

there is small descriptions of blood but not in many chapters so read at you're own contempt


i do not own any of the legend of zelda games items toys ect

The adventure begins

In the forest of kokiri there lived a boy named link.He was a shy fellow but he knew the inhabitants.

But what he didn't know is what was about to happen.

In his dream he was standing not in the forest but somewhere he was unfamiliar of.Link was trying to figure out what was happening but he was dumfounded."Where am i?" link asked.Then he saw a dark figure galoping towards him.He gasped at the sight but when the man raised his hand link gasped and woke."Oh my what a nightmare" link said as he went back to sleep.In another part of kokiri the great deku tree was not well "navi? navi where art thou?"

Navi flew to the great deku tree as fast as she could."Navi my time is coming must go and find the young boy named link and bring him to me."."Please hurry navi!". And with those words Navi flew off torwards the village to find link.She flew around buildings and dodged people untill finally coming upon the house of the young hero.As she entered she came to link and said "hello" "hey" "please get up can the destiny of hyrule realy depend on a lazy kid?" and then link finally awoke."Finally you woke my name is Navi i will be you're new fairy". at first link wondered but then he asked "why did you come to me?" then Navi said "the great deku tree has summoned you follow me."

So as link left his house he saw saria running to his house "hey link" saria yelled "hey saria" link yelled back.Link climbed down from the ladder and talked to saria "so a fairy finally came to you link" "yep i was surprised too" "that makes you an honorary kokiri." "yeah i know and the great deku tree summoned me too" link said saria was speechless at first "really? that is an honor to be summoned by the great deku tree better be on you're way then i'll wait here for you.".So link was on his way but then when he came to the tunnel mido was there."Oh hey mido" mido was mean to link every time he got but saria stood up for him "what do you want?" "just let me past mido i need to see the deku tree" "just because you have a fairy doesn't mean you are a kokiri." mido was ignorant this time.

"Listen if he summoned you then you should at least equip a sword and shield." Link thought about that for a while then he said "alright fine mido i'll play you're game but then you oughta let me through" mido spit back "yeah we'll see".With that link went on his way and started making money for a shield once he had 40 rupees he went to the shop and bought the deku shield.But link stopped again to wonder "what about a shield" then navi spoke up " there is a place i know of one here in kokiri." then link asked her "well where is it?" "well it is in a small maze where there are big stone balls protecting it.".Link then thought "well ok if it's to see the deku tree i'll do it" so they set off to the section and soon enough they found it.Link dodged and weaved and soon enough they found it.They exited the maze and link practiced a little bit and soon enough they were ready.When link returned to mido he was dumbstruck mido seen link with a sword and shield "alright mido let me through sword and shield." mido said "how did you become the freind of saria GOOD GREIF" 

link made his way to the great deku tree "hello link"

inside the deku tree

"Navi thank you for bringing him to me." link said "i understand that you summoned me for what reason." "i must tell you the story young hero." "A long time ago... Before life began, before the world had form, three golden goddesses descended upon the chaotic land of Hyrule. They were Din, the Goddess of Power, Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom and Farore, the Goddess of Courage. Din, with her strong flaming arms, cultivated the land to create the earth. Nayru poured her wisdom onto the earth to give the spirit of law to the world. Farore's rich soul created all life forms who would uphold the law. These three great goddesses returned to the heavens, leaving behind the golden sacred Triforce. Since then, the Triforce has become the basis for Hyrule's providence. Where the Triforce stood became sacred land." "and now i tell you the reason i need you." " an evil man hath cast a curse upon me and so i will die soon but before he cast the curse he asked for the stone, the stone that unlocks the triforce." "and so i need you with sword and shield to enter me and destroy the curse" "i will do it." link said."Then enter young hero and destroy the curse.Navi please provide link with the aid he needs,and link listen closely to Navis wise words they will save you someday."

