
the portal

it started like any other day I started up my Minecraft Xbox 360 and I found enough obsidian after 5 days in real life ( FYI very good seed I can't remember) and when I started the portal the screen went black and I thought "da wat" and after a few seconds I blacked out and when I woke I thought "ok still in normal form so nothing out of the ordinary.....YET" I walked around and I thought omg I am lost and then I heard some rustling in the bush and I thought "Oh god I better hide." so I hide in a nearby bush and when I saw what was there I thought '" I pretended I just woke up and walked out and said "ugh what happened and where am i.......HOLY MUTHER OF GOD RUNNNNN!" I ran back in the bush and curled up in a ball and waited. one of them walked over and asked "umm hello?" I looked at them and asked "who and what are you?" they looked at each other and I took note of there being 6 of them "I could ask the same about you but I think I know what you are." I said "yeah I think I know what you are and I think you are a pony of Equestria right." they just looked at me and asked, " did you know?" "well if I am correct this is Equestria and in my world we have pictures and episodes of your heroism and the parasprites....." they looked at each other with a little guilt "ok you know us but who are you sugarcube?" the cowgirl looking one said it was at that moment I fell in love but I stayed calm " um my name is Joseph Bresina but you can call me Joe." they looked at the purple one and asked "ok so what do you think of it twilight?" I knew it was no dream " well if I am correct with the study I think it is a homo erectus aka human." "Wow, a human?" Applejack said, "wow I think I should get ready for a party for him an extra special party I'll get everybody ready in the mean time show him around and i." "it's ok Pinkie I think I know ponyville." all them looked at me "you know all of our names, you know where and what everything in ponyville is and you are a human...any other surprises you have for us Joe?" rainbow dash asked me "....not really anything else is not important at this moment or I don't need to tell you yet." "ok well let's get out of this forest it really gives me the creeps." Twilight said, "let me guess you know what the everfree forest is too?" "yes i know about the everfree forest and these things are very normal in my world unless the animals are in a zoo." so we walked into  ponyville and I was introduced to everybody-i mean every pony and we then sat down in the library were i was introduced to Fluttershy "what is the...that thing?" she asked Twilight explained how I got here and what I am and Fluttershy understood and we all went to bed but not before asking me "wait where am I sleeping tonight?" "well y'all could sleep in the barn if ya don't mind." I simply replied "you know what I don't mind at all." so we went to bed and I slept in the barn.........I AM IN LOVE

troubles in the apple family

 the next morning applejack decided to introduce me to the apple family i hoped she didn't notice my nervousness " don't be nervouse." too late "the apple family is a nice family and we don't hurt anypony unless we get hurt by them got it?" "yeah trust me if i tried to hurt someone i would lose badly i am kinda weak....." "oh shucks don't worry if you get hurt i'l help ya." jackpot i just gained her trust making her my friend.She introduced me to the apple family which took not long at all and i didn't mind. "hey can y'all buck apples?" "buck apples? i can pick them with my hands." she looked at me "what ya mean?' i walked over to an apple tree and showed her how tall lto tree was compared to me "well a'll be darned with you we could collect apples twice as fast......I MEAN if ya want to...." i looked at her "you know what with you i could pick AND buck apples all day." "yeah well talk is cheap lets get bucking and pickin." we picked and bucked for a good 3 hours and after the day ended we were heading into the house and big mac stood at the entrance to the door and said "applejack head inside." "big bro don't start anything now." "go." she went inside and mac said "listen i know whats going on ypu are trying to get my sis to be with you well i won't allow it!" he turned around and i was about to run when all the sudden BAM i blacked out....the last thing i heard was applejack telling me to wake up i woke up and big mac was sitting behind her and she asked "are you ok joe big mac bucked you and you got knocked out." she looked at him with a glare " i'm fine and big mac...." he couldn't even look at me "i won't press charges i am nicer than that but please let her make the decisions." "she looked at him "what did you....were you lookin after me again?" "...eyup..." she looked at him with a 'do you think i'l allow this?' face "look i just think that he'll break your heart like all the other ponies did.....and he ain't a pony." "what are you talking about i don't love him." well there goes that idea "i mean it's just that..." "just?" he looked at her with a serious face "i need more time to decide on that with him....." oh my god i think she does she just can't admit it YES. "now lets just lie you down and get some rest.From that day to the next i was happy

big mac is overprotective

 New day new life aside from yesterday WHICH i won't talk about.Now then lets see what applejack is doing.I went to talk with her and she was getting ready for a party with pinkie and she asks me "hey listen the party fer you is comin up you if i had ta ask?" "well yeah i'm goin isn't it for me?" "well yeah but the thing is......" i looked at her "what?" "do you 'mumble'?" "i am sorry what was that?" "do you want to go to the party as 'mumble mumble?" "can you speak up please?" "I SAID DO YOU WANT TO GO TO THE PARTY AS MY DATE?" i looked for a second....."really?" "well yeah i thought you seem ta be a nice man/pony so i thought.....why not?" "well sure but i need a tux first." "thats fine no one will care just go." "ok i will." we walked to the door and when we reached the door i opened it and guess who BIG MAC BUCKED ME FOR A SECOND TIME WHY.




"ugh what i in the hospital?" i looked around and seen the ponies of ponyville and big mac in handcuffs "listen joseph ah'm very sorry fer the way i treated yah and i didn't mean it i just wanted to be sure aplejack was insafe hands and-" i stopped him "it's fine big mac let him go i am not pressing charges." "but he-" "let him go." i said before they uncuffed him "i am ok i just need a few days to recover did the docter say anything" yeah 4 months ago." "ok four-FOUR MONTHS AGO!?" "yeah you were knocked out a long time some thought you were dead." "y...yeah we were almost ready to give up on you." a few days passed and everything was peaceful and a few months passed after i got let out and then i was about to be drafted

the beginning of the end

 one day i was sitting in the home of the apple family playing a video game that button masher gave me and i heard a whistle outside "that sounds like.....!? HIT THE DECK!" everyone hit the ground as half of the house got destroyed "get everyone in ponyville to canterlot NOW." they hustled to get the word out as i inspected it with apple jack " what is it joe?" "hmm it smells like....oh no,no,no,no NO." she looked at me "what is it evil?" "you could say that...THATS IT i know how to get help you get everyone to canterlot GO." i started making the sos out of mechanics and everyone was at canterlot when i arrived i seen twilight. "JOSEPH!" "yeah what is happening?" "in one of my games a enemy called.....the covanant are one heck of an alien race and it looks like...." we all heard a giant WHOOOSE sound and a covanant carrier showed up "they are here by blind jump." " and applejack said you sent an sos to someone.....or thing?" "yes they are human as i am but they have-" i was interupted by the royal fanfare yes i said ROYAL and followed by PRINCESS celestia "you who are you?" "princess this is the one i told you about and he has nothing to do with that....THING that showed up." "yes well i hope since he has information on them he knows-" she was stopped by another giant WHOOSE "and there is our help." "ok so what do we do now uhh name please?" "my name is joseph but call me joe for now." "yes um joe i will follow you and the six will also come can you find their position?" "yes ummm they landed in.....oh god." they all looked at me "what is it joe is it a dangerous spot and it's celestia." rainbow asked as if wanting danger. "you could say that...they landed in the everfree forest." they looked at me as if i was crazy "nonetheless we must go and get their help." "um yeah about that when we reach the spot i will have to go out first so they know we are freindly." they agreed and we went to seek our aid i called

making new friends

 when we reached the crash sight i walked out and they asked "halt name and date of birth." "name joseph david bresina date of birth august 18 1999." "ok wait were you followed?" "well i have some freinds to help us." they put their guns at ready "what kind of freinds." "trust me if i told you you would NOT beleive me." they looked at me "answer it!" "ok they are..............ponies." they looked confused "ponies?" "yes now come out guys." the ponies and princess came out "hello young sir." the princess said they allowed us to go see the captain but not before explaining how i got here from earth "well first tell me the name of this beaut I just love interspace ships like the infinity that was a good ship." "oh yeah the name of this one is the exodus," " and the name of the captain?" they looked around "uhh i kinda forgot we all forget OH WAIT i remember now it was captain norris barr come right this way sir you may come too.....ponies." we all went to the deck and twilight was very intrested in all the technology. "captain here is the person and ........ponies that sent for our help." "well well well name and date of birth?" they stated my name and date of birth and how i got here and he simply replied "well son you know anything about fighting?" "well let me put it this way i played a game on earth where i played as master cheif and destroyed one covanant carrier in a cut scene and i destroyed one on halo reach so.......yes yes i do." they just looked at me "well get down to the armoury we will take these ponies and ask some questions about the planet." "yes sir captain norris sir." they took me down to the armoury and got me suited up in a spartan suit and gave me the name of the covanant crusher which i was very happy with.We went back to the bridge and all the ponys looked at my blazing green armour and i said "miss me girls?" applejack walked up to me and asked "what happened ta you big man?" i replied "i just got an upgrade for now." "alright so as you know there was a plasma blast followed by a covanant carrier blind jumping you said?" "yes sir." "so i would be guessing they were right above ponyville from the start." we looked at him "really so that might have been a plasma cannon from the ship?" "yes but we're guessing it was a corvet." that actually makes sence. "wait..." we heard thumping "oh that?thats just master cheif." "...sweet i get to meet my hero now and fight with him." as he walked in he seen me and said "cortana scan this spartan." "scanning it is a human but from earth and a large amount of slipspace around him." he held me to the wall "ok spill it elite." "wait cheif i am human but i came from earth in a portal it's true." "cheif he's right how could he get that much slipspace on him." he let me go "so how did they get here?" he asked pointing to the carrier "well i think they cam here by blind jump explaining the giant sound e heard in canterlot." "agreed i think i should leave this to you but not before making a treaty because we are a kind people,not violent." they shook hands-er hand and hoof on it and i got to my plan "ok so in halo 2 you cheif took the bomb that the covanant planted on the station and delivered it personally and in halo reach i took the bomb via pelican and some other space craft and so that ended with losing one man because the timer was fried and a warp bomb going off and taking half the covey ship with it so what are we doing?" everyone looked at eachother "well if we can get one of those bombs aboard the corvet and get it close we could do that?" "yes but we need to activate it safely so we don't take ourselves with it like jorge did." cortana gasped "what is it cortana?" cheif asked "i know jorge was-." cortana finished "her son he was halseys son." everyone stopped for a second to pray and we got to work on getting the warp bomb ready "sir we got coveys scouting the town and one.......filly?" i thought 'oh no apple bloom' "get me down there now cheif come on thats applebloom i need to save her." "you heard the man lets go take some troops you'll need help." "don't worry we got this." they dropped us by pelican not too far and i got my sniper out "you know the drill cheif standard formation little bastards upfront big ones in back lindsey what are we looking at?" i asked my ai that was a copy of cortana "we are looking at 3 fuel rod cannons and 2 carbines." i got my sniper ready and cheif got his battle rifle ready "alright cheif bomb in the middle of the street and when i say blow it." cheif went out and planted it.As they came up to the designated spot....BOOOOOM we looked to see for anything left and one grunt in which i popped his head off with his methane tank "i love doin that." we went to see if apple bloom was alright "stay away from me i don't want to die!" "apple bloom it's me joe." she looked at me "what happened?" "long story your sis will fill you in cheif pelican now." "on it." we packed up got on and dropped her at canterlot and went back to pick up the bomb and headed for the corvet.

