
` A Novel by Aden R. Ranks

I began playing the piano, with the fact in my head that I did not have much time. I simply kept a straight and calm face and began the amazing prelude that would lead to the sonata. I closed my eyes and followed not my hands, but my heart. I was happy to play this piano theme for it brought the most amazing memories that I will never forget. The beautiful memories of my darling love with whom I knew I would soon be reunited.
The public watched me from the audience, at home, the great performance of the greatest pianist ever to live, as the papers and magazines had said. For the audience it was joy, delightfulness, and peace the music brought. It brought sorrow and grief to my already broken soul. As devastating as it was, and as much as it hurt to play this theme, as I had to endure such pain, I would not stop.
As I played, solemn memories ran through my head I could not contain the tears anymore, and without fear or denial of my somber state and of the millions watching me, I let them free, I released them out.
The tears drifted slowly down my cheeks; with my eyes sealed I came to a close, winding up the painful sonata, which is my most cherished theme. For two certain reasons, memories of my love would come, when she used to laugh, when she used to feel love that made me happy. Sadly, it also brought pain grief and sadness to my loneliness; I could not bare it anymore, ending the theme was easy, letting go of my past had and unbarring difficulty.

Chapter 1

As the snow falls outside on the front yard smoothly piling up on the drive way, I look out in dismay. I can already imagine my father telling me to clear out the drive way with the snow shovel, which he does every single time it snows intensely. As I look outside, I hear my dad’s words say, “It is the primary thing to do”.
I’m a young man at the age of seventeen, with black hair and quite tall approximately five ten, I grew up in a small city along with my siblings Mike the age of fifteen whom I have many things in common with, Mike has black hair like my youngest brother and is a little bit shorter than I am. Leo the youngest of the three who is at the age of thirteen still has many things to learn about in his young life, he tends to get in to trouble constantly.
I gaze out in to the snowy morning of Friday as I continue to watch the snow fall; surely enough I begin to think about the two same things I seem to always think about. Here as I watch the snowflakes fall randomly landing on the ground, I compare myself with one of them, similar in one way. Like a snowflake, I have no idea where I will end up; and who I will meet on the way.
I wonder what will become of me in the distant future, no matter how many times I have thought up of an idea for my future career I never see fit. But I never noticed that my distant future was right under my nose, it was always there but I just couldn’t see it, not until the day of the move, the day at the new school, the first day, when I met Emily, and with whom I uncontrollably fell in love with.
“We are moving, why are we moving?” I asked as I absorbed the shocking news.
“Well, this house is just too much for our budget, and we can’t keep going on like this.
“To where are we moving?” I asked yet again in a shocked voice.
“The city, there is a nice house there that we can afford.” my mother says as she wipes and places the plates in a box. Now, I know why she was packing up our silverware.
“An old house, not my type of place mom” I say as I walked towards the living room.
In the living room Mike sits playing his DS with a brand new game he has just bought and as I walk in Mike says
“Have you heard where moving, I don’t want to! This is really lame” said Mike
“Oh stop complaining already” said Mom.
“That’s what I do best” mocked Mike
“Hey Lewis, you know the new game came out today, you should buy it its fun!”
“No, I lost interest in games, there not that much interesting anymore” I said feeling a little sad.
“Oh right, right, your matured I forgot, sorry Lewis” said Mike as he stormed out of the room.
I walked out the living room swiftly feeling a little down to the fact that all my life I had lived here, and all of the sudden we are moving to the city.
Back at my room, I sat on the bed looking out the window and notice that it began to snow again, surely I had stop for a while but just as quick as it had stopped it began to pour down.
“Lewis” called my dad out true the window.
I replied knowing in my mind what was coming.
“Can you come and help me out here; it’s a lot of snow for me to clean?”
Without much enthusiasm on my expression and voice I replied ‘Sure Dad’. And without much effort I began to get dressed, I put on my favorite sweater and grab my I-pod, each and every time my Dad calls me up to do a chore or little job as he considers it, I tend to wonder off into my thoughts and the music helps me do the job. As I walk outside he has already finished half the drive way, and there he stands smiling at me leaning on the shovel.
“There you are Lewis; you took quite a while to get here.” I make a face of denial.
“So I finished half the work, you’ll finish the rest and once you’re done, you can come in and have some of the hot coco you’re mother made.” he says smiling.
“Sure Dad, sure” I say as I grab the shovel and begin my duty, he smiles then says.
“So I guess your mother told you about the move.”
He smiles again then runs inside. Now as I begin to dig the shovel in to the newly fallen snow, I begin to wonder, how will this new place be? Surely I begin to dislike this idea more, the more I think about it the more it grows heavy on me. What I can possibly find in a new home, I rather stay here, where I belong, I think.
The rest of the day I spend, gathering my belongings I figured since we don’t move until tomorrow when everyone will be packing up, I rather be smart about it and start now, packing everything up and organizing the things I want the most to be taken care of in a safely packed compartment, as for the other none valuable items I own where placed in another. As I finished packing I decided to go downstairs, and to my surprise everyone was carrying some kind of object on one hand and a suit case on another.
“Hey Lewis, honey Mike and me just finished cleaning downstairs but we haven’t cleaned your private room, you should go get that handled.”
I look at the door that leads down stairs and begin to make my way.
“I was already headed there” I say smiling.
As I make my way to the door and begin to feel comfortable, a joyful feeling I always happened to acquire each and every time I go to my little room downstairs, it helps each time I feeling a little down like now. I appreciate the respect my family including Leo have of not bothering me when I spend my time downstairs. I opened the door and walked in to the dark, and as I switch the light on the view of my favorite place in the house enlightens me each time. A little bed on the right side of the room, and T.V. placed on the counter of where I keep my notebooks and all sort of paper work, I tend to write a lot mainly thoughts or episodes of my past. The room is a nice clean place, with the carpet made of soft components and the walls decorated with pictures of my favorite Pianists, some of the greatest ever, Richard Cleyderman, Isaac Sheppard, Seymour Goodwin and the old timer himself Ludwig Van Beethoven. Surely all these decorations where picked out by me, but I wanted this to be comfortable, I wanted it the way I felt inside, along with my Electric Piano that is my greatest and priceless possession.
I remember the day I got my first piano, it was a an electric piano similar to the one I have now, but this one was old worn out my uncle Jeff had given it to me, but even so I was so excited to have it. My father would always tell me.
‘Lewis, it’s amazing; you have been blessed with such amazing talent.’
And I would reply
‘It’s just how I feel inside Dad; I play what I feel within me.’
‘Also known as talent, my son were only eight and you played like a pro’
I will never forget that day. Life has been great to me, since I first played the piano, thanks to my cousin Simon.
It was amazing like my Dad had said, never had I laid my fingers on the keys of a piano but a strong feeling deep inside of me thought different, in a strange way my hands didn’t know what to do, but my emotions and heart lead the way to a sensation twilight of blissfulness, ever since the day I first played that wonderful warm and calm theme on the piano, I knew I had something special. So I asked for this room where I could play in peace. Later that week my father bought me new piano board, ever since my skills have grown greatly, I have become such a great keyboardist, day and night playing in my room.
“Knock, knock, hey Lewis.”Mom said to take a break and come upstairs for lunch” said Mike as he knocked on the door.
“I practically finished packing everything up, with those boxes Dad left by the door. The only thing left is the counter, the bed, and my outstanding keyboard. I’ll be out in a minute.” I said with a yawn. The whole morning I spend along with the family packing up.
“Sure, just hurry up Lewis.”
And with that he was gone.
That Friday afternoon I made my way up the stairs and into the dining area where my family sat, to my concern everyone was waiting for me.
“There you are, we’re waiting on you.” said Dad grabbing a snack as my Mom smacked his hand away.
“Not yet, David, Hurry up honey its getting cold” said Mom.
“Ouch! Well son you finished, that’s great. Now we can talk about your education.” said Dad “What do you mean dad?” I asked concerned.
“Well since where moving into the city, we have been thinking about your new school.” said Dad as he began to eat
“Oh, ok”
I reply without much effort.
“You are going to attend the Brookside High. That’s the school your cousin goes to; you remember your cousin Simon.”
“Yeah I remember him, haven’t seen him in a year or two.”
“Yeah well you and Mike are both going to that school.” he said it with much excitement.
“Ok, Dad this school better be good, or at least they better serve good lunch.” said Mike devouring the fried chicken on his plate.

