
chapter one

“You’re fired,” my boss stated simply. All my fears surfaced, wait, what. My feet seemed to lose their weight, but I continued to support myself so I couldn’t lose balance.

“Why,” I demanded with a courage that only came from my ability to deceive people. Mr. Parker smirked, and then leaned forward propping his elbows on his desk. He motioned me to take a step closer and I did, if it could help me get my job back. Before he says anything to me he tells all of the others in the room to leave. It made my perception of getting my job back fade. This is something completely different.

“Simply it’s because you’re an ugly, stupid, and gross. We have enough employees but, a costumer of mine has a niece who is quite the looker, so I needed to get a spot open for her,” he told as if he was saying something important, as if he was trying to wound me. I laughed out loud; I hadn’t even tried to hide it in front of him. I was worried it was because of my skill, thank god it is nothing more than him playing a petty game.

“Oh my, how immature,” I whispered trying to keep the statement to myself, but failed. He looked at me with blazing eyes, once that could kill. That’s when I knew it was time to say goodbye. Suddenly before stepping out of the office I looked back at Mr. Parker and showed off the smirk I had stolen from him. As I wave good-bye to all the employee’s that see me, I feel abandoned, but it all runs away once I see Janette coming to a stop in front of me.

“This sudden speed to get out of the building, what’s up,” she asked casually, as if this happens every day, but for me it’s close to that. My sulking expression twisted into a smile as if to show her I was strong, and that’s what I needed to be. But she didn’t buy it and I don’t blame her, the smile a too faux to believe. Janette shook her head at my attempt; it made her have hope in me. She grabbed my arm and started dragging me out of the building, which only complied with my desire to leave. That made me smile not whole-heartedly, but it was real. Once we were out she skipped over to her sporty car dragging me along, it seemed like I was unwillingly moving my feet, but that wasn’t entirely true. I loved her R8 Audi, but I wasn’t in the mood to skip. The R8 Audi is highly expensive and Janette, who has an impressive Father, got it for her college Graduation gift. My present wasn’t nearly as exciting as hers, but that didn’t stop me from loving the collection of books to fill my apartment my parent’s had bought me here in San Diego, CA. My thoughts slowly bring me back to my confidant self, or at least the Ivy with exceptional self-esteem. She arrived at our apartment in no time thanks to her life threatening speed, but today I was grateful, I really just want to go sink into my extremely comfortable bed a take a light hearted nap. As I ran towards the elevator I noticed Janette’s gaze roam away from me, and as I stop, I saw her start to drool. With a raised eyebrow I follow her electric gaze to an incredibly nice looking suit, but I knew that wasn’t what she was drooling over so I looked up to the suit’s face. Tall, Lean, and handsome, how much better could it get? But I shrug his charm off looking back at his suit, and from the moment I saw the details on the suit I knew who made it. Valentino, my eyes lit up at the thought, he has good taste.

“Janette,” I hissed as I saw her drool dripping, it was completely funny. I bit my lip keeping the giggles from coming, a tiny one escaped then the rest came flooding. Janette whipped her head around and looked at me like I was some crazy fool that of course only made me grip my stomach and laugh harder.

“Drool, who knew,” I sang while giggling like a schoolgirl and wiping tears of laughter from my eyes. Janette cold glare was sent to me, but that didn’t stop the laughter. I needed to laugh and it gave me a good excuse to cry, when the tears came down I tried to laugh it off.

“Ivy, don’t,” she whispered then wiped the drool from her chin as she approached me. That makes me laugh, and then a sigh escaped me, without my permission.

“Geez, your make me laugh so hard I’m crying. Oh what happen to the Valentino suit wearing guy,” I asked wiping the tears away, trying to digress. Then he appeared as if I called his name. He wore a cold smile, one that hides everything you’re thinking, and I knew this guy has troubles, just like I have, but he is stronger.

“Excuse me, I just bought this apartment’s land so I’m the new owner, if you have any complaints tell me.” His voice was low and business like, and it made me wonder what his casual tone was like, but of course I shook that thought vigorously, and knowingly.

