
Chapter 1: The Shelter

  Out of all the things i have ever heard of, I would have never guessed that they were real. That they were not just a dream of a made up story for a comic; but real. Like breathing creatures of the night and day, able to walk on this planet, able to kill.

A few weeks ago, I would of never believed that there was such things as vampires, werewolves, warlocks, or even demons, until i was attacked on my home from a funneral by a vampire. It had sunk its fangs deep into the heap of my neck. I would of died if it wasn't for a tall, muscular shadow that swept down from the building above and shoved a small, white dagger into the back of its neck.

Well at the time, i thought it was all a dream, until i woke up in a different bed, a different room, in a different place. Well my name is Damon, and this is my story about the strange world of the Shadow Hunters.


  Damon woke up with a headache and a feeling that all his blood had been drained from his body. When his eyes finally adjusted to the bright light escaping from a series of windows across the room, he rose up and slowly took in his new found surroundings. The room defiantly was not his; this one was alot bigger in size. There were long, black shades that attached to each window; a large book shelf ran along the wall that was filled with all sorts of books some of which Damon had heard of such as Moby Dick, The City of Bones, The Call of the Wild, and other classics.

   When Deamon turned his head a sharp pain shot through his neck as if being stabbed by fiery needles. Shocked at the sudden pain, Damon placed his hand on the side of his neck. He was quiet surprised when he felt a patch of what felt like cotton taped to his neck. He then crawled out of bed and slowly made his way toward the bathroom.

Inside smelt like candy roses and perfume; it was obvious that a girl had been in there recently. Damon swallowed down the heavy weight of fear before glancing over at the mirror. When he saw his reflection in the mirror Damon felt his heart skip a beat. A patch of bloody cotton was taped to the side of his neck covered in dried blood.

Damon hesitated for a moment before gently peeling the tape away to reveal a patch of missing flesh. Damon stared at the wound; feeling the nausea bubble up in the bottom of his stomach. Feeling the bile shoot up his throat Damon quickly dashed for the toilet before throwing up what little he had in his stomach.

Afterward he just laid back and tried to let the nauseous feeling flee from his body. It was then that a deep voice sounded from the doorway making Damon jump in surprise, “Looks like whatever you ate didn’t agree with your stomach.” Damon looked over toward the door to see a tall muscular man standing in the doorway. He had on a black shirt that clung tightly to his biceps, making the shirt look two sizes too small. The thing that caught Damon’s attention was the long jagged scar that ran down from the top of his right eye down to his jaw line. Damon looked at the man who was kneeling in front of him trying to retain information about the man but frowned when nothing came.

“I heard a noise from downstairs and figured you were awake, so I brought you some medicine to ease the pain and nauseous feelings,” the man spoke as he dug into his bag and pulled out what appeared to be a first aid kit.

He unzipped the pouch and pulled out several glass bottles that were filled full of an odd looking liquid. The man dumped the liquid bottles into a glass cup and handed the glass to Damon. Damon hesitated for a moment before taking the glass and staring down at the golden fluid. The sight of the mustard looking liquid made Damon’s stomach churn. And for a moment he thought he was going to throw up again but the sensation went away when the man spoke up again.

“Don’t worry, it’s safe,” the man said in a maternal tone, putting up his hands showing he came in peace.

Damon shot the man with one last look of uncertainty before raising the glass to his lips and downing the revolting solution. When the liquid shot down his throat Damon gagged as the watery substance made its way back up.

The man laughed as he got to his feet and smiled down at him. “Its okay happens to everyone,” the man chuckled. “I’m Collin, and you must be…. “I’m Damon,”

   “Well Damon, you are very lucky to be alive,” Collin informed clearly offering his hand toward Damon. Damon stared down at the man’s hands wondering if his hands were the hands of a serial killer, but he pushed that thought back when he remembered the man had helped him earlier.

“So where exactly am I?” Damon then asked. “The Shelter. Now you might not understand or believe anything your about to hear but believe me it’s true,” Collin notified softly.

The Shelter is home to many Shadow Hunters,” Collin pointed out. “Only Shadow Hunters can enter the gates to the Shelter and nothing else. And if anything tries it will simultaneously die,” Collin clarified in a haughty tone.

Damon stood there staring at Collin as if he was crazy. Was this man really telling him this? And if he was why wasn’t he informed about this earlier, better yet why hadn’t the whole world been told about this? The amnesia and fear that flooded Damon’s mind was then replaced by rant and concern at the fact that his whole life was in danger, and the worst part was he had no realization of it.

