
Chapter 1: Attack of the Stink -bomb

Chapter 1; Attack of the Stink bomb.

Travis typed furiously on the keyboard. It wasn’t every day that he was given the chance to be in the principal’s office unsupervised. A wicked grin grew on his face as he messed around with the system, adding unnecessary files and music on it.
Foots steps sounded from behind the dark mahogany desk making Travis panic slightly. He was already in enough trouble for making a gas bomb out of things he found from around the Chemistry lab, and getting caught hacking into the principal’s computer wouldn’t really help him weasel out of his situation.
Travis quickly began shutting everything down, deleting all traces of him on the computer when the door knob began rustling. Travis took a glance at the door knob, logged off and sat down at the nearest seat. He put on an innocent façade, playing with his baseball in his hand. The principal, a balding old man with wrinkles and a beer belly took a look at the troublemaker and sat down, a deep glare etched into his face.
“Good morning, Mr. Gabriels,” Mr. Lachowski spoke, his voice firm. Mr. Lachowski supported an expensive three piece suit, with a business feel all around him.
“Good Morning,” Travis grinned. Mr. Lachowki’s aura hadn’t affected Travis the first time and it surely isn’t going to affect him for the twelfth time this year since Mr. Lachowski joined the school faculty this year.
“What is it that you have done now?” The old man spoke, his tone accusatory. Travis feigned hurt, a hand going to his heart and whispered in a barely audible voice, “That hurts Mr. Lachowski. Just because I’m in your office doesn’t always mean I have been bad.”
The old man didn’t hesitate to reply, brushing off Travis’s previous statement, “Mr. Gabriel, what have you done?” Travis grinned, “Stink bomb.”
A frown grew on Mr. Lachowski which quickly turned into a glare, as he furiously logged into his system. Music began blasting out from the speakers of his computer, scaring the poor old man. Mr. Lachowski put a hand to his heart, breathing in and out to pace him heart speed.
Travis stifled a laugh, holding it in so that he wouldn’t be suspected. Mr. Lachowski breathed in, waving Travis off with a warning. If it weren’t for Travis’s hacking, he would have in trouble for the stink bomb. Travis student up immediately, his grin not faltering and waved Mr. Lachowski a two finger wave, dashing out of the office before he could be called back in.
As soon as Travis made it out of the office, he was being greeted by amused friends of his.
“Travis, that was legit what you did in the girls locker room,” Mathew grinned, lighting up his pale green eyes. Travis shrugged, giving Mathew a firm fist bump, “It was nothing. All I needed was a few matches, a knife, a jar and ammonia- which I got from the Chemistry lab- and voila, you have a stink bomb.”
The guys laughed, giving him a slap to the back. They were heading to Lunch when Travis heard his name being yelled out. He furrowed his eyebrows, turning around when his eyebrows rose up and he was filled with worry. A few feet away stood a furious Cecelia. She had an overly large shorts on along with an overly large shirt with the school’s logo on it. She had a glare etched on her face that made Travis coward slightly; he silently cursed himself for forgetting that Cecelia was in that P.E. class during the stink bomb attack making her clothes stinks, hence why she was still in her P.E. uniform.
She stalked over to Travis in grace although she didn’t mean to, giving a firm punch to his arm, making him wince. Cecelia maybe thin and delicate looking but she was strong beyond belief.
“Ow, what was that for?” Travis whined, already knowing the answer.
“For planting a stink bomb in the Locker room! You are lucky Willow and I,” He cringed from hearing Willow’s name, she was one dangerous girl, “ Wasn’t in there when it exploded or else I would have smelled like the other girls in my class!” She yelled, throwing her thin, delicate yet powerful arms in the air. Travis gave a sheepish grin, “Well, at least you survived.” She glared at him and said, “Yes, but sadly my clothing didn’t!”
He crashed his lips on Cecelia’s lips, distracting her for a moment. When he was sure she was distracted as she responded, he pulled away making a dash for it. He heard Cecelia yell in frustration and grinned.
She was adorable.
He dashed to the cafeteria knowing fully well that she wouldn’t go an inch near there if she didn’t want to look stupid. He entered the cafeteria, and instantly, everyone’s attention was on him. Girls gave him flirty looks, while twirling strands of hair or winking at him. Boy’s either staying silent or greeting him from afar. Both genders loved him and respected him, Travis was truly like by everyone in the school.
And it amused Travis, to say the least. Sophomore year he pulled a prank and was instantly like by everyone but he didn't care.
Travis sat with his group of friends. As soon as he sat down, he was bombed with questions by the guys. Travis looked around the table, noticing that many of the girls weren’t sitting there. He snickered, realizing they were also victims to his stink bomb.
A thin frame came into view and sat in front of Travis with a glare.
