
chapter one

Crash, I heard from down stairs. Why now, I thought to myself in pain.

“MICHEAL,” my mother screamed followed by yet another crash. Tossing in my bed I folded the pillow to cover both of my ears, not wanting to hear my enemy parents fighting.

“LYN, I TOLD YOU ONCE,” my father screamed but I tried my best not to listen any further. Getting up from my bed I picked up my backpack for school and my extra bag for soccer practice and the game tomorrow. Not worrying about changing out of my navy pajamas I stalked out of my room and down the stairs.

“MICHEAL HOW COULD YOU SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER,” my mother yelled making me flinch.

“SHE IS NOT, AND YOU EVEN AGREED SHE IS HORRIBLE,” my father continued to screamed, and then a very loud crash echoed my home. Glass came flying by the stairs and I whimpered, why do they always have to fight, just why. Avoiding any glass I tiptoed to the door and walked outside barefoot. Walking on the cold pavement I walked down the street to my best friend’s house. Knocking on her door, I took a step back and waited. The door creaked open and Jasmine’s mother stepped into view.

“Charlotte,” she gasped as looked down, confusion washed over me and I looked down. My foot was bleeding,I might’ve stepped on a piece of glass. I shrugged and shook it off.

“I’m fine, can I sleep over,” I asked quietly, and then Ms. Smith stepped out of the way and I walked into their home which is almost my home.

“Hey Char,” I heard jasper call from the couch. I smirked a little and hopped onto the couch and watched TV with him. SPONGEBOB, I thought/yelled happily.

“Where is everyone,” I asked softly fidgeting with my fingers.

“Jasmine you’re so annoying,” an unfamiliar voice said angrily. I tilted my head and looked over at Jasper.

“Well, for one everyone is upstairs, and two that is our alpha, he hasn’t been around.” I nodded in understandment. I know about werewolves, my best friend is a werewolf, but sadly (I don’t know how it's sad) I am not a werewolf. I looked at to the screen and watched as SpongeBob did his ‘bring it around town dance.’ I laughed silently and Jasper looked scuffed.

“It’s sad what makes you laugh,” he mused, and I laughed at that slightly louder than before.

“CHAR,” Jasmine screamed from upstairs then I heard loud pounding of the stairs. Rolling my eyes I looked at Jasmine rushing down the stairs flying at me. She picked me up from the couch and hugged me tightly. I gasped for air and she released me, then recognition washed over her and she went back to hugging me.

“Their fighting again,” she whispered sadly. Trying to smile, I nodded and sat back down on the couch and all of the other pack members filled into the living room. I scooted over on the couch and Xavier and Cindy hopped onto it. I looked down at my foot and realized it was still bleeding slightly. Standing up I walked over to the kitchen where all the adults were. Mrs. Smith looked at me and walked over to her cabinet and took out a band-aid. I swear she reads minds or something. Rushing over to me she hugged me and handed me the band-aid.

“I’m fine,” I reassured softly. All of the adults looked at me with shock and I had a weird feeling.

“She isn’t like the others, that’s for sure,” a man Ms. Smith’s age stated. I titled my head and Mrs. Smith laughed.

“She isn’t she is mature, but most mature 18 year olds are mature for a bad reason, they are torture in some way,” Mrs. Smith reasoned. I bit my lip and harsh realization hit me, torture.

“I’m not tortured, I’m not mature either I just have a funny way of showing my childish side,” I told them and walked out into the living room. On the couch Sunny took my spot and I gasped.

“SUNNY, you stole my god damn spot HOW RUDE,” I yelled at her then walked around to the front of the couch and sat on her. Crossing my arms on my chest I puffed air.

“Okay, get off me and you can have the god damn seat,” she murmured to which I stood up triumphally. When she never got up I frowned and sat on Jasper’s lap.

“Why is everyone up at 2:00am,” the same unfamiliar voice said groggily. Getting up from Jasper’s lap I walked over to Jasmine with a questioning look. Sitting on the floor I placed the band-aid on my foot, and then looked up to see everyone starring at me.

“Why are you bleeding,” Sunny questioned skeptically, and Jasmine had the same ‘I’ll figure you out’ look plastered on her face.

“I’ll answer you if you answer me,” I told Jasmine and she sighed slumping to the floor.

“He’s my cousin the Alpha,” she answered me but I already knew. I nodded and started playing with the carpet.

“I can’t wait for the soccer game tomorrow,” I proclaimed, with a bright smile that reached my eyes. Jasmine was a sucker for seeing me happy and smiled fist pumping me and she forgot about the cut. I sighed in relief then felt a powerful glare on my back. I shifted and Jasmine noticed.

“She isn’t in our pack,” Jasmine’s cousin/alpha pointed out.

“Nope, she isn’t” Jasmine replied in a ‘duh’ tone. I stifled a laugh but it escaped and everyone looked towards me.

“What,” I asked softly not hiding my smile. Standing up from the floor I walked over to the chair and sat in it. Sitting with my feet under my butt I leaned onto the arm of the chair and played with the hem.

“Char, you have an intention span of a 2 year old when you aren’t playing soccer or when you’re doing track,” Drake exclaimed and I looked up at him and stuck out my tongue. I looked back down I made circles into the fabric, and I waited till someone talked. I heard a crash from the kitchen and a flashback from before I came here flashed into my brain and I felt my lip quiver. Noticing that I sobered up and looked away from everyone.

“Drake, did you leave the glass on the edge of the table,” Mrs. Smith scrambled, and then I felt a pair of eyes on me.

“What did you guys do,” she accused. I looked over to her and shook my head with a fake smile.

“Absolutely nothing,” I told her and looked at my clean nails. How are my nails so clean, I asked myself starring at them intensely?

“I think she is psycho,” I heard the alpha mutter and I felt it sting in my heart.

“Why would you say that,” I talked up and saw everyone on the couch jump. Jasmine looked at me confused. Shaking my head I switched my body position so my feet were hanging over the edge and my head on resting on the other arm.

“I’m going to bed,” I said I proclaimed tiredly then closed my eyes and heard a group of laugher.

chapter two

Waking up my neck ached, sitting up in the chair I rubbed the back of my neck and nodded towards Jasper. Is it me or does it seem like he lives in the living room.