Damon noticing the seriousness that was painted on the man’s face realized the man wasn’t playing; this was real. It was either that or this man was insane. “Wait…What?” was all Damon could get out, as he tried to buy himself some time to let it all settle in. “Never mind, I have told you too much,” Collin interjected as fear flashed in his eyes as if he was staring at it in a mirror.

He slowly stood and moved toward the door, before turning to face Damon, “There are some old clothes in that closet that might fit you. Get dressed and come downstairs. We’ll explain everything then,” he said in a fretful voice.

   Damon looked over his shoulder at the old oak door that looked as if it had been through hell. When he looked back the man was gone. “I hate it when they do that,” Damon muttered as he reached for the door and opened it. He was then greeted by the sour smell of old age. When he saw the clothes that hung on the racket he realized where the smell came from. There were all sorts of clothes that hung in the closet most of which were old and torn. He rummaged through the clothing until and pulled out a faded black shirt and a pair of jeans. He then quickly shut the door as if impatient to get away from the horrid smell.

“Who cares what I look like, it’s not like there will be anyone I’ll have to empress,” Damon thought as he slipped on his jeans and turned toward the door. He was about to leave when a slight shimmer struck the corner of his eyes bringing him aware of a shinning object that laid on top of the dresser across the room. He walked over to the desk, and halted to a stop when he saw his dog tags glimmering in the light. He quickly pulled the necklace over his head before turning and walking out of the room with only one thing on his mind…Where the Hell was he.

Chapter 2: A Wrong Decision

When Damon reached the bottom of the stairs he felt

totally lost. It seemed as if it had taken him hours just to find the ending. The house was defiantly a lot bigger than what he had expected. Not knowing where to go, he just started walking down the never ending hallway until he heard voices behind a closed wooden door.

Without hesitation, he quickly pushed the door open and wished like hell ha hadn’t of.  Cause just as the door opened and he stepped in the voices died and all eyes came on him. The way they stared at him, seemed as if they were waiting for him to make a move. And just when he opened his mouth someone spoke up, “It’s about time you woke up, I was getting quite worried.” Damon turned around to find a woman in her mid-thirties walking toward him in a strong stride. When she came to a stop in front of him, the first thing he noticed was her height. She was a lot shorter up close then she was far away. And if Damon had guessed right she was almost two inches shorter than he was. She had had long, sandy brown hair that flowed smoothly past her shoulders and came to a stop in the middle of her back. She smiled up at Damon with sparkling hazel eyes, as if he was her long lost son.

“I’m Lisa, Collin’s wife,” she then said with fidelity painted in her voice. Damon stood there not knowing what to say. I’m what was he going to say to a complete stranger, hi. The idea then flashed in his head, he thought on it for a moment and decided to go with it, “Hi.” Once the words came out he realized how stupid it had sounded, and wished he had kept his mouth shut. They all began to laugh until their eyes filled with water. “Damon, you don’t have to act normal around us,” Lisa laughed happily, wiping the tears from the corner of her eyes with the tips of her fingers.

Damon suddenly felt his chest swell with anger, and realized he was beginning to dislike these people. When they continued to laugh Damon’s anger grew stronger and stronger until he finally exploded, “What the hell is so funny? I’m standing here in the middle of some random house with no memory of how I got here and you think this is all a joke. This isn’t funny, and if I were you I would start explaining why the hell I’m here because it’s beginning to look a little suspicious.”

   The looks on their faces showed that they weren’t too pleased with his sudden burst of anger, but their body language showed different. “Okay, calm down, and we’ll give you your answers,” Lisa urged with a look of sincerity on her face. “So what would you like to know?” she then asked calmly.  Damon thought about it for a moment and realized he was full of questions. Where the hell was he? Who are you? What is a Shadow Hunter? Why can’t I remember anything? These questions flashed through his head at the speed of light. Realizing he had too many questions, Damon just went for the first on that came to his mind. “Where am I?” the question hung in the air for a moment and for a second he almost thought they weren’t going to answer. “You’re in a place where you don’t belong. Cause you are a defenseless and worthless mundane,” someone snapped back. Damon turned around to see a man in his mid-twenties leaning on the arm of an old couch while staring back at him with fiery eyes.

He had long dark hair, that ran down almost below his eyes that seemed to fit with his I-don’t care attitude. “Jace,” Lisa snapped in dismay. “You did enough by killing that thing in front of him the least you could do is show some respect,” she retorted angrily.   “What did you expect me to do, wait until it killed him and then kill it,” Jace snapped back harshly. Lisa gave him a look of disapproval before turning back to face Damon. “I’m sorry about that, it won’t happen again,” she apologized shooting Jace another hard look. “But any way back to your question. You are at the shelter, beyond those doors is the entrance to Idris, Home of the Shadow Hunters,” Lisa informed proudly pointing across the room to a set of golden doors. Damon looked at the doors in awe, and somehow he felt as if he could feel a wave of energy flow through his body as if the doors gave out a power like no other.

