

 Gemma could feel eyes on the back of her neck. she resisted the urge to turn around already, knowing who was watching her. A few minutes went by before she finally heard shuffling from behind her. At the next moment her friend Willow sat down next to her on the bed.. She glanced sideways at the girl with longing written on her face. Willow refused to speak to her, instead she grabbed the book that Gemma had been reading and looked at the cover. Gemma knew that Willow wouldn't talk unless she started. It was a game that they played constantly, although Gemma was just as stubborn as she was. Gemma knew that Willow would cave eventually, she just had to wait. She took out another book from her bag and started reading, ignoring the glances that Willow kept throwing her way. After a few minutes of silence Willow groaned loudly, turning her body towards her.

   "Okay fine, you win Gemma." She hissed playfully. Gemma turned to look at her and noticed that she was biting the corner of her lips. A sign that she was nervous about something. Gemma had learned to read Willows' body language over the years. Willow was good hiding stuff but her body betrayed her at certain times. Times such as now.

   "What's wrong." Gemma asked her, a worried frown placed on her lips. Willow cocked her head to the side. Her bright blue eyes sparkled mischievously. She reached out, touching Gemma's arm lightly.

   Gemma stiffened trying to supress the shivers running up her spine. She closed her eyes for a moment, loving the way  just a simple touch from Willow could send a river of emotions all over her body.

   When she opened her eyes Willow was watching her closely. A small smile tugging on the corners of her lips. Gemma could feel her face reddening. She knew she was blushing and for a moment she wondered if Willow was able to know what she was thinking. 

   "I need to tell you something." Willow started. "But it has to wait until tommorrow."

   Gemma's brows went up in confusion.

   "Well she if you're not going to tell me now, then why did you bring it up. Now I'll be waiting all day for it." She answered carefully. Gemma knew that prying for answers would only push Willow away from her.

   "I don't know. Just don't forget to come. Nolan will be there too." With that said, Willow hopped of the bed and left the room. Gemma watched her leave, her eyes never straying from the blonde haired girl until she had dissapeared.  

   Nolan Candiano was Gemma's best friend. She had known him for her entire life. she loved him as if he was her own brother. Lately Nolan and Willow had been spending more time together, even without her. At times she wondered if they were seeing each, but she didn't want to ask. The thought of Willow being with someone other than her, scared her senseless. She jumped out of bed quickly, trying to distract herself from thinking about her. She grabbed her house keys and walked out, locking the door behind her. Maybe going on a run would help keep her mind off of Willow. It was dark out but Gemma didn't mind. She loved walking out in the empty streets.

   Willow looked behind her, making sure that she wasn't being followed. Although the dark forest covered everything, she could still see clearly. Ahead of her the small dirt trail narrowed, causing the surrounding trees to close in on her. Most people would be frighten to be out at a time like this, she thought. But not her. She was used to the late night walks, she felt that they were calming.

   Ahead of her there was a small clearing. As she got closer she could her voices. the voices died down as she stepped out into the clearing. Everyone was silent, until they realized who it was. Nolan was standing alongside a girl and another boy who seemed to be around the same age as them.

   The boy who was named Astor watched her. his intense blue eyes watching her every move. He was her Krayeb. Astor had been assigned to her the moment he was born. Krayeb's had only one goal in life, to protect there assigned person forever.  Willow hated having him with her constantly, but she knew that there were people out there who would kill her if they had the chance. 

   The girl, called Isabel had long dark curls that almost reached her waist. Her dark eyes seemed to glow slighlty. she smiled at Willow and nodded her head in greating.

   Lastly there was Nolan. Nolan was Gemma's Krayeb, although she had no idea of it. They were all here to talk about one person specifically. And that was Gemma.

   When Willow first met Gemma she had been happy to find another Fae girl living in the same town. When Nolan had told her that Gemma didn't know that she was a Faery she had no idea what to believe. Willow found it hard to understand how humans had gotten hold of a Faery child, and now she knew. As Willow's mind wondered she found herself back on the topic she always tried to ignore, Gemma.

   Willow had fallen hard for the dark haired girl the moment she first saw. Everytime they were together she'd constantly have to fight the urge to just grab Gemma and kiss her. She so badly wanted to tell her how she felt, but she didn't know how.

   Astor cleared his throat loudly. Willow looked up to find him staring at her with a knowing look on his face.

