

To everyone:


Reading this in secret


Not ashamed of their sexuality


Trying something new


This one's for you.


I hate hot days because they make way to even hotter nights. A cloudless day often leads to a cloudy night and vice versa. Here, at least. Party goers however do not allow for this to be because they cram inside a club gyrating and sweating thus generating more heat into the poorly ventilated space. Today however was different. It was raining. I love the rain because it is better than the heat; a temporary relief. Wonderful weather to play in. I intend to play. After all, I have been good, it's time to reward myself.


But there are other ways of rewarding yourself.

No. None can even compare or come close.

You'll regret it. You'll get caught.

They'll try or even come close.


I walk at a brisk pace as I watch the people I pass. I eye a couple holding hands and smiling at each other. I clench my teeth and look away. The club comes into view, Club Euphoria. I smile and walk in. Being a regular, I stalk towards the bartender who begins to chat but I barely notice as my attention is stolen by a short petite damsel dressed in a short tight dress. Her lips were painted blood red as she swung her hips from side to side. Her voluptuous breasts were in full view as she leaned on a pole and slid down slowly and sensually. I noticed that I was not the only one who was watching her. Jealousy reared its unwanted head while I had another important one to be bothered by.


Her name was Ruby. Whether it was her real name or not did not bother me yet. I wanted her and I would have her. She had tortured me for the past month but I never indulged. I had promised to be good, not give in but now seeing her and the weather so perfect I would not hesitate. Sweat glistened on her skin as she slowly slipped out of her dress sensually. I noticed that her hooded eyes were trained on me and I held them. Underneath she wore green lingerie in a deep green colour and a silky appearance. I thought her globes were huge but I was wrong. She started her normal dance routine to catcalls and dollar bills being thrown at her. Watching her, it felt different. It was like there was anticipation in the air and that she knew that tonight was the night. She danced a little before jumping on the pole and straddling it then bouncing her magnificent ass in the air a couple of times. She then faced her audience, legs wide apart, as the pole hid that important centre that I badly wanted to see. Soon, all in good time. My dick strained as she licked her lips and threw her hand inside her underwear to stroke herself as her eyes met mine and she smirked before she finished her routine. Groans of disappointment filled the room as she disappeared behind the silver curtain on the stage.


I shifted on my feet and turned to the bartender who proceeded to give me a drink. I downed it in one gulp and used the door in the corner to head to the VIP section. My uncle owned the club and I got special treatment. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed it but not too much because it helped me get to know the people around town, especially who not to fuck with. Before I know it, I have had a couple of shots in my system and I got a girl grinding on me. I would definitely do her but she’s too easy. The sex will be predictable and over before I know it. I want a challenge, someone to conquer willingly. Ruby. So I seek her out only to find her up against a wall tongue kissing some idiot. She’s in a different outfit, a red corset, underwear and fishnet stockings with sky-high black heels. I gulp as I ravish her with my eyes. Lucky for me, the guy soon leaves after smacking her ass and earning a squeal from her.


“What do you want, asshole?”

“Cute, we on nick names now?”

“Please, fuck you-”

“Just say when and how deep.”


I lean against her as I look her in the eye, waiting. She doesn’t move. I sigh and turn to leave but she grabs my right arm with one hand and guides my hand to her mouth and sucks on my fingers. My other hand finds its way to her right breast and squeezes the flesh through the silky material. Her hooded eyes are trained on me as she sucks my fingers as if she sought a hidden nectar in them. I press against her as I watch her in fascination and lust. My loins were on fire as I felt the beat of my heart, as blood flowed to that one organ, reverberating through my entire body in a steady rhythm. Everything else faded away as I focussed on her, her lips, her eyes and her tongue. Heaven help me, I am playing with fire.


Seeing abs up close is different. I would normally not die if I saw a picture of them but right now I was dying inside. I was turning into those girls who go weak in the knees. All I could do though was to stare wide eyed at the muscular torso in front of me.


“Touch it.” He dared me. I could feel his smirk.


