

 ok as usual there might be a tiny bit of swearing but i will try to not swear but i don't own ninjago or any other brand listed in this book

episode 1: the otherworldly ninja

I was sitting in my room and playing one of my various mega man games and, as usual humming to the tune of it. When i was just about to head into the boss room i heard i big WHOOSE. "what de fun?" i walked into the playroom after turning my xbox off and seen a green ninja and a ghostly form sitting on the lego table "what the-?" "hey can you help?" that sounded like.... "loyd?" "yeah-wait how do you know my name?" "i'll explain later what happened?" "morro threw both of us through a portal and we landed here." "this wouldn't have happened if you were'nt the green ninja." i looked at the open portal and said "loyd i need to talk to you." i picked him up and brought him to the floor and said "i have a plan to get both of you back but i am coming with." loyd couldn't move but i could tell he was thinking about it "*sigh* alright but you try something i am sending you back." "alright heres what we do i attach you to morro's back and keep hold of him when you go through you will regain streangth and then i will take him to lock him away." "ok but lets do it quick." i grabbed morro and attached loyd and then i threw both of them in and jumped in myself. we were swirling around and ahead of me i could see loyd struggling to keep hold of morro i tried to get over there to help loyd but by the time i got hold of morro we went through the end and were back at the battle "LOYD and some other person?" "i'll explain later help me get this idiot to the prison before he gets away i'll keep an eye on him." kai nodded



sometime later


morro had escaped from the jail after a bit of the ship got torn off and wu was hanging on to him "morro hang on!" "sensei i remember what you said...sometimes you gotta let go to save others." and morro let go of wu and poofed away possibly forever "NOOOOOOOO!" i heard wu yell as i turned around "i can't beleive it." "*sigh* i even knew this was going to happen but destiny is what it is." "yes it is well it is over we have a new guest to attend to." "well where are we going sensei?" "nya is going to start work on the bounty again when we get back shouldn't be 1 day before we can get back on it but in the mean time i would like to learn about you." "well give me a spot to sit and some food i can enjoy and i'll figure out a spot to start."


"so you come from one of the 16 realms from what i understand." "i did'nt even know that my world was one of them to be honest." "right well i still have one question joseph." "please call me joe but yes fire away." "when morro had just vanished, eh no offence sensei. you said you knew that morro was going to be caught did you-" "how did i know that morrow was going to disappear do i explain this." i sat back in my chair contemplating how to explain it to them "well in my 'realm' as you call it, we have tvs yes but here's the hard part to explain.people manage to video tape everything the five now 6 ninja do." "WHAT!?" "i knew you would have that reaction just knew it." "so they can see us right now?" "well only when something important happens.hey that reminds me where did ronin go?" "eh probably left to continue his buisness." "you might be right jay." i said taking another slice of pizza "so like when we defeated garmadon the first time?" "beginning to end." "when the serpentine were unleashed?" "that was a can of worms that will never happen again." we laughed at my little pun "garmadon and the mega weapon?" "i told you every single bit." "wow i can't beleive it..........even when loyd became-" "YES COLE." we yelled "ok ok just making sure." "well i suppose better find a place to sleep for the night wonder if new ninjago has a really cheap motel," they looked at each other and went into the other room "we cant do this to him he knows so much." "yeah but i don't want him screwing up our stuff." "oh comeon he isn't that bad i can tell." kai looked ready to blow his top "hey joe we got an extra bed if you need it." "really i mean i don't want to intrude but i just don't want kai to get mad like when garmadon stayed." kai looked surprised "no it is fine you will fit in just fine." and so i got to bed after that long tireing day


