
chapter one.

In the house the lights are out and my younger brother Noah is tucked in bed sleeping. But I lay here silently in my red sapphire comforter just waiting for something to cause a commotion. This house feels so weird and worn out and I can always feel the tension raising. I get up and go to my little brother’s room to check on him. His dark midnight black hair is all messy from sleeping and his deep ocean blue eyes close. Well he seems fine; I thought and left his room. I tiptoe quietly and slowly to into the kitchen. Once again nothing so I walk into the living room only two steps away and sit down on the giant chair. I can feel the tension here the most so I decide to stay. And as if on cue the door busts open and my drunken dad walks in.
“HEY YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THIS LATE?”He yells and smashes everything and trips taking two steps towards me. My mom comes running out of her room like she was half expecting this.
“Noah is sleeping Xander.”She says in a hush voice and she keeps a distance from him.
“Well shouldn’t this thing be asleep too?” He exclaims pointing his hideous finger at me.
“Keep your voice down and shut up or get out of this house!”My mom says slightly raising her voice but not enough for Noah to hear.
My father seem appalled, “Well this is my house if anyone is getting kicked out it’s that thing!”He glared at me like I was some unwanted puppy. Why does he keep calling me that thing? I look at my mom in hope for answer but she was to occupied balling her eyes out. So, I turn around and head to my room when a pair of hands catches me by the neck. I panic as the hands get tighter and my surroundings slowly become absent. I could hear everything Noah screaming with our mother. Then it all went blank.
When I woke up thankfully I knew I was alive because Noah was beside me sleeping. I open my eyes to the uneasy glance of sunlight and blink a few times to adjust to it. Noah stirred and woke up to and saw me awake then he smiled and hugged me tightly.
“I’m fine Noah, what about you?”
He laughed and answered softly, “Why ask me when you’re the one in this weird bed.” I shake my head; I wonder who was the one that choked me. My mother came up to Noah and me.
“Acantha can I talk to you in private,” she asked motioning me to get up. I got up and followed her into the elevator which happens to be the only thing private enough. She lightly tapped 1 and turned to face me.
“Xander tried to hurt you by choking you, and I see he accomplished it I’m sorry Acantha. I don’t know what has made him so violent and mad, against you. There is just so much I wish to tell you but it’s not me who has to tell you or Xander,” she said with a cracked voice barely making the words come out.
“Then who is it? I don’t understand, I thought you guys loved me I guess I was wrong,” I whispered back surprised how sad and hurt I sounded.
“No, I love you like a daugh- I mean I love you daughter,” she automatically corrected herself from telling the truth.
“So, I never have been your daughter it explains a lot but why on earth wouldn’t you tell me?” I’m taken aback from all these secrets why can’t it just be all normal. Well I should’ve noticed, I have a light brown almost blond hair while hey all have dark hair, I have faire skin and well they don’t.
“Acantha, I I’m sorry,” my not-so-real mother said. I turned away from her fighting tears I never want to cry and whisper back “No you’re not.”
The elevator beeped and I rushed out before she could say something else. Why would they lie, and why do I have so many questions.
“ACANTHA WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN A HOSTPITABLE? ARE YOU OKAY!!!?!??!?!?!” Mr. Gregory my history teacher yelled out rushing to me, he thinks I’m the teachers pet, no thank you.
“I’m fine,” I mumbled reaching for the door handle to get out of here.
“Wait Acantha there has to be a reason you’re here,” Mr. Gregory stumbled racing to be next to me. I laughed and rubbed my throat it did hurt a little but I can barely notice. “Nothing major I’m still alive, I just… Mr. Gregory do you know of any foster homes near here?” I thought about me not being their actual daughter how can going to a foster home and being adopted any different? I need to think of things before I say them because right now I regret it.
“What happen Acantha be truthful,” Mr. Gregory said sounding serious for the first time since I met him.
“Never mind I said anything. See you at school tomorrow.” Google is more helpful then him. I rolled my eyes and attempt to leave again, and once again I was unsuccessful.
“Acantha honestly tell me what happen or your mother will be worried,” he said pitching a nerve in me.
“What do you mean that person who I lived with all my life, that total stranger? She is not my mother, I don’t know why I was so foolish not to realize it sooner besides if I did maybe my fake dad wouldn’t have tried to kill me,” I looked at him with tears running down my soft pale cheeks.
