
Chapter one - a change beginning to occur

Silver's P.o.v
I was there next to a man wearing all black, I can tell he was creeping me out saying weird stuff because I got up and ran and kept looking back. The weirdest thing of all he was there running after me. I ran into the forest not stopping to look which way to go I just ran. I was out of breath soon but it didn’t stop the man he wasn’t even breaking a sweat. He didn’t have to catch up with me he was always on the edge of my heel waiting till I stopped, like I did. Is this the end for me?

Books fell on the floor and I stopped daydreaming and noticed I made them fall. “Ms. Angulis had a splendid nap I suppose?”My teacher Mr. Wormen asked while writing my name on the board for a detention.

“Indeed it was I guess ill have to share it with you after school during detention.”I groaned making it oblivious I hate him.

I looked around everyone was doing their work, unusual, and none of them turned and laughed at me. Today has started aberrant things are off, weird daydream, detention, people not laughing at me. I need to go back to daydreaming. I daze off but this time I keep my eyes open. What was that about? The whole man thing is it a sign or just me being a fool? Of course me being a fool, it’s only because my father and mother had died. My thoughts were interrupted by the loud bell signaling it’s time to go home, for people unlike me who has detention. I stay seated and groaned once again.

“Next time don’t snore and maybe just maybe Ms. Angulis I wouldn’t notice, now do this worksheet.” My eyes widen when he handed me a large packet while the other detention students started to fill the room.

I sink lowly in my chair and stare at the arduous work he has given me. Perhaps he will not collect this at the end of detention. 24,456n+12 flashes up in my mind making me blink but it was still there, so I look at the first question and find the letter with that equation. A. How did I know that? I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and took this as an advantage and finished the packet within 20 minutes of silence. I smirked when I was done and skipped my way over to Mr. Wormen with trumpeted written in my eyes. He took the packet and went over it briefly.

‘How did this girl get this all correct when all she does is daydream in class,’ he thought astonished.
Once again I flinched when I heard his thought. This day has been so anomalous, stranger, and odd. I rub my temples and try to wake up from this dream. When I open my eyes it was still happening and I sigh.
A boy from across the class has had his eyes on me since he came into this classroom, his eyes were cold and judgmental. When I looked back to Mr. Wormen he had a bright smile, which made me sick, he always hated me why stop now. My life has always been the opposite of simple. I was born, my mother died giving birth to me, and I always say it is my fault. My father also died, but in a fire 2 years after my mother had died, the fire fighters all said I should’ve died I also agreed this was my fault. 2 days after my father died I was taken into a Foster Home, where I was never cared for. When I was 4 years of age I had hit my head and forgot everything, so I have no idea who my father even was. I started school in Pre-Kindergarten because Ms. Debbie the owner of the Foster Home didn’t like me. Ever since the first day of Pre-Kindergarten I was treated horribly. I never had a bully but the stares and glances did all the pain instead. Every day up till today I had been giving those same unwelcomed stares. Why did it end today? I have absolutely no idea. From the ages 4-17 I have had a lot of mishaps, everyone I got close to moved away because I lived at a Foster Home and those were the only people to except me, well everyone except Ms. Debbie. I got pulled out of my thoughts with a hideous cough. I shook my head and looked at Mr. Wormen he quietly said I could leave.

Chapter two - pain

I shook my head and looked at Mr. Wormen he quietly said I could leave. I smiled and wanted to stick my tongue childishly at everyone else, but I was raised differently then that if I did that within sight she would’ve slapped me instantly. I rushed out of the room at the thought of that, I should’ve been home 20 minutes ago she is going to kill me. I became frantic and pushed the heavy school door to outside. I wasn’t paying attention to how it was outside so once I got outside I started getting drenched with rain, the water pounding hard on my like drums. I sigh and continue walking to the Foster Home, when my stupidity made me trip over a vine. Before I could fall flat on my face someone stops me and I felt horrible. I sighed and got out of their grasp.

“Thank you,” I murmured not even wanting to know who I embarrassed myself in front of. Besides I have to get to the Foster Home, the later I get the more hurtful things are. I bit my lip thinking of what might happen of me. I started to walk again carefully stepping over the vine, when someone, or the same someone, grabbed my wrist and turned me around.
I faced the guy from detention that gave me such a cold stare, that I began to get used to.