there you go tell me if you want more

episode 2: the magic element

 as the day began i woke up to here some kinda thumping up on deck of the bounty i knew what it was though i got up and went to the fridge to pop a cold soda and was about to walk out on deck when sensei wu stopped me " ahem uh joseph?" i turned around to face sensei "yes sensei?" "i have been doing some studying on your last name in the scrolls and i have found an unusual lead." "oh really and what might that be sensei?" "well i want the ninja's to hear this as well." "ok then i will meet you out there ijust want to grab a sandwich so i get something to eat." wu nodded as i made myself a sandwich and walked out on deck "ok so wu what did you find?" "well i was looking at the scrolls when i found you name but i also saw this." he unrolled the scroll and i saw a seventh ninja "ok i don't read this language but i know what it means." "yes you are one of the other ninja elements but which one i do not know." i looked at the scroll "well it looks like the six of you and this is quite odd it looks like i am a....purple ninja?" "it appears so." " but sensei what other elements are there?" kai asked very confused "well it is a long shot but there was one element forgotten long ago before the serpentine wars." he pulled out another scroll "long ago before my father had me and garmadon there was a purple ninja by the name of don bresina he was a good freind of my dad and was able to extend his life but alas age caught up with him." i gasped quietly at the mention of my fathers name "? what troubles you joseph?" "i don't beleive it but.....don was-is my fathers name." they all looked at wu "well than that explains many things." i looked at him funny and asked "what do you mean sensei?" "when don was at his last words he told my father that one day his son would come back to ninjago as the new ninja of magic after a time of crisis." "i see well......what now?" "we train you for what is to come when my father told me of what don said he also said a great evil will come when you arrive that means not long from now something will come to attack.but not from your world one of the other 16 realms he said." "i wonder....i might know what it is but it is a long shot." "well until it shows up we better get to training." cole said and we all agreed "i want to train him until further notice though. i want to know what don has been up to since then." the ninja nodded as me and him walked to his quarters.I sat down on the mat and said "a lot has changed since don left here i guess." "what does he do nowadays?" "well he doesn't really do much and i know he has no memory of being here knowing him." "oh really he was very active when he was here." "yes but while working for the state he had an accident and can't work anymore." "ah i see and your mother?" "mom works fulltime and fast food but since everything that's happened in the past couple of years not so good." "why is that?" "well everyone keeps asking us for money like grandpa owes us at least 2,000 and peter my brother owes us at least 2500 and it's just been a heck of a few years." " i can tell the last 5 years have been rough for the ninja as well." i nodded and we began trainining "alright to begin clear your mind and concentrate on nothing." i tried to but my father would not leave my mind "ugh i can't stop thinking about my father now that i know he was here long ago." "try harder." i tried harder than ever and finally my mind was clear "good now concentrate on something you want to bring to life." i concentrated on something small and poof "pikachuu." i couldn't beleive my eyes but as soon as i thought of something else it poofed away "you learn quicker than the other ninja." "oh so you aren't going to ask me what that was?" "no as long as you continue traingig to learn to control the power that is all for now you may go back onto the deck if you wish." i nodded and bowed and went back to the deck "so how did it go?" kai asked eager to know what happened "well if i get a minute of silence i might be able to show you the first trick i learned." they all quited down and i focused and suddenly POOF "what in the name of me-oh joseph." i couldn't beleive it again "celestia it is you." and then it poofed away "whoa what was that talking horse?" kai asked before i slapped his head "that talking PONY was princess celestia i have a telepathic communication with that realm...well some of it." they simpily clapped "let me try again i need to keep a clear mind though." i focused again and thought of celestia POOF (yes i kinda gotta do the sound) "joseph what is this?" "calm celestia i have gone to another realm nothing to worry about but i need to keep concentration so i keep contact simple training right now." "oh alright so where did you go?" "i went to the realm of ninjago and these are the 6 ninja, adding me makes them 7." "oh sweet mother of luna!" "what is it your majesty?" kai asked sounding like and idiot to me but that being because i am not used to hearing "majesty" when celestia is around "twilight has told me that discord was planning to head to that dimension." "SAY WHAT?" POOF she was gone "what happened joe?" "oh my god oh my god no no no no this is bad no no no." i was slapped across the face "get a grip.ok who is this discord?" "give me a second i might be able to conjure up an image." i thought about an image of discord and it showed up "discord god of disharmony and chaos if he starts chaos here who knows what will happen but if we train enough we can stop him but if he get's here soon everyone needs to remain calm or he will gain power with eaxh scream explosion and such." "this can't be good." jay said "yeah but- wait i can get twilight on the line maybe." i thought of twilight and then "JOSEPH oh my gosh i can't beleive it when celestia sent that letter to me i thought for sure he would be there by now." "just wait i need to focus to keep this up now did discord tell anything in detail?" "no mostly that the'behinds' is all i am going to say.were going to perish." "Well we will se to it that doesn't happen i am going to disconnect and keep training." " carefull i don't think dash would like a dead husband." "gotcha see ya." i poofed her away and they were all standing with wide open mouths which i closed. "what the heck?" "what so i am married to another being in another realm so what i have a pony body in the realm." "rrright well you go ahead and do one more thing we will sit back and watch." "well...anyone familiar with the game plants vs zombies?" "i am." kai said cheerfully "ok get to the other end and get ready we will have a match and maybe tomarrow i will get you two." kai got to the other end and readyed himself for plant warfare "ready." i picked repeater cabage-pault jalepenio and squash as well as some melon paults "ready." kai had chosen the gargantuar as anyone would and the pogo and the wave and some football zombies. " READY 3 2 1 BEGIN!" we started out fair putting up defences and then kai sent out a fb player and my cabbage had a hard time so i put a melon pault in that row and a jalepenio and put in 2 melon paults and hamered one row and just as he put down a gar gantuar i won "and thats all she said." i said in victory "oh what how in the?" "that's what happens when you don't pay attention kai." and then i summoned one more thing "DIIIIAAAAALLLGGGGGAAAAA." the wild dialga roared "HOLY COW DUDE." i quickly sent it away drained of power "i guess summoning and sending it takes power." "yeah we can experiment more tomarrow." "yeah i got a few vehicles to show you." then they were excited


