

"So whats up?"I asked.

"Alec keeps giving me shit about you and me."He said.

"What do you mean?"I asked.

"He wants me to leave you alone."He said.

"Well are you going to listen?"I asked.

He paused and looked at me.

"I just want to kiss you right now."He said.

"Then do it."I said.

"But I can't."He groaned.

"Just fuck what Alec said."I said.

He smiled and pushed me against the wall.I smiled.He kissed me hard.He trailed kisses down my neck to my chest.He tried to take my shirt off.I shook my head.

"Just let me unhook your bra then."He whispered.

I shook my head.

He groaned.

"I'm scared Joe."I said.

"What do you mean your scared?Wait are you a virgin?"He asked.

I nodded.

"Oh wow even better."He said in a husky voice.

He grabbed my hips and lifted me up.I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Joe I'm serious."I said.

"Its okay.I'll be real gentle."He whispered.

He licked up my neck.My body shivered.

"Joe."I moaned as he put his hand between my thighs.

He stopped and sighed.He put me down.

"I'm sorry...I'm just not ready."I said.

He nodded.We walked out.Joe walked outside to smoke.Ryan was the only one awake.He patted next to him and I layed down.He wrapped his arm around me.

"You didn't do it."He said.

I shook my head.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.12.2013

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