“You’re welcome,” he said with a musical tone to his voice. I raised my eyebrow and looked at him doubting this is happening. Oh god I’m going to be even later, I can’t take another beating.

“She won’t hurt you.” I didn’t panic or anything it didn’t even shock me that he knew my thought it was clearly written on my face.
“And you know this because?”
I rolled my eyes and turned on my heel hoping this isn’t going to come back and haunt me tomorrow, as I left I looked at the vine in utter hate.
After a few minutes of walking, looking back, and then walking again I finally reached the Foster Home. I walked into the main entrance and got embraced with a hand on my wrist. I knew the feel of this unwanted hand, it was Ms. Debbie’s. I bit my lip knowing that if I whine and beg her to not hurt me it would only make her satisfied. She threw me against the wall and slammed her fist into my stomach causing a mind numbing pain to swirl around in there. I let out a squeal that had been riding up my throat since I stepped foot in here.
‘That should teach her not to be late’ Ms. Debbie thought with a great deal of hate scattering through her. I sighed when she thought that, it means she is done hurting me. She left me alone in the big entrance room, so I began to move and my stomach felt like it got punched again. I didn’t move from that spot I just slowly made my way down to sit on the floor against the wall.
I examined my wrist and noticed she broke skin with her nail it was bleeding. I kept breathing slowly but when I tried at normal rate, it brought more pain. A hot tear escaped my watery eyes, why does my life hurt so much.
I’ll be 18 in 2 days, and then I get to leave here, away from the abusing Ms. Debbie. I sat there crying, wincing in pain every time I tried to move, for 3 minutes until I saw the door open. The people who came in looked in their 40’s the ages my parents would be. I stayed silent, and they didn’t notice me.

‘I wonder what she’ll look like,’ the women thought brightly. On the other hand the father thought something deeper than that, ‘how will she feel with us taking her like this, she’ll be 18 so soon.’ They looked for Ms. Debbie and followed the hall, never looking my way. I bit my lip stopping myself from making a noise. I stare at my wrist, it has dry blood halfway down to my elbow. I felt something making its way up my throat when I began to cough, then I started to cough blood.

“Help,” I barely got to choke out between coughs of blood.

I could hear Ms. Debbie assuring them I was fine, just playing a sick game. They didn’t believe her for one moment I could hear it in their minds, so they rush over to where they heard me. The women let out a sudden cry of shock. I felt more tears escape, before the man was placing his hand on my stomach. At first it hurt because he put pressure, but then after a few seconds it began to tingle then feel the best. I stopped coughing blood in a matter of seconds, I breathe in the air and let it out roughly.
I looked up at the kind man, and whispered “thank you.” He nodded and went back to put a solid arm around his wife.

“You must be silver,” he stated, not a question but a statement. The women became even more shocked and gasped putting a hand over her mouth once her husband said that.
I felt disappointed, of course she is appalled of me I get that a lot. I do not understand it, I believe I’m not ugly. I have light brown curly hair down to my waist, fair skin, and light bubble gum pink lips, I’m lean because Ms. Debbie barely feeds me. I nodded waiting for him to give me that hateful glance I am so used to. When he never did give that glance I began a tad bit happy.

“You’ll be coming with us,” she looked at me head to toe then continued, “you’re a lovely young lady,” the women spoke dearly. I tried hard to focus on her name without asking her directly. Her name is Larissa, and as for her husband his name is Charles.

“May I ask, why me, Mr. and Mrs. Richardson,” I asked politely. I could tell they didn’t want to tell me just yet but they did anyway.

“You need to marry our son, Ms. Angulis.” I wanted to gasp or show some sign of emotion, but instead I stood there emotionless. I listen to my heartbeat to digress my thought. Then my mind slowly slipped back to the questions racing in my mind. Who's their son?
I didn’t hesitant when they opened the door for me to leave with them, I just slowly slipped through. Well at least there I would have to suffer pain. They led me to what had to be one of the most expensive car on earth. I stood there taken aback. I climbed into the back seat and closed my eyes waiting for the car to come to a stop. I began to arrange a list of question for them in my head: A. Who is their son? 2. Did he heal me without medication? 3. Why me? And A. Who is their son? I opened my eyes before the car came to a stop but I noticed we were arriving in an drive way, a very large drive way to a castle-like home. I took a deep breath to take it all in. The car came to a stop then Charles turned it off. We all stepped out of the care, and they led me to their castle. I might be exaggerating about it being a castle but the mansion looks like one.