With that said link entered the great deku tree to destroy the curse.As link entered the deku tree he looked around (music for the dungeon.dekutree) "my i thought it would be a little smaller" "well might as well try.....wait look at that web" link went to investigate the web and found that it was bouncy and hard to break "hm looks as though we'll have to wait to get down there" so they traveled around the web to find deku babas "whoa!"link yelled in suprise "Navi what is that?" Navi replied "i think it's called a deku baba" so link slashed it with his sword a few times "i think i am getting the hang of this sword" then Navi asked link "what did it drop" link walked over to the item "i think i seen this before" he then descibed it as a deku nut. "What happens when you throw it is the enemies around it freeze" so link walked over to the wall to find vines growing on it "link it looks like you can climb this wall with the vines on it" so link tried climbing and he could. when he walked on the walkway alittle further he came upon a chest as link opened it he looked inside and found a map of the deku tree.

link then tried to climb the wall only to get knocked down and find a small bite mark on his arm "ow what was that" navi identified it as a skullatulla.Skullutullas climb walls to link looked around and found a door as link entered the room to find a plant.He walked up to it and a animal popped out.Link jumped back out of surprise.Navi identified it as a  deku shrub a small animal that lives underground,she also said there are diferent types the other type being buisness shrubs but there are few left.The deku shrub shot a nut at link and he reflected it with his shield "whoa i can reflect stuff with my shield?" then the nut hit the shrub "ow what did you do that for" it yelled "wait what the heck?" link wondered.Link walked up to the shrub and asked "how do you talk?" "well some shrubs can talk and others can hurt you." the shrub replied "hmm learn something new everyday." link said.With that the shrub went off and the door opened link walked through the door to find a floating platform "careful link it looks like it is about to fall" Navi warned.Link jumped on it and it started to rumble "link jump!" navi yelled link jumped to the next platform and found a chest he opened it and found a slingshot."Wow a slingshot this would be perfect for those skulltullas we seen earlier" so with that link looked at the way out but seen the platform gone "oh no how do we get out?" link asked "link look at that web up there looks ike a ladder is stuck." navi informed.

Link then shot it with his new slingshot and it came loose and dropped "now we can get out." so link climbed and got out of the room and back to the vine where the skulltulla's were.Link then drew his slingshot and shot them all then he climbed,then link came to another door he walked in then the door locked behind him."What now ?" link asked he then saw a switch and pressed it the platforms raised then he jumped from one to another and found a chest on one platform area it was smaller though."a smaller chest eh?" he opened it to find a heart "what?" he wondered then the bite mark on his arm disappered."whoa i feel better must help recover." Link said link went and pressed the switch again and went to the farther one and found a deku baba but it didn't attack it stood upstraght and kept clapping its mouth.Link slashed it and then a stick appeared"huh a stick might as well take it" so he took it and went back defeating yet another deku baba and then wondered how to get out "hey link try lighting that tourch there with the stick and fire." navi said so link light the stick and light the unlight tourch and sure enough it opened 'finally" link said with that they left then link asked navi "can we jump through that web down there from here?"we might." So link walked over to a ledge but was hit by a bigger skulltulla."YEOWCH!" link yelled link was bleeding a little but he knew he would suvive then link seen it turn then hit it, it was hurt so link hit it once more and it was dead."link are you ok?" navi asked worryed "i am ok Navi." so link jumped down and hit the web the force was enough to break it then he fell into a pool. 


Into the maze

As link dropped down he then hit the waterhe climbed out of the freezing cold waterand climbed to find a switch, he stepped on it to find a flame expand and burn the web holding it then link said "mabe for some of them we can burn them".So link grabbed a previously used stick light it and took it over to the web containing the door quickly and burned it.Link then relized he left a chest back by the torch he went to investigate and found a recovery heart and his cut from before was gone.Link then went through the door to find another deku shrub link did as he did before and reflected a shot at him it hit him then it said "ow ok i will stop just stoooop." He said link walked over to it and it said "in order to get past my brothers you must beat them in this order (2 3 1) 23 is number 1" with that he left behind a recovery heart and left.

Then link wondered "now how do we get out?" navi then looked at the eye on the wall and said "try shooting that eye with you're slingshot." so link shot it with his slingshot and it opened to a new room.Link looked around in the room for a way to get to the other side without getting clobbered by the spikes then link looked in the water and found a switch."Navi i gotta dive for the switch be back in a sec ok?" "ok then." link then dived and hit the switch and got to the platform as fast as possible and jumped to a safe platform.Link then took out a skulltula and moved on link seen an empty room so he entered and said"what is this room for?" he asked as he walked into the center he saw crumbs of something fall he looked up to see ghoma larva hanging he got back as it fell and 1 more fell "what in the heck!?" link yelled link destroyed them and went to a web blocked path he went and lit a deku stick and left for the web he got to it and the stick burned out.As link crawled through the hole he found he was at the same room as before except a different level of the area so he pushed the block down so he could get back to that level easier then link lit another stick and burned the web to the basement then all of the sudden he fell.