a close call and goodbye

 when we reached the corvet i went to the dock and disabled the feild for the pelican and it came in we had a few solders proecting it and we went to put the corvet on course after killing all the elites we returned to an all out fight i got on top of the pelican and sniped three elites and everyone but me and cheif were dead i asked lindsy "give me a eta aspa." "eta 30 minutes." "ok cheif start the bomb and lets go." cheif seet the timer and rolled it out and we headed for the surface of the planet and went to canterlot to watch the fireworks and just in time by the time we got back BOOOOOOM it went off a few days later they went home and gave me a ceramony "joseph david bresina for your heroism we present you with the honorary medal that proves you are worthy of fighting with us and we will allow you to keep your ai and we will give you a pedestal for you to put her on." from that day on i indeed was happy until the day i decided i am asking her.

popping the question to my love

 it had been over 6 months after the coveys were destroyed and i had a happy life so i decided to relax until... "hey joe the grand galloping gala is coming up and i have to ask you a question that night." "ok when should i show up?" "umm how about uhhh 6:30?" "that'll be fine." so i got ready to go and i was nevous i got all my things ready i got the tux rarity gave me and i went over the night and i talked to her "hey joe i'm glad yer here." "yeah so what did you need?" i got ready to be asked to go with her and she asked "so could you.......look over the farm wile i'm at the gala?" i was surprised and disappointed "um sure i'l get right to it..." "thanks joe." i got to work while she went of in the carriage and i hated every moment that i wasn't in that carriage and i just went to work "so she left you here ta tend to the farm with me?" i looked it was big mac and he was sitting there with a smile "yeah and?" "and y'all are a little angry i recon." i just went back to work and an hour later i said "THATS IT I CAN NOT DO THIS I AM GOING TO GO TO EVERFREE TELL AJ I DON"T EVEN CARE ANYMORE." and i stormed off

over with aj sje was just arriving at the gala when the princess was standing there they all bowed but she was confused "um twilight where might joseph be?" they looked at eachother and twilight asked aj "where is he applejack?" "well...i kinda.....made him stay at the barn to take care of it while we were here :)........" they looked at her and she put on a face of guilt and said "OK i made a mistake i just wasn't thinking lets go get him...." the only thing is when they came to the barn i was nowhere "where did he go i told him to clean the barn?" they found the tracks leading to the everfree and said "oh no this is bad....wait whats that?" they all quieted to hear a faint crying "IT"S JOE I KNOW THAT VOICE ANYWHERE!" apple jack yelled.They ran to find me and they found me. "applejack....." "joseph....." we stared for a few minutes and i said "you know forgot me and i don't care goodbye..." i ran torwards the cliff and jumped off they all gasped and rainbow hurried to catch me and she stopped my fall just in time "RAINBOW PLEASE WHY DID YOU STOP ME I WANTED THIS IF YOU COULDN"T TELL!" she looked at me "joseph just because aj forgot you does'nt mean she meant it..." "I DON"T CARE I HAD A QUESTION FOR HER I WAS GOING TO ASK HER AT THE GALLA AND I WAS GONG TO ASK HER TO........." i had my eyes closed untill we got to the top "......." i went silent and fell to the ground in shame " ok?" they looked at me "yeah but my life sucks now...hehe this reminds me of when i was in 2nd grade i always said i would kill myself and i almost did it.........but now i feel stupid and now we have no time to get to the grand galloping galla." "don't worry joe we will still make it." and the princess teleported us to the galla and i realised finally i can ask her my question. "so joe....what did you want to ask me?" i almost forgot "well first...ATTENTION PLEASE!" i got everyones attention "I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION FOR SOMEPONY." everyon looked at eachother confused.i got down on my knee in front of applejack who looked VERY confused and presnted the thing she loved most a apple ruby red gem ring. "apple jack even though i barely even met you and you know me so well....will you marry me?" everyone gasped and twilight gasped even more "..........." i looked down "well....i tri-" "YES JOE I WILL MARRY YOU." i was so happy i thought i could die i was ready for anything in this world and so for the next few days i got ready

getting ready for the best and worst day ever

 the first spot i went with aj is raritys to get our dress and tux then we went over to pinkies to get the wedding cake that the cakes made speacially for us and then we checked in with everyone else i was ready for what was about to happen.


somewhere else in ponyville


"spike grab me that tray i need more informaation." spike followed her comand and got the tray "twilight why are you getting worked up it's just aj's wedding." twilight turned around slowly " you know what will happen if they get married spike?" spike thought for a second "ummm no...:)" "why is that not surptrising...if they get married aj might not be able to save equestria when they time comes and she might be too busy to help what if discord is relesed again?" spike thought...."oh man i hate it when you do this twi..."


back at the farm


"ok so we got the cake,the after party is here,we got our dress and tux,and pinkies getting party supplies....anything else?" "umm one thing...are we doing anything speacial for our honeymoon?" i looked at her "oh baby of course we're doing a speacial night for our honey moon i'll do anything you want to do." she looked at me with a smile "oh you really know how ta please a girl thanks hon." we gave each other a pack and went to bed


the following morning


oh yeah the day of me and aj's wedding i just hope nothing bizare happens ok so i had a rough year but that does,nt mean i shouldn't enjoy myself.we took a carrage to the wedding and she was the first to walk in and i walked in looking happy than ever and when i got there i happily faced her celestia strated "mares and gental colts we are gathered here to join this human and mare in holy matramony but first if anypony has any objection speak now or forever hold your peace." twilight stood up "i object." oh boy here we go "you see if they get married then applejack won't be able to save equestria and then things will happen and she won't be able to help period." i thought 'dang she has a compelling point' "twilight y'all just hush now there ain't anything you can say ta make us think otherwise and-" "no aj she has a point if i marry you equestria might be in trouble and equestria might....somehow be destroyed,enslaved,ect,ect." they all looked at twilight "what?'s true i looked at all the possabilitys." "so i guess now i'l just go." i said as i ran out the door "JOSEPH WAIT!" i didn't listen.I ran as fast as i can and entered the everfree and as i was running i ran into a maticore i cowered and all of the sudden it was down on the ground and i looked it was.....TRIXIE!?. "look i know who you are but you could be of use hehehe." i asked her "why do you need me trixie?" "all revealed later for now sleep my new child...." i looked into her eyes and all of the sudden i was in controll of her but eyes.....mindcontrol.....oh my god it's CHRYSTALIS

oh my celestia.....i mean luna

 after i figured out that it was christalis it was too late i was given a game called 'pony wars 2 the death of luna' i knew what it meant but i put it in my xbox after i got home in my universe and i went to the final level and deafeted luna but after i defeated her she used the rest of her magic on me i realised what happened. "OH MY GOD LUNA!" i ran over to their universe and ran to her "oh my clestia luna i am sorry i was under control by chrstalis and-" she looked at me "it is ok we can regenerate like docter whooves but chrystalis will be dealt with later." i looked at the entrance and sure enough the mane 6 came into the room and asked what happened "well after i ran out of the wedding i found who i thought to be trixy but it turned out it was chrystalis and she took control of me and i almost killed luna." they told me how they thought it would've happened so all was forgiven and after 2 months i decided to get back on the market

the look for the new girl

 as i was looking for a new girl i was thinking about a lot of girls but then i thought wait what about vinyl scratch.She gave me a message giving me a look at her eyes and i have heard her voice before it would be perfect because we both love music.the only thing is i don't know how to tell applejack but i went to her to tell her. "hey aj i got something to tell you." "oh really what is it sugarcube?" i looked at her "well i think it might be time for us to find others it's just i found someone else and i think it would be easy if we were just freinds." she looked at me "th-thats ok i can live with that." "thanks for ok?" "yeah i'l be fine." i went out the door and thought 'boy i think i hurt her...' over with aj ".....BIG MAC." big mac came down the stairs "yeah aj?" "get...the....bucking horns...." big mac looked at her "why so little one if this is because of joe he ran out because it was for equstria." she looked at him "yeah he just showed up and said he found someone new...." he looked angry "oh that little squirt is so getting it GRANNY WHERE DID YA PUT THE BUCKIN HORNS?" "IN THE BARN."


back in my universe


i was playing a game when rainbow dash talked to me "JOE THERES TROUBLE BIG MAC AND AJ ARE COMING TO HURT YOU!" i looked at her "...GOD DANG IT I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN. get me to canterlot and make sure i don't get hurt get the other ponys and place guards outside my door." she went right to work and when i got there i was in the air and i recalled for her to find steve from minecraft and have him start mining we found him and we started mining and they found us i went to get bed rock and i placed it all around me and celestia teleported us to the entrance with a barrier around us "ok what is going on?" we looked at her i hid behind her "THEY WANTED TO HURT ME BECAUSE I SAID I WAS SEEING SOMEONE ELSE THAT WASN"T AJ BECAUSE IT WOULDN"T WORK OUT." "so you decided to ATTACK HIM?" "well yes because i didn't like the idea of that." "ok you both got to apolagize and forget about this." "ok we're sorry joe." i said sorry because i should have let her down gentaler. then i knew i was ready.