“Of course I meant your real mother, well time for you to go home Acantha,” he murmured pushing me out the door and hurrying off. Yeah now he was to be serious and tell me something, and then of course runs off leaving me on the edge.
I started walking home in the stormy weather and whenever the wind brushed my throat I would flitch thinking Xander would choke me again. As outside darkened I saw a shadow, the same shadow more than once it was always in front of me but whenever I looked to see who it belonged to I would never be able to. Creepy, I thought to myself. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe, I just want to go home. Without opening my eyes I punch someone in the stomach forcing them against the nearest wall. Once I open my eyes I walk up to him and laughed.
“Why is everyone out to get me, god? Who are you,” I asked between giggles, you should see him tons of armor, and weapons that could kill in one shot, and look at me with barely a movement of my arm.
“They warned me that you were strong but not that strong, anyway your mother sent me to get you, and lastly I’m not aloud to present myself,” he whispered picking himself up. I took hold of this shirt and starred at him making sure that he knows who he is talking to.
“Here I’ll ask nicely this time, kind sir what is your name?” I pushed him lightly noticing he was panicking inside completely.
“My name is Nathaniel, I’m sorry if I didn’t please you, princess.” His words left me dumbfounded and my eyes shot wide open. While I stood there motionless someone hit me making me fall to the ground.
“Nathaniel are you okay is this girl bothering you,” a guy my age asked to what seems like his younger brother.
“Damen, no the PRINCESS was not,” Nathaniel emphasized when he said princess which made Damen as dumbfounded as I am. I stood up and brushed off my dress then started walking away. While walking away I heard Damen mumble something like Opps. I smiled and laughed he better be sorry.
“What are you laughing at, you nearly killed my brother.” I turned around and my smiled disappeared in a sudden frown, and I do feel bad I meant no harm he just alarmed me.
“It’s been a very awful day, first my dad or I guess not dad choked me until I nearly died, then I got very shocking news that well they aren’t my parents, and well he was within range of me while I had my eyes close and my guard up so, it could’ve been worst he might’ve been dead,” I explained to him frustrated more with me than anyone else. I mean of course they aren’t my parents.
“Whatever go home and cry,” Damen says harshly like I was just another piece of dirt to brush off. I do feel like one, and I don’t believe Nathaniel there’s no way I am a princess.
“Don’t listen to him, come with me princess,” Nathaniel told me trying to build trust.
“No I’m fine, I’d rather live with a person who wants to kill me and quite frankly I wish he did.” I started losing balance not understanding what was happening then I couldn’t breathe, before anyone could reach me I went completely unconscious.
Once again I open my eyes to the blinding sun and rub them. I look around the room and see Nathaniel and Damen both here. I cough trying to get their attention but it’s clear they are way too tired.
“I’m awake you guys can go to sleep now,” I said struggling to get my voice high enough for them to hear. Damen looked over at me obvious that he isn’t happy about me still being alive, while Nathaniel is grateful that I have recovered. Trying to move out of bed my body flooded with pain and I stopped, making sure they don’t notice. I push myself to get out and walking making it worst. Forcing myself to continue Nathaniel noticed.
“Oh my lord, princess do not do that if it hurts lay down,” he said continuously. I tried to shake my head and pain stroked me again so I just said with a weak voice, “I’m fine.” Even Damen became uneasy with me pushing myself to move, which is odd considering he hates me. Then Damen came over to me picked me up and threw me back on the bed.
“Asking me to go back to bed would’ve been more helpful because now I’m determined to get out of here.” I smirked and ached moving to sit up. He pushed me back down and rolled his eyes, because I can’t even move right now he is stronger than I am.
“Just sleep here I’ll get out of this bed so you guys can sleep, simple.” With all my strength I got up out of the bed and pushed Damen onto it in one swift, hurting, move.
“Princess just sleep we’ve slept today,” Damen lied deceiving me. Instead of arguing with him I slowly make it out of the room, then sighed noticing that we’re in a mansion. It will take me forever to get out of here in the state I’m in.
Someone lightly grabbed me pulling me back into the room and put me in the bed again. I let out an aggravated breath and looked at Damen in admiration because he hasn’t given up yet.
