
The Legend of Aiden
Chapter 1

Aiden Evans an intelligent young youth living his young life, had it all after he suffered a harsh accident that killed his family, a warm house with an uncle who loved him dearly and attended the greatest of junior high schools there was. Aiden also had very trustworthy friend, named Ace. Aiden had recently met Ace, when Aiden had intended to prank Mr. Eraday’s class of mathematics by releasing a gas that had a revolting stench. Math was indeed his most detested subject. Ace who was walking by at the time of Aiden’s infiltration noticed him hide in a janitor’s room. Ace felt compounded to lie and say that the attacker had just hastily ran towards the gym. Aiden without a doubt is happy about his life now, however he does not remember anything about his past or about the accident, it seems his life began after he woke up in the hospital with no clue about his past as if his memories had been completely erased.
As great of a person Ace is he is also rather an odd fellow. Whenever Aiden and Ace are spending time together doing what boys do often, Ace disappears for a short time then reappears minutes later. Ace frequently mentions the same excuses when he disappears like going to the restroom, forgot something I’ll be right back, or simply excuse me for a minute. Aiden scarcely pays attention to what activities his friend might be up to in his absence but rather just ignores him.
“I assume you’ve know who Allie is?” says Aiden grabbing the apple off his plate and tossing it back and forth with his hands.
“Um, no not really.” replies Ace looking around the cafeteria.
Ace has scarcely touched his food and has been gazing around the cafeteria since lunch began.
“Come on now, she is like the hottest chick in school. How can you not know who Allie is, you must not pay much attention then, you are, interested in girls right?” says Aiden emphasizing on are.
Ace turns to look at Aiden with a languid expression as he takes a big bite of his apple.
“I am just saying.” He says swallowing. “Anyways I think she is pretty darn cute, going to talk to her today.”
Ace continues to look at him sluggishly.
“Ok going to try.”
Ace picks up his tray and dumps all the leftover food into a garbage can, Aiden imitates his steps and begins to walk by his side.
“You’ve been acting strange today, is something bothering you?” asked Aiden in an amicable tone. “Yes, I’m anxious for the field trip tomorrow.” He replied.
“Oh right, had forgotten all about Mr. Eraday’s field trip.”
Mr. Eraday had schedule a field trip to the Artificial Intelligence Production Industries miles away from the city. This very distinctive and special place created and produced exceedingly intelligent and highly developed robots.
“The field trip is miles away from the city, what a delight to get out for once.” said Aiden stretching his arms out and yawning. “Didn’t sleep much last night, my uncle kept me up by pacing back and forth in his room and whispering to himself, he was loud intending not to be.”
Ace continued to have a distinctive expression.
“I didn’t have sufficient sleep either.” He replied by yawning as well.
Ace stopped in front of the glass doors that lead to the outside and turned to Aiden. “We still have a day left until the field trip. Has your uncle told you anything, um out of the ordinary?”
Aiden only looked at Ace’s expression, his blue eyes where bright with curiosity his short brown hair waved promptly as the wind blew a tender breeze of fresh air as a person walked in.
“Out of the ordinary, I don’t suppose.” replied Aiden rubbing his temples faintly.
Ace’s distinctive look returned and his curiosity subside. Ace gazed out the glass doors and examined the outside, Aiden looked out as well. Aiden’s black hair waved gently as people walked out of the building, he was slightly taller than Ace by an inch or two. They stood there silently and calmly until another boy the same age as them walked towards their direction with a mob of jerk looking, tuff looking boys. The mob of five boys surrounded them both and giggled as the one who seemed to be the leader of the bunch stood next to Aiden’s right side.
“I’ve been looking for you dweeb.” He said giving Aiden a jab on his shoulder chuckling.
Aiden along with Ace turned back to noticed them forming a line with no chance of escape. The one who had jabbed Aiden seemed to be the biggest and stupidest looking of all, without a doubt the leader. The rest of the boys giggled looking at both of them.
“What do you want now Greg?” said Aiden without much enthusiasm.
“I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again, you do what I say or pay the consequences.” He said menacingly as he smashed his fist on his other hand. “Where is the report I told you do finish for me this morning?”
Aiden frown and released himself from Greg’s grasp. “I didn’t do it.”
“What!” said Greg?