It got dark quick and I began to wash my dish, afterwards I went back to my little room in the basement and looked at the empty room with only the counter, bed and the piano. Just one look at the piano and my mind was calm; I got the sudden urge to play a theme. I looked at the piano with a great impulse, then placed my hands on the plastic keys, then pressed down on two keys, making a very soothing sound. I continue the rhythm by pressing three other keys at the same time. I knew that I have never played this before, but the feeling inside of me told me to play it. I sat there as my, talent! Took over and I began playing a sensational theme, full with calmness and relaxation.
I woke up the next morning feeling nice and neutral, the night went by slow and I slept wonderful. As I looked at the clock and noticed the time, I knew that this was our last day here. We would be leaving for our new home.
“Come on now, Mike you have masculine arms you can carry that box by yourself” said Dad.
Mike and Dad were already up, too early for Mike to be up usually at this time especially on a Saturday.
“Morning Lewis, here can you take that box to the Moving truck” he said pointing to the great box scribbled with the words ‘Glass Menageries’.
“Morning dad, and yeah sure”
That morning passed by in a long period of time, since the entire morning we spent cleaning up the house and packing up every single object we owned. It wasn’t until dusk that we finished completely. The house was cleaned and everything packed up. I had one box left to finish packing and once I finished I was warned out and tired. I sat down to rest for a bit, but I fell asleep.
The shout of my mother woke me up; to my shocking surprise it was morning once again.
“Ok, breakfast now come and get it or you’ll go hungry until we arrive at our new home. Everyone ran without being told twice.
“Hey, wait for me!”I said as I quickly jumped out of the box and pursuit my dad and the others to the fried chicken.
The only objects left in the kitchen where a little table and the plates in which we ate our breakfast.
Twenty minutes after we finished eating we got ready and said our final good-byes to our beloved house. It was harder than expected to say good-bye to my home, but I had to, all though I didn’t want to leave. Outside two trucks waited for us, my father and I along with Mike would be traveling in the front. As for my mother and Leo, they would be traveling on the other truck following us behind, and just like that we where off to our new home. The drive was not that long, all though we had to stop to make a few arrangements. It was beginning to get dark when we arrived; we began to enter the city. It was an amazing site, the lights of the city where so bright and mesmerizing. We drove down a long street where the neighborhood was neat in many ways. Clean streets, nice homes, and each house had a big tree on both sides of the street.
Finally we arrived at our new home, the house I’ve be leaving in now, and to my surprise it wasn’t that bad. At first I scarcely looked at it, but when the full image was clear my mouth dropped open.
“This can’t be the house!” I said opening the door.
“Believe me this is it. I couldn’t believe it either such a nice place, at such a low bargain” said Dad as he waves his hands for my mother to pull in the drive way.
The house was nice and clean, painted white on the outside walls. There was a little porch on the front made out of polished wood with stairs leading up to the front door. The yard was at an average sizes and we had two threes on either side of the yard.
“And you where complaining Lewis, this place is nice” said Mike “What! You where the one complaining, not me” I replied
Mike ran inside to explore as Leo ran behind him.
We finish packing everything into the house that night. I explored the two story house, it was neat I had to admit. We all gathered for dinner as we talked and had fun that night in our new home. Mike, Leo and me went off to our new bed rooms, for tomorrow was the first day of school. I got ready the night before so I wouldn’t be rushing in the morning. The night went by fast and I was up before I knew it, I could hear my mother calling up stairs where my room was.
“It’s already time Lewis, we have to go register you in”
I moved around drowsy and headed for the bathroom to brush my teeth.
“I hate Mondays.” I muttered.
Mike was in there putting on his gel and spiking it up like usual.
“That’s mine” I said as he smiled.
Mom dropped of Leo at his middle school where he apparently already had registered a day early.
The next morning was the beginning of, my new life. I was ready to tackle this day down. As we drove down the street, I gazed at the wonders this place had, definitely more places to go have fun. We pulled up in to the Brookside High parking lot. It was full with many people walking around.
“Come on now, you don’t want to miss first period” mom said.
“Mom by the time we finish registering it’ll be too late” I said. We made our way to the main office, where the lady attended us and we began to register.
I had my new schedule and I was off to my first period all though it had started thirty minutes ago. I looked for the class number D17 but I couldn’t find it; I was lost with no one around to help me. It took about ten minutes of wondering around clueless when I bumped it someone making a turn on the stairs.
“Oh, sorry” she said as she looked at me with a kind look.
“It’s my fault I should have looked where I was going” I said blushing like crazy, for she had the most beautiful, mesmerizing brown eyes.
Her face was inexplicably attractive. Her hair was black and smoothly straight, I couldn’t think I felt so mellow and my legs began to turn to noodles. She seemed to notice me blushing and she knew I was nervous she gave me a little smile looking down.
“Are you ok?” she asked.
“Oh sure, yeah I’m just a little lost is all.” I said I must a sound like a fool.
“You’re new; I’ve never seen you here before.” she said still gazing at the floor.
“Um, yeah today is my first day here, and I have no idea where I’m going.”
I placed my hand on my hair and laughed sarcastically, boy was I nervous.
“Where are you headed?” she asked this time looking at me.
“Where, oh, well um, room D17” I said barely making out the words.
“Mr. Daltons class, you have math. I know where his class is, I can take you there if you’d like” she said this time she was blushing.
“Sure, I would appreciate it.” I said smiling, deep inside some part of me felt nice
She walked in front of me as I followed her down the hall on the second floor. I felt like saying something, I wanted to speak and ask her for her name. But I couldn’t find the words, I lacked courage. I was too lost in thought that I didn’t notice her stop. I bumped into her.
“Oh, sorry, I” I try to say my excuse but she kindly laugh and said
“It’s ok”
Now I felt like a complete fool.
“Here’s your class, Mr. Dalton is great teacher you will like him.”
She said looking true the little window on the door. I was quite; all I could do was smile and nod. “Aright then, I’ll let you go” She said as she walked away.
I couldn’t just let her leave without me saying anything, so I said something.
She turned around briefly.
“What’s your name?” I asked feeling my face turn red. She smiled the kind smile and said “Emily.”
“Thanks, Emily” I replied.
“It was nothing, see you around.” she said as she left. “Emily” I repeated her name again quietly.
Mr. Daltons class was full of students, I had the courtesy of sitting in any seat I would like. I’d prefer the back. One thing I was certain about the class room was that everyone looked at the new guy like a new toy. I swiftly moved by the classroom to sit at the back, where an empty seat awaited my arrival. The room seats where in groups of four desks together. To my luck, only two people were sitting on two of the desks and I sat farthest away from the two girls. Mr. Dalton continued his lecture after filling me in on what I missed. I was concentrating on the board and listening to every little detail Mr. Dalton was throwing out. But I didn’t stay concentrated for long; I began to think about the nice girl who had helped me find my class, Emily. To my surprise the bell rang, I looked at the clock and wondered how long had it been since I entered the room. Then I noticed that the time went by as I day dreamed.

My second period was gym, this time I found my destination quicker even though I was lost yet again, since the halls where crowded with students. A nice teacher named Mrs. Ortega showed me the way.
“Just go straight turn left and go down the stairs. Then walk out the doors and go straight to the building outside. As soon as you enter you’ll see Mr. Richards standing by the two doors leading to the gym class” she said moving her hands around like snakes.
“Oh well, thank you very much” I said as I walked away confused.
Following directions is not as easy as it sounds. ‘I hope Emily finds me again’. I thought wistfully. The bell rang and I knew I was late. As I made my way down the stairs I heard footsteps head my way quick from upstairs. I looked and as I did a boy bumped me pushing me down unintentionally.
“Whoa!” He shouted
“Sorry, I saw you but I couldn’t stop I was going too fast” he said as he stretched an arm out to help me up.
“Don’t worry about it” I said picking up by book pack and brushing off the dust on my jeans. “Where you headed?” he asked.
“Gym, but I’m lost, again” I finished my sentence with a whisper.
“Great, that’s where I’m off to, we’ve better hurry Mr. Richards is rough”
We arrived at the gym class where students where coming out in gym clothes.
“Ha you’re late again Ryan, you owe me five bucks!” said one of the boys
“This one doesn’t count; I was delayed by Mrs. Barrett.” he said passing by the boy. I followed Ryan to the locker room and to his locker.
“Ok, I’m guessing you don’t have gym clothes. So here you can borrow my extras.” said Ryan I was a little timid, to wear his extra clothes but I figure it wouldn’t hurt.
Gym class was a work out, we played a game called Wolf Pack, where four players are centered in the middle on their knees, while the rest of the class mates attempt to run from one side of the class to the other as the four in the middle give it their best to pull you down. I was glad when the bell rang.