“We won't have construction or people being kicked out of apartments, correct,” I asked with my own business like voice cutting through my teeth.


“Very well. Nice too meet you Mr. West, I was informed that someone was buying the property, and that we wouldn’t be kicked out, so thank you.”

Janette beside me stiffen at my business like mood, she knew that I had escaped myself again, but I felt it good, not to be Ivy, but to be Ms. Blair.

“Well Ivy, I believe you were just leaving with me,” she said nervously trying to bring me back, because she knew I would stay this way and wouldn’t tell her anything that was bothering me.

“Ivy,” Mr. West repeats, as if he was tasting my name on his tongue. It made me shiver, and then step back trying to break the small spark it set between us. I let Janette drag me from there on as I try to release my eyes from him and his now noticeable charm that didn’t come from Valentino. Quickly I turned away from his charm and follow Janette to the elevator. Once we were locked inside the elevator I started to breathe again, which made me realized that I held my breath.

“Janette, let’s go out for a drink.”

“Of course we’re going out for a drink, Ivy.”

Janette knew that what I said wasn’t a command or a request, just a simple fact she had to reply to. The edges of her lips drew as she thought of just the place to go, she always got that look when she thought of an amazing club. The heavy weight on my shoulder was still there even after the thought of alcohol and drunk dancing. However the hangout didn’t sound too grand. That thought didn’t stop Janette from jumping up and down in the elevator waiting for it to finally reach the penthouse. Once we reached the penthouse I typed in the code, but it didn’t let us in. My eyebrow rose as I tried again and was denied access to my own apartment. I raked through my Jimmy Choo handbag and got out my phone. Looking through my numbers I found the last owner’s name then called it.

“Mark Millers speaking,” he answered in a bored tone. It made me smile but then I shifted my phone to hold it between my ear and shoulder so I could punch in the number again and talk to Mark at the same time.

“Hello, Mr. Millers, its Ivy Blair calling. I know you informed Janette and I of a new owner, but you didn’t tell me the penthouse code changed. Would you mind giving me Mr. West’s number so I could call him and address this matter,” I questioned in my business mode once again although mark is my friend. It was a force of habit so I brushed it off then snatched Janette’s phone from her hand and type in Mr. West’s number to call. I said my thanks and farewell before hanging up then slipped my phone back into my purse. My left hand went up to my neck and rubbed it as my right hand pressed send then went to my ear. The phone rang…and rang… and rang, I almost gave up but at the last minute I heard something shift and the rings stopped.

“Hello, Mr. West’s office,” a light airy voice answered, obviously his secretary. A sigh came out of me involuntarily realizing I didn’t have to speak with Mr. West.
“Yes, hello. I am Ivy Blair, I live at the apartment which Mr. West just bought is there a chance he is there or if you could leave a message,” I asked my business tone never straying. I heard the tapping of a keyboard as I spoke, but ignored the rudeness, she was busy so I don’t completely blame her.

“Mr. West is free, I’ll go inform him he has a call from you.” With that small sentence all the air in my body was blown out, I don’t know why though. Shaking it off I waited as I heard their exchanges in the background.

“Okay he will talk to you, I’ll switch you over now,” she told me with an sharp tone as if I somehow did something to her. I rolled my eyes as I leaned back on the elevator. The fact that I was in the elevator made me think. How is it that Mr. West and I were just in the same building but he was now at work, it shook me, perhaps his office is close to here? The click on the phone brought me back, then Mr. West said he cold businesslike hello through the phone.

“Hello, Mr. West. I’m sure you heard from your secretary who I am. I’m in a bit of trouble here at the apartment, didn’t you say that no one is being kicked out of an apartment,” I asked hoping to get this over with, but my voice didn’t say anything but I need help and you can give it to me.

“No one that I know of, why what is your problem Ms. Blair,” he questioned then moved back in his chair, or so I assumed with the squeal of a chair in the background.

“Well, the penthouse code isn’t working, I asked the original owner you bought this apartment from and he said he didn’t change the code. Perhaps you did,” I implied getting straight to the point so we could get this over with. In reply I heard a laugh, one I didn’t expect to hear. It was musical and I couldn’t imagine it coming from the same person with the voice of a chilled demon.

