

For more than two hours or more every individual on earth dreams. The dreams might be bad or good, but if they are bad, it indicates an evil attack on such person. This book contains powerful night prayers that will put an end to bad dreams.  You will also discover various types of bad dreams, their meanings and powerful prayers that specifically address each category of bad dreams. This book is invaluable for those that desire good dreams and sleep well.

Bad Dreams you need to Neutralize and sleep well: Eating in the dream

Scriptures: Psalm 27:1:  The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

Proverbs 3:24:  If you lie down, you will not be afraid; when you lie down, your sleep will be sweet.

Isaiah 41:13: For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, Fear not, I am the one who helps you.

The following are effects of eating in the dream

Eating in the dream could be dangerous.

It puts people info perpetual bondage.

Eating in the dream has a spiritual implication.

Eating in the dream could pass a death sentence to you. 

Eating in the dream puts their victims in satanic power control.

Eating in the dream affects the destiny of their victims.

Eating in the dream enable Satan to inject their victims with the spirit of stagnation.

Anyone afflicted by bad dream will never move forward in life.

Sickness and diseases will always afflict their victims.

Victims of eating in the dream experience broken marriage always.

Victims tend to suffer from late marriage and the fruit of the womb.

 Eating in the dream brings poverty and demotion at work.

Eating in the dream brings short life.

Eating in the dream enables their victims to work hard and nothing to show for it.

Eating in the dream brings hopelessness and aimlessness

 Eating in the dream prevent their victims from receiving the power of the Holy Ghost.

Eating in the dream brings constant hatred from people for no reason.

You need to pray the following prayers to neutralize the effects of eating in the dream.

Prayer points to be prayed before bedtime

Tonight, I command every Evil food I ate in the dream to be vomited by fire in the name of Jesus Christ.

I destroy every evil plantation in my life, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

I vomit all food I have eaten together with the Devil in the dream by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

I vomit out of my body every witchcraft food I have eaten in the dream by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ.

O Lord, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I command every witchcraft powers summoning my spirit and soul in the witchcraft kingdom to receive the fire of destruction.

Tonight, I break by fire, every evil connection between my spirit and the witchcraft kingdom, in the name of Jesus.

O Lord, I destroy every witchcraft night caterer feeding me in the dream in Jesus Name.

 I destroy by fire, every witchcraft in my life causing me to eat in the dream in the name of Jesus Christ.

Tonight, I destroy by fire the power of witchcraft forcing me to eat in the dream, in the name of Jesus.

I destroy by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, every witchcraft agent making me to eat in the dream in Jesus Name.

O Lord, flush out every evil food in my stomach in the name of Jesus Christ.

Tonight, I paralyze every witchcraft spirit living in my body in the name of Jesus Christ.

Tonight, I destroy by fire every monitoring witchcraft spirit monitoring my life in the name of Jesus Christ.

 Tonight, I destroy by fire every witchcraft curse on my life causing me to eat in the dream

Tonight, I soak my spirit soul and body with the blood of Jesus Christ.

As from tonight, I become a forbidden zone for the kingdom of darkness to operate in my life and family again in the name of Jesus.

Tonight, I scatter every satanic bondage from evil dreams programmed into my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Tonight, by the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I close every spiritual door that the witchcraft spirits have been using to feed me at night in the name of Jesus.

Tonight, I command every sickness introduced into my life as a result of evil dreams, to die in the name of Jesus Christ.

 Tonight, I destroy by the weapon of the Holy Ghost, every witchcraft caterer pursuing me in the dream, in the name of Jesus’ Christ.

Tonight, I command every satanic dream attached to my progress, to die now, in the name of Jesus.

Tonight, I fire back every arrow of witchcraft fired into my dream, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Tonight I command every evil dream of the past affecting my life, to die, in the name of Jesus Christ.

 By the power in the blood of Jesus Christ, I command every witchcraft serpent attacking me in the dream, to die in the name of Jesus Christ.

Tonight, I command every arrow fired against my marriage in the dream, to die, in the name of Jesus’ Christ.

As from tonight, every good thing I have lost to evil dreams, I re-possess you back, in the name of Jesus Christ.

 Every agent of darkness in my dream life, fall down and die, in Jesus’ name.

 Holy Ghost fire, protect my body from evil in the name of Jesus Christ.

 As from tonight, I shall continue to drink the blood of Jesus Christ, to protect me from the evil food I have eaten in the dream in the name of Jesus Christ.

As from tonight, I destroy every satanic power cooking food for me in the dream, in the name of Jesus Christ.

As from tonight, I scatter every demon in the dream that wants to pollute my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.


Flying in the Dream


Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 5:3: The more you worry, the more likely you are to have bad dreams…

Philippians 4:6-7: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

The following are effects of Flying in the Dream

The worst thing that can happen to a man or woman is for him or her to fly in the dream

Flying in the dream can limit a person in one spot.

Anyone flying in the dream will find it difficult to progress or accomplish a task

Anyone flying in the dream has already possessed by witchcraft control and manipulation.

It is very easy for witchcraft to manipulate you when you fly in the dream.
When you are not strong spiritually you may fly in the dream.

Witchcraft can easily manipulate a person to fly at night

If you don’t pray before you sleep, you may fly in the dream.

Flying in the dream may take you to an unexpected evil destination, where the Satan may totally destroy you

 When you cannot pray for straight 30 minutes,  your spiritual life is going down and you may fly in the dream.

 When you are doing your business or living in a wrong environment you may fly in the dream.

 When you fly in the dream, to receive blessing may become hard.

When you are pursued in the dream and you escape by flying in the dream, this is a sign of victory.

A woman can contact a marine spirit through flying in the dream.

A man can contract the spirit of bewitchment through flying in the dream.

Prayer points to be prayed before bedtime.



Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: All rights reserved 2018: Dr. Olusola Coker Breakthrough Ministry
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.04.2018
ISBN: 978-3-7438-6714-7

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