After the fall link found himself in a pool with recovery hearts strange how the recovery hearts were in a pool.Link got onto shore after collecting the hearts and found 3 shrubs he hit them at different patterens but couldnt figure them out.then link remembered what the shrub said "23 is number 1" so link tried it that way and he did itlink then went to talk to the shrub and it said "how did you know our secret that makes me so mad that i have to revel the secret about ghoma." link figured that ghoma was their queen "in order to knock out our queen you need to shoot her in the eye with that sling shot.oh queenie." and he walked away.with that done link walked through the door and prepared to defeat ghoma.As link entered he looked around then stepped forward and the door shut behind him then link heard what he thought was a bush shaking he looked up slowly and.....there was ghoma.

Link acted quickly and he saw her eye turn red he shot it and she was stunned and he started slashing at her soon she got back up and she climbed the wall link awaited but she turned her eye red link shot and stunned her almost crushing him and her finished her off.Link watched as she fell before him, her eye burning up and soon when it burned completely up and a heart piece appeared and he felt more powerful than beforehe stepped in the circle of light and found himself warped outside of the deku tree. 

To the castle

"thank you for breaking the curse link but i am about to die, go to the castle and find the princess there she will help you." the deku tree said. "i will deku tree count on it." and with his last breath he said "good.....bye......Navi......" and so the great deku tree shriveled up and link started out of the forest.Link arrived at mido to have him say "what did you do?the deku tree is dead you should be punished but i cant." and mido walked away mad like he usualy does.As link walked through the tunnel to the bridge he started to near the final tunnel when all the sudden he heard."i knew you were going to leave someday." link turned around to see saria there "oh hi saria yeah i need to leave." saria replied "no need to explain.......i understand." saria took an ocarina out of her pocket "i want you to have this as a token of our freindship." link took the ocarina and said "I will saria don't worry though i will be back." and with that he left and he started off to the castle saria taking one last look.

link traveled to the opening to find an old freind kaepora gaebora the owl "hoo hoo hello link long time no see. i see you are heading on a journey i got you a map to look at whenever you are lost it has every spot in hyrule." "thanks kaepora." "do not mention it." then kaepora left and link went on his way as link was walking he seen it was getting dark out then something happened.a hord of stalchilds appeared and link began to fight them off untill morning as link fought he got many prizes including rupees and recovery hearts link fought a little while longer untill a big stalchild appeared and link sliced him about 3 times and it died "what were those?" link asked Navi identified them as stalchild they only came out during the night so link had to hurry or else,but it was an easy way for rupees.After link defeated the last stalchild he seen the door open to the market and he rushed in he seen that there were hundreds of people and he headed for the castle meeting up yet again with kaepora "hey link good to see you may not now it but in certain places time stands still yet people keep moving while in places like here time keeps moving." link said "oh really." "yes so if you need to take some time off head to the field or somewhere else." and as always kaepora flew off leaving link with the queston "how do we get in." then he saw a young girl sitting at the wall he asked her "what are you doing?" she replied "oh you are not from around here are you?" silence for a few seconds "oh you are a forest boy." "oh yeah i guess i am." so she said back to him take this egg i have been incubating it slowly." so link took the egg and went on his way he waited until dark and snuck past the gaurds to the castle he jumped in the moat and swam past the gaurds and he jumped up on the other side and started torward the other side.Link soon came across a sleeping man and seen that the egg hatched and he thought that would wake him so he held it out and with a startle he woke "what in tarnation!?Cant a man get a little shut eye around here?".Link asked him "why are you here?" he replied "i came to deliver some milk and i ended up taking a nap here." link remembered that malon was waiting for him "you know malon is waiting for you?" "huh malon was waiting for me?" he sounded surprised."oh i am gonna get it from her now!" and he ran off for the ranch leaving link to get inside link saw a hole and he crawled through to find a whole other area of gaurds.

the lost forest

Link began carefully sneaking past the gaurds and found that he was half way there.After a while he finally made it he entered the garden and walked up to a window to find a girl sitting there he said "hello." she turned around and said "oh.who are you that a fairy?" she asked "so you wouldnt happen to have the spiritual stone of forest would you?do you?" "yes." link replied "i knew it." "you see not to long ago i had a dream and it included dark clouds but....." she hesitated "i am sorry i haven't properly introduced myself." "my name is zelda princess of hyrule." "what is you're name." link stared for a moment "link." "funny, it feels like i know that name.anyway as i was saying i had a dream and i seen dark clouds over hyrule but then a bright light appeared and destroyed the dark clouds the figure was holding an item and he was acompanyed by a fairy." link looked oddly at zelda."do you believe me?" "i believe every word." link said back to her.".

