
I made you, crafted you
molded you every night in my dreams
I turned you in to who you are to me
and made you pefect in my eyes and thoughts.
I gave you life, made you breathe
made you exists
everyday in my fantasies
It was I,
who made you without flaws in my vision.

And now that Im standing here
face to face with you
for the first time
for such a long time
I realize,
That you're not real.

because the "you"
who dwells inside my head
was mine.
and "you"
right in front of me
belongs to someone else.

Yes now,
that we are here
standing face to face
for the first time
and the last time
I know..
I can only love you..

In my dreams.


Texte: abegail matias de bernas
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 30.08.2010

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*** to those who can only love in silence ***

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