getting to know vinyl

 ok so when i was getting ready to meet vinyl i figure 'hey she likes music so i'l give her a sample of my music' so i got my red hot chillie peppers discs and headed over.i knocked on the door "one second." i heard someone talking inside "hey tavi can you get that?" "i really wish you would stop calling me that." "why it's cute." "....." i waited a little bit.They door opened "hello how may i help you?" i looked at her "hey octavia listen can i see vinyl?" she looked at me and said "...sure..." she closed the door "vinyl it's for you." "what maybe one of my fans?" i heard steps and the door open "hey whats up?" "hey vinyl scratch listen i just wanted to see if you wanted to listen to some of my fav rock songs from my universe?" she looked at me "sure i could go for some music." i walked in and seen her setup and put in the first disc and i seen her just rocking out. "YEAH THIS IS SOME GOOD MUSIC!" when we ended we talked "so what did you think?" "what did i think I LOVED IT!" "so i got a question." she looked at me wondering what it could be "shoot." "could i get some tickets to you'r next concert?" "sure." she gave me 2 tickets to her next concert "feel free to bring another pony if you want." and with that i simply went to sweet apple acres and talked to aj "hey aj i need you'r help." "yeah what?" she looked sad "look i know we had some differences in the past but i want you to come to vinyls concert as a freind you in?" she looked at me "...ah would like that...very much." i went past twilights house and she stopped me "hey joe!" "oh hey twilight." she looked at aj "where are you two going?" "oh we're going to a concert." twilight looked happy "good i can show you this." she said as she lifted a tarp to reveal a harley davidson motorcycle "i thought you might like this and i randomly made it so i thought you might like it." i did my mouth was watering "it is perfect twi ok ready aj?" "ah don't know joe is it safe?" "yeah as long as i don't do jumps and what not." we got on it and i showed her how to get on it and we went off and when we got their i honked the horn and everyone made way for me to the front and i showed the security my pass and they allowed me vinyl stopped the music as i did burnouts in the shape of my name. "hey joe i see you made it in time to make a performance for me." "yeah and i brought my freind so WHO WANTS TO PARTY?" i said as the audience roared to life


after the performance


i met up with vinyl and she said "so this is a motorcycle i like it." "yeah twilight gave it to me.she said she made it randomly by accident and gave it to me to make a grand entrance." she looked at me " but now i expect for you to let me ride it with you because you are now my man.......UNLESS of course she is still your's." "well i thou-wait what...aj is that ok with you?" she looked at me "well if your happy than i'm happy." "thanks aj...ok vinyl you can ride anytime..oh and when do you want a date?" she thought for a second "well there is a dance coming up..if your up to it?" "...i...hehe yeah about that i....cant dance..." she looked at me "well thats easy i can teach you." so i decided ok and i am currently getting ready

oh the embarasment

 ok so i had a problem i had no idea how to dance but she was going to teach me and i knew then i was ready.But the only thing is that day i went to go get my eyes tested and i got left 4 dead 2 that day and i played for 2 hours and watched tv for 10 minutes and i was a little late i went to equestria and went to pick up vinyl and we were off "so how is everything going?" "it's going pretty good but-wait whats that sound?" we stopped "oh man it looks like the carberater is don't happen to have enough duck tape to make it there and back do you?" "yeah let me make some." she took a second to make it with magic but after she handed it to me her ear piece went off "*grunt* you have a earpiece?" "yeah hey i gotta-" "no need to say go ahead." she walked away for a second and came back "hey listen we are gonna be late for tavi's concert." "you mean octavia i thought it was a rock concert." "well it was supposed to be a surprise but oh well." i looked at my motocycle "i think i tweaked it enough to get us to the concert but then i am taking it off mkay?" "ok seems fair to me lets go." i looked at her with a determined face i got on,her behind me and we took off about half fast as rainbow and we got there, taking a phrase from rd "in ten,seconds,flat." we went in to see a big crowd and an open floor area. "so i guess we could find a seat but vinyl try to keep the outbursts to a minimun please?" "you got it mah boy." i was still partial to her calling me that but we took our reserved seats.I realised that we forgot to practise danceing i was nervous. "and now mares and gental colts give it up for octavia." everyone applauded and we sat silently and listened.


after her performance


"wow that was good." "well what did you expect she is the greatest chelloist." then came the dancing "oh boy..." vinyl looked at me worried "what's wrong with-oh we forgot to practice...well just follow my lead and don't step on my hooves." we got up vinyl leading me to the dancefloor and we started dancing i just thought 'oh my celestia i am really doing this'. after the party they brought out the wine and...nothing i don't remember a thing except i passed out after 10 minutes.

i did what!?

 i woke up on the couch in vinyl and octavia's house andjust a few moments after i woke up i was told "hey joe listen i know you said be carful with your bike but i was riding it home last night while octavia brought you home so you wouldn't have to go get it and the carbarater was leaking and i had the turbo on and it kinda.....fell apart." well nuts "i figured it wouldn't last." i thought for a second 'wait i hope i didn't-last night i was supposed to propose to her and now i-oh dang it i could ask her' "hey vinyl did i propose to you last night?" she looked at me funny "wha-why were you planning to?" i looked nervous "Uh not exactly no..." "oh ok well than no." i sighed in releive. "oh by the way joe your room i planned to make is almost done you can move in tomarrow or tonight if i get it done." i was happy because well it's getting kinda uncomfortable in that barn of aj's.

not much going on

 ok so nothing much going on but i will update asap when i do get something intresting

getting everything ready

 ok so what is happening is i asked twilight to make a car for me i don't know what it is yet and i asked her to make something big,awesome,and it had to have a sound system on it for vinyl.what i am hearing at this moment is it is a monster truck which is perfect i hope and she had someponys mount the sound system on it so tonight i am going to propose i hope it works i have worked hard to this moment and to be honest i was supposed to propose to her at the concert but it didn't work so i hope this works and i will update with results tomarrow


 oh i am happy.ok so when i got to equestria i asked twilight to see the truck so i could get everything ready i went to see it and it was amazing the back was extended and had two extra wheels to support it and then the sounf system was on it i loved it and i knew she would i had to go over to rarity's but first "hey joe i could helo you pay for for the ring." "are you sure you wanna pay the 10,000 bits for it if thats the case?" "i will for you after all you are a friend." i agreed and went over with her and went inside. "hey rarity i'm here to get the ring." she was in the back planning dresses "oh joseph darling of course be with you in a minute." she ent to her store room to get it. "ok so what i did was i found a diamond and i used a chisel to encrust her cutie mark now do you notice that black there well what i did for that was after i carfully encrusted the cutiemark i put some black in it to match her colors." i looked amazed "wow i knew you were amazing but i didn't know you were that amazing." she looked at me blushing "oh darling you are making me blush...ok so the cost of this ring for you is cut in half because you are a true friend to me and so the cost is.....exactly 5,000 bits." i went to get the bits from twilight i went back in to give them to twilight and hurried over to twilights to get the monster truck and slowly went over to vinyls house when i got there i roared the engine a few times and jumped out onto the top "god i love doing that." i did a backflip (i know this is unrealistic) and rang the doorbell octavia answered "........." she was staring at me with utter and unforgetfully "is vinyl here?" "........." she walked back slowly and closed the door i could hear into the door "'s for you vinyl......" vinyl then opened the door and gasped as well at the sight "vinyl i just want to say i love you very much and i must ask you.....will you be mine?" she was still staring at the truck and octavia her mouth ultimatly hit the ground when she heard my proposal to vinyl "um uh HAW HAW haw VERY FUNNY like anyone would want to marry me..." i looked like i just died well that was uncalled for but then she looked at me taking her glasses off "sorry but sure i will you knucklehead." i was reborn i would finally have the wedding i wanted in equestria and with one of the girls of my dreamsi was so happy i just got up and started dancing like i knew how to dance the whole time and went to bed attempting to figure out the whole few days ahead of us

the big day and one big party

 ok so i was in my world and my brother was visiting and i had to wait until he was gone and twilight said "joe vinyl is ready to accept the fact you might not be coming HURRY." it was 7:11 when i got there and i knew i wasn't going to get to canterlot but then a giant WHOOSE that sounded familiar came to and i then seen the.....THE EXODUS i looked happy and a pelican came by "hurry joe you got a wedding to get to." it was cheif and sargent jhonson.....wait "johnson?" i looked at him "yeah the big man decided to let me come to your prissy ass pony wedding now lets go." i got on and decided its gonna be close.I got a radio out and decided ok this is epic (go ahead and listen :) ) and we just rocked out the whole way and i was ready "so you ready for the final day on the market?" i thought "yeah....yeah i am." we arrived just in time vinyl was ready to give up she then heard that track and she came out and seen the pelican and she gasped it turned around and dropped me off "i'm going to find a spot to park this meet you inside." "ok." i turned around and vinyl just hugged me "JOSEPH i thought you wer'nt coming." "i wouldn't miss our wedding for the world." so everything got calmed down and i seen portals opening i thought 'are we having an invasion or what' then when i seen who walked out of all them i thought :O is this happening all the people and what not from my fav games are coming game names: sonic,gears of war,halo,turok,pokemon,star fox,orange box all of them. i just died inside as they walked through and they just kinda started talking some came to me like sonic walked to me and said "hey there joe so your finally getting married i thought i wouldn't see the day." "oh yeah how is it with amy?" "same old same old she chases i run." after an hour of idle chat i got ready with vinyl "attention the wedding is commencing please make your way to the church please." everyone made their way to the chirch and as everyone got in and seated vinyl heard her cue to walk out and went out a few minutes after i heard my cue and walked out i got to the alter and celestia started "ahem um ladys gentalmen and so on......we are gathered here to join this couple in holy matramony but before this couple gets married speak now or forever hold your peace." i looked at twilight she just nodded her head in aggrement with the marriage "then we will begin." i thought it was'nt happening but it was "do you joseph take this lovely mare to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "i do." "and do you vinyl scratch take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "i do." i looked happier than ever "then you may kiss the bride." we kissed and waved as i heard a whole roar of applaude i walked out and the carriage that took vinyl headed for the after party and i got into the carriage for the bar for the drinking session


with marcus and the others


"so anyone going to the bar to drink with joe?" they looked at each other "hell i'l go i haven't had a drink since i fixed jack and beat the damn locust army." baird said "cole train could go for a final drink with joe." everyone else agreed except sonic and tails and whatnot


over at the bar


i waited for the guys to show up and i seen a centaur tank come rolling up "well thanks for almost ruining our drinking sargent." "what i couldn't help my self i needed to see the firepower of this thing." "and almost get us pulled over?" "allright baird let johnson be he's just curious that's all." "yeah like cole said." baird scoffed and went in. we talked and partied all the way to 9:00 and we headed for the after party to party some more "so joe your really doing this?" "yeah i just don't know how i got such an amazing gir-mare." everyone laughed and we headed inside. i seen baird chatting with tails about some robotics and sonic chatting with gordan freeman about robotnic and professer green or breen whatever it was and then i saw amy chatting with alex about how they both got someone and i just laughed but anyway i started talking about some of my moments in their places and in equestria and i had a blast and of course then the dancing i seen everyone out there with someone and.....sonic with amy wow that's unusual but i had a blast and when the party was over with i went to bed and slept like a baby knowing i was married to the best woman i loved

what we thought to be the last day......

this is a speacial chapter along with any chapters including war and so on there will be blood discriptions but very mild



when i seen the message i knew it would be bad but i didn't expect to lose so many.I was sitting my room in my world and i was on youtube.I was looking at mlp videos when all the sudden the internet closes for a split second it comes back up with youtube up and i seen one video called my little portal (it is real) i watched and seen what was happening or what was to happen i knew then something was wrong.I watched the final episode and what happened was more horrifying than life itself and war


in the world of mlp in 10 years i thought that this was it i knew what i could do.I could stop this.