“Why don’t you get a life and leave him alone.” interrupted Ace.
All the boys became silent and looked at Ace including Aiden like he had just asked to be killed.
“What was that?” Greg whispered softly.
“I think it’s time for us to go now.” said Aiden quickly gripping Ace by his shoulder and began to walk breaking through the line of boys. Just as it seemed they where free from being trapped between the boys Greg grabbed Ace from his book bag and pulled him back harshly. Ace came back fast and fell to the floor as his book bag opened sending all of his things scattering to the floor.
Two books, pieces of paper, a binder pencils and pens where scattered around the floor. Ace had also dropped something that appeared to be a stick from his pocket. The boys laughed sarcastically, Greg began to kick his things around.
“Who do you think you are to be talking to me like that.” He said.
Ace had a serious glare now and looked at Greg with anger, the only thing that Greg appear to do was laugh even more. “Are you mad now?” he mocked.
Ace rapidly picked up the stick he had dropped and pointed it directly at Greg. The boy laughed even greater.
“You’re going to poke me with your stick.” said Greg derisively.
This look was not normal of him, these actions. Aiden had never seen Ace act like this and admired his bravery. Fortunately for both of them the bell rang and teachers and students began to walk by. Noticing the teachers walk by Greg and his goons began to walk away like nothing had happened.
“Take care of you later, dweebs.” He said gesturing to them.
Ace hastily put the stick away and looked around tranquil, the anger had disappeared. Aiden looked at him oddly. “What was that?”
“I figured it would scare them, you know act like that.” said Ace.
“That was a very weird way to scare them off, saved by the bell more like.”
Both young youths walked down the halls and up the stairs. Ace was serious the entire time. Classes went by like usual and the day ended like always. Ace had never act likes this before, not as much as he has been anyways. He would joke around or have common conversation but Aiden realize he had started acting in this behavior since they both heard of the field trip.
After school Aiden and Ace walked home together, Ace seemed to always walk Aiden home first then after he had reached his destination Ace would walk to his house alone since it was just a few minutes away.
“Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
“Yeah, see ya.” He replied waving.
Aiden walked up the steps and opened the door, his uncle was nowhere in sight. Figuring he must be somewhere else in the house Aiden scavenged the kitchen for food. After eating leftover chicken from last night Aiden walked around the house looking for his uncle for he had still not heard a single sound concerning his uncle.
The house was pretty empty, not much occupied it. The living was only decorated with a sofa and a table that supported the T.V. The kitchen was only equipped with a table two chairs and the fridge and the stove. “I’m home uncle.” shouted Aiden, only silence.
Aiden began to walk upstairs to his uncle’s room, Aiden was never allowed in his room for it was greatly classified from his studies and research, things where very fragile his uncle would say. Aiden only knocked and waited a response but nothing came out. “Where are you now?” he whispered.
Aiden decide to go back to the living room and watch T.V. until his uncle returned from where ever he had ran off too. Aiden did not worry much for his uncle for he was a very tall man; he had a strapping body and could easily defend himself if he were ever in a nuisance moment. Aiden’s uncle however hardly came out of his room, much less go outside. It was now dusk and Aiden’s uncle had not yet returned, his uncle was missing and Aiden felt worry skulk in, but as swiftly as it he began to worry, he began to unwind when he heard the squeaking footsteps of a person walking upstairs.
Aiden inhaled smoothly and continued to watch his show, but he wondered how come when he was searching upstairs he was nowhere in sight, and he had not heard a door opened since he got home. This new theory brought chills up his spine; he stood up to go check it out. Once Aiden reached the top step he looked out into the hall in dismay. It was dark since the sun had set a while ago.
Aiden began to walk towards the area in which the sounds where coming from, as soon as he reached his room he noticed the door was opened, one thing about Aiden was, whenever he would step out of his room he would close it. Aiden slowly and smoothly leaned over to gaze into the room and examine what his uncle was doing, but the room was completely empty. The creepy thing was that the screeching sounds continued near the window.
A figure of a head and shoulders, with hands grasping the window was perfectly visible by the moonlight. Feeling an urge to shout at the intruder that was intending to break in was not a wise idea he decides to simply walk away and call the police, but right when he took a step back the floor cricked and the sounds became silent. Aiden felt cold and hollow as the figure began to move closer to the window and listen, the men’s features not visible do to the dark but Aiden could feel his eyes focusing on him.