“You don’t waste any second,” he laughed then continued returning to his cold businesslike attitude, “I gave the penthouse a new code because I didn’t believe anyone lived there. I checked my records and it said it was vacant.” His words surprised me, and I let them sink to the bottom of my heart with all of my other problems.

“Could you come here and let us in then, I’m sure I could let you see that every month was paid on time and verification that I live here.” My mind raced and became frustrated, but I didn’t let him know, I didn’t let Janette know either.

“I don’t have any more meetings today, so I’ll start heading over now,” he told, something in his voice was playful and it caught me. He hanged up before I could reply so I simply hand over the phone back to Janette the bang my head lightly on the elevator. Janette sensed that we had to go back down so she pressed the bottom then we headed down.

“Our clubbing plans are ruined aren’t they,” she pouted, but her eyes shined at the chance to see the male god again. I rolled my eyes and hoped for the day to be over.

“Everything is ruined,” I responded to her even though she didn’t ask anything. She shook her head then pulled me out of the elevator when the doors opened. We waited a rough 5 minutes for Mr. West to get here. My eyebrows rose, but I said nothing and then lead them back into the elevator. Janette on the other hand was all over him asking him about his day and telling him about hers.

“Oh yeah, Ivy you looked like you wanted to get out of work fast why,” she asked at the wrong time. I gave her the evil eye, but then shook my head when she smirked.

“I got fired for being, quote on quote, ‘ugly, stupid,and plain,’” I told with a slight laugh at how I did the little quote things with my index and middle fingers.

“Your boss I never liked him. Wait does that mean he is hiring a supermodel or something,” she asked not letting the subject go. I sighed knowing how stubborn she could be so I didn’t argue against telling her.

“A clients daughter, and from meeting her once, I know for a fact that she dropped out of high school her senior year, ‘it’s to troublesome,’ she says,” I replied trying to forget the fact that Mr. West is here, but I couldn’t when he laughed the musical laugh again.

“Well good thing you have your own company, it means you don’t have to go to any interviews or find a new job. I don’t even know why you got this one,” she inquired trying to show me off to Mr. West. I blushed when I noticed he was staring at me with an impressed raised eyebrow.

“Okay Janette, enough.” Before she could stubbornly reply we reached the penthouse where I typed in the code and it opened. Without stepping out I turned on my heel and starred at Mr. West.

“You are so weird,” I implied knowing he set this up, no evidence, but I knew from my gut. The edges of his lips bowed up into a small smile.

“Shall we go in,” he said instead of denying it, he knew what I meant by calling him weird. I stepped into my apartment and didn’t bother to push Mr. West back into the elevator before it closed. Janette would love his company.

“I’m going to sketch, then shower, then sleep, don’t interrupt my process Mr. West, I do this every night when I get home,” I advised once all three of us were in the living room that was connected with the elevator.

“Please take her seriously, or I’ll be up for nights listening to her complaining about how your one word made her lose the idea that would’ve sold to tons of brides. By the way, she designs bridal gowns if you hadn’t figured it out from my last sentence,” Janette commented making me roll my eyes then walk to my room. Mr. West and Janette stayed in the living room talking about work things, which I was glad I was out of, I didn’t want to go back to business mode at all today. After shutting my door I locked it, for some reason I didn’t trust Mr. West, he seemed dangerous and mysterious, also troubled like me. I changed into a comfortable silk nightgown that flowed to the floor, I didn't like those short slutty things girls usually sleep in. Picking up my pencil, shading colors, and my sketch book I go back out to the living room trying to ignore Mr. West’s staring, and then I continued out to the balcony. Even though there was wind it didn’t set my pages flying so I enjoyed it here. Without looking for inspiration I had already found an idea for my latest dress. A Grecian dress with a band around the waist that was braided together, it had drapes of silk from the back and was a one shoulder piece with a small braid band setting it on the shoulder. I felt something on my shoulder and looked up to find a hand, one that could only belong to a rich man, you could tell by the expensive ring on the thumb. I turned around completely in my chair and looked at Mr. West.

