
1. Strange light


Once upon a time there was a little fairy that lived far away on a mountain. It was cold up there, so the fairy didn't fly very often. Most of her powers wouldn't work that good as well, because they needed warmth to work. All she could do was creating fire to keep her warm and to let some special plants inside a cave grow. Every morning she melted some snow to drink and ate some plants to live. She also had to wear special furs to keep her warm when the fire burned out. It was a hard life she lived, but for her it was   honour to guard this mountain.

It was a secret even for the most fairies, but on the top of this high and gigantic mountain was the location for a portal that could carry you in a far known world with strange creatures and even stranger powers.

No one was allowed to enter this portal except the royal family. Her job was to defend the portal from wretched creatures that have to come to know of its existence.

But on this day something happened that nobody did expect. It was still dawn when she woke. Inside the cave the walls were glowing and changing colours like nothing she had seen before and there was a loud whistling sound which alarmed her even more. Something was wrong.

She grabbed her alarm horn as well as her spear and ran outside the cave, expecting to see magic creatures trying to storm the portal. But when she reached the outside, no creatures were waiting in the shadows of the dawn. Everything seemed normal, except the portal itself. The small glowing light had grown to a pulsing colourful heartbeat and it won more power with every wave of light. Astonished stared the fairy into the light, unable to sort her thoughts. What was happening? There was nobody around; nothing seemed to endanger the portal. Why was it glowing like this?

When the royal family informed her about the portal, they told her that only a member of them was allowed to open the portal. But they did not tell her that a gate like this could be opened from both sides and that someone was opening it. 

The pulsing light got brighter and brighter and it started to hurt her eyes. Mel tried to protect herself by looking away and holding her hands up. But even the shadows seemed to start shining so all she could do was flying back to her cave. 

A loud sound thundered through the air, blasting snow and coldness into the last corner of the cave, freezing the plants, the water and even the burning fire she had enlightened over the dark night.

Mel was too confused to be furious of what this blast of coldness had done to her home. She got up the instant this sound faded away and stormed still alarmed outside again, ready to kill what has started this explosion.

Again nothing met her eye except the normal snowy top of this mountain. It was strange how peaceful and quiet the landscape looked. She seemed to be the only witness of the explosion. Worried she climbed to the top where the now friendly shining portal was located. How irritating this was! There had been no sign of anyone. Had she failed to be a guard? Had there been something unseen that now lived in the far away world?

To be sure what happened she checked the surroundings of the gate, but everything looked right. It was frustrating. Even if she wasn't able to understand the situation, she had to give message to the royal family. They had to know that something crossed the border and the sooner the message was sent the better for defence.

Unlucky she started to climb down again when she suddenly heard someone moan. Surprised she turned around, waiting to hear the sound again. 
There was no other moan, but the rustling of clothes and snow right under the portal. That had to be the villain! He or she must have tried to travel through the portal and failed, lucky for her. Mel took her spear and remembering her training and education she jumped at the moving thing in the snow, ready to kill.

But as soon as she saw what creature was under her with her blue shining spear at its neck, she snapped for breath.

2. The visit


Warm dark blue eyes of a male fairy stared at her, widened with fear and fury. The emblem on his crest shimmered in turquoise light, showing a symbol Mel never had seen before. If he was a fairy than his crest should have told her either from which family he came or what his duty was.

She herself wore a golden crest showing a circle and a spear, the symbol of the highest duty, the duty of a guardian. And before she was allowed to do this task, she had to do a lot of tests. One of them had her learn all the existing symbols of the fairies. She knew a symbol when she saw it, but his showed a diamond over waves, thus this was not a sign from this world. 
Mel thought about the rebels. Was it possible that they created their own crests with the symbols of the revolution? She didn't know and there was only one way to find out. 

"What is that symbol on your crest?" She asked and lowered her spear closer to the throat of the strange fairy. He continued staring at her without answering her question as if he wasn't able to understand her. Than shock moved his stoned face and he spoke surprised: "You speak my language!" Mel, now confused, just pressed her spear closer and repeated growling: "The symbol. On you crest!"

Recognition flooded through his blue eyes and a cold and diplomatic look manifested in them. "The diamond on the waves refers to the great royal family of Orca, the crystal water city. You should have heard of us. We are friends of the royal family of Ica, the grand ice city. I hope you have at least heard of them."

Mel put her spear away as she heard his words. She didn't know Orca, but as a guard of Ica, she knew the ice city, a place with white buildings and snow crystals everywhere. The city was situated on the top of a mountain, not as high as this one, but high enough for a good defendable position. She knew some of the city guards who patrolled in the outer circle. They trained beside her and only the best were able to get a position in the inner ones. 

