
Gilrs Camping Trip.

My name is svannah Jameson, three of my best friends dedcided we were going to go a camping trip.  I really don't care so much to go on. I am not a camper what so ever but my frend Danielle begged me to come.  so today is the day we are heading up to Bear Mountain to go camping.  Hey savannah you ready? yeh just one second Danielle.  I got my camping gear and headed down stairs, i locked the door befor heading to the suv. Hey Danielle did you let Lydia and Amber know we are coming? You know those tow take forever in getting ready. Yeah i told them and you should talk savi it took you two hours to get ready. Well you never know who you will end up meeting on the road. So of course i am going to look my best. (Honk Honk!) Alright we hear you! why do you have to do that Danielle? No reason to just wanted to bug the crap of you you two. Well you did said lydia. Can we go now said Amber? since Danielle made a scene in my neighborhood. We all where listening to different music and talking about Daniel's wedding yes my best friend Danelle is getting married to her boyfriend of 5 year's. I am so excited for her. She even asked me to design her dress and make it. Of course i said yes. Is there a gas station coming up cause i have to go to the lady's room said Lydia. Well i don"t think there is one coming up for another hour. If you want lyida we can just pull over and you can pee outside said Danielle. No..! i will just wait said Lydia. Of course you would wait Lydia you think someone is going to see you said Amber teasing her. No. it's just not lady like to pee on the side of the road said Lydia. So we drove for an hour until we reached a gas station, of course Lydia was very excited. We stoped and Lydia went and got the key to go to the side bathroom. Danielle went and pumped gas, Amber and I went  inside the store to get some snacks. Hey Amber do you have a werid feeling about this trip? No. said Amber. Why do you Savi? asked Amber. Welll part of me do maybe cause of the job I am in. We see dead body"s all the time and plus watching scary movies doesn't help. That is true about your job you and Danielle both have a diffiuclt job says Amber. If i seen have the stuff you both seen I probably wouldn't come. That is why i don't understand why Danielle picked to go camping out in no man's land. Why couldn't we just go  camping in her parent's back yard? Amber started laughing savi you're so funny. Let's go i am sure Daniellle and Lydia is waiting for us. When we got back in the car Danielle asked what took us so long? That we need to get on the road to get to the camping site before it get's to late. We finally made it to the camping site, all you see is nothing but tree's and green grass, and rocks. Danielle rented a cabin so yeh! not tents. We got everything out of the car and into the cabin. we all got into are night close. Danielle started talking about herr wedding and how she want's everything done. Amber told us about the guy she went on a date with on tuesday night. He was verry sweet and charming at first but i have no clue what happend towards the end. All i know is there will not be not second date says Amber. Lydia asked so what will we be doing out here? Danielle says we will just wing it and see what happens. We don't always have to plan stuff just let it happen. Okay said Lydia.  We all decided to turn in it was late and it was a very long drive to get her. The next day i woke up smelling yummy breakfeast being made. I get up go brush my teeth and get in the shower. Once I was done wiht my shower I got dressed and headed out the door. When I got close to the kitchen i saw all three girls in the kitchen doing their part cooking breakfeast. O hello sleepy head says Lydia. I smiled and said you guys know i am not a morning person. I grabbed a cup to make some coffee. We all sat down to eat breakfreast. I told the girls since they made breakfeast i will clean up. Dame straight you will Daneielle say's. I just smiled and started cleaning the tables. I went in the kitchen to start cleaning, Danielle was in the living room talking to brian her finance', Lydia went back to the bedroom to finish getting dress and Amber went outside for a morning run. Befor she left i told her to becareful and don't get lost. Amber i won't get lost and i will be safe. A few minutes later Lydia comes out the room and takes a sit on the couch next Danielle. I started to get worried about Amber. Hey Danielle don't you think Amber should be back by now? O don't worry so Savi she is fine. Then all of the sudden i her footsteps but they don't sound normal, they sound more in distressed and heavy footsteps. All of sudden i hear the door open Amber screaming and this big tall man who was way bigger than all of us. He looked like he could be lifiting weight for a living. He has a gun pointing at Amber's head. He told us the we will be coming with him and if we tried anything he will kill us all right her. I was in so my shocked that i couldn't move, i couldn't believe this was hapening this was my worst nightmare and it was coming true. Danielle told us all to calm down and do what he say's and we did. Danielle had to come and get me cause i was in so much shock. He took us deeper into the woods and i made sure i paid attention to where i was at. I aked Daneille do you reall believe that he is going to let us go? Danielle say's Savi i don't know but we are not dying without a fight. Lydia and Amber was crying. The tall man was getting very mad at the fact they wouldn't shut up. We finally made it to where he was taking us. There was a run down home something you would see in wrong turn. There where chair's out in the yard he told us all to sit in them. Danielle and i sat next to each other and Lyida and Amber set next to each other. Amber cried and said she doesn't want die like this. The tall man said we are going to have lot's of fun. He came up to Lydia and licked her face with his tongue. Lydia cried and tried to pull away but that just made him mad and he slapped her across the face. I asked the Tall man what did he want from us? He said i want to have fun with you and your friend's. I said what kind of fun are you planning on having with me and my friends. He said the kind of fun you