“Can I help you, Mr. West,” I asked while swiveling in the chair while I hugged my knees like a kindergartener. Something about my manner made him relax, like how I didn’t want to be in business mode, neither did he.

“You look cold,” he stated as if it was a fact then draped his coat over my shoulders. He didn’t say anything else then left. I wasn’t in the mode to chase people, because I didn’t want to trip on the way, so I went back to shading in my dress with thoughts of his relaxed eyes never leaving the back of my lids.

I went back inside after getting three good sketches of modern and classic bridal gowns. On the couch inside was Mr. West sitting back with his eyes closed. I tapped on his shoulder then jumped back as his eyes blinked open and starred at me. My hand was extended out from me with his coat in front of him, I waited for him to take it, but he never did. I ran my hand through my light blonde hair and hug the coat to me, because it was cold.

“Is your hair natural Ivy,” Mr. West asked me throwing me off guard when he said my name.

“Please call me Ms. Blair, and yes I was born with this hair color,” I replied then left the coat on the seat next to him then whispered thank you in his ear before leaving him to go to my room. Before I closed my door I peeked out and watched him leave with a mysterious smile on his face. He’s up to no good, I thought to myself as I put my sketch pad and pencils away then whisked away to the bathroom. I took a hot shower to cure all my worries of this day, because I knew that new ones would come tomorrow. After my shower I cuddled and curled up in my bed wishing I would wake up with a hangover rather than with thoughts of Mr. West in my mind.

chapter two

However the next morning my wish hadn’t come true and the Valentino suit, mysterious smile, relaxed eyes, and the warmth of his coat was all my mind was warped around. I reminded myself that I couldn’t think about him yet, I didn’t even know his first name. I shook my head and popped out of bed and walked out to the living room where I found a drunken Janette passed out on the couch. Well thankfully she didn’t make me go with her, I thought as I poked her sleeping body. When she didn’t respond I knew I would make something fun of this.

“Oh my god, Mr. West, why don’t you have a shirt on,” I yelled exaggerating every word, then laughed uncontrollably as she fell off the couch panicking to get a good glimpse of the Mr. West that wasn’t there.

“Not nice Ivy, not nice at all. Besides you’re the one totally smitten. I never saw you let someone look at your sketches that long before they are finished, besides me of course,” she retorted to my joke. I stuck my tongue out at her then walked over to the kitchen where I retrieved an apple and then started making coffee. I left my apple on the bar counter while I went back into my room to change. Walking into my closet I find my Blouson dress with split long sleeves. It’s my favorite dress to wear to my company because it’s light and airy and a light blue that matches my eyes. I picked out light blue studded wedges to go with the dress. I quickly changed into that outfit then did my make-up very lightly to match, and I did it all before the coffee was done. The machine just beeped as I stepped into the kitchen. I made myself a coffee to go, then made Janette an iced coffee and then remedied up something to eat for her hangover. I left it on the counter where I picked up my apple and was ready to go, of course after retrieving my purse and sketch books, several of them actually. As I stepped out of the elevator I waved at the doorman with an apple in my hand. As walked over to Janette’s car I tripped over my own feet almost falling to the ground. Wait I should’ve hit the ground, then the arm that was snaked around my waist moved a little causing me to understand. Someone saved me. I turned on my heel to meet with a freshly shaved chin, because of my height difference with whoever this was. Looking up I saw the same lips play into yet another mysterious smile, and without looking at the whole face I registered this person as Mr. West.

“Is Mr. West always rescuing people so early in the morning,” I asked looking away so I could hide my blush, but his arm was still keeping me tight to him. When he let go of me I backed away one step and kept looking away, my hairstyle didn’t help me much because all of my hair was in a ponytail keeping my light blonde hair away from my face. His mysterious smile turning into a regular smile you give to someone you like as a friend. Some of my sketch books were slipping from my hands so I stumbled again trying to keep them up while not letting my purse fall off my shoulder, also keeping the coffee in my other hand from spilling.