I just stared as my eyes begun to water because I was not blinking. I was caught up in the trance that was his abs. I hated myself and yet couldn’t look away. I am not worthy, I thought. He chuckled. Wait, did I just say that out loud! I felt embarrassed yet still kept staring. He noticed the frown on my face and pulled his shirt down and squatted to my level. I immediately blinked and my eyes were forever grateful. Framing the sides of my face in his big hands he said,


“Never ever hide your true self from me. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed when you are with me.”


“I never say 'never'.” I replied weakly.


“Be serious for once! ENOUGH WITH THE TOUGH ACT! I am tired of your childish behaviour. You are always so clingy then act like I’m nothing. Like you don’t need me…” He yelled in frustration.


And we were back to it. He was yelling at me and I just sat there saying nothing. Here I was in lo-, no, in an infatuation with a man who always bullied me emotionally. He knew he was my weakness, well his body. Otherwise, there was nothing remotely attractive about his personality. I need to dump him but I’m too lonely, I wouldn’t survive. I would run out apologizing to him or get a rebound that would be worse than him. I can’t change him but yet here I am. So, I do the next big thing to shut him up. I time when he is looking at me, I walk over to him and kiss him with all the pain and frustration I have. He thinks that I’m hot for him but whatever. I just want him to shut up. He kisses me with the same fierceness I had, squeezing my ass and lifting me to him. I grind on him as I feel him strain through his jeans while I deepen the kiss. Soon enough, I’m into it and I want him so bad I’m frantic.


“Slow down, baby. I’ll give it to you just the way you like it.” My legs are around his waist and arms around his neck kissing him like my life depended on it. He carries me to the back of the truck and spreads me out in the back seat while I reluctantly let go of him so he can close the door and adjust the seats. He takes off his shirt and undoes his belt but I’m too impatient so I pull him to me. He chuckles and lets me continue kissing him while my hands roam through his magnificent body. He kneads my breasts and pinches the peaks till they are firm. I moan and he takes the advantage to kiss my neck as he undresses me. One hand undresses me, the other teases me till I’m dripping wet as he made circles around my nipple with his tongue. The nipple is soon devoured by his expert mouth.


“Please…please…please…” I beg as he tortures me more with his fingers. In and out, in and out. I think I’ll go mad! I’m lying naked below him, writhing in pleasure as his long fingers explore me. He props himself up and looks at me enjoying my reaction.


“I…want you…inside…me!” I gasp.


He smiles. He ever so slowly pushes his entire hand in side me and I take in a deep breath, arch my back and close my eyes. He strokes my G-spot twice and I’m about to explode. Then he pulls out slowly and licks his hand clean while looking me in the eye. He undresses completely and I want to return the favour but he stops me. The whole time he was playing with my breasts.


“Later. Now, ride me.” I obey and once I feel him inside me, I want that moment to last forever. Then he grabs my hips and starts setting the rhythm and I feel high as hell.


Holding onto his hands I match his rhythm and he lets me lead from here on. I am straddling him, my hands supporting the headrest as each hand is on each side of his head. His eyes rolled to the back of his head as he tipped his head back. I alternated between fast and slow.



My ass was in rhythmic contact with his thighs as I bounced on his dick. My breasts would slap my chest as they too moved in time. He watched in awe as they bounced and he buried his face between them, inhaling deeply and licking them as if they were covered in honey. I bounced harder so much so his dick would go deeper inside me. I could feel it caress my walls making me so wet and want to cum. He felt so good and I wanted more. He spread my butt cheeks as he grabbed and squeezed them. I bit my lip as I could feel him deeper and I became more sensitive to his touch.


He picked up the pace by holding me in place mid air as he pounded me as hard and fast as he could. I held on to his neck.


“Yes, baby yes! Just like that! Don’t stop!”


“Fuck yeah. You like it when I fuck you like this? You like it when I pound you?”


“Yes! Shit! I’m cumming!”