The rest of the day went by fairly enough, third period was Biology and fourth period was Language Arts. To my luck, I had Ryan as my personal guide. Lunch came after fourth, and as I walked out of Language Arts I bumped into Ryan himself.
“What’s up, Lewis.”
“So are you hungry yet, because I’m starving.” he said as he smirked at his belly.
“Uh, sure” I said modestly. The line was growing big as students rammed the cafeteria. Ryan plunged without hesitating into the line as I followed quickly keeping up with his paste.
We sat in a table just him and me, when someone abruptly tapped my shoulder. I glanced at my side to notice Emily smiling at me holding her little paper plate.
“Do you mind, if we sit here?” she asked. I was too mesmerized to speak.
“Emily! Yeah, go ahead” I said pushing Ryan to move over.
He replied smiling at me.
“How was your first day, Lewis?” she asked.
“Fine, just fine, I was lost most of the time but other than that great.” I said sounding more excited than I intended too.
“That’s great, so do you like it so far?” she asked.
“Oh, yeah it’s pretty nice here” I said shy fully. What was wrong with me, I was so nervous for some reason, I lacked words yet again and I couldn’t concentrate.
“I see you already met Lewis.” asked Ryan
He placed his arms on my shoulders.
“Yeah, I already had the honor.” she said smiling at me.
“You two know each other?” I asked
“Unfortunately yes” replied Emily
I smiled at coincidence. The girl next to Emily did not speak much; she was quite the whole time until Emily introduced her to me and that got her talking.
“So Daisy, I heard your now on the writing job for the schools paper” said Ryan finishing his meal.
“Oh, yeah, I’m” she said.
I noticed she was shy to speak, too. I figured it was because of me, so I tried to be amicable. I knew exactly how she felt.
“So what do you do?” I asked.
“Well, I write stories about the school and what’s going on recently.” she answered.
My amicable intention had worked. Daisy was comfortable now, and she was talking with ease. Ryan and Daisy began to razz around pocking at each other. I noticed that Emily did not have much on her paper plate just an apple a Gatorade and a bag of chips.
“You’re not that hungry?” I asked
“Well, no not much. I normally eat at home”
I smiled at her pleasantly.
“That’s particular of you” said Ryan.
“That’s not insignificant” replied Emily. As she stood up to throw her plate away, Daisy followed her step.
They returned and sat back on their seats.
“Where are you from Lewis?” asked Daisy, this time she sounded more confident.
“Yeah you haven’t told me anything about yourself.” said Ryan
I looked at them; Daisy had apparently placed me on the spotlight.
“Well I’m from a little city, not necessarily a city like this one, but more of a little city. I’ve lived there my whole life.”
“Well, welcome to Utah” said Ryan as he stroked my back
“Thanks” I said solemnly.
“I should write this down on my paper, I can see it now, (New Student at Brookside High)” said Daisy.
She began to write down little facts on a little brown notebook that she took out of her book bag. I glanced at her as she wrote, I was going to be the one in the spotlight once again I thought in a somber state of mind. I’m very stage frightful. I grinned at her as she looked at me and began to speak. “You don’t mind if I ask you a few questions”
I did not want to speak about me; I was bad at first impressions so I did not want to say something dumb in front of Emily, or Ryan for that matter.
“Um no, go ahead”.
“Great ok, first of all, what is something particular about you.”
I searched true my mind, without a doubt I had nothing, until the only thing that seemed to pop up.
“I play the piano” I said
To my surprise Emily looked at me pleasantly, I tried to decipher her expression but had no luck. I couldn’t tell why she was looking at me in this matter, her kind admiring smile and she seemed to pay more attention to me.
I liked that.
“Play piano, neat” said Daisy. “How long have you been playing for?” she asked.
“About Ten years.”
“Ten years, great.”
“What are your motivations, and expectations?”
I looked at her reluctantly, but I did the appropriate thing and began to answer her questions. I had no choice Ryan and Emily where looking at me awaiting my answer.
“I’m not sure about my motivations; but I would say that I’m pretty much motivated by my feelings. My greatest expectation is to become a great pianist, that’s my expectation for sure.”
“That’s magnificent.” said Daisy
“That’s nice bro, I play guitar myself all though I’m not that great of a musician.” said Ryan
“Music is my passion.” I said
“Well, passion not really but for me it’s more of a hobby, I like to play guitar, for fun.”
I smiled and nodded.
It was quite for a minute, until I broke the silence. I was curious to find out more about Emily other than her name, so I began to ask the questions.
“So, you guys are all friends, from what I see.”
“Friends, yeah pretty much, just the three of us.” said Emily
“Four of us, now” said Ryan.
I smiled at Ryan and then Emily giggled. She had the most amazing laughter; it was childish in a way and tranquil, it brought joy to me.
“How long have you guys known each other?”
“I met Ryan this year, he played a prank on the wrong person” she said as she leaned over to hit Ryan.
“Hey, you where the one who fell into the trap, you know it wasn’t for you.” replied Ryan rubbing his shoulder “That Jose guy got lucky if it wasn’t for you Emily he would have been covered in glue and feathers.”
Emily closed her eyes and smiled rubbing her face with her hands. “Don’t mention it again.” she said playing around with her hair.
“I’ve known Emily since the eighth grade.” said Daisy
“That’s really nice.” I said as I smiled at them.
The bell rang and everyone began to pick up after themselves. I threw my paper plate regarding the leftover food on it.
“Well, I have to go the opposite way, so I’ll see you guys later.” Said Daisy
Emily hugged Daisy and waved good-bye to each other. Ryan and I began walking the other way; I was wishing I could say my good-byes like that. But to my surprise Emily caught up to us and began walking by my side.
“So hey, can I talk to you?” she said gesturing to Ryan to give us some privacy and beckoned for me to follow. Ryan sighed and began to stride away.
“What’s up?” she said with that gorgeous smile, stunning.
“Hey?” I replied, wondering what in the world was going on, I felt so happy and shallow.
“Can I ask you something?” she asked.
“Um, sure” I muttered
I was weak, and nervous, she had a deceptive look. I was beginning to realize she was trying to ask me something. The scenery around me began to stretch; I was beginning to jump in to conclusions.
“What, is it?” I asked
She smiled and finally said it
“You said you play piano right?”
“Yeah, definitely” I replied weary
She had a much exited face, determined and anxious.
“Can you meet me in room B17 after school?” she asked me with confidence.
“Yeah of course, but what for” I asked. She swayed around with a glimmer of bliss.
“Just a favor, meet me their ok, see you after school” she finished as she strode away. Ryan darted back to me but on the way he bumped into a girl walking by.
“Sorry” he said quickly getting out of his gaffe situation.
“So, what did she say?” asked Ryan enthusiastically.
“She wants me to, meet her in some room, room B17.”
I finished my sentence with a whisper and a plain expression. Then suddenly the rush of pure joy impacted my body. Ryan grinned at me and raised his hand to give me a high five. I looked at him without saying anything we flawlessly stroked our hands together,
“I wonder what this could be about” I said
“Well whatever it is, it involves you in it, come on we both better get to fifth. You don’t want to get U’s on your citizenship already” said Ryan tapping my shoulder.
“They are the worst.”
We began to walk to fifth period and as we walked I looked back the way Emily had left and wondered.