“Do you live on that couch,” I wondered and he laughed, rolling my eyes I rubbed them and yawned. Walking up the stairs, I stopped at the second floor then turned around and walked back down stairs. Sitting next to Jasper on the couch I thought back to where Jasmine’s room was.

“Where’s Jasmine’s room,” I asked Jasper confused, his laugher echoed the room then he grabbed my hand leading me to Jasmine’s room. We stopped in front of a pink door and I groaned.

“Pink,” I exclaimed grossed out. He nodded and I opened her door. Walking into her room I saw her snoring, and then she woke up. Rolling my eyes I sat on the edge of her bed.

“Morning Char,” Jasmine said to me not even tired. I arched my eyebrow and she hopped up from her laying position and sat next to me completely perked up.

“How are you like this in the morning,” I asked her and a yawn followed my question. Grabbing my wrist she pulled me into her closet and began searching through a ton of clothes. Blinking I waited and she walked over to me with her hands behind her back and a large smirk. This isn’t good, I thought to myself. Sighing I held out my hand and she placed the clothes in them and pushed me out of her closet.

“Lord,” I murmured softly. Looking up from the ground I saw a guy my age, he was hot! He has black midnight hair that contrasts with his tan skin, and grey eyes to wrap it all up. I’m a sucker for grey eyes, I thought to myself quickly looking away. Shaking it off I walked into Jasmine’s bathroom and locked the door. Looking down at the clothes I groaned. It’s not clothes, it’s a dress.

“Jasmine,” I yelled walking out of the bathroom ignoring the sexy alpha guy. Jasmine popped out of the closet with a smirk.

“I’m not giving you anything else,” she taunted.

“Sunny,” I screaming throwing the dress at Jasmine starting to walk out of her room, but she pulled me back.

“You honestly think Sunny has anything besides dresses,” Jasmine questioned me with the ‘nope’ look that I always got from her. Groaning I stepped back into the room and heard a chuckle from the corner of the room. Rolling my eyes I walked into her closet and roamed through her stuff. Pink, pink, pink, pink, and I don’t know maybe pink.

“Is there anything not freaking pink,” I asked softly starring at a pink wall. My eyes burn from all this pinkness. Closing my eyes I made my way out of the closet and slowly opened my eyes. Sighing in relief I thanked the lord.

“No pink, thank heavens,” I voiced my thoughts, and Jasmine looked offended. Mr. sexy laughed and I shot him a glare, but he didn’t get it and continued to laugh. Slowly I walked back into the closet and found colors, not pink, and ran to them. Taking the leopard printed shirt and light blue skinny jeans, I smiled and changed in the closet. Coming out of the closet I looked at Jasmine with a sad look. Then my eyes shifted to looking at my feet, all this sadness came from remembering I had to go home today. Soccer game, I thought to myself and perked up.

“Soccer, soccer, soccer,” I sung while walking out of her room. Skipping every other stair I made it down to the living room and saw my stuff.

“Charlotte,” Mrs. Smith called me from the kitchen, and I walked in and she continued “can you show Nathan around your school today?” I was confused, Nathan? Oh Nathan must be the alpha guy, I thought to myself then nodded at Mrs. Smith. Walking out of the kitchen Jasmine came down fully dressed in pink, how is she my best friend? Picking up my two bags I saw Jasmine do the same. I followed her out the door and to her car. Getting into the passengers side I stared at my bare feet.

“Can you drive me to my house I need to get my shoes,” I asked Jasmine and she started to drive towards my house. Arriving at my house I walked out of Jasmine’s car and ran into my house and up the stairs to my room. Quietly I opened my door and picked up my black vans. Running downstairs I saw my phone on the kitchen counter, and I walked over to it taking it and shoving it into my pocket. Rushing back to Jasmine’s car I smiled to be out of the house. Hopping into the passenger’s side I shut the door and started putting on my vans. After I was done I buckled myself in and Jasmine drove us to our horrible school. Pulling into the parking lot I saw a bunch of people rush over to Jasmine’s car.

“Take cover,” I whispered softly, but my sarcasm was loud and bright. She laughed and put her hand on the handle ready to make a run for it. I smiled and did the same.

“3…2…1…,” she counted down then we opened our doors and started to run at 1. Running into the front door of the school I smirked and then a second later Jasmine did the same.

“How are you faster than me, you’re a damn human,” she asked envy dripping in her words. I shrugged and pulled out my sunglasses slipping them on. I heard her laugh and we walked into the hallway. Through my tinted sunglasses I could see boys drooling and I shook my head disappointed.

“Jasmine’s not that hot,” I stated out loud and I heard Jasmine gasp. I laughed and she punched my arm. Looking at my vans I felt a powerful glare at me. I looked up and around me, I spotted Nathan. Arching an eyebrow at him he flashed me a smile and I went into a trance, quickly I recovered and walked into my homeroom . Jasmine and I sat in our regular seats in the back by the window. Taking off my sunglasses I dropped them into my backpack and took out my book. Leaning back in my seat I began reading ignoring my teacher calling my name.

“She’s here,” Jasmine stated, kind of annoyed. I smirked a little but it faded when I heard Mr. Still call Nathan’s name. Looking up from my book I saw Nathan in the front of the class. Slowly I went back to reading and felt a pair of eyes on me the whole time, well everyone stares at me, but somehow I actually feel them starring at me. Sighing I looked up from my book again and scanned the room to see Nathan starring at me. I tried to look away quickly but our eyes meet and I couldn’t look back. I felt someone poke me and I snapped out of it looking at Jasmine.

“What the hell was that,” she hissed in a low voice so no one could hear. I shrugged and tried to go back to reading but I kept sneaking glances at Nathan. By the time the bell rang I was already tried of school.

“Do you hate school? I hate school,” I spoke to Jasmine and she rolled her eyes at me and I held my hand to my heart acting offended. Getting up from my seat I walked out of the room to my locker. Playing with the lock I couldn’t get it to unlock. Damn you, I thought to the lock mentally. Kicking my locker pain shot through my foot and I bit my lip.

“Stupid locker,” I murmured out loud, and tried unlocking it again. Once again it decided not to work and to get on Charlotte’s nerves. Sighing I tried again and this time it opened.

“YES,” I screamed and slammed open my locker doing a victory- is-mine dance. Grabbing into my locker I pulled out my notebook and pen. Slowly I shut my locker and lock it. Turning around I came face-to-face with Nathan.