Chapter three- Excuse me, did i hear that right?

Once we got into the mansion, they told the housekeeper to show me around so I won’t get lost. She smiled at me and took my hand lightly, first taking me up the stairs. As we walked up the stairs I was stunned at how the walls were painted with such detail. We made it up to the top of the stairs and turned left, into a hall with a picture of someone on each side. On one side was a picture of a woman in the age of 36, but by the age of the picture itself was at least 336 years old. I stopped in my tracks to examine it more. The housekeeper noticed and stopped to. The lady in the picture had crystal blue eyes with light hair as mine is. She had the same fair skin, there is such a resemblance between the woman in this picture and me. Even the cheek muscles are the same as mine. I was shocked when I read her name plate. ELIZABETH ANGULIS, 1657. The housekeeper must’ve looked at the picture to because she kept glancing from the picture to me, and looked dumbfounded.
I shook my head and she did the same and returned to give me a tour of the mansion. She showed me everything from the library to the kitchen, even the cleaning supply room, which I bet the Richardson’s don’t know about. We made our way back to the living room where the Richardson’s were sitting.
I decided to sit in the window seat, they always comforted me the most. I bit my lip not wanting to break the silence but wanting to know more about everything. Looking over to them I was ready to speak when the front door opened and got slammed. That’s harsh, even to a door. I sigh, I’ll never get to ask my questions. Then I heard the front door open and slam again. I raise my eyebrow and the Richardson’s laughed. I took this as an advantage, and went over the questions in my head.

“Excuse me but, I have some questions. A. Who is your son? 2. Did Mr. Richardson heal me without medication? 3. Why me? And D. Who is your son? Also, this one might be very easy for you to answer, is Elizabeth Angulis my mother,” I questioned out loud this time hoping for an answer. After saying all those questions I could see they were thinking stealing glances at each other.

“Yes, Elizabeth was your mother, also she was the queen. Not the queen of England. For A and D, our son is Skylar, he goes to your school. For 2, I Did indeed it’s my special gift. Lastly 3, because you’re mother was the queen therefore you are the princess, it runs in your blood. You have royalty in your blood, it’s called the royal bloodline,” he answered then continued, “anymore questions, princess silver?” I shook my head, that’s all the truth I can take in a day. Skylar Richardson, I’ve known him since kindergarten, yet I can’t seem to remember his face.
I must’ve been in a deep train of thought because I didn’t hear when the front door opened or closed. I know it had to, otherwise Skylar wouldn’t be standing there in the middle of the doorway. Damn it, Skylar is the one who witnessed my little trouble with the vine, I hate so much.

‘Silver, I have to marry Silver? This is going to be an experience of a life time.’ Skylar thought starring at me watching my every move.

“That’s not very polite of you to think Skylar,” I accused with the hurt sinking into my words. His eyes widen a little but then they slowly went back to normal like he would’ve expected me to know how to hear his thoughts which I have no clue how I can even do it. I wonder what Skylar’s gift is? Skylar is 18, dark brown hair, and light green eyes, fair and flawless skin. How could I not remember him, he looks so perfect?
I sigh and look back out the window watching the rain suddenly turn into snow. I would’ve asked them but I was to busy enjoying how the white flakes landed on the ground, and then melt down into water. How am I so clam after what they told me? Everything is changing, I’m a princess apparently, I’m in an arranged marriage and well, the most shocking is that I’m a vampire. I don’t even have a thirst for blood, this can’t be possible. I felt Skylar’s eyes on me again, I could tell because it always sent chills down my spine. When I looked at him I saw he was starring at me trying to figure me out.

‘She’s always looking shy and scared of something, but she’s beautiful, I don’t get why everyone even me so a short while hated her,’ He thought. I am not shy, my mood changed to defensive mode.

“I’m not shy,” I exclaimed drawing his attention.

“Why are you listening to my thoughts, silver,” he asked modestly, with his eyebrow looking like a question mark.

“I don’t try, it sounds more like you’re thoughts are being yelled at, I can’t help but hear them.” I look down and away from him. Oh I see, the whole ‘always shy and scared of something’ I’m always hiding from everyone because they never accepted me.