   Shaking off his mesmerized spell, Damon looked back at the woman. “Ida-what?” the then asked. “Idris, it’s not on any map except for Shadow Hunters,” Collin interjected. “It’s a forbidden city to any mortal soul,” Lisa informed.   “Okay so what is this about Shadow Hunters?” Damon then asked as if trying to get away from the main conversation. A moment of silence lifted in the air giving Damon the time to look around. As his eyes shifted around the room, Damon’s eyes landed on the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had long luscious black hair that ran smoothly down her shoulders. Her eyes were the color of dark ocean blue, making it seem as if she had the ocean in her eyes. When their eyes met Damon saw a connection. A connection he had never felt for a girl before. It was a connection of pure affection.

“We have been in this world for over a million years,” she then said as she softly bit on the corner of her lip. Damon let his gaze fall off her and to the floor but he could still feel her gaze on him. “Shadow Hunters is an ancient name from the race called the Nephilim. They came from the offspring of humans and Angels, regenerated to keep peace around the world. They say they were created by the Great Fallen Angel Zagan. He mixed the blood of humans and Angels into one and created Angel Warriors,” she explained lightly. The way she spoke seemed to take Damon into a different world. A world where there was no sin but just peace.

“So he created a different race that was beyond perfect,” Damon made clear. “No, the experiment came with several consequences, one being the most important, we cannot be seen by humans at all,” she pointed out loudly as if they were key words to something. “Yeah, well if I’m not mistaken I can see you,” Damon recalled with clarity in his voice. “Yes we are very aware of that in fact that is what we are trying to figure out,” Collin elaborated.   “You see Shadow Hunters have the ability to make themselves visible to humans. Many Shadow Hunters do this and end up falling in love with a mundane and then find themselves with a baby,” Lisa informed.   “And this would make the child a half-blood Shadow Hunter,” Lisa finished proudly. “Wait…. So are you saying my mother had sex with a Shadow Hunter, cause if you are that would be pretty fucked up,” Damon swore loudly. “Huh, well we can’t tell yet,” Collin muttered, as if disappointed in their lack of information. “So, Damon what is your father’s name?” Collin asked suspiciously.

Damon was about to lie and give them a false name but somehow when he made eye contact with the girl across the room, he felt as if he couldn’t lie to her. “John,” Damon finally gave in not finding himself able to take his gaze away from the girls stunning eyes. “John…..What?” Jace butted-in making Damon look away from her stunning features. “Salvatore,” Damon muttered giving Jace a dark glare of annoyance from butting-in on his transtundent stare.

“Well there you have it the kids a half-blood Shadow Hunter, congratulations,” Jace added harshly.   Damon felt his body go limp. He couldn’t be right. There’s no way he was a… Shadow Hunter. Damon looked over at Collin as if asking if this was true.

He didn’t want it to be true. He didn’t want to believe this was real- in fact he refuse too. Maybe he was joking with him, Damon thought to himself, but when he saw the realness of on Collins face that thought shattered. “I’m sorry to say this but, Jace is right. John Salvatore was once the leader of the conclave a while back,” Collin explained. “So that explains how he can see our kind,” The girl then jumped in excitedly at the newly found information. “Yes, and it also explains why he was attacked by a vampire,” Jace clued in. “John Salvatore was hated by most of the conclave for the choice he had made when he was leader. He had left the city to die when they were in the Dark War against Lucifer’s army. And ever since everybody; either hates him of wants him dead. So since the vampires couldn’t find John they have apparently decided to take their revenge on something that is considered his….. And in this case, his son.”

Yes and it also means what I feared would not come,” Collin added darkly. “So Damon since you are found to be half-Shadow Hunter, it is by law that you be stripped of your human existence and be marked as one of us,” Collin spoke with urgency in his voice. “With this in mind, you will be sent into training and you shall study the dangers and rules of being a Shadow Hunter,” Collin reassured.

Damon couldn’t find himself to take this all in. It was too much in one day. But what had been stabbing at him the whole time was the fact that he was being triggered because of something his dad did. “Wait-what would they want with me?” Damon asked trying to hide the fear that swelled in his chest. “Well isn’t it obvious,” Jace responded coldly. Damon tired of his rudeness stepped forward, “No, would you please inform me,” Damon hissed in a raspy tone.