Chapter 2

Apparently Ryan and I ended up having fifth period together as well. I sat along his side in the back of the class room where two other guys sat. We became good friends with these two individuals. The one on the left was named Erick and the one on the right was named Sam.
“The football team seems like it will be a great team this year.” said Sam.
“That’s fascinating, but I think the soccer team has an outstanding group this year” said Erick.
“Team football” replied Sam
“Team soccer” replied Erick
Ryan and I began a conversation leaving Erick and Sam out of it. We figured they had to talk about whom had the best team so we began a conversation about Emily’s invitation to room B17. I had no idea what this was about but I couldn’t wait to find out.
“Ok, I think I know what she wants you for” he said tapping his pencil on the desk.
“Why?” I replied leaning over to listen carefully.
“She digs you bro.” he said rubbing his chin.
“What, get out of here” I said cheaply and getting a little red.
“Ha, that’s all I can think about”
I had that stuck in my head for the rest of the hour. Could that be possible, I began to think a lot about that idea.
“Fine, you’re on” said Sam
“Get ready to lose” replied Erick
“What’s with them?” I asked
“They made a bet to see what team wins the most games this year” said Ryan.
The bell rang and Ryan and me put everything away and walked out. Unfortunately Ryan did not have the same class with me. So I went to class and found a great seat to sit in. I waited for the hour to end with much patience. But soon I began to lose my patience, it was devastating to wait. Emily a dazzling girl that I began to admire so very much wanted me to meet her after school; the day couldn’t get any better. When the bell finally rang I darted out and began to walk to the room, I found it with ease. I walked in to view the big room, it was a music room. No one was around, the class was empty. I gazed around at such an amusing place. There were many instruments lying about and I imagine a great musician playing them. But normally nothing caught my eye until I focused my eyes on a certain instrument.
In the center of the room, on a short like balcony sat perfectly still, awaiting a soul to engulf the lifeless body of the covered piano. The sudden impulse within me instantly flowed thru me like an electric shock. I swayed around looking at it as; I began to circle the grand piano in my presence eyeing it with outrages curiosity. I’ve seen grand pianos before but never have I had the opportunity to play one. That thought sparked the most desired idea I ever urged. I dropped my book bag and slowly walked up to the piano. With a steady pull, the long big black blanket fell off revealing the world’s best and soothing instrument.
I sat on the little stool and began to slide my fingers on the white and black keys. I felt good, comfortable and relaxed. A window of emotions opened up and I released the energy flowing in me. At first I wasn’t sure about playing the piano without permission, but I couldn’t help myself. I moved my fingers playing a peaceful lullaby with my right hand. Then I followed the lullaby rhythm with my left hand. The sound the piano made was a beauty. I kept equal paste with both my hands, simultaneously playing keys all around. I began to sway my body back and forth as I played the music, a random movement I do without knowing it whenever I play the piano. I closed my eyes and imagine a pleasant stage with me on it and millions of people quietly listening to this incredible and heart touching music.
I finished the theme slowly and tranquil, I sighed in relaxation and total bliss. I sat there with my eyes closed as the room became quite. I finished playing sliding my hands off the keys and placing them on my knees. The room was engulfed in pure silence, the air full with encouragement. I exhaled slowly still with my eyes closed, when abruptly the silence was broken.
“Brilliant, so very amazing” said the voice of a man.
I stood up with a jolt and gazed around at my surroundings to identify where the voice came from. A man stood leaning by the door and by his side was Emily with an amazed expression. I didn’t know what to say, it was awkward.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to play, I-
“It’s ok, don’t worry about it, that’s what your here for anyways” said the man.
Emily tapped the man on the shoulder with great eagerness and began to walk to me. The man who wore a gray T-shirt that read “Music is the passion of life” followed her.
“Hey there” she said smiling and sliding her hands on the piano keys. “I’m stunned; I didn’t think you where that good. Lewis I’d like you to meet Mr. Jensen he is our music instructor”
I was too embarrassed to function properly; I looked back and forth at them. Mr. Jensen looked at me and placed his hand in front of me for a shake. I hesitated but got myself together and shook his hand.
“Hi there nice to meet you pleasure indeed and sorry about the piano, it’s not normal of me to play without permission.” I said trying to calm myself down.
“It’s ok Lewis just relax no harm done, I understand how you feel us musicians can’t help but play the instrument we desire. Trust me; it’s like a big part of us. It’s a pleasure to meet you too” said Mr. Jensen. I felt a little more chilled all though I still felt embarrassed.
“Well, Emily you where right about this young man” said Mr. Jensen
“Yeah, I knew I had a good feeling when he told me that he plays the piano” replied Emily still gazing at the piano.
“Lewis I asked you to come here, because we wanted to see how good of a pianist you are. When you told me you can play, I was excited and I had to see it for myself”
I looked at her, now realizing she wanted me to come and play the piano, I didn’t mind that all though I was a little embarrassed for jumping into conclusions and thinking of other things.
“Sure no problem, but why” I asked
“Every year many schools including ours of course have a competition of musical talent. We aria range performances to compete for a 1000 dollar reward” he said leaning on the grand piano. I stood there amazed at the outstanding award.
“We, wanted to see you play, and you did and you passed so now our only request is this, will you join our music team. With your amazing talent we can go to greater heights. We can really use a pianist” he said with a confident touch.
“You guys don’t, have a pianist” I asked
“Well, no we don’t the only one that plays piano is me, but I’m not qualified to participate, I began teaching Emily the basics and such, but she won’t have time to learn everything”
I looked at her with an inspiring gaze, she has been learning the piano now I felt happier about her. Emily and Mr. Jensen looked at me waiting for my answer so I said.
“I would never refuse an opportunity like this”
They looked at each other and smiled, Emily asked me to scoot over for her to sit next to me. Without hesitation I nervously and anxiously moved over. She sat down and asked me to teach her a thing or two all though it was to pressuring to have Emily sitting next to me I tried my best to do what I can. I thought how some of the scales she did not know, and thought her about notes. She seemed to get the hang of it, as she played a theme that Mr. Jensen had thought her. I was amazed that she had learned a lot in a short period of time.
“A great talent Emily has of learning” said Mr. Jensen
Mr. Jensen, Emily and me stayed after school for and extra hour learning more about each other and about the duties I would be expected to do. Mr. Jensen played a theme I would have to learn it was nice and refreshing. The quick melody was part of a choir; eventually it had a solo section.
“Same time after school, we we’ll meet up here, Lewis what is your schedule” asked Mr. Jensen as he stood up.
I traced back to the classes but then I just handed over my schedule. Mr. Jensen scanned the schedule then asked me.
“Which of these classes is not that important or you don’t really need to take”
I looked at the classes and tried to figure it out. Math and Language Arts I had to take in order to graduate but Art was not that of importance and I liked gym. So I simple said Art class was the least. Mr. Jensen smiled.
“I’m going to take you out of art class Lewis, and place you in mine”
I smiled and nodded with enthusiasm. I did not want to leave but unfortunately I had to, it had been nearing five. I said my good byes’ and left, sadly the bus was long gone so I had no other choice but to walk home and on the walk I kept on thinking about this little event that just appeared in front in me and how now I was part of a musical team. Surely I had always wanted and dreamed about being in an orchestral sort of thing and now all of the sudden I was in one, it brought excitement to me, especially that Emily was part of it which was probably the second main reason that I’m part of this.
I began to walk fast, it began to snow a little but it was seriously cold outside. My face felt cold and stiff so I pulled my sweater up to my nose. I caught myself smiling and noticed why, I was thinking about Emily. I’ve been thinking about her this whole day, she was mostly in my mind, for once today I wondered why, and by doing so I realized a very unpredictable and satisfying fact, I think I like Emily even though I just met her.
I got home and mom wondered why I was late, so I told her everything and with that she left me alone.
“Ah, you’re here about time, where you been anyways” asked Mike barging into my room.
“Had to stay for a very important matter”
“Why, would you want to stay after school, anyways hey guess what” he said as he tapped the keys on my electric piano.
“What happened now” I sighed
“Relax it’s nothing bad, nothing uncomfortable or miserable. But seriously guess what”
“Just say it” I sighed again
Mike seems to always walk up to me and brings either devastating news or rarely brings any good or important ones at all.
“Well there are two things that I need to tell you about and the main one is about me without a doubt” he smiled and sat next to me on the bed. “I’ve thought about this back at our old school and so I’ve come to a conclusion I will join the soccer team” he said as he jazzed his hands.
“That’s nice good luck with that, and the second is”
He looked at me expecting a better or more satisfying answer and brought his hands down.
“Alright, the second one and not as important as mine is this, Simon is part of the football team, and I had the courtesy of talking to him today”
“Wait, you saw Simon today when and where” I asked
“How, I didn’t get to see him?”
“Did you know his a senior also I did not know that, I always thought of him to be younger, I saw him when I went to talk to the soccer coach.”
I looked at Mike with envy, we haven’t seen our cousin for quite a long time and I was looking forward to seeing him and catch up on things.
“Yeah we talked alright, he got taller and big, I think that’s the reason why he is in the football team”
“No kidding, oh well I guess I’ll just talk to him tomorrow then” I sighed.
My room was covered with boxes and objects lying all around I seriously had a lot of work to do. Organizing my things and decorating my room was not easy, I wanted it to be perfect since this room was bigger and better than my last one. There was a big window with the view of the entire city, the morning sun would shine the brightest in my room.
Unpacking things out of the boxes was an aching job, but I got true it. The only things left to unpack where the main important ones, which were still in the moving truck. My bed, my keyboard and of course the counter with my T.V. Mike also had his time caught up moving around and unpacking his stuff. Mom and Dad had already finished their settling since they stayed home all day. Mike and me finished by dusk and sat in our new and quite big living room. He had a bag of chips and a coke, the T.V. was set and ready, but unfortunately we had no cable or satellite installed yet.
I wanted to pass time, I wanted the day to end and T.V. sort of helped, but then something impacted me in my head, the greatest way to make time fly. I ran to upstairs to my room and locked the door, my piano was set next to the window and I had my impulse pulsing true my veins, so I did what was expected, I began playing a piano song written by a very famous and unique pianist, his name was Isaac Sheppard. The name of the piano song was called Leaves in the Wind.
I played with ease and calmness, youth and life. This theme was a happy one, it reminded me of the wonders of life and that there is always hope. My room was engulfed in a world of pure living music. I sometimes wondered how people in world cannot like this master piece of music. I came to a close and sighed in blissfulness. My passion for this music was bare; I began to experiment with the keys, trying out new melodies. It was easy, for me. Surely just as I expected time had passed by quick, it was an hour before bed. I turned off my keyboard and went to brush my teeth, ate a little snack and got ready for school. I headed for my room and fell on the bed, in less than five minutes I was gone.
I had an amazing dream that night; I dreamed that I was at the top of the world and that I had become the most successful musician in the world. I had it all fame, money, love, and happiness. The dream was pleasant and I loved every second of it then suddenly the beautiful notes of a violin followed my sonata along, both instruments combine together made my life the happiest, they were meant to be for each other but I don’t know where the charming violin was coming from, but then briskly and unexpected, it shifted to another scene this one was cold; the presence was out of the ordinary. I was sitting down on the little stool and in front of me was a white grand piano with spotlight shining on me, my surroundings where dark I could not see anything besides the piano in front of me, for some reason I couldn’t not play it as I tried to reach the keys with my hands. It was as if my gift, my talent was sucked out of my life. I struggled, as I tried over and over to play, but each time I tried a sharp edgy strike of pain impacted me I felt sad and broken, I feared this, and I didn’t like it at all, something was utterly wrong, something had happened.
I stood up in a flash, sweating all around. What a nightmare was all I thought. What was that all about, never have I had a nightmare like that. It made no sense what so ever, one thing I was sure about was the internal, unpleasant and devastating feeling I had was full of condemned, pain and I did not like it at all.
Mike got to the bathroom before me and began to do his morning routine, he had begun this just last night since he was trying out for soccer, and he needed the best shape. Morning that day was a rush, my father had to be at his newly located job soon and I and my brothers had to be at school in less than half an hour.
Mom dropped us off, in a slick of a minute and barely made it to have a quick breakfast, I didn’t see Ryan or Emily, or Daisy for that matter but I had not time to look for them or anything. I ran to first period and barely made it before the bell rang.
Class was passed by slow like always and I wanted to get out already. When the bell finally rang I plunged out of the room trying to find Ryan, or Emily in the little five minutes I had to wonder around.
When first period was over, and second had begun, Ryan was changed into his clothes and I had actually brought my own. We played indoor soccer, since the field was covered in snow.
“December is here, first day, how nice that means only 25 days left for Christmas” said Ryan
“Yeah, I know, I get double the goodies” I replied smiling
“What do you mean” asked Ryan as he kicked the ball to me.
“My birthday, it’s this month” I said kicking it back
“Really, that is really nice and how old are you going to be”
I looked at back at the school and back at him, I haven’t given it much thought, but now that I focused on it I realized I was going to be and adult now, no more will I be a minor, I realized I was in the real world.
“Eighteen, I’m going to be eighteen”
“Eighteen, you’re going to be that old, wow that’s great, I still have to go a while before I’m eighteen”
“So buddy, what did Emily want you for yesterday?” he said it with a silly end.
I smiled and answered his question eagerly.
“She wanted to check out my piano skills, which are extremely advanced” I mocked.
“Really, what for”
“They wanted me to be part of their music clan” I replied joyfully and proud fully.
“How nice, so you took the chance right” his excitement was bare to see.
“Of course I would never refuse such an offer”
Ryan’s expression showed excitement true out the rest of the game; which we ended up losing to the other team.
Gym was over and went to my other classes worked out by the soccer game. At lunch time Ryan and I sat at our same location, but I didn’t see Emily at all that half hour. I was a little sad not to have her presence near me, I missed her.
Daisy showed up though, she sat next to me and began to condensate.
“Hi, Lewis” she said shy full
“Hey, Daisy” I replied awkwardly
“How’s your day going?”
“It’s good thanks”
“Oh, alright remember if you ever need help in anything just ask me, I’ll be there to help you” she said
I noticed she had a trouble and was struggling on saying her sentences. She was also blushing.
“Well next time I need something I’ll tell you” I said trying to be polite.
The bell rang and everyone in the cafeteria began to leave, as we did. Ryan and I went to our fifth period class where talked most of the time. I think I already have a U, since Mr. Whitaker barks at us to be quite 95 percent of the time, but he was funny, he was never infuriated he would tell us in a calm funny way to shut up. Ryan fell asleep the last twenty minutes of class and I was bored out of my mind, I knew that it was extremely important to pay attention but I was too distracted. I could not wait; sixth period was my new music class.
The bell rang and Ryan jumped up and fell out of his desk.
“Ha, that was silly and idiotic of me” said Ryan whipping the drool of his chin.
I couldn’t help but laugh, which was hysterical.
“Why are you so happy all of the sudden” asked Ryan noticing my anxiousness.
“Mr. Jensen changed my last class, to his”
Ryan looked at me in shock.
“Really, that’s perfect, I have his class for sixth, remember I told you I play the guitar”
I looked at him
“Really, why did you tell me” I said shoulder bumping him.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had his class now, in second period” he replied bumping me back and smiling.
We both pushed each other on the way to Mr. Jensen’s classroom.