Run for it he thought, he could probably catch a glimpse of the individual outside but right when he was about to make a run the door that stood in front of Aiden’s door across the hall opened and a voice relieved all his tension.
“Aiden, what’s going on?” said his uncle standing in door gate.
Aiden’s uncle looked at him neutral and calm but then his eyes shifted to his room. Aiden could not believe it, where had the dark figure gone; he quickly turned the light on. The room was empty and silent with nothing on the other side of the window.
“Is everything alright now?” said his uncle. Glaring at his room he began to walk inside and look around as Aiden was.
“Yeah, just I swear I might be coming up with something I saw some kind of figure in the dark, uncle is that chicken still good?” he asked rubbing his eyes. But his uncle seemed concerned now; he quickly walked towards the window and looked outside into the night then looked back at Aiden who walked out into the hall rubbing his head and breathing profoundly.

“You’ve been home for how long now, how come I didn’t hear you come in?” he said cooking up more chicken in a pan. Aiden sat on a stool and leaned on his elbows supported by the table.
“Well I said I was here out loud, you must have been sleeping.” He replied chewing on a tooth pick. “I ate some of that chicken you prepared yesterday.”
“Are you anxious for the field trip?” he asked.
“Of course I am a company that produces robots that’s awesome.” He replied.
“How will the class be traveling?”
“I assume like we always travel to a field trip, on a bus.”
“Right, make sure you stay close to your friend Ace, he is a good boy.” He said rotating the chicken broiling in the pan. One thing about Aiden’s uncle Sylvester was that he liked Ace a lot since the day Aiden introduced him. Always talking about keeping close to him, learn and or listen to his advice.
That evening they both ate the delicious chicken he had prepared again and had a normal chat, Sylvester asked how school was going and Aiden smiled and said it was great. Sylvester asked like usual, if anything had happened today, anything he would not see or experience every day. Truth was Aiden almost daily faced or experience something not so normal or unexplained like breaking objects unintentionally without trying or make an electrical object go bananas, he thought to be odd.
“Other than the mirage I saw outside, no not really, although something funny did happen today.” He said taking a sip of his soda.
“Like what?”
“Well, we ran into let’s say some trouble today, and well Ace tried to frighten them by acting like an idiot and point some stick at them. That you don’t see every day.” He said chuckling. Sylvester did not find it funny but frowned and took a sip of his drink. “Yes, odd.” He whispered.
It was now past eleven and Aiden’s eyes fought to stay opened, but surrendered, he walked to his room and crashed on his bed. His uncle walked in the hall and stood still next to Aiden’s door. Looking at him for a second he closed the door and walked into his own room.
Aiden tossed and turned as he slept, he mumbled words that where incomplete and made no sense. His forehead was sweating intensely and his eyes moved around under his eyelids.
Chapter 2
Morning was harsh for Aiden for he struggled tremendously to get out of bed. He rushed and got ready and like always his uncle was up before him doing normal errands around the house. Before Aiden was able to step outside the front door his uncle shouted. “Aiden be careful now, and keep close to Ace.”
“I will uncle, I’m not a kid.” He shouted back and closed the door.
Ace was at his usual spot waiting for the bus and smiled when he noticed Aiden walking.
“You look terrible, didn’t sleep much again?” he said.
“I slept like a baby; just the night wasn’t long enough.” He replied.
The bus arrived and the group of waiting students boarded the bus. Aiden sat by the window and quickly dozed off in to a short sleep. The sleep seemed to be passing by quickly, for Ace was now waking him up to get off the bus. Aiden yawn loudly and groaned.
At the breakfast table Aiden ate like usual but this time Ace stared at the table.
“You’re not hungry?” asked Aiden
“I’m alright, eat up don’t let me hold you back.”
Aiden continued to eat on. The bell rang and it was time for them to get ready to board the busses. Mr. Eraday had mention a few days back, “In the morning of the 14, we will be attending a field trip, now return these permission slips and you will gladly be free to join us at the Artificial Intelligence Company. We will be leaving in the morning once the first bell rings, you are to be by the bus at exactly 7:55, or you will be left behind.”