As she was told every fairy city had a crystal stone which was shining over the city, marking it as a place of high magic and so had Ica. The crystal of the icy city was shaped in a big snowflake. She knew there were a few of the other cities deep down the valley and visitors said they had crystals shaped like leaves or flowers. But she never had heard of a diamond. That wasn't natural.
The male fairy looked unsure at Mel than he decided to get up. "Are you one of the guardians?" He asked mustering her golden crest and the spear in her hand. 

Mel noticed that he was taller than her so she stood as straight as possible; waiting for one wrong signal for him thus she knew he was the enemy. But he didn't seem to be dangerous at all. He had no weapons, no horn, no warm clothes, no bag with food - he was the worst prepared fairy Mel had ever seen. 

She just nodded at his question. The fairy clapped the snow of his thin clothes and finally shivered against the cold. Mel had expected that reaction much sooner. On the top of the mountain it was even cold for her in all her furs. His silk should have been frozen by now. On the other hand she knew nothing about his powers. If his crest was really the symbol of this water crystal city and if it really belonged to the royal family, than he had a very high status. Should she help him? In her heart she had already decided that he wasn't a rebel but a real traveller though the portal. Well, she couldn't rely on her heart. All of her decisions were made with her brain, but she wasn't completely heartless.

"I live in a cave a few jumps down there. If you want to warm up…” - "Yes!" The winged man replied instantly and started to head to her cave. Oh yeah. What a nice person, Mel thought while her grip on the blue spear tightened. The best probably was to blow the horn anyway and send an alarm to Ica. But first things first. There was a strange male fairy who claimed to come from an unknown city and she had to figure out if he was lying or not.

3. Bad News


While he stepped down the mountain, Mel mustered him more closely. He had blond bright hair, broad shoulders and moved like he knew how to use a weapon but in the same time he was walking straight and conscious as someone who was used to command. He didn't seem very cautious as if he didn't expect any attack. His body language was one of a royal family and not of a rebel.

When he stepped into the cave he snorted: "You don't even have a burning fire in here? You must really be from Ica..." Mel grimly got in front of him and started to light the fire again. "The portal froze everything when you tried to open it." She explained and took old dry hey out of a bag. 

"Tried to open?! I did open it, otherwise I wouldn't be here!" He snapped. "So you say." She countered calmly. She hit her fire stones together, again and again. The sound of them filled the sudden silence. Then finally sparks enlightened the dry plants and she put it under the burning stones. The burning stones were a gift of the guardian before her. These precious stones were very rare and expensive but necessary in order to survive here. Once inflamed they kept on burning for a long time and if they cooled down you could easily enlighten them again. Because there was no wood close by, she always used them.

It was one of the duties as a guardian to sing the needed spell. Opening a portal was a difficult thing. One had to sing the long and complicated spell, another had to set the direction and the world they wanted to go and the last one had to be a royal family member, because only the blood and the words of the royals would open the gate.

"We didn't see any attackers, but suddenly our crystal was burning, spitting flames and cracking to its core. It exploded and crashed the city with it. We ran and flew as fast as we could until we reached the closest portal to warn the other worlds and to ask for help."
Mel took a harsh breath. Just the thought of a destroyed Ica twisted her stomach so hard, she had to put away the images in her mind to gain control of her feelings again. It hit her that all this could be a lie, but his whole expression synchronised perfectly with what he just told. There was no way in hell that he would have been this good in lying. So Mel made a dangerous choice and trusted him and his words. 

She got up, took her horn and went outside. The male fairy followed her. "What are you doing?" He asked sceptical. "What is your name?" She questioned back. The fairy gave her a confused look, than he straightened and said proud:  "My name is Phy Tumbria, third son of Ton Tumbria and prince of Orca." They had send a prince through the portal? Orca must have been in real danger than. But it wasn't important to her. She had to do a job.

"Look Phy", she said. „There is only one thing we can do. I'm going to give a signal which will be transported to the city and they will contact me. You can tell your need again than and the royal family will decide if they send help. Meanwhile you can wait here. I should have enough to feed you for a few days.”

"Wait... DAYS?! Seriously? I don't have time to wait days! Didn't you listen to what I said? Orca has been destroyed! My home surrounded by water had burned down! It shouldn't have been possible in the first place. Send an emergency signal!" He demanded. It was an order from someone who was used to give them. But Mel was a guard of Ica and didn't take any orders other from her royal family. "You have to wait", she replied and took a deep breath. She wasn't going to tell him that she was sending the emergency signal anyway. He was so unfriendly that she enjoyed making him angry.