well there you go tell me what you think

episode 3:vehicle mayhem

 we got up this morning and the guys were sitting in their lawn chairs waiting for me to show them some vehicles.I started out simple one hornet from halo i showed them how to use it "it can hold one driver 2 gunners and maybe 2 to 3 passengers i don't know for certain but if used correctly it is very useful but you actually need weapons when in the passenger seat and the driver has mini guns and rocket pods." the clapped in amazment.Next i showed them a warthog gause "this is pretty self explanitory one beam cannon a passenger and a driver nothing significant but good for quick getaways and chases.Next i showed them a falcon "kinda an updated version of the hornet bet the driver has no guns on this one." i was about to show them another but sensei wu came out in a hurry "ninja we have a problem." "what is it sensei?" "it appears that some animals have grown twice the size and are rampaging." "i think i know who is behind this." i sai in a confident voice "discord yes but i don't know his power." "well that's going to be my job i will fill you in on the way." i brang up a falcon and got in "lets get going two on the guns and three in the passenger seats." i stopped nya "listen i know you are a new ninja but discord is something we should handel alone until you get a better hold on your powers." "*sigh* fine but be careful joe." "i will." we took off and i started breifing "ok now when we get there expect the unexpected he can do anything including change your weapons so be prepared to jump at anytime." we arrived at the site and the animals were about as big as a farmhouse "wrap a wire on the back of the falcon and load it in the grenade launcher." they did so and i sad "now hit it in the legs or the chest trust me." one of them hit it in the chest and the other in the feet i started to go around and around and pretty soon it fell "ok now i need to test something." i concentrated hard and i burst into light and returned in my alicorn form "wholey cow." "now then if i am correct this spell should fix it." just then something hit the ground in front of us and knocked us back "hmph you just have to ruin everything don't you joe?" i heard the mysterious voice and i looked up it was discord "what are you doing discord i thought you were reformed." "i am i am just having fun with this dimension instead." "well good luck feeding off of chaos here it has been peaceful for almost a week and nothing bad has happened until now." kai said "oh you are ever so correct kai but i have a plan to take the place of many leaders in the world and start wars between eachother now if you excuse me." he poofed away to celestia knows where and we went home in the falcon.we arrived at the bounty and sensei immidietly asked "how did it go?" "well the animals are back to size but discord told us his plan he plans to start wars with all the major leaders including the serpentine and cause enough chaos to destroy the world." "oh no this is bad if he does this it will be the end." "well it will be fine cause with the alicorn power joe has it should be pretty easy." "wait he turned into an alicorn he wasn't supposed to know how to do that until he knew how to make real entities." we were surprised "well i gues now i can make vehicles real but i need to be careful too." we nodded "now time for some more practice i made myself some pokeballs "what are those?" "you will see." i started by getting lugia "what are you planning exactly?" "just wait." i threw the pokeball and caught lugia, they were speechless "and now we have a powerful pokemon to help us." they clapped and we went to bed to get some rest for what came tomarrow.

episode 4:the preparation

 we had woken up that morning and i walked out on deck and i seen a clear sky until i saw one falcon flying out at sea i knew the guys had taken the falcon out for a drive because they loved it. i grabbed the radio and called them "joe to kai come in kai." "hey joe what's up?" "i wanted to show you an even better vehicle that carries more people come back in." they hurried right back and i summoned a pelica but didn't make it real yet. "wow this thing has space for 10 people and 3 drivers we could use these." "hey i got an idea let's head back to new ninjago city and i'll get to work on a hangar and a garage for all of this." they agreed and headed back to ninjago city


a few minutes later

we finally arrived at a nice clear spot and i threw down a little marker and a giant school sized garage came up enough for 20 cars or mongooses or whatever and then i put down a small spot for aircraft.i then started to set up pelicans and banshees and all that "i think we need to make this our new base unless we go somewhere then we use the bounty." we agreed and then we got a report of......chocholate rain i knew that had to be discord we hurried over with the bounty and a scorpion tank to the frozen wastes and nya met us in the hangar to breif us on the hangar. "ok when we reach the drop zone you can drive the tank out the bay i made adjustments for thrusters that break off when you hit land so it does'nt blow up now get going." we drove out the hangar and started torwards the ground once we got no closer than 20 feet to the ground and the thrusters broke off. It was still a hard landing but the tank lasted we started scouting for discord but once we hit the chocolate rain our radar was screwed up "i think the chocolate rain is messing with our radar." i said "well pop the top and start looking we need to find him before he causes to much chaos." i nodded and popped the hood i put up a protective shield that is only used when driving through raining fire or any other dangerous natural or unatural rain lava etc. and soon we saw discord. "there he is!" kai said as he jumped out and ran torwards it "KAI WAIT!" i yelled but kai was caught in a bubble "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA i knew you were stupid but i didn't think you were that stupid." "hey." "LET KAI GO DISCORD." then nya dropped down with a warthog "NYA GET OUT OF HERE." "HE HAS MY BROTHER." she drove torwards him and then "perfect." "discord said as he released kai and caught nya. "hey you jerk let me go." "ohohohoho i don't simpily let a beautiful girl go you are my prisoner and my bribe." he poofed away "NYAAAA!" jay and kai yelled "don't worry we will get her back but kai what were you thinking?you don't charge an enemy without knowing if he is real and even then you don't charge them." "i know i messed up bad." "but don't worry we all make mistakes even me..." "what do you mean joe you have been more help than we ever could use." "yeah but if i hadn't come here this wouldn't have happened." "no it was destiny he would come here one way or another you coming here was also destiny and we can't stop that." "yeah lets get back to the bounty we can track him from there with a few adjustments.