Aiden and Ace grabbed their book bags and began their walk towards the busses. There were many students, at least four more classes where going too. The bus was loaded and Aiden and Ace had barley reached two empty seats where they sat. Like always, Ace starred out in to space looking at everything that passed by.
“You know, I’m pretty excited for this, you haven’t really shown any excitement.” said Aiden kneeling closer to him.
“You know, I never really asked you this, but how come you always seem to disappear for a short time, what do you do?” he asked paying much attention.
“Doesn’t matter to tell you now.” He replied.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
But Ace only kept quite the rest of the ride. Aiden decided not to bother him anymore and became silent as well. The bus arrived shortly after that talk, from their point of view; they saw a very huge building that turned out to be the smaller building connecting to the main dome. The main dome was twice as big. A giant sign read ‘Artificial Intelligence Industries’
Everyone got off the bus and began to explore the area near the entrance. The place was huge for a little room. A man in a black tuxedo walked towards them and introduced himself. Mr. Eraday smiled and shook his hand.
“Hello everybody, its pleasure to have young tourists come visit us. My name is Mr. Hollow and we are going to have so much fun today.” He said looking at everyone.
The tour went on as the entire group explored room after room lead by Mr. Hollow. Robots of all sorts where displayed neatly. The group was shown how a robot was created as well. A gigantic machine made robot putting parts together. They eventually arrived into a huge room where pictures and blue prints where displayed on the wall. Aiden and Ace looked around bored as they found an interesting one that caught their attention.
“What kind of robot is that?” asked Aiden.
“Seems to be a very large robot, some kind of destroying machine.” replied Ace.
Aiden looked at it, both of them examining it closely, paying so much attention to it that they had forgotten about the group moving on until it was too late.
“Um, Ace I think the group left.” said Aiden looking around the room.
Ace looked around as well with a very weary expression; his face was serious as though he was worry about something else. “Let’s go quickly.” He said.
Aiden followed him but quickly stopped at the sight of a man that suddenly stepped in from of the entrance. “Whoa.” He said.
Ace stopped as well placing his arm in front of Aiden. “Let’s find a different way out of here.” He whispered.
“Why, everyone went that way.” He replied.
“Now Aiden.” He said. Ace had never spoken as if scared.
The man began to step closer to them, this man looked horrible, he resembled a poor man that made his living in the streets and searched for food in a trash can. He was dirty, his clothes where old and ripped and he was certainly missing a couple teeth. “Why on such a hurry?” he said deeply.
Aiden now felt an omnipresent emotion and felt adrenaline rush to his body as his brain told Aiden to listen to Ace’s advice and run for it. “Yeah we have to go now.” He mumbled as his voice broke.
Ace run as he held a hard grasp on Aiden, the men quickly unleashed what appeared to be a ball and aimed it to them as if he were showing them the object. “Duck!” shouted Ace and quickly both of them dropped, Aiden confused.
The ball that had a circle in the middle fired at them what appeared to be energy of some sort. The energy in a blink of an eye hit above the two of them and exploded tearing every object that was on display.
Aiden screamed loud and frightened but Ace stood up quickly and took out the stick he had threatened Greg with the day before.
“Emers!” he shouted aiming the stick directly at the hobo like man. Instantly after shouting the strange words, an oval like green ball instantaneously emerged from the tip and fired at the man who without hesitating moved out the way. The green oval orb hit the wall causing a dent. “Run.” shouted Ace still aiming his stick at the individual who was hiding behind a large robot statue.
“Listen, I don’t know what the heck is going on but what is going on?!” shouted Aiden who ran towards a door.
“You won’t be getting away.” yelled the man quickly standing up. “
Ace shot yet the same oval green ball but missed, he was hit by a red oval ball fired by the jerk. He then quickly fired the same red ball towards Aiden’s direction; it scarcely missed and hit the exit blowing up the only way out.
“No, no who are you what do you want!” yelled Aiden.
“The answer is very obvious boy, I want you of course.” He laughed as he spoke the words focusing the round object towards Aiden. “You’re only the first step.” He muttered as he prepared to fire.
Aiden’s heart pumped with fright.
The same green oval ball impacted the individual on the back and sent him flying towards a glass case that displayed many small replicas of larger robots. He broke through the glass breaking everything; he was knocked out and with large cuts.