Jace looked as if he had been slapped in the face. “It means they are going to hunt you down and kill you,” Jace threatened with irritation in his voice. Damon’s body then suddenly filled with the one thing that he hadn’t felt in quite some time…. Fear. “What!” he then yelled in shock. “Calm down, Damon, there is a way we can stop this,” Collin paused as if he had said something wrong. “Well you can stop this,” he then corrected. “And how is that?” Damon asked trying to sound calmer than he was scared. “The only way you can prevent this from happening is by giving up your life as a human and to begin a new life as a Shadow Hunter,” Collin advised. “Are you serious?” Damon asked feeling the anger fill back inside his chest.  “Honey I know this is hard to take in but it is the only way that you can be safe,” Lisa said in a maternal tone.

   Damon not able to control his anger and rage exploded, “Yeah and you just expect me to be calm while a bunch of killer vampires and god knows what else is trying to kill me because you’re wrong,” Damon objected. And before they could say another word, Damon pushed past Jace and ran out of the house before slamming the door behind him.

He had half- expected to be in the middle of nowhere but to Damon’s surprise he was just a couple miles away from New York. He took off toward the city and flagged down a taxi and sat back in the car trying to let his body relax from the fear that crawled on the top of his skin.

The time went by fast, and before he knew it the taxi pulled up in his driveway. He got out and slowly ambled his way toward the house as if he had all the time in the world. Soon as he stepped in the house he felt suddenly safe and secure. He was Home.

   Damon walked into the living room, to find his brother sprawled out on the couch with a bag of potato chips on his chest. When Stephen saw his brother, he quickly jumped off the couch and looked at Damon with a look of concern painted on his face. “Where the Hell have you been, I’ve been trying to call you all day,” his brother said with distress in his voice. The concern look suddenly faded but to be replaced with a smile, “The games on,” his brother then said happily.

   That was one thing that Damon loved about his brother, when times was serious his brother never was. “You’ll never believe what just happened,” Damon spoke with relief. Stephen was just about to respond when all the windows in the house shattered, spraying glass crystal glass everywhere. A moment later a tall muscular man stepped through the window; the sound of breaking glass echoed through the house as the man stepped closer. As the man moved closer and closer to them, Damon suddenly realized the man wasn’t a man at all but something Damon had never seen in his life. It had the body of a human but the look was nowhere close. The flesh on the creature was replaced with green-black scales that looked as if they were chipped. When the creature caught sight of them, it took off in a slithering run. Damon closed his eyes feeling death slowly edge itself closer to Damon’s soul. But when he wasn’t attacked he opened his eyes just in time to see Stephen tackle the creature sending them crashing into the glass table.

Damon heard the sound of his brother wincing in pain as the glass sliced through his arm like razor blades. Damon hoped to hell the creature was hurt as well but shockingly it was unharmed. In fact the creature didn’t even have a scratch. Damon thought for a moment wondering if it was the scales that surrounded the body but pushed that thought aside as the demon-like creature stood up and grabbed his brother by the neck and pulled him to his feet. Stephen tried to pull away from the creatures grasp but its grip was stronger than steel, it slashed down with its claws creating several gashes on the side of his cheek. It then wrapped its scaly arms around his chest and pulled him in as if in a bear hug. It then closed its eyes and a second later it disappeared in the mist taking his brother with it.

Damon stood there staring at the space where his brother had just stood fighting for his life as well for his brothers not seeming to be able to gather what had just happened. And it was then that he realized that he had just made a wrong decision, and before he knew it he was standing at the gates of the Shelter, as if coming to a new home. As soon as he stepped through the silver doors a pair of hands grabbed onto him and was pulling him up the stairs and into a large room.

When the person let go of his hand he noticed his kidnapper was the girl from earlier. She looked out into the hall as if to see if anyone had saw her dragging him into the room under his will, she then gently shut the door and looked at Damon with sparkling blue eyes. “I knew you would come back,” she then said as she cut across the room and shut the blinds until the only light that filled the room escaped from a series of candles that lined the walls. She then turned on her heels, walked toward Damon and offered her hand, “I’m Alice,” she greeted with a smile. “Nice too meet you……. Um how exactly did you know I was coming back?” Damon then asked eyeing her suspiciously. “Well, that’s obvious of course….. I can see the future.

Chapter 3: A Night of remembrance

Okay so maybe it is a little weird liking a girl that can see the future out of what someones thinking, but who cares. Ever since he had came back, he has never got a break. He spends most of his day in the training room, and the rest studying the life of a Shadow Hunter. However, the best part about it is he spends every minute of it with Alice.

