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A lot of Christian don't understand the way money works. Money is supposed to be your servant, not the other way round. When you know the techniques to command your money, It will work in your favor. As a Christian, you are not supposed to be in lack,  because God has commanded that money should serve you.  Until you understand that and begin to take your rightful place, you will keep begging for money and nothing will happen.

This book is specifically designed to eradicate poverty  in your life and command your finances to work in your favor. The time has come to take control of your finances and live a life of financial freedom.

You will also discover various ways to achieve financial breakthrough and prosperity.  Also included is the reason the majority of Christians are not financially independent,  always depend on their fellow Christians to meet up with life.  Prayers and strategies to make it in life.

Command Your Finances in 21 Days

Day 1: Financial Breakthrough

Nowadays, most Christians are praying for financial breakthrough, but unfortunately, the majority of them could not claim it.  There are reasons financial breakthrough is not coming your way and what to do to claim your financial prosperity.

Most Christians don’t believe in God regarding their finances, they believe that it is only hard work that can bring financial prosperity. Believing in God and hard work brings financial freedom

When you believe in God, the grace and perseverance that is necessary to experience financial breakthrough will come your way. According to the book of 2 Corinthians 8:9 which states “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.

If you expect abundant finances because you are fulfilling the Great Commission, you may not be blessed financially.  According to the book of Matthew 28:19 which states “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.  These days, most Christians fail to make disciples when they are in financial difficulties.  Making disciples of all nations is a command that every Christian must do and no condition should be attached to it.

God has given us the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding not to live above our income. You cannot be blessed financially if you live above your means. You need to exercise self-control and budget expenses rather than relying on debts.

For you to be financially blessed you must advance the kingdom of God with your finances no matter how small it is. According to the book of Matthew 6:33 which states “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you,”

For you to experience the financial breakthrough you must believe you will have ideas and abilities to create wealth. According to the book of Deuteronomy 8:18 which states "And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant,"  As Christians, we need to start generating ideas we get through our identity in Christ and put it to effective use to generate wealth rather than relying only on miracles from God

To experience the financial breakthrough you must partner with God by being generous, honest, paying your tithe, and honor Him.  

Above all, Financial breakthrough is not for everyone, it is for those who seek for it and deserve it.  There is nothing wrong in seeking financial breakthrough but very wrong if you just sit at home and expect God to bless you, it does not work that way.

One major secret to financial breakthrough is giving.  When you give out, you can receive prosperity.  For example, a greedy person cannot prosper, a person who doesn't sow seed, pay tithe regularly cannot experience financial freedom even though he or she prays every day.

Our God is faithful, He wants everyone to be rich but unfortunately many are poor. When you follow God's principle for wealth creation, you will be rich. The question you need to ask yourself is, do you have a dream? And are you fulfilling your dreams? If you are not you are bound to be poor. If for example, someone gives you large sums of money today and you lavish it, you can never be rich.

God uses common, ordinary people who have uncommon goals and visions. You should not be content to be average. The average is okay, it is not bad, but it is not excellent. It is just good enough to get by, and that's not what God wants for you. When you thrive for excellence in your occupation and or Business with prayers financial breakthrough will come your way


You don't serve an average God if you want to experience financial breakthroughs and you shouldn’t settle for an average life. Every single person can be mightily used by God. You can do great and do mighty things if you believe God can use you and if you will be daring enough to have an uncommon goal and vision. These things won't make sense to the mind, you have to believe God for them.

Dare to be uncommon and extraordinary. Dare to trust God. Ephesians 3:20.

I pray this day, God will give you a passion to live for Him and invest your life in Him.

Are you ready to command your finances, then you need to pray the following prayers with aggression

Prayer points to Command Your Finances

O Lord, make me a superior over my Junior in Jesus Name

Anything in my life that is not making me prosper shall be taken away by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

I command my tithe and offerings, giving to provoke heaven to open my financial blessings in Jesus's Name.

I reject every hard without adequate compensation in Jesus's Name.

I reject every spirit of begging to eat in Jesus name

I command poverty to disappear from my life in Jesus' Name.

I command anything that will make me hide from my mate in Jesus' Name.

I command the evil thought of poverty and lack to disappear from my life in Jesus' Name.

Every limitation surrounding my greatness is broken in Jesus' Name.

I command every spirit of debt and financial blockage be rendered impotent for my sake in the name of Jesus Christ.

I cast out every anti-breakthrough, and anti-prosperity force in the name of Jesus.

I reject by fire every barrier to my financial breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Every spirit of poverty and lack attacking my source of income be frustrated and die, in the name of Jesus.

Today I command any marine agents that are stealing my finances through fornication to die by fire, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, make me a channel of your blessings in my family, in the name of Jesus.

The source of my income shall not dry up by the wicked, in the name of Jesus.


Day 2: Financial Breakthrough 2

 Do you notice the high rate of poverty and wretchedness in the world today especially in Africa? The spirit of poverty follows people from one place to the other to see that they do not get their financial freedom or restoration.

If with all the knowledge you have and you are still poor, then,  you need to command your finances by praying aggressively/

Some people are rich as bachelor or spinsters but as soon as they get married they become poor. Some people are poor through sexual intercourse while some fill too big to do some jobs whereas they have no job.

Is your pocket leaking? Or you are working and there is nothing to show for it, Then you need to watch out,  there are superpowers that are swallowing all your finances.

It is worst for a person to receive money but would not be able to account for the way the money was spent. When a person finds it difficult to prosper in his or her career, it means there is a curse of poverty. If you are picking money in the dream you are bound to be poor.

Secondly when you make a vow and you fail to honor it then you are bound to be poor.  It is better not to make a vow than to make and not redeeming it. Lack of redeeming your vow may be the reason for financial failure in your life.

Thirdly, when you fill you know it all, it will be difficult for you to become rich, because you refuse to learn new things. A lot of Christians are guilty of this, they think they know everything. The day you admit you don't know anything and you are willing to learn more than a financial breakthrough will soon come your way.  If you fast and pray every day to experience financial breakthrough and you fill you know it all, God can never bless you.

Fourthly,  You cannot command your finances if you are always afraid.

Fear of success, fear of failure, fear of making a mistake is holding most Christians back from financial breakthrough. They forget that with God, they have nothing to fear.  According to the book of Matthew 6 verse 34, which says,  Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. To command your finances, you have to be bold and believe that God is on your side.

Fifthly, Judging other people is holding you back from financial breakthrough.  When you judge people, you are sinning.  The Bible says judge no one.

Sixthly, to be financially independent, you


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: All rights reserved 2019 Dr. Olusola Coker Ministries
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.10.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7487-1705-8

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