


This is not the way

I didn't mean it

It was an accident

Not here,not now



Here and now

You are all mine

Body and soul

A deal was made

Now I'm here to collect



Somebody will see

Hear me gasping

I cannot contain it

You're invading my space

Be gone before I cause-



You know better than that

I taught you how

Get it over with

We will see who gets out

Alive or dead



That is all I feel

Leave me be

Worthless you are to me

Release me now



Even I know when you mean something

Drop the act and let me in

So deep that you cannot breathe

All the way until I imprint on you

The truth is what you want

Come and embrace it here with me



Your words do not-



Feel me there

Feel me everywhere

Call me babaric

I take that which is mine

And make it never want to leave


I won't

I am yours

Take me home

My home

Your home

Our home


Spiraling and twining

When will this end

My feet cannot take anymore

Up and down up and down


On and on we go

Caring not of the border

To fall would be torture

Bending the rules,you say


I need to stop now

Feeling nausiated

It's too high up

Need to feel the ground


No idea love could do this

Take you so high above

Beyond dreams and desires

Over all my troubles


It was the climb 

The sweat and pain

Despair looming

Random accusations



That brought

You home to me

We got through it

To get to the top


Dreams don't come true

For reality is much more real

There's no script to follow

Just pure raw emotions


I say that I hate you

Because I love you

Too much for comfort

For with you,I'm selfless




 This is the basic ingredient in our daily infusion

Always with the unnecessary and sudden intrusions

What are you up to, who are you doing in seclusion

That's what society wants to know because of moderation



The highest level we are able to jump without exertion

Hearsay from unreliable sources becomes our religion

No one is spared for everything changes after a mention

It can be positive and uplifting  or a great destruction



Other people's opinions are just simple considerations

Their own personal thoughts in simplification

Each person has their own and they shouldn't be limitations

All can live in peace together free from pointless restrictions


 I was thinking

Maybe we should go hiking

Be with nature,that sort of thing

Take dangerous selfies

Buy awesome souvenirs

Which we promise never to take off.


I was thinking

How about a night out in town

A movie,dinner and even dancing

There's a karaoke bar not far away

We could stop by before going home

We can pick a duet as long as we stay on key.


I was thinking

We should go to the beach

Feel the wind through our hair

Build sand castles and other things

Go for a swim or just run around near the shore

You could kiss me as the sun sets to make sure it wasn't a dream.


I was thinking

I should stop thinking and begin doing

I will take you out into the meadow

You will tell me what you see

As I turn you around and round

For I am blind and you have no legs.


Sunny side up

But my side is so dark and cold

Everywhere I turn all I see

The worst is the pain deep inside


Do you see their looks and body language

None can dare to be near me let alone speak

Nobody is an island? You haven't met me

I am an iron-steel fortress standing alone


Their taunts hurt me deeply

But you fight fire with fire to beat it

I call them battle scars for they get me through

Hooked on it like a drug I don't need cocaine


My happy place when the pain subsides

The emotional pain dies down as I close my eyes

I know I will open my eyes and the pain will return

This is not a solution but for now it's working


I retreat into myself for I feel alone

I didn't realise that I am my own worst enemy

All the taunts were bad but my mind reliving them was worse

It's like my imagination took hold making it seem like hell


As I walked alone I looked around through all my gloom

Everything was happy,normal,at least to me

I looked in the mirror and saw a broken person

One I couldn't recognize yet it was me


How is my prince going to find let alone recognize me

I look and feel like shit,who am I kidding



I want to live a long life and have a family

Have someone call me mom or dad while whining

Teach my child to ride a bike for I never knew how

Have a bond with them,watch them grow and be there for them


It hit me like a large boulder,this is my life!

You don't tell me how to live it cause it's mine

 I need to take control of my life right now

Make the things I want happen,for me,fairly


It is then that I came to my senses

Someone out there is just like me or worse

I need to help because they have no one

Now they will have me,I will fight not just for them but with them


I was born so as to enjoy life

Live it to the fullest

Make mistakes and learn from them

No one should stand in my way,I will not let them


Will you?




 I opened my eyes today

To the blinding light of day

It burned as I felt a ray

Invade my pupil and not go away.


So I decided to look around

I'm awake, my feet are on the ground

After all there's a lot to be found

If one simply didn't make a sound.


So much colour, wonder and beauty

How did I miss it,all this bounty

Enough for me, for you even your aunty

I want it all,I want it now,for all in my party.


Yes,I want to claim that great Grail

Although I'd really rather not break a nail

For I am not strong but a bit frail

In addition, I might just go plain pale.


Success is never easy

Enjoying life around is never sleazy

As long as it's moderate;not too cheesy

Keeping sight of the important things which are free.


Open your eyes.



His scent,so intoxicating
Just one whiff,and I am his
I ran my fingers,over his god-like body
Delicately,for fear that it's a dream


He's strong,always dependable
Won't bring me down,but to the highs of pure ecstasy
Nice and firm:I lick my lips,I can almost taste him
He teases me,I cannot hold on anymore


I make the first move,he wanted that all along
One taste,that's all it takes
I let out a long moan,trying to savour the delectable flavour
Before I know it he's gone,I feel bereft and angry


Why?! Why?!,was it me?
Did I come on too strong,push him away?
All that is left,his clothes with his scent
I want to weep,for a love that was gone too soon

 My dearest love, Godiva


Everything is falling apart

Why did you have to break my heart?