 It has been almost a month since he had found out information stating he was half-Shadow Hunter, and it feels as if he has only learned one thing..... This isn't for him. 

 Alice has been acting weird lately, she never stops moving or worst of all talking.  And since that day in her room she has been acting as if their a thing.  "So there's a party this Friday up town," she said as she twirled a lock of her luscious black hair between her fingers. she waited for a moment and then spoke up again, " Would you like to go with me?" she asked leaning up on her elbows to get a better look of him.

 Damon let his mind sink on this. Was she asking him out on a date? If he wasn't mistaken males usually did that.

  "Wait-you mean like on a date?" he asked shutting the book he was skimming through, and placing it on the nearby dresser.

“Um…..yeah I guess it could be considered a date, unless you don’t want to,” Alice put out, as if trying to make him reconsider. “Oh no it’s just…. I really don’t like dancing,” Damon muttered in a low voice as if fearing she would make fun. “Well there are other things to do other than dancing,” Alice pointed out. “I mean it’s a party not a dance smart one,” she clarified purposely adding the sarcasm to her voice. “Fine, I’ll go,” Damon gave in trying to find hope that it will end the conversation of dancing.

“Okay well it’s a date then,” she squealed excitedly jumping up from the bed. “Yeah but only if you quite reading my mind,” Damon made clear as he rose to his feet. “I’m not reading your mind, I read the future out of you mind,’ Alice protested rolling her eyes in annoyance.  “Yeah mind, future whatever just promise me,” Damon said giving her a hard stare. “Are you serious?” “Yes, I’m serious,” Damon snapped back feeling a slight pinch of anger crawl up his body. “Okay, okay, damn I won’t read your puny little brain, now is that better?” Alice retorted smartly.   “Much better,” he replied with a smile on his face.

They sat there in silence for a minute listening to the sound of passing cars as they flew past the window of her room. A second later Jace’s voice sounded from the bottom of the stairs, “Damon, it’s time for your training! Stop sucking face with my sister and get your little weak white ass down here!

Alice turned back and smiled at her brothers use of words before she spoke, “ Well you heard him,” she laughed as she leaned in and placed a quick kiss on the side of his cheek before skipping out of the room and disappearing down the hall.


The training room looked like a half prison house\ gym. The floor was matted; and the foam on the sides was worn from old age. Weapons of all sorts were spread out on the shelves that lined the wall. In the corner of the room sat a very old podium. The stone was breaking off on the sides giving it an ancient look. Damon glanced along the shelves until his eyes landed on a weapon that looked quite familiar.   When he stepped closer to the weapon, Damon became aware that the weapon was the small white dagger he had seen Jace use to kill the vampire that had attacked him in the alley.

“It’s called a seraph blade,” Jace said coming to a stop beside him before reaching for the blade. “Years ago when the Great War was arising the clave made the bounded sisters create a weapon that only Shadow Hunters were allowed to grasp. Therefore, they gave the weapon the name seraph meaning “Angels Guardian” The weapon then became the Angel’s weapon of choice,” Jace added handing the white dagger to Damon. “What, you want me to have it?” Damon asked staring down at the blade as if unsure whether to take it. “Yeah, take it, it’s yours,” Jace said in a voice that was so calm it made Damon shiver.

Damon looked down at the blade; its bright gleaming blade sent shimmers of light through his eyes. The blade was long and jagged, the hilt fitting perfectly in the middle of his palm as he gripped the blades hilt tightly. As he looked closer, he noticed there were symbols engraved on the blade and hilt. They reminded him of the marks he had studied in history class but with an older look.   “What do these symbols mean?” Damon asked sliding his finger across the rough black marks. “They are old ancient runes that were used over 1,500 years ago by the East Goths. They say that the symbols grant beings with various supernatural abilities, with both Angelic and Demonic runes known to existence,” Jace explained darkly. “So how do they work?” Damon asked suddenly feeling interested in the topic. “Well Shadow Hunters engrave them in their skin. Once on the skin they absorb the power that the rune created for,” Jace explained rising up his sleeve to reveal a series of marks up his arm. There are for example runes that enable ones speed, strength, vision, sound, fearlessness, and then the Angelic power which is the mark of the Shadow Hunters,” Jace informed quickly pulling up his shirt and striding across the room.