Just when she had put her horn on her lips she heard another sound. It was a blast from a horn like hers. She waited hoping for another blast, but there was none.
That was the moment her blood froze and her stomach twisted so hard she lost her stand. Within seconds she was back in the cave, taking out a bowl of melted water.

The prince followed her; his expression worried. He stood there for a moment not sure if he really wanted to know, what was happening. He knew from his city: One blast meant trouble, huge trouble. Phy had heard the signal often enough in the last time."One blast means bad news." Mel started explaining:  "In a case like this, the ones with the strongest powers normally send a message in a water mirror to say what is happening."

Mel felt the pressure of her impatience stirring her fear. The water mirror was popular, but it needed a lot of power to work and you had a limit to the distance you want to see. Some fairies were born with the right set of needed powers to use this magic; she wasn't one of them. Otherwise she would have checked on the city by herself.

When the water turned silver, she knew the message was coming. A face appeared with a scared expression. "City under attack. Guardians: Prepare to open the gates. We'll send a ..." A loud bursting sound ripped the image apart. She could see ice stones falling just before the image faded. Then the water of the bowl shimmered clear and transparent in front of her; reflecting nothing but her own face. Her heart was thumping wildly while the words and the pictures tried to connect. Fear, sadness and shame washed over her; tearing her away from reality.

4. Preparing


This couldn't be real. It just... couldn't! Not Ica, one of the biggest fairy cities of all worlds! She felt unwanted tears burning in the corner of her eyes. Was the royal family save? How many citizens were able to flee? Was it really the same attackers as in Orca? How did they manage to change world so quickly? Questions and more questions were circling in her mind. 

It was the warm hand of the strange prince which disturbed them and brought her comfort. "I am sorry." He said. It was the only thing he said, but it went deep into her heart. And from there the tears started rolling down her cheeks. She cried. She never cried normally, it was years ago that she had cried about something. But prince Phy’s presence seemed to be an exception. That and the whole situation was one big exception. Mel let the tears go for a moment. She knew she had to do something but first she needed to mourn. It was good not to be alone in this dark hour. Phy has probably suffered as much as she did right now.

After awhile the tears stopped and she stood up and went to the fire. Phy sat down beside her. "What are we going to do?" He asked in a very caring way. Mel was a little bit astonished about his tenderness. She wouldn't have expected him to care about her at all.

"Well..." She said. "They ordered to open the gates. We will wait for a runner, who's going to inform the other kingdoms. It could be that the royal family made it in time and is now coming in our direction." 

Phy sighted. "Do you always do what you're told? We have to know what is really happening in Ica!"- "Ica is destroyed!" She snapped furiously. The temperature seemed to sink a few degrees. Cold rage filled her heart now that the sadness was gone. A hunger thundered inside her. She wanted to kill. She wanted to destroy whoever had harmed her friends and all the people she was responsible for.

Her reaction surprised her. This was the first time felt this way. And she wasn't sure her feelings do any good. Phy was surprised as well. He had stumbled a few steps away and watched her cautiously. For a moment she thought he was afraid of her. Shame flooded through her and she looked away. When she straightened, her face was determined. "We are going to prepare the portal!" 

It was one of the duties as a guardian to sing the needed spell. Opening a portal was a difficult thing. One had to sing the long and complicated spell, another had to set the direction and the world they wanted to go and the last one had to be a royal family member, because only the blood and the words of the royals would open the gate.

A runner would have than be sent to the place and the direction which were set by one of the openers. Mel stopped on her way outside and looked to Phy. "Why did you come out of the portal anyway? Shouldn't you have been transported directly into the city?"

Phy nodded. "Normally yes. But the time was running and we decided to use a... different spell, so we could send all messengers to all known portals very fast." Mel was surprised. She had never heard anything about this kind of spell. It seemed Orca was somehow higher educated in the use of portals.

For a moment she thought about asking him to teach her this other spell, but then on the other hand she had needed four years to learn the normal spell. She was not sure she would be able to learn a new song so she just went outside. The coldness of the icy wind cut through her furs. She saw dark clouds as she set her eyes to the east. A storm was coming; the worst possible weather to be outside the cave. Mel sighted deeply than climbed back to the top. 

