
C H A P T E R 1


"Your sitting in the back," Shady my older, Foster brother says. He points and makes it clear that his mother made Shady give me a ride back to the house. And obivously he and his friends didn't approve of it.

"I didn't even want to be here," I snap back. I pull the left back door and sit on the cool, black leather seats. Shady's 3 football friends climb into the mustang, one in the front and the other 2 in the back. They dump there binder's and heavy jackets on me, I let them fall to the car floor. I squeeze my eye's shut and lean my head against the window.

"We're going to that , Shady?" Dale asks leaning back and lighting a cigarette.

"Hell yeah! Its at Renae's house, right?" Shady says changing the radio station. I cough as smoke drifts by me.

"Can you do that by a freaken' window! Like damn." Dale turns toward me, "why is she in here? She gets on my fucken nerves!" he pauses, "And no I'll smoke wherever I want to." They all look toward Shady, "Evangeline, get out." I look we were like more than five blocks from the house.

I get up out out Shady's blue mustang. "I don't think you should make her walk like that, " Andrew says. He eyes my tank top and shorts,"Oh my fucken gosh, here! " he tosses me his T-shirt. "And tell mom I'll be back at 10." Then they take off. I pull the shirt over my tank, it smelled like cheap girl perfume, mixed with Shady 's scent. I grimace the shirt came mid- thigh longer than my shorts. Great! Now it looks like I only have underwear and a shirt on.

I race toward the house, sighing I finally come in view, with the blue median sized mark tudor. I wipe my shaking legs, I was pretty nervous about getting gagged and raped. Concerning my past. I open the door heading to the kitchen, where I knew Marie, my foster mother, and Annabel my 2 year old sister.

"Hey sweetie," Marie says as I walk in. She is wearing a blue apron, her arms outstretched. "Hey mom." It was hard for me to hug her, I would stiffen. And she knew it, because I was just not used to comfort or a mom like that. Annabel sat on a purple blanket with little pots and pans. She screamed in delight seeing me, and also with her arms outstretched. Annabel looked exactly like me, minus the nose, with her curly black hair and blue eyes.

A long time ago my real mom, left me with, Elora my grandmother. At the age of 13. Elora didn't like Natalie, my mom especially because she left me with her. Elora hated me, she would always complain about me. Before I lived with her, I lived with another famliy, but it didn't work out because they couldn't support me. Anyways, Elora would hit me and slap me, that was her game.

"You are a ungrateful bitch! Just like whore-ass Natalie. I don't know why she left you here! "

"Well fuck you! Because I hate you both! " I screamed back. "You old saggy ass hag! "

She cracked me hard across the face, making me fly back. Elora was strong for a 49 old lady, she kicked me restlessly. My cheek burned and tasted like salty blood, there was nothing I could do. I punched her hard in the face, and yanking off her wig. something I never dare.(but something I always wanted to do) Her face started turning purple, then she took out," help! I'm bleeding terribly! Help I'm scared she is attacking me! " She pauses, for effect "yes 1245 andy st. Hurry! " She drops her phone with a thud smirking. Then I realized she planned it on purpose. She had been waiting for me to hit her back.

"You dumb bitch! You set me up! What did I ever do to you! And its called self- defense beating your ass! "

"You came into my life! That's what you did! And its called self- defense! " Elora picks her cane. "And I might as well finish the job." She gives me a blow so hard that it would leave a scar! It did and I was flying back into her dresser filled with antiques. Barely able to see, I grab a sharp lamp and bang it in her head. She collaspes to the floor blood falling. In the distance I hear the wail of police sirens.

"Put your hands on your head! " They bellowed. I slowly do and they handcuffed me roughly. "You are under arrest," But what they didn't know was that most of the blood was mine.

They put me in juvy for 8 months. I didn't get along with nobody. I got into a lot of fights. Until they sent me to foster care. Where the nun's didn't like me they actually hated me. They would hit me and punish me for no reasons. I would talk back, the guards would rape me. I hated them, especially when Natalie dropped Annabel in foster home the slut. Where I took care of her none of the nuns were aloud to get near her. I wouldn't let them and I paid terrible consequences. Until the day, Marie came.

"Oh you don't want her. She tried to kill her grandmother and is a prostitute," the nuns said. That was a lie! And I struggle not to cry holding Annabel in my arms. "Come on, " But Marie wouldn't budge. I turned away and Annabel seeing me cry she started to cry too. "Shh. Bella," I coo.

And ever since I never knew why Marie adopted me. She never told me why.

I pick Annabel up and she pulls on a lock of curls. Tugging my head "hi bella," I say. "Ma! " she squeals. I avoid looking at Marie. I head out the kitchen with Annabel In my arms, "Shady said he isn't coming home till' 10," I say.

"That boy. Who knows what he be doing." She looks back up seeing me scratch the at scar threaded through my eyesbrows. I just can't let it go. "Is that his shirt? " She asks. I nod and head upstairs to my room which is by Shady's.


~ I just wanted to say that this story is also on wattpad follow me on there : mexylikem the book is also the same title as it is here. Check out my others stories that I havent posted on here yet :) Thank you ! ;* havent been on Bookrix in a while

C H A P T E R 2


I walk into my room, setting Annabel in her blue crib, where she plays with her little bear. I peel Shady's T-shirt off and spray perfume on me, which I hardly use. A gift from Marie. Oops! I got a little bit on his shirt, oh well it stunk anyways. Cherry barges in, cigarrette in hand. "Hey, Ev," she says sitting on my twin bed. I wave my hand in the air, "Cherry, what have I told you! Don't be smoking in front of Annabel!" I scold her. Also because it still tempted me, but it was a sacerfice willing to make for Annabel. She rolls her eyes and opens my window, "you used to do it."

"Well not anymore," trying hard not to think about it. Cherry was a foster kid, too. Also adopted by Marie, we had our pasts. Cherry's hair matched her name- naturally red hair, big blue eyes, and pale skin.

"Wheres Shady?" she asks, craning her head out the window. But his mustang was no where in sight, it hardly ever was.

"He said he wasn't coming back until 10," I respond curling up on the chair by Annabel's crib- a old habit. I should've known she would ask about wheres Shady at? Like 7 months ago, I had finally had the nerve to ask Cherry if she and Shady were having sex. She had snickered, "Duh! You dumbass I thought you could hear us, your room is right next to his, lucky bitch." I turned red, I should've known as I would see her sneak out of his room, with only a shirt of his that came down mid-thigh. "Stop being a baby," she had said. Right now she would chain smoke, from nerves. I used to do the same thing. I fell asleep on the chair, like I always have.


I woke up to a sticker note stuck to my face. I now lay in the bed in a twisted angle.


Annabel is with me, were staying the night at my sister's, house Anne. Don't worry okay? Shady and Cherry should be at the house. Don't forget Dad is coming home tomorrow.

Love you, mom

I panic about Annabel. Don't bitch about it, Evangeline. She is with Marie she will keep her safe. I rub my tired eyes and check the time 10:30. Was it late to eat, because I was starving! I kick off my shoes and pull out a soft pair of leggings with my tank. I go downstairs the tv. blaring and the sound of chips. Shady lay on the L-shape couch, without a shirt on, his muscles shoulders and eight pack, tanned, full on display.

"Wheres Cherry?" I finally ask.

He looks my way, lazily, " I don't know, and I don't care. Just leave me alone." I barely manage to nod, why did he have to be such a dick head?

"What the hell did you just say to me? " he demands, getting up. I gulp did I really just say that aloud? Shady's figure and height made me look like a short stick.

"I didn't say it. I thought it you dumbass," I say getting smart. Which is stupid. I pad off to the kitchen, he follows me. "Your a dumbass for saying it out loud. And I didn't hear you repeat, shit! " He grabs my shoulder and spins me around. I tingle at the touch of his strong, firm hand, on my mosly bare shoulder. Until I remember I've been into this position to many times ago, and I always got raped.

"Let me go! " I screamed. His face starts turning into the Elora's face, the nuns, and Dino the guard who raped me the most, along with Natalie. I screamed, but worse. And then I passed out.

C H A P T E R 3


Someone shakes and I heavily push their hand away. "Stop Evangeline! Are you okay? Your okay," I heard Marie soothing voice.

She's lucky I didn't lash out on her. And I open my eyes looking into Marie's concerned face. In the distance Annabel cried. "What's wrong with Annabel?" I ask, trying to get up, Marie pushed me back down lightly.

"Evangeline, don't get up," she warned. She shakily ran her hand through her chesnut layers. "I should've never left you alone its a good thing Shady called." Shady? What happened? Then last nights events came rushing o my head: me freaking out on Shady.Passing out. They must think I'm crazy!

My head hurt and I longed to rub it and groan. "Let me get up so I can see Annabel," she doesn't loosen her grip. "Now! Marie." She knew I was being serious which pissed me off, especially when I called her from her first name.

"But... The doctor said your not stable."

I graze at her shock and anger. I hated the doctor. Didn't trust them hated how they asked all this questions and poked me like a toy. "Marie, I didn't need no fucking doctor! I hate the hospital and you know it! What shit of mine did you put on blast this time? " I screamed being sarcastic. I almost choke on the hard grasp in my throat, but it was worth it. Annabel cries became louder! And all I wanted to do was was comfort my little sister!

Marie opened her mouth to speak, but before she could Cherry and Shady busted through the door.- with BlueJay, our little chihuahua. I glare at Marie as she nods at Cherry to take Annabel.

"Could you stop glaring at me like that? The least your ungrateful ass, is treat my mom right. And shut the fuck up Andrea Mor-"

I cut Shady off, "Why don't you shut the fuck up? You hipocrite you treat your mom worse! And who gives a damn if that slutty bit-"

"Enough!" Marie screamed. "Shady get out! And I'm sorry Ev, your staying in your room until your stable." She gets up and pushes Shady and BlueJay out the door. She turns around and gives me a death glare "Evangeline, Yazmine, Alex. Don't even think about sneaking out that window." And then she closes the door. While I stare at the ceiling, I refused to cry.