back in real life


i went to equestria and told the princess of what was happening she could not beleive it she got everything ready and i got the was today at 7:00 i called everyone to fight including duke nukem i thought we ready but something was telling me we wer'nt ready.i looked up the best speech i could and used it i knew would but i needed reassurance.but just a few hours after when i got home from my dentist appointment i was told.time just got shorter our time was cut to 5:00 and it was 4:30 when i got home. i told celestia to sound the alarms and when she sounded them everyone was in panic they were running to get their weapons they were finishing their traps and i went to my speech i got on the platform and as i started they were spotted "freinds family ponys and humans today we are here to fight not for our freedom but today we fight for the freedom of everything in this world we might not win but if we do we will be looked at as heros today we fight for glory today we fight as a family, today we FIGHT FOR CANTERLOT!" everyone screamed to life got their weapons and then the hirerarchy as i planned grounded them to the tnt that steve from minecraft planted but nothing happened "steve the tnt didn't go off." "i'l have to manually activate it." "no thats suicide." a bomb right next to us went off "i know." he ran out there "STEVE!!!!!!." he ran out mined down and planted redstone and activated it the last i remember was him waving and it blew a quarter of them up "TUROK give me that nuke." he gave it to me i blew one up and about 300 of them froze then died it was bloodshed like equestria never seen but it had to be stopped comander kyoto from defender game got out there and blasting with a judgement i beleive now half of the unsc and all other forces were destroyed i tried to stop using this weapon but it was time "everyone retreat to the bunker we killed enough of them to end it here it is time." they looked horrified but obeyed my order we got inside celestias shield and headed for the bunker the sentries i ordered by docter whooves were also inside we got inside the bunker and just in time because just as we closed the door.....the nuke went off. it destroyed any changling out there when we got the ok that it was clean we went out and chrystalis was waiting "you.....i still repaid you for almost having me kill luna." she scoffed at me "really your still mad about that?" i stared blankly holding a chronoscepter to her face (those who don't know chronoscepter is from turok the dinosaur hunter.) "well you win but i still thought i would've made it." we all scoffed "listen you queen ***** you almost wiped out an entire kingdom now unless you my bad side get the **** out of here." "easy duke not yet." "ok you win but only because you have giant limbering monkey with a tank top." duke looked ready to tear her limb from limb "OK YOU JUST ****ed WITH DUKE NUKEM." he said as she teleported i went with everyone to the bunker where vinyl and everypony else was and they walked out but the thing is.......i didn't see vinyl. "octavia where is vinyl?" she looked a little guilty "i.....helped her escape form this place." "YOU WHAT." "i created a distraction and she picked the lock she was convinced she could help you." "hi guys." "STEVE you must have respawned." "yeah and i seen a white horse with blue hair walking around." i looked at him in disbeleive "you didn't stop her?" "no and how do you know it was a her?" "because that's MY WIFE YOU IGNORAMUS." "oh sorry." he looked sad "it's ok you didn't know." i asked shining armour to watch canterlot for her


and so that is the story of how canterlot almost fell

another date

this is the day that i take vinyl to the tree of harmony for our date.Its also my birthday of when i came to equestria i hope nothing goes wrong. "hey joe ready for our date tonight?" "yeah i'm just worried that something is going to happen." she started snickering "hm? whats so funny?" she cleared her throught as if she had a secret "um uh nothing." i looked at her funny and said "hmmm ok but you know we shouldn't keep secrets. we are married after all." she just looked at me as if saying 'i don't give a ****.'



later that night


it's time for the date vinyl gets the monster truck and we head over it looks pretty nice since the mane 6 brought it back "ok *snicker* lets get set up." i look at her with a face that asks 'why are you keeping secrets' but when i see what pops out all around us i scream like a maniac "SURPRISE!" "HOLY PEANUTS ON A HEAD HOPPER OF A *giberish*." i fell to the ground scared as a mother "HAHAHAHA AND THATS WHY I WAS SNICKERING happy birthday joe." i looked at the crowd and seen everyone here skullkid,blakethebronie,everyone in pony ville and so on i was happy they remembered even though they scared me half to death "so i take it vinyl had something to do with this?" "yeah she came to me and said that she and you were going on a date and she wanted us to hide but i thought i wont beable to prepare and-" i stopped her "ok pinkie i get it." so after everything settled down we partyed with dj pon-3 music and i went home tired as a muther

my speacials

 ok i am going t be doing speacials but I need the names i am looking them up and putting them here names are



holoween:nightmare night

christmas:hearth's warming eve

thanksgiving is also kinda hearths warming eve but idk if i can do the play

groundhog day is just that no change

valentines day:hearts and hooves day

march 20th spring begins aka:winter wrap up

sorry no easter

june 15 fathers day

17 to 21 of july in that area i have vacation up in gordan flowage

august 18 is my bd

september 7th is:grandponys day as i call it

september 22:i am calling this getting ready for winter no official name yet


thats all the holidays i can think of

my first night mare night

 ok so this is the special of night mare night i am currently in my world thinking of what to wear/do aside from the prank so here we go



it began like any normal day in october getting ready for holloween in my world and nightmare night in the other and also attemping to figure out what i could do for winter wrap up i know that it is early to think about it but better early than never as i kinda usually say....but anyway i went to equestria with an idea for my costume ok so i thought since i still had the armour from my battle with the covanant i could be myself in spartan form and i went to work with the projecter i went over to twilights house in hopes that she would be able to make something for me as she did make a car and monster truck for me and vinyl so i went over "hey twilight." she looked at me like she was ready to attack "hey joe listen i have to m-m-m-make a freindship report i have'nt done one in weeks i need to give celestia something or i am going to be late and-" just hen spike came in with his mouth puffed and puffed a bunch of letters onto twilight and she said "ohhhh holy celestia thanks spike i really hate that." i looked at her funny "ok i know it looks rediculous but-" "i already know no need to explain i was hoping you would be able to make a projecter so i could use animated images to project and make a projection of nightmare moon as a prank." she looked a little worried "ok i can try i have been practicing just a sec." she made a projecter with everything and i thanked her and went on my i had to go to my house-er me and vinyls house seeing as we were married and octavia was living with us sorta anyway i had to check to see if the sound system was going good for the concert tonight i will put the names here i gave them the equipment and are getting ready ablueskittle    bronydanceparty    mic the microphone     woodentoaster these guys are real this was just their pony selves but anyway to vinyls "hey hon are the sound systems ready for our concert on nightmare night with the guys?" "yeah it is just doing some tests and trying to be as quiet as possible for tavi." i looked surprised "wow never thought i would hear those words." "well i thought since i am married i should start acting like it." again surprised "alright well i better go see how the stage is going see you later babe." "yep see you too." i kissed her and went to check on the stage


i arrived at the stage and the guys looked like they were doing just fine "hey guys so hows the stage going?" they were hard at work "going just fine joe but uh i need to leave in an hour for work at the rf." i knew exactly what he meant but i didn't like it "you know that place is going to go down at some point i heard someone saying they want to protest." "i don't care they can sue for all i care i ain't ending until the last day of my life." i looked disappointed but continued "anyways how is the stage going woodentoaster?" "it's going just fine joe all i can say is this is gonna be awesome." i looked happy to see that it was going good but disappointed in bronydanceparty for not reconsidering taking that monsterosity of a factory down and i looked at ablueskittle "so skittle how is the projecter?" "also very well joe the projection should be in so we are pretty much ready." "oh by the way joe what are you going to be for nightmare night?" i thought "oh yeah i am gonna be myself as in myself spartan and fyi this is the actual armor." they stared in awe "anyways i better see how everything else is going." and so i was off to find rainbow dash for practise for the finale of the concert


after looking for a good half hour i found her and asked "hey rd are you ready for tonight so you can do the rainboom?" "am i...quick question." "yes." "what do you think?" i knew what she meant she was always ready "alright just wanted to be sure." "ok ok just go and relax as long as the guys and your wife vinyl are ready i am ready." i took her advise and went to relax on me and vinyls bed at home and played my knewly made game thanks to twilight skyrim (no joke i really got this and halo 3 because my other one got scratched and is now recognized as a dvd even though it is not)

nightmare night

 happy nightmare night and tonight i am going tomanage the concert first i went to help vinyl get the equipment to the stage then we did sound checks and then we got the song in here it is you may listen as you read as i heard the fireworks go off i heard the music start and i heard bronydanceparty introduce and i got the projecter ready and i heard mic start rapping and i had the project and i heard woodentoaster and i turned it on and everyone screamed but a little in somepony turned it off i helped bronydanceparty fix it and ablueskittle turned it back on and woodentoaster popped up "nice touch now lets get back to work." ablueskittle walked up beside us and we brohoofed and then there was a blinding flash of light everyone except mic was blinded because he had those cool dude sunglasses on we looked around and we saw a faint figure looking like night mare moon "good it's still on." "wait it's right here...." "so that must be...." we all stood silent while mic jumped and his glasses broke and wt's little...whatever fell off his head and then nightmare moon screamed at us and we all screamed * all of us* "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HOLY CELESTIA WE DIDN"T DO ANYTHING." then nightmare moon turned into princess luna and she started laughing "HAHAHAHA we got you good." i simpily fell over "holy geez luna why i mean jesus." "well when twilight heard of your plan she asked me if i could come to nightmare ight again and get you back for everypony." ugh of cource twilight "so we still got our costumes on how about we party they turned the song on and started to sing again as they got to it i got my spartan suit on and started doing some trick or treating even though i said i was done with that stuff but hey it's night mare night and i did just pull off a great prank. oh that reminds me i went to find a certain someone for a reason that my friend said and as i thought i seen master chief "HEY ***HOLE!" everypony gasped to see me-more specificly swearing "oh hey joe i met your freind and he didn't come to-" "yeah i know dip ****." everypony gasped again "why are you being an ***?" "you know why but then again i am too STUPID to remember." he looked surprised "what are you talking about?" wait what "i didn't say that wyatt mustv'e lied to you." obviously that little no good lieing little ".........THAT LIEING LITTLE TWO TIMING LITTLE **** **** OF A ****!" everypony was gasping "uh joseph i think it is time to get some sleep ." vinyl said "yeah and then when i get home i am going to give wyatt a good talking to that little bast***." i went to sleep hoping to smack wyatt tomarrow

a discorded time

 ok so whats going on now is a bit odd I went to equestria after the date of 11/4/14 and something happened in school and what happened was my class mate tripped me i ain't saying who because i uttered a joke at the wrong time.Now as some of you might know anything that happens in the real world for the most part happens in equestria so vinyl got scared when i fell down and i was transported to the canterlot hospital, as i was told but anyway oh by the way i watched the hearth's warming eve episode idk if i can do it but back to the chapter at hand.