thank you oh and i was looking at the man through this window will you look?" "sure." link looked through the window to see the same man from his dream."i believe that man in there is the dark clouds from my dream."ganondalf seen link "what? did he see you?". 'dont worry he doesn't know what we are doing yet.oh and take this letter it will help you on the way." link took the letter and went to her protecter impa "hello young hero i would like to teach you a song that will help you on you're way.this is a ancient song passed down from the royal family." "listen and repeat." she played the 6 notes link repeated and learned a new song."The gaurds will give you trouble if you get spotted let me guide you out."As link and impa left the castle town impa started saying "beyond that mountain summit is the race of gorons, they will surely have the spiritual stone of fire, i would visit the forest first and find the medow." link thought for a moment and impa was gone "well might as well visit the forest." so they started torward the forest.soon they got to the forest and headed for the meadow and soon he met his old freind kaepora again "hello link i need to tell you something important." so link listened and kaepora said "in order to find the meadow you must listen for the music and follow it".

(music of saria.saria)Then kaepora took off link started to listen for music and soon he heard the music he followed it untill finally he reached a gated area he walked to the middle of the area and 2 wolfs apeared.Link fought them off and the gate opened but before link went into the network of paths Navi told him "Link before you go in there i want to tell you it is a good idea to peak around corners to look for enemies." "ok then." so link made his way through the entanglement peeking around the corners and attacking his enemies.Soon link found himself at a big area he thought that he was at the forest meadow then he seen saria sitting on a stump and he walked over to her and she greeted him."hi link i came here to talk to the forest spirits." link looked confused at her "and tell do you do that?" "simple i play my song to talk to i would like to teach it to you." (here's the song.saria's song) link nodded and got out his ocarina and played with saria they played for a minute ot two and then they stopped and saria said "thats great." "keep it in you're heart." with that said link exited the meadow and found kaepora waiting for him "hoot hello young hero i am glad to see you made it out unharmed.i want to tell you that you can compose you'r own songs if you just play like so hoot hoot hoot." and kaepora was gone link had no idea what he ment but he just forgot about it and left.

death mountain

link approached the base of death mountain and found the village as impa said "i guess we should look around first." so link looked around the village to see a little girl sitting next to a fence and asked "whats wrong." "oh hi i am sad because i lost the cuccos can you get them back?" link looked at his time for a second and said "why not i got time." and with that link started rounding up the cuccos and when he was done the girl said "thank you. you can have this bottle." and link got a bottle then link continued on to the graveyard and found that the sun set and he seen a man walking around and link asked him what he was doing. he said " hello there i am dampe let me give you a little advertisment DAMPES HEARTPOUNDING TOUR. WHATS GONNA COME OUT WHATS GONNA COME OUT WE"LL FIND OUT WHEN I START DIGGING." link was blown back when he yelled and asked for a hole and he found a 5 piece rupee and tried multiple times more and found a piece of heart then link returned to town and started up the hill (note there is a slight chance I will do a book on links quest for the golden skulletulas but we will see).

When he reached the bottom he started going up and when he reached a bunch of rocks he turned around and continued up the trail to the left and when he reached 2 more trails he looked at the left one and said "it looks like it is blocked." "yeah well we can still get to the city." navi said as a goron rolled past them so then they continued and reached the city(goron city) link looked around and found the shop link took a little dameage on the way so he bought a potion and he seen bombs and asked "how much for the bombs?" "oh no these are not for sale we are having a bomb shortage go,talk to our leader for help." so link walked to the door and seen the same markings as the lullaby so he played it and it opened when he walked in he found a big goron guessing it was the leader "are you the leader?" "yes so what? What do you want." he asked "i need bombs." he said "bombs? BOMBS!?" he yelled "GIANT DODONGOS ARE IN OUR CAVE.WE HAVE DODONGO INFESTATION.DODONGOS CAUSING BIG BOMB SHORTAGE.IF YOU WANT BOMBS THEN YOU SHOULD GO AND BEAT THEM YOU'RSELF" link closed his ears as he yelled loudly then link asked navi "wait do you think i should ask saria what next?" "why not so link sat down and played saria's song and all of the sudden the leader starts dancing and says "OH.OH OH.COME ON......COME ON COME ON." and he finally stopped and calmed down "whoa i feel like all my trouble has been taken away.I AM what was it you wanted?" link told him how he wanted to get all three spiritual stones.