"Hey, sweetie," Dad says coming in. I mosly just called him, Andon, because like Marie he wasn't my real parent.

"Hey, daddy," I say glumly still a bit pissed. He sits at the edge of the bed, dropping BlueJay on my lap. I stroke her softly and she licks my face.

"So, Ev, I know your mad at your mom. But she is only doing it to help you. And I also know you hate the Doc. so don't hate me."

I smile it was a bit hard to be mad at him. But I also felt kind of mean for yelling at Marie like that. "OK."

He hands me a Mcdonalds bag, "here, I bet your hungry." Andon smiles knowing I'm hungry.

"Thanks, daddy!" I take the bag. And watch him leave the room, leaving me with BlueJay. Well a girl by herself, on a school day, with a bag of Mcdonalds. Well I always knew I was weird so it could've went worse.

C H A P T E R 4


I walk out of my room in a hurry. Thankful that I could take a shower.Racing, I pull the door close behind me and look in frustration. All of Shady's and Cherry's bathroom things were crowding the sink and the bathtub. Uuuuggh! I hate sharing a bathroom with them. I push Shady's AXE shaving cream back, putting my own things in the tub. I strip and massage my head with herbal enncenses. I hurry and pull my black pre-ripped jeans someone knocks on the door."Hurry up! I don't have time for your shit." It was Shady he was always grumpy in the morning- rude too, but to me.I hurry and pull my matching black bra on. Shit! Where is my shirt? I know I brought it with me, I bend over and move my towels. The door busts open.I look up and Shady is towering over me and impatiently stomping his foot. " Get out Shady!" I snap still looking for my shirt "the fuck up your the one still in your bra," he says pushing me out the way. I turn red and angle myself away from him. Shady snickers, "Look down dumbass." I look to where he is pointing in front of him, is where my white T-shirt was.I felt stupid and I hurry and pick it up. Turning even more red because I knew I was showing my breast even more. I stumble to the door, please don't say anything, please don't say anything. "Hey, Ev nice tittys," he smirks and slams the door in my face. The dick. I pad down the hallway barefoot passing Cherry. She scurries in only a shirt to the bathroom not giving me a second thought. "Hey Annabel, bay," I ruffle her hair. And I change her diaper and into a adorable blue ruffled pants, with panda's lining the soft shirt.I take her downstairs ready to hand her to my mom. And I wait at the door with my bag about to ride in the car ride of hell with Shady.

C H A P T E R 5



The Western field was crowded and I push myself through the crowds of teenagers who were sitting on the school steps. Several were smoking and feeling irritated and stress. I look longily, I turn my head away and enter through the doors.

"Hey! Ev!" I turn around it was Eliza. Eliza was my bestfriend which I couldn't believe, we were just so different. She had confidence and for one, her hair was red, blue, purple, gold. It was naturally blond and wavy it looked really good on her. Eliza also had a lot of haters, which were girls. Eliza was very popular with the boys, she was like a cute pop-princess.

"Liza hey," I say pulling my locker door open. I dump my books on the ground I didn't feel like organizing.

"Why didn't you come? " She says eyeing me. OK. I was a bad liar and Eliza always found out things.

I sigh, and slam the locker door shut. "Because Marie took me to her sister's house and because I kind of.... freaked out on Shady."

Eliza's laugh flowed out and she easily turned heads. "You finally freaked out on him? Lol Evangeline that boy is a bitch like Renae and Dale and them."

I roll my eyes that was not the first time I told him off. We walk down the hall pushing past people and Eliza waves. We walk past Renae and Cherry and there little "it" group. Shady snickers and nudges I turn red with angry that bastard must've already told everybody "about in the morning."

" Hey Ass-line, nice bra." Called out Renae she snickered. I stop what a funny nickname the hoe.

"Hey slut-nae! You still giving head? " I snicker and she turns red.

Everybody snickers even more," Your ugly self wouldn't have the nerve to talk to me like that. I don't care if your Shady's "sister"

"Actually I don't even like being his "sister" And you don't know anything about my life." I snap. Liza pulls me away and starts talking shit to Renae. I laugh because its funny how she tells me to stop when she is running her mouth.


"Ev, I think you just can't get a boyfriend because of Shady." Eliza said as we sat in her room. She rips open a pack of lays and starts eating.

I roll my eyes, "What do you mean?" I take the bag and take a handful. As if shady wanted to have anything to do with me he had made it clear...

" Because he scares all the boys away that think they have the balls to want to ask you out." She makes her duh! Face. And I just simply stare at her then I start laughing. I laugh and choke on a chip holding my sides she frowns at me.

"Your funny- haha- Liza he doesn't wan- t to have anything to do with- me. And - what about cherry? " I say between laughs.

"Because Cherry is a hoe. Stupid! "

I roll my eyes and Liza puts on a random movie. She lays back down on the bed with her phone and I could tell she was texting Jay her boyfriend. I sigh, she was smiling, and I wish I wasnt so boring.

I wake up to find Liza's little brother Andy stuffing animal crackers down my back. "Andy! " Liza snickers and I get up uncomfortably from her bed. Animal crackers fall to the ground and Andy quickly runs out the room laughing. "Bye Evangeline!"

"Shutup! Eliza I know your gonna say something!" She sat there with a amused face."OMG! its late!" I check my phone it was already 10! I pick up my bag and groan when I find a cracker still fall from my back.

"Do you need a ride?" Liza says getting up too.

"No. I'll just walk... I'm gonna be OK." Her blue eyes filled with worry.

"You sure? Because its dark and..."

"No Liza. Stay with Andy I'm good." I push past her which she relunctly lets me past.

"I- just don't want nothing to happen to you."

Like nothing ever has happen to me... "See you tomorrow, L." I close the door behind me and take in the cold dark sky it felt good. I walk down the street and feel that scared feeling I got. I pushed it away, I would be OK. But even as I said this I heard movement and laughter down a alley.

I walk faster hoping I wasn't spotted. Trying to be quiet I pass a familar blue mustang. I pause and look more carefully, at the 20's. My heart stops it was Shadys. I drop my bag with a thud as I hear the big history book make a huge noise. Shit.


And I take off hearing footsteps running behind me.

C H A P T E R 6


My heart was pounding loudly as I sprinted down the street. I didn't give a shit if I left my bag behind. I turn hard around the corner hearing, loud pounding footsteps behind me. Down the street there was two other figures. I skid into the alley and cut behind a yard.

"Bitch ! I'm talking to you."

I push myself foward as a tall, buff guy comes from my left. I stick my leg out hard and he falls hard with a crash.

Making a right I don't look as someone jumps on top of me from behind. I crash hard to the floor with a thud as there weight pins me down. I thrash and kick and manage to pop him a good one in the face.

He responds by slapping me hard and roughly ripping my shirt. I taste the blood and the fear. The others crowd over him saying the sickest things.

"Get off of her ! " A voice roughly snapped. For once I was actually glad to be hearing this voice in my life. Shady I groan my head was pounding.

"Awe why Shady?  We just having fun right." He smirked and pressed me harder into the cutting rocks. Oww!

"Now!  Eque! " Shady snapped. When he noticed his relunctance he grabbed him roughly from the arm and dragged him off of me. They glared each other down until Eque nodded at a couple of guys and they slowly walked away in the opposite direction. He spat as he was walking and I finally let out the big breath that was caught in my throat. I looked up and found Shady also glaring at me. I struggle getting up and he pulls me to my feet. Pain rushed through my back and head. I stumbled and felt dizzy I was also shivering. From shock or cold?  I thought. Shady grabbed me firmly and I winced in pain, "owwww!" I snapped.

He glared and pulled his shirt over me softly. I was stained with blood everywhere as Shady steered me to his waiting mustang. I heard him sigh in impatience. Dale , Andrew, and Cole were already in the car. None of them said nothing, the car ride home dropping them off was uneasily quiet. Once we were alone in the car, Shady finally spoke "Evangeline dont even think about telling nobody this."

"Why not-" I started.

"Shut the fuck up." Shady drove faster, "When we get home your going to tell my mother and father that you fell on the ditch by Lawri house."

It stung how he hated the thought of me even being his half-sister. Like I was nothing,it wasn't my choice to be here. I glared back at him "I wish I did fall in a ditch so I wouldn't have to be here with you! "

His mustang stopped hard in front of the house We lived in. "Get out." he snapped clenching his teeth, "You arent welcomed here anyways."

C H A P T E R 7

My hands shook as I looked for my key. I took a deep breath and unlock the door and push it open. I could hear the t.v on in the living room.

"Evangeline?" Marie called out.

I gulp and head toward the living room,"yeah?"

"Where were you? Its almost mid-night. We were worried."

She was snuggled into Andon's arms in the couch they were both staring at me waiting for a response.

Before I could speak the t.v went on comercial and the room brightened. And she gasped as she took a good look at my face. "Omg ! Honey what happened!" She was already on her feet grabbing my face gently and inspecting it. I gulped and think about what shady told me to say. I could almost imagine him glaring at me.

"I- fell down that ditch on the other road- I wa- jogging and wasn't paying attention."

"Sweetie do I need to take you to a hospital your bleeding , Andon look! "

I grimaced, " No I just want to take a shower and go to sleep. Please mom,dad don't worry about it." They stare at me a bit longer and pull me into a hug.

"Were just glad that your home safe honey." I struggle not to scream bloody murder. Damn my body hurt like a bitch.