“Whoa there buddy,” I said stepping back into my locker. Nathan looked as if he was about to step closer when Chase came running towards me.

“Charlotte, they need you for soccer practice,” he said in a seductive voice I ignored and he eyes roamed me.

“Chase, go away,” I told him and he looked disappointed turning around and walking away.

“Bye Nathan,” I murmured to Nathan looking at me oddly. I started walking away but stopped when sparks erupted by my wrist. I looked over to my wrist confused and saw a strong hand there. My eyes followed the arm to whoever’s face it was, there my eyes found Nathan.

chapter three.

Running onto the soccer field I didn’t see any of my team mates just stupid football players. I groaned as I realized Chase set me up. Turning around I started to head back to school, but once I took my first step they were in front of me. My eyes narrowed in determination and I kicked Jake, the one directly in front me, but instead of doubling over in pain he stayed right in place, I had only made him mad.

“God damn werewolves,” I exclaimed and remembered I was faster than Jasmine a werewolf. Running past them straight into the school I felt a hand try to grab me but only air hit me. Running farther into the school I started to feel stares from behind me and I stopped running and started to speed walk into the hall where teenagers of every age were. Thank heavens, I thought to myself and speed walk right into someone. Bouncing back from the hard hit I looked up to see Nathan.

“You know, I could’ve really used your help a few minutes ago,” I exclaimed and then frantically looked back behind me to see Jake still mad. My mouth turned into a ‘o’ shape and I twirl to hid behind Nathan. Peeking from behind Nathan I saw Jake was looking for me and then asked one of the random freshmen and he pointed to me behind Nathan. Groaning I started to speed walk again towards Jasmine who is usually with her pack. A hand grabbed my wrist and it exploded with tingles so I knew it was Nathan, turning around I looked at him.

“Do you want to tell me why you’re being chased,” Nathan asked with a melodic voice causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Thinking back to it I wondered why then a scene played in my head. In 8th grade I was the regular soccer player with black hair and hazel eyes, but of course Jake had to date me. I refused and Jasmine stood up for me each time. From then on when ever I was alone and Jasmine wasn't by my side he would try something.

“Uh, complicated, lets just say I don’t like him, he like me,” I explained and then used his holding of my wrist to an advantage and dragged him over to Jasmine.

“What’s wrong Char,” Jasmine questioned and I pointed to Jake, and she looked but everyone else had their eyes glued to my wrist. Jasmine shrugged and followed everyone else’s glare. Her eyebrow's raised in questioning.

“Nathan, um,” Jasper said pointing to my wrist that was still all tingly. Trying to yank my wrist away Nathan just held tighter and I bit my lip.

“She’s my mate,” he stated and everyone’s eyes widen including mine, but by far mine were the widest.

“That can’t be possible,” I exclaimed and finally pulled my wrist away and started walking towards the study hall classroom. I didn’t even get halfway way when I was being pulled backwards by the famous hands of Nathan.


Just as Nathan put his arms around me Jake came into view straight towards me. Oh please forgive me lord it’s not like I want to do this, I pray in my head as Jake stood in front of Nathan and me. When he was about to talk I turned around in Nathan’s arms and kissed him. Everything was tingly and enjoyable, on the outside but truthfully this was hell. I pulled back and Nathan’s arms fell from holding me. Spinning around I looked at Jake with a raised eyebrow as a challenge. He just whistled and pretended to not see that while walking away.“Thank god that was over,” I murmured then ran for it, but this time Nathan didn't catch me. Maybe he is in shock, I asked myself.

chapter four

The rest of the day went by, but I couldn’t get the weird feeling off my lips. Grrr stop mocking me, I demanded my lips. Rubbing them again I felt annoyed. The last bell rang setting me off towards the locker room. Soccer, soccer, soccer, I can’t wait for the soccer game. Swinging into the locker room I felt an overload of joy. Jasmine saw me as she enter the locker room, and without a word grabbed me and pulled me out of the locker room before I could even start to change. After we were away from the locker room and everybody’s hearing she tried to talk. Soundless words came out until she let of a huge sigh that could’ve explain a year’s worth of worrying.

“You…Nathan…Mates, how does that work,” she exclaimed quietly when the most uncomprehendable expression.

“I don’t know, but Jas I only want to think of soccer, the best thing in the world,” I explained and finally gave her a smile that would make her forget about anything else like it always does. Except this time it didn't her brows were still raised and worried.

“If you only think of soccer you’ll become the world’s most… weirdest girl in the world… you… he,” she continued but I shook my head and grabbed her wrist pulling her back to the locker room. I laughed at everyone’s confused expression as I finally managed to get Jasmine back into the locker room.

“We were discussing weird tactics that we should use in the game,” I falsely proclaimed hoping they would all let go of it and of course they did. Jasmine and I changed into our soccer uniforms causing Jasmine to no longer think about Nathan. Score, I thought to myself with a tiny happy dance.

“Soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer,” I chanted in sing-song voice, making everyone around me laugh. Little did they know it was actually just an act to get me to think about anything other than that heaven forsaken kiss. Entering the soccer field I saw Jasmines pack and everyone else's parents on the left.

“Say Char, you are coming over after the game right,” Jasmine asked in a most hoping voice. My eyes widen and my smile grew wider, which could scare anyone in view.

“OF COURSE JASMINE,” I screamed and everyone around me flinched but laughed anyway. I joined them knowing I just blew their minds with that scream. Once we got into position the play started and in a no time it ended. Just as I felt I couldn't move anymore Jasmine came and started pushing me over to the bench.

“Is it just me or did I do most of the work out there,” I questioned breathlessly, the coach smirked along with the other girls including Jasmine. Huffing, I rolled my eyes then took my water bottle and chugged it.

“Water sweet heaven,” Jasmine and I said at the same time, then laughed knowing we didn’t plan to.

“Beware of soccer nimphs,” I said randomly, after chugging almost the whole bottle of water. My heart was refreshed after winning the soccer game, nothing else was on my mind. This of course is a good thing because that means there is nothing in the way of my happiness. Well keeping the happiness close to me the coach went and receive out trophy.

“Holy mother of soccer, that is one big trophy for this little game,” Mary, one of my teammates, proclaimed. Everyone else agreed with eyes full of awe.

“We could get bigger ones, like at our national’s championship which we will win,” I announced out of the blue, the shinny trophy was the only thing in my eyes as I spoke. I walked closed to it and petted the trophy show after everyone else did the same.