“You,” Willow hissed, wearing whole different apparel from this morning. Travis grinned and said, “Hey babe, you seem a bit angry.”
“Eww! I’m not your babe and that’s because some dipshit was bored and decided to stink the girl’s locker room, thankfully Cece and I weren’t in there but rather talking to the coach for soccer and cross country tryouts.” Travis put a hand to his heart, his grin not faltering, “Oo, that hurts.” She rolled her eyes when she was joined by Cecelia.
Travis grinned noticing that Cecelia was in whole different apparel from a couple of minutes ago, too. She was wearing a green tank top with a black skirt. She had a beanie on covering the top half of her long wavy brown hair. He grinned, her fashion sense was everywhere. One day, she would be a complete tom boy, next she would be like a Malibu Barbie.
He loved how Cecelia was so out there and that made him like her.
However, from the look on Cecelia’s face it didn’t look like she liked him very much at that moment.
“You!” Cecelia cried, “Why do you freaking keep doing that?!”
“Doing what?” He grinned knowing she was feeling embarrassed; She was like an open book. She blushed furiously, and said, “You know what!”
“I actually don’t know what,” he said, innocently.
“Stop THAT!” She cried, jumping up and pointing an accusatory finger at Travis. Travis simply chuckled and answered, “Stop what?”
“Stop acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about!”
“But, I don’t,” He grinned, lying. She stomped her foot like a five year old and yelled, “You’re doing it again!”
“WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT!” Willow yelled, making her sit back down. Cecelia slouched back like a small kid, pouting with her arms crossed.
“Aww, it wasn’t that bad Cecelia,” Travis teased making her blush. She took a glance at the blonde hair boy and said, “I’m not talking to you.”
“Aww, why not?” He laughed.
“You know why,” she groaned, throwing her hands in the air.
“But I don’t,” I continued to lie. She jumped back up and yelled, “You’re doing it again!” Willow made her sit back down again and said to her, “What did he do?” Cecelia leaned in and whispered through Willows straight black hair, Willow’s eyes went wide with anger landing on Travis. He gulped and knew that Willow was not happy.
“HE DID WHAT?” Willow shrieked gaining unwanted attention. Cecelia nodded her head, pointing at Travis like a small kid telling her mother about her being teased by a little boy. The only problem was that Travis was the little boy and Willow was the mother.
Travis gulped and gave a charming smile, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to get out of this.
“Hey, I’m not little,” Cecelia complained, face palming herself. Willow continued to glare at Travis, brushing off Cecelia’s complaint.
“Willow, stop making it a big deal.”
“No, I’m going to continue!” Willow glared, kicking Travis from under the table. Travis winced, that girl had a strong leg and Travis did not like that.
“Hey, don’t go bashing on my buddy here,” a familiar voice spoke, patting Travis on the back. Travis turned to Austin, a blue eyed boy with shaggy brown hair and voice of an angel. Also, known as Travis’s best friend and the second most like boy in the school.
“What’s up, dude,” Travis grinned giving him a high five, “How’s recording?” Recently, Austin had been signed to a big recording company making his entire friends ecstatic for him.
“Not bad,” He shrugged, taking a seat next to him, “Tiring but I can live through it.”
“You better or I’d call you a pussy,” Travis snickered at Austin who simply rolled his eyes.
“Um, hello. We were in the middle of an argument when some dipshit so rudely interrupted,” Willow growled.
“You know you want this dipshit, babe,” Austin winked.
“Yes, everyday,” Willow responded sarcastically. Travis rolled his eyes and said, “What does it matter if I kissed Cecelia, I do it all the time!”
“UGHH! Stop calling me Cecelia, and we aren’t even going out!” Cecelia cried, glaring at Travis. He simply shrugged, “I like Cecelia better than Cece, makes me feel special for calling you that.”
“Yeah, well I enjoy Cece better,” She muttered, “Now can you stop changing the subject. We aren’t going out!”
“But you want to go out,” he teased knowing it was true. Travis knew Cecelia was harboring a crush on him since seventh grade but she hadn’t the heart to tell him. Heck, she doesn’t even know that he knew.
“No, I don’t,” she blushed, trying to avoid eye contact.
“Whatever floats you boat,” he laughed. She glared at Travis and spat, “You not kissing me will floats my boat!” The harsh sound of the bell began ringing and everyone groaned.
“This isn’t over Gabriels,” Willow spat. Travis watched as Willow walked away standing with Austin thinking she needed to chill out.
“Damn she’s hot,” Austin muttered. Travis rolled his eyes, Austin had the hugest crush on Willow but Willow doesn’t know that. Travis ruffled his hair with his hand when he saw Cecelia next to him. She was slightly less mad.
“Cecelia, I’m sorry,” Travis apologized, he couldn’t take it when Cecelia was mad.
“It’s ok,” She whispered, “Just don’t do it again.”
“I can’t make any promises,” Travis laughed picking her up bridal style, lighting the mood.