Phy followed her. "You know", she said. "You can stay in the cave. Little princes might feel cold in the upcoming wind." Phy didn't reply; he just followed her all the way up to the mountain. Again Mel found her wondering. His actions surprised her more and more.

From the top of the mountain you'd even had a better view on the dark storm front. Hearing the clouds grumble Mel got goose bumps. She didn't have any spell to protect her from the weather. Unsure she sat down in the icy snow. Phy seemed to read her thoughts, because he replied: "Don't worry. I can hold the lightning and the wind away for a bit." He sat down beside her. Mel could see that he was fighting more against the cold than anything else. She sighted and put one layer of her fur around him. He looked at her thankfully. With a last nod she closed her eyes and sank into trance.

The song passed as easy over her lips as she would sing childhood songs. The years of practice had done some good. That was also the reason she could sink deeply into the trance without noticing any changes to her surroundings. She didn't feel the light rain, didn't feel the soft rain. She didn't see the lightning and didn't hear the thunder. 

When she was finished with the spell, she started again. The more she sang it the faster would the gate react when the runner and a member of the royal family came. After a while her body started to hurt and she decided to break the trance. Still humming so the spell wouldn't end she opened her eyes.

5. Torn away


The sky was clear now and the sun was climbing up the mountain. She saw a trace of footsteps to her cave. Phy sat next to her; dark rings were under his eyes. He was sleeping. Mel stretched her body, her stomach was growling. How long had she sat down here? When she stood up, she saw a bowl of food in front of her feet. Phy had warmed some seeds for her. She was so hungry, but she didn't want to break the spell. Instead she woke Phy who directly and still half asleep sprang up. 

When he noticed her, he looked sorrow. "You can stop the song. No one has come so far." He said with a desperate sound in his voice. But Mel didn't stop. She didn't even think about it. They had to come! They said they were going to send a runner.

Phy realised her thoughts. "I checked everything. You were sitting here for nearly three days. There was no signal, no message in the water mirror, not a sign of any fairy at all. They won't come."

Mel felt an uncomfortable rush of doubt. Three days? She was singing for so long? She really felt hungry, hurt and her throat was burning. But in three days a runner would have been here by now. What were they going to do?

Mel looked at the portal. Normally the light was as white as the snow, but her spell had turned the colour into an intense violet. The more intense the colour the better it would work. If she stopped humming now, the colour would switch back to white.

Maybe they were still on their way to this portal? It wasn't her who decided what was going to happen next. The colour of the portal changed so quick she nearly would have stopped her song. It had turned into a deep shimmering blue. She heard Phys voice rise behind her. Strange words were blown to her ear, sung with an even stranger melody. She broke her own song too late.

Instantly Mel was floating in the air. The portal became brighter and brighter until she had to close her eyes. A woozy feeling in her stomach told her that she was torn through room and time, but she didn't dare to open her eyes.

It was the rough hit on a green ground which told her something went definitively wrong. Long leaves had stopped her fall, unknown smell of wet and warm flowers swirled around. Mel ripped her eyes open instantly. Green giant leaves and petals, trees and fauna above her head, pressing warm air. She was not longer on her mountain.

A small scream and a loud cracking sound told her that Phy had landed close to her. Trembling from the shock she stood up and tried to walk but failed when the leave lowered itself under her movement. She threw of her fells, when she hit the strong leave a second time. Cursing she decided to roll them together and put the furs on her back between the wings. It wouldn't be necessary to wear those anyway.

"Phy!" She roared and took off in the air. "What on the seven earths did you do!?" She flew in the direction where she believed Phy had landed. And wasn't disappointed when she found him trying to stand on the moving leaves. Furious she wanted to keep screaming at him. But her eyes fell on a shimmering light ten fairy length above his head. It looked like a star in midst of a green leaves and that was when she understood that she was staring at a portal of different world.

6. Guardians of Torca


"Phy..." she reluctantly said. "We're in another world." Phy gave it up, jumped in the air and flew next to her. "I know", he answered as if it was the most normal thing to switch between the world without the proper preparation. But that was not what she meant. If they were at a portal, then there would be people like her: Guardians.

"Don't move." She replied quietly. There were so many shadows around here that she started to feel very uncomfortable. It was so easy to hide behind the waving leaves and flowers and long grass. Phy and she were flying vulnerable and good visible in the air; they would be an easy prey. If the guardians of this world were just have as trained as she was, it would be a hard job to stop them from killing Phy.

"Why shouldn't I move?" Phy asked now looking careful around. Mel was still checking the surroundings when a sharp pointy thing shot through the air and nearly hit her. If it wasn't for her reflexes the thing would have hurt her. Phy froze as well as Mel. What were they going to do now? Outrun the enemy in their domain? She wasn't silly enough to even try this.