“My team has such weirdo’s,” the coach smirked, then continued, “but my team is also one of the best.”

We all cheered and laughed, for the rest of the time we talked until we wanted to go home. Suddenly that high peak of happiness, lowered bit by bit. Once the room was silent I realized something.

“Yeah, I think I should go home now. I’ll come over tomorrow instead Jasmine,” I said during the silence that no one filled. Jasmine pouted and grabbed onto my arm telling me to stay. After raising my eyebrow I just stared at her.

“Com'mon, pretend I’m a puppy or something and take me home with you,” she demanded, while holding onto me as if her life depended on it. While laughing I was seriously thinking about taking her home with me, but in the end I knew I couldn’t or wouldn't.

“Bye Jasmine,” I said in a sing-song voice, then made her release her grip on my arm. Rolling her eyes in disappointment, she let me walk away. Before leaving I told everyone goodbye and gave a finally kiss to the trophy.

chapter five

Truthfully I wanted to go with Jasmine, well anywhere but home that is. After leaving the field I went straight home. When I arrived at my house I saw two cars in the drive way. Please don't be fighting,I thought to god probably sounding like a beggar. I shook off all my unwanted feeling and quickly got out of my car heading towards the house. When I was about to go in I heard a loud crash and a scream. This only quickened my pace to get in. The view from the opened door was my mother sitting against the stairs with a huge gash across her forehead. She looked like she was about to faint.

"Mother," I whispered then quickly got out my phone and started calling 911, the call went through but when the person said hello my father snatched my phone away and pressed end. His eyes were on fire and he didn't seem to get out all of his anger on mother. I stepped back and out of the house, even so he followed me out. When I kept trying to grab my phone back he just took my hand and twisted away painfully. It felt like my hand was going to burn off. Behind my father I heard my mother's quiet sobs for help, but it was for herself not me. I used all my force to kick my father away and managed to get my phone. Even when I saw him groan in pain I didn't feel guilty. I immediately rushed towards my car and drove down the enterance to the park, because my I knew my father wouldn't. I called 911 and sent them to my house for my mother, then I waited ten minutes before driving over to Jasmines house. When I got there, I could see the ambulance was still there. I sighed but didn't walk over there or say anything. Quickly, before being noticed by my father, I rushed over to Jasmine's front door waiting for her mother to answer. Once she did, I stepped in without a word, but when she shut the door behind me tears crawled out.

"Oh my, Charlotte, just wait a few minutes, Jasmine will be here soon," Mrs. Smith soothed. I felt like laughing at how much more normal a werewolf family was then mine. It was almost embarrassing, but then again it wasn't like I asked for this. With all that happened in the last 15 minutes, I couldn't help but forget Nathan, well that was until he entered the room with Jasmine. Quickly I looked away and wiped my eyes, then looked back with a smile, a very forced smile.

"Jasmine, can you come with me to your room," I questioned, I really didn't want to be in the same room as Nathan, but also I didn't want him to hear about my family or whatever you can call us. She nodded with wide eyes then rushed over and dragged me up the stairs. Once we were in her room I started weeping again. Geez, what a wimp I am, I thought to myself trying to laugh rather than cry.

"Char, that ambulance..." she started to ask but when my eyes widen even more and the tears fell faster, I guess she could already tell. I picked up one of her pillowed and suffocated my face in it to hide while crying. The next minute Jasmine was beside me with something cold. I looked up and saw the trophy, in an instant I was slightly recovered. Without any words I dropped the pillow and hugged the trophy.

"This isn't soft enough to hug, but whatever," I mumbled into the trophy then heard a hard knock on the door. Nathan, I questioned myself, ah probably not. When Jasmine opened the door, I was wrong, well completely wrong. It scared me the look on Jasmines face, especially how much I started shaking.

"Hi, father what are you doing here," I asked trying not to sound afraid or weak, but for the most part that was all I sounded like. Every time I looked at his face I would remember the fights my parents had, and now the gash on my mother's forehead. Jasmine jumped in front of me then called Nathan. Once he was next to my father he looked completely confused, but I suppose that was reasonable. Downstairs you could hear the door slam and the sound of chatter coming into the house, then the footsteps of the pack. Jasper was the first to see my father then the rest did and came rushing over to my side. I feel completely like a princess who has guys and girls as her knights, woo go my knights. Seeing them all here lifted my spirits and somehow even seeing Nathan did. No not Nathan, I tried to correct myself with a nervous feeling fluttering inside myself. Nope, never, I thought to myself.

"Worthless little girl, you mother went to the hospitable, go see her," my father said to me ignoring the others, and then he glared at me for a few seconds before he left. Sunny fell onto the bed after we all heard the slam of the front door downstairs.

"Geez, your father gives me the creeps," Drake exclaimed exaggerating just to make me smile, it somewhat succeeded because I gave a small smile.

"I guess this is my bed for tonight," I told then flopped down hugging the trophy. When everyone looked away I wiped my slowly drying tears, there were no need for them anymore. No tears please, I thought to myself with a half smile.

"I'm so lost because of that crazy girl," Nathan said making me flinch because of his voice. Not because it was scary, but because of how I liked it so much. Not good, it's really not good at all. Ah, then again I'm not a werewolf so there is no way I'm his mate anyways. Too many things happened today, I thought to myself then got into a comfortable position on the bed and fell asleep not caring how many people were in the room with me.

chapter six

When someone was shaking me awake the next morning I heard yelling. Jasmine’s figure came into picture once I opened my eyes.

“What on earth is happening,” I asked groggily, and then heard my father’s voice echo the hall. Quickly I got out of the bed and ran to my father pushing me out the door.
“How rude of you to barge into someone else’s house unwelcomed,” I accused, normally I would just apologize to Mrs. Smith and make the guys take him away, but today I felt a different kind of hatred. My father laughed and went to slap me, but the sting never came. That, of course, was because Nathan caught his hand.

“And who are you defending my daughter,” my father asked roughly, making my insides turn even more. It was like my brain and heart were working together to make myself believe that I truthfully did care about Nathan. I didn’t want to believe, but when my father yelled at him, my anger rose to a point it never reach so all I could do was believe.

“Let’s pretend I’m not your daughter then,” I suggested pulled Nathan’s hand away from my father’s. My father laughed even more at my outrageous suggestion and put on a grim smile.