   "That's enough daydreaming for today, don't you think." He said jokingly. She remembered that he was able to read her easily. Willow frowned, annoyed at him for prowling through her mind. She glared at him angrily then dismissed him, turning to Isabel.

   The fact that Isabel was here was bad news. She never left the dark world unless she was sent by her father, who happened to be the ruler over all the Fae creatures.

   "What's going on." Willow asked. she glanced over at Nolan who was hopping on his feet quickly. he nodded his head slightly. 

   "My father has come to a conclusion about your little friend." Isabel started. "Seeing that Gemma is one of us, a Faery, she needs to leave the human world behind and live out the rest of her days among her true people."

   Willow was perfectly fine with that. She knew that Nolan didn't like it though. From the very beginning he had always been against it. He insisted that it would be safer for Gemma to live a normal live. Willow knew that Nolan sometimes hated her for it. If Gemma had never met her then she wouldn't be drawing attetion to herself. Two Faeries in the same town, away from the protection of the dark world, would just draw to many suspensions.

   "I will be the one telling her." Nolan spoke quietly. "You owe me that at least, don't you think so."

   She nodded. Willow could tell that he didn't want her around when he told Gemma the truth. That wasn't going to happen though. She wanted to be there when Gemma found out about all of them. She just had too.


 Gemma was a wonder. At least that was what Nolan thought as he watch her walk up to him. In all the years that they've known each other, he has never seen someone quite like her. When they were younger, Nolan didn't like her at first. she had been an akward skinny little girl, not to mention also very clumsy. Nolan had hated having to constantly keep watch over her, at the time he never fully understand his responsibilities as her Krayeb. But as the years flew by, he grew to admire and possible even love her. Gemma meant the world to him, and he was glad to spend all his free moments with her. 

   "Why are you looking at me like that." Gemma asked. Nolan blinked, realizing that he had just been standing there awkwardly.

   "No reason, I was just distracted by something." He answered. He hated not telling her. but he had a good reason not to.

   "Sure whatever. I'll pretend I believe you." She replied smirking at him. Her eyes flicked over to something behind him, then a gleeful smile broke out on her face. He turned to where she was looking, his eyes landing on Willow. Gemma dismissed him without a word, walking over to Willow's side. 

   Nolan frowned watching the two of them. Gemma acted like a lovesick puppy whenever she was around Willow. He knew that they had feelings for each other, that was why he hated Willow so deeply. If Willow had never shown up four years ago, then Gemma would probably be with him. He despised everything about the girl. Nolan knew it was only because he had stolen Gemma from him, but he didn't care. Gemma belonged to him, he just had to make her see that.

   Gemma looked over at him, waving him over frantically. Nolan knew what was about to happen. He had to tell her the truth about herself. Now that the moment was finally here he found that he was at a loss for words.

   "Okay Willow already told me that you guys had something to tell me." She started, looking at the both of them expectantly.

   Nolan couldn't help but noticed that everytime her eyes went over to Willows, they seemed to soften. His heart seized up. This was too much for him. He couldn't stand the way They looked at each other. They were so in love it sickened him on the spot. Nolan couldn't see how they were so clueless when it came to each other. He had no chance with her, he realized. Even with Willow out of the picture, Gemma would never look at him the way she looked at her. Nolan could see that now, and he hated that.

   "Actually something just came up now." He said making something up quickly. "Can I borrow Willow for just a second." He grabbed her and pulled her away before they could object.

   "What the hell." Willow grumbled. "You can't back up now. you said you wanted to tell her yourself."

"I can't do it now." He blurted out. "Just understand me. I'll tell her soon, but not now."

Willow watched him suspiciously.  She nodded slowly. Nolan gave her a timid smile, then he turned around and walked away from them. When he turned around for one last look, he saw that Gemma wasn't even looking at him. She was entirely focused on Willow.



   "What was that about." Gemma asked, stepping up to Willow. She didn't like to see Nolan alone with her. It made her stomach turn. Willow cocked her head to the side. her eyes brightened slowly.

  "Nothing special. He just wanted to know something about an assignment." She answered. Gemma new she was lying. she was avoiding meeting her eyes.

   "Are you two dating." She burst out. Willow stared at her in disbelief before doubling over with laughter.

   "No we are not dating." Willow answered.

   "Well than do you like him." She went on.

   "Gemma, where is this coming from." Willow asked. "Of course I don't like him. He's Nolan."

   Gemma didn't know what to believe anymore. She had to know if Willow was into her. The suspense was killing her.