Again Phy decided what to do. He flew a bit higher and yelled in a steady commanding voice he was used to: "My name is Phy Tumbria, third son of Ton Tumbria and prince of Orca." He announced. "There should have been a runner from Orca here. We have to speak with his highness king Mith, immediately!"

So... Obviously he knew in which world and kingdom they were. Phy had used her preparations for the runner to transport himself here. But why did he take her with him? The portal of Ica was without protection now and it seemed that especially this time was a dangerous one.

Phy's word reached the guardians and an old female warrior fairy with a young boy appeared. Mel knew instantly that boy was in training as she had been around his age. To become a guardian you have to start your career very early. Mel knew she wouldn't have showed herself to Phy; with a smile on her lips she remembered how she had attacked him. Then on the other hand Phy said a runner of his kingdom was here before. Mel didn't know if she had reacted differently with a runner before Phy.

"You are from Orca? Was one runner not enough?" The old woman landed on the leave. She wore green tight armour which gave her a fierce look. Grey hair was bound straight back and on her chest was the symbol of the guardians: The golden circle and spear crest.

Mel had chosen the spear as her favourite weapon, which was well used in Ica. There were only a few fairies who could win in a spear fight against her. But the woman fairy didn't have a spear. She was holding a long great bow which was built as tall as she was herself. Between her green glittering wings was a bolt with arrows. The boy had a strange stick bound to him and sharp small spears attached to his own bolt. Mel had never seen a weapon like that.

Seeing how the guardians fit perfectly in their environment made her uncomfortably aware of her own looks. Especially since the old fairy seemed to analyze her. Everything on her was white and light blue like every fairy of Ica and Phy wasn't better. The colour blue was present all around him.

The old fairy's eyes widened when she saw Mel's crest. "You are one of us! What are you doing in this world?" She hissed and stepped closer before Phy could answer to the first question. Mel just crossed her arms and looked to Phy.

"Good question. Why am I here?" She repeated the words of the old guardian. She had left her duty and that guilt lay heavy on her shoulders. An unguarded portal was the biggest display of weakness for a world.

Phy landed with Mel on the leave and said with a cold calculating voice. "You're here because I need your abilities and because I want to give you a chance to help the other kingdoms and worlds... And your time is wasted on that mountain." He added. Mel could see contempt in the old fairy eyes while she felt her anger rise. "That's not what I should do. I have to protect the portal!" Mel said; trying to repress her wrath.

How could he!? She didn't serve him or his family or even his world! She belonged to Ica, to the destroyed ice city. It hurt her so much to remember what happened in the water mirror. "You are not from Orca?" The old one asked with a dark expression on her face. "No. I am not! I don't serve him." Mel snapped. And she will never serve him!

Phy saw that he was on dangerous ground, so he tried to calm the guardians down: "I am sorry, if I offended you, but we don't have time to discuss this matter now." Mel just looked away and practiced her self-control in not punching him.

To the tree-world guardians he said: "We have to speak to king Mith right away. After Orca was attacked, I was sent to Ica but unfortunately this city was attacked, too. Something serious is killing our families and its concerning us all. It has already shown that it won't stop at one world."

The boy in training was now completely white in his face. The old fairy had a grim look casted on her eyes. Again Mel compared the situation to hers and realised how sceptical she was. She would never have believed his words if she didn't had seen it.

"We will send a message right away. You know what to do, Rem." The old one replied. The boy named Rem took of instantly and vanished between the high trees and big leaves. "I cannot leave the portal, but my shadow will show you the way to Torca."

As the old warrior fairy said these words darkness seemed to gather in her hand. The shadow grew and grew until it was as half of Mel's own size. Then the shadow parted from the hand and formed itself to a small fairy.

'Follow me' the shadow whispered. "Farewell" the old one wished and disappeared as well into the deep forest. "Wait." Mel said reluctantly. "Can you prepare the portal to bring me back?" But the guardian was nowhere seen.

Instead the shadow started to move now. "Common, let us first speak to Mith and see if Torca is peaceful." Phy flied behind the shadow and looked back to Mel, who was still standing on the leave. She had to get back to Ica. She had to guard the portal. She had to do her job. But all she could do was following Phy.