He let me control the pace as he let go of me and made me land hard on his dick and oh so deep. I gyrated on him as I stimulated my clit on his groin. I did it ever so slowly but it felt so fucking good. He noticed this and used his thumb to rub my clit. I threw my head back as I begun riding him. I bit my lip in pleasure as he circled my clit. Good God! I moaned.


He then stopped and inserted his middle finger in my pussy, adding to his dick. One finger, another, four! I looked at him in pleasure as I nodded my head to show him how I loved it. So, I rode his dick and almost hand as his thumb circled my clit. I stopped myself from cumming so he held me and fucked my pussy with his fingers, he removed his dick. I wanted to get away but he held me close as he lifted me a little to gain access to my pussy. He fingered me as his palm slapped my already sensitive bud. I screamed in ecstasy as I had an orgasm, I kissed his ear and whispered sweet and dirty words into it. I felt him smile against my skin as I trembled in pure pleasure.


We kissed for a while. It started slow and innocent but soon culminated into deep throat kissing. I still ached for him, for him to be inside me. I guided him inside me and begun to rock back and forth.


The windows were frosted in our sweat and the car was filled with our moans of pleasure. I felt myself beginning the all too familiar ascent and he sensed it. I wanted to hold off so I can relish having the power to make him feel as good as he makes me feel.


“I want you to cum for me, baby, only me.” He said huskily. I shook my head and he understood. “I’ll make it long, I promise.”


He then fondled my breasts kissing me and rubbing my centre with his thumb. He also took control of the speed and I could feel myself climbing. He would bring me to the brink then stop and hold me still. He did that four times, six…I was so frustrated, I began to cry! I needed to let go. I hit him with my fists and he only smirked evilly.


“Baby, you’ll thank me later.”


“No! I want it now, right now!” I whined in frustration and in between sobs.


He then pulled me to his face and told me to look into his eyes. He took himself all out and then dug it deep all way inside, he repeated the movement for few more times. We had stopped moving and I nodded as we both panted. He then said as he stroked my centre,


“Cum for me, baby!”


I screamed. I couldn’t make any comprehensible word let alone think. Multiple emotions run through me as my body trembled. I had the longest orgasm in my entire life. I held his gaze as I felt EVERYTHING. My body shook violently and he held me steady. When I wanted to throw my head back, he framed my face and practically held my eyelids open. It went on and on like his eyes fuelled its length. I had a muscle crump but ignored it because he had rocked my world and still kept rocking it. It felt like hours when he let go of me. I fell forward panting, my forehead on his as I closed my eyes and he wrapped his arms around me.



He didn’t move, just watched me with lust and satisfaction. He was still inside of me when I realized he hadn’t come yet. I began rocking my hips with the aftermath of the orgasm still there and I was still sensitive. He stopped me.


“But you-” He covered my lips with his fingers which I kissed. They ended up in my mouth and I sucked them, licking them up and down. I fondled my breasts while pulling my nipples and moaning. He stared transfixed as I looked him in the eye and begun rocking my hips.


“Fuck it!” He began pounding me and soon I climaxed. I could feel his hot load inside me as he groaned in satisfaction. I had held out from climaxing and had almost failed but he came before I did. I smiled to myself and he saw me. “You are gonna pay for that.”


Before I knew what was going on, I was on my back and his face was in between my legs. He smirked at me. No, I was still too sensitive and had been close to an orgasm. If he did what he was planning, I could have one orgasm after another. Is he trying to kill me?



“Yes,” He answered as if reading my mind. I was staring at him in horror because I knew that he would


“No, no! Noooooooooo! Fuck, yeeeeeeessssssss!” I felt ticklish and uncomfortable at first but his tongue! It felt so good.


I bit my lip trying to keep in the scream. His long tongue tortured me, flicking, inserting and rolling. I couldn’t tell where I was or who I was. He brought me to orgasm after orgasm, I almost passed out. I couldn’t move. He stopped and sat up and we just looked at each other while smiling. This is when the real him came out. He was a freak, a strong and gentle one. I liked him then. He could break all my defences with just a touch and bring my body to great convulsions with just a whisper.