   A long pause filled the mildew covered air as they stood there silently waiting for someone to say something. It was Jace who then broke the silence, “So what’s this I hear about you and my sister?” Jace asked. Damon figured Jace knew this topic wasn’t up for discussion, but then again that was Jace’s hobby; getting into other people’s business. “Nothing,” Damon snapped back in a harsh tone. “Oh come on, I see the way you two act around each other, and trust me it’s noticeable,” he pointed out sarcastically, with a little pinch of harshness in his voice. “I said nothing, now drop it!” Damon hissed feeling the fiery anger flame up inside at Jace’s steady annoyance. “Okay, okay, I was just asking,” Jace muttered throwing up his hands in surrender. “Damn, must be a strong relationship,” he muttered under his breath s he turned to make his across the room.

Damon finally feeling the fire rage inside him flung himself toward Jace, knocking him to the floor. But Jace was a lot faster than he was, because he brought his arm back and locked Damon’s elbow behind his head. “Easy there little warrior,” Jace said jokingly pulling Damon up to his feet. “Looks like my training have paid off,” he added with a smirk on the corner of his face.   “You managed to take me off my feet, Congratulations,” Jace pointed out clapping his hands together creating a loud echo through the room as if they were in a cave. Jace peered down at his watch and frowned, “Well sorry lover boy but trainings over,” he then said throwing a bag over his shoulder and walking toward the door. “Now get out of here before I consider the fact that you put your grimy little hands on me and smash the pulp out of you,” Jace then threatened as he opened the door and moved to the side so Damon could get by.

Before Jace could say another word, Damon dashed out of the room and ran into the hallway, without even looking back to see the frown on Jace’s face.

The hallway was long and narrow. Pictures of men and women covered the walls making the place look even older than it already had. Damon thou8ght it felt like it took hours to get to his room. When he finally stepped up to the door, all the week’s worth of training and walking hit him like a brick wall to the face. He was ready for bed.

   When he opened the door, a shock wave hit him taking the exhaustion feeling away and replacing it with a wave of relief. The only word he got out was “Oh” Alice was sitting on the corner of his bed with her legs crossed; she had his drawing book in her hand and was streaming through the pages. When Damon shut the door, she looked up and smiled up at him. “Hey boyfriend, why didn’t you tell me you could draw?” she asked putting the book back on the shelf and turning back to face him.  “Um, I guess you didn’t give me a chance,” Damon said taking his eyes off of the book and glancing down at what she was wearing. She had on a white tank top, and a pair of short jogging shorts.  

   “What are you doing in my room?” Damon then asked shaking himself awake from his mesmerizing stare.   “I just came to give you your tux for the party,” Alice told him with a high pitched tone to her voice. “Wait, I have to wear a tux?” Damon asked sharply. “Well of course, don’t you want to look handsome?” Alice asked. I mean what else are you going to wear at a party?” she added. “Well I was thinking about a pair of jeans and a flannel t-shirt,” Damon informed. Alice walked up to him and placed her hand on his cheek, “You’re so funny,” she then said in a soft voice. “Well it’s in the closet,” she paused and looked him up and down before frowning. “You look exhausted, get some sleep before the party,” she said patting him lightly on the cheek before walking out of the room and down the hall.

Once she was gone, Damon got undressed and stepped into the shower. Once he got out, he felt even more exhausted and when he crawled into bed, he was automatically in a deep sleep.

Damon woke up to a loud pounding noise that came from outside the door. “Get your ass out of bed, it’s time for your training,” Jace yelled through the door. 

Damon got to his feet so fast that he suddenly got light headed. He quickly shook it off and got dressed. When he opened the door, Jace was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed over his chest in a sign of irritation. He was wearing all black from his shirt to his jeans, giving his skin a darker appearance. He had a belt around his waist that had pockets and holsters that were full of weapons. “It’s about damn time,” Jace swore as he leaned off the wall. “I’ve been pounding on this door for so long I was afraid I would knock it down,” Jace then added nodding toward the dents in the door.   “Let’s go, we have a long day ahead of us,” Jace added as he quickly turned and headed back down the stairs.

   Training was a little different. Jace had Damon stand in a ring and fight with boxing gloves. “It’s important to know how to fight without weapons,” Jace explained as he threw a punch making Damon jump back a couple feet.

Jace had made it a little more interesting, by adding a score of how many times you put your opponent on the ground. And at the end of training, the score was tied up 10-10. But knowing Jace, he couldn’t lose. Catching Damon off guard, Jace kicked his legs out from under him sending him to the floor. He then walked up and smiled down at him, “I win,” he then said happily. “Wait that’s not fair,” Damon protested as he got to his feet and ran towards Jace. “I didn’t see you coming,” Damon added.