Aiden only looked at him afraid he would stand back up but quickly ran towards Ace who was sitting up against another glass case. Once he reached his friend another man ran and stood next to them. Aiden quickly looked up fearing the worst but all the tension in his body drain away. “Uncle?” he mumbled.
Sylvester did not meet his gaze; he studied the hobo man knocked out and then slowly turned down to look at Aiden.
“Guess it’s now or later, are you alright Aiden?” He asked crouching to examine Ace.
“Yeah but I don’t know about Ace, he was hit, by, I don’t know what it was and…what are you doing here uncle? What’s going on here?”
Aiden struggled to speak, the words muttered widely.
“Relax; I’ll explain later, where there others?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
Sylvester grabbed Ace and placed him over his right shoulder and began to look around examine to make sure they where no others.
“Step aside Aiden and follow me, stay close.” said Sylvester as he aimed the blue stick he held with his left hand.
“You too?” mumbled Aiden.
“Dynaforma!” he shouted.
A jet of energy that was hardly visible to the eye shot directly at the wall with massive force making the wall exploded sending a shock wave combined with dust and rubble. Aiden crouched and protected himself with his arms.
“It’s alright now, come let’s go.” said Sylvester walking over the rubble.
“Uncle, this is by far the strangest day ever.” said Aiden following close to him.
Sylvester smiled but the smile quickly faded. “Aiden, place your arm on my shoulder quickly.” said Sylvester as he pointed the blue want towards the sky while looking around for any surprises. Aiden without hesitating grabbed on to his shirt.
“Vuelo!” he said loudly.
Immediately Sylvester and Ace where engulfed in white smoke, the smoke quickly surrounded their bodies. The bodies of Ace and Sylvester became dust like smoke and where no longer solid, Aiden’s eyes where wide as ever as his body turned into the white smoke as well. In less than a second after their bodies had transformed into smoke, they rushed fast up into the sky like wind blowing dust and where out of sight.

Aiden’s shouts where loud as his sight blurred by with no detail his body felt lose as if splitting into many particles. He felt funny, his body was tingling everywhere and he had no control over anything. He screamed loud as his body tuned back to normal solid and crashed down hard on to the ground making a loud Thud sound followed with an ugh!
Aiden opened his eyes blinking repeatedly quick groaning in agony. Aiden focused hard, the first images to appear where of Sylvester holding Ace over his shoulders coming close to him and reaching out his arm. He stood up tumbling as Sylvester held on to his weight.
“Are you alright?” he asked patting him on the shoulder.
Aiden crouched over bending his knee’s breathing heavily and dazed.
“First time traveling with the Vuelo technique, is nauseating indeed, don’t worry you will be ok.” He said. “Now, get in the house, we have a lot to talk about.”
Aiden sat on the couch staring at the ceiling breathing smoothly wide eye. Ace had recovered now and sat on the opposite couch in front of Aiden. Sylvester sat right side of Ace. Ace glared at the floor rubbing the spot that was impacted by the green orb. Sylvester on the other hand rubbed his temples and sighed.
“Tell him, we have to it’s about time anyways.” said Ace.
Aiden turned to look at both of them still wide eyed. “What?” he asked. With a sigh, Sylvester began to speak. “Aiden, I want you to pay close attention to everything I’m about to tell you.”
Aiden leaned closer to listen carefully and said, “Alright, I’m listening?”
“What you experienced today was not of your world.” He said.
“Okay, that was pretty abnormal.” He said emphasizing on was.
Sylvester continued as Ace stood up and began to walk towards the window.
“Listen Aiden, Ace and I are not like ordinary people, we are, different in a way.” He said putting great amount of focus on his words.
“Pretty obvious uncle, what was that all about?” replied Aiden. “Aiden, there are two kind of worlds, you think your live in an ordinary life but your wrong, people like us are different in one particular way, we have special abilities.” He said. Aiden nodded.
“Aiden, you’re not so different either, in fact, you’re very valuable to say.” He said and Aiden recoiled back.
“What do you mean?” he asked.
Ace turned back and began to speak. “Aiden, we did not meet by accident, I was sent to find and keep you safe, and it was my mission.” He said staying close to the window.
“Wait what, why and from whom?”
“Ace and I were placed in a very important mission to keep you safe, Aiden; I’m not your uncle.” He said speaking smoothly.
“What!” replied Aiden shocked?