"I know. I know. " I say I give a reasurring smile and head toward  the stairs as fast as I could. I tip-toe into my room seeing as Annabel was asleep. I kiss her softly and grab a oversize shirt and soft short-shorts. Heading to the bathroom I fumble with the knob to the hot water desperately I pull off my clothes. And catch a self Of what I looked like in the mirror. I gasp, blood was dried on my cheeks and in my hair a bruise was already forming my back had little cuts from the gravel and arms had hand marks. Tears finally fall as I step inside the bathtub. I massage my now bruised face. And recall how close I was too it happening to me again. I slunk to the bottom of the bathtub hot water falling. I suddenly felt weak and tired. The window banged roughly I jerked my head. Who was outside?  I get up slowly Is there a peeping tom or what ? I almost scream when I saw Shady's face. I glare at him stupid bitch. He motions for me to open the window. I don't. Instead I continue washing my body he bangs sharply again obivously somebodys patience was running out. I roll my eyes and push the window up.

"Can't you see I'm in the middle of taking a shower! " I yell at him. He pushes me aside and I wonder how he even got up 2 stories. I struggle to cover myself and what suprises me is that he was already undressing himself seeing as he was already wet started taking a shower.

"Get out ! " I snapped. "Now !" He grabbed me roughly we were naked. "Then get out ! " He growled " Or don't think I won't do what those guys were thinking. " I gasp and slap him hard. Not letting me go I start feeling uneasliy "Let me go!  " He did. And I took that chance to already change and run out the bathroom. I was not Cherry, or his hoes.

C H A P T E R 8

I slide the window hastily back in place it was a matter of time before they figured I was gone, from the room they kept me in.

"Well, well, well, the bitch decided to come back." I jump at the voice of my current foster dad. Sweat fell down my back and the hairs stood up on my arms.

"I-" I began, I was cut off quickly when his hand slapped me hard across the cheek.

"Save it." He growled " I know you were hanging with those boys you little slut! " He grabbed my chin and dragged my bloody face to meet his.

"Answer me ! "

I gulp, " I swear I didn-" Once again I was cut off as he grabbed me roughly by the hair I yelp and he throws me hard on my bed.

"Spread your legs." He orders.

"Hell no! " I hissed finding my voice. I kick him sharply as he nears me and he grasped my legs roughly jerking them far apart I feel him rip up the only shorts I had.

"Open up!  I know you like too!  Little hoe I'm not stupid. You wanna do big girl things I'll show you big boy things." He plunged inside of me and I scream and scream in pain. That wasn't the only time I have been raped...

Sweat involved me like I was trying to drown myself in it. I gripped the pillow so tight when I woke up. It was only a dream I remind myself .. No a memory. Tears still slid down my face and I struggle not to make a sound. My body hurt like shit, my back felt like it was on fire. And slowly I glare at the wall. Fuck it. Thats how my emotions were right now and I felt lost. I get up slowly and sit next to Annabel's crib. I eyed her sleeping soundlessy and peacefully. I envyed her right now I kiss her softly as to not wake her up with having to deal with a grouchy baby. I head softly downstairs seeing as it was 3 clock in the morning. And my parents were asleep I grab a cold water bottle from the fridge Its humming calmed me down and gave me enough light too see. I tie my hair in a sloppy high ponytail and fling off my over-sized shirt I was still burning with sweat. And I gulp down the water I almost moaned it felt good against my dry throat and I left it fall on my chest and bare stomach underneath my bra.

"Ev, " the voice said huskily. I almost screamed in shock choking on my water. Shady stood up from the corner of the corner of the couch hidden by the shadows. His jeans  were sagging desperately showing his V from his six-pack. I realized he must've seen my little show because he was snickering. I throw the now empty water bottle at him.

"Fuck off," I snapped.

His hands reach out to grab my even more moistured waist. I back away nervously my braveness backing up in my throat. Shady gently rubs circles his hands going up getting closer to my cleavage. I gasp and push him hard as he grips me from the breast grabbing my ass he pulls me roughly toward him.

"I am not one of your hoes, " I hiss at him.

He glares at me," Oh shut the fuck up. You should even be glad that somebody would even give you the time of your life. Your pussy isn't even all that, seen waay better bitches then you." Shady shoves me roughly and I fall back into the counter. You don't fucking no anything about my life. Stupid bitch fuck you !! I wanted to yell at him. 

Cherry walked in naked except her lacy bra and thong. She eyed us both as me and Shady glared viciously at each other. Cherry looked like a model one thing I hated off of her was her body. Her boobs were bigger then mine and she was curvier and taller.

"Babe." She finally said breaking the silence " Lets go." He glared a bit longer at me but I held my ground. Slowly he walked after Cherry " This isn't over." He snarled. I gave him what I gave best. My middle finger.


"Annabel," I cooed. I sat next to her in the kitchen feeding her. The struggle was real as she kept spitting her food back out. Marie stood over the stove making bacon and laughing at my attempts to feed her. I rubbed my eyes tired After the incident with Shady I couldn't fall asleep. Marie looked at me worriedly but didn't push it.

"Why don't you get dressed sweetie? " she finally says. I was still in my sweats and I nod and head upstairs. I pull on a pair of ripped leggings and a thin sweater that revealed a bit of my stomach I pull on my pink vans. Finally I brush my hair back letting it fall in waves. I head on the stair case and stop as I hear a new voice.

"Uncle James! " cries out Marie. She pulls him into a hug and instantly Andon is smiling. I watch hiding from the stair case and noticed Cherry staring at Andon's brother Uncle James. I didn't blame her he was attractive green eyes, tall,  dark hair, muscular and only 20. What a hoe I thought, I roll my eyes pathetic. I bound down the steps and Marie is already introducing us.

" Well damn. I see you guys had no problems getting it on! " He smirks.

Andon chuckles,  while Marie turns red " Actually Zantiago there adopted."

Zantiago raises and eyebrow at me and Cherry. This could get interesting.


C H A P T E R 9

I sat at the kitchen with Annabel spitting everything out that I tried to feed her.

"Annabel! " I scold. She simply giggled and stared at me innocently. I shake my head when she grabs one of my curls and pulls me to her.  I take the advantage and grab the spoon ready to stuff it in her mouth.

"Mommy ! No! " she squeals shaking her head she kicks the spoon and it goes flying. At that exact time Shady walks in with a splat, it flies in his face. I was torn between laughing my ass off or saying something smart.

I don't get to do either because he was already glaring and throwing the spoon back. I moved back in time it landed with a thud. Annabel was still giggling I huff and get up and get a new spoon. I was not going to pick it up. I didn't owe this bitch anything especially for not almost getting raped because of him. My body still ached and I stumble back to the table.

Once again I struggled to make her eat. She was stubborn I gave her that. Annabel began giggling again she kept staring over my shoulder. I turned and glared at Shady he glared right back. Once Again I faced Annabel she was sticking her little tongue out at me !

"SHADY! " I growled, " Seriously teaching her how to stick out her tongue ?! Grow up!  "

"Ohh shut the fuck up virgin Mary. You act like I showed her how to smoke. "

I glared back at him and let it rip! " No you shut the fuck up you nasty little hoe ! I wouldn't be suprised if you have aids. Leave Annabel alone before you somebody else hurt like the other night. "

"Stupid bitch-" He started standing up.

"Dumbass fag-"

"Ugly ass Nun -"

"Thirsty ass bitch-"

"Heyy! " The voice stopped me and Shady from saying anything else. Seeing as we were face-to-face and he looked like he wanted to beat my ass.

"What have I told you two about arguing! " Boomed Landon's voice. In the corner of my eye I could see Zantiago with a amusing perk in his eyes. He spotted Annabel and looked back from me to her. I narrowed my eyes already pulling Bella out her chair.

"Wow, I didn't know you guys already had grandkids." Zantiago said viewing me with Annabel.

Marie was already sputtering out " No thats Evangeline's little sister Annabel."

That son of a bitch.

"Oh no never!  Ev, is still young. " Landon was red from the face and he was already pulling me into his arm. He obivously was still protective of me. And I knew Landon was secretly relieved that I wasn't dating. I was Marie and Landon's favorite. Something I knew that didn't sit well with Shady. Because the glare was back "ha if she could even get some." He muttered under his breath.

Zantiago laughed then shook up with Shady. I roll my eyes Zantiago may be older but he was almost the same as Shady. Great two cocky bitches in the house now.



I hope you like my book so far (: if you want to  know when I update ask me and I'll tell you when I do ^_^ also please check out my new book and tell me what you think thank you :* ezadopee <3

C H A P T E R 10

 I bumped into a very hard body I fell to the floor with a oomph. I didn't even bother getting up the floor fell cool to my now hurting back. I almost snapped, but held back it was Shady no less.

"Watch where your fucking walking dumbass." He snapped and was about to walk into his room when Cherry pratically bumped into him too. He caught her though. Bitch.

A hand reached out toward me and I looked in suprise it was Zantiago. I frowned but then realized he was trying to help me up from where I looked pathetic on the floor.

"Thanks..." I say hesitantly.

He smiled,"Were you having fun on the floor ?"

"Yeah. I thought it felt lonely so I gave the floor a hug." I smirked and I knew he didn't see that coming. My gaze fell on Shady who was glaring in our direction I gave him the finger and stormed to my room. I stayed there knowing Marie and Landon were still out, they also had Annabel with them. I was bored out of my mind I couldn't text Liza because she was on a date with Jay and I refused to go downstairs. Like you never know I could walk into some orgy between all those annoying fuckers down there. I shudder in disgust and yawn sleepliy. Hands shake me later and I wake up from my dreamless dream. Once again the hand shook my shoulder now getting rougher, I smacked them hard. A few seconds later I roll over and wipe my eyes acting as if I just woke up. The person I just bitch slapped was Shady. "What!" I snapped, I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Downstairs.Now." He snarled slamming my door shut with a thud. Well somebody was mad I smile and head reluctently downstairs.