episode 5:chaos and discord

 we were on the way to discords last known spot "so remind me joseph how does this work?" "simple i have adjusted the systems knowing how the pattern of discords teleportation is, to track those particular patterns giving us a way to follow him." they nodded and we traveled to the last known location of discord but as we traveled he teleported again and then again "what is he doing?" i asked myself "he might be trying to purposely lead us off track." jay said.As he said that i got 5 different signitures all saying they were discord "he cloned himself everyone tak a vehicle and go to the location i want all of you to be on your guard." kai took a pelican with jay and cole and zane while loyd took his golden dragon. kai dropped jay off first "ok now if i was a giant draconequus causing chaos where would i be?" "right here." jay heard his voice and looked around "ok i think i have officially gone insane." "no i am just giving you all you want." a cage appeared with nya in it "jay help!" "NYA!" he ran to the cage "wheres the keys?" "right here." her voice quickly turned to discords voice and he broke the cage and disappeared "j-jay co-me in do you copy?" i said trying to get reception. "yeah i'm here what is it?" "discords signiture disappeared in your area, he must be trying to divide us kai be careful." "ok i am going to pick up jay and we will check the area's together." he got jay and then we checked at the city of oroborus and they found the next discord with a paddleball. "oh it's about time you found me where is joe?" "he stayed behind to track you for us." "wait guys." "yeah?" "his signiture just disappeared....!? RUN!" they ran to try to escape and they were engulfed by the flames of the fireballs that the fake discord unleasehed. i looked at the screen and they were right where they were in a bubble "wait did i do that?" wu walked in seeing what happened "yes even at long distances as long as you have a visual." i clapped twice and it was gone "wow well get back here guys i just lost all three other signitures on discord." they came back and i started briefing "ok i've lost every signiture on discord above and below ground and i doubt he went to another dimension so i will keep on the radar but stay vigilant if you see him i will start after him if you do see him there is a horn on the mast push the button and it will sound and i will go for it." we went to work looking for discord and i saw a bright light on deck and i got on deck "KEEP EYES ON COULD BE A TRAP." we waited a few minutes and we seen a pony figure "drop weapons i think that's-" then celestia came out of the portal with luna "celestia! luna!" i bowed "please you are an alicorn you needn't bow." i got back up and asked "why are you here?" "to help you and the ninja find discord." "well alright you guys show the princess' around the ship and i will keep watch for discord

episode 6: to be magic or to be a pony

 we had gone to bed and i was sleeping soundly in the room with the ninja's and i had to get up to get a drink "uh i hate it when i can't sleep." i walked to the kitchen and found celestia in the kitchen to "...hey...celestia..." "oh hey joe." we stood there looking out the window together "hey joe." "yes?" "mind if i asked you a question?" "i can't sleep so....go ahead." "how do you do it?" "do what?" i asked wondering what she meant "i mean how do you live with all this sadness i mean you got divorced 2 maybe 3 times and then you became an alicorn and back to a pegusus for a while and back to a alicorn and then changed to a pony and you nearly died by big mac and all that other stuff how do you sleep knowing that some of the things you did were wrong and some things you should have done can't be done now?" "well tia sometimes things that you think can be done sometimes get botched and you have to do something you don't want to do and sometimes after that problem gets fixed...even after 1000 years you learn to let it go and say 'it is over i have no reason to worry about it anymore' and sometimes yes you do find another reason to worry about it but at that point all you should do is worry about it when you get there but when you find yourself in a sticky situation like you and nightmare moon you just gotta do what you gotta do even when you don't like it but even so after it is done don't worry about it." "thank you joe i have been thinking know that night." i knew what she meant "i figured this would happen if you came here but keep in mind this is a whole 'nother dimension there is nothing to worry about other than discord the events of equestri hav'nt happened try to relax here now lets get some sleep and we will worry about discord tomarrow i think you need the rest tia." "yeah i do and thanks for the talk joe if you weren't the element of fun i would recognize you as all the elements of harmony."


meanwhile around the corner


"oh tia i had no idea you felt this way." little did we know luna was right there listening "i am glad that i am back with my sister if i wasn't with travis i would ask him to marry both me and celestia but-" "oh hey luna." luna turned around "oh uh hey joe whats up?" "nothing i couldn't sleep so i came to get a drink." "yeah i couldn't sleep either." "ok well i gotta get some rest but we will work on finding discord tomarrow don't worry." then i heard luna thinking 'i wish i could feel like he made celestia feel' "i could if you want." she turned around "wait did you?" "yes." "i just wish that the whole nightmare moon thing hadn't happened." i gave her the same thing i gave celestia but i added a bit for here specifically "but if we get a situation like you and people are scaredv half to death then you have to change so they will learn that you aren't what you were before it's the way everything works just trust me." luna looked at me with a smile on her face "thank you.thou- i mean you are a very kind man joe." we all went to bed and got ready for the heck that was about to unleash tomarrow.