"Oh so you just want the spiritual stone of fire, gorons ruby.Well i can't just give it to you but i can ask you to do something for it." link looked puzzled wondering what he wants weather he wants to move rocks something else."i need you to clear out the cave truth be told a man came looking for the same stone." link wondered about who it is if he needed a hint " the man was named ganon" link knew it was him somehow " he said 'if you want the cave opened again give me the spiritual stone of fire only then i will open it up' and of course i refused." link thought for a second and said "well ok but how do i open it up?" link asked puzzled "well i can give you this bracelet it can allow even a small fry like you to lift bomb flowers." and link recieved the goron bracelet.After he finished talking to the king of gorons he exited the city and headed for the cave but before he got there he found bomb flowers above the cave he threw one down waited and it blew open the cave entrance.Link jumped down and got hurt a little bit but found a piece of heart.

Link then walked in and began the expidition through the cave

dodongos cave

(dodongo's cavern)Link entered the cave to see that the doorway was blocked so he bombed the wall  and entered to see that the room was filled with lava and navi spoke to Link "link be careful in this area the only way to move around is those blocks apparently." so link climbed atop the block and let it sink up and got off to find a beamos navi described it as this "link watch out that is a beamos they are dangerous but if i am right they don't like smoke in their eye." so link took note of that.Link said "well i kinda wish i had bombs at this point." then he looked across the canyon and saw bomb flowers but link asked "how do bomb rocks flower this far underground?" he thought nothing of it though then he picked one up and threw it at a beamos blocking his way and did the same with a interfering wall and moved on.

When link entered the room he was in a corridor he walked only inches and something began coming out of the ground."what is that?" "i think thats....." they waited and a small dinosaur came out."!link thats a dodongo look out!" he sliced it and it blew up giving link a burn."Are you ok link?" "yeah i am ok." link moved on slicing more dodongos and getting away from the blast.when link came to the big room he found bombs surrounding it he also seen a blocked door so he bombed the door first and went inside to find keese and a couple of dodongos he killed the dodongos off taking a keese with it and link sliced the remaining keese and a chest appeared.Link walked up to it and opened it to find a compass and went back to the preivious room link looked and looked and asked Navi."what do you think Navi?" "i don't know link something seems off about this wall." Link thought for a moment and said "wait there's bombs here right well bomb the wall." so link picked up a bomb placed it in the small gap and yelled "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" and it blew up the wall seemed unaffected but then it started rumbling and then the wall started to decrease into stairs and as link climbed them he made it and entered the next room he heard something on the floor and then when he jumped down he seen blades going back and forth.

link rememberd what Navi said and looked around the corner it looked clear and he ran getting a small cut from it and moved on then he removed the block and found 2 recovery hearts he picked one up and the cut healed then he climbed up to find a rupee and he seen the door blocked.Once he seen this he picked up a bomb and waited and when it was about to blow he threw it and blew up right in front of the door.Link moved on and came to a lava filled room he walked in and here was a pair of lizalfos and he found one close by but it ran so the other came closer and started sword fighting with him link fought it but after 2 slices it ran the other started after him so he hit it with a stick doing more damage and killing it in 2 shots.He did the same with the other and moved on then he came to a blue room he walked in to find a giant dodongo he tried to hit it but he backflipped to dodge the flames that splurted from its mouth."how do i destroy it Navi?" "try it's tail." so link swung at it's tail and it was hurt but it swung around and hit link leaving a bruize link thern destroyed it. he found 2 more and lit the tourches and the door opened.

Link then exited to find another room like before and found 2 more lizalfos (note i know that i am skipping alot of the dungeon and therefore i am sorry.) link stabbed at the lizalfos getting stabbed himself once or twice and link jumped back to avoid getting stabbed and killed the last one then the door opened and link moved on.In the next room link found a bridge susspended above the first room and so he walked across it to find the same room that had the razor traps and when he looked across the canyon he saw a chest he carefully jumped across and when he opened it he found something he needed a long time ago "finally i got this."