"Hey Evangeline, why don't you watch a movie with us?" Zantiago says motioning towards the flat screen. No I wanted to say, but I guess I didn't have a choice as I was thrown lightly on the couch. They dimmed the lights and placed a popcorn bowl on the coffee table in front of us. I stiffen as I notice I'm between Zantiago and Shady while Cherry is on the other side of Zantiago.

It was a fucking scary movie.

I clenched the pillow in front of me so hard, when I saw the creepy scene in the movie. I closed my eyes at this and leaned as far away as I could. Cherry simpliy covered her face into Zantiago's face while Shady simply stared at the screen not even scared. Boys. I roll my eyes I almost jumped in fright when Zantiago put his hand on my thigh.

"You okay?" He asked softly.

I gulp and nod turning away from him. I could feel his hand slowly crawling up and up. And my body was tensing so badly I was struggling not to start shaking in fear. I turn to my right and wince in pain when Zantiago's other hand is slowly crawling up my shirt. I don't know what made me look at Shady but I did. His gaze on me didn't change as I was nothing there. He locked eyes with me and noticed how hard I was gripping the pillow in my lap. Finally Shady took in what Zantiago's hands were doing. Before I knew it Shady's hands slapped down hard on where Zantiago's was on my thighs.

"Ooops my bad, bad reflex." He shrugged. Zantiago looked back at him as if he knew he was lying. I shove his hands away from me. And look at Shady he glared at me like normaly.

I acted as if nothing happened. Because in my world nobody believed me.

C H A P T E R 11

 I looked up at the clock willing for it to strike 12:00 already, I was stuck in world history and starving. I stare off into space letting my legs drape over the empty chair next to mine and lean back letting my whole body lay on these two chairs. Nobody would even bother paying attention to me as I sat in the back and really didn't have any friends besides Liza, Before I knew it I closed my eyes and I was asleep Annabel had kept me up the whole night since she started teething. I woke up on the floor I groan as I squint into the light a shiny bald head loomed over me and I stared in confusion.

"Mr. Potato head ?" I asked. Laughter rang out and I remembered where I was shit. Burning black, beady eyes glared at me looking at me in disgust as I was still on the floor.

"Ms. Alex glad to see your awake, I hope you enjoy your detention later." With that the bell rang and I stayed frozen on the floor. I didn't even do nothing ! Swallowing my anger I leave the fat textbook on the desk on my way I push it hard making it go flying with a hard thud. Call me childish but I didn't give a fuck I was trying to show Marie that I was trying to be more mature. Making my way down the hall I pushed past a big crowd surrounding something, watching intently. I paused as I hear the word being screamed over and over "Fight ! Fight ! Fight !" My mouth opens as I see a boy I have never seen before in my life that screamed badass and trouble ready to fight Shady.

They glared at each other both ready with their fists up ready to swing. Renae stood watching she looked pissed off for some reason. As she looked in the crowd her eyes spotted mine before I could hide in the crowd she was already shoving over.

"You !" She screamed gritting her teeth.

I was so not in the mood for her bullshit, "You." I say in a sarcastically, whiny voice

"Go get Shady to fucking stop ! He won't listen he can't get into any more trouble or he'll get expelled." She snapped, impatiently.

When I heard the words expelled. I almost laughed like a dumbass hell yeah! "Fight!" I wanted to scream with the others. "Go fuck yourself Renae he doesn't even listen to me the fuck I look like to you ! Superman ? Superman my ass!"

"Superman is going to have to come and save your ass when I fuck your face up!" With that Renae swung at me. I jumped backed in time and punched her in the mouth, her fists went flying and for a girl like her I was surprised she knew how to fight. She got me good in the back knocking the air out of me grabbing my hair, I kick her and punch her grabbing her hair, and twisting it with that I was now mopping her up on the floor punching her in the face. Arms grabbed us and tried to pry us apart I was aware I was bleeding I didn't care. I was aware everybody was staring at us, Shady stood holding Renae and I realized that our fight had stopped them from theirs. But from the gleam in their eyes I knew it was definetely not over.

"Get to class ! Now !" boomed a voice. So much for being mature.


I could tell that Marie wasn't happy with me or Shady. When she took us home she was pissed and that was something because Marie hardly ever got mad. She glared at us and I kept eye contact I was so not scared of her. When Zantiago and Landon seen my face when I walked through that door they gasped.

"Damn ! What were you doing ?" Was the first thing that came from Zantiago's mouth as I walked into the door. I stayed silent ignoring him, I felt uneasy around hima ince the other night. And I avoided him as much as I could, however Cherry took any chance she got with him being alone. I stomp up the stairs and head towards the bathroom I stare in the mirror looking at my fucked up reflection. My cheek had a huge blue bruise, I had a black eye and I was bleeding. My side also hurt like a bitch, still recovering from the other night.

I was going to kill that bitch. Frustrated I strip off my clothes and step in the steaming water, I wrap a towel around my hair and another around my body scooping up my things I pad quickly too my room to change into something. I eye the sleeping Annabel and leaned down to kiss the Angel I smiled. My smile was immediatly gone, when I saw a figure sitting on my bed

"Were going to have a fucking talk Ev." Snapped Cherry legs crossed. What did this bitch want now?

C H A P T E R 12

 Cherry was a bitch.

In fact, I already knew that. Which is why I wasn't surprised she was waiting in my room and frowning down at me like I was nothing. She couldn't talk about my past because hers was just as bad as mine I clench my hands, maybe I would whoop another girls ass today.

  The way she just threatened me right now was something I for one would kill her ass, and I wouldn't fucking regret it.

Cherry had said the words I would never trust her or like her again : "Evangeline, I'm going to tell you once, stay the fuck away from Shady and Zantiago. Their mine. I know they both like you, so listen here bitch, I'm the one who has their attention. Not you. Or I won't fucking hesitate to kill that little girl right their that calls you mommy."

 The way she looked at me which such hatred I knew she wasn't playing around. I wasn't either. 'if you fucking lay a hand on her Cherry your ass is going to be in a fucking wheel chair and what the fuck I don't even like them !"

"That's what they all say. Tell Marie and that girl dies. tell anybody and I will fucking kill you both."

This bitch was turning fucking crazy. We both stood our ground glaring at each other, in the inside I was shaking in fear,but I would never let her know that.

"Get the fuck out crazy slut. Your dead to me." I slam the door open and with a last taunting gaze at Annabel she strutted out my room. I breathed in and out slumped against the now locked door staring and staring. I was no longer safe, nor was Annabel. Tears streamed down my face and I struggle to control the sobs that come from my mouth. I grab a pillow clenching it hard stuffing it in my mouth, I scream and scream. Why did this always happened to me? A flash back came running into my mind and before I knew it I was asleep.


I stood at the door of the new house I was going to have a new family for. I was almost excited as too see that the house looked very normal and decent. The door opened and a lady in her 20's smiled down at me as I was the most precious thing in the world. Her name was, Kathy. Her husband, Avis was just as friendly and cared for me as much as they cared for there young daughter Sasha who was only 8. I stayed living with them for 2 years and for once I felt normal and loved- it was something I never had before in life.

It didn't last though. Nothing lasts in this world and I always learned the hard way. One day I came walking home, with Sasha holding my hand for protection as we reached the house I called home. Home. What I didn't expect was too find Avis getting down and dirty with a young girl that looked barely 16. I was in so much shocked to see Avis cheat on his beautiful mom, that I rightfully called mom. Seeing me and Sasha catch him in the act he knew I was going to tell, in that moment quicker than anything, he came toward us. I shoved Sasha behind me, "Daddy! But momm-" She cried.

"SHUTUP!" He snapped.

"How could you!" I snarled. He backhanded me hard in the face. At that moment he was no longer my father someone I thought I could trust. I was forced not to say anything to Kathy or he would kill me as for Sasha he bought her anything bribing her. It was wrong and ever time I saw Kathy's innocent face I felt so much guilt. I left 2 months later, the day Avis came into my room trying to kill me in my sleep. I regret everything, I should've stayed. A few days later Kathy found out on her own and Avis killed her, in front Of Sasha. Avis killed himself after that. And Sasha was sent to live with her aunt far away and I never seen her again.

~End of flashback~

 I woke up screaming, I hadn't had these nightmares in weeks. My door was kicked down a minute later when Annabel's cries broke out. I was still slumped by the door and the impact made my body fly forward.

"Shit." A strong arm picked me up and I feel myself calm down.

"You okay?" Was Shady's response.

"Yeah if you didn't fucking kick  the door down." I snapped.

Instantly, his gaze hardened and he was already dropping me," You could say thank you bitch."

I felt a hard glaze watching us and I knew it was Cherry. "Get out!" I snapped. Heading toward Annabel's crib I pick her up and calm her down. I felt kind of bad as he walked out talking about how I was a ugly bitch and stuff. It was all Cherry's fault.


C H A P T E R 13

Liza came over and crying.


I wasn't really good with comforting people, so when I opened the door I was shocked to see her eyes blood shot red and with a sadden expression. I stood there and wondered if I was imagining this Liza was always just so happy. Something I wish I had not having to pretend that I had, "Are you Ok?" I say finally.


"No." A new fresh strands of tears fell down her paled face. Liza knew of my past well most of it, and must've noticed that I didn't know what to do.


"I should just go, sorry, Ev." She turned to go but I grab her arm. "No don't. Its okay." I pull my bestfriend into a hug and she hugs me back. "Jay." Was all she said. I nod and I pull the door close, pulling her inside with me she looked like a mess. It was a school day, but since I was still suspended I was stuck at home with Marie, and Annabel.


"Who was at the door, Ev?" Marie says coming from the kitchen. "Oh." She says as she takes in the scene, she nods at Liza smiling slightly. Marie seemed really happy maybe because I never brought nobody over or even acknowledged that I even had any friends. I head toward the kitchen and grab the hidden stash of chocolate doves, 2 sodas, hotcheetos, and cookies and cream ice-cream. Marie must've understood because she handed me the Netflix account and password that I never bothered knowing or using.