“So, do you even like me?” He looked at me expecting a true answer.
“Yes, you do, Silver.”
“No. I don’t Skylar,” I assured him.
“Yes, don’t lie to yourself."

I groaned and looked at him, he was smirking.
"No, I truthfully do not like you, to be honest I do not even know you."

I look over at his parents, who I forgot was in the room, they seemed amused by our little argument. I sigh and go back to looking out the window. I pull up my knees to my chest and hug them there. I wish I was at the foster home, lament, but normal. This is terribly wrong, I am not a vampire I can’t be, and I just can’t especially the princess. Closing my eyes I wish that this was all a unfortunate dream and when I open my eyes I’ll be back in the foster home. Hoping once I open my eyes to see my messed up room from trying to get away from Ms. Debbie, but I didn’t I opened my eyes to the window I was looking out.

Chapter four- Skylar's P.o.v

I stare at Silver, she is one of the most beautiful girls at our school, yet she is so quiet. Every girl in our school envy’s her I assume that’s why they hate her. They’ve hated her from the beginning not even giving her a chance to change their mind. Her light brown curly hair flowing down to her waist, with the most flawless pale skin. Her eyes are what captures everyone though, they are silver, hence the name. She always averts her eyes everywhere away from anyone, never talks, very smart. She is unlike anyone I’ve ever meet. When I found out she was who I was marrying I couldn’t help but examine her, the way she talks to someone, the way she walks and hides. The way she trips over vines, then hates them. I laugh at that but out loud, which I regret, because now everyone’s eyes are on me.

“Sorry I thought of something, I’m just going to my room,” I say awkwardly and make my way out of the room and up the stairs. Why am I so stupid? I head to my room and sit on the bed motionless. Why can’t I stop thinking about her, she probably is thinking of a escape route out of here by now. What does she mean she doesn’t even know me, we’ve been in each other’s classes since kindergarten? I frown, why can’t she just fall under my spell like any other girl would. No, I’m going to make her love me the old fashion way. I energetically jump off my bed and run down the stairs and walk into the living room, where I find Silver bored as ever. I smile and walk over to her, I hope this works.

“Silver, want to go for a walk with me,”I asked casually or tried, instead it came out more like me begging her. I look at her pleading with my eyes. I held out my hand for her and she looked confused then nodded. She took my hand, of course her skin was as soft as it looks and the warmth began to grow through me the longer she held it. We began to walk out of the house when she started to talk, “what’s the point of this walk Skylar, trying to make me fall in love with your charm?” I put my hand on my heart and acted offended.

“No, actually I wanted you to get to know me, we’ve known each other since kindergarten but the only thing we truly know is each other’s name,” I replied and looked at her cautiously.

Does she really think of me like that? I averted my eyes to the ground were I saw a vine. I quickly stopped Silver and pointed to the vine. She suddenly blushed and I felt my lips grow into a giant smile. Good to know I can make her blush, or she is just embarrassed.

Silver’s p.o.v again.
I starred at the vine and felt my cheeks burn. I roll my eyes and just laugh, then I heard his wonderful laugh that I have always smiled at even when he never knew me. I carefully step over the vine and held his hand tighter. I like holding his hand it makes me feel all tingly, I wonder what I would feel like if he kissed me. I shake that thought from my head. I’m not suppose to like him, he treated me like a stranger from kindergarten until today. I look over at him and fall into a trance starring into his eyes. I bit my lip trying to stop the trance but it didn’t work I was clearly lost in his light green eyes.

“Here, I’ll start, my favorite color is silver, even before I met you I liked that color, you just inspired it,” he said breaking my trance and making me blush yet again. I mentally slap myself, stop it!

“My favorite color is deep violet. I’ve always loved that color, everyone who knew my mother said it was hers to. I know why, the color is astonishing. I can’t help but look at it without being amazed,” I explained then I smile thinking of what my mother would look like if she was here with me, what would happen. I love her even though I never met her. It reminds me of Skylar, it feels like I just met him, and well I can’t hide if I like him. I like the way my hand tingles at his touch and the way I feel warm. Oh god, I’m doing it again. I look up at him because he is 3 inches taller than me.