I walked into the room with Ryan by my side and gazed at the big incredible room, which was full with students now. Playing their instruments and talking having fun and enjoying themselves, I felt like I was home. Ryan ran to a guitar that was sitting on the desk.
“This one is mine” he said happily
I began walking around the general area of the room, to my surprise I’ve seen most of this students around the halls, the rest I have never seen. A boy played the harp and I recognized the theme, it was Cannon. A girl played the flute, but I did not recognized what them she played. But none of these instruments caught my attention precisely, not until I heard the violin being played at the far corner of the room. I was a very beautiful theme, I know I’ve heard this theme somewhere but, I could not remember, I was sure it was recently but I couldn’t focus, the music was mind blowing. I looked around and to my amazement in the far corner stood Emily with her eyes closed and a violin on her arm.
I briefly moved to her direction trying to listen, something inside of me yearned for this, I needed it; a part of me wanted it. Emily played the violin, I wondered what she played, and I know I knew. I could not look away; Emily was so beautiful and gorgeous as she swayed freely in her little area. I wanted to hold on to this moment for the rest of my life, Emily was growing on me, and the theme made me feel alive and energetic. It gave me courage and spirit. I could not hear anything around me, everything got slow except for her, playing and reaching out for my heart and soul with that amazing solo I was without a doubt hypnotized.
Apparently I didn’t hear Ryan calling out to me until he threw a piece of paper that hit me on the forehead.
“Hello! Lewis you there, earth to Lewis” repeated Ryan
“What, oh sorry I didn’t hear you” I replied trying to remember what just happened.
“Uh-ha,” was all he said.
Ryan looked at me than at her, Emily opened her eyes and noticed us standing there looking at her. She smiled and ran up to us.
“Hey guys, what’s up?”
I stayed silent gazing at her
“Um, right, hey Emily, what did you do to Lewis” he said snapping his fingers in front of my eyes.
“What do you mean” she said confused.
“What, what, nothing he’s crazy, h-how nice I didn’t know you played the violin” I muttered getting back to earth.
“Oh, sorry I should have told you, yeah I’ve been playing for a while now” she said looking at her violin.
“Great that’s great, you’re really outstanding, you play like a pro” I replied still amazed.
“Do you mind if I take a look” I said
“No, not at all”
She handed me the violin, I looked at it with inspiration, Emily’s violin was neat and had great texture, then suddenly it hit me as I examined it, I remember now where I have heard that theme, my dream, it was my dream.
But how had I had a dream of a music theme I have never heard in my life. The thought was hard to explain, it was odd that I would have a dream of a song I have never heard in my life. I was still, my face plain this made no sense.
“Are you ok?” asked Emily
I briefly turned to notice she was looking at me, trying to decipher my expression. I quickly smiled and nodded.
“A very neat instrument you have, you know my second favorite instrument is the violin.” I finished handing it back to her.
“Thanks and really do you know how to play” she asked
“Sadly no, I never had the chance to learn, it would be nice though”
She smiled placing her violin back on the case, then what she said next I simply could not deny.
“I can teach you how to play it”
I was stunned, I felt like the luckiest man alive.
“Definitely, I would love to seriously no joke” I replied
“Alright then let’s see after school what I can do” she said smiling.
Mr. Jensen called Emily’s name and she replied, same with Ryan and last it was me. Since I was new my name was not yet on the list. But what Mr. Jensen did next was yet again one of my devastating flaws.
“Ok, then everyone I have here someone to introduce you to, his name is Lewis and he is our new pianist” he said as he beckoned for me to come. I did not want to leave; I was having such a great conversation with Emily. But sadly I had too. I walked up to his side and quickly began to get a little red. The spotlight moment is the worst; it seems it happens to me more often than usual.
Mr. Jensen smiled and placed his arm around my shoulders.
“Pianist, that’s great we have one now, ha were complete” said a boy on the far right anxiously.
“Yeah we didn’t have one last year or the year before that, so that means we actually have an opportunity” said a girl.
“Hey I like that name” said some kid eating a donut far back.
“I’m his best bud” jumped Ryan into the raid of speeches.
A boy stood up and walked up to me to shake my hand; he wore fancy clothes and appeared as if he came from a rich family.
“Hi, Lewis I’m Stuart, and I play the harp, and I’m pretty sure that you already know the harp and the piano go great together. So I’m looking forward to playing with you” he said
“Well Lewis where going to show you what your excepted to play, the piano is one of the most important parts of the entire choir team, so you have a lot to learn” he said smiling and gesturing for me to go back to my seat.
I strode away relived that that moment was over. I sat down as Ryan and Emily both gave me a thumps up.
“Ok where going to play our symphony and finish with movement 1 like we rehearsed” said Mr. Jensen.
Emily and Ryan next to me got into position and opened their booklets in front of them, same as everyone else in the class.
“Ryan, don’t forget the notes I thought you yesterday” said Mr. Jensen.
“Don’t worry, I have it all covered” he said grinning.
Mr. Jensen beckoned for me to come over by the piano, so I walked up to him where he told me to sit on the stool. Everyone was ready and waiting for Mr. Jensen’s instructions.
“For now just watch and enjoy” he said with delightfulness.
“Ok, now start”
Too my surprise Emily and few other students began playing, with their violins. It was neat indeed and wonderful how great structure they had of working together. Then smoothly and perfectly the cello’s joined the violins. Stuart began playing his harp going along with the rhythm of the cellos’ he played magnificent like the other four. Then suddenly many other instruments joined in. The combination was extraordinary, brilliant. I was amazed about how good they were. I saw Ryan pluck at his guitar which actually went great with the rest of his music. The flutes, piccolos, marimba, trumpets, cellos, violins, drums and many other orchestral instruments made a wonderful combination of music.
“This is where you come in Lewis” he said as he sat next to me on the stool.
I noticed that the rhythm of the music was quick and perfect, then slowly it began to slow down where only the violins, harp and cellos’ played neatly and calm. The calming music was suddenly joined by the beautiful notes of the piano. I was too busy looking at everyone play that I did not notice Mr. Jensen begin to play the piano in front of me.
He played too wonderful for me to be of competition. He used both hands and joined in perfectly. The cellos’ faded out nicely, and then followed the violin. The harp fallowed the same beat and line as the piano. Stuart smiled at Mr. Jensen and quietly stopped. He played the piano; the solo was amazing in many ways. The violins returned and merged with the piano in a sensational way.
Finally the rest of the students joined in twilight of orchestral music. The ending was great as well, the last two instruments playing where the Piano and Violin.
“Nicely done” said Mr. Jensen
He had the biggest smile I have never seen before.
“That was very, very nice wow I cannot wait. Seriously amazing in many ways” I said to excite to wait.
Ryan ran up to me and placed his guitar aside.
“Ok, I might have missed just a note or two” he said rubbing his hands.
“Better than last time” replied Mr. Jensen
“Great, I did practice you know”
He left with satisfied that he did a good job.
Mr. Jensen began to teach the notes that I would have to learn. But I was too distracted by Emily’s gorgeous eyes. Mr. Jensen snapped at me a few times before I began to really pay attention.
He thought me the beginning of the left hand, then the right hand. In no time at all I had it in my mind. I was already playing the beginning part like I have been playing it for days.
“Wow Lewis I am very impressed, you do indeed have a great talent. It’s a shame you had to start school this late into the year”
I smiled at Mr. Jensen as well and nodded in agreement.
“I know” I said looking now at Emily.
The bell rang after a while of practicing; playing the sheet music was so much fun. Mr. Jensen gave me the sheet music to take home and practice. We stayed after school practicing even more, just me, Emily and Ryan with Mr. Jensen. The time came and we had to go and yet again I did not want to leave.
“Lewis, let’s go bud” yelled Ryan who was by the door
I looked at him and nodded, Emily was already leaving. I walked up to her and said
“Like I said, you play like a pro that was very nice.”
“Thanks, I wish I could have seen you play” she said smiling
“Maybe next time” I replied
“Deal” she said
It was now time to get moving so we said our goodbyes; I hoped I could say something other than
“Good-bye see you tomorrow, take care”
But that’s all I said.