will never forget and the kind of fune that is anybody's worse nightmare. That's when we all started to cry and when we also realized that we are not getting out here alive. Danielle looked at me, her eyes red from crying and she tells me. Savi i don't want to die like this and i am sorry for bringing you guys out here. I told her we aren't going to die, we are going to get out of her. That Tall man started tying up Amber and duked tappin her lips. He did this to all of us. We sat outside for hours not knowing what was going to happen. We were looking around to see if there was anything close enough that we could use to free us, but there was nothing. Tall man came out and he brought all kinds of tools with him. We all started to freak out. I noticed to the left side of the house there was this metal thing that looked like something could be layed on it. I was right cause he soon grabbed Amber. She stated screming but you couldn't hear it cause of the duck tape. she was trying to fight and plead to him not to do this, but all he did was smile. He grabbed and put he on the metal thing and tied her up. Afterr that he started to undress her. By this time we were all freaking and out and new he was about to raped her. He camed to us and turned our chairs so we could watch. He says let's the fun being We just cried and tried to break lose of the duck tape and ropes but couldn't. All i new at that momenet that i was about to lose and friends and she is about to have a horribal death. He raped her over and over until he was tired, Amber just cried out for help even thought we new help was never going to come. once he was done with Amber without any warning he slit her throat. she bleed to death and drowned in her own blood. All we did was cry and pray that this would end soon. It was very late at night when he came back. Of course he went for Lydia. I cried and it hurt to see the fear in her eyes knowing i couldn't do anything about it. He took Lyida to the same metal thig and tied her up. Danielle and i looked at each other thinking not again. We just cried nothing we can do we just yelled in the duck tape telling Lydia we love you her. Tall man raped Lydia he only did it once. Which was a relief but the scary thing was we didn't know what was about to happen. Once i heared a chainesaw go off i new we were dealing with a mad man. Lydia started screaming. Danielle and I starting screamimg and freaking out. We tried to put in as much force to get the ropes undone but nothing. The chainsaw went right through Lydia"s body shaking as the chainsaw sliced her body in half. That night Danielle and I stayed up all night, we didn't know when he was going to come back or who was next. It was almost mornig it was probably around 5 to 5:30 that morning when he came out. He was all happy like a kid on Christmas morning. He came and stood in front of Daneille and I. who is going to be the lucky girl next? We both just shooked our heads no, we started crying and thinking about our family and how we are never going to get to see them again. We won't get to tell them we loved them one last time. I know Danielle was thinking about Brian her finance'. He grabbed Danielle and I just started freaking out and begging him to stop and to let us go. I new he probably couldn't undestand what i was saying. He just looked at me and smiled, he said you will get your turn honey don't worry. Tall man put Danielle on the metal thing ans tied her up and of course he raped her more than once. Then he did something that he hasn't done he blind folded Danielle so she couldn't see. Tall man grabed an ax and chopped Daneille's head off. I just fainted in my chair. When i woke up i was a little dazed and then reality came back to me. Wen i heared his voice he says i was wondering when you were going to wake up. I looked at him and looked where Danielle's body was last at, but she wan't there anymore. He came to me and stoood right in front of me and he untied me and said it's your turn. I started freaking out and i told myself i  not letting this freak take my life. so when we got to the metal thing i turned and faced him while his hands was still on me pushing me down on the table. I was fightig him as much as i could. He says you're a fighter aren't you? He goes i don't mind it i like it rough. That's when i got the courage i fought as hard as i could i kneed him in the groaing. He fell down and yelled Bitch!!. I just rannned for my life all around me where treess, rocks and brushes. I took the duck tape off my lips and was screaming for help. I staerted hearing foot steps coming from behind me i new he was ganging up on me. I just kept running as fast as i could. I started to hear car's so i new i was close by the roads. I just started ruuning faster and screaming for help. once i became inch away from the road he grabbed me and pulled be back. He says i caught you with a laugh in his voice. I was screaming that is when he stabbed in the chest. I started feeling something wet and warm and that's when i new it was my blood. He stabbed me in the back while i was still fighting to get away. I feel to the ground he still stabbing me i put my hands up trying to get the knife, but my hands just got cut. Then Tall man came around me and lifted up my head and slit my throat. I just laid there holding my neck and watcing him walk away in the woods. My vision started to get a little blury and i told myself i need to get up. Car's where still driving by and i can still can see Tall ma he isn't that far away. I got the courage to get up. when i did i ran out to the road screaming help please stop help me!. I turened around a Tall man was running to come and get me. car's was pasing me by but i finally just jumped and the driver stoped. I noticed there where four people in the car, they put be in the middle in the car shut the door and drove off. By the time we drove off Tall man reached the road. The people in the back applied pressure to my wounds. They asked me my name and i told them Savannah is my name. They kept telling me Savannah stay with us we are going to get you some help. My eyes just kept geeting blurry and heavy and then i just hear them saying my name and telling me to stay with them. All of sudden darkness over comes me.