“Um, Mr. West it seems you caught me at the wrong time, I have to go,” I excuse myself stepping backwards then turning at my heel without a glance back at Mr. West. But a smile tugged at my lips as I walked towards the car while hearing the sound of his shoes following me. Oh Ivy, I didn’t know you like stalkers following you, my conscious sounded in my head to throw me off. I almost tripped again and found myself with Mr. West’s hand on my back to keep me steady. I couldn’t let go of the embarrassment I felt, but then I saw a car pull in next to Janette’s I start to go back to my normal self. Someone stepped out of the car, an obvious male, and then he turned to me to show himself to me personally almost. He slid off his shades revealing the same light blue eyes I have. Turning around I faced Mr. West again with a sweet smile.

“Could you help me please, you can see I’m struggling, almost juggling all of these things. Also I need a ride,” I asked with a voice so bittersweet, one that said help me please, or else. His smile faded but his cold businesslike attitude didn’t come back. He didn’t respond, but he still took all of the sketches from my hands and led me in the opposite direction of Janette’s car towards his. He led me to a car which had a driver standing by it, you could tell the car was used for business. He opened the door and had me slid in first then he got in a few seconds later after saying something to the driver. As we left I noticed we were going in the direction of my company’s store, I smiled thinking that my business wasn’t completely ignored by the public eye. I stared out the window but then I realized the tint for my reflection was all I saw. Those light blue eyes stared back at me causing me to jump and looking away from the window. Doing my makeup was hard enough, I don’t need to see those eyes more than I have to.

“Thank you Mr. West,” I said because I knew in less than a minute we’d be at my store and I’d leave. He handed me my sketches with an amused look.

“You’re welcome Ivy,” he replied talking for the first time today. His response made me jump as he called me by my first name again.

“I fear I’m at an disadvantage Mr. West, you know my first name but I don’t know yours although you are quite famous,” I told hoping he would give me his name after saying something like that. It earned me a smile that was bright, but his eyes still said otherwise.


“Tristan West,” I said as if testing how his name sounded together. Something twisted in my stomach as I said it, then the twist released in butterflies which I waved away knowing better than to feel for someone in that direction. The car stopped in front of the store where many young couples in their twenties waited.

“Thank you Kenny.”

The driver in front looked back at me and smiled then waved me off. I collected my stuff and quickly got out of the car trying to get away from Tristan, but he followed me again. I stopped before he could follow me inside to my work. Turning on my heel I look up at Tristan.

“Mr. West do you have business here at White Silk Bridal Gowns,” I inquired with my evil eye which means no harm.

“Yes, my mother is getting married to her 3rd husband, I’m meeting with her so I thought I would wait inside,” he retorted staring back with his own version of the evil eye, and with a smirk that says take that.

“Very well, follow me.” As I open the doors all the couples follow me including Tristan who still wore his smirk till this moment. Oh my, how immature all these men are, I thought to myself as his smirk brings me back to being fired by a smirking man. I got a pounding headache just thinking about it.

“Hello everyone, I am the president of White Silk Bridal Gowns, follow me to the waiting room, where my employees will go take your measurements, only girls though. Unless you husbands want a dress for yourself,” I suggested earning laughs from around the crowd that was following me. We walked into the modern looking waiting room where there were white leather couches with mahogany tables to match. There were four sections of couches with small walls of waterfalls section them off. The floor was a wood that matched the mahogany tables and warmed against the white couches which matched the desk where my number one employee Ms. Randy sat checking all the couples in. A lady with sandy blonde hair, who looked in her late 40’s came in, all stylish and expensive matching the one and only Tristan.

“Excuse me, but do you know if Tristan West is here yet,” she asked me without even glancing over at the waiting room. I tried not to laugh then thought I would get on her good side.

“Oh are you the fiancé he is waiting for, I knew he had good taste,” I complimented then led her over to Tristan.

“This girl is so sweet she thinks you’re the one I’m marrying,” his mother marveled with a huge smile across her lightly tanned face.

“Ivy,” he asked with a wondering expression on his face, almost asking me if I was joking or complimenting.

“Yes, Mr. West,” I questioned right back at him with a small smirk to hide away my stifling laugh.

“Do you two know each other,” his mother interrupted our sparks which were starting to fly again, almost as if we were back were we left off when we met.