when i woke up i was in a hospital bed and the docter walked in. "ah your awake." it was nurse red heart "well it looks like you sprained your, eh hand is it? and you hurt your legs pretty bad.your neck might ache for a day but other than that give it a day and you should be fine (i did not go to a docter this is just what i thought and it appears to be correct) so feel free to leave when you like." i was releived to hear that there were no broken bones. "oh joe i thought you were badly hurt." says vinyl coming to hug me.and may i say rather tightly. "ok vinyl you are hugging tightly." "i hope you know i love very much." "*raspy voice* can you let some of that love go for a second?" she noticed i was running low on oxygen. "oh yeah sorry." i got a deep breath of air "oh thats a releif." "so what happened me and you were just walking and you fell and really hurt yourself." "well in my world i made a joke at the wrong time and he tripped school yes." "oh well ok but are you sure you are ok?" "yeah i am fine." we walked out of the hospital and discord showed up "well hello my little ponys." "discord what do you want?" i remembered how they recently becsme freinds and whatnot "oh just coming to check up on our little freind." "what for draconequus?" i asked discord as if attempting to sound intimidating "oooo attempting to sound intimidating well i was just thinking that i gave fluttershy everything she needs aka highpowered animal careing tools but she needs to look after the machines now so she will be very busy until i take them back and so i am going to cause chaos HAHAHAHA." oh cr** discord started causing chaos like nothing and then all the sudden i heard "and i will be sending our human freind back to his world with don and barb until further notice and he will not come back until i need him." and with a flash i was sent back to my world and mom and dad were up


so there you have it i have mental contact but no dream contact with equestria until discord is under control again

mental contact

 ok so it appears a little after i lost mental contact but when they defeated discord i got a little back it is stronger than ever but i still am waiting for lyndsey to reestablish contact with equestria so i can go see if vinyl and everyone else is ok. here is the message


"" i thought to myself 'oh my god it is about time.' "twilight vinyl who is it?" "vin-....try......can'" "i can hear you i will keep contact open until it gets clearer." i kept it for a while and it got better and i could talk "ok i think it can hear clearly now." "ugh finally a good conection." i was releived "so by the sounds of it things are better in equestria?" "almost we are still working on a spell to bring you back in and clear up the damage." "ok well just let me know when it gets done and i will get right in."

bringing winter in

 ok it is time for the time i hate most......bringing winter in i went to twilights house first and got my job.My job was.....helping animals get food for winter,picking the last of the crops on the farm,and helping vinyl get her sound equipment inside so it doesn't short. "ok i guess i will start with vinyl." as i was walking down the street i seen bronydanceparty "hey bdp." "oh hey joe..." he looked sad "why so sad i know we need to bring winter in but that ain't no reason to be sad." "no thats not it winter means no rainbows aka no buisness for the rainbow factory." 'thank god.' i muttered "what was that?" " uh nothing i need to help vinyl see you." i went to our house. "hey vinyl." "hey joe nice to see you here ready to start?" "yeah just wish winter woudn't come." "yeah it sucks but might as well." we got working and after i got the last speaker in the snow started to fall "hey i thought snow wasn't supposed to fall for an hour." "oh yeah princess celestia said it would be falling early." oh crud "well i better get to my next job before it really piles up." "yeah don't want your feet to get wet do you?" i smiled at her obnoxious joke and went to help get food for the animals.I went to fluttershy's cottage and knocked " uh um.....oh it's y-you joe." "yeah i am here to start forging for animals." "o-ok lets get started just collect anything any animal can eat." i started collecting food that any animal could eat, as flutters said and gave it to any animal i could "ok that's done i guess my last job is....pick the last of the crops with....oh god not her."


insert screen transition here


"wait what?" "i told you aj is sick and i am gonna help you today." i never thought i would hear big mac say that much but if i can avoid getting beat for running out on me and aj's wedding then so be it.I got to work picking carrots lettuce cellery stalks anything that we could eat and straight out of the blue big mac asks "so how is it with that dj?" i turned blue, i didn't know what to say because one wrong word and he would kill me "um it's going good." whoo i think i saved myself "quick question big mac." "eeyup?" "do you have a speacial somepony?" he looked at me as if i was crazy "well i don't really but i have someone i really like." i think i have an idea "let me guess............fl-" i was cut off "yes but don't tell her she would be shy of me the rest of her life." "yeah i got it." we got back to work and as we picked the last bunch my back started aching from the brace i have been wearing for almost 2 years now no joke i have to wear this "dang it i hate this thing." "what is it?" big mac asked questioningly "i have progressive scoliosis and if i don't wear it i might get crippled or in other words it helps me sit up straight and keep my back from curving anymore." "that must hurt a bunch." "no duh it feels like being banished to the sun by celestia it hurts so badly." i went home and took a pain releiver and sat down in the game room "oh god this is nice." then octavia walked in "joe i-.......what is that?" she said pointing at my back brace "oh you haven't heard yet i have progressive scoliosis." "i had that too but i had a saddle type of brace." "really?" i asked as if surprised "yes and it sucked horribly." "i know right but i don't wear it on the weekends and it is still getting better." "lucky." she said jelous that hers did not fix itself when she did not wear it on the weekend.



and so ends my brinng in winter and telling two ponys of my condition known as progressive scoliosis which i indeed have in the real world

yearly check-up

 as always it was time for the yearly check-up but before my check-up was schedueled


"ugh i really hate myself sometimes." i said while sitting in my game room playing a game with vinyl "why so joe?" "ugh it's just that i feel like a piece o crud and my back aches more then ever." "well maybe you should start wearing that brace on the weekend." "yeah....hey come to think of it have i had a check-up in equestria yet?" "umm i don't think so." i looked worryed "well i think it's time i do." i sent a letter to docter red heart and schedueled for today at 4:00 and headed over "ugh sometimes i am glad i asked twilight for this car." we gotthere and headed inside "ah it's you docter red heart can see you now." i walked in with vinyl and the nurse did the full examination and gave me the results "well everything looks normal i thnk you are just fine." "thanks dr. just wanted to get my daily check-up." "no problem just head out to the counter and scheduel for next year i say." we went out to the counter and schedueled fornext year at the same time and headed home

in the rainbow factory

 i had recently asked twilight had a spell that pegasus wings and it just so happens that she had a spell that gave me wings and ii went to accept it "this might hurt are you sure you want to go through with this?" "yes i think i want to fly." she cast the spell and i felt a horrible pain in my back a few moments later i had wings "AWESOME i got wings now." "yeah but i think you better get lessons with it asap." "yeah i am going to ask bronydanceparty." i went over to his house and knocked wings hidden "oh hey joe what do you need." "oh just some lessons." "what kind of lessons." "for these." i popped out my wings ":O dude what did you do?" "i had twilight cast a spell to give me wings." "*sigh* ok but i hope you know what happens-nevermind lets get to work." i heard him stutter but i took nothing of it.he taught me all of the basics......or tried i failed horribly and we tried doing some tricks after i got the basic idea of controlling my height and speed and whatnot. "joe i don't think you are ready." "but i am i just need more practice." "no i think you need to go to the factory." oh god not that "really i am your freind." "i don't care i don't accept failure fliers in equestria." he knocked me out and when i woke up i was in the rainbow factory "brony tell me why." "because...any failures will be executed." i remembered i could summon my armor at any time with a special spell from twilight "yeah but there's one thing you forgot." "what?" i summoned my armor "this." i broke my foot locks and kicked brony away "this cannot and will not happen to the hero of equestria people are gonna be angry whe they hear that you took me and it will push the protesters farther to starting it." "i don't care for all i care they could destroy the factory and end me." i looked disgusted "you really have changed dude." "i haven't changed a bit." i took the blade arms off the robots and started to hack and slash at the robots and ran for the door i was stopped by brnydanceparty "that wont stop me." i flew to the door up top and jumped out "i don't think i am going to make it." THUMP and thats all i remember


a day after i hit the ground

"ugh my head hurts like i hit the ground." "yeah about that." i knew whose voice that was "vinyl? OH VINYL THANK GOD." "boy haven't been this happy since our wedding day." "yeah but i want to get back to helping him fly." that sounded too familiar "b-b-brony....danceparty?......" "yeah." "...............OH GOD GET THAT MANIAC AWAY FROM ME I DON"T WANT YOU TO TAKE MY BLOOD PLEASE NO MORE FLYING LESSONS I DON"T WANT TO DIE." "whoa calm down hon what's going on no one is here to take your blood." "YEAH WELL ASK THAT MANIAC HE TOOK ME TO THE RAINBOW FACTORY AND TRIED TO MURDER ME FOR FAILING MY FLYING TEST." i fell to the ground wimpering while they all looked at brony and vinyl was ready to k.i.l.l him ".........YOU DID WHAT TO MY HUSBAND!?" "you heard him....i am out of here." he ran out the door vinyl and the mane six in hot persuit


edge of everfree


"COME BACK HERE YOU MOTHERBUCKER." they ran after him trying to catch him "come back and face us." twilight sent a message to celestia


dear celestia


               me and my freinds are currently in persuit of a pony named bronydanceparty who tried to hurt joe                         badly but he is too fast we need assistance please come asap.


your faithful assistant twilight sparkle


celestia soon teleported in front of bronydanceparty not looking too happy "you." "uh your majesty." he bowed to her "i got the letter from my tried what to hurt joe exactly?" "i-in the rainbow factory-" "YOU PUT HIM IN THERE?" "yes..." he said shrinking "you deserve tto be locked up in the dungeon for 50 years." "hold up." everypony heard.It was me "ahem celestia if it is to your pleasing i would like to excuse bronydanceparty from his punishment." "but joseph he-hm i see very well i shall allow you to excuse him but if this happens again it's the dungeon." she teleported away and brony walked up to me "wow thanks but why did you excuse me?" "i excused you because not everyone deserves to get a punishment you were doing your job but you still are in trouble but a friend doesn't allow another freind to get a punishment not because but because their freinds." "you are right i shoud've listen to you a friend never hurts another freind but i did the probably hate me." he looked down "well while you hurt me badly and i feel like half my blood is gone-" "yeah half yeah hehe..he" i ignored that "you are still my friend but like i said i will not push this aside it is winter but you still need some kind of punishment." "wow you truly are the bestest friend ever." "and that's whyi am here." we all went back to the hospital so i could get cared for and bronydanceparty gave my blood back :D i got my wings fixed and everything and went home and went to sleep after the day that i just went through

oh god

 well the last two days weren't that good i as i say for now DESTROYED MY HAND and vinyl is really worried and i don't blame her i was as scared as a mother when it happened i was p***ing my pants on the way to the office but i got to equestria for one night and explained what happened and they were scared but once surgery was over they calmed down a littlebut life is going to be hard with what i got thankfully they saved the pinkie and the thumb

a rough thanksgiving and hearths warming eve

 hey guys as i said in myblast chapter i kinda amputated my left middle fingers leaving the pinkie and thumb so as o said it is going to be rough so i will now write about my kinda screwed hearths warming eve


it was a few days after i got out of the hospital and hearths warming eve was tonight i went to sleep after getting my hand into my sling and whatnot


to equestria

i woke up and as sual since the accident happened vinyl was sitting at my side of the bed "hey sleepy how ya doing?" "fine pain level at like a 6 but i am taking pain pills so it will eventually go down." "good to hear you coming back for hearths warming eve." "listen i wouldn't miss this for school.....but i would have to go to school but you know what i mean." "yeah come on the play is starting i will get your sling and we will get going....oh by the way i got a part as one of the ponies in the crowd during the negotiations." "good for you but we better get going so you can get in there." "oh yeah right come on." we ran so we could get to the play in time i was careful not to break my hand or it's cast and when we got there we were just in time "now get up there me and octavia will be in the crowd." me and octavia went to our reserved seats because we were speacial i was the hero of equestria and whatnot 2 times maybe three while waiting for it to start a certain pony walked up to me for a question "wait are you a HUMAN?" it was lyra of course "yes lyra if you want you can sit next to me." "really ohmygosh thank you." she sat down and i got comfortable and she shot another question but i was happy to answer "so what happened to your hand?" "*sigh* what happened was that i was in woodworking joining a board and my hand was sucked in when i was getting it unstuck on the edge." "oh wow i'm sorry if i disturbed you about-" "no that's fine a lot of ponies and people ask me what happened." just as i answered the show started