I found Liza on my bed with Annabel, "Thanks, Evangeline." I smile and grab my laptop, piling the food on the side.

"So what happened?" I ask. Liza fidgets but still plays with Annabel's curly hair.


"I feel so fucking stupid, Ev. I thought jay loved me, turns out he was just like any other guy. I gave him something that meant a lot for me, I gave him my virginity." Tears once again slid down her face and I grab some tissues and prod her gently to go on.


"After that, he said it was over. He didn't feel nothing for me ! 8 fucking months with him and I thought he loved me !" More sobs, and I held her, squeezing my hands into fists that was dirty of Jay. All boys were the same.


"Its okay, Liza. Your not stupid, he's not even worth it. Don't cry over him you can find somebody better than that. Don't worry he'll regret it."


"Promise?' She said.


"Promise." I say firmly,



  "Damn, helping you with this is like karma is biting me in my ass." I snapped at Liza. She shrugged and smiled her sweet smile at me that got her anything she wanted. I stick my tongue out at her and give her the finger.


"Your the one who gave me the idea dumbass."


I did. But I wasn't going to admit that now. I huffed after Liza had calmed down and ate like the fat person I knew she was, wanted to know what my plan was. Jokily, I suggested she go to Dale's party, knowing Jay would be there and make him jealous or just have fun.


"You said it. Its going to happen. So go get dressed."


And now I was standing looking in the mirror and thinking what did I get myself into!? I didn't like putting my body on display and I already decided these shorts were to small and tight. Liza had finished the outfit with a small, loose sweater that fell down fell on one arm and showed the bottom of my stomach, my hair fell down in long curly ringlets and added mascara and eyeliner with a touch of lipgloss and perfume.


"There you lucky bitch. How do I look ?"


Liza had on a belly shirt, a button cute skirt that fell mid-thigh and a pair of sexy black heels. Her different colored hair was straightened which she hardly ever did and her makeup matched mine.


"Break some hearts, babe."


"Oh I will." She winked. I smiled Liza may fall down fast but she'll get up even quicker. I pull on my black vans I hated wearing heels and she rolled her eyes. We head downstairs bumping into the 3 people I been avoiding the whole week; Zantiago, Cherry, and Shady.


Zantiago whistled, "Where are you guys going ?" I avoid his question,"Liza, this is my uncle Zantiago."


"Hi." She says politely, Cherry glared at us both and I feel grateful and smart that Marie took Annabel with her. I held her gaze and glare back she was dressed up too in a skimpy low skirt, fishnets, high heels and a small jacket. Shady was dressed in his saggy jeans, jordans, screaming swag. He didn't even glance up from his phone but grabbed Cherry and they were already out the door.


When we get into Liza's car she turned toward me, "Something's off about your uncle."


And Oh don't I know it.


C H A P T E R 14

 There was way to many people crowded in this big house, I wrinkled my nose in disgust seeing as I felt claustrophobic and out of place. This was the reason why I hated going to parties most of our school must've had tried to cram themselves in here and also people I didn't know.


"Loosen up," Liza said in my ear noticing the look on my face.


I nod and she garbs my arm steering me through the dancing bodys, more like grinding I snort. Liza scanned around the room mostly looking to spot Jay, I help her look but don't see him either.


"Lets try the kitchen," She suggests. Once again we push through other people as we near the modern kitchen, it was no surprise Dale had money. I curse myself, for seeing Dale, Shady, and their little asshole group leaning on the marble kitchen counter. Drinks and food of all kind stood next to them, girls eyed them nervously, probably wanted a drink, while other bold girls walked up and nodded at them as to say can I have some ? I had a feeling I was not going to be getting none tonight seeing as I wasn't wanted here.


Those cold blue eyes finally settled on who had just walked in, they didn't changed at first but seconds later his eyebrows raised. "Let me do all the talking." Liza said to me. I smiled gratefully at her and just as she walked slowly toward they sat. The devil's son walked in himself, and with Renae.


Liza stiffened at the sight of Jay and Renae holding hands and I smirked at seeing Renae's job trying to hide the busted up face I gave her just a couple of days. They had healed, also had mine and noticing me she narrowed her eyes probably remembering her face  and what I did. Jay however acted like Liza wasn't even there, despite that was glaring daggers at him.


Finally remembering the task at hand before we were interrupted Liza and me finally stood in front of their boring gazes. Dale looked interested at Liza,  I'm pretty sure he never talked to her, maybe because of Jay. Completely forgetting about the raven girl sidled against him eh slid off the counter standing directly right in front Liza. There gaze never broke and I could see Liza resisting the urge to hide behind her hair which she never did. Dale leaned forward and I hear Liza's breath hitched a bit he whispers something she nods and they walk away, with a few bottles. I watch the expression on Jay's face- it didn't seem to happy. I resisted the urge to laugh in  his face but decided against it. Reality kicked in and I realized That Liza left me by myself. Shit.


Boldly I grab the first bottle I see. Jack Daniels. Hands grab me from the back pulling me onto them, "There's a price Ev."


I shiver at the warm breath close by neck, hands played with my long ringlets. I struggle to break out of his tight grip, "Your not special sweetheart, all those girls had to pay the price." Shday's hands rested on my bare sides, willing me to turn around.


I sigh suddenly remembering Cherry's threat and fear that she walks in any minute now. I needed to get out of here as quickly as I could. With all the courage I could muster I raised my hands and wrap them around his neck, my legs stood in between his and felt warm. He looked surprise, but slowly I close my eyes tilting my head up. I don't miss the way his hands carress me soflty and how his head tilts down to reach mine or the way those cold blue eyes close slowly ready to reach mine. I forgot where we were, that we had people watching and almost who he was. The barest graze from his soft lips and I pull away as quick as I could. I touched my lips and fall out his grip, I giggle and wave the bottle in his face. Then I run out, even though I didn't feel like it was worth it after all.


I chugged the bottle after making sure I was alone, I hadn't seen Liza or Dale the rest of the time. The breeze felt good against my skin as I layed on the grass, the sweater had now ridden up a lot more than before. I didn't bother with it I could faintly smell Shady's cologne on me I smiled softly. My alone time was interrupted as a tall, well built figure walked toward I lay. I squinted and I recognize the boy who was going to fight with Shady. I gulp suddenly feeling nervous, my heart told me that their was something wrong here. Before I could get up he stood before me eyeing me, his eyes were cold just like Shady's and their was no smile on his face. He was cute, I had to admit but something told me I couldn't rust him. His arm reached out and I gripped it before pulling myself up, it was cold.


"Thanks." I mumbled.


He nodded and we walked in silence back toward the house, "Evangeline ?'


"Yeah." I say, glancing at him..

"Don't ever get involved in Shady's shit."


I open my mouth to speak but he cut me off grabbing my arm and pulling me upstairs toward one of the bedrooms, on the way up we passed Andrew who looked alarmed at the sight at us. When we entered the empty room, those nervous feelings came falling back.. He smirked seeing my face expression I didn't have that much beer in my system.The same question pondered in my head what does he mean with Shady's shit ?


Once again I opened my mouth to ask the question, this time he was on top of me in a flash, pinning me down. His face was inches way from mine and his hands traced my lips, I felt scared to see what he was going to do.


"Jonathan." The door bursted open, "Guess I should do this now."


His lips slammed against mine tracing my neck and I bit my lip to keep from gasping at how good it felt.


"What the fuck Jonathan !"


I froze, there was no mistaking Shady's angry voice. Jonathan was ripped off me, he smirked looking proud of himself. Andrew grabbed Shady roughly who was hardly trying to keep his anger in check.


"I'll see you in the streets." Growled Shady.


They stared each other down and with a last smirk Jonathan left, "Don't worry Evangeline We'll finish what we started with."


Shady lunged once again at him but Andrew held him firmly back I get up with shaky legs and I gulp meeting Shady's gaze I suddenly wished I stayed the night at Liza's house tonight.


"Were leaing, Evangeline, so go say bye or whatever the fuck you were doing so we can go." He snapped.


I shoved past him with a glare, " I didn't do nothing that concerns you." I snapped. I was slammed into the car roughly and the engine started loudly Shady was already ripping out. The windows were open and the air hit me in the face with a slap. I refused to look at him and we pull up into the driveway, not seeing Marie or Landon's car I gulp. I pull my keys out and slam the car door hard I unlock the door and just as I'm ready to make my break escape I grabbed roughly once again and shoved hard into the wall.


Shady's eyes glared into mine, I look away but he grabs me firmly from the chin forcing me took him in the eye. "Now tell me what the fuck was that back there."




C H A P T E R 15

My breath hitched along with my pounding heart. Those cold blue eyes felt as if they could see my soul. I was speechless for a second and finally noticing the closeness between me and Shady I struggle to push him away from me. He didn't budge at all instead Shady stood waiting for my answer.


"I don't know what your talking about." I reply snootily. His face hardens and his clutch on my chin becomes harder, I wince in pain. Maybe he was drunk, at the thought of that I didn't feel safe.


"Oh you know what I'm fucking talking about ! " He barked in my face. "Johnathan."


I cry in pain as he clutches harder on my chin as if noticing the tight grip he lets go and rubs it softly with his finger.


"What about Jonathan ? " I say sweetly.


I knew exactly what Shady wanted me to say- tell him what Jonathan said. The same question ran in my head again Don't get into Shady'sshit.


"I'm not playing around Ev, don't get involved with that bastard." He snarled.


I raise my eyebrow, "I can do whatever I want to your not my fucking dad or mom."


"If I tell you to do something you do it." I shove Shady out the way my back hurt from being pressed against the wall.


"Fuck you Shady Alex." I spat out. I head upstairs toward my room with a bang. Anger radiated my body as I clench my fists and slumped on the ground. A loud noise crashed downstairs and something is thrown with the shattering of glass. I run downstairs to see Shady smashing his fist into the wall his eyes held so much anger in them. I back up in fear and finally find my tongue.