the king of dodongo's

he finally found the item bomb bag (note bear with me on my wording i was kinda out of ideas) "now i can bomb stuff...what ever i could bomb." so link continued on to find the same room as before but the other side and it had a switch he stepped on it to find that the platform started rising faster "it looks like you can travel to this floor faster now Link." link found a narrow bridge spanned across the heights of the great chamber above the giant dodongo skull.Somehow he had to open a door to reach the inner sanctum of the cave.when Link reached the two holes in the bridge he peered down and saw holes in the eyes he could drop bombs down it was tempting and so he dropped bombs to find the eyes light up and the jaw drop and open a new door.As link went through the door he saw fire keese fling in the room and got his sheild ready and it hit his shield and it burned and he gor his hylian shield out and shot the other keese and got a couple recovery hearts.The only way he could go was left so he went left to find a hall way and as he walked a couple of dodongos arrived and link slashed them to see them blow up like before.Link aproached the room ahead to find more fire keese he shot them down and found more blocks he could move so he moved one into place and climbed up to get to the next spot in the room and entered through to find the same area as before.Link then saw a block he could move so he put the block in the hole in the middle and the door opened.So he went in to find a chest with bomb's he looked around to find nothing "Link try bombing the middle of the room on the floor." so link bombed the floor to find a hole and he fell in as it caved in. link hit the floor safley and he slowly turned around to see the one..the only...(cue the music i have no idea if that's the right one)

link took a bomb and threw it into his mouth when it's mouth opened and it was stunned so link took advantage and slashed at it.It got back up and started rolling and link got out of the way snd followed then stopped and link repeated his actions and sliced it again and finnaly it got up started rolling and rolled into the lava to die.When link tried walking on the lava it was solid so link walked up to the heart container and got more hearts(note i am tring to make this more realistic but it is not too easy :/ ) then he walked into the beam of light to exit the cave.As link got teleported out of the cave a giant being dropped down in front of him and got up to reveal himself as darunia."Hello young hero.Isee you have freed the cave of dodongos." yes i have now.." "wait i need to tell you are a pretty good fighter why don't we become brothers?" Link was confused but he asked "Will there be a big ceramony?" link asked "no,no big ceramony just take this as a token." and with that darunia handed over the gorns rubie or in link's case the spiritual stone."link i know you will keep improving on you're skills.That is why i am suggesting that you climb up to the top of the mountain." "why whats up there?" link asked curious."Up the mountain lies a great fairy fountain she will give you power and magic." "ok then i guess i could try i don't know what to expect on my journey so i guess i could." "good now lets hear our new brother off." as he said that two more gorons dropped next to darunia "hey there you did great." one said "come give us a big goron hug." and link thought 'oh no' so link ran screaming tring to go down the mountain but a goron dropped infront of him and he ran up the mountain. 

to the great fairy fountain

As link ran navi informed him "link i think they are gone." link slowed to a walking pace "whew i did not want a 'big goron hug'" so link continued up the mountain and soon he heard a slight rumble and he looked up to find a rock coming at him, in fact multiple rocks. "oh no" link thought and he used his sheild to block them (like in reallife by crouching down) and soon avoiding the last rocks he saw skullatullas on the vines and he shot them down as he went and soon he reached the top to find kaepora gaebora waiting "hoo i see you have made it to the top." "hi kaepora." "i watched as you ran from 'a big goron hug' hoo hoo hoo." kaepora said laughing (i am sorry i couldn't help myself lol) "yeah well is the great fairy fountain here." "hoo yes it is just bomb that wall there and you will find her.oh and by the way when you get there play the royal family song." and as he said that link bombed the wall and went in when he reached the alter he played the song as he said and there a fairy popped up "hello young hero." link stared in awe (idk if this is pervy but if you do i am sorry no age 18 content is here fyi.) i heard the song of the royal family but then i seen it was you." link answered "a freind told me you could give me some type of magic." "yes i can."."i can give you the anchient sword spin magic.recieve it now." as she said that a round green circle surrounded link and link felt revigorated and he gained the new power that was the sword spin."Say are you the royal family's messanger.If you are then see my sister at the castle." and so she left and link exited the cave.After link exited the cave he saw kaepora gaebora and he said "hoo you are looking stronger.If you would like a ride down the mountain i can take you." and with that link grasped his talons and they flew down the mountain and kaepora dropped him off on top of a house.Link dropped down from the house on to the overhang above the chickens and entered the door to find a piece of heart and left for the graveyard once more.