Jace turned around and glared back at Damon with dark eyes, “Life isn’t fair, so you’re just going to have to deal with it until you die. Which for you won’t be that long if you don’t know how to watch your back, especially in your situation,” Jace said matter-of-factly.   He then turned and walked up to one of the shelves and grabbed a dagger off of it. “Here,” he then said handing Damon then jagged blade. Damon stared at the blade in awe and looked back up, “What’s this for?” he then asked still staring at the blade with curiosity. “For the party tonight, just in case anything happens,” Jace said with calmness in his voice. “Oh well thanks,” Damon added. “Don’t thank me, it’s your safety not mine,” Jace said strongly before turning and walking out of the room. 

Damon was dressed and ready to go twenty minutes later. He had got in the shower and even got a short nap in. He was just about to walk out of the room when his phone beeped. He picked up the phone off of the dresser and scrolled through the messages until he came across a message from Alice. “Why would she be texting me when she’s two doors down,” Damon said to himself as he opened the message and began reading it, “Damon when u r ready to go, come into my room.” Damon sighed, stuck the phone in his pocket, and left the room.

   When he got to her door, he turned the knob and walked in half hoping she was dressed. When he stepped inside the room and caught sight of Alice his body seemed to freeze from her beauty. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was slightly curled at the tips making her hair look so lush, and smooth. She had on pinkish lip-gloss that glistened in the light. She wore a sparkled dark blue lacey dress that clung tightly to her curves. When she saw Damon she smiled and twirled as if showing off her gorgeous appearance.

“How do I look?” she then asked putting out her arms so he could see the angles more clearly. “Um…..Stylish,” Damon said throwing back the other thought he had. Alice looked at him as if she was trying to read him and then her face lightened with delight, “Why can’t you just say what you wanted to say?” Alice asked with a joyful smile on her face. “What do you mean, I just told you what I thought,” Damon reciprocated in confusion. It had taken him a couple of seconds to realize what she meant, and when it all came together he stared at her in dismay, “Did you read my mind?” Damon then asked. The smile that was on Alice’s face suddenly dropped and a frown took its spot, “Why can’t you just say it?” she asked placing her hand in the middle of his chest. “Please,” Alice then pleaded softly. “Okay fine, you look…. Sexy, is that better,” Damon said quickly feeling slightly annoyed at himself for giving in on her gentleness with words. Alice smiled up at him and turned to grab her coat without uttering a word. “Let’s go,” she then said as she walked out of the room.

   When they reached the bottom of the stairs they were greeted by Jace, Collin, Lisa, and Jace’s biological brother and Sister, Justin and Sabrina. “Oh Alice you look so beautiful,” Sabrina said in awe.

When they were just about to leave Jace reached out and grabbed Damon’s shoulder and looked at him. “You hurt my sister in any way, and I’ll kill you myself,” he then threatened. Damon noticing the seriousness in his tone thought it was better not to reply smartly, “Okay,” Damon replied shyly. Jace’s frown then turned into a smile, “Have a good time,” he said giving Damon a gentle push toward the door. They then walked outside and got into the limousine.



When they arrived at the party, it had started raining. They ran inside the building and stopped right at the entrance.   The place was a lot bigger than it had looked from outside. The walls and the floor were covered with balloons and confetti. Thousands of people ran around, dancing, and chatting with one another. The fact that they weren’t human made Damon nervous.

Damon walked toward the back of the room and sat down in one of the booths. Alice had taken off as soon as they had got in, so that left him by himself with nothing to do. A few minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Alice. Damon had downed a couple of shots before she finally emerged out of the group of wild dancers.

“There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you,” Alice sighed in relief as she quickly made her way toward him. “What are you doing back here alone?” she then asked looking around for any sign of company. “Nothing really, just….Chilling,” Damon replied trying to sound as if everything was just okay. “Well why don’t you come and dance with your girlfriend,” Alice told him putting out her hand for him to take. Damon didn’t even get a chance to deny her because she just rolled her eyes, grabbed his hand and pulled him up to the dance floor.  

“I don’t know how to…Dance,” Damon yelled through the loud music and excited partiers. Alice just stared at him for a moment as if trying to make clear if he was playing with her or not. And when she realized he wasn’t, she jumped in surprise. “Oh well first you take my hand and then you put the other one on my waist, and then you just rock back and forth,” Alice explained softly.

They danced for a while laughing and playing around like well a couple. Alice then led him off the dance floor and to the bar. “What can I get your two?” the bartender asked. “I’ll have a coke,” Damon told him. The man just stood there giving Damon an ugly look. “Babe, they only have alcohol here,” Alice leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Two bloody maries,” she then said shooting the man an apologetic smile.