i am adding the link not the whole thing.................ok can't find it if you find it let me know



as they started negotiations i looked for vinyl she looked like one of those old time villagers


when the play was over vinyl came running to me "oh joe how did i do?" "i think you did amazing though you didn't have to yell 'you suck' to them." "eh hehe yeah kinda got a little carried away but know for the feast." we went to townhall for the feast and we ate until our stomaches were full and me and octavia and vinyl went home after one heck of a day and slept for the day

the news of my friend

i came to equestria to give my wife and octavia the news. "hey joe....hey why so sad?" "turn the music off and have a seat both of you." she did so and sat down "octavia vinyl......yesterday my freind troll had died and today is speacial to me because of this." they stared at me taking it in "oh my celestia." "oh dear." just then celestia came through the door with the main six "we heard what happened and we are here for you." i started to cry "it's just.........DANG IT ALL TO HECK WHY DID HE DIE........TAKE ME TOO." i hit the ground crying "joe it's ok just get ahold of yourself." vinyl said as the mane six tried to cheer me up "i know it is hard on you but we are here for you." celestia said "thanks celestia i knew you became princess for a reason." everyone hugged me and i was cheered up

the news about the liar

 when i went to equestria i went straight to vinyl "hey joe.....why are you angry?" "music off sit." they obeyed "lying mother ****** troll faked his death and screwed with my emotions i am going to end him that mother UUUUUGH **** him all to ****." they sat in silence as i rambled on "wow talk about a bad troll." celestia had walked in from our kitchen "so it's true." i wondered "what do you mean?" "you talk in your sleep." vinyl said "oh......" "don't worry that man won't bother you again you deleted him." "yeah i guess." i just couldnt help but think if he was correct when he said it. "i just don't understand it i thought it might have been someone else but i still have access to his one post of rpg and he is talking like he never died the ***hole." "calm yourself it is over." "yes celestia i just wish this hadn't happened." i went outside and flew around for a bit i forgot i had wings.


i was flying when all the sudden BAM i hit rainbow dash "HEY BUD WATCH WHERE YOUR-oh it's you joe." i kept flying "hey joe?" i kept going when she flew in front of me i flew up and sped up "HEY." i heard i sped up and flew through cloudsdale and dodged and weaved and went off the edge hiding in a cloud.WHOOSE i was safe i relaxed for a bit until "well well well." i looked to my left and she was right there.I flew to the right i approached the ground and CRASH we hit the ground "ok tell me whats wrong." "i guess you need to know too.know that i cryed over a troll that I THOUGHT WAS REAL CELESTIA ****IT." "whoa bad or horrible?" "how to put this.....****ing worse than ****." "that bad huh." i got up we went to a cloud and sat down "yeah troll made me think he was dead and fooled me and i cryed and.....AAAAAARRRGHH." i flew as fast as i could for the gorge where i almost killed myself "joe don't worry about it, it happens all the time." "...." i sat silently trying to calm my nerves with the soothing veiw and feeling of the gorge. rainbow sat next to me "you know i like this spot calm my nerves of course." "....." i sat silently still we sat for a good 10 minutes "you know i have been through so much ever since i got here to equestria and i never stopped to think about myself i have been so worryed about you guys,vinyl,octavia,and all that other stuff." " did save us like 2 maybe 3 times." "yeah that was what could've been the end for us." "yeah but you did it with what you had you called people we didn't even know and stopped an alien army for crying out loud." "yeah well i can't take all the credit i had a lot of help." "yeah." we sat for 5 more minutes and then "well i guess i better get going i have stuff to do just wish i could forget this." as i was leaving rainbow dash stopped me "hey joe." "yeah?" "....your gonna go far kid." i kept those words in my mind like they were the dying words of someone and smiled i took off for home and got to my usual work of doing chores and whatnot

getting ready for hearths warming eve (christmas)

 ok everyone i will be getting ready for christmas/hearths warming eve today so here it is


ok today i need to get presents for vinyl and octavia but i had a strange dream

i was in a void of black and i heard something "soon little boy you will join all the other humans who perished in equestria soon HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "no shut up i will not die no, no nooooo!" i woke up vinyl at the bedside "joe are you ok i heard screaming." "yeah just one of those dreams." we shrugged it off and i went to the shops in canterlot and tried to find a new sound system for vinyl.Then i saw it the ultimate bass system of the year and it was just in my price range for vinyl "i will take that bass system for my wife and wrap it if you could please." "why certainly joe." apparently i was famous all around equestria next i went to find something for octavia and i seen a bow with a bunch of those watchamaycallits that were her cutie mark i bought it wrapped it and put it under the tree and hoped for the best tomarrow as it will be christmas

yay christmas

 ahhh christmas morning i went to equestria and woke up to vinyl waiting for me and yelled " IT'S HEARTHS WARMING EVE." i clasped my ears at the loudness "YEESSHH you don't have to yell ya know." we went to the living room and octavia unwrapped hers first "oooo a new bow and it has my cutiemark on it how did you-" "i found it in a store in canterlot truthfully it was sitting in the display case and i bought it." octavia opened vinyls "hmm a.......mug....." "go ahead thank me." i scoffed at the way she wanted thanks for something so small. "hey at least i got her something." vinyl opened my present then ".....holy geez." "you are very welcome." "this is.........AMAZING YEEEEHAW OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO AMAZING." she hugged and kissed me and she opened octavia's gift and it was some new headphones "hey thanks octi i needed some new headphones my other ones were getting kinda.....screwy." "your welcome.". then came my gifts i opened the first one and it was a new memory foam pillow "oh wow thank you octavia i needed one for when i am here." "well with your hand and whatnot i thought you could use a little more support for it." "and again thank you octavia." i looked around but no other gift "........uh vinyl did you get me something or-" "oh yeah it's out in the garage." i wondered what it could be "so remember your harley davidson i....broke?" "yes......" "well before you say anything i did more than get you a new one." i walked into the garage and there was a present as big as the monster truck that i got octavia "............what did you do?" "i went to the guys that did my monster truck and had them do...." she pulled the tarp off "a bike with giant wheels." i gasped in awe of this......octavia too " how in the heck?" "i just thought i would repay that." "..........THANK YOU SO MUCH VINYL OH HOLY COW THIS IS AMAZING." i got on it to take it for a test drive and vinyl got on with me. we rode around ponyville and made it back "wow drives like a bike." so we went back inside octavia played one of her many songs with her new bow i got her and vinyl tried out the new bass system i got her  and the new headphones octavia gave her and after the day was over i went to sleep with my memory foam pillow that octavia got me

time for new stuff

 ok so i know i have been doing a lot with my wife vinyl and octavia but i need some new stuff please send ideas and all

the black devil

 as you read i have something blocking my dreams and i can't get to vinyl much but here is what is happening


i woke up and what happened is i was walking and talking to vinyl "so why do you think i am having a rough time staying here?" "well i think it's that dream you keep having with that black mist." i agreed but then "ughh what the...." my voice got very deeper and then i got much bigger all i remember is starting to rampage around ponyville and then nothing so check next

the devil that had the look of an angel

 when i got back to euestria i seen a figure at the foot of my bed and asked "who is that?" "this joe is jack of blades." (for those who don't know this is a character from fable.) "uh duh i uh hi." "whats the matter oh still startled from the rampage or of my appearance?" "uh no just- YOU EVIL YOU ALMOST ENDED ALBION." they all looked at me "now wait just a minute sugar cube he's a nice human like you." "you don't understand i seen him kill the hero in fable almost." "well until you have solid proof we're gonna treat him like anybody else." "ok but why the rampage jack?" " oh you must forgive me that was a little thing that happens every 100 years." "and the dark shadows and whispers?" "that was my angred spririt again my bad." so for the next while i treated him like anypony else but one day i finally had the proof "hey guys i have a spell that allows you to see what i see take a look." i showed them what was happening with jack he caught me in an escape with scarlet they found out he was gone and so i was chosen to go after him as i was a hero of the time.i went after jack  going from focus site to focus site and then we went to the guild he was burning everything i went into the chamber of fate with celestia and he had vinyl and octavia "so you decided to show up.But you are too late." he sliced vinyl's throat "VINYL!" she was absorbed by the sword and it was activated "now you will see the true power of the sword." "you *******!" i went full rage on the minions and killed them all After I killed them all a kill i went for Jack After I sliced Jack about five times he went back to the middle and rose up as he rose up he grew in size i seen that pillars had arose around the chamber i took cover and charged my skorm bow and nailed him in the head he screamed in agony as he fell into a portal and the sword fell into the ground "what happened?" "jack has been defeated and now if i strike you down it will be more powerful.....but." i took the sword and threw it in "i am not that evil." i wished for vinyl to come back courtesy of celestia being in the chamber at the time of her death and all returned to normal

an unfortunate event

 i am not happy in fact very depressed


i was in my room when i seen a random picture of vinyl and divorce come up i thought for a minute and said "wait you dont mean....." a microsoft paint came up saying 'good bye joe vinyl." i knew what it meant i sat in my room for a while contemplating what to do next but i could not think of anything


i went to equestria and found i was in the apple family barn it was true i sat for a good 10 minutes before realising something "wait oh great even better THANKS A LOT CELESTIA." it was 2 saturdays away from hearts and hooves day and i just got divorced perfect

awkward event plus oh my god

 so i did some talking with my freind and he said i should go for vinyl give her one last i rode over on my harley davidson and parked in the garage i walked in to here some awkward sounds ".....da fuc?" i got closer to vinyls door and it stopped.i opened it to find that vinyl was *EXPLICIT MOMENT CUT* i ran for my life to the garage and rode back to the farm the last thing i heard from vinyl as i rode off was "joseph wait!" i got to the barn and immidietly hit the hay literaly i sat there thinking about what happened "*pant*oh my go-celestia.......i am SO gonna have questions tomarrow.

operation repropose.try 2

i went to vinyls house to try again.walked up to the door and rang the answer ring........."hello?" that was vinyl but after yesterday she probably thought i didn't want to see her so she had the door ball locked (i don't know what it's called so give me a hint.) "hey vinyl can we talk?" "WHY you probably don't want to see me after yesterday." "hey iif you can give me a valid reason for.....****ing someone when you knew i was still thinking about you i am willing to listen." she let me in and we sat down "so about yesterday.....that was one of octavia's freinds but after she heard you running she found us but then she gave us heck because of that so......i am so sorry if i hurt you." "it's ok if he pulled you into it fine bt you pulling him i can learn to accept that i guess." she pulled me into a tight hug "oh thank you joseph." "it is not so easy to breathe." i said as my lungs started dying " oh sorry so what did you want to ask me?" " well i thought about the multiple different mares i could marry but i decided." "*gasp* yes?" "i want to give you one more chance but this is you'r last chance." "oh thank you the way what were the other mares?" "well i thought about lyra heartstrings because she is obcessed with humans then i thought about trixie then i thought about zecora because i don't remember why and thats it i think." "well i am glad you chose me cause now we can get remarried on hearts and hooves day." "yes we can."