episode 7: the spell of the pony

 we woke up that morning and no one was in the room and i went to see if tia and luna were in their room no one or pony there.i brushed my teeth and so on and i walked out on deck and celestia and luna were standing on deck "where is everyone?" "we don't know we came out to see where they went and they are not around." "huh i wonder if they found discord before we got up and didn't want us to join them or something." just then discord appeared in front of us "well they went on a mission alright but they were captured." with a snap of the fingers he made jay,kai,cole,zane,nya,and loyd appear "GUYS!" "help joe." "don't come for us it's-" before wu could finish they were teleported back to where his base was and he made a move i quickly turned back torwards him again "so if you want to see your freinds again come to my place at the following adress and while you prepare if you don't come immidietly i will be starting the war between all civilizations." he poofed away as i turned to celestia "what do we do tia?" "we have no choice i know a legend from this world there are 6 mystical items that act as the elements of harmony in this world." i gasped hard at the thought "really will they substitute the other elements?" "yes but the ninja will have to be ponies." "you don't mean you have to?" "yes even though the spell i put on you seems permenant i could change you back but i won't.the one i am putting on them can turn them into an unicorn,pegesus or a earth pony according to their skills." "well if it makes them work but i can't do this myself." "yes that is why i will get them out." "but sister you cannot do this alone." "yeah we can help you and even though you say no we will anyways." celestia gave us a look of unhappiness but she sighed heavy "ok but i need to tell you something joe." "yes celestia?" "this neckalace i found out something last night it is the element of fun in this dimension." i gasped "really?" "yes take it and you will become your alicorn self and i will trust that you will be using the training that wu has been giving you." i nodded


a few hour's later


we had arrived at torchfire mountain as we had gotten reports that discord made his base in the underworld "alright everypony get ready there will be spiders more then likely a few skeletons and a lot of other enemies."

episode 8: the plan and the princess

 i got up the following morning and no one or pony was in their rooms.i walked out on deck and i saw celestia and luna on deck "where is everyone?" "we do not know.they said nothing yesterday about leaving but-" then discord appeared "they are at my place so if you want to see your friends." he snapped his fingers and the ninja and nya and wu showed up "then come to my base at the mountain of 1000 steps or they will be sent to the forbidden realm and you will never see them again." he poofed away "well we got our answer." i said as i walked over to a bench to sit down "yes but i need a question.what is this forbidden realm?" i sighed getting ready to tell them what it was "the forbidden realm....worse than the place that the ghosts reside i forgot the name of that though.while the other place has no way out this place has one and one only way out but the other thing is this place has monsters and demons that could kill someone by just patting them to the ground and burying them under rocks." the princess' gasped at this "i will go and get them neither of you need to go." luna and me looked at celestia weird "what you are not going alone we are all in this together." "indeed tia all for one." "and one for all." i finished. celestia looked mad but sighed "ok but try not to get hurt now here's the plan."


we know that discord will be turned back to stone if we use the elements but in order to do that we need the elements of harmony i have heard a rumor in equestria that in each dimension there is a set of elements of harmony so if we find this universes elements of harmony we will need ponies to use them "that's where the ninja and me come in right?" right now i have a map made by some scholars drew showing the location of each we will go find them joe you stay here and get to the mountain we will not be long then when we go into the mountain i will turn the ninja into ponies and we will be able to turn discord back to stone then we will turn you all back and we will leave so this place is safe.


it sounded more complex than needed but it was foolproof "ok i will pilot the bounty over the mountain and you get the elements i will meet you there.


with the ninjas


kai's pov


i was sitting in the cage waiting for joe or celestia or someone to come and help but i was impatient "so anyone for a game of chess?" discord asked us "what do you want with us?" "you are merely a bribe to get the elements and ensure that there are no distractions on my route to chaos." "well i know joe has a plan just you wait."


wu's pov


i knew that joseph woud come and with the elements but i had to keep myself calm and meditate so i could build my power otherwise discord would destroy us and send us to the forbidden realm even though i know that he will anyway i needed to wai

side episode 1: finding the first 3 elements

celestia pov


i walked up the mountain and once i reached the top i started to push snow aside with my magic and soon enough i found the element of loyalty "finally now to find the element of kindness." i flew to the toxic bogs and found the element of kindness deep in the bog i brought the element up with my magic and cleaned it off and placed it in the saddlebag "ok now for the element of generosity that is in the cloud kingdom." she teleported to the cloud kingdom and found the head writer "hello i am-" "celestia i know and you are looking for the element of generosity i have it here please get rid of discord for us he is not meant to be here." i nodded and went on my way to the bounty 'i hope luna is doing ok.'

side chapter 2: finding the other elements

 luna pov


i went to chen's island to find the element of laughter and surprising enough it was right on top of the tower inside i grabbed the element and a trap opened beneth me but i was flying so it closed 'figures chen would have trapps set yet.' i went to the temple of the first spinjitzu master and as i approached the element the floor collapsed again and i simpily flew over the floor to grab the element of honesty.Next the final element the element of magic was at the evil island the overlord was stuck on for so long i flew to the center and i grabbed the element of magic 'wait' i thought 'this is too easy' all of the sudden a trap closed in on me and i teleported the elements to joe and i seen discord walk up "well well well."