“Where are you going to live, you are nothing but a stranger in my house if you are not my daughter,” he questioned with an unusual amount of venom dripping in his words. Truthfully I didn’t know, but I did know it couldn't be here with Jasmine, it would be rude.

“With me,” Nathan interfered; I unwillingly grabbed his arm and nodded sweetly to my father, anything to make him leave. Although there were sparks, ones that warmed my whole body, I could never come to love Nathan. I knew that he wouldn’t love me anymore than I did him. At the moment I didn’t care about that though, it was only my father I was thinking of, or whatever he was to me now. Once my father left I released my hold on Nathan and gave him a curious look. Why exactly did he help me? I wondered why the whole way up the stairs where Jasmine waited for me.

Jasmine dragged me into her Preppy Pink room, which I named myself, and picked me out a normal outfit to wear. Except since her normal was pink I decided I would search for one myself.

“Look this violet romper is normal, at least in my eyes,” I told her while displaying the romper on the hanger. She laughed and showed me her baby pink fluffy shirt and hot pink skinny jeans. My eyes burned as I looked at the pink, but that was just an excuse. Truthfully I was beginning to cry again.

“You know, Char, you've been my best friend since forever, so you can cry, I see it you know,” she stated then pokes at my cheek. I rubbed my cheek in wonderment, why exactly did she poke my cheek? I laughed as I realized it was to take my mind off the important things. Taking a deep breath I tried redeeming my silly, crazy, and random self.

“I suppose I could, but I won’t,” I said and stick my tongue out as I took the romper off the hanger and stole her violet Reebok's. Soon after that I gave Mrs. Smith my apologize and then Jas and I were off to that boring place called school.

At school it took all I could to not think or look at Nathan. Ignoring the teacher and Nathan I took out my Ipod and headphones to listen to music. Anything that could distract me would do fine, but this was the one way I could be happy while being distracted. In the corner of my eye I saw Jasmine looking over at me with a concerned look, in response I turned a little and gave her a weak smile then went back to looking at the board. If I’m going to ignore the teacher I should at least take his notes right? Slowly I started drifting away from taking notes and the music was being overcome with more thoughts. How on earth am I a werewolf, was the one thought that took over me. I mean it’s obvious that I am a werewolf, how else would Nathan be my mate. I still don’t except it though, there is no way right? Also, why did he say that to my father so easily? I kept questioning myself until I heard the bell sound over my music which was back to its normal loudness.
Sighing loudly I realized that I was the only one who has these kind of problems, most likely. Jasmine hoped over to me and yanked out my headphones which were blaring music. I mouth the word ouch then collected them from her and stuff my Ipod into my backpack.

“Hey jasmine, tell coach that I’m not going to be at practice today, because of something important I have to attain to,” I told her hoping that she wouldn’t ask any questions and just listen to her awesome best friend. Of though she gave me her famous noisy look and took a step closer to me.

“Where are you going, Char,” she asked while eyeing me suspiciously, she knows that I never miss practice on purpose. All I did was smile then run out of the classroom. When I got to my next class I saw Nathan seating next to my seat as if he knew I was trying to ignore him. Why should he care, I thought to myself. He doesn't he know me, if anyone should be my mate, well no one should be my mate for all I know I am human.
I shrugged off all those thoughts and unwillingly sat next to Nathan. The hour and 30 minutes went by in a breeze while doing the same thing I did in the last class. But this time when the bell rang Jasmine wasn’t the one to come up to me. Instead Nathan grabbed my wrist to keep me from walking out before him.

“Yes,” I questioned without looking at him. He shook his head then hesitantly let go of my wrist letting me leave the classroom.

chapter seven

Going to the cafeteria wasn’t what I wanted to do; both Jasmine and Nathan would be there, so I didn’t. I ran or rather speed walked to the library where no one would find me. Sitting at one of the tables I took out my IPod ignoring the silence that embraced the library. Well at least my life isn’t boring, I thought as the iPod was quietly switching to a new song. A SpongeBob song played and even in my deepest misery I couldn’t help but smile at the stupid lyrics. After a few more songs I couldn’t take the loneliness, usually at this moment I would be with the pack, it’d feel like I was part of the pack. Picking up my backpack I scrambled out of the library’s back door towards the parking lot. I don’t encourage skipping, I also don’t encourage Jasmine’s pink, but some things just happen. Thankfully this town is small so I got to the local bus stop before the bus had come. Getting on the bus I paid the driver, but he grabbed my wrist so that I would look at him.


“Aren’t you suppose to be in school,” he asked his voice old and gruffly. It took me a second to think of a response because of the millions of thoughts taking over my mind.


“I get straight A’s, it’s lunch, and my mother is in the hospitable. I’m going back after I see her,” I explained with the truth, not being able to think of a SpongeBob worthy lie. He tutted at me however he removed his hand and let me through. The driver didn’t wait till I was seated to start driving so I tripped forward into an empty seat. I rolled my eyes, damn old bus drivers their so rude. 


Once we arrived at the hospitable stop I looked at me with a smile and gave him a tip, he suspiciously looked at the money then put it in his tip box. I laughed as I got off the bus at his reaction, you can’t poison money can you? I ran up to the lady at the front desk with my student id in my hand.

“How can…aren’t you suppose to be in school,” she asked, in the same tone as the bus driver, even her voice match which scared the soccer out of me. Oh, me and my soccer phrases, I thought to myself with a light laugh.

“Lunch,” I explained with one word then gave her my id and continued “my mother is Gina Ross, I’m here to visit her.”

The lady hesitated for a second then searched for my mother’s room number. She gave my id back then told me 2202, second floor room 202. Too many two’s, I laughed as I walked over to the elevator. Stepping out of the elevator on the second floor I recognized shouting whispers. How could they fight in a hospitable, I asked myself then raked my hand through my black hair which resembled neither of them.  I walked up to the nurse in the desk for the second floor with an apologetic smile.

“Are those two people in room 202…,” I started to question then waved it off and walked into the room where my father was yelling over my mother. They both went silent and I could feel the deathly anger from my father coming towards me.

“You might not be a father to me, but she is still my mother,” I exclaimed before he could ask what a stranger was doing here. Tears threatened my eyes making me look away, while I stood there silently starring at the board that had my mother’s name and the nurse’s. 