2 Year's Later

I moved back home to Wilmington, North Carolina. I had to really serious injuries that requried me to be dependant on other's help. I had to have surgery on my back cause he cause injury to my spinal cord. So i had to have rehabilitation. I had to get stitches in my neck,chest, and back. I had a very bad scar around my neck area, so i wear a scarf out in public. I really don't go out in public that much anyways. I don't even spend time with my friend's I grew up with. They don't even come and see me either, which i don't blame them i am sure they feel i don't want nothing to do with them. Which is not the truth. I don't want no one to know what happend to me. Only my parent's and sibling know's but my sibiling's haven't seen my scar around my neck. I really don't like letting anyone see that. Plus i just want to keep them all safe since the killer never been caught. I still fear for my life that he is going to fine me and kill everyone that i loved. Today is the fourth of july parade and the whole city does a cookout up and down the beach area. It's very fun and i miss going i haven't been in a 2 year's mom is making me get out and go this year. I hate having to stress out what to wear to cover up all my scar's so know one can see them. I have a few ligh one's on my hand but they don't bother me to much. When i do dress up and go out in public i get looks an people tells me savi you do know it's summer. I just say i know and move along my way. The town doesn't know nothing about me being one of the suviour's in the killing to year's ago. They found their body's out in the wood's. They named him The Bear Mountain Killer!  When the detective's came and asked me question's I was still in shocked and i kinda blocked some of it out of my head. I asked them if they would keep my name and identity out of the media. I didn't want no part of it and since they didn't have i didn't want him to know my name. Plus I didn't want the world to know what happend to me. I did tell them in time i will come to them if more of my memory comes bact to me. The thing is i didn't lose my meomory, i just didn't want to have relive it again by telling them the event's that took place. I am up in my room looking at what i am going to wear for the night. I decided on blues jeans a read t-shirl with a blue scarf around my neck and wearing a white light button down sweeter. There is nothing wrong with my arm's but i just like to be covered up. Savannah are you ready? say's Savannah's mom. Yes mom i am ready i am coming straight down. I can't believe you're making me go to this. Savi you need to get out and mingle with people, it's not good for you to stay cooped up in the house all the time. Plus you need to go and make up with your old friend's. That's if the want to talk to me mom. I am sure they do they are just hurt and don't understand why you kept them away. I just want you to get your life back savi it's been 2year's now say's savi's mom. I will mom just give me time say Savi. Mom and I went out the door and headed to mom's ford suv. We just listen to music on the way. I was so nervous and didn't want to deal with all the people and them starring at me. They new i was involved in something serious but they didn't know what. So the town just makes up their own stories about me. We got there everything was going good and of course i got stares. Also i had people that was very happy that i came and asked how i was doing. Of course i told them i was doing good. I left my mpm and went walking down the beach. I spotted my old friend's they were all hanging out and talking. Sophie turned around and saw me. She just waved i waved backed out her with a smile, which made her return a smile back at me. Then everyone notice me and gave me this look how dare i show my face around them. I just turned around and went back the other way. I hear Savi waited up. It was Sophie coming my way. Savi i just want to talk to you about how you pushed us away. I didn't push you guy's away. I just had thing's i had to get passed and i didn't want you guy's to be apart of it. I never ment to hurt any of you. You all just have to understand that i was going through a really hard time and i didn't want people to know about it. I still don't know if i am ready for you guy's to fine out yet. I do miss you and the other girl's. I just hope one day we can move pass this and we all can be friend's again. One day i will tell all of you and they whole town but right now i am not ready for that kind ot attention. Sophie just looked at me and said it must of been really bad ugh? I said yes Sophie what happend to me was really bad. I had to fine myself again and i am still in that process. Sophie just huged me and said i love you Savi and i am here for you if you want to talk and hage out. I said i love you too Sophie and i would love to hage out with you and the other's. Sophie say's let me talk to them and tell them everything you told me and i will let you know if they want to get together. I said okay and we hugged and she left and went back to the group. I went to go fine my mom she was talking to mrs. smith the town gossiper. I said mom are you ready to go home? I could feel mrs. Smith just stearing at me. Mom said yes Savi we can go. Mom said bye to Mrs. Smith i was so happy she didn't say anyting to me. I can't stand that women. One day i will give her a pieace of my mind. We got to the car and mom asked me if i had fun. I said yes. I told her i ran into my group of my old friend's. she smiled and asked how did that go. I said well it didn't go as well they really didn't want nothing to do with so i just turned around and went back towards the direction i was coming from. My frowned and i said mom don't be sad they just don't uderstand but i do have some good new's. she said what? I said Sophie came after me and we spoke i told her everything except what happend to me. She said she is going to talk to the other's and see if they will want to speak with me after she tell's them what i told her. Mom said i hope they do Savi. They have to understand you had your own stuff you were needing to deal with and you're still dealing with it. We mdae it home and i was so happy. I was so tired and ready for a hot shower and ready for bed. When we got in the house i went up stair's went to my bedroom got my clothes, then went to the bathroom and tool a long hot shower. I brushed my teeth got dressed and put on some scar cream on my neck. I then went to my bedroom and got in the bed. I turned the tv on found something to watch until i fall asleep. I then get a texted on my phone. I wonder who it could possible be. I looked at the text and it was from Sophie. She said that she spoke to the group and that they are still mad but they still want to see you. They want to know if we can come over tomorrow afternoon. I smiled and replied yes that will be fine. Sophie texted back and said great see your tomorrow. I got up the next day went and got ready for the day. I was happy that my friend's were willing to come and see me. Went down for breakfeast. Good moring mom. Good morning sunshine. What do you have plan's for today? Say's Savi mom. Well mom the girl's are coming over today at noon. Oic Savi. Why mom did you have some kind of plan's for us to do today? I did but it can wait Savi. I am very happy you're getting together with the girl's.  