episode 9: the lunar rescue

 i was in the cabin and the bounty was set course for mountain of 1000 steps and i seen celestia flying torwards the ship she landed and i asked "where's luna?" "i thought she was here." "............." we were silent for a second and the other 3 elements popped up in front of me "wait but i thought-" we heard a teleport sound on deck we ran out to the deck and discord was there with a new hostage it was "LUNA!" i heard celestia yell "WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING DISCORD!" "i told you what i am planning but now i have a new hostage bring the elements to me at the mountain of 1000 steps and i will let you and your freinds live and i will go and cause chaos." he poofed away and tia landed on the ground saddened bu the thought of luna caught "hey tia don't get down we can still save them we have the elements but......OH CRUD I FORGOT THE ELEMENT OF FUN." "no i have it." she pulled off her necklace "the legends said that the necklace i posess is the element of fun from this universe i guess me and luna's parents were big explorer's but here you take it you will need it more than me." i looked at her funny "your not coming in with me?" "no i fear my safty as well as everyone else's and i would only attract attention." "fubar to that but i think you would be a great help." "no i want you to go alone now take the elements and this spell use it on the ninja and they will turn to ponies so you can use the elements." "i am more worried about getting them out then doing that." she nodded we arrived at the top and i scaled down but i noticed something poke me as i landed at the bottom i looked around the door the other serpentine stayed in was open so i walked in and as i walked in what i saw was so unspeakable i could not explain it.i flew up to the top to get celestia "CELESTIA." i screamed as i landed "what is something wrong?" "well you could say that but.....well i think you should come and see this...." she had a look of horror on her face we flew down and i motioned her to go look she had the same reaction.Almost all the antagonists were here from the pony universe ahuizotle,chrystalis,sombra,glimmer,trixie,tirek who is currently trying to catch me in my world,and one gigantic dragon not a good one like the one the ninja keep though. "mother of luna it's unbeleivable we need to get the ponies." "wait i have been practicing my magic let me try something but first can clones of the mane 6 use elements i conjure?" "maybe but it requires a large amount of magic." i nodded an went to work on the conjuration "ok here goes........!?" I heard something and a cage was around us "so the great celestia and the newly made prince joseph." "discord what do you want?" "what do i-I TOLD YOU ALREADY now i will lock you up with your friends and nothing will stand in our way AHAHAHAHAHAAHA." they went out of the caves and we were set up with the ninja "we are sorry joe we tried to warn you but-" "no worrys me and celestia have the elements of harmony each of you take one we are getting rid of this evil once and for all." "but which ones do we take?" loyd asked confused " loyd when i came here you trusted me not to betray you that took real loyalty." "and i don't regret it." "kai when you took my xbox and tried to hide it and you decided to give me it now that was some honesty." "i still want one." celestia knew exactly what i was doing "jay when you tried to make flying a pelican fun and we all lost but didn't care now that was a laugh." "i still say you cheated." "cole when ou decided to give me 10,000 bucks that was a lot of generosity." "yeah i kinda regret it but-" "zane when you created all that stuff in 5 seconds that to me was magic." "just a talent my systems have." "and nya when i tried to fly but i hit a rock and almost drowned that was a real kindness." "guilty as charged." "and when i made all the stuff to help us with the fight so far it was all for fun." and then as i thought all the elements hit their marks and celestia's necklace detattched from her and attatched to me "and all together we are...THIS WORLDS ELEMENTS OF HARMONY." and then i giagantic explosion.discord seen this and said "oh no everyone hide we will meet up later." they split up and we came blowing out with wu and onto the deck of the bounty "what was that joseph?" wu asked "that sensei is the new roles of the ninja."


insert introduction scene here


"kai is now the ninja of honesty which is orange."

"loyd is the element of loyalty which is red."

"jay is the element of laughter which is cyan."

"cole is the element of generosity which is pink."

"oh you've got to be kidding me."

"zane is the element of magic which is purple."

"nya is the element of kindness which is green."

"and i as the element of fun am now the element of fun which is yellow."


"together we will bring these evils to rest and send them back to equestria but for now keep brining your skills to their best i will tutor you all."

episode 10: the new training

 we woke up the following morning and started training with kai


"ok kai we will start with you this is a simulation the plot you took a brand new xbox 1 and you have a decision you can return it to it's owner, keep it, or destroy it and do nothing." kai looked at me with a face saying this is so stupid "it is your training." i started the simulation "the owner of it is the 20 year old in the market." kai walked over to the said man and talked to him i watched and pretty soon kai got punched and the man took the xbox 1 back i walked over to him "what happened there kai?" "i tried to buy it from him and that happened....." i shook my head "we have a lot of work to do." we went over to zane who i had thought would do overall well but when he tried to throw a palm sized rock it almost dropped on celestia "my apologies princess." "it is quite alright zane." i thought to myself 'this is gonna take a while....'




we had been working on this for a week now and zane mastered basic spells and combat spells,and the others have abilities beyond belive "i think it is time for us to find discord." "JOE." i heard nya yell as she and celestia ran torwards me and the ninja. "it's discord he has been shown in the snake pits under ninjago city." "oh no discord is finally making his move." it was time for us to banish discord for good "alright everyone lets get ready and i will stay here for now to conjure up reinforcements." "but joseph i said it would take all your magic." "i know celestia.....i know." she nodded and i began the spell.They took the pelicans and flew over to new ninjago city and the city was in chaos "my gosh it's horrible..." nya said as they saw the city in ruins with things going wrong at every turn "NYA WATCH OUT!" nya looked through the window to see a giant snake "that is not..........." it was though.


the great devourer (in control)




"TURN THE PELICAN AROUND!" nya and zane turned it around as fast as they could and barely escaped "wait why is he not consuming the city?" zane analyzed the devourer "it seems it is under the control of discord." zane stated "so we need to take out discord to make it go boom again." and they started to think of a plan and the pelican shook again "we will have to get out of here i can't think with this shaking." they flew out of the city with nothing else to do and got back to the ship.