After a while we talked about random things but I enjoyed it thoroughly. He asked me a question out of the blue.


“Orgy.” I know, more like a statement. He said it while nodding his head as if already approving it.


“WHAT?” It took me by surprise. I don’t trust people too much. Having sex with a stranger?! Not really.


“Come on, don’t act so coy. I know you.” He came and positioned himself such that he was between my legs facing and looking at me.


“I don’t think that I am comfortable with that.” I had thought about it before but only as a fantasy and honestly it scared me that I could think about it in the first place. My sexuality has always been something I embrace and use appropriately, within reason, he knew I loved sex and had it like a dessert not like water. Yet he pushed it.


“I am not looking for an excuse to cheat on you. I just want to see you getting fucked out of your mind.” He slid his fingers up and down my exposed inner thighs. I raised an eyebrow. I was not buying it.


“You just did that a few minutes ago!” I wanted him to drop the whole thing already. He was never one to go down that easy, no pun intended, so he relented and an idea came to him.


“Think about it. Picture it, even. Two guys, naked, abs, well endowed, one in front, the other behind.” He was trailing kisses down my neck and teasing my clit with the head of his penis. I found myself creating a mental picture using the details he gave me. He continued, “Filling you up and rocking you back and forth. You alternate between kissing them. One plays with your clit as he fucks you from behind. The other squeezes your breasts as he fucks you from the front.” I let out a gasp as I begin feeling myself climb. I’m already wet and listening to him intently. “Or it could be a blonde girl, eating you out. You’re sitting on her while you get pounded from behind. The guy fucking you earlier could be fucking your face.” Before I know it I cum and he had stopped touching me a long time ago! He chuckles and kisses me as I pushed him inside me. “My pleasure.” He had me so on fire that all I said was,


“I want it rough!” And he delivered.


It was unanimous later and he set up the first encounter when we finally decided to go home and continue our ‘discussion’ at length.



She was a little devil. Leading me to sin with her body. A wicked evil thing that made me desire her in every way possible. She had corrupted me with those hips, damned me with those lips and sealed my fate with that voluptuous chest. Just looking at her was painful. She made her way to my desk and sat opposite from me. I shifted in my seat, sitting upright and forward, legs wide apart. She acted shy as she sat down calculatingly, lips shining with strawberry lip gloss and hair in a pony-tail. She crossed her legs, bit her lip and I knew that she had worn that lip gloss just for me. Clearing my thoughts, I initiate the conversation.


“How may I help you Miss Collins?”


“Mr Manning, I really need to pass this class in order to stay on the squad. I am a vital member and I really want to stay on the squad. I mean, look at how cute the uniforms are.”


She stands up and moves to my side of the desk. I watch her wearily as she sits on the edge near me. She is in a small red, white and black cheerleading uniform. The small top leaves little to the imagination as I can see her erect nipples. The short skirt shows off her legs which seem to go on for miles.


“Mr Manning? Do you agree that this uniform looks cute on me?”


I swallow hard and try to fix my eyes on her emerald green eyes. I know exactly what she is playing at but who said that I couldn’t have some fun?


“I agree but what does that have to do with your grades? You are one of my best students.”


“See, there’s the problem. What if I wasn’t anymore? You would have to tutor me, wouldn’t you Mr Manning?”


She now knelt between my legs as her hand stroked my cock over my jeans. I covered her hand in mine and asked her what she wanted.


“I want you and you want me just as much as I do. I will go as far as proving it to you. Give me what I want and there won’t be a problem.”


Before I could answer, she begins to stroke me and leave feather kisses over my cock. She does this for a while before freeing my cock and putting it inside her mouth, one inch at a time. Her wet warm mouth causes the blood to rush in my veins. She deep throats me and my tip touches the back of her throat and I know that I am a goner. I take off my jeans and open my shirt as she looks up at me while she moves her mouth up and down in a steady movement. I grab the sides of her head and pull her pony-tail as I guide her head up and down my shaft. I fuck her mouth then release her to suck on my balls.