Chapter 3

Ryan and I walked down the hill slipping on the ice the sidewalks where covered in. Emily had gotten a ride home so she was lucky not to freeze out in the cold, but it was not that bad.
Until it started to snow, joy.
If it wasn’t for Ryan’s great friendship I would ended up with a cold. He invited me to his home, which was only a few minutes away and I did not want to walk any further.
His house was nice and clean. It was fancy in some ways. He showed me around and the house. Every section of his house was of course nice in so many ways. But the coolest part I thought was the best was his room. He had it all. He had all the technology an average kid would want. He could not possible be bored in his room.
“Wow” I said
“Ha, yeah, my parents get me things even though I don’t ask for them” he said placing his guitar by the computer.
“You have a computer, that’s nice” I said a tiny bit jealous.
“You can use it if you want, go ahead make yourself at home” he said as he headed for the kitchen and as he did he said
“Do you want anything to eat or drink?”
“Um, sure can I get some water, please?”
I looked around his room and sat on the bed, then remembering that he said I could use the computer I jumped on the seat and turned it on. He returned with a glass of water and some snacks.
“My parents are not home, they usually get home in a hour or so after I get home” he said laying down on the bed.
He had cable TV and we watched some funny show, where some guy would say “What happened” as crossed his hands like L’s on his chest.
I got bored of the computer quickly. I got off and sat next to him he began changing true the channels. A car pulled up in the drive way and we both looked out true the window.
“They’re home” he said
“Do you want a ride home?”
“Your parents won’t mind” I asked
“No way, they are nice most of the time” he said joking around
They walked in and announced to Lewis that they where home. They walked into Ryan’s room and noticed me sitting down. Ryan smiled and introduced us.
“This is Lewis, he just recently moved to Utah” said Ryan
“Nice to meet you, sir” I replied hating the spotlight moment like always.
“My thoughts exact, Lewis.” Said Ryan’s Father
“Hi there, young man” said Ryan’s mother.
“Mom, do you think you can give Lewis a ride home, I mean it’s snowing outside and all” he said innocently.
I wondered how he really obtained all this technology. But nicely enough they said yes and I was ready to go home.
The drive home was quick, and on the way I had the curtsey to properly meet Ryan’s father, he was a very nice guy and with lots of hummer. I said my goodbyes to Ryan as he drove away.
Walking inside was a big relieved, home finally? I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink of coffee. I have the biggest and uncontrollable addiction to coffee.
Making it was fun and easy and when I finished making it I began to walk to the living room where I saw two people sitting down on the couches. At first I thought it was Mike and Leo. But instead it was Mike and Simon.
I was shocked indeed to see him here, I wanted to talk to him at school but I never quite got the chance.
“Hey, Lewis long time no see, how you been these days” he said standing up to give me a hug.
I was somewhat shy.
It’s funny and nice in a way how in my family every time we say hi or bye to our uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents and such we hug or kiss on the cheek.
“Hey Simon, what a surprise, it’s really nice to see you again” I said gazing at his size. Mike was right he had grown and he looked like a person no bully would want to mess with.
“I’ve been great, and you?”
“That’s great, and well as you can see, I’ve been hitting the gym. The football team sure puts you in great shape” he said sitting back down.
Just then mom walked in and saw me there standing up with my coffee.
“Hi honey, Simon is here” she said handing and invitation of some sort.
“Lewis, coffee again, that’s not good for you especially when you keep drinking it 24/7”
“Mom I haven’t drank coffee in, about three days” I said a little guilty.
“Anyways Simon has invited us to a football game” mom said with excitement.
“Make sure you guys come, it will be fun. Free drinks food and the game of course” said Simon standing up
“Now, I seriously have to get moving, I’ve been here for about an hour or two”
“Ok sweetie, tell your mom I said hi and you dad too.”
I felt a little guilty that I was gone all day when Simon had come over to visit us.
“Hey Lewis talk to you tomorrow ok” he said as he stood by the door.
“But how I haven’t seen you at school or at least I don’t think so.”
“You haven’t, but I do, quit day dreaming” he replied smiling. “Anyways I’ll talk to you later cousin” he said giving my mom a hug and saying goodbye to us.
“What did he mean day dreaming” said Mike.
I did not know what he meant by that, and how in the world did he see me at school if I never do. I went upstairs after Simon left and began practicing the sheet music Mr. Jensen had given me. I had it memorized a bit and I had gotten far on my intention to learning it. I drained the coffee down and headed for my bed, coffee, no matter what the situation is, always put me to sleep.
I spend the rest of my afternoon in my room lying on the bed. I was tired, just sleepy but I could not fall asleep. One reason I thought was that I was worried about that dream I had. My piano was on; automatically playing a lullaby that made me fall asleep. It might sound a little odd that at my age that would happen. But a lullaby always helps me fall asleep. I thought about practicing more but I had memorized enough for one day.
Piano music to me has always been a big part of my life. It always helps me relax when I’m stressing or feeling blue which I’m most of the time for the same reason that I always think about. I’m happy on the outside, but sad on the inside. I’ll admit that in my life I have had many relationships, I’ve kissed many lips in my life many of which I was feeling happy about.
But just like the rest, I end up losing the love battle. Love hurts in many ways and it’s probably the most harsh and difficult pain to endure, in my opinion.
There is something I fear in life, fear indeed, probably my most terrifying secret and it’s that reason for which I turn to piano music. The music takes all that negative thoughts away and gives me hope for my love life. I fear never to find the love of my life.
I have never fallen in love in my life but once. And sadly that person did not feel the same way about me. As I thought about my harsh past I began to slowly drift into a deep slumber. I was totally gone and I began having yet another dream.
This dream was different from the last one. I was sitting down on a bench gazing at a river in front of me. The beautiful nature sounds that surrounded the area were nice. Behind me there was a little trail and many trees and in the middle sat a park. The water seemed cool as it glittered with the sunlight. It was peaceful here and I loved the aroma. Never have I felt peace in my life like this. I heard a voice next to me say “This is nice” I looked around and could not identify whose voice it belonged to.
One thing for sure was that the voice brought a great amount of love to my soul. It was calm and brought joy to my life, it made me feel alive. It was that voice; I knew who it belonged to. I knew who that person was and I felt myself smiling. Now I could definitely see it, I could now see my problem and as I realized what was going on I became happy. I felt like telling everyone of my wonderful beautiful sensation I had started to feel. I felt a warm presence engulf me. I felt like someone was holding me from around my waist. I desperately tried to grab on to, I wanted to hold on the feeling it gave me, the light it brought along, the love I had. I never wanted it to end. But sadly, just like before and just like always it was too good to be true.
The full emotion of light slowly abandoned me and I was left alone and cold. My fear is all I could think about my fear oh no my fear has once again triumphed. I looked around trying to run away, trying to escape this horrible feeling. The feeling of denial and being abandoned never loved and never given a chance the only thing I could think about was my fear, will I ever find my one true love. None of the fake love falling on my life like rain, I was afraid to fall in love again I was afraid to windup down the painful road I did not want to lose again, but as much as it hurt to think about it, the fact was bare to see. I have fallen in love with Emily.
I woke up not as bad as I did the last dream I had but still I was sweating like crazy. I stretched and to my surprise I had slept through the entire night. It seemed like the night went by fast, I was somewhat relived to see the light of morning. I was ready for a new day.
When I got to school Ryan was eating breakfast on our little table by himself, he smiled as he saw me approach him.
“What’s up, morning.”
“Hey” I replied yawning.
“Are you not going to eat, you know the most important meal of the day is breakfast.” he said
“Not that hungry”
“Alright, you’re going to get hungry later and I’m going to say I told you so” he said smiling
Ryan smiled at me but then stared behind me with amazed eyes. I waved my around his shocked face.
“Hello” I said as I looked back.
To my surprise I was dazzled in the second I recognized Emily making her way with Daisy. She had dyed her hair. Now she had long strips of blondish color on her smooth black hair.
“Morning, Lewis, Ryan” she said placing her stuff on the table.
“Morning, Emily, you look magnificent” I muttered
“Ha, nice you look different but still very nice” said Ryan
Daisy sat next to me all though I was hoping for Emily to sit next to me.
“Hi” she said to me.
“Hey there” I replied still gazing at Emily.
“Seriously, you look very nice I like it” I said
“Thanks,” she said
Ryan looked at me and became really silent. He looked at me for a little while then began to smile as I noticed him looking at me.
“What?” I asked
“Nothing, nothing at all Lewis” he mocked
I had the feeling Ryan knew about my uncontrollable feelings. So I leaned over and whispered in his ear.
“Ok, I seriously need to talk to you.”
He leaned over and nodded.
“In gym, we can talk there” he said.
I nodded in agreement and looked up at Emily, I wanted this no doubt. Love is such a wonderful thing when both souls feel the same thing. But a devastating thing when one doesn’t agree with the other.
I did not speak much today, and Emily asked what was wrong. But of course I could not find such courage to tell her what was going on. Daisy was being very friendly to me. She was asking me a lot of questions and telling me many little stories which were a little nice.
It was now time to go to first period I wasn’t really looking forward to it. I was focused more on the things I wanted to tell Ryan. I thought maybe it would help telling someone about my situation. Besides I wanted to tell someone, I needed to.
The whole hour in first period was a killer, I was waiting insanely for it to end and I was happy when it did.
Running down the hall is a felony in this school, I got yelled at for running. Once I made it to gym I changed quickly and looked for Ryan, I felt anxious to tell someone so much.
“There you are, come I really need to tell you something” I said as we walked out to the field where we will be playing football. I began telling Ryan about my emotional situation.
“Alright so this is what’s going on,” I said focusing on the topic tensely.
Ryan nodded with delightfulness. “I love news, ha lay it on me” he said paying closely attention to my words.
I sighed and began my story.
“Ok so it’s like this it seems as though I have a major problem” I explained as Ryan nodded quietly.
“This might sound a little odd, but it’s true. Even though I just met Emily a few days ago, I have fallen in love with her,” I said a little awkward
To my surprise Ryan said
“Obvious I can easily tell, don’t worry I knew that already, the way you look at her. But hey don’t worry, it’s not a weird or odd thing ha it’s happened to me before actually” he said stroking my back.
“Really, I know it’s a little odd, definitely awkward though. I had this strange feeling when I first laid eyes on Emily, it’s hard to explain the feeling I felt. But now I can see it was instant love, or first love in sight, I never believe in such a thing.” I said solemnly.
“It’s funny how you say that” Ryan said.
“What do you mean?” I asked
“Well, some people don’t believe in such a thing, but trust me I do” he said up and smiling
I looked at the sky as well, people might not believe in that fact. But I didn’t believe in it either, until I met Emily.
“To be completely honest, I’m actually afraid” I said not trying to sound intimidated.
“In what way?” he asked
“Listen, I’ve been through this before, once and I tell you they where the most depressing days of my life”
He noticed I was getting a little sad and began to tap my back. It was really nice and comfortable telling this to someone.
“Same here, I’ve been down the winding road” he said solemnly
“It’s just I don’t want to get hurt again, not again never again. But don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to deny these feelings either. It’s just the fear”
I told him the other thing I’m scared about.
“In my life, I’ve had so many relationships. Some of which I regret, some of which I will never forget but only one that I thought to be the one. I’m tired of fake love, falling on me like rain from above” I said sounding poetic.
“I agree, but why don’t you just tell her that” he recommended
“I just met her, which would be extremely odd” I said as he laughed
“Just remember this, never deny what you are feeling deep inside or that you think you might be able to feel you never know if it could be a very beautiful thing, and once you find love or love finds you cherish it and never let it go” he said with a very kind smile.
“Thanks, it really helps” I said.
I changed the topic and decided to talk about my weird and mysterious dreams lately.
“There is more though” I said
“Go on” he replied
“This might sound a little strange, and supernatural.” I laughed sarcastically.
He laughed as well.
We began playing football as Mr. Richards yelled at everyone to not be scared of the ball or to get tackled down.
“Come on ladies” he yelled
“I’ve been having these strange dreams, two so far but there strange no doubt” I said.
“Ok like”
“Well these are weird, but the night before yesterday I had a dream where I sat in front of white grand piano. It was silent, so I tried to play it, but I couldn’t. I tried again and again but I could not. It was scary as if I have never played the piano before.
“I don’t know it sounds like an ordinary dream or nightmare to me” he said
“It does, but what was odd was this. Before I had that nightmare I had another dream, I was playing the piano when a violin theme I have never heard in my life joined me in my sonata. The next day, in sixth period Emily was playing that same theme” I said a little spooked.
“No way, that is weird, huh no wonder you looked like you’d seen a ghost or something the other day”
“Yeah, Well, I had another dream last night, this one was not as bad, because the first one was seriously freaky, the feeling I felt was terrible, I did not like it at all, I felt cold and lifeless”
“Scary, seriously no kidding” said Ryan
“Hey! You two quite chatting and get your heads into the game” yelled Mr. Richards at us.
“I seriously don’t feel like playing football, it isn’t that fun in the first place or in my opinion.”
We apparently had to stop our conversation due to the threat Mr. Richard told us. Either we play or we clean the entire boys’ locker room.