“Charlotte, what is it that you need from me,” She asked with a sweet smile that was overruled by the tears spilling from her dark brown eyes, the ones that were honey and warm when none of this happened. My father took that as an insult and pushed out of the room knocking me into the wall. I ignored the sting my heart and walked over to my mother. I haven’t talked to her since I was fifteen, it’s been three whole years. Sitting next to her I had no idea what to say, so many things I wanted to ask, so many things that I was scared to say.


“Am I really your daughter,” my heart whispered, my mind wondering why I had asked such a thing. Where are all the unicorns and rainbows in my life, I asked myself realizing that the questioned I asked was what I truly wanted to know. I was about to cry just thinking maybe I’m not even their child, their fighting would make sense. My mother’s response was what made me actually cry though.


“No,” she sobbed her hands cupped her face to hide how ashamed she was. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil from my backpack, and then wrote on it:     even so I love you, Mother.


She hadn’t looked up since she said no so I left the note next to her on her bed. Getting up from the seat I wiped away my tears, no crying Ms. Wimp.


“Bye,” I whispered then ran out of the room not allowing myself to hear her sobbing any longer. 

I ran until I reached the bus stop and when I did I was breathlessly helpless, thinking that I didn’t have a home any longer. My fake father hated me, my mother wasn’t even my mother, and it was because of me that they fought. The bus stopped only a few moments later, but I was so emotional that when he opened the bus doors my tears spilled.


“I told myself not to cry,” I whispered shaking my head, feeling like a coward. As I passed the driver I handed him the money for the bus ride without a word. As I slipped into the nearest empty seat I sighed. Jasmine is going to hate me, I thought looking at my watch that was saying that it was 30 minutes after lunch ended. I took out my phone and sent a text message saying that I was alive. She replied by saying that I wouldn’t be for long, that she would kill me for skipping. A small smile reached my lips as I read it, only Jasmine can make me smile after something like this. 

chapter eight

I didn’t feel like getting off the bus and running to class, but I didn’t really have a choice, I had nowhere else to go. With a sigh I waved to the bus driver and walked towards the school, figuring that since I was already late the teacher wouldn’t mind if I was later. On second thought this would affect my scholarship, that caused me to quicken my pace but I still didn’t run. I sneaked into the classroom trying not to be the center of attention by being late. However even if I walked in normally they wouldn’t seem to notice, everyone was in group talking and not working. Silently I walked over to the teacher to tell him about my visit to my mother in the hospitable, the pity caused him to undo my tardy and warn me so that there wasn’t a next time. I maneuvered my way through the unsightly crowded high school classroom to my desk where Jasmine was impatiently waiting for me.


“Are you okay,” she asked the moment I got into hearing range, causing me to nod without a response. I know she hates when I go all quiet on her, but I couldn’t trust my voice. I sat down and leaned back in the chair for support. My mother isn’t my mother, that means that my father isn’t my father, but then who are my parents. That question kept repeating in my mind, almost as if I would forget if I didn’t stop repeating it. However how could I forget something as important as this? I wanted to break down and hug jasmine for support, for a shoulder, for a ear I could share all my fears with. When the bell rang both Jasmine and Nathan appeared at my side as if they were saying that I wasn’t alone. I knew that I wasn’t alone.


“I hate depressing stuff,” I mumbled earning a sweet melodious laugh coming from Nathan. It seemed force, if I knew any better I would think that he hated the thought of me being depressed. But then again why would you want anyone to be depressed whether you like them or not?


“Soccer practice will cheer you up,” Jasmine said then started walking towards the female lockers.


“Bye Nathan,” I whispered looking up at him in the eyes for the first time since I met him. I couldn’t tell whether I liked it or not, the warm tingles I felt in my stomach met the confusing question in my head leaving me completely and utterly lost in life. Jasmine said something to Nathan then waved goodbye, I stalked her into the locker room and got changed. Out on the field I felt like a different person, someone with no worries except the worry of getting the ball into the goal. I like it, no scratch that I love it, the feeling of playing soccer. It’s always a rush once you start playing, and I could admit that I was an addict to soccer, at least it isn’t drugs. The coach gathered us around and told us to run 12 laps for now then we were going to stretch again, after that we were going to go over positions for the next game which I couldn’t wait for. To the side of me I felt Jasmine jumping and I could tell that she was also pumped for the next game.


“I already did what I had to do so I came to practice aren’t you proud of me Jasmine,” I questioned with a smile that I found only on the soccer field. Her smile shifted into a curious one. She wanted to know everything, however if I didn’t know everything how could she?


“When you’re ready,” she stated after reading my helpless quiet cry for help. She knew exactly what to do so she grabbed my arm and dragged me back to the field and kicked the soccer ball to me. I was thankful for her sudden distraction. 

chapter nine


We were practicing with our new positions when suddenly it started pouring rain. A smile enlightened Jasmine and I as we got soaked and continued to run towards the now wet and slippery black and white ball. Mud engulfed our shoes and shins making me feel as if we went back in time to when we were younger when everything was games and fun, everything was simple. The thought stopped me in my tracks, the rain that beaded off me led me to shiver, simple; I wish everything was still like that.


“Char, what’s wrong,” Jasmine questioned as she halted besides me, her eyebrows frowned in worry. I gave out a little scuff like laugh, and then leaned my face back to face the droplets of rain.


“Jasmine, if I were going to tell you it would take at least a month to explain, besides I don’t have enough answers to tell you yet,” I explained while scrunching my eyes so that I wouldn’t get any rain in my eyes, just rain pouring down my face. If tears escaped who would know, I wouldn’t even? I already promised myself I wouldn’t cry, this promise I continuously break it. Opening my eyes I corrected myself, stood up straight and looked forward. I’m on the soccer field what am I being all depressed about. Gah, SpongeBob wouldn’t have cried, so I won’t.


“Hey Jasmine and Charlotte, weirdoes over there, we’re going in,” Kota yelled from across the field grasping our attention. I tutted as if I were the old bus driver and dragged Jasmine along with me towards the locker room. Inside we changed and sat in the coaches office going through all her stuff finding all kinds of things like her teaching degree, a picture of her daughter we didn’t know about, and little school supplies which will now be my emergency supply(thanks Coach). Jasmine and I went into the other corner to bombard for stuff that belongs to the coach hoping to find food. Searching through her drawer Jasmine pulled out a paper with slight interest.