“Whatever you win, but now you can’t sleep Damen,” I said fluffing the pillow and hugging it.
“Not fair,” he argued childishly. I pointed to the floor and then I withdrawal my arm once it completely numbed my body. He looked unpleased, then once again he acted like I was his enemy. I turned the opposite way to avoid his hurtful glance, I don’t like feeling this way I’m the one in power here.
“Would you just shut up and sleep I don’t care if it’s in this bed, on the floor, or ten million miles away, just sleep damn it.” I yawned tired of all this and carelessly closed my eyes. I felt the other side of the bed move, I am about ready to punch something but then again I don’t have to strength so I just open my eyes and look to see what it is. In shock I look over at Damen and raise an eyebrow.
“You said in this bed, I figured it was more comfortable than the floor,” he said as if he won the argument, but he won’t win that easily so I laugh.
“What about your brother why don’t you snuggle with him while I leave?” I laugh victoriously taunting him. Instead of doing what I said I fell asleep, this will haunt me in the future.
I woke up only 3 hours later while it was still as bright as when I previously woke up. I prepare myself for the blinding light and open my eyes. When I look over to my right I see Damen and rush out of the emerald green bed. When I finally got my sense back I noticed it doesn’t hurt as much to move anymore.
“I’ll just be going,” I said silently so neither Nathaniel on the floor nor Damen on the bed could hear me, but indeed they do. I look around the room at anything but Damen. I slowly make my way to the door when he stops in front of me.
“You don’t think we brought you here for a sleepover right, you’ve came to meet your mother.”Damen pushes me harshly back into the room and guards me from making my way out. I push him back showing that I don’t like being pushed around. There is no way I’m not going to stand up to him.
“You can’t hurt me I’m royalty gold,” He noted in his unbelievable spoil brat way.
“I don’t care if you’re the king of the world I’ll do what I want, and I won’t have you pushing me around either,” I warned him looking directly into his eyes.
“Oooh Damen you just got burned by the Princess,” Nathaniel chanted amused. I laughed, at least his brother got the point.
“When you two are married I bet it’s going to be hell for mom and dad.” That caught me off guard. I quickly turned around on my heel within second and looked at Nathaniel asking for answers.
“Nathaniel, what do you mean ‘when you are married’,” I pleaded calmly. He-he has to be kidding, fooling around with me that’s all.
“Nice Nathaniel.” Damen went over to Nathaniel and gave him a light punch on his arm. He disserves a much harder punch but whatever. Someone came to the door and stopped, she is beautiful, she has long light brown hair as I do, very light glowing skin, and she doesn’t look a day older than 20 but she, I am guessing is my mother, so she has to be in her 40’s. Both Nathaniel and Damen bow to her while I stood there examining her, well I have a right I haven’t seen her before but she is my mother.
“Boys would you mined waiting down stairs,” they made their way out then she started talking again, “I’ve see you met Damen.” I sigh, oh great it isn’t a big giant prank this is real.
“Indeed I have, would you like me to get dressed,” I asked politely. “I have a dress for you to wear if that is alright?” I nodded and followed her to the closet I just noticed.
She searched through dozens of ball gowns and found a dark but still fancy dress, she handed to me than pointed to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom surprised at how much detail is in everything, even the soap. Locking the door I undress my self and stare helplessly at the perfect dress. I carefully put on the dress, and then make my way out of the bathroom to meet my mother again.
“So you’re my true mother? I thought you didn’t exist,” I said trying not to show the sadness in my voice, it left my voice lifeless. She tensed up when she heard the truth about what I thought of her. Well I can’t lie.
“I’m sorry I’ve put you with them for your safety, if you were here there would be certain people out to kill you much like Xander, I should’ve realized sooner,” She spoke tenderly, wishing for my forgiveness.
“I assume it’s not your fault, but the fault of your trust in him,” I say wisely, I normally do not talk like this because, it is uncommon but I do anyway.
“You’re very grown up for a 17 year old, well until tomorrow then you’ll be 18.” I nod and sigh, of course another adult thinking me as someone like them, mature. Then I noticed something, her image was varying her eyes kept flickering from my color eyes to an awful deep brown. My eyes widen and I went into defense mode, I tried to talk but my throat was so dry I couldn’t speak.