7. Loss


Mel flew through the whispering forest. In front of her was Phy who never let the shadow out of his eyes while Mel kept her regard to the surroundings. This was the first time she flew in another world than hers. There could have been enemies around and she didn't even have her spear with her. She could only hope that her ice magic was enough to defeat them. And if it wasn't, well... Mel didn't want to think about all the terrible possibilities. If Torca was at least half as cruel as Ica, than they better didn't get caught by angry fairies or worse.

Mel hadn't seen so many trees and plants in her whole life. There was a forest close to the icy city, but the trees had no leaves or any other green. They were dead plants; brown and white sparkling sculptures, a reminder of warmer centuries long before the fairies had built their icy city. The green was blinding her. So many shadows were moving in such different shades that it was impossible for her to know if they were attacked or followed. In the snow it was easy to see something. But here the light was dimmed because of the trees and leaves. Far more the environment was completely new and strange to her.
All those matters tore at her conscience and alarmed her to be in a state she would attack everything that startled her.

Phy didn't notice Mel's problems. His focus was set on the shadow which should lead them to the main city of this forest: Torca. He was concerned about their situation as well, but he was afraid to see Mith Morgan again. The royal family of Torca wasn't very close with the Tumbria family. His older brother and the oldest princess of Torca had been promised, but then his brother Rem had fallen in love with a princess of Filca, the city of fields which is close enough to Orca to reach it in five days. Rem was delighted when he was allowed to marry her and since the marriage he lived in Filca with his wife. It has already been two years. Phy just hoped that their runner were able to warn Filca. He loved his brother and didn't want to lose him in this strange war that was happening right now.

His thoughts got distracted when Mel shot in front of him and vanished in the leaves before him. Adrenalin rushed through his veins while he called her name: "Mel? Are you alright?" Not sure what to do Phy looked to the shadow and then to the place where Mel had disappeared into the woods. Just a second later she came back, in her one hand a long stick, in the other one a knife. She looked around while in the same time she started to carve one end of the stick.

"Ehm Mel? What are you doing?" Phy asked. He followed the shadow again and tried to watch Mel at the same time. At least she was following the shadow as well but her gaze was somehow wild and alarmed. Did she see something he didn't see?
"I am making a spear" she said fully concentrating on her stick. With her knife she hollowed out the end of her spear till the handle of her knife would fit in there. When she was done she used some leather treat that was in one of her pockets to fix the knife at the end.

Mel didn't feel very well without her weapon. Wood was very rare in Ica, so she decided to make the best of her situation and create a new spear.
"Why are you doing this?" Phy's voice sounded concerned. Mel didn't look at him, because she was still checking their surroundings while they were following the shadow. Wasn't it obvious why she was doing it? She was a warrior in a strange country; of course she would search for everything that would maybe rescue her life. With a sigh she answered: "I don't like to fly without a weapon." She knotted the thread a few times and then she summoned her powers.

It was hard to find the icy magic in her. She was so far away from her home and the magical crystal over Ica that her powers responded very late. Ice crystals ranked over the pointy end of her spear and made it sharper and not so sensitive. The power that was burning in her chest felt different.

It felt lost and broken and it burned. Mel's wings stopped and she fell a few fairy lengths. She struggled to keep on flying while pain rushed through her chest, making her heart pound like it was going to burst.

Phy ignored the shadow and caught Mel on her way to the ground. The spear in Mel's hand was shimmering but the ice wasn't as strong as it should be. Why did the ice magic hurt her? This never happened before, Mel thought. Dizziness clouded her view while she sank deeper to the dark ground of the forest.

She felt old leaves under her feet as she landed. Phy held her up so she didn't fall in the dirt. Trembling she let go of the spear. Heart was pounding so loud that the sound of the forest didn't reach her ears. Her magic burned strangely and now began to pump through her body. Something under her skin was shifting. The pain got stronger to a point where Mel had to scream. It felt like everything she knew was torn out of her. The burning rushed through her veins and set them afire. And when Mel thought she was going to lose consciousness, the pain suddenly stopped.

Relieved she breathed in and tried to calm herself again. The burning vanished and her heart wasn't pumping so loud anymore.

"Damn it" Mel cursed and shook her head to shush away the dizziness. She noticed her spear on the ground. The ice was already melting. That shouldn't happen. That was really bad. Mel started to lose her powers...

This a small story of mine which I completely write on my smartphone while I'm on the train or bus. English is not my native language so you'll find mistakes here and there and if you want to correct them, go for it! I'll be thankful for that!

Love, Acy Ash


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.10.2015

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To my host family in Ireland and especially to David, Grace and Alice. You have warmed my heart and inspirited me with your fantasy. I miss you!

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