“I like walking outside and watching the sky change, rather than football,” he stated which left me dumbfounded, he is the quarterback of our school’s football team. Every guy in the school wants to be him, and envied his skills, yet he would give it up just to watch the sky. I have to admit I love watching the sky go from baby blue to an array of orange, pink and purple, it’s a priceless view.

“I like dancing in the rain, everyone thinks I’m shy, but that was because I was afraid of everyone. Now dance with me,” I say as it started to rain, my fault, evil giggle. His eyes widen with surprise as it began to down pour. I laugh and pull him to the middle of the sidewalk and he looked lost.

“Dance,” I whispered into his ear.

Then he twirled me around and danced, we were dancing and laughing, it was wonderful until it stopped raining. I can control weather with my emotions, if I fake feel sad it’ll rain lightly, but if I am truly sad it becomes a storm. Now that I’m happy I’ll be sun shine all day, well night I barely noticed the sudden change in light.

“We should be going inside don’t you think,” I say sounding sad. I could tell he was thinking about it. Then he grabbed my hand and began to run, I followed running after him. He stopped under a tree. I could tell he loves this spot. I felt a smile creep up my lips, he took me to his favorite spot.

“No, I don’t. I need to figure you out before we go back,” he said sitting down pulling me with him.

“What do you want to know?” I look at him waiting for questions to be thrown at me. Instead he hugged me closer to him. I could literally melt, this sent warmth throughout my body. That’s all he’s going to do hug me? Damn, spot thinking like that Silver. I look at him and smile.

“One question, why haven’t you ever talk to me before, I would’ve loved your company.” He face was serious now. I bit on my lip and thought hard. AH HA, I know.

“Jessica,” was my only response. Jessica, now known as the school slut, and in my previous kindergarten years, the one person I hated most. He looked at me without question. He knew exactly what I meant. He shook his head, and looked at me closely.

“I never did like Jessica, she kept me away from you.” I laugh because that is exactly what happen, she kept me away from him, and him away from me. It was an going war. Well, from today on, I win. Without thinking I kiss him on the lips, and wrap my arms around his neck. ‘Finally,’ Skylar thought. I giggle and felt my lips tingle and record exactly how it felt to kiss him. He has cold lips, soft, they fit perfect with mine.

“Another question,” he asked still holding me close. I nodded and waited for him to continue. I know this has something to do with my eyes, I can feel it.

“Your eyes, there silver, that isn’t normal.” I looked away with a little. I’ve notice, nothing about me is normal. I look at him with the pain spilling out my eyes, my silver eyes. He was about to say sorry when I interrupted him.

“Nothing about me is normal, I don’t know why my eyes are silver, my mother’s were blue, and my father’s were a shade of green I don’t remember,” I told him but then looked away feeling indifferent. He looked guilty for bringing the subject up.

“It’s fine, I knew you would ask sooner or later,” I assured him so he wouldn't feel guilty. I don't know how can you surpass such a question repeating in your head, that very same question still repeats it’s self in my head. I’ve always knew it was the vampire inside me that makes my eyes silver but how can I tell him that.

“I’m confused, aren’t you dating Ms. Barbie,” I asked and I can feel the sadness flooding out my eyes. He became distant, and I knew what that meant. I sigh, of course this would happen. I stood up and was little dazed probably because of how sleepy I am.

“We should go,” I mumbled.

He just nodded and walked back looking everywhere but at me. I hug myself, I can’t believe I actually fell for him. I quickened my pace, walking in front of Skylar. The same dazed feeling arose in me again but this time it hit harder and everything blacked out.

chapter five-

The new version of my previous daydream was much more vivid than before.

“Little girl don’t scream, if you do I’ll kill you on the spot,” the man from my previous daydream hissed. I tried but something was stopping me and I felt something on my lips. I began to cry, getting up and running straight into the forest. He was behind me so, I became frantic and speed up. This caused me stumble and grasp for breath. He was in front of me now causing my heart to speed up, this has to be the end I know it. Of course, like yesterday, I woke up before he could do anything. I screamed, thankful to be able to scream and that it’s over, but scared because it was so very real. I looked around and saw a little girl about the age 4 looking at me scared. She automatically hugged me while Skylar came in looking confused and stopped at the doorway. I shook my head then, felt my head become dizzy again.

** “Skylar, play with me,” The little girl said running around him. He just stood there with Jessica, in the middle of the living room.