“Hey, Jasmine doesn’t that look like your packs coat of arms,” I whispered taking the paper from her hands and covering it from everyone else’s view. Jasmine squinted and shrugged, then did a double take.


“Coach, can we talk to you in private,” she asked using her above inside voice. Although it isn’t a good thing I smile, another distraction. Our team members took it as a hint and shuffled out of the room gossiping among themselves completely obvious that their coach might and I say might, be a werewolf. 


Chapter Ten

“What do you girls want,” Coach asked us with a suspicious gleam in her eye, as if she knows we are after something other than guidance on our soccer. Jasmine and I walk in a circle around her as if we were sharks capturing our prey.


“Coach, what’s your packs name,” Jasmine asked in a voice I never heard her us before, it hinted that she was territorial and would do anything to keep from someone hurting her pack. This reminded me what a family should be like, each member taking care and protecting of their family. I smile acknowledging that even if I don’t know who I am in regards to family, I will always have the pack by my side.


“Jasmine, you’re a werewolf,” Coach’s question brought me back to the present situation. Seeing that Jasmine views coach as a threat to the pack I stiffen, ready to defend the only ones who would defend me. Coach, however; didn’t look like she was afraid or vicious to the thought of jasmine being a werewolf. She almost looked as if she were happy to hear it. 


“Coach, are you from my pack? You have a paper with our coat of arms, and this may sound weird, but you smell strangely familiar,” Jasmine responded not with a hostile tone as she had before, but now with a welcoming voice. She sounded as if she was reuniting with a long lost sister of hers. 


Coach gave off a warm smile, it brighten my heart which was starting to fall to the darkness. Why do I get this feeling, its overwhelming, just like how Nathan took me by surprise so did Coach. What is it with werewolves?


“Jasmine, I hate to tell you the truth. You’ll want to go yell at your mom, promise me you will not,” Coach admitted, she had a little smirk of defeat. Jasmine took a step closer to the coach and grabbed her hand.


“Of course I won’t get mad at my mom, she may make a lot of mistakes but that’s all because she really wants to keep me safe. So, I have a feeling I know what you are about to ‘admit’ to us,” Jasmine said, they both looked tender, even our coach who is tough, and seeing them like this really makes me feel out of place. Jasmine and her pack, they have such a warm embrace, and all I do is take advantage of it. I wish I could be of help to them but all I do is bring a person like my father or ‘fake’ father into their home disrupting their lives. I truly have bad luck don’t I?


“You’re mother and uncle told me to get the coaching job here to watch over you and Charlotte, they said both of you girls are important to them. They don’t want anything happening to you guys,” the coach announced, I looked up and laughed off my bad luck. How can I have bad luck when I have such a good best friend and the pack by my side? Although I hope I never bring anything worse than my father into their home.


“Coach, when were you going to tell us? No wonder you are so athletic for your age, it’s because you are a werewolf, I knew you weren’t human,” I joked, Jasmine laughed, but the coach only gave a little smile. Jas didn’t notice, but I did.


“The rain let up, you girls need to get back onto the field. Just because you know now doesn’t mean anything, I will still treat you the same. Ten laps before the game tomorrow,” the Coach went on to say back to her original self, the little smile gone as if it never appeared. Heh, I guess I’m not the only one with a problem around here.


“Let’s go, SOCCER, SOCCER, SOCCER, I love soccer,” I sang with a smile and dragged jasmine out of the office and onto the field where our teammates were waiting. I look back at the coach and think if I did know my real mother, would she be like the coach, or the one in the hospitable, the one I used to think was my real mother. 

Chapter Eleven


As practice finished, I settled down. Who cares who my real parents are, I have the pack. They love me, I love them, it’s kind of corny, but it’s all I have right now. Looking over at Jas, I saw the bright smile she has, and I conformed that I never want to take that away from her.


“Jas, you know what I love more than soccer,” I asked with a small smile. She shook her head, then a smile grew on her face and she ran over to me. She attacked me with a bear hug, like a bear meets Godzilla hug.  


“I LOVE YOU TOO CHAROLETTE,” she screamed into my ear without letting go.


“I was going to say food, but whatever floats your boat,” I joked, a small piece of happiness came floating back to me. Jas pushed back out of the hug and gave a pouty face. Just when I felt things going back to normal, wham! Nathan came to pick Jas and I up from practice. My life was chaotic enough when he wasn’t here as the alpha of the pack, but somehow he, although I don’t want to admit it, calms me down. It’s his presence. I mean I don’t even know him. Since I’ve meet him we have only indirectly exchanged words, just eye conversations that get weird. It would make sense if I was his mate; however, I am human for all I know. Then again I don’t know that much about myself do I?


“Nathan,” Jas murmured, she didn’t look to excited to see her alpha. My eyebrows furrowed, Jas was worried about the whole mate thing just as much as I was.



"Can you give us a moment Nathan," I asked before I tugged on Jasmine’s arm and dragged her to the lockers where Nathan couldn’t follow, or at least I hoped he wouldn’t follow. I let out a sigh and gave her a worried smile.


“To be truthful, I went to the hospitable to find my mother and talk to her,” my words flowed out of my mouth, it felt right to talk to Jasmine about this. “She admitted that she wasn’t my birth mother, and my father established this the other day.”


Jasmine slowly sat down on the bench in the locker room. Despite the open lockers full of stinky soccer shin pads and cleats, the mood in the room was very sober and clean. I followed her movement and sat next to her. She looked more bummed out then I expected. She usual pink silly self would say something along the lines of ‘oh you can be part of my family, it’ll be fine,’ or something like that.


“It’s fine, this only means that those people who hurt you don’t have a connection to you. They can’t hurt you anymore. Also, this means you are part of my family now,” she said as if reading my thought. I gave out a short breath like laugh. Jasmine will always be Jasmine.


“That’s right, so go feed me delicious food ‘family’,” I mimicked her tone and said. I don’t have to find out who my mother and father are right now. That can come later, maybe it’s because I’m scared and hurt, or maybe it’s because I have a wonderful family already waiting for me. I don’t know, and I’m not going to try and find out, yet.

Chapter Twelve. Its here... finally.