“You’re not my mother,” I hissed barely audible, then back up to the door. Once I said that the lady changed into a monster-like creature, we’ll she is like me different but she is hideous because she is dark. I reluctantly open the door and ran into Damen; I panicked and hid behind him. He was about to ask me what’s going on when she came out after me I was about to scream bloody murder when he fought her off. I gasped when she fell to the floor dead and he came back to me with blood everywhere on his clothes and skin. Quickly I covered my mouth and began to shiver attempting to wipe some blood off his face. His eyes looked hurt because he knew I was scared of him. I didn’t know what to do but my body didn’t want to leave him, my mind differs. My heart ached when was stumbling back away from him.
“Damen make these things stop, I beg you,” I mumble letting tears run down my face. I could tell that broke him because he picked me up bridal style and walked me to the guest bedroom. He laid me down, I made my way under the comforters than he went into the walk in closet and closed the door behind him, and obliviously he was changing. I closed my eyes blinding me from the room and picture me at home safely reading Noah his baby books he barely understood. I instantly fell asleep and dreamt about the monster-like lady in my room.
She broke everything in her way to get to me; even if it could kill her she smashed it and began to reach for me. I closed my eyes hoping Damen would come and rescue me like he did in real like, I was disappointed that in my nightmare he didn’t. The lady grabbed me in a death choke around my neck exactly like Xander did. Franticly I woke up panting, I noticed I was in Damen’s arms and he began to wake because of my sudden movement. I stayed there starring into his gorgeous eyes, I haven’t realized them before they are grey like mine but with a blue circles around his pupils. His light blond hair covering them mostly and his rock solid body. I haven’t noticed any of this? How could I not, I’m basically looking up at the one of the most handsome guys on earth, of course besides Jonny Dep according to my not real mother. Not understanding how my mind knows this, but it is telling me to get away from him that he is a-a-a vampire.
“Vampire,” I questioned out loud, which got his attention completely. He unwrapped his arms around me, thinking that I would just run the opposite way of him, but all I did was hug him closer to me. Half of my mind is saying your going to die but the other half is saying, you’re a vampire you are safe.
“Yes, vampire, I got to go Princess.” Then he quickly stumbled out of the bed and left in a rush.
‘Oh, lord, how does she know?’ Damen thought echoed in my head from behind the door. I was about to literally fall off the bed when I heard him. What the… did I just hear his thought. I took a deep breath, I need to get out of here fast. Quickly I rushed out the door where Damen was standing, he gave me an ice cold look. I was about to yell at him when I remembered my plan. LEAVE. Lord I hate being around him, it makes me feel like an emotional bomb. I have to escape, no matter how much I will him, I shook my head and quickly I ran down the hall. I hear Damen’s feet faster than mine. There he was in front of me stopping me from trying to leave, so much for my plan, LEAVE.
“Please move,” I whine and gave him a pouty face. He ignored me and refused to move. I groaned and turned around heading back to the room. This time, to pass the boredom I survey the room. It was large with tall cream color walls that reached up to the high ceiling, one window with details paneling it, they were swirls of some sort. I looked out the window and could tell we were on the second floor, wait a minute. I starred out the door planning yet another escape. There’s a tree branch close to the window almost touching to be exact, how lucky am I. I slowly walk to the door and lock it. Now that Damen’s locked out he can’t stop me. I rush over to the window and tried unhitching it, unfortunately it didn’t work and Damen noticed the door was locked and started pounding it. Without thinking I smash the window with my foot. It hurt like hell but it did the job and I was soon maneuvering my way across the branch when I saw Damen has finally broken it. I flawlessly jumped to the next lowest branch until I reach the ground. Thank heavens, I can leave this nonsense.
I walked to my previous home and sneaked into my room and grabbed clothing. My closet is mostly made up with dresses, but I am not a girly-girl. Before I left I changed into a dark violet dress and flats because I know I am going to do a lot of walking. I turn on my heel about to sneak out the window when I see Damen, I curse under my breath and he noticed. I was going to yell at him but reminding myself we are in a house I’m not exactly welcomed in. ‘WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING,’ I yelled at him telepathically. He was obviously startled because he eyes became wide and he looked dumbfounded, or just dumb either way.


Texte: google images
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2011

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