“Sorry Aiden, it was part of the plan to play the role of your uncle, we couldn’t find any other family members related to you.” He continued, “Aiden, we don’t know much about you, but we know your special.” said Sylvester.
Aiden still amazed looked down disappointed. “Much less do I that accident was crucial and mind blowing.” He replied. “How am I different, you said I’m different too?”
Sylvester was serious.
“There are certain kinds of people like us, called Energy Producers; we like to use EP, for short.” Aiden nodded.
“We, have the ability to generate energy, which is why we are called Energy Producers, we produce energy and use it in magnificent ways.”
“That is what I saw today, right?” said Aiden.
Aiden was dumbfounded and was amazed; everything that Sylvester was saying was very hard for Aiden to swallow and to take in.
“Ok I see, now, what do I have to do with all this?” he asked. “Aiden, we have been keeping you safe because you are an Energy Producer as well.”
Aiden’s mouth dropped open; he could not believe what he had just heard. He stood up and sighed trying to decipher everything. He closed his eyes and chuckled. “This is all just a big joke, illusions.” He said.
“Aiden, you can’t deny the truth, you know what Sylvester has just told you is true, you know deep inside do to the fact that since after that accident you have experienced strange and unexplained experiences.” said Ace pulling the covers an inch to examine the outside.
Aiden was expressionless, he was quite. “I’m an EP.” He whispered.
“I can’t explain everything, only Master Kyoto can explain things better, he knows more about you then us.” said Sylvester.
“Who?” replied Aiden? “”Master Kyoto, is the very, most important and wise person you can ever meet, Kyoto Gatzu, watcher and leader of the Kyoto Training Academy.” said Ace.
“Kyoto is the principle of Academy, he is the one who sent us on this mission.” followed Sylvester. “Our main objective, to find you, keep you safe, and return you safe and sound back to the Academy once you have become a full fledge EP.” He said.
“Full fledge?” asked Aiden.
“You were born and EP to begin with, but your E-cells do not fully generate energy to be channeled completely until you reach a certain age.” said Sylvester.
“E-cells?” replied Aiden
Sylvester was about to speak but was interrupted by Ace. “We are going to have to end this chat early, said Aiden. Without hesitating Sylvester stood up and pulled out his blue stick.
“I hate to leave you with more questions than answers.” He said
“Oh sure, and oh the marvelous stick thing.” said Aiden. “That stick has been brutal.”
“This is not an ordinary stick, it’s an EP weapon, in this case a wand.” said Sylvester who was now next to Ace.
Both of them had a defensive expression and moved around the house window to window. Aiden was confused even more; he still didn’t understand much of the things Sylvester was saying. Ace glared carefully and began to inch closer to the glass trying to decipher whatever it was outside. Curious, Aiden quickly walked next to Ace and gazed over his shoulder to take a look himself. Aiden received a shock when he saw the dark figure standing under a street light.
This dark figure of a person seem to be the same one from the other night, Aiden received chills up his spine. The dark figure only stood still without moving staring at the house. Sylvester was now behind Aiden and groaned a few mumbles. Slowly more dark figures began to emerge from shadowy areas.
“They can’t get inside, I’ve place a powerful spell that shields us from dark elements.” said Sylvester proudly. “Who are they?” asked Aiden.
“These guys are nothing, they are just EP hunters.” said Ace. Aiden did not like the sound of that. “They were after me before I even knew anything about my rather special gift, Sylvester was there to save Me.” continued Ace.
“What do they do exactly?”
“They hunt for young EPs intending to kidnap or brain wash them, to get them to join them. They are recruiters and are foliated with the- Sylvester stopped speaking. “You will learn more in school.”
A dark figure walked into the light of the lamp and his features where ghastly, resembled the hobo man. He held what seemed to be a jewel of some kind and quickly waved it towards the window. The jewel fired a jet of purple light; the jet impacted an invisible wall making a slight explosion. The man groaned and cursed as he tried again. The same result repeated as many more man came rushing out of the darkness and began firing at the house. Aiden felt weak, as he began to walk backwards slowly.
“They can’t get in right?” asked Aiden.
“No, they can’t get in, at least not for a while.” He said.
Ace turned back at Sylvester and chuckled. “I think you should look outside.”