"What the fuck are you doing Shady !" I yell at him. A bottle of vodka laid broken and empty on the carpet floor.


In rage he steps closer toward me I gulp and back up towards the stairs.


"Stop backing up Ev," Shady growls.


I don't listen.


Instead I run up the stairs once again with him right behind me. I'm tackled to the ground as I reach the landing. I land with an oomph and Shady's strong arm's held me captive. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and I feel Deja Vú from earlier.


Shady must've remembered because He smirked"Ev, you should know better than to not make me look stupid in front of others."


"Get off of me ! You man whore !" I thrash underneath him and his eyes flash with anger. His arms pick me up bridle style and I'm carried into Shady's room. I never entered it fully till now, in them middle lay a King size bed, a big screen tv stood ontop of a dresser with a Xbox 360 games spilled on the floor along with a controller. A desk with an apple laptop stood at the corner and a closet. The walls were painted royal blue and it was clean. I suddenly remember a memory of when I first came to live with the Alex family.


I clutched the bag that held the few belongings I had left and harden my eyes, when Marie stares at me with a smile directed toward me and Annabel. I held her small body in my arms and held onto her like my life depended on it. I stood uncomfortably in there living room, as Marie was showing me around.


"Shady!" She kept yelling, "Get down here."


"Sorry, Evangeline, That boy never listens to me."


I nod, "Its okay."  As soon as those words left my mouth a snarky reply and person descended down the stairs.


I could instantly tell that he was cocky and even though he was cute he was a jerk.


He sneered at me. "Your not nobody to me, I'm not your brother and she's not your mother."  He pointed at Marie, "Stay out my way."


Marie's mouth opened in shock I shrug I been treated worse this was nothing. I knew I would never have a real family.


"I'm happy I have another sister than. Because you act like your on your fucking period. And right your in my way right now." It slipped out of my mouth before I processed on what I said. Shit.

And you can see why me and Shady didn't like each other or get along.


I'm thrown on the bed roughly with a thud and Shady loomed over me his weight rested on his elbows not squishing me.


"Let me go." I stutter. I feel my hear pounding and I hear the fear in my voice.


"You wanna fuck around with me with games like that. Were going to play games like that."


Without warning his lips came crashing down on mine. I feel my body reacting towards his I move my head trying to break free. But he doesn't stop and kiss him back feeling as if I was under a spell. I stop fighting and run my hands through his hair suppressing a moan as he sucked on my neck hitting my sweet spot. I loose the control of my body and my mind. Forgetting what I was doing and who I was doing it with.

And how Shady hurt me. Because I realized I was stupid I messed up.

C H A P T E R 16

My head was pounding as I woke up, streams of sunlight pounded into my face and I squint at the unfamiliar room. I roll over and eye the plain white crumpled sheets that laid empty.


Realisation dawned to me and I realize what I did with Shady last night. Images floored my mind and I gasped at my naked body.


It couldn't be true.


I had sex with Shady.


"What are you still doing in my fucking room get out. " Snapped Shady entering his room.


I laid gaping at him still in shock and once again he replied in the same snarky tone.


"Oh my god, did you really think that you were more than just a one night stand !?" He stared down taunting me with a big smirk. Tears threaten to slide down my face but I knew I was stronger than that.


I felt stupid and betrayed.


I'm so stupid.


I hadn't learn a thing in life of trusting the wrong people. In a way this was nothing compared to what I faced but I couldn't deny the pang of hurt that fell through me as I gathered my things. Shady stood watching me as I began leaving the room in silence no doubt he expected me to start screaming and taking my rage out on him. So much anger rang inside of me and threatened to spill out. But I was to tired- tired of having to fight for this world in my own way. I slammed the door shut avoiding any last glance with Shady and raced toward the bathroom. I felt dirty in my body I needed to scrub the reminder of last night away. Tears slide down my face soundlessy as I wash myself up in the steaming water. There was pain still in between my legs and I numb myself. I shut the water off and grab the towel drying myself I slide on a pair of baggy sweat pants and a oversize t-shirt and tie my still wet in a sloppy bun. I walk barefoot to my room and dump my dirty clothes in the hamper. I head downstairs checking the clock it read 11:50. I enter the kitchen and decide to make some eggs and bacon to distract myself. Soon the stainless kitchen is filled with sizzling and a watering good smell.


"I didn't know you could cook Evangeline. "


I spun around at the voice of Zantiago and curse myself for bad karma.


"Um, yeah I guess. "


He sat at the table eying me and I feel a slight limp in my walk at the pain in my lower part.


"Why are you limping-"


At that exact moment Shady walked in and I had the urge to throw the fork I was using ready to dig in my eggs with him in the eye.


"Where's my mom ?" He asked Zantiago directly.


"Out. I don't know."


My appetite was suddenly gone and I wanted to leave as soon as possible forcing myself to stuff a piece of bacon down my throat and chew normally.


Shady sank in the seat next to Zantiago both watching me eat and I suddenly forgot that I should've called Liza to see if she got home safe last night. I got up abruptly ready to go look for my phone.


"Where you -"


"I need to find my phone." I snap hastily bounding up the stairs. I entered my room and rummage through the pile of clothes I left on the floor. I finally find it deserted under the bed battery dead. I put it to charge and feel lonely as I look at Annabel's empty crib.


My door busts open and I jump at the sound, why didn't I lock it ?


It was Shady.


"Get out. " I snapped through gritted teeth.


He smirked. "You weren't sayin that last night. I'm suprise you weren't that tight, must've not been a virgin then."


Shutup ! Shutup ! Shutup ! I wanted to yell and scream.


"It was a mistake." I say coldly.


"You were screaming so loud-"


He went on and on and neared me I felt myself struggle to breath, there was two of him and I felt the world going hazy. Memories flowed through my head like a slide show and I vaguely remember screaming. "Shutup ! Shutup ! Shutup. "


My body went limp and a pair of strong arms caught me before I fell to the ground with a thump.

C H A P T E R 17

Very familiar voices argued in the background as my mind felt hazy and I resisted the urge to tell them to shut the fuck up because I hated waking up this way and I hadn't woke up like this since I lived with Marie and Landon now it felt very foreign to me.


I adjusted to much this life I realize. I needed to keep my guard up especially against Cherry. I clench my fists tightly at the thought of her another thing I had to worry about.


"Mom! I just saw her hand move."


In a instant the bickering stopped and footsteps ran toward wherever I even laid, definitely was not my bed,


Waaaait ! Then where was I ? A soft, warm, slender slid their hands through mine and clutch it as if I was going to leave. I force with all my might to open my eyes the blackness was scary me and once I did the light flooded through my eyes and I squinted; blinking. The moment I saw the monitor, white walls, the sanatize clean smell, and the beeping of my heart...


"I'm at a hospital."


"No shit Sherlock."


"Shady !" Marie scolded.


"What ?!"


"Why am I at a hospital !" I snapped almost not recognizing it as it came out as a croak my voice was  really dry.


I groan at the head ache that was forming and had to go pee really bad.


"Shutup ! Toad face." Sneered Shady and I glare at him.


Shutup , shutup, shutup ! I freeze and suddenly I remember something very important that must've triggered me being at the hospital. That little bastard !


"Mom can you please get me a glass water and something to eat ?" I say coughing and turning on my side to face her. I took in her appearance, she looked as if she hadn't slept in days, bags lined her eyes and her hair was in a sloppy bun and dressed in sweatpants. I didn't even want to know how I looked right now.


She looked shocked maybe because I wasn't screaming and showing how pissed I was on the inside about being at the hospital and about Shady. But ohhhh don't worry their would be time to show that later.


Marie nodded and leaned down to press a kiss to my forehead, "I'll be back okay ? Shady please watch your sister."


He groaned and I smiled sweetly at Marie, as she left the room closing the door lightly behind her. Shady sat slumped in the maroon chair directly in front of the hospital bed. I stared and he stared back filling the room with awkward silence. Bags laid beneath his eyes and for once their was no smirk or glare. His eyes only held confusion in them, I struggled to keep the growing temper inside of me I wanted to lash out.


"Do you remember anything that happened yesterday ?" He finally asks raising a eyebrow.


I pretend to ponder over it and finally shake my head as in no.


His face looked relieved and that familiar glare was back his face already hard to read my confused face turned into the look when I was pissed when people watch me when I eat. Like you little weirdo !


"Nah I'm just shitting you dumbass, I remember everything." I snap. "And don't even fucking think your going to get away with it."


Outside I was calm and fierce but underneath I was raging with anger a memory flash backed.


- Flash back -


"Evangeline wasn't there a better way to handle the situation, like walking away ?"


"No." I snapped. I sat in the foster home counselor's office frustrated and hurt. As Destiny lectured ne about what I needed to change about myself. I had been walking home from school when a group of boys thought it would be fun to tease me and gang up on me. I held my tears and my head high at the time refusing to show I was scared. I was pressed against a run down building away from anybody's view, their was 5 of them and all older by a few years. Looming over me I figured was the leader of the little gang his eyes were cold and a dark blue a smirk wore on his face. He grabbed a younger boy and shoved him forward roughly toward where I stood against the brick wall. The boy stumbled into me and I quickly move to the side.


Snickers fell from the other boys, "Prove it Sanders. That your not a soft ass pussy."


The boy gulped and put on a determined face, without warning his fist swung toward my face I ducked and it connected with the brick wall. "Fuck !" He yelled in pain cradling his fist. Once I was certain the others weren't going to jump in I left my fist go and feel the sharp pain of my fist connecting with his face since he was still down. I realized it was a gang initiation and was not proving he was tough enough to be apart of it, if he was getting his ass kicked by a girl. Blood spilled from his nose and I realized that I must've broke it. I turn to leave the leader stood in front blocking my way eyes showing amusement down at me. "Now wait, I don't think Sander's is done with you yet."