“Travis!” She yelled, hitting him in the chest. Travis winced a bit but composed himself. He could live through it.
“Yes?” he went along.
“Put me down, people are looking,” she said in a hush tone. Travis rolled his eyes and said, “They always look, it’s me they’re watching after all.” She slapped his in the chest and laughed, “Tone you ego down a notch.”
“Sorry no can do,” he laughed, running to their next class. The two friends entered the World History classroom- Cecelia was not in Travis’s arms anymore, since a teacher made him put her down- and took their seats near the back with their friends.
“Bonjour, Cece,” Austin laughed from besides Cecelia; Travis watched with a grin as Cecelia laughed, slapping Austin in the chest.
“Bonjour, Austin,” Cecelia smiled, her hazel eyes lighting up with amusement, “Comment êtes-vous?”
“Aww, Cece,” Austin whined, “You know I only know how to say ‘hi.’”
“That’s why you pay attention in French class, idiot,” she laughed, her grin not faltering once.
“But I can’t,” he replied, jumping in his seat, “Mr. Stone jumps around waaayyyy to much, it distracts me. I swear he is a human bouncing man.” Cecelia giggled, “You’re going to fail if you keep getting distracted.”
“Like he doesn’t know that already,” Travis laughed, butting into the conversation.
“Well, I’m sorry if my French tutor is a jackass,” Austin glared at Travis. Travis simply rolled his eyes, saying , “For the last time, I’m not you tutor. I only helped you once for that test. ONCE!”
“Whatever,” Austin laughed, trying to sound like a little bratty teenage girl. He turned to Cecelia who was watching the whole dispute, and batted his eyes trying his best to resemble a preppy teenage girl, “So, like, Cecelia. Do you, like, like want to be, like, my, like, French tutor?” Cecelia shook her head, joining in and said, “You’re like impossible and, like, fine. I’ll like, help you.”
“YAY!” Austin cheered, giving Cecelia a big bear hug, “I’ll, like, now, like, pass!” She turned her eyes to Travis, pleading silently for him to remove the failing French student from her but Travis refused to, watching this whole thing with amusement.
The class went by fairly fast; it was quite boring for Travis except for the part where Austin was yelled at for not knowing what the Cold war was. At the end of the class Austin, Cecelia, and Travis had to split up to go to their designated classes. Travis gave Cecelia a small hug to Cecelia who was going to tenth grade English as he will be going to English Literature. He gave Austin a man-hug and was headed to his English class trying to figure out what he would be doing in there.
He entered the classroom, being welcomed by everyone except the teacher and sat down by the front. He just entered the class and already wanted to leave. He began pondering then, when he felt his breathing slow down. His eyes widened, the class wasn’t paying attention to him thank goodness but he had to get out of their right now. He rummaged through his bag looking for his phone and when he got it, he ran out of the class room feeling light headed.
He went to the first contact on his speed dial and phoned his mother. It wouldn’t be a good idea to phone her first since she would most likely freak out but he had no other choice. He made it to the men’s bathroom, when a piercing pain ripped through his chest. The first and second ring sounded as tears started welling up in his eyes and he winced in great pain.
Finally, the phone picked up and his mother’s voice sounded, “Hello? Travis honey, is everything alright?”
“Pneu..moth…orax,” he breathed out, pain filling his chest more. Tears began to drop, along with his cell phone. He was on his knees by now, holding onto his chest trying to breathe in and out normally. He could hear his mother’s frantic voice calling the ambulance and directing them to the school.
His vision began blurring, black spots occurring frequently. He shut his eyes, trying to breathe in a beat. It usually would help him but this time it wasn’t. Everything was going slowly for him, making him wish that this would blow over quickly but things refused to go his way.
He felt something against his skin and before he knew it, he was laying down in. He opened his eyes and saw a paramedic and different students watching him. He knew he was going to be the talk for the next couple of days but at the moment he couldn’t be bothered with that.
His vision blurred more, with more black spots blocking his view. He blinked several times forgetting to breathe when the paramedic instructed him to breathe. Instantly, when he felt a gust of wind his him, he knew he was outside. He was slid into the ambulance and a oxygen mask was slipped on his face.
He could feel his breathing pacing once again and that’s when he blacked out. The last thing he heard was, “TRAVIS!”

You guys: Woah! Talk about being Dramatic AbsolutelyUnsure.

Me: Why you people blaming me? Travis did it, not me. ;]

So, as promised on my about me, I posted Young Folks. And personally, I'm in love with Travis. He is amazing! YAA!

XOXO, ABsolutely UNSURE!


VOTE FOR TRAVIS or COMMENT or YOU KNOW WHAT, do something to show travis your support.

What do you guys think of Cecelia. :D


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 28.01.2012

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