Aiden and Sylvester both looked outside and examined what was happening. The man fired away like there was no tomorrow, or desperate. The sad and terrifying part was that the invisible shield was now showing signs of weakness, for cracks began to appear in the air.
“We should probably just leave this place now.” said Sylvester turning back. “Follow me quick.”
Without hesitating Aiden followed Ace and Sylvester up the stairs and towards Sylvester’s room. Aiden felt excitement for he had never entered his room. Inside it seemed like an ordinary room except for the paper work everywhere and the weird objects and books. Sylvester quickly began picking up books and paper work and gestured for them to help clean up. All 3 quickly hurried and picked up random papers and books.
Downstairs a large sound of an explosion came ringing upstairs and all 3 knew what had happened, the force field was no more. “They will follow us if I use the Vuelo technique, there is too many, we are going to have to use the Energy Runner.”
Sylvester quickly grabbed a little device the size of a small box and pushed a button on it. A loud rumbling roaring sound began to get closer until finally the roof came crashing down as a big pod like metal device crashed through and landed in front of the 3. The metal object was big enough to fit 2 people, and had two wheels in front and one in the back, many wires connected from the top front to the bottom back.
A man came running up the stairs and Ace quickly fired at him as he came in through the door. The man flew across Aiden’s room and flew out the window. “Hop on.” said Sylvester as he jumped on in front seat, Ace jumped in on the back seat and Aiden confused squeezed himself with Ace.
“How exactly are we getting out of here?” shouted Aiden.
“With style.” replied Sylvester.
The machine with wheels quickly roared to life as Sylvester grabbed two steel bars in front of him. Without hesitating the machine fired fire like energy or power from under it and sent them flying up through the hole. Out from above the scene was beautiful to Aiden was amazed as the scenery of the houses and nigh sky where visible, but all joy went away as he saw black smoke like figures flying towards them.
“Better hold on Aiden.”
Sylvester gripped the steel bars with force as pure Energy was being sucked from his hands. Immediately the machine accelerated with maximum speed leaving behind the black smoke figures. Aiden held on tight as once again the only things he saw, where blurry lines and a whole lot of adrenaline.
Chapter 3
Aiden opened his eyes and gazed out at the night sky as little by little his sight came back. He moaned and tried to sit up. As he sat up, the images came in slowly. First Ace was sitting down rubbing his temples and then Sylvester was standing up looking around. Aiden heard water crashing against the ground the aroma of fresh salty water reached his nostrils.
“Don’t worry, you get used to traveling at that speed.” said Ace.
“Everyone does, now you got everything right?” said Sylvester.
Ace nodded his head and stood up to stretch stretching his arms up high.
“Let’s go, how you are feeling Aiden?” asked Sylvester.
Aiden stood up and shook his head. “I’m alright now.” He said.
“Right, very well, let’s move on.”
Aiden walked next to Ace as they followed Sylvester who carried a large traveling bag over his shoulder. They walked on a beach full with cold sand. The fresh cool air blew by as the sea’s waves crashed on the sand. The moonlight reflected on the ocean in such a beautiful way.
“That was an Energy Runner, it’s an EP traveling device, it feeds on your energy like gasoline it doesn’t drain much just a little tiny bit.” said Ace.
“Oh.” replied Aiden. Aiden still felt somewhat dizzy, and then began to examine the area. “Where are we?”
“In a safe zone, we are safe here.” said Ace.
“Where is here?”
“The Recruiters site.” said Sylvester. “This is the place where new EPs’ are taken for transportation to Kyoto’s Training Academy.”
“Transportation, on what a boat.” said Aiden.
“Ship.” said Sylvester pointing ahead. A large ship bigger than any ordinary cruiser stood still in the distance not so far away as people walked back and forth on board. The area around the ship was completely covered by large wooden crates and people stamping back and forth carrying luggage. The people appeared to be close to Aiden’s age, some older.
Once they arrived close enough there where older people who appeared to be guards of some sort stood watch. One of the men walked up towards Sylvester and smiled once he recognized him. With a fare shake of the hand he allowed them to enter on a head. The men wore the same uniforms with black main colors. Long soldier boots and all held some kind of object all different.
“Amazing isn’t it.” Mention Ace. “I still remember my first time coming through here.” He said folding his arms.
“First?” asked Aiden.