I relaxed a little watching tv in the living room. It just turned 10 am i heared a knock at the door. I new it wasn't my friend's cause it was to early for them. So i made it to the door, I asked who is it. It's sheriff McAdams. I stood behind the door in shock and surprised. Why would the sheriff be at my house? All i could think about does he know. All of suddeni hear my mom's voice wll Savi are you going to answer it? or just stand behind the door. I smiled and opened the door. When i open the door stood the most handsome man i ever saw. He was very tall and built very well. He doesn't have any hair just shaved balled. which was very sexy on him. I finally said hello. He say's hello back and asked if mrs. Jameson was home? I said yes which one are you looking for? He said vivian Jameson. I said yes she is here. I told him to come on in. I noticed he had flower's so i was very confused. My parent's are seperated but i know they still love each other. Seeing Mr. McAdams show up with flower's it got my mind wondering. I couldn't believe my mom would go for someone this young. I know he has to be somewhere in his 30'S. We walked toward's the kitchen where my mom was at. Hi Mrs. Jameson i brouth this for you, thank's for the baked blueberry muffins you brought me the other day. I was standing there blueberry muffin's and that is why she made those the other day. Really mom? I said that in my head so no one could hear it. She said you're welcome Mr. McAdams but you didn't have to bring me flower's. I was just welcoming a new memeber to our town said Mrs. Jameson. I was so relieved to fine out why she made the blueberry muffines. Mr. Mcadams say's well it's the best thing i could do to say thank you for making me feel welcome in your town. Mrs. Jameson say's you're very welcom Mr.McAdams. I just felt weird they are having a conversation and i am not even part of it. So i was about to leave when my mom say's, this is my daughter Savannah. I just smiled at him and said hi. I asked mom if she had a vase to put the flower's in. She said yes and showed me where to get it. I went got the vase out of the cabinet and took the flower's from mom. Mr.McAdams asked me if i get out much cause he never seen me around town? I said no i really don't get out much anymore. He asked why not? I said I have my reason's. He just gave me this look with one eye browsed raised. I said don't give me that look.  He just laughed. I asked him why did he choose to move to a small town? Mr. Mcadams say's i wanted to move out of the city and away from the big citie's crime's. I nod my head and said i understand. I am sure it can get overwelming and pretty depressing. Mr. McAdams say's it can be. I asked him how he liked it here so far? He say's i am enjoying it. People her are very down to earth and nice. I said yeah they can be aslo nosey and gossip a lot. which i cant stand sometimes. He say's i understand that. Mr.McAdams say's i believe i been hearing stuff about you around town. I looked up at him and said that doesn't surprise me. I am very much the talk of the town and that is why i don't go out. I went back playing with mom's flower's Mr.McAdams brought her. He say's i am sorry that you're are going through this. I said it's ok it's not all their fault. Thank's for caring Mr.McAdams. He say's please call me Jason. I said O ok with a smile on face. I said well in public do i call you Jason or do I call you sherieff McAdams? He stood there for a second and said it depend's if you're in trouble or not. He similes. I couldn't help but smile as well and i felt a little warm on my cheeks. I put my hand on my cheek's hoping i wasn't blushing. I started to walk towards the refrigerator to get something to drink. I asked Jason did he want anything to drink?  Jason say's no thank's that he has to get going. I said ok. I walked Jason to the door as he was about to leave he asked me if i wanted to get together sometime's? I said sure just give me a call. Jason said i would but i don't have your cell phone #. I nod my head and smiled. I gave Jason my number and he saved it in his phone. jason say's well i will talk to you later Savannah you have a good. I said you to Jason. He got in his police car and drove off. I went to the living room where my mom was sitting on the couch watching tv. She had a big smile on her face. I said why are you smiling for mom? She say's you know excatly why i am smiling. I go i know and i bet this was your planned all along. iI placed a hand on her leg waiting for her responce. Yes Savi it was my plan all along. I had to he is single and i know he want's to fine a women that he can make his wife. I go really mom how do you know this. She just smiled and say's i know these thing's Savi. Plus you don't get out to even meet anybody so i took this apponed myself to help my daughter out. I said i see. I looked at my mom and seen how happy she was. I was somewhat furious that she would do this but also happy knowing she is just looking out for her daughter happiness. All of the sudden there was a knock at the front door. I new it was the girl's. I go and opened the door. As soon as i opened the door Izzy my best friend gave me a big huge and say's i missed you so much Savi. I single for the girl's to come in. one bye one they all gave me a huge and said i miss you. I told my mom we were going to go up to my bedroom. She said ok and to let her know if we needed anything. We all headed to my bedroom. The Meslissa say's i missed coming to your house so inviting and i love your mom's cooking. All the girl's agrued. I said i know all of you were alway's here for dinner. My swore she had adopted 5 more kids. We all just laughed cause it was so true. My friend's practically lived at my house. we all sat on my bed. I started out saying that it was never my attention to hurt any of you. I never wanted you guy's to feel that you were not welcomed or even make you feel that you weren't my friend's anymore. There was never a day i wasn't thinking about you guy's. I went through something really horribal and i didn't want you guy's to know about it or even be apart of it. As you know there are a lot of rumor's out there about be in town. yes it does bother me but it's also my fault. Savi how is that your fault about the rumor's that are being said about you in town? say's Cassie. Yea say's Izzy. They have no right to talk crap about you even if they don't know what happend to you. Say's cassie. You're right they don't but they do. That is one of the reason why i don't get out that much. Melissa say's i don't blame you. All we want to do is be here for you and when you're ready to tell us we are here say's sophie. I said thank's you guy's and gave them each a hug. Mom yell's from down stairs and said luch is ready girl's. My friend's where the first off my bed. I just smiled and was very happy i had my best friend's back. I went down stairs and sat at the table with my friend's. It felt just like old time's again. 

Getting my life back.