“Of course, I would take you to the best bridal dress designer in San Diego. I know she is the best because I watched her sketch a dress the other day,” he mentioned which made Ms. Randy look up from her desk and walk quickly to my side where she pinched me.

“Do that again, and you’re fired,” I hissed at her then smiled at Mr. West and his mother. She smiled then went over and hugged Mr. West’s mother.

“This girl is the best in San Diego she even has an award to prove it,” Ms. Randy assured then without another word walked back over to her desk where she assigned my other employees their couples to measure.

“Since you are Mr. West’s mother… actually, I would like to address you otherwise, what is your name,” I questioned as I grabbed her hand leading her over to a couch were we sat down.

“Call me Victoria, honey,” she insisted making herself comfortable on the couch then she slid her purse onto her lap where she pulled out small fabrics of color you use for decorating furniture, but I didn’t mind.

“Victoria, since you are as lovely as you are, I’m going to measure you and take notes for what you want your dress to be like personally, and that includes the color,” I offer her, then as hear Tristan start to refuse I wave him off. His mother liked that and smiled, as if she knew the troubles the dangerous and mysterious man faced. She probably did saying how she is his mother. There was a twinge in my heart when I thought about the time my mother found out. I distracted myself with taking Victoria’s measurements. Then I took my notebook, I always had on me, also I took out one of my famous sketch books. Flipping through the pages you could see some of the dresses, but I quickened my search for the last page so they couldn’t see all of the dresses. I like to keep these things secret.

“You were lucky the other day, because I didn’t feel your presence or else you wouldn’t have seen me sketch like that,” I told Tristan with a wink as I found the next empty page. His mysterious smile came back and then left at the same moment.

“Okay, Victoria. Let’s start with the shape of the dress. Do you want it an A line dress which is like,” I asked the sketched out an simple of an typical A line dress, then drew out the other styles and shapes with labels. Usual I have an printed paper of them, but I couldn’t find it do I just did it.

“I have to say they all look nice, but I like the princess style, it looks easier to walk in,” she picked and stated why, which I liked completely it made it easier to invision something.

“That’s good, so now I know that you want something light and flowing to walk in easily right,” I noted making sure I was getting the right clues. She nodded with a quick and easy smile.

“I’d like these three colors to be in the dress, all three of the colors represent something, although I know I should have an white dress.”

“No, I like adding colors to wedding dresses. It doesn’t bring them out of the traditions, it just gives them an extra addition, and since the colors mean something it’ll have an greater effect on the dress in an entirely different way,” I explained so she wouldn’t back out of the colors, because I knew she needed them in the dress. What I said gave her courage so she nodded and we moved on, and by the end of our session I was tried and I could tell so was she.

“It was nice meeting you, and I can’t wait to see you soon.”

“Ivy, thank you for agreeing to design my dress, I will be proud to wear an accustomed designed dress by Ivy Blair. Even before Tristan told me about you I knew you made bridal gowns, all of my clients and peers praised them.”

“Thank you, Victoria. Goodbye Mr. West,” I urged him out, I could barely distract myself anymore with all the other couples being helped by the employees. They both waved bye at the same time and left me alone. I went over to my coffee and took a sip then smiled at Ms. Randy, after that I went start to chatting with the couples with my notepad in my left hand and my pencil in my right.

When my day at work was over I was exhausted, but it only got worst as I realized I had to walk home. However to my surprise when I walked out of my store there Kenny was waiting for me.

“It’s been a long time Kenny, since you had to quit when you moved, I had no idea you moved to San Diego, or else I would’ve insisted on going with you,” I blurted as I walked up to Kenny. He smiled with delight then took off his hat and pressed it to his heart in front of me. I smiled then got into the car.

“Hello, Mr. West, may I ask what you are doing here,” I question then before he could answer I mutter to myself “although I let myself in.” He laughed musically but then stopped as the car rolled forward as we left.

“My mother was happy, to be frankly enough I think she is happier to receive the dress than the wedding itself.” My head tilted to the side as I thought about it, but I understood, perhaps it’s because of my troubles that I have no intention of marrying or the fact that I love the dresses too much to only have one wedding.