“No Alana,” his said voice cruel and cold. Alana frowned and began to cry running out of the room. Jessica was smiling, and Skylar was just standing there with her doing nothing. Alana ran up to her mother tears spilling down her cheeks.

“H-he-he is doing it again mama,” Alana cried with her dulcet voice cracking. Their mother sighed and hugged Alana assuring her its okay. **
I was shocked, did I just see her past? All I did was hug her. Who knew Skylar was such a jerk, there is no way I’m going to marry him. Alana was crying into my shoulder. Why is she so sad?

“What’s wrong Alana,” I ask with a soft musical voice. She looks up at me then hugs me tighter.

“You’re sad.” I look at her confused and shocked, I am sad but how does she know I’m masking it.

“Alana’s gift is being able to read emotions on a person,” Skylar said from the doorway. I starred at him shooting daggers with my eyes. He saw that and arched his eyebrow skeptically. His mother came in and I instantly lighted up and gave her an innocent smile.

“Skylar she had a vision of Alana’s past so I’m guessing you were being mean to her that’s why Silver is mad at you.” She walked up to me and looked hesitant about holding my hand so she decided not to. I nodded my head know what she meant, besides I’m on the verge of passing out again.

“Why does my head hurt so much,” I questioned but asked no one in particular. My head was pounding about ready to explode. They all look at me like I’m crazy, just like at school. School, oh no. I became frantic, I never missed a day of school.

“Mom, she never missed a day of school,” Skylar said rolling his eyes as he noticed what I was panicking over. On the other hand she widens her eyes and pushed Skylar out of the doorway and into the hall closing the door behind him.

“Sorry I should’ve realized that you want to go to school here I’ll get you some clothes.” She rushed to the closet and disappeared. That must be a large closet, I thought to myself. Alana was smiling up at me in admiration. I smile back, I already love this little girl. The queen came out of the closet with an elegant sun dress. It was white with no pattern, one shoulder, and flows down above my knees. I went into the bathroom and changed. I came out and walked up to the queen.

“I should go back to the foster home and get my backpack, but I don’t see why I can’t just stay there.” She looked dumbfounded. ‘Why won’t she just stay here, I really like her like a daughter, like I love Alana.’ The queen thought, and I frowned.

“Or maybe I’ll stay here,” I said trying to smile but never did. She handed me white sandals and I put them on heading out the door than found my way out of the maze of halls. The housekeeper found me halfway down the hall and showed me out. Once I got out I walked to the foster home maneuvering through alleys. I made it to the foster home, knowing that if I went through the front door that would make everything complicated I went to where my room was. It had a window in it that I could easily sneak into. I unlatched the locks and kicked the screen and glass out, I’ve always been very powerful and strong but never had to time to use it. I squeezed in and dropped down to the floor and let out a breath of accomplishment. The girl who now lives in this room was about to scream when I put my finger to my lips. Then she covered her mouth obeying me. I smile and go over to the pile of my stuff that was pushed out of the way and found my backpack.

“Sorry to frighten you, this use to be where I lived and that was the only way I could get in with out Ms. Debbie h--.” I didn’t continue, that’s over she can’t hurt me any more. She nodded and then became skeptical.

“Aren’t you suppose to be at school,” she asked crossing her arms over her chest.

“I could ask you the same,” I replied laughing. She looked defeated and took her backpack following me out the window.

“I’m Silver, yes I know, weird name.” The girl who is my age smiled and continued to follow before saying anything.

“I’m Savannah, your eyes are…” I looked away and avoided it. We walked to school together silently and I left her for third hour. I never been late for school, people are going to realize something. I sighed open the door to Ms. Thomason’s room and take my seat. Thankfully she didn’t notice I was late. Peter was looking at me with skeptical eyes. Peter has been my only friend since third grade. We met when a group of people were being ‘meanies’ as I said when I was 7, he told them to go away and comforted me. He has done everything with me since then. I look back at him and mouth the word later. He nodded and continued to take notes. I switched my glance towards Skylar sitting with Jessica, and then averted them to stare at nothing. I was completely unfocused so everyone’s thoughts became a problem for me they were so loud and clear and rushed together. I can’t take it, it feels like my head is about to explode like before when it was pounding. I stood up in the middle of the teachers lecture and walk out of the classroom not looking back. I paced back and forth in the hall waiting for the bell to ring. Why is this happening to me, I thought. The classroom’s door opens and I snap out of my thought to look.