“This is my second time returning to Kyoto’s Academy, I would be traveling a different way for second years, but for this certain special occasion I will be traveling with you.” He said. Aiden had a dumbfound expression and joy filled his body.
“Great, you’ve been through this so you can guide me, now I feel better.” He said.
Sylvester waved his arm up and smiled once he recognized a person he must have known for he left Aiden and Ace alone to speak with the person. Ace gestured for Aiden to follow him and together they walked by the heard of young teenage people passing and bumping by carrying their luggage. Many of the students seemed to be lost and confused holding long lists and pieces of parchments. Other people carried what seemed to be crates and large boxes, cages in some cases.
They stood next to a mountain of wooden crates that had piled high. “This place is always the messiest since everyone here is knew and have not much of clue.” said Ace leaning against the wall of the crates. It shacked as he leaned his back, Aiden felt cautious. Sylvester returned back holding a small piece of paper in his hand.
“Alright now, I’ve got your passport ticket here.” said Sylvester. “This piece of parchment is very valuable don’t lose it or you will not be riding the ship.” He said.
Aiden grabbed the paper and examined it. The paper was not very big, the size of any ordinary ticket. Large font words read ‘Recruiters Ship Entry Ticket’ with golden words and an image of a ship, and a line of numbers that stretched from one end to the other.
“Looks like any other ticket.” said Aiden.
“Sure does, except this tickets are giving to us to give to any new EP we find, Master Kyoto made them and there is none other like it in the world. It’s an honor to hold one.” He said.
Sylvester heard a shout from a distance not so far away and turned to wave back towards the person who he had talked to. Aiden turned up to look at Sylvester and placed the ticket in his pocket.
“Oh look at the time, the ship embarks in ten minutes, don’t lose that ticket Aiden.” said Sylvester putting the round clock away. “Quickly now, get going on to the ship. I must go now, Aiden, Ace will look after you.” He said gripping the bag over his shoulders.
“Where too?” asked Aiden.
“Don’t worry Aiden, Ace will be with you.” He said smiling at him and placing his hand on his shoulder. “Listen to what he says, and also take this.” Sylvester pulled out a long paper and handed it to Aiden.
“It’s a list, you require a few things before you arrive at the Academy, Ace, Aiden I will see you both at the Academy. Take care now.” And with that Sylvester smiled at them and turned and walked away.
“Let’s hurry on we have nine minutes now and the ship waits on no one.” Aiden nodded and Ace pulled himself from the crates and began to walk. The mountain of crates shacked furiously then began to collide down side ways, a loud “Ah!” followed by an “Ouch” made Ace and Aiden stopped for a second but then continued quickly.
Ace walked quickly and rapidly dodged the passing teenagers who like them hurried to try to get on the ship. Large groups of teenagers pushed on each other intending to get in the ship. A total of 9 gate ways with a person in each one receiving tickets were allowing students pass as they handed over their tickets. Aiden and Ace where close to the man and right when Aiden was about to hand the ticket over a girl quickly beat him to it. She handed the ticket to the man and smiled at Aiden who stood still blushing.
“Right, go on ahead now, next!” shouted the man.
Aiden quickly handed over the ticket as the girl walked up towards a boy waiting for her to enter the ship. “I see, right go on then and you?” said the man to Aiden and looking at Ace. Ace quickly took out a piece of paper and handed it to the man. The man read it and nodded with delight.
“I see, very interesting, alright go on then.” Ace smiled and continued to walk with Aiden. The tiny bridge that connected the Ship and the concrete wall where the man stood threatened to turn, but did not.
They entered the hall way and to Aiden’s surprised there were three different hallways with large numbers above each hall. “How do we know where to go?” asked Aiden. “Let me see the ticket.” asked Ace. Aiden handed over the ticket.
“See the numbers, the first four are the hall number which is hall 1991, and the next four numbers are room 2011, so we find hall 1991 and room 2011 is in that hall.” Aiden nodded with his mouth half opened.
“What about the last four numbers?” asked Aiden?
“Does four numbers are a code; you need a code to get in your room.”
Aiden nodded again. “2709” he said.
“That’s right, now let’s get moving, people have wondered lost in this ship looking for their room the entire ride, let’s not end up like that.” He said.


Texte: Copyright c Aiden R. Ranks 2011
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2011

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