“Well I hope over time she doesn’t always think that way,” I whispered thinking more of myself than of Victoria when I said it.

“By the way, Mr. West, could you please tell me why you are helping me like this,” I questioned turning myself in the seat so I could face him.

“Because you were different since the moment I met you,” he explained with a bored tone as if he was simply saying his favorite color was red. His response reminded me of how I would easily blow someone off with that same bored tone, but his sentence he used and his bored tone didn’t match.

“You are weird,” I stated again, it was a fact now. His lips quirked up at the way I said weird, and I knew he heard it the second time around.

“Where are you originally from,” he asked catching onto the accent.

“Rhode island, it’s one state away from New York so we have New York accent’s there,” I explained frowning as I think of my home town. Usually when people think of their hometown they smile and become excited, but for me it brings back memories, ones I don’t want. I waved him off when I saw the questioning look in his eye.

“That’s also why, because I can tell you are like me,” he commented his eyes darkening and his cold voice lowering. He was completely dark and dangerous at the moment, but it didn’t last long because we arrived.

“Well, thank you for the ride, and the customer.” He waved it off as if nothing happen then got out of car with me.

“Err, you really want to stalk me all day don’t you,” I question as I walk towards the elevator listening to his footsteps behind me.

“This isn’t stalking, I’m simply visiting Janette,” he said as an excuse.

“Who would want to meet that crazy girl with a hangover,” I questioned with a smirk at the thought of her panicking this morning. I stifle a laugh and bang my head light on the elevator as we ride up. He questioned me so, I said it was an inside joke. I no longer keep the laugh in when I saw his questioning eyes which held amusement in them. Then the elevator came to a stop and revealed a Janette who looked like she still had a hangover.

“Too funny,” I muttered as we walked into the living room.

chapter three

“Don’t you have to work to do,” I asked Tristan as all three of us sat down on the couch. He spent more than half of his day with me, and not once did I see him on his phone.

“I've done it all for today after the appointment with my mother,” he replied with a tone that said don’t question anymore. It made me noticed the dark troubles in his eyes again.

“In that case, would you like some wine,” I questioned both Janette and Tristan, but mostly it was to myself. Yes, I do want wine, I told myself as I started walking towards the kitchen. I heard both of them say yes so I poured three tulip glasses of white wine. Once I was seated back on the couch after handing out the wine I saw something move in my room. Janette saw where I was looking then a light bulb appeared on top of her head.

“I forgot to tell you, someone came looking for you so I let him into your room,” Janette informed me, her eyes sparkled, and that made me know that it was a hot guy. This can’t be good, I thought to myself then good up with my glass and walked cautiously towards my room. When I opened the door fully those light blue eyes were in front of me again. Before he could do anything I poured the wine on him and stormed out.

“Janette, never let that person in,” I hissed then quickly walked out to the elevator, which Tristan was already in. He looked confused when I walked him and slammed on the button. They guy came out of the room soaking wet then looked for me with furious eyes. The doors closed before he could make it. I didn’t let out a sigh of relief though. I knew he would stay there until I came back.

“Who was that,” Tristan asked from the corner of the room with his green eyes a shade darker than normally.

“You have things you don’t like talking about, so do I,” I explained looking away with no smile, but no frown either, just a blank expressionless mask on my face. I wondered however how that guy was here. My phone ringed with the ringtone I used for my mother, it rang at the perfect time too, when Tristan was here with me.

“Hello, mother,” I growled, I didn’t exactly favor my mother, but I didn’t hate her.
“I guess he already found you, he got out on bail after 9 years,” she told me as if it was some simply matter that didn’t ruin my life.

“Out on bail, how could they let him out? How could you let him get out? Mother, you know what happen. It could happen to others now. GET HIM BACK IN JAIL NOW,” I commanded not even thinking about what Tristan could hear from this one-sided conversation. My hands were shaking as I held my phone to my ear.

“I can’t get him back in unless he try’s it again,” she whispered probably feeling small because I raised my voice. I sighed and shifted my weight from one foot to the other before the elevator came to a stop. Then as I stepped out of the elevator I could hear her shaky breaths as she was crying.