Green eyes look up at me with need. I pull her towards me and kiss her like my life depended on it. I lick the strawberry lip-gloss as I pinched her already hard nipples. My fingers found their way to her core, moved the soaked panties aside and dived in to explore. She grinded on my hand as she moaned against my chest. I cleared my desk in haste before lowering her on it and spreading her out like a feast. I inhaled her natural scent and began to feast on her willing pussy. Her juices flowed in abandon as I flicked my tongue and fingered her to oblivion. My cock throbbed and the veins seemed to be popping out. I needed her


She screamed for me to penetrate her so I obliged my little devil. I slid myself into her sleek opening, stretching her out to fit me and felt her walls grab at me like a vice. She was nice and tight, just what I needed. She was a noisy little thing so I stuffed her mouth with her soaked underwear. I dove deep then pulled out and tortured her clit before going in. I began slow but greed got the best of me as I tore into her pussy like a mad man. Her legs wide on either side of me as my hands held her abdomen in place while I pumped into her. Pulling down her bra to expose those globes and rubbing her clit with my thumb to drive her wild. My little evil devil was squirming beneath me as I felt her muscles clench my rock-hard cock before she thrashed in my arms as an orgasm rocked her body. Still I continued. How I wanted to punish her for leading me to sin. This devil deserved everything that came to her.


I flipped her over on the desk as she panted. I wrapped one hand around her pony-tail as I made her arch her back while I fucked her.


“I’m gonna fuck your brains out little Collins. Hell is a place where little devils like you belong. I will only send you back once I am done with this tight little pussy.”


“Fuck me harder! Shit, I’m gonna cum!”


I pumped harder and did not stop until I joined her in the ecstasy as I shot my load into her pussy. I slapped her ass and collapsed on my chair where I directed her to clean herself from my cock. Before I knew what she was doing, she sat on my cock and began to ride me. I wanted to push her off but she relented.


“I want more. I’m a little devil, remember? Your little devil. Now fuck me till I can’t walk!”


I smirk, “Anything for you, my evil little thing.”


 Comments? LOL This is a work in progress. Full of short stories about hidden sexual desires. I do not support rape and all stories portrayed here will be consensual.



There will be few errors in the sentence structure and literary advice is welcome.



Criticism that is not constructive will be ignored and deleted.


"Listen closely, Kitten. Focus. Focus on playing with yourself, how good it feels when you touch yourself. The tingles that run up your body from your cunt. That sweet cunt. Does it feel good, Kitten? Yeah?"


I gasp as I lightly massage the inside of my sensitive lips. Circling that oh so needy centre as warm fluid gently flows down my butt crack.


"I want you to rub that clit, Kitten. Play with it and feel how good it is to play with yourself. There you go. Nice and easy. It's all about the feels, not the rush."


Squirming as all stimulation to my engorged clitoris sends shock and heat waves across my semi nude body under the covers, I toss the duvet aside. The cool crisp night air caresses my heated skin and cools it to a perfect temperature. Still my fingers explore my center. 


New feelings of pleasure rack my body causing my muscles to tense up in anticipation for my release. I hold off as I enjoy the feeling that my varying touches cause when moving my middle finger slowly along my sensitive bud, from the bottom all the way to the top. Noting the slight depression of it and finding a new erogenous zone on and around it. I shake my head from side to side, almost denying the amount of pleasure I'm bringing to myself. As if I'm not worthy, nor deserving of feeling so incredibly turned on, horny, wet and needy for release.


"Yes, Kitten. Play with yourself. Be in awe at the amount of pleasure you can create for yourself. Now, slip a finger inside your wet cunt. Slowly now. In and out, in and out, in and out. Stop. Let's pay more attention to that clit now, shall we? I want you to rub circles around it, pressing long and hard. Does it feel good, Kitten? I bet it does."


I moan a long yes and call out to a deity I long stopped serving; smiling and gasping as I follow his instructions. His voice is so rich, heavy and sexy. He growls into my ear in appreciation at how good I am and I become impossibly wet. There should be a limit to how wet your body can handle because this god of a man was turning me on like a fucking facet. And I was yet to drain the sweet nectar that he demanded of me. 