not good

 twilight asked me to talk to vinyl with her so we alked over and i knocked "WHO DA **** IS IT I AM BUSY!" "whoa um hey vinyl it's just me." "oh hey come on in." we walked in and she was looking stressed "uh you ok vinyl?" she was looking all around "uh yeah i am fine." "well you look.........jumpy." "*sigh* i'm just a lttle afraid something will happen." "that's understandable." "hey twilight is it ok if i talk to joseph....alone?" "huh? oh yeah sure." she walked out "ok joseph look into my eye's and please tell me everything will be alright." she took her glasses off to reveil her red eyes "um yeah" i fell flat on my back and the last thing i remember was her saying faintly "perfect part 3 complete."

the wedding of me and vinyl.....AGAIN

 so the dayhas come for me to remarry vinyl.Fair warning though it is pretty much just like a canterlot wedding so instead look that up and pretend the bride and groom are me untill i get unlazy and write the chapter

the negotiations

 ok this is going to sound odd but i was sitting in my room and i decided and remembered "oh **** if spring is arriving soon that means that....the rainbow factory." but just then i remembered that vinyl invited me to a concert and she was using the song awoken the same song that h-8 seed used when he escaped the rainbow factory so i went to work rehearsing the song and memerizing it and after like 10 tries i was ready "hey vinyl!" i yelled in my head "yeah?" "i was wondering can i sing in the concert tonight i have been trainin." "oh my celestia yes this would be perfect to rebuild or relationship." "afterwards i am going to talk to bronydanceparty about shutting that monstrosity of a factory down." she agreed and i had the idea "ok so the plan is you will wheel a coffin out i will be in it and when my time comes i will awake so the song says and we will begin." again she agreed and we began after a few words from me (i will be talking in between verses)


hey we are protest........the RAINBOW FACTORY


What cause have I to feel glad?I've built my life on judgement and causing pain.I don't know those eyes I see in the bloodstained chrome.Now everything that I've had and everything I've known have been thrown away.And with time I've come to find this isn't my home.


I've stoked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.I try my best to block out the screams,but they're haunting me in my dreams.Please break my shackles,I want it to stop.


i am not the only one that has gone through the torture h-8 seed is also here today (he sings the next verse) he worked there but then he found the pony in himself and decided to quit explain your feelings h-8 seed


I man these wretched machines.Day in, day out, the grinding wears on my brain.Undermining my sanity, making me question my reality.


But life is not as it seems.Should I take a chance of freedom and throw it all down the drain?I've been imprisoned, please burn my transgressions away.


I've stoked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.I try my best to block out the screams,but they're haunting me in my dreams.Please break my shackles,I want it to stop. (stop stop)


and now we know the pains that have haunted us together we WILL BRING DOWN THE RAINBOW FACTORY (me and h-8 seed sing this now)


I've stoked the fire, seen more pain that you can know.The tears of the broken have washed away my soul.Pushed by desire to change the way my stream will flow,now I've awoken, and I'm taking back control.


I'm sick of hurting, sick of thinking it's all I do.I break those around me, those spared are very few.But the bright sun is burning, and my sky shines ever blue.Friendships surround me, I'm becoming a part of you.I try my best to block out the screams,but they're haunting me in my dreams.Please break my shackles,I want it to stop




as the song ended they all rushed with passes to see me i gave out many autographs and then we heard "ATTENTION THE NEGOTIATIONS ARE NOW BEGGINING EVERYONE MAKE THEIR WAY TO THE NEGOTIATION ROOM." we made our way there and i saw brony sitting at the end of the felt like the day the unicorns pegesus and earth ponis fought about the windigos that they did not know about."the negotiations may now commence." "let me start with one thing, my offer i am offering you a few choices if you choose niether of the first two i will find you and hunt you down secondly if there is any violence in the room from spectaters i will ask them to leave now i am giving you the first 3 choices

1. tear down the rainbow factory

2. leave equestria

3.allow us to execute you

i am sorry but theses are the only choices we could think of so choose quickly or my forth rule will come into play.if you choose none of the choices you will be executed on the spot."

he thought for a few moments "*sigh* ok i see well i guess i can't really leave so i will tear down the rainbow factory.and so the negotiations were over this ends the rainbow factory and anything involved with it

winter wrap up:FINALLY

 *sigh* today is finally the day but i have to decide on the job so i went with weather team this chapter was very short because after half an hour i dosed off so i have nothing to report sorry

get rich quick scheme

 i went to equestria because i had an idea to make money because ever since i got that 20k from the princess for saving equestria it has left me i only have 4 g's right now so what i figured is everfree forests trees are good for chairs and are very expensive right? so i am going to cut some down and start making some furniture i went to the everfree with a ax i made i was on the edge at the entrance and started to chop eventually after an hour or 2 it came down the only thing is it grew 2 times the original size i went over to twilights castle to study this.i entered to castle with a small bit of the tree in hand and the rest at home."ahh joseph what brings you here?" "well i chopped down a tree in everfree for the wood so i can make money and when it went down it grew 2 times the size have any books to explain this?" "hmm i think i have something let me look come on in and wait in the throne room with the others i will be there in a second." i went into the throne room to wait and chatted with the other five telling them my plan and what happened "oooooh if you make a nice chair for me darling i will buy it for a price." rarity said, of cource she would want a chair made from the most exclusive wood she was a designer after all. "ok i think i found the book." she set down the book to reveal a number of woods in the book and it opened up to the page on everfree wood "ok it says here that if an everfree tree is cut down it will grow 2 times the size to increase the amount it can be used for what ever that may be." "in this case furniture." so with that i got ready to leave when all the sudden "wait joseph." "yeah?" i asked curious what she wanted "if you find seeds in the trees let me know i would like to try and grow a few." i nodded and went off to begin work on the chair that rarity wanted


insert funny time card


finally after a few hours a little stain and some water protection it was ready i brang it to rarity's to sell



 when i walked to her i asked her how much she wanted for it "well i can do 5000 if that is fine." i took the money and brought the chair bench in and left to start the next project


 alright guys this is where things come to a halt for a while i have no clue what to do next but it has been a long while since i came to equestria but soon this book will come to a halt forever but that might not be for a while so keep reading untill then


till i find more inspiration online

                                                  rainbow joe

an unexpected turn of events

 i went to equestria today and went to fluttershy's house to get a pet, but when i got there she was'nt thinking she was out shopping i went home and found a note that said



"joseph you are needed in canterlot please come immidietly."



i wondered whatb celestia wanted so i got on a train to canterlot and headed off.when i got to canterlot the guards met me at the station. "hello joseph the princess is waiting for you at the throne room." they escorted me to the throne room and when i got to the throne room i seen a bunch of ponies in a ;line for a ceramony but the i seen vinyl as well as the other six next to celestia i walked slowly up to the throne "ahh so you got the letter that vinyl put on your door." "yes princess but why the big ceramony?" i asked "well joseph in light of the multiple times you have saved not just ponyville  but at moments all of equestria we have decided to give you a gift are you ready?" "i guess." a light surrounded me and all of the sudden i was on the ground i got up and found everyone cheering "what in the HECK did you do?" "we have made you a prince welcome to royalty my freind." "a prince....oh my goodness i don't know what to say...." "well joseph you have learned a lot about freindship over the years. you got back together with vinyl after the worst divorce that anyone in ponyville has ever had. you forgave big mac for well anyway the point is that you have done so much over the years that

how in the

 when i arrived in equestria i felt really weak i felt like i was really going to die i tried to get to the living room in case i got sick but i fell right in the door way "OH MY GOD JOE!" i heard vinyl yell before i heard octavia yell "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" and i passed out when i woke up i was in the hospital and everyone was gathered around me "ugggghh what happened?" "you passed out in the door way to our room but me and octavia saw you and got you here as soon as possible." "we were worried joe we thought you left us for good." twilight said as the nurse walked in "i don't know he might have to unless celestia stays next to him." everypony looked at her "w-why nurse red heart?" vinyl asked her "well it seems he caught cancer somehow and it progressed fast." they all gasped "oh my celestia....." is all twilight said when she said i got cancer "yes but if we act fast enough we can save him." "well what are you waiting for." "WAIT i need to say somethings if i don't make it and i can't come back." red heart nodded and she walked out so i could say maybe my final words "first off applejack...." she got teary "listen i am sorry i did not marry you but you know it was for the best i would have though if twilight wasn't so convincing :)" we all chuckled "twilight...." she almost fainted "thank you for the car....for....everything you gave me to make me feel comfortable." twilight outright started crying and walked out of the room heading for the exit to the building "i-i'l go after her." said applejack as she left as well "rainbow dash..."rainbow dash tried to keep from crying "you have been such a big help to me you have gave me the....motivation to keep on going and-" just as i was about to finish all 5 of my freinds woodentoaster bronydanceparty h-8 seed and the others popped in "joe we heard and came as fast as possible." "oh hey guys you caught it perfectly i need to say something to you guys." i said and they all the same got teary "all of you have also kept me going with your music and brony?" "yes..." he said in a teary voice "i forgive you for that one time it was just your job." "joseph lindsy here your life signs are at ten percent." i said "oh crud tartarus darn it NURSE LETS GET ME IN THERE QUICK." they rushed me in and immiedietly got me on morphine "lindsey ife signs?" said the nurse "9 and a half." they go me in the operating room quick




they got me on the table "ok nurse put him out i don't want him seeing any of this." "ok." they gave me the medicine but i stayed awake "it's not working." "try again." she put more in me i only felt drowsy "negetive" "again if that fails we do it with him awake "she tryed again "nope we have to do it with him awake" "oh celestia" i said "i am right here joe do not worry." celestia was there in case i died "i-i want you to know were my favorite princess..." she smiled "i know." they began the made an incision on my chest "ugghghgh" i tryed not to scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH SON OF LUNA THIS IS WORSE THAN DEATH AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." i screamed as they put more morphine in me "KEEP HIM DOWN." they attempted to put me out again "he finally went out i think." "good i think that makes everything easier." they continued and got me open "looks like the heart is kind of out of shape." "maybe really bad." "life signs at 7 percent." lindsey said "oh nuts ok lets work fast and efficient." they looked hard tearing me apart untill "it's on his ribcage." they started working on getting it out "one more cut." "life signs on 1 percent he's not gonna make it." they made the final cut and just as they did *DING DING DING DING DING DING* and a high *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* "we......were to late." celestia said "that is fine like the books say i can bring him back now." "yes but we still need to call it." "time of death 12:00 sharp thursday of march." they went to notify everyone "ahem if i could have a moment with you all." "vinyl immedietly asked "HOW IS HE IS HE OK?" they simply looked at her ".......oh my CELESTIAAAAAA!" octi simply held her "it's ok vinyl celestia can bring him back." "HOW DO WEC KNOW THAT NOOOO." she said sobbing "because i can gaurrente it." they looked to see who it was....and it was me in ghost form "yes i am back for one more time before i come back but vinyl you needn't worry i will come back." she came to hug me one last time but as she hugged me i went away "don't worry my little pony he will be back by tomarrow" celesia said as they walked out to prepare for the ceremony.

the space stations of equestria

 i woke up this morning saying these exact words "i don't know why but i got a feeling something big is about to happen." and so it did


i woke up and walked out in the hall and got the mail "hmm junk junk junk invite to serve on the newest stations in space junk." then i went back to the previous one "wait say what now?" i heard a knock on the door. i opened it up to see the sergent "what the? sergent jhonson?" "yeah little boy you got invited to join the unsc in spce on our mac gun facilities." i simpily looked " i don't know what to say." "well our ride leaves in a minute hurry up and decide." i went to ask vinyl and she said "well you did save all of us multiple times go ahead." so we headed for the pelican and went on up.Once we arrived they introduced me to the systems of the mac gun i simpily followed along and found the living areas i got settled in cause soon i would be needed.