I thought we'd live and be a part

Of something true like pure art


See,I don't want to pull a cart

Full of dead dreams looking like a nut

For allowing myself to get hurt

But now I realise it was all an act


Lying to me 'bout where you at

Expecting me to believe that at last

I'd found someone to make a life pact

Thank God you're now in my past



Look up into the vast open sky,reach for the stars only if you may

Don't look down just aim forward,push on and make it you coward!

You're always looking down on yourself,only seeing the imperfections

Get this straight from me,that's what makes you one of a kind


So maybe you don't fit in the status quo,but just so you know

That's not meant for you,it's meant for the purpose of ranking

How many choose to defy it,refuse to be bound and enslaved by it?

Strive to achieve the unattainable,just because they will to do so?


Enough looking over your shoulder,neck cramps will just follow you

Start searching very diligently,to find food to the soul straight up!

Direct your eyes completely inward,see that which is in plain sight

Your true entire unique self,the one you nearly left and forgot existed


Revel in all your success,uncover your sole purpose in the world

Bring about positive and building change,leave out all destructive thoughts

Love without hiding,that which comes by without planning

Hold it fast and close,because when you know:you'll know


Loving you is like watching paint dry

See,you have no clue what you really want

Got me going up and down,up and down

And it's got me feeling really hazy


I wish you'd just choose between black and white

I'm sick of you being neither hot nor cold

Telling me all these lame excuses

You're starting to sound like a broken record


I loved you with an open heart

And you just filled it with dirt

I would be lying that it doesn't still hurt

But all in all,I'm me,thanks to you


Was out and about changing every part of me

Into something you said you'd rather have

Hoping that you'd love me for how I had become

I was too blinded by my many insecurities


I was told that love can at times be blind

I guessed you'd lead me in the right direction

Then I saw right through your theatrical act

Soon enough to call it quits and move on


I loved you with an open heart

And you just filled it with dirt

I would be lying that it doesn't still hurt

But all in all,I'm me,thanks to you


The only way to put words to my feelings
That I could never say to your face
Secrets of my hidden smile
Whispers of the stolen glances.

An escape to a world I control
Where I am ruler and subject
Oppressor and oppressed
Loved as well as hated.

Weaving words into a fabric
Painting a canvas in my imagination
Tell of the real me existing inside
One I choose to hide no longer.


What truly is honesty?

Saying the whole truth and nothing but

Whether it hurts or mends a soul, whatever

It's stating facts, right?


Where can I find honesty?

Is it in the soft caress of my lover

Or hidden in the depths of my mother?

I can find it, right?


What does honesty look like?

A bright and blinding light

Shinning in the darkness?

I can see it, right?


How do I know honesty?

Does it reveal itself to people

Or hides waiting eagerly to be found?

It does exist, right?


I don't know anything dealing with honesty!

But it would mean a whole lot to me

If you would bring it with you from time to time

And that right there, is honest honesty.

MY GIRLS (Alcoholism)

She was right in front of me,

The dimly lit and smoke filled room

Did little to hide her colourful vibrant body hugging dress

I entertained her antics at conversation

Although all I wanted was a taste

A taste that she hid at her very core

I shift in my seat as she continues her seductive game

My dear, Patty; none could ever compare.


Her neck, so long and inviting

Her mouth, the envy of many a Kylie Jenner

Her voluptuous body, a temptation I had to touch

Her voice is so still and soothing


She asks to dance; I oblige

Agile in movement, I watch her in fascination

Sweat provocatively slides down her silky smooth skin

The temptation is too great

I move in skillfully and our mouths meet

She fills me with her sweet nectar

And I, nothing but a deprived desperate soul

Lap up every single saving drop

Until nothing is left but the burn in my throat


Not yet fully satisfied but grateful to you

I look over at your identical sisters; Vicky, Jenny, Brandy

In awe I seek to devour them, inside and out

There is no picking or choosing

I want them all, I want them now

Even my ‘on again - off again’ girlfriend, Mary Jane, can join us.


Oblivious of the inner turmoil within

The emptiness; the hollow void that remains

Constantly trying to evade; mistakes I’ve made

In my sporadic escapades; trying to win life over with a serenade

I try to wean off them but I’m captured in a choke-hold

In love with the way she hurts me, could the devil be any more irresistible or delectable?


Twirling me around on her little finger

Pirouetting me back and forth in a deathly waltz

My thoughts are not my own, movements controlled; I’m a puppet on a string


Priorities are shed off; all that remained was us on the dance floor

Echoing silence each time

The midnight clock struck twelve

With misery as the forlorn glass slipper was left

As I followed them into the everlasting height



Worn out and beaten, my demons try to outrun and catch up

But I have fuel to get even further; Jamie holds my hand

She leads me back to my lovers who fight for me and entice me

They lay their hands on me and turn me into a believer

Yes, oh yes! I truly believe!


Texte: The Author J. M. Rivers
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: The Author J. M. Rivers
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2015

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To everyone who believes without seeing.

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