"Are you close, Kitten? Close to the edge that you so crave? That you so deserve, hmm? Tell me! "


"Yes! Fuck. I'm so fucking close. Please let me cum. Please. Please. I can't hold it." I'm close to tears. My skin feels like it's stinging and on fire. I rub my clit faster from side to side, amplifying my pleasure sevenfold. I dig into my mattress, my left hand fisting my blanket as I gasp for air while my body prepares for that sweet release.


"Good. I want you to cum for me, Kitten. Now! Cum. For. Me. Now. Cum, Kitten. I want you to cum. Yeeees. Good girl, Kitten."


I immediately reach the edge in  a blaze of glory, causing a chain reaction. Legs wide and drawn closer to my body, a tensing of the muscles, screaming and spasming, eyes wide into the darkness of my bedroom, animalistic growls vibrating through my vocal cords making them sore and being washed over by an amazing euphoria rippling through my veins from my sensitive clit to the rest of my body.


"Fucking hell." I gasp as I pant trying to normalize my breathing. My limbs feel numb as I bask in the afterglow of my orgasm. Not my most intense, but one that's pretty high up there. 

5. Argue

 I sit quietly opposite my very frustrated boyfriend in the kitchen. He came storming in a half hour ago, hair disheveled, tie undone and tossed on the counter. His coat was missing. He was in a full suit when he jovially left this morning. I shrugged. Maybe it was in his car. He unbuttoned his shirt. Three buttons. I wanted him to continue because his perfect skin was teasing me already. Damn it, focus. What is he saying? Right, his interests.

    "I mean look at it this way, maybe now you can focus on your other interests." I say lovingly.

Jake doesn't seem impressed rather he narrows his eyes at me. I remain unfazed. Keeping positive usually makes it better when he's in his moods. I also hope to cover up my wandering mind. Jake is a great guy. A great boyfriend and caring partner. Not the best but who really is? 

   "You don't understand, babe. I wanted that job. It was my best shot; my only shot. Now I'm stuck right where I started."

      Unemployment sucks. I've been there. It's like having a relative die. A relative attached to your life purpose, dreams, friends and primary source of income. Joy, isn't it? I sigh.

    "Jake, it's going to be okay. Really. You have the support of your family and friends through this and you definitely have my support. I understand the feeling. I've been there, remember? Everything works out in the end, you just have to remain positive. It's the only way to stay sane." I lay my hand on his tense shoulder as his arms tense against the kitchen counter.

  "What happened to you and what's happening currently with me are not the same Lill."

  "Okay, maybe not exactly but still-"

  "But nothing! I lost everything that I ever wanted. My life's work. I don't need your unsolicited advice that it will be okay. Right now it's not okay," he turns away from me and holds his hands at akimbo.

  "I know that. But I think it would be great to stay positive-"

  "Stop talking! Christ! Can't you just shut up! That's all I want. For once, stop sounding like a fucking advice column. Fuck!"

  I leave him alone. Withdrawing my hand with a blank expression, I pick up my mug of hot chocolate and coffee and head to my happy place. A room I'd renovated to be a home office a few weeks ago during one of my sporadic cleaning sprees. I wasn't using it as a study and Jake rarely came in here. If anything it had become my place to decompress and think. Something I had been doing a lot lately. It was the only room in the house that didn't remind me of what happened. I shook my head and blindly grabbed a book lying idly on the twin love seat.


A romance novel. One for the hopless romantics and one with such an emotional rollercoaster that it could leave you emotionally drained. Just what I needed. The main characters were just about to have their big emotionally charged break up, the first of many, when my attention was stolen by a soft knock on the door. I looked up to see Jake dressed in a loose white shirt and pants with his hair slightly sleek from the shower he'd obviously had. His face was blank and he didn't speak so I looked down at my book to continue reading.