A hand grabs my hair roughly from the back and tugs on it driving me back, I kick and flail and I''m dropped roughly on the glass- littered ground. Sharp pains hit me everywhere I struggle to fight back my vision is clouding over and I kick sharply one last time before curling into a ball and protecting my head.




"I said stop, Sanders."  The heavy weight  on top of me that kept me pinned down is gone and I don't remember anything else, before my body went limp and I was out.


- Flash back over -


My eyes open with shock and I leap up sobs escaping my mouth a arm quickly  held me down preventing me from getting up as my breaths come in sharp rasps.


"Shit ! Calm down Ev, I got you." I look into those cold blue eyes that held me and snuggle into Shady forgetting everything that happened between us. The only thing that stayed in my mind was why had that terrible memory begun to come back ?



And once again I was high alert when the door pulled open revealing a tall red head-





So I know I took long enough to update I been lagging and shiet but I hope you like it <3 Ezadopee


C H A P T E R 18


Cherry walked slowly and with the fakest smile I ever seen she said, " I hope your feeling better Evangeline. " I cast a glare at her and Shady just stares I had the sudden urge to lean back into him protectively away from her hateful gaze.


I nod slowly, "I've been better."


She laughs throwing her head back, "Shady you mind leaving me and Evangeline alone so we can talk ? "


I will him not to leave seeing as I could barely get up let alone defend myself from her, hell I didn't trust her.


His arms slide away from waist quickly as if suddenly noticing what he was doing and slid off the bed casting me one last glance. This time it was once a glare again as if to not expect anything from him in my eyes I was going to always be alone I just still needed to remember that.


I stare straight ahead as I hear Shady's footsteps walking out the door it slams shut and out the corner of my eye I see Cherry walking toward me with a sneer.


"I see you don't love Annabel enough or your life." I ignore her and fix my glare at the plain white wall directly in front of me.


"I'm talking to you ! " She spat out with annoyance in her voice.


I stay silent.


Her hand grabs my tangled hair roughly and gives it a sharp tug I hiss in pain and a smirk lands on her face as Cherry finally gets a reaction from me. It doesn't last as I lash out and strike her roughly in the cheek.




She snarls, and in one motion yanks the cables hooked to the machine away. I gulp inwardly and look around for something to attack her with, come on ! Evangeline think !


My gaze falls on something in her hand it lay a needle with a clear fluid, Cherry laughed once again, "Prepare to die ! Any last words Evangeline ?"


"Yeah ! That I think your a crazy bitch !"


And then I lunged at her.



2 days later ...


I sat in 5th period gazing out the window, I was bored. But it was waaaay better than staying in the hospital, I shudder at the thought. When I had lunged at Cherry we both had tumbled roughly to the tiled floor. I landed above her with a loud crash. With my body still being weak I was having trouble fighting her. Cherry got a hold of my neck and squeezed, I flail my arms around struggling to pry her long nails away from my throat. No air was coming and the world was suddenly dizzy. I shove one last time and her grip lessens I cough and cough. I stumble to my feet and spot the button to call the nurse I click it desperately and a arm hooks around my leg dragging me down. I fall face forward, directly on my elbows with a hard sting. I kick my feet back and feel them connect with a jaw, Cherry hisses in pain. I hear the door opening and in a flash Cherry is up and helping me from the tiled floor.


The doctor stood at the door with a concerned look on his face, clipboard in hand. "Is everything alright in here ?"


Cherry digs her nails sharply into my back and I hiss inside. I glare at her but give a fake smile toward the doctor.


"I'm okay. I just fell out the bed, can you have my mom come back up here ? "He nods and with a grunt I'm sliding back in the uncomfortable bed. As he turns to leave I say coldly. "I'm not a snitch." And then I punch Cherry in the face with a sickening sound following.


The bell rings and I'm snapped out of my thoughts I get up with a groan. My body ached in pain I walk slowly out the door, rubbing my eyes.


"Ev !" A figure crashed into me with a big ass bear hug. It was Liza and knowing the look on her face she had been very worried about me being in the hospital.


"Omg ! Are you okay ! I wanted to come and see you but like Shady refused to let anybody in there !" She huffed still clinging onto me as if I was going to die any moment. Which did almost happened, many times.


I furrowed my eyes, " I was wondering why you didn't come and visit !"


"Because of a certain dumbass." She said rolling her eyes in anger and pulling me through the hordes of crowds.


"Are you going to gym ?" She asks and I shake my head. Hell naw I hated gym I mostly always skipped, bringing my GPA down.


"Come on ! Please ? I have to tell you something." Liza says biting her lip looking worried. I sigh in defeat,


"Okay." I grumble. She smiles and we head into the locker room where I barely remembered my lock combo which I only opened 3 times this whole year. Inside in a plastic bag was my gym uniform. Liza picks it up and smells it," Ev, that shiet smells like it's brand new."


I shrug, and reluctantly I pull off my shirt and slide on the over sized white T-shirt I slide my jeans off and pull on the small length shorts. I felt numb inside, even if Liza talked and laughed with the other girls in the locker room that I didn't bother learning their names all year. I head out discreetly and wait on the sidelines of the basketball court. Already the boys were done changing and Mr. Sam was waiting on the girls.


"You look lost." A deep voice says right next to my ear making me jump. I turn around to see Jonathan with a smirk on his face. I eye him and then raise my eyebrow.


"Heard you were in the hospital."


I keep staring showing no emotion, I flinch a bit at the word, hospital. He eyes me back and before I know it he's pulling me into a hug I stiffen, feeling suffocated.


"Look," he says with a raspy tone. "I don't normally do this but, umm.. Here!"


A banquet of flowers were shoved into my arms, dozens of Lillie's I stare in shock.


"Are you just fucking with me ? ! " I snap. His eyes lose the soft look for a few moments and instantly Jonathan is glaring once again.


"Don't be a bitch."


"I don't want them." I say thrusting them roughly back in his arms.


I step back intended to walk away, "your lying." He says and slides them into my arms once again.


"You look like you need them," he says softly. " If you ever need help I'll let you know where I'm at. Because your not safe with Shady." He whispers I nod at him and this time he starts walking away.


"You know I don't trust you right ?" I call after him.


He turns around with one last smirk. " I know."


And then he's gone.



Coming back to reality I realized everybody had been watching us, even Liza. Before she could say anything Mr. Sam's already is blowing his whistle.


"Come on ! 30 laps !"


And I'm already taking off.


Later when I'm walking home the Lillie's clutched tightly in my hand, there suddenly snatched from my hand and tossed away like everything else that's happened in my life. I see them get stomped and shredded to pieces like how I felt everyday and when I look up my vision is blurred. Tears have spilled, and all I see is Shady's glaring face.


"Stop fucking crying over a stupid flower ! You act like anything that stupid bastard told you was actually true about even liking you !" He laughed without humor, 3 others joining in.


I fall to the hard concrete from his sudden violent push along with the shredded flowers. I wish I had been pure as they had been ... Now they were gone, so easy.


Like everything else.

C H A P T E R 19

I ran and ran and ran. My feet carried me towards the place I called home without even knowing. Tears still blurred my vision as I desperately shoved the key in the lock to open the front door. My hands shake and I finally get it in the hole. I pull open the door and slam it shut behind me and I lean against it supporting my weight.


"Evangeline ?" Calls out Marie.


"Evangeline ? Is that you ?"


I hear the soft patter of her footsteps coming toward the living room. I stay frozen in the same spot.


"Sweetie ! What happened to you!"


Marie rushes toward me and inspects my scraped hands , and bleeding knees. She looks at me worriedly wiping away the tears that were starting to dry on my now puffy face.


"What's wrong ?" She pleads.


I almost break down again, "the flowers mom" almost spluttered out of my mouth.


Instead I manage to stutter out that I tripped and fell.


Marie nods and I know she knows there's more to the story. She guides me gently towards the bathroom whee the first aid kit was at. She disenifects the cuts and places bandages over them.


"You should change sweetheart there's blood on your jeans."


"I don't feel like it." I say shaking my head, " I just want to go and lie down."


Marie nods and kisses my forehead lightly, "I'll watch Annabel."


"Thanks, mom." I say.


I feel her concerned stare as I walk up the stairs feeling like a zombie. As soon as I reach my room I slam shut the door locking it and flopping onto my bed. I then grab my pillow and proceed to finish my sobbing.



I wake to the sound of my name being called.


"Evangeline ! Time for dinner." A loud knock followed it and it sounded like Landon. I get up feeling lightheaded and drained, wiping my eyes I open the door.


"I'm coming," I say softly.


Landon held his arms out in a waiting embrace and takes in my appearance. Obivously Marie has filled him in and I don't hesitate to fly into his arms.


"Bad day ?" He asks.


I nod. And we head down the stairs and head toward where everybody was already sitting down and eating. I avoid looking at Shady, Cherry or Zantiago. I sit in the empty seat by Annabel's baby chair between Marie. I pile my plate with food absentmindedly and continue to stare at my plate.


Something hits me in the face and I look up with a glare until I notice Annabel was throwing her food. I smile as she kept trying to get my attention. I grab her from her baby chair and she squeals in delight.


I tickle her sides and she giggles, "Noooo ! Mommy stop !"


The sound of forks clattering onto the table and the feeling of eyes are suddenly on me. There's a sudden silence, once again my expression turns Stormy. "What !" I snap, glaring.


"She called you mommy." Zantiago provided helpfully.


"Are you sure that's not your baby Evangeline." Cherry says snidely.


"I wouldn't be surprise if you already almost made a baby." I snap. She stands up and I stand up to not liking that she was seated directly across from me. We glare at each other and I hear Landon telling us to calm down. We don't pay attention to him.