It's  been a few day's since Jason came to my house and meet me. I haven't recieved a phone call for him, so i don't think he is going to call. My mom want's me to go with her into town. I really don't feel like it, but i guess i will. I been hanging out with the girl's a lot at home. They are trying to get me to get out the house as well. I grabed my purse and headed down the staris. Hi mom i give her a kiss on the cheek. Good moring Savannah. She gives me a kiss on the cheek as well. I have some new's i want to share with you. I just stared at her with a worried look on my face. I wonder what could the new's be good or bad. She obviously noticed the look on my face and said Savi it's not bad new's. I seigh a relief. Your sister and her family is going to come and visit in a few week's. I was so excited but also scared. Thay haven't seen any of my scar's espacially my neck. I alway's wear my scarf and today i wam wearing a light pimk one.  Then all of a sudden my cell phone ring. I looked down and it was a number i didn't know. I decided to go on ahead and answer it. I said hello. Then a male voice was on the other end. I savannah sorry i haven't called sooner. I new that it's jason. I said it was okay and i understand. Jason asked me Savannah are you free tonight? I just looked at my mom in shock and for the right answer to coome. My mom nodded at me to give him an asnwer. I said yes i am free Jason. Jason that is great how about i pick you around 7p.m. I said that will be fine i'll be ready. Is there anything in paticular that i should wear? Jason say's just dress up and be ready to have some fun. I looked at my mom in a worried look. she mouthed you will be fine. I told Jason ok i will see you tonight at 7. Jason responed and said ok and i can't wait to see you. I smiled and said i can't see you too and we hunged up the phone. I looked at my mom and said o my God what am i going to wear? He told me to dress up but also be ready for some fun. Mom said Savannah we will go shopping while we are out. I said ok. we started to get really excited about to night we both grabbed each other hand and started jummping up and down. Mom can't saying Savannah is going on a date tonight. Of course i did the girl squril. We finally pulled it together and got into the suv and headed to town. Went to the shopping mall first. I new exact store i wanted to go in. We got to the store and i picked up some black dress up pants with a really nice blue blouse to go with. The i had to fine a scarf to go with. I decided to go with a black one. I didn't want to do to much blue and plus i couldn't fine the right shade of blue. We got some assecories to go with and then we left. I couldn't wait to get home and get dressed. I still had a couple hour's befor i needed to get ready. I recieved a text from Cassie asking me what i was doing? I said i just got done shooping for a new outfit for my date tonight with Jason. I am running around with mom. Cassie who is Jason? You're going out on a date and we couldn't get you out? I said yes and sorry. Jason is sherieff Mr.McAdams. Cassie OMGooness he is so f****** hot!!. How did you pulled this off since you don't go outside. I texted back LOL i have my way's with a wink i sent her. Cassie look at you Mrs. Hot pant's well do you need help in getting ready? I said sure you can come and help me with my hair. Cassie ok sounds great and what time do i need to be there? Come about 6. I will already be getting dressed by 5. Cassise ok I am do happy for you Savi you deserve to be happy. Cassie can i tell the girl's about your date tonight. I said yes. I know how they can be not getting the lasted new's in my life. Cassie said ok love you and see you at 6. I said love you to Cassie and see you soon. We got to the grocery store and went and picked up a few things. Mom asked me if i was getting hungry? I said a littlle. Mom say's do you want to stop and get something to eat on the way home. I said yes. So we got to the check out lane. Of course the girl that was checking us out couldn't stop staring at me. Finally i just said do i have something in my teeth or in my hair. She just nodded her head no and started checking the food out faster. She didn't dare look at me again. We walked to the car and i told mom that is why i don't like coming out. She say's i know Savannah i know. I loved how you handle it in there. YOu sure did put that girl in her place. I couldn't help but smile and laugh. I definelty did that agreeing with my mom. She open the suv backed door and loaded up the groceries we picked up. We get in the car mom started the car engain. I then recieved a text from Jason. He say's i can't wait to see you tonight. I wish it was already 7p.m. I was so happy and couldn't stop smiling. Mom said what's is up Savannah. I told her what Jason said. She goes he must really like you? I said i guess we will fine out tonight how much he likes me. I gave my mom a wink. She gave me a slight smile. we headed to panda express and i got me some food to go. We then made it home. I helped mom out with all the groceries and got my clothes out. I took my clothes to my room. I just stared at them i couldn't believe i was really going on a date tonight. All the sudden my phone was just going off. I look text message from sophie, Izzy and Melissa. I opened all three messages. They all said OMGoodness you're going on a date? You're going out  with the hottess man in town? I snet to all three of them yes and yes :) with a smiley face attached. I remember that i never responded to Jason message. I thought i hope he didn't take it wrong that i didn't text him back. So i decided to text him. I said sorry i didn't text back right away was bussy doing stuff with mom. I can't wait to see you also. Please note that i haven't been on a date in a long time. Just giving you a heads up lol! I sent the messages. Jason texted write back you will do fine on the date. Just be your safe and have fun.  