episode 11a: the beggining of the end

 i was almost finished with the spell when all of the sudden i heard the guys yelling "what the-" i was cut off by a pelican crashing and i seen the ninja hit the deck "what just HAPPENED!?" i yelled as they looked at me with terrifyed looks "why are you-"jay cut me off "HE HAS THE GREAT DEVOURER!" ".......haha for a second i thought you said-" "we did joe." i changed to the same look "oh god please no no no." we looked at the ocean "if that is true i need this spell now." i started to try to conjure the spell one last time and all of the sudden BOOM......i looked up after getting knocked halfway across the ship and seen that i was succesful they were real and ready for an amount of time "i did it....i really did it." they looked around to make sure it was real "uh joseph what in the hay is this?" aj asked as if she was insane "i brought you here because i need your help." they looked funny at me "what with?" rarity asked "i can answer that." twilight spoke up and the other 11 looked at her "what do you mean twi?" kai asked "remember he told me-well the princess told me." the looked at her for a minute "well?" dash asked impatient "it's discord, he has taken the soul of a great evil and turned the snakes against each other." we all dropped our jaw "i figured you would be surprised.celestia has kept me informed." oh thats how she knows "alright everypony get ready i am going to regain my energy we will have to be quick because you guys only have a limited time in this world." they nodded


5 hours later


i walked out on deck "ok i have my power, now i need to gather the force." i took out a pokeball "allright pokemon numero uno." i thought of the desired pokemon BOOM "KELLLDEO." i readyed the pokeball "POKEBALL GO." i caught the keldeo then i got virizon and the other 2 sacred sword members "alright now when we get there i will be repowered and i will summon the army to help us in the battle."


2 hours later


we were in pelicans to get to the city aand we arrived on scene "holy luna..." twi said "yeah and it will get much worse if we don't stop discord now does everybody have their element?" "YEP." they all said "good now lets go." we all jumped and hit the ground and i started the incantation



(translation to greek: i call upon the soldiers of halo, hear my call i require your strength)

Καλώ τους στρατιώτες της άλω , να ακούσει την έκκλησή μου i απαιτούν τη δύναμή σας


the ground started to rumble as it opened up and 10,000 spartan soldiers and were ready to fight with weapons of all sorts


"how did you-" "i know a thing or two from my world." i said as i grinned "SPARTANS WE ARE HERE TO RID THE CITY OF DISCORD!" i projected a image on to a wall "THIS IS YOUR TARGET.SPARTANS.....TONIGHT WE DINE IN EQUESTRIA!" they cheered loudly with their guns in the air and prepared for the attack.Mean while i could tell celestia was nervous with all the guns around and the fight coming "hey ok?" she jumped when my hand touched her shoulder "uh yes joe i am just-" "yeah i know but don't worry they have bullets that can only sting their enemies not make them bleed do not worry." "i know i am just worryed about if discord wins." "i know but we have to be confident or we will not win trust me." celestia nodded and we readyed ourselves for battle.


will they win the battle? will discord be defeated or will he take over the universe? find out in the final episode of the book

episode 11b: the end of the monsters

 we readied ourselves as we were about to attack discord and the great devourer and then i got to the front "ALLRIGHT SPARTANS READY YOUR SPARTAN LAZERS AND YOUR ROCKETS WE ARE ABOUT TO ENTER THE DANGER ZONE." i yelled as we all split up into groups of 2500 each and we began to search the city i was with the ninja and the mane 6 that had 10 hours left "remember we need to find discord before our ten hours are up to get all the power we need or we can't take down discord." they nodded and we kept our eyes and ears open "allright squads report in." i said to get reports on squads alpha,beta,omega,and delta "delta reporting in nothing aside from some weird stuff we'll keep looking though." delta had nothing "beta reporting we have lots of snakes here but no discord or devourer." another dud "omega reporting we see some kinda movement should we stand by for reinforcements to check it?" "yes wait for delta squad they are en route.Delta squad you copy?" i waited for a minute "delta do you read?" still static "omega can you find delta squad they are not responding i will have the other 2 teams check that location over." "rodger heading to last known-" cut short "omega do you read?" nothing "well that's just perfect." kai walked over to me "what is it?" i looked at him "well i have 2 squad unresponsive and 2 squads seperated which is worse-oh no." kai looked worriedly at me "what?" "alpha,beta do you read?" "yes we are all together sir." "good find me and hurry they are picking you off one group at a time." "rodger sir we will hurry." i walked to the edge of the street "celestia can you get us to the top of the building?" "i could try." celestia teleported us to the top and the ninja looked sick "you'll get used to it.alpha squad do you copy?" "yes sir we are here but there is some sort of field can you see it?" i looked around "yes i am on top of a building i see it anything inside?" "yes......IT"S DELTA AND OMEGA!" "ok don't engage wait for us where you are and we will be right there do not disobey orders." "yes sir." i walked to the edge of the buildings "celestia can you fly?" "yes i can." "good kai nya you take the ponies in one pelican jay cole we have the others." everyone nodded as i conjoured some pelicans and we got in to meet alpha and beta