the suns song

as link traveled to the graveyard he wondered what would happen when he opened the royal family tomb and ran up to it.When link played the  royal family song it got dark clouds closed in,lightning started striking and suddenly lightning hit the tomb and a hole in the ground opened and link jumped back in fear not being hurt.Link looked back and seen the hole and jimped in as couragous as he was.Link dropped down to find a dark chamber and some bats link got out his slingshot and shot them down before they could fly.Link then saw the door above open and he went through,walked through the hall and found a room with acid and redeads "Link i think those are the redead royal family." link took care not to hurt them as he ran through the area with ease and found another room."What is this place." Link walked carefully and walked up to what looked like a song "i wonder what this is.....wait." link pulled out his ocarina and played the notes sun's son (if you are wondering i am going to incorperate music from youtube into this book now.) and link then noticed that it got a little darker in the room and navi reported that "it got dark outside all the sudden." "it must have been the song." and link then read the poem and it read The rising sun will eventually set,A newborn's life will fade.From sun to moon, moon to sun...Give peaceful rest to the living dead.Navi said "This is an interesting poem... huh?"Restless souls wander where they don't belong,bring them calm witht he Sun's Song. and when he read that he thought that "maybe if i play this they will freeze." so link walked into the the room with the royal redead and played the song and they all froze and link slowly exited and started torward the zora river.

the zora river,zoras domain, and hyrule lake

As link entered the river he attacked the bushes to find that someone had stashed a pot and drank it and felt some type of magic power flow through him."Navi what was that?" "how should i know look at the label." navi snapped back "i am sorry link it is just that i have been a little stressed." "it is ok." link read the potion an it said "the magic potion garenteed to restore magic power." and link looked up to see kaepora "well hello link i see you have grown stronger." "yeah well i did learn a new song." kaepora looked at him "speaking of new songs i have much to tell you of what is ahead." link looked confused "the zoras live in the area ahead but they will not open it up for anyone you must play the song of the royal family." and kaepora flew off and link continued on and link found a new enemy that navi described as the octorok.Link remembered them from earlier adventures nasty and rough link took care of them with his shield since he could not get close to these ones.soon along the path link found a log sticking to the bank (i am not doing side quests so i will skip ahead." after link was done with the frogs he moved on as he was happy to get some rupees from them.Soon after link found a water fall and played the song of the royal family and it opened link jumped to get in there and he was in.(zora's domain)Once inside he found a giant area full of life "well i guess i will take a look around." and so link did he went up to find the zora king himself and all he said was "oh hello urrm could you come back i am a little busy.oh what could have happened to her." he said quietly and link went on exploring and found another zora and she said "hello would you like to play the diving game?" link happily answered yes and she threw a couple of rupees in the water and link dived in to get finally got the last rupee and he went up to collect his prize which was a silver scale and she explained it as a item that would allow him to dive deeper and he said "wow thanks i really needed this.".


As soon as link dived again he went to the bottom to go through the little portal that was there and found himself at a lake,he checked his map and found that he was at lake hyrule.Link looked at the bottom of the lake in front of him to see something glittering.Link dived down to grab it and it was a bottle link had thought he had another but he looked closer to see a note in it and it said "Help me.I am waiting for you inside Lord Jabu Jabu's belly.-Ruto.PS: Don't tell my father" link read this and went back through the portal in a hurry to tell king zora and as link climbed the stairs he aproached his throne and gave him the letter and said "lord i have a letter and you need to see it." he opened it and read it and said "oh this is from princess ruto certainly ok" he took a second to digest the words and said what lord jabbu jabbu would not do something like this but...ever since that dark man came here he has been a little green around the gills i will keep the letter but you keep the bottle it might be of some use later ZORA!" and so he started scooting out of the way and a couple minutes later he was out of the way but then link thought to himself "wait he won't just let me into him i need to find a way in him." king zora said to him "if you are trying to find a way in to him try feeding fish to him." and so link dove down and got a fish and ran to lord jabbu jabbu and fed it to him and he started sucking it in to him and link got sucked along with it.