“Stop crying, Mother, I’m coming over now. I have a restraining order on him and he broke it, that’s a good enough excuse to get him back in,” I calmed her then waved to Tristan who was watching me with his own expressionless mask. I raked through my purse as I listened to my mother on the phone trying to calm down.

“Ivy, be careful, please,” she cried into the phone as if she finally thought of the horrors of him being out of jail.

“Mother, it’s fine…,” I started to say but when the elevator dinged I turned around and found him coming out of the elevator. I muttered a curse word then hanged up, and ran to my car.

“Bye, Tristan,” I said and waved, while laughing at how reckless I was being. He didn’t seem to find it amusing but waved back anyway. I got into my car and locked the doors before I even started the car. I quickly drove out of there before he could even get in the car. At first I went the opposite way of my mother’s house then went into a circle, so he could get lost. Thankfully mother moved after he was put in jail. I turned on my car phone and then called Janette, to make sure she was safe. She was crying that she had no idea it was him and kept saying sorry. When I said it was fine I meant it, I had no intention of blaming this on her and she knew that so she stopped crying then hung up. I pulled my car into her garage to keep him from looking for my car and knowing where I’m at. My mother met me in the garage when she heard it shut.

“Ivy, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” she whimpered, and then she checked me to make sure I was okay.

“That doesn’t change anything,” I hissed, but then let it go and followed her inside.

“That’s true, but I’m sorry you could have gotten hurt,” she proclaims with an edge to her voice.

“Well, Mother, I’m fine,” I assured her as we sat down on the couch in the living room. She nodded in response then went into the kitchen to get something. When she came back I saw she had gotten two glass of wine, which I was grateful for.

“Where’s Will,” I questioned after I was handed one of the glasses. My eyes scanned the room, taking in all of the details, they refurnished it again. When I looked back up at my mother I saw that her sad expression flew away as she thought of Will.

“At Work, but he is coming home early today,” she explained with excitement in her voice and sparkles in her eyes. Will is her 4th husband, and the only one I like out of the 4 of them. I smiled knowing that once we are on the subject of Will there is no way to get my mother to stop talking. It is distracting, which is good, I need distracting right now. Once I finished my glass of wine, I started getting up to leave, but she had pulled me back down and smiled.

“Will and I are going to a charity event tomorrow, you should come with us,” she exclaimed with her hands folded together as if she was praying that I would say yes. I nodded which made her completely forget why I was here in the first place. Will came home and into the living room giving me the chance to leave.

“I’ll buy a dress tomorrow, but for now I’m going to sleep,” I told her with a fake yawn so she wouldn’t pester me any longer. As I walked up the steps to the second floor of the mansion I reminisce of how I’d ran up and down the stairs, not particularly happy, but at that time I wasn’t absorbed by what happen. As I settled on the bed in my old room I took out my purse which held my sketch pad and pencils. To distract myself I keep designing dress till I feel asleep.

Light blue eyes were all I saw in the dim lit room, they caused me to panic. My panic spiked up even higher as my shirt did the same. Before the hands did anything else I started screaming bloody murder. Mom, help, I tried to call but my throat didn’t let my voice escape, neither did the hands escape from my body. As I cried I pushed and scratched the heavy body away. No, go away, stop, please, I begged but his hand muffled my mouth. Mama, I screamed after biting the hand away. I keep kicking and scratching but it didn’t stop him. My name was called beside me, and I looked over at it but I didn’t see anyone. My eyes blinked open and I saw my mother with tears in her eyes.

“Ivy, Ivy, calm down, Ivy,” my mother soothed between her sobs. I panted until I could breathe regularly again. My hands raked through my sweaty hair, a habit of mine, even when I’m scared you can count on me to do that. My hands went down and grabbed my mothers, to stop her from crying, then I hugged her, but this time I didn’t know if it was for her or if I just needed a hug. Quickly enough however I pulled back and put on my mask of no emotions.

"Go away, please, I need to be alone," I whispered in a soft tone so she wouldn't be hurt by my choice of words.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.01.2013

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