1 hour later


we arrived to the location to see alpha and beta standing by "what's the word?" "it appears they cant see us, we tried to grab their attention but we got no reaction." i looked at the barrier "ok HERE"S THE PLAN I WANT EVERYONE TO RELOAD IF YOU NEED TO IF THIS IS A TRICK WE NEED TO BE READY and you guys get the elements ready." they nodded and when everyone was reloaded and the elements were ready we entered the dome unaware of what might await us.As we entered the dome we saw delta and omega "hey guys!" i yelled but as we got closer and closer and when i tryed to grab a troop the disappeared "ON GUARD!" the held their weapons at ready and then i heard a gigantic rumble "what the-" i turned around and the dome disappeared to reveal


the great devourer (monsterous snake)



"oh my god FIRE EVERYTHING HIT IT HARD DON"T WASTE TIME SHOOT IT GOD DANG IT!" i yelled as everyone started shooting it in the head "IF HE"S HERE DISCORD CANT BE FAR!" we looked around and discord was sitting at the far back outside of the dome watching and waving "dang it celestia can we knock the shield out?" "yes the elements should go straight through but this will take enormous power from you.....are you sure you want to do this?" "i am sure if i don't the whole galaxie will suffer including equestria." she nodded "GIVE ME TIME TO BUILD UP POWER HIT THE TOP OF IT'S HEAD." and everyone sot it heavily on the head i needed time to gain power but i was afraid it woul take time but then "joseph i need to help take my magic power." i looked at celestia as if she was crazy "i can give you enough to get discord but keep myself going." "i can help too." luna said "thank you and if i don't make it i will see you later....." they nodded and i readied myself "here goes." the started the transmission of the power and i felt pain "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD OF L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-LORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDD."i hit the ground once it was done and got up "whooooa this is....intresting." i nodded to the ninja and the mane 6 who had only 3 hours left so if we fail this shot then we fail everything "alright gather up......if we don't make's been an honor ninja."we nodded and the spell started "together the power of freindship will pull through except this time we have twice the power." celestia and luna watched weakily as we preformed the spell and then BABOOOOM the even bigger rainbow shot out and went torwards discord and hit the barrier "HAHAHAHAHAHA you think that will get through-"discord was interupted by a cracking sound made by the barrier "oh cru-" he barely finished when the barrier broke and hit discord "NOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW." and he quickly turned to stone. we collapsed to the ground as the mane 6 disappeared as their time was up "JOE!" celestia and luna screamed as the spartans and devourer were destroyed quickly


10 days later


i woke as i felt a gigantic headache "OOOOWWWWWW that hurts." i got up and seen some empty beds and i was in what looked like a hospital.i walked out into the lobby to see that everyone and celestia and luna were waiting "JOE!" i heard as i was surrounded by hugs from the ninja "OK this is nice but i am losing......oxygen........" they let go of me "we thought you were gone after that." "yes all that magic you took and expelled really took you out." i nodded and asked "so now what?" wu walked into the room "now we take everyone home." kai,jay,nya,loyd,cole,and zane looked at wu "why sensei he has taught us a new way to fight." "yes but while he was out a message from an old freind popped up." he gave it to me and i couldn't beleive my eyes "'s" everyone gasped "open it joe." kai said.I opened it and read aloud what it said


Dear joseph


             i felt a large rumble iin the house a couple days ago and walked into the playroom to see you going through some sorta portal.But when i seen loyd i knew why.Yes i do remember wu and i will never forget him even though i didn't live to see him become the master sensei he is now i can still tell he help you well against the evil that plagued ninjago.Whatever it was i felt it just now and decided it was time to send you a message telling you that i am proud that it is over but your mother is getting worryed.I told her you were on a class trip but she is getting suspicious so get back here before i have to reveal my secret


sincerely your sensei father donald bresina


i almost cried to see my dads handwriting and telling me this "i guess it IS time for us to go you two." i said to celestia and luna "indeed equestria needs it's leaders." luna nodded.I opened the portal to equestria for the princesses "i will see you tonight." they nodded "now loyd if you will." loyd gave sensei the gem and he opened the portal only to stop me "wait before you go.....please give this letter to don." i nodded and went through "and come back are more than capable." i nodded one last time.

back home (bonus chapter)

 i arrived in the playroom where i wnet through to be greeted by dad "well well well." i looked at him funny "what?" "don't worry i remember now." i smiled at dad "so how did you find out?" he walked into my room and i followed "i seen the tv and then i knew you were doing the right thing." i looked at the tv to see ninjago, and the funny thing is i seen myself and a portal and then when i walked through i saw the ninja turn torwards the screen "hey joe we know you can here us....and we would like to say.....thank you." wu spoke next "we have learned of a new fighting technique thanks to you....the power of friendship." i smiled and said "they will have new challenges now dad.i will return if i am needed badly and help them....when do you think that will be?.......master" i askaed as i turned torwards my dad "that all depends son......will the 6 ninja lean how to use the power you taught them?" i smiled and looked back at the screen "maybe sensei i do not know." he looked back at me "alright call me dad for now.lets get some pizza before mom gets suspicious."



so there you go this is what happens when i try to make a fanfiction when my little pony is on my brain but still good overall please favorite and i hope you enjoyed this lego ninjago program


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.08.2015

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