Lunch time had finally come and I was hungry today. I think it was all that energy I used up playing football. Ryan and I sat in our usual spots and talked about all the rumors and news.
“How about this, I’ll talk to Emily for you” he said finishing his servings.
“No it’s ok, I can do that myself but I don’t know how. I plan to just let her know that I like her, that I think she is very attractive, to me and I would like to get to know her better” I said hopeful
“That sounds about right, and here is your chance buddy” he said waving at someone behind me
I looked behind me knowing who it was going to be he was waving at. Emily made her way towards us along with her was Daisy.
I did the simplest thing to do, I panicked.
“Hi there” said Emily happily
“What’s up Emily, you sound happy what’s going on” asked Ryan
“I’m kind off excited, Mrs. Patterson is going on a field trip, and I get to go.”
“What’s the field trip about?” asked Ryan
“It’s a live play about romance and music and all the sort of stuff you guys are not interested about” she said.
“Yeah, unlike us girls who love romance.” said Daisy eyeing me oddly.
I felt a little awkward that Daisy would sometimes give me little gestures in an awkwardly situation.
“I’ve been waiting for this field trip, I love things like these.” said Emily widely.
“Mrs. Patterson huh, hey I have Mrs. Patterson for my fourth period. She’s language arts right.” I said
“That’s her.” said Emily
“Hey, you might be able to go she’s taking students who want to go from all her classes”
This was perfect, I wanted to talk to Emily and get to know her better and tell her about my feelings. This was just perfect.
“I’m going” I quickly said I had found courage.
“Really that is really nice Lewis” said Emily
“I wish I could go” said Daisy sadly
“Cheer up, me and you can have a load of fun in lunch tomorrow.” said Ryan excitedly.
Daisy smiled and nodded.
“I guess.” she said

My next class was Mr. Alvord’s class, but I did not mind getting one tardy I ran towards Mrs. Patterson’s class. I wanted that permission slip, tomorrow was the field trip and her class had already passed today it was my only chance. I was determined for this.
Mrs. Patterson had a class for fifth period and I had to walk through the class.
“Lewis, what are you doing here?” she said with her southern accent.
“I came as quick as I could, I hear your inviting any student from any of your classes to the field trip and I want to go.” I said catching my breath.
“Lewis I mention that a two days ago.” she said going through her papers.
“You did?” I said trying to remember if she ever did
“Yes silly, but you day dream to much.”
I felt my face began to blush intensely, I think I know why I did not hear her talk about the field trip. My mind drifts off often.
“But here, you can still go just bring it back tomorrow ok.” she said handing me the paper.
“Oh thank you so much, I appreciate it a lot.” I said as I plunged out the class room.
I was ten minutes late but I did not worry at all. As I ran out on the hall way I looked out the window and noticed Simon walking with a bunch of big beefy guys. The football team no doubt, I still couldn’t figure out what he meant by me day dreaming same thing Mrs. Patterson had said, I was pretty sure I knew what they were talking about.
Day dreaming, I haven’t seen him but he has seen me, I did not hear Mrs. Patterson mention the field trip, I was too distracted to notice them, Emily is the only focus I’ve had these past two days. Now I felt guilty. “I’ll talk to you later Simon” I thought.