jabbu jabbu's belly

lord jabbu jabbu swallowed link forcing him over rows of sharp jagged teeth and into the monstrositys mouth.(jabbu jabbu's stomach)enough light was able to get in for link to see "well first a tree then a cave now this." link said annoyed.immedietly link saw some octoroks sitting in the shallow part link got his shield out and defeated the octoroks then wondered how to get through."link." navi said "what navi." "i see a glowing thing above us." link looked up to see it and thought it might open the membrane so he shot it and it indeed opened. (i know this is a bit odd but it is the story line so try and live with it for now) Link continued to find another room with jellyfish and when he hit them he was shocked.Link moved on and he found the princess "YOU what are you doing here....and who are you?" link replied "link is my name and i am here to rescue you." "no i am not leaving." she walked into the hole behind her by accident "AHHHHHHHHHH!" link jumped in after her "hey you ok?" "yeah but i still am not leaving without my gem so if you want to help then you will have to carry me." and she sat down and link picked her up and moved on he entered the next room to find a switch. he new what this ment so he went down there and threw her up on the ledge and he hit the switch and the water rose and he got back up and moved the next room link found a octorok and put ruto down to try and destroy it and he got on the platform with her and it went upand found the previous room with the jellyfishhe went through the same door and he went to the door on the far side and he found centipede like creatures.they acted the same as the jellyfish he went to the door on the far left and he went in destroyed the enemys and found a chest and opened it to find a boomerang and went to the next room that was possible to find a giant tounge. He found the last one and finished it off he went back to the other room with the jellyfish and got them to find the other tendon gone and he went down.

the last gem

when link entered the next room to find the gem she was looking for "yes that is my gem toss me up there!" he tossed her up and she got her gem "ok i got what i was looking for take me out now please." just as he was goig to jump up the platform started shaking and it went up and he heard her yell and then the platform came back down and jumping off was a giant octorok

from the cieling dropped bigocto, a huge octopus that dwarfed the octoroks. it chased link around the room trying to stomp him. if link hugged the wall the inside of the path, he was able to outrun it. When link had the backside of the brute in sight, he releashed his boomerang. A direct hit stunned the monster long enough for link to dash up and hack at him with his sword. After a couple more strikes he withered away and the platform lowered so he could get on. it went up to the next floor so link could move on and then he stepped on the other platform and it went down 

link turned around to find a switch that could only be held down and he saw some boxes across the chasm and he went over got one and he put it on the switch and continued. In the next room he found a wall with vines and a couple of jellyfish and he hit the jellyfish with his boomerang and they died.he climbed the vines and he found a switch protected by webs and he thought he could hit it with his boomerang and it opened the went through with entered the room and what descended from the ceiling was worse than anything he dealt with it was

it was barinade the anenome and he was ready he detached the jellyfish and he started spinning link threw his boomerang but no good the barrier kept it from getting far but link got it through stunned it for a brief moment and link destroyed the jellyfish and more showed up he did the same and he started slashing the anenome and soon after a lot of slashing the anenome started to self destruct.finally it was destroyed and when he walked into the ring of light ruto appeared and said “YOU.YOU ARE LATE JUST A LITTLE.” link did not listen to her and they were carried out of the belly of the thing link knew he was outside stand right in the face of princess ruto. He stumbled back embarrassed and fell into the water navi laughing at him.ruto jumped into the  water with him and swam to him “you were cool just a little.” “now i would like to give you could call it zoras engagement ring.”  as she said that she swam back and appeared the zora's sapphire. link took it in transpiring gratefulness and said “thank you but  this is all i need so i will be on my way.”  and sos link went on his way to the hyrule lake to find kaepora “hoo hello link i was just heading back to the  castle care to join me?” “sure i was heading that way myself.” so link grasped on to find thathe was at the castle already and what happened next changed him forever.

the end?

link walked up to the gate to find that a white horse was galloping towards galloped past him and he looked behinf himself to see, the one, the only

ganon. “hm lost them.hey you where did that galloping horse go tell me.”link was frozen and just sat there and for some reason or other pulled out his sword and shield.”hm hm think i am going to let you stand in my way..” he held out his hand just as his dream and shot a magic bolt at him. “now next time you think of defing me think hard.” and he rode looked at him thinking ‘what is happening’.

the master sword

as link entered the town he heard people murmuring of what just happened and he walked to the temple of time as zelda said in the strange dream.( he went in to see a big door and a couple of holes in the alter in front of it.he played the song of time and the door opened to find one giant chamber. he went in and navi said "wait that pedestal........its the master sword!" "the master sword?" link asked "yes it is the most legendary sword ever." link went up to it and braced himself to try and pull it out and when he did he was surrounded by light and then he blacked out



out takes

ok so what i did for out takes is i am going to put links in to show you outtakes and mods that took place in the story,that i took out :)


ok what you are about to see is a mod that is something i have not seen all of yet so use at own risk


next is a series of events even i was surprised to see


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.03.2014

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