I wrote back to him that's what i am affraid of. Jason wrote back saying what are you affaid of? I didn't want to scare him away so i just told him i will tell him when i see him tonight. Jason say's ok. I went down stairs mom was relaxing on the couch watching the new's. I went and got my food and brought it to the living room to eat it. Then the new's anchor came on and said there where three missing girl's and that they been missing since last weekend. I looked at my mom in worried. The lady went on saying the three friend's Nicole, Crystal, and Haylie went camping at Bear Mountain. I just froze in shock and i just freaking out saying OMG OMG!! He killed again. Mom grabbed me and said Savannah listen to me you don't know that for sure. They could just be lost. I looked at her and said you gotta be kidding me lost mom? Savannah people do get lost going camping. I just looked away from my mom. Here it's friday and those girl's been missing since last weekend. I new for fact that Tall Man got them. My mom came to and said don't let what you heared on the new's affect your date tonight. I looked at her and said i won't mom. I really like him the little bit i do know about him. Mom smiled and said i know you do. He likes you as well so don't shut him out. I seigh at what mom told me. I new she was telling the truth i had to be open to him. 5 o clock came. I went up stairs took a long hot shower. I shamppoed and conditoned my hair and then rinsed it out. I hopped out the shower dryed off. Then i started to get dressed. Then after that i blowed dryed my hair. once that was done i just pulled it up in a ponytail. I then started working on my makeup. I then heared Cassie voice. She came up stairs. I said i am in the bathroom doing my makeup.Then she was standing in the bathroom door. Cassie you look hott in those black dress pant's and i love that blouse. It showed enough skin and my boobs made it even better. Cassie got busy doing my hair. she did the kim k hair style the way she wear he hair down. I loved the vintage style look. I wnet put on my nice black dress up shoes. They were very nice. By this time it was close to time for Jason to be here. We both made it down stairs. We sat down and spoke with my mom. Then there was a knock at the door. I went to go answer it. There standign in the door way was Jason he was so dang handsome. If i was one of those that give it up on the first date i would have. I let Jason inside the house he handed me yellow roses. Which were very beautiful. I gave them to mom to put in a vase. I told Jason thank you. Jason said you're welocme and you look very beautiful tonight Savannah. I blused of course and said thanks. Jason couldn't help but smile. We said are bye's. Mom and Cassie both said have fun. That they both will be waiting up for me. I turned around and looked at both of them standing on the porch waiving by. I waved back at them and i told them to try not to stay up. Jason opened the passenger door for me. He smiled at me for what i told mom and Cassie not to wait up for me. Jason go in the car and we drove off. We made it to the resturant. It was and Italian resturant. The food was very good. We sat and spoke. I asked Jason when was the last relationship he been in? Jason said it has been 2 year's since they broke up. She didn't want the samething as he did and they also where growing apart.  He told me he as a younger sister name Annabeth. She is also married to a guy name Anthony. Jason said he doesn't like him. He can be very controlling. I said that isn't good. Jason said no it isn't. I told Jason that i worked in froensic in New York City. Jason looked at me in surprised. I said i kknow i don't look like the type that would be doing that for a living ugh. Jason said i wouldn't of gussed at all. That is really hot. I started to blushing and looking around. I didn't wnat to make eye contact with him. Then i did and Jason just smiled at me. Jason say's i like it when you blush. Of course i started blusing again.We ate dessert then we left. I said so where are we going next. Jason do you like golf? I looked at him golf no i don't like golf. My dad would take me all the time. It was just torture. Jason just started laughing. Then Jason said i guess putt putt golf is out of the question? I said no we can go play. Jason said are you sure? I don't want you to do something you don't want to. I said putt putt golf isn't so bad. I said thank's for putting my happiness first. Jason said of course and alway's. At that point i so wanted to make out with him. We made it to putt putt golf. Least just say i sucked at play golf but we had fun. We left and headed to my house. We pulled up to my house. I told Jason thank's for a lovelly evening. Jason said you're welcome and we need to do it again soon. I said yes we definitely need to again. Jason say's how about tomorrow night. I liked at him in shock. Jasnon read the expression on my face. Jason say's to me is it to soon to go on a second date? I said no. I was just in shock that you want to go out with me again so soon. Jason say's Savi i would love to go on a date with you everyday if i could. There i go blushing again. Jason lend towards me. Jason grabbed my chin to face me towards him. we were both looking into each other eys's. My heart was pumping very hard. I swear Jason could hear it pumping. Jsaon lend in and started kissing me. I just melted. His lips so soft he tastied so could. I just wanted more. Are tongue's where making magic in both of our mouth's. Jason started groaning which made me kiss him even deeper with more passion. It started to get really hot in the car. Jason's right hand was in my hair moving it around and is left hand was moving up toward's my breast. When that left hand whiched my breast and Jason grabbed it with a lot passion, i started moaning. Jason trailed down my neck that's when it all came to a stop. Jason looked at me with a worried looked. Did i do something wrong Savi? I looked at Jason and said no you didn't do anything wrong Jason. Then why did you pull away? I just looked down at my lap and was thinking what i was going to say. I said Jason trust me it's not you. That's when he stopped loooking at me and faced toward's my house and looking at it. I said Jason i something i need to tell you and show you, but i am not ready yet. My neck started itching and i started scratching it.Jason looked at me and said is it contagious. I laughed and i said no it's not contagious. I asked Jason if we were okay?Yes Savi we are okay. I asked are we still on for tommrow? Jason looked at me and said of course we are. I lend in and gave him a kiss. I was about  to open my door, but Jason said stop let me get that. Jason came around the car and opened the car door. I got out said thank you. Jason said you're welcome. We stood there for  a second until Jason said let's walk you to your front door. We made it to the front door. I was getting my key's out of my purse. That is when Jason gave me another kiss.  I smiled when he pulled away. Jason say's hurry and get inside the house befor i keep kissing you. I got the key in the door and turned to unlock it.  I opened the door and turned around to tell Jason goodnight. I lend in and gave him another kiss. I said in his ear see you tomorrow night. I pulled back and saw a very big grine on his face. He kissed my forhead. We both said goodnight. I went in the house shut the door and locked it. Cassie and mom both came toward's me. They both were smililing. Well tell us all the detail's say's Cassie. I took them both in the living room and told them about my lovelly date.