I walked out of fifth period plunging to my favorite class of the day where Ryan, Emily and I began a daily routine where we would come in sit together and talk until we began practice. The day went on as usual and I had the time of my life, like every other day. I played with the entire class. Our seating arrangements had changed; Emily sat with the Cellos and by the Violinists’ I got to sit by them which was neat. Ryan had the opportunity to sit near the bells which were similar to the Piano. I focused on the Piano and tried to stay focused, but her beauty was amazing and vivid. Boy I have a problem. Class was over soon and I thought it was too early to finish class but to my surprise a whole hour had gone by. Time sure does go by fast when you are having fun.
The bell rang and everyone started leaving once they had put their instruments away. Emily had to go, her parents where here for her since it had gotten extremely cold outside. She said bye to Ryan and I and what was shocking of me was what I did next.
“Emily?” I said her name.
She was about to turn and walk away but she stopped to look at me.
“Yeah what is it?” She said wondering what I had to say.
“You’re leaving without a hug” I muttered the words. I could feel my face turn red. I was blushing intensely I felt like a tomato. She smiled and opened her arms. I smiled at her and moved towards her. I couldn’t believe it I actually had courage enough to give her a hug. Inside I exploded with pure happiness. She smelled so nice and rich. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. She was so warm and for a moment I was the happiest person in the universe. But it quickly went away she let go and waved good bye. Now I was lonely and a cold.
“There you go see I knew you could do it” Said Ryan smacking me on my right shoulder.
I was nervous and still. But then I smiled and began to laugh.
“I did it ha, I knew I could deep inside” I mention.
Ryan had to go home and left telling me to keep it up. I smiled at him and said I would try my best. The busses were about to leave and it was freezing outside. I definitely did not want to walk home. It’s October and it’s cold but what can I say it’s nearing winter. I jumped on the bus and said hi to the bus driver who seemed so friendly. I usually sit on the back but this time I sat 4 seats away from the bus driver. The reason to that was the heater was in the 4th seat. I was warm the whole way home.
I had to walk home for 5 minutes from where the bus drops me off and when I got home a blue car was parked outside of my house. I ran inside wondering who it belonged to.
I walked in and saw Mike and Simon wrestling on the couch they stopped once they saw me.
“Your home that’s great, how’s the talented pianist doing?” he asked standing up to give me a hand shake, he gave me a little family hug.
“I’ve been great Simon, thanks, tell me how you been?”
“Oh me, I’ve been great as well, life has indeed shown me the great successful side.”
“Explain?” asked Mike getting a little more comfortable on the couch; I decide to sit down as well.
“Everything has been great you see, I’m the biggest football player in school, my grades have gone to their highest, above B+ and of course life with Allie is the best.”
“Who’s Allie?” I asked with much curiosity.
“His girlfriend” quickly answered Mike.
The words hit me with surprise; Simon never had time for girls, he was always working out his muscular body or attending a very important matter, like working, or doing normal things that interest him, at least back 3 years ago anyway.
“Really, how long have you been with her?” I asked as my curiosity grew.
“About a year now, I tell you I would be lost without her, my heart is a beautiful rose and she is its only seed.” he said feeling excited about the poetic phrase.
I had to admit I envied him. But getting a girlfriend isn’t so hard, keeping one is extremely difficult, in my book anyway. I decide to change the subject.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing out of the usual just came to talk to you”
Simon wanting to talk to me, what could it be about I wondered.
“Ok, let’s go to my room then.” I said
My room was already finished and everything was where it needed to be, Simon looked around scanning everything he saw. I didn’t mind him looking around. He walked up towards my keyboard and smiled as he began playing the keys. He wasn’t much of a music person that could be easily seen by the way he miss played the notes.
“Not so much of a pianist, I don’t have music talent like yours.” he chuckled
“Well, I wouldn’t off discovered my talent if it wasn’t for you” I said sitting down on my bed.
“I remember that day like it was yesterday, you where what 8 when I lost you at that Mall” he said smiling at me.
I began to laugh along with his chuckles,
“I was a curious kid, and I wanted to explore the music section.”
“I was worried, you where gone, and I ended up finding you there, you where crying because you where alone, remember?” he said and still chuckled.
“Yeah, and then you saw a piano and took me to it so I would stop crying.” My smile was distant, his was too.
“I could not believe it when I saw you playing like you knew the notes already.”
“Yeah, well I really liked it, and what I felt inside, took over my hands and released it.”
“The new you had been born, right?” he teased.
I only smiled.
“Now look at you, you’ve become such a magnificent talented pianist, and that’s great. Now, I have a question for you, Lewis?”
I stood up and listen closely.
“What is it?”
“You’re tall, and have somewhat of a muscular body, and I’m here to ask, the football team needs one more person, and I thought you would be a great person to fit the team, just need some training and we have the last member, what do you say?”
I looked at him, he was asking me to join the team, I don’t know much about football, and I didn’t really like it.
“Simon, that sounds great an all, but you see football doesn’t really fit into my interests list, I hardly know anything about it.” I said feeling a little bad.
“That’s why we would like to train you, I can do it myself, and I would be your teacher.” he said with lots of hope.
I felt really bad to turn him down but I just couldn’t join the team.
“Sorry but I already have other things to do I’m part of the music class with Mr. Jensen, and I wouldn’t have time.” I said feeling bad now.
“Oh, then don’t worry Lewis, I didn’t know you where in his class, its ok then, no big deal.”
“But thanks for the offer; I’m pretty sure you will find someone that would fit perfectly.” I said, trying my best to make the moment better.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure we will.” He said sounding disappointed.
“But you guys don’t need me; I mean they got you the biggest strongest guy on the team.”
“Yeah I guess you’re right, I am pretty good aren’t I.” he said giving me a push.
“And sorry that I haven’t really talked to you at school, I’ve hardly seen you.” I said
“I see you, but you’re always talking to Emily, but don’t worry I know how you feel, girls right.” he said chuckling again.
“Ha, yeah girls” I said following his sentence.
“Now listen I have to leave, I only came to ask you. I would stay more but I have to work soon, what can I say life is busy when you have both school and work to take care of, take care Lewis.” he said walking out my door.
“Oh alright, you too, nice to talk to you by the way” I yelled out.
I could hear his voice yell out “You too” as he walked out the front door. That afternoon I spent in my room practicing the sheet music we where to play. We had two music sheets, one title A Fresh Air Christmas and the other An American Christmas. Mr. Jensen had mention that we would perform at the school’s auditorium for the Christmas assembly, where 3 representatives that would represent our group for the tour would sit in the audience. They will observe closely and choose those who where well talented and had the potential and heart to play.
Those chosen by the representatives would go on into the competition tour. I will make it, I had no doubt and I had the feeling that Emily would make as well. I memorized A fresh Air Christmas already since it was my favorite one and post poend An American Christmas for another day to practice. I had enough and I was begging to feel a little exhausted, I decided to lie down and let my body relax.
Lying down and letting your body rest away can make time pass by extremely fast, it was already dark outside. I stood up and looked around I had eventually fallen asleep and now it had gotten dark and I had not done my homework. Homework was not as challenging as many might think; I finished quick and decided to take a shower. The warm water felt nice, since the temperature outside tends to get cold. With nothing else to do in the house I decide to go back to my room and lie down once again.
Almost immediately I started thinking about Emily, wondering what she was doing now, what she was thinking and most important, what does she think of me. I had many thoughts that night, many questions. This I was feeling inside was strong, strong emotions I had reflected towards her, only her.
But how could it be since I have recently just met her. I decided that I would not let that bother me no more and I let my emotions run free, I care no more about anything else.
All I wanted was to get Emily to notice me, to notice how happy she made me feel inside, how when she talked to me my worries would vanish, and how she started grow on me greatly by the minute.
I wanted her to realize how much I liked her. Thinking about Emily and about many things I could only dream off set my mind at ease, and slowly I drifted in to a deep slumber. Half asleep I knew I was not going to wake up until dawn, I passed out and was gone.

Chapter 4

I woke up startled and dazed moving around my bed. With my eyes half shut I looked at the clock that sat neatly on my wall. Thursday 6:30 am it glimmered with the bright red flashing lights. I mumbled and sighed a bit as the bright sun beams shot in to my room and illuminated the entire room once I opened the curtains. I expected to be the first on up but Mike was up before me. That was a surprise since he wakes up usually minutes before noon.
I must have brushed my teeth with more force than intended too for red stains where visible all around my teeth and tooth brush. I combed my hair with gel and sprayed my torso with a perfume that had a very pleasing scent.
Mike was finished and set for a day of school as was I. Mike and I began to take the school bus to school now since the bus dropped off students nearby. It was chilly outside the wind blowing a little. I shivered in my sweater and Mike rubbed both his arms trying to warm them up, he kept the cycle of turning back to look over his shoulder every few minutes. A girl about his age smiled back at him every time he did so. On the bus I sat with Mike.
“So, who is your lady friend there?” I asked nudging him on the shoulders.
“None ya.” He replied.
“Come on tell me, who is she?”
“Lewis, that’s none of your business, now is it?” he said
“Isn’t she the neighbor girl?”
He looked away and out the window.
“Yeah that’s right the neighbor girl, I’ve seen her a couple of times. She isn’t bad looking.”
He turned to look at me and smiled.
“Her name is Marley and she is just a few months younger than me. I have her for two of my classes and I’m starting to get to know her.”
“Is that right, good for you?” I replied.
“Yeah well I want to make a good first impression. I want her to see we are neat people.” He said looking back at where she sat.
“What do you mean? Wait, is that why you have been cleaning the front yard these few days? That’s why you took out the garbage out for me the other day.” I said
He smiled and nodded but keeping his gaze on her then turned to look out the window again.
“She is so pretty and attractive.”
“Appealing, yes she is in deed.” I said looking at her too.
“I know exactly how you feel.”
“What do you know about this sort of situation.” he said still keeping his gaze away from me.
“Trust me; I know exactly what you are going through. We are both traveling down the same path my brother.” I said looking out the window as well. Mike only sighed.
“I’m new at this stuff; I don’t know what to do?”
He seemed to have trouble talking to me about this and I understood why. Mike didn’t have much of a way with girls.
“It will come around and favor you Mike, just wait something will come up positive.” I said now
“Just keep fighting for her. Keep trying until you reach a point where she will understand what you are feeling.” I said thinking about Emily myself.
“That sound easier said than done.” he replied with doubt.
“Just try, trust me you never know when something can be a great thing. Like for instance, what you are feeling for her she might not see that it could be something amazing.”
Mike now looked at me
“You’re good with this, pep talk.” he said hitting me on the arm.
“What was that for?”
“My thanks for giving me some of your intriguing advice.” he said smiling and turning back towards the window.
“You’re welcomed, I guess.” I said.
The school seemed to be awake today for everyone was chattering and laughing. Ryan, Daisy and Emily sat on our usual table and laughed keeping each other entertained. Daisy’s smile defeated Emily’s when they saw me arrive. Ryan waved his hand and continued poking Daisy on the side. She giggled every time he invaded. As for Emily she looked quite and snacked on a health bar. She eyed me curiously smiling as I sat down.
“What is it?” I asked
“Mr. Jensen was here about ten minutes ago and gave me good news to tell everyone.”
“News, good I assume?” I said sliding an inch closer to her.
“Yes, the assembly will be on Monday. I assume you are set and have learned most of the music.” she said
“Of course I love the sheet music he handed us it’s pleasing. I have memorized the whole thing.”
Emily smiled and nodded slightly.
“I knew you would. As I.” she said
“What about you Ryan have you practiced and rehearsed?” asked Emily?
Ryan was too amused to pay much attention to us.
“Oh yeah, most of it I finished A fresh air Christmas but I still have to work on An American Christmas.”
“Well you have the weekend to practice and us your time wisely.”
Emily seemed to care much of the concert, but who wouldn’t in the music class. I cared as well and understood how Emily felt.
“Rest assure I’ll get it done this weekend.” He said cleaning up the mess he left behind on the table.
“Well good to hear that, I have to keep everyone in check now that I’m supervisor of the entire class.”
I stopped what I was doing and looked at her.
“Supervisor?” I mimicked
She seemed neutral and began to clean up also.
“Yeah, Mr. Jensen has asked me to become his supervisor when he is not around. Being one teacher and having to teach an entire class, making sure everyone does their part for a concert so important is hard for one person. He can’t make sure everyone is practicing by himself.”
“So you will help him, that’s neat.” I said
“You have to consider that you will be keeping track of many things and will have to do many other duties. Like paper work and stuff. Said Ryan
He stood up to throw away both Daisy’s trash and his.
“I don’t really know what sort of jobs you will be doing. This is the first time we have a supervisor.”
“I feel proud to be the first.”


Texte: Copyright c Aiden R. Ranks 2011
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.03.2011

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For all of those memories of heartbreak that seem to keep resurfacing.

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