  "Wait. I shouldn't have snapped at you. You were right and I was wrong. Please come out and I can make it up to you." He stood there awkwardly looking at anything but me. He leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms then looked directly at me.

   I stole a glance at him, got more comfortable and continued reading my book. He stood there for a while before he sighed and left. I looked up then and to my left, out of the window at the clouds. We used to cloud watch before. I really want to feel emotional about Jake as I watch the clouds change colour with the setting sun but I seemed to have left them on the pages of the novel. I feel so rightly drained, like a clean slate. I can clearly think now but something in my body stirs. The reminder of how hot he looked leaning on the door frame. Damnit, the novel hasn't drained me enough. I need to keep reading till the end. It's a thick one, I guess I'll be in here for a while. I close my eyes to refocus on the story and take a deep breath in of...garlic and herbs? My eyes shoot open. Jake. I toss the book aside, quickly walk out of the room and head straight into the kitchen. Jake is standing by the stove grinning like the Cheshire cat.

  "I know one thing that gets your attention. Sit. I'm making dinner. It'll take a while but I'm slow cooking it." He says as he covers a pot and points to the kitchen table. "Would you like something while we wait?"

 I'm in shock. He has cooked for me before but we mostly end up cooking together as we talk. Right now, I am angry with him and yet I crave our routine conversation. He seems unaware of my confusion as he pulls out a chair for me. I contemplate turning around but he knows me too well.

  "Don't make me chase you, Lilly. I'll tie you to this chair and make you regret it."

  I'm  tempted to defy him as my hunger for him stirs. No, this is my game now and I cannot afford to lose. I proceed to sit down and make myself comfortable. He hands me a plate of grapes. My favourite. He places a fork gently on my plate as I  was about to get up to wash my hands. I nod and clear my plate in record time as I meet his gaze headon. He doesn't break eye contact. The air is tense. I have to keep my wits about me or this will end badly. For me.

   "You really are giving me the silent treatment huh? Considering how good I've been for you?" He leans in with a psychopathic look in his eye. I remain still and calm. 

  We sat there for close to an hour. Silent. I wasn't going to break. I got up to leave and immediately wobbled like I was wasted. My limbs were numb from sitting still for too long. Jake was immediately at my side, the fucking bastard.

  "Lilly. I truly am sorry. I clearly know that if I'm to take out any of my frustrations on you, that wasn't exactly how we'd agreed it should happen. Please, talk to me."

  I pull out of his grasp. Somehow he had managed to frame my face. I left him standing there and didn't speak to him. I entered our bedroom and lay on top of the covers. I hear him come in and feel the bed dip as he lies beside me. I faced away from him. 

  "Come on Lilly. I'm sorry I told you to shut up. I definitely want you to not shut up." I glare at him. "Okay, got it. You're not having it," he chuckles then he gets on top of me caging me in. I look up at him with a bored expression. "Listen, how about a wager?"

  I raise my eyebrow urging him to continue. "If I can get you to say something, I win then you win. Don't look at me like that. I won't tickle you but I'll make it worth your while. Only rule is, only speak when I say the word speak. If you speak before I signal you to, I'll stop and then I'll give you the silent treatment. Nod your head for yes or shake it for no." He had the same psychopathic look from before.

  I look away from him and weigh my options. I did want to speak to him and he said something about doing something and my curiosity reared its head in anticipation. I look back at him and nod reluctantly. He grins then kisses me deeply on the lips. We end up making out and somehow he ends up between my legs.  He pushes me into a sitting position against two pillows. At this point I'm too hot and bothered to be aware of what is happening.

  He removes my jeans and pulls them off me while leaving alternate kisses on each of my legs. He grins as he leans into me, massaging my right breast as his right hand holds him in place. I gasp and sigh as he moves his hand lower and right on my clitoris. Using his two fingers he moves them gently up and down. I groan and throw my head back in pleasure.

  "Now Lillian, you promised. If you speak before I ask you to," he stops his torture and looks at me. I lean forward in confusion and irritation. It takes my brain a few seconds to register what he just said. I sigh then nod my head while looking him in the eye.