Back at Jasmine’s house I settled into her disgustingly pink room. Yesterday I discussed with Mrs. Smith whether I could stay with them until I graduate. Much expected, she was delighted I thought of her before anyone else and opened her arms to welcome me. I caught my tears in a tiny choke and just smiled. Jasmine demanded I stayed in her room rather than with Sunny. But with all that pink I was seriously debating it. As a saving grace, I savaged some clothes from my house before being infected by Jasmine’s ridiculous obsession with that hideous color. In light of things I have a new family that felt like one for much longer then I can even remember. With graduation around the corner my focus shifted from my real parents, Nathan, and my lesser issues, to my education and scholarships for soccer.


All those days I avoided listening to lectures had me at a lost when the exams came around. Of course, Jasmine laughed at my faced. I blame SpongeBob and his fun adventures, but that’s just me. The weekend was here and I didn’t know what to do with myself besides study, although finals weren’t for another three months. I knew if I didn’t preoccupy myself with something, my hands would inch to find something to lead me to my real parents. Deep down no matter how many times I tell myself I don’t need to know, I find myself wondering, what type of people they are? Why am I not with them? Did they leave me on purpose? Are they alive? It was a flood of questions, none I had answers to. None that I knew anyone had an answer to. I sighed and reached out to my book bag.


“Yo, Jas, what should I study, Pre-Cal, Chem, Economics, or Pysch,” I asked although I already narrowed it down to Chemistry or Pre-Cal. They were the hardest, giving me plenty of distraction.


“NONE,” She hissed as if studying was a silver stake, “really, why study we have one test in a month and the exams in three?” The look she portrayed gave me a sense that she was mortally confused as to why I would even poke a book at this point.


“Why do Monkeys eat bananas,” I questions in a sarcastic manner. Then a thought crossed my mind.


“I’m going to go somewhere,” I told Jas in a neutral tone and swung my book bag onto my shoulder. She was obviously puzzled, but for a moment she was quiet.


“Where,” she nosily asked, as always, that was my Jasmine for you. I just gave her a light heartened smile and waved bye. I quietly paced myself down the stairs and followed my way out of the house and to the bus station. After several minutes the old tutting man pulled to the stop and let me on. My paying resulted in a tut from the man himself and once again before I could reach an empty seat he took off. I tripped into a seat which seemed to now come naturally. It, then, became my goal to make that old man wait for me to be seated before going. Pulling out my headphones I put my IPod on shuffle and a SpongeBob friend song came on. What is with my affection with that square yellow sponge? You are never too old for SpongeBob. I let myself relax as the bus glided amongst the traffic, and the songs continuously roll to my ears. Once we reached the hospital’s bus stop I got off and tutted back at the bus driver. Last time I only had my student id on me, so this time I handed the lady at the desk my driver’s license and told her I was looking for Gina Ross.


“Sorry, she was released early due to request from her husband,” the lady apologized. I raked my hand through my hair. That couldn’t be good, for my mother, or my chances on getting any information from them. Not that I care, I tried to fool myself. Well, there is only one thing I can do.


“Thank you, have a nice day,” I softly said to the lady and started walking towards the doors. Then something strange stirred in me. My senses heightened and I heard my mother’s voice from above me.


“Why do you always argue with me Michael,” my mother carefully questioned. As if I was a crazy person I looked around to see if my mother was near. Of course, she wasn’t. Part of me was anxious, but another part was satisfied that I could hear that far away.  I turned around and went back to the lady.


“I called my mother earlier, and she said she was still here,” I insisted, trying to get her to tell me why she lied to me. A part of her was panicking, I could tell by her hands slightly shaking and her eyes wavering.


“Well, honestly, Gina’s husband told me if someone by your name came by to direct you away,” she shamefully admitted. She then wrote down the hospital room number on a sticky note and handed it to me. Without a word I found my way to the same room as last time. Instead of just walking in like last time, I waited until I saw my father stalk out with a grim look overcoming him. With the opportunity I slowly walked in and embraced my mother in a hug. Unlike last time she didn’t look away ashamed.


“Charlotte,” she whispered with hope wrapping around my name, “you still came to see me, although you know.” Warmth filled me. Despite all that happened, Mrs. Gina Ross is one of the most innocent and wonderful women I have ever met.


“Of course, you are still the one who raised me to be who I am,” I commended, with all sincerity. With a sigh of relief I sat down next to her and took out one of my text books not caring which one. Studying was initiatively meant to be a distraction, but if I can use it to figure a few things as well is good right?

Chapter Thirteen- isn't completely done


Time crawled and I actually studied, with my brain rejecting any more chemistry I started to hear the ticking of the clock. Shortly after I arrived my mother fell asleep and I didn’t have it in me to wake her. A thought ran across my mind, where is that fake father of mine? I knew earlier when I heard my mother that was inhuman. Werewolf, am I really one? With that and my fake father on mind I decided to test it. Closing my eyes I let myself slip into that strange feeling that occurred earlier. Again with my senses heightened I could feel the smallest movement from the air vents, conversations from three rooms over, and when I focused I felt my father nearing from around the corner. Snapping out of it I quickly gather my stuff and got out of there before he could see me. I didn’t want to make any more trouble for Jasmine and her pack and that’s what my father was, trouble.


From this trip, I didn’t get want I hoped to, but I did interestingly assure that I am a werewolf. Although being someone’s mate is pretty much the most assuring. For three hours I was in fact distracted from the whole mate thing, that’s a win on my part. As I walked back to the bus stop I took out my phone and messaged Jasmine. She had been asking if I were okay, where I was, and if I would be back for dinner. The last question was so trivial, but had the most impact. Secretly I had been waiting for someone to ask me that for a long time. I arrived back at her house shortly before her mother had finished the feast for the pack. I pulled Jasmine aside and told her my experiences at the hospital, then after saying it felt foolish about pulling her aside. The entire house was werewolves, no matter where I said it they would have heard. Inwardly I laugh and smile.


“No way, you grasped it that quickly,” she commented astonished. My eyebrow arched up in question doing all the talking I needed.


“Usually you don’t suddenly obtain that, you work and train for it,” she explained with a still surprised expression. I inched the side of my face with awkwardness. It wasn’t comforting knowing even within werewolves I was different. Something about my life just wasn’t adding up. Putting the whole idea on the side burner, Jasmine and I accompanied the rest of the pack at the table. To my entertainment, Jasper took his plate and sat on the couch, where I am certain, is where he sustains life.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.12.2011

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