“What do you want peter?”
He looked like someone just slapped him. I sigh and shake my head and go back to pacing back and forth. ‘What happen to Silver, she isn’t the same girl I’ve known?’ Peter thought which left me tearing up. I have to go. I just have to go. I take my shaking hands and hug myself tightly. The bell finally rings and I just ignore it and lean against my locker. Why do I feel so psycho? Hearing thoughts… this isn’t right. Just as I think that the halls begin to clutter and everyone’s thoughts overrun me. ‘why does every boy like Silver she is so creepy,’ stood out the most, of course it was Jessica's. I shake my head again and close my eyes. Make this all go away please, I beg anything in my head. I began to walk to my next class as my head protested for me to move. I just kept walking and walking which felt like forever, but when I looked to my right I saw the most bizarre thing that made my walking even slower. Jessica and Skylar kissing oh figures, why didn’t I see this coming. I started walking the other way towards the entrance of school, and for my case the exit. I run to the nearest beach which was luckily very close. I sat on a pile of pebbles, I circled one in my hand then chucked it into the water. I took a big pile and started chucking them until someone sat beside me. I let out a troubled breath. Skylar. My heart beat started to slow down, but doesn’t miss a beat. I hate how he makes me feel, why can’t he just pretend he didn’t know me like a few days or weeks ago. I pick up another pebble and go to throw it when Skylar catches my wrist.

“You’re throwing a poor, innocent, pebble into that large body of water, it’s just going to sink.” I laugh, I am innocent, and they are drowning me. They don’t even realize it do they. I love my quiet life with no one to hurt me, I’m not even that close to Peter. I stare up at the sky, and put down the pebble.

“You know the pebble is me, metaphorically,” I told him picking it up again, and then studied it. He seemed confused at the statement. I wanted to laugh, but it just wouldn’t come out.
‘Jessica is waiting for me,’ Skylar thought. I roll my eyes and threw the pebble I named Silver into the shimmering water.

“Bye-bye Silver, sink to the bottom where you’ll die of being suffocated,” I said in a sing song voice as I watched the pebble. Skylar looked over at me like I was crazy. I scuffed, he honestly is clueless.
“Jessica is waiting for you, you better leave now,” I mocked and closed my eyes to the breeze of the cold sea air. Once again I get that crazy look. I waved good-bye to him, but he didn’t leave. Now I was the one giving the confused look.

“Just because she is waiting for me doesn’t mean I want to go back there, it just gives me a reason to stay here, drama free,” he reasoned with a hint of laughter in his voice as he said drama free. Drama free how is this kind of life drama free anywhere? I like being the shy girl, the one who doesn’t have any friends, who’s quiet and sits in the back aloof. Even being that kind of person there was drama. Again I look up at the sky, it keeps gathering my attention the clouds dark gray, but the sun still so happy and bright. How can something be so bright? Oh god now I seem like some depressed suicidal girl. I’m not, I’m happy to be alive, right? Yes I am, I thought defiantly

“Do you think someone could be your other half, like if you finally meet them and leave you’ll feel like half out your life is being torn apart? Another question, are aliens real, vampires are,” at the end of my questioning I stifled a giggle. Aliens, you never know in this world. Everyone has a secret, some large some small. Aliens could be secretly hiding, like vampires are. Humph, this is going to take some thinking time up. I felt soft droplets of water prickle my skin.

“I honestly have no clue to your questions, but I have one of my own, where do you come up with these arduous questions?” They aren’t hard questions, they just at more opinion wise. I wonder if he even has an opinion, Jessica probably tells him what to think or how to chew his food. Standing up I quietly walk along the shore of the beach, enjoying the rain slowly drowning me. Skylar came up to me completely confused.

“You know, I honestly like you more than any other girl, especially Jessica.” I bit my lip and continued walking trying to ignore him. The rain became harder and began pounding on me like little bullets. Bull, he is lying. I walk kicking the sand which is damp.

“I don’t get why I have to marry you,” I whisper loud enough for Skylar to here. I heard his sharp intake of breath. Perhaps he'll tell me why?


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2011

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I dedicate this to my best friend for inspiring me to keep writing no matter how stupid the plot is.

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