  "Good girl."

  He continues his assault moving his fingers exactly the way I liked. Up and down, circles, side to side and a particular flick I taught him that drives me wild. I struggled to keep words from leaving my mouth. I'd sigh and groan but that would lead to words so I bit my bottom lip and stuffed the edge of one of the pillows in my mouth. Jake shakes his head in disapproval.

  "Ah, ah, ah. That's cheating. Let me hear all those little whimpers and gasps," he whispers in a heavy breathy sexy voice. A fact that I had let slip once that drove me to the edge, something I now regretted, as he moved his fingers faster. I was so wet, he didn't need to finger me to use my juices as lubricant. I was a flowing stream. I tried stopping myself from cumming and he noticed. I'd scrunch up my face trying to think of something to distract me since I couldn't look away from him.

  "Oh, Lilly," he whispered into my ear, "you will cum for me eventually." He gently pulls out his soft cock and begins to rub it against my pussy. He runs it up and down, drawing circles as he gets his head and shaft covered in my wetness. He slaps his cock on my clit, I jump each time in pleasure, and repeats the process until he is rock hard. He feels heavy between my legs and I can feel him pulse against my sensitive centre. It's enough to get me closer and insanely wetter. I need that stiff rod inside me.

  I've been holding back for too long. A personal best considering how horny I've been in the past few days. My ears are stinging hot and my muscles are straining against the pressure that's been building throughout my body. If I speak now, he'll stop. Fuck, can't he just say it already. Tears of frustration gently stream down my face.

  I was kissing him, licking him, clawing at his arms and chest. Anything to try and ease my frustration as he kept edging me. Finally, he seemed to be working really hard at making me cum. He was very rhythmical and deliberate with his movements on my clit, kisses on my exposed neck, massaging and pinching my breasts and whispering dirty things into my ear.

  He can tell that I'm struggling. My movements are becoming more erratic. One minute I'm trying to dig into the mattress to get away from him then the next I am gyrating my hips and lifting them up to him to maximize the friction. Is this what insanity feels like? I was beginning to lose grip on what was actually happening. I was feeling too much too intensely and still he didn't stop his torture. He sucked on my neck as he moaned while he used his head to pry my pussy lips to expose my clit and tortured the sensitive engorged bud. We were both sweating and panting and I felt like I was going to lose my mind. I have to cum, I need it so bad.

  I begun shaking my head from side to side, my tell tale sign of my impending release. Finally, he groaned out the word speak as I felt myself climbing again to that edge. Thank God he did because I wasn't going to fight it any longer. He rubbed his head so fast up and down my clit that when he entered me, I came the hardest I ever have while cursing his name. He slammed into me and pounded me like an animal in heat. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck and held on for dear life. 

  At this point I was just spewing rubbish as I had one of the most mind blowing orgasms of my entire life. It felt like it was going on and on and when finally it ended, a chain reaction was born. Orgasm after orgasm as he fucked me to his own release. God, I loved watching him cum. It is the sexiest thing on the planet. His face muscles tensing then relaxing as he reached his release, the last pelvic thrust into me, the twitch of his cock inside me and the primal grunts and growls he'd make followed by the feel of his body weighing on mine as he was spent was enough to make me cum just by watching him.


We lay like that, both spent and frozen in place, as we enjoyed the aftershocks of our love making. I am not sure who started but we begun laughing softly. Jake's head was on my shoulder and his lips were kissing my neck looking for my sweet spot as I curled my toes and sighed in bliss once he found it. He was still inside me and when he moved to pull out, I whined and pushed his ass deeper into me. He chuckles and kisses me on the lips ever so sweetly. 


For a while we just lay there kissing, him apologizing sincerely and me gloating the entire time. We spoke about random things, deep things and then we explored our bodies some more. He fucked me slow and deep, just the way I liked it, and he used his big fat thumb to bring me to another sweet orgasm before I reminded him about the food.


Texte: J. M. Rivers
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: J. M. Rivers
Übersetzung: N/A
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.01.2017

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