"Like your so pure." Cherry retorts. "You wished you were Virgin Mary."


My fists are clenched and I feel my shoulders shaking in anger. I wanted to bítch slap her, maybe even go get the shovel girl.


I hated her.


I didn't realize how tight my grip was on Annabel until I feel Marie loosening my arms up. I let her take Annabel away from me and I feel my eyes threatening to start welling up with tears.


I feel my feet taking up the stairs to my room once again and hearing Cherry yell, "WEAK,WEAK !!"


I grab my jean jacket and slide it on, finding my old back pack I drop in my phone, charger, and a change of clothes. I quickly tie on my vans and scurry towards my bed I lift up the floor board and grab 2 Twenties that I have from my saved up money. I find a sheet of paper and look frantically for a pen.


Come on, come on.


I spot the box that laid high up on one of my shelves which consisted of school materials. I stretch up on my tippy toes and jump up 3 times finally managing to flung it down. I jump back and fall as it lands on the carpet floor with a loud crash. Pens and pencils spill out I grab one and proceed to write on the paper. Hearing footsteps starting to come up the steps I drop the note on my bed and grab my bag. Heading towards my window I unlock it and push upward with a shove. It makes a loud squeaking noise and I cringe. The footsteps stop at my door and as I jump out the window clinging onto the closest tree branch my door is opened.


I plummet down to the hard ground to see Shady's face looking down at me from my window.


And then I fled into the darkness.

C H A P T E R 21

I walk down the almost deserted streets, the sun had already set and I knew it was barely 9:00 pm. I kept my footsteps light and quick making sure to stray away from the few working street lights. My draw string bag laid slung around the back of my shoulders. And I feel Regret starting to remind me how I left Annabel behind, she was my responsibility. For almost a year now, I felt attached to her unlike anyone else. She would understand later on how I felt having no real mother. But the big difference was that she was going to have a way better life than I could ever have.

I hear the sound of feet slapping on pavement desperately. I pause and realize it's coming my way. I see the person clearly now as she stops under a street light. A girl no older than at least 13 is panting for air and clutching a black bag. In the distance I can faintly make out 3 figures advancing towards her.

"Violeta ! You can't run from me forever!"

She turns seeing them and quickly pales, once again she starts running in my direction. The 3 figures quickly separate and the one in the center picks up speed running towards her. Before I realizing what I'm doing I step out the shadows and step in her way causing her to crash into me. Her arms flung around widely and I catch both of us before Falling on the hard concrete. I connect with her eyes and see the desperation, fear and determination lay in them.

"Let go !" She snapped her voice rising.

In the distance I now see the figure clearly now- a tall, lanky figure. His face was covered with a black hoody.

I grab the girl's hand and with a mad dash I drag her with me down the street.

"Run !" I hiss. "Your slowing us down."

She catches the hint and starts matching my pace keeping up with me. I skid to a stop as we reach the end of the block.

"Why did you stop! He's goin-" I put my hand over her mouth.

The sound of footsteps are heard from where we stood by the corner.

Right or left. I knew we were trapped either way.

I grabbed her and pushed her behind me roughly another dark hooded boy stops a few feet in front of us.

"Violeta. You can't hide from us." He sneered.

I glance around for anything useful cursing myself for not bringing my pocket knife. I let my glance fall on the shiny car and immediately I know what I'm going to do.

I step forward quickly and without a second thought slide down hard on the pavement and left my feet trip him over. His head smacks hard on the shiny car right next to him. The car instantly starts beeping and making alarming sounds really loud.

I feel my jeans rip from the impact and my leg scrape taking skin. I hiss but jump up, immediately the lights flicker on in the house where we stood and once again I grab the girl who stood in shock and start running. My thigh cringes every ripe my feet slam across the pavement. Finally taking many turns in silence we stood in front of a green house.

I shakily glance at the slip of paper clutching it in my hand.

"Who the hell are you ?"

I look up and see her staring at me, I knew she was trying to figure me out.


"Why did you help me ?" There was no signs of rudeness in her voice.

"Because I've been through that before."

Her gaze harden, " I don't want your pity." She replies coldly.

"I don't care. " I snap.


I nod and take her appearance head on, a large hoody hid her small body and ripped jeans. Violeta's hair was a soft shade of brown, her skin pale and lastly her big chocolate eyes. They held the sight that she was wary and alert on everything. The way she reacted to the sounds around us showed me she lived in fear and I wondered why.

"Follow me." I say.

"This your house ?" Violeta cocks her head in its direction.

I shake my head hastily. " I live with a foster family."

She slowly nods but doesn't ask another question.

I knock on the door and my stomach clenches.

The door opens and a topless Jonathan is standing.

"You look like shit Evangeline." He takes in my puffy eyes and sees my scraped knees and new wound on my thigh.

"You eat shit." I snap.

Violeta snickers behind me and Jonathan glares.

"What are you doing here so late ?" He steps outside and leans close towards me.

I look down, " We need a place to stay."

His fingers bring my chin up and stares at me in concern. "What happened ?"

"We'll talk later."

He nods and I acknowledge Violeta to go inside. I enter behind her and he slams the door shut.

Could I trust him ?

C H A P T E R 22

"Let me clean your cut." Jonathan snapped in frustration.

For the last 5 minutes we had been arguing over cleaning the fresh wound that ran along my thigh.

"I said no ! Why can't you just leave it alone !"

Jonathan angrily ran his fingers through his hair. Before I could even protest again he picks me up and sits me down on the counter with a slam.

"Shut up !" He growls.

I tense at the sound of his voice wanting to shrink away, his hands unbutton my jeans and with a hard tug manages to rip them off.

I stare in horror. My legs on display and only my underwear keeping away from exposing the rest of myself.

Catching the look in my eyes, Jonathan pulls me into his arms. "Shhh. I'm not going to touch you, I'm just going to clean your cut ok ?"

I slowly let myself nod and when he releases me I catch sight of my dry blood covered thigh. Grabbing a rag Jonathan lightly cleans the blood away and puts on hydrogen peroxide making it sting a bit. A long scrape is revealed, but no longer bleeding.

"What happened to your knees and hands ?" He says inspecting them.

I shake my head, opting to change the subject. His eyes brows furrow and study me, before a look of disgust shows on his face.

"Don't lie, Evangeline. I know who gave them to you someone posted a video on Facebook."

Tears threaten to spill once again, pathetic. I couldn't even defend myself anymore, words shouldn't matter I was always known to those type of pain. But the flowers killed me, and I hated it so much.

Noticing my silence Jonathan once again changes the subject. "Who's that Little annoying bítch you brought?"

When we had first entered Violeta wasn't so trusting of him. She had snapped and glared at Jonathan. Also the conscience in her stomach gave her a bad feeling about him. Which showed one wrong move, that he wouldn't hesitate to kick her out, he barely tolerated her.

Even though I hardly knew the girl I wanted to Protect her. I wasn't going to reveal what happened tonight or what had been happening for awhile now to cause the look of lost on her face.

"I met her one day walking home." I lie, shrugging.

He raises an eyebrow but just nods, and his gaze drops down to my bare legs. I feel my face flush and clear my throat.

"Come on, I'll let you borrow something to sleep in." Helping me off the counter I feel my legs tingle at the soft brush of his fingertips. Shivering slightly and glaring at his now smirking face. I follow behind him heading down the hall, the floor boards creaked under my Vans. Opening the door directly across the one where Violeta and I was to share for tonight. I stare taking in everything a single bed, with black sheets was pressed against the corner in his room, a small black desk with a closed laptop on top of it, and also where a book bag laid. Other than that shoes laid sprawled all over the plain cream carpet and another door. Opening the door, which was a closet finally hands me a over sized T-shirt.

Without a word I slide my sweatshirt off and slide his shirt over my head. It came mid thigh and I bent over to pick up my sweatshirt. A hand slides over my back and I freeze stiffening.

"Shit." Jonathan mutters. My eyes spot something sticking out in the front of his jeans.

I raise myself back up and with a smirk Pushing back all fears I lean forward the last 3 inches between us. I wrap my arms around his neck and feel the warm breath against my skin. I left my lips slowly touch Jonathan's and gasp when his hands slide up under my shirt pressing softly against the skin on my sides. Taking his chance his tongue slides into my mouth and carress mine with his. I moan slightly at the feel of his hard on pressed against my stomach. Grabbing my legs, he wraps them around his waist and drops me onto his bed. I tug on his hair roughly as Jonathan starts sucking on the skin on my neck. Letting him drape his body in between my legs he moans when His hands start trailing upwards, my body felt like it was on fire from his touch. His hands lay ontop of my breaśts and massage them lightly. Feeling the warmth in between my legs, Jonathan continues teasing me. Without notice his hands leave my breaśts and I whimper. A finger enters me dragging my slight, damp panties down.

"Oo-h ! Jonathan." I moan.

"What the fùck are you guys doing." I feel Jonathan stop and we both turn to see a disgusted Violeta in the doorway. My face flushes red and I push him off of me straightening out his shirt.

"Umm. Goodnight ?" I ask unsure of what to say.

Jonathan glares at Violeta and I suddenly realize what I almost gave away again.

I follow Violeta out and I slam the door behind us. Once in the share room Violeta speaks first.

"I couldn't sleep. I didn't hear your voices no more and got curious."

"What do you mean you heard our voices ?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

As if busted Violeta shrugs, "in the kitchen his walls are fuckin' thin."

"What did you hear ?" I ask, moving to fix the bed to go asleep. I lay down on the small bed and pat down on my side for her to lay next to me.

She does, but she keeps her distance wary of me. "Thanks for not telling him."

I nod and without another word, I cut off the lamp next to me and stare into the darken ceiling. Tears spill out my eyes and I keep my noises down not wanting Violeta to hear me. Right next to me I also hear the sound of struggled sniffles and cries struggling to keep quiet.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.01.2014

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