   "Okay, then who do you like." 

   She watched as the emotions on Willows face changed. Thinking that Willow would shout her out if she kept pushing, she reached out to her, touching her arms.

   She felt Willow stiffen and started to pull back. Willow grabbed her waist and pulled Gemma against her. She cupped Gemma's face tenderly. Gemma's breath hitched in her throat. She couldn't believe what was happening. She leaned forward noticing the way Willow's eyes lingered on her lips. Then unable to resist, she pulled her in and kissed her. The feelings in her stomach exploded. Fireworks went off all over. she felt her arms go numb. The moment their lips connected was pure bliss. 


Willow pulled Gemma in closer, unable to believe what was happening. She felt like she was on cloud nine. The kiss was sweet yet it set her body on fire. every inch of her was engulfed in flames. Gemma pulled away hesitantly, leaving her out of breath. The two girls stared at each other, panting heavily.

Unable to contain herself Willow pulled Gemma back against her. Gemma Chuckled lightly before slowly bringing her lips down on hers once again.

This is what love felt like, Willow thought happily. All those years spent together and this is what she had been missing. The kiss was soft, yet it burned every inch of her being.  They breathed their souls and their love into each other in that kiss. That kiss; hard, but soft; fiery but cool; a split second but also forever. In that one kiss, they gave each other the love they had been looking for.

Willow pulled away, looking at Gemma with admiration in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak but was interupted by Isabel.

"So....this is Gemma." She questioned raising her brows.  

Gemma looked at the two girls, confused as to what was going on.

"She looks nothing like you described." Isabel continued on. Willow noticed she was eyeing Gemma with a look she couldn't decipher.

She knew that Isabel was no threat, but none the less, she unconciously pulled Gemma closer. Isabel frowned at the gesture.

"I need to talk to you." She continued on. She stared Willow down, daring her to deny her request.

As much as Willow respected the girl, she had a feeling in her gut that was telling her not to trust her. She nodded stiffly then turned to Gemma.

"What's going on." Gemma asked. turning to look back at Isabel.

Willow gently put her hand to Gemma's cheeks. drawing her attention away from the dark haired princess.

"I have to go for a while. She started reluctantly. "I have some things I need to go take care of."

Gemma stared at her questionably. She nodded her head slowly. Willow could see the gears turning in her head. She knew that as hard as Gemma tried, she would never be able to figure out what was going on.

"You're not coming back." She asked slowly. Willow bristled, she felt the tension that was emanating off of Isabel, but did nothing to relieve. The sooner they left the more time Gemma would spend away from Isabel's prying eyes.

"I will come back." She began. "But...not today."

She wanted Gemma to carry on, to keep questioning her, but she only shifted her weight slightly onto her left leg. She was silent for a moment, reviewing everything over in her mind.

"Willow, I don't have time for your petty games." Isabel spoke up. She moved closer until she was standing in front of them. "We need to get moving."

From the corner of her eyes she saw Gemma eyeing Isabel warily. The feeling in her gut grew. Gemma was great when it came to judging others. If she didn't trust Isabel, then that meant there was something off about her.

"I should probably go now." She said. She gave Gemma one last look then took after Isabel, who had already started off. They walked silently along the streets for a while, then Isabel veered off into the forest. Willow hesitated for a second before following behind her. 

She tried to start a conversation with Isabel but after to many one-word replies she gave up.

Isabel refused to even acknowledge her existence. They slowed their steps as they reached the clearing.

"There's been a little change of plans." She stated, smirking at her. 

Willow opened her mouth to speak but stopped short when a light haired man came out from the trees. She watched in horror as more stepped out from all around her.

They all stared menacingly at her. Hatred seeping out of their eyes.

"Isabel, what are you doing." Isabel ignored her, instead she gestured to the man closest to her.

Willow stood frozen as he shook violenty. then it was as if he caved in on himself, flames bursting everywhere. His eyes burned red.

When he stopped shaking he took a tentative step towards her, causing Willow to back up into the light haired guy behind her.

He smiled down at her, flashing his sharp teeth at her.

Willow gazed back at the flames just in time to see them coming for her. She cried out as the man kept throwing more.

She dropped down, but her actions were useless. The searing pain worsened. Willow could her someone speaking but was unable to make out the words. Her eyelids drooped as the red hot fire took over her. The last thing she saw was Isabels face leering at her.


Texte: Scarlett Reed
Lektorat: Scarlett Reed
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.04.2014

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