2400 hours midnight april 18th


i was ound asleep in my bed when the video chat started ringing it was sergent major i answered "son we need you in the training facility stat." i nodded and got my suit on and headed for the training facility and found 5 men there all wearing the formal suits and with.....clipboards? "umm sir may i ask a question?" "fire" "um why did you need me?" "we need to see how good you do under fire we have a program set up to have you follow master cheifs progress through the game 'halo 2' so get yourself ready." i did so and got my suit and helmet out and got on the table they set me up and started it.


0400 hours april 18th


they started me in training in the station we were in and got me aqquainted with the controls (i am not going through all of this.)once i was finished i was set back and they got me up "man you got some power." "it's obvious we made the right decision letting you aboard." so after we were done they sent me back to get 2 more hours of sleep before work began and that was nothing

the elite visitors

1200 hours school


i was in schooland i got a message that some elites had came in on a tricked out phantom and asked to see me but as the day progressed they got inpatient then i finally made it to the station and asked them "why are you here." "we have come to warn you." "huh warn us of what?" "that a rogue covanant fleet is on the way to your planet." i thought about this 'oh no they are probably following them' "ok thank you." "but joe we are outnumbered 1 covanat carrier and a fleet the size of mombasa to three mac guns and their fleet has guns that are fixed they enhanced them made them bigger." oh no i thought "can you get the arbiter over here?" "yes but we will have to contact him because we are out of ammo and fuel." "alright but if they get to earth my earth....." i thought of the consequences "and they have fixed god i don't know what to do but i know we can do it." "but then one of the marines came up "no we cant it's all over we're doomed!!!" ( darts theme just a theme i thought would be good for this) "no we can we just have to beleive i want that mac gun ready to fire at any moment chief take cortana and get to one of the other stations i want patrols on the stations uped so we can keep any covanant out and so we can keep bombs off here." "sir yes sir." "joe i hope you know what your doing." said the general "don't worry i will see to it that we don't have a repeat of halo 2." they got to work and the elites got to work contacting the arbiter "here if they come at us and you run out of ammo use these." i gave them some of our guns "thank you." "hey no problem but mind giving me a reason to why you have a custom phantom?" "yes we  were ordered by the arbiter to join the heritichs and spy on them but they caught us, once we were in the bridge they unlocked us and we busted out we took the closest weapons we could find and blasted our way out but when we reached the phantoms we grabbed as much ammo as possible they followed us and as we got the ship fired up they tried to stop us that's why we have no ammo." "i see don't worry i will make sure the arbiter knows of your bravery." "thank you we will let the arbiter know of your hospitality." "just don't plan on getting a ticket to see the planet unless they get there or the general says so and you have to speak with celestia." he nodded as he continued to create the uplink.

why so long

1200 hours 6th hour school


i was in the middle of school when the general contacted me "joseph we got word from lindsey that they are spotted but they are still in slipspace." "ok tell everyone to get the mac guns fired up and be on the look out."


0300 hours home


it has been a while since i got the alert everyone is still on the lookout and the carrier hasn't yet arrived i am starting to wonder what is happening


0600 hours the next day morning home


they still have not showed up i wonder if the upgrades they made to the carrier is slowing them down



0305 hours school 9th hour


i finally got word that they will be arriving just a little after arbiter it was nice to hear that arbiter was going to arrive before them i just hope we are ready and they don't breach the line of mac guns like in halo 2 if they do...oooohhh celestia knows what will happen


 i was at home playing spelunky and i finally got the message i have been waiting for. "joe the covanant have arrived." i immidetly got to the station and started getting ready (ok i won't bore you with details it is basicly just like the mission on halo 2 go play it and see what i mean.) i had finally deafeated the final elite and me and cheif saw the neighboring mac cannon blow up "cheif they got bombs!" "on it." we hurried and got to the bombs and took out the guards we got our ai's and took the bombs back to the ships but the capital ship made it to earth i was ready to chew some marine ass when i got back to earth we got down to earth we seen a scarab (ok as ussual you know what happened it is the same as halo 2) when we took out the covanant scarab we got on the pelican and got back to the arbiters ship the capital ship made a jump inside manehattan lukily everyone was evacuated before hand we entered slipspace and i had to wait untill we approached the destination.

the station of the heretics

 after 5 days we finally arrived at the destination "by the gods...." the arbiter said when i got a look "what it's just a space station." "not just any space station it is the station of the heretics. all of the heretics that disbannded from the covanant came here but i thought it was a myth." "well i guess it is time to restore the faith of the covanant then." he nodded and we began to figure a way to destroy it safely "ok i got an idea but bear with me. do we still have that phantom that was used to escape them?" "yes but why?" "that is the important part of getting in now the plan is


we don't have any neccesarily safe way in so heres the plan we use the phantom your troops stole and we dusguise it as a garbage phantom when the real one arrives we get aboard and take the data drive then we use that to sneak aboard when their guard is down we sneak over to the hangar force feild controls and we disable it then the plan from there is to get the big spikey covanant bomb to the core now we could just put the bomb in the garbage area but that wouldnt destroy just a portion so it needs to go the the core to destroy the whole thing when we place it we need to hurry to the phantoms and get the hell out of there."


"that sounds like a crazy plan but if it works but we don't make it it has been an honor serving with you......joseph." when i heard the arbiter say my name i swear i almost feinted "alright i need a cloaked phantom out there ready to board the garbage phantom." and so the plan began

and so it begins

 joseph david bresina reporting in as i may or may not die when i attack the station tonight wish me luck and as for you desktop vinyl scratch.......i love you

a little story of what vinyl did

 ok so i am doing something different today i am going to write a little vinyl pov and octavia pov before i come home won't be done immidietly so don't be too mad.


vinyl pov 

it was a whole day after joseph had left and i had been thinking 'joseph is gone and i have octi and the house to myself....i guess i can relax for a while' so i sat down and started some of the songs he gave me they are indeed very energetic i liked them a lot they remind me of the first time i met joseph the time he really loved me and.... "arrrgh i need to get my mind off him while he's gone." so i went to our game room and started playing some cod world at war but then i got bored of that and started thinking of joseph again "AAAARRRGHH i cant stop thinking about him." "then perhaps you are eager for him to come back." i recognized that voice " long-" "long enough." "*sigh*yeah i kinda am i guess a part of me really loves him and not hates him." i said as i sat back "well we all have that speacial someone and it looks like you two are made for eachother." i looked around "yeah maybe you are right i need to go walk." and i walked out the door


octavia pov


ever since joseph left vinyl has been acting strange i tried to help her get her mind off him but i found myself thinking for him myself "hm maybe i myself am also aching for his safe return..." i got back to my usual chello practice but as i got further i slowed down as i started thinking about him again "i really do hope he returns safe."


vinyls pov


as i entered the house i heard the video chat come up and i couldn't beleive what it was JOE


i pressed answer and his face came up "OH MY CELESTIA JOE." "hey vinyl i am glad to see you too how have you been?" "alright but everyone has been hoping for your safe return." "i can see from the happiness on your face." "yeah i havent been able to stop thinking about you." "well i will be landing momentarily-" VIDEO DISCONNECTED i waited a few moments KABAM "holy-" "sorry we just came out of slipspace." "oh i guess thats what's what the big bang was." "yeah i will trust you to get me in my military uniform i will be busy doing homework for school untill 7:00 which is when the ceremony is." "ok thanks." "yep bye." VIDEO CHAT ENDED

it was so nice to know that joe was home and i got to get him in his uniform so i get to kinda see him soon.


ok so tell me if i should do more vinyl pov with octavia ocassionally or no much appreciated

arriving in equestria

 finally i have arrived in equestria and things couldn't be better i was getting ready for my- i mean our ceremony as we just did something even the arbiter couldn't do.well that's half right vinyl was getting me in my military suit as i was doing homework that night but when i arrived i was welcomed with a big hug from you know who "OH MY CELESTIA JOSEPH I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE." "yes i am very well enough alive." and so they called me into the room to get my medal and all



"ahem today we have accomplished something we- more specifically the arbiter have been trying to do for a long time.we have finally destroyed the station of the i am sure none of us not even myself understand how they take care of these heretics but i did what the arbiter told us to do but were it not for a spartan in our army we wouldn't have completed this daunting task." i got ready for what i was about to get "the spartan that made this possible goes by the name joseph." they all cheered as i walked up to the podium "joseph david bresina you this day have completed a task that we would've found impossible and for this reason and for protecting the lands of equestria me and the princess would like to give you the medal of courage." he turned to celestia "and the medal of equestrian honor." they handed me the medals and i walked up to the podium "thank you general and celestia this has been a few terrifying months but with the help of the support of all my freinds i completed this task i was never alone i have a few elites to thank for the help as well as the arbiter." the arbiter and the 2 elites that provided the phantom walked up "i would like to personally thank the arbiter for all of the supplies that he gave me to finish this daunting task." i handed him a medal "and i would like to provide you two elites for staying with us this whole way fighting with us providing the phantom that you took from these heretics and such i give you two the best medals you could ever get thank you for the help." they took their medals "and now i would like to say a few words.i am very grateful that you all stayed in faith of me even when times looked bleak but what kept me going was knowing that i had a wife to return to thank you vinyl for never stopping to think of anything else aside from me and as for you my unsc soldiers you have fought well but i beleive it is time for us to part again." and with such said they departed on the exodus and i prepared to relax for now...

new ideas

 as usual i need ideas give me hints as to what to do with vinyl

getting back

 It has been a long time since i have come to equestria as there has not been much to do but now i am coming back to treat vinyl to a vacation i hope it will go acording to plan but we will see


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.10.2014

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