Revealing my secret's to my loved one's

Jason and I have been dating for 2 week's now. We spend as much time with each other as possible. I still don't go out to much. I do go out with the girl's and Jason. I don't watch the new's at all especially sice that story that aired on the new's. I went down stair's my Mom and Dad was sitting at the dining room table talking. Dad been coming around a little more during the day. Mom finally told me her and dad have been sneaking off doing grown people things. I don't understand why she felt the need to share that informatioin with me. Can you say gross.  Goood moringing Mom and Dad. Good moring Savannah mom and dad said at the sametime. I made my plate and went to go sit at the table with them. Dad asked me what did i have for plan's today. I said i may go to the gym to go workout. Other than that nothing. I know Jason is going to come over later. Dad tell's me that he is so happy that i found someone to take care of me and that loves me. I said dad i don't know about love yet. Dad just looked at me and said Savannah that man love's you. I just smile at him. I thought to myself i hope my dad is right cause i a falling in love with him as well. Dad got up to go he had to go to the office. Dad is a big time lawyer. We told him bye mom gave him a kiss. I said really you have to do that in front of me. My cell phone ringed and i saw it was my sitser Jasime calling. I asnwered the phone.Hi sis! I savi said Jasime. I can't wait to see you. I know i can't wait to see you and sadie. We will be there next week. Yeh! i said to Jasime. I can't wait to meet this boyfriend of your's. I can't wiat for you to meet him as well. Well i love you Savi i just wanted to call and check in. Ok bye Jasmine. Mom went the kitchen started cleaning up breakfeast. I told her i would be back that i was going to the gym. She said okay Savannah and becareful. I told will do and went out the door. I worked out for 1hour and made it back home. When i got home i guess mom didn't hear me come in. She was glued to the tv. She had it on the new's. You can see in bold letter's 3 women dead. I was like on my God! Those must be the missing girl's they have been looking for for 3 week's now. They found then body's out in Bear Mountain. Then the anchor said that they are wondering if it's the same killer that killed 3 women and 1 survier 2 year's ago around this sametime. I just started crying. That's when my mom turned around and noticed i was there. The look on her face was telling me she was in shock. She say's o my goodness Savi i didn't know you where here. I said it's not your fault. I just said i can't believe this is happening again. I told my mom i told you he did this. That they didn't go missing. I just screamed this is all my fault. I should told them what he looked like. I should of told them everything. Instead i didnt't cause i was affraid to relieve it. Now 3 more women are dead. My mom grabbed me and said Savi it's not your fault. I looked at my mom and told her i am going to have to tell Jason about this. I am going to have to tell the girl's as well. I am going to have show everybody my scar's. The town is also goign to fine out the truth. I can finally let this burden go. I can't hide no more. I can't risk anymore innocence women or people getting killed cause of fear. I need to gain control and put this monster away. I went upstairs to my room and laid across my bed. I lust layed there thinking i decided i needed to call the detective that was working on my case. His name Detective Wilcox. I sat up went and got my purse off my beside table. I get the purse open pulled out my wallet. I took a moment a two deep breath's. I pulle out the card. It read Detective Matthrew Wilcox. I got my cell phone and dialed his numbe. The phone ranged three time's and finally i hear a deep man voice. I said Detective Wilcox this i Savannah Jameson. The the victim from 2 yrs ago at the--I remember you Savanah no need to go into details. I am calling cause i am ready to talk about what happen and give you a secatch of what he looks like. Detective Wilcox say's i am very happy to hear that Savannah thing's has been a real mess around here since 2yrs ago and now. We really need to get the person who is doing this. The family's want's justice and we want him off the street's before he does this again. I said i totally agree i want him off the street's as well, but before i meet with you i need to talk to a couple of people. They don't know what excatly what happen to me and they haven't even seen the scar around my neck or back. Detective Wilcox understood. He said how much time do you need Savannah? I said can you give me a few day's my sister and her family is coming to town. I want to tell everybody all at once so i don't have to repeat it over and over. He understood and said contact me when you're ready. I will be waiting. I said okay i will do. We hanged up the phone. I sigh if relief that i got that over with. I went back down stair's. Mom was making dinner. Hi savannah. I said hi mom what are you cooking. I am making pork chops, green bean's, smothered patatoes, carrot's and corn bread. I said i can't wait i am getting hungry. she smiled? Is Jason coming for dinner i said yes. Your farther will be here tonight as well. I believe your brother mason may come as well. O yea he is going to leave the resturant tonight. He does have manger's there to run the place and plenty of cook's that should know what they are doing. I said yea that is true. Plus he been wanting to see his sister. I smiled i bet he has. I new for a fact my brother does miss me. I know he misses my help at the family resturant. We own a family resturant called cabo. It's the family's favorite place's to go on vacation. I went to the living room dialed up my sister. The phone ranged twice and then there was my sister sweet voice. Hi savannah. Hi sis. I need to ask you something? Sure savannah. Is there any way that you guy's can come sooner? Well savannah i don't know. It's very important i wouldn't be asking if it wasn't. I understand that but you know my husban his working and we can't just up and go. True he can't but you can. Savannah really?I can't believe you would say such a thing. I said it because it's true you don't alway's have to wait on him. Plus i have something i need to tell the whole family, Jason, and my friend's. I don't want to have to repeat it over and over again. Savannah sometimes we have to do something that we don't want to do. At that point i was pissed off. I said never mind jasmine in an angry voice. Mom can fill you in cause i am not. When you get here and you fine out what it was. You're the one going to feel like shit for not coming and wanting me to repeat myself over and over. I just hanged up the phone. My mom came and put her hand on my shoulder. It will be okay Savannah. I go no mom i called the Detective Wilcox letting him know that i am ready to help them get the man that did this. My mom had a very shock expression on her face. Yeah that's why i wanted jasmine to come early cause i need to tell everybody what happend all at once. Plus show them this horribal scar i have around my neck. Your daughter doesn't want to come cause she doesn't want to leave her husband behind. Guess what else she told me mom. What Savannah? I said i didn't want to have to repeat myslef and she say's well sometimes you have to do something that you don't want to do. My mom said she will call her and speak with her. Then there was a knock at the door. Mom asked me if i would get it. She is calling Jasmine. I said okay. I went to the door, I opened it and there was my Dad. I said Dad don't you have a key. He say's yes but your Mom don't want me to be using it so i don't. I just said okay. I let hime in. I really don't get them two. As we approched the living room Mom said Savannah i spoke with Jasmine. They are coming sooner. I said how soon? They will be here tomrrow night.I said great we can invite everybody over tomrrow night. Mom said whatever you want dear. Dad