At the end they ended up having a contest on who could down the most. Alice had got 8 down and Damon sure as hell wasn’t going to get beat by a girl especially in this. He sucked in his gut and downed the last one with a swift flick of his wrist.

A moment of silence passed by before Alice spoke up, “I think it stopped raining. Would you like to take a walk with me?” she then asked as she rose to her feet and glowered over him. Damon feeling the need for fresh air nodded, before tangling his fingers around her hand and walking out into the night.

They walked silently for a moment listening to the soft sound of the cascading water as it crashed together on the shore. “So did you have fun?” Alice then asked breaking peaceful silence that fluttered around them like free flying birds. “I had more than just fun,” Damon laughed happily as he twirled her in the air as if they were dancing in the moon light. “You know Damon, I really like you,” Alice then put out. “I know I have said this to many boys but I really do mean it,” she added with gentleness in her voice.

Damon was about to reply when it suddenly started raining. They both laughed as they ran back toward the house. Damon suddenly caught a glimpse of a cliff out of the corner of his eye. He then without hesitation grabbed her hand and ran towards the edge. “Damon what are you doing, it’s raining out here,” Alice squealed in excitement. “Having some fun,” he then replied as they came to a stop at the edge of the cliff. When they looked out over the edge they both gasped in awe. The scene was beautiful. It looked out to a large waterfall that fell into an open sea. Damon then turned and faced Alice with thoughtful eyes. “Alice I like you too. I can’t even find a word that explains how much I like you,” as Damon talked their eyes sparkled inside each other’s as if they were looking into a mirror.

The moment sent a spark up both Damon and Alice as if trying to pull them together and that’s exactly what it did. “I have been holding this back for quite some time now and I can’t seem to hold it back any longer,” and with that he gently grabbed her arm and pulled her up against his chest, before leaning in and pressing his lips against hers. When their lips met another spark shot up their bodies in realization of the love that they really shared of one another. The feel of her lips against his was electric. Their bodies pressing up against each other eliminating any space that was between them.

As much as he hated it Damon pulled away and started walking again. When they finally got to the house, Damon opened the door and let Alice in. Alice turned around with a smile on her face, “Good night,” and with that she turned and started up the steps. “Wait!” Damon yelled softly. “I just want you to know that this was a night of remembrance I will never forget,” Damon made clear. Alice’s eyes suddenly sparkled with appreciation. “Mine too.” And with that she walked up the stairs leaving Damon staring back at her wishing that their time together would never end.



Chapter 4: The Warning

Saturday felt like it went on forever. Alice and her parents went to vist  their grandparents in Iztalia.  Therefore, that left Damon alone with Jace all day.  When training was done, Jace just plopped down on the couch and watched TV. 

They sat there for a moment in silence until Jace finally spoke up, " So tell me somethings about yourself," Jace asked as he grabbed a handful of potato chips and shoved it in his mouth.  Damon gave him a hard stare and then chuckled. "What?" Jace asked with irritaion in his voice.  "You want to learn some things about me?" Damon laughed.

  "What is there a problem with trying to get to know the person I'm training," Jace asked loudly. "No it's just I never pictured you as a get to know guy," Damon said reaching across the table to grab his soda.  Jace gave Damon a look that sent chills down his spine. "Fine never mind. You humans are so defensive sometimes. Sombody tells you that your hair looks good and you freak out like he insulted you or something," Jace said angerly as he switched the tv off of mute.

 Damon sat back and thought through what had just happened. Was Jace really trying get to know him better or was he just trying to fuck with his mind. Although it did sound like something Jace would do, for some very odd reason Damon believed him. A sudden wave of guilt washed over him as he sat there realizing what he had just done. After a few more minutes of dead silence he spoke, " I like to listen to music. It rather calms me down. I play the drums and guitar in my free time. That is if i ever get any," Damon chuckled trying to make the conversation less oquard. When I was really little, I wanted nothing else but a set of drums. But unfortunately my family was broke. So i took matters into my own hands, I went outside, gathered some old beaten down trash cans and made myself a drum set. However after a couple of days of that, we had calls of complaints from the neighbors, so i had to get rid of them".

After he  was finished he looked over at Jace and was surprised to see a smile on his face. But this wasn't a smile that he gets when he is on a killing rage, this was a happy smile. "Wow he sounds like a pretty cool dude," JAce implied calmly. "Yeah he was," Damon said under his breath as all the good times he had shared with his long forgotten uncle.

They sat there for a while in silence listening to the soft voices escape from the tv, until Jace finally spoke, "I like music as well. In fact i liked it so much i tried to start a band.....but failed," Jace informed. this seemed to make the dark fog fade alittle as they both started laughing.




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2014

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