asked what was going on. I told him he was very in shock. I said yeah that's why i want to tell everybody as soon as possible to i can help. Dad came over and huged me and said he was so proud of me. I hugged him back and said thank's. Then another knock at the front door. Mom said she will get it. Jason made his way to the living room. I got off the couch and gave him a hug. We went to the dinnig room and sat down at the table. Dad and Jason started talking. I decided to go help my mom in the kitchen. My cell phone ranged and it was my brother mason. Mom got off. Mason isn't going to be able to make it tonight. I said i told you he wasn't going to be able to make it. Mom and I brought the food to the table. We sat down and Dad said grace. We all said Amen all at once. We made our plates and started eating. Mom's cooking is so the best. I asked Jason how was his day? He looked at me and said it was slow. He rather spend the whole day with me. I just smiled. Of course my parent's said Ahhhhh how cute. That made me blush and want to hide. I just laughed since i couldn't hide. I told Jason that he need's to come tomorrow night. I am inviting the girl's and of course my family is going to be here. He just looked at me in a worried look. Jason asked is everything okay? I said no everything isn't okay. I have something that i need to tell everyone. It's best that i tell everyone at once so i am not repeating myslef. Jason slouched back in the chair and looking down. I didn't know what to say. I looked at both of my parnet's. I new i wasn't getting any help from there either. Mom started to clear off the table. It was still silence in the room. I pullled out my cell phone and send a text to all the girls. I soon got a reply from all of them saying we will be there. I got up from the table came around to Jason and sat on his lap. He was surprised at that. In fact it made him smile. I told him to not worry about tomorrow. That everyhting is going to be alright. I just have something that i need to share so i can move on. Jason said okay. Jason say's well i best get going since i have to at work bright in the morning. I got up and walked him to the front door. He asked me to come outside with hime. I did. Savannah i don't know how to tell you this. All of the sudden i got this horrible feeling in my stomach. I said yes Jason. He came to me and pulled me close. I didn't know what was going on or how i should react. Jason leand in and kissed my lips, then he pulled away and said savannah i love you. I was so surprised and excited at the same time. I smiled at him and said Jason i love you too. We both lend in and we kissed one another. I new Jason wanted more so i let his tongue enter. Are tongues where just playing with one another. Before i new it the kiss was starting to get deeper and stronger. It was definitely staring to get really hot on my parent's front porch. I notice i was up against the wall on the house. Jason has his hands trailing up against my wait, then his right hand trailed up to my breast. Jason grabbed my breast with so my passion i started moaning into his mouth. Jason was getting very excited as wll and then he went toward's the neck. That's when i backed away. Jason looked at me in confusion. Savannah i thought you want this? I do but not right now and definitely not on my parents's front porch. Jason say's i know and you know that is not the reason why you pulled away from me. You don't want me to get close to your neck for some reason. I said Jason you will fine out why tomorrow. Savannah how about you tell me now. I said no. You can wait until tomorrow. What if i don't want to wait. I said you have no choice cause that's when i am going to tell everybody and show everybody what i been hiding and the truth about everything. I could tell he was mad. I got closer to him i put my hands to his face and said you will fine out everything tomorrow. I promise i will  make this up to you. I got close and kissed him on his lips. He put his hands on the side of my face and pulled me back. Jason looked at me and said. I don't know if i can be with someone with so much secret's. I looked at him with confusion. I said you new i had thing's i kept to myself. Jason interupt me by saying yes that i did. Now you're making it sound like you did something bad. I don't think i handle knowing you did something really bad that you haven't told anybody. I didn't do anything. I went throught something really really bad. pointing at myself while i am saying this to Jason. I was so close to starting to cry. I went through something i wish i didn't rememeber, but i do and i have to tell everybody who i love about it. That is why i want everyone over tomorrow. Can we please go from there. once you fine out what happend and you realize what i been through, then you can decide if you want to stay with me or go. Jason looked at me and said okay. I said okay by and said good night. Jason left i went inside the house. Both of my parent's was sitting in the living room. They asked me if everything is okay? I said we will fine out tomorrow. I went to them and gave them both a good nigth kiss. I went  to my room got in my night time close. I got in the bed put it on Mtv. I soon fell asleep. I woke up it was so bright in my room cause of th sun beaming. I looked to see what time it was. O wow i overslept this morning. It was already 11:30 AM. I got out the bed went to go to take a shower. I went down the hall went the bathroom. started my shower and hopped in , i love my water to be nice and hot. I finally got out brushed my teeth, blow dryed my hair and  i just put it in a bun. I went to my room got dressed. I put the cream on my neck i put on light purple scarf. I wasn't wearing anything special today i just want to be comfortable. So i just put on a purple t shirt and workout yoga pants.  I got my phone to see if i got a text from Jason. I looked and no text from him. I was definitely hurt. I did get a text from my friend's saying they can't wait to see me tonight and they are very nervous about what i have to tell them. I stood there thinking they are nervous i am the one who lived it and i have to tell them. I know they don't know what i have been through. I also got a text from my sister saying that this better be important or she is goign to be very mad. i just did't respond to that. I texted my brother to make sure he is comng. He texted back saying yes sis i will be there.  I went down stairs got me something to eat. Saw a note from my mom saying she went to town. That was fine with me i just want to be alone anyway's. I got my food went to the living room and put it on lifetime. I finally texted Jason and asked him how he was doing? He didn't text back. Of course i was hurting inside but i told myself maybe is busy just couldn't text at the moment. Hour went by not text. My Mom made it home. Well good moring sleepy head. I said good moring Mom. Well actually it the afternoon. Mom asked me if i am ready for tonight? I thought to myself i am as ready as i am going to get. I just wanted Jason to text me back already. I got up and started helping mom with dinner. Dad came in the door called for mom and I. We ansewered and told him we are in the kitchen cooken. He came in and gave us a huge and a kiss on the cheek. We told him to go have a seat in the livingroom and i will bring him a drink. I took dad a drink his favorite sweet tea. He asked me how i was doing? I said i am doing fine t was now 5 o clock when i hear a knock at the door. I went to go get it. I open it it was my sister Jasmine and her familiy. We give each other and huge and i lead them to the livingrooom. Jasminend dad huged each other, they both sat down on the couch together. I over hear them saying i wonder what can it be that Savi needs to tell us? Then another knock at the door.


Texte: Dominique Southard
Bildmaterialien: Bookrix
Lektorat: Dominique Southard
Übersetzung: N/A
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 23.08.2014

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